Die Grazer Märchenbahn Die Grazer Märchenbahn No Data


A small railway that heads into the rock of the Schloßberg and along the way recounts fairy stories (all in German). The railway follows some of the passageways and tunnels that were dug out of the rock to create air-raid shelters for the citizens of Graz during WWII.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.073327; Longitude: 15.436981
What3Words: thrilled.drive.model


Photo ID: 021944 Photo ID: 021968 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Graz Museum Graz Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the city from it's first mentions in the 12th century through until it being the European Capital of Culture in 2003. Along the way it compares the city to other major Austrian cities to ask why Graz has developed in the way it has and why it no longer has an impressive fortress.


Charge, discount on joint ticket available with Graz 3 day tourist ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 47.072625; Longitude: 15.436462
What3Words: respects.indirect.bronze


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Murinsel Murinsel No Data


A small island in the middle of the Mur river has been built up into a café and staggered bridge that create a focal point on the water. You can walk across from either bank and take in the views from the centre of a fast mountain river.


Free to walk across the bridge

Getting There

Latitude: 47.073162; Longitude: 15.434558
What3Words: treating.paraded.breed


Photo ID: 021956 Photo ID: 021969 Photo ID: 021970 Photo ID: 021971 Photo ID: 021974 Photo ID: 021977 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloßberg Schloßberg No Data


The dominant feature of the city, towering over the centre and with the remains of the city fortress on the top. From the top of the Schloßberg the views over the city are excellent



Getting There

Latitude: 47.075273; Longitude: 15.436991
What3Words: skews.rope.shopper


Photo ID: 021948 Photo ID: 021949 Photo ID: 021954 Photo ID: 021958 Photo ID: 021961 Photo ID: 021964 Photo ID: 021966

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloßberg: Uhrturm Schloßberg: Uhrturm No Data


The symbol of the city this giant clock sits on the Southern end of the Schloßberg and is visible from much of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 47.073545; Longitude: 15.437717
What3Words: trailer.class.large


Photo ID: 021950 Photo ID: 021951 Photo ID: 021952 Photo ID: 021953 Photo ID: 021985 Photo ID: 021993 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloßbergbahn Schloßbergbahn No Data


A funicular railway rising up from near the river to the top of the Schloßberg area


Charge, included in Graz 3 day tourist ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 47.074887; Longitude: 15.43503
What3Words: takeover.shams.sweeper


Photo ID: 021973 Photo ID: 022048 Photo ID: 022049 Photo ID: 022050 Photo ID: 022052 Photo ID: 022054 Photo ID: 022055

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloßberglift Schloßberglift No Data


Carved into the cliff itself the lift rises from Schloßbergplatz to just above the Uhrturm in a matter of seconds. The glass roof of the lifts mean you can watch the light approach as you shoot up inside the rock.


Charge for both ascent and descent

Getting There

Latitude: 47.073918; Longitude: 15.437602
What3Words: branch.dairies.includes


Photo ID: 021945 Photo ID: 021946 Photo ID: 021994 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Universalmuseum Joanneum: Naturkundemuseum Universalmuseum Joanneum: Naturkundemuseum No Data


The city's natural history museum that tells the geological and zoological history of the region, including an impressive geology collection. Special exhibitions expand on the themes.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Universalmuseum sites available. Discount on joint ticket available with Graz 3 day tourist ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 47.068626; Longitude: 15.438157
What3Words: unusually.giggles.climate


Photo ID: 022013 Photo ID: 022015 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Universalmuseum Joanneum: Neue Galerie Graz Universalmuseum Joanneum: Neue Galerie Graz No Data


The city's art gallery showing key items from the collection


Charge, Joint ticket for all Universalmuseum sites available. Discount on joint ticket available with Graz 3 day tourist ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 47.068455; Longitude: 15.437554
What3Words: totals.ranks.cursing


Photo ID: 022014 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Universalmuseum Joanneum: Schloß Eggenberg Universalmuseum Joanneum: Schloß Eggenberg No Data


The palace is located on the edge of the city in spacious grounds. The main palace building houses a number of exhibitions and museums (all closed in late February). The grounds are open year round and offer a lovely space to have a walk round - including taking in the peacocks, which on a cold snowy Sunday in February did not look like happy creatures!


Charge, Joint ticket for all Universalmuseum sites available. Discount on joint ticket available with Graz 3 day tourist ticket

Getting There

From the centre of town Tram 1 runs regularly to Schloß Eggenberg tramstop, taking about 10 minutes from the Hauptplatz.
Latitude: 47.073947; Longitude: 15.391303
What3Words: larger.friend.clinked


Photo ID: 022016 Photo ID: 022020 Photo ID: 022025 Photo ID: 022029 Photo ID: 022035 Photo ID: 022038 Photo ID: 022040

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dom Dom No Data


The city's Cathedral, in places resembling more of a palace than a place of worship (though for many centuries the city was ruled by Prince Archbishops).


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 47.797812; Longitude: 13.046876
What3Words: mugs.curable.prickly


Photo ID: 011658 Photo ID: 011667 Photo ID: 011688 Photo ID: 011689 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Festung Hohensalzburg Festung Hohensalzburg No Data


The fortress dominates the city looming down over the city centre. Today you can visit most parts of the complex including one of the main towers for stunning views over the city, as well as the state rooms. A museum dedicated to Marionettes is also located in the castle complex and is included in the entrance fee. When the museums have closed for the evening you can still look round the courtyards of the castle for either the cost of a ride on the funicular, or a hefty hike up the hill.


Charge, Free with a Salzburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.795019; Longitude: 13.047847
What3Words: custard.roaring.rooftop


Photo ID: 011660 Photo ID: 011666 Photo ID: 011670 Photo ID: 011672 Photo ID: 011769 Photo ID: 011772 Photo ID: 011776

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Festungsbahn Festungsbahn No Data


The funicular railway links the centre of the old town with the fortress. It's the only way to reach the fortress without slogging up the steep roads. The views from the train as it climbs the hill are stunning, particularly of the Dom that it rises just behind


Charge, Free with a Salzburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.79644; Longitude: 13.046087
What3Words: melons.fake.spooked


Photo ID: 011663 Photo ID: 011664 Photo ID: 011680 Photo ID: 011781 Photo ID: 011806 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Franziskanerkirche Franziskanerkirche No Data


Located across the road from the Abbey complex the Franciscan church is much more subdued that the brasher churches that surround it, however this makes it much quieter and a more relaxing place to visit


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 47.798209; Longitude: 13.043802
What3Words: deform.fool.revision


Photo ID: 011659 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kollegienkirche Kollegienkirche No Data


As over the top as only a Baroque church can be, the Collegiate church at the rear of the university campus, at the time of visiting, had only recently been restored to how it would have looked when it first opened. The brilliant white walls and excesses of plasterwork make quite a sight for the eyes


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 47.799117; Longitude: 13.043212
What3Words: penned.divider.crest


Photo ID: 011676 Photo ID: 011707 Photo ID: 011708 Photo ID: 011709 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mönchsberg-Aufzug Mönchsberg-Aufzug No Data


Three lifts whisk you up the inside of the city centre mountain to the modern art museum at the top, and stunning views over the city and surrounding countryside


Charge, Free with a Salzburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.800862; Longitude: 13.038824
What3Words: combines.camps.pictured


Photo ID: 011713 Photo ID: 011714 Photo ID: 011715 Photo ID: 011716 Photo ID: 011717 Photo ID: 011718 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum der moderne: Mönchsberg Museum der moderne: Mönchsberg No Data


Part of the modern art museum of Salzburg, housing a changing collection of 20th and 21st century art


Charge, Free with a Salzburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.800883; Longitude: 13.038293
What3Words: noting.supposed.misfits


Photo ID: 011719 Photo ID: 011720 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Panorama Museum Panorama Museum No Data


The museum is home to a large panoramic painting of Salzburg made in the 19th Century which toured many parts of Western Europe before coming back to the city. After many different homes, damage from both botched restorations and the war and several years spent in storage in the fortress, the painting is now in a permanent home in the former central post office, now part of the Salzburg museum. There is some background information on the painting, as well as a small gallery of other images created by the artist.


Charge, Free with a Salzburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.79827; Longitude: 13.047579
What3Words: twinge.colleague.miracle


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Panorama Tour: Salt Mines and Mountains Panorama Tour: Salt Mines and Mountains No Data


A four hour tour that departs from the city and heads over the border into the Berchtesgaden area of Bavaria to visit a salt mine (I went on the tour on Good Friday, consequently the salt mine near Berchtesgaden was closed so instead we visited the Hallein Salt Mine in Bad Dürrenberg on the Austrian side of the border). The tour includes a stunning ride up over the mountains and a brief stop at the Obersalzburg, the area that housed Hitler's 2nd headquarters during much of the war, before ending with about 30 minutes to explore the town of Berchtesgaden before heading back to Salzburg along the river. The drive acts as guide and gives a running commentary for much of the tour



Getting There

Latitude: 47.806121; Longitude: 13.042904
What3Words: arrived.cake.jacket


Photo ID: 011739 Photo ID: 011741 Photo ID: 011742 Photo ID: 011745 Photo ID: 011752 Photo ID: 011757 Photo ID: 011765

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salzburg Museum Salzburg Museum No Data


The museum, housed in the New Residence, tells the history of the city and it's Prince Archbishops. There are also spaces for regularly changing temporary exhibitions


Charge, Free with a Salzburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.798313; Longitude: 13.047917
What3Words: origin.ripples.skins


Photo ID: 011790 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salzburger Festspiele Salzburger Festspiele No Data


Originally built as a Spanish riding school, with a viewing gallery carved into the side of the cliffs, since the 1920's this has been home to the Salzburg Festival. There are daily tours that take you behind the scenes of the two major stages (the modern Mozart Haus and the original rock theatre)


Charge, Free with a Salzburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.798475; Longitude: 13.041764
What3Words: country.oils.smug


Photo ID: 011782 Photo ID: 011783 Photo ID: 011784 Photo ID: 011785 Photo ID: 011786 Photo ID: 011787 Photo ID: 011788

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salzburgschifffahrt Salzburgschifffahrt No Data


Regular 40 minute tours up the Salzach river to a landing stage near Hellbrunn and then back down into town. Pre recorded German and English commentary is supplemented by the captain as you are told about the sights, and the impressive boat you are travelling on that can travel against what is a fast flowing mountain river.


Charge, Free with a Salzburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.801672; Longitude: 13.041587
What3Words: nappy.dreaming.orders


Photo ID: 011703 Photo ID: 011704 Photo ID: 011705 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Hellbrunn Schloß Hellbrunn No Data


Built as a summer palace for relaxation and play by the then Prince Archbishop Markus Sittikus it included a number of trick fountains designed to amuse and entertain (and soak) the archbishops visitors. There is a 25 minute tour of the trick fountains, during which you are guaranteed to at least get splashed, after which you can tour the palace building itself. There is also a small folk art museum located in a small hillside lodge up from the gardens.


Charge, Free with a Salzburg Card

Getting There

From the centre of town take bus 25 to the bus stop Schloß Hellbrunn, it's then a short, very obvious walk, down to the palace
Latitude: 47.762262; Longitude: 13.060663
What3Words: plots.script.aviation


Photo ID: 011721 Photo ID: 011724 Photo ID: 011727 Photo ID: 011728 Photo ID: 011733 Photo ID: 011735 Photo ID: 011737

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Peter: Stiffskirche St Peter: Stiffskirche No Data


The Abbey Church, inside it oozes money with a veritable gallery of artwork on the walls and gold leaf on almost every statue.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 47.797071; Longitude: 13.044403
What3Words: mess.ordering.tenders


Photo ID: 011699 Photo ID: 011700 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Peters: Friedhof St Peters: Friedhof No Data


The cemetery of St Peters has a large number of ornate graves and is a beautiful point of tranquillity away from the bustle of the city centre (when there isn't a tour group passing through)



Getting There

Latitude: 47.796743; Longitude: 13.045299
What3Words: himself.warping.retained


Photo ID: 011691 Photo ID: 011692 Photo ID: 011766 Photo ID: 011767 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Peters: Katakombes St Peters: Katakombes No Data


Hewn out of the rock face that looks down on the Abbey of St Peters the Catacombs are an eerie place. There isn't very much to see as no bodies are stored in them, however the main reason for visiting is just the enormity of the work that must have taken place to create these caves, and the stunning views over the town centre from the top cave


Charge, Free with a Salzburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.796544; Longitude: 13.04473
What3Words: robots.speaks.noodle


Photo ID: 011693 Photo ID: 011694 Photo ID: 011695 Photo ID: 011696 Photo ID: 011697 Photo ID: 011698 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salzbergwerk Dürrnberg (Hallein Salt Mine) Salzbergwerk Dürrnberg (Hallein Salt Mine) No Data


One of many salt mines in the region, this one closed for commercial production in 1989 but has been a tourist attraction for many years prior to that. After donning protective overalls you are taken into the mine on a rail carriage along the old mine tracks deep into the side of the mountain. From there the tour continues via a number of audio/video presentations, two wooden slides that you use to move down levels, a boat ride across a salt water lake and finally, what no good mine should be without, an escalator back up to the train.



Getting There

From Salzburg take the S3 train to Hallein (hourly, 25 minutes) change there to the number 41 bus to Bad Dürrnberg Salzbergwerk (hourly, 10 minutes).
Latitude: 47.667253; Longitude: 13.089974
What3Words: roosts.rocker.hamper


Photo ID: 011739 Photo ID: 011744 Photo ID: 011746 Photo ID: 011747 Photo ID: 011749 Photo ID: 011751 Photo ID: 011754

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Berchtesgaden Berchtesgaden No Data


A small and pretty Bavarian town located just over the border from Austria and about 25KM from Salzburg. If it hadn't been for the purchase of a nearby mountain retreat by Hitler then it's possible that Berchtesgaden wouldn't be known outside of the local area, but instead the town has now been forever linked to the Eagles Nest cliff-top retreat for not only Hitler but other senior members of the Nazi Party.


Getting There

From Salzburg take the 840 bus to Berchtesgaden (Infrequent, 45 minutes)
Latitude: 47.633025; Longitude: 13.002115
What3Words: prefix.babysit.fogging


Photo ID: 011758 Photo ID: 011759 Photo ID: 011760 Photo ID: 011761 Photo ID: 011762 Photo ID: 011763 Photo ID: 011764

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Obersalzburg Obersalzburg No Data


Originally a quiet mountain top retreat with a couple of hotels and houses it's place in history would be assured when Adolf Hitler took a liking to one of the houses which he purchased as his Bavarian retreat. By the end of the war virtually the whole area had been turned into a military fortress with the Eagles Nest at the top of the mountain acting as Hitler's 2nd headquarters. Towards the end of the war virtually everything was destroyed by allied bombing, apart from the hotel (which was returned to the family the Nazi's had seized it from in the late 30's) and the Eagles Nest itself. The whole area was cleared in the 1950's apart from the Eagles Nest which can still be visited between May and October. The views from the visitors centre over the mountains are spectacular in themselves.


Getting There

From Salzburg take the 840 bus to Berchtesgaden (Infrequent, 45 minutes) and change onto the 838 bus to the Stop Dokumentation Obersalzberg (10 minutes)
Latitude: 47.630711; Longitude: 13.041683
What3Words: stint.electrify.prattled


Photo ID: 011756 Photo ID: 011757 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alpenzoo Alpenzoo No Data


Located part way up the Hungerburg the zoo houses a large number of predominantly alpine animals, or those from similar climates including Brown bear, Lynx and Wolves.


Charge, Free with Innsbruck card

Getting There

From the Marktplatz bus W runs to the main entrance every 30 minutes taking around 10 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively the third stop on the Hungerburgbahn is specifically for the zoo
Latitude: 47.281276; Longitude: 11.398092
What3Words: brittle.stutter.grass


Photo ID: 018666 Photo ID: 018670 Photo ID: 018674 Photo ID: 018675 Photo ID: 018680 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dom Dom No Data


The city's spectacular Cathedral including a spectacular painted ceiling and enough gilding to prove how fantastically wealthy the Hapsburgs were.


Free, Suggested Donation. Charge to take photos

Getting There

Latitude: 47.269404; Longitude: 11.39384
What3Words: tablet.sides.district


Photo ID: 018628 Photo ID: 018661 Photo ID: 018684 Photo ID: 018686 Photo ID: 018688 Photo ID: 018689 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Goldenes Dachl Goldenes Dachl No Data


One of the main sights of the city is the Golden roof, an ornate balcony on a building in a prime position on the old town hall square. The museum tells a little about the history of the building and Innsbruck, as well as it's most famous resident Maximillian who helped to build the Hapsburg empire.


Charge, Free with Innsbruck card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.268672; Longitude: 11.393276
What3Words: attends.desk.remover


Photo ID: 018625 Photo ID: 018681 Photo ID: 018682 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hafelekar Hafelekar No Data


The highest point that can be reached by cable car, from here it’s a short well laid path up the final couple of hundred foot ascent to the peak (though in the middle of winter still quite icy and with sheer drops best not attempted). Another small restaurant and cafe terrace offer views down onto the restaurant and ski resort at Seegrube.


Getting There

The only access is via the cable car from Hungerburg via Seegrube
Latitude: 47.312176; Longitude: 11.383852
What3Words: wages.cares.plunger


Photo ID: 018710 Photo ID: 018711 Photo ID: 018712 Photo ID: 018713 Photo ID: 018714 Photo ID: 018715 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hofburg Hofburg No Data


The imperial palace located in the city centre. You can wander around a number of the state rooms including the hall of giants and many of the royal suites


Charge, Free with Innsbruck card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.268652; Longitude: 11.394583
What3Words: gift.chills.linked


Photo ID: 018656 Photo ID: 018657 Photo ID: 018690 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hofkirche Hofkirche No Data


The church houses the ornate tomb that was supposed to take Maximillian's body when he died, instead it's empty as he was buried in Weiner Neustadt. The tomb is guarded by a number of larger than life size statues of both members of his family and famous kings from history including Arthur (of Camelot fame).


Charge, Free with Innsbruck card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.268399; Longitude: 11.395287
What3Words: raft.finders.gift


Photo ID: 018691 Photo ID: 018692 Photo ID: 018693 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hungerburg Hungerburg No Data


Located at the foot of the main peaks of the Nordkette, Hungerburg offers stunning views over the city and the valley and across to the Patscherkofel rising behind the city on the opposite side of the valley


Getting There

You can get to Hungerburg either by the Hungerburgbahn, Bus J or a very stiff walk up.
Latitude: 47.286012; Longitude: 11.400003
What3Words: spark.dishing.courage


Photo ID: 018726 Photo ID: 018727 Photo ID: 018728 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hungerburgbahn Hungerburgbahn No Data


The funicular climbs from the Congress centre by the Hofburg up into the Nordkette mountains stopping at the Alpenzoo along the way. Starting as a small tram in the centre of town the train rotates in it's own carriage as it starts its steep climb up through the mountain and up to the Hungerburg.


Charge, One free return trip with Innsbruck card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.271124; Longitude: 11.395354
What3Words: courier.mocked.section


Photo ID: 018728 Photo ID: 018729 Photo ID: 018730 Photo ID: 018731 Photo ID: 018732 Photo ID: 018733 Photo ID: 018734

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordkettebahn - Hafelekarbahn Nordkettebahn - Hafelekarbahn No Data


The short single car cable car climbs the final 1,200 or so feet from Seegrube to the station at Hafelekar from where you are 7,400ft up. The car runs every 15 minutes, taking about 4 minutes to make the journey. At busy times it runs almost constantly but as there is only a single car and a counterweight the frequency is still only one car every 10 minutes. From the top there are several very difficult ski and snowboard runs down the mountain so the upward journey in ski season is packed, but on the way back down sightseers can get a lot more space.


Charge, One free return trip with Innsbruck card

Getting There

The only access to the Hafelekarbahn is from Seegrube by the Seegrubebahn
Latitude: 47.306586; Longitude: 11.379843
What3Words: vegans.ventures.jogging


Photo ID: 018708 Photo ID: 018709 Photo ID: 018716 Photo ID: 018717 Photo ID: 018718 Photo ID: 018719 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordkettebahn - Seegrubebahn Nordkettebahn - Seegrubebahn No Data


Starting from Hungerburg this large cable car rises up to the ski slopes at Seegrube at 6,250ft. The journey takes about 5 minutes, with cable cars timetabled to run every 15 minutes, though at busy times in the ski season they run constantly doubling the frequency of ascent and descent.


Charge, One free return trip with Innsbruck card

Getting There

The Seegrubebahn takes off from the Hungerburg. This can be reached by the Hungerburgbah, bus J from the city centre or a very stiff up hill hike
Latitude: 47.286214; Longitude: 11.398987
What3Words: mimics.boarding.speeches


Photo ID: 018703 Photo ID: 018719 Photo ID: 018721 Photo ID: 018723 Photo ID: 018725 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Patscherkofelbahnen Patscherkofelbahnen No Data


A cable car located to the South of the city that offers stunning views from it's 2000m summit over the city and the opposite Nordkette mountain range that rises up behind the city to the north. The journey is strange as there are two gondoliers on each cable so you take the lower car up to the middle station then have to swap over to the other side to pick up the upper car on up to the summit


Charge, Free with Innsbruck card

Getting There

From the centre of town take bus J direct to the lower cable car station in the Igls district of Innsbruck. Buses are every 15 minutes and take around 10 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 47.229501; Longitude: 11.413819
What3Words: nano.denoting.antibiotics


Photo ID: 018640 Photo ID: 018644 Photo ID: 018645 Photo ID: 018650 Photo ID: 018651 Photo ID: 018653 Photo ID: 018654

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seegrube Seegrube No Data


One of the main ski locations of the city, being just a 20 minute ride up the mountain from the city centre. Here a large restaurant offers a stunning location in which to enjoy a drink or a bite to eat taking in the mountain views and down into either the clouds or the valley below.


Getting There

The only access is via the cable car from Hungerburg
Latitude: 47.30631; Longitude: 11.379461
What3Words: sang.physics.hands


Photo ID: 018696 Photo ID: 018697 Photo ID: 018698 Photo ID: 018701 Photo ID: 018702 Photo ID: 018704 Photo ID: 018706

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seilbahn Museum Seilbahn Museum No Data


A tiny museum located in the Nordkettebahn station at Hungerburg telling the history of the Nordkette cable cars



Getting There

Latitude: 47.286085; Longitude: 11.398943
What3Words: defining.honestly.drop


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadtturm Stadtturm No Data


Located in the city centre, the city tower offers excellent views over the city and across to the surrounding mountains. Access is via the 133 step double staircase which ensures you don't have to pass people coming the other way


Charge, Free with Innsbruck card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.268237; Longitude: 11.39344
What3Words: catch.claims.shopper


Photo ID: 018627 Photo ID: 018628 Photo ID: 018629 Photo ID: 018630 Photo ID: 018631 Photo ID: 018632 Photo ID: 018682

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tourist Sightseer Tourist Sightseer No Data


Run by the local bus company this bus runs past the main sightseeing points in the centre of the city. Pre-recorded commentary tells you about the main sites. Includes a 15 minute photo stop at Bergisel to take in the views over the city centre


Charge - includes full days travel on all local buses and trams, Free with Innsbruck card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.267455; Longitude: 11.390719
What3Words: amber.crisps.snapper


Photo ID: 018637 Photo ID: 018634 Photo ID: 018635 Photo ID: 018636 Photo ID: 018638 Photo ID: 018639 Photo ID: 018695

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/01/2017), and on time of last update (14/01/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Danube Tower Danube Tower No Data


Located in the Danube park on the other side of the river and canal to the city centre this communications tower also boasts a viewing platform as well as a revolving café and restaurant



Getting There

From the centre of Vienna catch the U1 to the Vienna International Centre stop (also called Kaisermühlen) and then walk into the park, past the international centre and through the housing blocks into the Danube park. The path then leads directly to the tower
Latitude: 48.240406; Longitude: 16.409216
What3Words: ended.topical.tipping


Photo ID: 000811 Photo ID: 030029 Photo ID: 030030 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

DDSG Blue Danube Canal Cruise DDSG Blue Danube Canal Cruise No Data


A 75 minute cruise up the Danube canal from the centre of the city to the Northern lock gate that protects the city centre from the worst that the Danube can throw at it. A commentary in German and English is given of the key sights along the way.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.212216; Longitude: 16.378022
What3Words: forks.flicked.dripped


Photo ID: 029931 Photo ID: 029932 Photo ID: 029935 Photo ID: 029938 Photo ID: 029939 Photo ID: 029940 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/01/2020), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Haus der Musik Haus der Musik No Data


This was originally a museum to the Viennese Philharmonic Orchestra (which still have one floor) but is now also a museum to sound and music, with lots of hands on displays and exhibits



Getting There

Latitude: 48.203892; Longitude: 16.373167
What3Words: trips.finishes.case


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hofburg Hofburg No Data


The winter palace of the imperial family and the dominating structure in the centre of the city. The Hofburg is a massive complex with lots of interesting buildings


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 48.205479; Longitude: 16.364884
What3Words: congas.cookies.newest


Photo ID: 029911 Photo ID: 029912 Photo ID: 029916 Photo ID: 029917 Photo ID: 029918 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/11/2005), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hofburg: Imperial Apartments Hofburg: Imperial Apartments No Data


The imperial apartments give a glimpse on the lifestyle that the Emperor and Empress led


Charge, Ticket also gives entry to the Imperial Silver Collection and the Sisi Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 48.207628; Longitude: 16.366139
What3Words: secondly.nimbly.firm


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hofburg: Imperial Silver Collection Hofburg: Imperial Silver Collection No Data


The imperial silver collection displays the kitchenware's and banqueting paraphernalia that the family collected over its many centuries of rule


Charge, Ticket also gives entry to the Imperial Apartments and the Sisi Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 48.206779; Longitude: 16.365187
What3Words: mistress.mistaken.dude


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hofburg: Ruins Hofburg: Ruins No Data


Located just behind the back entrance to the palace, these ruins show how some of the buildings were constructed in the past. There is also some evidence of Roman ruins



Getting There

Latitude: 48.207866; Longitude: 16.366515
What3Words: coughed.operated.friday


Photo ID: 000807 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/11/2005), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hofburg: Schatzkammer Hofburg: Schatzkammer No Data


The treasury houses many of the important works that were left to the state after the Habsburg empire ended.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.207136; Longitude: 16.364919
What3Words: turned.trades.goodbye


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hofburg: Sisi Museum Hofburg: Sisi Museum No Data


Sisi (Empress Elizabeth) is a modern myth in Austria, Revered in the same way that Princess Diana is in some parts of the UK. This exhibition goes on to tell the story of the life, eccentricities and death of Sisi


Charge, Ticket also gives entry to the Imperial Silver Collection and the Imperial Apartments

Getting There

Latitude: 48.205385; Longitude: 16.364307
What3Words: sweeping.discount.harps


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jewish Museum Jewish Museum No Data


Located on Jüdenplatz this museum tells the story of the 1420 expulsion of the Jews from Vienna as well as giving some background on what it means to be Jewish. The museum also houses the ruins of the original Synagogue from the 15th Century. In front of the museum is Vienna's first memorial to those who lost their lives in the death camps of World War II



Getting There

Latitude: 48.207135; Longitude: 16.369377
What3Words: truth.rattler.estimate


Photo ID: 000815 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Karlskirche Karlskirche No Data


One of the most impressive churches in the city. You can take the lift up into the top of the dome for an up-close view of the frescos, and the views over the city. There is also a small treasury museum housed in one of the towers.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.198241; Longitude: 16.372005
What3Words: squeaks.miracle.funny


Photo ID: 030016 Photo ID: 030018 Photo ID: 030044 Photo ID: 030046 Photo ID: 030047 Photo ID: 030060 Photo ID: 030063

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/11/2005), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Riesenrad Riesenrad No Data


Possibly the most enduring image of Vienna is the Ferris Wheel in the Prater amusement park. From the top of the wheel the views are spectacular. You can even dine in one of the cabins



Getting There

Latitude: 48.216688; Longitude: 16.395861
What3Words: dart.passion.absorbs


Photo ID: 000812 Photo ID: 000813 Photo ID: 030007 Photo ID: 030024 Photo ID: 030025 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roman Remains Roman Remains No Data


Located just below the Hoher Market, and accessed via a Café these ruins show how old the inhabitation of the city is with parts of a substantial fort visible


Charge, Free on Sundays

Getting There

Latitude: 48.210828; Longitude: 16.372472
What3Words: smirks.carpets.kipper


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Belvedere Schloß Belvedere No Data


Located close to the Hauptbahnhof this is another of the Habsburgs many palaces. The site is made up of two palaces, one at the top and one at the bottom of the formal gardens. The palaces now house galleries


Charge to view exhibitions, free to walk around the grounds

Getting There

Latitude: 48.191497; Longitude: 16.380959
What3Words: terribly.shelter.loses


Photo ID: 000814 Photo ID: 000816 Photo ID: 000817 Photo ID: 029955 Photo ID: 029956 Photo ID: 029960 Photo ID: 029964

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/11/2005), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Stephens Cathedral St Stephens Cathedral No Data


The cathedral of the city and visible from all over the city. The cathedral itself is quite dark, but you can catch a lift to the top of the North tower for stunning views, not only of the city, but also of the amazing pattern tiled roof


Free to look around Cathedral, charge for lift

Getting There

Latitude: 48.20847; Longitude: 16.373186
What3Words: spell.joke.rankings


Photo ID: 029922 Photo ID: 029924 Photo ID: 029941 Photo ID: 029942 Photo ID: 029943 Photo ID: 029952 Photo ID: 029954

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/11/2005), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vienna Sightseeing: Blue Route Vienna Sightseeing: Blue Route No Data


The Blue route is an 80 minute tour of the city that starts at the Stadpark and heads out East out of the city along the side of the Danube Canal, before heading over to the Prater and Messe areas of the city. From there it heads over the Danube itself and stops at the Danube Tower and the UN area before heading back into town. Multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary tells you about the sights as you travel round


Charge, Joint ticket for all Vienna Sightseeing tours available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.206783; Longitude: 16.381947
What3Words: decays.pushing.inflict


Photo ID: 030021 Photo ID: 030022 Photo ID: 030023 Photo ID: 030025 Photo ID: 030027 Photo ID: 030030 Photo ID: 030032

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/01/2020), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vienna Sightseeing: Green Route Vienna Sightseeing: Green Route No Data


The Green route is a 90 minute tour of the city that starts at the Votivkirche and heads out north out of the city to the wine growing suburb of Grinzing before taking the scenic road up to the Kahlenberg from where (assuming it's not shrouded in fog as it was on the day I went) there are views over the whole of the city. From the Kahlenberg the bus returns to the city centre. Multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary tells you about the sights as you travel round


Charge, Joint ticket for all Vienna Sightseeing tours available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.215129; Longitude: 16.359827
What3Words: peachy.recoup.sugars


Photo ID: 029978 Photo ID: 029979 Photo ID: 029980 Photo ID: 029981 Photo ID: 029982 Photo ID: 029985 Photo ID: 029986

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2020), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vienna Sightseeing: Night Tour Vienna Sightseeing: Night Tour No Data


The Night tour is a 60 minute tour of the city centre that starts at Opera House. It follows a similar route to the Red day route, but it deviates off over to Prater in the West and in the South heads on a loop via the Arsenal and Schloß Belvedere. Multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary tells you about the sights as you travel round


Charge, Joint ticket for all Vienna Sightseeing tours available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.20263; Longitude: 16.36908
What3Words: sizing.master.drips


Photo ID: 030007 Photo ID: 030008 Photo ID: 030009 Photo ID: 030010 Photo ID: 030011 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2020), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vienna Sightseeing: Red Route Vienna Sightseeing: Red Route No Data


The Red route is a 60 minute tour of the city centre that starts at the Opera House and follows the route of the Ring Straße around the city centre. Multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary tells you about the sights as you travel round


Charge, Joint ticket for all Vienna Sightseeing tours available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.202582; Longitude: 16.36947
What3Words: pilots.dusts.panel


Photo ID: 029966 Photo ID: 029967 Photo ID: 029968 Photo ID: 029969 Photo ID: 029989 Photo ID: 029990 Photo ID: 029991

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2020), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vienna Sightseeing: Ring Tram Vienna Sightseeing: Ring Tram No Data


A 25 minute journey round the central ring tram line, taking in the main sites in the centre of the city including the Rathaus and Hofburg. A limited commentary gives you some information on the sights you are seeing. In reality, unless this in part of the inclusive ticket with the hop-on-hop-off bus tours this isn't worth taking as the commentary is so limited. You can do the same journey with a mixture of the number 1 and 2 trams for considerably less.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Vienna Sightseeing tours available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.211654; Longitude: 16.377886
What3Words: appealed.rides.ruin


Photo ID: 029926 Photo ID: 029927 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/01/2020), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vienna Sightseeing: Yellow Route Vienna Sightseeing: Yellow Route No Data


The Yellow route is a 90 minute tour that starts at the Opera House and heads out west towards Schloß Schönbrunn before returning into town via the Arsenal and Schloß Belvedere. Multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary tells you about the sights as you travel round


Charge, Joint ticket for all Vienna Sightseeing tours available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.202632; Longitude: 16.369226
What3Words: delivers.upper.toenail


Photo ID: 029992 Photo ID: 029993 Photo ID: 029994 Photo ID: 029995 Photo ID: 029996 Photo ID: 029998 Photo ID: 030002

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2020), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Votivkirche Votivkirche No Data


This large church is located on the Northern Edge of the ring, and was partly built in celebration of the Emperor of the time surviving an assassination attempt. It still is the tallest building on the Ring, though the 5m high statue on the top of the Rathaus takes the Rathaus to 4m taller if it's included. With a church so large it's naturally a massive space inside with a very high ceiling and lots of stained glass.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.215484; Longitude: 16.359095
What3Words: restrict.speeches.verge


Photo ID: 029971 Photo ID: 029972 Photo ID: 029973 Photo ID: 029974 Photo ID: 029975 Photo ID: 029976 Photo ID: 029988

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2020), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wien Museum Wien Museum No Data


The Wien Museum tells the history of Vienna from its original days as a prehistoric settlement up to the end of the Habsburg Empire at the end of the First World War.


Charge, Free on a Sunday

Getting There

Latitude: 48.199169; Longitude: 16.373172
What3Words: bonkers.captive.cactus


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bratislava: Castle Bratislava: Castle No Data


Perched on the top of a hill overlooking the city this castle houses several museums to the history of Slovakia and Bratislava, as well as displays on Slovak culture and tradition



Getting There

Latitude: 48.142186; Longitude: 17.100123
What3Words: ranking.reply.pastels


Photo ID: 000825 Photo ID: 000826 Photo ID: 000828 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bratislava: St Michaels Cathedral Bratislava: St Michaels Cathedral No Data


Located in the city centre this is the Cathedral for the city.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 48.145286; Longitude: 17.106813
What3Words: tarred.means.tuck


Photo ID: 000827 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grinzing: Kahlenberg Grinzing: Kahlenberg No Data


This is billed as one of the best places to take in views of the city, looking down on the Danube valley and the city centre. On the day I visited a thick fog had descended on the city which meant that you couldn't even see more than about 100 yards. Nearby there are lots of trails through the woods, including up to further view points and viewing platforms. At the main terrace is a Polish church on the site where the Polish Army camped overnight before the final relief of Vienna in the final Ottoman war.


Free to take in the views (if there are any)

Getting There

You can take the hop-on-hop-off bus up to the view point, alternatively take the U4 north to the end of the line at Heiligenstadt and change there for a 38A bus that goes all the way to the view point car park, or take the 38 tram from the city centre to the end of the line at Grinzing and change there for the 38A. The 38A buses are very frequent, with at least one bus every 10 minutes, rising to one every 4-6 minutes on Sundays as the city heads to the hills. Total journey time from the city centre to the peak is around 45 minutes.
Latitude: 48.274993; Longitude: 16.336346
What3Words: hurt.bracelet.rents


Photo ID: 030038 Photo ID: 030039 Photo ID: 030040 Photo ID: 030041 Photo ID: 030042 Photo ID: 030043 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/01/2020), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Schönbrunn: Desert House Schloß Schönbrunn: Desert House No Data


Located opposite the palm house, the desert house has displays on desert dwelling animals as well as plants that have adapted to survive in arid conditions


Charge, combined ticket with the Zoo and Palm House

Getting There

Latitude: 48.183557; Longitude: 16.301308
What3Words: offers.surging.readings


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Schönbrunn: Imperial Appartments Schloß Schönbrunn: Imperial Appartments No Data


The summer residence of the Habsburgs, the apartments give a glimpse into the lives that several generations of the Imperial family lived.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.184859; Longitude: 16.312187
What3Words: rather.writings.tries


Photo ID: 000821 Photo ID: 000823 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Schönbrunn: Maze & Labyrinth Schloß Schönbrunn: Maze & Labyrinth No Data


Located in the grounds of the castle the Maze and Labyrinth offer you the opportunity of getting hopelessly lost!



Getting There

Latitude: 48.182641; Longitude: 16.309376
What3Words: trio.spines.budding


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Schönbrunn: Palm House Schloß Schönbrunn: Palm House No Data


Locate next to the Zoo the palm house has a selection of plants from across the globe


Charge, combined ticket with the Zoo and Desert House

Getting There

Latitude: 48.18428; Longitude: 16.302987
What3Words: shields.tells.subject


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Schönbrunn: Zoo Schloß Schönbrunn: Zoo No Data


Billed as the worlds oldest Zoo this was originally the Habsburgs menagerie that every good place shouldn’t have been without


Charge, combined ticket with the Desert House and Palm House

Getting There

Latitude: 48.182298; Longitude: 16.302938
What3Words: downturn.office.agreeing


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bratislava Bratislava No Data


The capital of Slovakia is less than 70Km down stream on the Danube from Vienna and makes an easy day-trip. The city itself is not particularly beautiful with Soviet housing blocks on the opposite bank of the Danube casting a gloom over the whole of the city. The castle houses several exhibitions and the Old town is interesting to look around.


Getting There

Trains leave every two hours from the Hauptbahnhof in Vienna to the central station in Bratislava. Journey time is about 1 hour 15 minutes including a stop for border checks at the border. Alternatively, during the summer months there are high-speed ferries that run from Schwedenplatz to the centre of Bratislava, taking about 70 minutes to make their journey. N.B. it is advisable to carry photo ID with you for the journey, whilst Austria and Slovakia are both members of the Schengen zone you may be asked to identify yourself prior to boarding the ferry or at the border crossing on the train.
Latitude: 48.148376; Longitude: 17.10731
What3Words: shifting.speaks.provider


Photo ID: 000825 Photo ID: 000826 Photo ID: 000827 Photo ID: 000828 Photo ID: 000829 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grinzing Grinzing No Data


This small wine growing town has long been subsumed into the growing city, but it still houses a number of wine cellars and vineyards wrapped over the hills. Despite being part of the city it still retains a pleasant small village feel


Getting There

From the centre of town take the number 38 tram all the way to the end of the line in the centre of Grinzing. Journey time is about 25 minutes with trams at least every 10 minutes.
Latitude: 48.255787; Longitude: 16.341856
What3Words: inflame.heats.spill


Photo ID: 029979 Photo ID: 029981 Photo ID: 030033 Photo ID: 030034 Photo ID: 030035 Photo ID: 030036 Photo ID: 030037

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/01/2020), and on time of last update (29/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Schönbrunn Schloß Schönbrunn No Data


The out of city summer residence of the Habsburg imperial family. The palace is set in acres of stunning park land with spectacular views as well as a zoo and botanical gardens


Charges to entre the apartments, zoo, botanical gardens and maze. Free to wander around the grounds

Getting There

Catch the U4 from the city centre to Schönbrunn station. Leave by the exit half way down the platform and follow the signs across the road to the palace.
Latitude: 48.181482; Longitude: 16.310234
What3Words: barman.kitten.physical


Photo ID: 000820 Photo ID: 000821 Photo ID: 000822 Photo ID: 000823 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/11/2005), and on time of last update (27/11/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aquatopia Aquatopia No Data


The city's aquarium, located just opposite the main central station. From initial looks, it could come across as a bit childish with its talking octopus. However, the information on the displays is written for an adult audience (or at least the English translation is) There are lots of displays, but the most spectacular is left for last as you walk through a tunnel surrounded on all sides by fish and sharks.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.219166; Longitude: 4.421069
What3Words: accent.fumes.legwork


Photo ID: 000905 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The cathedral is in the process of being repaired, with most of the work complete. Inside it is very light despite the forest of pillars. The cathedral has seven aisles, which create a massive sense of space. There are several paintings dotted around the church including a few by Rubens.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.220264; Longitude: 4.401505
What3Words: stove.verges.blinks


Photo ID: 000890 Photo ID: 000891 Photo ID: 000892 Photo ID: 000893 Photo ID: 000894 Photo ID: 000896 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Diamond Museum Diamond Museum No Data


The museum presents a down to earth and interesting expose of the worlds most lusted after gem. With an audio guide instead of lots of multi-lingual information boards the museum tells the history of diamond, from its creation 2 billion years ago, through its importance in the past, up to the modern methods of creating spectacular gem stones (as well as creating diamond itself) and the way diamonds are mined and traded today.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.218124; Longitude: 4.421713
What3Words: post.variety.direct


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Middelheim Middelheim No Data


A large park to the south of the city, where a sculpture park has been created. Works include many from famous sculptures. The park was expanded a few years ago and now also has an exhibition of modern sculpture


Free to look around, Charge for an Audio guide

Getting There

From the centre of town you can catch either tram 7 or 15 to the stop Koninklijke Laan. The very last road crossed before the tram pulled into the stop leads directly to the park. Walk down it for about 1KM and you will reach the mid point between the upper and lower parts of the park. To the right in the modern sculpture area is the information kiosk where you can get the audio guides. Alternatively catch the number 17 bus from Antwerpen Centraal station. Get off at the stop after the stop outside the Crown Plaza hotel and Texaco petrol station (the bus will cross over a main road and turn right. The park is behind you on the other side of the dual carriageway road. Maps inside the park show the location of the statue park.
Latitude: 51.180984; Longitude: 4.412577
What3Words: recorder.airbag.feast


Photo ID: 000899 Photo ID: 000899 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Annatunnel St Annatunnel No Data


The main pedestrian link from the leftbank area of Antwerp to the Old city. The tunnel is accessed through art deco houses at either end, access either by massive lifts or down ancient wooden escalators



Getting There

Latitude: 51.218712; Longitude: 4.395894
What3Words: generals.slim.from


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Steen Steen No Data


Once one of the main defence points for the city, the Steen resembles a castle in all ways. However, only part of it survives. You can walk around the grounds and into some of the internal courtyards, but to access the inside of the building you must pay the entrance fee to the Maritime museum that it houses


Free to look around the outside and courtyard, charge to enter museum

Getting There

Latitude: 51.222685; Longitude: 4.397382
What3Words: spoken.cafe.moped


Photo ID: 000897 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zoo Zoo No Data


Located slap bang next to the central station the Zoo is one of the oldest in Europe and has the usual assortment of animals including Lions, Tigers, Elephants and Giraffe.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.216347; Longitude: 4.423306
What3Words: pools.cans.kneeled


Photo ID: 000906 Photo ID: 000907 Photo ID: 000908 Photo ID: 000909 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zuid Terrace Zuid Terrace No Data


Running between the city exit from the St Annatunnel and the Steen the South Terrace offers stunning views over both the leftbank and the city centre



Getting There

Latitude: 51.220036; Longitude: 4.39539
What3Words: squares.vineyard.blocking


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ghent: Canal Cruises Ghent: Canal Cruises No Data


The seriously touristy way to see Ghent, but informative and a way of getting a different perspective on the city. The captains also provide a multi-lingual commentary



Getting There

Latitude: 51.055427; Longitude: 3.720556
What3Words: widget.slab.anchors


Photo ID: 000903 Photo ID: 000904 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ghent: Cathedral Ghent: Cathedral No Data


Quite a dark building, in the process of being repaired. The main attraction is the painted alter piece which has long queues of people waiting to see it


Free, Donation suggested for the Cathedral. Charge to see the Altar Piece

Getting There

Latitude: 51.053683; Longitude: 3.72591
What3Words: wharfs.ketchup.curve


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ghent: Gravensteen Ghent: Gravensteen No Data


A proper castle with battlements and everything! Located towards the north of the city centre it has been used as a fortress, a prison, a court house and now a tourist attraction. You follow a signed walk that takes you around the whole of the building, through its many winding passages and hidden staircases. The views from the top of the castle over the city are worth the entrance fee themselves



Getting There

Latitude: 51.057193; Longitude: 3.720653
What3Words: sharpen.echo.staging
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ghent: Sint Niklaaskerk Ghent: Sint Niklaaskerk No Data


(St Nicholas church), is currently being repaired, so you can only see half of it. What you can see is a very light and bright church with lots of gold and paintings.


Free, Donation suggested

Getting There

Latitude: 51.053896; Longitude: 3.722858
What3Words: fans.entrust.instance


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ghent Ghent No Data


Ghent is a pretty medieval city located at the junction of the railways canals and rivers that join Bruges, Antwerp and Brussels. Whilst not as large and picture book beautiful as Bruges it does benefit from less tourists and a proper castle


Getting There

There are regular trains (2 an hour) from Antwerp to Ghent Sint Pieters station, from where it’s a 2KM walk due north (or 10 minutes on the tram) to the Korenmarkt. There are also regular trains from most other parts of Belgium (the trains from Brussels to Burges all stop at Ghent Sint Pieters station.
Latitude: 51.048301; Longitude: 3.720932
What3Words: succeed.rail.twirls


Photo ID: 000900 Photo ID: 000901 Photo ID: 000902 Photo ID: 000903 Photo ID: 000904 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2006), and on time of last update (08/03/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Atomium Atomium No Data


Part of the 1950's world fair site and one of the most famous landmarks of Brussels. This, now slightly tired, museum houses some simple displays and is best for the views it affords over the city.


Charge, Joint ticket with MiniEurope available.

Getting There

Latitude: 50.894954; Longitude: 4.341402
What3Words: easy.chickens.tramps


Photo ID: 000370 Photo ID: 000373 Photo ID: 002417 Photo ID: 002419 Photo ID: 002429 Photo ID: 002430 Photo ID: 002433

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/06/2004), and on time of last update (27/12/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilique de Sacré Coeur Basilique de Sacré Coeur No Data


One of the main churches in Brussels, and often referred to as one of the ugliest buildings in the city. Modelled on it's namesake in Paris the building is very impressive, if not slightly over imposing. The views from the top of the main dome are breath


Free to look around the inside of the church, charge for the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 50.867078; Longitude: 4.317284
What3Words: herds.crib.podcast


Photo ID: 000362 Photo ID: 000363 Photo ID: 000364 Photo ID: 002434 Photo ID: 002435 Photo ID: 023136 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2004), and on time of last update (09/07/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Comic Book Museum Comic Book Museum No Data


Charting the history of one of Belgium's other great exports, the comic book, including exhibitions on the history of Comics, how comic strips are put together, how animation is put together and an exhibition on the most famous of the Belgium comic book w


Charge, free with a Brussels Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.84025; Longitude: 4.368246
What3Words: radar.dialect.posts


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2004), and on time of last update (09/07/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Mannekin-Pis Le Mannekin-Pis No Data


A small statue of a little boy taking a leak, and one of the most famous symbols of Brussels, what else can you say about the Belgium's that isn't summed up by that statement



Getting There

Latitude: 50.845016; Longitude: 4.349808
What3Words: ordering.also.nuggets


Photo ID: 000360 Photo ID: 000374 Photo ID: 002442 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2004), and on time of last update (27/12/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

MiniEurope MiniEurope No Data


A project of EU proportions. Some of the most famous buildings from each of the EU's 25 members (but at the time of visiting, just a few weeks after 10 new countries joined the EU only Poland had been added to the original 15!) including the Eiffel Tower,


Charge, joint ticket with the Atomium available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.894331; Longitude: 4.338763
What3Words: priced.since.kitchens


Photo ID: 000371 Photo ID: 000372 Photo ID: 000373 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/06/2004), and on time of last update (09/07/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tervuren: Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale Tervuren: Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale No Data


Once a museum dedicated to showing how nice Leopold I and the Belgium's had been to the peoples of their former colonies (today the DR Congo, Rwanda and Burundi), today the museum now shows a more realistic view of the way the colonies were run, happily using words like Genocide, plunder and looting to describe how the artefacts made it back to Belgium.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.830906; Longitude: 4.518471
What3Words: rivers.armrest.success


Photo ID: 002423 Photo ID: 002426 Photo ID: 002428 Photo ID: 023075 Photo ID: 023077 Photo ID: 023078 Photo ID: 023080

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2007), and on time of last update (27/12/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waterloo: Audio Visual show Waterloo: Audio Visual show No Data


The Audio Visual show uses maps and graphics to tell the key points of the battle showing how the battle turned with the arrival of the Prussians/


Charge: Joint ticket with other battle field attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.679302; Longitude: 4.405936
What3Words: ranked.doll.spacing


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2007), and on time of last update (27/12/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waterloo: Battlefield Tour Waterloo: Battlefield Tour No Data


You can join a battlefield tour which takes a route round the edge of the battlefield from the British lines, across the French lines, to where the Prussians joined late in the afternoon to turn the course of the battle. Commentary is in French, English and Dutch


Charge: Joint ticket with other battle field attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.679641; Longitude: 4.40585
What3Words: global.daring.national


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2007), and on time of last update (27/12/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waterloo: Lion Monument Waterloo: Lion Monument No Data


The monument was raised on the site of the battle of Waterloo, at the point where the prince of Orange was injured, and now is the focal point for the attractions relating to the battle that transformed Europe


Charge: Joint ticket with other battle field attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.678458; Longitude: 4.404788
What3Words: left.riders.owns


Photo ID: 002436 Photo ID: 002437 Photo ID: 002438 Photo ID: 002439 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2007), and on time of last update (27/12/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waterloo: Panorama Waterloo: Panorama No Data


The Panorama painting shows that battle at its height


Charge: Joint ticket with other battle field attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.679356; Longitude: 4.405174
What3Words: loves.fells.violin


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2007), and on time of last update (27/12/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waterloo: Wax Museum Waterloo: Wax Museum No Data


The wax museum tells some of the story of the build-up to the battle, including basic biographies of the key players on both sides


Charge: Joint ticket with other battle field attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.67973; Longitude: 4.405657
What3Words: kitchen.sector.holiday


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2007), and on time of last update (27/12/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bruges Bruges No Data


Located 12Km from the coast in the Flemish speaking part of the country Bruges is one of the finest examples of a medieval city in the world.


Getting There

Hourly trains leave from the main stations in Brussels to Bruges taking about 45 minutes. It's then a 20 minute walk or 5 minutes on the bus (from the front of the station) to the medieval market square.
Latitude: 51.209434; Longitude: 3.225238
What3Words: printing.oppose.thin


Photo ID: 000365 Photo ID: 000366 Photo ID: 000367 Photo ID: 000368 Photo ID: 000369 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2004), and on time of last update (09/07/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tervuren Tervuren No Data


Tervuren is about 10Km from the centre of Brussels located on the edge of woodland in one of the greenest parts of the city


Getting There

Tervuren is easily accessed by the number 44 tram which runs from Montgomery in the centre of Brussels to Terverun, ending a short distance from the museum. Trams take about 40 minutes to complete the journey
Latitude: 50.824234; Longitude: 4.5140344
What3Words: dashes.owners.mulls


Photo ID: 002421 Photo ID: 002422 Photo ID: 002424 Photo ID: 002425 Photo ID: 023076 Photo ID: 023083 Photo ID: 023085

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2004), and on time of last update (09/07/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waterloo Waterloo No Data


Once a quiet town, it was thrust to the attention of the world following a single day's battle here is 1815. The outcome changed the face of Europe, signalling the defeat of Napoleon and eventually the formation of much of Europe as we know it today.


Getting There

Waterloo is about 12KM south west of Brussels, over the linguistic divide into Wallonia. TEC busses (Route W) runs from Gare du Midi to Waterloo, and then on the further 4KM to the actual battlefield
Latitude: 50.717384; Longitude: 4.396763
What3Words: cheat.hormones.handy


Photo ID: 002436 Photo ID: 002437 Photo ID: 002438 Photo ID: 002439 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2007), and on time of last update (27/12/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing Brussles: Blue Tour City Sightseeing Brussles: Blue Tour No Data


The Blue route runs to the North out to the Atomium and the National Basilica. Multilingual commentary accomapnies the tour



Getting There

Latitude: 50.846968; Longitude: 4.35669
What3Words: deals.smoothly.rotate


Photo ID: 023097 Photo ID: 023098 Photo ID: 023102 Photo ID: 023131 Photo ID: 023133 Photo ID: 023136 Photo ID: 023137

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/05/2018), and on time of last update (22/05/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing Brussles: Red Tour City Sightseeing Brussles: Red Tour No Data


The red tour starts from the side of the Cathedral and heads out to the South East of the city taking in the Royal and European quarters. A pre-recorded commentary tells you about the key sights



Getting There

Latitude: 50.847391; Longitude: 4.357591
What3Words: frowns.pony.swear


Photo ID: 023086 Photo ID: 023092 Photo ID: 023109 Photo ID: 023113 Photo ID: 023114 Photo ID: 023140 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/05/2018), and on time of last update (22/05/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


An impressive cathedral in the centre of the city. Very dark both inside and out, but with lots of colourful stained glass



Getting There

Latitude: 50.643031; Longitude: 5.567182
What3Words: lawn.change.projects


Photo ID: 001145 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Citadel Citadel No Data


The ruins of the Citadel now house a modern hospital, but from the outside of the walls you can get stunning views over the city



Getting There

Latitude: 50.649979; Longitude: 5.577211
What3Words: dabble.became.anyway


Photo ID: 001140 Photo ID: 001141 Photo ID: 001142 Photo ID: 001153 Photo ID: 001154 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Montagne de Bueren Montagne de Bueren No Data


373 steps rising steeply up to the Citadel, excellent exercise!


Getting There

Latitude: 50.64809; Longitude: 5.577469
What3Words: amber.bubble.spilled


Photo ID: 001139 Photo ID: 001143 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coo: Tèlècoo Coo: Tèlècoo No Data


Chairlift that runs up from the amusement park at Coo into the hills above for stunning views of the area


Getting There

Latitude: 50.394283; Longitude: 5.875481
What3Words: mottos.bumpy.mayor


Photo ID: 001148 Photo ID: 001149 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coo: Waterfalls Coo: Waterfalls No Data


The real attraction in Coo is the impressive falls that cascade under the bridge that the town is built around



Getting There

Latitude: 50.393479; Longitude: 5.876822
What3Words: repented.remedied.economy


Photo ID: 001146 Photo ID: 001147 Photo ID: 001150 Photo ID: 001151 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maastricht: Cathedral Maastricht: Cathedral No Data


The Cathedral is instantly noticeable with its massive fortress like front. Inside it's quite plane, and quite dark


Getting There

Latitude: 50.848725; Longitude: 5.687367
What3Words: riding.owners.abolish


Photo ID: 001133 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maastricht: River cruise on the Maas Maastricht: River cruise on the Maas No Data


Hourly cruises down the Maas running from the city centre to the border with Belgium and back. You can break your cruise part way and go on a tour of the St Pietersberg caves


Charge, combined ticket with St Pietersberg cave tour available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.850418; Longitude: 5.694673
What3Words: pony.slicing.treat


Photo ID: 001130 Photo ID: 001131 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maastricht: St Pietersberg Caves Maastricht: St Pietersberg Caves No Data


The caves have been formed by the mining of the limestone since the Roman times. Today the total number of passageways total over 200Km. The tour of the caves is only in Dutch


Charge, Combined ticket with River cruise available

Getting There

The easiest way of reaching the caves is to go on the river cruise, alternatively they are about 2KM south west of the city centre
Latitude: 50.825837; Longitude: 5.694931
What3Words: scouts.leaps.escaping


Photo ID: 001126 Photo ID: 001127 Photo ID: 001128 Photo ID: 001129 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coo Coo No Data


Small town on the way to Luxembourg which has an impressive set of waterfalls and chair lift to view the surrounding countryside. Around the chairlift station an amusement park has been built up


Getting There

There are trains every other hour from Liège that take about 55 minutes. From the station walk up the access road and turn left, it's difficult not to hear the falls as you approach them! All other attractions are across the bridge
Latitude: 50.392693; Longitude: 5.876977
What3Words: portrayal.broadened.subgenre


Photo ID: 001146 Photo ID: 001147 Photo ID: 001148 Photo ID: 001149 Photo ID: 001150 Photo ID: 001151 Photo ID: 001152

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maastricht Maastricht No Data


Important town in the south of the Netherlands, home to one of Europe's most important treaties, and at the join of three countries (Aachen in Germany and Liège in Belgium are all within 25 minutes of the city)


Getting There

There are regular hourly trains from Liège to Maastricht that take about 30 minutes
Latitude: 50.844538; Longitude: 5.687485
What3Words: tiptoes.yell.hitters


Photo ID: 001132 Photo ID: 001134 Photo ID: 001135 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belfort Belfort No Data


The Belfry has played and important role in the life of the city since the 14th Century and continues to be one of the dominant sights on the city landscape. The tower now houses an exhibition on it's history and roll, as well as offering stunning views over the city centre. For those feeling lazy a lift goes from the first floor up to the viewing platform.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.053624; Longitude: 3.724916
What3Words: outdoors.dreamer.pots


Photo ID: 010761 Photo ID: 010762 Photo ID: 010763 Photo ID: 010764 Photo ID: 010766 Photo ID: 010768 Photo ID: 010774

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2013), and on time of last update (27/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gravensteen Gravensteen No Data


A proper castle with battlements and everything! Located towards the north of the city centre it has been used as a fortress, a prison, a court house and now a tourist attraction. You follow a signed walk that takes you around the whole of the building, through its many winding passages and hidden staircases. The views from the top of the castle over the city are worth the entrance fee themselves



Getting There

Latitude: 51.057156; Longitude: 3.720676
What3Words: outlined.blurred.duke


Photo ID: 010797 Photo ID: 010799 Photo ID: 010801 Photo ID: 010807 Photo ID: 010812 Photo ID: 010819 Photo ID: 010822

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2013), and on time of last update (27/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rederij De Gentenaar Canal Cruises Rederij De Gentenaar Canal Cruises No Data


One of several companies offering tours through the waterways of Ghent. This company offers tours year round, including in covered boats, which in late December was a distinct advantage. A guide points out key sights as the boat glides, very slowly, round the centre of Ghent.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.05533; Longitude: 3.720825
What3Words: pulp.reading.fishery


Photo ID: 010778 Photo ID: 010779 Photo ID: 010780 Photo ID: 010781 Photo ID: 010782 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2013), and on time of last update (27/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sint Niklaaskerk (Saint Nicholas Church) Sint Niklaaskerk (Saint Nicholas Church) No Data


Originally a much larger building, today only half the building is still in use as a church. Inside the large widows make for a building flooded with light.


Free, Donation suggested

Getting There

Latitude: 51.05396; Longitude: 3.722887
What3Words: harmony.bunk.slider


Photo ID: 010775 Photo ID: 010776 Photo ID: 010777 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2013), and on time of last update (27/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sint-Baafskathedraal (Saint Bavo Cathedral) Sint-Baafskathedraal (Saint Bavo Cathedral) No Data


At the time of visiting in 2013 the Cathedral was still in the process of being repaired (as it was when I took a day trip here from Antwerp in early 2006!). Inside there are the usual large number of side chapels, as well as an extensive crypt that houses some of the Cathedrals treasures. The main attraction is the painted alter piece which has long queues of people waiting to see it


Free, Donation suggested for the Cathedral. Charge to see the Altar Piece

Getting There

Latitude: 51.052965; Longitude: 3.727149
What3Words: magpie.finishing.scary


Photo ID: 010748 Photo ID: 010788 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2013), and on time of last update (27/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sint-Pietersabdij (Saint Peters Abbey) Sint-Pietersabdij (Saint Peters Abbey) No Data


The remains of a once mighty abbey, today a mixture of museum, conference centre and university teaching space. You take a guided tour around the site using a video guide that tells you more about each area.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.042399; Longitude: 3.727005
What3Words: maximum.pining.island


Photo ID: 010825 Photo ID: 010826 Photo ID: 010827 Photo ID: 010828 Photo ID: 010829 Photo ID: 010830 Photo ID: 010831

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2013), and on time of last update (27/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Groot Begijnhof Groot Begijnhof No Data


Buildings of a former lay community (women who hadn't taken religious vows to become nuns). Today the elegant buildings form a quiet area to the South of the city centre arranged around an island in the river



Getting There

Latitude: 50.871705; Longitude: 4.697025
What3Words: truth.snore.animals


Photo ID: 018776 Photo ID: 018778 Photo ID: 018780 Photo ID: 018783 Photo ID: 018786 Photo ID: 018789 Photo ID: 018792

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2017), and on time of last update (04/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grote Markt Grote Markt No Data


The main city square bordered by St Peters Church and the Town Hall



Getting There

Latitude: 50.879238; Longitude: 4.700505
What3Words: homes.shakes.octopus


Photo ID: 018767 Photo ID: 018820 Photo ID: 018822 Photo ID: 018823 Photo ID: 018824 Photo ID: 018825 Photo ID: 018826

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2017), and on time of last update (04/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Klein Begijnhof Klein Begijnhof No Data


A smaller former lay community, made up of one main street



Getting There

Latitude: 50.88491; Longitude: 4.698862
What3Words: apples.liability.ribs


Photo ID: 018841 Photo ID: 018842 Photo ID: 018843 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2017), and on time of last update (04/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kruidtuin Kruidtuin No Data


The city's botanical gardens housing a wide range of plants including temperate and tropical greenhouses



Getting There

Latitude: 50.878057; Longitude: 4.69018
What3Words: visions.ages.books


Photo ID: 018794 Photo ID: 018795 Photo ID: 018796 Photo ID: 018798 Photo ID: 018799 Photo ID: 018800 Photo ID: 018802

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2017), and on time of last update (04/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oude Markt Oude Markt No Data


The old market square, today home to many of the city's bars and restaurants



Getting There

Latitude: 50.877926; Longitude: 4.699223
What3Words: apply.beast.yawned


Photo ID: 018772 Photo ID: 018774 Photo ID: 018775 Photo ID: 018827 Photo ID: 018828 Photo ID: 018829 Photo ID: 018830

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2017), and on time of last update (04/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sint-Pieterskerk Sint-Pieterskerk No Data


The largest church in the city centre, located on the Grote Markt. Inside the large a light church is a pleasant space. There is an exhibition of items from the churches treasury (additional charge)


Free, Charge to go into the Treasury

Getting There

Latitude: 50.87952; Longitude: 4.701415
What3Words: perfect.himself.meaning


Photo ID: 018768 Photo ID: 018769 Photo ID: 018771 Photo ID: 018821 Photo ID: 018846 Photo ID: 018849 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2017), and on time of last update (04/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stella Artois Brewery Tour Stella Artois Brewery Tour No Data


The Artois Brewery has been in the city for centuries, but it's most famous beer has only been being produced since 1926. The tour takes in the brewing process, the brew hall and bottling plant before ending in the brewery's bar where you can sample the product.


Charge - tickets must be brought in advance at the tourist information centre by the town hall, or online. There are no ticket purchasing facilities at the Brewery itself (it's approximately a 20 minute walk from the Town Hall to the Brewery)

Getting There

The brewery is located to the North East of the city centre, past the station. It is well signposted from the city centre. Head alongside the canal until you walk past the main works car park and then turn down the side road (Dijledreef) to reach the Brewery reception
Latitude: 50.889295; Longitude: 4.708446
What3Words: held.skip.heeding


Photo ID: 018805 Photo ID: 018807 Photo ID: 018809 Photo ID: 018813 Photo ID: 018814 Photo ID: 018816 Photo ID: 018817

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2017), and on time of last update (04/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belfort Belfort No Data


Located in the ancient medieval square the Bell Tower offers outstanding views over the whole of the medieval city and to the coast beyond



Getting There

Latitude: 51.208233; Longitude: 3.225152
What3Words: recover.umpires.cookies


Photo ID: 000366 Photo ID: 000367 Photo ID: 000368 Photo ID: 003216 Photo ID: 003246 Photo ID: 003247 Photo ID: 003248

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2008), and on time of last update (26/12/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Choco-Story Choco-Story No Data


The museum tells the history of chocolate from it's origins in South America through to modern day production. The exhibition includes a live demonstration of making chocolate, and an opportunity to sample the end product


Charge, Joint entry ticket with Friet Museum available

Getting There

Latitude: 51.2105; Longitude: 3.226392
What3Words: student.stars.turkeys


Photo ID: 003261 Photo ID: 003262 Photo ID: 003263 Photo ID: 003264 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2008), and on time of last update (26/12/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Church of Our Lady Church of Our Lady No Data


Church located by the side of the main canal which boasts an original Michelangelo statue (the Madonna with child)


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.204638; Longitude: 3.224667
What3Words: coaster.smile.vouch


Photo ID: 003250 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2008), and on time of last update (26/12/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Church of the Holy Blood Church of the Holy Blood No Data


Church located in the Burg. Split into two parts an upper, very ostentatious part and the lower more refined chapel.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.208154; Longitude: 3.226813
What3Words: glove.leaflet.viewing


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2004), and on time of last update (09/07/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City tour City tour No Data


A mini-bus tour through the heart of the medieval city centre taking in most of the key sites. Pre-recorded multi-lingual commentary, supported by a video show at the front of the bus for certain sights



Getting There

Latitude: 51.209053; Longitude: 3.224088
What3Words: wiggles.little.darting


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2008), and on time of last update (26/12/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Friet Museum Friet Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the cultivation of the potato, how it was brought to Europe and how the Chip, and the Belgium's love affair with it grew. The museum ends in the chip shop where you can sample some Friets


Charge, Joint entry ticket with Choco-Story available

Getting There

Latitude: 51.211002; Longitude: 3.224031
What3Words: bongo.verbs.vines


Photo ID: 003267 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2008), and on time of last update (26/12/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Halve Maan Brewery Halve Maan Brewery No Data


Located in the southern part of the city, this is the only remaining brewery with the city itself, making several thousand litres a month (as apposed to the big commercial companies making tens of thousands of litres a day). The tour of the brewery takes in the old brew-house which was in use up until the 1960's and takes you through the process of brewing beer in Belgium. Following the tour there is a chance to sample the end product



Getting There

Latitude: 51.202296; Longitude: 3.223959
What3Words: finger.sprawls.seasons


Photo ID: 003231 Photo ID: 003233 Photo ID: 003234 Photo ID: 003235 Photo ID: 003236 Photo ID: 003237 Photo ID: 003238

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2008), and on time of last update (26/12/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

River Tours River Tours No Data


30 minute long tours of the canals that leave from various points along the length but all follow the same course! They are a very good way of seeing the city and also for seeing it from a slightly different angle



Getting There

Latitude: 51.206872; Longitude: 3.226625
What3Words: staples.coughed.tennis


Photo ID: 000369 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2004), and on time of last update (09/07/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oostende: Kusttram Oostende: Kusttram No Data


The Costal tram runs virtually the whole length of the Belgium cost, from Knokke near the Dutch boarder to De Pane near the French Boarder. Along the way it passes through spectacular scenery with the dunes of the Belgium coast dominating the landscape.


You can buy a day, three day or seven day card for unlimited travel up and down the line

Getting There

There are regular direct trains from Brugge to Oostende, taking about 15 minutes
Latitude: 51.22783; Longitude: 2.925239
What3Words: spoiler.lots.hunches


Photo ID: 003274 Photo ID: 003275 Photo ID: 003276 Photo ID: 003277 Photo ID: 003278 Photo ID: 003279 Photo ID: 003280

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2008), and on time of last update (26/12/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

De Panne De Panne No Data


Located just north of the border with France, this whole stretch of coast played a vital role in both World Wars. During WWI it was the HQ of the Belgium government, and the only part of the country not captured by the Germans. In World War II it's dunes, and the system that runs to beyond Dunkirk in France protected the retreating allied soldiers and helped to create the miracle of Dunkirk. Today it is a major beach resort on the Belgium coast, but you can still see the dunes that provided so much protection.


Getting There

To get there from Brugge it's a complicated trip by train, having to go quite a way back into Belgium before being able to come back again. The easiest way is to get the train to Oostende and pick up the costal tram down to De Panne (it's about 15 minutes to Oostende, and then another 90 or so on the tram)
Latitude: 51.099426; Longitude: 2.591743
What3Words: ladders.buck.career


Photo ID: 003279 Photo ID: 003280 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2008), and on time of last update (26/12/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heist Heist No Data


The main costal resort on the Northern part of the Belgium coast has miles upon miles of white sand beaches.


Getting There

Trains run from Brugge to either Knokke, Blankenberge Or Oostende from where you can pick up the costal tram. Knokke is considerably closer, but there are more trains to Oostende
Latitude: 51.099426; Longitude: 2.591743
What3Words: ladders.buck.career


Photo ID: 003274 Photo ID: 003275 Photo ID: 003276 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2008), and on time of last update (26/12/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knokke Knokke No Data


Located just south of the border with the Netherlands. Knokke town centre is set back from the coast (the coast area is actually called Knokke-Heist merging with the costal town of Heist), but has a train station with direct trains back to Brugge and beyond.


Getting There

There are direct trains from Brugge to Knokke
Latitude: 51.339915; Longitude: 3.285341
What3Words: amuses.kicked.headed


Photo ID: 003273 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2008), and on time of last update (26/12/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oostende Oostende No Data


A major port town on the Belgium coast, with a lively fishing harbour, good restaurants and a convenient place to reach the rest of the coast from


Getting There

There are regular direct trains from Brugge to Oostende, taking about 15 minutes
Latitude: 51.222798; Longitude: 2.913437
What3Words: tonic.vowing.proper


Photo ID: 003272 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2008), and on time of last update (26/12/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wenduine Wenduine No Data


Situated on the Belgium coast Wenduine lies between two large runs of spectacular sand dunes.


Getting There

To get to Wenduine you need to catch the Costal tram from either Oostende, Knokke or Blankenberge to Wenduine. There are trains from Brugge to either of these locations. Blankenberge is closest to Wenduine, but there are more trains to Oostende.
Latitude: 51.222798; Longitude: 2.913437
What3Words: tonic.vowing.proper


Photo ID: 003277 Photo ID: 003278 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2008), and on time of last update (26/12/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fort Napoleon Fort Napoleon No Data


Originally built during the Napoleonic era to protect this part of the coast from attack by the English. It was never used for its original purpose and has gone through several cycles of decline, dilapidation and then repair and renovation. At the start of WWI the occupying Germans had to dig the fort out from the dunes that had all but consumed it. After being turned into a museum between the wars it was taken back over by the occupying Nazi forces during WWII. Following on from the war it had various lives including as a climbing centre before falling into almost total ruin by the early 1990's when it was rescued by the regional heritage agency who have restored the fort back to how it would have looked in the days of the Napoleonic era, as well as adding in modern touches such as an modern extension housing a bistro with a sun deck.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.238989; Longitude: 2.934362
What3Words: wipes.comment.impaired


Photo ID: 022586 Photo ID: 022588 Photo ID: 022591 Photo ID: 022595 Photo ID: 022597 Photo ID: 022601 Photo ID: 022604

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2018), and on time of last update (26/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ijslanfvaarder Amandine Ijslanfvaarder Amandine No Data


The last of the Oostende Icelandic trawlers it has been preserved as a museum in dry dock. In the museum element you can wander around the keel of the ship and find out more information on the history of the Icelandic fishing fleet. Entering through a hole cut in the keel you climb up through the boat to the deck and the bridge



Getting There

Latitude: 51.229404; Longitude: 2.924026
What3Words: grid.tunes.eats


Photo ID: 022629 Photo ID: 022630 Photo ID: 022635 Photo ID: 022636 Photo ID: 022637 Photo ID: 022369 Photo ID: 022640

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/04/2018), and on time of last update (26/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Koningspark Koningspark No Data


A small park located just back from the seafront in the west of the city, including a tranquil Japanese garden.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.22696; Longitude: 2.906734
What3Words: thrones.intro.prance


Photo ID: 022650 Photo ID: 022652 Photo ID: 022654 Photo ID: 022656 Photo ID: 022657 Photo ID: 022658 Photo ID: 022660

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/04/2018), and on time of last update (26/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kusttram Kusttram No Data


The Kusttram (Coastal tram) runs virtually the entire length of the Belgium coast from De Panne on the border with France to Knokke-Heist on the Dutch border, with the centre of the route forming the local tram service through Oostende. Along the way the route passes through amazing coastal scenery and all of the Belgium coastal resorts. With regular departures during the summer months (and departures every 20 minutes in the winter) it's easy to get a day or multi-day pass and hop on and off up and down the coast.


It's worth getting either a one, three, five or seven day ticket from the vending machines or kiosks at many of the stops. You can also buy these from the driver, but they are more expensive.

Getting There

Latitude: 51.230772; Longitude: 2.914421
What3Words: sands.noted.whispers


Photo ID: 012406 Photo ID: 012408 Photo ID: 012409 Photo ID: 012441 Photo ID: 012442 Photo ID: 022556 Photo ID: 022608

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2018), and on time of last update (26/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Noordzeeaquarium Noordzeeaquarium No Data


This small aquarium houses exhibits of the sea creatures that are generally found in the North Sea, including cod, shrimp and lobsters. There are a number of tanks with species in them, and several exhibition cases of stuffed marine life.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.23274; Longitude: 2.922538
What3Words: fixture.corner.learning


Photo ID: 022613 Photo ID: 022614 Photo ID: 022615 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/04/2018), and on time of last update (26/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oostends Historisch Museum/Stadsmuseum Oostende Oostends Historisch Museum/Stadsmuseum Oostende No Data


Located in the house that was once occupied by the royal family from the 1830s onwards, including being the location where Queen Louise died after suffering from TB. Today it houses the city museum which has exhibitions on royal connection, as well as on the history of the city and the role of both fishing and the Oostende-Dover ferry service on the fortunes of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.233321; Longitude: 2.918169
What3Words: glitter.princes.reinforce


Photo ID: 022617 Photo ID: 022618 Photo ID: 022619 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/04/2018), and on time of last update (26/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Raversyde Anno 1465 Raversyde Anno 1465 No Data


This museum has rebuilt buildings from the 15th century fishing village of Walraversijde which was abandoned in the 16th century. Today three houses and the bakery have been reconstructed using original bricks. The museum has a large number of archaeological artefacts uncovered during the works


Charge, Joint ticket for Raversyde Atlantikwall and Raversyde Anno 1465 available

Getting There

From the centre of Oostende take a number 68 or 69 bus to Domein Raversijde stop opposite the Anno 1465 museum. Alternatively take a De Panne bound tram to the Domein Raversijde stop (its impossible to miss look for the fortifications on the top of the dunes as the tram approaches the stop) and walk up over the dunes, past the Atlantikwall museum and through the scenic park. The journey takes about 15 minutes from Oostende to the bus or tram stops
Latitude: 51.198646; Longitude: 2.849023
What3Words: chimney.media.gerbil


Photo ID: 022576 Photo ID: 022577 Photo ID: 022578 Photo ID: 022579 Photo ID: 022580 Photo ID: 022581 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2018), and on time of last update (26/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Raversyde Atlantikwall Raversyde Atlantikwall No Data


The museum, housed in buildings used by Prince Charles, the Prince Regent, between 1945 and 1950, tells the story of the Atlantic wall - the line of defences built by Hitler from the top of Norway to the south of France and round the Channel Islands to protect fortress Europe from the British. In the end the defences in Raversyde were never used, but such was the success of the Allied deception operation that had the Nazi's believing D-Day was only a diversion for several weeks, it continued to be built up into the August of 1944. Outside of the museum you can walk around a large part of the fortifications to see the vast amount of work that went into the site.


Charge, Joint ticket for Raversyde Atlantikwall and Raversyde Anno 1465 available

Getting There

From the centre of Oostende take a De Panne bound tram to the Domein Raversijde stop (its impossible to miss look for the fortifications on the top of the dunes as the tram approaches the stop). The journey takes about 15 minutes from the centre of Oostende. Alternatively take the number 68 or 69 bus to Domein Raversijde stop opposite the Anno 1465 museum and walk through the scenic park
Latitude: 51.200623; Longitude: 2.847342
What3Words: agencies.hotline.cloth


Photo ID: 022559 Photo ID: 022563 Photo ID: 022565 Photo ID: 022566 Photo ID: 022567 Photo ID: 022571 Photo ID: 022572

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2018), and on time of last update (26/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zielschip Mercator Zielschip Mercator No Data


This large sailing ship is in dock in the Mercator yacht harbour and is open to be visited. A signed route takes your round most of the ship.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.226719; Longitude: 2.91939
What3Words: directs.correct.conclude


Photo ID: 022641 Photo ID: 022642 Photo ID: 022644 Photo ID: 022645 Photo ID: 022646 Photo ID: 022647 Photo ID: 022648

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/04/2018), and on time of last update (26/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

In Flanders Fields Museum In Flanders Fields Museum No Data


Located in the former Cloth Hall the museum tells the history of the battles around Ypres during the Great War. Starting at the end of the Belle Époque the museum charts the road to war across Europe and the impact of the war not just on the soldiers but on the citizens and towns of Flanders. It tells the story from the view of medics, and the front line soldiers. In places the museum is harrowing and after more than two hours walking round you feel emotionally drained, but this is a must visit for anyone coming to this part of the world



Getting There

Latitude: 50.851186; Longitude: 2.885881
What3Words: cloud.return.sweeping


Photo ID: 016951 Photo ID: 016955 Photo ID: 016956 Photo ID: 016957 Photo ID: 016959 Photo ID: 016960 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Last Post Ceremony Last Post Ceremony No Data


Held every evening at 8pm (as it has been since July 1928, only interrupted by WWII during which time the service took place at Brookwood Cemetery in the UK) this short service commemorates all those who lost their lives in the First World War. At it's simplest the ceremony involves the playing of the last post and is incredibly moving.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.852071; Longitude: 2.891264
What3Words: blazers.behind.triads


Photo ID: 016946 Photo ID: 016947 Photo ID: 016949 Photo ID: 016972 Photo ID: 016973 Photo ID: 016974 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Menin Gate Menin Gate No Data


Built to replace the original city gate that was destroyed during the bombardment of Ieper during the war this monumental arch lists the names of 54,395 Commonwealth soldiers who died in the Ypres Salient but whose bodies were never identified.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.85203; Longitude: 2.891021
What3Words: lakes.inferior.undulation


Photo ID: 016888 Photo ID: 016890 Photo ID: 016891 Photo ID: 016892 Photo ID: 016949 Photo ID: 016950 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ramparts Ramparts No Data


Running for nearly 3Km round half of the city the Ramparts are all that remain of a much larger set of fortifications that once surrounded the city. From the top of the ramparts there are excellent views over the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.844803; Longitude: 2.891955
What3Words: them.explorer.jeering


Photo ID: 016902 Photo ID: 016904 Photo ID: 016915 Photo ID: 016917 Photo ID: 016921 Photo ID: 016927 Photo ID: 016970

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sint-Maartenskathedraal Sint-Maartenskathedraal No Data


It's hard to imagine that this Cathedral has been completely rebuilt to its original plan after total destruction in WW1.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.851736; Longitude: 2.885132
What3Words: served.quest.ambition


Photo ID: 016859 Photo ID: 016861 Photo ID: 016862 Photo ID: 016863 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stedelijk Museum Stedelijk Museum No Data


The city museum houses a collection of paintings and artefacts related to the city, including a video charting the history of the city from it's founding to the modern day.


Charge, Free with an ticket for In Flanders Fields

Getting There

Latitude: 50.845545; Longitude: 2.889247
What3Words: quiet.outraged.huddle


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Passendale: Tyne Cot Cemetery Passendale: Tyne Cot Cemetery No Data


This is the largest cemetery for Commonwealth forces in the world and the sea of headstones gives a sharp reminder of the scale of death that the Great War imposed on those fighting in it. The cemetery is set around a former German pillbox, over which the ceremonial cross has been constructed. What makes the site all the more moving is the number of graves that have no name or details, just the simple line 'A soldier of the Great War, Known unto God'



Getting There

The number 94 bus runs from Ieper Station to Tyne Cot bus stop (about every hour, 28 minute) from where it’s a five minute walk to the cemetery
Latitude: 50.887273; Longitude: 2.999447
What3Words: twinning.hand.macaroon


Photo ID: 016869 Photo ID: 016871 Photo ID: 016872 Photo ID: 016873 Photo ID: 016874 Photo ID: 016875 Photo ID: 016876

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Passendale: Tyne Cot Visitors Centre Passendale: Tyne Cot Visitors Centre No Data


Located just behind the cemetery is a small visitors centre that has some background to the battle for the site, and to the cemetery. All the time a single voice reads out just the name and age at death of soldiers.



Getting There

The number 94 bus runs from Ieper Station to Tyne Cot bus stop (about every hour, 28 minute) from where it’s a five minute walk to the cemetery
Latitude: 50.888515; Longitude: 3.000167
What3Words: overshot.bursting.disco


Photo ID: 016868 Photo ID: 016877 Photo ID: 016879 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Poperinge: Hop Museum Poperinge: Hop Museum No Data


Poperinge is the centre of the Belgium Hop industry, which given the Belgium passion for beer making makes it an important town. The museum tells the story of the Hop and the building that the museum is housed in the former City scales.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.855261; Longitude: 2.721996
What3Words: risks.symphony.droplet


Photo ID: 016935 Photo ID: 016936 Photo ID: 016937 Photo ID: 016938 Photo ID: 016393 Photo ID: 016940 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zillebeke: Hooge Crater Museum Zillebeke: Hooge Crater Museum No Data


This small museum tells the story of the battles that took place around this area, opposite is a small Commonwealth cemetery



Getting There

The number 84 bus runs from the Station and the Markt out to Zillebeke. The bus stop is located about 300m beyond the museum outside the theme park. Buses run around once an hour and take just over 10 minutes from Markt.
Latitude: 50.846595; Longitude: 2.943443
What3Words: metals.monetary.sings


Photo ID: 016896 Photo ID: 016897 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zonnebeke: Memorial Museum Passchendaele Zonnebeke: Memorial Museum Passchendaele No Data


The museum tells the history of the 3rd Ypres battle, better known as Passendale (or Passchendaele). This was a 100 day battle that moved the front line just 8KM forward and cost nearly a quarter of a million Commonwealth lives (and a similar number of German lives). The museum includes the reconstruction of a large dugout that soldiers would have lived in on the front line and a reconstruction of both a German and a British trench system.



Getting There

The number 94 bus runs from Ieper Station to the Plaats bus stop in Zonnebeke located a few yards from the museum (about every hour, 25 minute)
Latitude: 50.870787; Longitude: 2.988718
What3Words: worksheet.jealousy.fuses


Photo ID: 016881 Photo ID: 016882 Photo ID: 016883 Photo ID: 016884 Photo ID: 016885 Photo ID: 016886 Photo ID: 016887

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Flanders Fields Flanders Fields No Data


The whole area around Ieper (or Ypres as it was more commonly known at the time of WWI) was one of the bloodiest battlefields where the front line moved the least and the bodies mounted fastest. From just one offensive - the 3rd battle of Ypres, the death toll approached a quarter of a million men on each side. The whole countryside is littered with war graves as a memorial to the men who died, many of whom were never identified.


There are no charges to enter the Commonwealth War Graves sites, though museums in the area do charge entry fees.

Getting There

With the exception of Poperinge which is on the train line most other locations require the use of buses. Some sites are not easily accessible by public transport in which case joining a battlefields tour may be the only way to get to all the sites.
Latitude: 50.851471; Longitude: 2.887108
What3Words: examples.stove.curry


Photo ID: 016868 Photo ID: 016872 Photo ID: 016878 Photo ID: 016880 Photo ID: 016892 Photo ID: 016896 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Poperinge Poperinge No Data


Located around 10Km West of Ieper, Poperinge is the centre of the Belgium hop industry with around 90% of all of Belgium's hops grown in the locality. On the journey into the town you pass countless fields set up for hop growing (in March when I went it was just the bare hop wires and poles, by late summer the towering hops would be clearly visible.) The town itself shows off its wealth with a very pretty Grote Markt. During the war Pops as it was known to the British forces was sufficiently far back from the frontline to be a location for relaxation and recuperation, though of course large numbers still succumbed to their wounds in the town.


Getting There

Trains run every hour from Ieper to Poperinge taking around 7 minutes to make the journey. The station in Poperinge is about a 10 minute walk from the centre of town. Alternatively the number 60 bus runs roughly every hour and takes around 20 minutes to reach the very centre of Poperinge at the Grote Markt
Latitude: 50.855715; Longitude: 2.726449
What3Words: splice.trout.translate


Photo ID: 016941 Photo ID: 016942 Photo ID: 016943 Photo ID: 016944 Photo ID: 016945 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/03/2016), and on time of last update (03/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kusttram Kusttram No Data


The Kusttram (Coastal tram) runs virtually the entire length of the Belgium coast from De Panne on the border with France to Knokke-Heist on the Dutch border. Along the way the route passes through amazing coastal scenery and all of the Belgium coastal resorts. With regular departures during the summer months (and departures every 20 minutes in the winter) it's easy to get a day or multi-day pass and hop on and off up and down the coast


It's worth getting either a one, three, five or seven day ticket from the vending machines or kiosks at many of the stops. You can also buy these from the driver, but they are more expensive.

Getting There

Latitude: 51.331803; Longitude: 3.206369
What3Words: optimum.gaffer.leap


Photo ID: 012406 Photo ID: 012408 Photo ID: 012409 Photo ID: 012441 Photo ID: 012442 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

De Panne De Panne No Data


The start (or end) of the line. Located near the French border there are connections to Dunkerque. The link to Dunkerque is all the more significant in that De Panne also played its part as an evacuation beach of Allied troops as the miracle of the little boats took place to spirit the army out of the hands of the Nazi's as they advanced through France and Belgium. Today De Panne has a large number of sights, including a Kusttram museum. The prom has some of the more expensive restaurants along the coast.


Getting There

From Zeebrugge journey time is around 2 hours
Latitude: 51.099839; Longitude: 2.579955
What3Words: pillow.woods.crawling


Photo ID: 012407 Photo ID: 012410 Photo ID: 012412 Photo ID: 012414 Photo ID: 012416 Photo ID: 012417 Photo ID: 012418

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Koksijde Koksijde No Data


A wide sandy beach the slowly gives way to dunes at the Eastern end. The seafront has a large number of reasonably priced restaurants


Getting There

From Zeebrugge journey time is around 1 hour 50 minutes
Latitude: 51.120821; Longitude: 2.633221
What3Words: darkest.teams.changed


Photo ID: 012419 Photo ID: 012420 Photo ID: 012421 Photo ID: 012422 Photo ID: 012423 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oostduinkerke Oostduinkerke No Data


From Koksijde to Oostduinkerke the beach is boarded by an impressive set of sand dunes that you can wander through. The walk between the two resorts takes around 40 minutes but is very pleasant. Beach side at Oostduinkerke appeared to be more residential with the main shops and restaurants set a street back on the same road the trams run along


Getting There

From Zeebrugge journey time is around 1 hour 35 minutes
Latitude: 51.132827; Longitude: 2.671319
What3Words: apple.terms.backyard


Photo ID: 012424 Photo ID: 012425 Photo ID: 012426 Photo ID: 012427 Photo ID: 012428 Photo ID: 012429 Photo ID: 012430

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nieuwpoort Nieuwpoort No Data


Located at the mouth of the Yser river Nieuwpoort is the only time the tram really leaves the seaside as it heads inland to cross the river. A land train runs tours round the centre of town, and there are river cruises into a nearby nature reserve


Getting There

From Zeebrugge journey time is around 1 hour 25 minutes
Latitude: 51.150299; Longitude: 2.720851
What3Words: mailmen.drilling.snuggled


Photo ID: 012431 Photo ID: 012432 Photo ID: 012433 Photo ID: 012434 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Westende Westende No Data


Back onto the coast beyond Nieuwpoort the trams run one street behind the seafront through the town and then move onto the promenade once out of town. Another location with a wide sandy beach


Getting There

From Zeebrugge journey time is around 1 hour 20 minutes
Latitude: 51.171356; Longitude: 2.775095
What3Words: tributes.provisional.foxhole


Photo ID: 012435 Photo ID: 012436 Photo ID: 012437 Photo ID: 012438 Photo ID: 012439 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Middlekerke Middlekerke No Data


Middlekerke is a resort set around the Casio that forms the centre of the town dominating the sea front and visible from some way in both directions


Getting There

From Zeebrugge journey time is around 1 hour 15 minutes
Latitude: 51.18735; Longitude: 2.813739
What3Words: defended.rent.potato


Photo ID: 012440 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Raversijde Raversijde No Data


By Raversijde the trams are running along the sea front with dunes moving away in land. Along this stretch are remains of the Atlantic Wall, built in the First World War and heavily strengthened by the Nazi's in WWII. An open-air museum of the fortifications is a short walk from the tram stop


Getting There

From Zeebrugge journey time is around 1 hour 10 minutes
Latitude: 51.200932; Longitude: 2.844552
What3Words: coffeehouse.amended.starlit


Photo ID: 012443 Photo ID: 012444 Photo ID: 012445 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oostende Oostende No Data


The main town on the coast and the main railhead back to Brussels (though train connections are also available at De Panne, Blankenberge, Zeebrugge and Knokke). There are several sights in town, including the impressive church that dominates the skyline. As it's a large town/city there are plenty of options for eating and drinking


Getting There

From Zeebrugge journey time is around 55 minutes
Latitude: 51.230851; Longitude: 2.914043
What3Words: sprawls.metals.horses


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

De Haan De Haan No Data


Perhaps the prettiest town on the coast, nestling between the dunes the only downside to the town is it's encirclement by the main coast road. A short walk from the prom and you are into the dunes that dominate this part of the coast


Getting There

From Zeebrugge journey time is around 30 minutes
Latitude: 51.274802; Longitude: 3.030582
What3Words: shapes.submits.translated


Photo ID: 012446 Photo ID: 012447 Photo ID: 012448 Photo ID: 012449 Photo ID: 012450 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wenduine Wenduine No Data


Nestling at the end of the run of dunes from De Haan, Wenduine comes back to the extended prom and beach formula


Getting There

From Zeebrugge journey time is around 20 minutes
Latitude: 51.301045; Longitude: 3.076416
What3Words: necked.screening.secrecy


Photo ID: 012451 Photo ID: 012452 Photo ID: 012453 Photo ID: 012454 Photo ID: 012455 Photo ID: 012456 Photo ID: 012457

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blankenberge Blankenberge No Data


The main resort town on the coast with a vast number of seafront café's, restaurants, kiosks and more. Land trains tour the town and you can even take a stroll down Belgium's only pier


Getting There

From Zeebrugge journey time is around 10 minutes
Latitude: 51.316652; Longitude: 3.129682
What3Words: flank.flips.magnum


Photo ID: 012403 Photo ID: 012458 Photo ID: 012459 Photo ID: 012460 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knokke-Heist Knokke-Heist No Data


The last town on the coast heading north is actually two towns. Knokke about 2Km inland houses the train station whilst Heist is the coastal resort. From here buses connect into the southern parts of the Netherlands


Getting There

From Zeebrugge journey time is around 10 minutes
Latitude: 51.341301; Longitude: 3.240294
What3Words: basing.earplug.consulates


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/07/2014), and on time of last update (13/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ancient Serdica: Inside area Ancient Serdica: Inside area No Data


A significant portion of the excavations are underneath the main North South road and this space has been turned into an enclosed space. This includes a number of mosaics as well as lead pipes in their original Roman locations, along with a couple of the original streets of the Roman city.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.699009; Longitude: 23.322295
What3Words: rattler.taking.observe


Photo ID: 028962 Photo ID: 028964 Photo ID: 028965 Photo ID: 028966 Photo ID: 028969 Photo ID: 028970 Photo ID: 028975

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2019), and on time of last update (20/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ancient Serdica: Outside area Ancient Serdica: Outside area No Data


The ruins of the old Western gate and parts of the walls of ancient Serdica are now located underneath one of the main traffic intersections in the city centre. They form part of a large subway/underpass - meaning you just stumble across them as you cross the road.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.697599; Longitude: 23.323787
What3Words: toffee.sobs.crimson


Photo ID: 028929 Photo ID: 028932 Photo ID: 028958 Photo ID: 028960 Photo ID: 028961 Photo ID: 028979 Photo ID: 028980

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/10/2019), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Boyana Church Boyana Church No Data


A small church located in what was at one time a separate village from the city, and home to the houses of many of the wealthiest people of the region - hence the money available to richly decorate the inside of the church with frescos. Due to the nature of the art work only 10 people at a time are allowed inside and all photography/filming is strictly banned (and it is enforced!)



Getting There

The Church is a stop on routes 64 and 107 that run into the suburbs from the South Western side of the city
Latitude: 42.644638; Longitude: 23.266153
What3Words: shopper.mimics.chats


Photo ID: 049856 Photo ID: 049858 Photo ID: 049859 Photo ID: 049861 Photo ID: 049862 Photo ID: 049863 Photo ID: 049864

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing Sofia City Sightseeing Sofia No Data


A circular bus tour of central Sofia, taking in the key sights starting from behind the Aleksandar Nevski Cathedral. An onboard guide gives a full narration as you travel round in English. The journey is in an open-top coach



Getting There

Latitude: 42.695732; Longitude: 23.333924
What3Words: fire.similar.impulse


Photo ID: 028943 Photo ID: 028944 Photo ID: 028945 Photo ID: 028946 Photo ID: 028947 Photo ID: 028948 Photo ID: 028950

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2019), and on time of last update (20/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eagle Bridge Eagle Bridge No Data


Note quite as impressive as the Lion's Bridge in part because it's still a major thoroughfare with the main road running across it, At each corner of the bridge is a column on the top of which is an eagle with it's wings spread. The impressiveness of the bridge is in contrast to the small stream, the Perlovska which flows underneath.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.690513; Longitude: 23.337515
What3Words: scoring.grin.announce


Photo ID: 050034 Photo ID: 050035 Photo ID: 050036 Photo ID: 050037 Photo ID: 050038 Photo ID: 050039 Photo ID: 050040

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Golyam Rezen peak Golyam Rezen peak No Data


The peak is one of the highest points in the Sofia region with an altitude of 2290m. From here there are excellent views over the capital and the surrounding area. Its easy to spot key sights in the city centre, and also to take in quite how small and compact the city is compared to some other European capitals



Getting There

The peak is reached in a short walk from the top of Vitoshko Lale 2.
Latitude: 42.564365; Longitude: 23.291101
What3Words: action.reviewed.intend


Photo ID: 029061 Photo ID: 029062 Photo ID: 029063 Photo ID: 029064 Photo ID: 029065 Photo ID: 029066 Photo ID: 029067

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/10/2019), and on time of last update (20/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lions' Bridge Lions' Bridge No Data


An impressive bridge with four lions, one on each corner, over the Vladaya River. The main part of the bridge is now only for trams and pedestrians with all other vehicles routed around it on a roundabout making it more pleasant to wander around.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.705085; Longitude: 23.323958
What3Words: shave.hometown.unless


Photo ID: 050022 Photo ID: 050024 Photo ID: 050026 Photo ID: 050027 Photo ID: 050028 Photo ID: 050032 Photo ID: 050033

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lovers Bridge Lovers Bridge No Data


What could be quite a utilitarian bridge linking the National Palace of Culture Park to the southern parks of the city over a busy part of the inner ring road, it has instead been turned into an outdoor exhibition area, with large display boards showing rotating exhibitions. From the bridge there are also good views of the mountains in the distance.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.68276; Longitude: 23.320194
What3Words: multiple.managers.dozen


Photo ID: 029023 Photo ID: 029024 Photo ID: 029025 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/10/2019), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Archaeological Museum National Archaeological Museum No Data


The museum is built into a former Ottoman era mosque next to the presidential palace in the heart of the city. Inside are a large collection of objects and artefacts from the prehistoric periods through to the Roman era with a large number of funerary monuments and busts.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.696361; Longitude: 23.324588
What3Words: foiled.nasal.faded


Photo ID: 028995 Photo ID: 028999 Photo ID: 029001 Photo ID: 029002 Photo ID: 029004 Photo ID: 029007 Photo ID: 029010

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2019), and on time of last update (20/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Palace of Culture Park National Palace of Culture Park No Data


One of the parks closest to the centre of the city, and located around the Palace of Culture. The park includes an impressive avenue of fountains and the Temple of Bulgarian Martyrs



Getting There

Latitude: 42.686323; Longitude: 23.31921
What3Words: overnight.elevator.tailed


Photo ID: 029016 Photo ID: 029018 Photo ID: 029019 Photo ID: 029020 Photo ID: 029088 Photo ID: 029089 Photo ID: 029090

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/10/2019), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North-East Corner Round Tower North-East Corner Round Tower No Data


Small set of ruins of the North East Tower of the old walls of Serdica, you can't go down into the ruins, but they can be viewed from street level.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.699628; Longitude: 23.324951
What3Words: dare.grumble.daunting


Photo ID: 029108 Photo ID: 029109 Photo ID: 029110 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/10/2019), and on time of last update (20/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Saint Aleksandar Nevski Cathedral Saint Aleksandar Nevski Cathedral No Data


The impressive golden domed cathedral located on the Eastern side of the old city. Inside it’s a very ornate space with lots of icons. This is the primary church of the Bulgarian Orthodox church - so their equivalent of St Peters in the Vatican, so the impressive show is unsurprising.


Free, Charge to take photos

Getting There

Latitude: 42.695814; Longitude: 23.332869
What3Words: inner.poet.concerts


Photo ID: 028871 Photo ID: 028874 Photo ID: 028878 Photo ID: 028879 Photo ID: 028880 Photo ID: 028881 Photo ID: 028895

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/10/2019), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Simeonovo Gondola Lift Simeonovo Gondola Lift No Data


The Gondola lifts run up through two intermediate stations (though the first station is numbered both 2 and 3 as the cars switch from one cable to another inside the station. The total journey to the upper 5th station takes about 30 minutes and covers a distance of over 6KM (and an elevation of well over a 1KM as well)


Charge, joint ticket for the Gondola and the two chairlifts available

Getting There

From the centre of town take the Blue line metro to the end of the line at Vitosha and change there onto the 122 bus which terminates at the Gondola lift. The bus only runs on days the lift is operating. Alternatively take the Red metro line to G. M. Dimitrov and change there onto a 123 bus, which again terminates at the Gondola lift - this bus runs every day, including days when the lift isn't operating. Journey time for both routes from the centre of town is around 30-60 minutes depending on how well the connections work.
Latitude: 42.616608; Longitude: 23.348594
What3Words: happy.quieter.natural


Photo ID: 029026 Photo ID: 029029 Photo ID: 029031 Photo ID: 029032 Photo ID: 029039 Photo ID: 029083 Photo ID: 029087

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/10/2019), and on time of last update (20/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sofia History Museum Sofia History Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of Sofia and the surrounding area from prehistoric times through it's Roman and Ottoman growth to the capital of a modern country during the first part of the 20th century.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.699351; Longitude: 23.323667
What3Words: salon.drainage.shunts


Photo ID: 028953 Photo ID: 028954 Photo ID: 028956 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2019), and on time of last update (20/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. George Archaeological Ruins St. George Archaeological Ruins No Data


Located in the grounds of the church are more of the ruins of the old Roman city, including an impressive hypocaust and evidence of the sewerage system



Getting There

Latitude: 42.696815; Longitude: 23.323369
What3Words: alarm.trunk.playful


Photo ID: 028938 Photo ID: 028987 Photo ID: 028988 Photo ID: 028989 Photo ID: 028990 Photo ID: 028991 Photo ID: 028993

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/10/2019), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. George Rotunda St. George Rotunda No Data


The oldest still functioning building in the city - from the 4th century - this small round church has an impressive interior with a large number of icons in a small space



Getting There

Latitude: 42.696904; Longitude: 23.322901
What3Words: printer.smirks.passage


Photo ID: 028937 Photo ID: 028983 Photo ID: 028984 Photo ID: 028986 Photo ID: 028992 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/10/2019), and on time of last update (20/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Sofia Church St. Sofia Church No Data


An impressive 6th century Byzantine church that's still in daily use after some 1500 years.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.696507; Longitude: 23.331552
What3Words: huddled.gazette.idea


Photo ID: 028902 Photo ID: 028903 Photo ID: 028904 Photo ID: 028905 Photo ID: 028906 Photo ID: 028909 Photo ID: 029098

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/10/2019), and on time of last update (20/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Sofia Church: The Crypt St. Sofia Church: The Crypt No Data


Located in the crypt of St Sofia this museum houses a number of tombs as well as parts of the ruins of the ancient Roman city. There are even some impressive mosaics located towards the rear of the crypt.


Charge, Additional charge to take photos

Getting There

Latitude: 42.696628; Longitude: 23.331312
What3Words: lunch.pickles.hits


Photo ID: 028907 Photo ID: 028908 Photo ID: 028910 Photo ID: 028911 Photo ID: 028912 Photo ID: 028915 Photo ID: 028917

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/10/2019), and on time of last update (20/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Traventuria Rila Monastery Tour Traventuria Rila Monastery Tour No Data


A daily tour that leaves from behind the Aleksandar Nevski cathedral and starts by travelling out for two hours to the Rila Monastery where there is a chance to look around and grab a quick bite to eat in the two hour stop. The coach then travels back towards Sofia, stopping in the suburbs to visit the Boyana Church and it's frescos before a final 30 minute drive back to the starting point. You can pay just for the coach with no guiding, for the coach and an audio guide or for the coach and an English Language guide. If there are multiple coaches operating some will go to the Boyana Church first to ease the numbers at this site.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.695615; Longitude: 23.33366
What3Words: tiles.boating.register


Photo ID: 049798 Photo ID: 049805 Photo ID: 049806 Photo ID: 049816 Photo ID: 049820 Photo ID: 049856 Photo ID: 049860

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vitoshko Lale 1 Vitoshko Lale 1 No Data


This chairlift is predominantly used in the skiing season, but during summer it can be taken to help get you to the peak of the mountain. The lift climbs several hundred meters over it's 1.3KM length. The ride back down is probably more impressive than the ride up as you can get a full vista of the city


Charge, joint ticket for the Gondola and the two chairlifts available

Getting There

From the centre of town take the Blue line metro to the end of the line at Vitosha and change there onto the 166 to the end of the line at the foot of the chairlift. Alternatively take the Simeonovo gondola lift to station 4 (NOT the top station) and then it's a short walk down some steps to the base station
Latitude: 42.586162; Longitude: 23.303948
What3Words: spared.keeps.reversed


Photo ID: 029047 Photo ID: 029048 Photo ID: 029051 Photo ID: 029078 Photo ID: 029079 Photo ID: 029080 Photo ID: 029081

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/10/2019), and on time of last update (20/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vitoshko Lale 2 Vitoshko Lale 2 No Data


This chairlift is predominantly used in the skiing season, but during summer it can be taken to help get you to the peak of the mountain. The lift starts right next door to the top station of Vitoshko Lale 1 so it's a very easy change from one lift to the other The lift climbs several hundred meters over it's 1.3KM length. The ride back down is probably more impressive than the ride up as you can get a full vista of the city and the peaks of the surrounding mountains.


Charge, joint ticket for the Gondola and the two chairlifts available

Getting There

There is no direct access to this lift, the fastest way is to take Vitoshko Lale 1 up to the top where it connects directly with this lift. Alternatively take the Simenovo Gondola Lift to the top station and then it’s a good 20 minute very steep walk up to the base station.
Latitude: 42.576986; Longitude: 23.29485
What3Words: tuxedos.wage.detail


Photo ID: 029052 Photo ID: 029055 Photo ID: 029058 Photo ID: 029059 Photo ID: 029060 Photo ID: 029070 Photo ID: 027075

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/10/2019), and on time of last update (20/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

V-Travel: Plovdiv Day Tour V-Travel: Plovdiv Day Tour No Data


A full day tour departing from Sofia early in the morning and heading directly to Plovdiv, the second city of the country. After a 2-hour drive you arrive in Plovdiv where the driver/guide conducts a two hour walking tour round the city pointing out the key sights, before you have another 2 hours free time to explore further and to grab lunch. After free time you meet back up close to the Forum and drive the 25 minutes or so to the Asens fortress which you spend about 30 minutes looking round before the two hour drive back to Sofia



Getting There

Latitude: 42.698942; Longitude: 23.322241
What3Words: locked.rigid.shuttle


Photo ID: 049891 Photo ID: 049895 Photo ID: 049903 Photo ID: 049921 Photo ID: 049931 Photo ID: 049939 Photo ID: 049986

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Asens Fortress Asens Fortress No Data


A large fortress protecting the mountain road heading towards Greece. Much of the original fort has been lost, but the chapel is still standing high on a ridge overlooking the valleys weaving their way through the mountains and high above it a small portion of the old fortress from where there are excellent views to be had



Getting There

There are buses and trains from Plovdiv to Asenovgrad, but from there is a 2 to 3Km walk uphill to the fortress. It's best visited on a guided tour, or via taxi from Plovdiv.
Latitude: 41.986434; Longitude: 24.872746
What3Words: animator.slumped.blaster


Photo ID: 049972 Photo ID: 049973 Photo ID: 049974 Photo ID: 049985 Photo ID: 049986 Photo ID: 049988 Photo ID: 049990

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plovdiv: Ancient Stadium of Philippopolis Plovdiv: Ancient Stadium of Philippopolis No Data


The former stadium of the Roman city, which would have been about 250m long. The furthest end of the stadium is marked on the main shopping street, but the far end turn and seating has been unearthed and is open to look around, including the entrance tunnel


Charge, joint ticket with many of the cultural houses and the theatre available

Getting There

Latitude: 42.147538; Longitude: 24.748127
What3Words: caskets.archives.sandals


Photo ID: 049920 Photo ID: 049922 Photo ID: 049923 Photo ID: 049953 Photo ID: 049954 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plovdiv: Ancient Theatre of Philippopolis Plovdiv: Ancient Theatre of Philippopolis No Data


Situated between the second and third hills of the city, the amphitheatre is very well preserved with much of the seating and the stage area still standing - including up to two stories of the stage. You can wander around most of the site, including the first floor above the stage


Charge, joint ticket with many of the cultural houses and the stadium available

Getting There

Latitude: 42.146982; Longitude: 24.751121
What3Words: friction.logged.gold


Photo ID: 049939 Photo ID: 049941 Photo ID: 049942 Photo ID: 049943 Photo ID: 049944 Photo ID: 049950 Photo ID: 049951

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plovdiv: Clock Hill Plovdiv: Clock Hill No Data


The central most of the six surviving hills of the city, and the only one from where you can see all the other hills in the city. The Ottoman clocktower on the top of the hill still chimes the time during the day. The views from here on a clear day are excellent.


Getting There

Latitude: 42.146272; Longitude: 24.746348
What3Words: girder.chapters.really


Photo ID: 049908 Photo ID: 049909 Photo ID: 049910 Photo ID: 049911 Photo ID: 049914 Photo ID: 049917 Photo ID: 049918

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plovdiv: Roman Forum and Odeon Plovdiv: Roman Forum and Odeon No Data


The ruins of the old Roman Forum and Odeon, a large section, including the Odeon has been uncovered and preserved and is open to look around. Parts have been lost to modern construction, but the layout of the forum has been recorded on the pavement. There is also a section which work to unearth it has started, but not progressed much further as of 2023.


Getting There

Latitude: 42.143384; Longitude: 24.750379
What3Words: host.aware.fragment


Photo ID: 049903 Photo ID: 049957 Photo ID: 049959 Photo ID: 049960 Photo ID: 049964 Photo ID: 049966 Photo ID: 049969

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rila Monastery: Defence Tower Rila Monastery: Defence Tower No Data


The oldest part of the monastery, dating back to 1335. The tower was built to help defend the site against attack, and on the top floor there are the remains of a fresco inside a small chapel. From the windows there are good views over the rest of the site.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.133686; Longitude: 23.340234
What3Words: uninformed.infests.doorstop


Photo ID: 049805 Photo ID: 049817 Photo ID: 049826 Photo ID: 049828 Photo ID: 049831 Photo ID: 049833 Photo ID: 049838

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rila Monastery: Grounds Rila Monastery: Grounds No Data


The largest monastery complex in Bulgaria, with the oldest parts of the building dating back to the 14th century, though most of the current building is younger as it had a tendency to burn down quite regularly. At one point the site was home to 300 monks and their servants/apprentices. Today the highly decorated church in the centre of the complex makes it a UNESCO listed site.



Getting There

The only way to get to Rila Monastery by public transport is by taking the Traventuria tour bus, or book a private taxi
Latitude: 42.133326; Longitude: 23.339783
What3Words: darkest.milking.staffed


Photo ID: 049798 Photo ID: 049800 Photo ID: 049802 Photo ID: 049808 Photo ID: 049812 Photo ID: 049813 Photo ID: 049815

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plovdiv Plovdiv No Data


The second city of the country, and reputedly one of the longest inhabited cities in Europe, with a continuous population dating back over 6000 years. The city was built over seven hills (much like Rome, Lisbon, Edinburgh, Bath etc.!), though in this case the seventh hill was quarries away to create paving blocks so today just six hills remain. The city has lots of Roman remains, along with historic buildings and galleries - being the cultural capital of the country


Getting There

There are regular bus and train journeys between the first and second cities of the country, taking around 2 to 2.5 hours to make the journey (and up to 4 hours if you get the slowest trains)
Latitude: 42.14486; Longitude: 24.745111
What3Words: strongly.shining.many


Photo ID: 049899 Photo ID: 049908 Photo ID: 049914 Photo ID: 049923 Photo ID: 049939 Photo ID: 049957 Photo ID: 049966

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2023), and on time of last update (24/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological Museum of the Lemesos District Archaeological Museum of the Lemesos District No Data


Museum housing a large collection of artefacts from the local district, including items from the ancient cities of Kourion and Amathous either side of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 34.685312; Longitude: 33.054287
What3Words: local.drilling.motel


Photo ID: 050729 Photo ID: 050730 Photo ID: 050735 Photo ID: 050738 Photo ID: 050741 Photo ID: 050743 Photo ID: 050745

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2024), and on time of last update (28/01/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological Site of Amathous Archaeological Site of Amathous No Data


Site of the ancient city of Amathous, today the remains of the market and several of the buildings are explorable. Down by the seafront there are parts of the remains of the harbour which has long since been lost to the sea.


Charge. 1, 3 or 7 day ticket for all culture sites available

Getting There

From the centre of town the number 30 bus runs every 10 minutes along the seafront to the site, taking about 25 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 34.711856; Longitude: 33.143423
What3Words: newspaper.fizzles.twirl


Photo ID: 050913 Photo ID: 050916 Photo ID: 050919 Photo ID: 050922 Photo ID: 050926 Photo ID: 050930 Photo ID: 050937

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/01/2024), and on time of last update (28/01/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Limassol Castle Limassol Castle No Data


The city's castle which also houses a museum about medieval Cyprus. From the top of the castle there are views over the city


Charge. 1, 3 or 7 day ticket for all culture sites available

Getting There

Latitude: 34.672277; Longitude: 33.041606
What3Words: combining.order.cocktail


Photo ID: 050763 Photo ID: 050766 Photo ID: 050773 Photo ID: 050774 Photo ID: 050776 Photo ID: 050778 Photo ID: 050781

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2024), and on time of last update (28/01/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Limassol Zoo Limassol Zoo No Data


Located in the Municipal Garden the small zoo houses a number of exhibits of mostly small animals (a couple of cows, some Pelicans, three Llamas and an Emu being the largest) in a number of exhibit spaces. There is also a small reptile house and a separate small aquarium.



Getting There

Latitude: 34.683368; Longitude: 33.055393
What3Words: insist.recline.lentil


Photo ID: 050955 Photo ID: 050959 Photo ID: 050961 Photo ID: 050962 Photo ID: 050968 Photo ID: 050970 Photo ID: 050979

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2024), and on time of last update (28/01/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Molos Molos No Data


The promenades running along the seafront in central Limassol, including boardwalks and small piers.



Getting There

Latitude: 34.675675; Longitude: 33.04889
What3Words: homing.forced.always


Photo ID: 050751 Photo ID: 050752 Photo ID: 050753 Photo ID: 050755 Photo ID: 050757 Photo ID: 050759 Photo ID: 050760

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2024), and on time of last update (28/01/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Municipal Garden Municipal Garden No Data


Located to the East of the old town this park occupies a whole city block and includes several different areas including planting, children's playground and treelines paths to walk along. The gardens is also home to the city's zoo



Getting There

Latitude: 34.682182; Longitude: 33.054985
What3Words: fades.pitchers.finest


Photo ID: 050941 Photo ID: 050943 Photo ID: 050944 Photo ID: 050947 Photo ID: 050949 Photo ID: 050950 Photo ID: 050951

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2024), and on time of last update (28/01/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Episkopi: Agios Ermogenis Episkopi: Agios Ermogenis No Data


A small orthodox church made out of rough cut stone by the bus stop closest to the access path to ancient Kourion. If the door is open you can pop inside to take in the icon and small chapel.



Getting There

From Limassol the Number 16 Bus runs about every 45 minutes towards Kourion Beach, taking about 45 minutes to make the journey, get off at the stop for Agios Ermogenis and from there it's a five to ten minute walk up hill to the entrance to the archaeological park
Latitude: 34.662937; Longitude: 32.891114
What3Words: pathfinder.turnaround.bruisers


Photo ID: 050875 Photo ID: 050876 Photo ID: 050877 Photo ID: 050878 Photo ID: 050879 Photo ID: 050880 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/01/2024), and on time of last update (28/01/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Episkopi: Ancient Kurion Episkopi: Ancient Kurion No Data


The ruins of the city of Kourion destroyed in an earthquake in the 4th century. Today there are significant remains over the site including a major Forum/Agora/Public Baths Complex along with an early Christian Basilica and a restored theatre.


Charge. 1, 3 or 7 day ticket for all culture sites available

Getting There

From Limassol the Number 16 Bus runs about every 45 minutes towards Kourion Beach, taking about 45 minutes to make the journey, get off at the stop for Agios Ermogenis and from there it's a five to ten minute walk up hill to the entrance to the archaeological park
Latitude: 34.664763; Longitude: 32.88889
What3Words: rousing.traction.downtime


Photo ID: 050792 Photo ID: 050798 Photo ID: 050810 Photo ID: 050813 Photo ID: 050825 Photo ID: 050846 Photo ID: 050866

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/01/2024), and on time of last update (28/01/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kolossi: Castle Kolossi: Castle No Data


This castle was originally built during the period of the crusades. Today there is not much to see inside, but you can climb up to the roof for views over the local landscape


Charge. 1, 3 or 7 day ticket for all culture sites available

Getting There

From Limassol the Numbers 16 or 27 Buses run about every 30-45 minutes combined towards Kolossi, taking about 25 minutes to make the journey, get off at the stop on the main road and then it's about a 10 minute walk to the castle
Latitude: 34.66516; Longitude: 32.934174
What3Words: bargain.thwarts.squabble


Photo ID: 050881 Photo ID: 050884 Photo ID: 050887 Photo ID: 050891 Photo ID: 050895 Photo ID: 050896 Photo ID: 050898

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/01/2024), and on time of last update (28/01/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Agia Solomoni Catacomb Agia Solomoni Catacomb No Data


A small carved catacomb that still houses religious icons and a fable that tying a piece of cloth to the tree that grows out of the side of the carved walls will cure all ills.



Getting There

Latitude: 34.761316; Longitude: 32.412378
What3Words: sympathy.vanish.gossip


Photo ID: 043236 Photo ID: 043237 Photo ID: 043238 Photo ID: 043239 Photo ID: 043240 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Agiou Lambrianou Catacomb Agiou Lambrianou Catacomb No Data


A carved catacomb that drops deep below the street level with a number of different antechambers



Getting There

Latitude: 34.761776; Longitude: 32.412014
What3Words: pancake.succeed.hidden


Photo ID: 043241 Photo ID: 043242 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological Site of Nea Paphos Archaeological Site of Nea Paphos No Data


The remains of over a millennia of history on the site with ancient Greek and Roman remains sitting alongside Byzantine and Venetian remains across this large site. To do it justice you need several hours to look round all the sites. I visited in mid-October before bad weather was predicted so several of the outside mosaics were in the process of being covered with sand to protect them from the rain, but the largest collection is housed under shelter so is open to view all year round.



Getting There

Latitude: 34.756022; Longitude: 32.40836
What3Words: protests.highs.folk


Photo ID: 043298 Photo ID: 043300 Photo ID: 043305 Photo ID: 043309 Photo ID: 043311 Photo ID: 043313 Photo ID: 043319

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Atrium Atrium No Data


Ruins of a former Basilica church with multiple aisles and mosaic floors. It's also supposed to be the place where St Paul was tied to a pillar and lashed 39 times for attempting to covert the local population to Christianity.



Getting There

Latitude: 34.757892; Longitude: 32.413624
What3Words: axed.flaked.stray


Photo ID: 043255 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cyprus through the ages tour Cyprus through the ages tour No Data


This is a full day tour starting in Paphos and heading out West into the Cypriot countryside. The tour starts by heading to a view point over Aphrodite's Rock where you can take some photos before continuing along the coast to the archaeological site at Kourion where the guide takes you round a small part of the site. From there the next stop is the castle at Kolossi where you have about 25 minutes to explore the building before the coach drives up into the Troodos mountains where you visit a winery to sample some of the local products before a final drive to the highest point of the tour in the village of Foini where there is a stop for an included lunch. After lunch the bus heads back down the mountains to the village of Omodos to look round the historic church and monastery, as well as some free time to explore the village before the coach heads back to Paphos.



Getting There

Latitude: 34.755456; Longitude: 32.418759
What3Words: shoppers.float.fortress


Photo ID: 043256 Photo ID: 043259 Photo ID: 043264 Photo ID: 043268 Photo ID: 043277 Photo ID: 043278 Photo ID: 043281

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fabrika Hill Fabrika Hill No Data


Large set of archaeological remains, including a view point over the Hellenic Theatre as well as the impressive passageways up through the hill from a giant cavern at the bottom to smaller tombs and coves towards the top of the hill.



Getting There

Latitude: 34.762431; Longitude: 32.413131
What3Words: rival.yappy.trams


Photo ID: 043243 Photo ID: 043244 Photo ID: 043245 Photo ID: 043246 Photo ID: 043249 Photo ID: 043252 Photo ID: 043254

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Paphos Castle Paphos Castle No Data


Originally a Byzantine castle the building was adapted by the occupying forces over the years taking on its current form during the Venetian period of the island. Inside there isn't much to see as there are no displays, but there are good views of the harbour to be had from the top of the roof.



Getting There

Latitude: 34.753665; Longitude: 32.406962
What3Words: grazed.erupted.warns


Photo ID: 043213 Photo ID: 043286 Photo ID: 043292 Photo ID: 043293 Photo ID: 043294 Photo ID: 043295 Photo ID: 043297

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Paphos Red Bus Tour Paphos Red Bus Tour No Data


An hourly hop-on-hop-off tour bus that takes in the main sights in the city, including running along the main strip serving many of the big hotels. A pre-recorded English Language commentary is provided. At the time of visiting roadworks meant it wasn't possible for the tour to get into the centre of the upper town.



Getting There

Latitude: 34.756648; Longitude: 32.411534
What3Words: mattress.wasp.mirror


Photo ID: 043214 Photo ID: 043236 Photo ID: 043255 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tombs of the Kings Tombs of the Kings No Data


A collection of around 100 different tombs, all carved from the rock, whilst some are simple cells there are others that are intricate carved catacombs, with multiple niches and even buildings carved from the rock. No kings or queens were buried here, but instead it was likely to be high ranking families building the tombs for multiple generations of deceased. 8 of the most impressive tombs have specific guiding. You can climb down into may of the tombs, though in a lot of cases the steps are steep and not well maintained.



Getting There

From Harbour area the best way to reach the Kings Tomb is either by the hop-on-hop-off bus which stops right at the entrance, or to take the 615 bus which runs every 10-15 minutes and stops near the entrance. Otherwise it's a good 40 minute uphill walk to get there
Latitude: 34.774934; Longitude: 32.407254
What3Words: losses.thank.self


Photo ID: 043218 Photo ID: 043219 Photo ID: 043222 Photo ID: 043225 Photo ID: 043227 Photo ID: 043230 Photo ID: 043232

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ancient Kourion Ancient Kourion No Data


The ruins of the city of Kourion destroyed in an earthquake in the 4th century. Today there are significant remains over the site but two of the most important parts are near the main visitors centre with the House of Eustolios and the Amphitheatre.



Getting There

Best accessed via a guided tour, alternatively take an intercity bus to Limassol and change there onto the number 16 bus (about every 45 minutes, takes 45 minutes) which terminates a short distance form the bottom of the hill that Kourion sits on.
Latitude: 34.664763; Longitude: 32.88889
What3Words: rousing.traction.downtime


Photo ID: 043258 Photo ID: 043260 Photo ID: 043261 Photo ID: 043262 Photo ID: 043263 Photo ID: 043265 Photo ID: 043267

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2022), and on time of last update (26/01/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aphrodite's Rock View Point Aphrodite's Rock View Point No Data


Supposedly the birth place of the goddess Aphrodite, this natural formation of three rocks stacks sticking out of the sea is a natural wonder in of itself without the mystical addition of a Greek goddess.



Getting There

There is no access via public transport, the only access would be on a guided tour or an expensive taxi ride from Paphos
Latitude: 34.672793; Longitude: 32.606686
What3Words: debility.gravel.boasts


Photo ID: 043256 Photo ID: 043257 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kolossi Castle Kolossi Castle No Data


This castle was originally built during the period of the crusades. Today there is not much to see inside, but you can climb up to the roof for views over the local landscape



Getting There

Best accessed via a guided tour, alternatively take an intercity bus to Limassol and change there onto the number 16 or 27 bus to Kolossi (every 30-45 minutes combined, 25 minutes journey time). Get off at the bus stop on the main road and then it's about a 10 minute walk to the castle
Latitude: 34.66516; Longitude: 32.934174
What3Words: bargain.thwarts.squabble


Photo ID: 043268 Photo ID: 043269 Photo ID: 043270 Photo ID: 043271 Photo ID: 043272 Photo ID: 043273 Photo ID: 043274

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2022), and on time of last update (26/01/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Omodos: Ktima Gerolemo Omodos: Ktima Gerolemo No Data


A small winery specialising in Cypriot wines and spirits. As part of the tour I went on we stopped here for a brief explanation on how their wines are produced, along with a tasting of 7 of their wines and the local spirit.



Getting There

The only way to access the winery is with your own transport or on an organised tour. There is no public transport access close to the Winery
Latitude: 34.864123; Longitude: 32.802247
What3Words: modest.drainage.uttered


Photo ID: 043275 Photo ID: 043276 Photo ID: 043277 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Omodos: Timios Stavros Monastery Omodos: Timios Stavros Monastery No Data


Originally built around 210AD this church has been maintained for nearly 2,000 years in the same condition - though with the addition of new icons and screens a mere 400 years ago. The church houses holy relics including the Holy Hemp, a portion of the rope used to bind Jesus' hands after his arrest, as well as two small fragments of the cross. Unlike many Orthodox churches you are permitted to take photos inside.



Getting There

Latitude: 34.847626; Longitude: 32.808734
What3Words: fantasy.studying.deems


Photo ID: 043280 Photo ID: 043281 Photo ID: 043282 Photo ID: 043283 Photo ID: 043284 Photo ID: 043285 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Omodos Omodos No Data


Small town located in the Troödos Mountains, famous for it's monastery which houses what is claimed to be a portion of the rope that tied Jesus' hands when he was arrested and two small fragments of the cross. The town occupies a pretty position in a valley with the mountains around it.


Getting There

Best accessed via a guided tour as there is very limited access via public transport with only a couple of buses a day from Limassol with either only minutes or the whole day in Omodos
Latitude: 34.848056; Longitude: 32.808333
What3Words: pitching.boringly.eclipse


Photo ID: 043275 Photo ID: 043278 Photo ID: 043279 Photo ID: 043280 Photo ID: 043284 Photo ID: 043285 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2022), and on time of last update (18/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Astronomical Clock Astronomical Clock No Data


Striking every hour to a fanfare of applause from tourists. One of the best places to watch it from is the cafe across the street on the 1st floor. From here you can watch not only the clock but also the pickpockets at work!


Free to watch from the ground but you will need to purchase something from the cafe if you want to watch from there

Getting There

Latitude: 50.087007; Longitude: 14.420706
What3Words: caves.strength.slave


Photo ID: 000002 Photo ID: 000057 Photo ID: 000058 Photo ID: 000059 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2001), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Castle No Data


The castle is about the most dominant feature on the Prague skyline, with the palaces stretching along the ridge of the hill, and the Cathedral dominating the sky behind them. The castle grounds and gardens are open with most areas free to look around, though there are charges to enter some of the buildings, and a few areas of the castle grounds are by admission fee.


Free to look around the site. Charge for entry to buildings and exhibitions

Getting There

Latitude: 50.090246; Longitude: 14.398988
What3Words: confused.logged.weekends


Photo ID: 000008 Photo ID: 000011 Photo ID: 000012 Photo ID: 000013 Photo ID: 000014 Photo ID: 000015 Photo ID: 000043

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2001), and on time of last update (27/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle: Golden Lane Castle: Golden Lane No Data


Golden Lane is an example of what a typical Bohemian street would have looked like in the middle ages, sadly most of the buildings have been turned into souvenir shops.


Available in combination ticket for either a short visit (1 day) or long visit (2 days)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.092046; Longitude: 14.404165
What3Words: ruby.mostly.tokens


Photo ID: 009784 Photo ID: 009785 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2001), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle: Great South Tower Castle: Great South Tower No Data


The strenuous 400+ step climb (straight up, no stops, no landings) to the top of the Great South Tower of the Cathedral is exhausting, but when you get to the top what breath you have left is taken away by the stunning views out over the city, with the Vltava snaking its way through and the hills surrounding it's impossible not to be impressed by the views from up here.


Additional charge on top of other entry charges for the castle

Getting There

Latitude: 50.090672; Longitude: 14.400378
What3Words: kebabs.status.feelers


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2001), and on time of last update (01/05/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle: Old Royal Palace Castle: Old Royal Palace No Data


Several rooms in the Old Royal Palace are open to look around


Available in combination ticket for either a short visit (1 day) or long visit (2 days)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.090507; Longitude: 14.401231
What3Words: winks.spare.silently


Photo ID: 009777 Photo ID: 009778 Photo ID: 009779 Photo ID: 009780 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2001), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle: Powder Tower Castle: Powder Tower No Data


The powder tower contains a small exhibition on the castle guard and how the castle has been defended in the past


Available in combination ticket for long visit (2 days)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.091395; Longitude: 14.40034
What3Words: misted.haunts.dolphin


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2001), and on time of last update (01/05/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle: St Vitus Cathedral Castle: St Vitus Cathedral No Data


The massive cathedral is an unmistakeable landmark across the city. Inside the soaring ceiling and stained glass take you away from the fact that it's absolutely heaving with tourists.


