
Friday, 30 September, 2011
The internet managed to conspire to make me have a very bad feeling about the flight as I set off to head to the airport…
Saturday, 01 October, 2011
Up early, and after a disappointing cold shower (there appeared to be no hot water in the apartment), I headed out over to the train station to catch the train out to the first stop of the morning Ercolano…
Sunday, 02 October, 2011
At 6am when they woke me up with their crashing and banging I had wanted to do something nasty to the people in the next door apartment, but in the end they did me a favour…
Monday, 03 October, 2011
Another early start, this time down to the harbour to get a relatively early boat out to one of the islands in the Bay of Naples, perhaps the best known of them – Capri…
Tuesday, 04 October, 2011
After a leisurely breakfast in a little café near the station I wandered over to the city sightseeing bus stop in time to take the first tour of the morning…
Wednesday, 05 October, 2011
I had a quick shower, grabbed my bags, handed back the keys and headed for the station to catch an relatively early train up to Naples…