
Sunday, 30 January, 2005
After an uneventful flight we arrived in Riga ahead of time and went to look for a cab into town. A very helpful lady from the cab firm told us she could get a large cab for all 6 of us if we were willing to wait about 25 mins. As she also offered to come
Monday, 31 January, 2005
After a filling breakfast we headed out of the hotel into a biting wind and nasty gritty snow. Our destination for the morning was Darzini. First to the station to get tickets. At the equivalent of £3.60 I thought it was good value for a return, until I w
Tuesday, 01 February, 2005
The morning was spent wandering around the city taking in the sights.
Wednesday, 02 February, 2005
The final day in Latvia and only one stop on the agenda. The Ethonographical museum, located just outside of Riga houses a collection of typical Latvian buildings - houses, churches, halls, etc that have been moved there from all around the country. It is