Available in combination ticket for either a short visit (1 day) or long visit (2 days)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.090865; Longitude: 14.3999
What3Words: freshen.spelling.plot


Photo ID: 009726 Photo ID: 009728 Photo ID: 009731 Photo ID: 009776 Photo ID: 018496 Photo ID: 018499 Photo ID: 018500

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2001), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle: St. George's Basilica Castle: St. George's Basilica No Data


The small Basilica church behind the Cathedral is open to look around


Available in combination ticket for either a short visit (1 day) or long visit (2 days)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.091216; Longitude: 14.402475
What3Words: partners.seated.crass


Photo ID: 009730 Photo ID: 009781 Photo ID: 009782 Photo ID: 009783 Photo ID: 018503 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cellars of the old town hall Cellars of the old town hall No Data


Located in the same building as the astronomical clock (and also housing the tourist information centre). You can wander through the extensive cellars and vaults of the town hall


Small Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 50.087014; Longitude: 14.42047
What3Words: lookout.suddenly.frame


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2001), and on time of last update (01/05/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Charles Bridge Charles Bridge No Data


Towers at either end can be climbed. Best place to get good views of this spectacular bridge. Small exhibition on music on two floors of the tower on the old town side of the bridge.


Free to walk across bridge, Charge to climb either tower, Joint ticket with other towers of Prague available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.086528; Longitude: 14.411284
What3Words: scoring.bedrooms.beaker


Photo ID: 000006 Photo ID: 000009 Photo ID: 009734 Photo ID: 009749 Photo ID: 009750 Photo ID: 009753 Photo ID: 018514

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2001), and on time of last update (27/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Churches Churches No Data


There are a large number of spectacular churches in and around the centre of Prague. All are well worth a visit if you have the time. Some of the most spectacular are: St. Michael's (near the astronomical clock in the old town square); St. Jacob's (Just back from the old town square on one of the side roads heading towards the powder tower; St. Michael's (Just up from the Charles Bridge on the castle side of the river)


Depends on church some are free others ask for a small admission charge

Getting There

Latitude: 50.087494; Longitude: 14.422428
What3Words: humidity.possibly.belonged


Photo ID: 000003 Photo ID: 000045 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2001), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ghost Walk Ghost Walk No Data


Ghost walks operate from outside the astronomical clock most evenings and are well worth going on only if to get a better idea of where things are in Prague from a resident (watch out for the ghouls as some nights they appear!)



Getting There

Latitude: 50.086867; Longitude: 14.420803
What3Words: roofs.rewarded.tunes


Photo ID: 000048 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2001), and on time of last update (01/05/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Metronome Metronome No Data


This large scale working metronome replaced the former statue of Stalin that stared down on the old town square. It now offers panoramic views of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 50.09473; Longitude: 14.415951
What3Words: enabling.cutaway.softest


Photo ID: 000047 Photo ID: 009769 Photo ID: 009770 Photo ID: 009771 Photo ID: 009772 Photo ID: 018602 Photo ID: 018606

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2001), and on time of last update (27/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mirror Maze Mirror Maze No Data


Located on the top of the same hills that the castle rests on this small mirror maze is quite fun as a distraction for a short while. Located near the funicular railway stop (this is the easiest way to get to it though the parkland makes for quite a nice walk back down)


Charge, Joint ticket with the Petrin Observation Tower available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.080704; Longitude: 14.3971
What3Words: tables.threaten.backers


Photo ID: 009741 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2001), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Petrin Observation Tower Petrin Observation Tower No Data


The observation tower is a scaled down version of the Eiffel Tower and from the observation platform on the top there are excellent views over the whole of Prague, including the old town and the castle. It's worth paying the extra and taking the lift up to the observation platform as it's a lot of steps, and quite exposed towards the top


Charge, joint ticket with the Mirror Maze available. Joint ticket with other towers available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.083585; Longitude: 14.395035
What3Words: bossy.lobby.embodied


Photo ID: 009733 Photo ID: 009742 Photo ID: 009743 Photo ID: 009744 Photo ID: 009745 Photo ID: 009746 Photo ID: 009748

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Powder Tower Powder Tower No Data


Large tower with excellent views of the city from the top. Climb has 3 stops on way. 1st floor has cash desk and small exhibition on the tower, 2nd floor has more details on the tower and its role in the city 3rd floor in the eves of the tower is an exhibition of photographs of Prague then step out onto the walkway that runs around the outside for the views


Charge, Joint ticket with other towers of Prague available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.087145; Longitude: 14.427829
What3Words: pining.each.patrol


Photo ID: 000004 Photo ID: 000005 Photo ID: 009755 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2001), and on time of last update (01/05/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Puppet Theater - Don Giovanni Puppet Theater - Don Giovanni No Data


The first ever recital of Don Giovanni by Mozart was given in Prague so it is fitting that they manage to bring this and the art or puppetry together for this highly entertaining and witty presentation of one of Mozart's most famous operas.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.087695; Longitude: 14.417689
What3Words: tropic.ears.another


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2001), and on time of last update (01/05/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Hall Tower: Clock Figures Town Hall Tower: Clock Figures No Data


You can go up inside the tower of the town hall, to the back of the astronomical clock to get a better view of the figures that display when the clock is in full swing


Small Charge. Additional charge to view back of clock

Getting There

Latitude: 50.087041; Longitude: 14.420339
What3Words: boarding.loans.enacts


Photo ID: 000057 Photo ID: 000058 Photo ID: 000059 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2001), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Hall Tower: Viewing Platform Town Hall Tower: Viewing Platform No Data


There is a viewing platform at the top of the town hall tower from where you can get stunning views down into the town hall square. It's also the only tower in the centre of the old town that has a lift all the way to the top (or a ramp to almost the top and then about 30 steps up a spiral staircase).


Charge, Joint ticket with other towers of Prague available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.087172; Longitude: 14.421648
What3Words: fattest.monopoly.ramp


Photo ID: 000057 Photo ID: 000058 Photo ID: 000059 Photo ID: 009793 Photo ID: 009794 Photo ID: 009795 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2001), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

TV Tower TV Tower No Data


The TV Tower was originally planned to block the transmissions from the West but by the time it was completed communism had fallen. Express lifts take you to the viewing platforms and to a restaurant and cafe with spectacular views over the city


Small Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 50.081086; Longitude: 14.451109
What3Words: staring.reveal.onwards


Photo ID: 000021 Photo ID: 000046 Photo ID: 009771 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2001), and on time of last update (01/05/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vltava Cruise (Cruise Prague) Vltava Cruise (Cruise Prague) No Data


Leaving from the piers below the InterContinental hotel this company offers a number of tours including 1 hour tours that take in the main stretch of water down to the other side of the Charles Bridge and back, and longer tours that continue through the lock and down to Vysehrad. The tours are all accompanied by a multi-lingual commentary



Getting There

Latitude: 50.092039; Longitude: 14.416686
What3Words: alarming.chill.octopus


Photo ID: 009789 Photo ID: 009790 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vltava Cruise (Prague Steamboat Company) Vltava Cruise (Prague Steamboat Company) No Data


Several companies offer hour long cruises down the Vltava towards Vysehrad and back. The company I chose was located closest to Vysehrad, the other side of the weirs and locks from the centre of Prague so I thought it would offer a better tour. Whilst you do get to see more, there is no on-board commentary (not even in Czech) so you were left without any knowledge of what you had just seen



Getting There

Latitude: 50.074501; Longitude: 14.413494
What3Words: quintet.vineyard.bangle


Photo ID: 009763 Photo ID: 009764 Photo ID: 009765 Photo ID: 009766 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vysehrad Vysehrad No Data


This small fortress just south of Prague centre is well worth a visit. It houses the cemetery that is the final resting place of the countries artists, poets and writers along with a beautiful church, and a couple of galleries and exhibits


Free to look around the site. Charge for entry to the churches, galleries and exhibitions

Getting There

Latitude: 50.062532; Longitude: 14.419352
What3Words: garage.touches.pumps


Photo ID: 000056 Photo ID: 009756 Photo ID: 009757 Photo ID: 009758 Photo ID: 009759 Photo ID: 009760 Photo ID: 009761

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2001), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waldstein Gardens Waldstein Gardens No Data


The gardens are the grounds of the former Waldstein palace, now the Senate of the Czech Parliament. Hidden behind high walls beneath the castle you can enjoy quiet and tranquil surroundings, stunning views up to the castle, and the slightly crazed approach of the former owner to stalactites



Getting There

Latitude: 50.089929; Longitude: 14.406799
What3Words: promoted.deal.runner


Photo ID: 009801 Photo ID: 009802 Photo ID: 009803 Photo ID: 009804 Photo ID: 009805 Photo ID: 009806 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zizka monument Zizka monument No Data


Massive monument erected before communism but then adapted to become the tomb for the dead leaders of Czechoslovakia. They were removed when communism fell and is now not used but still an impressive structure (well worth the steep climb)



Getting There

Latitude: 50.088411; Longitude: 14.449189
What3Words: pinch.traps.revised


Photo ID: 000018 Photo ID: 000050 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2001), and on time of last update (01/05/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sedlec: Ossuary Sedlec: Ossuary No Data


The home of the bones. Originally a popular place to be interned when you died, eventually becoming overrun by bones some 40,000 sets of remains. An architect was called in to do something and that something was coats or arms, chandeliers and other sculptures all using human bone.


Small Charge, additional charge for photography or video

Getting There

Latitude: 49.961815; Longitude: 15.288232
What3Words: waffled.means.signals


Photo ID: 000026 Photo ID: 000027 Photo ID: 000028 Photo ID: 000051 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2001), and on time of last update (01/05/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kutna Hora: St. Barbara's Cathedral Kutna Hora: St. Barbara's Cathedral No Data


An odd looking cathedral from the outside with 3 almost pyramid towers. On the inside a subtle and understated cathedral with some good wall paintings


Small Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 49.944917; Longitude: 15.263561
What3Words: rated.enable.trusts


Photo ID: 000053 Photo ID: 000054 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2001), and on time of last update (01/05/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kutna Hora & Sedlec Kutna Hora & Sedlec No Data


Kutna Hora, located about 80KM was once home to the silver industry in the Czech Republic. The location became so wealthy that more people wanted to be buried in the small chapel in Sedlec than it could cope with, but that didn't stop people. In the end over 40,000 sets of remains had piled up and something had to be done. That something was the ossuary at Sedlec


Getting There

Trains to Kutna Hora (Hlavni nadrazi) leave from Praha Hlavni Nadrazi (the main central station) and take about 65 minutes. From Kutna Hora station you can either get a bus straight into Kutna Hora or walk about 1/4 mile to the Ossuary as the station is in fact in Sedlec. From the station walk up the road towards the road bridge and turn up the side road so that you come up onto the road that was running over the railway. After a short while you will come to the Philip Morris factory/museum and a church and down a side street on the other side of the road you should be able to make out a small chapel. This is the ossuary.
Latitude: 49.948238; Longitude: 15.268003
What3Words: plant.quit.jacuzzi


Photo ID: 000029 Photo ID: 000030 Photo ID: 000052 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2001), and on time of last update (01/05/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zoo Zoo No Data


Located to the north of the city the zoo houses a large number of exhibits. Large parts of the zoo have undergone major renovation and expansion with large spaces for many of the species on show, however in a few locations there did appear to be a few cramped cages and in lots of locations the animals were pacing around a lot.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.116828; Longitude: 14.411026
What3Words: compose.older.skirt


Photo ID: 018556 Photo ID: 018558 Photo ID: 018566 Photo ID: 018579 Photo ID: 018580 Photo ID: 018591 Photo ID: 018594

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2016), and on time of last update (27/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Nicholas Church St Nicholas Church No Data


A massive church located in the area behind the Charles Bridge, inside it's awash with golden statues and elaborate carvings. You can climb the belfry for views over this part of town, though as it's in the shadow of the castle the views are a bit restricted in that direction



Getting There

Latitude: 50.087983; Longitude: 14.402943
What3Words: parrot.nurse.sleeper


Photo ID: 018512 Photo ID: 018608 Photo ID: 018609 Photo ID: 018610 Photo ID: 018611 Photo ID: 018612 Photo ID: 018613

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2016), and on time of last update (27/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Strelecky ostrov Strelecky ostrov No Data


This small island in the middle of the Vltava offers excellent views of the Charles Bridge as well as being a quiet get away from the bustle of the city centre



Getting There

Access is via the steps or lift from the centre of Most Legii which runs from behind the National Theatre to near the funicular, one bridge upstream from the Charles Bridge
Latitude: 50.082008; Longitude: 14.409946
What3Words: bucket.shell.dealings


Photo ID: 018614 Photo ID: 018615 Photo ID: 018616 Photo ID: 018617 Photo ID: 018618 Photo ID: 018619 Photo ID: 018620

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2016), and on time of last update (27/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plzen: Katedrála svatého Bartolomeje (Cathedral of St Bartholomew) Plzen: Katedrála svatého Bartolomeje (Cathedral of St Bartholomew) No Data


This very large church, with it's massive spire visible from across the city, is home to the tallest church tower in Middle Europe. At the time of visiting most of the church was locked with just the area at the rear of the church open to visitors


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 49.747475; Longitude: 13.377532
What3Words: noticing.next.pouch


Photo ID: 018524 Photo ID: 018529 Photo ID: 018530 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2016), and on time of last update (27/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plzen: Katedrála svatého Bartolomeje Tower Plzen: Katedrála svatého Bartolomeje Tower No Data


You can climb the steps of the tower for views over the city and the surrounding countryside



Getting There

Latitude: 49.747576; Longitude: 13.377304
What3Words: systems.visits.common


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2016), and on time of last update (27/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plzen: Pivovarske Muzeum V Plzni (Pilsen Brewery Museum) Plzen: Pivovarske Muzeum V Plzni (Pilsen Brewery Museum) No Data


The museum is located on the site of one of the former breweries of the city and sits above a labyrinth of tunnels built by the brewers over the ages. The museum tells the history of brewing in Plzen along with how Pilsner was created.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.748891; Longitude: 13.380683
What3Words: prosper.shades.opinion


Photo ID: 018533 Photo ID: 018534 Photo ID: 018535 Photo ID: 018536 Photo ID: 018537 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2016), and on time of last update (27/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plzen: Plzenske Historicke Podzemi (Pilsen Historical Underground) Plzen: Plzenske Historicke Podzemi (Pilsen Historical Underground) No Data


Located under the city centre there are around 40Km of tunnels and cellars that were built by the brewers over time as they looked to store their wares. Today you can take a 60 minutes guided walk around a section of the tunnels (about 1Km). At least one tour a day is conducted in English, otherwise there are English language audio guides for all other tours.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.748815; Longitude: 13.380738
What3Words: workforce.locked.crusted


Photo ID: 018538 Photo ID: 018540 Photo ID: 018541 Photo ID: 018546 Photo ID: 018547 Photo ID: 018549 Photo ID: 018551

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2016), and on time of last update (27/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plzen: Send Na Parkanu Plzen: Send Na Parkanu No Data


Located next to the museum this traditional Czech pub offers the chance to sample some of the city's produce


Charge, free drink vouchers come with both the Museum and tour tickets

Getting There

Latitude: 49.748729; Longitude: 13.380854
What3Words: swan.bump.magical


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2016), and on time of last update (27/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plzen Plzen No Data


Located around 90Km west of Prague, Pilzen is the fourth largest city of the Czech Republic, but is perhaps best known as the birthplace of Pilsner beer. Home to the tallest church tower in Middle Europe, a complex of underground tunnels, several museum and the Pilsner Urquell brewery it makes a pleasant day trip from Prague


Getting There

Hourly trains run from Praha Hlavni Nadrazi to Plzen Hlavni Nadrazi (Plzen hl.n.) taking around 1 hour 40 to make the journey. It's a short, and well signposted, walk from the station to the historic city centre and all the main attractions
Latitude: 49.747159; Longitude: 13.377498
What3Words: mildest.winded.tokens


Photo ID: 018521 Photo ID: 018524 Photo ID: 018527 Photo ID: 018528 Photo ID: 018552 Photo ID: 018554 Photo ID: 018555

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2016), and on time of last update (27/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral: Towers Cathedral: Towers No Data


You can climb the 120 odd steps to the top of the roof of the church from where the two towers are linked under the eves. Each tower has a small viewing platform from which you can get views over the city centre and wider countryside.


Charge, Joint ticket for Treasury and Towers

Getting There

Latitude: 49.190898; Longitude: 16.607653
What3Words: hike.promise.ideal


Photo ID: 009828 Photo ID: 009829 Photo ID: 009830 Photo ID: 009831 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral: Treasury Cathedral: Treasury No Data


The treasury is located above the body of the church in one of the towers, it includes the usual assortment of robes, monstrances, Reliquaries and gold and silverware.


Charge, Joint ticket for Treasury and Towers

Getting There

Latitude: 49.190979; Longitude: 16.607656
What3Words: shuttle.drives.dishing


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Tour City Tour No Data


The Tourist Information Centre runs several guided bus tours around the city that take in the key sights. There is a one hour tour that stays in the centre of town, a two hour tour - which I did - that goes out slightly further into the suburbs, and an extended tour that goes out to the Brno-Dam and includes a boat trip. A guide from the tourist office is on the bus to explain the sights, or there are multi-lingual audio guides available.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.195542; Longitude: 16.614332
What3Words: agenda.tolls.outings


Photo ID: 009838 Photo ID: 009839 Photo ID: 009840 Photo ID: 009841 Photo ID: 009842 Photo ID: 009843 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hrad Spilberk: Brno Museum Hrad Spilberk: Brno Museum No Data


The Brno museum, located in the castle, tells some of the history of the town, including exhibitions on life in the city through the ages


Charge, Joint ticket for all Castle attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.194297; Longitude: 16.599001
What3Words: varieties.cricket.travels


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hrad Spilberk: Casemates Hrad Spilberk: Casemates No Data


The casemates beneath the castle were originally built for storage and housing soldiers, but were quickly adapted to become prison cells. The virtually the whole space underneath the castle at two different levels.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Castle attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.193919; Longitude: 16.599838
What3Words: holly.warnings.fires


Photo ID: 009878 Photo ID: 009879 Photo ID: 009880 Photo ID: 009881 Photo ID: 009886 Photo ID: 009887 Photo ID: 009889

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hrad Spilberk: From Castle to Fortress Hrad Spilberk: From Castle to Fortress No Data


This exhibition traces the history of the castle from it's creation through decline and then rebuilding as a major fortress.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Castle attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.194571; Longitude: 16.598786
What3Words: prime.emerald.jokers


Photo ID: 009876 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hrad Spilberk: Galleries Hrad Spilberk: Galleries No Data


The castle has several galleries with permanent exhibitions of the city's collection of artworks, including galleries devoted to renaissance, modernist & cubist and modern art. There are also galleries for changing exhibitions


Charge, Joint ticket for all Castle attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.194451; Longitude: 16.599473
What3Words: crisps.outfit.plot


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hrad Spilberk: Prison of Nations Hrad Spilberk: Prison of Nations No Data


This exhibition continues on from the Castle to Fortress exhibition and explains how the site was turned into a prison, at one time housing prisoners from multiple nations brought together by their opposition to the Hapsburg empire that was ruling at the time


Charge, Joint ticket for all Castle attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.194802; Longitude: 16.599097
What3Words: harmony.stumps.serious


Photo ID: 009882 Photo ID: 009883 Photo ID: 009884 Photo ID: 009885 Photo ID: 009888 Photo ID: 009889 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hrad Spilberk: View Tower Hrad Spilberk: View Tower No Data


The tower of the castle offers views over the city centre and the surrounding countryside.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Castle attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.194487; Longitude: 16.600009
What3Words: nearly.flanks.sitting


Photo ID: 009877 Photo ID: 009894 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kapucínská hrobka (Capuchin Crypt) Kapucínská hrobka (Capuchin Crypt) No Data


The Crypt of the Capuchin Holy Cross church has a special environment which allows bodies to become mummified rather than rotting away. For many years both the nobility and Monks were interred down here. Today you can wonder round the slightly gruesome exhibition of dead bodies, some of them still with teeth, nails and bits of clothing still intact.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.191368; Longitude: 16.610065
What3Words: breeding.release.javelin


Photo ID: 009845 Photo ID: 009846 Photo ID: 009847 Photo ID: 009848 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Katedrála sv. Petra a Pavla (Cathedral) Katedrála sv. Petra a Pavla (Cathedral) No Data


Located on the top of Petrov Hill the cathedral, along with the castle, dominates the skyline of the city. Inside the cathedral itself there isn't that much to see as most of the space is roped off for private prayer.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.190991; Longitude: 16.607246
What3Words: robot.ticked.addicted


Photo ID: 009826 Photo ID: 009827 Photo ID: 009906 Photo ID: 009909 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kostnice u sv. Jakuba (St James' Ossuary) Kostnice u sv. Jakuba (St James' Ossuary) No Data


Following renovation works an Ossuary was discovered beneath St James' church piled floor to ceiling high with bones. Many have been reinterred in other locations but some of the skulls and long bones have been retained and used to decorate the walls of the Ossuary



Getting There

Latitude: 49.196339; Longitude: 16.608021
What3Words: mimic.stunner.puppy


Photo ID: 009813 Photo ID: 009814 Photo ID: 009815 Photo ID: 009816 Photo ID: 009817 Photo ID: 009818 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Labyrint pod Zelnym trhem (Labyrinth) Labyrint pod Zelnym trhem (Labyrinth) No Data


Located underneath Zelny trh (the Cabbage Market) the original storage cellars of the houses and stalls grew over time to merge together into a massive labyrinth that stretches the whole way under the market, and down to some 12m below the street level in places. A tour guide takes you round on a 40 minute walk through many of the cellars and pathways.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.192918; Longitude: 16.609357
What3Words: vocals.bedroom.jars


Photo ID: 009850 Photo ID: 009851 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mincmistrovský sklep (Mintmasters Cellar) Mincmistrovský sklep (Mintmasters Cellar) No Data


Located on the site of the former royal chapel, today the cellars show some of the detail of the chapel, destroyed in the first part of the 20th century, as well as tell the story of making coins in the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.194301; Longitude: 16.605932
What3Words: fluid.treaties.emperor


Photo ID: 009913 Photo ID: 009914 Photo ID: 009915 Photo ID: 009916 Photo ID: 009917 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stará radnice Oteviraci doba (Town Hall Observation Tower) Stará radnice Oteviraci doba (Town Hall Observation Tower) No Data


The tower of the old town hall dominates the city centre. You can climb the 170 or so stairs to the viewing platform beneath the spire for views over the city centre and across to the hills that the castle and the cathedral sit on.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.193095; Longitude: 16.608606
What3Words: darkest.jotting.lemmings


Photo ID: 009834 Photo ID: 009835 Photo ID: 009836 Photo ID: 009837 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

U Svatého Jakuba (St James' Church) U Svatého Jakuba (St James' Church) No Data


Located close to the main square in Brno, this is a stunning Gothic church, with it's massive windows bathing the interior in light



Getting There

Latitude: 49.196593; Longitude: 16.608289
What3Words: aware.digs.protests


Photo ID: 009811 Photo ID: 009812 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brno-Dam: Boat trips Brno-Dam: Boat trips No Data


The local transport company run regular ferry services up and down the lake during the summer months, with a full round trip taking around 2 1/2 hours to complete. As it is a scheduled ferry service there is no commentary or on-board services (other than a vending machine), but the landscape speaks for itself


Charge (not included in city transport tickets)

Getting There

Latitude: 49.230084; Longitude: 16.5165
What3Words: evidently.eyeful.froth


Photo ID: 009856 Photo ID: 009857 Photo ID: 009858 Photo ID: 009859 Photo ID: 009860 Photo ID: 009861 Photo ID: 009862

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brno Resevoir Brno Resevoir No Data


The reservoir was created by damming part of the Svratka river upstream of Brno and flooding the valley. It no longer serves as the city's water supply but is now it's place to be on hot sunny days. Small taverns, holiday homes and larger properties dot the lower end of the lake creating a water playground for the city. Further upstream the river snakes its way through a gorge, with Veveri Castle nestled on a cliff overlooking one particularly sweeping bend.


Getting There

From the centre of the city tram lines 1, 3 and 11 run out to Pristaviste tram stop where its then a short walk down to the waters edge. The journey takes around 30 minutes from the city centre.
Latitude: 49.24013; Longitude: 16.508074
What3Words: latter.strapped.limes


Photo ID: 009853 Photo ID: 009854 Photo ID: 009855 Photo ID: 009863 Photo ID: 009864 Photo ID: 009865 Photo ID: 009869

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Carlsberg Factory Carlsberg Factory No Data


Based in the grounds of the Carlsberg brewery is a small visitors centre. At the time of visiting it was mostly closed for redevelopment into a larger tourist attraction. However, the key part of the tour - the tasting - was still available. The tour includes two vouchers, each giving you a free 250ml drink (either soft or alcoholic)



Getting There

Latitude: 55.667136; Longitude: 12.53378
What3Words: flops.cherish.nozzle


Photo ID: 000579 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Christiania Christiania No Data


Referred to as a "Social Experiment" by the local authorities, Christiania is a self proclaimed independent state which governs itself and offers a different view on life. The area is filled with murals and alternative lifestyle shops. BE WARNED: photography is not appreciated in all areas, they are clearly marked and there is no way you can miss them. In addition, not all that goes on in Christiania is completely above board (the smell of cannabis hangs heavy over the area) and the locals can be cagey about being photographed.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.673616; Longitude: 12.597628
What3Words: mailer.mirror.fatter


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Christiansborg Christiansborg No Data


The current reincarnation of the castle is the 3 named castle on the site. Previous versions having been raised to the ground, dismantled, collapsed under their own weight and burnt to the ground. In the foundations of the current castle are the remains of the previous incarnations. You can walk around over 1000 years of castle ruins with lots of information about them.


Small Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 55.676024; Longitude: 12.579796
What3Words: guitars.yell.motel


Photo ID: 000595 Photo ID: 000596 Photo ID: 004925 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harbour Tours: Netto-Bådene Harbour Tours: Netto-Bådene No Data


A couple of companies run tours of the harbour and canals. The one I went with had the longest (and cheapest) tour. The tour takes in the outer and inner harbour as well as sailing along the canals through Christianshavn and around the palace.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.68022; Longitude: 12.588603
What3Words: leopard.speech.doctor


Photo ID: 004939 Photo ID: 004940 Photo ID: 004941 Photo ID: 004942 Photo ID: 004943 Photo ID: 004944 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marmorkirken Marmorkirken No Data


The memorial church is located just opposite the official residence of the Danish royal family. The dome is visible all over the city, and during the summer months you can climb it.


None to look inside church, small charge to climb tower

Getting There

Latitude: 55.684879; Longitude: 12.589903
What3Words: scowls.chin.burying


Photo ID: 000597 Photo ID: 004947 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mike's Bike Tour Mike's Bike Tour No Data


Mike's bike tours run a series of different tours, but their main one is the city tour which over the space of three hours takes in all the key sites of the city and covers around 8KM (it's not the worlds most demanding bike ride!). Mike, a born and bred resident of Copenhagen tells you all the history of the city at various stops and some of the background as to why Denmark is Denmark and why the Danes are the way they are.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.681472; Longitude: 12.563647
What3Words: amuse.pink.vanilla


Photo ID: 004946 Photo ID: 004947 Photo ID: 004948 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rundetårn Rundetårn No Data


A bizarre shaped building, actually comprising a university Church, Library and Observatory. Access to the top of the tower is by a ramp almost the whole way so that you can ride a horse (or a penny farthing as some people have done) to virtually the top. In the roof space of the church is the former university library which has now been turned into an exhibition space. From the viewing platform at the top the views are spectacular.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.681398; Longitude: 12.575757
What3Words: pounce.droplet.zebra


Photo ID: 000576 Photo ID: 000577 Photo ID: 004955 Photo ID: 004956 Photo ID: 004958 Photo ID: 004959 Photo ID: 004960

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2005), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vor Frelsers Kirke Vor Frelsers Kirke No Data


Located in Christianshavn this church was the Kings church during the reign of Christian IV. The church is beautifully decorated on the inside and the outside. It's most striking feature is its tower (which you can climb during the summer) The last 150 steps wrap around the outside of the spire!


Free to look inside church, charge for climbing tower

Getting There

Latitude: 55.672802; Longitude: 12.594007
What3Words: trio.browser.recovery


Photo ID: 000578 Photo ID: 004949 Photo ID: 004950 Photo ID: 004951 Photo ID: 004952 Photo ID: 004953 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Helsingør: Kronborg Slot Helsingør: Kronborg Slot No Data


The setting for Shakespeare's Hamlet the castle has seen it's fair share of history. There is lots to look around including the Royal apartments, chapel and the casements underneath the castle.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.03911; Longitude: 12.621832
What3Words: started.label.smoker


Photo ID: 000580 Photo ID: 000581 Photo ID: 000582 Photo ID: 000583 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2005), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hillerød: Frederiksborg Slot Hillerød: Frederiksborg Slot No Data


Possibly more impressive than it's counterpart in Helsingør the castle has an almost overwhelming number of portraits and other paintings in the 60 or so rooms that you can visit, including the impressive chapel. Behind the castle is an impressive garden and the whole surrounding is set off perfectly by the castle being arranged over three islands on a lake, to make for perfect pictures



Getting There

Latitude: 55.934491; Longitude: 12.300589
What3Words: pushy.safely.dramatic


Photo ID: 004926 Photo ID: 004927 Photo ID: 004928 Photo ID: 004929 Photo ID: 004930 Photo ID: 004931 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roskilde: Viking Ship Museum Roskilde: Viking Ship Museum No Data


Located on the edge of the Roskilde Fjord the museum has the remains of 5 Viking age boats which were used about 1000 years ago to create a barrage in the Fjord. The museum not only has the remains, and reconstruction's of the 5 ships, but also lots of information on the history of Viking ship building and Viking culture.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.649281; Longitude: 12.078749
What3Words: gaps.rehearsal.coaster


Photo ID: 000585 Photo ID: 000587 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Helsingør Helsingør No Data


Helsingør is the most North Easterly point in North Zealand (the island which Copenhagen and Helsingør are on) and is a key point in controlling shipping through the straight that eventually leads through from the North sea to the Baltic. Effectively controlling all sea trade in and out of Sweden, Finland, Germany Poland and the Baltic States it has had an interesting history and the castle, which gave Shakespeare the inspiration for Hamlet, has seen much of it.


Getting There

Trains run every 20 minutes from the centre of Copenhagen to Helsingør station which is at the southern end of the town, taking about 55 minutes.
Latitude: 56.036305; Longitude: 12.613511
What3Words: amuses.chief.included


Photo ID: 000580 Photo ID: 000581 Photo ID: 000582 Photo ID: 000583 Photo ID: 000584 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2005), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hillerød Hillerød No Data


Home to a stunning castle, Hillerød is a pleasant town set around the lake that the castle sits in.


Getting There

There are regular S-Tog trains from the centre of Copenhagen to Hillerød taking around 40 minutes
Latitude: 55.929431; Longitude: 12.303078
What3Words: snaps.shelters.drivers


Photo ID: 004933 Photo ID: 004934 Photo ID: 004935 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Malmö Malmö No Data


Located just 35 minutes from Copenhagen by train is Sweden's third city - Malmö. The city is very pleasant to walk around with lots of wide squares and parks along with a large castle Malmöhus Slot


Getting There

Trains run every 20 minutes from Copenhagen through the day, and hourly through the night taking about 35 minutes.
Latitude: 55.603331; Longitude: 13.001303
What3Words: mascots.wicked.plans


Photo ID: 000590 Photo ID: 000591 Photo ID: 000592 Photo ID: 000593 Photo ID: 000594 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roskilde Roskilde No Data


More well known for it's annual music festival, Roskilde is located at the end of the Roskilde Fjord and has been an important town since Viking times. The compact and pleasant centre includes the impressive cathedral and just to the north, on the edge of the Fjord is the Viking ship museum


Getting There

Regular trains run from Copenhagen taking about 20 minutes to get to Roskilde.
Latitude: 55.641486; Longitude: 12.080418
What3Words: payout.cobras.sock


Photo ID: 000585 Photo ID: 000586 Photo ID: 000587 Photo ID: 000588 Photo ID: 000589 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Århus Domkirke Århus Domkirke No Data


The city's cathedral, and the longest church in Denmark.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.156844; Longitude: 10.210665
What3Words: cling.nodded.private


Photo ID: 005013 Photo ID: 005014 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

ARoS ARoS No Data


The city's stunning art museum, dealing with paintings from the 18th century onwards, as well as a focus on Modern art and art installations. You can go to the roof top terrace for views over the city (though when I visited the terrace was closed for several months to allow an art installation to be installed.)


Charge, Discount with the Århus Card

Getting There

Latitude: 56.153952; Longitude: 10.199609
What3Words: land.atoms.vertical


Photo ID: 005046 Photo ID: 005047 Photo ID: 005048 Photo ID: 005049 Photo ID: 005050 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Besættelsemuset (Occupation Museum) Besættelsemuset (Occupation Museum) No Data


The museum is housed in the offices that the Gestapo took over towards the end of WWII when the Danish resistance blew up their existing offices. Some of the cells have been turned into exhibit spaces. The museum charts the period from immediately prior to the Nazi take over in 1940 through the "five dark years" to the arrival of British troops in 1945 to liberate Denmark


Charge, Free with the Århus Card

Getting There

Latitude: 56.157394; Longitude: 10.211347
What3Words: ignites.suspect.filed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanisk Have (Botanic Gardens) Botanisk Have (Botanic Gardens) No Data


The Botanic gardens cover a large space around Den Gamle By and further on. Close to Den Gamle By is a palm house, though it only has limited opening hours.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.160393; Longitude: 10.193403
What3Words: drivers.wiggles.respects


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Den Gamle By Den Gamle By No Data


An ethnographic museum which pulls together buildings from around the country to paint a picture of life in the past. Unlike similar museums in other Scandinavia/Baltic countries I have visited Den Gamle By focuses on buildings from an Urban environment trying to create an idea of town rather than rural life. They also differ by trying to keep the collection growing by recreating 1970's Denmark in one corner of the site


Charge, Discount with the Århus Card

Getting There

Latitude: 56.158929; Longitude: 10.19152
What3Words: sides.hurry.renamed


Photo ID: 005025 Photo ID: 005027 Photo ID: 005029 Photo ID: 005031 Photo ID: 005033 Photo ID: 005034 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vikingemuseum Vikingemuseum No Data


Located in the basement of a bank the museum is housed on the location of a series of Viking dwellings, discovered during archaeological digs in the 1960's



Getting There

Latitude: 56.156584; Longitude: 10.208981
What3Words: ending.lightly.shins


Photo ID: 005011 Photo ID: 005012 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vor Frue Kirke Vor Frue Kirke No Data


Three churches in one. The main church, a church in the crypt beneath the alter, and a further chapel just off of the attached cloister (the remainder of the cloister is now a care home.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.158087; Longitude: 10.205006
What3Words: guru.stutter.infects


Photo ID: 005016 Photo ID: 005017 Photo ID: 005018 Photo ID: 005019 Photo ID: 005020 Photo ID: 005021 Photo ID: 005022

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Moesgård Museum: Exhibition Moesgård Museum: Exhibition No Data


The museum is focused on the history of this part of Denmark, and in particular Death. The key exhibit of the museum is the perfectly preserved Iron Age body of the Grauballe Man recovered from a bog in the 1950's


Charge, Free with the Århus Card

Getting There

Bus 6 runs from the city centre and ends at the museum entrance
Latitude: 56.087003; Longitude: 10.225375
What3Words: silence.teamed.sailors


Photo ID: 005037 Photo ID: 005038 Photo ID: 005039 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Moesgård Museum: Grounds Moesgård Museum: Grounds No Data


The museum is housed in a former palace and the grounds now form an outside exhibition on various forms of burial in ancient times. A 4KM walk takes you through the grounds, ancient woodlands and out to the coast and back, on the way passing Barrow graves, passage graves and other Neolithic burial methods, before ending at a recreation of a Viking stave church.


Charge, Free with the Århus Card

Getting There

You can catch the number 6 from the city centre to the Museum and start the walk there. Alternatively, you can pick up the number 19 (summer only) to the beach and start the walk there
Latitude: 56.085519; Longitude: 10.231061
What3Words: hovered.clocks.planet


Photo ID: 005036 Photo ID: 005040 Photo ID: 005041 Photo ID: 005042 Photo ID: 005043 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aalborg Historiske Museum Aalborg Historiske Museum No Data


The museum has displays on the history of Aalborg and it's Industry, with special collections on the Cigar factory, and the glass and silver industries. There is also a small gallery hosting changing exhibitions, at the time of visiting it had an exhibition on the connections between Aalborg and Greenland.


Charge, Ticket gives you access to several other museums as well

Getting There

Latitude: 57.048165; Longitude: 9.917865
What3Words: tamed.dandelions.given


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aalborghus Slot: Casemates Aalborghus Slot: Casemates No Data


Located in the grounds of the castle the casemates house a small exhibition on the history of the castle.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.049502; Longitude: 9.923862
What3Words: resort.viewers.deny


Photo ID: 004972 Photo ID: 004973 Photo ID: 004974 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aalborghus Slot: Dungeon Aalborghus Slot: Dungeon No Data


Located beneath the main part of the castle, the Dungeon is a small little cell with holding points for chains on the floor. There is just about enough space for one person to stand up in it.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.049741; Longitude: 9.924034
What3Words: coder.crusted.again


Photo ID: 004992 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aalborghus Slot: Grounds Aalborghus Slot: Grounds No Data


The grounds of the former castle are now a small park.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.048953; Longitude: 9.923562
What3Words: correct.purely.recent


Photo ID: 004971 Photo ID: 004972 Photo ID: 004975 Photo ID: 004976 Photo ID: 005008 Photo ID: 005009 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aalborgtårn Aalborgtårn No Data


Located just behind the Kunstmuseum the tower offers stunning views over the city.


Charge for the lift

Getting There

Latitude: 57.041745; Longitude: 9.904647
What3Words: river.struggle.hormones


Photo ID: 004966 Photo ID: 004967 Photo ID: 004968 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Budolfi Domkirke Budolfi Domkirke No Data


The city's Cathedral rich in decoration, chandeliers and decorated benches



Getting There

Latitude: 57.047909; Longitude: 9.919388
What3Words: jump.multiple.selects


Photo ID: 004978 Photo ID: 004989 Photo ID: 004990 Photo ID: 005006 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gråbrødrekloster Museet Gråbrødrekloster Museet No Data


The ruins of a former Franciscan Monastery located beneath the streets of the centre of Aalborg. The ruins have been partially excavated as buildings have been built and in places there are still bits of bone from burials sticking out of the soil, the rest of the body being under a building. Access to the museum (and the entry fee) is by paying for the lift down to the museum.


Charge for the lift down into the museum

Getting There

Latitude: 57.047207; Longitude: 9.921872
What3Words: protest.jets.things


Photo ID: 004961 Photo ID: 004962 Photo ID: 004963 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lindholm Høje Lindholm Høje No Data


From the outside the site looks like a large number of randomly placed boulders. It is, in fact, a massive Viking era burial ground with hundreds of graves dotted all around the place.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.077204; Longitude: 9.911953
What3Words: loosed.diamond.gearbox


Photo ID: 004982 Photo ID: 004983 Photo ID: 004984 Photo ID: 004985 Photo ID: 004986 Photo ID: 004987 Photo ID: 004988

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lindholm Høje Museet Lindholm Høje Museet No Data


The museum tells the history of the excavation of the site, along with giving a background to the development of settlements on this part of Jutland from the stone age up to the Viking era


Charge, Ticket gives you access to several other museums as well

Getting There

Latitude: 57.07819; Longitude: 9.909872
What3Words: officers.viewers.director


Photo ID: 004981 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Munk's eftf Cycle Hire Munk's eftf Cycle Hire No Data


This cycle shop also has a small number of bikes available for hire either for a day or number of days at a time. All hires require a deposit which is refunded when the bike is returned (at the time of visiting the deposit was Kr250)



Getting There

Latitude: 57.045598; Longitude: 9.929152
What3Words: nasal.social.deliver


Photo ID: 005005 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum No Data


Large art museum located just outside the city centre in a former quarry. The museum is the only one in Europe to have been designed by the Finnish designer Alvar Aalto and the building is itself worth the visit, even if you are not into modern art.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.042609; Longitude: 9.905816
What3Words: petted.tribune.flops


Photo ID: 004964 Photo ID: 004965 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vor Frue Kirke Vor Frue Kirke No Data


The church is much plainer than the Cathedral with plain white walls and simple design.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.046397; Longitude: 9.923959
What3Words: fries.extreme.brothers


Photo ID: 004991 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skagen: Cycle Hire Skagen: Cycle Hire No Data


Located just by the railway station the Cycle Hire is set up to deal with any type of hire from a couple of hours to weeks at a time. All hires include a refundable deposit (Kr200 at the time of visiting)



Getting There

Latitude: 57.723815; Longitude: 10.591625
What3Words: envy.times.harmony


Photo ID: 005002 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skagen: Grenen Skagen: Grenen No Data


The point of no more, the end, the top, the tip of Denmark, it's up to you how you want to describe it, but this is the point that Denmark quite literally tapers to a finish. The Skagerrak (part of the North Sea) and the Kattegat (the channel that leads to the Baltic) meet here. On a bright sunny summers day it's a peaceful lapping of waves on the beach, during storms it can be a spectacular fight between two walls of water (it's not advised to go far into the water any time of the year as the currents are exceptionally strong).



Getting There

In the summer you can catch the infrequent bus out to the kiosk at the start of the beach, otherwise it's about a 4KM walk, or a very pleasant cycle.
Latitude: 57.744956; Longitude: 10.653858
What3Words: contention.briefly.productivity


Photo ID: 004995 Photo ID: 004996 Photo ID: 004997 Photo ID: 004998 Photo ID: 004999 Photo ID: 005000 Photo ID: 005001

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skagen: Sandorman Skagen: Sandorman No Data


The Sandorman tractor hauled buses run from the Kiosk at the start of the beach out to the tip on a regular basis during the summer months.



Getting There

In the summer you can catch the infrequent bus out to the kiosk at the start of the beach, otherwise it's about a 4KM walk, or a very pleasant cycle.
Latitude: 57.739244; Longitude: 10.63328
What3Words: overheat.lineage.nutritious


Photo ID: 004993 Photo ID: 004994 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skagen: Tilsandede Kirke Skagen: Tilsandede Kirke No Data


The church was slowly swallowed up by the encroaching dunes at the start of the 19th century. The rest of the church was dismantled and sold off, but the tower was kept as an aid to shipping, today it makes for a bizarre sight surrounded by dunes that are still slowly encroaching on it.


Free to look around the outside, charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Located about 3KM south of the town centre, it's accessible by walking or by cycling. You can cut about two thirds of the walk off by taking the train one stop back down the line
Latitude: 57.713656; Longitude: 10.550523
What3Words: neared.satisfactory.indulgent


Photo ID: 005003 Photo ID: 005004 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skagen Skagen No Data


Skagen is located at the very top of Denmark. Beyond Skagen the land just tapers out to a point at Grenen. It's surrounded by sea on two sides, and because of this has stunning light which has lead to it becoming a place that painters want to come to. So successful that there is even a "Skagen School" of painters from the early part of the 20th century.


Getting There

From Aalborg there are hourly trains to Frederikshavn which connect with hourly services on to Skagen. The complete trip takes around two hours
Latitude: 57.720928; Longitude: 10.583868
What3Words: empires.compose.mops


Photo ID: 004993 Photo ID: 004996 Photo ID: 004998 Photo ID: 005000 Photo ID: 005002 Photo ID: 005004 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

H.C. Andersen Museum H.C. Andersen Museum No Data


The museum tells the story of Hans Christian Andersen from his birth a couple of hundred meters away through his life and work to his death and how his work has been seen since. The museum includes a number of Andersen related articles including his Top Hat, Waistcoat and pocket watch


Charge, joint ticket for all Odense Museums

Getting There

Latitude: 55.399544; Longitude: 10.391869
What3Words: accent.swim.revolts


Photo ID: 024551 Photo ID: 024552 Photo ID: 024553 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/10/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

H.C. Andersen Walk H.C. Andersen Walk No Data


A circular walk that starts outside the H.C. Andersen Museum and takes in the key Andersen related sights in the city, including his birthplace, where his mum scrubbed clothes, the statue the city erected in his memory and his childhood home. The walk also includes key sights in the city such as the City Hall and the Cathedral. The walk is marked on the ground with red/brown painted feet on the pavement (though not in all places) so is relatively easy to follow.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.398986; Longitude: 10.391592
What3Words: improving.mount.nickname


Photo ID: 024541 Photo ID: 024561 Photo ID: 024564 Photo ID: 024566 Photo ID: 024570 Photo ID: 024588 Photo ID: 024590

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/10/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

H.C. Andersens Barndomshjem H.C. Andersens Barndomshjem No Data


This small house on the Western side of the city centre is where Andersen lived until he left the city for Copenhagen. He lived here until his 14th Birthday and the small rooms show how cramped life would have been for the family.


Charge, joint ticket for all Odense Museums

Getting There

Latitude: 55.394534; Longitude: 10.387298
What3Words: braced.beard.trailer


Photo ID: 024574 Photo ID: 024575 Photo ID: 024576 Photo ID: 024577 Photo ID: 024578 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/10/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

H.C. Andersens Hus H.C. Andersens Hus No Data


This small house in one of the oldest parts of town is generally held to be his birthplace, though he never confirmed it. Today it houses a small museum on his immediate family and how he ended up being born here (if he was)


Charge, joint ticket for all Odense Museums

Getting There

Latitude: 55.398733; Longitude: 10.390739
What3Words: everyone.twins.walled


Photo ID: 024554 Photo ID: 024555 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/10/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Klosterhavens venner Klosterhavens venner No Data


Very small botanical gardens located behind the cathedral housing a small collection of plants, in a sunken location it’s a very tranquil place to sit for a while



Getting There

Latitude: 55.3947349; Longitude: 10.3888081
What3Words: minus.tailing.owes


Photo ID: 024612 Photo ID: 024613 Photo ID: 024614 Photo ID: 024615 Photo ID: 024616 Photo ID: 024618 Photo ID: 024619

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/10/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Møntergården: Byens liv Møntergården: Byens liv No Data


The museum tells the history of the golden age of the city from the 13th through to the 17th century - when it was the second city of Denmark.


Charge, joint ticket for all Odense Museums

Getting There

Latitude: 55.397944; Longitude: 10.394013
What3Words: passes.tank.formal


Photo ID: 024560 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/10/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Møntergården: Houses Møntergården: Houses No Data


Some of the old houses of the city have been preserved and can be looked at to get an idea of how cramped the conditions were that people lived in.


Charge, joint ticket for all Odense Museums

Getting There

Latitude: 55.398411; Longitude: 10.393897
What3Words: richly.alone.bids


Photo ID: 024556 Photo ID: 024557 Photo ID: 024558 Photo ID: 024559 Photo ID: 024560 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/10/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Møntergården: Museum Møntergården: Museum No Data


The museum houses both a permanent exhibition on the history of the region, as well as temporary exhibition spaces (at the time of visiting showing an exhibition on China


Charge, joint ticket for all Odense Museums

Getting There

Latitude: 55.398577; Longitude: 10.393975
What3Words: lottery.reading.most


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/10/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sankt Knuds Kirke Sankt Knuds Kirke No Data


The City's cathedral, dedicated to St. Canute a King who was murdered in a nearby church whilst he was praying. Inside the interior is light and bright with plain white walls helping keeping the space bright. The raised alter hides an undercroft chapel located beneath it.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.395399; Longitude: 10.388907
What3Words: gave.firms.driveway


Photo ID: 024579 Photo ID: 024581 Photo ID: 024582 Photo ID: 024583 Photo ID: 024584 Photo ID: 024585 Photo ID: 024586

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/10/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glienicker Brücke Glienicker Brücke No Data


The Spy Bridge, at this point the Berlin Wall crossed through the middle of the bridge and for much of the time from the end of the war until 1989 it was a forbidden area. It's the place where spy's were swapped by the Soviets and the Americans. Today its a very pleasant crossing over the Havel with stunning views across the lakes and towards several palaces.



Getting There

From the centre of town tram number 93 goes out to Glienicker Brücke. It terminates about 400 yards short of the bridge. From the side of the tram halt there is a path that leads down to the riverside and then round the headland to the bridge, otherwise if you continue walking up the road you reach the bridge
Latitude: 52.413461; Longitude: 13.090232
What3Words: pleasing.wished.energetic


Photo ID: 014203 Photo ID: 014232 Photo ID: 014234 Photo ID: 014235 Photo ID: 014236 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2015), and on time of last update (02/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nikolaikirche Nikolaikirche No Data


The impressive Nikolaikirche dominates the skyline with its dome, modelled on St Peters in Rome. Inside the church is surprisingly small for the domination it makes of the skyline. You can climb a tower to the base of the dome for stunning views over the city


Suggested Donation to visit the church, Charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 52.396319; Longitude: 13.060742
What3Words: assures.poster.dull


Photo ID: 014174 Photo ID: 014179 Photo ID: 014181 Photo ID: 014183 Photo ID: 014184 Photo ID: 014185 Photo ID: 014188

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2015), and on time of last update (02/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Park Sanssouci Park Sanssouci No Data


The Park covers a large area to the North West of the city centre. It was a favourite location for the Prussian royal family who over generations built a large number of summer palaces. Today the park is littered with royal constructions, many of which can be visited. The park itself has lots of paths to wander along and explore.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.401838; Longitude: 13.028744
What3Words: boomers.manhole.written


Photo ID: 014208 Photo ID: 014210 Photo ID: 014214 Photo ID: 014215 Photo ID: 014221 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2015), and on time of last update (02/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Park Sanssouci: Chinesisches Teehaus Park Sanssouci: Chinesisches Teehaus No Data


The spectacular Chinese Teahouse is a small building that stands out for the sheer amount of gilt work on virtually every surface. At the time of visiting the house was closed but could be viewed from the outside


Charge if open

Getting There

Latitude: 52.40024; Longitude: 13.032155
What3Words: coats.photos.refrain


Photo ID: 014216 Photo ID: 014217 Photo ID: 014218 Photo ID: 014219 Photo ID: 014220 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2015), and on time of last update (02/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Park Sanssouci: Neues Palais Park Sanssouci: Neues Palais No Data


A grand palace with over 200 different rooms, however, you only get to see a few of them on the guided tour you are taken around on. The tours are in German only with written translations. However, it is well worth it as one of the final rooms, the Marble hall is spectacular. Two stories high, covering half the width of the palace it is simply breath-taking.


Charge, Joint ticket for all palaces available

Getting There

Latitude: 52.401332; Longitude: 13.015945
What3Words: reject.deposits.fashion


Photo ID: 014222 Photo ID: 014223 Photo ID: 014224 Photo ID: 014225 Photo ID: 014239 Photo ID: 014240 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/02/2006), and on time of last update (02/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Park Sanssouci: Schloß Sanssouci Park Sanssouci: Schloß Sanssouci No Data


Schloß Sanssouci built as a get away for the king from everyone except his closest friends this is a small and quite homely palace. It's only got about 12 rooms and covers just one floor. The guided tour is interesting, but only in German when I visited. Thankfully, you can read a paper translation to each room.


Charge, Joint ticket for all palaces available. Entry by timed ticket only

Getting There

Latitude: 52.404225; Longitude: 13.038411
What3Words: farmland.tanks.regime


Photo ID: 014188 Photo ID: 014196 Photo ID: 014211 Photo ID: 014212 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/02/2006), and on time of last update (02/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Potsdam City Tour Potsdam City Tour No Data


The city tour is a hop-on-hop-off bus tour that in good weather has a roof that can be pulled back. A multi-lingual pre recorded commentary tells you about the key sights whilst a live guide gives a commentary in German



Getting There

Latitude: 52.399835; Longitude: 13.046995
What3Words: thanks.howler.strategy


Photo ID: 014192 Photo ID: 014193 Photo ID: 014194 Photo ID: 014197 Photo ID: 014204 Photo ID: 014207 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2015), and on time of last update (02/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Weisse Flotte Potsdam Weisse Flotte Potsdam No Data


Regular cruises on the Havel and the lakes it forms around the city, with lots of palaces to be seen. A pre-recorded commentary tells you about the key sights in German and English



Getting There

Latitude: 52.393158; Longitude: 13.060575
What3Words: gums.frantic.loves


Photo ID: 014241 Photo ID: 014242 Photo ID: 014243 Photo ID: 014245 Photo ID: 014246 Photo ID: 014250 Photo ID: 014251

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/03/2015), and on time of last update (02/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bärenzwinger Bärenzwinger No Data


Located just behind the city museum are the emblems of Berlin. The city's coat of arms features a bear, and here in the bear pit are two examples of European Brown bears that are the city's emblem. Whilst it does appear quite cruel keeping two wild animals in a landscaped pit in a city centre, they appeared to be pretty content, and not displaying the behaviour I've seen in bears in zoos.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.512793; Longitude: 13.414468
What3Words: scouting.spike.garages


Photo ID: 007804 Photo ID: 007805 Photo ID: 007806 Photo ID: 007807 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Berlin gruselkabinett Berlin gruselkabinett No Data


One of the former civilian bunkers, this now houses a Chamber of horrors, a small exhibition on medicine and a small display of items which were found when the bunker was being cleared out giving an idea about life in the bunker during the air raids of World War 2



Getting There

Latitude: 52.50288; Longitude: 13.380286
What3Words: tabloid.diary.looked


Photo ID: 000881 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Berliner Dom (Berlin cathedral) Berliner Dom (Berlin cathedral) No Data


Slightly over the top attempt to mimic St Pauls in London and St Peters in Rome. The Berlin Cathedral has been restored to full over the top splendour after being almost destroyed during WWII. Along with the quite small body of the cathedral you can also climb up to the base of the dome for the stunning views over the city


Charge to enter the Cathedral, which includes access to the viewing gallery at the base of the dome and the crypt with the coffins of the former Kaisers.

Getting There

Latitude: 52.519244; Longitude: 13.401024
What3Words: gears.spokes.cupcake


Photo ID: 000304 Photo ID: 003006 Photo ID: 003008 Photo ID: 007814 Photo ID: 007815 Photo ID: 007816 Photo ID: 007817

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2004), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Berliner unterwelten Berliner unterwelten No Data


An interesting tour which takes you into the bowels of Gesundbrunnen metro station, which was used as a public air raid shelter during World War 2. The tour, in English, gives some background on the building of the bunker, the life people led in it, and shows some artefacts that have been discovered both in this bunker, and other bunkers around Berlin



Getting There

The ticket office is located at the U8 entrance. Gesundbrunnen is also on several S-Bahn lines
Latitude: 52.547927; Longitude: 13.388858
What3Words: digit.clerics.crystal


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brandenburg gate Brandenburg gate No Data


Possibly one of the most well known sights in the city and now fully restored to its splendour. This gate puts most others into their places it is simply mammoth. During the run-up to Christmas and New Year the gate becomes the focus of some of the major celebrations, including a large tree and during Chanukah a giant Menorah.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.516273; Longitude: 13.377711
What3Words: that.lands.winning


Photo ID: 000297 Photo ID: 000298 Photo ID: 000860 Photo ID: 002987 Photo ID: 02996 Photo ID: 003000 Photo ID: 003001

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/02/2004), and on time of last update (27/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

BStU Document centre and Stasi Exhibition BStU Document centre and Stasi Exhibition No Data


Located close to the Topographies of Terror exhibition, this museum and documentation centre houses some of the countless records that the Stasi kept on the citizens of the old DDR. The museum explains how the system worked, and how the Stasi managed to keep a lid on the population until it all unexpectedly collapsed in November 1989. It documents how the Stasi monitored and invaded peoples lives, from simple recording what everyone was up to to some people dying at their hands.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.507737; Longitude: 13.387895
What3Words: shipped.rental.photo


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Checkpoint Charlie Checkpoint Charlie No Data


The original checkpoint was dismantled shortly after the reunification of the city and the end of the cold war, but a new replacement has been built in the original location, along with the sign informing you that you are about to leave the American Sector



Getting There

Latitude: 52.50744; Longitude: 13.390387
What3Words: emails.chairs.brand


Photo ID: 007834 Photo ID: 007835 Photo ID: 007836 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2004), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

DDR Museum DDR Museum No Data


Located opposite the cathedral, and near where the DDR government palace once stood, this museum is a homage to the DDR. You can try driving a (virtual) Trabant, experience DDR TV and Cinema and see how people lived in The Peoples Republic.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.519537; Longitude: 13.402162
What3Words: composer.modes.stiff


Photo ID: 003009 Photo ID: 003010 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

East side gallery East side gallery No Data


Very little of the Berlin Wall remains now. The only substantial part is the East Side Gallery. Home to some of the most famous murals painted on the wall during the years of separation and restored at the start of the 21st century to their original conditions



Getting There

Latitude: 52.504585; Longitude: 13.440785
What3Words: wanting.ranch.inhaler


Photo ID: 000309 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2004), and on time of last update (28/02/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Europa centre panoramapunkt Europa centre panoramapunkt No Data


The 20th floor of the Europa centre provides a warm and comfortable location from which you can look out over Berlin. The area also has a bar attached



Getting There

Latitude: 52.50435; Longitude: 13.337976
What3Words: barefoot.roses.paying


Photo ID: 000879 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fat Tire Bike Tours Fat Tire Bike Tours No Data


The company offers several different tours of the city, however their main one is the general city tour which leaves twice a day during the summer. The tour lasts about four hours, but only covers about 10 miles of the incredibly flat city, which gives you an idea of the pace. Starting at Alexanderplatz the tour heads out through Babel Platz and the Gendarmenmarkt before taking in Checkpoint Charlie, the site of the former Führerbunker, the Holocaust memorial and the Tiergarten, making a stop for refreshments in one of the Biergartens. It then heads back by the Siegassäule, Reichstag, Brandenburg gate and Berliner Dom before returning to Alexanderplatz.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.521045; Longitude: 13.409143
What3Words: others.enlarge.rots


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fransösicher Dom (French cathedral) Fransösicher Dom (French cathedral) No Data


Exactly matching the German Cathedral on the other side of the square this impressive and restrained building is still a church (unlike the German Cathedral which has become a museum) You can climb the inside of the tower to get views over the whole of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 52.514334; Longitude: 13.39227
What3Words: making.tidy.chuckle


Photo ID: 000302 Photo ID: 007796 Photo ID: 007797 Photo ID: 007798 Photo ID: 007799 Photo ID: 007800 Photo ID: 007803

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2004), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Funkturm Funkturm No Data


Located in the International Conference Centre on the outskirts of town this 1920's radio tower was designed to look like the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The tower houses a small restaurant at about 65m and a viewing platform at about 115m. A lift takes you all the way to the top where you can take in the views as the tower gently rocks in the breeze!



Getting There

Latitude: 52.505146; Longitude: 13.278244
What3Words: dividing.oaks.examples


Photo ID: 000308 Photo ID: 021520 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2004), and on time of last update (28/02/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Haus am Checkpoint Charlie Haus am Checkpoint Charlie No Data


Located right by where Checkpoint Charlie this museum, which was set up in the 1960's shortly after the wall went up, documents the escapes and attempted escapes from the former East Germany into the West. The museum itself is located in the building where many of the escape attempts started from.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.506825; Longitude: 13.390692
What3Words: amused.evidently.genetics


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2004), and on time of last update (28/02/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jewish museum Jewish museum No Data


Located in a specially built building that is designed to look like a twisted and damaged Star of David this museum attempts to tell the history of Jews in Germany. Their history, culture, fight for equality and the atrocities carried out by the Nazis in their attempts at extermination.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.501894; Longitude: 13.395596
What3Words: mercy.classic.choirs


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2004), and on time of last update (28/02/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Memorial church Memorial church No Data


Almost totally destroyed in an air raid towards the end of WWII the remains of this church have been left, partly as a reminder. It is now surrounded totally by late 20th Century shopping malls and office blocks and has more of an effect than any of the other monument can do to the pointlessness and destruction of war. During the Christmas period one of the city's main Christmas Markets is located here. This was the scene, in 2016, of a truck attack and the memorial church has now taken on an additional site of memorial to the victims of that attack.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.504898; Longitude: 13.335192
What3Words: sleeps.slime.masters


Photo ID: 000305 Photo ID: 000863 Photo ID: 021549 Photo ID: 021551 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2004), and on time of last update (27/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Monument to the murdered Jews of Europe Monument to the murdered Jews of Europe No Data


Just a bit beyond the Brandenburg Gate this monument is made up of over 2000 concrete blocks laid out in rows and columns that follow a rolling landscape. You can walk between them and disappear amongst the towers. Underneath is a museum dedicated to the memory of those who were persecuted and killed between 1933 and 1945. It traces the terror of those times through the lives of various people who lived through, or were killed during holocaust. The final room of the tour is a simple audio presentation, remembering the names of those who were killed.


Free, but a donation is requested

Getting There

Latitude: 52.514027; Longitude: 13.378623
What3Words: theme.sitting.lamps


Photo ID: 002988 Photo ID: 002989 Photo ID: 002990 Photo ID: 002991 Photo ID: 002992 Photo ID: 003004 Photo ID: 003005

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2008), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Neue Wache Neue Wache No Data


Originally designed as a memorial to the fallen, it has since been adapted to be a memorial to all those who have endured tyranny, including the victims of war, the Nazi's and those who were killed for standing up to the DDR. The interior is a massive space with a simple dome window in the ceiling casting its light on a simple life size statue of a woman cradling the body of a man, the rest of the space is left completely empty.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.517876; Longitude: 13.395547
What3Words: latches.poker.mediate


Photo ID: 007824 Photo ID: 007825 Photo ID: 007853 Photo ID: 007854 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Olympic stadium clock tower Olympic stadium clock tower No Data


The clocktower was originally built as part of a Nazi shrine and since my first visit in 2004 the lower parts of the site have been refurbished and re-opened as a museum detailing the complex history behind the 1936 Olympics and how the Nazi's used it as a way of attracting positive international feeling towards the Reich. A lift (again installed since my first visit in 2004) now whisks you up to a viewing platform just below the bell and a flight of stairs takes you on up to the roof. From the roof the views over both the Olympic park and the wider western end of Berlin are spectacular.


Small Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 52.515; Longitude: 13.242753
What3Words: pining.tree.glorious


Photo ID: 000310 Photo ID: 007826 Photo ID: 007827 Photo ID: 007828 Photo ID: 007829 Photo ID: 007830 Photo ID: 007831

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2004), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Panorama observation deck Panorama observation deck No Data


Located on the top of the Daimler Chrysler building on the Potsdamer Platz, the former site of the Berlin Wall, this offers great views over the most rapidly developing part of Berlin. Supposedly Europe's fastest lift takes you to the top of the building



Getting There

Latitude: 52.509055; Longitude: 13.375323
What3Words: runner.eaten.flaking


Photo ID: 000306 Photo ID: 000887 Photo ID: 000888 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2004), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reichstag Reichstag No Data


Located on the edge of the Tiergarten and restored at the start of the 21st Century as the seat of German government this is a spectacular building made even more impressive by the glass dome that rises from its centre. You can climb to the top of the Dome for stunning views over the city centre, although this has changed since my first visit to being by pre-booking only, you cannot just turn up and queue any longer



Getting There

Latitude: 52.518643; Longitude: 13.375994
What3Words: worth.postcard.daytime


Photo ID: 000299 Photo ID: 000300 Photo ID: 000301 Photo ID: 000307 Photo ID: 000861 Photo ID: 002986 Photo ID: 002994

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/02/2004), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Charlottenburg Schloß Charlottenburg No Data


One of the many palaces of Frederick the Great (see also Potsdam) this is divided into several separate palaces which have numerous rooms open to the public. The new wing can be visited using an audio guide, the older parts of the palace on guided tours only


Charge, combination ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 52.520948; Longitude: 13.295689
What3Words: surfaces.urgent.lost


Photo ID: 000878 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Siegessäule Siegessäule No Data


Located in the centre of the Tiergarten this column and statue stands on the Berlin equivalent of Hyde Park Corner (i.e. a very large roundabout) The only way to reach the column, if you value you own life, is by the slightly unpleasant and dimly lit subway


Free to look at outside of tower, Small charge if you wish to climb

Getting There

Latitude: 52.514458; Longitude: 13.350127
What3Words: driveway.spend.dices


Photo ID: 000307 Photo ID: 000862 Photo ID: 007833 Photo ID: 007837 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2004), and on time of last update (28/02/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spree Cruises Spree Cruises No Data


Several companies offer boat cruises that ply up and down the Spree taking in the key sights including the government district and the museum island. Most tours operate in multiple languages.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.519309; Longitude: 13.402076
What3Words: prices.snatched.steep


Photo ID: 003007 Photo ID: 003008 Photo ID: 010116 Photo ID: 010117 Photo ID: 010118 Photo ID: 010119 Photo ID: 010120

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadtmodelle Stadtmodelle No Data


Located near the city museum the current model keeps up a tradition in Berlin of producing city models. There is an earlier model also on display at the back of the hall, and, interestingly, one created by the DDR authorities in 1989, just before everything fell apart for them, showing the Eastern side of Berlin, along with their plans for further development. The current model covers most of the centre of Berlin from the Alexanderplatz across to the Tiergarten, with the key new buildings constructed since unification picked out in a different colour to indicate just how much of central Berlin has changed



Getting There

Latitude: 52.513253; Longitude: 13.415996
What3Words: plants.fires.napped


Photo ID: 007808 Photo ID: 007809 Photo ID: 007810 Photo ID: 007811 Photo ID: 007812 Photo ID: 007813 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Story of Berlin Story of Berlin No Data


This multimedia exhibition tells the story of the history of the city from a small hamlet first mentioned in the 13th Century through its rise to prominence in the Prussian empire, its creation as a German capital, its role in the events that lead up to the start of the second world war, it's destruction, reconstruction, partition and eventual reunification and return to its role as capital of a united Germany. Underneath the museum is one of the West German governments Nuclear bunkers and you can take an extended tour that takes in the sites down here.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.501959; Longitude: 13.323594
What3Words: buzzer.imagined.pelting


Photo ID: 000884 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2004), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Templehof Air field Templehof Air field No Data


Built in the 1920's and then rebuilt by the Nazi's Tempelhof was, at one point, one of Europe's most Iconic and important airports. Along with Tegel it helped keep West Berlin alive during the Berlin Air Lift, and consequently is one of the most important aviation sites in Europe. Except it's no longer an airport. With construction on the new Berlin Brandenburg airport in progress the last flights left Tempelhof in 2008 and the airport was closed for business. Since then the airfield has been turned into a community park, with one the main attractions being the two full length runways that you can cycle, rollerblade or walk along.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.477161; Longitude: 13.403363
What3Words: fear.shelters.restored


Photo ID: 007846 Photo ID: 007847 Photo ID: 007848 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Topographies of terror Topographies of terror No Data


An exhibition at the last remaining chunk of un-preserved wall. The outdoor exhibition (there has been a very long running saga over getting a proper museum built!) tells the history of the Third Reich, war, building of the wall and the events that took place on the Eastern side of it. There is also an exhibition on the Nuremburg war crimes trials.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.50719; Longitude: 13.384019
What3Words: tops.erase.dominate


Photo ID: 000889 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

TV Tower TV Tower No Data


One of the worlds largest towers, and in the former Eastern block countries second only to the Moscow TV Tower, this is a building of a different age. Put up to show what a communist state could achieve this is now a landmark across the whole of Berlin and beyond, one of the symbols of the city, and with its revolving restaurant at the top a good way to catch a snack and sightsee at the same time.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.520902; Longitude: 13.409361
What3Words: engine.vampire.stove


Photo ID: 038109 Photo ID: 038113 Photo ID: 038115 Photo ID: 038119 Photo ID: 038122 Photo ID: 038130 Photo ID: 038137

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2004), and on time of last update (23/02/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dresden: Frauenkirche Dresden: Frauenkirche No Data


The symbol of the rebuilt Dresden. The Frauenkirche was left in ruins throughout the life of the DDR to serve as a reminder of capitalist aggression, rebuilding started in 1992 and was completed, several months early, in the middle of 2005. Today the church is the focal point of many events taking place in the city and, consequently, is only open for a few hours a day for people to look round. However, the dome of the church is open for most of the day and the views from the top are stunning


Charge to climb the dome, Donations expected to enter church

Getting There

Latitude: 51.051876; Longitude: 13.741525
What3Words: taped.atoms.info


Photo ID: 000866 Photo ID: 000867 Photo ID: 000868 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dresden: Funicular railways Dresden: Funicular railways No Data


On the outskirts of the city is the "Blue Wonder" bridge. From here two funicular railways lead up into the hills above. One is the conventional type, the other hangs from a rail above! At the top of the Schwebebahn (the hanging one), you can visit the machine room where you are shown (in German) the machinery in action, as well as some background history. From the top of the station, there are spectacular views over the whole of the region.


Charge, combination ticket available

Getting There

From Dresden Hauptbahnhof take any tramline towards the centre of town, and change in town for tram line 12 to Schillerplatz, from there cross over the river. The stations are located just on the other side of the bridge. The hanging station is slightly further beyond the regular station
Latitude: 51.053585; Longitude: 13.816568
What3Words: concerts.lights.deal


Photo ID: 000865 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Leipzig: Museum in the Runden Ecke Leipzig: Museum in the Runden Ecke No Data


Originally the home of the Stasi, it was here on a night in 1989 that the crowds stormed the building. They discovered that the secret police were desperately trying to shred all the information that they had painstakingly collected over the previous 40 years. Almost every person had a file, and in them were reports from neighbours, friends and colleagues who had been on the payroll of the Stasi to give them information. The museum tells the history of the secret police as well as showing some of the ways that they obtained their information.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.341745; Longitude: 12.369951
What3Words: gearbox.composers.paths


Photo ID: 000872 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Leipzig: Völkerschlachtdenkmal Leipzig: Völkerschlachtdenkmal No Data


The Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the battle of nations) is possibly about the ugliest monument ever built combining the very worst that concrete and communism can do, yet it was built in 1913 for which there can be no excuse! The one advantage is that, as it dominates the skyline, you can get great views from the top. You can climb all the way to the top, or for an extra €1 take the lift to the first viewing 2/3 of the way up.



Getting There

From the centre of Leipzig take either line 2 or line 15 trams to Völkerschlachtdenkmal stop, from there it is impossible to miss the monument!
Latitude: 51.31232; Longitude: 12.413113
What3Words: costumes.chew.loose


Photo ID: 000870 Photo ID: 000871 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Potsdam: Neues Palais Potsdam: Neues Palais No Data


A grand palace with over 200 different rooms, however, you only get to see a few of them on the guided tour you are taken around on. The tours are in German only with written translations. However, it is well worth it as one of the final rooms, the Marble hall is spectacular. Two stories high, covering half the width of the palace it is simply breath-taking.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.401332; Longitude: 13.015945
What3Words: reject.deposits.fashion


Photo ID: 000314 Photo ID: 000315 Photo ID: 000877 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Potsdam: Schloß Sanssouci Potsdam: Schloß Sanssouci No Data


Schloß Sanssouci built as a get away for the king from everyone except his closest friends this is a small and quite homely palace. It's only got about 12 rooms and covers just one floor. The guided tour is interesting, but only in German. Thankfully, you can read a paper translation to each room.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.404225; Longitude: 13.038411
What3Words: farmland.tanks.regime


Photo ID: 000875 Photo ID: 000876 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sachsenhausen: Concentration camp Sachsenhausen: Concentration camp No Data


This quiet town was the home to Northern Germany’s main Concentration camp during the Second World War, and after the war, the Soviets used it as a 'Special Camp' for dealing with their prisoners. The site was the 'model camp' and it was from here that the entire concentration camp system across the Nazi occupied lands was run. The site has a visitor’s centre that has recently been built. From here, you can hire very comprehensive audio guides, which take you around the only parts of the site that are remaining and help to put into context some of the things that happened here and tell the stories of some of the prisoners, some who survived, and many who did not.


Free to look around the site, charge for the Audio guides (and a deposit such as a passport or driving licence is required)

Getting There

From the centre of Berlin take the S1 train (alternate trains only - every 20 minutes) to the end of the line at Orienberg, takes about 40 minutes. From here you can take the hourly 804 bus (takes 8 minutes) or it's a 20 minute well signed walk (don't believe the distances on the signs though, they go up as well as down, but it is about 2Km)
Latitude: 52.763943; Longitude: 13.260906
What3Words: advances.rats.useful


Photo ID: 000885 Photo ID: 000886 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dresden Dresden No Data


Once considered to be the Florence of the north, the city was all but destroyed during allied bombing raids towards the end of World War II. Reconstruction work still goes on to today (not helped by 40 years of East German rule) but the city is now starting to be returned to its former glory


Getting There

Trains leave regularly from Berlin to Dresden taking just under 2 hours 30 minutes. In Dresden a comprehensive tram and bus network make getting around town easy
Latitude: 51.050991; Longitude: 13.733634
What3Words: takes.bumping.touched


Photo ID: 000865 Photo ID: 000866 Photo ID: 000867 Photo ID: 000868 Photo ID: 000869 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Leipzig Leipzig No Data


The centre of the groundswell of rebellion that eventually lead to the fall of the East German state, Leipzig may not be a massively beautiful city, It's place in history though, is assured


Getting There

ICE (Intercity Express) trains leave regularly from the Hauptbahnhof, taking around 75 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 51.340525; Longitude: 12.374672
What3Words: fingernails.olive.deadline


Photo ID: 000870 Photo ID: 000871 Photo ID: 000872 Photo ID: 000873 Photo ID: 000874 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Potsdam Potsdam No Data


Potsdam is located about 25Km to the South West of the centre of Berlin. It is the Capital city of the Brandenburg State. The centre of the city was devastated towards the end of WWII but the castles and palaces in Sanssouci Park survived.


Getting There

Regular S-Bahn trains from the centre of Berlin run to Potsdam Hauptbahnhof (the end of the line) and take just over 30 minutes. Alternatively the Regional Express trains from the main stations in Berlin also stop at Potsdam Hauptbahnhof and take about 15 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 52.399512; Longitude: 13.047123
What3Words: enlarge.skin.alcove


Photo ID: 000312 Photo ID: 000313 Photo ID: 000314 Photo ID: 000315 Photo ID: 000316 Photo ID: 000875 Photo ID: 000876

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2004), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alte Nationalgalerie Alte Nationalgalerie No Data


The art collection of the old DDR, and one of the key buildings of Museum Island. The extensive gallery includes a number of important German artists, along with a collection of works by other well-known European artists.


Charge, joint ticket for all museums on Museum Island available

Getting There

Latitude: 52.520915; Longitude: 13.398181
What3Words: blending.blesses.smelter


Photo ID: 010112 Photo ID: 010121 Photo ID: 010122 Photo ID: 010123 Photo ID: 010124 Photo ID: 010125 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Altes Museum Altes Museum No Data


The museum houses the city's collection of Greek, Roman and Etruscan art, statues and artefacts.


Charge, joint ticket for all museums on Museum Island available

Getting There

Latitude: 52.519466; Longitude: 13.398728
What3Words: envelope.plea.format


Photo ID: 010147 Photo ID: 010148 Photo ID: 010149 Photo ID: 010150 Photo ID: 021498 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Neues Museum Neues Museum No Data


The Neues museum houses the city's extensive collection of Egyptian related artefacts, including the bust of Nefertiti


Charge, joint ticket for all museums on Museum Island available

Getting There

Latitude: 52.52021; Longitude: 13.397666
What3Words: native.hounded.beefed


Photo ID: 010113 Photo ID: 010126 Photo ID: 010127 Photo ID: 010128 Photo ID: 010129 Photo ID: 010130 Photo ID: 010131

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pergamonmuseum Pergamonmuseum No Data


The Pergamonmusem houses an extensive collection of reconstructed fragments of archaeology from Pergamon in modern day Turkey. There is also an exhibition on Islamic art.


Charge, joint ticket for all museums on Museum Island available

Getting There

Latitude: 52.521228; Longitude: 13.396851
What3Words: victor.admiringly.select


Photo ID: 010139 Photo ID: 010140 Photo ID: 010141 Photo ID: 010142 Photo ID: 010143 Photo ID: 010144 Photo ID: 010145

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sightseeing Buses Sightseeing Buses No Data


Several companies offer open-top sightseeing tours round the key sights of the city, passing all the main attractions and offering hop-on-hop-off tickets valid for one or two days. Most offer commentary in German and English with some also offering other languages. Most of the tours originate on Kurfürstendamm near the Zoo station.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.503592; Longitude: 13.330246
What3Words: builders.strapped.disposal


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

100/200 Buses: Alexanderplatz 100/200 Buses: Alexanderplatz No Data


The number 100 and 200 buses link Alexanderplatz and Zoo stations taking in many of the key sights in the city with the 100 running via the Reichstag and Siegessaule and the 200 via Potsdamer Platz and many of the modern parts of the city. Both services are normally formed of double deck buses so there are lots of opportunities for sightseeing for a lot less than the open-top tour buses


Standard BVG tickets, including day passes

Getting There

Latitude: 52.522921; Longitude: 13.410155
What3Words: caravan.issue.factory


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2017), and on time of last update (27/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

100/200 Buses: Zoologischer Garten 100/200 Buses: Zoologischer Garten No Data


The number 100 and 200 buses link Alexanderplatz and Zoo stations taking in many of the key sights in the city with the 100 running via the Reichstag and Siegessaule and the 200 via Potsdamer Platz and many of the modern parts of the city. Both services are normally formed of double deck buses so there are lots of opportunities for sightseeing for a lot less than the open-top tour buses


Standard BVG tickets, including day passes

Getting There

Latitude: 52.506856; Longitude: 13.333228
What3Words: guitar.proofs.hope


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2017), and on time of last update (27/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Berlin Botanischer Garten Berlin Botanischer Garten No Data


The large botanical gardens, located in a South Western suburb of the city, include an arboretum, geographically themed gardens and several large glasshouses.


Charge, Ticket covers both the Botanical Gardens and the Museum

Getting There

Take the U9 or S-Bahn to Rathaus Steglitz and then catch either the M48 (southern entrance) or X33 (northern entrance) a couple of stops to the gardens
Latitude: 52.453864; Longitude: 13.305428
What3Words: staging.pity.notes


Photo ID: 021556 Photo ID: 021562 Photo ID: 021564 Photo ID: 021566 Photo ID: 021574 Photo ID: 021578 Photo ID: 021582

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2017), and on time of last update (27/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Berlin Botanischer Museum Berlin Botanischer Museum No Data


The museum is located on the northern edge of the botanical gardens and houses both permanent and temporary exhibitions relating to plant life and the work of the gardens


Charge, Ticket covers both the Botanical Gardens and the Museum

Getting There

Take the U9 or S-Bahn to Rathaus Steglitz and then catch either the M48 (southern entrance) or X33 (northern entrance) a couple of stops to the gardens
Latitude: 52.458528; Longitude: 13.304727
What3Words: prime.milder.soothing


Photo ID: 021581 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2017), and on time of last update (27/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Christmas Markets Christmas Markets No Data


From late November until the end of the year a number of Christmas markets spring up around the city centre. The main ones are located by the Memorial Church near Zoo station, at the foot of the TV tower and another one close by around Alexanderplatz. Additional smaller markets pop up in other parts of the city centre


Generally free to look around, though some may charge a small entrance fee

Getting There

Latitude: 52.521803; Longitude: 13.413051
What3Words: roses.rarely.drifting


Photo ID: 021548 Photo ID: 021550 Photo ID: 021552 Photo ID: 021553 Photo ID: 021554 Photo ID: 021555 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2017), and on time of last update (27/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gärten der Welt Gärten der Welt No Data


The site of the 2017 Internationale Gartenausstellung (Horticultural exhibition) the Gardens of the World is a collection of gardens and landscapes areas that take their inspiration from different parts of the planet, such as the Chinese gardens and the waterfall gardens.


Charge, Joint ticket with the Cable Car is available

Getting There

Latitude: 52.538147; Longitude: 13.56993
What3Words: number.custard.awake


Photo ID: 021601 Photo ID: 021610 Photo ID: 021612 Photo ID: 021617 Photo ID: 021625 Photo ID: 021628 Photo ID: 021631

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2017), and on time of last update (27/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum für Naturkunde Museum für Naturkunde No Data


The city's natural history museum - home to a large collection of animals including several famous former residents of the city's zoo. The museum also has a large collection of dinosaurs and a big geology collection. Perhaps it's strangest collection is the 'Wet Collection' which has thousands of specimens in glass jars preserved in formaldehyde, all stacked in a massive glass cube.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.53012; Longitude: 13.379348
What3Words: scare.income.broccoli


Photo ID: 021583 Photo ID: 021584 Photo ID: 021588 Photo ID: 021590 Photo ID: 021592 Photo ID: 021593 Photo ID: 021595

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2017), and on time of last update (27/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seilbahn Berlin Seilbahn Berlin No Data


A cable car, put in for the 2017 IGA horticultural exhibition. The cable car links the two parts of the park site with the high ground in the centre from where there should be, on a good day, excellent views of the city from the East. A round trip includes the option to disembark at the middle station to explore the viewing tower in either direction.


Charge, Joint ticket with the Gärten der Welt is available

Getting There

Latitude: 52.53046; Longitude: 13.590021
What3Words: library.acclaim.order


Photo ID: 021596 Photo ID: 021598 Photo ID: 021600 Photo ID: 021608 Photo ID: 021612 Photo ID: 021634 Photo ID: 021638

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2017), and on time of last update (27/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spandau: Zitadelle Spandau: Zitadelle No Data


Large fortress located at the point where the Spree and Harvel rivers meet to the West of the city centre. Parts of the fortress can trace their origins back to the 12th century. Today, after much restoration, most of the site is open to look around, including the Julius Tower from which you can get a good view over the fortress and see how the various bastions are laid out.



Getting There

From Spandau Station take the X33 bus a couple of stops to Zitadelle, or take the U7 two stops to Zitadelle - the bus stops significantly closer. Alternatively, it's around a 20 minute walk from the station. You can take the U7 from the centre of Berlin to Zitadelle, but it's a long and boring journey as it's completely underground the whole way.
Latitude: 52.541031; Longitude: 13.212847
What3Words: collects.renews.november


Photo ID: 021506 Photo ID: 021514 Photo ID: 021517 Photo ID: 021523 Photo ID: 021529 Photo ID: 021538 Photo ID: 021539

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2017), and on time of last update (27/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spandau Spandau No Data


A large suburb of Western Berlin this was on the Western edge of the wall, the town sits on both the Spree and Harvel rivers that meet by the fortress on the edge of the old town. Up until the start of the 20th century the then separate town was a major centre of industry for weapons manufacture and as such had an impressive fortress built. Today the centre of the town still contains a number of small churches and has a distinct feel to it, despite long ago having been swallowed up by a growing Berlin


Getting There

There are regular S-Bahn trains from the centre of Berlin to Spandau - all terminating at the main station. Regular Regional Express and Regional Bahn trains also run to Berlin-Spandau station. Rathaus Spandau is the last stop on the U7 metro line and is located next to the main railway station.
Latitude: 52.53713; Longitude: 13.20473
What3Words: readily.secretly.deserved


Photo ID: 021518 Photo ID: 021521 Photo ID: 021522 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2017), and on time of last update (27/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Humboldt Forum Humboldt Forum No Data


Built on the site of the former Berlin Palace, and to a very similar style you'd be hard pressed to know that the original was destroyed during the Second World War, then the ruins blown up by the East German Government to make way for their Parliament building, which only lasted 30 years before it was torn down following the collapse of the Berlin Wall. Today the forum houses a number of museums, galleries, exhibition spaces and cafes. Sitting alongside the Berliner Dom and the other museums on Museum Island it makes a great addition to the world class selection of cultural exhibitions in the area.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.517175; Longitude: 13.401552
What3Words: sleep.storms.downward


Photo ID: 038011 Photo ID: 038013 Photo ID: 038015 Photo ID: 038018 Photo ID: 038142 Photo ID: 038144 Photo ID: 038185

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/02/2022), and on time of last update (23/02/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Humboldt Forum: Dachterrasse (Roof Terrace) Humboldt Forum: Dachterrasse (Roof Terrace) No Data


You can take a lift to the top floor of the forum and step out onto the terrace from where there are excellent views across to the Berliner Dom and the buildings of Museum Islands, as well as views down Unter den Linden towards the West and down past the TV Tower and Red Town Hall of the East.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.51729; Longitude: 13.400691
What3Words: segments.stops.fees


Photo ID: 038163 Photo ID: 038164 Photo ID: 038167 Photo ID: 038170 Photo ID: 038171 Photo ID: 038178 Photo ID: 038182

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/02/2022), and on time of last update (23/02/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Humboldt Forum: Ethnologisches Museum and Museum für Asiatische Kunst Humboldt Forum: Ethnologisches Museum and Museum für Asiatische Kunst No Data


The museum looks at arts and cultures from around the globe, arranged into groups by continent - including a large number of artifacts. At the time of visiting only a part of the museum was open as the exhibitions were still being curated following the opening of the forum.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.516715; Longitude: 13.401265
What3Words: rocked.stage.noisy


Photo ID: 038155 Photo ID: 038156 Photo ID: 038157 Photo ID: 038158 Photo ID: 038159 Photo ID: 038162 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/02/2022), and on time of last update (23/02/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Humboldt Forum: Schloßkeller (Palace Cellar) Humboldt Forum: Schloßkeller (Palace Cellar) No Data


You can descend down into the basement of the forum where you meet the former cellars of the palace - the only parts of the 17th century building that survived the war and demolition. For a number of years in the early 2000s parts of the cellars were visible from above ground as demolition of the DDR parliament took place, before they disappeared again under the construction of the forum. You can also see the sites where the East German government set the charges that demolished the ruined palace, craters still visible in the ground today.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.516589; Longitude: 13.40081
What3Words: marked.clothed.heave


Photo ID: 038148 Photo ID: 038149 Photo ID: 038150 Photo ID: 038151 Photo ID: 038152 Photo ID: 038153 Photo ID: 038154

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/02/2022), and on time of last update (23/02/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stasi Museum Stasi Museum No Data


Located in the main building of the Stasi complex in a residential part of East Berlin. The infamous secret police eventually took over all the buildings in this complex, but the top brass remained in this building throughout their time here. You can explore the history of the Stasi and their methods for keeping the population in check through the various exhibits before visiting the offices and social spaces of the senior leaders on the upper floors.



Getting There

The complex is close to the Magdalenenstraße on the U5 subway line
Latitude: 52.514528; Longitude: 13.487393
What3Words: awaiting.chefs.mute


Photo ID: 038188 Photo ID: 038190 Photo ID: 038191 Photo ID: 038197 Photo ID: 038198 Photo ID: 038199 Photo ID: 038200

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/02/2022), and on time of last update (23/02/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tierpark Tierpark No Data


The old East Berlin zoo, built by the East German authorities as the original Berlin Zoo ended up over in the Western side of the city. The zoo is surprisingly spacious, though possibly due to a much smaller number of animals being on display than would have been here during the heyday of the DDR.



Getting There

Tierpark is on the U5 subway line
Latitude: 52.498461; Longitude: 13.523285
What3Words: identity.pencils.intervals


Photo ID: 038071 Photo ID: 038085 Photo ID: 038086 Photo ID: 038091 Photo ID: 038092 Photo ID: 038096 Photo ID: 038099

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/02/2022), and on time of last update (23/02/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Köpenick: Schloß Köpenick Köpenick: Schloß Köpenick No Data


A former palace of the Elector of Brandenburg located on the banks of the River Dahme on a small peninsular of land that sticks out into the river. This elegant palace is now home to the museum of interiors which shows off room designs and furnishings from across the ages, with a particular focus on the Baroque and Rocco periods



Getting There

Latitude: 52.443861; Longitude: 13.572801
What3Words: crusher.outgoing.emperor


Photo ID: 038040 Photo ID: 038042 Photo ID: 038043 Photo ID: 038044 Photo ID: 038047 Photo ID: 038056 Photo ID: 038059

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/02/2022), and on time of last update (23/02/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Köpenick Köpenick No Data


Located at the confluence of the Dahme and Spree rivers the town of Köpenick was independent until it's absorption into an ever expanding Berlin in the 1920s. The town was an important location, being home to a palace of the Elector of Brandenburg from the 16th Century. The historic old-town, where the rivers merge, is a pretty and compact space to wander around, along with the picturesque palace gardens.


Getting There

The S3 runs every 20 minutes from the centre of Berlin (and every 10 minutes from Ostbahnhof) to Köpenick taking about 30 minutes to make the journey from the Hauptbahnhof, 15 minutes from Ostbahnhof). The S-Bahn station is in the newer part of town, about 2Km from the old town on the rivers. Trams 62, 63 and 68 run from the station to the Rathaus tramstop in the centre of the old town.
Latitude: 52.442631; Longitude: 13.582269
What3Words: comments.composed.lawn


Photo ID: 038031 Photo ID: 038032 Photo ID: 038033 Photo ID: 038034 Photo ID: 038039 Photo ID: 038045 Photo ID: 038066

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/02/2022), and on time of last update (23/02/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Freiburg Bächle Freiburg Bächle No Data


These small little canals run alongside many of the city streets. Originally a form of drainage and sewerage removal, today they are pleasant little streams that help to cool the city centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.995994; Longitude: 7.851046
What3Words: snore.circles.careless


Photo ID: 017666 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Martinstor Martinstor No Data


One of the remaining gates of the city with an impressive array of small turrets


Free to look at, no access

Getting There

Latitude: 47.993712; Longitude: 7.848962
What3Words: chop.supple.guitar


Photo ID: 017601 Photo ID: 017677 Photo ID: 017678 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Münster Münster No Data


The city's main church with it's tower dominating the skyline



Getting There

Latitude: 47.995567; Longitude: 7.852857
What3Words: tailing.prompts.sweeter


Photo ID: 017611 Photo ID: 017655 Photo ID: 017661 Photo ID: 017667 Photo ID: 017671 Photo ID: 017672 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Münster: Turm Münster: Turm No Data


You can climb the main tower of the Münster for views over the city



Getting There

Latitude: 47.995551; Longitude: 7.852231
What3Words: seasons.fitter.keeps


Photo ID: 017611 Photo ID: 017650 Photo ID: 017660 Photo ID: 017668 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schauinslandbahn Schauinslandbahn No Data


Cable car rising up to the mountains surrounding the city and offering great views over the local area


Charge, Included in the Welcome Card

Getting There

From the city centre take tram 2 to the end of the line where it connects with bus 21 to the bottom station of the cable car.
Latitude: 47.936028; Longitude: 7.865332
What3Words: pressing.trails.fades


Photo ID: 017604 Photo ID: 017605 Photo ID: 017606 Photo ID: 017607 Photo ID: 017608 Photo ID: 017609 Photo ID: 017610

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schlossberg Schlossberg No Data


The city centre mountain. From the top there are excellent views over the city and on into the Black Forrest


Getting There

Latitude: 47.993692; Longitude: 7.858216
What3Words: fairy.wedge.tiling


Photo ID: 017659 Photo ID: 017660 Photo ID: 017662 Photo ID: 017663 Photo ID: 017664 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schlossbergbahn Schlossbergbahn No Data


The city's funicular railway that climbs up to the Castle hill to get access to stunning views over the city centre


Getting There

Latitude: 47.99717; Longitude: 7.857432
What3Words: purses.silks.expires


Photo ID: 017657 Photo ID: 017658 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schwabentor Schwabentor No Data


One of the remaining gates of the city, an impressive structure with a large painting on the city side and impressive fortification on the outside


Free to look at, small museum housed inside

Getting There

Latitude: 47.992933; Longitude: 7.854162
What3Words: opponent.rips.takeover


Photo ID: 017654 Photo ID: 017674 Photo ID: 017675 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Feldberg: Feldbergbahen Feldberg: Feldbergbahen No Data


Short cable car rising up to the top of the mountain and the tower



Getting There

From Feldberg-Bärental station the 7300 bus goes direct to the base station of the cable car, buses connect with the trains
Latitude: 47.861603; Longitude: 8.036168
What3Words: faxes.poorly.newbie


Photo ID: 017619 Photo ID: 017620 Photo ID: 017621 Photo ID: 017622 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Feldberg: Feldburgturm Feldberg: Feldburgturm No Data


Tower on the top of the mountain offering views over the neighbouring peaks. A lift takes you all the way to the viewing platform at the top


Charge, included in Cable Car price

Getting There

From Feldberg-Bärental station the 7300 bus goes direct to the base station of the cable car, buses connect with the trains
Latitude: 47.864533; Longitude: 8.022253
What3Words: leniency.squiggle.lightbulb


Photo ID: 017623 Photo ID: 017627 Photo ID: 017628 Photo ID: 017629 Photo ID: 017630 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Feldberg: Schwarzwälder Schinkenmuseum Feldberg: Schwarzwälder Schinkenmuseum No Data


Located on the 1st floor of the Feldburgturm this is a small museum devoted to Black Forrest Ham - how it is created and the best ways of consuming it


Charge, included in Cable Car price

Getting There

From Feldberg-Bärental station the 7300 bus goes direct to the base station of the cable car, buses connect with the trains
Latitude: 47.864488; Longitude: 8.022281
What3Words: deeds.wearying.commented


Photo ID: 017623 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schulchsee: Seerundfahrten Schulchsee: Seerundfahrten No Data


A 70 minute round trip up and down the Schulchsee.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.814851; Longitude: 8.178324
What3Words: beaker.enchanting.outshone


Photo ID: 017636 Photo ID: 017637 Photo ID: 017638 Photo ID: 017639 Photo ID: 017640 Photo ID: 017641 Photo ID: 017642

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Feldberg Feldberg No Data


One of the highest points in the Black Forrest. During the winter months this is a ski resort, but in the summer the cable car and paths provide access to beautiful countryside and stunning views


Getting There

From Freiburg take the hourly train towards Seebrugg and get off at Feldberg-Bärental
Latitude: 47.860459; Longitude: 8.035717
What3Words: everything.curtsey.tarnish


Photo ID: 017617 Photo ID: 017618 Photo ID: 017623 Photo ID: 017624 Photo ID: 017625 Photo ID: 017626 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schulchsee Schulchsee No Data


Situated on the banks of the lake of the same name this small town is the hopping off point to get easy access to the lake and the surrounding area


Getting There

From Freiburg take the hourly train towards Seebrugg and get off at Schulchsee
Latitude: 47.817784; Longitude: 8.17784
What3Words: towels.contestants.dredge


Photo ID: 017634 Photo ID: 017635 Photo ID: 017636 Photo ID: 017645 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2016), and on time of last update (04/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergbahn Bergbahn No Data


The Bergbahn is split into two parts. The first train takes you up to the castle and on to Molenkur in about 5 minutes where you change trains. The second train takes around 10 minutes to reach the summit at Königstuhl. From the top station there are stunning views over the city and the valley, although as you are above the castle the one thing you can't see is the castle!


Charge, Combined ticket with the Schloß available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.411214; Longitude: 8.711987
What3Words: novelist.terms.points


Photo ID: 006021 Photo ID: 006022 Photo ID: 006023 Photo ID: 006024 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heiligenberg: Bismarcksäule Heiligenberg: Bismarcksäule No Data


A monumental tower to Bismarck that you can climb for views over the western end of the city (but not the castle)



Getting There

Latitude: 49.419384; Longitude: 8.704117
What3Words: reminder.ticked.rummage


Photo ID: 006031 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heiligenberg: Heidenloch Heiligenberg: Heidenloch No Data


The remains of pre-Roman activity



Getting There

Latitude: 49.419307; Longitude: 8.702658
What3Words: pausing.jaws.cans


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heiligenberg: Kloisterruine St. Stephan Heiligenberg: Kloisterruine St. Stephan No Data


The small ruins of this former religious site



Getting There

Latitude: 49.419667; Longitude: 8.703929
What3Words: claps.strays.protests


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heiligenberg: Ruine Michaels-Basilika Heiligenberg: Ruine Michaels-Basilika No Data


One of the oldest sites in the region. Pre-Roman and Roman worship have all taken place on this site, but the ruins standing there now are from St Michael's Basilica



Getting There

Latitude: 49.425895; Longitude: 8.706488
What3Words: tinted.reinforce.self


Photo ID: 006038 Photo ID: 006039 Photo ID: 006040 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heiligenberg: Thingstätte Heiligenberg: Thingstätte No Data


Originally a quarry during the 1930's the Nazi's turned this into an amphitheatre.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.423463; Longitude: 8.706311
What3Words: station.aspect.presses


Photo ID: 006036 Photo ID: 006037 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heiligenberg: Turm Heiligenberg: Turm No Data


Located next to the ruins of St Stephan's Cloister the tower has stunning views over the Neckar Valley and directly across and down onto the castle



Getting There

Latitude: 49.419447; Longitude: 8.704053
What3Words: keyboard.fork.hotel


Photo ID: 006032 Photo ID: 006033 Photo ID: 006034 Photo ID: 006035 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Neckarsonne Neckarsonne No Data


A 50 minute cruise along the Neckar past the old town in a solar powered boat. There is commentary in both German and English, though most of the commentary is about the boat itself.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.41364; Longitude: 8.708183
What3Words: started.trusts.sting


Photo ID: 006047 Photo ID: 006048 Photo ID: 006049 Photo ID: 006050 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Philosophenweg Philosophenweg No Data


Winding it's way through the former boundaries of vineyards, the Philosophers Way was given it's name after a number of poets wrote about the views from it. The walk runs along a ridge, part way up the Heiligenberg and from the walk you can gain easy access to the rest of the attractions on the Heiligenberg.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.415214; Longitude: 8.700375
What3Words: destiny.piston.instant


Photo ID: 006030 Photo ID: 006041 Photo ID: 006042 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß: Courtyard Schloß: Courtyard No Data


The ruins of the castle, mostly destroyed following a fire caused by a lightning strike. Just one building has been fully restored, the bulk of the rest are just shells.


Charge (includes entrance to the Courtyard, Deutsches Apotheken Museum and the Großes Faß)

Getting There

Latitude: 49.410771; Longitude: 8.715355
What3Words: judges.snares.prestige


Photo ID: 006025 Photo ID: 006026 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß: Deutsches Apotheken Museum Schloß: Deutsches Apotheken Museum No Data


The museum is located in the former royal pharmacy and tells the story of pharmacy and medicine.


Charge (includes entrance to the Courtyard, Deutsches Apotheken Museum and the Großes Faß)

Getting There

Latitude: 49.411026; Longitude: 8.71579
What3Words: pounce.supplied.historic


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß: Gardens Schloß: Gardens No Data


The remains of the palace gardens. The terrace offers stunning views back to the castle



Getting There

Latitude: 49.410628; Longitude: 8.718075
What3Words: dwell.supreme.ripe


Photo ID: 006028 Photo ID: 006029 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß: Großes Faß Schloß: Großes Faß No Data


The largest wine barrel in the world, capable of holding 55,000 gallons of wine. You can climb up over the barrel to take in the sheer size


Charge (includes entrance to the Courtyard, Deutsches Apotheken Museum and the Großes Faß)

Getting There

Latitude: 49.41097; Longitude: 8.714905
What3Words: standing.edicts.sublet


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß: Palace Tour Schloß: Palace Tour No Data


The tour takes you inside the one restored building of the castle, giving you an idea as to what the palace might have been like before it was destroyed


Charge, additional to the entrance fee to the Courtyard

Getting There

Latitude: 49.410492; Longitude: 8.715146
What3Words: also.thuds.verse


Photo ID: 006026 Photo ID: 006027 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dilsberg: Bergfeste Dilsberg Dilsberg: Bergfeste Dilsberg No Data


The ruins of the castle at the highest point of the town. All that remains is the central tower and part of the outer wall, from the top of which are stunning views over the Neckar Valley



Getting There

Latitude: 49.398902; Longitude: 8.836779
What3Words: hogwash.obeys.overheating


Photo ID: 006003 Photo ID: 006004 Photo ID: 006005 Photo ID: 006006 Photo ID: 006007 Photo ID: 006008 Photo ID: 006009

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dilsberg Dilsberg No Data


A fairy tale German town on the top of a hill near the Neckar Valley. The town is wrapped around the base of the ruins of the castle


Getting There

From Heidelberg catch the S-Bahn to Neckargemünd (regular, about 15 minutes) and change there onto the hourly 753 bus which goes directly to the town entrance or hourly 752 which goes to the bottom of the hill.
Latitude: 49.399217; Longitude: 8.835851
What3Words: piglet.doddle.deprives


Photo ID: 006001 Photo ID: 006002 Photo ID: 006005 Photo ID: 006008 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heiligenberg Heiligenberg No Data


The highest point on the North bank of the Neckar overlooking the city centre and providing stunning views over the whole of Heidelberg


Getting There

There are several paths that lead up onto the hill. The quickest is to take the snake path (Schlangenweg) from just opposite the north end of the Alte Brücke
Latitude: 49.421729; Longitude: 8.705635
What3Words: tanked.about.outings


Photo ID: 006031 Photo ID: 006032 Photo ID: 006033 Photo ID: 006034 Photo ID: 006035 Photo ID: 006041 Photo ID: 006042

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jesuitenkirche Jesuitenkirche No Data


Impressive church near the river and visible from across much of the city, inside the church is very light and covered in gold leaf



Getting There

Latitude: 49.486268; Longitude: 8.460673
What3Words: flock.showdown.taped


Photo ID: 019039 Photo ID: 019041 Photo ID: 019042 Photo ID: 019043 Photo ID: 019044 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/04/2017), and on time of last update (07/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Riverside - Neckar Riverside - Neckar No Data


The smaller of the two rivers running through the city, the Neckar has larger banks and more riverside walks



Getting There

Latitude: 49.494179; Longitude: 8.46925
What3Words: zapped.income.switch


Photo ID: 019001 Photo ID: 019002 Photo ID: 019003 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2017), and on time of last update (07/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Riverside - Rhein Riverside - Rhein No Data


One of the key rivers of Germany and a busy industrial highway separating Mannheim from it's sister city of Ludwigshafen on the opposite bank. There are riverside gardens near the castle to wander through to take in the views



Getting There

Latitude: 49.483578; Longitude: 8.455736
What3Words: molars.sample.glorious


Photo ID: 018994 Photo ID: 018995 Photo ID: 018996 Photo ID: 018997 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2017), and on time of last update (07/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Schloß No Data


Once one of the most important castles in the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nations today much of the castle is part of the university, but the central wing is open to the public as a museum so you can tour round to see how the Prince Electors lived during they heydays of the Palatinate and Baden monarchies.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.482908; Longitude: 8.461656
What3Words: ideal.village.sour


Photo ID: 019036 Photo ID: 019038 Photo ID: 019040 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/04/2017), and on time of last update (07/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tram 5 Tram 5 No Data


The tram runs as a circular route through the Rhein-Neckar triangle of cities around Mannheim and Heidelberg. A full circuit takes around 2 and quarter hours, but there are several places to get off to take in the views of castles, rivers and ancient towns and cities.


Requires a travel ticket covering 4 zones

Getting There

Number 5 trams leave from many of the stops in the city centre going in either direction. Make sure you board one showing Rundfhart as it's main destination as around half only operate part of the route.
Latitude: 49.489398; Longitude: 8.467738
What3Words: sensible.fields.lush


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2017), and on time of last update (07/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wasserturm Wasserturm No Data


The Water tower is one of the key icons of the city, surrounded by a small park it's a pleasant area to while away some time. During the summer months the tower is open to go inside and look at the small exhibition


Free, Charge when tower is open

Getting There

Latitude: 49.484025; Longitude: 8.475599
What3Words: performs.gross.seating


Photo ID: 018987 Photo ID: 018998 Photo ID: 018999 Photo ID: 019000 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2017), and on time of last update (07/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Worms: Cathedral Worms: Cathedral No Data


There has been a building on this site since Roman times, and for a while the cathedral was one of the most important in Germany.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.630129; Longitude: 8.3598
What3Words: diagram.depend.popping


Photo ID: 019004 Photo ID: 019006 Photo ID: 019008 Photo ID: 019010 Photo ID: 019013 Photo ID: 019017 Photo ID: 019019

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2017), and on time of last update (07/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Worms: City Walls Worms: City Walls No Data


The walls, originally created by the Romans, once encircled the city. Today only fragments remain, but they include some impressive towers along the way. You can follow a walk that takes you on a circuit around the city walls



Getting There

Latitude: 49.629164; Longitude: 8.3669
What3Words: enormous.skill.unroll


Photo ID: 019030 Photo ID: 019031 Photo ID: 019032 Photo ID: 019033 Photo ID: 019034 Photo ID: 019035 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2017), and on time of last update (07/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ludwigshafen Ludwigshafen No Data


Located on the opposite side of the Rhein from Mannheim despite the fact it's in a completely different state (Rheinland-Pfalz as apposed to Mannheim which is in Baden-Wurttemberg) it's pretty much all the same conurbation. Ludwigshafen is slightly more industrial and lacks the historic city centre of Mannheim but does boast large shopping centres, and from the riverside excellent views of Mannheim


Getting There

Regular trains, trams and buses cross backwards and forwards between the two cities, it's also possible to walk across the bridges between the two.
Latitude: 49.479873; Longitude: 8.451371
What3Words: teaches.feasts.message


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2017), and on time of last update (07/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Worms Worms No Data


One of the oldest cities in Germany and home to a spectacular cathedral and some pretty impressive medieval city walls


Getting There

There are regular trains from Mannheim to Worms, taking around 30 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 49.630558; Longitude: 8.361675
What3Words: drives.resemble.warnings


Photo ID: 019005 Photo ID: 019019 Photo ID: 019020 Photo ID: 019021 Photo ID: 019022 Photo ID: 019025 Photo ID: 019029

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2017), and on time of last update (07/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fernsehturm (TV Tower) Fernsehturm (TV Tower) No Data


Located on the hills above the city centre the TV tower offers stunning views across the city and the Valley. The outdoors viewing platform at 150m is reached by a fast lift. A floor below the viewing platform is a café.


Charge. Free with a Stuttcard

Getting There

From the city centre catch either a U7 or U15 out to Rhubank (Fernsehturm). From the station is a five minute walk
Latitude: 48.755743; Longitude: 9.190235
What3Words: anyone.reheat.grants


Photo ID: 005971 Photo ID: 005973 Photo ID: 005974 Photo ID: 005975 Photo ID: 005977 Photo ID: 005979 Photo ID: 005980

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Funicular railway Funicular railway No Data


Located about 3 miles south of the centre is the Funicular railway which takes you up (steeply) into some of the hills surrounding Stuttgart, unfortunately the trains don't go high enough to take you over the tree line so all there is to see are lots of trees!


Charge. Free with a Stuttcard

Getting There

From the city centre catch either U1 or U14 to Südheimer Platz then cross the road and walk away from the city for about 100 meters.
Latitude: 48.755874; Longitude: 9.142261
What3Words: feelers.bluffs.spark


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hauptbahnhof Turm (Station Tower) Hauptbahnhof Turm (Station Tower) No Data


The spacious clock tower of the station that has now been turned into a viewing platform, and within the tower an exhibition space that shows the plans for the complete redevelopment of the area over the next 10 years or so (The main plan appears to be rotating the entire station, tracks and everything else by 90°, only a small task!)



Getting There

Latitude: 48.783233; Longitude: 9.18273
What3Words: backs.ages.tropic


Photo ID: 000670 Photo ID: 005985 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2005), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Landemuseum Landemuseum No Data


Located in the Alt Schloß the museum houses an eclectic collection of artefacts relating to the Württemberg royals and the area. At the time of visiting the museum was undergoing extensive refurbishment and only a part of it was open.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.777008; Longitude: 9.179549
What3Words: grills.degree.guises


Photo ID: 005988 Photo ID: 005989 Photo ID: 005990 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Natural History Museum Natural History Museum No Data


Supposedly Germany has one of the best geological conditions for fossils to be found in and the museum proved this by the sheer number of specimens from the small to the gigantic on display.


Charge. Free with a Stuttcard

Getting There

Latitude: 48.804284; Longitude: 9.18943
What3Words: ruin.grass.patting


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Solitude Schloß Solitude No Data


Less a palace more a royal hunting lodge it sits in a commanding position overlooking the surrounding countryside. Visits are only on guided tours (at the time of visiting only available in German, but this appeared to be an anomaly rather than the norm)



Getting There

From Österreicher Platz U-Bahn station catch the 92 bus out to the palace. The journey takes around 20 minutes and the bus stops right outside the palace building
Latitude: 48.786824; Longitude: 9.084419
What3Words: parts.suffer.perform


Photo ID: 005981 Photo ID: 005982 Photo ID: 005983 Photo ID: 005984 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stuttgart Tour Stuttgart Tour No Data


Two bus tours that take in the key sights in the city.


Charge, Discount with a Stuttcard

Getting There

Latitude: 48.777575; Longitude: 9.179707
What3Words: toolbar.books.buddy


Photo ID: 005996 Photo ID: 005997 Photo ID: 005998 Photo ID: 005999 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wilhelma Wilhelma No Data


The city's combined zoo and biological gardens. Lots of displays of animals from around the world, including all the usual favourites (Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Rhinos etc.)


Getting There

Latitude: 48.806369; Longitude: 9.205931
What3Words: touched.prawn.wins


Photo ID: 000685 Photo ID: 000686 Photo ID: 000687 Photo ID: 000688 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zacke (Rack Railway) Zacke (Rack Railway) No Data


The rack railway (similar to the cog wheel railway in Budapest) again climbs steeply into the hills overlooking Stuttgart, this time going above the tree line before it reaches the town of Degerloch.


Charge. Free with a Stuttcard

Getting There

Starts from either Marienplatz (U1, U14) or Degerloch (U5, U6, U8)
Latitude: 48.76426; Longitude: 9.168686
What3Words: hatch.creamed.october


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Esslingen: Dicker Turm (Fat Tower) Esslingen: Dicker Turm (Fat Tower) No Data


Part of the original fortifications and walls of the town, this tower provides stunning views over the picturesque city centre and surrounding countryside



Getting There

Latitude: 48.744623; Longitude: 9.310044
What3Words: coasted.jams.imagined


Photo ID: 000676 Photo ID: 000678 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heidelberg: Castle Heidelberg: Castle No Data


This is an impressive structure, despite the fact that it is completely ruined. The site contains a museum to the history of pharmacies and the "Big Barrel" which is the world’s largest wine barrel.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.410694; Longitude: 8.715452
What3Words: fairness.tuned.raced


Photo ID: 000680 Photo ID: 000683 Photo ID: 000684 Photo ID: 006025 Photo ID: 006026 Photo ID: 006028 Photo ID: 006029

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heidelberg: Funicular Railway Heidelberg: Funicular Railway No Data


The railway goes up two stops where you change from the modern sleek carriage to something more "vintage" from here its another 10 minutes or so off climbing to the top, from where there are glorious views over the whole of the valley with the Necker river meandering through it and the vineyards clinging to the side of the hill.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.411957; Longitude: 8.711836
What3Words: glow.buddy.quintet


Photo ID: 000681 Photo ID: 000682 Photo ID: 006021 Photo ID: 006022 Photo ID: 006023 Photo ID: 006024 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rotenberg: Württemberg Royal Mausoleum Rotenberg: Württemberg Royal Mausoleum No Data


Originally on this site there was a castle. One of the last residents Queen Katharina loved the area so much that when she died her husband King Wilhelm knocked down the castle and built this impressive mausoleum to house her body. When, eventually, he died as well he was buried here. The monument is on the top of a very large hill and has astounding views over the local countryside.


Charge. Free with a Stuttcard

Getting There

Catch either U4, U13 or S1 to Untertürkheim Station and then catch bus 61 to Rotenberg (end of the route). From directly opposite the bus stop follow the road up the hill, it curls round and then leads up to the memorial, which is visible the whole way)
Latitude: 48.782027; Longitude: 9.268802
What3Words: payback.reacting.these


Photo ID: 000672 Photo ID: 000673 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Esslingen Esslingen No Data


A picturesque and historic town, with lots of buildings that have survived the 20th Century. Formally an independent city the area has now been consumed by Stuttgart's growing suburbs and is now just part of them


Getting There

S-Bahn line S1 runs direct to Esslingen
Latitude: 48.741097; Longitude: 9.308052
What3Words: minus.mergers.curtains


Photo ID: 000675 Photo ID: 000676 Photo ID: 000677 Photo ID: 000678 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heidelberg Heidelberg No Data


One of Germany’s premier seats of learning (Think Cambridge or the Sorbonne!) the city is also home to a ruined castle and spectacular scenery.


Getting There

Twice hourly Regional Express trains run from Stuttgart to Heidelberg central station. Alternatively there are regular (but more expensive) ICE trains which call at both stations. From Heidelberg station you can catch either the Tram or bus (though the bus gets you closer) to the centre of town, or walk the (roughly) two miles
Latitude: 49.4019; Longitude: 8.680285
What3Words: divide.century.flirts


Photo ID: 000680 Photo ID: 000681 Photo ID: 000682 Photo ID: 000683 Photo ID: 000684 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rotenberg Rotenberg No Data


Located in the hills above the city, and surrounded by vineyards, this area has stunning views not only of the city, but of the surrounding small villages nestling next to the vineyards, and off into the Black Forest. The sight of all the vineyards themselves is impressive as well


Getting There

Catch either U4, U13 or S1 to Untertürkheim Station and then catch bus 61 to Rotenberg (end of the route). From directly opposite the bus stop follow the road up the hill, it curls round and then leads up to the memorial, which is visible the whole way)
Latitude: 48.782607; Longitude: 9.271603
What3Words: modules.dripped.spare


Photo ID: 000671 Photo ID: 000672 Photo ID: 000673 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beer and Brewery Tour Beer and Brewery Tour No Data


The tour starts with a visit to one of the lesser known beer halls, before heading off to the Paulainer Brewery for a tour, explanation of how beer is brewed in Germany, and then a chance to taste some of the different types of beer, then it's back into the city centre to the Hofbrauhaus, to end the evening in the most famous pub on the planet.


Charge (beer sampling included in the fee, all other drinks are in addition)

Getting There

Latitude: 48.137418; Longitude: 11.575443
What3Words: cool.snaps.conveys


Photo ID: 003589 Photo ID: 003590 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alter Peter (Old St Peters Church) Alter Peter  (Old St Peters Church) No Data


A slightly odd looking church with a centre tower that is the width of the church and completely rectangular. From the top of the tower the views of the centre of Munich are as good as those from the top of the Frauenkirche, except from here you can see down into the Marienplatz.


Charge to Climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 48.136509; Longitude: 11.57577
What3Words: boats.trooper.oblige


Photo ID: 000478 Photo ID: 000490 Photo ID: 000491 Photo ID: 013457 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/10/2004), and on time of last update (22/10/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen: Alte Pinakothek Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen: Alte Pinakothek No Data


The Alte Pinakothek focuses on European Art from the 14th to the 18th Century, with a number of old masters in the Collection.


Charge, Joint ticket for Alte, Neue, Moderne, Brandhorst and Sammlung Schack available. If you visit on a Sunday it's just €1 to enter each site.

Getting There

Latitude: 48.148299; Longitude: 11.569953
What3Words: foil.opposite.detect


Photo ID: 013481 Photo ID: 013483 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2014), and on time of last update (26/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen: Museum Brandhorst Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen: Museum Brandhorst No Data


The Brandhorst is home to the Pinakothek's collection of the contemporary art, including works by many active artists.


Charge, Joint ticket for Alte, Neue, Moderne, Brandhorst and Sammlung Schack available. If you visit on a Sunday it's just €1 to enter each site.

Getting There

Latitude: 48.147823; Longitude: 11.573957
What3Words: jogging.altering.letter


Photo ID: 013501 Photo ID: 013502 Photo ID: 013504 Photo ID: 013505 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2014), and on time of last update (26/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen: Neue Pinakothek Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen: Neue Pinakothek No Data


The Neue Pinakothek focuses on Art from the 19th century, including works by Van Gogh, Cezanne, Monet, Turner and Constable


Charge, Joint ticket for Alte, Neue, Moderne, Brandhorst and Sammlung Schack available. If you visit on a Sunday it's just €1 to enter each site.

Getting There

Latitude: 48.149863; Longitude: 11.571075
What3Words: shop.resemble.hairpin


Photo ID: 013482 Photo ID: 013484 Photo ID: 013485 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2014), and on time of last update (26/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen: Pinakothek der Moderne Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen: Pinakothek der Moderne No Data


The Modern art gallery focuses on 20th century art and design, housed in a stunning gallery set around a central rotunda, off which the galleries radiate.


Charge, Joint ticket for Alte, Neue, Moderne, Brandhorst and Sammlung Schack available. If you visit on a Sunday it's just €1 to enter each site.

Getting There

Latitude: 48.147159; Longitude: 11.57227
What3Words: prompts.tablet.crashing


Photo ID: 013486 Photo ID: 013489 Photo ID: 013493 Photo ID: 013494 Photo ID: 013496 Photo ID: 013497 Photo ID: 013499

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2014), and on time of last update (26/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

BMW museum BMW museum No Data


***2005*** The main museum is currently undergoing renovation, but this small display explains the history of the company along with examples of some of its milestone cars



Getting There

Latitude: 48.176546; Longitude: 11.556995
What3Words: romance.reunion.floating


Photo ID: 000786 Photo ID: 000787 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanischen Garten (Botanical Gardens) Botanischen Garten (Botanical Gardens) No Data


Located just behind the Schloß Nymphenburg the botanical gardens are made up of substantial grounds with outdoors planting a large greenhouse complex that has specimens from around the world in the usual mix of temperate and tropical rooms



Getting There

Tram 17 from the centre of town stops at the Botanical Gardens (two stops after the Schloß Nymphenburg palace and one before the end of the line)
Latitude: 48.163048; Longitude: 11.500379
What3Words: examples.richly.funnels


Photo ID: 013511 Photo ID: 013512 Photo ID: 013514 Photo ID: 013516 Photo ID: 013518 Photo ID: 013520 Photo ID: 013526

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2014), and on time of last update (26/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Englischer Garten Englischer Garten No Data


The Englischer Garten is a massive park that stretches for over 5KM along the edge of the river. The park is also home to the Chinese tower beer garden, the oldest in the city



Getting There

Latitude: 48.149281; Longitude: 11.589589
What3Words: indicate.heads.embarks


Photo ID: 003583 Photo ID: 003584 Photo ID: 003585 Photo ID: 003586 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Frauenkirche Frauenkirche No Data


The vast onion domed towers of the church are one of the most visible symbols of the city. The church itself is quite plain inside, but none the less impressive. The right hand tower (which is fractionally taller than the left hand one) has a lift installed in it and you can use this to reach the top for views out over the city.


Free to enter the church, charge to go up the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 48.138571; Longitude: 11.57356
What3Words: enjoyable.mashing.dodges


Photo ID: 000476 Photo ID: 000477 Photo ID: 000478 Photo ID: 000490 Photo ID: 003587 Photo ID: 003588 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2004), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glyptothek Glyptothek No Data


The Glypthothek houses a collection of Greek and Roman statues, marbles and busts.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.146575; Longitude: 11.565827
What3Words: tasters.milk.ends


Photo ID: 013542 Photo ID: 013545 Photo ID: 013547 Photo ID: 013549 Photo ID: 013550 Photo ID: 013552 Photo ID: 013553

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2014), and on time of last update (26/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hofbrauhaus Hofbrauhaus No Data


Probably one of the most famous beer halls in the world. The Hofbrauhaus, even if you aren't coming in for a drink is an impressive building with painted ceilings and a total old-world feel to it. They also serve good beer and food! It's free to enter to have a quick look, but if you want to stay for longer you will have to buy something. To do so you must be seated, and getting a seat can be tricky. However, everyone is friendly and you can usually stick yourself at the end of someone else's bench. Just remember to clink glasses every 20 seconds and learn the words to DJ Otzi - Hey Baby!!


Free/Charge (see description)

Getting There

Latitude: 48.137927; Longitude: 11.579697
What3Words: defining.plastic.cinemas


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2004), and on time of last update (22/10/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mikes Bike Tour Mikes Bike Tour No Data


Well presented and informative bike tours of the city centre and Englischer Garten, take in most of the main sites.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.136649; Longitude: 11.576972
What3Words: counts.surfed.fever


Photo ID: 003600 Photo ID: 003601 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oktoberfest Oktoberfest No Data


The annual two week drinking fest that attracts crowds in their hundreds of thousands to a small fair ground just behind the central station. As much beer and food as your stomach (or wallet) can take.


No charge to enter tents, however you much purchase food or drink to remain seated

Getting There

Latitude: 48.132957; Longitude: 11.54912
What3Words: conclude.posts.fewest


Photo ID: 000780 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2004), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Olympiaturm (Olympic Tower) Olympiaturm (Olympic Tower) No Data


Next door to the Olympic stadium and towering above everything else in the city the Olympic tower offers stunning views of the Olympic Park, the City, the Alps and the next door BMW works!



Getting There

Latitude: 48.174629; Longitude: 11.55369
What3Words: cuter.announce.gala


Photo ID: 000493 Photo ID: 000494 Photo ID: 000788 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/10/2004), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Open-top Tour Open-top Tour No Data


An hour long tour around the main sights of the centre of the city. The tour is presented by a live guide in both English and German



Getting There

Latitude: 48.140261; Longitude: 11.561337
What3Words: coveted.cargo.betrayal


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Residenz: Cuvilliés Theatre Residenz: Cuvilliés Theatre No Data


Located within the Residenz, the theatre is a perfect example of Rococo design (or over indulgence depending on your view)



Getting There

Latitude: 48.140944; Longitude: 11.57952
What3Words: modes.punk.acclaim


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Residenz: Residenzmuseum Residenz: Residenzmuseum No Data


The city centre dwelling of the Electors and Kings of Bavaria. This is a massive complex which was expanded and enlarged over centuries. Almost totally destroyed in the second world war, today it has been almost completely restored, and you can see the richness of surroundings that the royal family lived in.


Charge, Joint ticket with the Schatzkammer available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.141596; Longitude: 11.578404
What3Words: initial.careless.stewing


Photo ID: 003572 Photo ID: 003573 Photo ID: 003574 Photo ID: 003575 Photo ID: 003576 Photo ID: 003577 Photo ID: 003578

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Residenz: Schatzkammer der Residenz Residenz: Schatzkammer der Residenz No Data


Just a small corner of the Residence is taken up by an exhibition on the treasures of the residence. A collection of valuable and important artefacts from the history of the site.


Charge, Joint ticket with the Residenzmuseum available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.140361; Longitude: 11.578549
What3Words: quantity.asset.shampoo


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/10/2004), and on time of last update (22/10/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Nymphenburg: Grounds Schloß Nymphenburg: Grounds No Data


The grounds include many kilometres of paths that you can wander around taking in the stunning vistas as they open up back to the palace and up the various lakes and formal water features. A café in the former palm house provides a good place to grab a bite to eat



Getting There

Tram 17 from the centre of town stops by the castle. Alternatively if you take it to the end of the line that leaves you by the top end of the gardens so that you can walk back through them to the palace
Latitude: 48.157659; Longitude: 11.48656
What3Words: pounce.words.corded


Photo ID: 013527 Photo ID: 013529 Photo ID: 013531 Photo ID: 013532 Photo ID: 013533 Photo ID: 013535 Photo ID: 013536

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2014), and on time of last update (26/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Nymphenburg: Palace Schloß Nymphenburg: Palace No Data


The former summer residence of the Bavarian rulers, this stunning palace is surrounded by lakes and set in a massive park. You can tour many of the rooms inside the palace using an audio guide.


Charge, joint ticket with the small palaces available

Getting There

Tram 17 from the centre of town stops just past the castle
Latitude: 48.158271; Longitude: 11.503329
What3Words: clerics.given.fields


Photo ID: 000781 Photo ID: 000782 Photo ID: 000783 Photo ID: 000784 Photo ID: 013537 Photo ID: 013538 Photo ID: 013540

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2005), and on time of last update (26/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Nymphenburg: Small Palaces Schloß Nymphenburg: Small Palaces No Data


A series of smaller palaces dot the grounds round the palace and you can also visit these during the summer months


Charge, joint ticket with the small palaces available

Getting There

Tram 17 from the centre of town stops just past the castle
Latitude: 48.154317; Longitude: 11.493534
What3Words: message.happen.jacuzzi


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2014), and on time of last update (26/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Augsburg: Basilika of St Ulrich and Afra Augsburg: Basilika of St Ulrich and Afra No Data


The most visually stunning and prominent of the city's churches. Inside the church it is quite dark and simple, but the crypt contains the remains of the two saints who have given their name to the church.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 48.36151; Longitude: 10.900111
What3Words: cuff.remodel.entry


Photo ID: 000802 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Augsburg: Dom Mariä Heimsuchung Augsburg: Dom Mariä Heimsuchung No Data


The cathedral is spectacular in size, yet is light and airy with lots of windows. Outside of the cathedral is a display of some of the Roman remains of the city.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 48.372658; Longitude: 10.89642
What3Words: backlog.jacket.kickers


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Augsburg: Perlachturm Augsburg: Perlachturm No Data


To get a good view of the city you can climb the 269 steps of the Perlachturm which looks out over the whole of the city. From here you can see spire upon spire. The city is dotted with churches and cathedrals



Getting There

Latitude: 48.368868; Longitude: 10.898561
What3Words: flow.nursery.memo


Photo ID: 000802 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dachau: Concentration Camp Dachau: Concentration Camp No Data


Despite the number of visitors to the site an eerie silence still hangs over a place where over 30,000 people died and many tens of thousands more were held before being sent to their deaths in other camps. At the back of the site is one of the most distressing places in the whole camp the Crematorium which also includes the gas chamber marked as "Shower"


Free to enter, €3 charge for the audio guide (Which also cover the KZ-Gedenkstätte museum) which is well worth the money

Getting There

See also the details for getting to Dachau. From the bus station, directly in front of the main station catch either the 724 or 726 to the site.
Latitude: 48.270969; Longitude: 11.468074
What3Words: liked.entitle.swear
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2004), and on time of last update (22/10/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dachau: KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau Dachau: KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau No Data


Located within the Dachau Concentration Camp this large museum charts the history of the concentration camp system and the crimes that were committed within their walls.


Free to enter, €3 charge for the audio guide (Which also cover the Concentration camp site) which is well worth the money

Getting There

See also the details for getting to Dachau. From the bus station, directly in front of the main station catch either the 724 or 726 to the site.
Latitude: 48.267741; Longitude: 11.468825
What3Words: survey.pointed.scare
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2004), and on time of last update (22/10/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Freising: Cathedral Freising: Cathedral No Data


At the time of visiting the body of the cathedral was closed for renovation, but the main attraction is the stunning crypt which shows how they used to hold cathedrals up with a forest of different shaped pillars, many carved.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 48.398985; Longitude: 11.747003
What3Words: code.blame.mattress


Photo ID: 000800 Photo ID: 000801 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Füssen: Schloß Hohenschwangau Füssen: Schloß Hohenschwangau No Data


An impressive, yet homely castle overlooking the Alpsee and with stunning views of the Alps and surrounding countryside. Schloß Hohenschwangau is where King Ludwig grew up and watched his treasured Schloß Neuschwanstein being built just across the valley. There is quite an expensive entry charge for a 35 minute guided tour (in English), However a discount is available if purchased as a joint ticket with Schloß Neuschwanstein, but tickets must be purchased from the ticket office in Hohenschwangau and not at the castle.


Charge (see description)

Getting There

Latitude: 47.555583; Longitude: 10.73603
What3Words: defamed.numerical.cookery


Photo ID: 000485 Photo ID: 000486 Photo ID: 000487 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2004), and on time of last update (22/10/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Füssen: Schloß Neuschwanstein Füssen: Schloß Neuschwanstein No Data


The epitome of the fairy tale castle. Built over many years at an astronomical cost, never completed and only lived in for a few weeks before his death (possibly an early example of modern government buildings!) Schloß Neuschwanstein has everything a fairy tale castle should. Turrets, battlements, towers and more! There is quite an expensive entry charge for a 35 minute guided tour (in English). A discount is available if purchased as a joint ticket with Schloß Hohenschwangau, but tickets must be purchased from the ticket office in Hohenschwangau and not at the castle.


