
Wednesday, 27 April, 2022
I’d travelled to an airport hotel the previous evening, in part so that I could get the mandatory Covid test done…
Thursday, 28 April, 2022
Considering that, by the time I turned in the previous evening, I’d been on the go for 23 hours…
Friday, 29 April, 2022
I woke up at 06:30, which wasn’t bad considering that would be about the normal time for a Friday…
Saturday, 30 April, 2022
As it was the weekend the hotel wasn’t serving Breakfast, instead it was serving Brunch which appeared to be exactly the same menu, just everything about $2 more expensive…
Sunday, 01 May, 2022
After another expensive breakfast I headed out of the hotel and walked down to pick up the Monorail out to the Space Needle…
Monday, 02 May, 2022
I didn’t have the greatest of nights sleep and ended up giving up a little after 6am…