Friday, 23 July, 2004 |
German efficiency as ever got me to the hotel far quicker that it took me to get from Work to Gatwick, even if it was a similar distance. After checking in and unpacking I wandered in towards the centre of the town, with the intention of visiting the Main |
Saturday, 24 July, 2004 |
After the cloudbursts of last night it was almost fitting that Saturday should dawn with barely a cloud in the sky. First stop of the morning after Breakfast was back to the Römer and to look at one of the oldest surviving churches in the city the Alte Ni |
Sunday, 25 July, 2004 |
Final day in Frankfurt and after depositing my luggage at the station I caught the S-Bahn out to Höchst in the Western suburbs of Frankfurt. |
Friday, 17 December, 2010 |
The weather forecast had been pretty OK, with snow not forecast until late afternoon, so I was a little perturbed to look out of the window at work a bit before midday to witness a blizzard whipping across Croydon… |
Tuesday, 20 December, 2011 |
To minimise the potential delay we were facing because of snow at Frankfurt the Pilot decided to take the slow and winding taxi route down to the far end of the airfield… |
Wednesday, 21 December, 2011 |
Out early to head out to the Roman fort at Saalburg and to have a short walk along the Limes, the German equivalent of Hadrian’s wall… |
Thursday, 22 December, 2011 |
I wandered out of the hotel into a slightly damp morning and headed over to the Archaeological museum to have a look around that… |
Friday, 23 December, 2011 |
After checking out of the hotel and dropping off my luggage at the station I headed back out to the front of the station and caught the hop-on-hop-off sightseeing tour from the front of the station for a tour of the city from a different angle… |
Friday, 04 September, 2020 |
In the original plan I had a late night flight from Heathrow, but that plan had been put together in October 2019… |
Saturday, 05 September, 2020 |
I hadn’t realised the night before that the hotel had only re-opened after its Covid closure that lunchtime and I was amongst the first guests to check-in… |
Sunday, 06 September, 2020 |
I grabbed another makeshift breakfast from the station and, after consuming it, checked out from the hotel… |