Charge (see description)

Getting There

Latitude: 47.557588; Longitude: 10.749693
What3Words: risk.score.rakes


Photo ID: 000487 Photo ID: 000488 Photo ID: 000489 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2004), and on time of last update (22/10/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Garmisch: Wank Garmisch: Wank No Data


The views from the top of Mount Wank are spectacular, with the Zugspitze, and the town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen laid out before you, and the name is worth a photo in itself


Charge for the cablecar

Getting There

From the centre of Garmisch it's a short walk to the cable car station. The assent takes about 15 minutes
Latitude: 47.507403; Longitude: 11.144085
What3Words: pickaxes.rejoining.amuses


Photo ID: 003559 Photo ID: 003560 Photo ID: 003561 Photo ID: 003562 Photo ID: 003563 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Garmisch: Zugspitzbahn Round Trip Garmisch: Zugspitzbahn Round Trip No Data


The Zugspitze is the highest point in Germany. To reach it you can either climb (9-10 hours in good weather) or you can take the much quicker and considerably more comfortable train and cable car route. The train leaves from Garmisch and climbs to the Zugspitzplatte at some 2,500m. From here you catch a cable car for the final climb to the summit station. From the summit station you can catch a different cable car down to Eibsee from where you can pick the train back up again.



Getting There

The Zugspitzbahn station is located just next door to the main train station, well signposted from the platforms
Latitude: 47.42113; Longitude: 10.985754
What3Words: soils.giver.aspiring


Photo ID: 003548 Photo ID: 003549 Photo ID: 003550 Photo ID: 003551 Photo ID: 003552 Photo ID: 003553 Photo ID: 003554

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oberschleißheim: Altes Scholß Oberschleißheim: Altes Scholß No Data


The oldest part of the complex, today houses an exibit on religious artifacts


Charge, join ticket for all the Schleißheim palaces available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.248826; Longitude: 11.558969
What3Words: extreme.brings.print


Photo ID: 003591 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oberschleißheim: Neues Scholß Oberschleißheim: Neues Scholß No Data


A grand summer palace, now home to an art collection


Charge, join ticket for all the Schleißheim palaces available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.248769; Longitude: 11.560836
What3Words: bumps.affords.wiring


Photo ID: 003592 Photo ID: 003593 Photo ID: 003594 Photo ID: 003595 Photo ID: 003598 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oberschleißheim: Scholß Lustheim Oberschleißheim: Scholß Lustheim No Data


The former hunting lodge, at the end of extensive gardens. Today it houses a collection of Porcelain


Charge, join ticket for all the Schleißheim palaces available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.248655; Longitude: 11.57577
What3Words: careless.tiny.workshop


Photo ID: 003596 Photo ID: 003597 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salzburg: Hohensalzburg Fortress Salzburg: Hohensalzburg Fortress No Data


Located on a hefty slab of rock overlooking the city the fortress offers stunning views of the country side and the city



Getting There

Latitude: 47.794771; Longitude: 13.04723
What3Words: cautious.dined.yarn


Photo ID: 000793 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salzburg: Schloß Hellbrunn Salzburg: Schloß Hellbrunn No Data


This is a pretty standard castle set in extensive grounds. What make it different are the water features. All around the gardens are different fountains and concealed jets that are designed to soak the unaware and drench the uninitiated. Designed as a talking point and "whimsy" by its owner over 400 years ago they are still in working order and soaking tourists every 30 minutes!



Getting There

Latitude: 47.762198; Longitude: 13.06018
What3Words: bags.eats.drove
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Augsburg Augsburg No Data


Augsburg can trace it's history back to before Roman times, but it is them that have shaped the city with many remains of them still visible.


Getting There

Regular Regional trains run from Munich to Augsburg taking about 1 hour. In addition there are regular Inter City trains (which cost extra) which take only a little over 30 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 48.365457; Longitude: 10.894768
What3Words: packages.useful.snuggle


Photo ID: 000802 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dachau Dachau No Data


Dachau itself is a pretty and small town. It should have remained just that, a pretty suburb of Munich, except for the Concentration camp which was built on it's outskirts. Consequently the town has been committed to memory as the site of some of the worst crimes of the twentieth century


Getting There

From the centre of Munich the S-Bahn line S2 runs every 20 minutes to Dachau station. 2 trains an hour finish at Dachau and one continues on further down the line. Outside the station is the Bus station from where you can catch the 724 or 726 to the Concentration Camp site
Latitude: 48.259395; Longitude: 11.434309
What3Words: dispose.frantic.recoup


Photo ID: 000480 Photo ID: 000481 Photo ID: 000482 Photo ID: 000483 Photo ID: 000484 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2004), and on time of last update (22/10/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Freising Freising No Data


Originally an independent and important city of its own right the area has now been swallowed up by the ever expanding Munich. On the top of a small hill, overlooking the rest of the area is the cathedral.


Getting There

Freising is the Northern terminus of part of the S1 S-Bahn line (the other part goes to the airport). Alternativly it’s served by regular regional trains. S-Bahn trains take about 40 minutes, the regional trains taking about 25 minutes
Latitude: 48.403065; Longitude: 11.749148
What3Words: shovels.brother.typist


Photo ID: 000800 Photo ID: 000801 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Füssen & Hohenschwangau Füssen & Hohenschwangau No Data


Füssen itself is a very pretty town, but the main reason people come here is to catch the bus the 3 kilometers to the even more picturesque village of Hohenschwangau. Hohenschwangau lies at the foot of the Alps, against a large Alpine lake and this would itself be able to draw in quite a large crowd. The fact the (Mad) King Ludwig decided to build his most spectacular castle Schloß Neuschwanstein on the side of the hill has secured the villages spot on the tourist trail.


Getting There

A 2-hourly train service runs direct from Munich to Füssen. On the alternate hour you can catch the train from Munich to Buchloe where the train connects with the local service to Füssen. Journey time takes just over 2 hours. Outside Füssen station is the bus station where you can catch the bus to Hohenschwangau.
Latitude: 47.569649; Longitude: 10.700407
What3Words: filmy.craft.stuns


Photo ID: 000485 Photo ID: 000486 Photo ID: 000487 Photo ID: 000488 Photo ID: 000489 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2004), and on time of last update (22/10/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen Garmisch-Partenkirchen No Data


One of the premier skiing resorts of Southern Germany, Garmisch is full of expensive shops and hotels, and it's ideally located for making it to the highest point in the country, the Zugspitze


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Munich to Garmisch (continuing on to Mittenwald), journey times are a little over 90 minutes.
Latitude: 47.492153; Longitude: 11.085892
What3Words: speedboat.spherical.hissy


Photo ID: 003546 Photo ID: 003547 Photo ID: 003556 Photo ID: 003557 Photo ID: 003558 Photo ID: 003564 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hellbrunn Hellbrunn No Data



Getting There

Fron Salzburg station (see getting to Salzburg) catch the 25 bus from the station forecourt. The castle is about 15 minutes journey
Latitude: 47.76285; Longitude: 13.062763
What3Words: voices.oatmeal.meal


Photo ID: 000790 Photo ID: 000791 Photo ID: 000792 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mittenwald Mittenwald No Data


Located a little further on from Garmisch, Mittenwald is a more traditional German alpine town, with less of the brash sports stores, and more family focused activities


Getting There

From Munich there are hourly trains to Mittenwald (half terminate here, the other half continue on to Innsbruck in Austria). Journey time is just under 2 hours
Latitude: 47.443414; Longitude: 11.263733
What3Words: latching.staging.background


Photo ID: 003565 Photo ID: 003566 Photo ID: 003567 Photo ID: 003568 Photo ID: 003569 Photo ID: 003570 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oberschleißheim Oberschleißheim No Data


Originally located well outside of the city, this was the summer retreat of the Electors and Kings of Bavaria. Today it's part of the northern suburbs


Getting There

The S1 trains to the Airport stop at Oberschelißheim station every 20 minutes, taking about 25 minutes to make the journey from the city centre. It's in the second area of the Munich travel tickets so you need a Munich XXL ticket to get there.
Latitude: 48.256051; Longitude: 11.554303
What3Words: recital.footsteps.retained


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2009), and on time of last update (26/04/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Regensburg Regensburg No Data


Regensburg is described as one of the prettiest towns in Germany. Spared the ravages of war and the rebuildings that followed the city has a wealth of generally old buildings and structures


Getting There

Regular Regional trains run from Munich to Regensburg taking about 1 hour 45 minutes. In addition there are regular Inter City trains (which cost extra) which take only about an hour to make the journey
Latitude: 49.016491; Longitude: 12.100904
What3Words: units.intervals.trumped


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salzburg Salzburg No Data


Infamous for the Sound of Music, and lying with a few miles of the border with Germany this is one of Austria's most important (and beautiful) cities


Getting There

There are hourly Euro City trains which run between Munich and Salzburg and then continue across Central and Eastern Europe. Alternativly regular Inter City trains (extra cost) run between the two cities. In both cases journey times are about 1 hour 30 minutes
Latitude: 47.800499; Longitude: 13.04441
What3Words: surviving.twins.radio


Photo ID: 000790 Photo ID: 000791 Photo ID: 000792 Photo ID: 000793 Photo ID: 000794 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2005), and on time of last update (09/10/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Tour: Stadtrundfahrt City Tour: Stadtrundfahrt No Data


A land train tour around the centre of the city, taking in many of the sites in the heart of the town, including the churches, castle and markets. Two carriages just have German commentary, but the rear carriage has a multilingual commentary system. Tours start from the Hauptmarkt.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.454097; Longitude: 11.076866
What3Words: boarding.deployed.trick


Photo ID: 038826 Photo ID: 038827 Photo ID: 038828 Photo ID: 038829 Photo ID: 038830 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/04/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

DB Museum DB Museum No Data


In 1835 the first train ran from Nuremberg to Fürth, using a locomotive built by George and Robert Stephenson in Newcastle upon Tyne. Naturally as the birthplace of the railway age in the country Deutscher Bahn have a museum in the town centre dedicated to the history of the railway from that first journey through to the high speed trains of today. There are exhibits on how the railways were built and the different uses of rail travel over time, including an honest depiction of what the railways were used for by the Nazi's. Exhibitions continue on how the railway was split between East and West Germany and then how it was brough back together again following the fall of the wall. There are also exhibits on the iconography of DB as well as lots of models. On the opposite site of the road in a former sidings yard there are further full scale exhibits of former trains and engines.


Charge, Includes entry to the Museum of Communication

Getting There

Latitude: 49.44554; Longitude: 11.074303
What3Words: pylons.dripped.exhales


Photo ID: 038873 Photo ID: 038874 Photo ID: 038875 Photo ID: 038876 Photo ID: 038877 Photo ID: 038878 Photo ID: 038879

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/04/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Die Gelben Doppeldecker: Stadtrundfahrt Die Gelben Doppeldecker: Stadtrundfahrt No Data


Open-top hop-on-hop-off Double Deck bus tour of the city, taking in the main sites in the city, including the castle, main market square and parts of the city walls. The second half of the tour sees the bus head out of the centre of the city to the Dokumentationsentrym. Multilingual commentary is provided via headsets whilst a German commentary runs over the speakers. Tours start from Königstor, close to the Hauptbahnhof, but there is also an extended stop at the Hauptmarkt where several people joined the tour.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.447922; Longitude: 11.081632
What3Words: costumes.saves.attracts


Photo ID: 038791 Photo ID: 038796 Photo ID: 038797 Photo ID: 038800 Photo ID: 038801 Photo ID: 038804 Photo ID: 038805

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/04/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dokumentationszentrym Dokumentationszentrym No Data


The Documentation Centre chronicles the rise of the Nazis, their effect on both Germany and Nuremberg, the rally's and the parade grounds. It then also goes on to explain what happened during and after the second world war. The centre is located on one wing of the giant, and unfinished, Congress Hall.


Charge, day ticket valid at all other Nuremberg city museums on the same day

Getting There

Located just to the South East of the city. Trams terminate right outside the entrance
Latitude: 49.434136; Longitude: 11.111625
What3Words: rare.camper.update


Photo ID: 004226 Photo ID: 004227 Photo ID: 004228 Photo ID: 004229 Photo ID: 004230 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hauptmarkt/Christkindlesmarkt Hauptmarkt/Christkindlesmarkt No Data


Virtually at the centre of the city, the focal point and home, most of the year, to the city's open-air market. However, for just over one month each year in the run-up to Christmas it turns into the Christkindelsmarkt with the stalls selling Christmas decorations, traditional wooden toys and gifts including the speciality of Nuremberg, Gingerbread. There are also copious numbers of stalls serving Bratwurst and a similar number gluhwein.


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 49.454186; Longitude: 11.0777
What3Words: toxic.snips.pebbles


Photo ID: 004242 Photo ID: 004244 Photo ID: 004245 Photo ID: 004251 Photo ID: 004252 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2009), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiserburg Kaiserburg No Data


Part Imperial Castle of the Holy Roman Emperor, part city defensive castle, the Kaiserburg dominates the city skyline, staring down on the city centre from it's impenetrable ridge.


Free to walk around the grounds

Getting There

Latitude: 49.457752; Longitude: 11.07692
What3Words: velocity.orchestra.mile


Photo ID: 004235 Photo ID: 004236 Photo ID: 004237 Photo ID: 004238 Photo ID: 004241 Photo ID: 038932 Photo ID: 038933

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2009), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiserburg: Imperial Palace Kaiserburg: Imperial Palace No Data


The Imperial Palace, including the intriguing double-deck chapel, are only accessible on a guided tour, which takes you around the main parts of the building. The most impressive is the chapel. You go in on the main floor, where the nobility would have been, looking up at the cross and the alter. Beneath you, with no way of getting between the two, is the lower chapel where the citizens would have been, only able to hear the service coming down from above. A further refinement is the balcony above the top floor which the Emperor would have sat in for an even better view.


Charge for the tour, includes all the other attractions at the castle

Getting There

Latitude: 49.457938; Longitude: 11.07523
What3Words: talker.selects.tiles


Photo ID: 004240 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiserburg: Museum Kaiserburg: Museum No Data


A small museum dedicated to arms & armour, and the growth of the palace


Charge for the tour, includes all the other attractions at the castle

Getting There

Latitude: 49.458107; Longitude: 11.075294
What3Words: scores.vocab.slimmer


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiserburg: Sinwellturm Kaiserburg: Sinwellturm No Data


The highest tower of the castle, now affording stunning views over the city centre


Charge for the tour, includes all the other attractions at the castle

Getting There

Latitude: 49.457759; Longitude: 11.076727
What3Words: informal.gashes.squeaks


Photo ID: 004239 Photo ID: 038898 Photo ID: 038900 Photo ID: 038925 Photo ID: 038927 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiserburg: Tiefer Brunnen (Deep Well) Kaiserburg: Tiefer Brunnen (Deep Well) No Data


With the castle being on the top of a ridge there is no obvious source of water, so they had to dig down, and down, and down, over 50 meters until they finally reached the water table. The guides pour water into the well and it really does feel like ages before it finally hits the bottom.


Charge for the tour, includes all the other attractions at the castle

Getting There

Latitude: 49.457829; Longitude: 11.076151
What3Words: hero.chin.fells


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Memorium Nürnberger Prozesse Memorium Nürnberger Prozesse No Data


Housed in an exhibition space above court 600 where the Nuremberg Trails took place the museum charts the history of the War Crime trials, from the build up to World War 2, through to the trials and eventual sentencing of those convicted. The second part of the museum then looks at how trials progresses after the initial trial of the senior members of the Nazi regime, and over time moved to the Hague developing into the International Criminal Court of today. Prior to March 2022 Court 600 was an active court in the Nuremberg Justice Centre and visiting was hit and miss depending on whether a trial was on or not, but since March 2022 the court has been taken out of action permanently which means a visit can now be guaranteed - there are plans to restore the room to how it would have looked during the trails.


Charge, day ticket valid at all other Nuremberg city museums on the same day

Getting There

Latitude: 49.454434; Longitude: 11.048016
What3Words: cave.backs.assemble


Photo ID: 038936 Photo ID: 038937 Photo ID: 038938 Photo ID: 038939 Photo ID: 038940 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/04/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Communication Museum of Communication No Data


Housed on the upper floor of the DB Museum this small museum tells the history of communication from early forms of writing to modern emails and mobiles. There are exhibits on various Deutsche Post equipment as well as historic phones from the very earliest up to the first smartphones.


Entrance included in entry to the DB Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 49.445661; Longitude: 11.074534
What3Words: sympathy.cold.balanced


Photo ID: 038885 Photo ID: 038886 Photo ID: 038887 Photo ID: 038888 Photo ID: 038889 Photo ID: 038890 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/04/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Noricama Noricama No Data


Located at the Stadtmuseum Fembohaus this 50 minute Audio/Visual presentation takes you through the history of the city from it's founding up to the present.


Charge, not included in the day ticket system

Getting There

Latitude: 49.456549; Longitude: 11.077445
What3Words: skims.kinks.surveyed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pfarrkirche Unsere Liebe Frau (Frauenkirche) Pfarrkirche Unsere Liebe Frau (Frauenkirche) No Data


Located at the edge of the Hauptmarkt, this church is lighter and warmer that many of the other churches in the city (having kept a lot of it's Catholic finery in spite of the reformation!)


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 49.453998; Longitude: 11.078089
What3Words: eagle.waxer.workforce


Photo ID: 004252 Photo ID: 038831 Photo ID: 038832 Photo ID: 038834 Photo ID: 038835 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2009), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reichsparteiagsgelände Reichsparteiagsgelände No Data


The parade grounds of the Third Reich. It's here that some of the largest gatherings took place. Today much has been destroyed, but you can still walk around the site and take in the scale of the buildings. The walk around just part of the site that is recommended takes around 90 minutes to complete.



Getting There

A well signed walking route starts outside the Documentation centre, accessible by trams which terminate outside.
Latitude: 49.431444; Longitude: 11.124985
What3Words: deciding.revival.hesitate


Photo ID: 004231 Photo ID: 004232 Photo ID: 004233 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Sebalduskirche St Sebalduskirche No Data


The oldest church in Nuremberg, home to the relics of the patron saint of the city, St Sebald, all of which got converted across to Lutheran when the city became protestant (well it had taken them a number of years to get Sebald turned into a saint, and they had spent quite a bit of money very recently on all the statues, so it would seam such a waste of money... Nuremberg has always been firstly a city of business and money before religion!)


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 49.45556; Longitude: 11.074318
What3Words: singles.offers.diamond


Photo ID: 004250 Photo ID: 038838 Photo ID: 038840 Photo ID: 038841 Photo ID: 038842 Photo ID: 038843 Photo ID: 038844

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2009), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadtmuseum Fembohaus Stadtmuseum Fembohaus No Data


One of the few remaining merchants houses in the city the museum tells the history and development of the city from the rise of the merchant classes through to the modern day.


Charge, day ticket valid at all other Nuremberg city museums on the same day

Getting There

Latitude: 49.456549; Longitude: 11.077445
What3Words: skims.kinks.surveyed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bamberg: Dom Bamberg: Dom No Data


Opposite the Imperial Palace, the cathedral is an impressive building.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.890923; Longitude: 10.883632
What3Words: bidder.player.necklace


Photo ID: 004260 Photo ID: 004264 Photo ID: 004265 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bamberg: Frauenkirch Bamberg: Frauenkirch No Data


Towards the top of one of Bambergs many hills the Frauenkirch looks like it could be a Cathedral with it's impressive architecture. Inside the church has a stunning ceiling.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.889188; Longitude: 10.885112
What3Words: variety.driven.manhole


Photo ID: 004258 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bamberg: Imperial Palace Bamberg: Imperial Palace No Data


Located opposite the cathedral the palace has about 40 rooms open to look around on a guided tour that show the apartments of the Emperor, the guests, and the Prince-Bishop (whose palace this actually was).



Getting There

Latitude: 49.891661; Longitude: 10.882038
What3Words: nozzles.readings.mystery


Photo ID: 004260 Photo ID: 004261 Photo ID: 004262 Photo ID: 004263 Photo ID: 004266 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bamberg: Kleine Venedig (Little Venice) Bamberg: Kleine Venedig (Little Venice) No Data


Bamberg is built over canals and rivers, and one small area has built it's buildings on stilts into the small island in the channel, in the style of Venice.


Free to walk around

Getting There

Latitude: 49.893402; Longitude: 10.884627
What3Words: haggle.pint.impose


Photo ID: 004268 Photo ID: 004269 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bamberg Bamberg No Data


Located about 60KM north of Nuremberg, Bamberg has a similar number of impressive buildings, palaces, (hills!,) and stunning vistas. The city has been built around the river and later the Main-Rhine-Danube canal making it an important town.


Getting There

There are regular trains from Nuremberg to Bamberg taking between 45 minutes and an hour depending on whether you get the Regional Express or the Regional Bahn. The station is about 10 minutes walk from the centre of the old town, which is well signposted.
Latitude: 49.894218; Longitude: 10.885527
What3Words: outreach.shiver.audit


Photo ID: 004256 Photo ID: 004257 Photo ID: 004259 Photo ID: 004267 Photo ID: 004270 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2009), and on time of last update (28/12/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blasiuskapelle Blasiuskapelle No Data


The only remaining building of the former imperial castle - this small chapel sits close to the walls at the start of the promontory that the burggarten runs along



Getting There

Latitude: 49.3760354; Longitude: 10.1740158
What3Words: sags.magnets.juices


Photo ID: 050559 Photo ID: 050560 Photo ID: 050561 Photo ID: 050562 Photo ID: 050564 Photo ID: 050572 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Burggarten Burggarten No Data


Gardens located on the site of the former Imperial Palace, all of the original structure has long since disappeared apart from a small part of the defensive walls and the chapel



Getting There

Latitude: 49.3755093; Longitude: 10.1722918
What3Words: snapper.marry.mountaineer


Photo ID: 050557 Photo ID: 050558 Photo ID: 050563 Photo ID: 050565 Photo ID: 050567 Photo ID: 050569 Photo ID: 050571

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Christmas Market Christmas Market No Data


Rothenburg has a Christmas vibe all year round, but this is increased during the festive season when the Christmas market takes over a large part of the centre of town in the Markt, Grüner Markt and Kirchplatz, as well as spilling out onto some of the other side streets and buildings.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.3772295; Longitude: 10.1790131
What3Words: promoting.buzzwords.units


Photo ID: 050442 Photo ID: 050445 Photo ID: 050616 Photo ID: 050618 Photo ID: 050643 Photo ID: 050645 Photo ID: 050671

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls - Klingentor to Spitaltor City Walls - Klingentor to Spitaltor No Data


The longest section of the city walls that you can walk around - this section runs at the top of the wall overlooking the town centre high above the roads above



Getting There

Latitude: 49.3802776; Longitude: 10.1764495
What3Words: chopper.operational.occupations


Photo ID: 050473 Photo ID: 050478 Photo ID: 050483 Photo ID: 050486 Photo ID: 050494 Photo ID: 050497 Photo ID: 050583

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls - Kobolzeller Turm to An der Eich City Walls - Kobolzeller Turm to An der Eich No Data


A short section of the walls which you walk alongside rather than on the walls.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.3751443; Longitude: 10.1792276
What3Words: flailed.culprit.mortally


Photo ID: 050544 Photo ID: 050545 Photo ID: 050546 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls - Sauturm to Kohlturm City Walls - Sauturm to Kohlturm No Data


A shorter section of the city walls which run along one of the highest parts of the city walls from outside, but quite close to ground level inside the city. The views along the rest of the walls towards the city centre are some of the best here.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.3705935; Longitude: 10.1790737
What3Words: fleshes.piled.colder


Photo ID: 050520 Photo ID: 050521 Photo ID: 050525 Photo ID: 050527 Photo ID: 050531 Photo ID: 050534 Photo ID: 050536

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Deutsches Weihnachtsmuseum Deutsches Weihnachtsmuseum No Data


The German Christmas Museum charts the celebration of Christmas in the lands that today form Germany, from the earliest forms of celebration through to the Christmas tree, baubles, advent calendars and greetings cards. Outside of the museum the much larger shop makes it feel like Christmas every day!



Getting There

Latitude: 49.376852; Longitude: 10.178427
What3Words: watertight.prototype.servicing


Photo ID: 050676 Photo ID: 050679 Photo ID: 050682 Photo ID: 050684 Photo ID: 050686 Photo ID: 050692 Photo ID: 050964

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mittelalterliches Kriminalmuseum Mittelalterliches Kriminalmuseum No Data


The Middle Ages Criminal Museum tells the history of crime and punishment in this part of the world, with a focus on some of the more gruesome elements - such as the torture devices and forms of humiliation punishment. There's also displays on the development of laws and justice through the ages including during the Nazi and DDR periods.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.375796; Longitude: 10.179431
What3Words: harpoon.horsepower.celebrates


Photo ID: 050703 Photo ID: 050704 Photo ID: 050705 Photo ID: 050708 Photo ID: 050711 Photo ID: 050713 Photo ID: 050716

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rathausturm Rathausturm No Data


Tower of the town hall, from the top of which you can look down on the markt and across the centre of the city. There are around 200 steps to the top, but the last 10 or so are very steep and possibly worse on the way back down.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.377071; Longitude: 10.178503
What3Words: desperate.regrouped.eater


Photo ID: 050641 Photo ID: 050642 Photo ID: 050695 Photo ID: 050696 Photo ID: 050697 Photo ID: 050698 Photo ID: 050700

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Röderbastei Röderbastei No Data


The southern most and largest of the main gates into the city, and an impressive barbican defence with the roadway having to weave through the structure making defence much easier



Getting There

Latitude: 49.3765318; Longitude: 10.1846568
What3Words: goal.refines.kingpin


Photo ID: 050431 Photo ID: 050434 Photo ID: 050461 Photo ID: 050462 Photo ID: 050476 Photo ID: 050479 Photo ID: 050604

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Röderturm Röderturm No Data


The Red Tower - one of the main towers on the entrance wall to the city - can be climbed. It's just over 100 steep steps up to the viewing gallery on the top floor, but from here there are excellent views over the city, the walls and the surrounding countryside.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.3769333; Longitude: 10.1839668
What3Words: doglike.unresolved.impinging


Photo ID: 050465 Photo ID: 050468 Photo ID: 050601 Photo ID: 050602 Photo ID: 050603 Photo ID: 050605 Photo ID: 050607

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rothenburg Museum Rothenburg Museum No Data


Housed in a former Dominican Convent this museum tells the history of the city from the earliest settlers in the region through until the modern day, along with exhibits on the convent itself and exhibition space for changing temporary exhibits.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.3784189; Longitude: 10.1763151
What3Words: bribed.vented.flatland


Photo ID: 050623 Photo ID: 005624 Photo ID: 050626 Photo ID: 050627 Photo ID: 050632 Photo ID: 050634 Photo ID: 050635

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spitaltor Spitaltor No Data


One of the gates into the city, and an impressive barbican defence with the roadway having to weave through the structure making defence much easier. You can climb up inside the gate and walk around the inside fortifications, looking down on the roadway as it weaves through the complex.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.370917; Longitude: 10.181071
What3Words: adjudicate.pitchers.looked


Photo ID: 050458 Photo ID: 050501 Photo ID: 050503 Photo ID: 050506 Photo ID: 050510 Photo ID: 050512 Photo ID: 050515

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2023), and on time of last update (20/12/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alte Mainbrücke Alte Mainbrücke No Data


The oldest crossing of the Main in the city, decorated with statues on each arch of the bridge looking a lot like the Charles Bridge in Prague. Underneath the Western end of the bridge is an impressive lock that allows the massive cargo barges that sail up and down the Main to negotiate the weir that covers the remaining part of the river. It's an impressive site to watch the barges squeeze into the lock chamber from the bridge.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.793019; Longitude: 9.926221
What3Words: squad.episode.date


Photo ID: 043928 Photo ID: 043934 Photo ID: 043938 Photo ID: 043944 Photo ID: 043954 Photo ID: 043956 Photo ID: 044123

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/12/2022), and on time of last update (13/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alter Kranen Alter Kranen No Data


Former 18th century crane on the banks of the Main which soon after construction became a symbol of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.796096; Longitude: 9.925967
What3Words: prop.marbles.digital


Photo ID: 043927 Photo ID: 043893 Photo ID: 044127 Photo ID: 044128 Photo ID: 044129 Photo ID: 044130 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2022), and on time of last update (13/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Tour City Tour No Data


An hourly land-train tour around the city centre taking in the main sights. Tours set off from the Residenz and take in the Cathedral, Neumünster and views across the river to the Marienberg Fortress accompanied by a multi-lingual commentary.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.792278; Longitude: 9.936296
What3Words: chipper.declines.logs


Photo ID: 044010 Photo ID: 044012 Photo ID: 044013 Photo ID: 044014 Photo ID: 044015 Photo ID: 044016 Photo ID: 044021

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2022), and on time of last update (13/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dom Dom No Data


The city's small cathedral, powerbase of the Prince Bishops who ruled the Würzburg kingdom for nearly 1000 years.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.793466; Longitude: 9.93259
What3Words: ends.eats.zipped


Photo ID: 043955 Photo ID: 043960 Photo ID: 043962 Photo ID: 043966 Photo ID: 043967 Photo ID: 044011 Photo ID: 044100

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2022), and on time of last update (13/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Festung Marienberg Festung Marienberg No Data


Built high on a hill overlooking the city from the opposite bank of the Main the fortress was home to the Prince Bishops before the construction of the Residenz and afforded them protection from the locals who wanted to get rid of the Prince Bishops and become a free Imperial city like Nuremberg. You can walk around the fortress site free of charge, but to go into the buildings - which house a couple of museums - there is an entrance fee (according to all the guide books and websites the museums are only in German and not particularly worth visiting)



Getting There

Latitude: 49.789902; Longitude: 9.920068
What3Words: trek.entitle.paper


Photo ID: 043943 Photo ID: 043998 Photo ID: 044019 Photo ID: 044070 Photo ID: 044075 Photo ID: 044078 Photo ID: 044109

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2022), and on time of last update (13/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

LGS Park LGS Park No Data


Park and gardens located in the bastions of the lower sections of the Marienberg fortress which were rehabilitated for the state garden fair in 1990. Today there are a range of small gardens, plus pleasant walking routes up to the fortress itself



Getting There

Latitude: 49.792941; Longitude: 9.918547
What3Words: resting.leaned.possibly


Photo ID: 044041 Photo ID: 044047 Photo ID: 044052 Photo ID: 044053 Photo ID: 044054 Photo ID: 044125 Photo ID: 044126

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2022), and on time of last update (13/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marienkapelle Marienkapelle No Data


Church on the edge of the market square and built on the site of the former Synagogue.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.79488; Longitude: 9.92948
What3Words: lifelong.moguls.rinse


Photo ID: 043969 Photo ID: 043972 Photo ID: 043979 Photo ID: 044036 Photo ID: 044038 Photo ID: 044039 Photo ID: 044040

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2022), and on time of last update (13/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Markt Markt No Data


The city's main market square and home, during late November and December, to the city's Christmas market with lots of stalls selling Christmas decorations and gifts, as well as a large assortment of mulled wine and sausage stalls.


Free to wander around

Getting There

Latitude: 49.794588; Longitude: 9.929158
What3Words: pouting.bells.defeat


Photo ID: 043970 Photo ID: 043971 Photo ID: 043973 Photo ID: 043974 Photo ID: 043975 Photo ID: 043976 Photo ID: 043980

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/12/2022), and on time of last update (13/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Neumünster Neumünster No Data


Former monastery church housing the tomb of St Kilians



Getting There

Latitude: 49.793991; Longitude: 9.931386
What3Words: tester.bend.gadget


Photo ID: 043965 Photo ID: 044023 Photo ID: 044024 Photo ID: 044025 Photo ID: 044028 Photo ID: 044032 Photo ID: 044035

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2022), and on time of last update (13/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Residenz Würzburg: Hofgarten Residenz Würzburg: Hofgarten No Data


The palaces gardens, which are open to the public as a park and provide some of the best views of the palace.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.792253; Longitude: 9.941381
What3Words: nibbles.hardens.alleges


Photo ID: 043991 Photo ID: 043993 Photo ID: 043994 Photo ID: 044001 Photo ID: 044002 Photo ID: 044004 Photo ID: 044007

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2022), and on time of last update (13/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Residenz Würzburg: Hofkirche Residenz Würzburg: Hofkirche No Data


The Court Church located towards the end of one wing of the palace complex - much like the main palace building this is a fine example of Rococo excess



Getting There

Latitude: 49.792275; Longitude: 9.9380976
What3Words: frizz.rods.heats


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2022), and on time of last update (13/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Residenz Würzburg: Palace Residenz Würzburg: Palace No Data


Palace built at the beginning of the 18th century for the Prince Bishops to reflect their power and status, and so they could move back down from the Marienberg Fortress and into the city centre. The building is one of the finest Rococo palaces in Europe and reflects the money and power of the Würzburg Prince-Bishops. Large parts of the palace were destroyed in the 16th March 1945 bombing raid, but over the following near 70 years the palace has been restored to how it would have looked when it was first complete. The palace is open to walk around on a marked route or you can join a guided tour to understand more about the building and some of the contents. There are regular tours in German plus at least two tours a day in English.


Charge, Guided tours are included in the price

Getting There

Latitude: 49.792803; Longitude: 9.939028
What3Words: driving.grocers.ribs


Photo ID: 043985 Photo ID: 043986 Photo ID: 043987 Photo ID: 043988 Photo ID: 043991 Photo ID: 044003 Photo ID: 044005

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2022), and on time of last update (13/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanika Botanika No Data


Located in the Rhododendron park this is a green science museum and greenhouses of some of the parks more spectacular specimens.


Charge, Free with an Entdecker Card

Getting There

Latitude: 53.09271; Longitude: 8.881481
What3Words: heats.energetic.instance


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bremen Walking Tour Bremen Walking Tour No Data


A self guided walk that takes you around the key sights of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.075813; Longitude: 8.808825
What3Words: deployed.explores.students


Photo ID: 000620 Photo ID: 000621 Photo ID: 000623 Photo ID: 000624 Photo ID: 000635 Photo ID: 000636 Photo ID: 000638

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Tower Cathedral Tower No Data


263 steps take you to the top of the cathedral tower for stunning views over the city centre



Getting There

Latitude: 53.075394; Longitude: 8.809512
What3Words: coughed.pink.comfort


Photo ID: 000637 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Focke Museum Focke Museum No Data


The museum shows the history and development of Bremen, with lots of artefacts, especially in the "Magazine" collection which appears to be their entire store of artefacts grouped together by subject and then arranged alphabetically.


Charge, Free with an Entdecker Card

Getting There

Latitude: 53.09261; Longitude: 8.864695
What3Words: moisture.police.arrives


Photo ID: 000647 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lead Cellar Lead Cellar No Data


Located in the crypt of the cathedral, the lead in the cellar and the coffins have perfectly preserved the bodies of those laid to rest there



Getting There

Latitude: 53.075439; Longitude: 8.808964
What3Words: believer.sunroof.disposal


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Paula Becker-Modersohn exhibition Paula Becker-Modersohn exhibition No Data


The Paula Becker-Modersohn exhibition is an art gallery displaying works by Paula Becker-Modersohn as well as some changing displays of modern art.


Charge, Free with an Entdecker Card, Joint entry with the Roselius house

Getting There

Latitude: 53.075004; Longitude: 8.805799
What3Words: delved.waddle.flushed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhododendron Park Rhododendron Park No Data


The park itself is huge, I spent over three hours wandering around it, and don't think I saw it all. In late May it was especially nice as all the rhododendrons were in full bloom and scent.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.092555; Longitude: 8.883262
What3Words: outbid.tuck.fortunate


Photo ID: 000639 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roselius house Roselius house No Data


The Roselius house has artefacts and items from Bremen's heyday as the centre of Hanseatic trading


Charge, Free with an Entdecker Card, Joint entry with the Paula Becker-Modersohn exhibition

Getting There

Latitude: 53.075011; Longitude: 8.805837
What3Words: mixture.diagram.humans


Photo ID: 000648 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Petri's Cathedral St. Petri's Cathedral No Data


The city's cathedral and a spectacular building



Getting There

Latitude: 53.075433; Longitude: 8.808444
What3Words: path.evaded.goodbye


Photo ID: 000622 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Petri's Dom Museum St. Petri's Dom Museum No Data


The cathedral museum and treasury housing many of the cathedrals priceless artefacts


Charge, Free with an Entdecker Card

Getting There

Latitude: 53.075188; Longitude: 8.809034
What3Words: sprain.fruity.certainty


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Musicians Statue The Musicians Statue No Data


The statue of Bremen's most famous non-visitors, the musicians of Bremen, the cockerel, cat, dog and donkey of the children's fairy tale



Getting There

Latitude: 53.076851; Longitude: 8.807693
What3Words: calm.data.underway


Photo ID: 000636 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bremehaven Bremehaven No Data


Bremerhaven is the large sea port that has supplied much of Bremen's wealth. Supposedly it is worth visiting, with lots to see. But with no signage anywhere you can wander away from the station and not find anything!


Getting There

Regular trains run from Bremen. Travel is included with an Entdecker card
Latitude: 53.548243; Longitude: 8.582657
What3Words: spider.boldest.critic


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jever: Brewery Jever: Brewery No Data


The brewery, towards the back of town, offers regular tours which include a tasting session. Sadly tours (of which some are also in English) are very popular and have to be pre-booked


Charge, Free with an Entdecker Card

Getting There

Latitude: 53.575257; Longitude: 7.902024
What3Words: flowerbed.midriffs.watchtower


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jever: Schloß Jever: Schloß No Data


The castle now houses an interesting museum on the history of the area, with lots of it translated into English and Dutch. The central tower of the castle supposedly offers stunning views over the gardens and surrounding areas, sadly this was closed for renovation when I visited.


Charge, Free with an Entdecker Card

Getting There

Latitude: 53.572158; Longitude: 7.902786
What3Words: ignites.muses.limos


Photo ID: 000630 Photo ID: 000631 Photo ID: 000632 Photo ID: 000633 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jever Jever No Data


Located in the very north of the region, and almost at the north coast of Germany. Jever is more commonly known for it's bitter tasting beer, the town has also during it's history been an important royal seat. This is shown off to it's best in the garishly pink Schloß that takes pride of place in the centre of the town.


Getting There

Jever is not particularly easy to get to. From Bremen you need to travel to Oldenburg and change, there you pick up the Wilhelmshaven train and change one stop short at Sande, here you can pick up the train to Jever. The trains to Wilhelmshaven originate in Osnabrück. Travel the whole way is free with an Entdecker card
Latitude: 53.575385; Longitude: 7.901917
What3Words: shied.convergent.hairpin


Photo ID: 000630 Photo ID: 000631 Photo ID: 000632 Photo ID: 000633 Photo ID: 000634 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lübeck: Cathedral Lübeck: Cathedral No Data


Yet another building brought to the ground in 1942 this has been completely rebuilt, and contains a small photographic exhibition on the bombing, the fire (started by the bombing) that caused most damage, it's ruins and rebuilding


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.860892; Longitude: 10.68532
What3Words: assume.visitors.chins


Photo ID: 000644 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lübeck: Holstentor Lübeck: Holstentor No Data


The original entrance to the city. So famous is it that it used to grace the DM50 bill. This now contains a museum charting the history of the city and it's importance in European history.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.866264; Longitude: 10.67958
What3Words: empty.cycle.gagging


Photo ID: 000640 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lübeck: Marienkirche Lübeck: Marienkirche No Data


The traders of Lübeck decided in the 13th century that it was time for a game of one-up-man-ship against the church and local bishops. They decided to built their own church, in a similar style to the town hall, to be even bigger and more impressive than the cathedral. They succeeded. Another building almost totally destroyed on 29/03/1942 it has been rebuilt, but with a reminder of what happened. At the base of one of the towers the shattered remains of the bells have been left, exactly where they fell.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.867782; Longitude: 10.685009
What3Words: sheep.busy.layered


Photo ID: 000643 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lübeck: Petrikirche Lübeck: Petrikirche No Data


Almost destroyed during the bombing it has been rebuilt, but is no longer used as a church. Instead it is used as an exhibition space, and as a viewing tower. A lift glides you up to the top of the tower for views over the whole of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.865878; Longitude: 10.682949
What3Words: reunion.helpless.wipe


Photo ID: 000642 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lübeck: River and Canal Cruise Lübeck: River and Canal Cruise No Data


several ships cruise around the rivers and canals of Lübeck giving guided tours. Sadly all of them only offer commentary in German



Getting There

Latitude: 53.865315; Longitude: 10.680857
What3Words: songs.chase.sublime


Photo ID: 000641 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lübeck Lübeck No Data


Lübeck was once one of the most important cities is Germany, a centre of trading with the rest of the world. Much of it's importance is shown in it's magnificent buildings, many of which have had to be rebuilt since the end of the war, the city being all but flattened during a bombing raid on 29th March 1942. A slightly more alarming feature is the subsidence the city suffers from. The area whole of the city is built on swampy ground and as such much of it now leans at precarious angles.


Getting There

To get to Lübeck you have to change trains in Hamburg. There is an hourly service on both lines, with about 20 minutes connection time in both direction. The journey to Hamburg takes about 1 hour 20 minutes and then it’s another hour onto Lübeck. Note travel is NOT included on the Entdecker card, you have to buy a proper ticket
Latitude: 53.869563; Longitude: 10.687579
What3Words: insert.across.decisive


Photo ID: 000640 Photo ID: 000641 Photo ID: 000642 Photo ID: 000643 Photo ID: 000644 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oldenburg: Lambertkirche Oldenburg: Lambertkirche No Data


The church is not only interesting because of it's five spires, but also because the inside and outside fail to match completely. From the outside the large red brick gothic rectangular building belies the fact that inside it is a subtle, light coloured stone, round church!



Getting There

Latitude: 53.138549; Longitude: 8.214571
What3Words: commented.speaker.rummage


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oldenburg: Schloß Oldenburg: Schloß No Data


The castle now houses a large museum to the history of the area, sadly all of it is in German, with no translations, or guides in any other language


Charge, Free with an Entdecker Card

Getting There

Latitude: 53.137735; Longitude: 8.216615
What3Words: shack.waddle.probing
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oldenburg Oldenburg No Data


The town is situated about 50Km Northwest of Bremen and is supposedly the economic and cultural centre of the region, though on a Saturday in late May it was very quiet. The main sights of the town are the large church (Lambertkirche), the castle (Schloß), and the castle gardens (Schloßpark).


Getting There

Regular trains run from Bremen to Oldenburg taking about 1 hour. From the station it's a short well signed walk from the station to the centre of town. Travel to and from Oldenburg is free with an Entdecker card. There are also hourly trains from Osnabrück, again included on the Entdecker card.
Latitude: 53.136719; Longitude: 8.216536
What3Words: heads.mash.hardens


Photo ID: 000625 Photo ID: 000626 Photo ID: 000627 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Osnabrück: Dom Schatzkammer (Cathedral Treasury) Osnabrück: Dom Schatzkammer (Cathedral Treasury) No Data


The cathedral also houses it's treasury which contains lots of relics from the cathedrals past, as well as many of it's more valuable possessions.


Charge, Free with an Entdecker Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.277539; Longitude: 8.044798
What3Words: enhances.notice.blunt


Photo ID: 000629 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Osnabrück Osnabrück No Data


Osnabrück is a pleasant town, with lots of old buildings (despite the war). A signed walk takes you round most of the main sights in the town, including the town walls and remaining gates; The town hall (Rathaus); Several of the towns many churches; and the cathedral with it's disproportionate towers.


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Bremen to Osnabrück which are free with the Entdecker card. There are also hourly trains from Oldenburg, again included on the Entdecker card.
Latitude: 52.267281; Longitude: 8.053188
What3Words: toned.juror.selling


Photo ID: 000628 Photo ID: 000629 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/05/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alte Nikolaikirche Alte Nikolaikirche No Data


Located on the Römer, this church has been standing since the 13th century and has survived!



Getting There

Latitude: 50.109959; Longitude: 8.682353
What3Words: monkeys.remove.targeted


Photo ID: 031555 Photo ID: 031573 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2004), and on time of last update (30/07/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archäologisches Museum Archäologisches Museum No Data


The museum houses exhibits on the development of the Frankfurt region from Roman times up until the middle ages. The museum is housed in a converted convent. In addition to the core exhibition there is also a small display on Roman, Etruscan and Persian pottery.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.109018; Longitude: 8.677971
What3Words: defining.spicy.romance


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2011), and on time of last update (30/12/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dom (Cathedral) Dom (Cathedral) No Data


Quite a plain building, not helped by the fact it has been under scaffolding for many years. By the second visit in 2011 the scaffolding had been removed to reveal a stunning cathedral building. Inside the Cathedral is quite small but light and bright. From the top of the tower there are stunning views over the city


Free, Charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 50.110692; Longitude: 8.685451
What3Words: tropic.loses.animate


Photo ID: 031578 Photo ID: 031631 Photo ID: 031632 Photo ID: 031633 Photo ID: 031634 Photo ID: 031639 Photo ID: 031640

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2004), and on time of last update (08/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dommuseum Dommuseum No Data


This small museum is located in a cloister beside the cathedral and houses some of the cathedrals treasures including chalices and robes.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.11081; Longitude: 8.685112
What3Words: thanks.migrate.glares


Photo ID: 031635 Photo ID: 031636 Photo ID: 031637 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/09/2020), and on time of last update (08/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Frankfurt Open-top Tour Frankfurt Open-top Tour No Data


Two different tours are offered. The Express tour takes in the key key sights of the city centre including the historic centre, financial district and the picturesque Sachsenhausen district on the south bank of the Main. The Skyline tour follows a route closer into the city centre, roughly following the line of the former city walls and highlighting the architecture of the city. In both cases tours run every 30 minutes or so and have a multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary. The first stops are are on either side of Paulsplatz



Getting There

Latitude: 50.1115883; Longitude: 8.6814335
What3Words: spot.dads.pitching


Photo ID: 006701 Photo ID: 006703 Photo ID: 006704 Photo ID: 006705 Photo ID: 006706 Photo ID: 006707 Photo ID: 006708

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/09/2020), and on time of last update (08/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historisches Museum Frankfurt Historisches Museum Frankfurt No Data


This is a large museum spread over two buildings linked under the ground. Inside the museum traces the history of Frankfurt from the earliest days through to the post war redevelopment and even up to the opening of the museums extension in the late 2010s.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.109474; Longitude: 8.682448
What3Words: contents.woven.hope


Photo ID: 031613 Photo ID: 031615 Photo ID: 031618 Photo ID: 031619 Photo ID: 031622 Photo ID: 031623 Photo ID: 031624

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/09/2020), and on time of last update (08/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jewish Cemetery Jewish Cemetery No Data


Behind the Museum Judengasse is the old Jewish Cemetery and on the wall surrounding it 10,000 blocks. Each block has a name on it, a date of birth, and the date an location where they died. They represent the Jewish population of Frankfurt that died between 1939 and 1945 and can't help but move you.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.112141; Longitude: 8.690601
What3Words: colonies.defender.tailed


Photo ID: 000383 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2004), and on time of last update (30/07/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiserpfalz Franconofurd (Previously Archaeological Gardens) Kaiserpfalz Franconofurd (Previously Archaeological Gardens) No Data


Located just in front of the Cathedral these are the remains of a Roman Encampment. Today they are housed beneath the Stadthaus with more of the site uncovered during the renovations.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.110558; Longitude: 8.684309
What3Words: workouts.sentences.coach


Photo ID: 000379 Photo ID: 031625 Photo ID: 031626 Photo ID: 031627 Photo ID: 031628 Photo ID: 031629 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2004), and on time of last update (08/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Main Tower Main Tower No Data


On top of one of the tallest of the tower blocks is a viewing platform from which you can get spectacular views over the city and the surrounding countryside.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.11241; Longitude: 8.672196
What3Words: teaspoons.dormant.thin


Photo ID: 000380 Photo ID: 000381 Photo ID: 006709 Photo ID: 006710 Photo ID: 006711 Photo ID: 006712 Photo ID: 006713

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2004), and on time of last update (30/12/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum Judengasse Museum Judengasse No Data


Located on the ground floor of the council offices this museum is built over the remains of Frankfurt's Jewish Ghetto, destroyed during W.W.II. This really interesting museum tells the history of the Jews in Frankfurt, their persecution (not just in the recent past but going back over hundreds of years), their culture and in the ruins details on daily life in the Ghetto. In addition a small exhibition at the end explains how the community has attempted to rebuild itself since 1945.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.112349; Longitude: 8.688433
What3Words: loads.liquids.denote


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2004), and on time of last update (30/07/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Naturmuseum Senckenberg Naturmuseum Senckenberg No Data


The city's Natural History Museum, housing a wide collection of specimins from fossils and dinosaurs through to modern man.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.117517; Longitude: 8.652165
What3Words: fairy.plank.funds


Photo ID: 031663 Photo ID: 031666 Photo ID: 031669 Photo ID: 031672 Photo ID: 031675 Photo ID: 031678 Photo ID: 031680

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/09/2020), and on time of last update (08/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palmgarten Palmgarten No Data


Frankfurt's lung, and an impressive and relaxing place to visit. Set just on the outskirts of the city centre the Palm garden has several glasshouses along with large gardens and lots of open space to relax in. A perfect place to waste an afternoon, and a perfect place to take a picnic to.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.121816; Longitude: 8.656497
What3Words: dared.chicken.brief


Photo ID: 031683 Photo ID: 031686 Photo ID: 031691 Photo ID: 031692 Photo ID: 031705 Photo ID: 031712 Photo ID: 031723

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2004), and on time of last update (08/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Primus Linie: Main Boat Tour Primus Linie: Main Boat Tour No Data


Regular guided tours giving some history to the town run up and down the Main from the pier just behind the Römer. There are three tours on offer - Tour one is a 45-50 minute tour that heads East from the pier to the Eastern harbour before turning round and coming back. The second tour is also 45-50 minutes and heads West as far as the Western harbour and the Autobahn before turning round and coming back, or you can do a combined tour as the boat completes the two tours back to back, this option lasts about an hour and 50 minutes. A commentary in German and English is provided



Getting There

Latitude: 50.108805; Longitude: 8.6823
What3Words: styled.daring.mornings


Photo ID: 031583 Photo ID: 031584 Photo ID: 031589 Photo ID: 031592 Photo ID: 031600 Photo ID: 031602 Photo ID: 031610

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2004), and on time of last update (08/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Primus Linie: Skylight Tour Primus Linie: Skylight Tour No Data


The tour is a shortened version of the combined East and West tours and is scheduled to depart shortly after sunset. This way you are able to see the lights of Mainhatten from the river with the bridges and skyscrapers illuminated it makes for a pleasant cruise - although probably best enjoyed on a warm summers evening!



Getting There

Latitude: 50.108782; Longitude: 8.682273
What3Words: depended.awaited.reminds


Photo ID: 031645 Photo ID: 031647 Photo ID: 031650 Photo ID: 031651 Photo ID: 031653 Photo ID: 031655 Photo ID: 031657

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/09/2020), and on time of last update (08/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Römerberg Römerberg No Data


The old town square located just back from the cathedral. Despite being levelled during the war (by the Americans) the square has been authentically rebuilt to look like it did prior to the war. During December each year the square becomes the focal point of the annual Christmas market



Getting There

Latitude: 50.11041; Longitude: 8.682176
What3Words: deform.swells.onions


Photo ID: 031552 Photo ID: 031554 Photo ID: 031555 Photo ID: 031556 Photo ID: 031571 Photo ID: 031572 Photo ID: 031574

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2004), and on time of last update (08/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Limes Limes No Data


The Limes form part of the UNESCO Roman frontier world heritage site that includes Hadrian's wall. The Limes performed a similar function to the wall, protecting the Northern border of the Roman empire from the tribes further north. Unlike Hadrian's wall the Limes was built using earth banks and Wooden fences, so very little of the actual wall, other than some raised earth mounds, exist, but where they do, behind Saalburg fort, they provide a good insight into the defences in this part of the Roman empire.



Getting There

The nearest access to Frankfurt is to take the train (30 minutes every 15-30 minutes) to Bad Homburg and then pick up the number 5 bus (every two hours Monday to Friday, Hourly Saturday and Sunday - 20 minutes) to the Fort at Saalburg and then follow the signed circular walk (2KM back to the bus stop)
Latitude: 50.274479; Longitude: 8.567233
What3Words: conductor.fumbled.outraged


Photo ID: 006673 Photo ID: 006674 Photo ID: 006676 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2011), and on time of last update (30/12/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Saalburg Fort Saalburg Fort No Data


Reconstruction on the site of the former Roman fort, several buildings have been reconstructed to give an insight into what the fort would have looked like in it's heyday. They have also reconstructed the whole external wall of the site to give a view to the scale of the fort


Getting There

Take the train (30 minutes every 15-30 minutes) to Bad Homburg and then pick up the number 5 bus (every two hours Monday to Friday, Hourly Saturday and Sunday - 20 minutes) to the Fort at Saalburg
Latitude: 50.271394; Longitude: 8.56675
What3Words: plumper.pharmacists.gaggles


Photo ID: 006667 Photo ID: 006668 Photo ID: 006669 Photo ID: 006670 Photo ID: 006671 Photo ID: 006672 Photo ID: 006675

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2011), and on time of last update (30/12/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bad Homburg Bad Homburg No Data


Located just to the north of Frankfurt, Bad Homburg is a spa town with an impressive castle, and quick access out to the Limes roman fortifications.


Getting There

There are regular S-Bahn trains (every 15-30 minutes) that take 30 minutes or so to get to Bad Homberg. There are also hourly fast regional trains direct to the central station taking around 15 minutes
Latitude: 50.226831; Longitude: 8.617015
What3Words: veto.fencing.bespoke


Photo ID: 006677 Photo ID: 006678 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2011), and on time of last update (30/12/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Höchst Höchst No Data


Located in the western suburbs of Frankfurt, the town was originally completely separate from the city that has now grown to envelope it, but it still remains a very picturesque and beautiful town with many old buildings and a pleasant riverside walk.


Getting There

2 S-Bahn lines run from the main central station (Frankfurt am Main Hauptbahnhof) to Höchst Hauptbahnhof which is just on the edge of town. Journey time is about 10 minutes. Tram line 11 also runs from the centre of Frankfurt to Höchst taking about 30 minutes.
Latitude: 50.099569; Longitude: 8.540383
What3Words: notices.trips.daily


Photo ID: 000385 Photo ID: 000386 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2004), and on time of last update (30/07/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Casino Casino No Data


The Casino formed a key part of the Baths experience when Wiesbaden was a major bathing resort town. Today it's still an impressive building under it's dome at the top of the bowling green, and you can go inside the main entrance lobby to take in the beautiful dome and frescos. If you want to venture any further in you'll need your wallet and luck.


Free to look around the lobby and entrance way, you need to be playing to go into the main hall

Getting There

Latitude: 50.084847; Longitude: 8.247656
What3Words: oldest.without.returns


Photo ID: 042791 Photo ID: 042869 Photo ID: 042870 Photo ID: 042942 Photo ID: 042943 Photo ID: 042945 Photo ID: 042948

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kochbrunnen Kochbrunnen No Data


A small park located over one of the main points where the hot springs that Wiesbaden sits over breaks the surface. There is a domed water house where you can sample the water - though it comes out at decent cup of coffee hot, so you'll want to use a cup, glass or bottle rather than your hands to sample. It's slightly sulphurous and not particularly pleasant. Nearby there is a fountain that the water gushes up through, creating clouds of steam and leaving an interesting mineral deposit on the slopes of the fountain making it look like a watery volcano. The effect is particularly noticeable at night and when the temperature is low.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.08632; Longitude: 8.242188
What3Words: finally.cheat.guarded


Photo ID: 042823 Photo ID: 042824 Photo ID: 042826 Photo ID: 042863 Photo ID: 042864 Photo ID: 042865 Photo ID: 042866

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kurpark Kurpark No Data


Locate behind the Casino this pleasant park has a large lake and a number of paths that you can wander around. From the other end of the lake are some of the best views of the Casino



Getting There

Latitude: 50.084467; Longitude: 8.251264
What3Words: managed.section.sometime


Photo ID: 042937 Photo ID: 042938 Photo ID: 042939 Photo ID: 042940 Photo ID: 042941 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marktkirche Marktkirche No Data


The large church located off to one side of the market, this is one of the most iconic buildings of the city and it's towers are visible across much of the city centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.082381; Longitude: 8.242745
What3Words: dumpy.slipped.bespoke


Photo ID: 042838 Photo ID: 042851 Photo ID: 042873 Photo ID: 042931 Photo ID: 042932 Photo ID: 042933 Photo ID: 042934

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Neroberg: Löwenterrasse Neroberg: Löwenterrasse No Data


A viewing terrace a little way below the upper funicular station from where there are excellent views over the city



Getting There

Latitude: 50.09735; Longitude: 8.229798
What3Words: coconut.picture.ears


Photo ID: 042805 Photo ID: 042808 Photo ID: 042809 Photo ID: 042810 Photo ID: 042811 Photo ID: 042812 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Neroberg: Römisches Theater Neroberg: Römisches Theater No Data


Located at the top of the hill up from the funicular station this is the recreation of what a small Roman theatre would have looked like.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.098966; Longitude: 8.229929
What3Words: sentences.washed.explored


Photo ID: 042813 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nerobergbahn Nerobergbahn No Data


Water and gravity powered funicular railway that climbs up from Nerotal at the bottom of the Neroberg to a station close to the top. At the top the water tanks of the car are filled making it heaver than a fully loaded car at the bottom. When it's ready to go the break is released and gravity pulls the upper car down, with the attached cable pulling the lower car up. At the bottom (whilst the upper car is filling its tank) the lower car now empties it's water tanks making it much lighter than the car at the top and ready to be pulled back up.


Charge, not part of the standard travel ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 50.094735; Longitude: 8.22546
What3Words: ropes.requested.sulk


Photo ID: 042794 Photo ID: 042796 Photo ID: 042798 Photo ID: 042803 Photo ID: 042814 Photo ID: 042816 Photo ID: 042818

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Römertor Römertor No Data


A small part of the former city walls, at the time of visiting undergoing significant restoration work


Free to look around the outside, no access inside

Getting There

Latitude: 50.084382; Longitude: 8.238777
What3Words: hippy.deliver.whispers


Photo ID: 042829 Photo ID: 042830 Photo ID: 042831 Photo ID: 042832 Photo ID: 042833 Photo ID: 042835 Photo ID: 042837

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Biebrich Schloß Biebrich No Data


Baroque palace located down on the waters edge by the River Rhein. Today it's used for functions and events, in particular - as I visited on a Saturday - Weddings.


Free to look around the outside, no access inside

Getting There

From the centre of town buses 14 and 4 run to Biebrich. Number 4 turns left and terminates by the river whilst the 14 turns left and continues past the palace with a stop just beyond the park.
Latitude: 50.037309; Longitude: 8.234036
What3Words: silence.cracking.shadow


Photo ID: 042853 Photo ID: 042857 Photo ID: 042860 Photo ID: 042862 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadtmuseum am Markt Stadtmuseum am Markt No Data


Located underneath the market place this museum tells the story of Wiesbaden from the earliest archaeological finds through it's time as a Roman bath city and the middle ages to it's resurgence with the rise of Bathing in the 17th century onwards. The museum also charts the cities decline following WWI from the richest to one of the poorest cities in Germany in just a couple of years, creating the conditions for the town to be a hot bed of radicalism and a breeding ground for the Nazi movement. The story finishes with modern Wiesbaden with it's focus on tourism, conferences and the manufacture of sausage casings.


Free for the permanent exhibition, charges for temporary exhibits

Getting There

Latitude: 50.081557; Longitude: 8.24292
What3Words: nozzles.manager.sifts


Photo ID: 042925 Photo ID: 042926 Photo ID: 042927 Photo ID: 042928 Photo ID: 042929 Photo ID: 042930 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

THermine Touristikbahn THermine Touristikbahn No Data


A 50 minute land train tour of the city taking in the main sights in the centre of town before heading out to the Russian Orthodox church and the Nerobergbahn and then returning back to town via the Kochbrunnen. A commentary in German only is provided as the train trundles round, but a printed translation is available in other languages.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.081697; Longitude: 8.243546
What3Words: fuss.ends.search


Photo ID: 042844 Photo ID: 042845 Photo ID: 042848 Photo ID: 042849 Photo ID: 042850 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eltville: Kurfürstliche Burg Eltville: Kurfürstliche Burg No Data


The Electors Palace, once the home of the Archbishop of Mainz, and occasionally visited by Johannes Guttenberg. Today the tower of the castle houses a museum on the history of the building and the town, and the history of printing with Guttenberg's connection to the town and the palace. From the top floor you can take in the views over the town and the river.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.024773; Longitude: 8.123294
What3Words: conjurer.departments.motionless


Photo ID: 042886 Photo ID: 042889 Photo ID: 042890 Photo ID: 042893 Photo ID: 042895 Photo ID: 042896 Photo ID: 042904

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eltville: Rosengarten Eltville: Rosengarten No Data


Located in what would have been the moat of the castle the Rose Garden in a pleasant place to wander around.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.024881; Longitude: 8.122421
What3Words: indices.pranced.consenting


Photo ID: 042911 Photo ID: 042915 Photo ID: 042916 Photo ID: 042917 Photo ID: 042918 Photo ID: 042919 Photo ID: 042923

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eltville Eltville No Data


A small town on the banks of the River Rhein which was once the home base of the Archbishop of Mainz, and consequently has a very pretty little castle and large formal gardens located down by the river.


Getting There

From Wiesbaden the RB10 train runs every 30-60 minutes taking about 15 minutes to make the journey. Otherwise bus 171 runs every hour from Wiesbaden Hauptbahnhof to the station at Etville, taking about 35 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 50.026175; Longitude: 8.122304
What3Words: pierced.twitter.climbing


Photo ID: 042881 Photo ID: 042882 Photo ID: 042883 Photo ID: 042884 Photo ID: 042894 Photo ID: 042913 Photo ID: 042914

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2022), and on time of last update (26/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alster Rundfhart Alster Rundfhart No Data


This boat tour starts in the Inner Alster and then goes out for a tour around the outer lake, taking a little under 50 minutes to do a circuit. Full commentary, in German only



Getting There

Latitude: 53.553385; Longitude: 9.993428
What3Words: wider.gender.finally


Photo ID: 001829 Photo ID: 001830 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/06/2007), and on time of last update (29/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cap San Diego Cap San Diego No Data


The Cap San Diego is a typical freighter from the 1960's. You have access to almost the whole of the ship, from the bottom of the engine room, to the bridge to explore. Exhibitions on board tell the history of emigration from Hamburg



Getting There

Latitude: 53.543138; Longitude: 9.976187
What3Words: lobby.flaked.swim


Photo ID: 001879 Photo ID: 001880 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2007), and on time of last update (29/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dämmertörn (Twilight Cruise) Dämmertörn (Twilight Cruise) No Data


A two hour cruise setting off just as the sun is setting over Hamburg. The tour is advertised as sailing up the Alster, though on the night I went the tour went out into the harbour due to operations issues (though they did give everyone a free drink as an apology). The tour is conducted in German only, but on a clear evening the scenery and light do most of the talking



Getting There

Latitude: 53.553373; Longitude: 9.993557
What3Words: targeted.solar.mole


Photo ID: 028714 Photo ID: 028718 Photo ID: 028721 Photo ID: 028723 Photo ID: 028725 Photo ID: 028727 Photo ID: 028730

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/09/2019), and on time of last update (28/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Die Gelben Doppeldecker Die Gelben Doppeldecker No Data


A 90 minute open-top hop-on-hop-off bus tour round the key sights of Hamburg. Unlike some of the other companies this route takes in a full circle round the Outer Alster so you get to see more of the lake as well as the stunning Blue Mosque. Live guide in German with a multi-lingual commentary via headphones.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.545778; Longitude: 9.968818
What3Words: stray.haunts.yard


Photo ID: 028664 Photo ID: 028670 Photo ID: 028671 Photo ID: 028674 Photo ID: 028683 Photo ID: 028685 Photo ID: 028701

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/09/2019), and on time of last update (28/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Elbetunnel Elbetunnel No Data


A foot and vehicle tunnel under the Elbe, giant lifts lower and raise cars down into the tunnel which runs for almost half a kilometre under the river. In the evenings and at weekends cars and banned and pedestrians and cyclists have the tunnels to themselves.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.545863; Longitude: 9.966595
What3Words: acclaim.blur.incomes


Photo ID: 001825 Photo ID: 001826 Photo ID: 001827 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/06/2007), and on time of last update (29/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fleetfahrt Fleetfahrt No Data


A two hour cruise through the canals (called Fleets in Hamburg). This includes the two locks that link the Alster to the Elbe. The boat sails round large part of the historic docks with excellent views of the old docks buildings. The tour is conducted in German only.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.55343; Longitude: 9.993474
What3Words: squeaks.bound.petty


Photo ID: 028816 Photo ID: 028827 Photo ID: 028840 Photo ID: 028843 Photo ID: 028847 Photo ID: 028853 Photo ID: 028867

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2019), and on time of last update (28/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Flussfhart Flussfhart No Data


A two hour tour of the canals and harbour of the city, starting from the inner Alster the tour goes through two locks before entering the canal system and then the harbour. The tour is conducted in German only



Getting There

Latitude: 53.552968; Longitude: 9.994082
What3Words: flaking.cringe.bundles


Photo ID: 001871 Photo ID: 001872 Photo ID: 001873 Photo ID: 001874 Photo ID: 001875 Photo ID: 001876 Photo ID: 001877

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/06/2007), and on time of last update (29/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hauptkirche St. Michaelis Hauptkirche St. Michaelis No Data


One of the most impressive churches in Hamburg, it's tower is visible from all over the city. You can take a lift, or the stairs for the really energetic, to the viewing platform at the base of the dome for views over the city



Getting There

Latitude: 53.54841; Longitude: 9.978912
What3Words: homes.ends.activity


Photo ID: 001878 Photo ID: 028705 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/06/2007), and on time of last update (29/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mahnmal St. Nikolai: Aussichtsturm Mahnmal St. Nikolai: Aussichtsturm No Data


Once the tallest church in the world, but since 1943 a blackened spire, a reminder of the fire storms that devastated Hamburg. Today a lift takes you halfway up the tower, to the base of the spire, for stunning views over the city centre


Charge, Joint ticket for Tower and Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 53.547504; Longitude: 9.990658
What3Words: stormed.fiction.bidder


Photo ID: 028704 Photo ID: 028751 Photo ID: 028759 Photo ID: 028760 Photo ID: 028762 Photo ID: 028763 Photo ID: 028765

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2007), and on time of last update (28/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mahnmal St. Nikolai: Museum Mahnmal St. Nikolai: Museum No Data


Built in the Crypt of the church the museum tells the history of the Church and the bombing raids that destroyed large parts of Hamburg in 1943. It also deals with the wider story of the WWII


Charge, Joint ticket for Tower and Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 53.547676; Longitude: 9.991175
What3Words: locate.blazers.fail


Photo ID: 028755 Photo ID: 028759 Photo ID: 028768 Photo ID: 028771 Photo ID: 028772 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2019), and on time of last update (28/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Miniatur Wunderland Miniatur Wunderland No Data


The Germans like their model railways, and this is the outpouring of this love, possibly one of the largest model railway layouts in the world. Since I first visited in 2007 the layouts and scope have grown significantly, with the site now occupying multiple floors of a warehouse building and covering both Railways, Cities and Hamburg Airport. There's also international representation with Swiss, Italian and US layouts created.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.543674; Longitude: 9.988321
What3Words: windy.observe.litters


Photo ID: 028665 Photo ID: 028779 Photo ID: 028798 Photo ID: 028800 Photo ID: 028803 Photo ID: 028807 Photo ID: 028814

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2007), and on time of last update (28/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Red bus tour Red bus tour No Data


Regular two hours tours of the city taking in many of the major sites. Commentary is in English and German, though the tour guide needs to be told if there are any German speakers on board, otherwise the whole thing is in German.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.545569; Longitude: 9.970677
What3Words: fetch.ambition.sugars


Photo ID: 001821 Photo ID: 001822 Photo ID: 001823 Photo ID: 001824 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/06/2007), and on time of last update (29/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rickmer Rickmers Rickmer Rickmers No Data


Built as a trading vessel in the early 19th century, captured by the British in WWI, given to the Portuguese as a training vessel, left to rot, then rescued and returned to it's place of birth the Rickmer Rickmers has had an interesting life. Today it's history is told on it's decks and in it's holds.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.544579; Longitude: 9.97285
What3Words: pasting.owes.stubble


Photo ID: 001849 Photo ID: 001850 Photo ID: 001851 Photo ID: 001852 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2007), and on time of last update (29/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Speicherstadt (Historic Docks) Speicherstadt (Historic Docks) No Data


Once the most important docks in Germany, today they are warehouses, galleries, homes and studios, but the canals still run through them and the impressive buildings make this an interesting area to walk around



Getting There

Latitude: 53.543572; Longitude: 9.989941
What3Words: beast.gazed.dissolve


Photo ID: 028668 Photo ID: 028669 Photo ID: 028670 Photo ID: 028692 Photo ID: 028744 Photo ID: 028745 Photo ID: 028748

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2007), and on time of last update (28/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spicy's Gewürzmuseum Spicy's Gewürzmuseum No Data


The hot spice museum is housed in a former spice warehouse and tells the history of spices, as well as how they were traded. Samples of many of the main spices are out to be sniffed at, and the aroma in the museum is a heady mix of spices.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.543221; Longitude: 9.989512
What3Words: noses.shed.landmark


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2007), and on time of last update (29/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zollmuseum Zollmuseum No Data


The history of Customs since the Roman era to the modern day, with exhibitions on how people try to smuggle, how customs officers operate around Europe, and you can visit a customs boat, moored in the canal outside the museum building



Getting There

Latitude: 53.546109; Longitude: 9.999254
What3Words: leaned.bronzes.remarks


Photo ID: 001843 Photo ID: 001844 Photo ID: 028741 Photo ID: 028742 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2007), and on time of last update (29/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sylt Sylt No Data


Shaped like and anchor, several miles off the coast of Germany, but linked by a rail emankment through the North Sea, home to the most Northely town in the Country, and for a large part of it's history Daniah, Sylt is a strange place. The sand dunes and rugged countryside are as interesting as the journey getting here. You can travel the whole length of the island by bus in a little over an hour, and take in the amazing landscapes


Getting There

Sylt is reached by hourly trains fromHamburg Alton, or a daily intercity service (summer only) from Hamburg Hauptbahnhof, though this is only marginally faster. Journey times are between 3 and 3 and a half hours
Latitude: 54.906681; Longitude: 8.310106
What3Words: bedbugs.confirms.roundish


Photo ID: 001856 Photo ID: 001857 Photo ID: 001860 Photo ID: 001862 Photo ID: 001863 Photo ID: 001867 Photo ID: 001870

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2007), and on time of last update (29/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


The once mighty city walls have been reduced to just some small fragments between the Kröpliner Tor and Steintor but these remnants show how the rest of the city would have looked like



Getting There

Latitude: 54.08686; Longitude: 12.132801
What3Words: deputy.rate.famines


Photo ID: 007571 Photo ID: 007575 Photo ID: 007591 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marienkirch Marienkirch No Data


The Marienkirche dominates the market square with it's massive towers. Inside the building is surprisingly light and airy. The key sight inside the cathedral is the astronomical clock which, everyday at noon, puts on a small show.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 54.089503; Longitude: 12.138766
What3Words: chins.arrive.sparkle


Photo ID: 007562 Photo ID: 007563 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Petrikirch Petrikirch No Data


The Petrikirch dominates the Alte Markt in the same way the Marienkirche dominates the Neue Markt. Inside the church is amazingly light and bright for such a large building, with simple furnishings


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 54.090642; Longitude: 12.147918
What3Words: boldest.beams.creamed


Photo ID: 007569 Photo ID: 007570 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Petrikirch: Tower Petrikirch: Tower No Data


You can either take the lift or climb the steps to the base of the spire for amazing views over the city centre and beyond.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.090686; Longitude: 12.147456
What3Words: parks.truly.glorious


Photo ID: 007564 Photo ID: 007565 Photo ID: 007566 Photo ID: 007567 Photo ID: 007568 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stasi Documentation Centre and former prison Stasi Documentation Centre and former prison No Data


Located in the buildings that were used by the Stasi up until their demise the site now houses a documentation centre where people can go and read the files that the Stasi held on them. There is also access to see some of the detention cells that were used by the secret police.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.084745; Longitude: 12.134185
What3Words: identity.promise.preoccupied


Photo ID: 007592 Photo ID: 007593 Photo ID: 007594 Photo ID: 007595 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rügen: Göhren Rügen: Göhren No Data


A charming sea-side resort on the south east corner of the island with it's own pleasant "Seebrücke" (pier) and a small collection of seaside shops and restaurants. Located at the end of the Rasender Roland steam railway.



Getting There

Göhren is at the end of the Rasender Roland steam train which runs from Ostseebad Binz, and less frequently from Putbus. From Rostock take the train to Bergen auf Rügen and change onto the train to Putbus where it's a cross platform change for the trains to Göhren (every other hour). Alternatively take the train from Rostock to Lietzow and change there onto the train to Ostseebad Binz. It's then a 30 minute walk across town from the DB station to the RüBB station, however trains are hourly from Binz
Latitude: 54.343716; Longitude: 13.743296
What3Words: bitumen.broadly.opportunity


Photo ID: 007582 Photo ID: 007583 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rügen: Prora Rügen: Prora No Data


Built by the Nazi's as a summer camp for their supporters as part of their "Strength through Joy" idea, it was never used as a holiday resort, instead the war interrupted construction. Parts of it were used as a hospital during the war, but after the defeat of Germany and it's separation the site was just left to slowly decay. It's difficult to get your head around the site as it is so massive. The first parts of the building you see are enormous, but these only represent one small part of one of the five massive blocks that were built. If it had been completed tens of thousands of Germans would have been able to spend time together building "Strength through Joy", instead the site sits as a reminder of how delusional the Nazi's were. Today parts of the site are starting to be developed, with a youth hostel opening in one end of block five and a couple of museums located in other blocks, but much of the massive complex remains empty and unused.


Free to look around the site, but some of the museums charge

Getting There

From Rostock take the train direct to Lietzow (every other hour, 75 minutes) and change there onto the train to Ostseebad Binz. First stop is Prora (also know as Prora Nord), this is the closest to the site.
Latitude: 54.447424; Longitude: 13.571441
What3Words: february.negotiation.stubborn


Photo ID: 007576 Photo ID: 007577 Photo ID: 007578 Photo ID: 007579 Photo ID: 007580 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rügen: Rasender Roland Rügen: Rasender Roland No Data


Providing one of the main transport links on the island, this small narrow gauge steam railway runs along the South East corner of the island.



Getting There

The Rasender Roland steam train runs from Ostseebad Binz, and less frequently from Putbus. From Rostock take the train to Bergen auf Rügen (every two hours around 60 minutes) and change onto the train to Putbus (hourly, 10 minutes) where it's a cross platform change for the trains to Göhren (every other hour). Alternatively take the train from Rostock to Lietzow (every other hour, about 75 minutes) and change there onto the train to Ostseebad Binz (connect with the train from Rostock, about 20 minutes). It's then a 30 minute walk across town from the DB station to the RüBB station, however trains are hourly from Binz.
Latitude: 54.392852; Longitude: 13.610103
What3Words: longstanding.dancing.themselves


Photo ID: 007581 Photo ID: 007584 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rügen: Sassnitz Rügen: Sassnitz No Data


The furthers on Rügen that you can go by train. This was clearly once an important ferry terminal. However the ferries have moved on and instead the town had redeveloped the harbour side into a pleasant restaurant and café area.



Getting There

There are direct trains from Rostock to Sassnitz every two hours, taking around 90 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 54.514418; Longitude: 13.641243
What3Words: boss.misuses.animator


Photo ID: 007585 Photo ID: 007586 Photo ID: 007587 Photo ID: 007588 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Warnemünde: Harbour Cruise Warnemünde: Harbour Cruise No Data


Several companies offer cruises around the harbours and shipyards of Warnemünde, one of the big draws being the massive cruise ships that are regularly moored up in the harbour. The commentary is in German, though one or two of the companies will do elements in English



Getting There

Latitude: 54.182094; Longitude: 12.087171
What3Words: strollers.streetlamp.glints


Photo ID: 007539 Photo ID: 007540 Photo ID: 007541 Photo ID: 007542 Photo ID: 007543 Photo ID: 007544 Photo ID: 007545

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Warnemünde: Lighthouse Warnemünde: Lighthouse No Data


Located where the main street meets the beach, the lighthouse is open to climb from where there are amazing views of the town, the harbour and out to sea.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.181447; Longitude: 12.085782
What3Words: desertion.eyelid.damsel


Photo ID: 007536 Photo ID: 007537 Photo ID: 007538 Photo ID: 007547 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rügen Rügen No Data


The island of Rügen is the largest island in Germany and home to some of its strangest locations. Miles of sandy beaches make many of its resorts very busy during the summer months as people flock to the beaches of the Baltic, which thanks to it's size and limited flow from other seas, is surprisingly warm in the summer months.


Getting There

Rügen is accessible directly by trains from Rostock every other hour. Trains run to Bergen auf Rügen (60 minutes), Lietzow for connections to Prora and Ostseebad Binz (75 minutes) and Sassnitz (90 minutes). Once on Rügen there are hourly trains to both Sassnitz and Ostseebad Binz either direct from Bergen, or by changing at Lietzow where they connect.
Latitude: 54.418256; Longitude: 13.43334
What3Words: bracing.carting.betrayal


Photo ID: 007589 Photo ID: 007590 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Warnemünde Warnemünde No Data


The port of Rostock, originally a separate town it has now been absorbed into an expanded city. Warnemünde is one of the countries top seaside resorts with the beaches packed during the summer months when the sun is shining.


Getting There

There are regular S-Bahn trains from Rostock to Warnemünde, taking around 30 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 54.176926; Longitude: 12.085932
What3Words: fleets.enamels.traceable


Photo ID: 007546 Photo ID: 007547 Photo ID: 007553 Photo ID: 007554 Photo ID: 007555 Photo ID: 007556 Photo ID: 007559

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dom Dom No Data


The city's cathedral dominates Schwerin from all directions. It's tower is visible from most parts of the city. Inside feels much smaller that the building size would suggest, and it's quite dark, but intimate.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.629473; Longitude: 11.414634
What3Words: modest.official.jetting


Photo ID: 007626 Photo ID: 007652 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Domturm Domturm No Data


The tower of the cathedral, accessible by some 200+ steps, offers stunning views over the city, including the Markt that it towers over and several of the lakes that surround the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.629467; Longitude: 11.414006
What3Words: drifter.buyers.slick


Photo ID: 007627 Photo ID: 007628 Photo ID: 007629 Photo ID: 007630 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kunstammlungen Schwerin Kunstammlungen Schwerin No Data


The art museum houses a collection of paintings, sculptures and installations from the 17th century through to modern times, with regular temporary exhibits of modern art. Of particular importance are the lovely sculptures by Ernst Barlach whose work was banned by the Nazi's as a "degenerate artist" partly for his anti-war stance following his experiences of the First World War



Getting There

Latitude: 53.626438; Longitude: 11.418389
What3Words: noon.beaker.nodded


Photo ID: 007624 Photo ID: 007657 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloßgarten Schloßgarten No Data


Located across the lake from the castle the gardens offer plenty of space to walk around in or enjoy the views, particularly the stunning views of the castle on its own island in the lake



Getting There

Latitude: 53.621198; Longitude: 11.416023
What3Words: effort.jumpy.safari


Photo ID: 007645 Photo ID: 007646 Photo ID: 007648 Photo ID: 007649 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schweriner Schloß: Burggarten Schweriner Schloß: Burggarten No Data


The castle gardens that immediately surround the castle itself (not to be confused with the Schloßgarten the other side of the lake), these include the Orangery and a Grotto.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.624096; Longitude: 11.41995
What3Words: amends.goggles.voltage


Photo ID: 007367 Photo ID: 007640 Photo ID: 007642 Photo ID: 007643 Photo ID: 007644 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schweriner Schloß: Museum Schweriner Schloß: Museum No Data


The museum in the castle gives you access to around 30 of the main staterooms and apartments. Some parts of the building are out of bounds as it is still used as the parliament building for the state. There is also a small exhibition on meißen pottery, of which the castle collection has many examples.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.624125; Longitude: 11.418373
What3Words: monks.surface.hill


Photo ID: 007621 Photo ID: 007638 Photo ID: 007639 Photo ID: 007640 Photo ID: 007641 Photo ID: 007651 Photo ID: 007653

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadtfundfhart Stadtfundfhart No Data


A hop-on-hop-off "CabrioBus" (it's not open top, but the vinyl roof can be rolled back to create a "top-less" feel), that goes round the main city points. The live guide gives a running commentary (German only)


Charge, joint ticket with the Weißen Flotte lake tours available

Getting There

Latitude: 53.62597; Longitude: 11.418266
What3Words: contents.vocab.wipe


Photo ID: 007602 Photo ID: 007604 Photo ID: 007622 Photo ID: 007623 Photo ID: 007624 Photo ID: 007625 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schelfmarkt Schelfmarkt No Data


Formerly a separate town it was eventually subsumed into the expanding city, though it still has it's own character and its stunning church



Getting There

Latitude: 53.632374; Longitude: 11.417761
What3Words: rang.prove.pointed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

TV Tower TV Tower No Data


Located on the edge of town the TV tower offers stunning views over the city centre and the lakes (when it's not all disappearing into a heavy rain storm). There is a viewing platform on the 12th floor and a small restaurant on the 13th.



Getting There

From the centre of town take a number 1 or number 2 tram to Leibnizstraße, it's then a short walk to the TV tower
Latitude: 53.592186; Longitude: 11.458048
What3Words: afford.reply.panther


Photo ID: 007658 Photo ID: 007659 Photo ID: 007660 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Weißen Flotte Schwerin Weißen Flotte Schwerin No Data


Weißen Flotte offer a series of tours of the lakes of Schwerin from a simple hour long tour that just covers the inner Schwerin lake through 90 minute tours of two lakes to 2 1/2 hour tours of 3 or 5 of the city lakes. Catering facilities on board.


Charge, joint ticket with the Stadtrundfhart available

Getting There

Latitude: 53.626031; Longitude: 11.418955
What3Words: exhales.images.saints


Photo ID: 007631 Photo ID: 007632 Photo ID: 007633 Photo ID: 007634 Photo ID: 007635 Photo ID: 007636 Photo ID: 007637

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wismar: Marienkirche Wismar: Marienkirche No Data


The church suffered heavy damage in the war, but was much more heavily damaged afterwards as starving and freezing locals stripped it to help repair their own homes. The church was left as a ruin to rot until the late 1990's when a concerted effort started to repair and restore the church. Main works completed in 2010 and the church is now open as an arts venue.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.890563; Longitude: 11.460666
What3Words: cleans.umpires.became


Photo ID: 007616 Photo ID: 007617 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wismar: St Georgenkirche Wismar: St Georgenkirche No Data


The St George Church was badly damaged during the war and although attempts were made to restore it, in the 1960's the decision was taken to pull down all of the church except for the tower. The tower now houses a small exhibit on the three main churches of the city, their history and fate. Where the body of the church once stood there are now just brick pillars to mark the former outline


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.890977; Longitude: 11.462737
What3Words: manages.notes.into


Photo ID: 007618 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wismar: St Nicolaikirche Wismar: St Nicolaikirche No Data


St Nicholas's church survived the war fairly well intact, and today it is the only one of the three main churches of the city that is still in use.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.895564; Longitude: 11.465634
What3Words: revisit.tactical.packages


Photo ID: 007607 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wismar Wismar No Data


Wismar has all the hallmarks of an important Hansiatic trading port, which it was for many years until it fell under the control of Sweden. Consequently there is an odd mix of Germanic, Hansiatic and Scandinavian trends across the city. Badly damaged in World War II much of the city has been restored, but some of the port areas are still "functionally" rather than aesthetic


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Schwerin to Wismar taking around 40 minutes. If you just miss one you can catch the following Rostock train and change at Bad Kleinen where the Wismar train waits for the Rostock train. In the same way, you can get into Schwerin five minutes earlier on the return if you change trains in Bad Kleinen, but unless time is essential, and if you've got a seat, it's probably not worth it.
Latitude: 53.891357; Longitude: 11.466143
What3Words: painters.scanning.aged


Photo ID: 007605 Photo ID: 007606 Photo ID: 007608 Photo ID: 007609 Photo ID: 007610 Photo ID: 007611 Photo ID: 007612

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Altstadtmarkt Altstadtmarkt No Data


Originally there were five boroughs in the city, and each one had a marketplace, cathedral and town hall. After discussion between the boroughs this area became the primary rathaus up until the building of the current rathaus on the other side of the historic centre. The area was almost completely destroyed during the 1944 bombing raids so what is here today is partially careful reconstruction and also partial recreation (stone buildings could be repaired, the half-timber buildings all went up in flames )



Getting There

Latitude: 52.262775; Longitude: 10.51753
What3Words: reboot.admires.yourself


Photo ID: 049180 Photo ID: 049182 Photo ID: 049185 Photo ID: 049274 Photo ID: 049277 Photo ID: 049278 Photo ID: 049280

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/09/2023), and on time of last update (10/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Altstadtrathaus Altstadtrathaus No Data


The original town hall for this part of the city. Today it houses a city museum that tells the history of Braunschweig from it's creation in the 10th century through to the second world war. There is an impressive model of the city from the mid-17th Century located on the ground floor that helps explain the multiple boroughs each with their square, cathedral and town hall set-up - which has, following the destruction of WWII, become more difficult to understand in the layout and architecture of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.263089; Longitude: 10.516889
What3Words: pavement.flopped.thinking


Photo ID: 049189 Photo ID: 049195 Photo ID: 049197 Photo ID: 049201 Photo ID: 049203 Photo ID: 049205 Photo ID: 049276

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/09/2023), and on time of last update (10/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanischer Garten Botanischer Garten No Data


The city's botanical gardens including a couple of greenhouses and various planting areas. The gardens slope down to the riverside creating terraces you can wander along.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.270355; Longitude: 10.533531
What3Words: forms.bunkers.slogged


Photo ID: 049288 Photo ID: 049290 Photo ID: 049292 Photo ID: 049298 Photo ID: 049305 Photo ID: 049308 Photo ID: 049310

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/09/2023), and on time of last update (10/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Braunschweiger Dom Braunschweiger Dom No Data


The city's main cathedral, located in the heart of the old town, includes the royal crypt for the Dukes of Braunschweig.


Free, Charge to go down into the Crypt

Getting There

Latitude: 52.264312; Longitude: 10.52359
What3Words: kilts.traders.tagging


Photo ID: 049152 Photo ID: 049162 Photo ID: 049166 Photo ID: 049170 Photo ID: 049172 Photo ID: 049174 Photo ID: 049175

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/09/2023), and on time of last update (10/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum - Hinter Aegidien Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum - Hinter Aegidien No Data


Located in a former church the museum had two exhibitions on when I visited. The temporary exhibition was on art nouveau, where as the permanent collection focuses on the life of the Jewish community in the city - including the surviving fittings from an old synagogue that was demolished in 1924. The interior was donated to the museum at the same time and miraculously survived the second world war intact.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.259362; Longitude: 10.525205
What3Words: surging.piglet.option


Photo ID: 049236 Photo ID: 049239 Photo ID: 049241 Photo ID: 049241 Photo ID: 049243 Photo ID: 049244 Photo ID: 049245

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/09/2023), and on time of last update (10/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Burgplatz Burgplatz No Data


The main central square of the city, including the lion statue that is the symbol of the city - at the time of visiting the square was being used for open-air concerts so not much was visible and the lion was being hoardings.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.264718; Longitude: 10.523658
What3Words: martini.cookery.receive


Photo ID: 049153 Photo ID: 049154 Photo ID: 049156 Photo ID: 049159 Photo ID: 049160 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/09/2023), and on time of last update (10/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum No Data


Art gallery and museum housing a wide collection of artefacts both from the Ducal collection as well as from further afield. The First floor is made up of galleries containing paintings, whilst the second floor contains sculptures, porcelain, coins and medals as well as furniture and assorted other artefacts.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.263612; Longitude: 10.532669
What3Words: ranks.observer.remain


Photo ID: 049221 Photo ID: 049222 Photo ID: 049226 Photo ID: 049227 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/09/2023), and on time of last update (10/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Schloß No Data


The original palace in the centre of Braunschweig was destroyed during the bombing raids of 1944 and the ruins were finally pulled down in the 1960s. In 2005 the foundations for a recreation of the place were laid down, albeit with the inside being a shopping centre rather than a royal palace. Today the outside of the building is a faithful reconstruction of how the palace would have looked before WWII, but inside its a pretty bland run of the mill shopping centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.263364; Longitude: 10.527539
What3Words: portable.extremes.shadow


Photo ID: 049111 Photo ID: 049114 Photo ID: 049122 Photo ID: 049124 Photo ID: 049127 Photo ID: 049283 Photo ID: 049284

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/09/2023), and on time of last update (10/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schlossmuseum Schlossmuseum No Data


Occupying one corner of the shopping mall is a small museum where a small number of rooms from the old palace have been reconstructed to give an idea of how the inside of the palace would have looked, including the study and the throne room.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.263818; Longitude: 10.527657
What3Words: mental.stressed.tanks


Photo ID: 049128 Photo ID: 049130 Photo ID: 049132 Photo ID: 049134 Photo ID: 049136 Photo ID: 049138 Photo ID: 049144

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/09/2023), and on time of last update (10/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum No Data


Natural History museum containing the usual selection of stuffed animals as well as dinosaurs and down in the basement a small aquarium.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.275259; Longitude: 10.52921
What3Words: cuff.surgical.answers


Photo ID: 049252 Photo ID: 049256 Photo ID: 049259 Photo ID: 049263 Photo ID: 049269 Photo ID: 049271 Photo ID: 049273

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/09/2023), and on time of last update (10/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aegidienkirche Aegidienkirche No Data


The roof and insides of the church were destroyed during the bombing of the city in WWII and today the shell of the building stands as a war memorial. Under the main tower is a peace bell that was gifted to the city by it's twinned city of Hiroshima. It's rung each year on the anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on the Japanese city.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.369392; Longitude: 9.739335
What3Words: incurs.this.scope


Photo ID: 031901 Photo ID: 031925 Photo ID: 031926 Photo ID: 031927 Photo ID: 031928 Photo ID: 031929 Photo ID: 031932

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/09/2020), and on time of last update (27/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Tour Hannover City Tour Hannover No Data


An open-top (although on the day I took it the fabric roof was on) tour round the city centre and past the key sights, including going out to the Zoo and the Herrenhäuser Gärten a multi-lingual commentary is provided along the way.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.375579; Longitude: 9.741067
What3Words: nibbled.tile.woven


Photo ID: 031881 Photo ID: 031884 Photo ID: 031885 Photo ID: 031892 Photo ID: 031893 Photo ID: 031897 Photo ID: 031898

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/09/2020), and on time of last update (27/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover No Data


Located in the city forest this small zoo houses a wide selection of animals, arranged into themed areas. A well designed route takes you past all the exhibits.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.381822; Longitude: 9.767281
What3Words: loose.inches.blinks


Photo ID: 032016 Photo ID: 032019 Photo ID: 032026 Photo ID: 032029 Photo ID: 032034 Photo ID: 032037 Photo ID: 032040

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/09/2020), and on time of last update (27/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Georgengarten Georgengarten No Data


Located a little way north west of the city centre the gardens are made up of various sections including a tree lined avenue that takes you the 2Km or so from the tram stop by the university to the large formal "Great Garden" (alternatively trams stop right outside the entrance to the Great Garden if you don't feel like walking.) Along with formal beds and walkways there is also a maze. Just next door to the garden is the botanical gardens.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.386238; Longitude: 9.708155
What3Words: cotton.hesitate.wing


Photo ID: 000509 Photo ID: 000511 Photo ID: 000512 Photo ID: 000513 Photo ID: 000514 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/11/2004), and on time of last update (27/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Herrenhäuser Gärten Herrenhäuser Gärten No Data


The Great Gardens, are the formal gardens of the Schloß Herrenhäusen. They are open to the public and you can look round the gardens. The gardens include lots of water features and hedge lined paths, as well as a large formal garden near the palace and a slightly trippy grotto.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.387711; Longitude: 9.696519
What3Words: belts.steer.limped


Photo ID: 031954 Photo ID: 031956 Photo ID: 031957 Photo ID: 031958 Photo ID: 031961 Photo ID: 031971 Photo ID: 031976

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/11/2014), and on time of last update (27/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historisches Museum Historisches Museum No Data


Another strangely designed museum, because it is built around the remains of the old city walls. This is another eclectic collection with lots of royal items, as well as more modern items.


Small admission charge, reduced if you have a Hannover Welcome Card, Free on Fridays

Getting There

Latitude: 52.371784; Longitude: 9.732154
What3Words: jotting.belts.formally


Photo ID: 000498 Photo ID: 031938 Photo ID: 031945 Photo ID: 031946 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/11/2004), and on time of last update (09/11/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kestner Museum Kestner Museum No Data


This has an eclectic collection of artefacts ranging from ancient Greece & Egypt to modern art & contemporary design. The building itself is interesting because the original building, which was badly damaged in the war has been kept but is now encased within a 1950's outer shell.


Small admission charge, reduced if you have a Hannover Welcome Card, Free on Fridays

Getting There

Latitude: 52.368106; Longitude: 9.736311
What3Words: carver.eyebrows.figs


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/11/2004), and on time of last update (09/11/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marschseeflotte Marschseeflotte No Data


Regular ferries shuttle round the lake stopping off at various points. You can either go from landing stage to landing stage, or do a full tour that takes around 50 minutes (N.B. when I visited in 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions the intermediate stops had been cancelled and only a circular trip round the lake without stops was possible).



Getting There

Latitude: 52.36232; Longitude: 9.738779
What3Words: deduced.system.evidence


Photo ID: 031905 Photo ID: 031908 Photo ID: 031909 Photo ID: 031910 Photo ID: 031913 Photo ID: 031915 Photo ID: 031919

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/09/2020), and on time of last update (27/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maschpark Maschpark No Data


Located just south of the New Town Hall this small park has a large lake in it which is perfect for taking beautiful pictures of the town hall! The small park has a number of paths and a little bridge across the water.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.364668; Longitude: 9.737903
What3Words: withdrew.deaf.boot


Photo ID: 031922 Photo ID: 031923 Photo ID: 031924 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/09/2020), and on time of last update (27/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maschsee Maschsee No Data


The Maschsee is a large lake located in the south of the city centre. The lake has pleasant walks around the edge, as well as several cafes and beer gardens. It's also a focus for water activities with pedalos and rowing boats available for hire to explore the lake.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.354203; Longitude: 9.743481
What3Words: mushroom.kipper.request


Photo ID: 031906 Photo ID: 031907 Photo ID: 031911 Photo ID: 031912 Photo ID: 031914 Photo ID: 031916 Photo ID: 031921

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/09/2020), and on time of last update (27/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roter Faden (Red Thread) Roter Faden (Red Thread) No Data


The Roter Faden is a walking tour through the heart of the city, taking in the main architectural and historical points in the city, as well as many of the main museums. The tour starts and finishes at the Hauptbahnhof, with the starting point outside the Tourist information office and the end point under the statue by the main entrance to the station. A thick red line painted on the pavement guides you round the route, and it's very easy to follow. There is limited other signs or information on the route, instead you need to buy a guide in the tourist office to fully understand everything that you see.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.376107; Longitude: 9.740308
What3Words: angel.escapes.suppers


Photo ID: 031925 Photo ID: 031931 Photo ID: 031934 Photo ID: 031936 Photo ID: 031940 Photo ID: 031947 Photo ID: 031952

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/11/2004), and on time of last update (27/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadtpark Hannover Stadtpark Hannover No Data


Another large and pleasant park located just to the North west of the Hauptbahnhof and leading up to the edge of the City's Zoo.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.374014; Longitude: 9.771051
What3Words: bats.gravel.markets


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/11/2004), and on time of last update (27/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadtwald Eilenriede Stadtwald Eilenriede No Data


This is a large and pleasant forested park located just to the North west of the Hauptbahnhof and leading up to the edge of the City's Zoo. The park itself is part of the ancient woods that used to surround the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.388656; Longitude: 9.774222
What3Words: loosed.miracle.mailer


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/11/2004), and on time of last update (27/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hameln: Walking Route Hameln: Walking Route No Data


A line of white painted rats on the pavements around the historic old parts of the town that guides you past the best of the architecture in the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.104568; Longitude: 9.358394
What3Words: proceeds.trash.debate


Photo ID: 000500 Photo ID: 000501 Photo ID: 000502 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/11/2004), and on time of last update (09/11/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hildesheim: Dom Hildesheim: Dom No Data


Located at the back of the town the Cathedral is quite compact and plain, but the big attraction is in the cloisters which include a tower with a rose climbing around it which has been growing for over 1000 years!


Very small charge for accessing the cloister

Getting There

Latitude: 52.148968; Longitude: 9.946951
What3Words: inclined.jabs.kitchen


Photo ID: 000508 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/11/2004), and on time of last update (09/11/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Marienburg Schloß Marienburg No Data


Built by the electors of Hannover at a time when the held both the crowns of Hannover and Great Britain, this is a stunning castle, perched on the top of a small hill, overlooking an almost flat landscape. Inside the rooms are richly decorated with lots of wealth on display. At the time of visiting Covid-19 precautions meant that rather than having to go round on a guided tour there was a self guided walking route round the castle. There were also tours available to climb up the main tower for views over the surrounding countryside.


Charge, additional charge for the tower tour

Getting There

From March to November there are direct buses (four a day on weekends, two in the morning with two returns in the afternoons on weekdays) from the ZOB in Hannover to Schloß Marienburg. Route 300 starts at the ZOB and runs to Pattensen where it becomes the 310 and continues onto the castle - no need to change buses. Journey time is about 70 minutes, Marienburg is in zone C of the local ticket tariffs with a Day ticket covering A, B and C being cheaper than two single fares. Outside of these buses the 300/310 runs hourly Monday to Saturday and stops at the end of the road up to the castle, this is about a 2KM walk to the castle along a steep road with limited foot paths. Alternatively there are hourly RE2 trains from Hannover to Nordstemmen, taking about 15 minutes to make the journey, from Nordstemmen it's about a 3KM walk to the castle, the first 1.5 along the flat but the final 1.5 uphill to the castle, this last part is either up steep - not particularly well signed footpaths, or up the switchback road which does not have a footpath.
Latitude: 52.1722; Longitude: 9.767081
What3Words: cockpit.unapproved.scrapers


Photo ID: 031983 Photo ID: 031988 Photo ID: 031990 Photo ID: 031995 Photo ID: 031997 Photo ID: 032004 Photo ID: 032015

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/09/2020), and on time of last update (27/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Braunschweig Braunschweig No Data


Known better by it's English name Brunswick, this city was once the most important in the region. In the front line during the cold-war (being the last city before the East German border) the city has rebuilt much of it's architecture which was destroyed during the war.


Getting There

Trains run about once an hour from Hanover Hauptbahnhof (taking about 45 minutes) to Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof, and then it's a 8 minute tram ride to the centre of town (or a long walk!) Unlike every other German city the trams are not very regular, reliable or co-ordinated with other forms of transport, however they are cheap!
Latitude: 52.264148; Longitude: 10.52638
What3Words: dribble.divided.stud


Photo ID: 000505 Photo ID: 000506 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/11/2004), and on time of last update (09/11/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Celle Celle No Data


Located to the North East of Hanover, Celle is another very attractive town with lots of architecture and a very impressive castle that you can have guided tours of.


Getting There

Trains run about three times an hour from Hanover Hauptbahnhof to Celle Hauptbahnhof, and then it's a 10-20 minute walk into the centre of town. Trains take between 25 and 45 minutes depending on which way it goes (The S3 S-Bahn line is the slowest)
Latitude: 52.62192; Longitude: 10.07858
What3Words: exact.topping.shakes


Photo ID: 000503 Photo ID: 000504 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/11/2004), and on time of last update (09/11/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hamlen Hamlen No Data


Located to the South West of Hanover, Hamlen is most famous for it's rat problem and it's way of getting rid of them! The town itself has retained many of its old buildings (and many more have been restored or rebuilt). You can guide yourself around the city by following the white rats painted on the pavement.


Getting There

The S5 S-Bahn Train runs every 30 minutes from Hanover Hauptbahnhof to Hameln Hauptbahnhof, taking about 45 minutes. From there its a 15 minute walk into the centre of the town
Latitude: 52.104018; Longitude: 9.357208
What3Words: bagels.prep.wishing


Photo ID: 000500 Photo ID: 000501 Photo ID: 000502 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/11/2004), and on time of last update (09/11/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hildesheim Hildesheim No Data


Located to the South East of Hanover, Hildesheim is another pretty city that has rebuilt itself after heavy damage during the war. The city has a long history stretching back over 1000 years, most of it recorded during the life of the rose bush that still grows up a tower in the cloisters of the cathedral


Getting There

There are about 2 trains an hour from Hannover to Hildesheim taking between 25 and 45 minutes depending on speed. From the station its a 10 minute walk to the centre of the town.
Latitude: 52.150765; Longitude: 9.950867
What3Words: rejected.until.flows


Photo ID: 000507 Photo ID: 000508 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/11/2004), and on time of last update (09/11/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aachen: City Tour Aachen: City Tour No Data


An open-top tour running as either an infrequent hop-on-hop-off service, or for slightly less as a single trip. The tour takes in the key sights in the city centre and then drives out to the Dreiländerpunkt on the German/Dutch/Belgium border where you can walk back and forth across the various borders in a 20 minute stop, before the bus returns to the centre of town



Getting There

Latitude: 50.773861; Longitude: 6.087413
What3Words: degree.pills.monitors


Photo ID: 006206 Photo ID: 006207 Photo ID: 006208 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2011), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aachener Akropolis Aachener Akropolis No Data


Located halfway up the Lousberg this plateau provides a pleasant place to stop as you slog up the hill. Located here are some faux temple columns (erected during the 19th century) to give the impression of the ruins of an ancient Greek temple



Getting There

Latitude: 50.785222; Longitude: 6.083487
What3Words: trouble.sigh.river


Photo ID: 031347 Photo ID: 031348 Photo ID: 031349 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aachener Tierpark Euregiozoo Aachener Tierpark Euregiozoo No Data


Small zoo housing located on the edge of the city centre. The usual collection of animals - though almost all are out in the open rather than in houses.



Getting There

From the centre of town the number 16 bus runs direct to the main entrance of the zoo every 30 minutes
Latitude: 50.764235; Longitude: 6.115462
What3Words: item.rang.warmers


Photo ID: 031516 Photo ID: 031519 Photo ID: 031523 Photo ID: 031527 Photo ID: 031529 Photo ID: 031531 Photo ID: 031535

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Couven-Museum Couven-Museum No Data


Housed in a mid 17th Century house this museum showcases what the life of a middle-class Aachen family of the 18th and 19th Century would have looked like.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.7757; Longitude: 6.08487
What3Words: dusted.rips.tribe


Photo ID: 031369 Photo ID: 031402 Photo ID: 031404 Photo ID: 031405 Photo ID: 031408 Photo ID: 031409 Photo ID: 031410

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dom Dom No Data


One of the first buildings in the world to receive UNESCO world heritage site recognition and a beautiful building. Despite its size inside it feels quite small and is quite dark but with very heavily decorated walls and ceilings.


Free, suggested donation - charge to take photos

Getting There

Latitude: 50.774607; Longitude: 6.083926
What3Words: librarian.human.magical


Photo ID: 031376 Photo ID: 031379 Photo ID: 031380 Photo ID: 031386 Photo ID: 031387 Photo ID: 031391 Photo ID: 031393

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dom Schatzkammer (Cathedral Treasury) Dom Schatzkammer (Cathedral Treasury) No Data


Located in the rear of the Cathedral cloister (though access is from a side street, not from the Cathedral itself) the museum houses the cathedral's treasures, including vast amounts of Gold and Silver along with holy relics some of which are supposed to be of Charlemagne - the man responsible for putting Aachen on the map.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.775054; Longitude: 6.082868
What3Words: skews.seasick.requests


Photo ID: 031494 Photo ID: 031497 Photo ID: 031498 Photo ID: 031500 Photo ID: 031502 Photo ID: 031503 Photo ID: 031504

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Katschhof Katschhof No Data


A small square located behind both the Dom and the Rathaus and providing excellent views of both


Getting There

Latitude: 50.775488; Longitude: 6.083744
What3Words: stop.storms.someone


Photo ID: 031371 Photo ID: 031372 Photo ID: 031373 Photo ID: 031374 Photo ID: 031375 Photo ID: 031376 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lousberg Lousberg No Data


The city's hill, peaking at 264m above the city, located just to the north of the main ring road. This large tree-lined hill is one big park with lots of walking and hiking trails. From the very top at the Obelisk there are stunning views over the city.


Getting There

Latitude: 50.786233; Longitude: 6.08091
What3Words: install.holds.thinks


Photo ID: 031346 Photo ID: 031350 Photo ID: 031356 Photo ID: 031357 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Markt Markt No Data


The city marketplace, dominated by the elaborate town hall (Rathaus)


Getting There

Latitude: 50.776405; Longitude: 6.083803
What3Words: huddle.notice.indirect


Photo ID: 031366 Photo ID: 031367 Photo ID: 031368 Photo ID: 031491 Photo ID: 031492 Photo ID: 031493 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marschiertor Marschiertor No Data


One of only two surviving city gates. Only the main tower of this gate exists, with the passageway underneath - though it is a very impressive building.


Free to look around the outside

Getting There

Latitude: 50.768229; Longitude: 6.08692
What3Words: sample.notebook.trial


Photo ID: 031539 Photo ID: 031540 Photo ID: 031543 Photo ID: 031546 Photo ID: 031547 Photo ID: 031548 Photo ID: 031549

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Obelisk Obelisk No Data


The Obelisk is located at the highest point on the Lousberg and from here there are lovely views over the city centre with the Cathedral clearly visible down below.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.785559; Longitude: 6.082624
What3Words: feelers.shady.property


Photo ID: 031351 Photo ID: 031352 Photo ID: 031353 Photo ID: 031354 Photo ID: 031355 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ponttor Ponttor No Data


One of only two surviving city gates, this large fortification houses an outer barbican that you have to pass through to get to the inner gate into the city. Today the gate sits by itself with just a small stub of the former city walls jutting out from one side. It currently isn't possible to go inside the buildings, but you can walk through the barbican and under the gate house.


Getting There

Latitude: 50.781551; Longitude: 6.078283
What3Words: decays.vine.trooper


Photo ID: 031358 Photo ID: 031359 Photo ID: 031360 Photo ID: 031361 Photo ID: 031362 Photo ID: 031363 Photo ID: 031364

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salvatorkirche Salvatorkirche No Data


Located on the slightly smaller hill next door to the Lousberg is this small church. The current building dates from the end of the 19th century but there are records of a church on this site going back to the 9th century.


Getting There

Latitude: 50.784197; Longitude: 6.085739
What3Words: suspect.speaking.tingled


Photo ID: 031341 Photo ID: 031342 Photo ID: 031343 Photo ID: 031344 Photo ID: 031345 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Foillan Church St. Foillan Church No Data


This small church, located behind the cathedral, has clearly had an interesting history with modern rebuild and ancient stonework sitting side by side. Inside there are modern slim concrete pillars and stained glass next to medieval masonry and windows.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.774914; Longitude: 6.08464
What3Words: toenail.thick.whispers


Photo ID: 031415 Photo ID: 031416 Photo ID: 031417 Photo ID: 031418 Photo ID: 031420 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stolberg: Burg Stolberg Stolberg: Burg Stolberg No Data


The castle is mostly home to a restaurant/café, though you can still walk around a small section of the building - assuming they haven't got a wedding going on as several of the rooms are used for events. From the ramparts you can get good views over the town.


Free to look around the castle

Getting There

Latitude: 50.767057; Longitude: 6.233077
What3Words: suppose.grape.weaned


Photo ID: 031428 Photo ID: 031429 Photo ID: 031434 Photo ID: 031435 Photo ID: 031438 Photo ID: 031440 Photo ID: 031441

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vaals: Dreiländerpunkt Vaals: Dreiländerpunkt No Data


The point where Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium all meet. The meandering roadway up to the point (which is also the highest point in Netherlands) passes backwards and forwards through the border so many times that you don't actually know which country you are approaching from, until you see all the Dutch flags at the entry. The point itself is marked with a small pillar which you can walk round or stand in two different country's. A large family oriented area has grown up around the point with mazes, viewing platforms, playgrounds and cafes.


Free to look at the meeting point, charge for the other attractions on site

Getting There

From Aachen the easiest way is on the open-top city tour sightseeing bus. Alternatively take the 350 bus (every 30 minutes, about 30 minutes) to Vaals bus station and change there onto the 159 bus (hourly, weekends only except during Dutch school holidays, about 10 minutes) to the park. If the 159 isn't running it's about a miles uphill walk from Vaals to the park.
Latitude: 50.754449; Longitude: 6.020975
What3Words: padlock.dynamic.bright


Photo ID: 006209 Photo ID: 006210 Photo ID: 006211 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2011), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Monschau Monschau No Data


Located in a deep valley with fortifications and castles on the steep valley walls this is picture book romantic Germany with chocolate box image medieval houses crowded round the narrow streets, the small market and climbing away from the river. There is a lot to be seen just from walking round the town


Getting There

Monday to Friday the SB66 bus runs every 30 minutes, At the weekend the 66 bus runs every other hour from the bus station in Aachen to the end of the line at Monschau. Journey time is around an hour
Latitude: 50.55518; Longitude: 6.242391
What3Words: buzz.masking.identify


Photo ID: 031451 Photo ID: 031460 Photo ID: 031463 Photo ID: 031466 Photo ID: 031473 Photo ID: 031477 Photo ID: 031484

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stolberg Stolberg No Data


This small town has grown up around the fairy-tale styled castle and small river that make this a very pleasant place to walk around.


Getting There

From Aachen the RB20 train runs every hour to Stolberg-Rathaus and Stolberg-Altstadt. Don't be alarmed, the train calls at Stolberg-Hauptbahnhof pulls out into a siding and then changes direction to pull back into a different platform at Stolberg-Hauptbahnhof before continuing down to the town itself. Journey time is around 25 minutes. Alternatively the 1 and 25 buses run from the centre of Aachen with the 25 taking about an hour to make the journey, but through a more scenic route than the direct number 1.
Latitude: 50.76999; Longitude: 6.2296
What3Words: pimples.shrimp.reunion


Photo ID: 031421 Photo ID: 031422 Photo ID: 031423 Photo ID: 031424 Photo ID: 031425 Photo ID: 031446 Photo ID: 031448

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2020), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vaals Vaals No Data


Vaals is a small Dutch town just the opposite side of the border from Aachen. From here you can climb up to the Vaalserberg - the highest point in continental Netherlands


Getting There

From Aachen the 25 and 350 buses run at least every 15 minutes taking just over 30 minutes to reach the bus station in the centre of Vaals. The 350 bus itself continues onto Maastricht, the 25 terminates in Vaals
Latitude: 50.772441; Longitude: 6.019995
What3Words: flash.village.question


Photo ID: 006209 Photo ID: 006210 Photo ID: 006211 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2011), and on time of last update (03/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ägyptisches Museum der Universität Bonn (Museum of Egyptology of the University of Bonn) Ägyptisches Museum der Universität Bonn (Museum of Egyptology of the University of Bonn) No Data


The small museum houses the universities collection of Egyptian artefacts.


Charge, Free with a Bonn Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.734642; Longitude: 7.1047
What3Words: pipe.dreamer.lows


Photo ID: 004853 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beethoven-Haus Beethoven-Haus No Data


The building in which the composer and musician was born and raised in. At one point the building was going to be pulled down but it was saved by a charity that has turned it into a museum dedicated to the life of Beethoven and housing the worlds largest collection of Beethoven related material.


Charge, Free with a Bonn Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.736866; Longitude: 7.101299
What3Words: mixers.hints.pilots


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Deutsches Museum Bonn (German Museum Bonn) Deutsches Museum Bonn (German Museum Bonn) No Data


The museum has a large collection of exhibits related to German technical inventions or developments. This includes an example of the prototype "hover train"


Charge, Free with a Bonn Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.698972; Longitude: 7.150673
What3Words: cycles.bunch.user


Photo ID: 004851 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (House of the history of the Federal Republic of Germany) Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (House of the history of the Federal Republic of Germany) No Data


This modern museum tells the history of Germany from the ruins at the end of the second world war to the modern country. It's mostly told from what was happening in the Budesrepublik (BDR/FDR/West Germany), but along the way it's contrasted by what was happening at the same time the other side of the iron curtain in the Democratic Republic (DDR/GDR/East Germany). The most remarkable part of the history is the way that nobody really (or certainly not before 1988) saw the complete collapse of the communist governments in the East coming.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.717425; Longitude: 7.118894
What3Words: identify.smashes.salads


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

LVR-LandesMuseum LVR-LandesMuseum No Data


The museum tells the history of the Rhineland region, from the original Neanderthal skeleton through to the modern day


Charge, Free with a Bonn Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.732075; Longitude: 7.092683
What3Words: either.basher.part


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Münster Münster No Data


The Münster set the template for many of the churches in this part of the Rhineland. Today it dominates the Münsterplarz in the centre of the city, but provides a quiet oasis from the bustle outside. Even quieter is the medieval cloister with a pretty garden and fountain.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 50.733318; Longitude: 7.099743
What3Words: fend.walnuts.fake


Photo ID: 000338 Photo ID: 004840 Photo ID: 004841 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhine River Cruise Rhine River Cruise No Data


Several companies offer cruises up and down the Rhine from short hops to full day cruises. During the summer the competing companies provide an almost half hourly service from Bonn up stream to Linz. The journey takes around 2 1/4 hours and provides stunning views all the way along. If 2 1/4 hours is too long you can get off at any of the other stops, most of which are within easy walk of a station for trains back to Bonn, or a return ferry


Charge, Discount with a Bonn Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.734547; Longitude: 7.109034
What3Words: cracker.stadium.rarely


Photo ID: 004842 Photo ID: 004843 Photo ID: 004844 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

StadtMuseum Bonn (City Museum) StadtMuseum Bonn (City Museum) No Data


The museum documents the history of the city from the Roman era through until the modern day. The museum also has a small exhibition on the fate of the Jewish population of Bonn during the war.


Charge, Free with a Bonn Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.734676; Longitude: 7.106191
What3Words: arrow.entitle.goat


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander König Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander König No Data


The museum houses a large collection of stuffed animals arranged by their natural habitats (if a stuffed giraffe could ever be described as having a natural habitat). In the basement is a small collection of live reptiles and fish.)


Charge, Free with a Bonn Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.722178; Longitude: 7.113771
What3Words: begins.saloons.fortress


Photo ID: 004836 Photo ID: 004837 Photo ID: 004838 Photo ID: 004839 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bad Godesberg: Castle ruins Bad Godesberg: Castle ruins No Data


The ruins of the castle dominate the town skyline. The main part of the ruins are now a restaurant but the central tower still stands, and you can climb the tower for stunning views over the Rhine towards Königswinter and Bonn


Free to look round outside, charge to climb tower

Getting There

Latitude: 50.685148; Longitude: 7.150683
What3Words: majority.reboot.bulb


Photo ID: 004854 Photo ID: 004855 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Königswinter: Drachenfels ruins Königswinter: Drachenfels ruins No Data


The ruins of the medieval castle stand at the summit of the Drachenfels hill and offer stunning views out over the Rhine and on a clear day as far as Cologne.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.665322; Longitude: 7.2101
What3Words: tolls.credit.speakers


Photo ID: 004825 Photo ID: 004826 Photo ID: 004827 Photo ID: 004828 Photo ID: 004829 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Königswinter: Drachenfelsbahn Königswinter: Drachenfelsbahn No Data


This rack railway climbs from the back of the town up to a viewing platform, restaurant and kiosk complex most of the way to the top of the hill. From there it's a short walk up hill to the ruins of the castle. There is also a station part way up next to the Drachenburg castle which is also conveniently located for the other attractions on the hill.


Charge, Discount with a Bonn Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.674311; Longitude: 7.198555
What3Words: sifts.lime.rejoin


Photo ID: 004822 Photo ID: 004823 Photo ID: 004824 Photo ID: 004825 Photo ID: 004826 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Königswinter: Drachenhöhle Königswinter: Drachenhöhle No Data


The Drachenhöhle takes you from the entrance of the Nibelungehalle through to the large of a dragon (all concrete). From there it's up a flight of steps into the Reptile Zoo


Charge, joint ticket for the Nibelungehalle, Drachenhöhle and Reptile Zoo

Getting There

Latitude: 50.671003; Longitude: 7.203984
What3Words: dragon.quieter.cafe


Photo ID: 004832 Photo ID: 004833 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Königswinter: Nibelungenhalle Königswinter: Nibelungenhalle No Data


The temple was built in the 1910's to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Wagner's. Today it houses a number of pictures and sculptures related to the Ring cycle.


Charge, joint ticket for the Nibelungehalle, Drachenhöhle and Reptile Zoo

Getting There

Latitude: 50.670871; Longitude: 7.204113
What3Words: rational.snooty.toenail


Photo ID: 004831 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Königswinter: Reptile Zoo Königswinter: Reptile Zoo No Data


The Reptile Zoo houses a number of different species, with the Caymans and Alligators being the most popular.


Charge, joint ticket for the Nibelungehalle, Drachenhöhle and Reptile Zoo

Getting There

Latitude: 50.67067; Longitude: 7.20414
What3Words: prelude.latest.minds


Photo ID: 004834 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Königswinter: Schloß Drachenburg Königswinter: Schloß Drachenburg No Data


The palace was built in the 19th century and at the time of visiting was just finishing a long period of refurbishment. Access is via a guided tour only.


Charge, Discount with a Bonn Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.668681; Longitude: 7.206388
What3Words: before.message.rent


Photo ID: 004830 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bad Godesberg Bad Godesberg No Data


Spa town located to the south of Bonn on the Rhine. The town is dominated by the ruins of it's former castle.


Getting There

From Bonn there are regular U-Bahn trains to Bad Godesberg taking around 20 minutes, alternatively there are trains every half hour or so taking just over five minutes
Latitude: 50.683781; Longitude: 7.15416
What3Words: lighter.passion.expires


Photo ID: 004811 Photo ID: 004812 Photo ID: 004813 Photo ID: 004814 Photo ID: 004815 Photo ID: 004817 Photo ID: 004818

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Koblenz Koblenz No Data


Named after its main feature the confluence of the Mosel and Rhine rivers, this is a picturesque town at the end of the Rhine gorge. The key attractions are the fortress which overlooks the city from high above the eastern bank of the Rhine, and the Deutsche Ecke or German Corner, built at the point where the Mosel and the Rhine merge.


Getting There

From Bonn there are regular trains taking between 45 minutes and the hour to make the trip. Alternatively you can take an early morning cruise down to Koblenz from Bonn, but the journey time is around the five hour mark!
Latitude: 50.356696; Longitude: 7.599617
What3Words: silence.insurers.stressed


Photo ID: 004846 Photo ID: 004847 Photo ID: 004848 Photo ID: 004849 Photo ID: 004850 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Königswinter Königswinter No Data


The start of the Rhine wine producing region and a fine riverside resort town, Königswinter has been around for several hundred years, with the ruins of it's Medieval castle looking down on it from the top of the Drachenfels (Dragon Rock) hill.


Getting There

There are regular U-Bahn services from the Hauptbahnhof to Königswinter taking around 35 minutes to make the trip, alternatively you can catch one of the many Rhine cruise ships, taking around 50 minutes.
Latitude: 50.673998; Longitude: 7.191389
What3Words: pound.edit.suppers


Photo ID: 004821 Photo ID: 004835 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/07/2010), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hofgarten Hofgarten No Data


Running across the heart of the city the Hofgarten is the green lungs of the city centre. With formal gardens, open green spaces and lakes.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.229087; Longitude: 6.779122
What3Words: petition.purple.harvest


Photo ID: 004698 Photo ID: 004699 Photo ID: 004700 Photo ID: 004701 Photo ID: 004702 Photo ID: 004703 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordpark Nordpark No Data


The North Park is a pleasant park area with a number of different zones. In addition to a Japanese garden and English gardens there is also the AquaZoo aquarium


Free, Charge for AquaZoo, AquaZoo free with Dusseldorf Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 51.25743; Longitude: 6.750669
What3Words: lizard.urgent.desks


Photo ID: 004691 Photo ID: 004692 Photo ID: 004693 Photo ID: 004694 Photo ID: 004695 Photo ID: 004696 Photo ID: 004697

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Open-Top-Tour Open-Top-Tour No Data


An open-top bus tour of the city centre. It can either be completed as a single tour or for an extra fee you can get a ticket that lets you hop-off and on around the route over two days. As the buses are only every two hours, and it was already full when it left the first stop at the station, I doubt the hop-on-hop-off part works quite so well! A live guide gives a commentary in German, and about half the seats have a box to plug headphones in to get a pre-recorded multi-lingual commentary.


Charge, Discount with a Dusseldorf Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 51.221726; Longitude: 6.793191
What3Words: beamed.park.schools


Photo ID: 004680 Photo ID: 004681 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rheinturm Rheinturm No Data


From 164 or so meters up you get stunning views over the city and surrounding countryside. From the top you can get a good view of course of the Rhine as it meanders across the flat plains of this part of Germany. You can go up to the top floor to the (expensive) revolving restaurant where you don't even have to walk round to take in the view!


Charge for the lift to the top, free with a Dusseldorf Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 51.217852; Longitude: 6.76157
What3Words: resists.waddled.foremost


Photo ID: 004638 Photo ID: 004642 Photo ID: 004643 Photo ID: 004644 Photo ID: 004645 Photo ID: 004646 Photo ID: 004647

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhine Cruises Rhine Cruises No Data


Several firms offer one hour cruises up and down the Rhine. They all take pretty much the same route which is to head off from the Altstadt and head up stream to the Media Harbour and the TV tower, then turn round and head back past the Altstadt continuing on until they are parallel with the conference centre, then they turn back round and head back to the city centre. Along the way the English and German commentary points out sights of interest


Charge, The KD ferries offer a discount with a Dusseldorf Welcome Card

Getting There

Latitude: 51.226869; Longitude: 6.770132
What3Words: bundles.swelling.crust


Photo ID: 004657 Photo ID: 004658 Photo ID: 004659 Photo ID: 004660 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Benrath: Corps de logis Schloß Benrath: Corps de logis No Data


The main palace. From the outside it looks quite plain, inside it is anything but. You have to go round on a guided tour, which are in German, but with an accompanying text in English


Charge, Joint ticket with other Schloß Benrath attractions, Discount for Dusseldorf Welcome Card

Getting There

From the City centre take either U74 or tram 701 all the way to the entrance
Latitude: 51.161015; Longitude: 6.870489
What3Words: logged.belonging.sushi


Photo ID: 004667 Photo ID: 004668 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Benrath: Museum for European Garden Design Schloß Benrath: Museum for European Garden Design No Data


The museum houses paintings, drawings sculptures and more all relating to the themes of Gardening and Garden design


Charge, Joint ticket with other Schloß Benrath attractions, Discount for Dusseldorf Welcome Card

Getting There

From the City centre take either U74 or tram 701 all the way to the entrance
Latitude: 51.161624; Longitude: 6.871621
What3Words: return.prowess.along


Photo ID: 004667 Photo ID: 004668 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Benrath: Museum of Natural Sciences Schloß Benrath: Museum of Natural Sciences No Data


The museum is a small Natural History museum, looking at the local natural history of this part of the Rhine


Charge, Joint ticket with other Schloß Benrath attractions, Discount for Dusseldorf Welcome Card

Getting There

From the City centre take either U74 or tram 701 all the way to the entrance
Latitude: 51.161637; Longitude: 6.869389
What3Words: embers.rear.renews


Photo ID: 004667 Photo ID: 004668 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloß Benrath: Park Schloß Benrath: Park No Data


Even if you don't visit the palace the vast grounds are worth the trip in themselves. Covering 60 hectares they provide a tranquil space to wander around.



Getting There

From the City centre take either U74 or tram 701 all the way to the entrance
Latitude: 51.157869; Longitude: 6.865511
What3Words: merit.dilute.rosette


Photo ID: 004666 Photo ID: 004669 Photo ID: 004670 Photo ID: 004671 Photo ID: 004672 Photo ID: 004673 Photo ID: 004674

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiserswerth: Basilika St. Suitbertus Kaiserswerth: Basilika St. Suitbertus No Data


Located just back from the Rhine, and close to the ruins of the Kaiserpfalz, the Basilica is a pretty little church worth a look around.



Getting There

From the U-Bahn stop cross over the road and head down the main street. Just before the Rhine there is a sign pointing down a side alleyway that takes you to the Basilica
Latitude: 51.300465; Longitude: 6.733112
What3Words: workers.nutrients.wash


Photo ID: 004649 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiserswerth: Kaiserpfalz Kaiserswerth: Kaiserpfalz No Data


The Kaiserpfalz was, for a while, the seat of the Holy Roman Empire. Today it is just a small block of ruins, having been destroyed following a siege at the start of the 18th century. The small amount of ruins that remain are on the edge of the Rhine, in a spectacular setting.



Getting There

From the U-Bahn stop cross over the road and head down the main street. Walk down until you get to a path running along the Rhine, turn left and follow up stream for a short while until you come to the ruins
Latitude: 51.299523; Longitude: 6.731776
What3Words: conquest.decks.blurts


Photo ID: 004652 Photo ID: 004653 Photo ID: 004654 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Duisburg Duisburg No Data


Located on the junction of the Ruhr with the Rhine and at the end of the industrial Ruhr valley, Duisburg was once dominated by heavy industry. Much of this has gone and the town has given way to the service sector. The city centre is best described as "practical" rather than beautiful, but there are a few good buildings such as the Rathaus.


Getting There

There are regular trains from Dusseldorf to Duisburg, taking around 20 minutes, alternatively, the U-Bahn goes the prettier way round, but takes around 60 minutes.
Latitude: 51.433397; Longitude: 6.766167
What3Words: expired.stables.slip


Photo ID: 004683 Photo ID: 004684 Photo ID: 004685 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiserswerth Kaiserswerth No Data


Although it is just a northern suburb of Dusseldorf, Kaiserswerth has a small town feel to it, with it's pretty little town hall and main street.


Getting There

From the centre of Dusseldorf the U-Bahn runs out to Kaiserswerth. Disembark at Klemensplatz station
Latitude: 51.300965; Longitude: 6.73914
What3Words: legal.primary.fund


Photo ID: 004648 Photo ID: 004649 Photo ID: 004650 Photo ID: 004651 Photo ID: 004655 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2010), and on time of last update (10/05/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Domschatzkammer Domschatzkammer No Data


The cathedral's treasury museum housing a number of exhibits including monstrance's, reliquaries and large amounts of gold crosses.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.455729; Longitude: 7.01402
What3Words: sizing.homes.backdrop


Photo ID: 029841 Photo ID: 029842 Photo ID: 029843 Photo ID: 029845 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/01/2020), and on time of last update (18/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Essener Dom Essener Dom No Data


The small cathedral is located at the heart of the old town. Compared to some of the other nearby cathedrals like Cologne this is very much smaller with only low spires and a small nave.


Free, suggested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.455972; Longitude: 7.013779
What3Words: decks.scores.registry


Photo ID: 029825 Photo ID: 029827 Photo ID: 029829 Photo ID: 029831 Photo ID: 029834 Photo ID: 029837 Photo ID: 029838

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/01/2020), and on time of last update (18/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grugapark Grugapark No Data


This large park houses the city's botanical gardens, along with lots of open spaces, sports areas and a small train that runs round most of the site. In early January everything was closed, other than the park itself to wander around.



Getting There

From the centre of town the U11 runs to the Fair (Messe) and the Grugapark. Messe Ost station is right by the main entrance to the park.
Latitude: 51.428995; Longitude: 6.987109
What3Words: cabin.pounce.marker


Photo ID: 029857 Photo ID: 029858 Photo ID: 029860 Photo ID: 029862 Photo ID: 029863 Photo ID: 029866 Photo ID: 029867

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/01/2020), and on time of last update (18/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum Folkwang Museum Folkwang No Data


This large art museum is located to the south of the city centre. Its core collection is a selection of 19th-21st Century works, including a number from Van Gogh, Monet, Matisse, Cezanne and many other famous artists. Alongside the permanent collection there is a regularly changing range of temporary exhibitions.


Free for the core collection, charge for temporary exhibitions

Getting There

Latitude: 51.44255; Longitude: 7.004528
What3Words: stuck.kettles.fled


Photo ID: 029846 Photo ID: 029847 Photo ID: 029848 Photo ID: 029849 Photo ID: 029850 Photo ID: 029851 Photo ID: 029856

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/01/2020), and on time of last update (18/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zollverein: Panorama Zollverein: Panorama No Data


You can take a sign posted walk through some of the catwalks high above the works before climbing about 20m to the roof of the main building from where there are, when the weather is clear, excellent views over the wider valley area - with many other mine lift towers clearly visible dotted across the landscape showing just how industrial this area once was.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.486486; Longitude: 7.042472
What3Words: rush.pardon.origins


Photo ID: 029897 Photo ID: 029898 Photo ID: 029899 Photo ID: 029900 Photo ID: 029901 Photo ID: 029902 Photo ID: 029903

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/01/2020), and on time of last update (18/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zollverein: Portal of Industrial Heritage Zollverein: Portal of Industrial Heritage No Data


Located on the upper floor of the main building this small exhibition gives details on some of the other key industrial heritage sites in the area, and the importance of the wider Ruhr region.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.485805; Longitude: 7.042129
What3Words: month.rooks.prepares


Photo ID: 029895 Photo ID: 029896 Photo ID: 029904 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/01/2020), and on time of last update (18/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zollverein: Ruhr Museum Zollverein: Ruhr Museum No Data


The Ruhr museum tells the history of the Ruhr museum both social, industrial and geological to show the importance of the region to the history of the development of Germany. The museum is spread out over multiple floors inside one of the main buildings on the site - you start at the top of the building and work your way down to almost ground level through the exhibits.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.486158; Longitude: 7.042196
What3Words: rungs.pipe.protests


Photo ID: 029887 Photo ID: 029888 Photo ID: 029891 Photo ID: 029893 Photo ID: 029894 Photo ID: 029905 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/01/2020), and on time of last update (18/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zollverein: Site Zollverein: Site No Data


The site opened in 2010 following many years of cleaning and conversion from a working mine and coking plant to a modern museum and industrial heritage park. You can wander around much of the large site to see the preserved buildings and industrial heritage.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.486468; Longitude: 7.044074
What3Words: resemble.ranges.person


Photo ID: 029868 Photo ID: 029869 Photo ID: 029881 Photo ID: 029882 Photo ID: 029883 Photo ID: 029884 Photo ID: 029885

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/01/2020), and on time of last update (18/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Werden Werden No Data


This small picturesque town on the River Ruhr can trace it's history back to at least the 13th century, although today its been swallowed up by Essen itself to become just a suburb. The impressive basilica church of St. Ludgerus puts Essen's own cathedral to shame in it's size.


Getting There

The S6 train runs at least every 30 minutes from Essen Hbf to Essen-Werden, taking just over 10 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 51.388357; Longitude: 7.003292
What3Words: blasted.loosens.speech


Photo ID: 029871 Photo ID: 029873 Photo ID: 002975 Photo ID: 029876 Photo ID: 029879 Photo ID: 029880 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/01/2020), and on time of last update (18/01/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cologne Cathedral Cologne Cathedral No Data


One of the most impressive structures in the city, and one of the few to remain intact following air-raids during WW2. One of the key draws of the cathedral has always been the Shrine of the Three Magi which has been drawing crowds for nearly 900 years. There is also the massive spire which you can climb for stunning views over the city


Suggested donation to look round the cathedral, charge to climb the tower (Discount with Cologne Welcome Card)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.941326; Longitude: 6.958187
What3Words: urge.downhill.grouping


Photo ID: 000329 Photo ID: 000331 Photo ID: 000340 Photo ID: 006201 Photo ID: 006205 Photo ID: 006217 Photo ID: 006224

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2004), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cologne Coach Service Cologne Coach Service No Data


A coach tour that takes you round the main sites of the city, giving some background information on all the major sites. Presented in both German and English the tour includes a short photo stop on the opposite side of the river to the Cathedral and a 20 minute quick tour around the city museum


Charge (Discount with Cologne Welcome Card)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.941329; Longitude: 6.956164
What3Words: crowbar.drilling.collide


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2004), and on time of last update (25/04/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kölnisches Stadtmusuem (City Museum) Kölnisches Stadtmusuem (City Museum) No Data


An interesting collection of artefacts relating to the history of the city including its famous carnival. There are also some very moving pictures of the devastation of the city following the end of the war with everything, except the cathedral, in total destruction


Charge (Discount with Cologne Welcome Card)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.939987; Longitude: 6.959388
What3Words: upstairs.fairy.types


Photo ID: 006219 Photo ID: 006220 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/04/2004), and on time of last update (25/04/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Praetorium Praetorium No Data


Underneath the streets of Cologne the remains of the Praetorium buildings and part of an ancient Roman canal have been preserved and can be looked round



Getting There

Latitude: 50.939159; Longitude: 6.958868
What3Words: wounds.picked.headache


Photo ID: 001453 Photo ID: 001455 Photo ID: 001456 Photo ID: 001457 Photo ID: 001458 Photo ID: 001459 Photo ID: 001460

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2006), and on time of last update (27/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rautenstrauch-Joset Museum Rautenstrauch-Joset Museum No Data


An eclectic collection of Antiquities from the far and near east, all the displays are in German so take some deciphering with a phrase book!


No Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 50.922454; Longitude: 6.964731
What3Words: curries.droplet.painters


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/04/2004), and on time of last update (25/04/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhine Cable-Car Rhine Cable-Car No Data


Starting north of the city centre next to the zoo and crossing the Rhine over one of the more northerly bridges and ending in the Rhine Gardens the cable car offers spectacular views of the city including the Cathedral and the sweep of the Rhine as it goes through the city


Charge (Discount with Cologne Welcome Card)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.957082; Longitude: 6.97362
What3Words: nail.bravest.about


Photo ID: 000340 Photo ID: 000342 Photo ID: 000343 Photo ID: 006222 Photo ID: 006223 Photo ID: 006225 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/04/2004), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Römisch-Germanisches Museum Römisch-Germanisches Museum No Data


Cologne was one of the most important town outside of Italy during the Roman empire and its importance has lasted on in the number of Roman artefacts including expansive mosaics and bits of buildings as well as pottery and other daily items that have been unearthed during excavations over the years


Charge (Discount with Cologne Welcome Card)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.940562; Longitude: 6.958922
What3Words: output.multiple.files


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/04/2004), and on time of last update (25/04/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Triangle Tower Triangle Tower No Data


Built in 2005 the Triangle tower is a 28 storey building, built on the opposite bank of the Rhine from the Cathedral. The roof has been turned into an observation tower, from where you can get stunning views over the cathedral and city



Getting There

Latitude: 50.940211; Longitude: 6.971743
What3Words: mimic.foam.waffle


Photo ID: 001466 Photo ID: 001467 Photo ID: 001468 Photo ID: 001469 Photo ID: 001470 Photo ID: 006204 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2006), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Weihnachtsmarkte Weihnachtsmarkte No Data


From mid-November until Christmas the whole of Germany is taken over by Christmas markets. The largest are in Cologne and they offer an excellent opportunity to purchase those slightly different presents, as well as top up your hot wine and bratwurst levels


Free to look around…

Getting There

Latitude: 50.940518; Longitude: 6.957945
What3Words: tutored.ranges.posts


Photo ID: 001435 Photo ID: 001449 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2006), and on time of last update (27/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aachen: Cathedral Aachen: Cathedral No Data


One of the first buildings in the world to receive UNESCO world heritage site recognition and a beautiful building. Despite its size inside it feels quite small and is quite dark but with very heavily decorated walls and ceilings.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 50.774607; Longitude: 6.083926
What3Words: librarian.human.magical


Photo ID: 000335 Photo ID: 006212 Photo ID: 006213 Photo ID: 006214 Photo ID: 006215 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/04/2004), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aachen: City Tour Aachen: City Tour No Data


An open-top tour running as either an infrequent hop-on-hop-off service, or for slightly less as a single trip. The tour takes in the key sights in the city centre and then drives out to the Dreiländerpunkt on the German/Dutch/Belgium border where you can walk back and forth across the various borders in a 20 minute stop, before the bus returns to the centre of town



Getting There

Latitude: 50.773861; Longitude: 6.087413
What3Words: degree.pills.monitors


Photo ID: 006206 Photo ID: 006207 Photo ID: 006208 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aachen: Dom Schatzkammer (Cathedral Treasury) Aachen: Dom Schatzkammer (Cathedral Treasury) No Data


Located off the cathedrals cloisters this museum houses one of the finest (and most expensive) cathedral treasuries in the world. Included in the collection are some of the remains of Charlemagne himself, the man who put Aachen on the map



Getting There

Latitude: 50.774882; Longitude: 6.083636
What3Words: veal.loss.dynamic


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/04/2004), and on time of last update (25/04/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aachen: Dreiländerpunkt Aachen: Dreiländerpunkt No Data


The point where Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium all meet. The meandering roadway up to the point (which is also the highest point in Netherlands) passes backwards and forwards through the border so many times that you don't actually know which country you are approaching from, until you see all the Dutch flags at the entry. The point itself is marked with a small pillar which you can walk round or stand in two different country's. A large family oriented area has grown up around the point with mazes, viewing platforms, playgrounds and cafes.


Free to look at the meeting point, charge for the other attractions on site

Getting There

From Aachen the easiest way is on the open-top city tour sightseeing bus.
Latitude: 50.754449; Longitude: 6.020975
What3Words: padlock.dynamic.bright


Photo ID: 006209 Photo ID: 006210 Photo ID: 006211 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bonn: Beethoven-Haus Bonn: Beethoven-Haus No Data


The building in which the composer and musician was born and raised in. At one point the building was going to be pulled down but it was saved by a charity that has turned it into a museum dedicated to the life of Beethoven and housing the worlds largest collection of Beethoven related items



Getting There

Latitude: 50.736866; Longitude: 7.101299
What3Words: mixers.hints.pilots


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/04/2004), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bonn: Münster Bonn: Münster No Data


The Münster set the template for many of the churches in this part of the Rhineland. Today it dominates the Münsterplarz in the centre of the city, but provides a quiet oasis from the bustle outside. Even quieter is the medieval cloister


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 50.733318; Longitude: 7.099743
What3Words: fend.walnuts.fake


Photo ID: 000338 Photo ID: 004840 Photo ID: 004841 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/04/2004), and on time of last update (13/07/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brühl: Schloß Augustusburg Brühl: Schloß Augustusburg No Data


Built for the Archbishop-elector Clemens August the palace goes to show how much money the church (and the Bavarian ruling family that he was a member of) had to throw around.


Charge for a compulsory guided tour

Getting There

Latitude: 50.828358; Longitude: 6.907868
What3Words: intently.college.assembles


Photo ID: 006226 Photo ID: 006227 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brühl: Schloß Falkenlust Brühl: Schloß Falkenlust No Data


Small hunting lodge located about a mile away from Schloß Augustusburg through the gardens. A small intimate lodge used by the Archbishop-elector.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.819818; Longitude: 6.929229
What3Words: roofed.loosed.rating


Photo ID: 006230 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brühl: Schloß Garten Brühl: Schloß Garten No Data


There are formal gardens immediately behind the Augustusburg palace which then lead into a wooded park that leads down to the Falkenlust hunting lodge



Getting There

Latitude: 50.825437; Longitude: 6.909306
What3Words: trudges.scissors.crypt


Photo ID: 006228 Photo ID: 006229 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Düsseldorf: TV Tower Düsseldorf: TV Tower No Data


One of the tallest buildings in a city with its fair share of tall buildings, the tower offers stunning views over the city and the surrounding countryside



Getting There

The Tower is located about 20 minutes walk from the central station, by the side of the Rhine, or about 5 minutes by tram heading towards "Stadttor"
Latitude: 51.217852; Longitude: 6.76157
What3Words: resists.waddled.foremost


Photo ID: 001472 Photo ID: 001473 Photo ID: 001474 Photo ID: 001475 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2006), and on time of last update (27/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Neanderthal: Museum Neanderthal: Museum No Data


This museum, in the town that gave its name to mans ancestor, has displays on all aspects of the Neanderthal and the discovery of the remains



Getting There

From Düsseldorf catch the S28 train to Neanderthal and then follow the signs to the museum
Latitude: 51.226701; Longitude: 6.951004
What3Words: readings.colleague.behind


Photo ID: 001471 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2006), and on time of last update (27/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Xanten: Archaeological Park Xanten: Archaeological Park No Data


The remains of Colonia Ulpia Traiana have been preserved at the Archaeological park, where they have attempted reconstructions of some of the key buildings



Getting There

From Xanten town centre follow the signs for Archaeological park, it is around a 15 minute walk from the centre of town to the entrance
Latitude: 51.667365; Longitude: 6.444898
What3Words: inkjet.level.credited


Photo ID: 001444 Photo ID: 001445 Photo ID: 001446 Photo ID: 001447 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2006), and on time of last update (27/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Xanten: Cathedral Xanten: Cathedral No Data


A stunning cathedral, dominating the centre of the town


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.66256; Longitude: 6.452923
What3Words: convergence.symptom.predictions


Photo ID: 001442 Photo ID: 001443 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2006), and on time of last update (27/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aachen Aachen No Data


Aachen is a beautiful border town located just over the border from both Belgium and The Netherlands. The main sites include the Cathedral, one of the first buildings to be put on the UNESCO list of world heritage sites. At one point (794 AD onwards) it was the centre of the Holy Roman Empire and about the most important city in Western Europe.


Getting There

Trains to Aachen Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) run regularly from Köln Hauptbahnhof, approximately two an hour and it takes about 55 minutes. There are some faster ICE (Intercity Express) trains but these cost more to catch as do the fast international Thalis trains
Latitude: 50.775466; Longitude: 6.081478
What3Words: rifled.changes.grudge


Photo ID: 000335 Photo ID: 000336 Photo ID: 000337 Photo ID: 006206 Photo ID: 006207 Photo ID: 006212 Photo ID: 006215

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/04/2004), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bonn Bonn No Data


Bonn, once one of the most important cities in the world as capital of West Germany is now starting to slip back into the small city status it came from. Though it still has many good sights including the Münster and museums to the cities most famous son, Beethoven. For more Bonn attractions please see the separate Bonn trip from 2010


Getting There

Trains to Bonn Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) run very regularly from Köln Hauptbahnhof and it takes between 20 and 35 minutes depending on if it is a regional train, a regional express or the more expensive Inter City or ICE (Intercity Express) trains. There are also direct trams taking around an hour
Latitude: 50.732704; Longitude: 7.096311
What3Words: hasten.firmly.period


Photo ID: 000338 Photo ID: 000339 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/04/2004), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brühl Brühl No Data


Home to a UNESCO world heritage site, which also doubled up as the official reception centre for travelling dignitaries to West Germany.


Getting There

There are three trains an hour from the Hauptbahnhof to railway station in Brühl, next door to the palace, taking around 15 minutes, alternatively, tram 18 runs every 20 minutes or so to Brühl Mitte which is in the town centre, taking around 25-30 minutes
Latitude: 50.829456; Longitude: 6.902182
What3Words: mimosas.utensil.saddens


Photo ID: 006226 Photo ID: 006227 Photo ID: 006228 Photo ID: 006229 Photo ID: 006230 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Düsseldorf Düsseldorf No Data


One of the richest cities in Germany. Düsseldorf has a very picturesque setting on the Rhine, up stream from Cologne. For more Düsseldorf attractions please see the separate Düsseldorf trip from 2010


Getting There

There are regular trains from Cologne to Düsseldorf taking between 20 minutes (ICE) and 50 minutes (S-Bahn and Regional Bahn)
Latitude: 51.224943; Longitude: 6.775652
What3Words: smooth.judge.broccoli


Photo ID: 001472 Photo ID: 001473 Photo ID: 001474 Photo ID: 001475 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2006), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Koblenz Koblenz No Data


Named after its main feature the confluence of the Mosel and Rhine rivers, this is a picturesque town at the end of the Rhine gorge. The key attractions are the fortress which overlooks the city from high above the eastern bank of the Rhine, and the Deutsches Eck or German Corner, built at the point where the Mosel and the Rhine merge. For more Koblenz attractions please see the separate Koblenz trip from 2011


Getting There

There are regular trains from Cologne to Koblenz, taking about 75 minutes. From the Hauptbahnhof its about a 10 minute walk to the centre of the old town, and a further 5 minutes or so to Deutscher Ecker (German Corner) where the two rivers merge
Latitude: 50.356696; Longitude: 7.599617
What3Words: silence.insurers.stressed


Photo ID: 001461 Photo ID: 001462 Photo ID: 001463 Photo ID: 001464 Photo ID: 001465 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2006), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wuppertal Wuppertal No Data


A creation of the 1920's from the merger of 6 towns along the length of the river Wupper, the town is famous for it's hanging railway, the only one operating as a regular form of transport in the world.


Getting There

There are regular trains from Cologne to Wuppertal taking about 30 minutes.
Latitude: 51.255871; Longitude: 7.149985
What3Words: outsize.summer.insiders


Photo ID: 001451 Photo ID: 001452 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2006), and on time of last update (27/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Xanten Xanten No Data


Xanten is home to one of the best preserved Roman forts in Germany


Getting There

There are regular trains from Cologne to Duisburg taking about 45 minutes where you change onto the local, hourly, train that takes about another 50 minutes to get to Xanten, at the end of it's own branch line.
Latitude: 51.661106; Longitude: 6.449822
What3Words: respecting.stargazing.tokens


Photo ID: 001441 Photo ID: 001442 Photo ID: 001443 Photo ID: 001444 Photo ID: 001445 Photo ID: 001447 Photo ID: 001448

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2006), and on time of last update (27/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bimmelbahn Bimmelbahn No Data


Two land train tours that operate either as a circular trip or as one way journeys to their end points. Both tours originate in front of the cathedral with the Chocolate express heading through the old town before terminating at the Chocolate museum in the rhine harbour. The Zoo express heads out along the Rhine to the zoo and then returns via the old town.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.9413186; Longitude: 6.9560858
What3Words: headline.cowboys.locked


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2018), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Tour: Blue Route City Tour: Blue Route No Data


The blue route hop-on-hop-off tour runs on Saturdays only during the summer months and takes an extended tour round the industrial areas of Deutz as well as heading further south along the banks of the Rhein to the South Bridge before heading back through the old town. Tours take around 2 hours, including a 15 minute pause half way round back at the cathedral and run on an irregular basis (a tour sets off either north or south from the cathedral every 30 minutes, but this leads to an uneven service with the gap between buses at any one part of the route being either 30 or 90 minutes. The tour has a full multi-lingual commentary


Charge, ticket covers both Red and Blue tours (when blue tour is running)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.94171; Longitude: 6.957108
What3Words: animal.trustees.instant


Photo ID: 023507 Photo ID: 023508 Photo ID: 023509 Photo ID: 023511 Photo ID: 023512 Photo ID: 023514 Photo ID: 023515

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2018), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Tour: Red Route City Tour: Red Route No Data


The red route hop-on-hop-off tour runs every day during the season and takes in the old town, Deutz and the area around the Zoo and Flora. Tours run every 30 minutes during high season, every hour at other times and take around 90 minutes to complete a full loop. The tour has a full multi-lingual commentary


Charge, ticket covers both Red and Blue tours (when blue tour is running)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.941726; Longitude: 6.957328
What3Words: crowns.harsh.threaten


Photo ID: 023516 Photo ID: 023518 Photo ID: 023519 Photo ID: 023520 Photo ID: 023521 Photo ID: 023522 Photo ID: 023525

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2018), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


The walls of Cologne were once enclosed the old town, with 12 towers and around 7Km of walls protecting the heart of the city. As the city expanded the walls were pulled down and very little survive today, though the parts that do are kept in good repair, in particular the 5 remaining towers, which have all found alternative uses, mostly as homes for the different carnival groups. You can easily follow the line of the walls as the ring road follows closely, more conveniently the 12 and 15 tram lines run along the same route and provide a quick and easy way of moving between the different sites.


Free, charge to use public transport

Getting There

Latitude: 50.9253666; Longitude: 6.9505467
What3Words: dripped.drainage.broken


Photo ID: 023526 Photo ID: 023530 Photo ID: 023531 Photo ID: 023535 Photo ID: 023541 Photo ID: 023546 Photo ID: 023549

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2018), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Flora Flora No Data


The city's botanical garden, locted opposite the zoo. The gardens have a variety of planting styles from the formal flower beds at the main entrance through the rockeries towards the rear of the site. At the time of visiting the impressive glasshouses were in the process of being renovated so were closed.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.9621874; Longitude: 6.9701982
What3Words: fame.reviewed.depended


Photo ID: 023520 Photo ID: 023553 Photo ID: 023555 Photo ID: 023557 Photo ID: 023558 Photo ID: 023560 Photo ID: 023569

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2018), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Panoramafahrt Köln Panoramafahrt Köln No Data


A 60 minute cruise on the Rhine starting from the old town and travelling up stream under a number of the city's bridges and past the restored harbour area before turning and heading downstream past the Cathedral and Central Station. The tour continues to the Rhine Cable Car and then turns and returns upstream to the old town. A commentary in English and German is provided highlighting the key sights and giving some historical background on the city



Getting There

Latitude: 50.938518; Longitude: 6.963368
What3Words: obstruction.huddle.pushy


Photo ID: 023491 Photo ID: 023494 Photo ID: 023498 Photo ID: 023501 Photo ID: 023502 Photo ID: 023503 Photo ID: 023505

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/06/2018), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aussichtspunkt über Elberfeld Aussichtspunkt über Elberfeld No Data


One of the best viewpoints in the Hardt, from here you are looking down on the centre of Elberfeld, one of the towns that was merged together in 1929 to form the current city, the town hall tower as well as several church towers are clearly visible from here.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.260676; Longitude: 7.156169
What3Words: vanish.inherit.observer


Photo ID: 049349 Photo ID: 049350 Photo ID: 049351 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bismarckturm Bismarckturm No Data


A large stone monument located at the top of the hill that includes the Botanical Gardens and the Hardt. Whilst you can't go inside or climb the tower from near the base there are good views down into town.


No entry, free to look around the base

Getting There

Latitude: 51.262724; Longitude: 7.166042
What3Words: copies.publish.clothed


Photo ID: 049356 Photo ID: 049357 Photo ID: 049358 Photo ID: 049359 Photo ID: 049360 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanischer Garten Botanischer Garten No Data


The city's botanical gardens, located at the top of a hill overlooking the city centre. The terraced paths lead down through different planting zones, accompanied by ponds.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.260269; Longitude: 7.160278
What3Words: costumes.shelved.probe


Photo ID: 049328 Photo ID: 049330 Photo ID: 049335 Photo ID: 049336 Photo ID: 049338 Photo ID: 049340 Photo ID: 049343

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanischer Garten - Großes Glashaus Botanischer Garten - Großes Glashaus No Data


The glasshouses of the botanical gardens. The largest of the houses can be walked through, where as the smaller two are small enough that walking around the outside gives you a full view of everything inside.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.261311; Longitude: 7.160959
What3Words: bracelet.lied.explores


Photo ID: 049323 Photo ID: 049324 Photo ID: 049325 Photo ID: 049326 Photo ID: 049327 Photo ID: 049329 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hardt-Anlagen Hardt-Anlagen No Data


A large terraced park located just behind the botanical gardens, sloping down from the higher ground up by the Bismarckturm down towards the city centre. There are several viewpoints, an open air theatre, planting and even grill houses along the way.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.261074; Longitude: 7.158644
What3Words: stormed.artist.capacity


Photo ID: 049345 Photo ID: 049346 Photo ID: 049347 Photo ID: 049348 Photo ID: 049352 Photo ID: 049353 Photo ID: 049354

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

LEGO Brücke LEGO Brücke No Data


One of the bridges on the Nordbahnterasse has been painted to make it look like it's made out of giant LEGO bricks



Getting There

Latitude: 51.267564; Longitude: 7.160741
What3Words: unwind.decisive.online


Photo ID: 049470 Photo ID: 049471 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

LEGO Brücke 2.0 LEGO Brücke 2.0 No Data


One of the bridges on the Schwarzbachtrasse has been painted to make it look like it's made out of giant LEGO bricks



Getting There

Latitude: 51.280392; Longitude: 7.239051
What3Words: awaited.kneeled.response


Photo ID: 049526 Photo ID: 049528 Photo ID: 049529 Photo ID: 049530 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordbahntrasse - Bartholomäusviadukt Nordbahntrasse - Bartholomäusviadukt No Data


One of three impressive viaducts on this part of the route, with views across the valley. It's also one of the few places from the route where you can also see the Schwebebahn



Getting There

Latitude: 51.277907; Longitude: 7.210964
What3Words: trumpet.taken.hobby


Photo ID: 049493 Photo ID: 049494 Photo ID: 049495 Photo ID: 049496 Photo ID: 049497 Photo ID: 049498 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordbahntrasse - Belvedere Nordbahntrasse - Belvedere No Data


A small park and viewing platform has been built high on the top of the cutting that the Nordbahn ran it at this point. From here there are good views over the valley, in particular over Oberbahmen



Getting There

Latitude: 51.277278; Longitude: 7.213377
What3Words: villa.neater.ruins


Photo ID: 049499 Photo ID: 049500 Photo ID: 049501 Photo ID: 049502 Photo ID: 049503 Photo ID: 049504 Photo ID: 049505

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordbahntrasse - Dorp entrance Nordbahntrasse - Dorp entrance No Data


A former railway line running on a terrace above the valley to the North of the city. The line closed in 1991 and has since been converted into a walking and cycling trail - taking advantage of the flatness of the railway line. All of the tunnels along the line have been internally lit and a wide pedestrian and separate cycle path is provided. Some of the infrastructure of the stations have also survived. This entrance is at the start of the most interesting section with several tunnels and viaducts. Its about 8.4Km from Dorp to the end of this section at Wichlinghauser station, where the Schwarzbachtrasse starts that takes you back down towards Oberbarmen



Getting There

Latitude: 51.260242; Longitude: 7.111877
What3Words: reach.locating.bowls


Photo ID: 049452 Photo ID: 049455 Photo ID: 049458 Photo ID: 049460 Photo ID: 049462 Photo ID: 049463 Photo ID: 049465

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordbahntrasse - Kuhler Viadukt Nordbahntrasse - Kuhler Viadukt No Data


One of three impressive viaducts on this part of the route, with views across the valley. It's also one of the few places from the route where you can also see the Schwebebahn



Getting There

Latitude: 51.272679; Longitude: 7.19383
What3Words: tender.batches.petal


Photo ID: 049486 Photo ID: 049487 Photo ID: 049488 Photo ID: 049489 Photo ID: 049490 Photo ID: 049491 Photo ID: 049491

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordbahntrasse - Loh Station Nordbahntrasse - Loh Station No Data


One of the best preserved stations on the Nordbahntrasse which includes the original platforms, canopies and even the station clock - which is still working. The Departures sheet displays useful information on sights to see along the line, styled to look like the departures sheets that you see at every German station.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.26943; Longitude: 7.174922
What3Words: hints.trouser.fracture


Photo ID: 049475 Photo ID: 049476 Photo ID: 049477 Photo ID: 049479 Photo ID: 049480 Photo ID: 049482 Photo ID: 049484

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordbahntrasse - Wichlinghausen station Nordbahntrasse - Wichlinghausen station No Data


A former railway line running on a terrace above the valley to the North of the city. The line closed in 1991 and has since been converted into a walking and cycling trail - taking advantage of the flatness of the railway line. All of the tunnels along the line have been internally lit and a wide pedestrian and separate cycle path is provided. Some of the infrastructure of the stations have also survived. This entrance is at the start of the most interesting section with several tunnels and viaducts. Its about 8.4Km from Wichlinghauser station to Dorp station at the end of this section from Dorp station steps take you back up onto the road from where there are buses back down into Wuppertal. A lot of the station infrastructure here has been preserved including both of the platforms, the canopies and some of the signals



Getting There

Latitude: 51.278851; Longitude: 7.222279
What3Words: changing.november.declares


Photo ID: 049509 Photo ID: 049510 Photo ID: 049511 Photo ID: 049512 Photo ID: 049513 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordbahntrasse - Wichlinghauser Viadukt Nordbahntrasse - Wichlinghauser Viadukt No Data


One of three impressive viaducts on this part of the route, with views across the valley. It's also one of the few places from the route where you can also see the Schwebebahn. There is a path off of the Nordbahntrasse at this point that lets you step away from the route and take in a decent view of the viaduct itself.


Getting There

Latitude: 51.277835; Longitude: 7.218204
What3Words: divider.flags.roses


Photo ID: 049506 Photo ID: 049507 Photo ID: 049508 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schwarzbachtrasse Schwarzbachtrasse No Data


Another former railway line that has been converted into a path. In this case the line snakes its way up the hill from the mainline, the very end of the route is still an active railway, so after about 2Km the path moves into a park and then drops you out onto residential roads.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.278769; Longitude: 7.223398
What3Words: vaccines.frost.gosh


Photo ID: 049513 Photo ID: 049514 Photo ID: 049515 Photo ID: 049521 Photo ID: 049523 Photo ID: 049526 Photo ID: 049530

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schwarzbachtrasse - Schwarzbach Viadukt Schwarzbachtrasse - Schwarzbach Viadukt No Data


One of two impressive structures on the line. The viaduct offers good views over Oberbahmen


Getting There

Latitude: 51.277588; Longitude: 7.22463
What3Words: request.able.steadily


Photo ID: 049388 Photo ID: 049515 Photo ID: 049516 Photo ID: 049517 Photo ID: 049518 Photo ID: 049519 Photo ID: 049520

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schwarzbachtrasse - Wichlinghauser Tunnel Schwarzbachtrasse - Wichlinghauser Tunnel No Data


One of two impressive structures on the line. The tunnel curves through the cliffs, helping to taking the line in a 180 degree turn back on itself as it snakes its way up the hill.


Getting There

Latitude: 51.280058; Longitude: 7.233261
What3Words: whistle.ally.muddy


Photo ID: 049521 Photo ID: 049522 Photo ID: 049523 Photo ID: 049524 Photo ID: 049525 Photo ID: 049527 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schwebebahn Schwebebahn No Data


The symbol of the city, hanging high above the Wupper River the Schwebebahn is the city's unique solution to rapid transit in a steeply sided valley. The cars of this train run on steel wheels on steel rails, but rather than having the rails on the ground, the wheels on top and the carriage on top of that instead the wheels run on a rail on top of the continuous viaduct, with the carriages hanging below the wheels. It's a novel solution to the problem of getting lots of people along a very long but very thin city, making use of the unused space above the river that the city takes it's name from. You can even sit at the back of the cars for views out the back of the train.


Charge, included in local transport tariff tickets

Getting There

Latitude: 51.255928; Longitude: 7.148459
What3Words: managers.noon.stormy


Photo ID: 049312 Photo ID: 049406 Photo ID: 049409 Photo ID: 049417 Photo ID: 049419 Photo ID: 049431 Photo ID: 049440

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Visiodrom Visiodrom No Data


This large gasometer was built in the 1950s to service the town, but was out of use by the early 1980s. Due to it's importance on the skyline it became listed as a monument so a new use had to be found for it. It now houses Europe's largest cinema screen, which shows special films that have been put together for the site - at the time of visiting it was on Leonardo Da Vinci - the ground floor exhibition space accompanies whatever is showing on the big screen. You can also take the lift right up to the top of the gasometer and walk around a viewing platform on the roof for views down the valley.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.271899; Longitude: 7.225631
What3Words: spider.archives.fried


Photo ID: 049376 Photo ID: 049378 Photo ID: 049386 Photo ID: 049392 Photo ID: 049396 Photo ID: 049398 Photo ID: 049399

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Von der Heydt-Museum Von der Heydt-Museum No Data


Originally the Elberfeld city gallery the museum was promoted to that of the city museum with the founding of Wuppertal, and has subsequently been named after the banking family that input a lot of money into the institution. The gallery has a large collection of works on display, in particular the museum was the first in the world to purchase a work by Picasso and they've added more in the subsequent years, along with works by his contemporary Max Beckmann. Both were considered degenerate by the Nazis who seized a lot of the museums works and they now proudly use that as a badge of honour.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.257371; Longitude: 7.146666
What3Words: pots.disband.gossip


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/09/2023), and on time of last update (26/09/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aldstadt Express Aldstadt Express No Data


The land train leaves from outside St Kastor Basilica and runs around most parts of the old town on a 30 or so minute tour. Commentary is provided in both German and English



Getting There

Latitude: 50.362608; Longitude: 7.603376
What3Words: again.graduated.legwork


Photo ID: 006135 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilika St. Kastor Basilika St. Kastor No Data


The oldest church in the city, tracing its roots back to the 9th century. The church was upgraded to a Basilica in 1991.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.362259; Longitude: 7.604299
What3Words: game.mindset.edit


Photo ID: 006090 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cable Car Cable Car No Data


The cable car links the area immediately behind the Deutsches Eck with the Ehrenbreistesein Fortress on the opposite bank of the river.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.361828; Longitude: 7.604921
What3Words: means.websites.progress


Photo ID: 006097 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Deutsches Eck Deutsches Eck No Data


The point where the Mosel and Rhine rivers meet. From here there are good views up both rivers



Getting There

Latitude: 50.364963; Longitude: 7.606487
What3Words: debt.owes.hood


Photo ID: 006083 Photo ID: 006084 Photo ID: 006085 Photo ID: 006091 Photo ID: 006092 Photo ID: 006093 Photo ID: 006094

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ehresnbreitstein Fortress Ehresnbreitstein Fortress No Data


Overlooking the city from the opposite bank of the Rhine, the fortress was undefeated until Napoleon turned up. It was rebuilt by the Prussians into its current form and heavily refurbished prior to the German Horticultural show taking over the site in 2011.


Free to look around the site.

Getting There

Latitude: 50.364655; Longitude: 7.613869
What3Words: blesses.hesitate.curtail


Photo ID: 006107 Photo ID: 006108 Photo ID: 006109 Photo ID: 006121 Photo ID: 006125 Photo ID: 006126 Photo ID: 006127

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ehresnbreitstein Museums Ehresnbreitstein Museums No Data


Several small exhibitions dotted around the site that tell the history of both the fort and the region. Evidence of settlement on the site goes back over 3,000 years and there is a strong display on the Archaeology of the site



Getting There

Latitude: 50.364381; Longitude: 7.615542
What3Words: nitrogen.blesses.assorted


Photo ID: 006109 Photo ID: 006121 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal No Data


Overlooking the Deutsches Eck the statue to the Kaiser offers a good position to view the rivers from. You can climb up inside the monument to the base of the actual statue.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.364141; Longitude: 7.60564
What3Words: likewise.pocket.rotation


Photo ID: 006083 Photo ID: 006084 Photo ID: 006085 Photo ID: 006091 Photo ID: 006092 Photo ID: 006093 Photo ID: 006094

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kurfüstliches Schloß Kurfüstliches Schloß No Data


At the time of visiting the former Electors Palace was hosting the bi-annual German Horticultural show, following this the site is to be opened up to the public generally with exhibitions



Getting There

Latitude: 50.35561; Longitude: 7.60226
What3Words: batches.fairway.blanks


Photo ID: 006089 Photo ID: 006095 Photo ID: 006105 Photo ID: 006106 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liebfrauenkirche Liebfrauenkirche No Data


Located in the centre of town this pretty church has some stunning stained glass



Getting There

Latitude: 50.360774; Longitude: 7.595968
What3Words: vote.archives.bunk


Photo ID: 006086 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhine Cruise Rhine Cruise No Data


There are several companies offering a number of different cruises, either one way, return or round trip taking in either just the Rhine or also the Mosel. The one I went on sailed up stream to Stolzenfles where there is a stunning castle



Getting There

Latitude: 50.362831; Longitude: 7.606096
What3Words: boots.tallest.chill


Photo ID: 006098 Photo ID: 006131 Photo ID: 006132 Photo ID: 006133 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Boppard: Chair Lift Boppard: Chair Lift No Data


The Chairlift takes off over vineyards and then climbs to one of the highest points around, from where there are stunning views over the Rhine. One view point offers views of the sweep of the river, another, through a trick of the topography, makes it look like there are four unconnected lakes, rather than one of the most important rivers in Europe.



Getting There

From Boppard Hauptbahnhof walk back along the main road following the railway for about 800m. The base station is on the other side of the railway tracks using the road bridge.
Latitude: 50.235423; Longitude: 7.575974
What3Words: strums.pick.obesity


Photo ID: 006111 Photo ID: 006112 Photo ID: 006113 Photo ID: 006118 Photo ID: 006119 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stolzenfels: Schloß Stolzenfels Stolzenfels: Schloß Stolzenfels No Data


A stunning, rebuilt castle which overlooks the River Rhine. You can walk around most of the rooms inside and from the grounds take in the views



Getting There

Latitude: 50.303294; Longitude: 7.592475
What3Words: normal.rate.ignites


Photo ID: 006098 Photo ID: 006099 Photo ID: 006100 Photo ID: 006101 Photo ID: 006102 Photo ID: 006103 Photo ID: 006104

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Boppard Boppard No Data


Located on a major bend the Rhine, the town has stunning views of the river, and from the hills above stunning views over the region


Getting There

There are hourly local trains to Boppard taking around 15 minutes. On weekdays there are additional hourly Regional Express trains, though these also take 15 minutes
Latitude: 50.231971; Longitude: 7.589664
What3Words: usages.donates.depended


Photo ID: 006114 Photo ID: 006115 Photo ID: 006116 Photo ID: 006117 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stolzenfels Stolzenfels No Data


Located on the banks of the Rhine and overlooked by it's magnificent castle.


Getting There

There are semi-regular sailings by various companies from the landing stages near Deutsches Eck to Stolzenfels, alternatively the 650 bus (half hourly during the week, hourly at weekends) gets you there in about 15 minutes.
Latitude: 50.304743; Longitude: 7.593049
What3Words: race.think.obeyed


Photo ID: 006098 Photo ID: 006099 Photo ID: 006100 Photo ID: 006101 Photo ID: 006102 Photo ID: 006103 Photo ID: 006104

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


For a building that’s over 1000 years old, it's in incredibly good repair (the fact that large parts of it are covered in scaffolding would attest to regular repair works). Inside the cathedral is quite plain



Getting There

Latitude: 49.998878; Longitude: 8.273553
What3Words: piston.tapers.gross


Photo ID: 006052 Photo ID: 006053 Photo ID: 006057 Photo ID: 006070 Photo ID: 006072 Photo ID: 006077 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gutenberg Express Gutenberg Express No Data


A land train tour in German, English and French that takes in the key points across the city. It operates to a timetable from various stops, but you can't hop on and off (without paying again!). Starting stop is in Gutenbergplatz



Getting There

Latitude: 49.999298; Longitude: 8.271729
What3Words: revived.included.mashing


Photo ID: 006056 Photo ID: 006058 Photo ID: 006059 Photo ID: 006061 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gutenberg Museum Gutenberg Museum No Data


Mainz was the home of the inventor of movable type, possibly one of the most important inventions of the last millennium. The museum tells the story of Gutenberg along with the history of book publishing from before the days of movable type.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.99983; Longitude: 8.275441
What3Words: gender.outsiders.withdrew


Photo ID: 006076 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Isis and Mater Magna Shrine Isis and Mater Magna Shrine No Data


Located in the basement of a shopping centre, the ruins of this temple were discovered when the centre was being built. Today they have been preserved as part of the basement.


Free (Suggested Donation)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.001002; Longitude: 8.267952
What3Words: wheels.hovered.wishes


Photo ID: 006064 Photo ID: 006065 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Landesmuseum Landesmuseum No Data


The state museum for this part of the country. It houses a large number of works of art along with some local history items



Getting There

Latitude: 50.003547; Longitude: 8.269025
What3Words: siblings.clouds.farmland


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Römische Theater (Roman Theatre) Römische Theater (Roman Theatre) No Data


The ruins of a roman theatre which have been discovered next to the railway line. Large parts are still intact, though at the time of visiting it was still being uncovered so there was no access to the site



Getting There

Latitude: 49.993126; Longitude: 8.277973
What3Words: scam.flipper.someone


Photo ID: 006063 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Römish-Germanisch Zentralmuseum (Romanic-Germanic Central Museum) Römish-Germanisch Zentralmuseum (Romanic-Germanic Central Museum) No Data


The central museum for Roman and early Germanic history. It charts the history of the Romans and the subsequent tribes in the Mainz area, including many artefacts dug up when parts of the town have been built on.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.006829; Longitude: 8.270473
What3Words: coveted.same.bless


Photo ID: 006061 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Christoph Church St Christoph Church No Data


The church was where Gutenberg was baptised. It was destroyed by Allied bombing in the second world war and has been left as a shell as a monument to those who died.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.001919; Longitude: 8.272115
What3Words: airless.parties.waxer


Photo ID: 006060 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Stephen's St Stephen's No Data


The church is best known for it's Blue Chagall windows which draw tourists in their thousands. Inside it's quite eerie with this strange blue light everywhere. The church also have a very pleasant cloister that you can wander round.


Free (Suggested Donation)

Getting There

Latitude: 49.995726; Longitude: 8.268971
What3Words: beyond.shams.fight


Photo ID: 006062 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Amphitheatre Amphitheatre No Data


The oldest of the Roman sights in the city. Whilst much of it is overgrown, it is still very easy to imagine what the site would have looked like. There is access to one of the entranceways which is still standing, and into the space beneath the arena floor.


Charge, Joint ticket with other Roman sites available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.748079; Longitude: 6.649057
What3Words: jumbled.engage.songs


Photo ID: 006172 Photo ID: 006173 Photo ID: 006174 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Barbarathermen (Barbara Baths) Barbarathermen (Barbara Baths) No Data


At the time of visiting the site was in the process of being conserved, so access was limited. From the viewing platform it is easy to see the layout of the baths with the bases of most of the walls still intact



Getting There

Latitude: 49.750135; Longitude: 6.629981
What3Words: ribs.wiggles.spider


Photo ID: 006188 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica Basilica No Data


Originally built as a administrative and throne hall for emperor Constantine, the building is massive by modern standard to have no internal support, for something that's been standing for nearly 2,000 years its absolutely incredible. The ceiling is around 100 feet above floor level and is supported solely by the external walls. Today the Basilica makes for a very large church



Getting There

Latitude: 49.753497; Longitude: 6.64358
What3Words: suitcase.milder.twilight


Photo ID: 006146 Photo ID: 006175 Photo ID: 006176 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


Half hourly sightseeing tour that takes in all the major sites that are accessible to road traffic. Particularly convenient for reaching the Amphitheatre



Getting There

Latitude: 49.759014; Longitude: 6.64307
What3Words: skewed.imparts.complain


Photo ID: 006162 Photo ID: 006163 Photo ID: 006171 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dom Dom No Data


From the outside the Cathedral is a massive structure, however inside it feels much smaller, part of this is the large cloister that helps to make the overall look of the building larger.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.756273; Longitude: 6.64358
What3Words: version.breezy.poetic


Photo ID: 006147 Photo ID: 006150 Photo ID: 006190 Photo ID: 006191 Photo ID: 006192 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiserthermen (Imperial Baths) Kaiserthermen (Imperial Baths) No Data


Some of the largest pieces or Roman remains in the city. The curved walls of the hot bath room stand out as almost intact after nearly 2000 years. Large parts of the underground sections of the complex are also still standing


Charge, Joint ticket with other Roman sites available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.749546; Longitude: 6.642855
What3Words: flank.cried.giggles


Photo ID: 006142 Photo ID: 006177 Photo ID: 006178 Photo ID: 006179 Photo ID: 006180 Photo ID: 006181 Photo ID: 006182

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Landesmuseum Landesmuseum No Data


The museum houses most of the Roman finds that have been made in the city and surrounding area, and there are lots of them. It includes some impressive memorial statues and an exceptionally impressive reconstruction of what Roman Trier would have looked like.


Charge, Joint ticket with other Roman sites available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.751341; Longitude: 6.644223
What3Words: clashes.paused.warrior


Photo ID: 006197 Photo ID: 006198 Photo ID: 006199 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mosel Cruise Mosel Cruise No Data


Two different tours are offered, one that goes downstream for a short while taking in the countryside, and one that goes upstream running under a few of the city's bridges. You can also go on a longer tour that combines both.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.764458; Longitude: 6.63365
What3Words: says.assure.binder


Photo ID: 006189 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porta Nigra Porta Nigra No Data


The Roman gateway into the city, nearly 2,000 years old and still standing firm. For several hundred years the gate was converted into a church, but it has now been restored to how it would have originally looked. From the top there are good views over the city centre


Charge, Joint ticket with other Roman sites available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.759662; Longitude: 6.643885
What3Words: actual.classic.expand


Photo ID: 006149 Photo ID: 006162 Photo ID: 006164 Photo ID: 006165 Photo ID: 006166 Photo ID: 006167 Photo ID: 006168

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Römer Express Römer Express No Data


This land train tour starts from just behind the Porta Nigra and runs round the edge of the old town, going into the Cathedral square and past most of the (non-pedestrianized) main sights. Commentary is provided in German, Dutch and English



Getting There

Latitude: 49.759146; Longitude: 6.643574
What3Words: like.whites.resolved


Photo ID: 006162 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadtmuseum Simeonstift Stadtmuseum Simeonstift No Data


The museum tells the history of the city from the earliest settlers through to modern times.


Charge, Discount with Roman sites ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 49.759818; Longitude: 6.643558
What3Words: symphony.last.strength


Photo ID: 006200 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Thermen am Viehmarkt Thermen am Viehmarkt No Data


Discovered in the late 1990's when a car park was being constructed the baths have been preserved below ground level and are visible through a large glass box that sits over the top of them, but it is worth paying the entrance fee to go down in amongst the remains


Charge, Joint ticket with other Roman sites available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.752755; Longitude: 6.63763
What3Words: outreach.strut.fortunate


Photo ID: 006184 Photo ID: 006185 Photo ID: 006186 Photo ID: 006187 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cochem: Castle Cochem: Castle No Data


Siting above the town centre the castle makes for an impressive site. Whilst it looks like a medieval castle, it is in fact at 19th century rebuild. Today the castle can be visited only on a guided tour (frequent, in German but with English information sheet)



Getting There

Latitude: 50.142242; Longitude: 7.167109
What3Words: conspired.amply.booklet


Photo ID: 006151 Photo ID: 006152 Photo ID: 006153 Photo ID: 006154 Photo ID: 006155 Photo ID: 006156 Photo ID: 006157

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cochem: Chair Lift Cochem: Chair Lift No Data


Rising above the town centre the chair lift takes you to a viewing platform (and customary café) above the town centre from where you can take in the stunning views



Getting There

Latitude: 50.148705; Longitude: 7.161305
What3Words: groundwork.recurrent.tearing


Photo ID: 006158 Photo ID: 006159 Photo ID: 006160 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cochem Cochem No Data


Located on a pretty bend in the River Mosel, Cochem is a picturesque "traditional" Mosel town, which means it can suffer from excessive numbers of tourists. The castle and the hills around offer stunning views over this part of the valley.


Getting There

From Trier there are hourly regional bahn trains taking one hour, Regional Expresses and InterCity trains alternate to bring the frequency up to half hourly (though no evenly spaced). RE and IC trains take just over 45 minutes to make the journey.)
Latitude: 50.145508; Longitude: 7.165908
What3Words: contentious.octagon.whimper


Photo ID: 006138 Photo ID: 006139 Photo ID: 006161 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aquarium Aquarium No Data


Small aquarium housed in the university showing a number of species both local to the seas around Kiel and more exotic. Outside are a couple of harbour seals in a pool



Getting There

Latitude: 54.3299686; Longitude: 10.1488761
What3Words: elevated.will.forms


Photo ID: 018326 Photo ID: 018327 Photo ID: 018328 Photo ID: 018329 Photo ID: 018330 Photo ID: 018331 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sankt Nikolai Kirche Sankt Nikolai Kirche No Data


The oldest building still standing in Kiel. Inside the church contains some beautiful modern stained glass


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 54.3228721; Longitude: 10.1398833
What3Words: coughed.thanks.mops


Photo ID: 018293 Photo ID: 018294 Photo ID: 018295 Photo ID: 018296 Photo ID: 018297 Photo ID: 018298 Photo ID: 018300

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schifffahrtsmuseum Schifffahrtsmuseum No Data


This maritime museum tells the connected history of Kiel and the sea from fishing and the canal to modern ship building. The museum is housed in the former Fish market hall which is a spectacular building in itself


Charge, day ticket gives access to the Stadtmuseum, Stadtgalerie and the Schifffahrtsmuseum

Getting There

Latitude: 54.322841; Longitude: 10.1437601
What3Words: fats.eagles.coasted


Photo ID: 018341 Photo ID: 018343 Photo ID: 018344 Photo ID: 018345 Photo ID: 018346 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadtmuseum Stadtmuseum No Data


Located in the Warleberger Hof the museum houses a collection related to the history of Kiel, along with temporary exhibition spaces


Charge, day ticket gives access to the Stadtmuseum, Stadtgalerie and the Schifffahrtsmuseum

Getting There

Latitude: 54.3243353; Longitude: 10.1411855
What3Words: timing.button.trooper


Photo ID: 018352 Photo ID: 018353 Photo ID: 018354 Photo ID: 018355 Photo ID: 018356 Photo ID: 018357 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zoologisches Museum Zoologisches Museum No Data


Museum housing a large number of specimens, with a particular focus on the skeletons (making up a large number of the exhibits)



Getting There

Latitude: 54.3281759; Longitude: 10.1444032
What3Words: rugs.quantity.replied


Photo ID: 018332 Photo ID: 018334 Photo ID: 018335 Photo ID: 018336 Photo ID: 018337 Photo ID: 018338 Photo ID: 018339

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Husum: NordseeMuseum Husum: NordseeMuseum No Data


Similar to the Schiffhartsmuseum this houses a collection of maritime related artefacts both about the town and the wider area



Getting There

Latitude: 54.4752738; Longitude: 9.0560674
What3Words: model.events.tingled


Photo ID: 018324 Photo ID: 018325 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Husum: Schiffahrtsmuseum Nordfriesland Husum: Schiffahrtsmuseum Nordfriesland No Data


Museum dedicated to the maritime traditions and history of the area and the North Friesland Islands, includes examples of vessels used in the islands along with the 400 year old wreck of an old trading ship found near Husum in the silt of the estuary.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.475286; Longitude: 9.051166
What3Words: smug.tagging.join


Photo ID: 018320 Photo ID: 018321 Photo ID: 018322 Photo ID: 018323 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kiel-Husum Train ride Kiel-Husum Train ride No Data


The train ride from Kiel to Husum is spectacular stretching as it does from the Baltic to the North sea at about the thinnest part of Germany. Along the way the train crosses the Kiel canal over a spectacular iron bridge that then requires another spectacular piece of engineering - the Rendsburger Schleife (Rendsburg Loop) - that loops round a large part of the town to drop the railway line down from the 42m high bridge to the station at canal level, at the end of the bridge you can see the tracks of the loop crossing back underneath.


Cost of the rail ticket

Getting There

RE (Regional Express) trains run hourly from Kiel to Husum via Rendsburg. Additional hourly RB trains calling at all stations run from Kiel to Rendsburg - both taking in the loop.
Latitude: 54.2970245; Longitude: 9.6808672
What3Words: panther.galaxies.foal


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Husum Husum No Data


Located on the North Sea coast of Germany, the town only came about following significant flooding around 400 years ago which altered the course of the coast and turned Husum into a port. It's now a major jumping off point for the North Friesland Islands and home to a couple of good museums dedicated to the sea


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Kiel taking around 85 minutes to make the journey to Husum. The station is a short, and well signposted, walk from the town centre
Latitude: 54.4770157; Longitude: 9.0516635
What3Words: suddenly.noises.today


Photo ID: 018307 Photo ID: 018310 Photo ID: 018311 Photo ID: 018314 Photo ID: 018316 Photo ID: 018317 Photo ID: 018319

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing: Kiel City Sightseeing: Kiel No Data


The standard hop-on-hop-off, open-top bus tour. Starting from the station the tour runs around the coastal edge of the city before heading north up to the Kiel Canal. It then heads back to the city centre taking in as much of the old town as is possible, considering how pedestrianised the centre of Kiel is. A pre-recorded multi-lingual commentary is available along the way.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.3147955; Longitude: 10.1330745
What3Words: period.yards.hinted


Photo ID: 052641 Photo ID: 052645 Photo ID: 052649 Photo ID: 052650 Photo ID: 052651 Photo ID: 052652 Photo ID: 052653

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2024), and on time of last update (11/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


One of the main casualties of the bombing raids in 1942. The Cathedral was raised to the ground 1942 but has been completely rebuilt, and contains a small photographic exhibition on the bombing, the fire (started by the bombing) that caused most damage, it's ruins and rebuilding


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.860892; Longitude: 10.68532
What3Words: assume.visitors.chins


Photo ID: 007156 Photo ID: 007157 Photo ID: 007158 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2005), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holstentor Holstentor No Data


The original entrance to the city. So famous is it that it used to grace the DM50 bill. This now contains a museum charting the history of the city and it's importance in European history.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.866264; Longitude: 10.67958
What3Words: empty.cycle.gagging


Photo ID: 007098 Photo ID: 007100 Photo ID: 007145 Photo ID: 007151 Photo ID: 007152 Photo ID: 007153 Photo ID: 007165

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2005), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marienkirche Marienkirche No Data


The traders of Lübeck decided in the 13th century that it was time for a game of one-up-man-ship against the church and local bishops. They decided to built their own church, in a similar style to the town hall, to be even bigger and more impressive than the cathedral. They succeeded. The building was almost totally destroyed on 29/03/1942 in bombing raids, it has been rebuilt, but with a reminder of what happened. At the base of one of the towers the shattered remains of the bells have been left, exactly where they fell.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.867782; Longitude: 10.685009
What3Words: sheep.busy.layered


Photo ID: 007113 Photo ID: 007114 Photo ID: 007159 Photo ID: 007160 Photo ID: 007161 Photo ID: 007163 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2005), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Petrikirche Petrikirche No Data


Almost destroyed during the bombing it has been rebuilt, but is no longer used as a church. Instead it is used as an exhibition space, and as a viewing tower. A lift glides you up to the top of the tower for fantastic views over the whole of the city, and the only real way to get the full view of the Market square, Rathaus and the sheer size of the Marienkirche



Getting There

Latitude: 53.865878; Longitude: 10.682949
What3Words: reunion.helpless.wipe


Photo ID: 007103 Photo ID: 007104 Photo ID: 007015 Photo ID: 007106 Photo ID: 007107 Photo ID: 007108 Photo ID: 007147

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2005), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

River and Canal Cruise River and Canal Cruise No Data


Several ships cruise around the rivers and canals of Lübeck giving guided tours.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.865315; Longitude: 10.680857
What3Words: songs.chase.sublime


Photo ID: 007099 Photo ID: 007101 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2005), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lüneburg: Sankt Johanniskirche Lüneburg: Sankt Johanniskirche No Data


It's very difficult to miss St Johns Church as it's spire dominates the whole of the city. Inside the church is a fine example of a Gothic church with wide aisles and ornate stained glass


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.247891; Longitude: 10.412885
What3Words: passport.retain.cliff


Photo ID: 007133 Photo ID: 007136 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2012), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lüneburg: Sankt Nicolai Lüneburg: Sankt Nicolai No Data


Originally built in the 15th Century, the church stands in a network of small lanes. Inside the church is light and airy


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.251749; Longitude: 10.410109
What3Words: forever.powder.dollars


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2012), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lüneburg: Wasserturm Lüneburg: Wasserturm No Data


The towns former water tower has been converted into a museum and viewing platform. You take the lift to the top of the building to take in the stunning views of the city from the roof of the tower, and then walk back down through the tower, including the massive metal bowl that held the water supply which has been turned into part of the attraction.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.24685; Longitude: 10.412885
What3Words: knots.think.sampled


Photo ID: 007131 Photo ID: 007132 Photo ID: 007133 Photo ID: 007134 Photo ID: 007135 Photo ID: 007144 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2012), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Flensburg Flensburg No Data


Located close to the Danish border this port town has a distinct Danish feel to it, with the architecture, in places, looking more Danish than German. The harbour area has several museums and stunning views. What is missing from all the tourist information is that this town has an unpleasant claim to fame. As the headquarters of Admiral Dönitz, who succeeded Hitler after his suicide, Flensburg officially became the last place in Germany to still be holding out against the Allies at the very end of the war. Unsurprisingly there is no obvious mention of this anywhere in the town.


Getting There

From Lübeck you need to catch either the train to Kiel (every 30 minutes 70-90 minutes) and change there for the train to Flensburg (every hour, 55 minutes). Alternatively you can catch the train to Hamburg (every hour, 45 minutes) and change there for the train to Flensburg (every two hours, 90 minutes)
Latitude: 54.782882; Longitude: 9.436162
What3Words: historic.caveman.lump


Photo ID: 007116 Photo ID: 007117 Photo ID: 007118 Photo ID: 007119 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2012), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kruså Kruså No Data


The border town just inside Denmark, There isn't much to the town, but it gives you the opportunity to walk over an international border


Getting There

See Flensburg for details of getting there. From outside the station at Flensburg the number 1 bus runs every 20 minutes to the bus terminal just over the border in Denmark taking around 25 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 54.841629; Longitude: 9.40243
What3Words: outwardly.midrange.peered


Photo ID: 007120 Photo ID: 007121 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2012), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lüneburg Lüneburg No Data


The town became very wealthy on the back on the salt trade, which much of the "white gold" mined from underneath the town, consequently many of the buildings are at interesting angles due to subsidence. The town became so wealthy that it became part of the Hansiatic league and from this period many stunning buildings have survived.


Getting There

From Lübeck there are hourly trains to Lüneburg which take around 70 minutes to complete the journey
Latitude: 53.250259; Longitude: 10.408237
What3Words: trading.noises.ponies


Photo ID: 007137 Photo ID: 007138 Photo ID: 007139 Photo ID: 007140 Photo ID: 007141 Photo ID: 007142 Photo ID: 007143

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2012), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Neustadt Neustadt No Data


Located almost across the large sweeping Lübeck bay from Travemünde this quiet town has stunning beaches and views out into the Baltic.


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Lübeck to Neustadt (Holtz.) which take around 40 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 54.107741; Longitude: 10.814576
What3Words: superstars.resigned.regretfully


Photo ID: 007175 Photo ID: 007176 Photo ID: 007177 Photo ID: 007178 Photo ID: 007179 Photo ID: 007180 Photo ID: 007182

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2012), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schleswig Schleswig No Data


The town that gives part of it's name to the region. Schleswig sits at the end of a massive fjord that stretches out into the Baltic. The massive Cathedral overlooks the edge of the Fjord with lots of pretty buildings around it.


Getting There

From Lübeck you need to catch either the train to Kiel (every 30 minutes 70-90 minutes) and change there for the train to Schleswig (every hour, 40 minutes). Alternatively you can catch the train to Hamburg (every hour, 45 minutes) and change there for the train to Schleswig (every two hours, 70 minutes). The station in Schleswig is about 3.5Km from the centre of town, so it's either a long and uninteresting walk, or you can catch the half-hourly bus that goes down into town.
Latitude: 54.513708; Longitude: 9.569006
What3Words: reform.holidays.intro


Photo ID: 007122 Photo ID: 007123 Photo ID: 007124 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2012), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Travemünde Travemünde No Data


The area was purchased by the city of Lübeck in the 14th century to ensure they had a port on the Baltic coast. Today it's a pleasant seaside resort with miles of sandy beaches and a pretty town centre.


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Lübeck to Travemünde, taking around 20 minutes, alternatively there are buses every 15-30 minutes, taking around 40 minutes to complete the journey. The buses stop outside the Strandbahnhof (beach train station) which is the end of the railway line, and the best placed of the stations in Travemünde to access the town centre and beaches.
Latitude: 53.958964; Longitude: 10.874104
What3Words: taunted.surges.abbeys


Photo ID: 007092 Photo ID: 007094 Photo ID: 007095 Photo ID: 007166 Photo ID: 007167 Photo ID: 007171 Photo ID: 007174

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2012), and on time of last update (22/04/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alte Brücke Alte Brücke No Data


The Old Bridge is the only surviving pre-war bridge across the river in the centre of town and is now traffic free. It provides an excellent place to view the river and the walls of the castle (if you ignore the massive highway running under part of it)



Getting There

Latitude: 49.231524; Longitude: 6.993303
What3Words: pursuit.monks.picture


Photo ID: 032355 Photo ID: 032356 Photo ID: 032377 Photo ID: 032380 Photo ID: 032425 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2020), and on time of last update (18/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historisches Museum Saar Historisches Museum Saar No Data


From the outside this looks like a small museum, with just a long thin building next to the castle. Don't be deceived by outward appearances. The museum itself is mostly housed underground, including large parts of the remains of the original castle. The museum charts this history of Saarbrücken and Saarland, and in particular it's very interesting 20th century history when it kept changing hands from the German Empire to League of Nations protectorate to part of Nazi Germany to it's own independent state before finally re-joining West Germany in the late 1950s.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.229937; Longitude: 6.99166
What3Words: tropic.birds.reddish


Photo ID: 032506 Photo ID: 032508 Photo ID: 032509 Photo ID: 032511 Photo ID: 032517 Photo ID: 032522 Photo ID: 032524

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/10/2020), and on time of last update (18/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte No Data


The museum for pre- and Early history. This small museum has a number of artefacts that have been discovered around the region, with many coming from the Roman era.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.230884; Longitude: 6.991291
What3Words: layered.anyway.improves


Photo ID: 032366 Photo ID: 032370 Photo ID: 032420 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2020), and on time of last update (18/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Saarlandmuseum, Alte Sammlung Saarlandmuseum, Alte Sammlung No Data


Located on the floors above the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte this gallery houses a number of older paintings from the museums collection, as well as an exhibition space for temporary exhibits.


Included in ticket for Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte

Getting There

Latitude: 49.230867; Longitude: 6.991388
What3Words: sailed.pound.totally


Photo ID: 032370 Photo ID: 032420 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2020), and on time of last update (18/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloßkirche Schloßkirche No Data


Connected to the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte this former royal church houses a selection of sculptures and pieces of building from the museums collection.


Included in ticket for Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte

Getting There

Latitude: 49.231043; Longitude: 6.991575
What3Words: medium.ramming.stealing


Photo ID: 032360 Photo ID: 032361 Photo ID: 032362 Photo ID: 032363 Photo ID: 032364 Photo ID: 032365 Photo ID: 032426

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2020), and on time of last update (18/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloßplatz Schloßplatz No Data


Whilst the castle itself isn't really a castle - more a glorified palace come conference centre - parts of the former castle are still visible with the defensive walls, from where there are excellent views over the river and the old bridge



Getting There

Latitude: 49.230898; Longitude: 6.992502
What3Words: deflate.batches.latches


Photo ID: 032357 Photo ID: 032359 Photo ID: 032369 Photo ID: 032371 Photo ID: 032375 Photo ID: 032424 Photo ID: 032427

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2020), and on time of last update (18/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mettlach: Alter Turm Mettlach: Alter Turm No Data


Located in the grounds of the Villeroy & Boch museum this is all that remains of a former chapel that used to sit on the site. At normal times you can go inside the ground floor of the tower, but at the time of visiting the site was closed up due to the Covid-19 pandemic



Getting There

Latitude: 49.493281; Longitude: 6.593899
What3Words: keenness.sharpness.average


Photo ID: 032388 Photo ID: 032389 Photo ID: 032390 Photo ID: 032392 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2020), and on time of last update (18/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mettlach: Baumwipfelpfad Mettlach: Baumwipfelpfad No Data


Literally Treetop Walk, this is a 1.2KM pathway that leads up into the treetops before the slow ramp up a six layer tower high on the hill above the centre point of the Saarschleife. From the top level the views of the Saar Bend are spectacular, and probably the best you're going to get as you are so much higher than any of the surrounding trees or vegetation. The slope is always very gentle - to the point that it's easily accessible even to people with walkers or wheelchairs.



Getting There

From Mettlach station the 250 bus runs every hour Monday to Friday (there are also a handful of services on summer weekends) to Orscholz, get off at the stop for Orscholz Cloef. Journey time is about 10 minutes from Mettlach station. At the time of visiting the bus leaves a couple of minutes before the RB train from Saarbrücken arrives, so you need to make sure you catch the RE train, for which there is about 20 minutes to make the connection.
Latitude: 49.502003; Longitude: 6.540221
What3Words: frequencies.soonest.bumble


Photo ID: 032397 Photo ID: 032398 Photo ID: 032399 Photo ID: 032401 Photo ID: 032403 Photo ID: 032405 Photo ID: 032407

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2020), and on time of last update (18/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mettlach: Saarschleife Mettlach: Saarschleife No Data


The Saarschleife is a large loop of the river that has cut through the mountains to create a spectacular landscape. Its best experienced from high above with several viewing platforms located on the hills above the bend, along with the Baumwipfelpfad



Getting There

From Mettlach you need to walk East along the Northern bank of the river for about 5KM before you reach the bend. At the centre point of the bend a path leads steeply up the side of the cliffs to the viewpoints higher up. The climb to the top viewing point takes about another 30 minutes. Alternatively see the instructions for getting to the Baumwipfelpfad from where its a short walk downhill to the viewpoints
Latitude: 49.501696; Longitude: 6.54463
What3Words: depends.shavers.sulkily


Photo ID: 032404 Photo ID: 032411 Photo ID: 032412 Photo ID: 032413 Photo ID: 032414 Photo ID: 032416 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2020), and on time of last update (18/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Völklingen: Völklinger Hütte Völklingen: Völklinger Hütte No Data


The Ironworks in Völklingen were opened in the 19th Century and carried on working up until 1986. After the site closed it was decided that it was an important part of the history of region, with Saarland's industry being key to its development and attempts were made to retain as much of the site as possible. This ended up with the site being turned into a visitor attraction and in 1994 being added to UNESCO's World Heritage List. Today you can access a large part of the site and follow the process of turning the raw ingredients into the finished Iron. If you've got a head for heights you can even climb up to the top of the blast furnaces 45m above ground level.



Getting There

From Saarbrücken there is an hourly Regional Express (RE) train and an hourly Regional Bahn (RB) train that runs to the station in Völklingen. Journey time is 10 minutes on the Express, about 15 on the RB. From the station its a short walk down the road and under the railway bridge to the entrance to the works.
Latitude: 49.248603; Longitude: 6.844731
What3Words: moods.livers.overhanging


Photo ID: 032433 Photo ID: 032437 Photo ID: 032440 Photo ID: 032448 Photo ID: 032458 Photo ID: 032476 Photo ID: 032493

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/10/2020), and on time of last update (18/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mettlach Mettlach No Data


Located on the River Saar some 40KM North of Saarbrücken this small town has the distinction of being the headquarters of Ceramics firm Villeroy & Boch and well as being the closest location to the stunning Saarschleife.


Getting There

From Saarbrücken there is an hourly Regional Express (RE) train that runs from Mannheim to Koblenz. The train takes about 35 minutes to make the journey. There is also an hourly (although it leaves Saarbrücken only 15 minutes after the RE) Regional Bahn (RB) train that Homburg to Trier stopping at every station. This train takes about 45 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 49.492721; Longitude: 6.59127
What3Words: sings.canals.incomer


Photo ID: 032387 Photo ID: 032391 Photo ID: 032393 Photo ID: 032394 Photo ID: 032395 Photo ID: 032396 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2020), and on time of last update (18/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Frauenkirche Frauenkirche No Data


The symbol of the rebuilt Dresden. The Frauenkirche was left in ruins throughout the life of the DDR to serve as a reminder of capitalist aggression, rebuilding started in 1992 and was completed, several months early, in the middle of 2005. Today the church is the focal point of many events taking place in the city and, consequently, is only open for a few hours a day for people to look round. However, the dome of the church is open for most of the day and the views from the top are stunning


Charge to climb the dome, Donations expected to enter church

Getting There

Latitude: 51.051876; Longitude: 13.741525
What3Words: taped.atoms.info


Photo ID: 000866 Photo ID: 000867 Photo ID: 000868 Photo ID: 009654 Photo ID: 009690 Photo ID: 009705 Photo ID: 009709

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2006), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Funicular railways Funicular railways No Data


On the outskirts of the city is the Blue Wonder bridge. From here two funicular railways lead up into the hills above. One is the conventional type, the other hangs from a rail above! At the top of the Schwebebahn (the hanging one), you can visit the machine room where you are shown (in German) the machinery in action, as well as some background history. From the top of the station, there are spectacular views over the whole of the region.


Charge, combination ticket available

Getting There

From the centre of town take tram 6 or 12 to Schillerplatz, from there cross over the river. The stations are located just on the other side of the bridge. The hanging station is slightly further beyond the regular station
Latitude: 51.053585; Longitude: 13.816568
What3Words: concerts.lights.deal


Photo ID: 000865 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2006), and on time of last update (26/02/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Großer Garten Großer Garten No Data


The Großer Garten offers over two square kilometers of open space in the city centre, including park land, the city zoo, botanitcal gardens a palace and it's own small railway


Free to visit the park, charge for other attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 51.037886; Longitude: 13.762887
What3Words: shelf.refuses.soccer


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Katholische Hofkirche (Catholic Cathedral) Katholische Hofkirche (Catholic Cathedral) No Data


Overlooked by the Frauenkirche on the tourists itinery, the Cathedral has a dominant position attached to the Residenzschloß and overlooking the Augustusbrücke. Inside it's quite a plain but large church.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.053551; Longitude: 13.737589
What3Words: films.fail.liquids


Photo ID: 009703 Photo ID: 009704 Photo ID: 009715 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parkeisenbahn Parkeisenbahn No Data


The Park railway runs around a large part of the Großer Garten, offering a quick way of getting to the further flung corners, as well as a good way of seeing much of the park. A complete round trip without changing takes around 20 minutes. The railway is run by children (though with adult supervision)



Getting There

Latitude: 51.043782; Longitude: 13.753332
What3Words: sponsors.carry.doctors


Photo ID: 009675 Photo ID: 009676 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Residenzschloß: Hausmannsturm Residenzschloß: Hausmannsturm No Data


The main tower of the castle, from the viewing gallery just above the clock there are stunning views over both the Zwinger and the Frauenkirche, which are well worth the 220 odd step climb to the viewing platform


Single ticket to all attractions except the Historical Green Vault; or a stand alone ticket for just the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 51.052972; Longitude: 13.73703
What3Words: moon.mock.cutaway


Photo ID: 009712 Photo ID: 009713 Photo ID: 009715 Photo ID: 009716 Photo ID: 009717 Photo ID: 009718 Photo ID: 009719

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Residenzschloß: Historisches Grünes Gewölbe (Historical Green Vault) Residenzschloß: Historisches Grünes Gewölbe (Historical Green Vault) No Data


The Historical Green Vault contains many of the older treasures of the castle. Entrance is via timed tickets


Separate entry charge on timed ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 51.052766; Longitude: 13.736333
What3Words: twists.look.coasted


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Residenzschloß: Neues Grünes Gewölbe (New Green Vault) Residenzschloß: Neues Grünes Gewölbe (New Green Vault) No Data


The New Green Vault contains many of the more recent treasures that the palace collected.


Single ticket to all attractions except the Historical Green Vault

Getting There

Latitude: 51.052682; Longitude: 13.736295
What3Words: quieter.visa.glaze


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Residenzschloß: Rüstkammer (The Armoury) Residenzschloß: Rüstkammer (The Armoury) No Data


A bristling display of arms and armour including recreated jousting and sword fighting scenes.


Single ticket to all attractions except the Historical Green Vault

Getting There

Latitude: 51.052587; Longitude: 13.737507
What3Words: combining.monument.power


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Residenzschloß: Türckischer Kammer Residenzschloß: Türckischer Kammer No Data


The Turkish Chamber houses the palaces collection of Ottoman artifacts, including stunning arms that are beautifully crafted, as well as the fine trappings for horses and a small collection of tents


Single ticket to all attractions except the Historical Green Vault

Getting There

Latitude: 51.052513; Longitude: 13.736923
What3Words: buffoon.chips.liked


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sächsische Dampfschiffahrt Sächsische Dampfschiffahrt No Data


It's difficult to miss the companies paddle steamers, moored up on the Elbe below the walls of the fortress. Regular services sail up and down the Elbe to neighbouring towns, as well a regular 90 minute round cruises which sail up stream to the Blue Wonder then turn and come back. The tour is accompanied by a commentary in both German and English



Getting There

Latitude: 51.053744; Longitude: 13.74101
What3Words: amid.limit.carrots


Photo ID: 009691 Photo ID: 009692 Photo ID: 009693 Photo ID: 009694 Photo ID: 009695 Photo ID: 009696 Photo ID: 009697

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadtrundfahrt Dresden Stadtrundfahrt Dresden No Data


Several companies offer hop-on-hop-off tours of Dresden. The company I chose ran tours every 15 minutes during the main part of the day over a long circuit that took in much of the Altstadt before heading out to the Blue Wonder bridge and then back into town via the hills. After 6pm they revert to a shorter route through the Altstadt only, but continue running every 30 minutes until 10pm, allowing some stunning views of the city at night.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.054008; Longitude: 13.737973
What3Words: risky.actor.staked


Photo ID: 009666 Photo ID: 009667 Photo ID: 009668 Photo ID: 009669 Photo ID: 009670 Photo ID: 009672 Photo ID: 009685

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zwinger Zwinger No Data


Originally built as the orangry and exhbition gallery of the palace, today it houses a number of small museums and an art gallery. The building itself is stunning, and you can wander around the top of the building on the roof terrace to take in even better views


Free to look around the grounds and the terrace. Charge for the museums and exhibitions

Getting There

Latitude: 51.053016; Longitude: 13.733795
What3Words: accusing.grinning.match


Photo ID: 009662 Photo ID: 009671 Photo ID: 009699 Photo ID: 009700 Photo ID: 009701 Photo ID: 009702 Photo ID: 009716

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum in der Runden Ecke Museum in der Runden Ecke No Data


Housed in the former offices of the Stasi, the DDRs feared secret police, the museum tells the history of the covert surveillance or an entire population and the paranoia that gripped the government of the DDR. Exhibits include the hidden cameras and recording devices used to capture evidence, a room full of props for disguises and the bizarre glass jars containing yellow cloth swabs that had been used to record the body odour of dissidents (so they could be tracked by dogs if they ever tried to escape). The exhibition is in German, but a handy audio guide translates many of the exhibits for you.


Free, Charge for Audio Guides

Getting There

Latitude: 51.341745; Longitude: 12.369951
What3Words: gearbox.composers.paths


Photo ID: 000872 Photo ID: 011512 Photo ID: 011513 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nikolaikirch Nikolaikirch No Data


The epicentre of the peace and protest movements that eventually spelt the end of the DDR. From 1982 onwards the church was holding regular "Prayer for Peace" services, often being broken up by the Stasi. From the late spring of 1989 the crowds got larger, the protests that followed got bigger and eventually by November the tipping point had been reached and the DDR disintegrated. Inside the church the plain white painted pews and white pillars take the eye up to the stunning roof, with the pillars turning into palm fronds as they reach the ceiling.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.340317; Longitude: 12.378534
What3Words: pile.cliff.blazed


Photo ID: 011501 Photo ID: 011502 Photo ID: 011503 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Panorama Tower Panorama Tower No Data


One of the tallest buildings in the city, and from the viewing platform on the roof of the 32nd storey the views are stunning. A lift whisks you to the restaurant complex on floor 29 where you complete the journey on foot (having paid at the automatic turnstile)



Getting There

Latitude: 51.338031; Longitude: 12.378665
What3Words: hunt.modern.packages


Photo ID: 011517 Photo ID: 011519 Photo ID: 011520 Photo ID: 011521 Photo ID: 011522 Photo ID: 011523 Photo ID: 011524

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal London Bus Stadtrundfahrten Royal London Bus Stadtrundfahrten No Data


Two hop-on-hop-off routes both starting at the Hauptbahnhof take in many of the sights of the city. The red route concentrates on the city centre, whilst the green route goes out into the countryside down to the Markkleeberg lake. A live guide gives a running commentary (German only)


Charge, one or two day tickets available

Getting There

Latitude: 51.342953; Longitude: 12.381379
What3Words: tasters.oddly.whispers


Photo ID: 011515 Photo ID: 011516 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Thomaskirch Thomaskirch No Data


One of the most important churches in the city, and at one point home to Bach who was choirmaster here for a number of years. The connections are so strong that after the church he was buried in was destroyed in a WWII bombing raid his remains were reinterred in the Thomaskirch. At weekends you can take a guided tour up the church tower for views over the city centre. Inside the church there is a small exhibition on the music and instruments of Bach


Suggested Donation, charge for the tower tour

Getting There

Latitude: 51.339349; Longitude: 12.372678
What3Words: rising.phantom.lungs


Photo ID: 011494 Photo ID: 011497 Photo ID: 011505 Photo ID: 011506 Photo ID: 011507 Photo ID: 011508 Photo ID: 011509

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Völkerschlachtdenkmal Völkerschlachtdenkmal No Data


The Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the battle of nations) was built for the 100th anniversary of the 1813 Battle of Leipzig, the turning point in the Napoleonic wars where Napoleon lost his first battle. It underwent significant restoration in time for the 200th anniversary in 2013. Today you can visit all parts of the monument including the viewing platforms at 61 and 91 meters. For an additional Euro you can cheat on most of the 500+ steps to the top and take a lift to the viewing platform at 61 meters. Along with the views there is also a museum by the side of the monument, and inside the monument itself a short video about the history of the battle and the monument.



Getting There

From the centre of Leipzig take either tram line 2 (limited service) or line 15 trams to Völkerschlachtdenkmal stop, about 15 minutes from the city centre or the S-Bahn to Völkerschlachtdenkmal Bahnhof, from both the train station and the tram stop it is impossible to miss the monument!
Latitude: 51.31232; Longitude: 12.413113
What3Words: costumes.chew.loose


Photo ID: 000870 Photo ID: 000871 Photo ID: 011526 Photo ID: 011529 Photo ID: 011537 Photo ID: 011552 Photo ID: 011554

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brandenburg: Dom Brandenburg: Dom No Data


At the time of visiting the cathedral was undergoing significant restoration, so only a small part of it was open to view


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.409047; Longitude: 12.563353
What3Words: furnish.rattler.bitters


Photo ID: 011559 Photo ID: 011561 Photo ID: 011562 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brandenburg: Dommuseum Brandenburg: Dommuseum No Data


The small museum, located on the upper floor of the cathedral, holds the usual collection of religious art, vestments and religious artefacts


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.415251; Longitude: 12.566936
What3Words: samples.confirms.prop


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brandenburg Brandenburg No Data


Located on a number of islands in the Havel the city of Brandenburg is a picturesque place, with lots of traditional buildings and pleasant riverside views. The city is divided into three distinct areas, the Neustadt (new town) stretching up from the main station, the Altstadt (old town) on one of the islands and the Dominsel (Cathedral Island).


Getting There

At the time of visiting there were no direct connections between Leipzig and Brandenburg, instead you had to travel via Berlin with a 30 minute stop-over as the Leipzig train doesn't quite connect at the Hauptbahnhof. Journey time from end to end is around 3 1/2 hours. The walk from the station to the Cathedral is a pleasant, flat and well signposted 25 minutes, a couple of minutes more to the Altstadt, to get to either you pass through the Neustadt
Latitude: 52.415353; Longitude: 12.567687
What3Words: clash.grouping.boosted


Photo ID: 011556 Photo ID: 011557 Photo ID: 011558 Photo ID: 011560 Photo ID: 011563 Photo ID: 011564 Photo ID: 011566

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bastion Cleve Bastion Cleve No Data


At one point most of the city was part of one giant fortress. One small part of a single bastion has been recreated behind the cathedral, but a model on display during the day shows how large just this portion of the fortress walls were



Getting There

Latitude: 52.123435; Longitude: 11.635364
What3Words: pointed.pine.requested


Photo ID: 007664 Photo ID: 007666 Photo ID: 007679 Photo ID: 007680 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dom Dom No Data


The city cathedral, at the time of visiting undergoing substantial restoration work on the exterior, is one of the most visible sights of the city, The cathedral still retains is Cloister which provides a quiet oasis from the city.


Suggested donation, charge for taking photos

Getting There

Latitude: 52.124673; Longitude: 11.635018
What3Words: foiled.slick.leaflet


Photo ID: 007667 Photo ID: 007676 Photo ID: 007677 Photo ID: 007678 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Elbauenpark Elbauenpark No Data


Home to the BUGA horticultural festival in 1999 this site was used as a way of regenerating parts of Magdeburg. Today the site is still in use as a public park, looking a little tired in places, but in general a really nice area to walk around. Many of the attractions from the BUGA festival are still there, including the labyrinth, the viewing hill (created from a former landfill mound) the Millennial Tower and the Panoramabahn monorail.


Charge. Ticket gives you entry to the Millennium tower. After 6pm and on Monday when most of the attractions are closed you can get a heavily discounted ticket (€1 versus €3.50 when I visited)

Getting There

From the centre of town trams 5 and 6 run to the Elbauenpark/Messe stop (tram 5 terminates here on most journeys)
Latitude: 52.136912; Longitude: 11.671193
What3Words: bedding.sharp.carrots


Photo ID: 007662 Photo ID: 007663 Photo ID: 007702 Photo ID: 007706 Photo ID: 007707 Photo ID: 007709 Photo ID: 007710

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fürstenwall Fürstenwall No Data


Running behind the cathedral and overlooking the Elbe the fortress wall gives an idea as to how impressive the city must have looked when it was walled in.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.124655; Longitude: 11.63706
What3Words: king.suckle.pockets


Photo ID: 007681 Photo ID: 007682 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Johanneskirche Johanneskirche No Data


Located in a restored church the Johanneskirche is an arts venue which has also made use of one of the former towers as a viewing platform. You can climb the 270+ steps to the top for excellent views over the city, including of the Cathedral and Elbauenpark.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.130806; Longitude: 11.641082
What3Words: infuses.solving.village


Photo ID: 007683 Photo ID: 007714 Photo ID: 007715 Photo ID: 007716 Photo ID: 007717 Photo ID: 007718 Photo ID: 007719

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stendal Stendal No Data


Stendal is the main town of the Altmark, one of the least densely populated parts of Germany. The city has many fine churches and museums (unfortunately, due to visiting on a Monday all of these were closed)


Getting There

From Magdeburg there are hourly trains direct to Stendal, taking around 50 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 52.605098; Longitude: 11.859312
What3Words: mugs.snipped.reform


Photo ID: 007698 Photo ID: 007699 Photo ID: 007700 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tangermünde Tangermünde No Data


Once the summer residence of Charles IV, this small town at the point where the Tanger empties into the Elbe still retains most of its city walls and gates and gives a very picturesque reminder on how this part of Germany once was.


Getting There

From Magdeburg there are hourly trains direct to Stendal, taking around 50 minutes to make the journey. These connect with the hourly train that goes onto Tangermünde, taking another 12 minutes.
Latitude: 52.540808; Longitude: 11.970699
What3Words: zoom.tottered.barons


Photo ID: 007684 Photo ID: 007685 Photo ID: 007686 Photo ID: 007687 Photo ID: 007688 Photo ID: 007689 Photo ID: 007695

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alte Synagogue Alte Synagogue No Data


According to their information this is the Oldest surviving Synagogue in Central Europe. It was at the heart of the Jewish community until a pogrom in the 14th century. It was then used as a store house for 500 years and finally as a dancehall. It was only at the start of the 21st century that it's original use was rediscovered and it was restored to close to how it would have looked in its heyday in the early 1300's



Getting There

Latitude: 50.978757; Longitude: 11.029284
What3Words: fairway.scrum.rash


Photo ID: 007778 Photo ID: 007779 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Barfüßerkirche Barfüßerkirche No Data


Just the shell and tower of the church remains following bombing in 1944 which destroyed the rest of the building. It's quite a eerie sight to see what clearly isn't a church, but from a distance looks exactly like one.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.975514; Longitude: 11.030268
What3Words: arrival.nest.second


Photo ID: 007770 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cyriaksburg Cyriaksburg No Data


The main building of the former fortress has been converted into a museum of gardening with the former moat being turned into greenhouses for the Egapark to bring on the plants it uses. One of the former bastion towers has been converted into an observatory and the other tower has been turned into a small exhibition on the history of the site and, from it's roof, a viewing platform for stunning views over the city.


Tickets are sold as part of the Egapark

Getting There

Latitude: 50.967613; Longitude: 11.007748
What3Words: about.help.frocks


Photo ID: 007740 Photo ID: 007741 Photo ID: 007742 Photo ID: 007743 Photo ID: 007744 Photo ID: 007745 Photo ID: 007747

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dom Dom No Data


The cathedral, along with the next door church of St Severus dominate the city centre. Unusually they are located on a ridge overlooking the city centre, which helps to make them look all the bigger. The cathedral is quite a dark church inside with heavy stained glass windows and lots of old dark wood in the choir stalls.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 50.975778; Longitude: 11.02309
What3Words: files.hobbies.charcoal


Photo ID: 007723 Photo ID: 007724 Photo ID: 007725 Photo ID: 007754 Photo ID: 007789 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Egapark Egapark No Data


Located on the edge of town the park has been built around the former fortress of Cyriaksburg and has a large number of gardens you can wander through, along with greenhouses and a small aviary. The attractions of the Cyriaksburg are also included


Charge, ticket includes entry to all the greenhouses and the museums in the Cyriaksburg. When the museums are closed a reduced price ticket is available (about 1/3 of the standard ticket)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.96413; Longitude: 10.998114
What3Words: saying.outraged.occurs


Photo ID: 007733 Photo ID: 007735 Photo ID: 007746 Photo ID: 007749 Photo ID: 007750 Photo ID: 007751 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Krämerbrücke Krämerbrücke No Data


It styles itself as the only bridge that is covered with inhabited buildings north of the Alps. The bridge has an interesting collection of shops and small café's which you can easily while away the time visiting.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.978737; Longitude: 11.030864
What3Words: sandwich.clown.exposes


Photo ID: 007726 Photo ID: 007728 Photo ID: 007732 Photo ID: 007771 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Krämerbrücke Turm Krämerbrücke Turm No Data


Located at the end of the bridge, and forming part of the bridge entryway the small Methodist chapel's tower can be climbed for stunning views over the bridge, surrounding area and to get the full impact of the size of the cathedral complex.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.978838; Longitude: 11.031775
What3Words: will.invented.intelligible


Photo ID: 007727 Photo ID: 007728 Photo ID: 007729 Photo ID: 007730 Photo ID: 007731 Photo ID: 007732 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Michaeliskirche Michaeliskirche No Data


The church was the university chapel, but it is also where dissidents used to gather in those final few months that lead up to the collapse of communism and the end of the DDR.


Suggested Donation, Charge to take photos

Getting There

Latitude: 50.979333; Longitude: 11.028214
What3Words: mixture.warnings.keen


Photo ID: 007777 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Predigerkirche Predigerkirche No Data


The Predigerkirch, located near the Bafüßerkirche has a beautiful interior including choir stalls behind a masonry rood screen.


Suggested Donation, Charge to take photos

Getting There

Latitude: 50.976494; Longitude: 11.028782
What3Words: dove.soup.weedy


Photo ID: 007775 Photo ID: 007776 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Severus Church St. Severus Church No Data


Located across a small courtyard from the cathedral, St Severus is a lighter and smaller church inside.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 50.976089; Longitude: 11.022463
What3Words: casino.crusher.defended


Photo ID: 007721 Photo ID: 007754 Photo ID: 007789 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadt Museum Stadt Museum No Data


The city museum, located in the Hauz zum Stockfisch has exhibits on the history of Erfurt from it's founding through until the fall of communism and the end of the DDR. A good introductory film in the basement (German only) shows how the city grew and changed over the years



Getting There

Latitude: 50.979507; Longitude: 11.034847
What3Words: jaws.stressed.darkest


Photo ID: 007772 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zitadelle Petersberg Zitadelle Petersberg No Data


The Citadel looms over the city, overshadowing even the cathedral. The massive bastion walls looking like cliff faces in places. After a stiff climb to the top there are stunning views to be had over the city, including some of the best views of the cathedral. There is a small information centre at the top where you can organised (paid for) guided tours



Getting There

Latitude: 50.978071; Longitude: 11.019807
What3Words: waitress.dawn.journals


Photo ID: 007760 Photo ID: 007761 Photo ID: 007762 Photo ID: 007767 Photo ID: 007769 Photo ID: 007783 Photo ID: 007785

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral Alexander Nevsky Cathedral No Data


A very impressive and ornate Russian Orthodox cathedral on the top of Toompea hill



Getting There

Latitude: 59.435728; Longitude: 24.739376
What3Words: enhanced.beast.observes


Photo ID: 001161 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Museum City Museum No Data


This museum tells the history of the development of Tallinn from its founding through until the present day. The top floor of the exhibition focuses on, naturally, the period 1939-1991 when the country was occupied by the Soviets, then the Nazis then the Soviets again!


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.438688; Longitude: 24.748212
What3Words: melon.plus.uniform


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Wall City Wall No Data


A small section of wall that runs between three towers still has the original walk ways in place that you can wander along for views of the city


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.437515; Longitude: 24.737928
What3Words: clever.owns.sizzled


Photo ID: 001166 Photo ID: 001167 Photo ID: 001168 Photo ID: 001191 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dominican monastery Dominican monastery No Data


From the outside all you can see is a pretty standard looking small church in good repair, but this forms just one side of an inner courtyard, the remainder being made up of the remains of the monastery. One museum lets you look around the courtyard and ground floor level, another, for an additional entrance fee, the first floor of one of the buildings.


Charge for each museum, both free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.438202; Longitude: 24.747627
What3Words: warbler.cobras.articulated


Photo ID: 001184 Photo ID: 001185 Photo ID: 001186 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Funky Bike Tour Funky Bike Tour No Data


The tour covers about 15-20KM mostly around the North West of the old town, taking in the old prison, a detour to the only submarine in Estonia (additional charge) and the flea market near the station before ending up back in the old town.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.436227; Longitude: 24.744247
What3Words: rainy.asset.bedrooms


Photo ID: 001194 Photo ID: 001195 Photo ID: 001196 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kiek in de Kök Kiek in de Kök No Data


One of the surviving towers of the city walls which houses a museum telling some of the history of Tallinn


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.434711; Longitude: 24.741254
What3Words: bottled.soldiers.light


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum Maritime Museum No Data


The museum houses the usual exhibitions of model ships and details about Estonia's sailing past. The most impressive part of the museum is actually the roof from where you get stunning views over the city.


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.442588; Longitude: 24.749601
What3Words: spurned.weeded.jars


Photo ID: 001169 Photo ID: 001171 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum: Lembit Maritime Museum: Lembit No Data


The only remaining submarine in Estonia, now a museum piece which you can look around


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.453168; Longitude: 24.737048
What3Words: awoken.daily.mule


Photo ID: 001194 Photo ID: 001195 Photo ID: 001196 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Miini muuseum Miini muuseum No Data


Museum housing a display of the mines which have been dredged up (or carefully brought up in some cases) off the coast of Estonia, many used to form a barrier between Finland, Estonia and Russia over the last 100 years or so


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.441944; Longitude: 24.74988
What3Words: pirate.internal.mulled


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Occupation museum Occupation museum No Data


This museum tells the history of Estonia during it's occupation, first by the Nazi's and then by the USSR up to 21st August 1991 when, with an attempted coup going on in Moscow, it gained its independence once again.


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.432673; Longitude: 24.739419
What3Words: salt.mocking.blankets


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Olaf's Church St Olaf's Church No Data


Once it's spire made it the tallest building in Europe. Today the top 30m or so of the spire have gone, and it’s been eclipsed by a lot of other buildings, but it's still impressive, as are the views from the top of it tower (after an interesting climb up the narrow and crumbling spiral staircase inside where you regularly meet people going in the opposite direction!


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.441333; Longitude: 24.747841
What3Words: entry.chief.inkjet


Photo ID: 001172 Photo ID: 001190 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tallinn City Tour Tallinn City Tour No Data


Three different tours taking in most of the sights of Tallinn from the city centre out to the Zoo and folk park in the West and the TV Tower in the East


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.437602; Longitude: 24.753233
What3Words: stardom.hung.fruity


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tallinn open top Tours Tallinn open top Tours No Data


Hourly tours taking in the city centre and the sea-front



Getting There

Latitude: 59.437717; Longitude: 24.753281
What3Words: ripples.puddles.stereos


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Hall Cellar Town Hall Cellar No Data


The cellar is open as a museum on the history of the original building of the town hall, the next floors up are those used for public functions, and finally the attic has a display on the renovation.


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.43704; Longitude: 24.745256
What3Words: widgets.mute.cycled


Photo ID: 001162 Photo ID: 001163 Photo ID: 001180 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Hall Tower Town Hall Tower No Data


The tower of the Town hall which offers views over the city centre


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.436953; Longitude: 24.745653
What3Words: panthers.puzzled.deduced


Photo ID: 001180 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens No Data


The gardens cover a large area, but, as was quite obvious from the TV tower, are mostly landscaped open spaces (given that the place spends quite a lot of the time under snow it’s hardly surprising). In the centre of the gardens are the greenhouses which all radiate off a new palmhouse in the centre


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Bus 34a runs from the city centre to the base of the TV tower regularly
Latitude: 59.469839; Longitude: 24.878089
What3Words: delimit.symptom.imperious


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Bridget's Convent St Bridget's Convent No Data


The ruins of the Convent. The shell of the main building has survived almost intact with just the roof, windows and the entire inside missing! The rest of the site is mostly foundations.


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Bus 34a runs from the city centre to the base of the TV tower regularly
Latitude: 59.46653; Longitude: 24.836038
What3Words: memory.polished.jeering


Photo ID: 001176 Photo ID: 001177 Photo ID: 001178 Photo ID: 001179 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

TV Tower TV Tower No Data


From it’s viewing platform at 170m odd the views are stunning, with, on what was a very clear afternoon, the southern coast of Finland just visible in the distance


Charge, Free with a Tallinn card

Getting There

Several bus routes run from the city centre to the Pirita harbour stop by St Bridget's
Latitude: 59.471207; Longitude: 24.88752
What3Words: deriving.soothingly.riotous


Photo ID: 001173 Photo ID: 001173 Photo ID: 001174 Photo ID: 001175 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pirita Pirita No Data


A northern suburb of Tallinn, which was home to the sailing events of the 1980 Moscow olympics.


Getting There

Several bus routes run from the city centre to the Pirita harbour stop by St Bridget's
Latitude: 59.466972; Longitude: 24.83305
What3Words: wishes.assume.steamed


Photo ID: 001181 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Gaol City Gaol No Data


Recreation of life in the city Gaol throughout its operational period. Well presented audio tour walks you round the gaol viewing living conditions and sentence's


Charge. Joint ticket with the RTE radio exhibition available

Getting There

Latitude: 51.899509; Longitude: -8.499019
What3Words: sits.level.pass


Photo ID: 000122 Photo ID: pm0308 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cork Butter Museum Cork Butter Museum No Data


An interesting small exhibition that takes you through the history of butter production and marketing in Cork. The exhibition concludes with a short film about the changes in the butter industry in Ireland (read PR marketing video for Kerrygold products!)


Charge. Joint ticket with St. Ann's Shandon

Getting There

Latitude: 51.902544; Longitude: -8.476413
What3Words: wider.soak.trade


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cork Vision Centre Cork Vision Centre No Data


Set in a converted church this tells the story of Cork. A video presentation talks about the creation and formation of the city and a large model of the whole of the valley of the Lee from the port at Cobh through the city and out the other side again. In addition there are regular displays of other exhibitions



Getting There

Latitude: 51.899631; Longitude: -8.478667
What3Words: times.tribune.draw


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Literary Tour of Cork Literary Tour of Cork No Data


A well presented and interesting tour of Cork's literary past. Looking at where all the important literary figures of Cork's past have lived or worked. The tour concludes with a free pint of Beamish (The local brew) in a pub opposite the brewery



Getting There

Latitude: 51.896801; Longitude: -8.471779
What3Words: slide.knee.crops


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

RTE Radio Exhibition RTE Radio Exhibition No Data


When RTE (Radio Telefís Éireann) radio started in Cork they used the old Gaol as their studios and part of the jail now is a museum to the history and background to RTE in Cork


Charge. Joint ticket with City Gaol available

Getting There

Latitude: 51.899561; Longitude: -8.49867
What3Words: news.friday.galaxy


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Ann's Shandon St. Ann's Shandon No Data


One of the most spectacular churches in Cork. Built out of two types of stone to give two red and two grey sides it is noticeable from across the city. You can climb the tower to the top to get stunning views of the whole of the city. Partway up you can also ring the famous Shandon bells


Charge. Joint ticket with Cork Butter Museum available

Getting There

Latitude: 51.903232; Longitude: -8.476151
What3Words: bossy.hunter.tinsel


Photo ID: 000123 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Fin Barres Cathedral St. Fin Barres Cathedral No Data


This small and compact cathedral is well worth a visit.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.894331; Longitude: -8.480662
What3Words: regime.keen.stands


Photo ID: 000120 Photo ID: 000124 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blarney: Castle Blarney: Castle No Data


Blarney castle is vaguely disappointing after all the hype. It is quite expensive to get in and then there are lot's of extras if you want the full experience (photo of you kissing the blarney stone €8.50, certificate €2.50). The castle itself lacks signage other than a title for each area and the dungeons and caves are not lit and there is no obvious place where you can get a torch to view the them. The grounds are interesting but again lack signage. Having said that the experience of kissing the Blarney stone is interesting. With only one person hanging onto your chest and legs you are lowered head first over the side of the castle to kiss a stone hanging some way out over a big drop!!


Charge to get in. Charge if you want a photo of you kissing the stone. Charge for a certificate

Getting There

Buses run from the bus station in Cork to Blarney. Most services run to Blarney though some run on further. The journey takes just under 30 minutes and buses are about every hour.
Latitude: 51.929117; Longitude: -8.570623
What3Words: smoker.budding.doped


Photo ID: 000125 Photo ID: 000126 Photo ID: 000127 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cashel: Brú Ború Cashel: Brú Ború No Data


This museum is dedicated to Irish culture in particular through Irish music and dance



Getting There

Latitude: 52.521169; Longitude: -7.888248
What3Words: arrangement.modes.almonds


Photo ID: 003953 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cashel: Hore Abbey Cashel: Hore Abbey No Data


The ruins of an abbey built at the base of the rock



Getting There

Latitude: 52.517788; Longitude: -7.899234
What3Words: negligible.falls.somewhere


Photo ID: 003934 Photo ID: 003936 Photo ID: 003942 Photo ID: 003943 Photo ID: 003944 Photo ID: 003945 Photo ID: 003946

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cashel: Rock of Cashel Cashel: Rock of Cashel No Data


One of the most important holy sites in Ireland. The ruins include a Round Tower, remains of a chapel which includes some of the oldest frescos found in Ireland, and a major Cathedral



Getting There

Latitude: 52.520334; Longitude: -7.889857
What3Words: adjective.mime.quickest


Photo ID: 003929 Photo ID: 003930 Photo ID: 003931 Photo ID: 003933 Photo ID: 003935 Photo ID: 003937 Photo ID: 003939

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cashel: St Dominica's Friary Cashel: St Dominica's Friary No Data


The ruins of a Priory located near the rock



Getting There

Latitude: 52.517566; Longitude: -7.888269
What3Words: wriggles.morally.brotherhood


Photo ID: 003927 Photo ID: 003928 Photo ID: 003932 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cobh: Queenstown Story Cobh: Queenstown Story No Data


An audio visual presentation giving the history of emigration from the port. Nearly half of all the people who emigrated from Ireland did so from Cobh and the exhibition show you what the conditions they would have travelled in would have been like. Set in the old railway station the exhibition also includes a small display on the railway in County Cork



Getting There

Latitude: 51.848902; Longitude: -8.298937
What3Words: pavement.casually.lobbed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cobh: Titanic Trail Cobh: Titanic Trail No Data


A well presented and very interesting tour or Cobh. The tour relates the part Cobh has played in two of the biggest disasters of the 20th century the sinking of the Titanic, whose last stop before it set off for it's fate in the Atlantic was Cobh, and the Lucitania which was torpedoed by the Germans during WW1 off the coast of Cobh. The tour mostly concentrates on the Titanic and shows you where the last passengers to join would have queued before boarding. The tour includes a stop in a pub for a complementary half of Guinness before finishing in the Titanic Bar the site of the former White Star line boarding stage where the Titanic's passengers left from and has now been redecorated to resemble one of the restaurants on the ill fated liner



Getting There

Latitude: 51.849949; Longitude: -8.294764
What3Words: tablets.chief.remove


Photo ID: 000133 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cobh: Tour of Harbour Cobh: Tour of Harbour No Data


Tour of Harbour



Getting There

Latitude: 51.849684; Longitude: -8.292768
What3Words: required.rash.infuses


Photo ID: 000134 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinsale: Desmond Castle & Wine Museum Kinsale: Desmond Castle & Wine Museum No Data


The repaired remains of Desmond castle give a guide to its use as a prison and prisoner or war camp as well as an insight into the living conditions of when it was first occupied. The small wine museum explains the relationship between the town of Kinsale and Wine



Getting There

Latitude: 51.707267; Longitude: -8.524554
What3Words: fridge.windsurf.joyfully


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinsale: Historic walk of Kinsale Kinsale: Historic walk of Kinsale No Data


This interesting walk takes you round Kinsale and tells you the history and importance of the town and why Kinsale could well be the reason this web site is in English and not Spanish. Presented by a friendly and knowledgeable guide this is the best possible introduction to the town



Getting There

Latitude: 51.706196; Longitude: -8.524742
What3Words: delightful.intellectually.introduces


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinsale: Museum Kinsale: Museum No Data


The small museum has an interesting and broad ranging collection of artefacts from Kinsale's history.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.706279; Longitude: -8.524634
What3Words: trends.feud.masses


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinsale: Road Runners Bus Tour Kinsale: Road Runners Bus Tour No Data


This 90 minute tour of Kinsale and the surrounding area gives the opportunity for spectacular views of this pretty town. The tour also takes in the small village of Ballenspittle where a miracle is claimed to have taken place in the 1980's. The tour also includes the Garratstown beach, the Old Head of Kinsale and the Charles Fort



Getting There

Latitude: 51.706176; Longitude: -8.525096
What3Words: sisters.correcting.marble


Photo ID: 000129 Photo ID: 000130 Photo ID: 000131 Photo ID: 000132 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Midleton: Old Midleton Distillery Midleton: Old Midleton Distillery No Data


Until the opening of the new distillery next door in 1987 this was where virtually all Irish whisky was produced. The tour of the original distillery is very interesting (if not slightly a marketing campaign by Irish Distillers). The tour ends with a free sample of Jameson's or if you are lucky enough to be picked as a volunteer a tasting of several whiskeys.



Getting There

Buses leave from the bus station in Cork to Midleton. Most buses terminate in Midleton but some continue on. The buses are roughly every hour and take about 35 minutes. Alternatively you can catch the train from Cork Kent station to Midleton and walk from the station, trains are roughly every hour and take just over 20 minutes.
Latitude: 51.913819; Longitude: -8.167992
What3Words: blazers.retrieves.swum


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cashel Cashel No Data


Cashel is home to one of Irelands most important holy sites, the Rock of Cashel. The town also hosts lots of other ruins of churches and abbeys as well as a museum dedicated to Irish dance, music and culture.


Getting There

The Cork to Dublin bus stops in Cashel, the journey takes just under two hours.
Latitude: 52.515594; Longitude: -7.891102
What3Words: revivals.roadsides.videos


Photo ID: 003926 Photo ID: 003954 Photo ID: 003955 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cobh Cobh No Data


At the mouth of the Lee, Cobh is the main port area of Cork. The last stop before the Titanic set sail for the Atlantic and home of the Irish navy


Getting There

Trains run from the railway station (Cork (Kent)) to Cobh, the end of the line. Services run approximately every hour and take about 30 minutes.
Latitude: 51.849831; Longitude: -8.294384
What3Words: abacus.sofa.live


Photo ID: 000134 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinsale Kinsale No Data


Picturesque harbour town about 45 minutes from Cork.


Getting There

Buses leave from the bus station in Cork to Kinsale via the Airport. Most buses terminate in Kinsale though one or two carry on to Garretstown beach. The buses run at just over hourly intervals and the journey takes about 45 minutes.
Latitude: 51.70644; Longitude: -8.523302
What3Words: underarms.unseen.paddocks


Photo ID: 000128 Photo ID: 000129 Photo ID: 000130 Photo ID: 000131 Photo ID: 000132 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2002), and on time of last update (20/08/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dublin Castle Dublin Castle No Data


The seat of English power over Ireland for more than 700 years, today Dublin castle is still used for state functions, but when it is not being used it is open for tours. The tours take you around most of the state rooms, and end in the base of what used to be the powder tower showing the archaeological remains of the former medieval castle as well as some Viking remains and the river puddle, diverted under the castle when it was rebuilt, but originally part of the moat



Getting There

Latitude: 53.343327; Longitude: -6.26682
What3Words: dips.discrepancy.badge


Photo ID: 002586 Photo ID: 002587 Photo ID: 002588 Photo ID: 002589 Photo ID: 002618 Photo ID: 002622 Photo ID: 002626

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/04/2008), and on time of last update (12/04/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dublin Ghost Bus Tour Dublin Ghost Bus Tour No Data


An enjoyable and interesting tour of some of the more haunted sights of Dublin. Board the ghost bus to be transported to the Spooky side of Dublin



Getting There

Latitude: 53.351253; Longitude: -6.260737
What3Words: vision.inform.souk


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2001), and on time of last update (23/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dublinia Dublinia No Data


Exhibition looking at the history of Dublin, well worth a visit. There is then a direct link into Christ Church Cathedral



Getting There

Latitude: 53.343199; Longitude: -6.272153
What3Words: burst.cost.buzz


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2001), and on time of last update (23/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guinness Storehouse Guinness Storehouse No Data


Located in the middle of the Guinness factory this museum, rising from the complex in the shape and colour of a pint of Guinness, is an interesting insight into the processes that go into producing the famous drink. The museum also looks at the marketing



Getting There

Latitude: 53.34193; Longitude: -6.286798
What3Words: pool.issued.soda


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2001), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jamesons Chimney Jamesons Chimney No Data


One of the old chimneys from the distillery still exists and now serves as an excellent vantage point for views over the city



Getting There

Latitude: 53.348451; Longitude: -6.277844
What3Words: woes.dress.lives


Photo ID: 000034 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2001), and on time of last update (23/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kilmainham Jail Kilmainham Jail No Data


The Jail is only viewable by going on one of the guided tours, but are well worth waiting for as it gives a very moving insight into the state of conditions that prisoners where held in right up until the countries independence in the 1920's. The tour inc



Getting There

Latitude: 53.341693; Longitude: -6.309532
What3Words: fight.link.grows


Photo ID: 000410 Photo ID: 000411 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musical Pub Crawl Musical Pub Crawl No Data


Music and pubs go together in Ireland and this musical pub crawl is well worth going on for an enjoyable evening



Getting There

Latitude: 53.345476; Longitude: -6.264176
What3Words: this.losses.venue


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2001), and on time of last update (23/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Jamesons Distillery Old Jamesons Distillery No Data


Located in the site of the Old Jamesons Distillery is a museum to Irish Whisky and its production. The tour of the museum from a guide lasts approximately 1 hour and takes you through all the processes involved in the production of Irish Whisky. It could



Getting There

Latitude: 53.348121; Longitude: -6.277447
What3Words: duty.worker.pets


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2001), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Phoenix Park Phoenix Park No Data


A massive park, with a small formal garden at the entrance and lots of space to wander around in. Busy with joggers and cyclists, it's a lovely place on a warm spring evening



Getting There

Latitude: 53.360144; Longitude: -6.325808
What3Words: trend.crop.soil


Photo ID: 000038 Photo ID: 002604 Photo ID: 002605 Photo ID: 002606 Photo ID: 002607 Photo ID: 002608 Photo ID: 002613

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2008), and on time of last update (12/04/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trinity College Trinity College No Data


Contains the Dublin Experience and audio visual guide through the history of Ireland, The Book of Kells and the Long Library.


Separate entry charges for the Dublin Experience and the Book of Kells/Library

Getting There

Latitude: 53.34448; Longitude: -6.258559
What3Words: violin.bridge.smile


Photo ID: 000032 Photo ID: 000033 Photo ID: 002567 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2001), and on time of last update (23/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wax Works Museum Wax Works Museum No Data


An interesting display charting the history and famous people of Ireland



Getting There

Latitude: 53.34895; Longitude: -6.277785
What3Words: text.behave.path


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2001), and on time of last update (23/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dalkey: Goat Castle Dalkey: Goat Castle No Data


Goat castle contains an exhibition on the rise, and subsequent decline of Dalkey from a powerful port town to a quiet suburb of Dublin. The castle also offers good views from it's roof over the town and harbour.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.278019; Longitude: -6.105807
What3Words: plodding.campground.billowing


Photo ID: 000412 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Howth Peninsular Howth Peninsular No Data


Howth forms a peninsula just above Dublin and from the summit of the peninsula there are spectacular views over the city and down the East coast of Ireland.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.380641; Longitude: -6.051407
What3Words: grudgingly.boomerang.freeing


Photo ID: 000405 Photo ID: 000406 Photo ID: 000407 Photo ID: 000408 Photo ID: 000409 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Malahide Castle Malahide Castle No Data


Home of the Talbots from their arrival in Ireland in the 13th Century until nearly the end of the 20th, today it is owned by Dublin city council and is open for tours. You start the tour in room over the entrance on the first floor, and then pre-recorded commentary guides you around the building



Getting There

There are regular trains from Connolly station to Malahide, from where it’s a 20 minute walk to the castle front doors. The train takes about 10-15 minutes
Latitude: 53.444769; Longitude: -6.162643
What3Words: dabble.enable.spoils


Photo ID: 002616 Photo ID: 002617 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/04/2008), and on time of last update (12/04/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newgrange Newgrange No Data


A Neolithic passage grave, massive in it's construction and decoration. Today you can only access it by a guided tour from the visitors centre. The tours last about 25 minutes. You can also look around an exhibition on the graves, their significance and the importance of the winter solstice, at the visitors centre



Getting There

Getting to Newgrange is only possible from Drogheda where there is an hourly bus. To get to Drogheda you need to catch the half hourly train from Connolly station in Dublin (journey time is about 60 minutes to Drogheda, and another 20 minutes onto Newgrange). Alternatively, many companies run sight-seeing tours, or mini-bus services to the site
Latitude: 53.694674; Longitude: -6.47541
What3Words: granite.servicing.slurping


Photo ID: 002576 Photo ID: 002578 Photo ID: 002579 Photo ID: 002580 Photo ID: 002581 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/04/2008), and on time of last update (12/04/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newgrange Tour Newgrange Tour No Data


This tour takes in both Newgrange and the remains of an old monastic site at Monasterboice. The tours is well presented by knowledgeable guides, and is run by mini-bus so you are not in a massive group



Getting There

Latitude: 53.343557; Longitude: -6.261134
What3Words: prove.shock.awards


Photo ID: 002577 Photo ID: 002582 Photo ID: 002583 Photo ID: 002584 Photo ID: 002585 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/04/2008), and on time of last update (12/04/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wicklow Mountains, Valleys and Lakes Tour Wicklow Mountains, Valleys and Lakes Tour No Data


The tour heads south from the city centre to take in the Mountains of Wicklow and then down to the monastic site of Glendalough, before stopping at the Avoca hand-weavers.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.352152; Longitude: -6.261123
What3Words: quick.mock.powers


Photo ID: 002591 Photo ID: 002596 Photo ID: 002597 Photo ID: 002598 Photo ID: 002599 Photo ID: 002600 Photo ID: 002602

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2008), and on time of last update (12/04/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bray Bray No Data


Bray, at the southern end of the DART lines from the city centre is a traditional sea-side resort for Dublin with stunning views across the Dublin Bay.


Getting There

There are regular DART trains from the city centre to Bray, taking about 40 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 53.204418; Longitude: -6.109185
What3Words: tiling.mimes.attends


Photo ID: 003961 Photo ID: 003962 Photo ID: 003964 Photo ID: 003966 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2010), and on time of last update (08/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dalkey Dalkey No Data


Located almost due south of the Howth Peninsular the town is most famous for the number of castles it had. Until the building of Dún Laoghaire harbour slightly closer into Dublin the town was the main port for Dublin and so had to have protection for good


Getting There

DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transport) Trains run regularly from the centre of Dublin to Dalkey
Latitude: 53.279133; Longitude: -6.105698
What3Words: voluptuous.super.pose


Photo ID: 000412 Photo ID: 000413 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Howth Howth No Data


Suburb of Dublin on a Peninsular just north of the city


Getting There

DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transport) Trains run regularly from the centre of Dublin to Howth (end of the line.) Dublin Bus service 31 runs from the City centre to Howth (service 31B runs via the summit of the peninsular if you want to save the walk!)
Latitude: 53.38685; Longitude: -6.068042
What3Words: standard.curfew.tolerable


Photo ID: 000405 Photo ID: 000406 Photo ID: 000407 Photo ID: 000408 Photo ID: 000409 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Do Dublin Tour: City Loop Do Dublin Tour: City Loop No Data


Hop-on-hop-off open-top bus tour of Dublin, run by the city's bus company. This tour does a loop around the city centre taking in the main sights including Trinity College, Temple Bar, the Cathedrals and the Guinness Brewery. The bus drivers provide a running commentary during the tour



Getting There

Latitude: 53.352222; Longitude: -6.259679
What3Words: forest.loudly.drape


Photo ID: 018745 Photo ID: 018746 Photo ID: 018747 Photo ID: 018748 Photo ID: 018749 Photo ID: 018750 Photo ID: 018751

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2017), and on time of last update (04/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Do Dublin Tour: Docklands Loop Do Dublin Tour: Docklands Loop No Data


Hop-on-hop-off open-top bus tour of Dublin, run by the city's bus company. This tour covers the Docklands area which is being rapidly developed. The bus drivers provide a running commentary during the tour



Getting There

Latitude: 53.35061; Longitude: -6.260799
What3Words: pull.tried.hammer


Photo ID: 018736 Photo ID: 018740 Photo ID: 018741 Photo ID: 018742 Photo ID: 018743 Photo ID: 018744 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2017), and on time of last update (04/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Epic Ireland Epic Ireland No Data


This museum tells the history of the Irish people and the impact on emigration on the island of Ireland. The museum also focuses on the Irish contribution to the Sciences and Arts.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.348224; Longitude: -6.248031
What3Words: rested.forest.picked


Photo ID: 018756 Photo ID: 018757 Photo ID: 018758 Photo ID: 018759 Photo ID: 018760 Photo ID: 018761 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2017), and on time of last update (04/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

GPO Witness History GPO Witness History No Data


Located in the basement of the GPO - the centre of the Easter uprising of 1916 - this museum tells the history of the rising and the building from the tensions building up through the latter part of the 19th century through to the rising itself and the aftermath. The museum also tells a little bit of the history of the Irish Post service following independence and the role of the building after it was rebuilt



Getting There

Latitude: 53.349524; Longitude: -6.260555
What3Words: cried.hero.ocean


Photo ID: 018738 Photo ID: 018765 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2017), and on time of last update (04/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The modern cathedral sits on the site of the former prison on an island between the river and canals of Galway. Inside it has quite a dark interior, but punctuated by large stained glass windows, and a bright mosaic covered dome.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.275261; Longitude: -9.057477
What3Words: retain.bravo.fight


Photo ID: 003862 Photo ID: 003863 Photo ID: 003864 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Galway City Museum Galway City Museum No Data


The museum has a collection of artefacts about the history of Galway (both the city and the county) including information on life in the past and examples of the small boats used around this part of the coast.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.269836; Longitude: -9.053518
What3Words: rotate.stack.crazy


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Galway Sight Seeing Tour Galway Sight Seeing Tour No Data


An open-top bus tour that runs around the centre of the city and out to Salthill



Getting There

Latitude: 53.275056; Longitude: -9.046426
What3Words: remote.powder.this


Photo ID: 003854 Photo ID: 003856 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lough Corrib Cruise Lough Corrib Cruise No Data


From the Salmon Weir the boat sails up the river to where it starts at the end of Lough Corrib, it then goes out for about a mile into the Lough before turning round and coming back. Along the way the captain points out key sights.


Getting There

Latitude: 53.278751; Longitude: -9.054354
What3Words: penny.scar.humans


Photo ID: 003857 Photo ID: 003858 Photo ID: 003859 Photo ID: 003860 Photo ID: 003861 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Galway Tour Old Galway Tour No Data


An open-top bus tour that runs around the centre of the city and out to Salthill. Unlike other tours this tour goes out of the city centre and up to one of the high points outside of the city for views of the city and bay.


Getting There

Latitude: 53.27519; Longitude: -9.046093
What3Words: grades.stuck.packet


Photo ID: 003854 Photo ID: 003855 Photo ID: 003856 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Connemara Tour Connemara Tour No Data


Several companies offer tours of Connemara, most taking the same route, I chose the one company that goes a different way, using smaller coaches they are able to get up into the hills through the little windy lanes that larger coaches wouldn't be able to cope with. The tour stops at the village of Cong, which was used in the filming of "The Quiet Man". All the tours make their main stop at Kylemore Abbey to look around the grounds and gardens, but the scenery of Connemara is the real draw



Getting There

Latitude: 53.275145; Longitude: -9.045364
What3Words: cubs.care.pays


Photo ID: 003876 Photo ID: 003883 Photo ID: 003889 Photo ID: 003891 Photo ID: 003893 Photo ID: 003896 Photo ID: 003899

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salthill Salthill No Data


The seaside resort of Galway, has a traditional seaside feel with a sandy beach, large hotels and amusement arcades.



Getting There

From the centre of Galway it's just over a mile walk to the main part of the promenade, alternatively, if you are feeling lazy, bus number 1 goes to Salthill
Latitude: 53.259707; Longitude: -9.074557
What3Words: needed.during.plan


Photo ID: 003865 Photo ID: 003866 Photo ID: 003867 Photo ID: 003868 Photo ID: 003869 Photo ID: 003870 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hunt Museum Hunt Museum No Data


An eclectic collection given to the city by the Hunt family and now housed in the former customs house. Most of the artefacts directly relate to Ireland or ancient Irish culture, but there are also a few random artefacts from other parts of the world



Getting There

Latitude: 52.666415; Longitude: -8.624268
What3Words: robot.pens.admire


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

King Johns Castle King Johns Castle No Data


Built in the 13th Century the castle featured in sieges both in the English Civil War and during the wars between King James and King William at the end of the 17th Century. Today there is an interpretation centre which tells the history of the castle, and it's key even the siege of 1691. Underneath the courtyard there are archaeological excavations which you can look at



Getting There

Latitude: 52.669857; Longitude: -8.625448
What3Words: chase.daisy.events


Photo ID: 003901 Photo ID: 003906 Photo ID: 003910 Photo ID: 003913 Photo ID: 003914 Photo ID: 003915 Photo ID: 003916

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Limerick City Tour Limerick City Tour No Data


An open-top hop-on hop-off tour which takes in the main sights of the city centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.667547; Longitude: -8.623881
What3Words: laws.leaves.slang


Photo ID: 003909 Photo ID: 003910 Photo ID: 003920 Photo ID: 003924 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Mary's Cathedral St Mary's Cathedral No Data


Originally built in the 12th century, the cathedral passed from being Catholic to being Church of Ireland following the reformation. Today it is the oldest building in Limerick still in daily use.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.66825; Longitude: -8.623388
What3Words: zips.activism.ocean


Photo ID: 003909 Photo ID: 003911 Photo ID: 003912 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bunratty Folk Park Bunratty Folk Park No Data


The Folk Park is based around the well preserved castle and have a collection of "Typical Irish" houses from the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. The park is quite interesting, but in an attempt to make it as realistic as possible all the small cottages are burning peat and at times the smell and smoke can be overpowering. The castle does not have that much on display inside, and what there is is obscured by the sheer number of people looking round making it feel very cramped



Getting There

There are regular coaches from the coach station to Bunratty (virtually all the coaches going to the airport stop in Bunratty), stopping near the folk park
Latitude: 52.69982; Longitude: -8.814683
What3Words: dipper.petulant.headache


Photo ID: 000400 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bunratty Folk Park Bunratty Folk Park


"The Folk Park is based around the well preserved castle and have a collection of "Typical Irish" houses from the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. The park is quite interesting


but in an attempt to make it as realistic as possible all the small cottages are burning peat and at times the smell and smoke can be overpowering. The castle does not have that much on display inside

Getting There

and what there is is obscured by the sheer number of people looking round making it feel very cramped
Latitude: ; Longitude:


Photo ID:  and on the narrow spiral staircases quite dangerous. From the top of the castle there are views over the surrounding areas. Photo ID:  Photo ID:  Photo ID:  Photo ID:  Photo ID:  Photo ID:

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (), and on time of last update () but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

shim shim





Getting There

Latitude: ; Longitude:


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: eueixxtr Photo ID: Attractions: Museums: Ethnographical Photo ID: http://www.shannonheritage.com/Folk_Park.htm Photo ID: www.shannonheritage.com/Folk_Park.htm Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (), and on time of last update () but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bus Éireann tour - Cliffs of Moher Bus Éireann tour - Cliffs of Moher No Data


Full day (leave Cork just after 10am and arrive back in Cork just before 10pm) tour taking in County Clare. Key stops include The Bunratty Folk Park, The Burran for the Poulnabrone Dolmen, The Cliffs of Moher and Lahinch. A well presented tour with the driver giving a nearly running commentary on the important sights during the trip


Charge - does NOT include entrance to the Bunratty Folk Park - this is extra

Getting There

Latitude: 51.89972; Longitude: -8.466758
What3Words: occurs.best.future


Photo ID: 000400 Photo ID: 000401 Photo ID: 000402 Photo ID: 000403 Photo ID: 000404 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bus Éireann tour - Ring of Kerry Bus Éireann tour - Ring of Kerry No Data


Full day (leave Cork just after 10am and arrive back in Cork just before 10pm) tour taking in County Kerry. Key stops include Killarney, the Lakes of Killarney, Kerry Bog Village, Dingle Peninsula, Waterville and Kenmare. A well presented tour with the driver giving a nearly running commentary on the important sights during the trip


Charge - does NOT include entrance to the Kerry Bog Village - this is extra

Getting There

Latitude: 51.89978; Longitude: -8.46657
What3Words: engage.kings.speech


Photo ID: 000395 Photo ID: 000396 Photo ID: 000397 Photo ID: 000398 Photo ID: 000399 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cliffs of Moher Cliffs of Moher No Data


These dark and precipitous cliffs mark the end of Europe, beyond lies the Atlantic and then America. The scenery is breathtaking with the cliffs dramatically plunging almost vertically into the sea for over 700 feet



Getting There

Latitude: 52.961306; Longitude: -9.439402
What3Words: thawed.models.slipping


Photo ID: 000402 Photo ID: 000403 Photo ID: 000404 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kerry Bog Village Kerry Bog Village No Data


An open-air museum with original buildings lived in by people involved in the peat industry lived in the past.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.059272; Longitude: -9.936662
What3Words: exits.courtrooms.lockup


Photo ID: 000396 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Poulnabrone Dolmen Poulnabrone Dolmen No Data


The Burran is a bizarre almost non-Earth like plane with strange rocks and very few living things growing across it. It is littered with burial sites and the main one is the Poulnabrone Dolmen. Several large standing stones with a further stone over the top.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.048721; Longitude: -9.139971
What3Words: nationals.unfeeling.pepper


Photo ID: 000401 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guinness Storehouse Guinness Storehouse No Data


Located in the middle of the Guinness factory this museum, rising from the complex in the shape and colour of a pint of Guinness, is an interesting insight into the processes that go into producing the famous drink. The museum also looks at the marketing of Guinness including the posters and TV advertising campaigns. At the top of the museum you can sit in the viewing bar looking out over Dublin whilst sipping your complementary free pint. Guinness in Ireland tastes better than it does in the UK and it tastes even better when it comes straight up from the factory floor!



Getting There

Latitude: 53.34193; Longitude: -6.286798
What3Words: pool.issued.soda


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kilmainham Jail Kilmainham Jail No Data


The Jail is only viewable by going on one of the guided tours, but are well worth waiting for as it gives a very moving insight into the state of conditions that prisoners where held in right up until the countries independence in the 1920's. The tour includes the "New" Victorian wing which does look like a modern prison and the old jail which more resembles a medieval prison.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.341693; Longitude: -6.309532
What3Words: fight.link.grows


Photo ID: 000410 Photo ID: 000411 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Jamesons Distillery Old Jamesons Distillery No Data


Located in the site of the Old Jamesons Distillery is a museum to Irish Whisky and its production. The tour of the museum from a guide lasts approximately 1 hour and takes you through all the processes involved in the production of Irish Whisky. It could be seen as a marketing exercise by the Irish Distillers but it is enjoyable and informative. At the end you get a sample measure of Jamesons and if you wish you can try other Whisky's (at cost)



Getting There

Latitude: 53.348121; Longitude: -6.277447
What3Words: duty.worker.pets


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Butler Gallery of Contemporary Art Butler Gallery of Contemporary Art No Data


The Butler Gallery of Contemporary art is a free exhibition located in one wing of the castle. It displays a changing exhibitions of contemporary art. It's worth depends on your view of contemporary art



Getting There

Latitude: 52.650588; Longitude: -7.249346
What3Words: fireplaces.tactfully.enveloped


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kilkenny Bus Tour Kilkenny Bus Tour No Data


An interesting but short open top tour of the city showing off the main sights.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.650016; Longitude: -7.249367
What3Words: velcro.unaffected.stoop


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kilkenny Castle Kilkenny Castle No Data


Former residence of the Butler family and sold to the city of Kilkenny for just £50 in the 1930's. Access to the castle (more of a stately home than a castle in reality) is by guided tour only, but they are well worth it.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.650276; Longitude: -7.248831
What3Words: cumulative.mural.cloudy


Photo ID: 000415 Photo ID: 000416 Photo ID: 000420 Photo ID: 000424 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kilkenny Walking Tour Kilkenny Walking Tour No Data


An interesting and well presented tour taking you around some of the main sites in the centre of the city. The tour tells about the history of the city and it's position within Ireland, as well as giving a lot of background history to the island of Ireland itself.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.654116; Longitude: -7.254072
What3Words: maple.changing.deepen


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rothe House Rothe House No Data


One of the oldest buildings in the city. The house is an original Tudor town house that was built for and by the Rothe family. A 20 minute video presentation on the house and the key exhibitions gives about as much information as the displays themselves and after the video the rest of the house is a little disappointing.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.65435; Longitude: -7.254598
What3Words: galley.shallow.otter
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Canices Cathedral and Tower St Canices Cathedral and Tower No Data


The cathedral itself its quite interesting, but just outside is one of the original round towers of Ireland which you can climb to get good views of the city from. The climb however is up increasingly steep ladders.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.656771; Longitude: -7.257307
What3Words: appointment.cussed.segmented


Photo ID: 000418 Photo ID: 000422 Photo ID: 000423 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Canices Chapel St Canices Chapel No Data


A very plain and simple chapel located next door to the Cathedral and round tower.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.655099; Longitude: -7.259168
What3Words: slouches.splintered.sway


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reginalds Tower Reginalds Tower No Data


One of the main towers in the former city wall. The tower itself houses an exhibition inside giving s background to the tower and the role it played within the city walls. The top of the tower is currently inaccessible so you can't get, what would be good views of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.26056; Longitude: -7.105397
What3Words: jazz.speedy.eaten


Photo ID: 000425 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waterford Treasures Waterford Treasures No Data


A very well presented exhibition tells the history of Waterford and it's role in Irish history. With the amount of information on display and the further information available by using the free audio guide you could easily spend a whole day here.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.263686; Longitude: -7.117757
What3Words: hurt.scope.magnum


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waterford Walking Tour Waterford Walking Tour No Data


An exceptionally well presented and very funny tour gives a further insight into the history of the city and takes you around the main sights.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.263318; Longitude: -7.118207
What3Words: rating.jetting.lasts


Photo ID: 000425 Photo ID: 000426 Photo ID: 000427 Photo ID: 000428 Photo ID: 000429 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Goat Castle Goat Castle No Data


Goat castle contains an exhibition on the rise, and subsequent decline of Dalkey from a powerful port town to a quiet suburb of Dublin. The castle also offers good views from it's roof over the town and harbour.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.278019; Longitude: -6.105807
What3Words: plodding.campground.billowing


Photo ID: 000412 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Howth Peninsular Howth Peninsular No Data


Howth forms a peninsula just above Dublin and from the summit of the peninsula there are spectacular views over the city and down the East coast of Ireland.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.380641; Longitude: -6.051407
What3Words: grudgingly.boomerang.freeing


Photo ID: 000405 Photo ID: 000406 Photo ID: 000407 Photo ID: 000408 Photo ID: 000409 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waterford Waterford No Data


One of the oldest cities in Ireland, invaded by the Vikings and inhabited permanently since then


Getting There

Regular hourly buses run from the main bus station in Cork to Waterford taking about 2 hours
Latitude: 52.261696; Longitude: -7.116952
What3Words: decorate.emailed.employer


Photo ID: 000425 Photo ID: 000426 Photo ID: 000427 Photo ID: 000428 Photo ID: 000429 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dalkey Dalkey No Data


Located almost due south of the Howth Peninsular the town is most famous for the number of castles it had. Until the building of Dún Laoghaire harbour slightly closer into Dublin the town was the main port for Dublin and so had to have protection for goods being off loaded and the main street at one point boasted 7 castles. Today only two remain, and only one of those is open to look around. The town itself is also very pretty and a short distance off land is Dalkey Island which can be visited from the harbour


Getting There

DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transport) Trains run regularly from the centre of Dublin to Dalkey
Latitude: 53.279133; Longitude: -6.105698
What3Words: voluptuous.super.pose


Photo ID: 000412 Photo ID: 000413 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Howth Howth No Data


Suburb of Dublin on a Peninsular just north of the city


Getting There

DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transport) Trains run regularly from the centre of Dublin to Howth (end of the line.) Dublin Bus service 31 runs from the City centre to Howth (service 31B runs via the summit of the peninsular if you want to save the walk!)
Latitude: 53.38685; Longitude: -6.068042
What3Words: standard.curfew.tolerable


Photo ID: 000405 Photo ID: 000406 Photo ID: 000407 Photo ID: 000408 Photo ID: 000409 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waterford Waterford No Data


One of the oldest cities in Ireland, invaded by the Vikings and inhabited permanently since then


Getting There

Infrequent buses run from the centre of town and from the railway station to Waterford taking just over an hour and a half. Infrequent trains also run from the station to Waterford taking between 45 minutes and one hour
Latitude: 52.261696; Longitude: -7.116952
What3Words: decorate.emailed.employer


Photo ID: 000425 Photo ID: 000426 Photo ID: 000427 Photo ID: 000428 Photo ID: 000429 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2004), and on time of last update (04/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos No Data


The castle of the Christian Kings, this site has had a long history, including being a Visigoth castle and Arabic palace before ending it's working life in the 1950's as a prison. Today the whole of the site, including the stunning gardens and the remains of a set of Arabic baths are open to explore.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.876602; Longitude: -4.781386
What3Words: resemble.hulk.balance
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological Museum Archaeological Museum No Data


Located above part of the ruins of the Roman theatre, the museum has artefacts and displays on the key elements of the regions past from pre-Roman Iberian tribes, through the Romans and up to the time of the Caliphate.


Free to EU citizens, charge to all others

Getting There

Latitude: 37.881946; Longitude: -4.778184
What3Words: tall.civil.straws


Photo ID: 007030 Photo ID: 007031 Photo ID: 007032 Photo ID: 007033 Photo ID: 007034 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Baños Árabes del Alcázar Califal de Córdoba Baños Árabes del Alcázar Califal de Córdoba No Data


Located opposite the castle the partially restored baths give an insight in the bathing rituals and lifestyle of the area when it was a Caliphate



Getting There

Latitude: 37.877894; Longitude: -4.782261
What3Words: topmost.slipped.lake


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Capilla de San Bartolomé Capilla de San Bartolomé No Data


A small chapel in the heart of the old Jewish quarter



Getting There

Latitude: 37.879581; Longitude: -4.782486
What3Words: horns.doors.cursing


Photo ID: 007036 Photo ID: 007037 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Casa Andalusí Casa Andalusí No Data


A house preserved as it would have looked in the 12th Century. The building also has the remains of a Roman mosaic in the basement and a small exhibition on papermaking that was first introduced to the Western world in Andalucía



Getting There

Latitude: 37.880075; Longitude: -4.783603
What3Words: liquids.fonts.downward


Photo ID: 007067 Photo ID: 007068 Photo ID: 007069 Photo ID: 007070 Photo ID: 007071 Photo ID: 007072 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Casa de Sefarad Casa de Sefarad No Data


Opposite the Synagogue the museum tells the story of the Jewish population in Cordoba, from their heyday in the 11th century through to the persecutions and expulsions of the Spanish Inquisition



Getting There

Latitude: 37.879825; Longitude: -4.783249
What3Words: voted.anode.beaters


Photo ID: 007073 Photo ID: 007074 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mausoleos Romanos Mausoleos Romanos No Data


Site of the former Roman Mausoleums of the city. Only small remains are now visible in the park that straddles the main North/South road round the edge of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.885079; Longitude: -4.784958
What3Words: intervals.sorters.darkest


Photo ID: 007059 Photo ID: 007060 Photo ID: 007063 Photo ID: 007064 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mezquita Mezquita No Data


The Mezquita is the key sight of Cordoba. The massive mosque that was converted into a Cathedral. This is a stunning building with lots to see as you wander around. Though you are left with the slight feeling that the site would probably benefit from not having a pretty gaudy cathedral slapped down in the middle of it.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.878872; Longitude: -4.779359
What3Words: steers.area.agent


Photo ID: 006948 Photo ID: 006949 Photo ID: 006960 Photo ID: 006973 Photo ID: 007019 Photo ID: 007020 Photo ID: 007023

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo de la Inquisición Museo de la Inquisición No Data


The museum of the Inquisition is a small collection of items of medieval torture, loosely related to the Inquisition, but other than a brief mention at the start, no real links to it. Not for the squeamish



Getting There

Latitude: 37.879113; Longitude: -4.781437
What3Words: snippet.valve.tickles


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palacio de Viana: Palace Tour Palacio de Viana: Palace Tour No Data


A 60 minute guided tour through the palace showing you the main rooms and the antiques


Charge (Includes Patio's)

Getting There

Latitude: 37.888649; Longitude: -4.7739
What3Words: meal.charging.filed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palacio de Viana: Patio's Palacio de Viana: Patio's No Data


There are 13 separate courtyard patio's in the palace and you can wander around them at your own leisure as each one leads into another.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.888833; Longitude: -4.773474
What3Words: deeper.long.secures


Photo ID: 007042 Photo ID: 007043 Photo ID: 007044 Photo ID: 007045 Photo ID: 007046 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Puente Romano Puente Romano No Data


Spanning the Guadalquivir just south of the Mezquita the bridge is Roman in origins, though restored many times in the intervening 2,000 years. From the bridge you get stunning views of the Mezquita as well as of the river meandering through the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.876636; Longitude: -4.777899
What3Words: sleeps.supplier.logged


Photo ID: 006974 Photo ID: 006976 Photo ID: 006981 Photo ID: 006985 Photo ID: 007014 Photo ID: 007050 Photo ID: 007052

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Synagogue Synagogue No Data


At the heart of the old Jewish quarter, this is only one of three ancient Synagogues in Spain (the other two are in Toledo) that survived the expulsion of the Jews in 1492.


Free to EU citizens, small charge to all others

Getting There

Latitude: 37.879824; Longitude: -4.783434
What3Words: stopped.across.helpless


Photo ID: 007011 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torre de la Calahorra Torre de la Calahorra No Data


Located at the opposite end of the Puente Romano to the Mezquita the defensive tower of the city now houses a "Audio experience" museum (you walk around with a very heavy set of headphones that in theory should pick up a commentary for each room you walk into) about the history of the town. The highlight of the tour, and worth the entrance fee in itself, are the stunning views over the city to be had from the roof of the tower.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.875649; Longitude: -4.776593
What3Words: quietly.mime.internal


Photo ID: 006977 Photo ID: 006979 Photo ID: 007006 Photo ID: 007007 Photo ID: 007008 Photo ID: 007009 Photo ID: 007010

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Madinat al-Zahra Madinat al-Zahra No Data


(also called Medina Azahara) Located about 6KM west of Cordoba, this was once the site of the palace and administrative centre for the whole of the Al-Andaluce Caliphate. Once a majestic city that was used to show the wealth and power of the Emir, and designed to be a lasting legacy, from construction to destruction only took 80 years. Today only about 15% of the site has been excavated, but the key elements of the Alcázar and the city have been uncovered and are on display. A visit starts in the visitors centre about 2KM away from the site with a museum and a film detailing how the city was developed and would have looked, then you take a bus up to the top of the site to visit, catching the bus back when you have finished


Free to visit the site and the museum for EU citizens, charge for all others. Everyone is charged for the bus, though if you come on the Cordoba Vision service this is included in the tour price.

Getting There

Getting to the site by public transport is difficult, and involves a long (3KM) walk. The easiest way is to take the Cordoba Vision tour where a Coach picks you up from the centre of Cordoba and takes you to the visitors centre - cost of the tour includes the bus up to the site. About 3 hours later the bus takes you back again. Seats have to be reserved online or at the tourist office in advance. When I visited in March there were two departures each morning.
Latitude: 37.886125; Longitude: -4.867786
What3Words: plunge.gold.exhaled


Photo ID: 006986 Photo ID: 006987 Photo ID: 006989 Photo ID: 006990 Photo ID: 006991 Photo ID: 006994 Photo ID: 006997

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2012), and on time of last update (24/03/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alameda Apodaca Alameda Apodaca No Data


Running for around a kilometre the Alameda is a balcony over the Atlantic that lets you wander along the edge of the city with the sea lapping against the fortifications. The Alameda leads into the Parque del Genoves to continue on a walk round the headland



Getting There

Latitude: 36.536692; Longitude: -6.295499
What3Words: explain.remarked.charcoal


Photo ID: 005627 Photo ID: 005628 Photo ID: 018875 Photo ID: 018876 Photo ID: 018877 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (26/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz Museum Cádiz Museum No Data


The museum houses a fine collection of archaeological finds from the Cadiz area, including many Roman finds. Upstairs there is a fine arts museum


Charge, Free for EU Citizens with proof (e.g. Passport, ID Card)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.535549; Longitude: -6.29669
What3Words: skipped.video.tries


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castillo de San Sebastián Castillo de San Sebastián No Data


The castle is on the end of a long causeway/promenade that leaves by the edge of La Caleta beach and heads out to the castle. The castle itself is made up of two parts - a small star shaped fort on one small island and then across a small bridge to the main fortress covering the whole of a larger island. Until 2012 the site was closed to the public as it was a military area, but since then the buildings have slowly been renovated - although not much has been done to the first smaller fort. The larger part of the fort at the rear is just an empty shell with a walk way that runs round the top of the battlements, but the views from there of Cadiz are well worth the 750m walk down the causeway.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.527924; Longitude: -6.313507
What3Words: shells.vegans.special


Photo ID: 018862 Photo ID: 018865 Photo ID: 018956 Photo ID: 018965 Photo ID: 018968 Photo ID: 018969 Photo ID: 018971

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2011), and on time of last update (26/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castillo de Santa Catalina Castillo de Santa Catalina No Data


The Castle houses a couple of galleries for temporary exhibitions as well as offering stunning views over the whole of the north of the headland



Getting There

Latitude: 36.532778; Longitude: -6.308067
What3Words: checked.dated.denser


Photo ID: 018936 Photo ID: 018938 Photo ID: 018942 Photo ID: 018943 Photo ID: 018946 Photo ID: 018948 Photo ID: 018950

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2011), and on time of last update (26/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Catedral Catedral No Data


The "New" Cathedral is a massive structure, albeit suffering from taking over 100 years to build, there are nets underneath all the ceilings to catch falling plaster as the salty air and it's long exposure before building was completed has taken it's toll. Inside the cathedral is a large crypt which is beneath sea level, slightly concerning given there is only a small road separating the Cathedral from the sea!


Charge (includes Cathedral Museum)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.528903; Longitude: -6.295123
What3Words: hats.goggle.prongs


Photo ID: 018851 Photo ID: 018859 Photo ID: 018881 Photo ID: 018883 Photo ID: 018885 Photo ID: 018886 Photo ID: 018889

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (26/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Museum Cathedral Museum No Data


The Cathedral Museum houses the usual collection of religious paintings and lashings of silver and gold. If anything the building it's in is more interesting with it's small courtyards, than the collection


Charge (includes entry to the Cathedral)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.52848; Longitude: -6.294147
What3Words: panels.searched.writing


Photo ID: 005626 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (26/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


The open-top hop-on-hop-off tours run regularly through the day taking in the main sites of the city from the Old town and out along the more modern developments along the long sandy beaches that Cadiz has to offer. Tours are in an impressive range of languages



Getting There

Latitude: 36.52998; Longitude: -6.292521
What3Words: coherent.reserved.taker


Photo ID: 018918 Photo ID: 018920 Photo ID: 018922 Photo ID: 018925 Photo ID: 018927 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2011), and on time of last update (26/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Cathedral Old Cathedral No Data


The Old Cathedral includes parts of a church dating back to the 13th Century. Whilst not as over the top as it's neighbour it still shows how important a city Cadiz once was.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.528394; Longitude: -6.294377
What3Words: subject.window.moment


Photo ID: 005598 Photo ID: 005632 Photo ID: 005633 Photo ID: 018892 Photo ID: 018900 Photo ID: 018901 Photo ID: 018913

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parque del Genovés Parque del Genovés No Data


The park runs along the edge of the city forming a barrier between the sea and the town. The park was designed as a small botanical gardens with lots of samples of trees and flowers from other countries.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.536045; Longitude: -6.303411
What3Words: direct.beeline.wacky


Photo ID: 018870 Photo ID: 018871 Photo ID: 018872 Photo ID: 018873 Photo ID: 018874 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (26/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Teatro Romano Teatro Romano No Data


The ruins of the second largest Roman Theatre ever discovered (only Pompeii is bigger). The small museum tells a little about the construction of theatres in the Roman era, as well as giving some background to the history of the site. You can then walk through the under-theatre passages and up into the lower seating rows.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.5283199; Longitude: -6.2936502
What3Words: alright.copies.rich


Photo ID: 018908 Photo ID: 018909 Photo ID: 018910 Photo ID: 018912 Photo ID: 018915 Photo ID: 018916 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/03/2017), and on time of last update (26/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torre de Poniente Torre de Poniente No Data


One of the towers of the Cathedral, from the top of which there are stunning views over the city centre. Assent is via the ramp (rather than steps) inside the tower to one of the highest points in the city


Charge (Joint ticket with the Yacimiento Arqueologico available)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.529278; Longitude: -6.295305
What3Words: business.sensible.noticing


Photo ID: 018891 Photo ID: 018892 Photo ID: 018893 Photo ID: 018895 Photo ID: 018898 Photo ID: 018899 Photo ID: 018902

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (26/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torre Tavira Torre Tavira No Data


The highest point in the city - formerly a merchants lookout tower - today it houses a camera obscura as well as offering some of the best views of the city. In the upper floors in a small exhibition on Cadiz's history and the role the towers played in it, as well as an exhibition on how a camera obscura works. The top floor houses the camera obscura for which you get a timed slot to attend a 15 minute tour of the city which is conducted in both Spanish and English. You can also climb onto the roof to take in the views over the city



Getting There

Latitude: 36.5319615; Longitude: -6.2983642
What3Words: class.caskets.facing


Photo ID: 018858 Photo ID: 018859 Photo ID: 018860 Photo ID: 018861 Photo ID: 018863 Photo ID: 018864 Photo ID: 018904

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2017), and on time of last update (26/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yacimiento Arqueológico Yacimiento Arqueológico No Data


Underneath the Cathedral on the site of the bishops palace there are remains of Cadiz's Phoenician and Roman past with Phoenician temples and Roman ruins. ***2017 Update - the site is now closed***


2017 - site closed

Getting There

Latitude: 36.528812; Longitude: -6.294769
What3Words: sends.evidently.claps


Photo ID: 005625 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (26/03/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Albaicín Albaicín No Data


This is the former medieval housing area of the city, and still has many winding lanes and steps leading up the side of the hill that it clings to. Whilst there are not many attractions in the area, what there is are spectacular, as are the views across the valley of the Rio Darro to the walls and towers of the Alhambra



Getting There

Latitude: 37.181074; Longitude: -3.595405
What3Words: globe.record.brother


Photo ID: 003444 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alhambra: An overview Alhambra: An overview No Data


The Alhambra is a massive complex and needs a good day to do it justice. There are many attractions located inside the wall, and once you are inside the only restriction is that you have to visit the Palacios Nazaries at your allotted time. Catering is a little light on the ground inside the complex, there are just a couple of vending machines near the Alcazaba, which only take coins (so remember to change up notes before going in). There are however, plenty of water fountains dotted around the site, so liquid isn't too much of a problem. You can buy tickets on the day (and when I visited in early March there were virtually no queues), but at busy times they sell out fast. There is a strict limit on the number of people allowed into the Palacios Nazaries each day and once the tickets have sold, there are no more. You can book in advance on-line, or you can even book tickets through the cash points of some banks (the bank chain appears to have changed recently, so best to check online in advance). There are also night time slots when you can visit the palaces in a much quieter setting


Charge, it is advisable to purchase tickets in advance either online or through some bank cash machines (check online to see which chain is currently providing this service).

Getting There

Latitude: 37.175274; Longitude: -3.58695
What3Words: fraction.bridges.taker


Photo ID: 003466 Photo ID: 003467 Photo ID: 003468 Photo ID: 003469 Photo ID: 003470 Photo ID: 003472 Photo ID: 003490

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alhambra: Baths and Santa Maria Alhambra: Baths and Santa Maria No Data


Behind the Palacio de Carlos V is the Church of Santa Maria, this has been built on the site of a former Mosque (whose minaret has been converted into the bell tower.) Directly behind the church are the old bath houses, another reminder of the former Islamic use of the site.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.176231; Longitude: -3.588903
What3Words: booklet.includes.backpack


Photo ID: 003471 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alhambra: Generalife Alhambra: Generalife No Data


The Generalife is the home of the summer palace and is set in stunning grounds, including lots of water features, orange trees and areas of shade. Coming down the hill at one part is the Camino de las Cascadas, a staircase with water flowing down both balustrades.


Included in the Alhambra ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 37.178257; Longitude: -3.585792
What3Words: poem.stared.pumpkin


Photo ID: 003491 Photo ID: 003492 Photo ID: 003493 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alhambra: Museo de la Alhambra Alhambra: Museo de la Alhambra No Data


Located in the southern wing of the Palacio de Carlos V, the museum houses some of the artefacts that have come from the Alhambra from either excavations, or for preservation.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.176539; Longitude: -3.590008
What3Words: flag.talkers.muscular


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alhambra: Palacio de Carlos V Alhambra: Palacio de Carlos V No Data


Built by Charles the Fifth (by partly demolishing some of the Moorish architecture that was there) the palace is square on the outside, with a circular courtyard and an octagonal chapel. The palace today houses two museums, but you can walk around the inside of the courtyard on both of the two levels



Getting There

Latitude: 37.176757; Longitude: -3.589933
What3Words: evening.impact.discount


Photo ID: 003473 Photo ID: 003476 Photo ID: 003494 Photo ID: 003496 Photo ID: 003497 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alhambra: Palacios Nazaries Alhambra: Palacios Nazaries No Data


This has to rank as one of the wonders of the modern world. The Palacios Nazaries are actually three separate, but interconnected buildings, all intricately and beautifully carved in wood and marble, with fountains and pools adding to the cooling and relaxing air of the place.


Included in the Alhambra ticket, but is strictly regulated what time you go in. If you miss your slot you have to buy a new ticket (if there are any left)

Getting There

Latitude: 37.177249; Longitude: -3.589708
What3Words: ember.chips.slip


Photo ID: 003478 Photo ID: 003482 Photo ID: 003484 Photo ID: 003485 Photo ID: 003498 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alhambra: The Alcazaba Alhambra: The Alcazaba No Data


The fortress overlooking the city of Granada and a mighty testament to the power of the Moors who built it. Inside it is mostly a shell, but the shape of buildings can still be made out, and you can climb up the Torre de la Vela for stunning views over the city


Included in the Alhambra ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 37.176966; Longitude: -3.59195
What3Words: bronzes.vibes.downturn


Photo ID: 003475 Photo ID: 003486 Photo ID: 003487 Photo ID: 003488 Photo ID: 003489 Photo ID: 003495 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Calle Calderería Calle Calderería No Data


This is the main shopping street of the Albaicín and is lined with lots of small shops selling Moorish related articles, making the whole street resemble a Arabian Souk.


None to look around, lots if you start shopping

Getting There

Latitude: 37.177806; Longitude: -3.597192
What3Words: pursuit.informs.comfort


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Capilla Real Capilla Real No Data


The Royal Chapel, which houses the bodies of King Fernando and Queen Isabella, the Spanish royals who finally defeated the Moors in 1492 to take Granada back. The tombs are wildly over the top with lots of marble, though the coffins in the crypt below are quite plain. Attached is a small museum with some artefacts and some of Queen Isabella's art collection.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.175943; Longitude: -3.599004
What3Words: jeering.filed.nights


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The vast interior of the Cathedral with the central dome surrounded by paintings on multiple galleries is quite spectacular. There is also a small museum housing the usual collection of religious artefacts, along with a particularly gruesome and lifelike sculpture (painted to make it all the more authentic) of John the Baptists severed head on a plate.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.17661; Longitude: -3.598857
What3Words: banks.note.sizzled


Photo ID: 003427 Photo ID: 003453 Photo ID: 003454 Photo ID: 003455 Photo ID: 003456 Photo ID: 003457 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


A standard, hop-on-hop-off open-top tour of the city, taking in most of the major sites, including the city centre, Alhambra and the Science Park. A pre-recorded commentary takes you round, albeit at times getting a bit ahead of itself.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.176501; Longitude: -3.59806
What3Words: paddle.pressing.dads


Photo ID: 003428 Photo ID: 003429 Photo ID: 003430 Photo ID: 003431 Photo ID: 003435 Photo ID: 003540 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Colegiata El Salvador Colegiata El Salvador No Data


Located towards the top of the Albaicín the Colegiata was originally a Mosque and was converted into a church after the fall of the Moors. The original mosques horse shoe shaped courtyard still survives at the back which makes for an interesting contrast with the definitely Catholic church.


Small Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 37.182241; Longitude: -3.591312
What3Words: because.taking.bottle


Photo ID: 003445 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

El Bañuelo El Bañuelo No Data


Quite large remains of an 11th century Moorish bath house, including the original vaulted ceilings with sky lights in the shape of stars to provide a dappled light effect throughout the complex



Getting There

Latitude: 37.178355; Longitude: -3.593107
What3Words: willing.retained.manages


Photo ID: 003436 Photo ID: 003437 Photo ID: 003438 Photo ID: 003439 Photo ID: 003440 Photo ID: 003487 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mezquita Mayor de Granada Mezquita Mayor de Granada No Data


Over 500 years after the Moors left Granada, this is the first Mosque to be built in the city. The modern complex has an open door policy and allows anyone to wander the grounds and the tranquil gardens (though the actual interior of the mosque is roped off. The gardens have as stunning views as can be seen from the Mirador San Nicolás, without the crowds, or the threats of pick-pockets. It's also considerably more peaceful, and with the scents coming from the flowers in the gardens generally more pleasant overall.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.181373; Longitude: -3.592057
What3Words: cracking.resort.blanket


Photo ID: 003447 Photo ID: 003448 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mirador San Nicolás Mirador San Nicolás No Data


The square in front of the church of St Nicolas (originally a mosque) provides stunning views across the valley of the Rio Darro to the walls, ramparts and towers of the Alhambra. During the day the scenes are stunning, and if anything they are even more breathtaking at night. Be warned though, due to the high number of tourists, there are also a significantly high number of people interested in what tourists are carrying (money, cameras, passports etc). This is about the only place in the city where you really have to be on your guard.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.181061; Longitude: -3.592674
What3Words: abolish.fetches.crowbar


Photo ID: 003446 Photo ID: 003464 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Arqueológico y Ethológico Museo Arqueológico y Ethológico No Data


This small museum located around a central courtyard has artefacts on the archaeology of Granada from pre-historic time onwards. Sadly all the exhibits are in Spanish, but it's pretty easy to make out from the good number of illustrations what the artefacts are.


Charge, Free to EU citizens (passport or ID card required)

Getting There

Latitude: 37.178807; Longitude: -3.591652
What3Words: passport.foil.provide


Photo ID: 003441 Photo ID: 003442 Photo ID: 003443 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Puerta Elvira Puerta Elvira No Data


A massive entry gate into the city, located at the bottom of the Albaicín near the junction of Grand Vía de Colón and the Avenida de la Constitución



Getting There

Latitude: 37.182155; Longitude: -3.599535
What3Words: hilltop.many.help


Photo ID: 003465 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Viewing Points above the Alhambra Viewing Points above the Alhambra No Data


Coming up from the ticket office area of the Alhambra is a small road, which leads past some hotels to the summit of the hill, on the side of the hill is an olive grove, which you can walk to, and which takes you to the edge of the hill, from where you get stunning views over to the Alhambra and the city. If you walk a little further along the road, as it starts to descend back down to the edge of the city, there is a further viewing area. The views from both these spots are particularly spectacular at sunset and the sun burns its way behind the mountains in the distance, and the light glints off the snow capped Sierra Nevada behind you.



Getting There

It's quite a long walk up the hill from the centre of town, so it's best to take a bus up to the Alhambra, then continue on up the road the bus came up until you get to some steps leading up into the olive grove
Latitude: 37.170029; Longitude: -3.585003
What3Words: winters.hours.pizza


Photo ID: 003434 Photo ID: 003451 Photo ID: 003452 Photo ID: 003458 Photo ID: 003459 Photo ID: 003460 Photo ID: 003461

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Almería: Alcazaba Almería: Alcazaba No Data


The Moorish fortress, and Catholic castle that stands proud over the city. There are three parts to the site, the lower castle area with landscaped gardens, the middle part with archaeological remains, and some of the original Moorish buildings, and the upper part which is the Catholic castle.


Charge, Free to EU citizens (passport or ID card required)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.840245; Longitude: -2.470529
What3Words: held.upwards.seating


Photo ID: 003526 Photo ID: 003528 Photo ID: 003529 Photo ID: 003530 Photo ID: 003531 Photo ID: 003532 Photo ID: 003533

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Almería: Christ Statue Almería: Christ Statue No Data


On the neighbouring hill to the Alcazaba the views from the base of the statue are stunning, though the area it is in is not so great, the whole place has an air of not having been finished!



Getting There

Latitude: 36.842473; Longitude: -2.468652
What3Words: strain.potato.printer


Photo ID: 003525 Photo ID: 003535 Photo ID: 003536 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jaén: Baños Árabes Jaén: Baños Árabes No Data


Located in the basement of the Palacio de Villadompardo, these are the largest and most complete set of Arabic or Moorish baths surviving in Spain. You can walk through the marble lined floors of the Temperate and Cool rooms, and into the brick lined hot room. At the back of the baths there is also evidence of what became to them after the fall of the Moors, as a workshop for tanning leather.


Charge, Included with the other museums in the Palacio de Villadompardo, all free to EU citizens on production of a Passport or National Identity Card

Getting There

Latitude: 37.771067; Longitude: -3.794017
What3Words: flamed.shops.tenders


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jaén: Castillo de Santa Catalina Jaén: Castillo de Santa Catalina No Data


The Castle, sat high on a ridge overlooking the city, is one of the first sights you see as you enter the city. The views from the ramparts are spectacular. Inside the castle a small exhibition (in Spanish only) has been created to try and capture what life would have been like in the castle through its tumultuous history (Possibly founded by the Romans, definitely built by the Moors and finally captured by the Christian Kings of Spain in the 13th Century.)



Getting There

The only way to access the Cathedral is via a 4KM, very steep walk up from town, which is not signposted and not obvious to follow! The easiest way is to get a taxi up to the Castle (in early 2009 this cost just under €7) and then enjoy the walk back down, where it is much easier to see you way down (just follow the towers of the Cathedral!)
Latitude: 37.767416; Longitude: -3.799628
What3Words: crossing.turkey.remarks


Photo ID: 003501 Photo ID: 003503 Photo ID: 003504 Photo ID: 003507 Photo ID: 003509 Photo ID: 003510 Photo ID: 003512

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jaén: Cathedral Jaén: Cathedral No Data


The imposing bulk of the cathedral dominates the centre of the town, it's towers visible from most places, and its huge scale only really understandable when seen from the castle. Inside it is quite a dark and brooding place, with a choir built in the centre, but only accessible from near the altar. Lots of side chapels, though less highly decorated than in other Spanish Cathedrals



Getting There

Latitude: 37.765015; Longitude: -3.789924
What3Words: flatten.trumped.remove


Photo ID: 003515 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jaén: Cruz del Castillo Jaén: Cruz del Castillo No Data


Located at the end of the ridge that the castle sits on, the Cross is visible from across the city, and consequently the city is visible from it. The views are breathtaking.



Getting There

See the details for Castillo de Santa Catalina
Latitude: 37.766661; Longitude: -3.79715
What3Words: episode.glory.nipping


Photo ID: 003513 Photo ID: 003514 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jaén: Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares Jaén: Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares No Data


The museum, located in one wing of the Palacio de Villadompardo, charts the lifestyles, tools and clothes of the rural communities growing up in the surrounding countryside in previous centuries. There are large displays of Farming equipment along with some mock ups of rooms and a classroom.


Charge, Included with the other museums in the Palacio de Villadompardo, all free to EU citizens on production of a Passport or National Identity Card

Getting There

Latitude: 37.770982; Longitude: -3.793958
What3Words: visitors.painted.danger


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jaén: Museo de Bellas Artes Jaén: Museo de Bellas Artes No Data


The city's art gallery, with a collection of paintings from both local and international artists from the 17th century up to the 20th, including a local artist who was a students of Picasso (the gallery also has one Picasso sketch on display)


Charge, Included with the Museo Provincial, both free to EU citizens on production of a Passport or National Identity card

Getting There

Latitude: 37.774404; Longitude: -3.789543
What3Words: rejects.chart.hotel


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jaén: Museo Internacional de Arte Naïf Jaén: Museo Internacional de Arte Naïf No Data


The gallery, located in one wing of the Palacio de Villadompardo, has paintings and sculptures from both Spanish and international artists specialising in "Native Art"


Charge, Included with the other museums in the Palacio de Villadompardo, all free to EU citizens on production of a Passport or National Identity Card

Getting There

Latitude: 37.771151; Longitude: -3.794135
What3Words: buzz.district.drain


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jaén: Museo Provincial Jaén: Museo Provincial No Data


The city's historical museum, charting the finds that have been discovered from Archaeological digs around the city and surrounding countryside. The exhibition charts the development of man in the area from pre-historic times, through Roman, Medieval and Moorish up to the reconquest.


Charge, Included with the Museo de Bellas Artes, both free to EU citizens on production of a Passport or National Identity card

Getting There

Latitude: 37.774124; Longitude: -3.789554
What3Words: lemons.lame.skips


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Almería Almería No Data


The provincial capital, locted on the Medditerranian, with stunning views from the surrounding hills out over the coastline. The beach area is a bit over developed with high-rise blocks and quite a bland beach, but the Alcazaba and historical buildings in the old town more than make up for that


Getting There

There are three or four trains a day from Granada. It is sensible to book a couple of days in advance so that you have a reserved seat, there are hefty fines for sitting in someone elses seat, and on the journey back the train was packed the whole way. The journey takes about two and a half hours
Latitude: 36.840164; Longitude: -2.467922
What3Words: spark.exists.parties


Photo ID: 003521 Photo ID: 003522 Photo ID: 003523 Photo ID: 003524 Photo ID: 003527 Photo ID: 003534 Photo ID: 003538

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jaén Jaén No Data


The provincial capital of the Jaén area of Andalucía, this is a town that, in places, is lacking in beauty, but makes up for it with a wealth of attractions and sights.


Getting There

There are regular (roughly hourly) busses to Jaén from Granada's main bus station, taking about 90 minutes to do the trip
Latitude: 37.765739; Longitude: -3.789518
What3Words: deduct.devotion.podcast


Photo ID: 003502 Photo ID: 003505 Photo ID: 003506 Photo ID: 003508 Photo ID: 003511 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2009), and on time of last update (21/03/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alcázar Alcázar No Data


The city's castle and fortress. Along similar (but smaller lines) to the same in Seville and Almeria. The site includes an almost complete set of Arabic Baths, a mosque and parts of the defensive fortress. One of the towers has been converted into a Camera Obscura, though at the time of visiting this was closed


Charge (additional charge for Camera Obscura)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.680922; Longitude: -6.140113
What3Words: unit.swear.pigment


Photo ID: 005559 Photo ID: 005562 Photo ID: 005579 Photo ID: 005580 Photo ID: 005583 Photo ID: 005585 Photo ID: 005586

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bodegas González Byass Bodegas González Byass No Data


The tour lasts for around 90 minutes and includes visits to several of the cellars, for both Sherry and Brandy and a short film on the history of the company and making Sherry. At the end of the tour you get to try some of the Sherry's


Charge (Includes two free tastings, extra tastings and tapas can also be purchased in the entrance fee)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.679786; Longitude: -6.141572
What3Words: spacing.forces.ready


Photo ID: 005563 Photo ID: 005564 Photo ID: 005565 Photo ID: 005567 Photo ID: 005568 Photo ID: 005569 Photo ID: 005570

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The Cathedral occupies a location just below the Alcázar and next to the largest Bodegas. It's the usual (for Spanish Catholic Cathedrals) collection of spectacularly over the top chapels with gold and silver dripping off of everything.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.681985; Longitude: -6.141062
What3Words: successor.scorch.loved


Photo ID: 005573 Photo ID: 005576 Photo ID: 005577 Photo ID: 005578 Photo ID: 005587 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tio Pepe Land Train Tio Pepe Land Train No Data


The land train leaves from behind the Alcázar and runs around the edge of the city centre taking in most of the key sites. A live guide gives a running commentary in both Spanish and English.


Charge (option to combine with a tour of the Bodegas González Byass)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.68109; Longitude: -6.138707
What3Words: monk.examine.cucumber


Photo ID: 005560 Photo ID: 005561 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz: Alameda Apodaca Cádiz: Alameda Apodaca No Data


Running for around a kilometre the Alameda is a balcony over the Atlantic that lets you wander along the edge of the city with the sea lapping against the fortifications. The Alameda leads into the Parque del Genoves to continue on a walk round the headland



Getting There

Latitude: 36.536692; Longitude: -6.295499
What3Words: explain.remarked.charcoal


Photo ID: 005627 Photo ID: 005628 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz: Cádiz Museum Cádiz: Cádiz Museum No Data


The museum houses a fine collection of archaeological finds from the Cadiz area, including many Roman finds. Upstairs there is a fine arts museum


Charge, Free for EU Citizens with proof (e.g. Passport, ID Card)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.535549; Longitude: -6.29669
What3Words: skipped.video.tries


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz: Castillo de San Sebastián Cádiz: Castillo de San Sebastián No Data


The Castle was closed to the public at the time of visiting, but the 750m walk out to the castle along a causeway/breakwater offers stunning views of old Cadiz



Getting There

Latitude: 36.527924; Longitude: -6.313507
What3Words: shells.vegans.special


Photo ID: 005605 Photo ID: 005607 Photo ID: 005609 Photo ID: 005611 Photo ID: 005612 Photo ID: 005613 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz: Castillo de Santa Catalina Cádiz: Castillo de Santa Catalina No Data


The Castle houses a couple of galleries for temporary exhibitions as well as offering stunning views over the whole of the north of the headland



Getting There

Latitude: 36.532778; Longitude: -6.308067
What3Words: checked.dated.denser


Photo ID: 005603 Photo ID: 005614 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz: Catedral Cádiz: Catedral No Data


The "New" Cathedral is a massive structure, albeit suffering from taking over 100 years to build, there are nets underneath all the ceilings to catch falling plaster as the salty air and it's long exposure before building was completed has taken it's toll. Inside the cathedral is a large crypt which is beneath sea level, slightly concerning given there is only a small road separating the Cathedral from the sea!


Charge (includes Cathedral Museum)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.528903; Longitude: -6.295123
What3Words: hats.goggle.prongs


Photo ID: 005616 Photo ID: 005617 Photo ID: 005618 Photo ID: 005624 Photo ID: 005634 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz: Cathedral Museum Cádiz: Cathedral Museum No Data


The Cathedral Museum houses the usual collection of religious paintings and lashings of silver and gold. If anything the building it's in is more interesting with it's small courtyards, than the collection


Charge (includes entry to the Cathedral)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.52848; Longitude: -6.294147
What3Words: panels.searched.writing


Photo ID: 005626 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz: City Sightseeing Cádiz: City Sightseeing No Data


The open-top hop-on-hop-off tours run regularly through the day taking in the main sites of the city from the Old town and out along the more modern developments along the long sandy beaches that Cadiz has to offer. Tours are in an impressive range of languages



Getting There

Latitude: 36.52998; Longitude: -6.292521
What3Words: coherent.reserved.taker


Photo ID: 005595 Photo ID: 005600 Photo ID: 005601 Photo ID: 005630 Photo ID: 005631 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz: Old Cathedral Cádiz: Old Cathedral No Data


The Old Cathedral includes parts of a church dating back to the 13th Century. Whilst not as over the top as it's neighbour it still shows how important a city Cadiz once was.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.528394; Longitude: -6.294377
What3Words: subject.window.moment


Photo ID: 005598 Photo ID: 005632 Photo ID: 005633 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz: Parque del Genovés Cádiz: Parque del Genovés No Data


The park runs along the edge of the city forming a barrier between the sea and the town. The park was designed as a small botanical gardens with lots of samples of trees and flowers from other countries.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.536045; Longitude: -6.303411
What3Words: direct.beeline.wacky


Photo ID: 005602 Photo ID: 005629 Photo ID: 005635 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz: Torre de Poniente Cádiz: Torre de Poniente No Data


One of the towers of the Cathedral, from the top of which there are stunning views over the city centre. Assent is via the ramp (rather than steps) inside the tower to one of the highest points in the city


Charge (Joint ticket with the Yacimiento Arqueologico available)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.529278; Longitude: -6.295305
What3Words: business.sensible.noticing


Photo ID: 005619 Photo ID: 005620 Photo ID: 005621 Photo ID: 005622 Photo ID: 005263 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz: Yacimiento Arqueológico Cádiz: Yacimiento Arqueológico No Data


Underneath the Cathedral on the site of the bishops palace there are remains of Cadiz's Phoenician and Roman past with Phoenician temples and Roman ruins.


Charge (joint ticket with the Torre de Poniente available)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.528812; Longitude: -6.294769
What3Words: sends.evidently.claps


Photo ID: 005625 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cádiz Cádiz No Data


All the tourist information points to the fact that Cadiz is the oldest city in the Western world. Founded by the Phoenicians around 3,000 years ago as a key trading port it's had it's ups and downs, reaching a peak during the time of the Spanish empire in South America as they key trading port. Today it's still an important port, but a lot of it's trade is in Tourism especially around the annual Carnival when the streets and alleyways become heaving masses of tourists


Getting There

From Jerez you can catch the roughly hourly commuter train which takes around 50 minutes. These are supplimented by faster longer distance trains (more expensive and require a seat reservation) which take around 45 minutes. Alternatively there are regular coaches between the two cities. Finally, a more interesting way to arrive is to catch the coach or train to the next town along - El Puerto de Santa Maria and catch the ferry across the bay (10 minute train ride, 15 minute walk, 25 minute ferry crossing)
Latitude: 36.529601; Longitude: -6.292972
What3Words: cheered.luring.settle


Photo ID: 005596 Photo ID: 005604 Photo ID: 005608 Photo ID: 005615 Photo ID: 005630 Photo ID: 005634 Photo ID: 005635

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

El Puerto de Santa María El Puerto de Santa María No Data


The town forms another corner of the Sherry Triangle with Jerez, and has several large Bodegas in the town centre. There's also a small castle (only open a couple of days a week) and the views across the bay towards Cadiz.


Getting There

All the trains to Cadiz stop at El Puerto de Santa Maria about 10-15 minutes after leaving Jerez. Alternatively there are regular coaches.
Latitude: 36.595038; Longitude: -6.227371
What3Words: buns.digits.desktop


Photo ID: 005636 Photo ID: 005637 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2011), and on time of last update (17/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alcazaba Alcazaba No Data


The old Moorish palace, build onto the side of the hill, whilst not as spectacular as the Alhambra at Granada, it does benefit from a significantly smaller number of visitors, which makes it a nicer place to wander around


Charge, Joint ticket with Gibralfaro available

Getting There

Latitude: 36.720715; Longitude: -4.416858
What3Words: wedge.crisps.present


Photo ID: 004417 Photo ID: 004419 Photo ID: 004420 Photo ID: 004421 Photo ID: 004423 Photo ID: 004424 Photo ID: 004427

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2010), and on time of last update (28/03/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castillo de Gibralfaro Castillo de Gibralfaro No Data


Located above the Alcazaba, the Castle has a prime position over the city, offering stunning views over the port and the surrounding countryside


Charge, joint ticket with Alcazaba available

Getting There

Latitude: 36.723533; Longitude: -4.410494
What3Words: monopoly.however.communal


Photo ID: 004437 Photo ID: 004440 Photo ID: 004442 Photo ID: 004444 Photo ID: 004452 Photo ID: 004488 Photo ID: 004489

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2010), and on time of last update (28/03/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


Several hundred years in the making, and technically still not finished (though the last building work was a couple of hundred years ago) as only one tower has been completed, leaving one stump of a tower. For such a massive building it is surprisingly light inside with the usual array of side chapels, stained glass and ornamentation you would expect from a Spanish Cathedral



Getting There

Latitude: 36.720094; Longitude: -4.419242
What3Words: topmost.piles.persuade


Photo ID: 004397 Photo ID: 004398 Photo ID: 004408 Photo ID: 004409 Photo ID: 004410 Photo ID: 004411 Photo ID: 004454

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2010), and on time of last update (28/03/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing Tour City Sightseeing Tour No Data


A half hourly open-top sightseeing tour round the key sites of the city, including the easy way of reaching the Gibralfaro castle as it drops you outside it's main entrance at the top of the hill



Getting There

Latitude: 36.712341; Longitude: -4.431138
What3Words: trout.tiles.comment


Photo ID: 004435 Photo ID: 004448 Photo ID: 004449 Photo ID: 004450 Photo ID: 004451 Photo ID: 004470 Photo ID: 004483

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2010), and on time of last update (28/03/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gibralfaro interpretation Centre Gibralfaro interpretation Centre No Data


Locate inside the Castle, the interpretation centre tells some of the story of what the site was used for after the Moors left.


Charge, included in ticket for Gibralfaro

Getting There

Latitude: 36.723363; Longitude: -4.411286
What3Words: language.berated.pirate


Photo ID: 004436 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2010), and on time of last update (28/03/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Archeologico Museo Archeologico No Data


Located inside the buildings of the Alcazaba, the museum displays some of the finds from the site, along with displays on how the buildings might have been built


Charge, included in ticket for Alcazaba

Getting There

Latitude: 36.721255; Longitude: -4.415798
What3Words: fenced.applause.comment


Photo ID: 004429 Photo ID: 004431 Photo ID: 004432 Photo ID: 004433 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2010), and on time of last update (28/03/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Picasso de Málaga Museo Picasso de Málaga No Data


The museum has around 150 works from the Malaga born artist, ranging from sketches and paintings both in Cubist and realist styles to pottery and sculptures.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.721618; Longitude: -4.418335
What3Words: verse.dollars.voltage


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2010), and on time of last update (28/03/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Teatro Romano de Málaga Teatro Romano de Málaga No Data


The site was only discovered early in the 20th century when they were doing works at the foot of the Alcazaba. Today the site shows an amphitheatre and some of the stage area. At the time of visiting much of the site was closed as a new museum and walking route were being built.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.721117; Longitude: -4.41674
What3Words: unhappy.thinkers.order


Photo ID: 004402 Photo ID: 004412 Photo ID: 004413 Photo ID: 004414 Photo ID: 004415 Photo ID: 004416 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2010), and on time of last update (28/03/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardín Botánico-Histórico de Málaga Jardín Botánico-Histórico de Málaga No Data


Located about 5KM north of the city centre the gardens are set in a little oasis out of the bustle of the city centre (albeit next to a motorway!) The gardens contain thousands of species, both native to Andalucía and from more exotic locations. Unlike botanical gardens elsewhere in Europe, the climate in Southern Spain means that everything is outside, there are no greenhouses.



Getting There

In the height of summer the open top tour buses run out to the gardens. The rest of the time you have to take local buses. At the weekend route 61 runs direct to the gardens in around 20 minutes every hour (though there is a return journey missing mid-afternoon!). Alternatively, take the regular route 2 to the end of the route and then it's a fifteen minute, not particularly pleasant walk alongside a busy road.
Latitude: 36.760544; Longitude: -4.425724
What3Words: spider.swung.traders


Photo ID: 004456 Photo ID: 004457 Photo ID: 004458 Photo ID: 004459 Photo ID: 004462 Photo ID: 004463 Photo ID: 004468

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2010), and on time of last update (28/03/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological museum Archaeological museum No Data


Housed in one of the original 1929 expo buildings the museum shows many of the artefacts which have been found at the nearby Roman site of Itálica.


Charge, free for citizens of the EU

Getting There

Latitude: 37.37095; Longitude: -5.987098
What3Words: used.doll.neon


Photo ID: 002545 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2008), and on time of last update (16/03/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral and Giralda Cathedral and Giralda No Data


The worlds largest cathedral by volume, and a massive advert for the wealth that Spain managed to accumulate from it's possessions in South America. The Cathedral is built on the site of the former Moorish mosque and it's old Minaret has been incorporated into the Cathedral as the Giralda, the cathedrals bell tower, and also one of the best view points in the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.385742; Longitude: -5.993149
What3Words: scam.muscular.reported


Photo ID: 002516 Photo ID: 002517 Photo ID: 002518 Photo ID: 002519 Photo ID: 002521 Photo ID: 002523 Photo ID: 002565

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/03/2008), and on time of last update (16/03/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


A 75-minute open-top bus tour of the city that lets you hop-on and hop-off at the four stops around the outskirts of the old town (the roads in the old town are not suitable for anything much larger that a scooter!). The route takes in the sites of the 1929 and 1992 Expo's and also offers a walking tour around the city centre and the cathedral



Getting There

Latitude: 37.385358; Longitude: -5.999281
What3Words: distract.zoom.revolts


Photo ID: 002512 Photo ID: 002513 Photo ID: 002514 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/03/2008), and on time of last update (16/03/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cruceros Torre del Oro Cruceros Torre del Oro No Data


A sixty minute cruise up and down the river, which is not really worth it. You cruise for 15 minutes down past the Expo 29 site, before turning round, back tracking on your self and cruising back to the start of the Expo 92 site before turning around again and returning to the starting point at the Torre del Oro. There is commentary in a number of languages, but only for short sections of the cruise, and there is not much to see from the boat. If you have done the open-top bus tour then there is nothing to be gained from the river cruise!



Getting There

Latitude: 37.382494; Longitude: -5.997065
What3Words: markets.pest.glee


Photo ID: 002524 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/03/2008), and on time of last update (16/03/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares de Sevilla Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares de Sevilla No Data


Located in one of the original buildings from the 1929 expo the museum houses examples of local costumes as well as examples of Sevillian homes and temporary exhibitions


Charge, free for citizens of the EU

Getting There

Latitude: 37.372123; Longitude: -5.987903
What3Words: sifts.swim.tulip


Photo ID: 002530 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2008), and on time of last update (16/03/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Real Alcázar Real Alcázar No Data


A massive complex of rooms, courtyards and gardens all laid out in Moorish style, and still home to the Royal family when the visit Seville. The palace is spectacular and the gardens beautiful



Getting There

Latitude: 37.383948; Longitude: -5.991647
What3Words: voice.wishes.compound


Photo ID: 002531 Photo ID: 002534 Photo ID: 002536 Photo ID: 002538 Photo ID: 002540 Photo ID: 002542 Photo ID: 002544

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2008), and on time of last update (16/03/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torre del Oro Torre del Oro No Data


Originally the main tower of the old Moorish walls which guarded over the river, and access to the city, the tower now houses the city's maritime museum and a viewing balcony over the river


Charge, free on Tuesdays

Getting There

Latitude: 37.382503; Longitude: -5.996301
What3Words: boggles.pumps.wide


Photo ID: 002515 Photo ID: 002524 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2008), and on time of last update (16/03/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santiponce: Itálica Santiponce: Itálica No Data


Itálica was once the third most important city in the Roman empire after Rome and Alexandria. It was the birth place of both Hadrian (he of the Scottish wall) and Trajan (he of the large forum in Rome). Today, not much of the site has been excavated, but that which has is stunning. The Amphitheatre is the single largest structure on the site and an amazing amount of it survives after over 2000 years.


Charge, free for citizens of the EU

Getting There

The last stop on the bus from Seville is the main entrance to Itálica (it does go for a wander around Santiponce and appears at times to be heading away from the site, but don't worry, it makes it there in the end!)
Latitude: 37.443918; Longitude: -6.046804
What3Words: talents.plugged.shoving


Photo ID: 002547 Photo ID: 002548 Photo ID: 002550 Photo ID: 002551 Photo ID: 002555 Photo ID: 002557 Photo ID: 002562

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2008), and on time of last update (16/03/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santiponce: Roman Theatre Santiponce: Roman Theatre No Data


There are quite significant remains of the Roman theatre which sit just off the centre of the town.


Charge, free for citizens of the EU

Getting There

The Theatre is a short walk from the main site of Itálica, heading back towards the centre of Santiponce
Latitude: 37.440085; Longitude: -6.038768
What3Words: scoring.frost.watched


Photo ID: 002546 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2008), and on time of last update (16/03/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santiponce Santiponce No Data


Today Santiponce is a bit of a non-descript dormitory town of Seville. 2000 years ago it was the site of the third most important city in the Roman empire, and much of that legacy remains, although only a part has been excavated. Prior to visiting it is worth going to the Archaeological museum in Seville to get a context on just how important Itálica was.


Getting There

Busses run every 30 minutes or so from the bus station at Plaza de Armas, by the river to the north of the main sites, out to Santiponce and onto Itálica. The journey takes about 25 minutes
Latitude: 37.438695; Longitude: -6.038414
What3Words: poet.riddle.pill


Photo ID: 002552 Photo ID: 002553 Photo ID: 002554 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2008), and on time of last update (16/03/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aljafería Palace Aljafería Palace No Data


Originally a Moorish palace it became the palace of the kings of Aragon who eventually became the kings of Spain. Today it houses the Aragon regional assembly so is sometimes closed. You can wander around the stunning Moorish patio and courtyards as well as some of the richly decorated rooms.


Charge, Free with Zaragoza Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.656411; Longitude: -0.896955
What3Words: foiled.stone.magical


Photo ID: 014110 Photo ID: 014118 Photo ID: 014120 Photo ID: 014124 Photo ID: 014126 Photo ID: 014127 Photo ID: 014129

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2015), and on time of last update (21/03/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar No Data


One of the most important sites of pilgrimage in Spain, the massive basilica cathedral church is a fine example of what the Catholic church can do when money is no issue with over the top decorations. Some of the ceilings were painted by Goya. During the Spanish Civil war the church survived being hit by a number of bombs, which failed to explode. These are hung to one of the columns inside the church today



Getting There

Latitude: 41.656956; Longitude: -0.878504
What3Words: react.respect.dimes


Photo ID: 014053 Photo ID: 014069 Photo ID: 014072 Photo ID: 014133 Photo ID: 014134 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2015), and on time of last update (21/03/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar: Lift Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar: Lift No Data


One of the towers of the Basilica has had a lift installs which whisks you to the base of the spire from where there are excellent views over the church and the surrounding town. You can climb slightly higher to the lantern at the top of the spire for all round views of the city


Charge, Free with Zaragoza Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.657525; Longitude: -0.87896
What3Words: mailbox.fells.alarmed


Photo ID: 014064 Photo ID: 014065 Photo ID: 014066 Photo ID: 014067 Photo ID: 014068 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2015), and on time of last update (21/03/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar: Museum Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar: Museum No Data


The Basilica's museum houses the usual collection of religious artefacts


Charge, Free with Zaragoza Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.65716; Longitude: -0.878536
What3Words: leaves.flatten.taking


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2015), and on time of last update (21/03/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bus Turístico Bus Turístico No Data


A hop-on-hop-off open-top bus tour of the key sights of the city centre. The tour includes going out to the site of the 2008 Expo as well as the main sights in the city centre. The last tour of the evening usually finishes in the dark so is a good way of getting a different view on the city. A multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary tells you about the key sights


Charge, Free with Zaragoza Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.655418; Longitude: -0.876621
What3Words: error.forever.treating


Photo ID: 014143 Photo ID: 014146 Photo ID: 014147 Photo ID: 014148 Photo ID: 014152 Photo ID: 014156 Photo ID: 014163

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2015), and on time of last update (21/03/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caesaraugusta: Foro Caesaraugusta: Foro No Data


Located beneath the Cathedral Square are the remains of the Roman Forum. At the time of visiting the museum was closed due to technical issues


Charge, Joint ticket to all Caesaraugusta sites, Free with Zaragoza Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.655198; Longitude: -0.87631
What3Words: strongly.prayers.frantic


Photo ID: 014081 Photo ID: 014137 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2015), and on time of last update (21/03/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caesaraugusta: Las Termas Públicas Caesaraugusta: Las Termas Públicas No Data


Partial remains of the public bath house, located about halfway between the Forum and the Theatre. Not very much survives so you do have to use quite a bit of imagination


Charge, Joint ticket to all Caesaraugusta sites, Free with Zaragoza Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.655156; Longitude: -0.874738
What3Words: undulation.resist.shuffle


Photo ID: 014100 Photo ID: 014101 Photo ID: 014102 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2015), and on time of last update (21/03/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caesaraugusta: Puerto Fluvial Caesaraugusta: Puerto Fluvial No Data


The former river gate of the Forum, an audio visual presentation puts the ruins in context


Charge, Joint ticket to all Caesaraugusta sites, Free with Zaragoza Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.653324; Longitude: -0.8772
What3Words: dent.lamp.tailed


Photo ID: 014103 Photo ID: 014104 Photo ID: 014105 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2015), and on time of last update (21/03/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caesaraugusta: Teatro Caesaraugusta: Teatro No Data


The spectacular ruins of the former Theatre of the Roman city. A film tells the history of the area working back from the discovery of the remains to when the theatre was in use. You can wander round much of the excavated site


Charge, Joint ticket to all Caesaraugusta sites, Free with Zaragoza Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.652185; Longitude: -0.8776
What3Words: grandson.snipe.cold


Photo ID: 014052 Photo ID: 014091 Photo ID: 014093 Photo ID: 014095 Photo ID: 014097 Photo ID: 014099 Photo ID: 014132

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2015), and on time of last update (21/03/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Catedral del Salvador de Zaragoza Catedral del Salvador de Zaragoza No Data


From the outside the Cathedral does not look as massive as it is inside. A large number of side chapels all richly decorated and a central choir help to break up the space, but it's still an impressively large building


Charge, Includes entrance to Tapestry Museum, Free with Zaragoza Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.654765; Longitude: -0.875832
What3Words: distract.graduated.impact


Photo ID: 014056 Photo ID: 014082 Photo ID: 014083 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2015), and on time of last update (21/03/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral: Museo de Tapices Cathedral: Museo de Tapices No Data


Located off of the cathedral the museum houses a collection of medieval tapestries


Charge included in Cathedral Entrance, Free with Zaragoza Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.654671; Longitude: -0.875454
What3Words: promises.strength.piglet


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2015), and on time of last update (21/03/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Puente de Piedra Puente de Piedra No Data


This medieval stone bridge across the River Ebro by the Basilica offers stunning views of the church and the river itself. Views are particularly stunning at sunset



Getting There

Latitude: 41.657365; Longitude: -0.875468
What3Words: such.region.duration


Photo ID: 014086 Photo ID: 014087 Photo ID: 014090 Photo ID: 014168 Photo ID: 014169 Photo ID: 014170 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2015), and on time of last update (21/03/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Acueducto de Segovia Acueducto de Segovia No Data


The defining structure of the city and the best preserved Roman Aqueduct in the world - towering above the lower part of town as it's crosses the valley and heads into the fortified walls of the old city centre. The main aqueduct itself is about 800m long from where it starts on the edge of the historic city centre until it enters the old town. You can walk alongside it as it heads into town, with the land gradually falling away whilst the structure maintains the water on only a gradual descent.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.94806; Longitude: -4.11793
What3Words: brochure.sadly.saying


Photo ID: 051196 Photo ID: 051268 Photo ID: 051271 Photo ID: 051383 Photo ID: 051385 Photo ID: 051390 Photo ID: 051401

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2024), and on time of last update (19/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alcázar de Segovia Alcázar de Segovia No Data


The stunning castle, built at the end of the promontory that the centre of the old town sits on. You can wander around many of the state rooms on the main floor, as well as head out on the terrace at the very end of the cliff before heading down into the cellars below. There is also a small museum charting the history of the artillery school based in the Alcázar. If the tickets haven't sold out you can also climb the 159 steps to the top of the main tower for views out over the city.


Charge, additional charge for tower tours

Getting There

Latitude: 40.952401; Longitude: -4.132431
What3Words: suffix.breathy.fixture


Photo ID: 051299 Photo ID: 051308 Photo ID: 051309 Photo ID: 051314 Photo ID: 051322 Photo ID: 051328 Photo ID: 051329

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2024), and on time of last update (19/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Catedral de Segovia Catedral de Segovia No Data


The city's cathedral and relatively late to the game with work only starting on the current building in 1525 with completion taking place in 1768, making it the last great Gothic cathedral built in Europe. Along with the main building there is an impressive cloister that houses a treasury, tapestry room, undercroft gallery and the spectacular chapterhouse. At the rear of the building there is a courtyard that is sealed off from the rest of Segovia which has some of the best views of the church and tower. You can also take guided tours up the tower for views over the city


Charge, additional charge for tower tours

Getting There

Latitude: 40.950117; Longitude: -4.125308
What3Words: married.privately.kebabs


Photo ID: 051239 Photo ID: 051241 Photo ID: 051243 Photo ID: 051250 Photo ID: 051252 Photo ID: 051257 Photo ID: 051261

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2024), and on time of last update (19/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


The typical Hop-on-hop-off open top bus sightseeing tour with multi-lingual commentary. The tour last about 45 minutes and does a circuit round the outside of the town, including a diversion away from the city centre onto higher ground where there are excellent views back towards the Centre of Segovia.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.948519; Longitude: -4.116473
What3Words: search.contour.global


Photo ID: 051181 Photo ID: 051183 Photo ID: 051185 Photo ID: 051187 Photo ID: 051191 Photo ID: 051204 Photo ID: 051214

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2024), and on time of last update (19/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo de Segovia Museo de Segovia No Data


Museum telling the history of the city from the earliest prehistoric findings through to the latter part of the 19th century. The museum also houses one of the best views across to the Alcázar in the city.


Charge, Free at Weekends

Getting There

Latitude: 40.950302; Longitude: -4.128939
What3Words: eminent.dressing.dinner


Photo ID: 051341 Photo ID: 051434 Photo ID: 051435 Photo ID: 051437 Photo ID: 051439 Photo ID: 051445 Photo ID: 051447

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2024), and on time of last update (19/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Real Casa de Moneda de Segovia Museo Real Casa de Moneda de Segovia No Data


This museum is housed in the former royal mint which was in use from the 1500s to the 1800s. Today the museum tells the history of coin minting, as well as further exhibitions on the role of money. Outside you can still see the mill races that powered the machinery inside the mint. Attached to the museum is a small exhibition on the Aqueduct it's history and role in the city's life.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.954204; Longitude: -4.128798
What3Words: otters.internal.evaded


Photo ID: 051363 Photo ID: 051366 Photo ID: 051367 Photo ID: 051369 Photo ID: 051371 Photo ID: 051375 Photo ID: 051378

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2024), and on time of last update (19/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Postigo Del Consuelo Postigo Del Consuelo No Data


The point where the Roman Aqueduct meets the Medieval city walls. From up here there are excellent views over the centre of the city, and along the line of the aqueduct.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.948531; Longitude: -4.118231
What3Words: grants.elevated.publish


Photo ID: 051226 Photo ID: 051227 Photo ID: 051230 Photo ID: 051232 Photo ID: 051233 Photo ID: 051274 Photo ID: 051277

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2024), and on time of last update (19/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Puerta de San Andrés Puerta de San Andrés No Data


One of the gates of the city, along with a small attached part of the old city wall which you climb up on top of for excellent views along this part of the wall and up to the tower of the cathedral directly behind you.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.949856; Longitude: -4.127141
What3Words: hamster.mooring.loose


Photo ID: 051347 Photo ID: 051350 Photo ID: 051356 Photo ID: 051359 Photo ID: 051362 Photo ID: 051410 Photo ID: 051413

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2024), and on time of last update (19/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

eBike Tour eBike Tour No Data


A 4.5 hour tour that sets off from Corralejo and climbs up into the volcanos to the South of the town. First stop is on the edge of the crater of the Bayuyo, which is accessed via a quick walk up a gentle slope. There is then a lengthy ride, with some stiff climbs onto the next stop at the Volcano Calderón Hondo - though the battery on the eBike helps to flatten out the hills. You park the bikes here and take a 15 minute walk to the top of the crater rim (10 minutes of relatively flat an level walking, followed by a very stiff 5 minute climb up the side of the volcano). After taking in views down into the crater you head back down to the bikes and continue on a mostly downhill route to the town of Lajares where there is a well-earned refreshment stop. After the quick break there is a long 7KM ride downhill to the coast at Majanicho and then a ride along the coastline until you reach the final stop of the day at Playa del Bajo de la Burra or Pop Corn beach as its overwise known due to the strange coral formations on the beach that do look just like pop corn. It's then a final couple of KMs ride back to Corralejo. The guide tells you key history and information about the sites along the way, as well as carrying out any running repairs (to bike and human) that are required along the way.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.739705; Longitude: -13.870659
What3Words: cradle.pollens.miming


Photo ID: 038403 Photo ID: 038407 Photo ID: 038413 Photo ID: 038417 Photo ID: 038425 Photo ID: 038431 Photo ID: 038434

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2021), and on time of last update (16/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Segway Tour Segway Tour No Data


A 90 minute tour that starts with a quick lesson on how to ride a Segway before you set off into town. The tour starts with a couple of practice paths along quiet areas near the garage before heading down onto the coast path and following that round to the harbour. From the harbour you head back and then go off road onto the beach before returning to the road to head out to the modern wind turbines on the opposite side of the harbour. From there you then return back to the start point. There are a couple of photo stops along the way, and the guide is there to repair the humans when they inevitably fall off...



Getting There

Latitude: 28.738918; Longitude: -13.871814
What3Words: cyclists.simplicity.curdle


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/03/2021), and on time of last update (16/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tiadhe Bus Services Tiadhe Bus Services No Data


The local bus company running services across the island. Key routes from Corralejo are the Number 6 to the Capital Puerto del Rosario for connections onto other services and the Number 8 to El Cotillo



Getting There

Latitude: 28.740284; Longitude: -13.871079
What3Words: immaculate.weeknight.temping


Photo ID: 038471 Photo ID: 038481 Photo ID: 038493 Photo ID: 038505 Photo ID: 038507 Photo ID: 038531 Photo ID: 038577

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2022), and on time of last update (16/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

El Cotillo: Castillo de El Tostón El Cotillo: Castillo de El Tostón No Data


A small fort located on the cliffs at the edge of town. At the time of visiting the fort was closed - and appeared to have been so for some time (possibly since Covid started).



Getting There

Latitude: 28.679986; Longitude: -14.010589
What3Words: plenty.slot.sunbeams


Photo ID: 038555 Photo ID: 038560 Photo ID: 038562 Photo ID: 038566 Photo ID: 038571 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2022), and on time of last update (16/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

El Cotillo: Esqueleto de cetáceo El Cotillo: Esqueleto de cetáceo No Data


Dotted along the coast of Fuerteventura are a number of whale skeletons which are there to highlight the importance of whales on the eco system. The one in El Cotillo is located next to the Castillo de El Toston



Getting There

Latitude: 28.679541; Longitude: -14.010425
What3Words: redrawn.bronzed.failsafe


Photo ID: 038567 Photo ID: 038568 Photo ID: 038571 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2022), and on time of last update (16/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Morro Jable: Miradors Morro Jable: Miradors No Data


At the end of the beach the land rises sharply into cliffs, steps have been constructed that quickly get you up to a view point over the beach. A bit of a walk on and you reach a view point over the harbour on the opposite side of the cliff.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.049327; Longitude: -14.353347
What3Words: fattier.zinc.tearing


Photo ID: 038441 Photo ID: 038444 Photo ID: 038445 Photo ID: 038448 Photo ID: 038449 Photo ID: 038450 Photo ID: 038451

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2022), and on time of last update (16/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

El Cotillo El Cotillo No Data


Located on the North West coast of the island this small town has several wide beaches - though at the time of visiting the seas were very rough - which may explain the number of surf shops in the town


Getting There

Bus line 8 runs hourly every day from Corralejo to El Cotillo taking about 40 minutes to make the journey as the buses take in a large diversion to serve La Oliva. There are occasional additional buses (one or two a day) that run direct and don't divert via La Oliva, these take about 25 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 28.685262; Longitude: -14.010153
What3Words: negotiations.transferred.politely


Photo ID: 038542 Photo ID: 038545 Photo ID: 038548 Photo ID: 038551 Photo ID: 038554 Photo ID: 038558 Photo ID: 038569

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2022), and on time of last update (16/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Morro Jable Morro Jable No Data


Located on the southerly most point of the island the resort town of Morro Jable is set on a fine sandy beach with blue tranquil waters. The town is also a port for Express Catamaran services to Gran Canaria and Tenerife.


Getting There

From Corralejo the Number 6 Bus runs every 30 minutes (with some additional extra services) Monday to Saturday, and every hour on a Sunday to the bus station in Puerto del Rosario, the capital of the island) taking about 40 minutes. Connections here are good with the Number 1 Bus that runs to a similar frequency onto Morro Jable, taking just over 2 hours to make the journey. Return journeys also connect well in Puerto del Rosario. Total travel time end to end is about 3 hours.
Latitude: 28.051444; Longitude: -14.351921
What3Words: stressed.financially.caressing


Photo ID: 038442 Photo ID: 038443 Photo ID: 038446 Photo ID: 038447 Photo ID: 038452 Photo ID: 038456 Photo ID: 038461

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2022), and on time of last update (16/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beaches: Playa de Las Alcaravaneras Beaches: Playa de Las Alcaravaneras No Data


Located on the opposite side of the isthmus to the much larger Playa De Las Canteras this small patch of sand between the pleasure harbours is still reckoned to be the 3rd best beach on the island and still gets very busy at weekends and holiday times.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.130749; Longitude: -15.429183
What3Words: turkey.penned.glitter


Photo ID: 025221 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2019), and on time of last update (02/03/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beaches: Playa De Las Canteras Beaches: Playa De Las Canteras No Data


Generally regarded as one of the best urban beaches in the world, consequently it gets exceptionally busy even in February. A 6KM stretch of sand partly formed by sand dunes that blocked the channel between the small volcanic island of Isleta and the mainland of Grand Canaria and creating the Isthmus that now houses many of the biggest of the city's hotels. The beach is clean with lots of facilities including regular shower points and a decent number of toilets.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.137278; Longitude: -15.437976
What3Words: finishes.roofs.kettles


Photo ID: 025211 Photo ID: 025230 Photo ID: 025234 Photo ID: 025290 Photo ID: 025292 Photo ID: 025293 Photo ID: 025295

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2019), and on time of last update (02/03/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Casa de Colón Casa de Colón No Data


Museum housed in a building once visited by Columbus on one of his voyages. Today it houses a museum that has exhibitions on his ships, his discoveries in the Americas and some of the local history of the island



Getting There

Latitude: 28.101469; Longitude: -15.414099
What3Words: altering.sandwich.lives


Photo ID: 025264 Photo ID: 025266 Photo ID: 025267 Photo ID: 025271 Photo ID: 025275 Photo ID: 025276 Photo ID: 025279

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2019), and on time of last update (02/03/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castillo de la Luz Castillo de la Luz No Data


The former fort has been restored and now houses a collection of work from local born artist Martín Chirino. The exhibition of works is good, but its almost upstaged by the restored building. From the outside it looks like the fort is complete, but inside large parts were clearly in ruins and have been protected inside a much larger modern frame that sits inside the original outer walls.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.148623; Longitude: -15.424816
What3Words: after.happier.casino


Photo ID: 025223 Photo ID: 025344 Photo ID: 025349 Photo ID: 025351 Photo ID: 025356 Photo ID: 025357 Photo ID: 025360

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2019), and on time of last update (02/03/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Catedral de Santa Ana: Cathedral Catedral de Santa Ana: Cathedral No Data


The city's cathedral, and the seat of the diocese that covers the Canary Islands. The cathedral took several hundred years to build due to breaks in construction caused by conflicts and cashflow. Today the outside of the building is dominated by the two towers and quite dark stone work. However, inside the large stained glass windows and slender columns looking like trees as they sprout up to the arched roof give a very light an tranquil feel to the building.


Free to get into the Cathedral, but you have to pass through the museum to get there, so in effect you have to pay the entrance fee to the museum to get in

Getting There

Latitude: 28.100884; Longitude: -15.414622
What3Words: skunks.miss.bank


Photo ID: 025262 Photo ID: 025312 Photo ID: 025313 Photo ID: 025315 Photo ID: 025316 Photo ID: 025317 Photo ID: 025318

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2019), and on time of last update (02/03/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Catedral de Santa Ana: Museo Diocesano De Arte Sacro Catedral de Santa Ana: Museo Diocesano De Arte Sacro No Data


The museum of the cathedral with a collection of religious art and artefacts



Getting There

Latitude: 28.100401; Longitude: -15.41468
What3Words: known.library.minority


Photo ID: 025305 Photo ID: 025307 Photo ID: 025308 Photo ID: 025309 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2019), and on time of last update (02/03/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Catedral de Santa Ana: Tower Catedral de Santa Ana: Tower No Data


The tower of the cathedral can be accessed by a lift that ascends up to the top of the main building, where a walkway links the two towers. A final 52 steps take you up to the very top of the tower. From the top there are stunning views across the city and of the upper city clinging to the cliff sides. There are also good views across the port and to the volcanic peaks of Isleta



Getting There

Latitude: 28.100558; Longitude: -15.414916
What3Words: vowing.editor.owners


Photo ID: 025296 Photo ID: 025297 Photo ID: 025298 Photo ID: 025299 Photo ID: 025301 Photo ID: 025302 Photo ID: 025304

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2019), and on time of last update (02/03/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


The standard open-top hop-on-hop-off tour, though the gap between stops on most of the route are very large, making it difficult to get off at one stop, explore and join back at a later stop. The buses also run to an erratic 35 minute frequency, with only the start time from the first stop ever listed so quite often its just a case of getting to a stop and hoping. A pre-recorded multi-lingual commentary tells you about the key sights and some of the history of the island.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.140425; Longitude: -15.430645
What3Words: treat.arching.focal


Photo ID: 025212 Photo ID: 025214 Photo ID: 025226 Photo ID: 025228 Photo ID: 025237 Photo ID: 025241 Photo ID: 025289

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2019), and on time of last update (02/03/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Canario Museo Canario No Data


The museum tells the history of the islands, focusing on the original inhabitants who lived here until the Spanish arrived towards the end of the 15th century. The museum has a number of exhibits looking at the culture, ceramics and religion of the original islanders.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.099747; Longitude: -15.415326
What3Words: dolphins.pirate.preoccupied


Photo ID: 025319 Photo ID: 025320 Photo ID: 025321 Photo ID: 025322 Photo ID: 025323 Photo ID: 025324 Photo ID: 025325

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2019), and on time of last update (02/03/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Faro de Maspalomas Faro de Maspalomas No Data


Located at the very southern tip of the island the lighthouse stands at the end of the Maspalomas beach and dune network - a long stretch of sand that runs for several miles up the coast. The town of Maspalomas itself is heavily over developed, but down by this southern point its a little more peaceful and pleasant


Getting There

Bus 30 leaves from the two bus stations in Las Palmas and ends at the Faro de Maspalomas. Buses run every 20-30 minutes and take around 75 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 27.735103; Longitude: -15.598923
What3Words: tanks.fittest.gift


Photo ID: 025327 Photo ID: 025329 Photo ID: 025330 Photo ID: 002332 Photo ID: 025334 Photo ID: 025335 Photo ID: 025337

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2019), and on time of last update (02/03/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

First Minute Travel: South Tour First Minute Travel: South Tour No Data


A full day tour of the South of the Island. After picking up from hotels the tour starts by heading to the remains of the El Golfo volcano on the South West coast. Parts of the crater walls of the volcano have been washed away by the sea, but you can still make out the shape of the crater. In the base of the crater, separated from the beach by a spit of volcanic debris is a bright green lagoon - turned that colour by algae. The second stop is the Los Hervideros view point - here the lava from the Timanfaya volcano met the sea, creating new land and some spectacular bits of natural architecture. The next stop of the day is for the Camel ride in Timanfaya park, before heading up to the visitors centre for the four experiments and then the panoramic tour. Lunch is in Mancha Blanca a few minutes drive from the park and then the final stop of the day is in the wine growing region of the island for a small sample of the wines that are produced here. It's then back to the hotels for drop-offs.



Getting There

Latitude: 29.001495; Longitude: -13.48806
What3Words: stuntmen.small.unlocked


Photo ID: 037351 Photo ID: 037363 Photo ID: 037369 Photo ID: 037371 Photo ID: 037374 Photo ID: 037403 Photo ID: 037421

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lanzarote Aquarium Lanzarote Aquarium No Data


Located beneath a small shopping complex the aquarium houses a number of species in themed areas. There's a section dedicated to the marine life that you would expect to see in the waters around Lanzarote, as well as more tropical fish. As with any aquarium there is a walk through tunnel in the shark tank.



Getting There

Latitude: 29.003676; Longitude: -13.487068
What3Words: maintenance.soother.leaped


Photo ID: 037109 Photo ID: 031770 Photo ID: 037112 Photo ID: 037114 Photo ID: 037121 Photo ID: 037122 Photo ID: 037125

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lineas Romero tour to La Graciosa Lineas Romero tour to La Graciosa No Data


The ferry company runs a transfer service that picks up along the island before taking you up to Órzola at the very north of the island to connect with the ferry across to La Graciosa. At the end of the day you come back on the ferry and again are returned to your hotel by coach.



Getting There

Latitude: 29.001581; Longitude: -13.485985
What3Words: airmail.absorb.bumpier


Photo ID: 037211 Photo ID: 037212 Photo ID: 037216 Photo ID: 037217 Photo ID: 037218 Photo ID: 037300 Photo ID: 037303

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Low Cost Tours Highlights Tour Low Cost Tours Highlights Tour No Data


This full day tour takes in the three biggest sites on Lanzarote - the Timanfaya Park, Cueva de los Verdes and the Jameos del Agua. The tour lasts about 9 hours including pick-ups and drop-offs along much of the east coast of the island. Due to the numbers on the tour you can almost guarantee that there will be at least one English and one French coach. The tour guide leads on all parts of the tour, including conducting the tour in the cave and the coach is able to drive the panoramic route at Timanfaya rather than having to use one of the parks coaches which have multi-lingual commentary.



Getting There

Latitude: 29.001871; Longitude: -13.484965
What3Words: imperialism.staffing.cheese


Photo ID: 037131 Photo ID: 037132 Photo ID: 037161 Photo ID: 037174 Photo ID: 037175 Photo ID: 037195 Photo ID: 037199

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arrecife: Castillo de San Gabriel Arrecife: Castillo de San Gabriel No Data


Located on a small island just off the coast and linked to the promenade by two paths this small castle was there to help protect the harbour from the pirates of the past. Today it's a nice place to take a walk out to. The castle itself houses a museum on the history of the island and the city, from pre history through to the modern day. There are also exhibits on the flora and fauna of the island.



Getting There

The castle is about a 15 minute walk from the Intercambriador bus station, or about 20 minutes from the Guaguas Bus Station. Alternatively, the Linea 3 of the Urban buses (not to be confused with the 3 Intercity bus from Costa Teguise) runs every 15 minutes or so from the Intercambriador to a stop by the land end of the bridges leading out to the castle, taking a couple of minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 28.956409; Longitude: -13.547571
What3Words: unless.doctors.nozzles


Photo ID: 037341 Photo ID: 037343 Photo ID: 037344 Photo ID: 037345 Photo ID: 037346 Photo ID: 037348 Photo ID: 037349

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cueva de los verdes Cueva de los verdes No Data


Formed from the lava tunnels from the nearby Monte Corona volcano, the spaces were opened up and themed by parts of the team that worked for César Manrique - including lighting and sound effects through the system. The caves keep a regular 18-20C temperature all year round and are very dry inside. The rock formations, caused by the lava on the edge of the flow drying and solidifying, whilst molten lava still ran through the middle before it stopped flowing leaving the cavern structure under the surface.



Getting There

From Costa Teguise the easiest way is on an organised tour, otherwise you need to catch an early bus into Arrecife and change there onto the number 9 bus to Jameos del Agua at the very north of the island (3 buses on weekdays, 2 on weekends), from there its about a kilometres walk to the caves.
Latitude: 29.160441; Longitude: -13.439325
What3Words: faddish.gallantly.arose


Photo ID: 037166 Photo ID: 037172 Photo ID: 037173 Photo ID: 037177 Photo ID: 037179 Photo ID: 037181 Photo ID: 037183

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

El Golfo El Golfo No Data


The remains of a former volcano on the coast where half of the crater remains, but the rest has been washed away by the sea. From the view point you get a stunning view of the curve of the remaining crater. Down in the base of the crater, separated from the sea by a spit of volcanic debris, is a small lagoon which has been turned green by algae. The contrast to the blue of the neighbouring sea makes for an amazing view.



Getting There

There is no access to El Golfo by public transport, you need to have either your own transport or visit as part of an organised tour
Latitude: 28.97806; Longitude: -13.828774
What3Words: reach.hazelnut.goodies


Photo ID: 037351 Photo ID: 037353 Photo ID: 037355 Photo ID: 037357 Photo ID: 037361 Photo ID: 037362 Photo ID: 037364

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jameos del Agua Jameos del Agua No Data


Another part of the lava tunnels linked between three areas where the lava caved in creating caverns. César Manrique again is responsible for the layout and feel of the spaces. You initially descend down one cavern which houses a restaurant at the bottom. You then walk along a lava tunnel, which has a small pool in it - fed from the nearby sea - home to a unique species of albino crabs. At the other end of the tunnel another cavern opens out which houses the steps up and a small cafe. At the top level there is a large pool and then a 600 seat auditorium built into another part of the lava tunnels. It's a spectacular and very weird location.



Getting There

From Costa Teguise the easiest way is on an organised tour, otherwise you need to catch an early bus into Arrecife and change there onto the number 9 bus to Jameos del Agua at the very north of the island (3 buses on weekdays, 2 on weekends).
Latitude: 29.157127; Longitude: -13.430363
What3Words: tankards.splats.worth


Photo ID: 037184 Photo ID: 037186 Photo ID: 037188 Photo ID: 037190 Photo ID: 037193 Photo ID: 037204 Photo ID: 037207

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Graciosa: 4x4 Safari La Graciosa: 4x4 Safari No Data


The only vehicles allowed on the island are 4x4 jeeps - and they are needed as the roads are little more than sand or gravel tracks with horrible ruts and washboard finishes in places. A North Island tour typically takes about 90 minutes and includes stops in Casas de Pedro Barba the Playa de las Conchas, the Playa Lambra and the Mirador Baja de las Majapalomas. You can extend the tour by another hour taking in the route to the south of the island and to Playa de la Cocina, but given how painful on the spine the 90 minute journey is you would have to be a bit of a glutton for punishment to do the full island tour.



Getting There

Jeeps line up just behind the harbour side ready to take people out on tours. When I visited in November 2021 there were more jeeps than customers, but I suspect in high season it would be advisable to book in advance
Latitude: 29.230225; Longitude: -13.5022
What3Words: ninja.exceed.pieced


Photo ID: 037233 Photo ID: 037235 Photo ID: 037237 Photo ID: 037239 Photo ID: 037243 Photo ID: 037246 Photo ID: 037248

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Graciosa: Mirador Baja de las Majapalomas La Graciosa: Mirador Baja de las Majapalomas No Data


The former crater of a volcano that has slowly been eaten away by the sea, today just parts of the basalt walls of the crater, and a thin arch of rock over the inlet from the sea remain - it's an impressive site.



Getting There

The easiest way to get here is to take the 4x4 safari, otherwise it's just under 8KM from Caleta del Sebo (harbour), with some steep climbs - 90 minutes on foot, about 30 minutes by bike
Latitude: 29.283905; Longitude: -13.500728
What3Words: provided.elephants.sporting


Photo ID: 037266 Photo ID: 037268 Photo ID: 037270 Photo ID: 037272 Photo ID: 037277 Photo ID: 037278 Photo ID: 037279

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Graciosa: Playa de las Conchas La Graciosa: Playa de las Conchas No Data


Located in the north west of the island this is a beautiful white sandy beach with clear blue sea and excellent views across to Isla de Montaña Clara, Roque del Oeste and Isla de Alegranza



Getting There

The easiest way to get here is to take the 4x4 safari, otherwise it's just over 5KM from Caleta del Sebo (harbour), with some steep climbs - 70 minutes on foot, about 20 minutes by bike
Latitude: 29.275327; Longitude: -13.515597
What3Words: polystyrene.receiving.fishnets


Photo ID: 037251 Photo ID: 037252 Photo ID: 037253 Photo ID: 037254 Photo ID: 037255 Photo ID: 037256 Photo ID: 037258

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Los Hervideros Los Hervideros No Data


This is the point where parts of the lava flow from the Timanfaya eruption hit the sea, creating large amounts of new land, and also some impressive rock formations where rock cooled at different rates. Nearby is the only black sand beach on the island



Getting There

There is no access to Los Hervideros by public transport, you need to have either your own transport or visit as part of an organised tour
Latitude: 28.953992; Longitude: -13.833415
What3Words: provisional.aggravated.cleansed


Photo ID: 037366 Photo ID: 037367 Photo ID: 037368 Photo ID: 037369 Photo ID: 037370 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tahiche: Fundación César Manrique Tahiche: Fundación César Manrique No Data


The former home and studio of Lanzarote artist César Manrique. The building was created out of a former lava flow and includes a number of underground rooms and tunnels which wouldn't be out of place as a bond villains lair. A number of exhibitions around the site tell the story of César, his life and works.



Getting There

From Costa Teguise the 31/33 bus routes run out to the site. Heading towards the centre you have to catch the bus past the site and onto the stop at Tahiche Alto, from where it's a 10 minute gentle downhill walk to the site. Coming back the bus stop is by the roundabout a couple of hundred meters from the site.
Latitude: 29.002721; Longitude: -13.547371
What3Words: revalue.floral.seethed


Photo ID: 037315 Photo ID: 037318 Photo ID: 037321 Photo ID: 037323 Photo ID: 037331 Photo ID: 037334 Photo ID: 037339

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Timanfaya: Echadero de los Camellos Timanfaya: Echadero de los Camellos No Data


A 15 minute ride up through some of the volcanic area of Timanfaya on the back of a dromedary. The tour is a bit kitsch, but it is a great way of seeing the volcanic landscape up close, rather than through the window of a bus.



Getting There

See Timanfaya National Park for details on getting here
Latitude: 28.991507; Longitude: -13.742542
What3Words: cookers.unworn.bolted


Photo ID: 037158 Photo ID: 037373 Photo ID: 037377 Photo ID: 037379 Photo ID: 037382 Photo ID: 037384 Photo ID: 037386

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Timanfaya: Islote de Hilario Timanfaya: Islote de Hilario No Data


The visitors centre has a series of experiments that let you understand how active the land underneath your feet still is - in the first experiment you get to hold some of the pico gravel from the ground, which is hot to touch, almost uncomfortably so. In the second experiment brush is pressed up against the rocks until it bursts into flames from the heat coming out of the rocks. In the third experiment water is poured down 10m holes which is immediately super heated to steam and ejected as a geyser. The final experiment is the grill - designed by César Manrique - which has been happily cooking food for the onsite restaurant since the 1970s



Getting There

See Timanfaya National Park for details on getting here
Latitude: 29.005628; Longitude: -13.75313
What3Words: shabbier.vocally.unkindly


Photo ID: 037135 Photo ID: 037137 Photo ID: 037140 Photo ID: 037141 Photo ID: 037142 Photo ID: 037144 Photo ID: 037163

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Timanfaya: Montañas del Fuego Timanfaya: Montañas del Fuego No Data


This is about a 10Km drive through the lava fields and remnants of the volcanoes that have erupted in Timanfaya. Highlights include parts of the lava tunnels, several of the craters and the changing landscape from lava rocks to almost sand like dust near the craters. At one point on the tour you climb high up the side of one of the volcanoes and see how the craters all line up across the landscape. The tour is accompanied by an audio experience which includes thematic music and narration. If you are on an organised tour then the tour bus follows the route. If you have driven or cycled to the visitors centre you must take one of the centres coaches for the tour - no self driving, cycling or walking around the route is allowed.



Getting There

See Timanfaya National Park for details on getting here
Latitude: 29.00581; Longitude: -13.752887
What3Words: tankards.semesters.billboards


Photo ID: 037145 Photo ID: 037148 Photo ID: 037149 Photo ID: 037157 Photo ID: 037160 Photo ID: 037404 Photo ID: 037410

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arrecife Arrecife No Data


The capital of the island since it moved from Teguise in the 1850s, this was once a small fishing village, but is now the major settlement on the island with the airport, largest ports and most facilities. As it was a late comer to being the islands capital it doesn't have much historic infrastructure other than a couple of small forts on the sea front.


Getting There

From Costa Teguise there are regular (every 20 minutes) buses to Arrecife, taking about 20 minutes to make the journey to the Bus station at the back of town or 30 minutes to the Intercambriador station near the sea front.
Latitude: 28.961984; Longitude: -13.551934
What3Words: cutaway.massive.moods


Photo ID: 030605 Photo ID: 030610 Photo ID: 030613 Photo ID: 030622 Photo ID: 030633 Photo ID: 030634 Photo ID: 030715

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Graciosa La Graciosa No Data


One of the smallest of the inhabited Canary Islands, La Graciosa has kept out the rampant tourism that has engulfed some of the other islands, and consequently is still a wilderness of volcanoes and sand dunes. There are only dirt tracks across the island, and in large parts over the sands all vehicles, including bikes, are banned. It's possible to walk not very far from the ferry terminal and feel like you have an entire island to yourself, complete with beautiful white sandy beaches and menacing volcanoes.


Getting There

From Costa Teguise the easiest way is on an organised tour, otherwise you need to catch an early bus into Arrecife and change there onto the number 9 bus to Órzola at the very north of the island (5 buses on weekdays, 4 on weekends). There are regular ferries from Órzola across to Caleta del Sebo on La Graciosa.
Latitude: 29.255628; Longitude: -13.50379
What3Words: wanting.helpline.studying


Photo ID: 037218 Photo ID: 037221 Photo ID: 037222 Photo ID: 037250 Photo ID: 037266 Photo ID: 037286 Photo ID: 037287

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Timanfaya National Park Timanfaya National Park No Data


The site of the most recent of Lanzarote's volcanic eruptions, starting in 1730 and carrying on for around 6 years. Over 100 square miles of lava field were created and the whole area is a national park. Inside the park are several volcanoes, including the one which was most recently active. In the visitors centre you can discover how active and hot the land still is, even though there hasn't been an eruption for nearly 300 years.


Getting There

There is no public transport that accesses the national park, you need to either have your own transport (you can cycle up to the visitors centre at Islote de Hilario), or go on one of the many tours that leave from across the island
Latitude: 29.010109; Longitude: -13.734282
What3Words: pound.boyish.search


Photo ID: 037133 Photo ID: 037134 Photo ID: 037136 Photo ID: 037155 Photo ID: 037156 Photo ID: 037164 Photo ID: 037397

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/11/2021), and on time of last update (02/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castillo de San Gabriel Castillo de San Gabriel No Data


Located on a small island just off the coast and linked to the promenade by two paths this small castle was there to help protect the harbour from the pirates of the past. Today it's a nice place to take a walk out to, and also houses a small museum (closed at the time of visiting)


Free to walk out to the castle, Charge for the museum

Getting There

Latitude: 28.956409; Longitude: -13.547571
What3Words: unless.doctors.nozzles


Photo ID: 030605 Photo ID: 030631 Photo ID: 030633 Photo ID: 030634 Photo ID: 030637 Photo ID: 030639 Photo ID: 030642

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2020), and on time of last update (22/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


A hop-on-hop-off land train that runs round the edge of the city centre. Starting from near Castillo San Gabriel the tour takes in the cruise harbour before heading out to the museums at Castillo de San Jose and then returning to the city to run the full length of the Rambla round the city centre before returning along the coast past the main beach. A multi-lingual commentary tells you about the key sights and some of the history of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.958422; Longitude: -13.548016
What3Words: remarks.piper.pancakes


Photo ID: 030608 Photo ID: 030609 Photo ID: 030610 Photo ID: 030611 Photo ID: 030613 Photo ID: 030614 Photo ID: 030616

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2020), and on time of last update (22/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Playa de El Reducto Playa de El Reducto No Data


The city's main beach located in a small bay and sheltered by reefs off shore this is a pleasant stretch of sand and calm waters



Getting There

Latitude: 28.958069; Longitude: -13.556687
What3Words: compiled.seat.however


Photo ID: 030622 Photo ID: 030623 Photo ID: 030650 Photo ID: 030712 Photo ID: 030713 Photo ID: 030715 Photo ID: 030721

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2020), and on time of last update (22/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Public Transport Public Transport No Data


Getting round the island to the main resorts and key towns is relatively easy by bus with a little planning. With the exception of the town centre routes in Arrecife, the routes linking Puerto del Carmen to Costa Teguise via Arrecife and the airport buses services are not particularly frequent - but journey times are short and prices are cheap. The bus company's website provides timetables and the Moovit app has live bus data making it easy to plan journeys. It's possible to see a reasonable amount of the island just by using the buses. Of particular interest are routes 16 which goes through the centre of the island past many of the volcano and lava fields, route 3 which links along the coast from Puerto del Carmen to Costa Teguise frequently, Route 31 which runs from Costa Teguise via Teguise to the north coast at Caleta de Farma and routes 7 and 9 which run from Arrecife to Teguise


Getting There

Latitude: 28.966944; Longitude: -13.551606
What3Words: insect.chefs.detection


Photo ID: 030651 Photo ID: 030653 Photo ID: 030659 Photo ID: 030670 Photo ID: 030689 Photo ID: 030690 Photo ID: 030691

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2020), and on time of last update (22/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caleta de Farma Caleta de Farma No Data


Located on the North coast this is a smaller beach town, mostly focused on surfing due to the large waves that form here.


Getting There

From Arrecife you need to take bus 7 or 9 to Teguise and change to a number 31 there, or take bus 3 to Costs Teguise and pick up the number 31 there. Total journey time is about 40 minutes
Latitude: 29.116795; Longitude: -13.564063
What3Words: cobweb.visitor.industrious


Photo ID: 030691 Photo ID: 030693 Photo ID: 030695 Photo ID: 030697 Photo ID: 030700 Photo ID: 030701 Photo ID: 030702

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2020), and on time of last update (22/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Costa Teguise Costa Teguise No Data


A major resort on the West coast of the island, a few miles north of the capital Arrecife. It's home to several large sandy beaches, as well as many of the major resort hotels.


Getting There

From Arrecife bus 3 runs regularly (20 minutes weekdays, 30 minutes at weekends) taking about 20 minutes
Latitude: 28.995964; Longitude: -13.49142
What3Words: warming.dissolved.unhinge


Photo ID: 030703 Photo ID: 030705 Photo ID: 030706 Photo ID: 030708 Photo ID: 030709 Photo ID: 030710 Photo ID: 030711

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2020), and on time of last update (22/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Teguise Teguise No Data


The old capital of the island, today it's home to a major flea market on a Sunday.


Getting There

From Arrecife buses 7 and 9 run to Teguise, taking about 15 minutes
Latitude: 29.059339; Longitude: -13.560157
What3Words: journey.replaces.smooth


Photo ID: 030671 Photo ID: 030673 Photo ID: 030675 Photo ID: 030678 Photo ID: 030680 Photo ID: 030684 Photo ID: 030685

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2020), and on time of last update (22/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Palma Special Tour La Palma Special Tour No Data


Starting from Santa Cruz this tour heads west across the island to the view point at del Time high above the Aridane gorge formed from a collapsed volcanic caldera for views up the gorge and down to the coast. On a cloud free day you can see the land created by both the 1940s and 2020s eruptions. From del Time you head inland to the town of Puntagorda to take in the views of another collapsed caldera and to visit the farmers market. After Puntagorda the next stop is the highest point on the island the 2,400m high Roque de los Muchachos, reached by climbing over a kilometre up a tight winding road the end of the route being through the large astronomical observatory at the top of the mountain home to several telescopes. After the Roque de los Muchachos there is a brief photo stop at a viewpoint on the rim of the Caldera with views down into the crater and on the opposite side up to the North coast of the island. The tour then descends down to Nieves, just outside Santa Cruz to visit the church of the Virgin of the Snow with a final stop at the Mirador de La Concepción before returning to Santa Cruz.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.6803; Longitude: -17.767837
What3Words: exhales.yappy.candles


Photo ID: 044972 Photo ID: 044979 Photo ID: 045005 Photo ID: 045009 Photo ID: 045033 Photo ID: 045034 Photo ID: 045043

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Insular de La Palma Museo Insular de La Palma No Data


Located in a former convent this museum houses a wide range of exhibits including local paintings, craft tools, maritime history and a room full of stuffed animals reflecting the fauna of La Palma.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.687227; Longitude: -17.76205
What3Words: decide.cooking.wires


Photo ID: 044953 Photo ID: 044954 Photo ID: 044955 Photo ID: 044956 Photo ID: 044960 Photo ID: 044961 Photo ID: 044964

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Naval Museo Naval No Data


This small museum, housed in a concrete replica of Columbus' Santa Maria ship which, along with discovering The Caribbean, also seized control of La Palma for the Spanish King as it passed through. The museum tells a little of the history of Naval and Maritime trade from La Palma, which at one point was the third most important port of the Spanish empire after Seville and Antwerp.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.6882; Longitude: -17.761145
What3Words: gains.adopt.zoned


Photo ID: 044939 Photo ID: 044940 Photo ID: 044941 Photo ID: 044942 Photo ID: 044943 Photo ID: 044946 Photo ID: 044947

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Real Castillo de Santa Catalina Real Castillo de Santa Catalina No Data


A small fortress located opposite the main beach, at the time of visiting the castle was under repair and was closed to visits, though you could walk around the external fortifications.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.686831; Longitude: -17.760492
What3Words: investor.hobbies.colder


Photo ID: 044932 Photo ID: 044933 Photo ID: 044934 Photo ID: 044935 Photo ID: 044936 Photo ID: 044937 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tacande Volcanic Landscape Tour Tacande Volcanic Landscape Tour No Data


This tour starts in Santa Cruz with a quick tour through the streets of the city centre before heading up to a view point about 300m above Santa Cruz, Los Cancajos, Breña Baja and Breña Alta. From here the tour continues climbing into the mountains and rain forest before crossing through the mountains in a tunnel to emerge on the western side of the island. The next stop is just below the site of the September-December 2021 eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano. From here you take in the views of the still smoking crater, covered in sulphur, as well as the gigantic lava flow the rolled down the hills to the sea. The viewing point is close to where the lava crossed the road, cutting off the road with a wall of rock some 20m high. From the view point the tour heads down into La Laguna where you see the very end of one of the lava flows, which stopped just feet from the towns church. In February 2023 work was still ongoing to remove the solid rock and the buildings it had engulfed and destroyed. From La Laguna the tour continues down to the coast at Puerto de Tazacorte where there is a stop for an included lunch and then the tour retraces its steps back to Santa Cruz, with one final stop at a viewing platform some 3Km from the volcano but looking at it straight on, to get a real idea of quite how much mountain was created in just three months of eruptions



Getting There

Latitude: 28.683801; Longitude: -17.763291
What3Words: toggle.scanning.affords


Photo ID: 044840 Photo ID: 044843 Photo ID: 044846 Photo ID: 044866 Photo ID: 044868 Photo ID: 044902 Photo ID: 044904

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Los Cancajos: Costal Walk Los Cancajos: Costal Walk No Data


A walk along the seafront and cliffs, the black volcanic rock and black sand beach make for a slightly surreal landscape. There are excellent views up the West coast of the island and back across to Santa Cruz



Getting There

Latitude: 28.650235; Longitude: -17.758473
What3Words: solicitor.outfitter.roomier


Photo ID: 044804 Photo ID: 044805 Photo ID: 044808 Photo ID: 044816 Photo ID: 044820 Photo ID: 044821 Photo ID: 044822

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Los Cancajos: Playa Los Cancajos: Playa No Data


A large pleasant volcanic black sand beach located in a sheltered bay



Getting There

Latitude: 28.652897; Longitude: -17.760736
What3Words: drowsing.deceiver.covers


Photo ID: 044823 Photo ID: 044824 Photo ID: 044825 Photo ID: 044827 Photo ID: 044828 Photo ID: 044829 Photo ID: 044830

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mirado Volcán de Tajogaite Mirado Volcán de Tajogaite No Data


Located at the edge of the exclusion zone that in 2023 was still in place following the September - December 2021 eruption of the volcano. At this point you can clearly see the volcano itself, still steaming as well as the lava flow that just cuts through the countryside. At the point where it crosses the road it's a wall of rock some 20 feet high. From the view point you can look down and follow the course of the flow to the sea.


Getting There

There is no access via public transport - you can only access via taxi, private vehicle or on a guided tour
Latitude: 28.622822; Longitude: -17.873745
What3Words: genders.sprinters.intricate


Photo ID: 044860 Photo ID: 044862 Photo ID: 044864 Photo ID: 044865 Photo ID: 044867 Photo ID: 044869 Photo ID: 044872

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mirador de La Concepción Mirador de La Concepción No Data


Located high on the rim of a volcano that dominates Santa Cruz, you can make out the curve of the walls of the volcano and wonder in awe at the fact a complete suburb has been built in the base of the volcano (hopefully now extinct)


Getting There

The 33 runs from Santa Cruz to the bottom of the access road just below the viewpoint, every 1 to 2 hours, taking 21 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 28.673564; Longitude: -17.778417
What3Words: secretly.copiers.crash


Photo ID: 044849 Photo ID: 044851 Photo ID: 044852 Photo ID: 044855 Photo ID: 044857 Photo ID: 045041 Photo ID: 045042

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mirador de Los Andenes Mirador de Los Andenes No Data


Located partway along the rim of the Roque de los Muchachos at a narrow point where you can look from one side of the road down into the caldera of the volcano, and from the other side of the road up the north flank of the island towards the sea.



Getting There

There is no access via public transport - you can only access via taxi, private vehicle or on a guided tour
Latitude: 28.761097; Longitude: -17.867409
What3Words: pelts.newsstand.repave


Photo ID: 045030 Photo ID: 045031 Photo ID: 045032 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mirador de Tajuya Mirador de Tajuya No Data


At the height of the volcanic crisis in 2021 this was the closest that you could get to the volcano where people came to see the eruptions from a 3Km distance. Today it's still an excellent point to see the volcano from, getting the full view of the top of the crater, covered in sulphur deposits, as well as the lava flow stretching down to the sea.


Getting There

From Santa Cruz take the 300 bus - every 30-60 minutes to the view point, journey time is around 30 minutes and on the way out includes a ride up through the high mountains and rainforest before heading through the 1Km short tunnel in the mountains. The return trip uses the near 3Km long base tunnel so you see very little of the rainforest.
Latitude: 28.634842; Longitude: -17.889535
What3Words: elastic.molars.dragons


Photo ID: 044903 Photo ID: 044904 Photo ID: 044905 Photo ID: 044906 Photo ID: 044907 Photo ID: 044908 Photo ID: 044914

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nieves: Real Santuario de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves Nieves: Real Santuario de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves No Data


The sanctuary of the Virgin of the Snows - a statue of the Virgin that is processed down into Santa Cruz once every 5 years as part of a religious festival.



Getting There

The 33 runs from Santa Cruz to the bus station in Nieves, just below the chapel, every 1 to 2 hours, taking 15 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 28.694221; Longitude: -17.782295
What3Words: reports.system.mile


Photo ID: 045036 Photo ID: 045037 Photo ID: 045038 Photo ID: 045039 Photo ID: 045040 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Puntagorda: Mercadillo del Agricultor Puntagorda: Mercadillo del Agricultor No Data


Located on the edge of town this purpose built market hall houses a regular farmers and arts and crafts market. The first half of the building is dedicated to produce with the back half being given over to tourist items and handicrafts. Outside there are stunning views along a gorge formed from a collapsed calderas.


Free to look around

Getting There

From Santa Cruz take the 300 bus - every 30-60 minutes to the end of the line in Los Llanos (50 minutes journey time). Change there onto the 110 bus to Puntagorda (every hour to 2 hours, journey time 55 minutes)
Latitude: 28.779252; Longitude: -17.973679
What3Words: concoct.same.pulleys


Photo ID: 044995 Photo ID: 044997 Photo ID: 044998 Photo ID: 044999 Photo ID: 045000 Photo ID: 045001 Photo ID: 045003

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roque de los Muchachos Roque de los Muchachos No Data


The highest point on the island, the top of a massive volcano that collapsed creating much of the landscape of the north of the island. From the very top of the rim you can look down into the caldera and see the walls of the volcano. Due to the very dry air, the height, the lack of lights and the fact the clouds form below the mountain top creating a blanketing effect from below the site is now home to a large number of observatories and telescopes which make the landscape even weirder that it would otherwise be.



Getting There

There is no access via public transport - you can only access via taxi, private vehicle or on a guided tour
Latitude: 28.754348; Longitude: -17.885041
What3Words: distribution.degrees.outdo


Photo ID: 045021 Photo ID: 045022 Photo ID: 045024 Photo ID: 045025 Photo ID: 045027 Photo ID: 045028 Photo ID: 045029

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tijarafe: Mirador del Time Tijarafe: Mirador del Time No Data


Located high above the Aridane gorge, formed when a caldera collapsed. From the view point you can look up into the valley and the walls of the former volcano or down to Puerto de Tazacorte directly below you and slightly further down the coast evidence of the most recent lava flows to have made it to the sea.



Getting There

From Santa Cruz take the 300 bus - every 30-60 minutes to the end of the line in Los Llanos (50 minutes journey time). Change there onto the 110 bus towards Puntagorda (every hour to 2 hours, journey time 20 minutes)
Latitude: 28.663338; Longitude: -17.94256
What3Words: bookcases.bareness.blogging


Photo ID: 044984 Photo ID: 044985 Photo ID: 044986 Photo ID: 044987 Photo ID: 044988 Photo ID: 044989 Photo ID: 044990

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Laguna La Laguna No Data


The town of La Laguna was one of the worst impacted by the volcanic eruption of 2021, with one of the lava streams ending in the centre of the town, just feet from the church. In 2023 work was still ongoing to break up the lava and take down the destroyed buildings still partly entombed in rock.


Getting There

From Santa Cruz take the 300 bus - every 30-60 minutes to the end of the line in Los Llanos (50 minutes journey time). Change there onto the 210 bus to La Laguna (only 3 to 4 buses per day, about 10 minutes journey time)
Latitude: 28.631764; Longitude: -17.908118
What3Words: robot.carver.missions


Photo ID: 044877 Photo ID: 044879 Photo ID: 044883 Photo ID: 044885 Photo ID: 044866 Photo ID: 044867 Photo ID: 044868

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Los Cancajos Los Cancajos No Data


Located about half way between Santa Cruz and the airport at the end of a ravine coming down from the mountains the area was originally used for agriculture and as salt pans. As the industry dried up in the latter part of the 20th century the flat spaces from the salt pans proved to be useful spaces to build hotels and resort complexes on and the area is now one of the main resort towns of the island


Getting There

Los Cancajos is on the 500 airport bus from Santa Cruz. Buses run every 30-60 minutes with journeys taking about 5-10 minutes to make the journey into the town.
Latitude: 28.646959; Longitude: -17.7591107
What3Words: hark.abortive.stay


Photo ID: 044801 Photo ID: 044803 Photo ID: 044826 Photo ID: 044966 Photo ID: 044967 Photo ID: 044968 Photo ID: 044969

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Puerto de Tazacorte Puerto de Tazacorte No Data


The main port on the west coast of the island, and once an important point on the trade routes to the New World. Today this is a quiet harbour town located at the end of a steep gorge with stunning views both up the caldera that the gorge is formed from and along the cost to where the most recent volcanic lava flows enter the sea.


Getting There

From Santa Cruz take the 300 bus - every 30-60 minutes to the end of the line in Los Llanos (50 minutes journey time). Change there onto the 110 bus towards Puntagorda (every hour to 2 hours, journey time 10 minutes)
Latitude: 28.651395; Longitude: -17.945446
What3Words: supports.keyed.structuring


Photo ID: 044891 Photo ID: 044893 Photo ID: 044895 Photo ID: 044897 Photo ID: 044899 Photo ID: 044900 Photo ID: 044901

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2023), and on time of last update (27/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Gomera Tour La Gomera Tour No Data


A full day tour taking in much of the island. The tour starts either with Hotel Pickup or from the Fred Olsen ticket desks at the harbour in Los Cristianos from where it's about an hours crossing to San Sebastián de La Gomera, the capital of the island. On arrival the tour was met by a minibus which was our transport for the day. The tour takes in many of the key sights of the island including several of the viewpoints, cultural interpretation centres and the laurisilva forest, along with a lunch stop (food not included) before returning to the capital with about 30 minutes to spare exploring before the ferry back to Los Cristianos



Getting There

Latitude: 28.047132; Longitude: -16.718504
What3Words: ordeals.sunbeams.navigable


Photo ID: 050991 Photo ID: 050996 Photo ID: 051002 Photo ID: 051004 Photo ID: 051007 Photo ID: 051009 Photo ID: 051011

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scenic bike tour with Cheese and Wine Scenic bike tour with Cheese and Wine No Data


A 3.5 hour tour that’s slightly more terrifying than scenic. After meeting at the tour offices you, and the bikes, are transported up to the Parque Recreativo de las Lajas on the side of Mount Teide, about 29Km from Los Cristianos and also 2,200m above it. From the park you start the descent down the side of the mountain, initially travelling along the main mountain road, stopping off at a viewpoint along the way, before reaching Vilaflor - the highest town in Spain - where you leave the main road and start following smaller, steeper back roads down through the countryside. After about 90 minutes cycling you reach the Bodega Reverón where you stop to sample some of the local wines and cheese. After the stop the steepest part of the route is followed on quiet lanes with gradients of 25% before eventually reaching the town of La Camella where you join the main road back down the 6Km or so into Los Cristianos, including navigating the slip road off of the motorway and the main highway into town. The tour was in parts both breath taking and terrifying - particularly the final couple of kilometres into town. Very little peddling is required, but you are on the breaks constantly for the full 2.5 hours of cycling so your hands, shoulders and back start to cramp up quite a bit, as do you legs which have nothing much to do other than sit on the peddles the entire time.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.049241; Longitude: -16.713812
What3Words: gutter.endless.opal


Photo ID: 051151 Photo ID: 051153 Photo ID: 051155 Photo ID: 051159 Photo ID: 051162 Photo ID: 051164 Photo ID: 051165

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whale Watching Whale Watching No Data


A two hour boat tour out from Los Cristianos harbour into the strait between Tenerife and La Gomera which is home to around 400 Short Fin Pilot Whales as well as Bottlenose Dolphins. Whilst nothing can be guaranteed, the Pilot Whales are of sufficient numbers that it should be possible to see them on most tours. On our tour we saw a full family - juveniles and parents swimming only about a mile off of the coast.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.049007; Longitude: -16.71833
What3Words: weirder.instigator.spoil


Photo ID: 051167 Photo ID: 051169 Photo ID: 051171 Photo ID: 051173 Photo ID: 051175 Photo ID: 051176 Photo ID: 051177

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Gomera: Área recreativa Laguna Grande La Gomera: Área recreativa Laguna Grande No Data


Located in the heart of the island this small nature trail allows you to wander through the laurisilva forest and experience this unique habitat.



Getting There

The only reasonable access is to visit on a tour or with your own transport. Public transport on the island is very limited.
Latitude: 28.126484; Longitude: -17.258456
What3Words: copes.imperfect.trustful


Photo ID: 051058 Photo ID: 051059 Photo ID: 051060 Photo ID: 051061 Photo ID: 051062 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Gomera: Centro de Interpretación - Las Loceras La Gomera: Centro de Interpretación - Las Loceras No Data


Located in the village of El Cercado this small museum tells the story of the local clay pot making process, which uses just hands and rocks to break and then shape the clay into various different styles of pots and vessels. The craft is still carried on to today in the village



Getting There

The only reasonable access is to visit on a tour or with your own transport. Public transport on the island is very limited.
Latitude: 28.11877; Longitude: -17.283844
What3Words: certificates.touchy.dude


Photo ID: 051043 Photo ID: 051044 Photo ID: 051045 Photo ID: 051046 Photo ID: 051047 Photo ID: 051048 Photo ID: 051050

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Gomera: Centro de Visitantes Juego de Bolas La Gomera: Centro de Visitantes Juego de Bolas No Data


This small exhibition centre houses a garden with traditional plants from the island as well as a small museum which houses a traditional Canarian house and has exhibits on the unique whistling language of the islands



Getting There

The only reasonable access is to visit on a tour or with your own transport. Public transport on the island is very limited.
Latitude: 28.178378; Longitude: -17.213805
What3Words: misheard.deploying.always


Photo ID: 051078 Photo ID: 051079 Photo ID: 051080 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Gomera: Mirador Colgado La Gomera: Mirador Colgado No Data


This viewpoint is located on the opposite side of the road from the Mirador de los Roques and showcases the unique climate of the island with the view Northeast from this viewpoint usually obscured by the thick clouds brought in by the trade winds. As you cross the road to the Mirador de los Roques you should almost be able to walk through a curtain of cloud. On the day I visited a Calima (hot dry wind from the Sahara) had passed through the islands making the air very dry and the skies completely clear



Getting There

The only reasonable access is to visit on a tour or with your own transport. Public transport on the island is very limited.
Latitude: 28.109918; Longitude: -17.214311
What3Words: dripped.vitality.recalculate


Photo ID: 051017 Photo ID: 051018 Photo ID: 051019 Photo ID: 051020 Photo ID: 051021 Photo ID: 051022 Photo ID: 051023

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/04/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Gomera: Mirador de Abrante La Gomera: Mirador de Abrante No Data


Located high above the small town of Agulo on the Northern part of the island, this view point includes a glass walkway where you can step out over the rock and look straight down the cliff edge to the ground several hundred meters below you.



Getting There

The only reasonable access is to visit on a tour or with your own transport. Public transport on the island is very limited.
Latitude: 28.185953; Longitude: -17.201128
What3Words: gape.dweller.accrue


Photo ID: 051063 Photo ID: 051064 Photo ID: 051065 Photo ID: 051069 Photo ID: 051071 Photo ID: 051073 Photo ID: 051074

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Gomera: Mirador de los Roques La Gomera: Mirador de los Roques No Data


This viewpoint is located on the opposite side of the road from the Mirador Colgado and showcases the unique climate of the island with the view Southwest from this viewpoint usually crystal clear as the clouds and rain brought by the trade winds hug the other side of the road. As you cross the road to the Mirador Colgado you should almost be able to walk through a curtain of cloud. On the day I visited a Calima (hot dry wind from the Sahara) had passed through the islands making the air very dry and the skies completely clear



Getting There

The only reasonable access is to visit on a tour or with your own transport. Public transport on the island is very limited.
Latitude: 28.108941; Longitude: -17.21437
What3Words: skillet.headlights.farmhouse


Photo ID: 051025 Photo ID: 051026 Photo ID: 051027 Photo ID: 051028 Photo ID: 051029 Photo ID: 051030 Photo ID: 050131

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Gomera: Mirador Punta del Belete La Gomera: Mirador Punta del Belete No Data


A viewpoint looking down one of the many ravines and gorges down the side of the island caused by millennia of water flow. The water has caved away at the rock to reveal the different strata as they were laid down during numerous volcanic eruptions, with clear evidence that at the beginning the volcano must have been active for a very long time, laying down very thick beds of rock, but as time moves towards the modern day the bands of volcanic rock become thinner showing the eruptions may only have lasted for a few months at a time.



Getting There

The only reasonable access is to visit on a tour or with your own transport. Public transport on the island is very limited.
Latitude: 28.122576; Longitude: -17.286572
What3Words: beatable.alert.bearings


Photo ID: 051052 Photo ID: 051053 Photo ID: 051054 Photo ID: 051055 Photo ID: 051056 Photo ID: 051057 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Gomera: San Sebastián La Gomera: San Sebastián No Data


The capital and commercial centre of the island, it's easy to walk around much of the centre in a short period of time.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.090153; Longitude: -17.109694
What3Words: spares.workhorse.jumble


Photo ID: 051004 Photo ID: 051108 Photo ID: 051109 Photo ID: 051110 Photo ID: 051114 Photo ID: 051118 Photo ID: 051120

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Gomera: San Sebastián - Iglesia De La Asunción La Gomera: San Sebastián - Iglesia De La Asunción No Data


Large church in the centre of the city which is richly decorated.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.092696; Longitude: -17.110989
What3Words: hyphens.resubmit.headlines


Photo ID: 051111 Photo ID: 051113 Photo ID: 051115 Photo ID: 051116 Photo ID: 051117 Photo ID: 051119 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Gomera: San Sebastián - Plaza de la Constitución La Gomera: San Sebastián - Plaza de la Constitución No Data


Small square in the heart of the old town. Located to one side is a statue of Christopher Columbus, recognising that the mariner stopped here on his way out to discover the West Indies.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.090878; Longitude: -17.110313
What3Words: chains.finder.spice


Photo ID: 051109 Photo ID: 051110 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Gomera La Gomera No Data


The third smallest of the Canary Islands, located off the Western coast of Tenerife. The island is roughly circular showing it's origins as a large volcano. Over the millennia the sides of the volcano have been worn away by water flow creating deep ravines and gorges which thanks to their different positions and amounts of sunlight have created unique environments. A large part of the island is covered by the laurisilva or laurel rain forest, which thanks to the trade winds hitting the island forming dense clouds in the 700-1400m altitudes where the forest are sees rain some 300+ days a year, just not the day I visited!


Getting There

There are direct Fred Olsen and Aramas ferries from Los Cristianos on Tenerife to San Sebastián de La Gomera taking about 55 minutes to make the crossing
Latitude: 28.103716; Longitude: -17.22005
What3Words: stuffy.lotuses.accusation


Photo ID: 051005 Photo ID: 051013 Photo ID: 051032 Photo ID: 051040 Photo ID: 051052 Photo ID: 051086 Photo ID: 051089

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2024), and on time of last update (01/03/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Auditorio Auditorio No Data


Perhaps the most recognisable man-made object on the Tenerife skyline, the Auditorio is a stunning building and well worth looking over


Free to look around the outside, charge for events

Getting There

Latitude: 28.456195; Longitude: -16.251482
What3Words: nerve.magazine.visit


Photo ID: 016786 Photo ID: 016787 Photo ID: 016788 Photo ID: 016791 Photo ID: 016797 Photo ID: 016799 Photo ID: 016801

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2016), and on time of last update (19/03/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castillo de San Juan Bautista Castillo de San Juan Bautista No Data


One of many small castles and forts built to defend the islands. Today it is close to visitors, but you can see much of the structure from outside


Free (not able to enter site)

Getting There

Latitude: 28.455422; Longitude: -16.252384
What3Words: warrior.inflict.upwards


Photo ID: 016789 Photo ID: 016798 Photo ID: 016800 Photo ID: 016801 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2016), and on time of last update (19/03/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Centro de Interpretación Castillo de San Cristóbal Centro de Interpretación Castillo de San Cristóbal No Data


Located underneath the Plaza de España the remains of the harbour castle were discovered when the square was redeveloped around 2006. A small corner of the castle exists and is now housed in an interpretation centre beneath the square with a small exhibition about the defence of Tenerife. The centre is also home to "El Tigre" one of the canons used to defend Tenerife against the British and reputed to be the canon whose shot cost Horatio Nelson his arm.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.466983; Longitude: -16.246872
What3Words: retail.premiums.personal


Photo ID: 016845 Photo ID: 016846 Photo ID: 016847 Photo ID: 018484 Photo ID: 016849 Photo ID: 016850 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2016), and on time of last update (19/03/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


Half hourly open-top hop-on-hop-off bus tour taking in the main sights of the town, including the port areas, main parks and the key museums and the Auditorio. Multi-lingual commentary


Charge, Ticket offers free entrance to other sites

Getting There

Latitude: 28.46696; Longitude: -16.247746
What3Words: struts.bandage.recline


Photo ID: 016726 Photo ID: 016727 Photo ID: 016728 Photo ID: 016731 Photo ID: 016732 Photo ID: 016737 Photo ID: 016741

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2016), and on time of last update (19/03/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre Museo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre No Data


This eclectic museum looks at both the Geology, Natural History and Archaeology of the Canary Islands, from their Volcanic foundations through to their early settlement.


Charge, Free entry with a City Sightseeing tour ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 28.463622; Longitude: -16.249554
What3Words: chose.admiral.nibbles


Photo ID: 016818 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2016), and on time of last update (19/03/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palmetum Palmetum No Data


The former city land-fill site has been carefully landscaped and turned into this beautiful botanical garden, dedicated to Palm trees from around the world with hundreds of examples. There are stunning views over the city and the coast from the top of the site.


Charge, Free entry with a City Sightseeing tour ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 28.451961; Longitude: -16.255855
What3Words: formed.done.decrease


Photo ID: 016802 Photo ID: 016804 Photo ID: 016806 Photo ID: 016808 Photo ID: 016810 Photo ID: 016812 Photo ID: 016813

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2016), and on time of last update (19/03/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Teide Excursion Teide Excursion No Data


A five hour coach tour that takes you from the city up to Mount Teide, the Volcanic heart of the island, and the highest point in Spain. Depending on the weather and traffic there may be time to take the cable car up to the very top of the mountain, but on the day I went the traffic was very busy so there wasn't time. The tour climbs up from the coast at Santa Cruz to over 2,300m through thick pine forest and across the barren volcanic landscape of Tenerife's interior. A tour guide gives lots of information and points out the key sights.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.466468; Longitude: -16.246775
What3Words: fruity.sponge.braved


Photo ID: 016749 Photo ID: 016750 Photo ID: 016755 Photo ID: 016761 Photo ID: 016769 Photo ID: 016733 Photo ID: 016735

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2016), and on time of last update (19/03/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Laguna: Museo de Historia y Antropología de Tenerife La Laguna: Museo de Historia y Antropología de Tenerife No Data


Charge, Free on Friday and Saturday afternoons


Located in one of the oldest buildings in the town the museum traces the history of the island from the Conquistadors through to the late 20th Century.

Getting There

Latitude: 28.489553; Longitude: -16.314919
What3Words: surging.spoon.oval


Photo ID: 016783 Photo ID: 016784 Photo ID: 016785 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2016), and on time of last update (19/03/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Playa de Las Teresitas Playa de Las Teresitas No Data


A stunning sandy beach, about 5Km north of Santa Cruz. The golden sands are imported from the Sahara and the warm shallow sea in the bay makes for great paddling.


Getting There

The 910 bus runs regularly to the beach at Las Teresitas, taking around 20 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 28.509274; Longitude: -16.185491
What3Words: distant.avoid.gulfs


Photo ID: 016819 Photo ID: 016820 Photo ID: 016821 Photo ID: 016822 Photo ID: 016823 Photo ID: 016824 Photo ID: 016825

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/03/2016), and on time of last update (19/03/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Laguna La Laguna No Data


The original capital of the island, full of pretty streets and the main cathedral it’s a lovely place just to wander around


Getting There

Easiest way is to take the tram from the Centre of Santa Cruz. Trams run frequently and take around 35 minutes to make the journey to the centre of La Laguna. Frequent buses also run between Santa Cruz and La Laguna taking less time, but the bus station in La Laguna is a good 5 to 10 minute walk from the centre of town.
Latitude: 28.488738; Longitude: -16.316776
What3Words: fully.unlucky.flipping


Photo ID: 016776 Photo ID: 016777 Photo ID: 016778 Photo ID: 016779 Photo ID: 016780 Photo ID: 016781 Photo ID: 016782

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/03/2016), and on time of last update (19/03/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Playa de las Américas Beach Playa de las Américas Beach No Data


The sea here is primarily a watersports area, with quite strong waves, making it ideal for surfing, but not great for swimming or even relaxing on the black sand beach.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.061894; Longitude: -16.73416
What3Words: moping.mercies.bathroom


Photo ID: 032615 Photo ID: 032615 Photo ID: 032696 Photo ID: 032697 Photo ID: 032700 Photo ID: 032701 Photo ID: 032702

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2020), and on time of last update (19/12/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Night Skies Tenerife Night Skies Tenerife No Data


An excellent evening/night tour. In part due to sunset times and because of Covid-19 related Curfew restrictions that were in place, the tour set off much earlier than originally advertised and the intnerary was swapped round to make everything fit in and get everyone back before the 11pm Curfew started. After pickups in Playa de las Americas we headed up into the hills and stopped at a very nice Canarian restaurant where there was a light (and slightly early) dinner - included in the price. This was also the rendevous point for the three different groups that were on the tour for the evening. After dinner we continued climbing up to a spot around 1900m above sea level with views up to the peak of Mount Teide and down to the sea of clouds further down the mountain. Here accompanied by glases of Cava we watched a stunning sunset. We then drove a little way back down the mountin to a larger parking area where a telescope was set up and, once the last of the light of the day had gone, we were shown some of the wonders of the night sky, combining both laser pointers to highlight the obviously visible and the telecope to look closer at both stars in our Galaxy and in the approaching Adromeda Galaxy. To wrap up (and warm up) there was a cup of hot chocolate before we were taken back down the mountain to our hotels.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.26665; Longitude: -16.726039
What3Words: snowy.threading.dimness


Photo ID: 032529 Photo ID: 032532 Photo ID: 032537 Photo ID: 032544 Photo ID: 032548 Photo ID: 032549 Photo ID: 032550

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2020), and on time of last update (19/12/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tamarán Tour: Teide Jeep Safari Tamarán Tour: Teide Jeep Safari No Data


This would be a very good tour, if they hadn't gone for the gimick of using a Jeep type vehicle. No part of the tour was off-road, so it could have been done with a much more comfortable mini-bus rather than having to cram into a cramped jeep (social distancing not possible). After leaving Americas we headed up into the hills, first stopping above the county town of Arona for views back down on the South Western corner of the island, taking in the Banana plantations that used to power the economy and round to the concrete jungle of the tourist towns further up the coast. From Arona we continued climbing up to Vilaflor where there was a coffee stop before we continued climbing up into the massive caldera of the long gone major volcano that today Mount Teide is only remaining part of. We stopped there for photos before continuing along the floor of the caldera and then descending back down (past the site of the previous nights stargazing) before heading over to the town of Tamaimo for lunch. After lunch we resumed climbing into the hills before descening down into a hidden ravine to the town of Masca, only visible to the outside world from the sea by a small gap in the walls of an old volcano's crater. After Masca it was a long, and uncomfortable, journey back to Americas.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.223139; Longitude: -16.630685
What3Words: raiders.rockier.largest


Photo ID: 032551 Photo ID: 032558 Photo ID: 032567 Photo ID: 032573 Photo ID: 032585 Photo ID: 032597 Photo ID: 032605

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2020), and on time of last update (19/12/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tenerife Island Tour Tenerife Island Tour No Data


Another excellent tour, this time in a circle round the island. Normally the tour would start in Santa Cruze in the north of the island with an early morning transfer pickup from Americas, but I was the only person on the tour, so I got an individually taylored tour, and an amended route that started partway round the normal itinerary. First up was a stop at the Los Gigantes cliffs before heading up through the mountains and back down to the coast at Garachico. From there it was on to Icod de los Vinos to view the town, and the 1,000+ year old Dragon Tree in the centre of the town. The next stop was the nearby town of La Orotava to have a look at the traditional Canarian balconies and the botnaical gardens before reaching the most northerly point on the tour at La Laguna which included a stop for lunch. After La Laguna we continued round to the town of Candelaria and the national Basilica before a final stop at a beach close to the airport that has it's own mini (dead) volcano. Finally it was a short drive back down to Americas completing the loop round the island.



Getting There

Latitude: 28.366651; Longitude: -16.722208
What3Words: reintroduced.leveraged.uploads


Photo ID: 032616 Photo ID: 032626 Photo ID: 032639 Photo ID: 032664 Photo ID: 032670 Photo ID: 032686 Photo ID: 032693

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/12/2020), and on time of last update (19/12/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Architecture Architecture No Data


Across the whole of Barcelona are examples of some of the strangest architecture of the 20th Century. The Mondanistas movement, of which Gaudí is the most well known, can be followed round the city using pre-written walks.


No charge to walk round the streets and look at the buildings. Most are still occupied so you cannot enter them to view

Getting There

Latitude: 41.387917; Longitude: 2.169919
What3Words: central.thirsty.product


Photo ID: 000293 Photo ID: 011358 Photo ID: 011359 Photo ID: 011360 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2004), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bus Turistic: Blue Route Bus Turistic: Blue Route No Data


The blue route of the hop-on-hop-off city tour takes in the northern end of the city, including The Sagrada Familia, Parc Güell, the Tramvia Blau for Mont Tibidabo and the Barcelona football stadium. A multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary is available.


Charge, ticket covers Blue, Red (and in summer months Green) routes

Getting There

Latitude: 41.387462; Longitude: 2.170848
What3Words: requested.space.values


Photo ID: 011393 Photo ID: 011394 Photo ID: 011418 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2014), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bus Turistic: Red Route Bus Turistic: Red Route No Data


The red route of the hop-on-hop-off city tour takes in the southern end of the city, including Montjuïc and the port areas. A multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary is available.


Charge, ticket covers Blue, Red (and in summer months Green) routes

Getting There

Latitude: 41.38617; Longitude: 2.169838
What3Words: sulk.parks.outsiders


Photo ID: 011331 Photo ID: 011332 Photo ID: 011333 Photo ID: 011334 Photo ID: 011335 Photo ID: 011361 Photo ID: 011372

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2014), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Casa Milà Casa Milà No Data


One of the most famous of Gaudí's buildings. Now the headquarters of a major bank but you can view the roof and samples of what the flats would have looked like when they were first occupied. There is also an exhibition of Gaudí's designs.


(Steep) charge made to view the exhibitions, flats and roof

Getting There

Latitude: 41.395381; Longitude: 2.161922
What3Words: trim.passage.ruled


Photo ID: 000291 Photo ID: 000292 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2004), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castell de Montjuïc (Montjuïc Castle) Castell de Montjuïc (Montjuïc Castle) No Data


A large fortification on the top of Montjuïic hill providing excellent views over the city and the port.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.363354; Longitude: 2.166167
What3Words: mull.dynamics.elevate


Photo ID: 011426 Photo ID: 011428 Photo ID: 011431 Photo ID: 011437 Photo ID: 011441 Photo ID: 011449 Photo ID: 011451

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2014), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


Compact and dark cathedral with an outside courtyard containing the captive sacred geese. Lift in the main tower takes you to the roof where you can get stunning views over the city


Free at certain times of day, Charge at others. Charge to take the lift to the roof (included in entrance fee when this is charged)

Getting There

Latitude: 41.384074; Longitude: 2.17657
What3Words: doctor.wharfs.marshes


Photo ID: 011337 Photo ID: 011338 Photo ID: 011339 Photo ID: 011341 Photo ID: 011345 Photo ID: 011348 Photo ID: 011355

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2004), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Font Màgica de Montjuïc (Monjuïc Magic Fountain) Font Màgica de Montjuïc (Monjuïc Magic Fountain) No Data


The Magic fountain erupts into a display of music, light and water every Friday and Saturday evening in winter months (more regularly in the summer). The stunning display draws big crowds so its worth getting there early



Getting There

Latitude: 41.371181; Longitude: 2.151728
What3Words: anyway.dairies.date


Photo ID: 011367 Photo ID: 011368 Photo ID: 011369 Photo ID: 011370 Photo ID: 011371 Photo ID: 011459 Photo ID: 011461

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2014), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mount Tibidabo Mount Tibidabo No Data


The highest point in the city. From the turn of the 20th century fun fair at the top you have stunning views over the whole of the city laid out beneath you towards the Mediterranean


Free to look around, charge for rides

Getting There

From Plaça de Catalunya take metro line 7 to the end of the line. There you can change onto the Blue Tram (Tramvia Blau) or the bus to the base of the Tibidabo funicular. The tram and funicular are not included in the city transport tickets.
Latitude: 41.42152; Longitude: 2.120186
What3Words: loops.classics.february


Photo ID: 011396 Photo ID: 011397 Photo ID: 011398 Photo ID: 011400 Photo ID: 011401 Photo ID: 011402 Photo ID: 011403

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2014), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museu d'Història de Barcelona (Barcelona History Museum) Museu d'Història de Barcelona (Barcelona History Museum) No Data


The museum traces the history and development of Barcelona from a Roman costal settlement to the city it is today. One of the key parts of the museum is the stunning Roman remains located in the basement and stretching for a large distance in all directions up almost to the Cathedral.


Charge, Free on late Sunday afternoons

Getting There

Latitude: 41.383954; Longitude: 2.177547
What3Words: hurry.indirect.lunges


Photo ID: 011478 Photo ID: 011480 Photo ID: 011481 Photo ID: 011483 Photo ID: 011485 Photo ID: 011488 Photo ID: 011490

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2014), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Olympic Stadium Olympic Stadium No Data


The 1992 Olympics helped to transform the city, with large parts renovated, refreshed or simply created from scratch. The Olympic stadium itself was a refurbishment of the 1929 Exposition stadium. You can go into the entrance for views across the stadium



Getting There

Latitude: 41.365931; Longitude: 2.155665
What3Words: glides.fellow.bolt


Photo ID: 011469 Photo ID: 011470 Photo ID: 011471 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2014), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parc de Montjuïc Parc de Montjuïc No Data


This large park stretches up the side of Montjuïc hill from Plaza Espana to the castle at the top. A large part of the park was redeveloped as the Olympic park for the 1992 Barcelona Olympics having previously been heavily developed and landscaped for the 1929 world fair that Barcelona held here. Handy escalators help whisk you up the hills of the park.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.369518; Longitude: 2.152852
What3Words: embedded.clown.vanished


Photo ID: 011463 Photo ID: 011464 Photo ID: 011467 Photo ID: 011468 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2014), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parc Güell Parc Güell No Data


Designed and laid out by Gaudí's, and it looks like it. Originally this was going to be a new Garden City for Barcelona, but the scheme failed and the Güell family gifted the space to the city as a park. Across the park there are lots of reminders that this was designed by Gaudí including the stunning mosaic dragon near the entrance



Getting There

Sightseeing tour buses stop near the entrance, alternatively bus 24 from the city centre goes close to one of the side entrances
Latitude: 41.413984; Longitude: 2.152526
What3Words: toenail.umbrella.vest


Photo ID: 000294 Photo ID: 000295 Photo ID: 000296 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2004), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sagrada Familia Sagrada Familia No Data


Another Gaudí structure. Still being built more than 100 years after it was started and there is no way to describe what it is like without the use of substantial quantities of mind altering drugs! Lifts take you part of the way up some two of the towers another Gaudí structure. Still being built more than 110 years after it was started and there is no way to describe what it is like without the use of substantial quantities of mind altering drugs! Lifts take you part of the way up some two of the towers and you can climb even further it you want the views. An exhibition in what will eventually become the undercroft and crypts tells the story of the construction.


Charge for entry, additional charge to go up the towers (limited number of tickets each day)

Getting There

Latitude: 41.40364; Longitude: 2.17437
What3Words: mobile.lowest.relaxing


Photo ID: 000289 Photo ID: 000290 Photo ID: 011376 Photo ID: 011382 Photo ID: 011386 Photo ID: 011390 Photo ID: 011391

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2004), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Telefèric de Montjuïc (Montjuïc Cablecar) Telefèric de Montjuïc (Montjuïc Cablecar) No Data


The cable car climbs from the top station of the Montjuïic funicular to the Castle on the top of the hill. The views over the city from the cabins are stunning



Getting There

Latitude: 41.368736; Longitude: 2.163361
What3Words: command.solve.couch


Photo ID: 011421 Photo ID: 011423 Photo ID: 011454 Photo ID: 011455 Photo ID: 011456 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2014), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Temple de Sagrat Cor Temple de Sagrat Cor No Data


Located on the highest point of Mont Tibidabo the church dominates the top of the mountain and is visible from all over the city, from the viewing platform at the base of the main tower there are excellent views


Free to look around the church and the crypt, charge for the lift to the viewing platform (lift is the only means of access to the viewing platform)

Getting There

From Plaça de Catalunya take metro line 7 to the end of the line. There you can change onto the Blue Tram (Tramvia Blau) or the bus to the base of the Tibidabo funicular. The tram and funicular are not included in the city transport tickets.
Latitude: 41.422054; Longitude: 2.118771
What3Words: sisters.damp.fear


Photo ID: 011399 Photo ID: 011407 Photo ID: 011408 Photo ID: 011409 Photo ID: 011410 Photo ID: 011411 Photo ID: 011414

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2014), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tramvia Blau (Blue Tram) Tramvia Blau (Blue Tram) No Data


The historic blue trams climb the mile or so from the metro station at Avinguda del Tibidabo to the base of the Tibidabo funicular, taking about 5 minutes to make the climb



Getting There

From Plaça de Catalunya take metro line 7 to the end of the line. The end station of the tram is just across the road from the station exit
Latitude: 41.410513; Longitude: 2.136947
What3Words: modest.binder.evidently


Photo ID: 011393 Photo ID: 011395 Photo ID: 011417 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2014), and on time of last update (18/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Banys Àrabs Banys Àrabs No Data


Former Arabic Bath house located just outside the city walls, you can walk through the various rooms of the complex, as well as climb up onto a viewing platform above the building to take in the roof and lantern



Getting There

Latitude: 41.98816; Longitude: 2.825725
What3Words: kennels.locals.instead


Photo ID: 043566 Photo ID: 043569 Photo ID: 043570 Photo ID: 043572 Photo ID: 043574 Photo ID: 043575 Photo ID: 043576

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/11/2022), and on time of last update (08/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basílica de Sant Feliu Basílica de Sant Feliu No Data


The largest church in the city and originally located just outside the city walls, which is why it looks quite castle like on the outside. It's also in several different architectural styles showing the length of time construction took place with extra bits being added over time.


Charge. Joint ticket covers the Basilic as well as the Cathedral and Treasury

Getting There

Latitude: 41.987926; Longitude: 2.824844
What3Words: trooper.steeped.scarves


Photo ID: 043534 Photo ID: 043578 Photo ID: 043581 Photo ID: 043583 Photo ID: 043586 Photo ID: 043588 Photo ID: 043589

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/11/2022), and on time of last update (08/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cases de l'Onyar Cases de l'Onyar No Data


The tall and colourful buildings of the old town form an almost impenetrable wall that runs down one bank of the River Onyar. The best place to take in the views are from one of the many pedestrian foot bridges that cross the river



Getting There

Latitude: 41.985448; Longitude: 2.824365
What3Words: copy.cheater.crispy


Photo ID: 043471 Photo ID: 043473 Photo ID: 043532 Photo ID: 043648 Photo ID: 043649 Photo ID: 043747 Photo ID: 043749

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/11/2022), and on time of last update (08/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Catedral de Girona Catedral de Girona No Data


The city's cathedral located on the site of a former Roman Temple. The building has the second largest internal nave of any church in the world and it does create an impressive space - especially when you consider this was built in the middle ages. A tour round the cathedral also includes the impressive cloister as well as the cathedral treasury


Charge. Joint ticket covers the Basilic as well as the Cathedral and Treasury. You can also purchase a ticket that adds on the Museu d'Art (same price as the discounted price if you have the Museu Girona discount card)

Getting There

Latitude: 41.987337; Longitude: 2.826124
What3Words: prepare.pleasing.lofts


Photo ID: 043478 Photo ID: 043590 Photo ID: 043592 Photo ID: 043594 Photo ID: 043600 Photo ID: 043602 Photo ID: 043610

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/11/2022), and on time of last update (08/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muralles de Girona (Walls) Muralles de Girona (Walls) No Data


Parts of the original city walls and towers still exist through to today. Significant portions were dismantled to allow for city expansion in the 18th and 19th century, but almost all of these parts have been rebuilt in a similar style and integrated into the remains. You can walk along the entire length from the river up round the back of the old town and back down to the river again albeit with a gap around the Archaeological museum. At regular points along the way the towers are open for you to climb up further to get even better views. The walls are open well into the evening so you can walk along them at night - with some sections illuminated.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.986589; Longitude: 2.828406
What3Words: shuttle.colder.harvest


Photo ID: 043497 Photo ID: 043502 Photo ID: 043521 Photo ID: 043544 Photo ID: 043658 Photo ID: 043672 Photo ID: 043688

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/11/2022), and on time of last update (08/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya No Data


Housed in a former monastery the museum has archaeological artefacts from around 700,000 years ago when humanity first appeared on the Iberian Peninsular up until the late 700s, shortly before the building housing the museum was originally constructed.


Charge. Once you've paid full charge you get a 50% discount in the five other Girona Museu museums

Getting There

Latitude: 41.988809; Longitude: 2.826435
What3Words: directly.images.canine


Photo ID: 043540 Photo ID: 043554 Photo ID: 043555 Photo ID: 043556 Photo ID: 043557 Photo ID: 043559 Photo ID: 043560

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/11/2022), and on time of last update (08/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museu d'Art de Girona Museu d'Art de Girona No Data


Located in the former Bishops Palace this museum houses a large collection of religious art, including original items from both the Basilica and the Cathedral. There is also a gallery of more modern art and a couple of temporary exhibition spaced


Charge. Once you've paid full charge you get a 50% discount in the five other Girona Museu museums

Getting There

Latitude: 41.98704; Longitude: 2.826548
What3Words: entitle.goats.downturn


Photo ID: 043612 Photo ID: 043613 Photo ID: 043614 Photo ID: 043615 Photo ID: 043616 Photo ID: 043617 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/11/2022), and on time of last update (08/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museu d'Història de Girona Museu d'Història de Girona No Data


The museum is housed in a 15th century house that was later converted into a Capuchin monastery and tells the history of the city from the Roman era through to the modern day.


Charge. Once you've paid full charge you get a 50% discount in the five other Girona Museu museums

Getting There

Latitude: 41.98675; Longitude: 2.825064
What3Words: equal.bring.episode


Photo ID: 043736 Photo ID: 043737 Photo ID: 043738 Photo ID: 043739 Photo ID: 043740 Photo ID: 043742 Photo ID: 043744

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/11/2022), and on time of last update (08/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museu d'Història dels Jueus Museu d'Història dels Jueus No Data


The museum tells the history of the Jewish population of the city, which arrived during the 9th century before being expelled in May 1492 during the Spanish Inquisition. The museum is housed, in part, on the spot where the Synagogue would have been during the height of the community. There are a large number of artefacts that tell the story of the arrival, history, life and expulsion of the community, along with remains of some of the buildings from the time.


Charge. Once you've paid full charge you get a 50% discount in the five other Girona Museu museums

Getting There

Latitude: 41.986049; Longitude: 2.825336
What3Words: afflict.muscular.pink


Photo ID: 043731 Photo ID: 043732 Photo ID: 043733 Photo ID: 043734 Photo ID: 043735 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/11/2022), and on time of last update (08/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Figueres: Església de Sant Pere Figueres: Església de Sant Pere No Data


A 1000 year old church located in the heart of the town centre. Inside the church is quite dark due to the grey stone it's built out of, but lit by a number of stained glass windows



Getting There

Latitude: 42.267749; Longitude: 2.959905
What3Words: prices.diary.shelved


Photo ID: 043726 Photo ID: 043727 Photo ID: 043728 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/11/2022), and on time of last update (08/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Figueres: Teatre-Museu Dalí Figueres: Teatre-Museu Dalí No Data


The former town theatre that was destroyed during the Spanish Civil War and lay empty for a couple of decades before Dalí and the local council converted it into a museum dedicated not just to his art but also to part of his personal private collection. The museum houses the largest collection of his work as well as his tomb as he was laid to rest here when he died in 1989.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.267972; Longitude: 2.959723
What3Words: buffoon.quest.spend


Photo ID: 043708 Photo ID: 043709 Photo ID: 043710 Photo ID: 043714 Photo ID: 043715 Photo ID: 043716 Photo ID: 043717

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/11/2022), and on time of last update (08/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Figueres Figueres No Data


Figueres is the administrative capital of this part of Catalunya, though it's most famous for being the home of Spanish artist Salvador Dalí. The town is home to a number of Dalí related attractions, some of which he played a key role in, especially the Teatre-Museu Dalí


Getting There

Regular commuter and medium distance trains run every hour or so (alternating between a Rodalies all stops train and a Media-Distancia semi-fast service every other hour) from the above ground platforms at Girona, taking between 30 and 40 minutes. These all stop at Figueres station which is on the edge of the town centre and are priced as local trains. Alternatively AVE and AVANT trains run from the underground High Speed station about every hour (though at irregular times) and take 15 minutes to get to Figueres-Vilafant station which is a couple of Kilometres from the centre of town and linked by a regular shuttle bus. Tickets start at 50% more than the local trains and go up from there, plus you have to pay for the shuttle bus into Figueres.
Latitude: 42.267304; Longitude: 2.960844
What3Words: crusted.backdrop.warbler


Photo ID: 043707 Photo ID: 043720 Photo ID: 043722 Photo ID: 043723 Photo ID: 043724 Photo ID: 043729 Photo ID: 043730

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/11/2022), and on time of last update (08/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Antigas Murallas Antigas Murallas No Data


Small sections of the old city walls are still standing and you can walk along a very small section close to the Castelo de Santo Antón



Getting There

Latitude: 43.368799; Longitude: -8.389069
What3Words: income.warriors.wire


Photo ID: 053631 Photo ID: 053682 Photo ID: 053684 Photo ID: 053687 Photo ID: 053688 Photo ID: 053691 Photo ID: 053692

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2024), and on time of last update (23/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aquarium Finisterrae Aquarium Finisterrae No Data


Large aquarium mostly focussing on the sea creatures of the seas off of the Galician coast, though there are a few tanks with more exotic species. Located right by the coast there are also some excellent views out over the sea crashing against the rocks and one of the best views of the Torre de Hércules. There is also an outside pool which is home to a number of different seals.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.383604; Longitude: -8.409595
What3Words: tummy.settled.dish


Photo ID: 053708 Photo ID: 053710 Photo ID: 053718 Photo ID: 053720 Photo ID: 053724 Photo ID: 053738 Photo ID: 053740

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2024), and on time of last update (23/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castelo de Santo Antón Castelo de Santo Antón No Data


The city's 16th Century harbour fortification that is now also home to the city's Archaeological Museum. Entrance to the castle also gets you into the museum.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.365792; Longitude: -8.388066
What3Words: resting.incline.stick


Photo ID: 053635 Photo ID: 053637 Photo ID: 053640 Photo ID: 053642 Photo ID: 053647 Photo ID: 053651 Photo ID: 053655

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/06/2024), and on time of last update (23/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harbour Wall Harbour Wall No Data


Stretching for about a kilometre dead straight out into the sea and forming the main breakwater that protects the marina and commercial harbours of the city. From the raised platform at the end with the harbour entry light there are excellent views back over the city centre and one of the only places in the city where you can see both the castle and the Tower of Hercules.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.365077; Longitude: -8.374747
What3Words: overtime.partner.rumbles


Photo ID: 053694 Photo ID: 053695 Photo ID: 053697 Photo ID: 053698 Photo ID: 053700 Photo ID: 053702 Photo ID: 053704

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2024), and on time of last update (23/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo de Belas Artes da Coruña Museo de Belas Artes da Coruña No Data


The city's art gallery housing a wide permanent collection as well as a range of temporary exhibits.


Charge, Free on Sunday mornings

Getting There

Latitude: 43.372711; Longitude: -8.399817
What3Words: popular.gripes.fake


Photo ID: 053741 Photo ID: 053743 Photo ID: 053745 Photo ID: 053746 Photo ID: 053747 Photo ID: 053748 Photo ID: 053750

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2024), and on time of last update (23/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Praza de María Pita Praza de María Pita No Data


The city's main square, home to a number of restaurants as well as the impressive town hall



Getting There

Latitude: 43.370872; Longitude: -8.395905
What3Words: decorate.coherent.gardens


Photo ID: 053662 Photo ID: 053668 Photo ID: 053670 Photo ID: 053672 Photo ID: 053674 Photo ID: 053675 Photo ID: 053678

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2024), and on time of last update (23/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Punta Herminia Punta Herminia No Data


The headland immediately north of the Tower of Hercules which houses a number of art installations as well as excellent views



Getting There

Latitude: 43.388079; Longitude: -8.399017
What3Words: welcome.push.standard


Photo ID: 053587 Photo ID: 053614 Photo ID: 053615 Photo ID: 053619 Photo ID: 053620 Photo ID: 053623 Photo ID: 053627

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/06/2024), and on time of last update (23/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torre de Hércules Torre de Hércules No Data


Possibly the oldest still active Roman Lighthouse in the world, though the original Roman Structure has been mostly hidden by a 17th Century facelift and rebuild that aimed to preserve the structure. From the top there are excellent views over the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.386016; Longitude: -8.406554
What3Words: reeling.montage.pass


Photo ID: 053577 Photo ID: 053389 Photo ID: 053591 Photo ID: 053594 Photo ID: 053604 Photo ID: 053607 Photo ID: 053612

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/06/2024), and on time of last update (23/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dalt Vila Dalt Vila No Data


The ancient heart of the town, sheltered behind it's city walls. The walls provide stunning views over the town and the surrounding islands, as well as offering some excellent exercise as in some places they are extreamly steep. Inside the town the houses cling to the side of the hill rising to the Cathedral and Castle (closed for restoration at the time of visiting) at the top


Free to wander around and to walk the walls

Getting There

Latitude: 38.906958; Longitude: 1.436388
What3Words: publish.viewing.beast


Photo ID: 016588 Photo ID: 016592 Photo ID: 016597 Photo ID: 016603 Photo ID: 016605 Photo ID: 016630 Photo ID: 016669

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2016), and on time of last update (28/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dalt Vila: Baluard de Sant Pere Dalt Vila: Baluard de Sant Pere No Data


A small Audio Visual presentation on the creation of the current fortifications that encircle the old town



Getting There

Latitude: 38.908058; Longitude: 1.433454
What3Words: shark.insect.opponent


Photo ID: 016599 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2016), and on time of last update (28/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dalt Vila: Catedral Dalt Vila: Catedral No Data


The highest point in Dalt Vila and visible from much of the city the Cathedral is actually quite small when you are inside it, with plane white walls and ceiling. The large windows bring in lots of light making it quite a light space



Getting There

Latitude: 38.906714; Longitude: 1.436788
What3Words: examples.bunch.shutting


Photo ID: 016590 Photo ID: 016614 Photo ID: 016618 Photo ID: 016653 Photo ID: 016654 Photo ID: 016655 Photo ID: 016664

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/02/2016), and on time of last update (28/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dalt Vila: Centre D'Interpretació Madina Yabisa Dalt Vila: Centre D'Interpretació Madina Yabisa No Data


This museum, built around a part of the Moorish walls uncovered in the early part of the 21st century, tells the history of the creation of the Dalt Vila



Getting There

Latitude: 38.907032; Longitude: 1.436147
What3Words: print.baffle.cabbage


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/02/2016), and on time of last update (28/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Necropolis del Puig des Molins Necropolis del Puig des Molins No Data


The hill of the dead, located just outside the walls of Dalt Vila has been in use from at least the Phonecian era. The museum on the site tells the history of the funeral rights from the Phonecians through the Punics to the Romans. Outside you can see the tombs cut into the bare rock, as well as descend into one of the Hypogea that cover the site to see the interlinked tombs beneath the ground


Charge, Free on the day I visite

Getting There

Latitude: 38.907058; Longitude: 1.429486
What3Words: chip.engaging.poppy


Photo ID: 016707 Photo ID: 016710 Photo ID: 016713 Photo ID: 016716 Photo ID: 016718 Photo ID: 016720 Photo ID: 016721

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2016), and on time of last update (28/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

AquaBus AquaBus No Data


During winter months the Aquabus offers a single return journey a day between Ibiza and Formentera leaving Ibiza at 11am and returning at 5pm. The day return price is cheaper than a single fare on many of the other ferry services so if you can work with their limited timetable it's worth the value.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.910829; Longitude: 1.435109
What3Words: poker.above.parties


Photo ID: 016678 Photo ID: 016680 Photo ID: 016681 Photo ID: 016697 Photo ID: 016698 Photo ID: 016703 Photo ID: 016705

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2016), and on time of last update (28/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fortmentera: Bike Hire Fortmentera: Bike Hire No Data


A number of outlets by the harbour offer cycle hire. The island has a large number of dedicaed cycle lanes so it is safe to get around. Don't believe the guidebooks though, the first 2KM out of town are up a steep hill!


Charge, Deposit required in addition

Getting There

Latitude: 38.73405; Longitude: 1.415021
What3Words: mongrel.lateral.geology


Photo ID: 016685 Photo ID: 016686 Photo ID: 016690 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2016), and on time of last update (28/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Formentera Formentera No Data


The sister island to Ibiza, located to the South and with a calmer and more laid-back approach to life than it's party hard sister. The island has stunning beaches and lots of cycle lanes to let you get around relatively easily. A limited bus service also links the island together


Getting There

There are regular departures from Ibiza to Formentera by a number of operators with varying prices and frequencies. Crossings are between 30 minutes on a fast catermaran up to nearly an hour on the standard car ferry.
Latitude: 38.705722; Longitude: 1.428485
What3Words: disrobed.composers.mortally


Photo ID: 016687 Photo ID: 016688 Photo ID: 016689 Photo ID: 016691 Photo ID: 016693 Photo ID: 016694 Photo ID: 016696

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2016), and on time of last update (28/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Banys Àrabs Banys Àrabs No Data


The only remaining structure from the time of the Moors on Mallorca. The small baths complex has a video introduction that tells some of the history behind the baths and how they operated.



Getting There

Latitude: 39.56669; Longitude: 2.651157
What3Words: curious.decoder.stew


Photo ID: 008914 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castell de Bellver Castell de Bellver No Data


Located on a hill overlooking the city centre the Castle offers stunning views over the whole of the bay of Palma. Inside the rooms are home to a small archaeological museum which traces the development of Palma from the Roman settlement to the modern day.



Getting There

The easiest way to reach the Castell is to take the City Sightseeing bus, otherwise its bus 3, 20 or 46 to the bottom of the kilometre or so winding, steep, road that leads up to the Castle.
Latitude: 39.563839; Longitude: 2.619362
What3Words: castle.quarrel.symphony


Photo ID: 008866 Photo ID: 008871 Photo ID: 008918 Photo ID: 008920 Photo ID: 008924 Photo ID: 008928 Photo ID: 008930

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Catedral Catedral No Data


The imposing Cathedral is a massive building perched on a cliff overlooking the sea. Before the building of the main road to the airport past the edge of the city walls the cathedral was right on the seas edge. Inside the sense of scale is even more overwhelming. Entry to the Cathedral is via the small museum exhibition of some of the Cathedrals key artefacts.



Getting There

Latitude: 39.567584; Longitude: 2.648276
What3Words: united.fairway.spending


Photo ID: 008872 Photo ID: 008873 Photo ID: 008888 Photo ID: 008909 Photo ID: 008910 Photo ID: 008911 Photo ID: 008912

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


The hop-on-hop-off buses take in the key sights of the city centre before taking to the hills to climb to the Castell de Bellver (the only way to get there without a long uphill walk or a taxi) and then returning to the city centre along the seafront. Multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary gives some of the history of the city and indicates the key sights


Getting There

Latitude: 39.567613; Longitude: 2.645876
What3Words: cold.upstairs.prime


Photo ID: 008869 Photo ID: 008870 Photo ID: 008871 Photo ID: 008872 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Es Baluard Es Baluard No Data


Built into the former Sant Pere Bastion this is the city's modern and contemporary art gallery. The core collection includes significant numbers of works by both Joan Miro and Picasso. The gallery has been worked into the fabric of the former bastion and you can ascend up to the roof off the gallery, onto the former battlements of the bastion for stunning views over the city



Getting There

Latitude: 39.570226; Longitude: 2.641024
What3Words: generals.reminder.shining


Photo ID: 008878 Photo ID: 008879 Photo ID: 008880 Photo ID: 008957 Photo ID: 008958 Photo ID: 008959 Photo ID: 008961

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ferrocarril de Sóller Ferrocarril de Sóller No Data


Built in the early 20th century to link Palmer with Sóller the railway line is still running with it's original wooden trains rattling up into the mountains through tunnels that defy the technology of the time and with views that underlie the raw natural beauty of the island.


Charge, joint return ticket with the Trams to Port de Sóller available

Getting There

Latitude: 39.576716; Longitude: 2.653796
What3Words: pipeline.pushy.journey


Photo ID: 008931 Photo ID: 008932 Photo ID: 008933 Photo ID: 008934 Photo ID: 008935 Photo ID: 008936 Photo ID: 008937

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palau de l'Almudaina Palau de l'Almudaina No Data


The summer home of the Spanish Royal Family. There's been a castle on the site since the times of the Moors, though the current castle was started in the 14th century by the second king of Mallorca. A self-guided tour takes you around many of the key rooms in the building. An optional audio guide gives more information, but is probably not worth the cost as much of the information given is already shown on the displays in each room



Getting There

Latitude: 39.567751; Longitude: 2.647174
What3Words: confirms.stroke.taped


Photo ID: 008874 Photo ID: 008889 Photo ID: 008902 Photo ID: 008903 Photo ID: 008905 Photo ID: 008906 Photo ID: 008908

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Poble Espanyol Poble Espanyol No Data


Take 100 of the most famous buildings from Spain and recreate them next door to each other so you can step from the Patio's of the Alhambra in Granada into the Torre del Oro in Sevilla by way of Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia, all mixed in around narrow lanes and enclosed by the walls and gatehouses from Toledo. It's a very quick guide to the key sights of Spain.



Getting There

Latitude: 39.57272; Longitude: 2.627951
What3Words: dish.inched.dabbing


Photo ID: 008891 Photo ID: 008892 Photo ID: 008893 Photo ID: 008898 Photo ID: 008899 Photo ID: 008900 Photo ID: 008901

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

S'Arenal: Land Train S'Arenal: Land Train No Data


The train runs from the centre of S'Arenal along the main drag to the neighbouring resort of Can Pastilla, making very frequent stops if you wanted to use it to hop between beaches, restaurants or bars



Getting There

Latitude: 39.505074; Longitude: 2.751749
What3Words: choosy.refolded.slights


Photo ID: 008965 Photo ID: 008966 Photo ID: 008967 Photo ID: 008968 Photo ID: 008969 Photo ID: 008970 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sóller: Jardí Botànic Sóller: Jardí Botànic No Data


The botanical gardens, located on the edge of town, have a good collection of plants, all out in the open, with the surrounding snow capped (in March) mountains providing a stunning backdrop


Charge, Includes entry to the Museu Balear de Ciències Naturals located in the grounds

Getting There

Latitude: 39.764428; Longitude: 2.709039
What3Words: jingles.slower.popped


Photo ID: 008946 Photo ID: 008947 Photo ID: 008948 Photo ID: 008949 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sóller: Museu Balear de Ciències Naturals Sóller: Museu Balear de Ciències Naturals No Data


The museum of natural sciences, located in the botanical gardens, has small exhibitions on the flora, fauna and geology of the Sóller area, as well as exhibitions on Fossils and Biodiversity.


Included in ticket to the Botanical Gardens

Getting There

Latitude: 39.764165; Longitude: 2.709332
What3Words: dating.sand.bounded


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sóller: Sala Miró Sóller: Sala Miró No Data


Located in a set of converted rooms on the ground floor of the station building there is a collection of paintings from Joan Miró



Getting There

Latitude: 39.765002; Longitude: 2.715227
What3Words: gourmet.secondly.results


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sóller: Sala Picasso Sóller: Sala Picasso No Data


In a set of converted rooms on the ground floor of the station the small exhibition houses around 30 pieces of ceramic work done by Picasso in the period between the end of WWII and the early 1970's



Getting There

Latitude: 39.764938; Longitude: 2.715071
What3Words: denote.lemmings.belonging


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sóller: Trams Sóller: Trams No Data


Connecting with the Train from Palma the wooden trams run the 2KM or so down from the town centre to the beach and harbour at Port de Sóller


Charge, joint return ticket with the Tren Sóller available

Getting There

Latitude: 39.764855; Longitude: 2.714905
What3Words: verdict.firm.grower


Photo ID: 008942 Photo ID: 008943 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Port de Sóller Port de Sóller No Data


The harbour and beaches of Sóller, located in a small but impressive bay 2KM from the town centre. The prom is lined with restaurants and bars


Getting There

From Palma the 210 and 211 buses continue beyond Sóller to Port de Sóller (about 5 minutes). Alternatively from Sóller take the old fashion wooden tram down to Port de Sóller (about 20 minutes)
Latitude: 39.797957; Longitude: 2.695121
What3Words: gullies.biopic.aggressively


Photo ID: 008939 Photo ID: 008940 Photo ID: 008941 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

S'Arenal S'Arenal No Data


Located about 15Km from the centre of Palma this is one of the major beach resorts of this part of the island.


Getting There

From Palma the number 15 bus runs every 10 minutes and takes around 40 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively the number 25 bus runs every 20 minutes via the motorway, taking around 25 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 39.504571; Longitude: 2.753448
What3Words: amounting.telling.tigress


Photo ID: 008962 Photo ID: 008963 Photo ID: 008964 Photo ID: 008965 Photo ID: 008966 Photo ID: 008969 Photo ID: 008970

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sóller Sóller No Data


A pretty town located on the north of the island, made all the more impressive by the spectacular ways of arriving.


Getting There

From Palma you can take the Tren Sóller direct to the town centre. Alternatively the 211 bus runs approximately hourly taking 45 minutes to dash up the motorway. However, the 210, which runs (roughly) every other hour, takes in a more circuitous route, which climbs high into the mountains, hugs the coastline and then finally descends down into Sóller through a series of switch backs and winding mountain roads, with stunning views most of the way. The 210 takes around 90 minutes.
Latitude: 39.766319; Longitude: 2.71512
What3Words: cherub.tallest.soap


Photo ID: 008943 Photo ID: 008944 Photo ID: 008945 Photo ID: 008948 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/03/2013), and on time of last update (23/03/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Atocha Station Atocha Station No Data


When the new station was built for the high speed network the older train shed with it's single span arch roof was retained and turned into a botanical gardens. You can wander around the space where trains would have previously have been running and take in this magnificent space and impressive roof.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.407068; Longitude: -3.691358
What3Words: dream.hatter.tribune


Photo ID: 043799 Photo ID: 043800 Photo ID: 043801 Photo ID: 043802 Photo ID: 043803 Photo ID: 043804 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2022), and on time of last update (14/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castillo de La Alameda Castillo de La Alameda No Data


Located close to the Fair ground and the Parque Juan Carols I these are well preserved ruins of a 14th century castle with impressive walls and moat. Whilst the castle is visible from the park that it's in you can only go inside the site at the weekends when it is open



Getting There

Latitude: 40.45872; Longitude: -3.592477
What3Words: weds.maximum.wisely


Photo ID: 043833 Photo ID: 043838 Photo ID: 043843 Photo ID: 043844 Photo ID: 043846 Photo ID: 043852 Photo ID: 043856

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2022), and on time of last update (14/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


From the outside, the building looks much older than the inside (though it did take them over 100 years to build, so that could explain!). Inside it resembles a typical cathedral, except one that has been scrubbed clean. All the stonework is still light and new and the stained glass is all very modern.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 40.415457; Longitude: -3.714452
What3Words: kinks.shocked.anyway


Photo ID: 001054 Photo ID: 001057 Photo ID: 001062 Photo ID: 001063 Photo ID: 001072 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/06/2006), and on time of last update (18/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Madrid City Tour Madrid City Tour No Data


Two hop-on-hop-off open-top bus routes that run through the centre of Madrid. One route takes you past "Historical Madrid" focusing on the palaces, gates, arches and monuments of old Madird. The other route takes you through "Modern Madrid" past the high-rise business centre and the Bernabau football stadium [2006 was called Madrid Vision, renamed by 2022 to Madrid City Tour]


Charge, Free with a Madrid Card

Getting There

Latitude: 40.423298; Longitude: -3.713636
What3Words: vipers.regular.quickly


Photo ID: 001064 Photo ID: 001065 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/06/2006), and on time of last update (14/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mirador de la Cornisa del Palacio Real Mirador de la Cornisa del Palacio Real No Data


Located behind the Cathedral and Royal Palace this viewpoint offers stunning views over the lower part of Madrid.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.416453; Longitude: -3.715385
What3Words: plenty.pillows.spine


Photo ID: 043915 Photo ID: 043916 Photo ID: 043917 Photo ID: 043918 Photo ID: 043919 Photo ID: 043920 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2022), and on time of last update (14/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mirador de la Montaña de Príncipe Pío Mirador de la Montaña de Príncipe Pío No Data


Located behind the Templo de Debod the view point has excellent views across the roofs of the lower part of Madrid to the Royal Palace and Cathedral further along the same ridge



Getting There

Latitude: 40.423422; Longitude: -3.718533
What3Words: digits.goals.started


Photo ID: 043822 Photo ID: 043823 Photo ID: 043824 Photo ID: 043825 Photo ID: 043828 Photo ID: 043829 Photo ID: 043830

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2022), and on time of last update (14/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Arqueológico Nacional Museo Arqueológico Nacional No Data


Located in the National Library building the archaeological museum tells the history of Spain from the earliest signs of man through to the modern day with a particular focus on the Roman and Moorish periods.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.423066; Longitude: -3.688921
What3Words: scraper.slot.claps


Photo ID: 043755 Photo ID: 043757 Photo ID: 043761 Photo ID: 043763 Photo ID: 043766 Photo ID: 043780 Photo ID: 043785

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2022), and on time of last update (14/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo de America Museo de America No Data


The museum traces the history and culture of the Spanish speaking American nations. The museum is packed with exhibits and you could easily spend hours looking round. Although all the exhibits are labelled in Spanish, there are laminated sheets in English and French at the start of each small section telling you about the exhibits


Charge, Free with a Madrid Card

Getting There

Latitude: 40.438337; Longitude: -3.721967
What3Words: printers.studio.leads


Photo ID: 001069 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/06/2006), and on time of last update (18/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo de la Ciudad Museo de la Ciudad No Data


The museum tells the history of the development and building of the city, with lots of very big models of individual buildings, and of city areas. There are also exhibitions dedicated to the development of the Metro in Madrid, the history of EMT (The Madrid bus company), Telefonica (The national phone company) as well as exhibitions on Bajaras airport, the national nuclear industry, Gas Natural and Phillips. All the signage is in Spanish


Charge, Free with a Madrid Card

Getting There

Latitude: 40.444469; Longitude: -3.677885
What3Words: united.recover.window


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/06/2006), and on time of last update (18/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Nacional del Prado Museo Nacional del Prado No Data


National art gallery housing some of Spain's most famous artists and works


Charge, best to book in advance as queues for on the day tickets are long

Getting There

Latitude: 40.4145; Longitude: -3.692435
What3Words: succeed.future.mostly


Photo ID: 043795 Photo ID: 043796 Photo ID: 043797 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2022), and on time of last update (14/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parque Juan Carlos I Parque Juan Carlos I No Data


This modern and massive park (created in the 1990s) close to the Fairground houses a number of open air sculptures and different spaces, along with a canal for water activities and several children's playgrounds



Getting There

Latitude: 40.461999; Longitude: -3.604049
What3Words: arrives.lorry.debit


Photo ID: 043857 Photo ID: 043859 Photo ID: 043860 Photo ID: 043864 Photo ID: 043865 Photo ID: 043890 Photo ID: 043894

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2022), and on time of last update (14/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parque Juan Carlos I: Tren Parque Juan Carlos I: Tren No Data


Running every 30 minutes or so for a 20 minute ride round the inner road of the park this land train tour takes in the major sites across the park and is a great way to see much of what the park has to offer. A commentary is provided in Spanish only



Getting There

Latitude: 40.460775; Longitude: -3.609642
What3Words: cats.resemble.custom


Photo ID: 043870 Photo ID: 043871 Photo ID: 043879 Photo ID: 043884 Photo ID: 043887 Photo ID: 043888 Photo ID: 043889

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2022), and on time of last update (14/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plaza Mayor Plaza Mayor No Data


The main square of the city, a large rectangular space surrounded by bars and restaurants and the perfect place to sit and people watch for a while



Getting There

Latitude: 40.41541; Longitude: -3.707361
What3Words: writings.farmed.slumped


Photo ID: 043805 Photo ID: 043806 Photo ID: 043807 Photo ID: 043808 Photo ID: 043813 Photo ID: 043815 Photo ID: 043816

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2022), and on time of last update (14/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal National Mint Royal National Mint No Data


The museum tells the history of money from its earliest (and strange) forms, through the Greeks, Romans and other settlers is Hispania up to modern day, tracing the development of the Pesos, Euro and other nationalities currencies.


Charge, Free with a Madrid Card

Getting There

Latitude: 40.422473; Longitude: -3.669219
What3Words: method.builders.divided


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/06/2006), and on time of last update (18/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Palace Royal Palace No Data


The palace is massive, and only a proportion of it is open to the public, but it still is a large amount to see. In addition to the 25 or so staterooms (including the spectacular royal chapel with its domed and painted roof), there is also the royal pharmacy and the royal armoury that can be looked around. There is also a temporary exhibition space which, when I went, was showing an exhibition of religious paintings.


Charge, Free with a Madrid Card

Getting There

Latitude: 40.418528; Longitude: -3.71428
What3Words: slime.elevate.trucked


Photo ID: 001051 Photo ID: 001052 Photo ID: 001053 Photo ID: 001055 Photo ID: 001058 Photo ID: 001059 Photo ID: 001060

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/06/2006), and on time of last update (18/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Teleférico Teleférico No Data


This is a cable car (of sorts) that links the massive Casa de Campo park with the almost centre of Madrid. The park houses the Zoo Aquarium and the theme park, but the main reason was just for the ride, which offers stunning views over both the park and the city. The journey itself takes over 10 minutes and covers nearly 2.5Km



Getting There

Latitude: 40.427927; Longitude: -3.72175
What3Words: outwit.tunes.shuttle


Photo ID: 001071 Photo ID: 001072 Photo ID: 001073 Photo ID: 001074 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/06/2006), and on time of last update (18/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Templo de Debod Templo de Debod No Data


A genuine 2,200 year old Egyptian temple, that was shipped brick by brick (carvings still intact) to Spain in the 1950's.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.424049; Longitude: -3.717842
What3Words: cobbled.disclose.rare


Photo ID: 001066 Photo ID: 001067 Photo ID: 001068 Photo ID: 043817 Photo ID: 043819 Photo ID: 043820 Photo ID: 043821

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/06/2006), and on time of last update (14/11/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wax Museum Wax Museum No Data


The museum is similar to wax museums the world over, large number of ancient historical figures, famous historical Spanish figures, current famous Spaniards and other famous people. There is also the chamber of horrors and the crime gallery.


Charge, Free with a Madrid Card

Getting There

Latitude: 40.424417; Longitude: -3.691471
What3Words: shopping.worker.golf


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/06/2006), and on time of last update (18/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Toledo Cathedral Toledo Cathedral No Data


The most imposing structure in the city is the Cathedral, taking up a massive space from the outside, and seemingly even bigger inside. The inside is richly decorated with lots of sculptures, paintings and gold. Just off to one side of the main body of the cathedral is the cloister with its beautiful and tranquil garden and next to that is the treasury with even more gold!



Getting There

Latitude: 39.857046; Longitude: -4.023743
What3Words: writings.upset.little


Photo ID: 001080 Photo ID: 001081 Photo ID: 001082 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/06/2006), and on time of last update (18/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Toledo Toledo No Data


Once the capital of Spain, Toledo is a beautiful walled city surrounded by a river on three sides and filled with narrow cobbled lanes and beautiful buildings


Getting There

There are trains every 90 minutes from Atocha station to Toldeo, taking 30 minutes. From the station it's about a 30 minute (up hill) walk to the city centre
Latitude: 39.857623; Longitude: -4.024193
What3Words: matrons.libraries.fury


Photo ID: 001076 Photo ID: 001077 Photo ID: 001078 Photo ID: 001079 Photo ID: 001083 Photo ID: 001084 Photo ID: 001085

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/06/2006), and on time of last update (18/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Artxandako Funikularra Artxandako Funikularra No Data


Climbing up from behind the university on the opposite side of the river to the Guggenheim the funicular reaches the top of the Artxanda Mountain, from where there are stunning views over the city


Standard Public Transport charges

Getting There

Latitude: 43.2688; Longitude: -2.925965
What3Words: cinemas.fallen.hooks


Photo ID: 021037 Photo ID: 021038 Photo ID: 021039 Photo ID: 021041 Photo ID: 020142 Photo ID: 021044 Photo ID: 020147

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/09/2017), and on time of last update (14/10/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bilboats Bilboats No Data


Regular boat tours leaving from near the town hall that offer either an hours cruise through the city centre and back, or a longer 2 hour cruise that takes you down to the harbour and the mouth of the river. The tour is conducted in Spanish, but with the option to hire an audio guide in other languages. The boats are small with limited capacity and advanced on-line booking is essential.


Charge, online booking essential

Getting There

Latitude: 43.264191; Longitude: -2.92529
What3Words: removes.epic.plodded


Photo ID: 021052 Photo ID: 021055 Photo ID: 020158 Photo ID: 020160 Photo ID: 020164 Photo ID: 021067 Photo ID: 020171

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2017), and on time of last update (14/10/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bus Turistikoa Bus Turistikoa No Data


An open-top bus tour that takes in the key sights of the city. Commentary is in English, French and Spanish



Getting There

Latitude: 43.267298; Longitude: -2.935499
What3Words: comfort.tech.filled


Photo ID: 020983 Photo ID: 020990 Photo ID: 020995 Photo ID: 021022 Photo ID: 021024 Photo ID: 021028 Photo ID: 021031

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2017), and on time of last update (14/10/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guggenheim Bilbao Guggenheim Bilbao No Data


One of the symbols of the rebirth of Bilbao and the Basque Country - the striking building by the riverside has almost become the symbol of the city. The building itself is probably more interesting than some of the artwork on display inside, and there is a fair amount that you can explore without needing to enter the exhibitions, which can be quite pricey



Getting There

Latitude: 43.268785; Longitude: -2.934215
What3Words: expanded.going.forgiven


Photo ID: 020974 Photo ID: 020982 Photo ID: 021008 Photo ID: 021011 Photo ID: 021014 Photo ID: 021015 Photo ID: 021016

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2017), and on time of last update (14/10/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bizkaiko Zubia (Puente Colgante) Bizkaiko Zubia (Puente Colgante) No Data


The first transporter bridge in the world, and still in routine operation providing a vital link across the river. You can take the gondola across the river for the cost of a standard public transport trip, or you can explore the structure by taking a lift up to the top gantry to wander along the bridge, view the gondola in action and take in the stunning views from the top. The visit also includes an Audio guide and a single trip on the gondola back to where you started your visit.



Getting There

Take the Metro 20 minutes from the city centre to either Portugalete (West bank) or Areeta (East bank) and walk down to the river.
Latitude: 43.323256; Longitude: -3.01707
What3Words: festivity.lion.included


Photo ID: 021062 Photo ID: 021076 Photo ID: 021077 Photo ID: 021082 Photo ID: 021084 Photo ID: 021086 Photo ID: 021087

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2017), and on time of last update (14/10/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ascensor al Castillo de Santa Bárbara Ascensor al Castillo de Santa Bárbara No Data


Built in the late 1950s/early 60s the lift descends vertically through the rock from the centre of the castle down to beach level, and is then linked through the rock by a long tunnel. It's an impressive feat of engineering, and it saves on a very hefty climb up to the castle


Charge to go up, free on the way down

Getting There

Latitude: 38.346789; Longitude: -0.476926
What3Words: sharper.helpful.grazes


Photo ID: 021746 Photo ID: 021747 Photo ID: 021769 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basílica de Santa Maria d'Alacant Basílica de Santa Maria d'Alacant No Data


A large basilica in the shadow of the castle. Inside the usual collection of side chapels and large amounts of gilded decoration.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.346179; Longitude: -0.479288
What3Words: follow.coach.toggle


Photo ID: 021770 Photo ID: 021771 Photo ID: 021772 Photo ID: 021774 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castell de la Santa Bàrbara Castell de la Santa Bàrbara No Data


The defining building of the city, high on the hill overlooking the city, harbour and coastline. Alongside the views there are also a number of exhibits located in the various rooms of the fortress on it's different levels.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.34853; Longitude: -0.47879
What3Words: heat.factories.allergy


Photo ID: 021720 Photo ID: 021755 Photo ID: 021760 Photo ID: 021767 Photo ID: 021865 Photo ID: 021867 Photo ID: 021874

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castell De Sant Ferran Castell De Sant Ferran No Data


The smaller, and less well loved, of the city's two fortresses. Unlike Santa Barbara there are no museums or exhibits up here, just the remains of the fort. However, the views over the city and across to Santa Barbara are well worth the hearty walk up to the fort. Just outside the main gate is a very nice cafe that helps take the edge off of the climb



Getting There

Latitude: 38.351426; Longitude: -0.491
What3Words: unites.mediate.tiling


Photo ID: 021716 Photo ID: 021725 Photo ID: 021726 Photo ID: 021729 Photo ID: 021732 Photo ID: 021734 Photo ID: 021739

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle walls Castle walls No Data


The walls of the castle rise from the old town and climb their way up the hill to the top of Parque de La Ereta. You can walk along a part of them to take in the views



Getting There

Latitude: 38.3479027; Longitude: -0.4832432
What3Words: poodle.stuffing.spine


Photo ID: 021733 Photo ID: 021756 Photo ID: 021845 Photo ID: 021852 Photo ID: 021854 Photo ID: 021859 Photo ID: 021913

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


Not actually a full Cathedral, the co-cathedral is located in the centre of the city and from the surrounding streets is pretty well hidden and not very obtrusive. From the hills the spectacular domed roof with its glazed tiles clearly stands out. Inside it's quite a dark building, despite that impressive dome and lantern


Suggested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 38.3454578; Longitude: -0.4823779
What3Words: puppets.voices.kept


Photo ID: 021724 Photo ID: 021827 Photo ID: 021828 Photo ID: 021847 Photo ID: 021887 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lucentum Ruinas Romanas Lucentum Ruinas Romanas No Data


Located about 3.5Km from the centre of modern day Alicante, this is the birthplace of the city and extensive remains of the Roman settlement are visible working their way up the small hill that the site sits on.


Charge, Joint ticket for Illeta dels banyets, Lucentum Ruinas Romanas and MARQ - Museo Arqueológico de Alicante available (valid for one month for one visit to each site)

Getting There

From the centre of Alicante take line 1, 3 or 4 to Lucentum stop and then it's about a 5-10 minute walk to the site.
Latitude: 38.364675; Longitude: -0.438482
What3Words: splat.fizzy.frowns


Photo ID: 021795 Photo ID: 021796 Photo ID: 021797 Photo ID: 021803 Photo ID: 021804 Photo ID: 021806 Photo ID: 021807

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

MARQ - Museo Arqueológico de Alicante MARQ - Museo Arqueológico de Alicante No Data


The city's archaeological museum traces the history of the region from it's prehistoric roots through Iberian and Roman settlement, the middle ages and up to the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. The museum also houses exhibits on how archaeological work is carried out in different locations as well as a series of temporary galleries.


Charge, Joint ticket for Illeta dels banyets, Lucentum Ruinas Romanas and MARQ - Museo Arqueológico de Alicante available (valid for one month for one visit to each site)

Getting There

Latitude: 38.353786; Longitude: -0.476352
What3Words: shuffle.towers.gave


Photo ID: 021812 Photo ID: 021813 Photo ID: 021814 Photo ID: 021815 Photo ID: 021864 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

MUSA - Museo de la Ciudad de Alicante MUSA - Museo de la Ciudad de Alicante No Data


Located in several buildings inside Castell de la Santa Bàrbara the museum tells the history of the city and the castle it's housed in.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.348383; Longitude: -0.479271
What3Words: striving.fiction.softest


Photo ID: 021870 Photo ID: 021878 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo de Aguas de Alicante Museo de Aguas de Alicante No Data


This small museum is dedicated to the topic of water and it's involvement in the development of Alicante. There are also exhibitions on water conservation



Getting There

Latitude: 38.346685; Longitude: -0.480392
What3Words: strict.doted.lure


Photo ID: 021841 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parque de La Ereta Parque de La Ereta No Data


A large city park that climbs up the side of the hill the Castell de la Santa Bárbara sits on. The ramped paths quickly take you up the hill for stunning views over the city, along the walls of the castle and round to the rear defences.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.348175; Longitude: -0.481281
What3Words: withdraw.fitter.orchestra


Photo ID: 021842 Photo ID: 021848 Photo ID: 021849 Photo ID: 021851 Photo ID: 021852 Photo ID: 021853 Photo ID: 021856

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pozos de Garrigós Pozos de Garrigós No Data


Accessed from within the Water museum this is part of the original well system for the castle, carved deep into the rock of the castle hill.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.346756; Longitude: -0.480381
What3Words: edicts.duck.bottled


Photo ID: 021837 Photo ID: 021838 Photo ID: 021839 Photo ID: 021840 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

El Campello: Illeta dels banyets El Campello: Illeta dels banyets No Data


Previously an island this small peninsular is now joined to the mainland and is a major archaeological site with excavations revealing Bronze age and Roman artefacts showing the site has been inhabited for well over 2,500 years.


Charge, Joint ticket for Illeta dels banyets, Lucentum Ruinas Romanas and MARQ - Museo Arqueológico de Alicante available (valid for one month for one visit to each site)

Getting There

From Alicante take Line 1 to Poble Espanyol (one stop beyond El Campello). From there its around a 10-15 minute walk to the site, though not well signposted. Alternatively it's around a 20 minute walk from El Campello station.
Latitude: 38.43212; Longitude: -0.381419
What3Words: boasted.wiggly.gangs


Photo ID: 021781 Photo ID: 021783 Photo ID: 021784 Photo ID: 021786 Photo ID: 021788 Photo ID: 021789 Photo ID: 021790

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

El Campello El Campello No Data


The next town up the coast from Alicante. El Campello has a long sandy beach dotted with volleyball courts and lined with cafes and restaurants. The long promenade makes for a pleasant stroll, alternatively - if you're feeling lazy - you can take the whole thing in from the tram line that runs next to the prom


Getting There

Lines 1 and 3 run from the centre of Alicante to El Campello taking between 30 and 45 minutes (line 1 only stops at some stations). Each line runs every half hour but at uneven spacing
Latitude: 38.42735; Longitude: -0.395675
What3Words: fishery.lawn.flamed


Photo ID: 021776 Photo ID: 021778 Photo ID: 021779 Photo ID: 021808 Photo ID: 021809 Photo ID: 021810 Photo ID: 021811

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/01/2018), and on time of last update (18/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beaches Beaches No Data


Heading north up the Spanish coast from the harbour are several miles of sandy beach, with a selection of beachfront restaurants and bars.



Getting There

Latitude: 39.474576; Longitude: -0.323504
What3Words: dabble.flute.alcove


Photo ID: 025140 Photo ID: 025141 Photo ID: 025142 Photo ID: 025143 Photo ID: 025144 Photo ID: 025145 Photo ID: 025146

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Centre Arqueològic de l'Almoina Centre Arqueològic de l'Almoina No Data


This museum has been built over significant remains of the Roman and post-Roman centre of Valencia, including parts of the baths and forum. The introductory museum gives an overview of the history of the area and some background on finds, before you descend down into the remains below street level


Charge, Free with the Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.476182; Longitude: -0.374093
What3Words: response.racks.dazzling


Photo ID: 025074 Photo ID: 025076 Photo ID: 025078 Photo ID: 025080 Photo ID: 025081 Photo ID: 025083 Photo ID: 025087

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cripta Arqueologica de Sant Vicent Cripta Arqueologica de Sant Vicent No Data


Located behind the cathedral the small remains of a Visigoth church have been uncovered underneath a square, near the Almonia site. You can walk round the limited ruins below street level


Charge, Free with the Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.475766; Longitude: -0.374132
What3Words: plodded.dare.shades


Photo ID: 025068 Photo ID: 025069 Photo ID: 025070 Photo ID: 025071 Photo ID: 025072 Photo ID: 025073 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardí Botanic Jardí Botanic No Data


Located a short walk from the Torres de Quart this small botanical gardens has a large number of species from around the world, laid out in formal beds. There are also a number of glass houses, as well as a shade house.


Charge, Discount with Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.475558; Longitude: -0.386346
What3Words: mashing.palaces.pointed


Photo ID: 025115 Photo ID: 025116 Photo ID: 025118 Photo ID: 025120 Photo ID: 025125 Photo ID: 025128 Photo ID: 025132

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardí del Túria Jardí del Túria No Data


The Turia river was one of the reasons for the founding of the city, and for all the blessings it brought it also brought misery with regular flooding. In 1957 there were catastrophic floods in the city and as a result a plan was put in place to divert the course of the river away from the city centre and into a channel that could handle the flooding to the south of the city. Once the diversion had taken place the former riverbed, with all the city centre bridges still in place, was converted into a city park, which now provides a green oasis - away from, and below, the bustle of the city. You can wander down paths that pass under the old bridges of the city from close to the History Museum most of the way to the harbour. The lower part of the riverbed has been expanded to take the city of arts and sciences.



Getting There

Latitude: 39.477795; Longitude: -0.370723
What3Words: cold.mouth.dent


Photo ID: 025000 Photo ID: 025001 Photo ID: 025002 Photo ID: 025025 Photo ID: 025026 Photo ID: 025034 Photo ID: 025060

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardín de Las Hespérides Jardín de Las Hespérides No Data


A short walk from the Botanical gardens, this small public garden in the heart of the city has a number of orange trees and hedges.



Getting There

Latitude: 39.477574; Longitude: -0.38828
What3Words: hovered.ballots.warriors


Photo ID: 025133 Photo ID: 025134 Photo ID: 025135 Photo ID: 025136 Photo ID: 025137 Photo ID: 025138 Photo ID: 021539

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Seu de València (Cathedral) La Seu de València (Cathedral) No Data


The city's cathedral, located in the centre of the old town. The large lantern tower provides lots of light into the spacious church, where there are the usual selection of side chapels.


Charge, Discount with Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.475587; Longitude: -0.375152
What3Words: agenda.tanks.windows


Photo ID: 025014 Photo ID: 025092 Photo ID: 025098 Photo ID: 025197 Photo ID: 025198 Photo ID: 025200 Photo ID: 025202

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museu de la Ciutat Museu de la Ciutat No Data


This gallery houses a number of exhibitions, including a permanent collection of art and religious artefacts, as well as rotating temporary exhibitions


Charge, Free with the Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.476034; Longitude: -0.373819
What3Words: stumpy.wicked.rubble


Photo ID: 025064 Photo ID: 025065 Photo ID: 025066 Photo ID: 025067 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museu d'historia de Valencia Museu d'historia de Valencia No Data


Located in a former water reservoir this museum tells the history of the city from its founding, through to the 1970's. The content of the museum is very interesting, but also of interest it the building itself, with the forest of brick pillars and vaulted ceilings reminding you of its former use.


Charge, Free with the Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.472682; Longitude: -0.408296
What3Words: gosh.closets.hurry


Photo ID: 025099 Photo ID: 025100 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oceanogràfic Oceanogràfic No Data


Europe's largest aquarium, arranged over a number of impressive buildings as part of the city of arts and science. The site is arranged into themed zones including Mediterranean, tropical seas, the Oceans and Islands as well as exhibits of wetlands and collections of specific animals such as sharks, walruses and beluga whales. The large Dolphinarium is used to stage regular dolphin shows, which does feel like a bit of a backwards step from the ecology and education that the site is otherwise trying to promote.


Charge, Discount with Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.452902; Longitude: -0.348013
What3Words: bracelet.exact.hobbit


Photo ID: 025150 Photo ID: 025154 Photo ID: 025157 Photo ID: 025160 Photo ID: 025170 Photo ID: 025182 Photo ID: 025185

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pont dels Serrans Pont dels Serrans No Data


One of the oldest, and most dramatic of the bridges that, until the late 1960's, crossed the river Turia, until it was diverted to the south. Today it crosses the Turia park, but still provides an impressive approach to the gate of the same name.



Getting There

Latitude: 39.480654; Longitude: -0.375364
What3Words: honestly.enacts.rocket


Photo ID: 025031 Photo ID: 025032 Photo ID: 025033 Photo ID: 025034 Photo ID: 025035 Photo ID: 025052 Photo ID: 025190

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torres de Quart Torres de Quart No Data


One of only two surviving city gates, this shows signs of significant damage over time - particularly from the civil war. If it's open you can climb to the top of the tower, though its location has been heavily built up, which means its rather hemmed in by taller buildings all around


Charge, Free with the Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.475759; Longitude: -0.383855
What3Words: threaten.wallet.burying


Photo ID: 024997 Photo ID: 024998 Photo ID: 025009 Photo ID: 025106 Photo ID: 025109 Photo ID: 025112 Photo ID: 025113

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torres dels Serrans Torres dels Serrans No Data


One of only two surviving city gates, and the most impressive of these. It's commanding position at the end of the bridge of the same name, and designed with many of the features of a Moorish fortress make it an imposing structure. You can climb the 100 or so steps to the top level of the tower to get good views over this part of the city, and the former river bed that is now a city park.


Charge, Free with the Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.479174; Longitude: -0.376038
What3Words: spent.sprint.sweetly


Photo ID: 025010 Photo ID: 025011 Photo ID: 025036 Photo ID: 025038 Photo ID: 023039 Photo ID: 025049 Photo ID: 025051

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tour por Valencia - Historic Tour por Valencia - Historic No Data


Two companies compete on exactly the same route, serving the same stops. This service is less frequent, with departures about every 1 hour 40 minutes, but the bus is fully open top (no windows to obstruct the views). The pre-recorded commentary is also of a higher standard and gives a better insight into the history of the city and the areas passed through


Charge, Discount with Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.47423; Longitude: -0.375759
What3Words: director.decency.milky


Photo ID: 025101 Photo ID: 025102 Photo ID: 025103 Photo ID: 025104 Photo ID: 025105 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tour por Valencia - Maritima Tour por Valencia - Maritima No Data


Two companies compete on exactly the same route, serving the same stops. This service is less frequent, with departures about every 1 hour 40 minutes, but the bus is fully open top (no windows to obstruct the views). The pre-recorded commentary is also of a higher standard and gives a better insight into the history of the modern city and the port area


Charge, Discount with Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.474204; Longitude: -0.375763333
What3Words: kindest.booklet.appetite


Photo ID: 025203 Photo ID: 025204 Photo ID: 025205 Photo ID: 025207 Photo ID: 025208 Photo ID: 025209 Photo ID: 025210

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valencia Bus Turistic - Historica Valencia Bus Turistic - Historica No Data


Two companies compete on exactly the same route, serving the same stops. This service is much more frequent, with departures about every 40 minutes. The pre-recorded commentary gives an insight into the history of the city and the areas passed through


Charge, Discount with Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.474173; Longitude: -0.375768
What3Words: confirms.agent.spun


Photo ID: 024995 Photo ID: 025000 Photo ID: 025001 Photo ID: 025002 Photo ID: 025003 Photo ID: 025004 Photo ID: 025006

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valencia Bus Turistic - Maritima Valencia Bus Turistic - Maritima No Data


Two companies compete on exactly the same route, serving the same stops. This service is much more frequent, with departures about every 40 minutes. The pre-recorded commentary gives an insight into the history of the modern city and the port area


Charge, Discount with Valencia Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 39.474209; Longitude: -0.375763
What3Words: director.decency.milky


Photo ID: 025015 Photo ID: 025016 Photo ID: 025017 Photo ID: 025018 Photo ID: 025022 Photo ID: 025023 Photo ID: 025024

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2019), and on time of last update (27/01/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ålands kulturhistoriska museum Ålands kulturhistoriska museum No Data


Combined art gallery and museum housing an exhibition on the cultural history of the Islands from Pre-history to the modern day, as well as a gallery hosting rotating art exhibits.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.096955; Longitude: 19.944618
What3Words: premiums.flexed.waitress


Photo ID: 053546 Photo ID: 053547 Photo ID: 053549 Photo ID: 053550 Photo ID: 053551 Photo ID: 053555 Photo ID: 053558

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ålands sjöfartsmuseum Ålands sjöfartsmuseum No Data


Maritime museum charting the history of seafaring on the islands, from the earliest row boats through to the modern cruise ferries, including exhibitions on sail ships, motors and light houses


Charge, Joint ticket with the Pommern

Getting There

Latitude: 60.097315; Longitude: 19.926476
What3Words: lasts.press.passion


Photo ID: 053516 Photo ID: 053518 Photo ID: 053520 Photo ID: 053522 Photo ID: 053524 Photo ID: 053526 Photo ID: 053527

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lilla Holmen Lilla Holmen No Data


Small island with beach on the Eastern side of town which also houses a small aviary. Access to the island is by foot only (even bikes are prohibited)



Getting There

Latitude: 60.096481; Longitude: 19.950365
What3Words: hobbies.curve.stocks


Photo ID: 053321 Photo ID: 053322 Photo ID: 053328 Photo ID: 053329 Photo ID: 053330 Photo ID: 053331 Photo ID: 053332

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ro No Rent Ro No Rent No Data


Bike rental with locations in both the Eastern Harbour (seasonal) and the Western Harbour (all year round) offering various different bikes for rent



Getting There

Latitude: 60.092243; Longitude: 19.930182
What3Words: reports.slicing.rests


Photo ID: 053321 Photo ID: 053334 Photo ID: 053335 Photo ID: 053357 Photo ID: 053361 Photo ID: 053374 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Segelfartyget Pommern Segelfartyget Pommern No Data


A turn of the 20th century Tall ship that was built in Scotland, but worked a large part of it's career operating from the islands. You can look around almost all of the ship both above and below deck.


Charge, Joint ticket with the sjöfartsmuseum

Getting There

Latitude: 60.097329; Longitude: 19.925009
What3Words: fine.sensual.sprayed


Photo ID: 053517 Photo ID: 053529 Photo ID: 053530 Photo ID: 053532 Photo ID: 053535 Photo ID: 053537 Photo ID: 053541

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sjöfararkapellet Sjöfararkapellet No Data


A small chapel located on the end of a pier in the eastern harbour, at the time of visiting the chapel was closed



Getting There

Latitude: 60.106933; Longitude: 19.946606
What3Words: eating.flexed.giving


Photo ID: 053345 Photo ID: 053347 Photo ID: 053348 Photo ID: 053351 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sjökvarteret Sjökvarteret No Data


Small museum telling the history of the wooden boats that have been manufactured here.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.104966; Longitude: 19.945014
What3Words: foil.ignoring.judges


Photo ID: 053338 Photo ID: 053339 Photo ID: 053340 Photo ID: 053342 Photo ID: 053343 Photo ID: 053344 Photo ID: 053380

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadshusbacken Stadshusbacken No Data


Small park on the slope leading up to the town hall. From the top of the slope there are good views over the city centre



Getting There

Latitude: 60.096884; Longitude: 19.943464
What3Words: penny.trousers.graphics


Photo ID: 053364 Photo ID: 053366 Photo ID: 053367 Photo ID: 053369 Photo ID: 053370 Photo ID: 053371 Photo ID: 053372

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torget Torget No Data


The main central square of the islands capital, home to a stage and when I visited open-air markets



Getting There

Latitude: 60.098106; Longitude: 19.942793
What3Words: iceberg.puppy.scooped


Photo ID: 053359 Photo ID: 053360 Photo ID: 053362 Photo ID: 053363 Photo ID: 053544 Photo ID: 053545 Photo ID: 053559

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vista Point Vista Point No Data


Located high on a hill overlooking the main harbour this viewpoint offers excellent views down onto the fjord that the main harbour sits on, as well as views across Mariehamn



Getting There

Latitude: 60.100795; Longitude: 19.925566
What3Words: left.retrain.admires


Photo ID: 053489 Photo ID: 053490 Photo ID: 053491 Photo ID: 053492 Photo ID: 053493 Photo ID: 053494 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bormarsund: Bomarsunds Besökscenter Bormarsund: Bomarsunds Besökscenter No Data


Interpretation centre for the Bormasunds fortress that tells the background to the structure, it's partial completion and eventual destruction during the Crimean War.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.211615; Longitude: 20.234843
What3Words: spacemen.hippos.scabbed


Photo ID: 053457 Photo ID: 053458 Photo ID: 053459 Photo ID: 053460 Photo ID: 053461 Photo ID: 053462 Photo ID: 053463

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bormarsund: Bomarsunds fästning Bormarsund: Bomarsunds fästning No Data


The remains of the fortress that was built by the Russians in an attempt to control the Baltic, but was destroyed by the French and British during the Crimean War. Most of the fortress was never completed, just the main barracks, and these were the buildings blown up by the British in 1845. Just small slabs of the fortress walls still stand, but give a good impression as to the size and shape of the building.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.212611; Longitude: 20.23818
What3Words: unconfirmed.cutie.grading


Photo ID: 053465 Photo ID: 053466 Photo ID: 053471 Photo ID: 053476 Photo ID: 053478 Photo ID: 053479 Photo ID: 053483

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Järsövägen Järsövägen No Data


A series of bridges on a wide sweeping road linking a number of small islands together to form a link to the southern islands



Getting There

The bridge is about 6Km south of the centre of town with a very limited bus service on weekdays only. The easiest access is with your own vehicle or bike
Latitude: 60.05798; Longitude: 19.960521
What3Words: molehill.dries.grannies


Photo ID: 053374 Photo ID: 053375 Photo ID: 053376 Photo ID: 053377 Photo ID: 053378 Photo ID: 053379 Photo ID: 053380

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kastelholm: Fängelsemuseum Vita Björn Kastelholm: Fängelsemuseum Vita Björn No Data


A local prison that was in use from 1784 until 1975 showing the development of the cells over the time, as well as the wardens house which forms half the building.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.231407; Longitude: 20.082746
What3Words: bumble.hazelnuts.falters


Photo ID: 053424 Photo ID: 053426 Photo ID: 053428 Photo ID: 053433 Photo ID: 053435 Photo ID: 053437 Photo ID: 053438

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kastelholm: Friluftsmuseum Jan Karlsgården Kastelholm: Friluftsmuseum Jan Karlsgården No Data


An open air museum housing a number of buildings from across the island giving an idea of how people would have lived and worked on the islands in times gone by



Getting There

Latitude: 60.230743; Longitude: 20.082086
What3Words: journeying.shortcomings.conifers


Photo ID: 053415 Photo ID: 053419 Photo ID: 053421 Photo ID: 053422 Photo ID: 053441 Photo ID: 063448 Photo ID: 053456

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kastelholms Slott Kastelholms Slott No Data


The only medieval castle in the Islands, located at the top of a sound with views over the surrounding countryside. Despite having burnt done on more that one occasion, the castle survived through Swedish and Russian occupation. Today it's been restored to how it would have looked in its heyday.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.232873; Longitude: 20.080745
What3Words: carnations.newsdesk.deadlier


Photo ID: 053381 Photo ID: 053387 Photo ID: 053392 Photo ID: 053396 Photo ID: 053398 Photo ID: 053400 Photo ID: 053403

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bormarsund Bormarsund No Data


Site of the original capital of the islands, before the fortress built alongside it was destroyed during the Crimean Wars. Today just remnants of the castle survive, as well as the impressive modern bridge that crosses the Bomarsund waterway.


Getting There

The Number 4 bus from Mariehamn runs to Bormasund, taking about 50 minutes to make the journey. Buses are limited particularly at weekends during the winter and weekdays during the school summer holidays.
Latitude: 60.21211; Longitude: 20.235696
What3Words: spinal.brunch.measurement


Photo ID: 053464 Photo ID: 053469 Photo ID: 053470 Photo ID: 053473 Photo ID: 053474 Photo ID: 053475 Photo ID: 053487

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kastleholm Kastleholm No Data


Home to a number of key museums and the islands only castle


Getting There

The Number 4 bus from Mariehamn runs to Kastleholm, taking about 40 minutes to make the journey. Buses are limited particularly at weekends during the winter and weekdays during the school summer holidays.
Latitude: 60.2382; Longitude: 20.083181
What3Words: celebrity.bakes.appetite


Photo ID: 053407 Photo ID: 053408 Photo ID: 053411 Photo ID: 053412 Photo ID: 053413 Photo ID: 053415 Photo ID: 053439

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/06/2024), and on time of last update (16/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arktikum Arktikum No Data


This is a museum dedicated to the Artic, the Sami people who live across the region and to Rovaniemi itself.



Getting There

Latitude: 66.507552; Longitude: 25.726247
What3Words: mobiles.bedbug.beaker


Photo ID: 001229 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2006), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sightseeing Train Sightseeing Train No Data


A land train that goes round the city showing you the main sights



Getting There

Latitude: 66.502646; Longitude: 25.73085
What3Words: searched.frosted.medications


Photo ID: 001228 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2006), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santa's Village Santa's Village No Data


Home to lots of tourist trap shops, and built on the line of the Artic circle


Free, Charge if you want to sit on Santa's lap and let him know your Christmas wishes

Getting There

From the centre of Rovaniemi the number 8 bus runs out to the Arctic circle hourly
Latitude: 66.543686; Longitude: 25.847569
What3Words: hikers.purchases.calm


Photo ID: 001230 Photo ID: 001231 Photo ID: 001232 Photo ID: 001233 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2006), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Boat Cruises (Royal Lines) Boat Cruises (Royal Lines) No Data


Cruises around the islands and coast of Helsinki, all with multilingual commentary (Finnish, Swedish, English, German) giving a history and background to the sights. The tours include going out to the western suburbs of Espoo. An evening tour goes on a longer tour and includes dinner.


Charge, small discount with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.167417; Longitude: 24.953728
What3Words: donation.stitch.body


Photo ID: 000692 Photo ID: 000702 Photo ID: 000703 Photo ID: 000704 Photo ID: 000714 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2005), and on time of last update (03/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Boat Cruises (Sunlines) Boat Cruises (Sunlines) No Data


Offers cruises around the islands and coast of Helsinkil with multilingual commentary (Finnish, Swedish, English, German) giving a history and background to the sights. This tour also includes the short canal that links up parts of Helsinki



Getting There

Latitude: 60.16716; Longitude: 24.953299
What3Words: steps.blurts.tickets


Photo ID: 000692 Photo ID: 000702 Photo ID: 000703 Photo ID: 000704 Photo ID: 000714 Photo ID: 001202 Photo ID: 001203

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2005), and on time of last update (03/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens No Data


The gardens, located just next to the central railway station, are very small compared to similar establishments in other places (e.g. Bremen, Stuttgart, London), but still very pleasant. At the centre is the greenhouse with the usual collection of (mostl


Charge. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.174968; Longitude: 24.945939
What3Words: splice.pockets.amount


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Finnish Central Bank Museum Finnish Central Bank Museum No Data


On what could be quite a dry subject, money and how the economy of a country works, this could be a really dull museum. However, they have managed to present the topic in a very clear, easy to understand and fun way, with lots of hands on exhibitions (tho



Getting There

Latitude: 60.171184; Longitude: 24.952773
What3Words: applies.defeated.scared


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Finnish Photography museum Finnish Photography museum No Data


The museum has displays on contemporary and historic Finnish and international photography, including a couple of changing exhibitions as well as it permanent displays.


Charge. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.162004; Longitude: 24.905663
What3Words: that.start.cricket


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Helsinki Car Museum Helsinki Car Museum No Data


***2024 UPDATE - MUSEUM CLOSED*** A disappointing museum that has a collection of cars (from around Europe - not Finnish made) with very little information on them, and all parked in an underground workshop which has an overpowering smell of petrol!


Charge. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.157141; Longitude: 24.930961
What3Words: banana.skews.educated


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2005), and on time of last update (03/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Helsinki City Museum Helsinki City Museum No Data


The museum tells the story of the history of the city, from the original small settlements, to the city's founding by King Gustav Vasa in 1550, through rule by the Swedes, then the Russians, then Civil War, World War and up to the present day.


Charge. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.168313; Longitude: 24.951979
What3Words: richly.clipped.relay


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Helsinki Zoo Helsinki Zoo No Data


Located on an island 10 minutes boat ride from the city centre. The Zoo houses a collection of animals from around the world as well as examples of all the animals native to Finland


Charge. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Boats leave from the Market place and offer a combined entrance ticket. These are also free with a Helsinki Card
Latitude: 60.174776; Longitude: 24.983768
What3Words: mugs.beaker.emerge


Photo ID: 000699 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hotel and Catering museum Hotel and Catering museum No Data


The museum is interesting (despite what could be a dry topic) but is very small and does not go into much detail. Though as with all Nordic countries, it does go on about the restrictions in alcohol sales and consumption from the turn of the century on to


Charge. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.162138; Longitude: 24.904847
What3Words: about.shelters.fidget


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

M/s J. L. Runeberg M/s J. L. Runeberg No Data


This steamship leaves from the fish market at 10am every morning for it's 3 hour journey along the coast to the town of Porvoo



Getting There

Latitude: 60.167529; Longitude: 24.956818
What3Words: heats.tweaked.puzzle


Photo ID: 001946 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Museum National Museum No Data


The national museum of Finland has lots and lots of information on the history of the land that now makes (or at some point has made up) Finland. The museum is massive and needs lots of time to look around.


Charge. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.174968; Longitude: 24.931723
What3Words: dominate.stick.knitted


Photo ID: 000717 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Natural History Museum Natural History Museum No Data


Museum telling the natural history of Finland with displays of the animals indigenous to Finland. There is also a section on some of the more well known animals of the rest of the world, such as tigers, lions, giraffe, zebra etc. Much of the gallery is si


Charge. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.171419; Longitude: 24.931165
What3Words: digs.surging.plates


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Olympic Stadium Tower Olympic Stadium Tower No Data


Located on the edge of the Olympic stadium and visible from most of the town, the viewing platform on the top offers stunning views over the city


Charge. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.18646; Longitude: 24.925661
What3Words: maple.pumps.chipper


Photo ID: 000690 Photo ID: 000691 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Open Top Bus Tour Open Top Bus Tour No Data


This hop-on-hop-off open top tour takes in all the major sights of the city with tickets valid for 48 hours


Charge (tickets valid for 48 hours)

Getting There

Latitude: 60.16914; Longitude: 24.952333
What3Words: clauses.cultivation.tingled


Photo ID: 000708 Photo ID: 000709 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2005), and on time of last update (03/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Post Museum Post Museum No Data


Hyped in the brochures as being better than just stamps and history and it proved to be. It explains the history of the post in Finland, but puts it in an interesting way, with lots of hands on exhibits and information screens.


Charge. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.17115; Longitude: 24.93846
What3Words: lawful.moral.cactus


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pub Tram Pub Tram No Data


Running every hour during the afternoon the Pub tram runs on a circuit around the city centre, on board you can watch a drivers eye view of the road on TramTV, or enjoy a drink from the bar


Getting There

Latitude: 60.171638; Longitude: 24.944909
What3Words: brick.rifled.briefing


Photo ID: 001971 Photo ID: 001972 Photo ID: 001973 Photo ID: 001974 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sibelius Monument Sibelius Monument No Data


The country's most famous composer has his own monument dedicated to his memory. The monument is made up of several hundred stainless steel pipes which have been welded together. It is stunning to view, both from a distance and from up close



Getting There

The monument is a stop on the open-top tour, alternatively bus 24 (the same one to Seurasaari) stops just by the monument. It's on the city bound side of the road and is unmissable. There are more regular buses (20, 30 and 400) one street back about a 5 minute walk, or the trams stop one further street back about a 10 minute walk.
Latitude: 60.182251; Longitude: 24.914492
What3Words: enigma.threaten.napped


Photo ID: 000718 Photo ID: 000719 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2005), and on time of last update (03/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Temppeliaukio Church Temppeliaukio Church No Data


This stunning church has been built inside the rock of city. All that protrudes above is the top of its copper dome, inside the bare rock is on display



Getting There

Latitude: 60.173015; Longitude: 24.9252
What3Words: crawling.thanks.keen


Photo ID: 000695 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tuomiokirkko Tuomiokirkko No Data


The visually dominating Lutheran Cathedral visible from across the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.170437; Longitude: 24.951925
What3Words: spared.bolt.discount


Photo ID: 000697 Photo ID: 000698 Photo ID: 000709 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uspenski Cathedral Uspenski Cathedral No Data


The city's Russian Orthodox cathedral, plane on the outside, stunning inside



Getting There

Latitude: 60.168532; Longitude: 24.959832
What3Words: marriage.poodle.green


Photo ID: 000696 Photo ID: 001204 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Winter Gardens Winter Gardens No Data


Even smaller than the Botanical gardens, but nether the less very beautiful with the gardens laid out in what I assume is classic "English Style" - Serried ranks of the same plant! At the centre of the gardens is the Greenhouse, which, unlike the Botanica



Getting There

Latitude: 60.186118; Longitude: 24.931626
What3Words: audibly.warriors.straws


Photo ID: 000701 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rovaniemi: Arktikum Rovaniemi: Arktikum No Data


This is a museum dedicated to the Artic, the Sami people who live across the region and to Rovaniemi itself.



Getting There

Latitude: 66.507552; Longitude: 25.726247
What3Words: mobiles.bedbug.beaker


Photo ID: 001229 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rovaniemi: Sightseeing Train Rovaniemi: Sightseeing Train No Data


A land train that goes round the city showing you the main sights



Getting There

Latitude: 66.502646; Longitude: 25.73085
What3Words: searched.frosted.medications


Photo ID: 001228 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rovaniemi: Santa's Village Rovaniemi: Santa's Village No Data


Home to lots of tourist trap shops, and built on the line of the Artic circle


Free, Charge if you want to sit on Santa's lap and let him know your Christmas wishes

Getting There

From the centre of Rovaniemi the number 8 bus runs out to the Arctic circle hourly
Latitude: 66.543686; Longitude: 25.847569
What3Words: hikers.purchases.calm


Photo ID: 001230 Photo ID: 001231 Photo ID: 001232 Photo ID: 001233 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seurasaari: Open-air Museum Seurasaari: Open-air Museum No Data


An open air museum gathering together examples of traditional buildings from around the country. The museum is similar in every way to the museums in Oslo, Riga and Stockholm


Charge to view inside the buildings (free with a Helsinki Card), Free to walk around the island

Getting There

Latitude: 60.185852; Longitude: 24.884602
What3Words: servers.workforce.vitals


Photo ID: 000705 Photo ID: 000706 Photo ID: 000707 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seurasaari: Urho Kekkonen Museum Seurasaari: Urho Kekkonen Museum No Data


Located next to the access bridge to the island that Seurasaari open air museum is on, this is the former presidential house. The building is no longer used by the president as it became synominous with it's longest inhabitant, Urho Kekkonen, the presiden


Getting There

Latitude: 60.189511; Longitude: 24.883057
What3Words: adding.tripled.loved


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Suomenlinna: Ehrensvärd Museum Suomenlinna: Ehrensvärd Museum No Data


This museum is dedicated to the first commander of Suomenlinna (or Sveaborg as it was then called.) Located in the house he lived in during his time at the fortress, it tells his story and that of some of the people who followed him.


Charge, Joint ticket with the guided tours of the island. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.144271; Longitude: 24.985464
What3Words: stew.bonkers.leaves


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Suomenlinna: Guided Tours Suomenlinna: Guided Tours No Data


Hour long tours that take you around some of the key sights of the island, to give you a taster of what is available. The tours start in the visitors centre. English tours start at 11 and 2


Charge, Includes entry into the Ehrensvärd Museum. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.145382; Longitude: 24.987631
What3Words: tedious.skews.credible


Photo ID: 000710 Photo ID: 000713 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Suomenlinna: Military Museum Suomenlinna: Military Museum No Data


This museum, located in one of the former powder magazines, tells the history of the battles that Finland was involved in during the Continuation war, which took place at the same time as WWII


Charge, Joint ticket with the Museum of Costal Defence and Submarine Vesikko. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.145916; Longitude: 24.989176
What3Words: resting.poppy.tensions


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Suomenlinna: Museum of Costal Defence Suomenlinna: Museum of Costal Defence No Data


A small museum dedicated to the history of the defences and armaments used on the site


Charge, Joint ticket with the Military museum and Submarine Vesikko. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.144336; Longitude: 24.98143
What3Words: pony.issues.abacus


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Suomenlinna: Submarine Vesikko Suomenlinna: Submarine Vesikko No Data


The only remaining Finnish submarine originally used during WWII. The submarine is very small, but gives an idea as to what life must have been like for the people manning it.


Charge, Joint ticket with the Military museum and Museum of Costal Defence. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.142765; Longitude: 24.989369
What3Words: vitals.remover.levels


Photo ID: 000712 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Suomenlinna: Suomenlinna experience Suomenlinna: Suomenlinna experience No Data


A multi-lingual audio-visual presentation on the history of the site, the reasons for it's construction and how it go to the position it is in today


Charge, Joint ticket with the Suomelinna museum. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.145062; Longitude: 24.987803
What3Words: catching.shoebox.ruby


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Suomenlinna: Suomenlinna museum Suomenlinna: Suomenlinna museum No Data


Located in the visitors centre this museum tells the history of the site and the reasons behind it's building, as well as details about it's capture by the Russians, bombardment by the English and French, and its eventual recognition as a site of internat


Charge, Joint ticket with the Suomelinna experience. Free with a Helsinki Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.145179; Longitude: 24.98776
What3Words: mistress.website.tumble


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Suomenlinna: Tunnels and Casements Suomenlinna: Tunnels and Casements No Data


Lots of Tunnels and underground casements dot the island and are well worth exploring. Many can be visited without any problem as there is natural daylight, some however do need a torch as they are completely within the rock of the island without any lig



Getting There

Latitude: 60.143866; Longitude: 24.987266
What3Words: aviation.cookies.years


Photo ID: 000711 Photo ID: 000713 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2005), and on time of last update (02/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tampere: Näsinneula observation tower Tampere: Näsinneula observation tower No Data


The tower has now spawned a theme park beneath it, but the views from the top more than make up for the hoards of screaming children.



Getting There

Latitude: 61.505164; Longitude: 23.742571
What3Words: question.glory.reboot


Photo ID: 001218 Photo ID: 001219 Photo ID: 001220 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tampere: Pyynikki observation tower Tampere: Pyynikki observation tower No Data


At the top of the Pyynikki ridge is another, much older, viewing tower, and a café that serves "the best doughnuts in Tampere". The views are more impressive than those from the Näsinneula observation tower, benfitting from being outside



Getting There

Latitude: 61.496784; Longitude: 23.730512
What3Words: rudder.indoor.declines


Photo ID: 001221 Photo ID: 001222 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tampere: Spy Museum Tampere: Spy Museum No Data


The museum explains a little about espionage, especially during the cold war period, and displays some of the devices that have been used by spies.



Getting There

Latitude: 61.500951; Longitude: 23.760091
What3Words: refrain.chicken.cliff


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tampere: Viikinsaari Tampere: Viikinsaari No Data


An island in the lake which is owned by the city for recreation.


Charge for the ferry

Getting There

Hourly ferries run from the market square to Viikinsaari
Latitude: 61.486045; Longitude: 23.691416
What3Words: homework.madder.scare


Photo ID: 001223 Photo ID: 001224 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Turku: Castle Turku: Castle No Data


There is masses to see with lots of random exhibitions dotted around the site, like a massive treasury stretching the whole of one side of the main building, the royal apartments, the archaeology of the town and, bizarrely, a museum on vandalism, modern culture and, squeezed into pride of place, Lordi the 2006 Finnish Eurovision winners


Charge, Free with a Turku card

Getting There

From the centre of Turku catch the bus towards the harbour, it stops right outside the castle
Latitude: 60.435712; Longitude: 22.228603
What3Words: lentil.survivor.harmony


Photo ID: 001207 Photo ID: 001208 Photo ID: 001209 Photo ID: 001210 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Turku: Cathedral Turku: Cathedral No Data


The Cathedral is an imposing building that is visible from most of the city (except those hidden by the massive hill in the middle of the park!) and is the key Cathedral in the country.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.452372; Longitude: 22.278814
What3Words: unity.bring.dialect
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Turku: Handicrafts Museum Turku: Handicrafts Museum No Data


The museum is a folk park of traditional houses showing what life was like in the past. Unlike other parks (Riga, Skansen in Stockholm, Bygdøy in Oslo or Seurasaari in Helsinki) this isn't a collection of buildings brought together from around the nation. These buildings are in the same locations they were built on at the end of the 18th early 19th centuries. It was the only area to survive a massive fire that destroyed the rest of Turku in 1827 and after the city was rebuilt was scheduled for demolition. By the middle of the twentieth century nothing had happened so in 1940 the nation decided to preserve the area as a historical time capsule.


Charge, Free with a Turku card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.448372; Longitude: 22.277226
What3Words: dozen.eyelash.workshop


Photo ID: 001211 Photo ID: 001212 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Turku: Maritime Museum Turku: Maritime Museum No Data


The museum is based in two buildings and three ships on the riverside. It contains all the usual models and exhibits on maritime life, most in Finnish and Swedish only.


Charge, Free with a Turku card

Getting There

From the centre of Turku catch the bus towards the harbour, it passes by the entrance to the museum
Latitude: 60.435987; Longitude: 22.23371
What3Words: feathers.october.bleak


Photo ID: 001206 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lappeeranta Lappeeranta No Data


Lappeenranta is one of the most easterly towns in Finland. With advanced planning you can even go on a cruise that takes you down a river into Russia and then back, without the need for an expensive Russian visa!


Getting There

There are several trains a day from Helsinki to Lappeenranta taking about 2 1/2 hours
Latitude: 61.058285; Longitude: 28.185425
What3Words: upwards.adjust.insects


Photo ID: 001951 Photo ID: 001952 Photo ID: 001953 Photo ID: 001954 Photo ID: 001955 Photo ID: 001956 Photo ID: 001957

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porvoo Porvoo No Data


The town is located 40 KM to the east of Helsinki, and is famous for it's wooden buildings and its significant Swedish population


Getting There

You can sail to Porvoo, departures leave Helsinki around 10am and take three hours to reach the town, departures from Porvoo are around 4pm. Alternatively there are very regular busses between the two, taking a little over an hour
Latitude: 60.39284; Longitude: 25.664578
What3Words: barmaid.spare.angel


Photo ID: 001947 Photo ID: 001948 Photo ID: 001949 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rovaniemi Rovaniemi No Data


The capital of Finnish Lapland, and the gateway to the Arctic.


Getting There

There are a couple of trains a day from Helsinki that take about 11 hours, alternativly Finnair and Blue1 operate regular flights that take about an hour (and cost much the same as the train).
Latitude: 66.498701; Longitude: 25.721076
What3Words: owns.mentions.zones


Photo ID: 001226 Photo ID: 001227 Photo ID: 001228 Photo ID: 001230 Photo ID: 001231 Photo ID: 001232 Photo ID: 001233

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seurasaari Seurasaari No Data


One of the larger islands of Helsinki. The site contains the open-air museum as well as several other museums just before you go onto the island.


Getting There

From the centre of town bus 24 runs to the access bridge onto the Island (the last stop)
Latitude: 60.181492; Longitude: 24.884097
What3Words: workshops.dollar.lipstick


Photo ID: 000705 Photo ID: 000706 Photo ID: 000707 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2005), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Suomenlinna Suomenlinna No Data


Now a world heritage site. This is a unique island fortress, built across 6 islands to protect the east of Sweden (as it was then) from attack by the Russians. Most of the site is now open to tourists (some parts of the islands are now residential areas and tourists are asked to respect the residents privacy. A small part of the island is still in the control of the Finnish military and is closed off)


Charges for the museums, guided tours and attractions (all free with a Helsinki Card)

Getting There

Boats leave from the Market place. Those run by the local transport authority drop you at the top of the island and run all year round (very frequently in the summer, dropping to hourly in the winter) from about 6am to 2am.
Latitude: 60.147449; Longitude: 24.985667
What3Words: combining.exile.shopper


Photo ID: 000710 Photo ID: 000711 Photo ID: 000712 Photo ID: 000713 Photo ID: 000714 Photo ID: 001201 Photo ID: 001239

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2005), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tampere Tampere No Data


The third city of Finland, and the only major Nordic countries that is not on the coast


Getting There

There are regular trains from Helsinki to Tampere taking about 2 hours
Latitude: 61.482071; Longitude: 23.766174
What3Words: splint.stocky.spires


Photo ID: 001216 Photo ID: 001217 Photo ID: 001218 Photo ID: 001220 Photo ID: 001221 Photo ID: 001222 Photo ID: 001225

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Turku Turku No Data


The former capital of Finland and a beautiful city


Getting There

There are regular trains from Helsinki to Turku taking about 2 hours
Latitude: 60.4518; Longitude: 22.268772
What3Words: paid.obeyed.petted


Photo ID: 001206 Photo ID: 001208 Photo ID: 001210 Photo ID: 001211 Photo ID: 001213 Photo ID: 001214 Photo ID: 001215

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Castle No Data


There is masses to see with lots of random exhibitions dotted around the site, like a massive treasury stretching the whole of one side of the main building, the royal apartments, the archaeology of the town and, bizarrely, a museum on vandalism


Charge, Free with a Turku card

Getting There

From the centre of Turku catch the number 1 bus towards the harbour, it stops right outside the castle. Buses run every 15-20 minutes and take around 15 minutes
Latitude: 60.435712; Longitude: 22.228603
What3Words: lentil.survivor.harmony


Photo ID: 001207 Photo ID: 001208 Photo ID: 001209 Photo ID: 001210 Photo ID: 019831 Photo ID: 019832 Photo ID: 019837

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2006), and on time of last update (28/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The Cathedral is an imposing building that is visible from most of the city (except those hidden by the massive hill in the middle of the park!) and is the key Cathedral in the country.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.452372; Longitude: 22.278814
What3Words: unity.bring.dialect
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2006), and on time of last update (28/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Handicrafts Museum Handicrafts Museum No Data


The museum is a folk park of traditional houses showing what life was like in the past. Unlike other parks (Riga, Skansen in Stockholm, Bygdøy in Oslo or Seurasaari in Helsinki) this isn't a collection of buildings brought together from around the nation. These buildings are in the same locations they were built on at the end of the 18th early 19th centuries. It was the only area to survive a massive fire that destroyed the rest of Turku in 1827 and after the city was rebuilt was scheduled for demolition. By the middle of the twentieth century nothing had happened so in 1940 the nation decided to preserve the area as a historical time capsule.


Charge, Free with a Turku card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.448372; Longitude: 22.277226
What3Words: dozen.eyelash.workshop


Photo ID: 001211 Photo ID: 001212 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2006), and on time of last update (28/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jakke Jokilautta Jakke Jokilautta No Data


This floating bar sails up and down the river operating a hop-on-hop-off service to be able to take in the views and have a drink along the way.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.4489283; Longitude: 22.2702638
What3Words: physics.filled.moved


Photo ID: 019841 Photo ID: 019842 Photo ID: 019843 Photo ID: 019844 Photo ID: 019845 Photo ID: 019850 Photo ID: 019855

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2017), and on time of last update (28/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kansanpuisto Kansanpuisto No Data


A large park and beach area located at the start of the Archipelago. Lots of space to wander round



Getting There

From the centre of Turku catch the number 8 bus (only one an hour goes to Kansanpuisto directly, the others stop by the access road about a 10 minute walk away). Alternatively between late May and mid-August you can take the Waterbus
Latitude: 60.4267818; Longitude: 22.1830122
What3Words: used.secret.live


Photo ID: 019865 Photo ID: 019866 Photo ID: 019867 Photo ID: 019868 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2017), and on time of last update (28/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum Maritime Museum No Data


The museum is based in two buildings and three ships on the riverside. It contains all the usual models and exhibits on maritime life, most in Finnish and Swedish only.


Charge, Free with a Turku card

Getting There

From the centre of Turku catch the number 1 bus towards the harbour, it passes by the entrance to the museum. Buses run every 15-20 minutes and take around 10 minutes
Latitude: 60.435987; Longitude: 22.23371
What3Words: feathers.october.bleak


Photo ID: 001206 Photo ID: 019826 Photo ID: 019828 Photo ID: 019829 Photo ID: 019857 Photo ID: 019858 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2006), and on time of last update (28/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

SS Ukkopekka SS Ukkopekka No Data


The ship originally started life as a steam powered ice breaker. Today it runs tourist trips out to Moomin world during the day and of an evening dinner cruises out to the tiny island of Loistokari. The dinner cruise is around 4 hours long and includes a starter on the boat - a full buffet dinner on the island, if the weather is good - otherwise it's served on board, and on-board entertainment throughout.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.444394; Longitude: 22.2539707
What3Words: perfect.sensual.critic


Photo ID: 019876 Photo ID: 019881 Photo ID: 019886 Photo ID: 019888 Photo ID: 019892 Photo ID: 019893 Photo ID: 019897

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2017), and on time of last update (28/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waterbus Waterbus No Data


Running for the summer months (late May to mid-August) this small ferry runs along the river from the last bridge (Martinsilta) out to the beach and park area at Kansanpuisto, stopping at the Maritime Museum on the way. The service is integrated into the public transport system so you can either use it, as intended, as a way of getting to Kansanpuisto, or as a cheap river cruise that takes in the start of the Archipelago as well. A full round trip takes around 90 minutes


Charge, Standard Public Transport ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 60.4433257; Longitude: 22.2532854
What3Words: foam.energy.implore


Photo ID: 019856 Photo ID: 019857 Photo ID: 019858 Photo ID: 019859 Photo ID: 019860 Photo ID: 019861 Photo ID: 019869

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2017), and on time of last update (28/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Annecy City Tour: City Tour Annecy City Tour: City Tour No Data


60 minute bus tour around the city in a small mini-bus which can, if the weather is right, be turned into a convertible. The tour is accompanied by a multi-lingual commentary. The tour includes a 10-15 minute stop at the Basilica of the Visitation where you can explore the church or take in the views over the city and the lake from this highpoint.


Charge, Discount if you book both the city tour and a boat trip

Getting There

Latitude: 45.898608; Longitude: 6.128776
What3Words: returns.risks.river


Photo ID: 052411 Photo ID: 052412 Photo ID: 052413 Photo ID: 052420 Photo ID: 052425 Photo ID: 052427 Photo ID: 052430

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Annecy City Tour: Lovagny Tour Annecy City Tour: Lovagny Tour No Data


A half day tour run by Annecy City Tour. The tour leaves from close to the town hall and heads out to the Gorges du Fier where you have about 75 minutes to explore the gorge and countryside before heading back to the bus for a quick drive up the hill to the Château de Montrottier where there is a private tour of the collection for the group and then about 40 minutes to explore the rest of the castle and gardens before the bus takes you back into the city.


Getting There

Latitude: 45.898641; Longitude: 6.128775
What3Words: noticing.bets.balanced


Photo ID: 052575 Photo ID: 052498 Photo ID: 052504 Photo ID: 052520 Photo ID: 052538 Photo ID: 052555 Photo ID: 052572

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilique de la Visitation Basilique de la Visitation No Data


Located high above the city centre this large church dominates the skyline and from it's grounds offers excellent views over the lake and old town. The church itself was built in the first part of the 20th century attaching itself to a much older monastery which is located next door.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.892598; Longitude: 6.127655
What3Words: class.napkins.crawling


Photo ID: 052414 Photo ID: 052415 Photo ID: 052416 Photo ID: 052417 Photo ID: 052418 Photo ID: 052419 Photo ID: 052421

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale Saint-Pierre Cathédrale Saint-Pierre No Data


The city's Catholic cathedral. This is a pretty small and compact church, located in the heart of the old town, and quite a bit less impressive than some of the surrounding churches. However, inside it's richly decorated with lots of stained glass and is a very quiet and tranquil place to visit even during the main part of the day.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.899303; Longitude: 6.125481
What3Words: event.uproot.tiptoes


Photo ID: 052361 Photo ID: 052362 Photo ID: 052363 Photo ID: 052364 Photo ID: 052365 Photo ID: 052366 Photo ID: 052478

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Château d'Annecy Château d'Annecy No Data


The large imposing castle sitting on the highest point in the old town and from it's terrace offering stunning views over the old town and the lake


Charge, Free on the first Sunday of the month between October and May. Includes entry to the grounds the Musée-Château d'Annecy and Espace Archéologie et environnement du lac d'Annecy

Getting There

Latitude: 45.897496; Longitude: 6.125507
What3Words: learns.film.cleans


Photo ID: 052335 Photo ID: 052343 Photo ID: 052344 Photo ID: 052408 Photo ID: 052576 Photo ID: 052578 Photo ID: 052583

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Château d'Annecy: Espace Archéologie et environnement du lac d'Annecy Château d'Annecy: Espace Archéologie et environnement du lac d'Annecy No Data


Located in a separate building at the end of the palace complex this building houses a museum dedicated to the archaeology and environment of the lakes region focussing on Lake Annecy as well as Lake Leman (Geneva) and several other smaller lakes in the Rhone region. The basement of the building houses a small aquarium with examples of fish that would be naturally found in the lakes.


Charge, included in the entrance fee to the Château d'Annecy

Getting There

Latitude: 45.897639; Longitude: 6.12673
What3Words: rugs.hobbies.type


Photo ID: 052585 Photo ID: 052586 Photo ID: 052587 Photo ID: 052588 Photo ID: 052589 Photo ID: 052590 Photo ID: 052591

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Château d'Annecy: Musée-Château d'Annecy Château d'Annecy: Musée-Château d'Annecy No Data


Located in the main part of the palace building this museum houses a number of religious and contemporary art pieces scattered through the various rooms.


Charge, included in the entrance fee to the Château d'Annecy

Getting There

Latitude: 45.897677; Longitude: 6.126115
What3Words: raft.prefix.oven


Photo ID: 052592 Photo ID: 052593 Photo ID: 052595 Photo ID: 052596 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Compagnie des Bateaux d'Annecy Compagnie des Bateaux d'Annecy No Data


The company runs a number of tours around Lake Annecy. There is a 60 minute long tour that takes in the larger lower part of the lake, a 90 minute tour that does a full circuit of the lake as well as dinner tours and during the summer months an irregular ferry service that makes stops along the shoreline. The tours are accompanied by a live commentary in French only.


Charge, Discount if you book both a boat trip and the city tour

Getting There

Latitude: 45.89816; Longitude: 6.130505
What3Words: briefing.warns.crusher


Photo ID: 052303 Photo ID: 052308 Photo ID: 052309 Photo ID: 052314 Photo ID: 052327 Photo ID: 052335 Photo ID: 052338

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Église Saint Maurice Église Saint Maurice No Data


Large church in the city centre opposite the Town Hall. This was formerly the church of an order of Dominican monks



Getting There

Latitude: 45.899275; Longitude: 6.127768
What3Words: brighter.chose.bucks


Photo ID: 052404 Photo ID: 052472 Photo ID: 052474 Photo ID: 052475 Photo ID: 052476 Photo ID: 052477 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardins de l'Europe Jardins de l'Europe No Data


Small set of gardens on a promontory on the lake edge between the Canal du Vassé and Le Thiou from which there are excellent views down the lake and along the river and canal.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.899262; Longitude: 6.131438
What3Words: registry.today.boxing


Photo ID: 052397 Photo ID: 052435 Photo ID: 052436 Photo ID: 052437 Photo ID: 052438 Photo ID: 052439 Photo ID: 052440

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La vieille ville d’Annecy La vieille ville d’Annecy No Data


The old town of Annecy, the collection of narrow roads and passageways that run through the historic centre of the city, intertwined by the canals and streams leading away from the lake. This is the historic heart of the city and one of the most picturesque parts of this photogenic city.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.898461; Longitude: 6.125025
What3Words: develops.padlock.coast


Photo ID: 052287 Photo ID: 052346 Photo ID: 052347 Photo ID: 052348 Photo ID: 052371 Photo ID: 052375 Photo ID: 052378

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Volière de l'Impérial La Volière de l'Impérial No Data


A large aviary located in the grounds of the Imperial Hotel, the main attractions are the peacocks, though at the time of visiting one of the roosters was making itself known!



Getting There

Latitude: 45.904103; Longitude: 6.143131
What3Words: clauses.wording.olive


Photo ID: 052459 Photo ID: 052460 Photo ID: 052461 Photo ID: 052462 Photo ID: 052463 Photo ID: 052466 Photo ID: 052467

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lac d'Annecy Lac d'Annecy No Data


Reportedly the cleanest lake in Europe, as it's water quality has been carefully protected since at least the 1960s, and it certainly looks crystal clear. The lake is about 14Km long and at it's widest point about 3Km wide. At the top end of the lake the mountains rise up behind it creating a dramatic backdrop. Around the lakes edge are a number of small towns as well as chateaus and vineyards. The bottom of the lake is at the edge of Annecy old town and from here the lake is drained by Le Thiou which runs for about 3Km before it empties into the Fier, itself a tributary of the Rhône.


Getting There

Latitude: 45.847282; Longitude: 6.180072
What3Words: stifles.fields.hobby


Photo ID: 052304 Photo ID: 052311 Photo ID: 052315 Photo ID: 052318 Photo ID: 052321 Photo ID: 052323 Photo ID: 052326

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Palais de I'Île Le Palais de I'Île No Data


A small palace on a tiny island in the river, that is one of the icons of the city. Much of the palace was used as prison space and the lower floor of the main building has been restored to how it would have looked when it was is use for that purpose. At the very end of the island forming the distinguishing triangular end part of the complex is the chapel. On the upper floors of the palace there are exhibitions on the history of the building as well as exhibitions on architecture.


Charge, Free on the first Sunday of the month between October and May

Getting There

Latitude: 45.898572; Longitude: 6.127051
What3Words: shoppers.stop.version


Photo ID: 052294 Photo ID: 052407 Photo ID: 052597 Photo ID: 052600 Photo ID: 052601 Photo ID: 052604 Photo ID: 052607

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parc Charles Bosson Parc Charles Bosson No Data


A park and gardens located by the Imperial Palace hotel at the Northeastern corner of the lake. From the lakeside there are excellent views down the lake as well as across to the city centre with the towers of the basilica and the chateau dominating the skyline.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.904071; Longitude: 6.141588
What3Words: trustees.tiptoes.escape


Photo ID: 052455 Photo ID: 052456 Photo ID: 052457 Photo ID: 052458 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pont de la Halle Pont de la Halle No Data


The first bridge over the River Thiou as it drains away from the lake. Due to the cleanliness of the water, and the shallowness of the river at this point it still looks like a mountain stream. There are excellent views down the first small stretch of river and across the lake to the mountains.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.898297; Longitude: 6.129058
What3Words: intend.dressing.vent


Photo ID: 052301 Photo ID: 052412 Photo ID: 052413 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pont des Amours Pont des Amours No Data


A small metal bridge over the start of the Canal du Vassé, by the Jardins de l'Europe offering stunning views over the lake and down the canal



Getting There

Latitude: 45.900214; Longitude: 6.131377
What3Words: steadily.topical.quit


Photo ID: 052397 Photo ID: 052398 Photo ID: 052399 Photo ID: 052446 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pont Perrière Pont Perrière No Data


The second bridge over the river and closest to the Palais de I'Île, offering stunning views of the tiny castle and the river wrapping around it.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.898505; Longitude: 6.127819
What3Words: flame.jams.sliders


Photo ID: 052292 Photo ID: 052295 Photo ID: 052296 Photo ID: 052299 Photo ID: 052407 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Promenade Jacquet Promenade Jacquet No Data


Located just beyond the Pont des Amours this is a large open space which is used as a general park, along the waters edge you'll also find all the stalls offering boat and pedalo rentals.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.901515; Longitude: 6.132444
What3Words: disclose.vertical.viewers


Photo ID: 052447 Photo ID: 052448 Photo ID: 052449 Photo ID: 052450 Photo ID: 052451 Photo ID: 052452 Photo ID: 052454

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lovagny: Château de Montrottier Lovagny: Château de Montrottier No Data


Originally built in the 13th century the building was heavily restored and adapted through the late 18th and into the 19th century. The last owner of the castle was Léon Marès who was an avid collector and a member of the Académie Florimontane, to whom he gifted the castle and his collection to on his death on the condition that the collection was kept together, that he was allowed to be buried in the grounds, and that the castle was kept open to the public to view the collection. The main part of the collection is held in the oldest part of the building and can only be seen on a guided tour (French and English tours available), though you are free to explore the rest of the castle building and the gardens.


Getting There

Latitude: 45.898602; Longitude: 6.039031
What3Words: redemption.asserted.elite


Photo ID: 052538 Photo ID: 052539 Photo ID: 052542 Photo ID: 052545 Photo ID: 052549 Photo ID: 052553 Photo ID: 052570

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lovagny: Les Gorges du Fier - Mer des Rochers Lovagny: Les Gorges du Fier - Mer des Rochers No Data


For about 600m the Fier river carves its way through the hills creating a deep and narrow gorge. You can walk along the route of the river, at first on a bridge attached to the side of the gorge above the waters high above the normal water level (though as is displayed in places the bridge would be deep under water at some of the highest of floods the gorge has had. After about 300m on the bridge you emerge into an area where the waters have carved lots of different channels deep under the rock, creating a labyrinth of channels, most covered by rock, but with the raging waters visible in places. The waters then emerge from the rocks into a calm stream as the river continues its journey on towards the Rhône


Getting There

Latitude: 45.895675; Longitude: 6.038208
What3Words: chewable.stadiums.these


Photo ID: 052484 Photo ID: 052486 Photo ID: 052489 Photo ID: 052493 Photo ID: 052494 Photo ID: 052525 Photo ID: 052530

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lovagny Lovagny No Data


A small settlement built around the castle and gorge.


Getting There

From Annecy access via public transport is poor. You'd need to take the line 3 bus (regular every day, about 20 minutes) to the end of the line at Chavanod and then walk about 3.5Km down some steep and winding country lanes which have no pavements (and it will be steeply uphill on the way back). Alternatively, Monday to Saturday there are buses that connect Lovagny to Annecy with a change in Poisy, though they are irregular and with the change take around an hour. The buses drop you off in the town, from where it's still a 1.5Km walk to the Gorge and Castle. The easiest way to access the Gorge and Castle is to join a guided tour.
Latitude: 45.903793; Longitude: 6.032036
What3Words: reusing.wheezes.reprints


Photo ID: 052481 Photo ID: 052482 Photo ID: 052492 Photo ID: 052498 Photo ID: 052534 Photo ID: 052536 Photo ID: 052563

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2024), and on time of last update (06/05/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bastille Bastille No Data


High on the hills above the city the fortress of the Bastille looks down on Grenoble. Originally built to protect the city, today it’s a public park which can be accessed via numerous pathways that run up the steep cliffs, or by taking the cable car up to in.



Getting There

The easiest way to reach the Bastille is via the cable car, however you can climb up to the Bastille from town. The ascent is around 300m and takes around an hour to complete. There are two routes one starting at the top of the Jardin des Dauphins and mostly consisting of slopes and shallow steps until you reach the lower levels of the casemates where it's steps all the way up. The other route starts at the Porte Saint-Laurent and is either a continuous sloped path running all the way up to the Bastille in a series of switchbacks, or you can climb up through the casemates and fortifications - though this latter option is probably well over 1,200 steps to reach the top, some of which are uneven.
Latitude: 45.198667; Longitude: 5.724828
What3Words: ramble.pines.zest


Photo ID: 042221 Photo ID: 042239 Photo ID: 042240 Photo ID: 042242 Photo ID: 042314 Photo ID: 042317 Photo ID: 042325

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bastille: Belvédère Vauban Bastille: Belvédère Vauban No Data


Located to the East of the Cable Car this viewing platform above the restaurant offers views out over the city and towards the Massif de Chartreuse.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.198738; Longitude: 5.725356
What3Words: jaws.spells.admit


Photo ID: 042250 Photo ID: 042251 Photo ID: 042252 Photo ID: 042255 Photo ID: 042257 Photo ID: 042321 Photo ID: 042322

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bastille: Centre d'art bastille Bastille: Centre d'art bastille No Data


Located in some of the lower galleries of the fortress this small art gallery houses rotating exhibits of modern art.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.198725; Longitude: 5.724419
What3Words: sobered.tuned.pool


Photo ID: 042290 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bastille: Grottes de Mandrin Bastille: Grottes de Mandrin No Data


Carved into the mountain this system of caves and passageways allowed defence of the Bastille from behind. Today the tunnel is open to look around on a circular walk that takes about 30 minutes and either starts with a stiff up-hill climb, followed by a descent down through the caves or a walk up into the caves and then nearly 100 steep steps up inside the caves.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.200238; Longitude: 5.724082
What3Words: blues.slogans.mergers


Photo ID: 042262 Photo ID: 042264 Photo ID: 042266 Photo ID: 042268 Photo ID: 042269 Photo ID: 042272 Photo ID: 042277

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bastille: Musée des troupes de montagne Bastille: Musée des troupes de montagne No Data


Located in one of the fortress buildings the museum tells the history of the mountain troops of the French army, from their founding through their battles in the First and Second World War to their role today in protecting France.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.198914; Longitude: 5.724767
What3Words: fries.because.always


Photo ID: 042280 Photo ID: 042281 Photo ID: 042282 Photo ID: 042283 Photo ID: 042284 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bastille: Terrasse des Géologue Bastille: Terrasse des Géologue No Data


Located to the West of the cable car the viewing platform offers excellent views over the city centre and the mountains to the West of the city, as well as the confluence of the Isère and Drac Rivers just outside of the city centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.198637; Longitude: 5.724443
What3Words: mixer.inch.immunity


Photo ID: 042234 Photo ID: 042235 Photo ID: 042238 Photo ID: 042241 Photo ID: 042312 Photo ID: 042313 Photo ID: 042315

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale Notre-Dame Cathédrale Notre-Dame No Data


The Catholic Cathedral for the city, this is a surprisingly small building and quite hidden. It's not permitted to photograph or film inside.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.192651; Longitude: 5.731944
What3Words: cared.national.waiters


Photo ID: 042368 Photo ID: 042369 Photo ID: 042370 Photo ID: 042371 Photo ID: 042388 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin des Dauphins Jardin des Dauphins No Data


Located behind the Porte de France and climbing up the slopes of the Bastille hill this small terraced gardens house playparks as well as several terraces from where you can take in the views over the city. From the rear of the park you can join the path that takes you up to the Bastille itself.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.19431; Longitude: 5.720029
What3Words: resting.type.chest


Photo ID: 042477 Photo ID: 042478 Photo ID: 042480 Photo ID: 042483 Photo ID: 042485 Photo ID: 042490 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin des Plantes Jardin des Plantes No Data


Located opposite the Parc Paul Mistral this small garden is attached to the natural history museum, but is open all day (the museum closes for lunch). It's a pleasant place with formal planting beds and a small rock garden.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.18755; Longitude: 5.735629
What3Words: nature.slowly.pitchers


Photo ID: 042339 Photo ID: 042340 Photo ID: 042341 Photo ID: 042342 Photo ID: 042343 Photo ID: 042344 Photo ID: 042345

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Petit Train de Grenoble Le Petit Train de Grenoble No Data


The standard French fair of a land train taking a 45 minute tour round the city centre with an audio commentary pointing out they key sights. Commentary is in French only.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.191204; Longitude: 5.727738
What3Words: books.chop.ramming


Photo ID: 042373 Photo ID: 042374 Photo ID: 042375 Photo ID: 042376 Photo ID: 042377 Photo ID: 042378 Photo ID: 042380

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée archéologique Saint-Laurent Musée archéologique Saint-Laurent No Data


The church at Saint-Laurent was one of the first Christian buildings in the city, located on the site of burials during Roman times. Over the years the church grew and expanded, even becoming a monastery. After the church was deconsecrated archaeological excavations took place to uncover the history of the building, down through the different layers - including the significant number of burials that have taken place across the site. Today the floor of the church is missing showing the archaeological work off to it's full extent.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.197682; Longitude: 5.731467
What3Words: hurray.skims.action


Photo ID: 042416 Photo ID: 042417 Photo ID: 042419 Photo ID: 042432 Photo ID: 042434 Photo ID: 042435 Photo ID: 042437

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée dauphinois Musée dauphinois No Data


This museum is located in a former convent and has a number of exhibition spaces, as well as terraces from where you can take in the views over the city. Exhibitions include the history of glove making in the city - Grenoble once being the glove capital of the world; the rise of winter sports and the main exhibition which is on the rural life of the Dauphinois people prior to the urbanisation of the area following WWII



Getting There

Latitude: 45.194951; Longitude: 5.726572
What3Words: exams.sweated.attend


Photo ID: 042450 Photo ID: 042453 Photo ID: 042455 Photo ID: 042456 Photo ID: 042458 Photo ID: 042461 Photo ID: 042466

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée de Grenoble Musée de Grenoble No Data


The city's art gallery mostly focussing on French art up to the modern day, but including some earlier Dutch, Flemish and Italian art.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.194731; Longitude: 5.73294
What3Words: sweated.clutter.shunts


Photo ID: 042351 Photo ID: 042353 Photo ID: 042354 Photo ID: 042355 Photo ID: 042358 Photo ID: 042361 Photo ID: 042367

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l'Isère Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l'Isère No Data


The museum tells the story of the rise of the resistance in Grenoble and the deportation of citizens during the Second World War. The initial gallery gives an outline of the history of the conflict in the Grenoble region and then the subsequent galleries go more in-depth on the role of the resistance movement and where the citizens of Grenoble - including a significant Jewish population - were deported to once the Nazis took control of the city from the Italians.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.190078; Longitude: 5.735209
What3Words: happen.soulful.sulky


Photo ID: 042381 Photo ID: 042382 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée de l'Ancien Évêché Musée de l'Ancien Évêché No Data


Located in the former Bishops Palace this is a slightly eclectic museum housing art and artefacts from the region as well as changing exhibitions. In the basement of the building are the remains of an early baptistry, one of the first examples of Christianity in the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.192885; Longitude: 5.7321
What3Words: grumble.blasted.armrest


Photo ID: 042383 Photo ID: 042384 Photo ID: 042385 Photo ID: 042390 Photo ID: 042393 Photo ID: 042394 Photo ID: 042396

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parc Albert Michallon Parc Albert Michallon No Data


Located behind the Musée de Grenoble this park houses a number of sculptures and outdoor art works



Getting There

Latitude: 45.196237; Longitude: 5.733664
What3Words: weaved.jacuzzi.crunchy


Photo ID: 042399 Photo ID: 042400 Photo ID: 042401 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parc Paul Mistral Parc Paul Mistral No Data


Park located to the East of the city centre, was originally part of fair grounds of the 1925 Hydroelectricity and Tourism fair, the Tour Perret being one of the showcases of the fair now being the only remnant (and itself in poor condition having been closed in 1960 and showing signs of serious decay). The park is also home to a number of monuments to various groups, including to the soldiers of the Mountain Troops during WWII who were called the Black Devils by the German Soldiers, so took on the moniker Blue Devils due to the colour of their uniforms.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.184974; Longitude: 5.735621
What3Words: bunk.colonies.accent


Photo ID: 042248 Photo ID: 042331 Photo ID: 042332 Photo ID: 042333 Photo ID: 042334 Photo ID: 042336 Photo ID: 042338

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porte de France Porte de France No Data


Originally built in 1620 this monumental gateway is now the war memorial to the dead from the region in the different conflicts of the 20th century.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.193588; Longitude: 5.719452
What3Words: transmitted.spelled.cuff


Photo ID: 042470 Photo ID: 042472 Photo ID: 042473 Photo ID: 042474 Photo ID: 042476 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porte Saint-Laurent Porte Saint-Laurent No Data


Whilst it may look historic the gatehouse was only built in the early 19th Century on the site of the landing point of the former city bridge.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.197979; Longitude: 5.731781
What3Words: beams.busy.fictional


Photo ID: 042408 Photo ID: 042410 Photo ID: 042411 Photo ID: 042412 Photo ID: 042414 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Saint-Laurent Casemate Saint-Laurent Casemate No Data


These large fortification sit at the bottom of the hill the Bastille is located on and protect the area around the bend in the river. You can climb up through the Casemate on a path that continues up into the fortification of the Bastille itself



Getting There

Latitude: 45.198166; Longitude: 5.731529
What3Words: really.kick.miracles


Photo ID: 042409 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Téléphérique de Grenoble Bastille Téléphérique de Grenoble Bastille No Data


Linking the city centre with the fortress on the top of the hill on the opposite bank of the Isère River the cable car runs as five cabins hooked together as a continuous loop with service every 4-5 minutes until Midnight on some nights, so it's possible to head up to the Bastille to take in the sunset. It saves on the 30 or so minute walk up the hill to the fortress



Getting There

Latitude: 45.192958; Longitude: 5.726113
What3Words: likes.hobble.prove


Photo ID: 042224 Photo ID: 042228 Photo ID: 042229 Photo ID: 042247 Photo ID: 042289 Photo ID: 042292 Photo ID: 042299

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vizille: Musée de la Révolution Française Vizille: Musée de la Révolution Française No Data


The town's chateau has been converted into a museum telling the story of the French revolution, from the initial build up through to the aftermath. There are a number of galleries housing paitings and objects relating to the revolution.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.075682; Longitude: 5.773643
What3Words: wishing.underlines.rustlers


Photo ID: 042546 Photo ID: 042547 Photo ID: 042548 Photo ID: 042551 Photo ID: 042552 Photo ID: 042553 Photo ID: 042554

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vizille: Parc du Château de Vizille Vizille: Parc du Château de Vizille No Data


The grounds of the chateau have now been turned into a pleasant public park which you can wander around. By the chateau some of the original formal planting and topiary has been maintained before the area gives way to a large lake and grass



Getting There

Latitude: 45.074893; Longitude: 5.775377
What3Words: voicing.astray.subscribe


Photo ID: 042543 Photo ID: 042545 Photo ID: 042558 Photo ID: 042561 Photo ID: 042563 Photo ID: 042569 Photo ID: 042571

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vizille Vizille No Data


A small town about 8 miles South East of Grenoble, home to an impressive Chateau that is now a museum


Getting There

Using the standard public transport ticket you need to take the tram out to the University where bus line 23 starts and runs about every hour to Vizille, taking 35 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively you can take the tram to Grand'Place and change there onto the 65 which runs irregularly out to Vizille, taking about 45 minutes - note this service does not run on a Sunday. The other option is to take the X03 bus from the centre Grenoble to Vizille which runs every 30-60 minutes and takes 30 minutes, but requires purchasing a separate ticket.
Latitude: 45.077262; Longitude: 5.772699
What3Words: recoup.thereof.artwork


Photo ID: 042541 Photo ID: 042542 Photo ID: 042574 Photo ID: 042575 Photo ID: 042577 Photo ID: 042578 Photo ID: 042580

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/09/2022), and on time of last update (08/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Barques Colmar Barques Colmar No Data


One of two companies that offer short 20 minute cruises along a small section of the River Lauch, mostly through the area called Petite Venise. The captain is also your tour guide and gives a running commentary both on what you can see and some of the history of the town are surrounding area.


Getting There

Latitude: 48.072818; Longitude: 7.357094
What3Words: likely.agenda.juggler


Photo ID: 040085 Photo ID: 040123 Photo ID: 040312 Photo ID: 040315 Photo ID: 040317 Photo ID: 040321 Photo ID: 040325

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Collégiale St-Martin Collégiale St-Martin No Data


Built almost the scale of a Cathedral, but not technically one, this is the main church in the heart of the city. The tower is visible from large parts of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.077294; Longitude: 7.358231
What3Words: toggle.marginal.steer


Photo ID: 040100 Photo ID: 040357 Photo ID: 040410 Photo ID: 040411 Photo ID: 040412 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Église des Dominicains Église des Dominicains No Data


A former church for the Dominican order, it was deconsecrated a couple of centuries ago and had many uses in the intervening years - including as a granary. Today it's a gallery space, with it's main display being a painting of the Virgin in the rose garden by Martin Schongauer.


Charge, Included in the Colmar City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 48.078224; Longitude: 7.356313
What3Words: musical.bristle.purses


Photo ID: 040329 Photo ID: 040413 Photo ID: 040414 Photo ID: 040415 Photo ID: 040417 Photo ID: 040418 Photo ID: 040420

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kut'Zig Bus Kut'Zig Bus No Data


An open-top mini-bus service that heads out from Colmar on a circular route to several of the prettiest of the wine towns and villages in the Alsace region. Buses run every 90 minutes taking just over 2 hours to complete the circuit and an hop-on-hop-off ticketing system provided. The tour runs from Colmar to Ribeauvillé then Hunawihr, Riquewihr, Kaysersberg, Turckheim, Eguisheim and Voegtlinshoffen before returning to Colmar. All of the towns are independently reachable from Colmar by irregular bus/coach services Monday to Saturday, but would require lots of backtracking to see them all.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.072011; Longitude: 7.346915
What3Words: rehearsal.shunted.saga


Photo ID: 040141 Photo ID: 040171 Photo ID: 040174 Photo ID: 040211 Photo ID: 040250 Photo ID: 040278 Photo ID: 040283

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marché couvert Marché couvert No Data


The covered market of the town, open every day except Monday. Inside there is a small selection of stalls selling local produce, most of which offer samples of their wares.


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 48.074629; Longitude: 7.359808
What3Words: motivate.mobile.stand


Photo ID: 040122 Photo ID: 040126 Photo ID: 040321 Photo ID: 040398 Photo ID: 040399 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée Bartholdi Musée Bartholdi No Data


Located in the sculptors home the museum houses examples of a number of his works, including some working models of his most famous creation - the Statue of Liberty. The museum is also home to the heads from the fountain statue in the main park of the town. The statue was destroyed by the Nazi's as they retreated at the end of the war, but was rebuilt in the late 1950's with new statues, the heads having been rescued and relocated to this museum


Charge, Included in the Colmar City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 48.076652; Longitude: 7.35754
What3Words: desks.jumps.rooster


Photo ID: 040402 Photo ID: 040403 Photo ID: 040404 Photo ID: 040405 Photo ID: 040406 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée d'Histoire Naturelle et d'Ethnographie Musée d'Histoire Naturelle et d'Ethnographie No Data


The museum houses a wide collection of exhibits from the standard selection of stuffed exotic creatures (and not so exotic creatures in the local wildlife display), through to Egyptology, Ethnography and Geology.


Charge, Included in the Colmar City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 48.0736; Longitude: 7.358865
What3Words: mystery.driveway.weekend


Photo ID: 040386 Photo ID: 040388 Photo ID: 040390 Photo ID: 040393 Photo ID: 040394 Photo ID: 040396 Photo ID: 040397

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée du Jouet Musée du Jouet No Data


The museum houses a collection of historic toys including board games, model kits, Lego, Meccano, dolls, stuffed animals and a large collection of model trains and planes - including two large train layouts that run at the press of a button.


Getting There

Latitude: 48.079194; Longitude: 7.362016
What3Words: taped.hotdog.twisty


Photo ID: 040351 Photo ID: 040352 Photo ID: 040353 Photo ID: 040354 Photo ID: 040355 Photo ID: 040356 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée Hansi Musée Hansi No Data


Jean-Jacques Waltz, known as Hansi was a Colmar born artist who developed a style of drawing around The Village, an idealised Alsace village where the local (French) inhabitants live a life having to put up with their (German) rulers. In an Alsace that had only recently been claimed by Germany it put Jean-Jacques in lots of trouble. He continued working through the return of Alsace to France following the end of WWI and again through it's recapture by the Germans in 1940 before it's final return to France in 1945. The museum houses a collection of his works, including may from the Village series.


Getting There

Latitude: 48.078678; Longitude: 7.355121
What3Words: fades.diamond.reports


Photo ID: 040358 Photo ID: 040359 Photo ID: 040360 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée Unterlinden Musée Unterlinden No Data


Museum covering Archaeology and Art. Along with the exhibits the museum is interesting itself for it's buildings. The Archaeology and Religious art sections are housed in a former Dominican Convent which includes the original cloister that creates a beautiful suntrap right in the middle of the building. From the Convent part of the building you head underground, underneath the Logelbach river (albeit a stream at this point) and emerge into a purpose built building that houses the non-religious and modern art collection. Attached to this building is a forming swimming pool which now houses a function room and exhibition space - with a level floor built at pool deck level rather than the original 2.08m deep pool.


Getting There

Latitude: 48.079851; Longitude: 7.355494
What3Words: date.funded.tests


Photo ID: 040330 Photo ID: 040335 Photo ID: 040337 Photo ID: 040342 Photo ID: 040344 Photo ID: 040347 Photo ID: 040350

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Petit Train Blanc Petit Train Blanc No Data


One of two competing services that run in the town, taking in the major sites. Of the two services this one has a shorter route, but moves as a more gentle pace making it easier to take photos. Pre-recorded Multi-lingual commentary is provided



Getting There

Latitude: 48.079044; Longitude: 7.35664
What3Words: sting.hill.textiles


Photo ID: 040107 Photo ID: 040109 Photo ID: 040110 Photo ID: 040112 Photo ID: 040114 Photo ID: 040115 Photo ID: 040116

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Petit Train Vert Petit Train Vert No Data


One of two competing services that run in the town, taking in the major sites. Of the two services this one has a longer route, but moves a bit faster so you can't always get a photo in before it's passed what you were trying to see. Pre-recorded Multi-lingual commentary is provided


Charge, Included in the Colmar City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 48.079281; Longitude: 7.355961
What3Words: loans.reserve.primed


Photo ID: 040331 Photo ID: 040333 Photo ID: 040334 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Petite Venise Petite Venise No Data


A small section of the River Lauch canalised through the centre of Colmar with pretty buildings on either side. The area starts by the covered market and runs to the St Peter's Bridge. This is the area that is covered by both of the boat companies that offer journeys up and down the ringer



Getting There

Latitude: 48.074118; Longitude: 7.359189
What3Words: highs.zoomed.fork


Photo ID: 040087 Photo ID: 040088 Photo ID: 040111 Photo ID: 040124 Photo ID: 040128 Photo ID: 040130 Photo ID: 040316

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eguisheim: Petit Train Eguisheim: Petit Train No Data


Running from the car park where the Kut'Zig bus stops this 30 minute tour takes in the centre of the old town before heading up into the vineyards that surround the town to take in the views from there, before returning back to the start point. Pre-recorded Multi-lingual commentary is provided



Getting There

Latitude: 48.041501; Longitude: 7.309734
What3Words: sequencing.loafing.madmen


Photo ID: 040262 Photo ID: 040263 Photo ID: 040268 Photo ID: 040273 Photo ID: 040276 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaysersberg : Château du Schlossberg Kaysersberg : Château du Schlossberg No Data


Located high above the town centre the ruins of the castle can be accessed via a stiff 5 minute climb up steps. Just parts of the curtain wall and one circular tower remain. The steps in the circular tower have been replaced with modern concrete steps so it is possible to climb to the top, though take a torch as when I visited many of the lights were out of action - just about doable on the way up, but dangerous on the way back down. From the top the views over the town and over the flat lands beyond into Germany are excellent.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.140383; Longitude: 7.262319
What3Words: quad.keypads.freshen


Photo ID: 040231 Photo ID: 040233 Photo ID: 040239 Photo ID: 040240 Photo ID: 040242 Photo ID: 040243 Photo ID: 040248

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ribeauvillé : Petit Train Ribeauvillé : Petit Train No Data


A 35 minute land train tour that departs from the Gare Routiers (Bus Stops) and heads through the historic centre of the town before climbing into the hills to take in the views from the vineyards of both Ribeauvillé and neighbouring Hunawihr. Pre-recorded Multi-lingual commentary is provided



Getting There

Latitude: 48.192494; Longitude: 7.3253
What3Words: waltz.roadways.hyphens


Photo ID: 040150 Photo ID: 040153 Photo ID: 040155 Photo ID: 040158 Photo ID: 040160 Photo ID: 040163 Photo ID: 040164

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Riquewihr: Petit Train Riquewihr: Petit Train No Data


A 35 minute land train tour that departs from behind the Town Hall, where the lower gate of the town used to be sited. The tour starts by running round the edge of the town before climbing up into the vineyards for stunning views over the town below. After a photo stop in the vineyards the journey continues back down into the town taking in the lower half of the main street. Pre-recorded Multi-lingual commentary is provided



Getting There

Latitude: 48.166351; Longitude: 7.299467
What3Words: aside.storefronts.brainwashed


Photo ID: 040178 Photo ID: 040180 Photo ID: 040182 Photo ID: 040186 Photo ID: 040188 Photo ID: 040193 Photo ID: 040196

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eguisheim Eguisheim No Data


Whilst the ramparts of the town have long since gone it's still very easy to make out where they were as the buildings form a circular ring around the core centre of the town. You can walk the whole way round the small lane lined on either side by historic buildings in about 15 minutes.


Getting There

There are irregular coach services from Colmar to Eguisheim, taking between 10 and 20 minutes to make the journey, but with no service on Sunday. The Kut'Zig Bus runs Friday-Sunday during April-October (Wednesday-Sunday in July-September) every 90 minutes, taking about 95 minutes to make the trip
Latitude: 48.042724; Longitude: 7.306224
What3Words: flasks.driving.forced


Photo ID: 040265 Photo ID: 040267 Photo ID: 040269 Photo ID: 040270 Photo ID: 040272 Photo ID: 040274 Photo ID: 040275

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaysersberg Kaysersberg No Data


Located in a valley between two steep hills this pleasant small town has some very pretty architecture, a medieval fortified bridge and high on the hill to the North of the town the ruins of the Château du Schlossberg


Getting There

There are irregular coach services from Colmar to Kaysersberg, taking about 30 minutes to make the journey, but with no service on Sunday. The Kut'Zig Bus runs Friday-Sunday during April-October (Wednesday-Sunday in July-September) every 90 minutes, taking about 65 minutes to make the trip
Latitude: 48.138818; Longitude: 7.262955
What3Words: undisputed.conventions.abbeys


Photo ID: 040213 Photo ID: 040220 Photo ID: 040222 Photo ID: 040224 Photo ID: 040226 Photo ID: 040227 Photo ID: 040248

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ribeauvillé Ribeauvillé No Data


The long thin centre of this town stretches up from the Gare Routiers (bus stop) up through the historic centre, following the course of a small stream that runs through most of the town. High above on a hill sits the ruins of three castles which can be reached with a very stiff climb. The surrounding countryside is mostly vineyards, though with more wooded hillsides that other towns in the region


Getting There

There are irregular coach services from Colmar to Ribeauvillé, taking about 20 minutes to make the journey, but with no service on Sunday. The Kut'Zig Bus runs Friday-Sunday during April-October (Wednesday-Sunday in July-September) every 90 minutes, taking about 30 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 48.195044; Longitude: 7.318948
What3Words: suitable.minimums.concocts


Photo ID: 040142 Photo ID: 040144 Photo ID: 040148 Photo ID: 040150 Photo ID: 040162 Photo ID: 040166 Photo ID: 040170

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Riquewihr Riquewihr No Data


The centre of the town sits within the footprint of the old town walls, though all bar the walls at the high (western end) of town are still in situ. The town clings to the relatively steep hill that you walk up to get to the upper gate. The surrounding countryside has some of the best vineyards in the country and the whole town is surrounded by vines.


Getting There

There are irregular coach services from Colmar to Riquewihr, taking about 30 minutes to make the journey, but with no service on Sunday. The Kut'Zig Bus runs Friday-Sunday during April-October (Wednesday-Sunday in July-September) every 90 minutes, taking about 50 minutes to make the trip
Latitude: 48.166889; Longitude: 7.297572
What3Words: flowerbed.evidently.circuit


Photo ID: 040197 Photo ID: 040199 Photo ID: 040202 Photo ID: 040203 Photo ID: 040204 Photo ID: 040208 Photo ID: 040209

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Turckheim Turckheim No Data


One of the larger of the wine towns, and these days almost swallowed up by the expanding Colmar, the city still has small traces of it's ramparts and it's three gates, giving it a bit of a unique triangular layout, in part hemmed in by the river to the south and the encroaching mountains to the north.


Getting There

There are relatively regular TER trains making the 10 minutes journey to Turckheim about every hour. Alternatively the 8 and 25 bus routes run to Turckheim, though the frequencies are a little erratic and there is no service on a Sunday. The Kut'Zig Bus runs Friday-Sunday during April-October (Wednesday-Sunday in July-September) every 90 minutes, taking about 85 minutes to make the trip
Latitude: 48.087591; Longitude: 7.277773
What3Words: cleans.outsourced.unattached


Photo ID: 040361 Photo ID: 040363 Photo ID: 040364 Photo ID: 040369 Photo ID: 040373 Photo ID: 040376 Photo ID: 040381

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/05/2022), and on time of last update (14/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims No Data


The city's cathedral and the nations traditional location for the anointing of Kings (before the country decided to stop the whole monarchy thing). The impressive building is richly decorated with stained glass and more rose windows than average.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.253957; Longitude: 4.034086
What3Words: passes.putty.uptown


Photo ID: 051867 Photo ID: 051870 Photo ID: 051871 Photo ID: 051873 Photo ID: 051876 Photo ID: 051879 Photo ID: 051927

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2024), and on time of last update (15/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cryptoportique Cryptoportique No Data


Located under the Place du Forum are a series of Roman era galleries which were buried under the square to use as a storage space. These days it's used as a gallery space.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.256657; Longitude: 4.033866
What3Words: lavender.boggles.rock


Photo ID: 051910 Photo ID: 051911 Photo ID: 051912 Photo ID: 051913 Photo ID: 051914 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2024), and on time of last update (15/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fontaine Subé Fontaine Subé No Data


Iconic fountain in the heart of the city centre at one of the main crossroads in the old town.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.25514; Longitude: 4.027241
What3Words: machinery.leaps.twists


Photo ID: 051921 Photo ID: 051923 Photo ID: 051924 Photo ID: 051926 Photo ID: 051938 Photo ID: 051939 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2024), and on time of last update (15/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin d'Horticulture Pierre Schneiter Jardin d'Horticulture Pierre Schneiter No Data


A set of gardens located close to the railway lines that have a pond, water feature and different planting areas. When I visited in mid-April the gardens were a flood of colour with Tulips out in full force



Getting There

Latitude: 49.254766; Longitude: 4.019286
What3Words: lottery.shows.works


Photo ID: 051842 Photo ID: 051843 Photo ID: 051845 Photo ID: 051847 Photo ID: 051849 Photo ID: 051851 Photo ID: 051856

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2024), and on time of last update (15/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin Le Vergeur Jardin Le Vergeur No Data


Small gardens just off of the Place Forum which are hidden away behind walls forming a tranquil hide away in the centre of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.25715; Longitude: 4.033759
What3Words: tinsel.learn.betrayed


Photo ID: 052010 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2024), and on time of last update (15/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Les Basses Promenades Les Basses Promenades No Data


A series of gardens running down the Northwestern corner of the city centre between the heart of the old town and the station. On a sunny day the tree-lined boulevards are a popular place to relax



Getting There

Latitude: 49.256706; Longitude: 4.023722
What3Words: horizons.shrimps.noted


Photo ID: 051831 Photo ID: 051832 Photo ID: 051833 Photo ID: 051835 Photo ID: 051836 Photo ID: 051837 Photo ID: 051838

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2024), and on time of last update (15/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maison Mumm Maison Mumm No Data


One of several Champagne Cellars dotted across the city that you can visit. The guided tour takes you down into the labyrinth of cellars carved out of the chalk and limestone that the city sits upon to create the perfect environment in which to mature champagne and let it gain it's distinctive fizz. At the end of the tour there is, of course, a tasting of the house standard bottle.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.262313; Longitude: 4.038143
What3Words: pitch.remarked.shelved


Photo ID: 051981 Photo ID: 051986 Photo ID: 051987 Photo ID: 051989 Photo ID: 051994 Photo ID: 051999 Photo ID: 052003

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2024), and on time of last update (15/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Place Royale Place Royale No Data


The heart of the old city and home to an impressive royal statue in the centre of what is now a roundabout.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.255512; Longitude: 4.034124
What3Words: times.cheeses.printing


Photo ID: 051906 Photo ID: 051907 Photo ID: 051908 Photo ID: 051909 Photo ID: 051919 Photo ID: 051935 Photo ID: 051936

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2024), and on time of last update (15/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reims City Tour Reims City Tour No Data


A 60 minute circular tour round the city taking in the key sights, including passing some of the Champagne cellars. Multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary tells you what you are seeing as you travel round.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.254524; Longitude: 4.03451
What3Words: bravest.holds.troubled


Photo ID: 051896 Photo ID: 051897 Photo ID: 051898 Photo ID: 051900 Photo ID: 051902 Photo ID: 051903 Photo ID: 051904

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2024), and on time of last update (15/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Barrage Vauban Barrage Vauban No Data


Part of the city's fortifications, this is effectively an extended Pillbox located across the river, just after it merges back into a single channel. Today it is a convenient bridge with exhibition spaces in the former gun emplacements. If the weather is nice you can climb to the roof and cross along the terrace at the top and take in the views of Petite France and the towers of the Ponts Coverts



Getting There

Latitude: 48.579627; Longitude: 7.73806
What3Words: racked.orchids.labels


Photo ID: 008304 Photo ID: 008306 Photo ID: 008307 Photo ID: 008308 Photo ID: 008309 Photo ID: 008327 Photo ID: 008330

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Batorama Batorama No Data


Regular river cruises that depart from a quay just behind the Cathedral. The tour takes in the main parts of the River through the city, as well as going out to the area behind the key European institutions - The European Parliament, The Council of Europe and the European court of Human Rights. A full commentary is provided in several languages.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.580202; Longitude: 7.75211
What3Words: downturn.slicing.crab


Photo ID: 008316 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral viewing platforms Cathedral viewing platforms No Data


Located just below the base of the spire, the large viewing platform offers stunning views over the city. It's a hefty 330+ step climb up to the top, but the views are worth it.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.581643; Longitude: 7.750468
What3Words: subject.button.sensual


Photo ID: 008271 Photo ID: 008272 Photo ID: 008273 Photo ID: 008274 Photo ID: 008275 Photo ID: 008276 Photo ID: 008310

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedrale Notre Dame de Strasbourg Cathedrale Notre Dame de Strasbourg No Data


Until the completion of the Cathedral in Cologne this was the largest building in Europe, and had been for several centuries. The cathedral is a monumental structure, albeit knocked about a bit over the years and with no single architectural style. Inside the massive cavern of a building is quite dark, with lots of side chapels.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 48.58187; Longitude: 7.750983
What3Words: yappy.warping.jokes


Photo ID: 008263 Photo ID: 008265 Photo ID: 008266 Photo ID: 008267 Photo ID: 008268 Photo ID: 008269 Photo ID: 008278

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Christkindelsmärik Christkindelsmärik No Data


Every year from late November the city comes alive with several Christmas Markets. Similar to those in Germany, but with a focus on French cuisine, the Strasbourg markets are located throughout the city, with the largest ones on Place Broglie and around the Cathedral


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 48.584965; Longitude: 7.750173
What3Words: smiled.gasping.cape


Photo ID: 008261 Photo ID: 008270 Photo ID: 008319 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin des Deux Rives Jardin des Deux Rives No Data


At the time of visiting the gardens were in the process of being refurbished and were in a bit of a mess. The gardens are located between a branch of the L'Ill and the Rhine.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.568486; Longitude: 7.798147
What3Words: export.reminder.deeper


Photo ID: 008291 Photo ID: 008292 Photo ID: 008293 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parc de la Citadelle Parc de la Citadelle No Data


Large parts of the former Citadelle remain and these have now been turned into a large park with lots of green space to wander around in. If you are feeling hearty you can climb up the embankments to the top of the walls for good views over this part of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.575407; Longitude: 7.775434
What3Words: owls.ladders.treaties


Photo ID: 008313 Photo ID: 008314 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Passerelle Mimram Passerelle Mimram No Data


The foot bridge was used by NATO leaders at their 60th anniversary meeting held in Strasbourg and Baden-Baden to symbolise the joining together of former enemies. Today you can make the short crossing over the Rhine and walk into Germany without even realising you've crossed a border



Getting There

Latitude: 48.569196; Longitude: 7.80364
What3Words: verge.traders.dragon


Photo ID: 008292 Photo ID: 008293 Photo ID: 008294 Photo ID: 008295 Photo ID: 008296 Photo ID: 008297 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Petite France Petite France No Data


This small area located where the river splits into various channels houses lots of interesting buildings to wander past.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.580777; Longitude: 7.741767
What3Words: yappy.topping.stunts


Photo ID: 008302 Photo ID: 008311 Photo ID: 008312 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ponts Couverts Ponts Couverts No Data


Originally built to defend the river from attackers the four large towers and bridges that join together the strips of land at the end of Petite France would have been a formidable barrier. When it was a defensive structure the bridges were covered (to keep the gun powder dry, not for the benefit of the defenders), but the wooden structures have long since disappeared.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.580323; Longitude: 7.739117
What3Words: terribly.status.encounter


Photo ID: 008299 Photo ID: 008301 Photo ID: 008303 Photo ID: 008305 Photo ID: 008308 Photo ID: 008328 Photo ID: 008330

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kehl Kehl No Data


A small town just the other side of the Rhine from Strasbourg. The town has changed hands several times between the French and the Germans, only finally returning to Germany in 1953. Today it's location on the banks of the Rhine overlooking Strasbourg make it a pretty town, but with all the internal borders within Europe removed, one that feels like it's lost it's purpose as it's no longer a border point.


Getting There

There are trains from Strasbourg to Kehl, taking around 10 minutes to make the short journey. Alternatively you can catch the number 21 bus from the end of tram line D - N.B. from around 2015 tram line D will reach Kehl Bahnhof. The other option is to take the number 2 bus from the centre of Strasbourg to the Jardin des Deux Rives and then walk across the foot bridge into Germany
Latitude: 48.571354; Longitude: 7.812138
What3Words: elevated.snapped.hogs


Photo ID: 008297 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

General General No Data


Although we didn't visit any of the attractions in Calais other than the supermarket and the restaurant the town itself has lots to see and do. Several museums, many monuments and a large Tourist information centre ensure that there would be things to see, even if the hypermarkets were closed


Range of prices from free upwards

Getting There

Latitude: 50.958035; Longitude: 1.852419
What3Words: darkest.sound.chilled


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2003), and on time of last update (16/11/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beffroi de l'hôtel de ville Beffroi de l'hôtel de ville No Data


The bell tower of the town hall, from the top there are stunning views over the city and into the wider countryside. You have to climb up to the main office on the 4th floor (around 100 steps) after which there is a lift up to the indoor viewing platform (or you can climb the nearly 300 stairs to the top)


Charge, Free with the Lille City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 50.630588; Longitude: 3.06979
What3Words: diamonds.grownup.supposed


Photo ID: 019272 Photo ID: 019273 Photo ID: 019274 Photo ID: 019275 Photo ID: 019278 Photo ID: 019330 Photo ID: 019331

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2017), and on time of last update (03/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Citadelle de Lille Citadelle de Lille No Data


The fortress of the city, at the lowest point it's hidden from all views by the trees that surround it. The centre of the Citadel is still in use as an army site and can only be visited on a guided tour (French only, must be booked at the Tourist Information Centre at least 24 hours in advance and only on presentation of passport or national ID card.) However, the rest of the site, and the former moat, are open as a spacious city part and a nice place to wander round in the sun.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.640507; Longitude: 3.046995
What3Words: devours.cool.scouted


Photo ID: 019252 Photo ID: 019253 Photo ID: 019254 Photo ID: 019255 Photo ID: 019256 Photo ID: 019257 Photo ID: 019258

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2017), and on time of last update (03/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lille City Tour Lille City Tour No Data


Small coaches with retractable roofs run from outside the tourist information centre on 1 1/4 hour tours of the key sights in the city centre. Multi-Lingual pre-recorded commentary accompanied by on-board video give an insight into the city and it's key sights. Tours leave four times a day and get booked up quickly - they can be booked online or at the tourist information centre.


Charge, Free with the Lille City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 50.63534; Longitude: 3.062355
What3Words: refuse.audibly.mailing


Photo ID: 019261 Photo ID: 019266 Photo ID: 019267 Photo ID: 019268 Photo ID: 019269 Photo ID: 019270 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2017), and on time of last update (03/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Notre Dame de la Treille Notre Dame de la Treille No Data


The city's cathedral, started in the 1920's and finally completed in 1999 is an interesting mix of architectural styles.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.640197; Longitude: 3.062654
What3Words: lunging.lance.tomb


Photo ID: 019287 Photo ID: 019289 Photo ID: 019290 Photo ID: 019291 Photo ID: 019292 Photo ID: 019294 Photo ID: 019298

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2017), and on time of last update (03/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palais des Beaux Arts Palais des Beaux Arts No Data


According to the tourist information centre this is the second largest art gallery in France after the Louvre in Paris. Inside there is a wide collection of painting's from across the ages, sculpture, modern installations and, down in the basement, a collection of massive relief maps created in the 17th and 18th century to show the layout and cartography of cities across both Norther France, Southern Belgium and the Netherlands.


Charge, Free with the Lille City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 50.630769; Longitude: 3.062365
What3Words: sweeper.exactly.oppose


Photo ID: 019279 Photo ID: 019282 Photo ID: 019308 Photo ID: 019310 Photo ID: 019313 Photo ID: 019316 Photo ID: 019320

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2017), and on time of last update (03/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palais Rihour Palais Rihour No Data


The small remnant of a 15th Century palace. All that remains is the chapel located on the upper floor and the guards room at ground level which now houses the Tourist Information Centre. You can climb the stairs to the chapel to have a look at the perfectly preserved gothic architecture.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.63554; Longitude: 3.061958
What3Words: archives.actor.definite


Photo ID: 019270 Photo ID: 019271 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2017), and on time of last update (03/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porte de Paris Porte de Paris No Data


One of the former city gates, that survived the demolition of the city walls. It's an impressive building with lots of ornamentation



Getting There

Latitude: 50.629682; Longitude: 3.068886
What3Words: enforced.farmer.angers


Photo ID: 019261 Photo ID: 019263 Photo ID: 019273 Photo ID: 019278 Photo ID: 019329 Photo ID: 019332 Photo ID: 019333

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2017), and on time of last update (03/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vieille Bourse Vieille Bourse No Data


The former stock exchange, made up of 24 different buildings around a courtyard today the centre acts as a small flea market.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.637062; Longitude: 3.064286
What3Words: dusts.miracles.jacuzzi


Photo ID: 019233 Photo ID: 019241 Photo ID: 019242 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2017), and on time of last update (03/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arras: Carrière Wellington Arras: Carrière Wellington No Data


The former limestone quarry, along with others in the area, were joined up by New Zealand soldiers during the first part of World War I to make a massive network - covering nearly 20KM - under the city. It was from these tunnels that allied troops burst out at the start of the Battle of Arras taking the Germans completely by surprise and leading to a major advance on day 1 of the battle. You are taken on a guided tour around the former quarry and to the entrance of some of the former tunnels to see how life was - prior to the battle the soldiers spent 8 days living down in the tunnels.


Charge, Discount with the 72 hour Lille City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 50.279923; Longitude: 2.78352
What3Words: wink.envelope.sediment


Photo ID: 019349 Photo ID: 019350 Photo ID: 019351 Photo ID: 019352 Photo ID: 019353 Photo ID: 019354 Photo ID: 019355

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2017), and on time of last update (03/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arras Arras No Data


Arras is a pleasant market town, around 50Km from Lille and scene of a major battle during the First World War. Following almost total devastation the city was rebuilt into it's former glory.


If you have the 72 hour version of the Lille City Pass it includes one 24 hour ticket to explore the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region by train so the trip to Arras would be included.

Getting There

From Lille there are regular trains taking between 35 minutes and 1 hour 15 depending on the number of stops.
Latitude: 50.290875; Longitude: 2.777873
What3Words: pins.rots.author


Photo ID: 019336 Photo ID: 019338 Photo ID: 019339 Photo ID: 019341 Photo ID: 019343 Photo ID: 019344 Photo ID: 019346

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2017), and on time of last update (03/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arc de Triomph Arc de Triomph No Data


Another of Paris's signature sights you can climb up inside the monumental arch to the viewing gallery at the top, from where you can get stunning views over the city centre



Getting There

Latitude: 48.873781; Longitude: 2.294945
What3Words: arranged.beefed.business


Photo ID: 008342 Photo ID: 008347 Photo ID: 008348 Photo ID: 008349 Photo ID: 008350 Photo ID: 008351 Photo ID: 008352

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bateaux Parisiens Bateaux Parisiens No Data


One of several companies offering hour long sightseeing tours down the Seine. This company have a large set of landing stages on the river just below the Eiffel Tower and offer large spacious ships with plenty of cover if the weather is bad, but lots of outside seating for when its good. Commentary is in several languages, though the large metal "wand" style audio guides are pretty useless when you are trying to juggle them with a camera.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.861226; Longitude: 2.29485
What3Words: major.spine.digital


Photo ID: 008379 Photo ID: 008381 Photo ID: 008382 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Batobus Batobus No Data


Several companies operate boats that go on cruses up and down the Seine between the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame cathedral usually in multiple languages. The Batobus operates a hop-on-hop-off service that stops at 8 key points up and down the river next to the main sights.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.859894; Longitude: 2.293047
What3Words: dangerously.clash.charted


Photo ID: 000161 Photo ID: 000162 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Big Bus Tour Big Bus Tour No Data


Very frequent open-top hop-on-hop-off bus tours of the centre of Paris, taking in all the major sites. A multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary accompanies the tour



Getting There

Latitude: 48.865298; Longitude: 2.334511
What3Words: smirks.against.pound


Photo ID: 018175 Photo ID: 018181 Photo ID: 018183 Photo ID: 018187 Photo ID: 018193 Photo ID: 018194 Photo ID: 018204

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/10/2016), and on time of last update (05/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower No Data


One of the most famous structures in France and the symbol of Paris. You can climb to the first and second levels (or get the lift) and from the second rise by lift to the very top of the tower for the best views over the city


Charge based on how high you go and whether you are willing to climb up the stairs or take the lift.

Getting There

Latitude: 48.858511; Longitude: 2.294726
What3Words: withdraw.minds.portable


Photo ID: 000158 Photo ID: 000160 Photo ID: 008337 Photo ID: 008352 Photo ID: 008383 Photo ID: 008388 Photo ID: 008390

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/03/2003), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La basilique du Sacré Cœur La basilique du Sacré Cœur No Data


The church is certainly eye-catching with its white façade and onion shaped domes visible across the city from it's perch high on the hill of Montmartre. Inside the church is surprisingly small for such a large edifice, You can also visit the dome and the crypts


Free to look around the church, charges to go into the Crypt and the Dome

Getting There

Latitude: 48.88679; Longitude: 2.343044
What3Words: glove.credited.lend


Photo ID: 008351 Photo ID: 008355 Photo ID: 008357 Photo ID: 008358 Photo ID: 008365 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Defence La Defence No Data


The area of La Defence is the main "skyscraper" quarter of the city with may major French companies housing major offices here. La Defence lies at the end of a direct avenue that starts at Concorde goes through the Arc de Triomph to the grand arch here. You can look straight down the avenue and get stunning clear views down to the Arc. The Arch can be visited with a panoramic viewing gallery and museums, though at the time of my visit it was not possible to go up the arch as the lifts were out of order due to a technical default (the layers of dust suggest that this may have been going on for some time)


Free to look around, charge to go up the arch should it re-open

Getting There

Latitude: 48.892586; Longitude: 2.236104
What3Words: shade.ramming.comet


Photo ID: 008391 Photo ID: 008392 Photo ID: 008393 Photo ID: 008394 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Luxembourg Gardens Luxembourg Gardens No Data


Very nice green space in the centre of the city. Lots of seats to take the strain off the feet



Getting There

Latitude: 48.846869; Longitude: 2.337255
What3Words: options.parrot.watching


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/03/2003), and on time of last update (11/05/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Montmartre Montmartre No Data


The artistic quarter of Paris, with a number of craft shops, galleries, small museums dotted around, along with the full range of painters who will do you a portrait in any number of styles


Free to look round

Getting There

You can climb up the 300 odd stairs to the top of Montmartre, or you can take the funicular which leaves every couple of minutes.
Latitude: 48.887831; Longitude: 2.34041
What3Words: crib.offices.mystery


Photo ID: 000164 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/03/2003), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée des Égouts de Paris (Sewer Museum) Musée des Égouts de Paris (Sewer Museum) No Data


The museum, located within the sewer system itself, tells the history of Paris' sewers - how they were built and how they are operated. The museum is interesting, but at the time of visiting was quite fragrant.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.862626; Longitude: 2.302586
What3Words: ample.evenly.gangway


Photo ID: 018162 Photo ID: 018165 Photo ID: 018166 Photo ID: 018167 Photo ID: 018168 Photo ID: 018170 Photo ID: 018172

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/10/2016), and on time of last update (05/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Notre Dame Notre Dame No Data


The most famous church in Paris. The queues can be very long to get into the building, but it is well worth it. Inside is a stunning church.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.853061; Longitude: 2.349846
What3Words: stream.sizing.pays


Photo ID: 000162 Photo ID: 008332 Photo ID: 008333 Photo ID: 008334 Photo ID: 008373 Photo ID: 008375 Photo ID: 008376

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Notre Dame Tower Notre Dame Tower No Data


It's over 300 steps to the top of the South tower of the cathedral, but as the walk up is in stages it doesn’t feel so bad. You start the ascent in the North Tower and climb to the cash desk on the first floor (though the number of steps would place it around the 4th or 5th floor in any other building). Then you climb to about three quarters of the way up the tower and exit onto a balcony that links the two towers high above the cathedral façade, at the same level as the cathedrals famous Gargoyles which allows you to look at them up close. You then make the final ascent up to the top of the South Tower for stunning views across the whole of the city, with all the key landmarks laid out for you to view (although the Arc de Triomph is quite hidden). The final descent is a bit dizzy making as you go all the way back down in one go.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.853424; Longitude: 2.349368
What3Words: magical.install.panting


Photo ID: 008361 Photo ID: 008362 Photo ID: 008363 Photo ID: 008364 Photo ID: 008366 Photo ID: 008371 Photo ID: 008372

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2012), and on time of last update (23/12/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Versailles: Château de Versailles Versailles: Château de Versailles No Data


Originally a hunting lodge of the Royal Family it eventually became one of the most spectacular palaces on the planet and the centre of royal and political life in France prior to the revolution. Today most of the palace is open to be looked around with several exhibitions in various parts of the palace - including the spectacular hall of mirrors and the gallery of battles


Charge, Versailles Passport allows access to all sites

Getting There

Latitude: 48.804795; Longitude: 2.12049
What3Words: double.twirls.outdoor


Photo ID: 018062 Photo ID: 018063 Photo ID: 018068 Photo ID: 018076 Photo ID: 018078 Photo ID: 018085 Photo ID: 018087

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2016), and on time of last update (05/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Versailles: Grand Trianon Versailles: Grand Trianon No Data


The summer palace about 1.5Km from the main palace was used by the Royal Family, Napoleon and in later years Charles de Gaulle. Today its open to look around with most of the rooms open to be viewed


Charge, Versailles Passport allows access to all sites

Getting There

Latitude: 48.81465; Longitude: 2.104723
What3Words: crown.layered.reframe


Photo ID: 018093 Photo ID: 018094 Photo ID: 018096 Photo ID: 018097 Photo ID: 018098 Photo ID: 018101 Photo ID: 018102

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2016), and on time of last update (05/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Versailles: Grandes Eaux musicales Versailles: Grandes Eaux musicales No Data


During the summer months the fountains are switched on and accompanied by a sound track. There is a recommended route to take you past all the best of the fountains, ending at the Neptune fountain for it's daily spectacular show just before closing time.


Charge, Versailles Passport allows access to all sites

Getting There

Latitude: 48.808773; Longitude: 2.122449
What3Words: still.graced.liked


Photo ID: 018124 Photo ID: 018125 Photo ID: 018128 Photo ID: 018130 Photo ID: 018134 Photo ID: 018137 Photo ID: 018148

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2016), and on time of last update (05/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Versailles: Hameau de la Reine Versailles: Hameau de la Reine No Data


The hamlet and farm built for Marie Antionette so that she could play at being a peasant. The buildings all survive and you can look round the hamlet.


Charge, Versailles Passport allows access to all sites

Getting There

Latitude: 48.819416; Longitude: 2.113344
What3Words: fears.ages.products


Photo ID: 018114 Photo ID: 018115 Photo ID: 018116 Photo ID: 018117 Photo ID: 018118 Photo ID: 018119 Photo ID: 018120

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2016), and on time of last update (05/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Versailles: Jardins du Versailles Versailles: Jardins du Versailles No Data


The large gardens of the palace with their fountains, groves and stunning views across the palace grounds


Free on days when there isn't a musical fountains show otherwise Charge, Versailles Passport allows access to all sites

Getting There

Latitude: 48.806006; Longitude: 2.115807
What3Words: exposing.seagull.smiled


Photo ID: 018092 Photo ID: 018123 Photo ID: 018124 Photo ID: 018127 Photo ID: 018131 Photo ID: 018133 Photo ID: 018135

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2016), and on time of last update (05/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Versailles: Petit Train Versailles: Petit Train No Data


Regular land trains run from the main palace out to the Grand Trianon, Petit Trianon and the Grand Canal before returning to the palace. It’s a good way to get down to the Trianon sites saving a hefty walk.


Charge, Not included in Versailles Passport

Getting There

Latitude: 48.80558; Longitude: 2.120542
What3Words: install.propose.spilling


Photo ID: 018093 Photo ID: 018105 Photo ID: 018122 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2016), and on time of last update (05/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Versailles: Petit Trianon Versailles: Petit Trianon No Data


The Petit Trianon was part of the estate the Marie Antionette lived in prior to the revolution.


Charge, Versailles Passport allows access to all sites

Getting There

Latitude: 48.815664; Longitude: 2.109724
What3Words: yawned.humans.alien


Photo ID: 018103 Photo ID: 018105 Photo ID: 018107 Photo ID: 018109 Photo ID: 018111 Photo ID: 018113 Photo ID: 018121

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2016), and on time of last update (05/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Versailles Versailles No Data


Home to the court of Louis XVI and the political centre of France in the period immediately before the French Revolution. Today Paris has spread to surround the town, but it's still got its own unique feel


Getting There

There are regular RER line C trains from the centre of Paris to Versailles Château Rive Gauche, taking around 25 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 48.80231; Longitude: 2.129708
What3Words: hands.awaited.other


Photo ID: 018061 Photo ID: 018065 Photo ID: 018083 Photo ID: 018100 Photo ID: 018110 Photo ID: 018145 Photo ID: 018150

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2016), and on time of last update (05/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilique Saint-Michel Basilique Saint-Michel No Data


Feeling larger than the city's cathedral the Basilica, partly because of the very high roof.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.834387; Longitude: -0.564953
What3Words: took.skins.fracture


Photo ID: 012486 Photo ID: 012487 Photo ID: 012488 Photo ID: 012504 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilique Saint-Seurin Basilique Saint-Seurin No Data


One of the city's many large churches, which despite having a high roof and lots of windows still manages to be very dark and gloomy inside



Getting There

Latitude: 44.843205; Longitude: -0.585745
What3Words: pebble.jump.binders


Photo ID: 012474 Photo ID: 012475 Photo ID: 012476 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale Saint-André de Bordeaux Cathédrale Saint-André de Bordeaux No Data


The city's cathedral, at the time of visiting undergoing extensive restoration. Inside (partly because of the restoration work) it's quite a dark church and feels smaller than some of the other churches in the city. Usual collection of side chapels and altars.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.837633; Longitude: -0.577683
What3Words: dreamer.matrons.crib


Photo ID: 012469 Photo ID: 012489 Photo ID: 012490 Photo ID: 012493 Photo ID: 012520 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin Public Jardin Public No Data


A large public garden just to the north of the city centre, that also includes the city's botanical gardens. Plenty of space to relax in or stroll around



Getting There

Latitude: 44.848864; Longitude: -0.578624
What3Words: pads.leopard.values


Photo ID: 012483 Photo ID: 012484 Photo ID: 012485 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Flèche Saint Michel La Flèche Saint Michel No Data


The bell tower of the St Michael Basilica, from the top there are excellent views over the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.834391; Longitude: -0.565912
What3Words: sweeten.fields.swipes


Photo ID: 012499 Photo ID: 012500 Photo ID: 012501 Photo ID: 012502 Photo ID: 012503 Photo ID: 012504 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Grosse cloche La Grosse cloche No Data


The (very) large clock tower today of the Saint Éloi Church, but previously of the town hall and one of the defensive towers of the city. You can go on a guided tour of the tower (limited number)



Getting There

Latitude: 44.835406; Longitude: -0.571366
What3Words: grinning.sweated.thinking


Photo ID: 012494 Photo ID: 012496 Photo ID: 012505 Photo ID: 012506 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Tour Pey-Berland La Tour Pey-Berland No Data


The bell tower of the Cathedral. From the top there are excellent views over the city



Getting There

Latitude: 44.83753; Longitude: -0.576649
What3Words: ticking.wiping.central


Photo ID: 012470 Photo ID: 012492 Photo ID: 012495 Photo ID: 012497 Photo ID: 012498 Photo ID: 012519 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palais Gallien Palais Gallien No Data


The only remaining part of the former Roman settlement. This is a small section of the city's amphitheatre. Larger parts remained up until the French Revolution, after which most of the site was destroyed to make way for extra housing. At the time of visiting it was only possible to view the structure from the square, there was no access to walk round the site



Getting There

Latitude: 44.847768; Longitude: -0.582964
What3Words: holiday.grace.glass


Photo ID: 012480 Photo ID: 012481 Photo ID: 012482 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porte Cailhau Porte Cailhau No Data


One of the former defensive gates of the city, looking out over the river. Today it houses a small museum that tells the history of the site as well as temporary galleries. Good views of the river can be had from the loft space



Getting There

Latitude: 44.838757; Longitude: -0.568487
What3Words: umbrella.paints.choice


Photo ID: 012464 Photo ID: 012507 Photo ID: 012508 Photo ID: 012509 Photo ID: 012510 Photo ID: 012511 Photo ID: 012512

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Public Transport Boats Public Transport Boats No Data


Services run on an at least hourly basis up and down the river, from which there are stunning views to be had of the city.


Standard Public Transport ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 44.839786; Longitude: -0.567314
What3Words: places.remarks.skips


Photo ID: 012521 Photo ID: 012522 Photo ID: 012523 Photo ID: 012527 Photo ID: 012528 Photo ID: 012529 Photo ID: 012530

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Site archéologique de Saint Seurin Site archéologique de Saint Seurin No Data


Located beneath the Saint-Seurin Basilica this is the remains of burial caskets and burial urns found when the site was being excavated.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.842953; Longitude: -0.585776
What3Words: corded.offer.flap


Photo ID: 012477 Photo ID: 012478 Photo ID: 012479 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Visiotour Visiotour No Data


An open-top bus tour that takes in the key sights of the city centre, including some stunning views of the riverside architecture from the opposite bank. A multi-lingual commentary tells you about the sights and some history of the city. This is a circular tour and not hop-on-hop-off



Getting There

Latitude: 44.843591; Longitude: -0.574461
What3Words: sliding.brave.fees


Photo ID: 012530 Photo ID: 012531 Photo ID: 012532 Photo ID: 012533 Photo ID: 012534 Photo ID: 012535 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Abbaye aux Dames (Women's Abbey) Abbaye aux Dames (Women's Abbey) No Data


The Women's Abbey, or the Abbey of Saint Trinity, was founded by William the Conqueror and his wife Matilda of Flanders in the early 1060s around the same time as the Men's Abbey on the opposite side of town. Today the abbey is home to the Regional Council of Normandy, but the cloister can be visited


Charge, free on a weekend afternoon

Getting There

Latitude: 49.186553; Longitude: -0.352112
What3Words: lunges.lease.tens


Photo ID: 028326 Photo ID: 028327 Photo ID: 028328 Photo ID: 028329 Photo ID: 028330 Photo ID: 028331 Photo ID: 028332

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2019), and on time of last update (03/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Abbaye-aux-Hommes (Men's Abbey) Abbaye-aux-Hommes (Men's Abbey) No Data


The abbey was built in the 1060's by William of Normandy - shortly before he headed off to seize control of England. Today the abbey itself has been absorbed into the Hôtel de ville and can be visited on guided tours. The Abbey church - which includes the tomb of William can be visited directly using the entrance at the front of the church (rear of the Hôtel de ville)


Charge for tours, Free to look round just the church

Getting There

Latitude: 49.181805; Longitude: -0.372632
What3Words: sparkle.dispose.squeezed


Photo ID: 028282 Photo ID: 028287 Photo ID: 028290 Photo ID: 028418 Photo ID: 028424 Photo ID: 028426 Photo ID: 028433

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/09/2019), and on time of last update (03/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Église de la Trinité de Caen Église de la Trinité de Caen No Data


The church of the Women's Abbey and also the final resting place of Matilda of Flanders



Getting There

Latitude: 49.186437; Longitude: -0.353027
What3Words: shout.cooking.glaze


Photo ID: 028323 Photo ID: 028324 Photo ID: 028325 Photo ID: 028334 Photo ID: 028335 Photo ID: 028338 Photo ID: 028339

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2019), and on time of last update (03/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Église Saint-Étienne-le-Vieux (Old St Stephen's Church) Église Saint-Étienne-le-Vieux (Old St Stephen's Church) No Data


The ruins of this old church, located just across the road from L'Abbaye-aux-Hommes. The church was partially destroyed by German fire as they retreated from Caen following the D-Day landings in 1944. Today the ruins of the church are left as a reminder of the damage done to the city. You can't go inside the remains of the church, or the grounds, but you can view them from outside



Getting There

Latitude: 49.181217; Longitude: -0.369215
What3Words: rejects.voted.foal


Photo ID: 028286 Photo ID: 028288 Photo ID: 028298 Photo ID: 028299 Photo ID: 028438 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2019), and on time of last update (03/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Église Saint-Pierre (St Peter's Church) Église Saint-Pierre (St Peter's Church) No Data


A large church, located opposite the entrance to the castle, and often mistaken as the city's cathedral. Badly damaged in WWII the church has been fully restored, though with the spire looking very much newer than the rest of the building as the stone has not yet weathered.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.18401; Longitude: -0.360729
What3Words: touchy.tubes.cunning


Photo ID: 028301 Photo ID: 028303 Photo ID: 028305 Photo ID: 028306 Photo ID: 028308 Photo ID: 028388 Photo ID: 028408

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2019), and on time of last update (03/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Château de Caen (Caen Castle) Le Château de Caen (Caen Castle) No Data


The large imposing castle stretches along some high ground to the North East of the city centre. Long ramparts surround most of the site.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.186506; Longitude: -0.362523
What3Words: submits.viewing.gates


Photo ID: 028304 Photo ID: 028345 Photo ID: 028369 Photo ID: 028370 Photo ID: 028376 Photo ID: 028389 Photo ID: 028451

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2019), and on time of last update (03/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Château de Caen: Donjon (Keep) Le Château de Caen: Donjon (Keep) No Data


The ruins of the castle keep. At the time of visiting they were undergoing restoration work so there was no access across the inner moat to the Keep.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.187224; Longitude: -0.363154
What3Words: magical.avoiding.deployed


Photo ID: 028352 Photo ID: 028354 Photo ID: 028356 Photo ID: 028357 Photo ID: 028359 Photo ID: 028360 Photo ID: 028362

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2019), and on time of last update (03/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Château de Caen: La terrasse d'artillerie (Artillery Terrace) Le Château de Caen: La terrasse d'artillerie (Artillery Terrace) No Data


The highest part of the ramparts of the castle with excellent views across the city centre to the Men's Abbey



Getting There

Latitude: 49.186148; Longitude: -0.364892
What3Words: also.deflate.month


Photo ID: 028361 Photo ID: 028363 Photo ID: 028364 Photo ID: 028367 Photo ID: 028368 Photo ID: 028371 Photo ID: 028375

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2019), and on time of last update (03/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Château de Caen: Musée de Normandie Le Château de Caen: Musée de Normandie No Data


Located in a building in the main area of the castle this museum tells the history of the region from the first human inhabitants through to the modern day. The ground floor looks at the History of the region, including prehistoric remains. The upper floor looks at the trades and costumes of Normandy. There is also a separate temporary exhibitions gallery which is located under the Artillery Terrace ramparts



Getting There

Latitude: 49.185695; Longitude: -0.363405
What3Words: believer.chef.rental


Photo ID: 028452 Photo ID: 028453 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/09/2019), and on time of last update (03/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Château de Caen: Musée des Beaux-Arts Le Château de Caen: Musée des Beaux-Arts No Data


Located close to the main entrance to the castle this gallery has a large collection of paintings from the 1300's through to the modern day. There are also large exhibition spaces for temporary exhibits.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.186246; Longitude: -0.361527
What3Words: trainer.pastels.grumble


Photo ID: 028454 Photo ID: 028455 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/09/2019), and on time of last update (03/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Château de Caen: Salle de l'Échiquier Le Château de Caen: Salle de l'Échiquier No Data


The Exchequers Hall, home to temporary exhibitions



Getting There

Latitude: 49.186585; Longitude: -0.36412
What3Words: mended.lately.comfort


Photo ID: 028353 Photo ID: 028372 Photo ID: 028373 Photo ID: 028374 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2019), and on time of last update (03/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tour Guillaume Le Roy (Leroy Tower) Tour Guillaume Le Roy (Leroy Tower) No Data


King William's Tower - one of the few remaining parts of the old city fortifications. Today it's sat in the central reservation of a road



Getting There

Latitude: 49.184272; Longitude: -0.359044
What3Words: poetic.defends.loads


Photo ID: 028318 Photo ID: 028319 Photo ID: 028320 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2019), and on time of last update (03/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bateau Ville de Dieppe Bateau Ville de Dieppe No Data


A 45 minute cruise along the coast taking in the stunning scenery of this part of the Côte d'Albâtre. There is a commentary, but it is only given in French



Getting There

Latitude: 49.926895; Longitude: 1.080113
What3Words: patch.mattress.rides


Photo ID: 019509 Photo ID: 019512 Photo ID: 019515 Photo ID: 019518 Photo ID: 019519 Photo ID: 019520 Photo ID: 019521

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/05/2017), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beach Beach No Data


With the combination of the English Channel, the Normandie climate the pebbles the beach doesn't lend itself to the same beachside holiday as further south it is still popular with lots of people using it on a showery late May weekend.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.928035; Longitude: 1.072828
What3Words: brightly.stared.rejected


Photo ID: 019495 Photo ID: 019496 Photo ID: 019528 Photo ID: 019531 Photo ID: 019532 Photo ID: 019557 Photo ID: 019559

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/05/2017), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Château Château No Data


The imposing castle on top of a hill overlooking the port and the city centre. The views from up here over the city are excellent.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.924449; Longitude: 1.070586
What3Words: lately.oblige.winner


Photo ID: 019494 Photo ID: 019529 Photo ID: 019533 Photo ID: 019543 Photo ID: 019544 Photo ID: 019553 Photo ID: 019558

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/05/2017), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Château-Museum Château-Museum No Data


Inside the castle is a small museum dedicated to art and artefacts from Dieppe and the region.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.92475; Longitude: 1.070268
What3Words: tunes.vanilla.spiking


Photo ID: 019549 Photo ID: 019550 Photo ID: 019551 Photo ID: 019552 Photo ID: 019556 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/05/2017), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eglise St Jacques Eglise St Jacques No Data


The main church in town. At the time of visiting the church was undergoing a major restoration with netting up inside the building to catch falling plasterwork. This large church dominates the square that it sits on and the centre of town as it overlooks the harbour. Inside it's quite dark with the usual collection of side chapels and altars.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 49.92549; Longitude: 1.078713
What3Words: grass.clerics.decks


Photo ID: 019502 Photo ID: 019503 Photo ID: 019504 Photo ID: 019506 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/05/2017), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Les Tourelles Les Tourelles No Data


The last remaining gateway from the old medieval city walls, one of five that looked over the waterfront. You can't go inside the gate but you can walk most of the way round it and through the gateway itself to the pedestrianised street behind



Getting There

Latitude: 49.925576; Longitude: 1.072045
What3Words: mental.smoothly.advances


Photo ID: 019493 Photo ID: 019498 Photo ID: 019535 Photo ID: 019561 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/05/2017), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Petit Train Petit Train No Data


Starting by the tourist information centre this land train takes in the key sights in the city centre, though without going up to the castle. A running commentary, on the day I visited in French only, from the driver gives you an overview to the sights



Getting There

Latitude: 49.927219; Longitude: 1.079861
What3Words: unfolds.mirror.zooms


Photo ID: 019537 Photo ID: 019538 Photo ID: 019539 Photo ID: 019540 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/05/2017), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Promenade Promenade No Data


The promenade runs on a raised platform above the beach heading away from the harbour and south down the coast. It provides a pleasant space for a stroll.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.928824; Longitude: 1.075954
What3Words: cashier.deals.perfect


Photo ID: 019495 Photo ID: 019496 Photo ID: 019536 Photo ID: 019541 Photo ID: 019557 Photo ID: 019559 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/05/2017), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen No Data


The massive and impressive cathedral. Inside the soaring roof and arches are spectacular. It's also, on a hot day, refreshingly cool inside



Getting There

Latitude: 49.440314; Longitude: 1.094684
What3Words: goods.however.pinches


Photo ID: 023701 Photo ID: 023715 Photo ID: 023716 Photo ID: 023717 Photo ID: 023718 Photo ID: 023719 Photo ID: 023720

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2018), and on time of last update (10/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Donjon de Rouen Donjon de Rouen No Data


The only surviving part of the city's castle. Today the dungeon tower is home to an escape game, but you can visit it during the mid-afternoon most days to have a look around (though I'd missed those times by the time I got there).



Getting There

Latitude: 49.446422; Longitude: 1.094363
What3Words: speaking.slipped.homing


Photo ID: 023761 Photo ID: 023762 Photo ID: 023763 Photo ID: 023764 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2018), and on time of last update (10/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Église Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc Église Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc No Data


This odd shaped 1970's church is built on the site of a former church, in the old market area and very close to the spot where Joan was burnt at the stake. Inside the impressive roof and stained glass are well worth a quick look.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.443002; Longitude: 1.088362
What3Words: toys.arrival.leave


Photo ID: 023705 Photo ID: 023707 Photo ID: 023738 Photo ID: 023742 Photo ID: 023744 Photo ID: 023745 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2018), and on time of last update (10/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historial Jeanne d’Arc Historial Jeanne d’Arc No Data


The museum is located in the former bishops palace and tells the story of the re-trail of Joan of Arc, around 30 years after her original conviction and execution for hearsay. Through audio visual presentations the museum tells the story of Joan from her birth to her success on the battlefield and eventual capture, trial and execution before moving on to the retrial some 30 years later that quashed her convictions and set her on the road to sainthood. The final part of the museum documents how the story of Joan has been kept alive through the ages and, at times, misused by both the far right and far left to paint a particular patriotic image of France.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Historial Jeanne d’Arc and Panorama XXL available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.440396; Longitude: 1.09587
What3Words: comb.flushed.purses


Photo ID: 023727 Photo ID: 023728 Photo ID: 023729 Photo ID: 023732 Photo ID: 023733 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2018), and on time of last update (10/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Bûcher de Jeanne d'Arc Le Bûcher de Jeanne d'Arc No Data


The site of the pyre that was used to execute Joan of Arc for hearsay. Today it has a large cross and a small garden.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.44314; Longitude: 1.088051
What3Words: burying.miracles.await


Photo ID: 023704 Photo ID: 023741 Photo ID: 023743 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2018), and on time of last update (10/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Gros-Horloge Le Gros-Horloge No Data


The large clock - alongside the cathedral - is one of the visual symbols of the city. You can climb up the tower of the clock, including visiting the area behind the two gold faces. An audioguide tells you the history of the clock and it's importance in the history of Rouen. From the top of the bell tower there are excellent views over the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.441523; Longitude: 1.091248
What3Words: done.flushes.maternal


Photo ID: 023723 Photo ID: 023746 Photo ID: 023747 Photo ID: 023748 Photo ID: 023754 Photo ID: 023759 Photo ID: 023760

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2018), and on time of last update (10/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Petit Train Le Petit Train No Data


This land train departs from outside the cathedral for a 50 minute tour round the key sights of the city including the Palace of Justice, the location where Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake, the Grand Clock - one of the symbols of the city - the Cathedral and the narrow lanes of the old town. A commentary in both French and English tells you about the sights and some of the history of Rouen



Getting There

Latitude: 49.440285; Longitude: 1.093712
What3Words: voucher.from.pets


Photo ID: 023706 Photo ID: 023708 Photo ID: 023709 Photo ID: 023710 Photo ID: 023713 Photo ID: 023750 Photo ID: 023752

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2018), and on time of last update (10/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pamorama XXL Pamorama XXL No Data


A massive panorama picture of Rouen, set on the day that Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake, that fills the vast hall. A central pillar allows you to climb up to three different levels to view different parts of the picture. An accompanying soundtrack and lighting show highlight parts of the image through the day and night.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Historial Jeanne d’Arc and Panorama XXL available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.441978; Longitude: 1.077476
What3Words: remarked.recipient.tweaked


Photo ID: 023695 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2018), and on time of last update (10/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Carcassonne Croisières: Croisières Cité Carcassonne Croisières: Croisières Cité No Data


This company offer a couple of different cruises along the Canal du Midi. This cruise heads downstream towards the next lock in the system and the views out to the Black Mountain where the canal draws it's water from. On the return leg there is a stop at the point where the canal offers excellent views across to La Cité. A live commentary is given in French, English and Spanish.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.217624; Longitude: 2.351012
What3Words: armed.vows.gulped


Photo ID: 042671 Photo ID: 042676 Photo ID: 042677 Photo ID: 042679 Photo ID: 042681 Photo ID: 042683 Photo ID: 042684

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Carcassonne Croisières: Croisières Détente Carcassonne Croisières: Croisières Détente No Data


This company offer a couple of different cruises along the Canal du Midi. This cruise heads upstream through the next two locks in the system, including one of the deepest with a rise of 4m. On the return leg the cruise stops for about 20 minutes at a canal side cafe (in a former lock keepers cottage) for refreshments and use of the toilet. A live commentary is given in French, English and Spanish.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.217621; Longitude: 2.350985
What3Words: armed.vows.gulped


Photo ID: 042772 Photo ID: 042774 Photo ID: 042776 Photo ID: 042780 Photo ID: 042784 Photo ID: 042786 Photo ID: 042788

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale Saint-Michel de Carcassonne Cathédrale Saint-Michel de Carcassonne No Data


The cathedral of the city. The cathedral was transferred here from Sant Nazaire in the Cité when the fortifications became semi-abandoned. Inside it's quite a dark space as the building hunkers down below the level of the former fortifications of the lower town.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.210955; Longitude: 2.351003
What3Words: secures.farm.neat


Photo ID: 042581 Photo ID: 042582 Photo ID: 042583 Photo ID: 042584 Photo ID: 042586 Photo ID: 042587 Photo ID: 042589

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Église Saint-Vincent de Carcassonne Église Saint-Vincent de Carcassonne No Data


This is the larger of the churches in the centre of town with a distinctive clock tower (which can be climbed). Inside it looks similar to the cathedral and is quite dark, as the church is totally surrounded by other buildings so gets little natural light. At the time of visiting restoration work was being done on the church with one facade completely restored, whilst the other facades still looked quite dilapidated.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.214831; Longitude: 2.350626
What3Words: cookers.winter.solids


Photo ID: 042689 Photo ID: 042690 Photo ID: 042691 Photo ID: 042693 Photo ID: 042721 Photo ID: 042722 Photo ID: 042723

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Bastide Saint-Louis La Bastide Saint-Louis No Data


Parts of the fortifications that protected the lower town. Only a couple of parts of the fortification still stand, though the parts here and 600m to the West give a good idea of the size of the original fortifications.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.210665; Longitude: 2.355121
What3Words: walled.causes.swatted


Photo ID: 042593 Photo ID: 042594 Photo ID: 042595 Photo ID: 042701 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Cité La Cité No Data


The fortified city on top of the hill overlooking the River Aude that gave birth to the modern town of Carcassonne. There is evidence of fortifications on the site since Gallo-Roman times and the area was a key defensive fortress only ever being taken by siege until Carcassonne found itself inside a unified France and a long way from border wars between different kingdoms by which time the lower town had become the more favoured place to live. The site fell into ruins until it was rescued in the 19th century and restored to the impressive fortress city that exists today



Getting There

Latitude: 43.206776; Longitude: 2.364389
What3Words: obey.solution.hunt


Photo ID: 042601 Photo ID: 042604 Photo ID: 042607 Photo ID: 042608 Photo ID: 042662 Photo ID: 042718 Photo ID: 042745

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Cité: Basilique des Saints Nazaire et Celse La Cité: Basilique des Saints Nazaire et Celse No Data


The former cathedral of the city before it was moved down into the lower town. After the role of Cathedral was taken away from it the church was elevated to a Basilica to give it some compensation. Of the three churches I visited on this trip this was the most interesting in terms of interior and history.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.205259; Longitude: 2.362967
What3Words: unable.fended.pushes


Photo ID: 042661 Photo ID: 042665 Photo ID: 042666 Photo ID: 042667 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Cité: Château Comtal La Cité: Château Comtal No Data


The castle in La Cité, today it houses an exhibition on the history of the castle and it's uses, and from the towers there are good views over the city. When you have finished exploring the castle you are directed onto the Ramparts to explore them as well.


Charge, Includes entry to the Ramparts

Getting There

Latitude: 43.206977; Longitude: 2.36376
What3Words: dive.ground.harvest


Photo ID: 042624 Photo ID: 042625 Photo ID: 042626 Photo ID: 042629 Photo ID: 042630 Photo ID: 042634 Photo ID: 042640

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Cité: Porte de l'Aude La Cité: Porte de l'Aude No Data


One of the minor gates from the city. This gate leads down, steeply but quickly, to the barbican area at the bottom of the hill that La Cité sits on. For quick access up into the fortifications this is the way to go, though it's an uneven and steep path followed by a steep cobbled path and then finally uneven steps before you reach La Cité



Getting There

Latitude: 43.206182; Longitude: 2.36256
What3Words: jolly.deflate.blazed


Photo ID: 042668 Photo ID: 042669 Photo ID: 042670 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Cité: Porte Narbonnaise La Cité: Porte Narbonnaise No Data


One of the main entrances into La Cité and the one most heavily used by tourists. This is a major fortification with multiple rings of defence topped off by an enormous gatehouse. From the lower town only the top of the gate is visible from certain locations as the gate faces away from modern Carcassonne, the access road from the Pont Vieux curves up the side of La Cité creating quite a gentle ascent up the hill.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.20686; Longitude: 2.365556
What3Words: scrap.assures.skewed


Photo ID: 042609 Photo ID: 042611 Photo ID: 042613 Photo ID: 042616 Photo ID: 042740 Photo ID: 042742 Photo ID: 042744

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Cité: Remparts de la Cité La Cité: Remparts de la Cité No Data


A 500m section of the ramparts from the castle round to the Basilica of Saint Nazaire is open to wander along taking in the views of the city and down onto the lower town. There are lots of steep steps along the route so it isn't suitable if you have reduced mobility.


Charge, Included in entry to the Castle

Getting There

Latitude: 43.205642; Longitude: 2.362126
What3Words: served.darkens.deny


Photo ID: 042648 Photo ID: 042650 Photo ID: 042652 Photo ID: 042653 Photo ID: 042655 Photo ID: 042656 Photo ID: 042660

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Cité: Remparts et Lumières La Cité: Remparts et Lumières No Data


Running during the summer months this is a night time tour (starting about 20 minutes after sunset) along the ramparts between the Ponte Narbonnaise and the Castle. An audio guide takes you along the route telling the story of the fortification from the perspective of the stones of the fortress. Inside many of the towers there are light shows that co-ordinate with the audio guide.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.206784; Longitude: 2.365511
What3Words: mini.tangible.shades


Photo ID: 042746 Photo ID: 042750 Photo ID: 042751 Photo ID: 042753 Photo ID: 042754 Photo ID: 042756 Photo ID: 042759

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Carcassonne Musée des Beaux-Arts de Carcassonne No Data


The city's art museum housing paintings, sculptures and ceramics from the 17th Century through to the modern day. The modern gallery also includes a number of paintings of the city and the Canal du Midi in the region



Getting There

Latitude: 43.212473; Longitude: 2.355367
What3Words: steered.fits.players


Photo ID: 042763 Photo ID: 042765 Photo ID: 042766 Photo ID: 042767 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Notre Dame de La Santé Notre Dame de La Santé No Data


A small chapel built on the lower city side of the Pont Vieux that at the end hangs out over the river.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.210402; Longitude: 2.358099
What3Words: unfolds.racks.likely


Photo ID: 042599 Photo ID: 042600 Photo ID: 042602 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Petit train cité Carcassonne Petit train cité Carcassonne No Data


Starting from outside the Porte Narbonnaise this 25 minute long land train tour takes you round the outer fortifications of La Cité. A multi-lingual commentary is provided



Getting There

Latitude: 43.206476; Longitude: 2.366114
What3Words: displays.lend.valid


Photo ID: 042610 Photo ID: 042663 Photo ID: 042705 Photo ID: 042707 Photo ID: 042708 Photo ID: 042709 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Petit train navette RTCA Petit train navette RTCA No Data


A modern land train linking the lower town to the Porte Narbonnaise. Services run hourly on a circular route which is operated in two parts, lower town to La Cité via the fortifications of the lower town taking about 20 minutes and then, after a 20 minute pause, from La Cité back down to the lower town via a tour round the fortifications of La Cité. You can purchase a ticket for just one leg of the journey, or for a discount a return journey, which lets you break your trip and explore La Cité. A commentary is provided in French only



Getting There

Latitude: 43.216486; Longitude: 2.351295
What3Words: skater.bugs.dazzling


Photo ID: 042664 Photo ID: 042695 Photo ID: 042698 Photo ID: 042699 Photo ID: 042700 Photo ID: 042703 Photo ID: 042704

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pont Vieux Pont Vieux No Data


The old bridge linking the lower city to the Cité on the opposite bank of the Aude. There are excellent views from here up towards the Cité, particularly at dusk



Getting There

Latitude: 43.210341; Longitude: 2.358695
What3Words: weeded.archive.prove


Photo ID: 042597 Photo ID: 042602 Photo ID: 042605 Photo ID: 042606 Photo ID: 042646 Photo ID: 042733 Photo ID: 042737

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/09/2022), and on time of last update (19/09/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilique Saint-Sernin de Toulouse Basilique Saint-Sernin de Toulouse No Data


This large church is easily identifiable by it's wedding cake style tower with multiple smaller layers stacked on top. Inside the building is surprisingly light an airy, there is a small crypt that you can go down into.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.608481; Longitude: 1.442078
What3Words: mystery.adopting.knots


Photo ID: 038621 Photo ID: 038625 Photo ID: 038628 Photo ID: 038631 Photo ID: 038633 Photo ID: 038635 Photo ID: 038639

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Canal de Brienne Canal de Brienne No Data


At just over 1.5Km long this isn't the most impressive of canals, but it's role in linking the Garonne River to the Canal du Midi and therefore creating a direct link from the Atlantic to the Med through France - avoiding having to travel round via Portugal, Spain and the Straits of Gibraltar were very important to France. Today it's a pleasant area to walk round



Getting There

Latitude: 43.610702; Longitude: 1.418559
What3Words: loving.blinking.teeth


Photo ID: 038593 Photo ID: 038734 Photo ID: 038785 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Canal du Midi Canal du Midi No Data


An engineering masterpiece at over 200Km long that runs from Toulouse down to the Mediterranean sea, turning Toulouse into an inland port. Whilst trade on the canal has almost vanished tourism has boomed, with the paths becoming pleasant walkways right through the heart of the South of France.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.610994; Longitude: 1.418591
What3Words: blacked.clocked.toasted


Photo ID: 038713 Photo ID: 038714 Photo ID: 038717 Photo ID: 038718 Photo ID: 038719 Photo ID: 038720 Photo ID: 038721

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Capitol Capitol No Data


The large square in the centre of the city, surrounded by elegant buildings with the Capitol building being the main focus - this was the heart of the government of the area until the French Revolution, and is still the city's town hall to today.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.604376; Longitude: 1.443364
What3Words: hooked.emblem.deal


Photo ID: 038701 Photo ID: 038702 Photo ID: 038709 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale Saint-Étienne Cathédrale Saint-Étienne No Data


Built in fits and starts over several centuries, and consequently taking on multiple different styles and designs during it's construction, the cathedral of St Stephen (Saint Étienne) is an interesting mis-match both outside and in. Consequently inside it's quite dark with an off-set nave and weirdly placed chapels.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.599951; Longitude: 1.450373
What3Words: flat.episode.tutored


Photo ID: 038583 Photo ID: 038601 Photo ID: 038606 Photo ID: 038607 Photo ID: 038610 Photo ID: 038612 Photo ID: 038616

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

CityTour Toulouse CityTour Toulouse No Data


This 75 minute bus tour with an open-top minibus (weather permitting, on the day I travelled the roof was on) tour that takes you round most of the key sites in the city



Getting There

Latitude: 43.606782; Longitude: 1.449943
What3Words: swells.elite.tougher


Photo ID: 038581 Photo ID: 038583 Photo ID: 038585 Photo ID: 038587 Photo ID: 038589 Photo ID: 038590 Photo ID: 038596

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grand Rond Grand Rond No Data


A large roundabout in the centre of town isn't normally an attraction, but due to the size of the traffic feature it was possible to turn the middle into a pleasant park that once you're inside you wouldn't know you were on a traffic island. There is a large fountain, a band stand, cafe and several large planting beds. Large trees form an outer ring to help shield both the site and noise of the traffic. Two bridges link the park to the Jardin des Plantes and the Jardin Royal allowing uninterrupted walking between the three gardens.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.595768; Longitude: 1.452587
What3Words: tech.denote.below


Photo ID: 038749 Photo ID: 038751 Photo ID: 038752 Photo ID: 038753 Photo ID: 038754 Photo ID: 038755 Photo ID: 038756

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin Botanique Henri-Gaussen Jardin Botanique Henri-Gaussen No Data


Located behind the Muséum de Toulouse these small gardens house a couple of greenhouses as well as some outdoor planting.


Included in ticket for Muséum de Toulouse

Getting There

Latitude: 43.592815; Longitude: 1.449299
What3Words: opponent.owns.scores


Photo ID: 038684 Photo ID: 038685 Photo ID: 038686 Photo ID: 038687 Photo ID: 038688 Photo ID: 038689 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin des Plantes Jardin des Plantes No Data


This large park close to the Muséum de Toulouse has a number of different areas including formal planting, a rockery and water garden as well as fairground rides and playground equipment for kids.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.593117; Longitude: 1.451424
What3Words: hopping.labs.wage


Photo ID: 038741 Photo ID: 038742 Photo ID: 038743 Photo ID: 038744 Photo ID: 038745 Photo ID: 038746 Photo ID: 038747

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin Royal Jardin Royal No Data


Located on the opposite side of the road from the Jardin des Plantes this small garden is set around a large pond, and at the time of visiting appeared to be a popular place for people to eat their lunches.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.595604; Longitude: 1.450144
What3Words: dating.glides.scout


Photo ID: 038759 Photo ID: 038760 Photo ID: 038761 Photo ID: 038762 Photo ID: 038763 Photo ID: 038764 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Train Touristique de Toulouse: Circuit Canal Le Train Touristique de Toulouse: Circuit Canal No Data


A land train tour of the city centre, taking in many places that the bus tours are unable to due to traffic restrictions. The tour starts in the Capitol square before heading over to the Canal du Midi and the Eastern side of the city centre. The tour lasts about 40 minutes and includes a multi-lingual commentary



Getting There

Latitude: 43.604869; Longitude: 1.443187
What3Words: avocado.kindest.jobs


Photo ID: 038705 Photo ID: 038706 Photo ID: 038707 Photo ID: 038708 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Train Touristique de Toulouse: Circuit Cathedral Le Train Touristique de Toulouse: Circuit Cathedral No Data


A land train tour of the city centre, taking in many places that the bus tours are unable to due to traffic restrictions. The tour starts in the Capitol square before heading over to the Basilque Saint-Sernin and then the Cathedral before heading through more of the back streets of the old town. The tour last about 40 minutes and includes a multi-lingual commentary



Getting There

Latitude: 43.604867; Longitude: 1.443162
What3Words: instance.removing.cuter


Photo ID: 038722 Photo ID: 038723 Photo ID: 038724 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Les Bateaux Toulousains: Riquet Tour Les Bateaux Toulousains: Riquet Tour No Data


A 90 minute cruise down a section of the Canal du Midi, including passing over the motorway and then heading out into the countryside. Commentary is only in French, but a printed translation in English and Spanish is available onboard.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.596739; Longitude: 1.456035
What3Words: tonsils.waddle.loyal


Photo ID: 038711 Photo ID: 038712 Photo ID: 038715 Photo ID: 038716 Photo ID: 038718 Photo ID: 038719 Photo ID: 038721

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Monument des Combattants de la Haute-Garonne Monument des Combattants de la Haute-Garonne No Data


Toulouse's equivalent of the Arc de Triomph, this large arch pays tribute to the soldiers of the region.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.600129; Longitude: 1.452044
What3Words: pillow.motel.packing


Photo ID: 038618 Photo ID: 038619 Photo ID: 038620 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muséum de Toulouse Muséum de Toulouse No Data


The city's natural history and geology museum which houses galleries on the power of the planet - including an earthquake simulator - and the usual collection of skeletons and stuffed animals from pre-historic to modern day.


Charge, Includes entry to the Jardin Botanique Henri-Gaussen

Getting There

Latitude: 43.59389; Longitude: 1.449283
What3Words: teamed.imported.logs


Photo ID: 038681 Photo ID: 038682 Photo ID: 038683 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blagnac: Musée Aeroscopia Blagnac: Musée Aeroscopia No Data


Toulouse was the birthplace of aviation in France, and still plays an important role being the headquarters of Airbus. The city built many planes for the French market and then - showing it is possible to co-operate between nations - helped to build the Concorde. That co-operation effectively created the foundations of Airbus. Several of the test planes that were built including Concorde, Airbus's first plane the A300, as well as the behemoth A380 are on display and you can walk around inside them - the A380 and Concorde still fitted out with some of the test equipment used. There are also displays of several other locally produced planes, as well as exhibits on the development of flight.


Charge, Discount if you have paid full price for a tour

Getting There

Latitude: 43.659807; Longitude: 1.35952
What3Words: connects.backward.sampled


Photo ID: 038641 Photo ID: 038646 Photo ID: 038664 Photo ID: 038665 Photo ID: 038669 Photo ID: 038674 Photo ID: 038675

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blagnac: Musée Aeroscopia - Let's meet Airbus Blagnac: Musée Aeroscopia - Let's meet Airbus No Data


Tours start from the Museum and after a brief introduction to how the tour will operate you board a bus and are driven into the Airbus complex. There's a stop outside the A330 paint shop to see what planes have recently been painted, then a drive to go and see the Airbus Beluga planes - the enormous freighters used by the company to ship components between the different European factories to the final assembly lines here is Toulouse, then it's over to the A350 Final assembly line to get off the bus and go up to a viewing platform at tailfin height to look over the plant. As I visited on a Saturday there were no workers on the line, but visiting on a weekday you would see the lines being worked. From there it's back on the bus and over to the Delivery centre - this is where the finished planes are handed over to their new owners (after the corporate credit card has been successfully debited). Finally a drive back via the rear of the airport and the long runway that Toulouse has so that planes can be tested for abandoned take-offs and back to the museum where the tour finishes with the opportunity to go inside the test A400M, Airbus's military aircraft. ***NOTE*** Needs to be booked at least a couple of days in advance, including providing details of your National Identity Card or Passport if you are an EU citizen, or your passport if you are not an EU citizen. You then need to present this ID at the ticket desk 30 minutes before the tour starts.



Getting There

See Musée Aeroscopia for details
Latitude: 43.6597; Longitude: 1.359046
What3Words: likes.pigment.curtail


Photo ID: 038644 Photo ID: 038645 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/03/2022), and on time of last update (08/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fort Saint-André Fort Saint-André No Data


Located in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, on the opposite bank of the Rhône to the main city the fortress was erected by the King of France at a time where the river represented the border of his country, and he wanted something to project his power over to the rulers on the opposite bank, in particular during the time of the popes. Today the outer fortifications are almost intact, along with the original Saint-André Abbey (only open during the summer) that the fort was in part built to protect. You can ascend up the towers on the wall facing the city for stunning views of Avignon and the river



Getting There

From the Post Office bus station in the centre of Avignon the number 5 runs to Villeneuve every 15-20 minutes, taking just over 10 minutes to make the journey. Get off at the Tourist Office bus stop and then it's a short, but steep, five minute walk up to the fortress.
Latitude: 43.965432; Longitude: 4.800657
What3Words: sobs.revived.hulk


Photo ID: 050073 Photo ID: 050398 Photo ID: 050406 Photo ID: 050407 Photo ID: 050413 Photo ID: 050424 Photo ID: 050427

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/11/2023), and on time of last update (27/11/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin des Doms Jardin des Doms No Data


Located on the highest point of the city overlooking the cathedral and the Pont d'Avignon. The gardens are a pleasant place to wander around and have some excellent views across both the city and to the opposite bank of the river.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.952952; Longitude: 4.807686
What3Words: parting.watched.charcoal


Photo ID: 050075 Photo ID: 050077 Photo ID: 050080 Photo ID: 050083 Photo ID: 050087 Photo ID: 050090 Photo ID: 050092

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/11/2023), and on time of last update (27/11/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardins du Palais des Papes Jardins du Palais des Papes No Data


The small garden located at the foot of the palace, The garden benefits from being a sun trap and with the tall buildings sheltering it from sun making it a very pleasant place to sit whilst walking round the rest of the palace. Alternatively you can visit the gardens directly without visiting the palace itself


Charge, joint ticket for the Pont-Saint-Benezet, the Palais des Papes, and the Jardins du Palais available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.950699; Longitude: 4.808123
What3Words: leap.applause.trim


Photo ID: 050297 Photo ID: 050298 Photo ID: 050299 Photo ID: 050301 Photo ID: 050302 Photo ID: 050303 Photo ID: 050305

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/11/2023), and on time of last update (27/11/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée Lapidaire Musée Lapidaire No Data


Museum located in a former Jesuit church that houses a large collection of Etruscan, Egyptian, Greek and Roman sculptures and artefacts.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.945887; Longitude: 4.805994
What3Words: ladder.ears.material


Photo ID: 050345 Photo ID: 050347 Photo ID: 050351 Photo ID: 050353 Photo ID: 050355 Photo ID: 050357 Photo ID: 050370

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/11/2023), and on time of last update (27/11/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Notre Dame des Doms d'Avignon Notre Dame des Doms d'Avignon No Data


The city's Cathedral located next to the Papal Palace



Getting There

Latitude: 43.951575; Longitude: 4.807563
What3Words: politics.stable.bunkers


Photo ID: 050061 Photo ID: 050076 Photo ID: 050097 Photo ID: 050099 Photo ID: 050101 Photo ID: 050106 Photo ID: 050110

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/11/2023), and on time of last update (27/11/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palais des Papes Palais des Papes No Data


The fortress like palace that was built for the popes whilst they lived in Avignon from 1309-1376. You can wander around most of the building including the richly decorated rooms that the Popes used for official business and entertaining.


Charge, joint ticket for the Pont-Saint-Benezet, the Palais des Papes, and the Jardins du Palais available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.950633; Longitude: 4.807383
What3Words: dated.observer.soulful


Photo ID: 050063 Photo ID: 050282 Photo ID: 050286 Photo ID: 050296 Photo ID: 050311 Photo ID: 050314 Photo ID: 050325

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/11/2023), and on time of last update (27/11/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pont Saint-Benezet (Pont d'Avignon) Pont Saint-Benezet (Pont d'Avignon) No Data


One of the symbols of the city, originally constructed to link across to the opposite side of the Rhone river, using the islands in the river, over time most of the structure has been destroyed leaving only a couple of arches on the city bank of the river, including a chapel built on the second buttress and originally holding the remains of Saint Benezet. Today you can walk out along the bridge to where it ends, weather permitting (in high winds the whole site is closed)


Charge, joint ticket for the Pont-Saint-Benezet, the Palais des Papes, and the Jardins du Palais available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.953856; Longitude: 4.80487
What3Words: tribe.stadium.rinses


Photo ID: 050070 Photo ID: 050115 Photo ID: 050251 Photo ID: 050254 Photo ID: 050257 Photo ID: 050269 Photo ID: 050271

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/11/2023), and on time of last update (27/11/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nîmes: Arènes de Nîmes Nîmes: Arènes de Nîmes No Data


Located in the centre of the city it's pretty much impossible to miss the Arena. Most of the structure survives to today and is still in use for concerts and events. You can explore large parts of the structure from the arena floor to the very top of seating stands.


Getting There

Latitude: 43.834919; Longitude: 4.359647
What3Words: stray.flatten.quench


Photo ID: 050193 Photo ID: 050195 Photo ID: 050197 Photo ID: 050202 Photo ID: 050204 Photo ID: 050207 Photo ID: 050212

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/11/2023), and on time of last update (27/11/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vers-Pont-du-Gard: Musée du Pont du Gard Vers-Pont-du-Gard: Musée du Pont du Gard No Data


The museum tells the story of the building of the Aqueduct, as well as some of the history of water control under the Romans



Getting There

See Pont du Gard
Latitude: 43.952067; Longitude: 4.534601
What3Words: reconstructed.sunscreen.hoped


Photo ID: 050131 Photo ID: 050179 Photo ID: 050180 Photo ID: 050181 Photo ID: 050182 Photo ID: 050183 Photo ID: 050184

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/11/2023), and on time of last update (27/11/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vers-Pont-du-Gard: Pont du Gard Vers-Pont-du-Gard: Pont du Gard No Data


One of the crowning achievements of the Roman Empire. This near 2000 year old Aqueduct was the tallest ever built in the Roman Empire and was a key part of supplying water to the city of Nimes. Today 11 of the original arches have been lost to medieval salvage, but the rest of the structure has survived through to the modern day. You can walk around the site, with routes up to the top of the aqueduct at both ends, though there is no access onto the structure itself.



Getting There

The infrequent 115 bus runs from Avignon to Rond-Point in Vers-Pont-du-Gard a couple of times a day (better frequencies Monday to Friday and Sundays than Saturday) taking about 40 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively the 121 bus runs every two hours or so from Nimes bus station, located just behind the railway station, taking about 50 minutes to make the journey. There are roughly hourly trains from Avignon to Nimes, taking about 35 minutes. From Rond-Point it's a kilometre well signposted walk down to the visitors centre and another 5 minute walk to the bridge itself
Latitude: 43.947488; Longitude: 4.535105
What3Words: chatters.tolerated.residency


Photo ID: 050133 Photo ID: 050138 Photo ID: 050148 Photo ID: 050152 Photo ID: 050155 Photo ID: 050160 Photo ID: 050176

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/11/2023), and on time of last update (27/11/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nîmes Nîmes No Data


Located at a strategic point on the Via Domitia which connected Rome with the Iberian peninsular the city rose to prominence and became an important settlement. The Pont du Gard aqueduct was built to help supply the city with water. Today the almost complete remains of the Roman Arena stand in the centre of the city, along with many other Roman remains.


Getting There

There are regular TER services from Avignon to Nîmes, taking about 35 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 43.83683; Longitude: 4.359892
What3Words: scowls.dodges.castle


Photo ID: 050186 Photo ID: 050187 Photo ID: 050188 Photo ID: 050189 Photo ID: 050190 Photo ID: 050191 Photo ID: 050220

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/11/2023), and on time of last update (27/11/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée de la Castre Musée de la Castre No Data


Housed in the former castle buildings the museum houses a wide collection of artefacts from around the globe, along with exhibits on musical instruments and a collection of paintings of the Riviera. You can also climb the 109 steps of the tower to it's roof to take in the stunning views over the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.547734; Longitude: 7.012386
What3Words: airsick.toothpaste.memorably


Photo ID: 013385 Photo ID: 013395 Photo ID: 013445 Photo ID: 013446 Photo ID: 013447 Photo ID: 013448 Photo ID: 013449

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2014), and on time of last update (17/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palm Imperial Palm Imperial No Data


The rather posh way of saying the Route 8 bus. This is a standard bus service operating in the city running at the same prices as the rest of the buses. As it runs along the seafront from the harbour to the Palm Bay Casino at the other end of Cannes it is generally operated using open-top double decker buses so you can use it as a budget sightseeing tour bus (no commentary)


Charge - two standard single tickets for the return journey

Getting There

Latitude: 43.550024; Longitude: 7.010409
What3Words: pretty.headfirst.mewing


Photo ID: 013436 Photo ID: 013437 Photo ID: 013438 Photo ID: 013439 Photo ID: 013442 Photo ID: 013443 Photo ID: 013444

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2014), and on time of last update (17/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Île Sainte-Marguerite: Fort Royal Île Sainte-Marguerite: Fort Royal No Data


The fort dominates the island, visible from Cannes and close up the towering walls look impenetrable. Inside you can walk around the ramparts and visit the chapel and museum. Most of the remaining buildings are still in use and are out of bounds to visitors


Charge, includes entrance to the museum and prison

Getting There

Latitude: 43.523587; Longitude: 7.044213
What3Words: lifelines.litter.bullseye


Photo ID: 013409 Photo ID: 013411 Photo ID: 013412 Photo ID: 013413 Photo ID: 013420 Photo ID: 013421 Photo ID: 013423

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/12/2014), and on time of last update (17/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Île Sainte-Marguerite: Musée de la Mer Île Sainte-Marguerite: Musée de la Mer No Data


The museum houses exhibits on some of the archaeological finds that have been made in the sea around the island, including from the wreck of a Roman trading ship


Entrance charge included in fort entry fee

Getting There

Latitude: 43.523976; Longitude: 7.045394
What3Words: unwinding.braces.meanders


Photo ID: 013414 Photo ID: 013415 Photo ID: 013416 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/12/2014), and on time of last update (17/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Île Sainte-Marguerite: Prison Île Sainte-Marguerite: Prison No Data


The jail cells have been inhabited by many, but perhaps the most famous was the unknown Man in the Iron Mask who spent 11 years on the island before being transferred to the Bastille in Paris. You can look in the various cells of the prison block to see what they looked like


Entrance charge included in fort entry fee

Getting There

Latitude: 43.5241; Longitude: 7.045125
What3Words: vacant.indented.overstate


Photo ID: 013417 Photo ID: 013418 Photo ID: 013419 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/12/2014), and on time of last update (17/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Île Sainte-Marguerite: Canonball Ovens Île Sainte-Marguerite: Canonball Ovens No Data


The remains of two cannonball ovens exist on the island. These were used to create red-hot ammunition which could then be fired at any ships. One near Pointe du Dragon in the South West corner of the island is pretty well preserved, but the other in the North East corner at Pointe du Vengeur has lost it's roof so it's easier to understand how the concept worked.



Getting There

Pointe du Dragon is about a 10 minute walk South West from the Harbour. Pointe du Vengeur is about a 25 minute walk up past the Fort and most of the way along the North Coast
Latitude: 43.520069; Longitude: 7.062699
What3Words: resistor.whirlwind.resisting


Photo ID: 013426 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/12/2014), and on time of last update (17/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Île Sainte-Marguerite: Canonball Ovens Île Sainte-Marguerite: Canonball Ovens No Data


The remains of two cannonball ovens exist on the island. These were used to create red-hot ammunition which could then be fired at any ships. One near Pointe du Dragon in the South West corner of the island is pretty well preserved, but the other in the North East corner at Pointe du Vengeur has lost it's roof so it's easier to understand how the concept worked.



Getting There

Pointe du Dragon is about a 10 minute walk South West from the Harbour. Pointe du Vengeur is about a 25 minute walk up past the Fort and most of the way along the North Coast
Latitude: 43.517893; Longitude: 7.034788
What3Words: fogged.hangdog.groceries


Photo ID: 013426 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/12/2014), and on time of last update (17/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Île Sainte-Marguerite Île Sainte-Marguerite No Data


Located about half a mile off of the coast from Cannes the island houses an impressive fort which itself contains a museum and the jail cell where the Man in the Iron Mask spent 11 years of his life. There are around 20Km of paths across the island. There is a path that runs round the circumference of the island which is approximately 8Km long and a great way to see almost all of the island


The island is free to look around

Getting There

There are hourly ferries (more in the summer months) linking the harbour in Cannes with the island, crossing time is around 15 minutes
Latitude: 43.519678; Longitude: 7.043023
What3Words: taxation.intelligibly.literal


Photo ID: 013406 Photo ID: 013407 Photo ID: 013425 Photo ID: 013428 Photo ID: 013429 Photo ID: 013431 Photo ID: 013434

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/12/2014), and on time of last update (17/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde No Data


Located high above the city and looking over both the city and the islands the Basilica is a stunning building, particularly when up close. Inside it's significantly more elaborate that the Cathedral down in the harbour area.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.283942; Longitude: 5.371178
What3Words: puzzled.olive.deafened


Photo ID: 016286 Photo ID: 016287 Photo ID: 016288 Photo ID: 016289 Photo ID: 016320 Photo ID: 016321 Photo ID: 016324

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Calanques boat tour Calanques boat tour No Data


This 3 hour tour departs from the Vieux-Port and heads south towards the Calanques national park, taking in the stunning scenery and little coves along the Massif des Calanques. Commentary is given in French only, but the scenery does speak for itself. I travelled in mid-December and the journey was quite rough in places. The boat does not stop for the full three hours so take this into consideration if you are not good with rough sea voyages - several other passengers didn't enjoy the whole journey



Getting There

Latitude: 43.295943; Longitude: 5.373317
What3Words: mischievous.pursuing.warmly


Photo ID: 016334 Photo ID: 016336 Photo ID: 016337 Photo ID: 016346 Photo ID: 016348 Photo ID: 016351 Photo ID: 016356

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale La Major Cathédrale La Major No Data


The large cathedral dominates the harbour area with it's multiple domes and towers. Inside the large space is quite dark with the usual collection of side alters and shrines.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.299843; Longitude: 5.364876
What3Words: waterfall.eradicate.gorged


Photo ID: 016292 Photo ID: 016293 Photo ID: 016294 Photo ID: 016295 Photo ID: 016306 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fort St Jean Fort St Jean No Data


The fort has been renovated and redesigned to house parts of the MuCEM. You can wander around the fort free of charge, but to go into any of the exhibitions you have to pay the MuCEM entry fee.


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 43.295409; Longitude: 5.362222
What3Words: super.curating.fridge


Photo ID: 016298 Photo ID: 016299 Photo ID: 016300 Photo ID: 016301 Photo ID: 016302 Photo ID: 016304 Photo ID: 016305

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Frioul If Express Shuttles Frioul If Express Shuttles No Data


Regular boats leaving to the islands located just off the coast of Marseille.


Charge, one free trip with City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 43.294342; Longitude: 5.373872
What3Words: savvy.lure.homages


Photo ID: 016263 Photo ID: 016264 Photo ID: 016267 Photo ID: 016268 Photo ID: 016269 Photo ID: 016270 Photo ID: 016271

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

L'Open Tour L'Open Tour No Data


Hop-on-Hop-off tour of the city, taking in the main sights. A multi-lingual commentary tells you about the key sights and gives background information on the history and development of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 43.295958; Longitude: 5.3691
What3Words: sprinkler.untiring.stardom


Photo ID: 016312 Photo ID: 016315 Photo ID: 016316 Photo ID: 016318 Photo ID: 016319 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.



A major national museum housing both a permanent exhibition on the history and development of the peoples of the Mediterranean region as well as temporary exhibitions. The museum is spread across a modern building and buildings in the neighbouring Fort St Jean which are all interconnected. The main building has an external ramp that winds up the outside of the building offering excellent views over the harbour


Charge, Free entry with City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 43.296745; Longitude: 5.360971
What3Words: overseers.origins.orienting


Photo ID: 016282 Photo ID: 016291 Photo ID: 016296 Photo ID: 016297 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée des Docks Romains [Roman Docks Museum] Musée des Docks Romains [Roman Docks Museum] No Data


The museum houses some of the remnants of the Roman docks that were found when the area was being rebuilt after the war. The exhibition includes lots of finds, along with the remnants of the docks storage area



Getting There

Latitude: 43.29678; Longitude: 5.368076
What3Words: bunnies.unnecessary.badge


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée d'Histoire de Marseille [Museum of Marseille History] Musée d'Histoire de Marseille [Museum of Marseille History] No Data


The museum tells the story of the city from its founding around 2,600 years ago to the modern day through a series of exhibits grouped into date periods. The museum also has a large garden which houses the in-situ remains of part of the Roman port as well as even older Greek walls. The museum itself is located underneath a major shopping centre.


Charge, Free entry with City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 43.297413; Longitude: 5.375508
What3Words: tweaked.belfry.boost
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parc du Pharo Parc du Pharo No Data


Opposite the Fort St Jean and high above the harbour this park offers stunning views over the fortress, harbour mouth the MuCEM buildings and the Cathédrale La Major



Getting There

Latitude: 43.293217; Longitude: 5.359225
What3Words: hostiles.advisable.infrequent


Photo ID: 016305 Photo ID: 016306 Photo ID: 016307 Photo ID: 016308 Photo ID: 016309 Photo ID: 016310 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Petit Train Petit Train No Data


The Petit Train offers two routes during the summer months. During the winter, when I visited, there are regular (every 30 minute) departures on a tour around the old harbour, along the coast road and then up to the Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde. At the Basilica you get off the land train to look around, before re-joining the next train to continue back down into town. A French and English commentary tells you about the key sights


Charge, one free trip with City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 43.295633; Longitude: 5.366737
What3Words: syllabic.futuristic.aquatic


Photo ID: 016283 Photo ID: 016284 Photo ID: 016285 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vieux-Port Vieux-Port No Data


The old harbour around which much of the tourism industry plies its trade. For centuries it's been home to the fisherman's market and it's still possible of a morning to stop by and pick up fish fresh from the boat. The harbour area is also a focal point for the city, with a Christmas market in place when I visited in December 2015


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 43.295215; Longitude: 5.373894
What3Words: chats.childcare.pigtail


Photo ID: 016251 Photo ID: 016253 Photo ID: 016261 Photo ID: 016262 Photo ID: 016323 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ilê D'If: Château d'If Ilê D'If: Château d'If No Data


The castle, used as a setting in Alexander Dumas' novel the Count of Monte-Cristo, is a small fortress that dominates the entrance to the old harbour in Marseille. From the top of the towers there are stunning views. A number of the rooms have small exhibitions in them telling the history of the castle, as well as it's part in Alexander Dumas' life and achievements.


Charge, free entry with the city pass

Getting There

Frioul If Express Shuttles run every hour or so (more frequently in the summer) from the Vieux-Port across to Ilê D'If. Journey times take between 20 and 40 minutes depending on whether the go direct to Ilê D'If or to Ilê De Frioul first. You can use the city pass to make the journey for free, as long as you haven't previously used it on another of this companies ferries
Latitude: 43.279847; Longitude: 5.325181
What3Words: kindling.marshland.hesitant


Photo ID: 016272 Photo ID: 016273 Photo ID: 016274 Photo ID: 016275 Photo ID: 016276 Photo ID: 016280 Photo ID: 016281

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2015), and on time of last update (16/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ascenseur du Chateau Ascenseur du Chateau No Data


Running from underneath the Tour Bellanda the lift whisks you quickly, and effortlessly to the top of the Colline du Chateau so you can take in all the stunning views with the minimum of effort.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.694384; Longitude: 7.279427
What3Words: miracles.land.either


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale Sainte-Réparate Cathédrale Sainte-Réparate No Data


At the time of visiting the Cathedral was undergoing major renovation work and much of it was covered in scaffolding. Inside the usual collection of chapels and a stunning domed roof


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 43.697123; Longitude: 7.275808
What3Words: bicker.wider.decorate


Photo ID: 010680 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Christmas Market Christmas Market No Data


Located in the Place Masséna the Christmas Market has all the elements of it's Northern European counterparts, apart from the snow and cold temperatures. At the same time a funfair is in operation with a Ferris wheel from which you can get stunning views of both the coast and the Alps


Free to look around, Charge for the fun-fair

Getting There

Latitude: 43.697724; Longitude: 7.269822
What3Words: poems.prelude.campers


Photo ID: 010676 Photo ID: 010677 Photo ID: 001679 Photo ID: 010718 Photo ID: 010721 Photo ID: 010722 Photo ID: 010723

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Colline du Chateau Colline du Chateau No Data


The old castle area, though the castle has long since disappeared. From the gardens there are stunning views over the whole of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.695858; Longitude: 7.28061
What3Words: uproot.mailer.tight


Photo ID: 010689 Photo ID: 010696 Photo ID: 010698 Photo ID: 010703 Photo ID: 010704 Photo ID: 010705 Photo ID: 010707

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Grand Tour Nice Le Grand Tour Nice No Data


Hop-on-hop-off open-top bus running round the centre of the city and up to the museums in Cimiez. A multi-lingual commentary tells you about the sights and some of the history of Nice, it's people and it's unique language



Getting There

Latitude: 43.694934; Longitude: 7.268698
What3Words: dribble.flipper.snatched


Photo ID: 010713 Photo ID: 010726 Photo ID: 010727 Photo ID: 010728 Photo ID: 010729 Photo ID: 010731 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Les Trains Touristiques de Nice Les Trains Touristiques de Nice No Data


Running from the Promenade des Anglais through the city centre, taking in the key sights, the land train is an easy way to get to see much of the city. After taking in the Old Town and city centre the train climbs to the Colline du Chateau where there is a 10 minute stop before descending past the war memorial and back to the sea front.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.694764; Longitude: 7.266731
What3Words: lakes.destiny.ties


Photo ID: 010712 Photo ID: 010713 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Promenade des Anglais Promenade des Anglais No Data


A 6KM promenade that stretched almost the complete length of the sweep of the bay offering access to the numerous beaches, but also to take in the stunning views of the city and the sea air



Getting There

Latitude: 43.694221; Longitude: 7.258905
What3Words: sailing.area.pothole


Photo ID: 010691 Photo ID: 010706 Photo ID: 010725 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Promenade du Paillon Promenade du Paillon No Data


Running through the centre of the city and separating the main road through the centre this pleasant garden offers a space to walk in the heart of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 43.698666; Longitude: 7.275975
What3Words: leans.dizzy.ranted


Photo ID: 010724 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vieux Nice Vieux Nice No Data


The Old Town of Nice, small narrow lanes winding their way between the tall buildings are in marked contrast to the expensive shops and wide boulevards of the rest of the city. Lots of restaurants and cafes make this a good place to head if hungry



Getting There

Latitude: 43.697216; Longitude: 7.277241
What3Words: otters.shuts.tidying


Photo ID: 010681 Photo ID: 010682 Photo ID: 010702 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cimiez: Arènes de Cimiez Cimiez: Arènes de Cimiez No Data


Significant parts of the Roman Amphitheatre still remain and you can walk across the arena floor to take in the full scale of the place.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.720013; Longitude: 7.275299
What3Words: owners.starting.renew


Photo ID: 010733 Photo ID: 010734 Photo ID: 010735 Photo ID: 010736 Photo ID: 010737 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cimiez: Musée et Site Archéologiques de Nice-Cimiez Cimiez: Musée et Site Archéologiques de Nice-Cimiez No Data


The original location of the Roman settlement of Nice. Today the museum houses a number of exhibits of finds from the extensive digs that have taken place. In the museum grounds are the remains of a couple of bath houses.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.719265; Longitude: 7.27546
What3Words: purely.takers.combines


Photo ID: 010738 Photo ID: 010739 Photo ID: 010740 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cimiez: Musée Matisse Cimiez: Musée Matisse No Data


The museum houses a collection of paintings, sculptures and other art works from the artist, along with lots of his personal belongings.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.7194; Longitude: 7.276222
What3Words: over.punchy.perfect


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cimiez Cimiez No Data


The location of the original Roman settlement in the area, today it houses a number of excellent museums, along with significant remains of both an amphitheatre and several bath houses. By the time of the Belle Époque it was home to some of the grandest hotels and residences of the city, and today with most of the renovated back to their glory the place oozes charm


Getting There

From the centre of town buses 15 and 22 run up the hill to Cimiez, stopping outside the Archaeological museum and Amphitheatre. Alternatively the hop-on-hop-off bus makes the journey, stopping in the same place. It's about a 2 KM uphill walk from the city centre if you're feeling energetic
Latitude: 43.720924; Longitude: 7.273368
What3Words: brushing.plotted.frame


Photo ID: 010732 Photo ID: 010734 Photo ID: 010735 Photo ID: 010737 Photo ID: 010739 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/12/2013), and on time of last update (17/12/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Acropolis Museum Acropolis Museum No Data


The stunning museum opened in 2014 and houses many of the relics from the Acropolis (and space for the items held in other museums to be returned to). The centre piece is the upper floor which has the freezes and pediments from the Parthenon on display (including replicas of those parts that were acquired by the British Museum)


Charge (not included in joint tickets for Acropolis and other sites)

Getting There

Latitude: 37.968459; Longitude: 23.728445
What3Words: resting.heap.thus


Photo ID: 013834 Photo ID: 013889 Photo ID: 013890 Photo ID: 013891 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Acropolis: Main Buildings Acropolis: Main Buildings No Data


If anything defines Athens it's the sight of the Parthenon on the top of the Acropolis. Ravaged by explosions and Lord Elgin the site is still incredibly impressive for its scale. Whilst you can't access the main buildings you can get very close and the views from the plateau are spectacular.


Charge, Joint ticket covers 12 of the main archaeological sites in Athens

Getting There

Latitude: 37.971743; Longitude: 23.726484
What3Words: bonus.running.goes


Photo ID: 013854 Photo ID: 013857 Photo ID: 013858 Photo ID: 013859 Photo ID: 013864 Photo ID: 013870 Photo ID: 013880

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Acropolis: Odeon of Herodes Atticus Acropolis: Odeon of Herodes Atticus No Data


This large theatre complex is still clearly identifiable. From the top level you get a stunning view across the seating and auditorium.


Free to view from the bottom, Charge from the top, Joint ticket covers 12 of the main archaeological sites in Athens

Getting There

Latitude: 37.970805; Longitude: 23.724547
What3Words: book.else.outbid


Photo ID: 013838 Photo ID: 013839 Photo ID: 013851 Photo ID: 013852 Photo ID: 013853 Photo ID: 013879 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Acropolis: South Slope Acropolis: South Slope No Data


The south slope of the acropolis is the most dramatic approach to the main buildings as you climb up through several sets of ruins on your way to the plateau at the top.


Charge, Joint ticket covers 12 of the main archaeological sites in Athens

Getting There

Latitude: 37.970547; Longitude: 23.726977
What3Words: narrow.trunk.bracing


Photo ID: 013841 Photo ID: 013842 Photo ID: 013843 Photo ID: 013846 Photo ID: 013847 Photo ID: 013848 Photo ID: 013849

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Acropolis: Theatre of Dionysos Acropolis: Theatre of Dionysos No Data


Much less of the theatre remains than the Odeon of Herodes Atticus - but it is still identifiably a theatre


Charge, Joint ticket covers 12 of the main archaeological sites in Athens

Getting There

Latitude: 37.97031; Longitude: 23.727814
What3Words: blossom.changed.caramel


Photo ID: 013844 Photo ID: 013845 Photo ID: 013846 Photo ID: 013878 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ancient Agora Ancient Agora No Data


The Ancient Greek market place, including a completely reconstructed Stoa market hall. This massive site has a large number of ruins dotted all over it, included a fully intact temple at the top of the site.


Charge, Joint ticket covers 12 of the main archaeological sites in Athens

Getting There

Latitude: 37.974596; Longitude: 23.722934
What3Words: dating.brush.cursing


Photo ID: 013875 Photo ID: 013877 Photo ID: 013881 Photo ID: 013981 Photo ID: 013982 Photo ID: 013995 Photo ID: 014000

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Areopagus Hill Areopagus Hill No Data


Located opposite the Acropolis Areopagus Hill offers stunning views over to the Acropolis and down into Agora. It's from here that St Paul preached to the first Greek converts to Christianity.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.972314; Longitude: 23.723415
What3Words: fight.trio.knocking


Photo ID: 013856 Photo ID: 013883 Photo ID: 013884 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Athens Happy Train Athens Happy Train No Data


Running every half hour for most of the day into late in the evening this land train tour takes in the key sights in the city centre including Constitution square, Roman Agora and Ancient Agora as well as following the road up round by the side of the Acropolis. You can hop off either at Hadrian's Library or at the Acropolis to explore and get on a later tour. There is a live guide giving a basic commentary in Greek and English



Getting There

Latitude: 37.975667; Longitude: 23.733715
What3Words: clots.bring.mushroom


Photo ID: 013892 Photo ID: 013893 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The small cathedral was undergoing substantial restoration at the time of visiting with most of the ornate structure under scaffolding, but just the Icons by themselves shows how richly decorated the church is.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.975244; Longitude: 23.730126
What3Words: pastime.rugs.runners


Photo ID: 013887 Photo ID: 013888 Photo ID: 013893 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Changing of the Guard Changing of the Guard No Data


The highly elaborate changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier takes place every hour on the hour day and night. At Sunday at 11am there is a much more elaborate version, but the hourly ceremony is still impressive with the guards in their traditional dress and highly rehearsed slow moves.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.975372; Longitude: 23.736259
What3Words: accusing.slide.simply


Photo ID: 013897 Photo ID: 013902 Photo ID: 013903 Photo ID: 013904 Photo ID: 013905 Photo ID: 013906 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


Hop-on-Hop-Off open-top bus tour that takes in most of the key sights in the city centre. A multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary tells you some of the history of the city and about the sights that you are seeing.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.976171; Longitude: 23.734065
What3Words: rarely.another.beside


Photo ID: 013898 Photo ID: 013899 Photo ID: 013900 Photo ID: 013901 Photo ID: 013963 Photo ID: 014020 Photo ID: 014021

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Filopappou Hill Filopappou Hill No Data


The hill is directly opposite the Acropolis and offers stunning views of the Parthenon and other buildings.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.967329; Longitude: 23.72148
What3Words: caring.units.slogged


Photo ID: 014009 Photo ID: 014011 Photo ID: 014012 Photo ID: 014014 Photo ID: 014015 Photo ID: 014017 Photo ID: 014018

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Filopappou Hill: Socrates' Prison Filopappou Hill: Socrates' Prison No Data


Caves that are reputed to have been where Socrates was held (though there is no evidence), located at the foot of Filopappou Hill



Getting There

Latitude: 37.96934; Longitude: 23.720719
What3Words: bravery.lizard.stacks


Photo ID: 014006 Photo ID: 014007 Photo ID: 014008 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hadrian's Arch Hadrian's Arch No Data


The arch marked the boundary of the New Roman City from the Ancient Greek city.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.97023; Longitude: 23.731989
What3Words: tricky.gazed.marching


Photo ID: 013873 Photo ID: 013899 Photo ID: 013926 Photo ID: 013927 Photo ID: 014022 Photo ID: 014023 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hadrian's Library Hadrian's Library No Data


Small remnants of the massive library complex built by Emperor Hadrian in the city


Charge, Joint ticket covers 12 of the main archaeological sites in Athens

Getting There

Latitude: 37.975383; Longitude: 23.72648
What3Words: zips.prepare.linked


Photo ID: 013871 Photo ID: 013886 Photo ID: 013895 Photo ID: 013974 Photo ID: 013975 Photo ID: 013977 Photo ID: 013979

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kerameikos Kerameikos No Data


The Ancient Greek cemetery. The excellent small museum houses many of the original tomb markers and grave stones to preserve them with copies placed out on the site itself.


Charge, Joint ticket covers 12 of the main archaeological sites in Athens

Getting There

Latitude: 37.978469; Longitude: 23.71793
What3Words: lows.mainland.frocks


Photo ID: 014031 Photo ID: 014032 Photo ID: 014033 Photo ID: 014041 Photo ID: 014044 Photo ID: 014047 Photo ID: 014050

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lofos Likavitou (Lykavittos Hill) Lofos Likavitou (Lykavittos Hill) No Data


The highest point in the city is crowned by a small chapel and an excellent restaurant. The views over the city are spectacular.


Free if you climb up, Charge to use the Funicular

Getting There

Latitude: 37.981893; Longitude: 23.743265
What3Words: cashier.chilled.rocked


Photo ID: 013876 Photo ID: 013907 Photo ID: 013912 Photo ID: 013916 Photo ID: 013917 Photo ID: 013918 Photo ID: 013919

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Panathenaic Stadium Panathenaic Stadium No Data


The original Olympic stadium, the structure was completely reconstructed and rebuilt for the 1896 Olympics and was refurbished again in time for the 2004 games. From the precipitous rakes of stone seats to the top of the site you get excellent views over the tight running track round which the Ancient Greek athletes used to race


Charge (not included in joint tickets for Acropolis and other sites)

Getting There

Latitude: 37.968259; Longitude: 23.741076
What3Words: rooms.picture.onwards


Photo ID: 013874 Photo ID: 013949 Photo ID: 013950 Photo ID: 013953 Photo ID: 013954 Photo ID: 013957 Photo ID: 013960

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roman Agora Roman Agora No Data


The Roman market place of the city, today not very much of the site remains


Charge, Joint ticket covers 12 of the main archaeological sites in Athens

Getting There

Latitude: 37.974232; Longitude: 23.726238
What3Words: stutter.resold.sends


Photo ID: 013965 Photo ID: 013966 Photo ID: 013968 Photo ID: 013696 Photo ID: 013971 Photo ID: 013972 Photo ID: 013973

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roman Baths Roman Baths No Data


Discovered when they were building the Athens Metro at the start of the 21st Century the remains of a Roman Bath house are located just down the road from Constitution square



Getting There

Latitude: 37.971583; Longitude: 23.733824
What3Words: mentions.walnuts.flood


Photo ID: 014025 Photo ID: 014027 Photo ID: 014028 Photo ID: 014029 Photo ID: 014030 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Temple of Olympian Zeus Temple of Olympian Zeus No Data


The largest structure in Ancient Greece, today only some of the columns still stand, many having fallen down following earthquakes or conflicts, but those standing give an idea of the sheer scale of the site


Charge, Joint ticket covers 12 of the main archaeological sites in Athens

Getting There

Latitude: 37.969393; Longitude: 23.733137
What3Words: sunshine.tooth.makes


Photo ID: 013872 Photo ID: 013930 Photo ID: 013934 Photo ID: 013937 Photo ID: 013945 Photo ID: 013947 Photo ID: 013948

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2015), and on time of last update (23/02/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological Museum of Corfu Archaeological Museum of Corfu No Data


The museum houses a number of finds from across the island. The most impressive being the pediment from the temple of Artemis which takes up the whole of one wall of the top floor.


Charge, Joint ticket available for the Archaeological Museum; Byzantine Museum of Antivouniotissa; Mon Repos Palace; Museum of Asian Art of Corfu and the Old Venetian Fort

Getting There

Latitude: 39.618947; Longitude: 19.922027
What3Words: elbow.obvious.ideas


Photo ID: 027761 Photo ID: 027762 Photo ID: 027763 Photo ID: 027764 Photo ID: 027765 Photo ID: 027766 Photo ID: 027767

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Boschetto Gardens Boschetto Gardens No Data


Small gardens located facing the Old Venetian Palace, from here there are good views of the outer fortifications, along with the channel that still separates the island that the fort is on from the mainland of Corfu.



Getting There

Latitude: 39.624011; Longitude: 19.925693
What3Words: tend.arching.options


Photo ID: 027592 Photo ID: 027594 Photo ID: 027595 Photo ID: 027598 Photo ID: 027600 Photo ID: 027601 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Byzantine Museum of Antivouniotissa Byzantine Museum of Antivouniotissa No Data


Located in a former church this museum houses a number of works of art from the Byzantine period, including icons and church fixtures.


Charge, Joint ticket available for the Archaeological Museum; Byzantine Museum of Antivouniotissa; Mon Repos Palace; Museum of Asian Art of Corfu and the Old Venetian Fort

Getting There

Latitude: 39.627191; Longitude: 19.922522
What3Words: ignite.solstice.book


Photo ID: 027735 Photo ID: 027736 Photo ID: 027737 Photo ID: 027738 Photo ID: 027739 Photo ID: 027740 Photo ID: 027741

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


The standard hop-on-hop-off open top tour. Two routes operate, running over a common route in Corfu Town taking in the Old Fort, Old Harbour, New Harbour and New Fort. Route 1 then continues down the Kanoni Peninsular running every 15 minutes or so in the high season. Route 2, running every 60 minutes, heads south down the main part of the island to the palace that Princess Elizabeth (Sissy) built at Achilleion. A pre-recorded commentary provides details on the key sights.



Getting There

Latitude: 39.627081; Longitude: 19.903513
What3Words: trendier.became.nabs


Photo ID: 027622 Photo ID: 027623 Photo ID: 027624 Photo ID: 027625 Photo ID: 027626 Photo ID: 027630 Photo ID: 027640

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Corfu City Tour Corfu City Tour No Data


Very few differences from the City Sightseeing tour, with the exact same route, and on some vehicles even the same commentary. In fact on a number of occasions we were transferred from one company to another. On this service Route A runs every 30 minutes to Kanoni, whilst Route B runs every 30 minutes to Achilleion. One other key difference is that this service is run by the local bus company, so they offer a discounted ticket if you already have a valid single or day bus ticket.


Charge, discount if you already have a valid single or day ticket for the local buses

Getting There

Latitude: 39.627088; Longitude: 19.903216
What3Words: remembrance.overheard.virtual


Photo ID: 027633 Photo ID: 027634 Photo ID: 027635 Photo ID: 027642 Photo ID: 027653 Photo ID: 027654 Photo ID: 027655

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Corfu Old Town Corfu Old Town No Data


The small narrow streets of the old town are a pleasant place to explore, with lots of small shops, cafes and restaurants.



Getting There

Latitude: 39.624649; Longitude: 19.921937
What3Words: explains.seats.dome


Photo ID: 027657 Photo ID: 027711 Photo ID: 027712 Photo ID: 027713 Photo ID: 027714 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mon Repos Palace: Doric Temple Kardaki Mon Repos Palace: Doric Temple Kardaki No Data


Located in the grounds of the Mon Repos Palace this small temple is still standing at ground plan level, giving you a good idea of how it would have looked when it was in use



Getting There

Latitude: 39.601368; Longitude: 19.926063
What3Words: unscrew.outer.fires


Photo ID: 027816 Photo ID: 027817 Photo ID: 027818 Photo ID: 027819 Photo ID: 027820 Photo ID: 027821 Photo ID: 027822

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mon Repos Palace: Doric Temple of Hera Mon Repos Palace: Doric Temple of Hera No Data


Located in the grounds of the Mon Repos Palace all that remains of this temple are some scattered stones and attempts and small rebuilding's of walls, there are several display panels that try to give some information on the history and role of the temple.



Getting There

Latitude: 39.603077; Longitude: 19.924591
What3Words: lively.weaved.crass


Photo ID: 027809 Photo ID: 027810 Photo ID: 027811 Photo ID: 027812 Photo ID: 027813 Photo ID: 027814 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mon Repos Palace: Museum of Palaeopolis Mon Repos Palace: Museum of Palaeopolis No Data


The Mon Repos palace was built as the summer home of the British Governor General for the Ionian Islands, during the period of British rule. Today it houses two exhibitions, on the ground floor there are displays about life in the palace and in Corfu during the British rule. On the first floor there is an exhibition on some of the archaeological finds from the local area.


Charge, Joint ticket available for the Archaeological Museum; Byzantine Museum of Antivouniotissa; Mon Repos Palace; Museum of Asian Art of Corfu and the Old Venetian Fort

Getting There

Latitude: 39.606304; Longitude: 19.926098
What3Words: requests.subject.otters


Photo ID: 027795 Photo ID: 027796 Photo ID: 027797 Photo ID: 027802 Photo ID: 027804 Photo ID: 027806 Photo ID: 027807

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Asian Art of Corfu Museum of Asian Art of Corfu No Data


Located in the Palace of St Michael and St George, the headquarters for the British when the ran Corfu, this collection of paintings, sculptures, objects and other artworks from across Asia is arranged by country with large galleries given over to China as well as small displays on Persia, India and Japan.


Charge, Joint ticket available for the Archaeological Museum; Byzantine Museum of Antivouniotissa; Mon Repos Palace; Museum of Asian Art of Corfu and the Old Venetian Fort

Getting There

Latitude: 39.625725; Longitude: 19.924734
What3Words: champion.pulleys.stupider


Photo ID: 027635 Photo ID: 027717 Photo ID: 027719 Photo ID: 027721 Photo ID: 027724 Photo ID: 027726 Photo ID: 027728

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

New Venetian Fort New Venetian Fort No Data


At the time of visiting the New Fort was closed. The New fort was built by the Venetians to protect the island, and on all four occasions that the Ottomans attacked Corfu it was the New Fort that held out and prevented the islands falling to them. Today parts of the fort are still in use by the Greek armed forces, but when its open you can still explore the upper parts of the fortifications.


Currently closed, Charge when open

Getting There

Latitude: 39.625338; Longitude: 19.916868
What3Words: bribes.snipping.hangouts


Photo ID: 027644 Photo ID: 027651 Photo ID: 027659 Photo ID: 027660 Photo ID: 027661 Photo ID: 027662 Photo ID: 027664

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Veneitan Fort Old Veneitan Fort No Data


When the Goths destroyed the original settlement on the island the locals retreated to the twin peaked small island off of Corfu. Over the centuries this became fortified more and more until today when the whole island is now just a massive fortification. Eventually superseded by the New fortress the old fortress still had its uses, and for a while was the headquarters for the British when they were controlling Corfu. Today you can explore a part of the fortification - though some of the buildings are in use by the University and others are in a dangerous state of repair and off limits. From the very top of the fort there are good views over the island


Charge, Joint ticket available for the Archaeological Museum; Byzantine Museum of Antivouniotissa; Mon Repos Palace; Museum of Asian Art of Corfu and the Old Venetian Fort

Getting There

Latitude: 39.623357; Longitude: 19.928989
What3Words: decades.testers.afford


Photo ID: 027591 Photo ID: 027597 Photo ID: 027666 Photo ID: 027684 Photo ID: 027690 Photo ID: 027693 Photo ID: 027695

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Romaiki Epavli Me Loutra Romaiki Epavli Me Loutra No Data


Located by the entrance to Mon Repos Palace these are the ruins of a former Roman bath house. At present the site is closed, but most of it can be seen from the road


Free to view from the road, site closed

Getting There

Latitude: 39.607064; Longitude: 19.922477
What3Words: level.politics.gums


Photo ID: 027621 Photo ID: 027648 Photo ID: 027830 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Georges Church St Georges Church No Data


Located in the grounds of the Old Venetian Fort this large church was originally built as an Anglican chapel for the British soldiers stationed here, but after Corfu was united with the rest of Greece the church was converted from Anglican to Orthodox.


Included in entrance to the Old Venetian Fort

Getting There

Latitude: 39.622694; Longitude: 19.929367
What3Words: woods.bagels.wonderfully


Photo ID: 027631 Photo ID: 027703 Photo ID: 027706 Photo ID: 027707 Photo ID: 027708 Photo ID: 027709 Photo ID: 027710

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vasiliki Paleopolis Vasiliki Paleopolis No Data


Located by the entrance to Mon Repos Palace these are the ruins of an early Christian church that had been on the site, destroyed and rebuilt several times. At present the site is closed so you can only view it from the road.


Free to view from the road, site closed

Getting There

Latitude: 39.607635; Longitude: 19.922267
What3Words: combos.select.lunch


Photo ID: 027649 Photo ID: 027650 Photo ID: 027823 Photo ID: 027824 Photo ID: 027825 Photo ID: 027826 Photo ID: 027827

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kanoni: Vlacherna Monastery Kanoni: Vlacherna Monastery No Data


A small monastery and chapel located on a little island at the end of the harbour in Kanoni. You reach the chapel by walking down the harbour wall. The chapel is open 24 hours a day so can be visited at any time



Getting There

Latitude: 39.589942; Longitude: 19.917121
What3Words: begin.harps.duty


Photo ID: 027610 Photo ID: 027613 Photo ID: 027617 Photo ID: 027618 Photo ID: 027619 Photo ID: 027775 Photo ID: 027790

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vido: Serbian WWI Soldiers Mausoleum Vido: Serbian WWI Soldiers Mausoleum No Data


During WWI a large number of Serbian soldiers ended up in Corfu following fighting. Due to the numbers, and to avoid the spread of disease most were moved onto the island of Vido to receive treatment and recover - though sadly around 5,000 died from illness or their injuries. The Mausoleum is a memorial to the soldiers who fought alongside the allies in the war.



Getting There

Latitude: 39.63934; Longitude: 19.927444
What3Words: wavy.untruths.curvy


Photo ID: 027750 Photo ID: 027751 Photo ID: 027752 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kanoni Kanoni No Data


This large peninsular stretching south from Corfu Town is home to a large number of resort hotels, as well as being the place to catch boats to Mouse Island. From the southern end of the peninsular there are excellent views from a number of cafes over the end of the runway for the airport.


Getting There

From the centre of town take a number 2 bus to the end of the line. Journey time is around 15 minutes
Latitude: 39.59153; Longitude: 19.917347
What3Words: slimmer.winter.refuses


Photo ID: 027607 Photo ID: 027614 Photo ID: 027616 Photo ID: 027652 Photo ID: 027653 Photo ID: 027770 Photo ID: 027771

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pontikonisi Pontikonisi No Data


Otherwise known as mouse island this is a small island located just off the tip of the Kanoni peninsular. In the centre of the island, on a small hill is a chapel built by monks as a refuge, though the subsequent building of the international airport directly opposite means there's very little tranquillity during the height of summer.


Getting There

Ferries run regularly from the harbour in Kanoni. Take the number 2 bus to the end of the line and then walk down the steps to the harbour and pick up a boat there.
Latitude: 39.586194; Longitude: 19.917758
What3Words: payout.feeds.porch


Photo ID: 027607 Photo ID: 027608 Photo ID: 027771 Photo ID: 027778 Photo ID: 027780 Photo ID: 027781 Photo ID: 027784

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vido Vido No Data


A small island located in the mouth of the harbour, accessed by a short ferry ride from the old port. The hilly island includes a memorial to the Serbian soldiers who died from injuries or diseases on the island during WWI as they recovered from fighting as well as several popular beaches and a large taverna where you can sit and look back on Corfu Town itself.


Getting There

Ferries run every hour or so from a terminal below the New Fortress across to Vido taking around 10 minutes to make the crossing
Latitude: 39.642006; Longitude: 19.925831
What3Words: trespass.navigation.netball


Photo ID: 027639 Photo ID: 027734 Photo ID: 027749 Photo ID: 027753 Photo ID: 027754 Photo ID: 027755 Photo ID: 027756

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2019), and on time of last update (29/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Agia Sofia Agia Sofia No Data


Possibly the most important church of the city, and a very fine example of a Byzantine cathedral, this church is stunning with it's impressive painted domes and the walls surrounded by icons.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.632796; Longitude: 22.946968
What3Words: lower.apricot.boom


Photo ID: 017945 Photo ID: 017946 Photo ID: 018040 Photo ID: 018041 Photo ID: 018042 Photo ID: 018043 Photo ID: 018044

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Agios Dimitrios Agios Dimitrios No Data


The original church was destroyed in the city fire of 1917, but the church was restored to how it looks today and very impressive it is.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.638813; Longitude: 22.947731
What3Words: dished.cook.coconut


Photo ID: 017948 Photo ID: 018016 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ancient Agora (Roman Forum) Ancient Agora (Roman Forum) No Data


One of the largest archaeological sites in the city. This site was in use from the Hellenic period and then through the Roman era as it's forum. Large parts of the market area and a small theatre are still standing



Getting There

Latitude: 40.637862; Longitude: 22.945797
What3Words: snips.competent.shorter


Photo ID: 018017 Photo ID: 018020 Photo ID: 018021 Photo ID: 018025 Photo ID: 018028 Photo ID: 018032 Photo ID: 018036

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Apsidal hall Information Centre Apsidal hall Information Centre No Data


Located half way between the Arch and the palace in the site of the Apsidal Hall of the complex the information centre gives some background and history to the Galerius Palace complex - as well as having a video walk through of what the site would have looked like in its heyday.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.630947; Longitude: 22.950636
What3Words: passage.sounding.hammer


Photo ID: 018006 Photo ID: 018007 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki No Data


The museum traces the history of the city from its pre-human days through the heydays of the Macedonian empire and Hellenic period into the Roman and then Byzantine eras.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.625344; Longitude: 22.953602
What3Words: tilting.pirate.stray


Photo ID: 018047 Photo ID: 018048 Photo ID: 018049 Photo ID: 018050 Photo ID: 018052 Photo ID: 018055 Photo ID: 018057

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Galerius Arch Galerius Arch No Data


Part of a massive Roman complex, the arch - of which only a tiny part of a side support still stands - was part of the processional route from the palace to the Rotonta and a cross roads with the main East-West road through the Roman city. Whilst only a small part of it remains today even that gives a hint as to how spectacular the full arch would have been



Getting There

Latitude: 40.632232; Longitude: 22.951763
What3Words: winning.weaved.offhand


Photo ID: 017975 Photo ID: 017991 Photo ID: 018002 Photo ID: 018003 Photo ID: 018004 Photo ID: 018005 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Galerius Palace Galerius Palace No Data


Archaeological remains of the palace have been uncovered and are visible looking down from street level. On certain days it is possible to enter the site to look around



Getting There

Latitude: 40.630378; Longitude: 22.949408
What3Words: rattler.singles.wins


Photo ID: 018008 Photo ID: 018009 Photo ID: 018010 Photo ID: 018011 Photo ID: 018012 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harbour cruise Harbour cruise No Data


Three different boats tie up near the White Tower, all three offering the same service and with their times staggered to offer a half hourly service throughout the day and well into the small hours of the morning. The boats offer a tour of the harbour for free - so long as you purchase at least €3 each of refreshments - there is no commentary, but at sunset its a perfect way to see the city from the sea.


Free so long as you purchase a drink

Getting There

Latitude: 40.625496; Longitude: 22.947773
What3Words: easels.deduct.surreal


Photo ID: 017941 Photo ID: 017943 Photo ID: 017958 Photo ID: 017961 Photo ID: 017963 Photo ID: 017967 Photo ID: 017970

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Byzantine Culture Museum of Byzantine Culture No Data


This museum is dedicated to the Byzantine empire and it's culture from it's founding with the splitting of the Roman empire in the 4th Century to it's end when the Ottoman empire swept across much of what is modern Greece. Thessaloniki was the 2nd city of the empire behind Constantinople so has a very large number of examples of Byzantine art and architecture to display.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.624048; Longitude: 22.955029
What3Words: seaweed.keys.space


Photo ID: 018060 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rotonta Rotonta No Data


Starting life as a Roman temple this building was converted to a Church and then to a Mosque before being converted back to a Church following Greek independence and today has been restored with large parts of the mosaics visible and the large, unsupported, domed roof proving the Roman architects were as good engineers as their modern day counterparts.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.633302; Longitude: 22.952877
What3Words: rewarded.adopting.total


Photo ID: 017974 Photo ID: 017992 Photo ID: 017994 Photo ID: 017995 Photo ID: 017997 Photo ID: 017999 Photo ID: 018000

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Thessaloniki Sightseeing Thessaloniki Sightseeing No Data


Hop-on-hop-off sightseeing tour that takes in the key sights of the city. A pre-recorded commentary tells you about the sights and a little about Thessaloniki's history.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.625876; Longitude: 22.949448
What3Words: swear.rainbow.saloons


Photo ID: 017947 Photo ID: 017950 Photo ID: 017971 Photo ID: 017973 Photo ID: 017977 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Upper Town Upper Town No Data


The heavily fortified upper town offers stunning views over the city, as well as long parts of the city wall and the fortress (closed at the time of visiting)



Getting There

Latitude: 40.64149; Longitude: 22.959269
What3Words: jazzy.flushes.volcano


Photo ID: 017949 Photo ID: 017951 Photo ID: 017954 Photo ID: 017972 Photo ID: 017978 Photo ID: 017984 Photo ID: 017988

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

White Tower White Tower No Data


Part of the city's fortifications the tower was once the South Eastern most point on the walls at the point where the walls met the sea. With the walls gone the tower now houses an exhibition on the development and history of the city over several floors, and from the top balcony excellent views over the city and the sea.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.626379; Longitude: 22.948345
What3Words: arch.freedom.expired


Photo ID: 017940 Photo ID: 017942 Photo ID: 017952 Photo ID: 017954 Photo ID: 017955 Photo ID: 017956 Photo ID: 017959

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2016), and on time of last update (22/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Agios Nikolaos Bastion Agios Nikolaos Bastion No Data


Located approximately half way along the harbour walls, the ruins of this small fortress can be visited. From the roof the views over the city and the harbour are excellent.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.519946; Longitude: 24.01934
What3Words: charm.roving.bumpy


Photo ID: 030859 Photo ID: 030862 Photo ID: 030914 Photo ID: 030920 Photo ID: 030934 Photo ID: 030941 Photo ID: 031052

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological Museum of Chania Archaeological Museum of Chania No Data


The museum is located in a former church and uses the space to show a large number of exhibits, many of which have been found in various locations around the city during different archaeological digs.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.515658; Longitude: 24.017707
What3Words: defining.gathers.dolphins


Photo ID: 031130 Photo ID: 031131 Photo ID: 031135 Photo ID: 031136 Photo ID: 031137 Photo ID: 031142 Photo ID: 031143

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Byzantine Walls Byzantine Walls No Data


This older ring of fortifications, inside of the Venetian walls, mark the outline of the very core of the old town around the harbour area. In areas a few sections remain, up to full original height, to give an idea of how imposing they would have been



Getting There

Latitude: 35.516198; Longitude: 24.018868
What3Words: solved.pushing.freshen


Photo ID: 030851 Photo ID: 030852 Photo ID: 030853 Photo ID: 031034 Photo ID: 031035 Photo ID: 031036 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Firka Castle Firka Castle No Data


Located opposite the lighthouse this small castle protects the entrance to the harbour. Inside there is little to see, but you can climb the small tower for views over the harbour entrance and across to the lighthouse



Getting There

Latitude: 35.518902; Longitude: 24.015526
What3Words: props.vitals.angle


Photo ID: 030898 Photo ID: 031050 Photo ID: 031056 Photo ID: 031058 Photo ID: 031061 Photo ID: 031063 Photo ID: 031066

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Folklore Museum of Chania Folklore Museum of Chania No Data


This small museum is located in a building opposite the cathedral in the centre of the old town and gives a good overview as to what life would have been like for an average Cretan in past times. There are exhibitions on home life as well as weaving and silk production.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.515277; Longitude: 24.017614
What3Words: purest.kettles.indicate


Photo ID: 031121 Photo ID: 031126 Photo ID: 031127 Photo ID: 031128 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glass Bottom Boat Tour Glass Bottom Boat Tour No Data


Several companies offer 1 or 3 hours cruises from the old harbour out to Lazareta islands. When the boat reaches the island it ties up in the bay and then you can either go swimming/snorkelling or use the glass viewing panel in the bottom of the boat to see the fish and turtles swimming in the sea below.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.516739; Longitude: 24.017614
What3Words: lump.disputes.thudded


Photo ID: 030946 Photo ID: 030948 Photo ID: 030950 Photo ID: 030951 Photo ID: 030954 Photo ID: 030957 Photo ID: 030963

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harbour Walls Harbour Walls No Data


Running for around 600m the harbour walls include the Agios Nicolaos Bastion as well as the lighthouse. You can walk the whole way along the walls, though the area around the Agois Nikolaos bastion requires some scrambling over rocks at beach level - though the views once you are down by the lighthouse are worth it.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.519854; Longitude: 24.02128
What3Words: promise.mashing.state


Photo ID: 030896 Photo ID: 030901 Photo ID: 030904 Photo ID: 030906 Photo ID: 030911 Photo ID: 030929 Photo ID: 030933

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kastélli Kastélli No Data


Remains of a late Minoan era (about 1450BCE) settlement along with the partial ruins of a Byzantine fortress. The ruins have a roof over them so that they can be left open for people to view all the time.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.517223; Longitude: 24.019556
What3Words: rice.origin.activity


Photo ID: 031037 Photo ID: 031038 Photo ID: 031039 Photo ID: 031040 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Koum Kapi Beach Koum Kapi Beach No Data


This small beach is located just the other side of the Sabbionara Rampart from the harbour - a small stretch of sand running below a seafront wall. Up above there are a selection of cafes and restaurants



Getting There

Latitude: 35.516019; Longitude: 24.029061
What3Words: mixer.crisis.unwell


Photo ID: 030872 Photo ID: 030873 Photo ID: 030874 Photo ID: 030875 Photo ID: 030876 Photo ID: 030882 Photo ID: 030884

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lighthouse Lighthouse No Data


One of the icons of the city. It's not actually possible to enter the lighthouse, but you can view it from the base at the end of the harbour walls.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.519527; Longitude: 24.016739
What3Words: forgot.stew.oppose


Photo ID: 030861 Photo ID: 030926 Photo ID: 030927 Photo ID: 030930 Photo ID: 030932 Photo ID: 030942 Photo ID: 030984

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum of Crete Maritime Museum of Crete No Data


The maritime museum tells the story of maritime history in the city focusing on the Venetians, the wars with the Ottomans and the Nazi attack and occupation of the island in 1941.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.518168; Longitude: 24.015944
What3Words: hoping.twisting.working


Photo ID: 031051 Photo ID: 031145 Photo ID: 031146 Photo ID: 031147 Photo ID: 031148 Photo ID: 031149 Photo ID: 031150

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Minoan's World 3D Museum & 9D Cinema Minoan's World 3D Museum & 9D Cinema No Data


A slightly tacky journey through the history (sort of) of the Minoan empire. The visit starts with a tour round a small museum space where a guide tells you some of the history of the Minoans and their culture. This includes some wall paintings that, when viewed from the right angle appear to be in 3D. The second part of the visit is the 9D cinema which is a 3D film that you sit in simulator seats that move in time to the film whilst spraying you with water and foam and blowing wind in your face at various points.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.511859; Longitude: 24.019966
What3Words: react.contact.mailbox


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Monastery of Santa Maria dei Mirakoli Monastery of Santa Maria dei Mirakoli No Data


Remains of a monastery perched on the highest point over the old town. Only small parts of the building remain, but you can get an idea of the structure, and the views they would have had.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.517879; Longitude: 24.020024
What3Words: falls.fake.helm


Photo ID: 030940 Photo ID: 031041 Photo ID: 031042 Photo ID: 031043 Photo ID: 031044 Photo ID: 031046 Photo ID: 031047

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Chania Market Old Chania Market No Data


Located on the edge of the old town the market hall is in the shape of a cross with stalls in all four wings. Today a lot of the stalls are tourist focused.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.514484; Longitude: 24.02028
What3Words: funny.homework.easy


Photo ID: 030871 Photo ID: 031031 Photo ID: 031032 Photo ID: 031033 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Harbour Old Harbour No Data


Along with the Firka Castle and Lighthouse the harbour forms the visual identity of Chania, every reference to the city usually includes a picture of the harbour. Today the main basin is surrounded by restaurants and cafes offering views over the harbour to the harbour wall and lighthouse or the Firka castle.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.516699; Longitude: 24.016885
What3Words: ordering.flags.loans


Photo ID: 030854 Photo ID: 030857 Photo ID: 030894 Photo ID: 030924 Photo ID: 030981 Photo ID: 031055 Photo ID: 031151

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roza Nera Roza Nera No Data


About the best location in the city for views of the harbour. This former bastion sits above the harbour, opposite the lighthouse and from here there are uninterrupted views over the whole harbour area.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.518085; Longitude: 24.018677
What3Words: strength.veered.silent


Photo ID: 030865 Photo ID: 030925 Photo ID: 030931 Photo ID: 031049 Photo ID: 031053 Photo ID: 031054 Photo ID: 031055

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sabbionara Rampart Sabbionara Rampart No Data


Now sadly not accessible, this rampart forms the Eastern most part of the Venetian defensive line around the harbour.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.518396; Longitude: 24.024157
What3Words: shared.gather.emphasis


Photo ID: 030881 Photo ID: 030885 Photo ID: 030889 Photo ID: 030891 Photo ID: 030892 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Salvador Bastion San Salvador Bastion No Data


A large fortress located immediately next to the Firka Castle, but covering the approach to the harbour rather than the entrance. At the time of visiting in 2020 the site was closed for renovations



Getting There

Latitude: 35.518236; Longitude: 24.014195
What3Words: curable.levels.ropes


Photo ID: 030967 Photo ID: 031021 Photo ID: 031022 Photo ID: 031027 Photo ID: 031028 Photo ID: 031030 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schiavo Bastion Schiavo Bastion No Data


At the time of visiting the Bastion was closed to visitors due to a number of wall collapses. When open the views from the top of the bastion are some of the best in the city



Getting There

Latitude: 35.51481; Longitude: 24.016558
What3Words: monopoly.stewing.rebounds


Photo ID: 030968 Photo ID: 030969 Photo ID: 030970 Photo ID: 030973 Photo ID: 031018 Photo ID: 031156 Photo ID: 031158

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The 7 Villages of Apokoronas Tour The 7 Villages of Apokoronas Tour No Data


This 6 hour tour sets off from Chania into a number of small villages located to the South and East of the city. The tour includes a stop in Gavalahori to visit the Folklore Museum, a stop in Xiosteni to visit a Raki distillery - with the opportunity to taste the produce - before moving onto the cave churches and municipal theatre in Emprosneros. There is then a brief stop in a local bakery to sample more of the local food - and more Raki - before a final drive to Fres for lunch in the town square. The tour cost includes all the food and drink on the tour and entrance to the Folklore Museum



Getting There

Latitude: 35.515623; Longitude: 24.018936
What3Words: pointed.solid.dripped


Photo ID: 030986 Photo ID: 030997 Photo ID: 031005 Photo ID: 031014 Photo ID: 031016 Photo ID: 031017 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trimartiri Trimartiri No Data


The city's Orthodox cathedral. This isn't the largest church in the city, but it is the largest in the old town and forms a key central point in the old town area. Inside are the spectacular decorations that you would expect of a Greek Orthodox Cathedral.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.515259; Longitude: 24.018385
What3Words: erupts.camped.player


Photo ID: 030870 Photo ID: 031129 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

West Venetian Walls West Venetian Walls No Data


A large part of the original Venetian fortifications remains with the western walls undergoing restoration at the time of visiting in 2020. You can walk along parts of the walls between the Schiavo and San Salvador Bastions.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.515968; Longitude: 24.01543
What3Words: upcoming.zebra.struts


Photo ID: 030964 Photo ID: 030965 Photo ID: 030966 Photo ID: 030971 Photo ID: 030972 Photo ID: 031019 Photo ID: 031025

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Emprosneros: Agios Antonis Emprosneros: Agios Antonis No Data


Two small Greek Orthodox churches that have been carved out of the rocks. The upper church has been extended out with a stone built building projecting out from the rock face so that half the church is built in stone and half is built into the rock. The lower church is almost completely within a cave underneath the upper church, and includes a small spring.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.346024; Longitude: 24.189964
What3Words: potently.sash.rebounder


Photo ID: 031006 Photo ID: 031007 Photo ID: 031008 Photo ID: 031009 Photo ID: 031011 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Emprosneros: Municipal Theatre Kremastos Emprosneros: Municipal Theatre Kremastos No Data


This large amphitheatre, designed along the same lines as a classical Greek theatre, is set in a natural curve in the cliffs to assist with the acoustics. Below the theatre is another spring that you can taste the waters from



Getting There

Latitude: 35.345477; Longitude: 24.189879
What3Words: accompanied.reclaims.confederate


Photo ID: 031010 Photo ID: 031012 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gavalohori: Folklore Museum Gavalohori: Folklore Museum No Data


A small museum located in what would at one time have been one of the larger houses in the village. The museum has a number of exhibits on village life as well as displays on religious artefacts and weapons.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.424439; Longitude: 24.210208
What3Words: debate.goggled.dressings


Photo ID: 030987 Photo ID: 030988 Photo ID: 030989 Photo ID: 030990 Photo ID: 030991 Photo ID: 030992 Photo ID: 030993

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kissamos: Church of Michael the Archangel Kissamos: Church of Michael the Archangel No Data


Located in the centre of the town this small chapel is beautifully decorated with icons covering all the walls and the ceilings.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.495166; Longitude: 23.654535
What3Words: nuptials.accompanied.playfully


Photo ID: 031070 Photo ID: 031071 Photo ID: 031072 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kissamos: Necropolis and West Roman Cemetery Kissamos: Necropolis and West Roman Cemetery No Data


Small remains of a Necropolis below street level and the remains of a Roman cemetery at street level. There is access into either of the sites, but they can both be easily viewed from the viewing platform that is raised above the normal level of the pavement.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.494287; Longitude: 23.658122
What3Words: meal.specialists.evaporated


Photo ID: 031073 Photo ID: 031074 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kissamos: Paralia Mavros ?olos Kissamos: Paralia Mavros ?olos No Data


A strip of sandy beach at the Western end of the town, decked out with beach loungers, umbrellas, boardwalks and a selection of café/bars.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.499848; Longitude: 23.647427
What3Words: exults.handshake.unmoving


Photo ID: 031079 Photo ID: 031080 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kissamos: St. Spyridon Kissamos: St. Spyridon No Data


A large and historic church in the centre of Kissamos. At the time of visiting there was a funeral underway, so I didn't go up to or into the church.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.495042; Longitude: 23.65623
What3Words: keen.bribery.bombshell


Photo ID: 031075 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kissamos: Venetian fountain Kissamos: Venetian fountain No Data


Located one street away from St Spyridon is a small Venetian building that sits over a spring. The spring pours from the lower part of the building and whilst I was there people were coming up to fill bottles from it.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.494972; Longitude: 23.655653
What3Words: elbowing.refrained.sleepovers


Photo ID: 031076 Photo ID: 031077 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kissamos: Venetian walls Kissamos: Venetian walls No Data


Small section of the towns walls



Getting There

Latitude: 35.496164; Longitude: 23.654246
What3Words: cylinder.deviancy.interval


Photo ID: 031078 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palaiochora: Castel Selino Palaiochora: Castel Selino No Data


Remains of an old Venetian fortress on the top of the high point of the promontory. From here there are excellent views of the town, both beaches and the cliffs in both directions along the Southern coast of Crete. Inside the fort there are some basic foundations and part of the curtain wall, but little else remains - it is very much a place for taking the sights from.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.228658; Longitude: 23.681536
What3Words: deposits.enigma.bowls


Photo ID: 031084 Photo ID: 031096 Photo ID: 031097 Photo ID: 031099 Photo ID: 031103 Photo ID: 031105 Photo ID: 031117

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Xirosterni: Peroulakis Distillery Xirosterni: Peroulakis Distillery No Data


The distillery can only be visited as part of a day tour from Chania. The tour is conducted by the distillery owner and talks about how the process has changed from his Grandfathers day through to his modern production techniques. The tour starts with a talk about how Raki is made in the traditional way - looking at a traditional still set-up that his father created, and is still used by locals for the production of their own Raki for their personal consumption. There is then a brief description of how Raki used to be made whilst looking at his grandfathers still, before moving into the modern distillery to look at how Raki is produced - albeit still on a relatively small scale. The tour ends with a tasting of both the traditionally distilled Raki and the modern product.


Charge as part of the 7 villages tour

Getting There

Latitude: 35.411095; Longitude: 24.22649
What3Words: hurried.foams.crumpets


Photo ID: 030998 Photo ID: 030999 Photo ID: 031000 Photo ID: 031001 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kissamos/Kasteli Kissamos/Kasteli No Data


The western most big town on the island. The town is home to an archaeological museum and a number of archaeological remains as well as pleasant beaches.


Getting There

At the time of visiting in July 2020 there were six or seven buses a day between Chania and Kissamos, taking about 70 minutes to make the journey. The service levels were being slowly increased following the Covid lockdown, and most indications were that in normal times there would usually be a close to hourly service for much of the day. Due to the limited number of buses they were very crowded, which delayed the journey making it take longer, so in normal times it should only take around 60 minutes.
Latitude: 35.495346; Longitude: 23.65458
What3Words: downgrade.snood.started


Photo ID: 031069 Photo ID: 031070 Photo ID: 031073 Photo ID: 031075 Photo ID: 031076 Photo ID: 031078 Photo ID: 031080

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palaiochora Palaiochora No Data


Located on the south coast of the island, and a quiet retreat from the bustling resorts of the north coast, this small town is set on a prometary with a castle standing guard on the high ground. To the east the cliffs of Crete continue with a small rocky beach, To the west a long sandy beach is the main draw of the town. The journey to Palaiochora is a major reason to go, with the bus from Chania climbing high into the White Mountains to cross over the high lands of Crete and back down with the final descent ending at the start of the town.


Getting There

At the time of visiting in July 2020 there was only one round trip option a day with the bus departing Chania at 12:15 (Sunday-Friday) and departing Palaiochora for the return trip at 18:15, with a journey time of just under 2 hours - so you end up with about 4 hours to explore the town. On a Saturday the bus leaves Chania at 08:45 with the return leaving at 15:00
Latitude: 35.23054; Longitude: 23.682211
What3Words: mindset.foil.calls


Photo ID: 031082 Photo ID: 031084 Photo ID: 031085 Photo ID: 031091 Photo ID: 031094 Photo ID: 031115 Photo ID: 031116

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2020), and on time of last update (02/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Agiou Titou Agiou Titou No Data


The stunning church of Saint Titus is a perfect example of a beautiful Greek Orthodox church with it's blue dome and unadorned white walls on the outside and inside intricate walls of icons and decoration.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 35.340087; Longitude: 25.134698
What3Words: dubbing.dining.motivations


Photo ID: 019697 Photo ID: 019698 Photo ID: 019699 Photo ID: 019700 Photo ID: 019708 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/06/2017), and on time of last update (17/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological Museum Archaeological Museum No Data


The excellent museum houses many of the finds that were made in the Knossos excavations and helps to put them into historical context.


Charge, Joint ticket with Knossos Palace available

Getting There

Latitude: 35.33913; Longitude: 25.137242
What3Words: fade.potato.prude


Photo ID: 019754 Photo ID: 019755 Photo ID: 019757 Photo ID: 019761 Photo ID: 019763 Photo ID: 019765 Photo ID: 019766

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/06/2017), and on time of last update (17/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


Forming almost a complete circuit around the city centre it's possible to walk round the top of the walls to take in the views and to see how the city was fortified. The walls are spectacular pieces of engineering and it's clear to see how they were able to fend off attackers in times past.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.334277; Longitude: 25.134809
What3Words: surprise.hangs.response


Photo ID: 019657 Photo ID: 019660 Photo ID: 019663 Photo ID: 019675 Photo ID: 019715 Photo ID: 019726 Photo ID: 019730

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/06/2017), and on time of last update (17/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fortress Fortress No Data


Located at the former mouth of the harbour the fortress protected the harbour and today provides an excellent view point to take in the city. Inside the fortress building is a small exhibition on the history of the site and it's importance in defending Crete.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.344436; Longitude: 25.136592
What3Words: sending.vocally.treat


Photo ID: 019655 Photo ID: 019666 Photo ID: 019702 Photo ID: 019738 Photo ID: 019740 Photo ID: 019742 Photo ID: 019753

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/06/2017), and on time of last update (17/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historical Museum of Crete Historical Museum of Crete No Data


Museum dedicated to the history of the island from prehistoric times through to the Second World War and its aftermath. There's also an exhibition on the local Cretan writer Nikos Kazantzakis, most famous for Zorba the Greek, as well as a temporary exhibition gallery.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.341867; Longitude: 25.131013
What3Words: ruby.explain.acrobat


Photo ID: 019683 Photo ID: 019684 Photo ID: 019685 Photo ID: 019686 Photo ID: 019690 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/06/2017), and on time of last update (17/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Morosini Lions Fountain Morosini Lions Fountain No Data


Part of the Venetian area in the city centre the Lion fountain has four of the Venetian lions spouting water. It's the main meeting place in the city centre and is bustling at all times of day



Getting There

Latitude: 35.339133; Longitude: 25.133171
What3Words: became.lodge.infants


Photo ID: 019691 Photo ID: 019706 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/06/2017), and on time of last update (17/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Open Top Tour Open Top Tour No Data


An open-top hop-on-hop-off bus tour that runs around the city walls of Heraklion and then out to the place at Knossos. A second route takes a detour out along the coast to visit some of the beaches before returning back to the main route close to where it left. The main tour takes around 60 minutes, with the extended tour taking closer to two hours. The two routes combined provide a half-hourly service from Knossos back into the city centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.338314; Longitude: 25.136956
What3Words: gifts.shaky.audibly


Photo ID: 019656 Photo ID: 019664 Photo ID: 019666 Photo ID: 019668 Photo ID: 019670 Photo ID: 019673 Photo ID: 019674

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/06/2017), and on time of last update (17/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Peters St Peters No Data


One of the oldest Christian buildings on the island, in it's life it's been a Catholic Monastery, a Mosque and more recently a Greek Orthodox church. Today you can visit inside to see some modern icons plus the small remnants of original frescos that have survived on the walls.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.342419; Longitude: 25.131709
What3Words: record.divided.flies


Photo ID: 019670 Photo ID: 019677 Photo ID: 019678 Photo ID: 019679 Photo ID: 019680 Photo ID: 019681 Photo ID: 019682

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/06/2017), and on time of last update (17/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Venitian Loggia Venitian Loggia No Data


Part of a series of building that were built by the Venetians when they ruled Crete, it was subsequently used by the Ottomans as part of the treasury and today is the town hall for Heraklion. It's an impressive piece of architecture and does look like it's been lifted straight out of the Italian city.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.339791; Longitude: 25.133998
What3Words: chickens.bounded.fancied


Photo ID: 019694 Photo ID: 019695 Photo ID: 019696 Photo ID: 019707 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/06/2017), and on time of last update (17/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knossos: Palace Knossos: Palace No Data


The site of the capital of the Minoan empire, the archaeological excavations have unveiled the palace structure with large parts visible and open to walk around. The site is very popular and can become very crowded with visitors, and in the summer there is little shade


Charge, Joint ticket with the Archaeological Museum available

Getting There

Number 2 buses run every 15-20 minutes from the centre of Heraklion to the entrance to the Palace. Journey time is around 30 minutes. Alternatively, the hop-on-hop-off bus also calls at the palace
Latitude: 35.297852; Longitude: 25.163167
What3Words: memory.couches.confused


Photo ID: 019773 Photo ID: 019777 Photo ID: 019781 Photo ID: 019783 Photo ID: 019791 Photo ID: 019797 Photo ID: 019801

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/06/2017), and on time of last update (17/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Acropolis Acropolis No Data


Located at the highest point of the city, with views across the whole of Rhodes and down both the West and East coasts of the island the Acropolis houses a number of sites, including several ruined temples.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.439957; Longitude: 28.210443
What3Words: darkest.mondays.lasted


Photo ID: 036439 Photo ID: 036440 Photo ID: 036441 Photo ID: 036442 Photo ID: 036443 Photo ID: 036445 Photo ID: 036446

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ancient Stadium Ancient Stadium No Data


Located next to the Odeon it is believed that the Stadium may have played host to ancient Olympic Games. Today much of the stone seating is still in situ, and you can clearly make out the layout of the track and field



Getting There

Latitude: 36.438994; Longitude: 28.211977
What3Words: crops.shopper.ashes


Photo ID: 036450 Photo ID: 036451 Photo ID: 036452 Photo ID: 036453 Photo ID: 036454 Photo ID: 036455 Photo ID: 036456

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ancient Theatre Ancient Theatre No Data


Located just below the Acropolis the ancient theatre is still in active use as an open-air venue. You can wander down through the marble seats from the walls of the acropolis down to ground level.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.440131; Longitude: 28.211721
What3Words: bugs.brighter.turkeys


Photo ID: 036441 Photo ID: 036447 Photo ID: 036448 Photo ID: 036449 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological Museum Archaeological Museum No Data


The museum houses a number of finds from the large number of archaeological excavations that took place on the island, mostly during the Italian occupation. Housed in the former Hospital of the Knights the museum includes both rooms inside the buildings as well as rooftop gardens.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Archaeological Museum, The Decorative Arts Museum, Our Lady of the Palace Church and the Palace of the Grand Knights

Getting There

Latitude: 36.444809; Longitude: 28.226822
What3Words: jobs.game.fevered


Photo ID: 036484 Photo ID: 036485 Photo ID: 036490 Photo ID: 036491 Photo ID: 036494 Photo ID: 036495 Photo ID: 036498

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Decorative Arts Centre Decorative Arts Centre No Data


Located in the former Armoury of the Knights, this small museum houses a number of examples of local decorative arts - mostly porcelain and fabrics.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Archaeological Museum, The Decorative Arts Museum, Our Lady of the Palace Church and the Palace of the Grand Knights

Getting There

Latitude: 36.445172; Longitude: 28.226794
What3Words: compiled.toward.sisters


Photo ID: 036717 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gate of Amboise Gate of Amboise No Data


Part of a complex of gates which leads into the Old town from the West. Crossing the moat on a high bridge you enter the gate and then move through several smaller gatehouses and sharp turns before reaching the main entrance to the Grand Knights Palace, as well as the St Anthony gate into the old town



Getting There

Latitude: 36.445987; Longitude: 28.222727
What3Words: vanish.lighter.ranks


Photo ID: 036417 Photo ID: 036418 Photo ID: 036419 Photo ID: 036536 Photo ID: 036537 Photo ID: 036538 Photo ID: 036540

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lindos Day Trip Lindos Day Trip No Data


The only advantage of booking this trip over making your own way there is that the mini-bus picks you up from your hotel, drops you back there, and you are guaranteed a seat - which if your hotel isn't close to the bus station in Rhodes, is handy. In the height of summer the public buses can get very busy so having a guaranteed arrival and departure time may benefit some travellers. Other than that there is no tour, no commentary and no real details other than - Walk down there, back here by 3.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.44974; Longitude: 28.216052
What3Words: bagels.soulful.runways


Photo ID: 036546 Photo ID: 036553 Photo ID: 036564 Photo ID: 036565 Photo ID: 036566 Photo ID: 036580 Photo ID: 036600

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Town Old Town No Data


The Old Town represents one of the largest walled medieval spaces in Europe, and you can easily spend hours wandering the small alleyways and lanes. Every few feet there is a reminder of the past, with archaeological remains everywhere - so many in fact that the local government doesn't appear to have bothered to put signs or information up at many of them!


Getting There

Latitude: 36.442942; Longitude: 28.226744
What3Words: inform.linked.spirits


Photo ID: 036397 Photo ID: 036399 Photo ID: 036477 Photo ID: 036478 Photo ID: 036479 Photo ID: 036726 Photo ID: 036727

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Town Walls Old Town Walls No Data


You can wander along large sections of the old town walls, in particular around the harbour, where several of the original gates are visible.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.445709; Longitude: 28.227816
What3Words: focus.dwelled.cobble


Photo ID: 036389 Photo ID: 036391 Photo ID: 036419 Photo ID: 036421 Photo ID: 036467 Photo ID: 036468 Photo ID: 036739

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Town Walls Moat Old Town Walls Moat No Data


Parts of the moat are open to walk along - they give a real view as to how fortified the city is - with the very high walls and fortresses bearing down on you.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.446136; Longitude: 28.224914
What3Words: circular.unto.passes


Photo ID: 036373 Photo ID: 036374 Photo ID: 036741 Photo ID: 036743 Photo ID: 036753 Photo ID: 036758 Photo ID: 036764

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Our Lady of the Castle Our Lady of the Castle No Data


This church has had many guises, starting as an Orthodox church during the Byzantine period, before being converted to a Catholic church by the Knights, then converted again to a mosque by the Ottomans, before being restored to a Catholic church and to how it would have looked during the time of the Knights during the Italian occupation. Today the church houses some of the artefacts that have been unearthed during recent restoration and repair work, as well as giving an impression of what a Knights era church would have looked like


Charge, Joint ticket for the Archaeological Museum, The Decorative Arts Museum, Our Lady of the Palace Church and the Palace of the Grand Knights

Getting There

Latitude: 36.445043; Longitude: 28.227432
What3Words: surfer.clan.payout


Photo ID: 036718 Photo ID: 036719 Photo ID: 036720 Photo ID: 036721 Photo ID: 036722 Photo ID: 036724 Photo ID: 036725

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Our Lady of the Town Our Lady of the Town No Data


The ruins of this church are located towards the Eastern edge of the old town



Getting There

Latitude: 36.442812; Longitude: 28.230718
What3Words: figs.stale.talked


Photo ID: 036732 Photo ID: 036733 Photo ID: 036734 Photo ID: 036765 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palace of the Grand Master Palace of the Grand Master No Data


The impressive and imposing palace of the Grand Master. You can tour round the inside of the building, which is as impressive inside as it is in. There isn't much on display, or at the time of visiting much in the way of signage - but the stunning spaces speak for themselves.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Archaeological Museum, The Decorative Arts Museum, Our Lady of the Palace Church and the Palace of the Grand Knights

Getting There

Latitude: 36.445748; Longitude: 28.224135
What3Words: counters.testers.spark


Photo ID: 036507 Photo ID: 036509 Photo ID: 036511 Photo ID: 036515 Photo ID: 036522 Photo ID: 036524 Photo ID: 036531

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhodes City Tour Rhodes City Tour No Data


The Yellow tour bus. The bus runs on a hop-on-hop-off service every hour taking in the major sites outside of the old town - buses aren't allowed into the Old Town itself. From the Harbourside the route heads past the edge of the Old Town and then climbs up to the Acropolis high above Rhodes before returning down to the beaches on the Western side of the city, taking in the aquarium and then returning to the harbour. A multi-lingual commentary tells a little about the history of the island and some of the sites, but compared to most similar services in other locations it's not a great commentary - and that's assuming you're at a seat with a working unit, quite a number appeared to be broken when I took the bus.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.449577; Longitude: 28.215773
What3Words: insert.synthetic.worry


Photo ID: 036421 Photo ID: 036425 Photo ID: 036426 Photo ID: 036429 Photo ID: 036431 Photo ID: 036435 Photo ID: 036437

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhodes Red Bus Tour Rhodes Red Bus Tour No Data


The Red Bus tour takes exactly the same route as the Yellow Rhodes City Tour, though the bus appears to be in a better state of repair and the commentary is fuller - including giving a history of the Island through its main phases - Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine, Knights, Ottomans, Italians and Modern.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.449035; Longitude: 28.225179
What3Words: dial.dinosaur.pouch


Photo ID: 036711 Photo ID: 036712 Photo ID: 036770 Photo ID: 036772 Photo ID: 036773 Photo ID: 036774 Photo ID: 036775

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhodes Top 3 Tour Rhodes Top 3 Tour No Data


A full day tour that starts in Rhodes. On the day I did the tour the route was in a anti-clockwise order, but on some days the route is reversed. First stop of the morning was the site of the Acropolis of Ialysos. The second, and longest stop of the day, is at the Seven Springs, before a final stop of the day at the Kallithea Thermal Springs on the East Coast, before returning to Rhodes



Getting There

Latitude: 36.449688; Longitude: 28.215624
What3Words: lobbed.clipped.contacts


Photo ID: 036271 Photo ID: 036293 Photo ID: 036305 Photo ID: 036308 Photo ID: 036333 Photo ID: 036336 Photo ID: 036351

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhodes Tourist Train Rhodes Tourist Train No Data


The land train runs a similar route to the bus tours, but without taking in the loop round the aquarium or stopping along the way. A limited commentary in Greek and English tells you a little bit about the sites.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.449109; Longitude: 28.225154
What3Words: driven.slogans.hulk


Photo ID: 036713 Photo ID: 036714 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Pauls Gate St Pauls Gate No Data


One of the most impressive of the gates into the old town - this fortification occupies the North East corner of the walls and offers views over different parts of the harbour from its wall walk



Getting There

Latitude: 36.446587; Longitude: 28.228175
What3Words: nimbly.quality.foster


Photo ID: 036382 Photo ID: 036383 Photo ID: 036384 Photo ID: 036385 Photo ID: 036386 Photo ID: 036387 Photo ID: 036388

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Street of the Knights Street of the Knights No Data


Otherwise known as Ippoton, this street houses many of the buildings that were central to the running of the Knights, with 7 Inns for each of the different countries that the Knights represented. Today its one of the most popular streets in Rhodes to Photograph with it's architecture and sloping cobbled street



Getting There

Latitude: 36.445054; Longitude: 28.22574
What3Words: lamp.caked.bracing


Photo ID: 036502 Photo ID: 036503 Photo ID: 036504 Photo ID: 036505 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Symi Day Trip Symi Day Trip No Data


This full day trip is the easiest way of getting to Symi. The boat leaves from the Mandraki harbour at 9am (though you're advised to get there by 8:30 to guarantee a good seat) and heads across to Symi Island, stopping first at the Southern town of Panormitis, home to a large monastery. You have about an hour here to look around the small town and monastery before you reboard the boat and continue on to the main town of Symi located in the north of the island. On some days the boat will also stop in St Georges Bay to allow a short period of swimming, but on the day I travelled this stop wasn't included. On arrival in Symi the boat ties up right in the centre of the town and you have just over 3 hours to have a look around the town, or to grab lunch, before the boat sets sail direct back to Rhodes harbour, arriving in Rhodes around 6pm.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.448634; Longitude: 28.22601
What3Words: evoked.ranch.acting


Photo ID: 036601 Photo ID: 036611 Photo ID: 036623 Photo ID: 036625 Photo ID: 036640 Photo ID: 036668 Photo ID: 036674

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ialysos: Filerimos Acropolis Ialysos: Filerimos Acropolis No Data


The highest ground overlooking the town of Ialysos made this the perfect place to build an Acropolis including a temple to Athena. The ruins of the temple are still partly on display, though much of the site was redeveloped by the Grand Knights into a monastery. The site eventually fell into ruins, but during the Italian occupation they rebuilt the church as they thought it would have looked during the height of the Grand Knights time.


Charge for the Acropolis and Monastery

Getting There

Latitude: 36.399002; Longitude: 28.144064
What3Words: instinct.slinks.humility


Photo ID: 036281 Photo ID: 036282 Photo ID: 036283 Photo ID: 036288 Photo ID: 036299 Photo ID: 036290 Photo ID: 036295

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ialysos: Filerimos Cross Ialysos: Filerimos Cross No Data


Running along the top of the plateau that the acropolis is on the Italians built a way of the cross, with 14 stations. At the end they built a gigantic cross at the end of the ridge that looks down on the West coast of the island. The cross was destroyed early in WWII as it would have clearly marked out the location of both the islands airports - which are still clearly visible today. From the viewing platform there are excellent views across the West coast and down onto both the Civilian and Military airports.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.39929; Longitude: 28.139443
What3Words: circles.unprotected.projected


Photo ID: 036271 Photo ID: 036272 Photo ID: 036273 Photo ID: 036274 Photo ID: 036275 Photo ID: 036276 Photo ID: 036277

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ialysos: Filerimos Monastery Ialysos: Filerimos Monastery No Data


Located around the chapel and the acropolis is the Monastery - the small cells that the monks would have lived in are still in situ, and whilst you can't go inside just from seeing how close together the doors are and how small the building is you can imagine how small each cell would be.


Charge for the Acropolis and Monastery

Getting There

Latitude: 36.398825; Longitude: 28.144453
What3Words: styled.failed.definitions


Photo ID: 036285 Photo ID: 036286 Photo ID: 036287 Photo ID: 036291 Photo ID: 036292 Photo ID: 036293 Photo ID: 036294

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kallithea Springs Kallithea Springs No Data


The site of a thermal spring that for many years was the sole preserve of leapers. During the Italian occupation of the island a spa resort was built on the site, including a grand domed room over the spring. Following an earthquake in the 1960s the course of the spring changed and it now breaks out from the cliffs above the beach. The former spa buildings are now a popular venue for weddings.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.378206; Longitude: 28.237919
What3Words: late.candles.escapes


Photo ID: 036332 Photo ID: 036334 Photo ID: 036335 Photo ID: 036338 Photo ID: 036340 Photo ID: 036341 Photo ID: 036346

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lindos: Acropolis Lindos: Acropolis No Data


The Acropolis houses a number of temples and excavations that show how the site might have looked in it's heyday. Surrounded by tall walls the site is impressive and from the top there are excellent views over the town and the coastline.



Getting There

From the town centre there is a well sign posted pedestrian route that takes you up the side of the cliff using stairs (though no hand rail or sides), alternatively there is a ramped route that curves its way through town and up to the top, the last few hundred meters are very weathered and rocky. The final way up is to use a Donkey - there is a station at the bottom and top of the hill and children and light adults (and by the looks of what I saw even some above average weight adults) are carried up in pairs on the Donkey backs.
Latitude: 36.091498; Longitude: 28.088457
What3Words: exiles.isolating.cribbing


Photo ID: 036544 Photo ID: 036555 Photo ID: 036560 Photo ID: 036571 Photo ID: 036573 Photo ID: 036574 Photo ID: 036576

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lindos: Ancient Theatre Lindos: Ancient Theatre No Data


Whilst you can't actually access the site, there is enough visible from the street to be able to get a clear view of the curve of the seating carved from the rock just below the acropolis.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.089827; Longitude: 28.087223
What3Words: mystified.rebukes.mods


Photo ID: 036594 Photo ID: 036595 Photo ID: 036596 Photo ID: 036597 Photo ID: 036598 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seven Springs Seven Springs No Data


Located high in the interior of the island, at this location seven different springs flow from the ground into a lush valley, the water then cascading down the hill side. The area around the springs has been turned into an open-air restaurant. During the Italian occupation a tunnel was dug through the hill to divert some of the spring water away, through the tunnel into a small lake and then over a waterfall and on into an aqueduct. The tunnel is around 180m long, and you can walk through it - with the water generally being around ankle level most of the way through, though rising to calf level towards the end. Strong waterproof shoes or sandals are recommended as there is a lot of gravel and stones in the pitch black tunnel which can make the walk painful of bare feet.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.253997; Longitude: 28.114934
What3Words: taping.thrower.rental


Photo ID: 036301 Photo ID: 036303 Photo ID: 036304 Photo ID: 036308 Photo ID: 036313 Photo ID: 036315 Photo ID: 036318

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Symi: Noddy Train Symi: Noddy Train No Data


Advertised on the town maps as the Noddy train this land train starts in the main harbour and runs round the coast for a couple of miles over into the next bay for excellent views of the scenic island and harbour.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.615852; Longitude: 27.835281
What3Words: change.scams.grids


Photo ID: 036656 Photo ID: 036657 Photo ID: 036658 Photo ID: 036659 Photo ID: 036660 Photo ID: 036664 Photo ID: 036665

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ialysos: Filerimos Ialysos: Filerimos No Data


One of the important towns of the island, high on the hill above the town is the former Acropolis which became a monastery


Getting There

There are regular buses from Rhodes town to Ialysos operated by Roda (The Blue Buses). These drop you in the centre of modern day Ialysos from where it’s a steep 5KM hike up to the sites of Filerimos. The easiest way to get there is to visit on an organised tour
Latitude: 36.398929; Longitude: 28.143239
What3Words: reviewing.ratio.nano


Photo ID: 036271 Photo ID: 036272 Photo ID: 036278 Photo ID: 036293 Photo ID: 036295 Photo ID: 036297 Photo ID: 036299

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kallithea Kallithea No Data


Site of a Thermal springs and pleasant beach, it's also home to the eastern most point on Rhodes, which is also the eastern most point in Greece


Getting There

Regular buses from Rhodes Town (both Roda - Blue Buses, and KTEL - Orange Buses) run past Kallithea on their way to Faliraki, stopping on the main road above the beach and spring.
Latitude: 36.384864; Longitude: 28.239847
What3Words: bothered.shortage.shopping


Photo ID: 036331 Photo ID: 036334 Photo ID: 036336 Photo ID: 036339 Photo ID: 036342 Photo ID: 036343 Photo ID: 036347

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lindos Lindos No Data


Located on the East Coast of the island, approximately half way down, and with a large sheltered bay Lindos has always been an important settlement, and was for a while the joint capital of the island. The history is evident from the impressive Acropolis high on the hill overlooking the town. The narrow lanes of the Old Town are car free (though not motorbike or donkey free) making it easy to slowly wander around and take in the pretty town centre. You can also head on down hill to the beach and the harbour.


Getting There

There are regular (at least hourly) buses running between Rhodes and the Bus station in Lindos operated by KETL (Orange buses), that take about an hour to do the journey. From the bus station it’s a stiff 5 minute walk down to the town (and a stiffer 5-10 minute walk back up). Alternatively a shuttle bus runs relatively frequently linking the bus station to the town square and back again. In 2021 the price was 50 cents, and it was well worth it after all the climbing up to the Acropolis. Many tour companies offer day or part day trips that either take in Lindos or are just to Lindos - and it's possible to approach both by coach and by sea - though bear in mind taking the boat means you start at sea level to get up the 116m to the Acropolis.
Latitude: 36.092352; Longitude: 28.085019
What3Words: festivities.cactus.forgot


Photo ID: 036541 Photo ID: 036543 Photo ID: 036544 Photo ID: 036546 Photo ID: 036558 Photo ID: 036561 Photo ID: 036563

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Symi Symi No Data


This small island is the closest neighbour to Rhodes, located less than 90 minutes away by ferry. The island has four main population centres, three to the North of the Island around the main harbour and a final settlement to the south of the island round a monastery. A bus links the three northern settlements (port, village and beach) hourly whilst infrequent services run down the length of the island to the settlement in the far south. Most of the sites are located in the North, with just the monastery located in the South.


Getting There

The easiest way of getting to Symi is on an organised day trip, as the ferries only operate at best once a day in each direction, and sometimes only every other day so unless you want to stay on the island getting there by public ferry is difficult.
Latitude: 36.615681; Longitude: 27.836117
What3Words: overwhelming.acquisition.furthermore


Photo ID: 036625 Photo ID: 036643 Photo ID: 036644 Photo ID: 036652 Photo ID: 036653 Photo ID: 036669 Photo ID: 036670

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/10/2021), and on time of last update (26/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cariobus Cariobus No Data


The local bus companies tourist sightseeing service. The bus runs around the outside of the old town and then climbs up into the hills above Dubrovnik for stunning views of the city


Charge, Includes a free 24 hour bus pass for use on the local busses

Getting There

Latitude: 42.642064; Longitude: 18.105925
What3Words: gross.scans.defends


Photo ID: 002781 Photo ID: 002782 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


A pretty standard Catholic cathedral, with a stunning domed roof



Getting There

Latitude: 42.639902; Longitude: 18.110436
What3Words: goodbye.petted.sudden


Photo ID: 002700 Photo ID: 002702 Photo ID: 002776 Photo ID: 002778 Photo ID: 002805 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


The city walls defended the city during the 1991/2 war, and are still fully intact. You can walk around the top of the walls in a full circuit, taking in some stunning views of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 42.641887; Longitude: 18.10733
What3Words: going.senses.applied


Photo ID: 002721 Photo ID: 002722 Photo ID: 002723 Photo ID: 002724 Photo ID: 002726 Photo ID: 002727 Photo ID: 002729

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Franciscan Monastery and Museum Franciscan Monastery and Museum No Data


The museum is located off the cloister and includes the pharmacy of the old monastery, plus religious exhibits and iconography. In one wall is the wound left by a rocket which smashed into the building during the war. The remains of the rocket are also on display



Getting There

Latitude: 42.641863; Longitude: 18.108017
What3Words: speeches.verdict.february


Photo ID: 002793 Photo ID: 002794 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glass-Bottom Boats Glass-Bottom Boats No Data


Regular tours depart from the main harbour and go out around the city walls and Lokrum. The boats are equipped with glass bottoms so that you can observe the marine life in the crystal clear sea



Getting There

Latitude: 42.640356; Longitude: 18.111643
What3Words: contexts.struggle.runners


Photo ID: 002738 Photo ID: 002739 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lovrijenac Fort Lovrijenac Fort No Data


Standing separate from the city walls, this was the first line of defence in protecting the city, and is now used in the summer as a stage for Hamlet and other plays. The views of the city, and it's fortifications from here are spectacular


Charge, Free if you have a ticket for the city walls for the same day.

Getting There

Latitude: 42.640703; Longitude: 18.104519
What3Words: cuff.cable.cookery


Photo ID: 002725 Photo ID: 002734 Photo ID: 002735 Photo ID: 002736 Photo ID: 002737 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Memorial Room to the Dubrovnik Defenders Memorial Room to the Dubrovnik Defenders No Data


The room, in the Sponza palace has the photos of all those who gave their lives defending the city during the 1991/2 war. It includes a slideshow showing the damage inflicted on the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.64109; Longitude: 18.11079
What3Words: skews.vocab.really


Photo ID: 002718 Photo ID: 002802 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rectors Palace Rectors Palace No Data


The home of the Rector, the most senior member of society, elected to serve a Months term at a time, they were responsible for the safety of the city from dusk until dawn. Today it has a small museum showing artefacts from the history of the Dubrovnik Republic



Getting There

Latitude: 42.640435; Longitude: 18.110742
What3Words: defeated.chins.lofts


Photo ID: 002696 Photo ID: 002697 Photo ID: 002698 Photo ID: 002701 Photo ID: 002700 Photo ID: 002779 Photo ID: 002780

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lokrum: Fort Royal Lokrum: Fort Royal No Data


Built at the highest point of the island by Napoleons forces. Today the ruins offer excellent views over the island and Dubrovnik



Getting There

Latitude: 42.63; Longitude: 18.116825
What3Words: trickle.stress.port


Photo ID: 002788 Photo ID: 002789 Photo ID: 002790 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lokrum: Monastery Lokrum: Monastery No Data


The ruins of the monastery and its gardens can be walked around, and in the summer serve as a restaurant.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.62451; Longitude: 18.121042
What3Words: aired.memo.clod


Photo ID: 002783 Photo ID: 002784 Photo ID: 002785 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mostar: Mosque Mostar: Mosque No Data


The old mosque is open to visitors to see what the inside of a mosque looks like, you can also climb the minaret for excellent views over the old town and the bridge



Getting There

Latitude: 43.338554; Longitude: 17.814669
What3Words: duties.songbook.burn


Photo ID: 002765 Photo ID: 002766 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mostar: Old Bridge Mostar: Old Bridge No Data


Destroyed by Croat forces during the war in the mid 1990's, today it has been rebuilt as a sign of the healing of the wounds. Locals offer to jump off the bridge 30 meters to the river below if they can collect enough Euros!


Free, Charge if you want the bridge jumpers to jump for you

Getting There

Latitude: 43.337118; Longitude: 17.814814
What3Words: riders.acrobatic.lifted


Photo ID: 002762 Photo ID: 002763 Photo ID: 002765 Photo ID: 002768 Photo ID: 002771 Photo ID: 002773 Photo ID: 002774

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mostar: Photo Exhibition Mostar: Photo Exhibition No Data


The photos show the bridge in various stages in history from the visit of Emperor of Austro-Hungarian empire shortly before his assassination (which triggered the start of World War I), through to the destruction of the bridge, and its reconstruction



Getting There

Latitude: 43.337204; Longitude: 17.815313
What3Words: cheese.song.processor


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cavtat Cavtat No Data


The site of the original Roman settlement from which Dubrovnik sprung, today Cavtat is much in the shadow of it’s large costal neighbour, but has less tourists, is just as pretty, and is cheaper to eat and drink in


Getting There

There are regular boats from the old harbour to Cavtat taking about 45 minutes
Latitude: 42.581953; Longitude: 18.218744
What3Words: flinching.conjurer.determination


Photo ID: 002740 Photo ID: 002741 Photo ID: 002742 Photo ID: 002743 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lokrum Lokrum No Data


The island was once home to an order of monks for several hundred years, they were evicted to turn it into the summer playground of the Hapsburgs, and then turned into a fort by Napoleons forces. Today it is a nature reserve


Getting There

There are hourly boats from the old harbour to Lokrum, taking about 15 minutes to make the short crossing
Latitude: 42.628023; Longitude: 18.120918
What3Words: renting.tasters.learns


Photo ID: 002786 Photo ID: 002787 Photo ID: 002791 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mostar Mostar No Data


The scene of bitter fighting during the Bosnian Civil war, the destruction of the historic old town bridge showed up the ethnic tensions between the Catholic Croat community and their Muslim neighbours. The wounds have started to heal, and in 2005 the bridge, reconstructed from the ruins and stone from the same quarry which originally created the bridge, was reopened as a sign of the healing of wounds. Today the residents of Mostar fight each other for the tourist Euro, rather than with weapons.


Getting There

I went to Mostar on an organised tour, but there are several buses a day between Dubrovnik and Mostar. N.B. Passport Required
Latitude: 43.337071; Longitude: 17.81402
What3Words: overcomes.dumps.headline


Photo ID: 002761 Photo ID: 002767 Photo ID: 002769 Photo ID: 002770 Photo ID: 002772 Photo ID: 002775 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pocitelj Pocitelj No Data


A small Bosnian town, on the road to Mostar, which typifies what is special about Bosnia, Catholic Croat living next door to Muslim, the minaret of the mosque standing almost next to the tower of the church. Above it all the ruins of the old fort look down on the town.


Getting There

Pocitelj was reached by a tour from Dubrovnik. N.B. Passport required
Latitude: 43.134357; Longitude: 17.731789
What3Words: flames.envied.contravene


Photo ID: 002756 Photo ID: 002757 Photo ID: 002758 Photo ID: 002759 Photo ID: 002760 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/05/2008), and on time of last update (19/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanicki vrt (Botanical Gardens) Botanicki vrt (Botanical Gardens) No Data


Small and beautiful gardens located near the central railway station



Getting There

Latitude: 45.805499; Longitude: 15.972356
What3Words: trumpet.metro.petty


Photo ID: 012576 Photo ID: 012577 Photo ID: 012578 Photo ID: 012579 Photo ID: 012580 Photo ID: 012851 Photo ID: 012582

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Tour - Green Line City Tour - Green Line No Data


Two tours a day in a open-top bus head out from the city into the suburbs down to the park and lake at Jarun before heading back into town and over to the Zoo. A multi-lingual commentary tells you about the main sights.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.814267; Longitude: 15.978632
What3Words: scouting.galleries.respond


Photo ID: 012569 Photo ID: 012570 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Tour - Red Line City Tour - Red Line No Data


Four tours a day in a open-top bus head out from by the Cathedral taking in the key sights in the city centre, including the upper town. The tour also goes out to the stunning cemetery on the edge of the city centre. A multi-lingual commentary tells you about the main sights.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.814324; Longitude: 15.978627
What3Words: because.ordinary.airless


Photo ID: 012574 Photo ID: 012575 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kula Lotrscak (Lotrscak Tower) Kula Lotrscak (Lotrscak Tower) No Data


Located at the top of the funicular the tower provides a great location from which to take in the views of the city and surrounding hills



Getting There

Latitude: 45.814748; Longitude: 15.973314
What3Words: martini.bitters.rivers


Photo ID: 012558 Photo ID: 012584 Photo ID: 012585 Photo ID: 012587 Photo ID: 012588 Photo ID: 012589 Photo ID: 012590

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Land train Land train No Data


Running every half hour on weekends in the summer this short land train tour, provided free of charge by the local public transport company, takes in the main sights to the south of the main square.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.812711; Longitude: 15.977781
What3Words: enhanced.suitable.biked


Photo ID: 012540 Photo ID: 012570 Photo ID: 012914 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muzej prekinutih veza (Museum of Broken Relationships) Muzej prekinutih veza (Museum of Broken Relationships) No Data


The permanent home for the museum (though exhibits are often on the road elsewhere), located in the old town, holds a collection of artefacts that have been bequeathed by people to tell their story of their failed relationships (either love, or family) At times witty, sad, disturbing and plain weird it does feel a bit like you are intruding on other peoples grief. Better to have loved, lost and then donated the memories to a museum than never to have loved before?



Getting There

Latitude: 45.815042; Longitude: 15.973535
What3Words: headline.pile.victor


Photo ID: 012919 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uspinjaca (Funicular) Uspinjaca (Funicular) No Data


The funicular links the lower and upper towns. The journey is one of the shortest funiculars in the world, taking less than a minute to make the 66m ascent



Getting There

Latitude: 45.813871; Longitude: 15.973126
What3Words: wallet.enabling.enacts


Photo ID: 012556 Photo ID: 012557 Photo ID: 012584 Photo ID: 012586 Photo ID: 012916 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zagreb Eye Zagreb Eye No Data


The top floor of the tallest tower block in the central square has been turned into an events venue and viewing platform, from where you can get stunning views across the city centre



Getting There

Latitude: 45.813085; Longitude: 15.976024
What3Words: elastic.blank.straw


Photo ID: 012542 Photo ID: 012543 Photo ID: 012544 Photo ID: 012545 Photo ID: 012546 Photo ID: 012547 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zagrebacka katedrala (Zagreb Cathedral) Zagrebacka katedrala (Zagreb Cathedral) No Data


The city's cathedral, the most dramatic part is actually the defensive walls that surround the building itself, otherwise inside it's quite a dark and for a cathedral small building



Getting There

Latitude: 45.814639; Longitude: 15.97978
What3Words: focal.bunch.notices


Photo ID: 012550 Photo ID: 012551 Photo ID: 012553 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica Reale Pontificia San Francesco da Paola Basilica Reale Pontificia San Francesco da Paola No Data


A large and impressive domed church facing onto the Piazza del Plebiscito.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.835196; Longitude: 14.247246
What3Words: slimmer.reserve.comment


Photo ID: 030279 Photo ID: 030282 Photo ID: 030283 Photo ID: 030285 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castel dell'Ovo Castel dell'Ovo No Data


The oldest site of fortification in the city, today the castle structure is mostly from the 15th Century, however the rooms inside have been turned into a conference centre. You can't visit the rooms, but you can wander round the battlements and roofs where there are lovely views over the Bay of Naples, the city and off to Capri and the Sorrento Peninsular.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.828121; Longitude: 14.24761
What3Words: exchanges.curve.registry


Photo ID: 030320 Photo ID: 030321 Photo ID: 030323 Photo ID: 030325 Photo ID: 030328 Photo ID: 030331 Photo ID: 030338

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castel Nuovo Castel Nuovo No Data


The New Castle, this was built after the Castel dell'Ovo towards the end of the 15th Century, and was the main royal residence until the palace was built in the 18th Century. Today its distinctive turreted towers are one of the symbols of the city (if you ignore the giant brooding Volcano).


Charge, includes entry to the Municipal Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 40.838335; Longitude: 14.253218
What3Words: fortress.transmit.legend


Photo ID: 030250 Photo ID: 030271 Photo ID: 030272 Photo ID: 030277 Photo ID: 030340 Photo ID: 030342 Photo ID: 030353

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castel Nuovo: Municipal Museum Castel Nuovo: Municipal Museum No Data


Located in the Southern wing of the castle buildings the museum houses the city's art collection. There is also a small terrace on the 2nd floor that overlooks the harbour.


Entrance fee included in castle entrance fee

Getting There

Latitude: 40.838114; Longitude: 14.253052
What3Words: lobster.holdings.luring


Photo ID: 030343 Photo ID: 030344 Photo ID: 030345 Photo ID: 030346 Photo ID: 030347 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castel Nuovo: Prison and Roof Tour Castel Nuovo: Prison and Roof Tour No Data


You can take one of the regular guided tours that starts by taking you down into the prison located beneath the main castle building, and then by lift and a single flight of stairs climb to the roof of the North wing of the castle to take in the views over the city and the harbour.


Charge (additional to castle entrance fee)

Getting There

Latitude: 40.838583; Longitude: 14.253309
What3Words: quit.shelved.worth


Photo ID: 030349 Photo ID: 030350 Photo ID: 030351 Photo ID: 030352 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castel Sant'Elmo Castel Sant'Elmo No Data


Located high on a hill overlooking the city the castle has the highest point in the city from which there are excellent 360 degree views over the whole of the city and the bay. The castle also includes a museum (additional entrance fee), which occupies the inside of the main building, but by the time I visited the castle this had closed for the day.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.843581; Longitude: 14.239327
What3Words: targeted.whips.hotel


Photo ID: 030293 Photo ID: 030294 Photo ID: 030358 Photo ID: 030361 Photo ID: 030366 Photo ID: 030377 Photo ID: 030381

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cattedrale di San Gennaro Cattedrale di San Gennaro No Data


The city's cathedral - tucked down a narrow street and hemmed in by other buildings. Inside the large space is the usual selection of side chapels - including the spectacular Reale Cappella del Tesoro di San Gennaro. Opposite this is the Basilica di Santa Restituta - the original place of worship built on this site, but subsequently subsumed into the larger cathedral building. At the back of this basilica is the original baptistry which still has some of the original mosaics in the ceiling, dating back over 1000 years.


Free to look around the Cathedral - charge to visit the Baptistry

Getting There

Latitude: 40.852717; Longitude: 14.260041
What3Words: drip.whistle.thrilled


Photo ID: 030231 Photo ID: 030233 Photo ID: 030234 Photo ID: 030236 Photo ID: 030238 Photo ID: 030240 Photo ID: 030243

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing - Blue Route City Sightseeing - Blue Route No Data


The blue route runs west out of the city and climbs up the Posillipo hill - home to the original Greek settlement from around the 5th Century BCE. From here there are excellent views over the Bay of Naples, the Sorrento peninsular and across to the island of Capri. Along the way a commentary tells you about the key sites.


Charge, joint ticket for the Red and Blue routes

Getting There

Latitude: 40.838335; Longitude: 14.25165
What3Words: nibbled.monkey.dash


Photo ID: 030262 Photo ID: 030264 Photo ID: 030265 Photo ID: 030267 Photo ID: 030269 Photo ID: 030270 Photo ID: 030316

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing - Red Route City Sightseeing - Red Route No Data


The red route takes you on a tour around the edge of the old city (the streets inside the old city are too small to fit a bus down). Along the way a commentary tells you about the key sites.


Charge, joint ticket for the Red and Blue routes

Getting There

Latitude: 40.838298; Longitude: 14.251682
What3Words: surround.foil.avocado


Photo ID: 030252 Photo ID: 030253 Photo ID: 030254 Photo ID: 030255 Photo ID: 030256 Photo ID: 030257 Photo ID: 030258

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Galleria Umberto I Galleria Umberto I No Data


An impressive glazed indoor shopping centre, reminiscent of Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan. At the time of visiting, though, about half the shops were empty and the main attraction appeared to be the McDonalds



Getting There

Latitude: 40.838453; Longitude: 14.249514
What3Words: piglet.office.rinses


Photo ID: 030273 Photo ID: 030274 Photo ID: 030275 Photo ID: 030276 Photo ID: 030284 Photo ID: 030352 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Neapolis Sotterrata La Neapolis Sotterrata No Data


Almost on the opposite side of the road to Napoli Sotterranea this large church complex houses a museum and access down into ruins of part of the Roman city. These ruins were created when the area was buried during flooding in the 5th Century and aren't connected to the other undergound areas of the city. The museum on the first floor of the complex houses some of the artefacts that were found during excavations.


Getting There

Latitude: 40.850642; Longitude: 14.257674
What3Words: dealings.shade.span


Photo ID: 030465 Photo ID: 030466 Photo ID: 030467 Photo ID: 030468 Photo ID: 030472 Photo ID: 030473 Photo ID: 030479

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli No Data


Perhaps one of the greatest collections of Ancient Roman remains in the world, the museum pulls together artefacts from both Pompei and Herculaneum as well as countless other sites from across Italy.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.853699; Longitude: 14.250491
What3Words: seaweed.politics.warmers


Photo ID: 006461 Photo ID: 006463 Photo ID: 006465 Photo ID: 006467 Photo ID: 006471 Photo ID: 006472 Photo ID: 006473

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/10/2011), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Napoli Sotterranea Napoli Sotterranea No Data


This tour is in two parts. In part one you descend down 40m into the spaces quarried out of the ground to build the Greek New City (Neopolis - Napoli) in the 5th Century BC. Over the years these have been used as a quarry, water cistern, rubbish dump and air raid shelter. Today you can walk around parts of the complex, including squeezing through the incredibly tight (and dark) passageways between the cisterns. The tour guide tells you some of the history of the complex as they take you through the various spaces. The tour includes around 130 steps down and a corresponding number on the way back up, so isn't suitable for those with limited mobility.


Charge, can only visit on a guided tour - English tours at 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 on most days

Getting There

Latitude: 40.851261; Longitude: 14.256707
What3Words: office.frame.colonies


Photo ID: 030249 Photo ID: 030451 Photo ID: 030452 Photo ID: 030454 Photo ID: 030455 Photo ID: 030456 Photo ID: 030457

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Piazza del Plebiscito Piazza del Plebiscito No Data


One of the largest squares in the city, and a main focal point for events.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.83587; Longitude: 14.24865
What3Words: refrain.jumped.sketch


Photo ID: 030278 Photo ID: 030279 Photo ID: 030280 Photo ID: 030281 Photo ID: 030284 Photo ID: 030285 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caserta: Reggia di Caserta - English Garden Caserta: Reggia di Caserta -  English Garden No Data


Located at the top end of the Royal park the English garden is a park area laid out like an English park with trees and paths. It has very limited opening times.


Charge, Joint ticket for Apartments, Park and English Gardens available

Getting There

Latitude: 41.097703; Longitude: 14.330744
What3Words: arena.rebounds.bond


Photo ID: 030419 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caserta: Reggia di Caserta - Royal Appartments Caserta: Reggia di Caserta -  Royal Appartments No Data


The apartments are visited on a self-guided tour that takes you round a set route through most of the main rooms. As to be expected from a palace of this size and opulence the rooms are awash with marble and gold leaf.


Charge, Joint ticket for Apartments, Park and English Gardens available

Getting There

Latitude: 41.07318; Longitude: 14.327125
What3Words: town.director.parties


Photo ID: 030392 Photo ID: 030397 Photo ID: 030403 Photo ID: 030405 Photo ID: 030406 Photo ID: 030408 Photo ID: 030409

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caserta: Reggia di Caserta - Royal Park Caserta: Reggia di Caserta -  Royal Park No Data


The Park stretches from the rear of the palace for nearly 2 miles up the hill behind it, with water cascades and fountains along the length.


Charge, Joint ticket for Apartments, Park and English Gardens available

Getting There

Latitude: 41.081553; Longitude: 14.32778
What3Words: swerves.ozone.doors


Photo ID: 030415 Photo ID: 030416 Photo ID: 030422 Photo ID: 030426 Photo ID: 030427 Photo ID: 030431 Photo ID: 030438

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caserta: Reggia di Caserta - Shuttle Bus (Lower stop) Caserta: Reggia di Caserta -  Shuttle Bus (Lower stop) No Data


A shuttle bus runs from the back of the palace up to the furthest point of the Royal Park by the upper cascade. Buses run every 20 minutes or so and in February 2020 cost €2,50 for a round ticket (single ticket not available, though a lot of people only go one way). Taking the bus from the lower stop to the upper stop is probably the best way of seeing the park as the 2 mile walk back to the palace is then mostly a gentle down hill (though with a couple of steep sections by some of the showpiece fountains)


Charge, Not included in entrance ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 41.074095; Longitude: 14.327355
What3Words: glorious.zoned.koala


Photo ID: 030410 Photo ID: 030411 Photo ID: 030412 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caserta: Reggia di Caserta - Shuttle Bus (Upper stop) Caserta: Reggia di Caserta -  Shuttle Bus (Upper stop) No Data


A shuttle bus runs from the back of the palace up to the furthest point of the Royal Park by the upper cascade. Buses run every 20 minutes or so and in February 2020 cost €2,50 for a round ticket (single ticket not available, though a lot of people only go one way). Taking the bus from the lower stop to the upper stop is probably the best way of seeing the park as the 2 mile walk back to the palace is then mostly a gentle down hill (though with a couple of steep sections by some of the showpiece fountains)


Charge, Not included in entrance ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 41.09767; Longitude: 14.328684
What3Words: shout.interest.pram


Photo ID: 030413 Photo ID: 030414 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ercolano (Herculaneum) Ercolano (Herculaneum) No Data


The lesser known relation to Pompeii. The city was destroyed in the same eruption, but where as Pompeii was suffocated by the pyroclastic flow of superheated gasses, Herculaneum succumbed to a massive flow of mud and lava which buried the town until it was rediscovered in the 17th century. Not all of the site has been uncovered as much of it lies underneath the modern Neapolitan suburb of Ercolano, but what has been uncovered is in amazing condition.



Getting There

There are trains every 30 minutes (with additional random occasional fast trains) from Naples to Ercolano Scavi taking 20 minutes to make the journey (fast trains take 10 minutes). From Ercolano Scavi station walk straight down the street for about 600m to the main entrance.
Latitude: 40.805997; Longitude: 14.347361
What3Words: mimics.chilled.tropic


Photo ID: 006328 Photo ID: 006329 Photo ID: 006330 Photo ID: 006336 Photo ID: 006337 Photo ID: 006338 Photo ID: 006339

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2011), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mount Vesuvius Mount Vesuvius No Data


Destroyer of Pompeii and Herculaneum, Vesuvius is mainland Europe's only active volcano and a stunning sight. It's been quiet since It's last big eruption in 1944, and the land around the lava flow is slowly starting to recover. The walk up to the top of the crater is a fair hike, but worth it for the stunning views.


Charge to climb to the summit

Getting There

From Naples take the train to Ercolano Scavi - trains every 30 minutes (with additional random occasional fast trains) taking 20 minutes to make the journey (fast trains take 10 minutes). From there you can pick up the Vesuvius Express service from outside the station. Alternatively stay on the train to Pompeii Scavi - same trains, 40 minutes on a stopping train, 25 minutes on a fast train. At Pompeii pick up the local bus from there (slightly cheaper, but takes longer). You need a minimum of 30 minutes in each direction for the climb from the car park where the buses drop you off.
Latitude: 40.818819; Longitude: 14.427463
What3Words: ambition.spilling.turkeys


Photo ID: 006316 Photo ID: 006318 Photo ID: 006319 Photo ID: 006323 Photo ID: 006325 Photo ID: 006326 Photo ID: 006327

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2011), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pompei Pompei No Data


Perhaps the most famous victim of a Volcano in history. Pompei is a perfect Roman city frozen exactly as it was on August 24th 79AD. There is lots to see on the site, and a full day will just about give you enough time to see everything. Many of the key sites are located around the Forum, but the Villa dei Misteri and the Amphitheatre are well worth visiting, and these are at opposing ends of the site, a good 25 minutes walk apart, and that's assuming you aren't send on a long detour to avoid either reconstruction works, or the mass hoards of tour groups attempting to do the entire site in two hours.



Getting There

There are trains every 30 minutes (with additional random occasional fast trains) taking 40 minutes to make the journey (fast trains take 25 minutes) to Pompei Scavi. From the station it's a very short walk to the main entrance.
Latitude: 40.74946; Longitude: 14.484766
What3Words: confined.takers.smoker


Photo ID: 006356 Photo ID: 006362 Photo ID: 006364 Photo ID: 006369 Photo ID: 006377 Photo ID: 006384 Photo ID: 006387

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2011), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caserta Caserta No Data


Located about 23 miles north of Naples, but still in the shadow of Vesuvius this town is home to the Reggia di Caserta - the enormous Baroque palace of the Kings of Naples.


Getting There

There are regular trains (at least hourly) from Napoli to Caserta taking about 40 minutes to make the journey. Check in advance though as some trains leave from the above ground platforms at Napoli Centrale and others leave from the underground platforms of Napoli Piazza Garibaldi, and it's a good 10 minute walk from one to the other.
Latitude: 41.072069; Longitude: 14.331288
What3Words: posting.puddles.loyal


Photo ID: 030386 Photo ID: 030387 Photo ID: 030389 Photo ID: 030429 Photo ID: 030435 Photo ID: 030449 Photo ID: 030450

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2020), and on time of last update (26/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The Cathedral is quite plain from the outside with very little to show. Inside there is lashings of gold, icons and statues



Getting There

Latitude: 40.625256; Longitude: 14.372891
What3Words: grills.raspberry.competitions


Photo ID: 006395 Photo ID: 006422 Photo ID: 006423 Photo ID: 006424 Photo ID: 006425 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


Unlike in other locations where the open-top tours take in the key sites of a city centre, this tour takes in some of the key view points across the peninsular. The tour lasts nearly two hours, but only has two main stops, one at Termini where there is a 10 minute break to take photos of the bay of Naples and Capri and another drop off point in Sant' Agata which has views over both the bay of Naples and the gulf of Salerno. There is a commentary throughout the tour.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.626091; Longitude: 14.379752
What3Words: battling.options.never


Photo ID: 006426 Photo ID: 006428 Photo ID: 006429 Photo ID: 006430 Photo ID: 006431 Photo ID: 006432 Photo ID: 006433

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Train City Train No Data


Regular tours leave from Piazza Tasso and run round most of the key sites of the town, including several of the stunning viewpoints. Multi-lingual commentary helps you get a better understanding of the area.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.626445; Longitude: 14.375868
What3Words: guarded.lakes.feathers


Photo ID: 006307 Photo ID: 006038 Photo ID: 006309 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Fancis Cloisters St Fancis Cloisters No Data


The cloisters of the monastery attached to St Francis' church are open to have a wander around and take in the tranquil surroundings



Getting There

Latitude: 40.627856; Longitude: 14.373094
What3Words: calmed.forager.corals


Photo ID: 006347 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Amalfi: City Sightseeing Amalfi: City Sightseeing No Data


There are two routes that both start from the harbour. One carries on along the coast to the towns of Minori and Maiori, the other climbs the hills above Amalfi to the city of Ravello. Both tours are conducted using open-top minibuses, with commentary in a number of languages



Getting There

Latitude: 40.633702; Longitude: 14.60289
What3Words: golf.yearn.sprites


Photo ID: 006443 Photo ID: 006444 Photo ID: 006445 Photo ID: 006447 Photo ID: 006448 Photo ID: 006449 Photo ID: 006450

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Capri: Grotta Azzurra Capri: Grotta Azzurra No Data


A small cave in the cliffs, which through a quirk of the rocks and the white sand bottom glows an iridescent blue. You are taken into the Grotto in a small row boat with the oarsmen judging the waves to ensure they don't decapitate their charges. Inside the cave it is an amazing site, and pretty stunning acoustics.



Getting There

The cheapest option is to take the bus to Anacapri (every 20 minutes, 15 minutes) and change there for a bus to the grotto (every 20 minutes, 10 minutes). Alternatively there are a large number of operators running from the harbour that will take you round to the Grotto where you change, mid sea, into the row boats.
Latitude: 40.560977; Longitude: 14.205639
What3Words: configured.auditor.comic


Photo ID: 006400 Photo ID: 006401 Photo ID: 006402 Photo ID: 006403 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Capri: Monte Solero chairlift Capri: Monte Solero chairlift No Data


A continuous stream of small chairs meander their way up to the highest point on the island for stunning views over the gulf of Naples, Vesuvius and the surrounding islands. The journey each way takes just under 15 minutes and is very quiet and relaxing.



Getting There

The chairlift starts from the centre of Anacapri. There are regular buses from both the harbour and the town to Anacapri taking around 20 minutes
Latitude: 40.555475; Longitude: 14.221536
What3Words: orangey.snap.powerfully


Photo ID: 006407 Photo ID: 006048 Photo ID: 006409 Photo ID: 006410 Photo ID: 006411 Photo ID: 006412 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Herculaneum Herculaneum No Data


The lesser known relation to Pompeii. The city was destroyed in the same eruption, but where as Pompeii was suffocated by the pyroclastic flow of superheated gasses, Herculaneum succumbed to a massive flow of mud and lava which buried the town until it was rediscovered in the 17th century. Not all of the site has been uncovered as much of it lies underneath the modern Neapolitan suburb of Ercolano, but what has been uncovered is in amazing condition.



Getting There

Leaving Ercolano station walk straight down the street for about 600m to the main entrance
Latitude: 40.805997; Longitude: 14.347361
What3Words: mimics.chilled.tropic


Photo ID: 006328 Photo ID: 006329 Photo ID: 006330 Photo ID: 006336 Photo ID: 006337 Photo ID: 006338 Photo ID: 006339

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mount Vesuvius Mount Vesuvius No Data


Destroyer of Pompeii and Herculaneum, Vesuvius is mainland Europe's only active volcano and a stunning sight. It's been quiet since It's last big eruption in 1944, and the land around the lava flow is slowly starting to recover. The walk up to the top of the crater is a fair hike, but worth it for the stunning views.


Charge to climb to the summit

Getting There

From Sorrento you need to catch the train to either Pompeii, and pick up the local bus from there (slightly cheaper, but takes longer) or Ercolano and pick up the Vesuvius Express service from outside the station. You need a minimum of 30 minutes in each direction for the climb from the car park where the buses drop you off.
Latitude: 40.818819; Longitude: 14.427463
What3Words: ambition.spilling.turkeys


Photo ID: 006316 Photo ID: 006318 Photo ID: 006319 Photo ID: 006323 Photo ID: 006325 Photo ID: 006326 Photo ID: 006327

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Naples: Archaeological Museum Naples: Archaeological Museum No Data


Perhaps one of the greatest collections of Ancient Roman remains in the world, the museum pulls together artefacts from both Pompei and Herculaneum as well as countless other sites from across Italy.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.853699; Longitude: 14.250491
What3Words: seaweed.politics.warmers
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Naples: Cathedral Naples: Cathedral No Data


Tucked down a side street the Cathedral doesn't have the impressive grandeur of say Milan or Turin, but inside it has a quiet elegance.


Free, Charge to visit the Treasury museum

Getting There

Latitude: 40.852433; Longitude: 14.259642
What3Words: encoder.rescuer.overhead


Photo ID: 006474 Photo ID: 006475 Photo ID: 006476 Photo ID: 006477 Photo ID: 006478 Photo ID: 006479 Photo ID: 006480

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pompei Pompei No Data


Perhaps the most famous victim of a Volcano in history. Pompei is a perfect Roman city frozen exactly as it was on August 24th 79AD. There is lots to see on the site, and a full day will just about give you enough time to see everything. Many of the key sites are located around the Forum, but the Villa dei Misteri and the Amphitheatre are well worth visiting, and these are at opposing ends of the site, a good 25 minutes walk apart, and that's assuming you aren't send on a long detour to avoid either reconstruction works, or the mass hoards of tour groups attempting to do the entire site in two hours.



Getting There

There are trains every 30 minutes or so from Sorrento direct to Pompei Scavi, taking around 30 minutes. From the station it's a very short walk to the main entrance
Latitude: 40.74946; Longitude: 14.484766
What3Words: confined.takers.smoker


Photo ID: 006356 Photo ID: 006362 Photo ID: 006364 Photo ID: 006369 Photo ID: 006377 Photo ID: 006384 Photo ID: 006387

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Amalfi Amalfi No Data


Amalfi was once a powerful city state, with a particular focus on the paper trade. Today it's probably best known for the stunning road that runs between Sorrento, Positano and Amalfi which makes the journey perhaps the most important part of any visit


Getting There

There are roughly hourly buses from Sorrento taking about 1 hour 40 to make the journey to Amalfi. However, even in October, when I went, I couldn't get onto the first bus and had to wait for the next service, during the summer it's probably even worse. An alternative option is to take a ferry from Sorrento to Amalfi
Latitude: 40.634229; Longitude: 14.602574
What3Words: audio.firebird.hooter


Photo ID: 006441 Photo ID: 006442 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Capri Capri No Data


The island closest to Sorrento, and a byword for rich and exclusive. Where the mega rich mix with the mega tourism. Avoiding the centre of the main town (Capri) and you can find a quiet corner of this beautiful island


Getting There

There are regular boats from Sorrento, taking around 20-25 minutes to complete the crossing
Latitude: 40.550802; Longitude: 14.242614
What3Words: drumstick.scowl.fluster


Photo ID: 006404 Photo ID: 006405 Photo ID: 006406 Photo ID: 006413 Photo ID: 006415 Photo ID: 006416 Photo ID: 006418

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ercolano Ercolano No Data


Today a pretty dreary Neapolitan suburb, underneath it lie the remains of a major Roman city, destroyed in the same eruption that did for Pompeii. The town itself doesn't have very much to see other than Herculaneum and as an access point to exploring Mount Vesuvius


Getting There

There are regular trains from Sorrento to Ercolano, taking around 50 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 40.808555; Longitude: 14.353756
What3Words: sweeter.winter.pictured


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Naples Naples No Data


Southern Italy's most important city, and perhaps most famous in recent years for it's mafia connections. It's a very difficult city to like, partly because of the fast roads and the local stone making the buildings look quite menacing, but also as, it appears, everyone is trying to rip off tourists at every turn.


Getting There

There are trains every half hour from Sorrento to Naples, taking just over an hour, alternatively there are a couple of fast ferries each day taking around 45 minutes.
Latitude: 40.847206; Longitude: 14.265769
What3Words: entertainer.keys.jeering


Photo ID: 006462 Photo ID: 006464 Photo ID: 006466 Photo ID: 006468 Photo ID: 006469 Photo ID: 006470 Photo ID: 006474

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ravello Ravello No Data


Located high in the hills above Amalfi the small city of Ravello offers stunning views and a picture postcard main square.


Getting There

There are regular service buses from Amalfi (about every 30 minutes, taking 25 minutes), or the hourly City Sightseeing open-top mini-bus. Both start from the same bus stop in Amalfi, finish at the same bus stop in Ravello and follow the same route up the hill, though the City Sightseeing buses are slightly less packed.
Latitude: 40.64929; Longitude: 14.611478
What3Words: uppers.grunt.masculinity


Photo ID: 006451 Photo ID: 006452 Photo ID: 006453 Photo ID: 006454 Photo ID: 006455 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/10/2011), and on time of last update (08/10/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica di San Petronio Basilica di San Petronio No Data


Located off of the main square in the city, and looking, to all intents and purposes, like it's the city's cathedral (it isn't that's a short walk away), this massive church was planned to be larger than St Peter's in Rome, but money and land issues force the Bolognese to scale back their plans, but it's still an incredible building.


Suggested Donation, Charge for taking photos

Getting There

Latitude: 44.492977; Longitude: 11.343094
What3Words: atomic.remover.spoken


Photo ID: 025733 Photo ID: 025801 Photo ID: 025803 Photo ID: 025805 Photo ID: 025806 Photo ID: 025807 Photo ID: 025809

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2012), and on time of last update (26/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cattedrale Metropolitana di San Pietro Cattedrale Metropolitana di San Pietro No Data


Compared to some of the other churches in the city the Cathedral is quite restrained and small, opening out onto one of the main streets, rather than in it's own square it is possible to walk past and just assume it's another church.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 44.495855; Longitude: 11.343287
What3Words: closets.courage.perkily


Photo ID: 008076 Photo ID: 008077 Photo ID: 008078 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2012), and on time of last update (05/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Red Bus City Red Bus No Data


A half-hourly (with a lengthy break for lunch) open-top-coach tour of the city that takes in the key sights over it's hour long tour. Multi-lingual commentary informs you about the sights and gives some background to the history of the city and it's people. The bus goes out to the church of San Michele in Bosco from where there are stunning views over the city centre.


Charge; Joint ticket for the City Red Bus and San Luca Express available

Getting There

Latitude: 44.49372; Longitude: 11.343727
What3Words: takes.locked.diet


Photo ID: 008070 Photo ID: 008073 Photo ID: 008074 Photo ID: 008075 Photo ID: 008082 Photo ID: 025758 Photo ID: 025838

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2012), and on time of last update (26/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


Very little of the city's old walls remain, but one of the key features that does survive are the numerous gates that now stand, usually on major traffic islands, cut off from everything else. Their size attests to the importance of the walls around the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.490513; Longitude: 11.329898
What3Words: february.drag.jokes


Photo ID: 008050 Photo ID: 008051 Photo ID: 025721 Photo ID: 025727 Photo ID: 025737 Photo ID: 025747 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2012), and on time of last update (26/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Civico Archeologico Museo Civico Archeologico No Data


The city's archaeology museum with a host of displays from both the local Roman remains and a strong collection of Egyptian artefacts.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.492935; Longitude: 11.343781
What3Words: transmit.nutrients.pictured


Photo ID: 008113 Photo ID: 008114 Photo ID: 008115 Photo ID: 008116 Photo ID: 008117 Photo ID: 008118 Photo ID: 008119

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2012), and on time of last update (05/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Civico Medievale Museo Civico Medievale No Data


A large museum just off the main street which has a fine collection of religious and secular artefacts covering the medieval period in the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.496394; Longitude: 11.342059
What3Words: decreased.flushed.testers


Photo ID: 008122 Photo ID: 008123 Photo ID: 008124 Photo ID: 008125 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2012), and on time of last update (05/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sala Borsa Archaeologican Remains Sala Borsa Archaeologican Remains No Data


The former stock exchange has been converted into a public library. As part of the conversion works they uncovered Archaeological remains dating back to Roman times. These are now on display either through a glass floor in the library, or by descending into the basement to view them from a walkway.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 44.49476; Longitude: 11.34185
What3Words: boat.fuels.partied


Photo ID: 008106 Photo ID: 008107 Photo ID: 008108 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2012), and on time of last update (05/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Domenico San Domenico No Data


This large church includes a spectacular choir and cloister


Free, Charge to visit the Choir and the Cloister

Getting There

Latitude: 44.489503; Longitude: 11.344553
What3Words: bravo.tinted.shutting


Photo ID: 008073 Photo ID: 008096 Photo ID: 008097 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2012), and on time of last update (05/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Luca San Luca No Data


Located on a hill overlooking the city the basilica houses an icon that the Bolognese revere as legend has it that it saved the town from disaster following months of heavy rain.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

You can take the San Luca express up to the basilica, or you can walk the 4KM along the worlds longest continuous portico from it's start in Via Saragozza all the way to the doors of the basilica. There are 666 arches and a pretty hefty climb on the walk.
Latitude: 44.479131; Longitude: 11.298071
What3Words: speeds.custom.vegans


Photo ID: 008065 Photo ID: 008087 Photo ID: 008088 Photo ID: 008089 Photo ID: 008090 Photo ID: 008091 Photo ID: 008092

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2012), and on time of last update (26/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Luca Express San Luca Express No Data


The land train runs roughly hourly (with a hefty lunch break in the middle) from Piazza Maggiore along the length of the San Luca portico to the basilica. A multi-lingual commentary tells you some of the important history and mythology around both the portico, the basilica and the icon it contains. The service is run as a hop-on-hop-off service so you can get on and off at various stops along the way, though in practice most people catch it up to San Luca and get off their, returning on the service an hour later.


Charge; Joint ticket for the City Red Bus and San Luca Express available

Getting There

Latitude: 44.493693; Longitude: 11.343757
What3Words: dampen.pine.smiling


Photo ID: 008084 Photo ID: 008085 Photo ID: 008086 Photo ID: 008087 Photo ID: 008093 Photo ID: 025734 Photo ID: 025794

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2012), and on time of last update (26/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santo Stefano Santo Stefano No Data


A complex of seven different churches all inter-connected between each other and through courtyards. There is also a double height cloister and a small museum that houses some of the treasures of the churches. More moving is the small chapel which has the photographs of Italian airmen who died both before and during the war. Every wall in the chapel is covered with photos that do more to bring to home the pointlessness of war than a simple list of names.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 44.492013; Longitude: 11.348995
What3Words: awkward.singing.splits


Photo ID: 025810 Photo ID: 025813 Photo ID: 025819 Photo ID: 025829 Photo ID: 025832 Photo ID: 025835 Photo ID: 025837

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2012), and on time of last update (26/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torri Asinelli Torri Asinelli No Data


The city once had over a 100 towers, today less than 40 survive and many have been scaled back in size. The Asinelli tower was built as part of a feud between the Asinelli and Garisenda families. The next door Torri Garisenda quickly developed subsidence problems and is now 40 odd meters tall, but on a pretty spectacular lean. The Asinelli tower has a slight lean, but at over 90 meters tall, it's less noticeable, and by the time you've climbed the 498 steps to the top for the stunning views you don't notice the slope at all!



Getting There

Latitude: 44.494271; Longitude: 11.346699
What3Words: tester.bonkers.hosts


Photo ID: 008041 Photo ID: 008055 Photo ID: 008056 Photo ID: 008058 Photo ID: 008061 Photo ID: 008063 Photo ID: 008068

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2012), and on time of last update (05/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Anfiteatro Romano Anfiteatro Romano No Data


The ruins of the city's Roman Amphitheatre. Today access to the grounds is only available for group tours, but its possible to walk around the perimeter to see much of the site.


Free to look around outside

Getting There

Latitude: 44.0602; Longitude: 12.575286
What3Words: overtime.spots.priced


Photo ID: 025371 Photo ID: 025372 Photo ID: 025373 Photo ID: 025374 Photo ID: 025375 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Antica Pescheria Antica Pescheria No Data


The ancient fish market located off Piazza Cavour in the city centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.060373; Longitude: 12.566112
What3Words: asserts.says.frock


Photo ID: 025416 Photo ID: 025417 Photo ID: 025418 Photo ID: 025666 Photo ID: 025667 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arco di Augusto Arco di Augusto No Data


The Arch of Augustus and the largest surviving piece of the city's Roman past. This impressive gate formed the Southern entry point into the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.056938; Longitude: 12.571127
What3Words: boxing.parks.support


Photo ID: 025376 Photo ID: 025377 Photo ID: 025378 Photo ID: 025379 Photo ID: 025380 Photo ID: 025381 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beach Beach No Data


The long sandy beach is very popular in the summer facing onto the warm waters of the Adriatic



Getting There

Latitude: 44.074139; Longitude: 12.579448
What3Words: suffice.cupcake.supporter


Photo ID: 025363 Photo ID: 025364 Photo ID: 025367 Photo ID: 025705 Photo ID: 025717 Photo ID: 025718 Photo ID: 025720

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castel Sismondo Castel Sismondo No Data


Large castle complex located in the west end of the old city, inside the Roman Walls


Free to look around outside

Getting There

Latitude: 44.059615; Longitude: 12.563667
What3Words: baseline.seating.decrease


Photo ID: 025392 Photo ID: 025395 Photo ID: 025678 Photo ID: 025680 Photo ID: 025684 Photo ID: 025686 Photo ID: 025690

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


Small fragments of the city walls survive along much of their original course. It's possible to walk along a section between the Amphitheatre and the Ponte di Tiberio



Getting There

Latitude: 44.056292; Longitude: 12.566905
What3Words: sponsors.drifting.motivate


Photo ID: 025382 Photo ID: 028383 Photo ID: 025384 Photo ID: 025385 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Domus del Chirurgo Domus del Chirurgo No Data


Archaeological site in the centre of the city, with several mosaic floors



Getting There

Latitude: 44.062287; Longitude: 12.567657
What3Words: troubles.incoming.stunner


Photo ID: 025691 Photo ID: 025692 Photo ID: 025693 Photo ID: 025694 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Faro di Rimi Faro di Rimi No Data


Lighthouse located on the Port Canal near the beach.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.074086; Longitude: 12.573964
What3Words: property.boots.pinches


Photo ID: 025696 Photo ID: 025698 Photo ID: 025701 Photo ID: 025703 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parco Federico Fellini Parco Federico Fellini No Data


A large park located just back from the sea front dedicated to the Italian Film maker



Getting There

Latitude: 44.071884; Longitude: 12.577211
What3Words: than.salads.speeding


Photo ID: 025361 Photo ID: 025362 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ponte di Tiberio Ponte di Tiberio No Data


An ancient bridge on the edge of the city, and forming one of the main gateways into the ancient city.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.063675; Longitude: 12.563813
What3Words: diamond.pins.supple


Photo ID: 025397 Photo ID: 025401 Photo ID: 025404 Photo ID: 025406 Photo ID: 025409 Photo ID: 025410 Photo ID: 025412

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porta Montanara Porta Montanara No Data


One of the smaller gates of the city, the western access point - only a small arch now survives



Getting There

Latitude: 44.057323; Longitude: 12.565181
What3Words: activity.someone.toggle


Photo ID: 025386 Photo ID: 025387 Photo ID: 025388 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tempio Malatestiano Tempio Malatestiano No Data


Large church in the centre of the city, based on an original 13th century chapel that was expanded in the 15th century



Getting There

Latitude: 44.059582; Longitude: 12.570331
What3Words: mimed.shipped.tidying


Photo ID: 025661 Photo ID: 025662 Photo ID: 025663 Photo ID: 025664 Photo ID: 025665 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Campanile (Bell Tower) Campanile (Bell Tower) No Data


The bell tower of the cathedral, includes several elements of the former Roman Basilica located on the sight. You can climb to the bell chamber from where there are good views over the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.646652; Longitude: 13.772215
What3Words: viewers.double.translate


Photo ID: 012807 Photo ID: 012808 Photo ID: 012809 Photo ID: 012810 Photo ID: 012811 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castello di San Giusto Castello di San Giusto No Data


The city's castle, built on the site of the former Roman fortress and commanding a high spot in the city. From the front it looks like quite a small fortification, but once inside it spreads out over a large area with numerous bastions. You can walk most of the way round the top of the walls for stunning views over the city and towards the alps.


Charge, you can purchase a ticket just to view the castle, or a combined ticket that also includes the museums located inside the castle

Getting There

Latitude: 45.647065; Longitude: 13.773497
What3Words: enhancement.debt.senior


Photo ID: 012809 Photo ID: 012814 Photo ID: 012815 Photo ID: 012819 Photo ID: 012823 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castello: L’Armeria (The Armory) Castello: L’Armeria (The Armory) No Data


The armour, located in the main building of the castle, has static displays of the various forms of arms and armour used during the history of the castle, as well as older historical implements of death


Charge, combined ticket for the Castle and all museums in the castle

Getting There

Latitude: 45.64738; Longitude: 13.77305
What3Words: busters.handed.pouch


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castello: Lapidario Tergestino Castello: Lapidario Tergestino No Data


Located underneath the castle in rooms off a descending passageway the museum houses a large collection of Roman artefacts that have been discovered locally



Getting There

Latitude: 45.646686; Longitude: 13.773293
What3Words: humble.shocking.devotion


Photo ID: 012821 Photo ID: 012822 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cattedrale di San Guisto (Cathedral) Cattedrale di San Guisto (Cathedral) No Data


The city's cathedral created by merging two neighbouring churches. Inside it is very obvious where the former churches were as the styles inside change dramatically from area to area, though it makes for a much more interesting building



Getting There

Latitude: 45.64654; Longitude: 13.772537
What3Words: sulk.factories.visitors


Photo ID: 012803 Photo ID: 012804 Photo ID: 012805 Photo ID: 012806 Photo ID: 012812 Photo ID: 012820 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeting City Sightseeting No Data


Hop-on-hop-off open-top sightseeing tour that travels round the key sights in the city centre, before heading out along the coast to the Miramare castle and then back into town. Multi-lingual commentary during the tour. Tours run hourly, except for a break over lunch with no tour starting at 13:00



Getting There

Latitude: 45.649514; Longitude: 13.764072
What3Words: spends.skewed.flexed


Photo ID: 012796 Photo ID: 012797 Photo ID: 012798 Photo ID: 012799 Photo ID: 012801 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo del Castello di S. Giusto (Castle Museum) Museo del Castello di S. Giusto (Castle Museum) No Data


A small museum telling the history of the site, and the city from it's Roman foundations


Charge, combined ticket for the Castle and all museums in the castle

Getting There

Latitude: 45.647215; Longitude: 13.77305
What3Words: grinning.square.dweller


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parco del Castello di Miramare Parco del Castello di Miramare No Data


The park land surrounding the Miramare castle is now an extensive public garden, from which there are stunning views over the bay, Trieste and up into the mountains.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.704332; Longitude: 13.713183
What3Words: swelling.enhanced.marriage


Photo ID: 012825 Photo ID: 012826 Photo ID: 012827 Photo ID: 012828 Photo ID: 012829 Photo ID: 012830 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roman Basilica Roman Basilica No Data


Part of the remains of the former Roman Basilica, located between the castle and the cathedral, just some stumps of columns exist



Getting There

Latitude: 45.647193; Longitude: 13.772514
What3Words: judges.travel.volume


Photo ID: 012810 Photo ID: 012812 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Teatro Roman (Roman Theatre) Teatro Roman (Roman Theatre) No Data


The ruins of the former Roman theatre, you can't actually enter the sight, but you can walk along the rear of where the stage would have been, and is now the pavement, and see the full extent of the site.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.649117; Longitude: 13.771727
What3Words: blinks.workshops.locator


Photo ID: 012788 Photo ID: 012789 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gorizia Gorizia No Data


A split border down, with it's sister Nova Goricia in Slovenia. The town is located in a plateau surrounded by the mountains and the centre is dominated by the impressive castle


Getting There

From Trieste Centrale station there are trains at least every hour (sometimes half hourly) to Gorizia, taking between 45 and 60 minutes to make the journey. The station is a bit out of town so it's worth getting the bus (tickets available from the Tabachi or the ATP shop inside the station) into town, otherwise it's quite a dull 15 minute walk along a flat road
Latitude: 45.945121; Longitude: 13.625098
What3Words: staked.lasts.marble


Photo ID: 012846 Photo ID: 012847 Photo ID: 012848 Photo ID: 012849 Photo ID: 012850 Photo ID: 012851 Photo ID: 012865

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Villa Opicina Villa Opicina No Data


The main gateway town into Trieste from Slovenia, with the border being only a kilometre or so away, and the station in the town only being served by occasional Slovenian Trains. The town sits above Trieste on the edge of the Karst ridge that surrounds the city below


Getting There

The historic tram/funicular from Trieste to Villa Opicina was still being restored when I visited, though reopening of the line was due within weeks. In the interim Bus number 2 (the tram is also number 2) runs virtually the same route. Buses/trams run every 20 minutes and take about 25 minutes to make the 6Km journey that also includes a over 1,000 foot assent up to Villa Opicina
Latitude: 45.687831; Longitude: 13.78865
What3Words: mocking.silent.marbles


Photo ID: 012839 Photo ID: 012840 Photo ID: 012841 Photo ID: 012842 Photo ID: 012843 Photo ID: 012844 Photo ID: 012845

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gorizia: Castello di Gorizia Gorizia: Castello di Gorizia No Data


The stunning castle dominates the city centre. Inside there are various displays on castle life, as well as on the development of the castle. The views from the enclosed battlements are stunning across the sweep of the alps.



Getting There

The castle is visible from across a large part of the city, and access is well signposted.
Latitude: 45.94444; Longitude: 13.627832
What3Words: outer.divided.steers


Photo ID: 012852 Photo ID: 012853 Photo ID: 012855 Photo ID: 012856 Photo ID: 012858 Photo ID: 012859 Photo ID: 012861

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Villa Opicina: Obelisco Villa Opicina: Obelisco No Data


On the edge of the Karst ridge, at the point where a large number of roads coming up from Trieste merge together, a stone Obelisk has been built. From here the views over the city are excellent, particularly on a clear day



Getting There

Obelisco is one of the stops on the tram route.
Latitude: 45.679921; Longitude: 13.780859
What3Words: brass.skirt.trailers


Photo ID: 012839 Photo ID: 012840 Photo ID: 012841 Photo ID: 012842 Photo ID: 012843 Photo ID: 012844 Photo ID: 012845

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Apennine way Apennine way No Data


If all roads lead to Rome then this is the M1, about the most important road built when the Romans were extending their empire beyond the city limits. The road, totally straight and still paved with the original rocks and lined by the tombs of ancient Romans brings history straight to the soles of your feet. You can walk for miles down the length, with long stretched being virtually traffic free



Getting There

From the centre of Rome you can walk past the Baths of Caracalla to the Porta St Sebastiano where the way officially starts, though the first couple of KM are still a busy road, with no walkways, so it may be worth catching the 118 or 218 bus out to the Catacombs of St Sebastiano from where the prettiest and quieter parts of the way are, alternatively let someone else do the work and catch the Archeobus down the Apennine way (charge) ***2017 - Archeobus no longer running, some of the sightseeing bus companies offer tours to the Catacombs from where you could start a walk (charge)***
Latitude: 41.838766; Longitude: 12.535529
What3Words: coats.heave.tiling


Photo ID: 001537 Photo ID: 001539 Photo ID: 001540 Photo ID: 001541 Photo ID: 001542 Photo ID: 001545 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2007), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archeobus Archeobus No Data


***2017 Update - Service no longer operating*** An open-top coach tour that runs south from the city centre, down one of ancient Rome's most important roads. The tour takes in sights light he Baths of Caracalla, the Catacombs of St Sebastian, the tomb of Ceclia Metella and remains of the ancient aqueducts that kept the city working, as well as travelling along some of the most beautiful sections of the way itself (though this does make for quite a bumpy ride!)


Charge, Discount with a RomaPass

Getting There

Latitude: 41.901818; Longitude: 12.500003
What3Words: settled.requires.boosted


Photo ID: 001536 Photo ID: 001543 Photo ID: 001548 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2007), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Baths of Caracalla Baths of Caracalla No Data


Some of the most impressive remains in the city. The Bath complex covers a massive site, and in places the walls still reach to the same height they reached when they were new. Large amounts of beautiful mosaics still exist


Charge, Free or discount with a RomaPass

Getting There

Latitude: 41.879299; Longitude: 12.493021
What3Words: inhaler.return.booklet


Photo ID: 001591 Photo ID: 001592 Photo ID: 001593 Photo ID: 001594 Photo ID: 001595 Photo ID: 001596 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2007), and on time of last update (04/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Catacombs of Saint Sebastian Catacombs of Saint Sebastian No Data


Over 12KM of tunnels, dug into the soft volcanic rock that housed the remains of thousands of people. Started when Christianity was still a small banned cult the Catacombs are simply remarkable, visits on a guided tour (approximately every 30 minutes) only



Getting There

From the centre of Rome you can walk down the Apennine way (about 4KM) or you can catch the 118 bus, or the Archeobus ***2017 update - Archeobus no longer operating. Some of the sightseeing companies offer tours out to the Catacombs***
Latitude: 41.855658; Longitude: 12.515557
What3Words: agents.message.knots


Photo ID: 001546 Photo ID: 001547 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2007), and on time of last update (04/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Circus Maximus Circus Maximus No Data


All that remains of this once mighty circus, home to Chariot racing, is the track bed and the central raised island, however, with the ruins of the Palatine Hill overlooking it, you can easily imagine yourself back in the heyday of the empire



Getting There

Latitude: 41.886153; Longitude: 12.48534
What3Words: addicted.defining.limit


Photo ID: 001549 Photo ID: 021361 Photo ID: 021362 Photo ID: 021363 Photo ID: 021423 Photo ID: 021424 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2007), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing Rome City Sightseeing Rome No Data


Frequent open-top tour of the city taking in the key sights, though not the Vatican. Tours take around 90 minutes to complete a full circuit (much longer in heavy traffic). Last tour is around 19:30 so in the winter months its possible to get a couple of hours of night sightseeing in from the bus.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.902814; Longitude: 12.501644
What3Words: seaside.prevents.plunge


Photo ID: 021364 Photo ID: 021365 Photo ID: 021371 Photo ID: 021375 Photo ID: 021383 Photo ID: 021421 Photo ID: 021426

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2017), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Colosseum Colosseum No Data


One of the most iconic buildings in the world and at over 2,000 years old, still in amazingly good condition. You can walk up to the middle viewing level for stunning views over the whole of the arena and imagine watching Gladiatorial matches.


Charge, Free or discount with a RomaPass

Getting There

Latitude: 41.890218; Longitude: 12.492313
What3Words: juniors.bids.ladder


Photo ID: 021306 Photo ID: 021309 Photo ID: 021316 Photo ID: 021317 Photo ID: 021320 Photo ID: 021326 Photo ID: 021334

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2007), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Forum Forum No Data


The remains of old Roman markets and temples that line the side of the road from Piazza Venezia to the Colosseum


No Charge to view from the road. Charge to go into the site

Getting There

Latitude: 41.891192; Longitude: 12.487357
What3Words: supplied.polo.broken


Photo ID: 001603 Photo ID: 001604 Photo ID: 001605 Photo ID: 021352 Photo ID: 021353 Photo ID: 021357 Photo ID: 021359

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2007), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Largo di Torre Argentina Largo di Torre Argentina No Data


The largest remaining ruins from the Republican period in Rome, the site is also believed to be where Julius Caesar was assassinated. Today it's probably more famous for the large number of cats living amongst the ruins. Consequently you can't go down into the ruins, but you can view them from street level



Getting There

Latitude: 41.89538; Longitude: 12.476863
What3Words: whoever.fillers.piper


Photo ID: 021391 Photo ID: 021392 Photo ID: 021393 Photo ID: 021394 Photo ID: 021395 Photo ID: 021396 Photo ID: 021397

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2017), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mausoleo di Cecilia Metella Mausoleo di Cecilia Metella No Data


The tomb of Ceclia Metella, looking similarly to many British castles of a thousand years later, now houses a small exhibition of some of the artefacts discovered along the length of the Apennine way


Charge, Free or discount with a RomaPass

Getting There

From the centre of Rome you can walk down the Apennine way (about 4KM) or you can catch the 118 bus to St Sebastiano and walk, or the Archeobus. ***2017 update - Archeobus no longer operating. Some of the sightseeing companies offer tours out to the Catacombs***
Latitude: 41.852174; Longitude: 12.520884
What3Words: spine.replaces.landmark


Photo ID: 001538 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2007), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of the Walls Museum of the Walls No Data


Housed in the gate house Porta St Sebastiano at the start of the Apennine way, the museum tells the history of the construction and maintenance of the city walls from several hundred years BC right up to the modern day. The history of the walls follows that of Rome rising and falling over the last 2,000+ years. There is also an opportunity to walk along a small section of the walls in the footsteps of the ancient Roman soldiers


Charge, Free or discount with a RomaPass

Getting There

It's about a 20 minute walk south of the Baths of Caracalla at the start of the Apennine way, alternatively busses 118 and 218 stop just the other side of the gate
Latitude: 41.873468; Longitude: 12.50154
What3Words: model.workforce.helping


Photo ID: 001536 Photo ID: 001544 Photo ID: 001597 Photo ID: 001598 Photo ID: 001599 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2007), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palatine Hill Palatine Hill No Data


Large ruins of a palatial palace and bath complex that stretches from the Roman forum to the Circus Maximus. From the ruins there are stunning views across the city


Charge, Free or discount with a RomaPass

Getting There

Latitude: 41.887966; Longitude: 12.489009
What3Words: products.piper.tablets


Photo ID: 021337 Photo ID: 021338 Photo ID: 021340 Photo ID: 021341 Photo ID: 021344 Photo ID: 021351 Photo ID: 001520

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2007), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pantheon Pantheon No Data


Over 2,000 years old and still totally intact this is one of the treasures of Rome. Today it is an impressive church, made all the more impressive by the fact the great dome is still original, as built by Hadrian (he of the Scottish wall fame)



Getting There

Latitude: 41.898604; Longitude: 12.476821
What3Words: baffle.earliest.singing


Photo ID: 021402 Photo ID: 021040 Photo ID: 021405 Photo ID: 021406 Photo ID: 021407 Photo ID: 021408 Photo ID: 021410

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2007), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spanish Steps Spanish Steps No Data


One of the many "must see" tourist sights. The steps are very impressive, when you can see them through the throngs of tourists that surround them



Getting There

Latitude: 41.906018; Longitude: 12.482802
What3Words: skews.others.tenders


Photo ID: 001550 Photo ID: 001551 Photo ID: 001552 Photo ID: 001553 Photo ID: 021300 Photo ID: 021301 Photo ID: 021302

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2007), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

TramBus OpenTop TramBus OpenTop No Data


***2017 Update - Service no longer operating*** Open Top Hop-on-hop-off bus service that takes a 2-hour tours of the city centre taking in the Colosseum, Forum, Vatican and other main sights of the city centre.


Charge, Discount with a RomaPass

Getting There

Latitude: 41.901295; Longitude: 12.499306
What3Words: sang.binder.opens


Photo ID: 001521 Photo ID: 001523 Photo ID: 001532 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2007), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trevi Fountain Trevi Fountain No Data


One of the many "must see" tourist sights. The fountain is very impressive, and the folklore is that if you throw coins over your shoulder into it you are certain to return to Rome. The only problem is getting to the edge of the fountain through all the tourists that surround it, 4 or 5 deep in places!



Getting There

Latitude: 41.901035; Longitude: 12.483282
What3Words: harps.headache.builders


Photo ID: 001533 Photo ID: 001534 Photo ID: 021414 Photo ID: 021415 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2007), and on time of last update (19/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ostia Antica Ostia Antica No Data


Originally at the mouth of the Tiber, Ostia was the port of Rome, and one of the most important towns on the planet, then the Tiber silted up and the port moved. Today Ostia is over 2KM from the sea, but what survives is one of the most complete Roman towns, you really can imagine Roman life going on all around you as you walk down the streets, in and out of the houses, bakeries, baths and pubs.



Getting There

Regular trains run from the city centre (Piramide/Lido di Ostia station) to Ostia taking about 30 minutes, its then a short, well signed walk from the station
Latitude: 41.755891; Longitude: 12.291416
What3Words: cube.muddy.hoofs


Photo ID: 001613 Photo ID: 001616 Photo ID: 001618 Photo ID: 001619 Photo ID: 001620 Photo ID: 001622 Photo ID: 001623

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2007), and on time of last update (04/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vatican: Castel St Angelo Vatican: Castel St Angelo No Data


Built by Hadrian ('s wall) as his Mausoleum, then changed into a Prison, then a palace for the Popes, then a Castle this building has had an eventful 2,000 years. Today it is open to the public to look around, you can stand on the Ramparts and look out over Rome whilst, technically, being in an outpost of another country (the Vatican). There are also displays on the history of the site


Charge, Free or discount with a RomaPass

Getting There

Latitude: 41.903171; Longitude: 12.466457
What3Words: jeep.chairs.dame


Photo ID: 001522 Photo ID: 001531 Photo ID: 001580 Photo ID: 001582 Photo ID: 001585 Photo ID: 001586 Photo ID: 001588

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2007), and on time of last update (04/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vatican: Museums & Sistine Chapel Vatican: Museums & Sistine Chapel No Data


Useless fact. If you were to spend just 60 seconds looking at each individual item in the Vatican Museums, you would need 12 years, with no breaks, to see everything. The site is massive and has some of the finest loot (sorry collections) of art and sculpture in the Western world. But the main thing everyone comes to see is the last item on the tour. A single chapel, painted by just one man. The Sistine chapel is everything that you expect it to be, stunning, beautiful, a masterpiece, and packed to bulging with visitors!


Charge (Expensive)

Getting There

Latitude: 41.90504; Longitude: 12.454644
What3Words: strain.fishery.stubborn


Photo ID: 001559 Photo ID: 001560 Photo ID: 001561 Photo ID: 001562 Photo ID: 001563 Photo ID: 001564 Photo ID: 001565

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2007), and on time of last update (04/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vatican: St Peters Basilica Vatican: St Peters Basilica No Data


St Peter's, the largest Church in the world, and the home to Catholicism. The church is stunning, not least of all for the fact that through good design it feels quite small and compact



Getting There

Latitude: 41.902309; Longitude: 12.45429
What3Words: memo.audible.bless


Photo ID: 001566 Photo ID: 001567 Photo ID: 001568 Photo ID: 001570 Photo ID: 001571 Photo ID: 001572 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2007), and on time of last update (04/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vatican: St Peters Cupola Vatican: St Peters Cupola No Data


You can ascend from ground level to the base of the Dome of St Peters, from there you can walk into the gallery and look down on the inside of the church, before continuing your assent to the lantern at the top for some of the most impressive views over Rome



Getting There

Latitude: 41.902461; Longitude: 12.453271
What3Words: encoded.cliff.combining


Photo ID: 001569 Photo ID: 001573 Photo ID: 001574 Photo ID: 001575 Photo ID: 001576 Photo ID: 001577 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2007), and on time of last update (04/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vatican: Tomb of the popes Vatican: Tomb of the popes No Data


Located beneath the main alter are the tombs of the popes. The biggest draw these days is the tomb of John Paul II, but almost as popular is supposedly the final resting place of St Peter, the first pope.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.90302; Longitude: 12.454258
What3Words: laptop.clay.strapped


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2007), and on time of last update (04/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holy See (Vatican City) Holy See (Vatican City) No Data


The worlds smallest country, with a population of under a thousand (plus 15,000 visitors a day) and the only country in the world to be entirely surrounded by a single city.


Getting There

Latitude: 41.902245; Longitude: 12.457241
What3Words: troubles.music.lots


Photo ID: 001556 Photo ID: 001557 Photo ID: 001578 Photo ID: 001579 Photo ID: 001590 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2007), and on time of last update (04/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

AMT: Balbi Ascensore AMT: Balbi Ascensore No Data


A bizarre combination of train and lift. Starting near Piazza Principe station the cabin initially runs into the side of the hill as a cable pulled railway car, but then turns a corner and is pulled into a lift mechanism, at the same time as the car in the opposite direction is ejected from a neighbouring lift mechanism. The car then, sat in it's cradle, rises up to the top of the hill like a standard lift.


Single tickets are available at a reduced rate to the normal transport tickets, alternatively the 24 hour pass is valid

Getting There

Latitude: 44.416738; Longitude: 8.923744
What3Words: pillows.soil.safety


Photo ID: 010431 Photo ID: 010432 Photo ID: 010433 Photo ID: 010438 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

AMT: Cog Wheel Railway AMT: Cog Wheel Railway No Data


The Cog Wheel railway starts just behind the Piazza Principe station and rises up the steep hills above the city to Granarolo, from where the views over the city are spectacular


Single tickets are available at a reduced rate to the normal transport tickets, alternatively the 24 hour pass is valid

Getting There

Latitude: 44.417237; Longitude: 8.917774
What3Words: squares.exclaim.joke


Photo ID: 010439 Photo ID: 010440 Photo ID: 010441 Photo ID: 010442 Photo ID: 010443 Photo ID: 010444 Photo ID: 010445

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

AMT: Lifts and Funiculars AMT: Lifts and Funiculars No Data


Dotted over the city a series of lifts and funiculars rise to the higher points of the city, usually with stunning views. Some of the more interesting are listed separately


Single tickets available for each lift and funicular, alternatively the 24 hour transport ticket includes full use of all of these.

Getting There

Latitude: 44.41173; Longitude: 8.934253
What3Words: done.widgets.insist


Photo ID: 010327 Photo ID: 010328 Photo ID: 010329 Photo ID: 010330 Photo ID: 010331 Photo ID: 010332 Photo ID: 010333

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

AMT: Rigi Funicular AMT: Rigi Funicular No Data


The funicular climbs up to the area of the city called Righi, close to many of the fortresses that overlook the city. There is a viewing terrace on the top of the station from where you can take in the views of the sea and the hills behind you.


Single tickets are available at a reduced rate to the normal transport tickets, alternatively the 24 hour pass is valid

Getting There

Latitude: 44.413569; Longitude: 8.930467
What3Words: thirsty.married.starts


Photo ID: 010466 Photo ID: 010467 Photo ID: 010468 Photo ID: 010469 Photo ID: 010470 Photo ID: 010471 Photo ID: 010474

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castello D'Albertis Castello D'Albertis No Data


Located on one of the many hills overlooking the city, and looking like a fairy-tale example of a castle this now houses the museum of world cultures which focuses on artefacts related to indigenous peoples from around the globe, in particular South America.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.418348; Longitude: 8.924506
What3Words: stencil.required.engages


Photo ID: 010434 Photo ID: 001045 Photo ID: 010436 Photo ID: 010437 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cattedrale Cattedrale No Data


Genoa's impressive (and stripy) cathedral located in a square behind the Ducal palace is a stunning space with it's black and white stripped stones continuing inside the building.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 44.407577; Longitude: 8.931394
What3Words: womb.fans.corals


Photo ID: 010325 Photo ID: 010396 Photo ID: 010490 Photo ID: 010491 Photo ID: 010492 Photo ID: 010493 Photo ID: 010494

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Christopher Columbus House Christopher Columbus House No Data


The building where the famous explorer was born and brought up. Once part of a row of buildings it now stands by itself as a testament to the man who helped to open up the world.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Porta Soprana and Christopher Columbus house available

Getting There

Latitude: 44.405582; Longitude: 8.935144
What3Words: sunshine.rests.radar


Photo ID: 010314 Photo ID: 010405 Photo ID: 010410 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


The familiar red City-Sightseeing double deck buses ply their trade round the city centre, taking in many of the key sights. Pre-recorded multi-lingual commentary available



Getting There

Latitude: 44.410555; Longitude: 8.928612
What3Words: fencing.master.fields


Photo ID: 010311 Photo ID: 010314 Photo ID: 010315 Photo ID: 010316 Photo ID: 010318 Photo ID: 010321 Photo ID: 010322

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Galeone Neptune Galeone Neptune No Data


Built for Roman Polanski's 1980s film Pirates, the ship is now moored permanently in the harbour and you can wander round a very good recreation of a galleon (ignoring the steel work!)



Getting There

Latitude: 44.410984; Longitude: 8.927051
What3Words: option.doors.however


Photo ID: 010319 Photo ID: 010413 Photo ID: 010414 Photo ID: 010415 Photo ID: 010416 Photo ID: 010417 Photo ID: 010418

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musei di Strade Nuova Musei di Strade Nuova No Data


Three former palaces the Palazzo Rosso, Palazzo Bianco and Palazzo Tursi now house the city's extensive collection of fine art, porcelain, medals and other artefacts. The collection is spread over the three palaces, with the Tursi and Bianco linked so that you move between the two of them in a single visit.


Charge, one ticket does all three palaces

Getting There

Latitude: 44.411333; Longitude: 8.932199
What3Words: chickens.funnels.plastic


Photo ID: 010458 Photo ID: 010459 Photo ID: 010461 Photo ID: 010462 Photo ID: 010463 Photo ID: 010464 Photo ID: 010465

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pallazzo del Principe Pallazzo del Principe No Data


The former palace of Andrea Doria, open to see how the wealthy of Genoa would have lived in the past. Most of the rooms on the 1st floor of the palace are open for viewing as well as the pleasant gardens



Getting There

Latitude: 44.41631; Longitude: 8.917562
What3Words: zebra.hoofs.file


Photo ID: 010449 Photo ID: 010450 Photo ID: 010451 Photo ID: 010452 Photo ID: 010453 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pallazzo Reale Pallazzo Reale No Data


The former Royal Palace is open to look around, with a floor of the former apartments and living spaces of the ducal families available to view



Getting There

Latitude: 44.414685; Longitude: 8.925861
What3Words: mocking.scans.seaside


Photo ID: 010424 Photo ID: 010425 Photo ID: 010426 Photo ID: 010427 Photo ID: 010428 Photo ID: 010429 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porta Soprana Porta Soprana No Data


One of the former gates of the city and still an impressive structure. You can climb the 100 or so very steep steps to the top of the towers for views over the city centre


Charge, Joint ticket for the Porta Soprana and Christopher Columbus house available

Getting There

Latitude: 44.405473; Longitude: 8.934454
What3Words: sailing.purple.fended


Photo ID: 010314 Photo ID: 010399 Photo ID: 010400 Photo ID: 010401 Photo ID: 010403 Photo ID: 010405 Photo ID: 010408

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santissima Annunziata del Vastato Santissima Annunziata del Vastato No Data


Ornately decorated with lashings of gold leaf, the Basilica is a spectacular space


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 44.41426; Longitude: 8.928376
What3Words: infuses.doped.overnight


Photo ID: 010320 Photo ID: 010419 Photo ID: 010420 Photo ID: 010421 Photo ID: 010422 Photo ID: 010423 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torre Grimaldina Torre Grimaldina No Data


The tower of the Ducal palace offering limited views over the centre of the city. The tower also contains the former "plusher" cells of the palace in which many notable citizens were held at times.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.407493; Longitude: 8.9324
What3Words: remix.spared.count


Photo ID: 010478 Photo ID: 010479 Photo ID: 010480 Photo ID: 010481 Photo ID: 010482 Photo ID: 010483 Photo ID: 010484

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cinque Terre Card Cinque Terre Card No Data


There are many marked trails that you can follow across the national park. To access any of the trails (and also to make use of the small buses that run between towns) you must purchase a Cinque Terre card.


Charge, Option of having a card which includes use of the trains between Levanto and La Spezia

Getting There

Latitude: 44.100603; Longitude: 9.736421
What3Words: approach.book.incomers


Photo ID: 010355 Photo ID: 010356 Photo ID: 010357 Photo ID: 010358 Photo ID: 010359 Photo ID: 010360 Photo ID: 010364

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cinque Terre Cinque Terre No Data


Five towns built on a dramatic stretch of coastline linked only by a former goat track through the hills (and since the 19th century) an impressive railway line. The five towns of (from North to South) Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore form the centre of the Cinque Terre national park. The towns, clinging to cliffs and wrapping their way up the sides of mountains are impressive themselves, but the countryside around is even more spectacular. The only downside are the hoards of tourists, whilst it is a precarious goat trail between the towns expect to spend as much time giving way to tourists marching in the opposite direction as you do walking!


Getting There

From Genoa there are regular trains to Levanto and La Spezia where you can pick up local trains. Some of the local trains do start in Genoa. Fastest journey time is via InterCity to La Spezia and then the train back to Riomaggiore at just under 2 hours. Slowest is the stopping train from Genoa direct to Riomaggiore at close to 2 and a half hours
Latitude: 44.120435; Longitude: 9.708781
What3Words: thrilling.winks.grafting


Photo ID: 010336 Photo ID: 010354 Photo ID: 010366 Photo ID: 010376 Photo ID: 010379 Photo ID: 010393 Photo ID: 010395

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2013), and on time of last update (05/10/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore No Data


The largest and most impressive church in the old town, dominating the neighbouring cathedral. From the outside the church is outshone by the adjoining small private chapel, but inside virtually every surface is richly decorated.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.703268; Longitude: 9.662242
What3Words: correct.dove.else


Photo ID: 024311 Photo ID: 024396 Photo ID: 024397 Photo ID: 024399 Photo ID: 024400 Photo ID: 024401 Photo ID: 024402

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Campanone Campanone No Data


The bell tower of the cathedral, a lift speeds you to the top from where there are stunning views over the city centre.


Charge, includes the Campanone and Palazzo del Podestà

Getting There

Latitude: 45.703965; Longitude: 9.662274
What3Words: answer.sweeter.twin


Photo ID: 024297 Photo ID: 024426 Photo ID: 024435 Photo ID: 024437 Photo ID: 024438 Photo ID: 024440 Photo ID: 024442

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cannoniera di San Giovanni Cannoniera di San Giovanni No Data


Part of the Venetian walls the canon embrasure is located deep underneath the walls and looks out over the lower city and surrounding countryside.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.70406; Longitude: 9.657781
What3Words: blocks.develops.sizing


Photo ID: 024388 Photo ID: 024389 Photo ID: 024390 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castello San Vigilio Castello San Vigilio No Data


Located on the highest point in the town, overlooking the Città Alta, the ruins of the castle offer stunning views



Getting There

Latitude: 45.709324; Longitude: 9.650709
What3Words: trams.explores.bank


Photo ID: 024334 Photo ID: 024336 Photo ID: 024338 Photo ID: 024342 Photo ID: 024347 Photo ID: 024349 Photo ID: 024354

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cattedrale di Bergamo Cattedrale di Bergamo No Data


The cathedral is quite plain, and overshadowed by the next door Basilica. Inside the plain ornamentation continues, acting as a relief against the overkill next door



Getting There

Latitude: 45.703326; Longitude: 9.662996
What3Words: natural.owes.noon


Photo ID: 024315 Photo ID: 024404 Photo ID: 024405 Photo ID: 024406 Photo ID: 024407 Photo ID: 024408 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Funicolare Citta' Alta Funicolare Citta' Alta No Data


Linking the lower city to the upper city the funicular still provides a vital part of the city transport infrastructure, and is busy most of the time. A journey takes around 2 minutes.


Charge, standard public transport charges apply

Getting There

Latitude: 45.700955; Longitude: 9.665116
What3Words: scoots.snores.draining


Photo ID: 024377 Photo ID: 024378 Photo ID: 024379 Photo ID: 024380 Photo ID: 024381 Photo ID: 024382 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Funicolare di San Vigilio Funicolare di San Vigilio No Data


Linking the upper city to the even higher suburb of San Vigilio and the castle this small funicular runs at roughly 15 minute intervals, taking around 3 minutes to make the journey


Charge, standard public transport charges apply

Getting There

Latitude: 45.706491; Longitude: 9.65748
What3Words: apple.outlast.private


Photo ID: 024325 Photo ID: 024326 Photo ID: 024327 Photo ID: 024363 Photo ID: 024364 Photo ID: 024411 Photo ID: 024419

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Rocca La Rocca No Data


Castle in the city centre, today it is a garden of remembrance, and also includes a small museum on the history of the city in the 18th and 19th century



Getting There

Latitude: 45.70413; Longitude: 9.66651
What3Words: ramming.vehicle.required


Photo ID: 004194 Photo ID: 004195 Photo ID: 004196 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2009), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Storico di Bergamo Museo Storico di Bergamo No Data


Located in the former convent of San Francisco the museum tells the history of the city through the 20th century



Getting There

Latitude: 45.704949; Longitude: 9.665277
What3Words: supper.banter.surreal


Photo ID: 024444 Photo ID: 024445 Photo ID: 024446 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2009), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palazzo del Podestà Palazzo del Podestà No Data


Located in the same building as the Campanone the museum tells the history of Bergamo and the region during the end of the 15th and through the 16th Century as the power of the Venetian empire waned,


Charge, includes the Campanone and Palazzo del Podestà

Getting There

Latitude: 45.704045; Longitude: 9.662254
What3Words: trip.husbands.puns


Photo ID: 024447 Photo ID: 024448 Photo ID: 024449 Photo ID: 024450 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica de Sant' Ambrogio Basilica de Sant' Ambrogio No Data


A large church to the South West of the city centre, the original was built in the 4th Century, but has since been replaced.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.462123; Longitude: 9.17489
What3Words: commented.pancakes.unwanted


Photo ID: 004172 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castello Sforzesco Castello Sforzesco No Data


At one point the Ducal palace of Milan, today it houses the Civic museum



Getting There

Latitude: 45.469412; Longitude: 9.180802
What3Words: ensemble.owns.relay


Photo ID: 004161 Photo ID: 004164 Photo ID: 004165 Photo ID: 004166 Photo ID: 004167 Photo ID: 004179 Photo ID: 004180

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing Tour City Sightseeing Tour No Data


Two tours run around the city, taking in the main sites. Route A uses open-top coaches and takes in the churches of the south west of the city and the Naviglio Grande. Route B uses open-top double decker buses and takes in the North of the city including the castle park and central station.


Charge, Joint ticket with Bergamo tour available

Getting There

Latitude: 45.468782; Longitude: 9.18166
What3Words: sardine.nights.trade


Photo ID: 004201 Photo ID: 004202 Photo ID: 004203 Photo ID: 004204 Photo ID: 004220 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Duomo Duomo No Data


A simply massive church, with a spectaular front façade. Inside the cathedral you can view its treasures in the treasury, or take the lift (or climb) to the roof for stunning views over the city, and of the amazing roof itself


Free for the Cathedral, Charge for the roof and the treasury

Getting There

Latitude: 45.464308; Longitude: 9.191818
What3Words: coughed.silently.performs


Photo ID: 004176 Photo ID: 004205 Photo ID: 004206 Photo ID: 004209 Photo ID: 004213 Photo ID: 004216 Photo ID: 004219

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musei Civici: Archaeological Museum Musei Civici: Archaeological Museum No Data


A collection of pre-historic artifacts, along with a large collection of Egyptian rellics


Charge, Joint ticket with other Musei Civici museum

Getting There

Latitude: 45.471186; Longitude: 9.179756
What3Words: pebbles.update.widget


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musei Civici: Civiche Ranccolte d'Arte Antica Musei Civici: Civiche Ranccolte d'Arte Antica No Data


A collection of ancient art including statues


Charge, Joint ticket with other Musei Civici museum

Getting There

Latitude: 45.470725; Longitude: 9.179608
What3Words: woes.tennis.kebab


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musei Civici: Furniture Collection and Pinacoteca Musei Civici: Furniture Collection and Pinacoteca No Data


The furniture and fine art collection of the Civic museum


Charge, Joint ticket with other Musei Civici museum

Getting There

Latitude: 45.471098; Longitude: 9.179203
What3Words: zoomed.portable.vibrate


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Naviglio Grande Naviglio Grande No Data


Once part of a network of Canals that helped make Milan the 13th busiest port in Italy. Today its banks are lined by restaruants and antique shops



Getting There

Latitude: 45.452304; Longitude: 9.177006
What3Words: raft.nibbled.managers


Photo ID: 004173 Photo ID: 004174 Photo ID: 004175 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Lorenzo alle Colonne San Lorenzo alle Colonne No Data


One of the oldest churches in Western Europe. Parts of the building dates back to the 4th Century. To one side is a small chappel which includes some fine frescos.


Free, Charge to look at the Frescos in the side chappel

Getting There

Latitude: 45.458212; Longitude: 9.181625
What3Words: sleeper.muddy.test


Photo ID: 004169 Photo ID: 004170 Photo ID: 004171 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santa Maria delle Grazie Santa Maria delle Grazie No Data


The large church formed part of the monastery whoes refectory includes the mural of the Last Supper.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.465998; Longitude: 9.170703
What3Words: diplomat.choirs.stormed


Photo ID: 004221 Photo ID: 004222 Photo ID: 004223 Photo ID: 004225 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Last Supper The Last Supper No Data


The most famous painting in Milan. The mural has to be protected as it started decaying just a few years after Leonardo da Vinci painted it, consequently tickets are limited so advanced booking is essential


Charge, Needs to be booked at least two months in advance

Getting There

Latitude: 45.46622; Longitude: 9.170647
What3Words: reviews.influencing.pasting


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergamo: Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore Bergamo: Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore No Data


The largest and most impressive church in the old town, dominating the neighbouring cathedral



Getting There

Latitude: 45.703268; Longitude: 9.662242
What3Words: correct.dove.else


Photo ID: 004193 Photo ID: 004199 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergamo: Campanone Bergamo: Campanone No Data


The bell tower of the cathedral, a lift speeds you to the top from where there are stunning views over the city centre


Charge, Joint ticket with La Rocca and the Museo Storico di Bergamo available

Getting There

Latitude: 45.703965; Longitude: 9.662274
What3Words: answer.sweeter.twin


Photo ID: 004186 Photo ID: 004187 Photo ID: 004188 Photo ID: 004189 Photo ID: 004190 Photo ID: 004191 Photo ID: 004192

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergamo: Castello San Vigilio Bergamo: Castello San Vigilio No Data


Located on the highest point in the town, overlooking the Città Alta, the ruins of the castle offer stunning views



Getting There

Latitude: 45.709324; Longitude: 9.650709
What3Words: trams.explores.bank


Photo ID: 004181 Photo ID: 004182 Photo ID: 004183 Photo ID: 004184 Photo ID: 004185 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergamo: City Sightseeing Tour Bergamo: City Sightseeing Tour No Data


An hourly open-top coach tour of the city, taking in both the lower and upper town.


Charge, Joint ticket with the Milan tour available

Getting There

Latitude: 45.690597; Longitude: 9.674859
What3Words: crowbar.weddings.holly


Photo ID: 004200 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergamo: Duomo Bergamo: Duomo No Data


The cathedral is quite plain, and overshadowed by the next door Basilica



Getting There

Latitude: 45.703326; Longitude: 9.662996
What3Words: natural.owes.noon


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergamo: La Rocca Bergamo: La Rocca No Data


Castle in the city centre, today it is a garden of rememberance, and also includes a small museum on the history of the city in the 18th and 19th century


Charge, Joint ticket with Campanone and Museo Storico di Bergamo available

Getting There

Latitude: 45.70413; Longitude: 9.66651
What3Words: ramming.vehicle.required


Photo ID: 004194 Photo ID: 004195 Photo ID: 004196 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergamo: Museo Storico di Bergamo Bergamo: Museo Storico di Bergamo No Data


Located in the former convent of San Francisco the museum tells the history of the city through the 20th century


Chrage, Joint ticket with Campanone and La Rocca available

Getting There

Latitude: 45.704949; Longitude: 9.665277
What3Words: supper.banter.surreal


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergamo Bergamo No Data


Bergamo is almost two cities, with its walled upper town (città alta) and modern lower town (città bassa). Most of the sights are located in the upper town, with its medieval layout and buildings.


Getting There

From Milan there are hourly trains from the Garibaldi station, taking just under an hour. There are also trains most hours from the Central station
Latitude: 45.694903; Longitude: 9.669953
What3Words: removed.sleeper.done


Photo ID: 004181 Photo ID: 004197 Photo ID: 004198 Photo ID: 004200 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2009), and on time of last update (04/10/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica di Superga Basilica di Superga No Data


The Basilica was built at a location where the King of Savoy prayed to Mary to help him hold on to Turin during the Spanish War of Succession. He was successful and built the basilica on the spot


Charge, Free with a Torino+Piemonte Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.080572; Longitude: 7.767256
What3Words: october.affords.pilots


Photo ID: 005132 Photo ID: 005133 Photo ID: 005134 Photo ID: 005136 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica di Superga: Cupola Basilica di Superga: Cupola No Data


You can climb the 120 or so steps to a viewing platform at the base of the dome. From here there are stunning views (or there would be if there wasn't a thin haze of pollution on the day I visited) out over both the city and on to the Alps


Charge, Free with a Torino+Piemonte Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.080519; Longitude: 7.767624
What3Words: guess.splits.multiple


Photo ID: 005135 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica di Superga: Reali Tombe di Casa Savoia Basilica di Superga: Reali Tombe di Casa Savoia No Data


The crypt of the Basilica holds the tombs of members of the Savoy family, the house that eventually became the Royal Family of Italy from unification to the formation of the republic. Naturally, with all the money they were rolling in it is a spectacular structure.


Charge, Free with a Torino+Piemonte Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.080771; Longitude: 7.768013
What3Words: gallons.denser.tinkle


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Borgo Medievale Borgo Medievale No Data


A fake medieval village built for the expo at the end of the 19th Century, it's designed to look like a typical Piedmont village (with castle) from the middle ages. The village is open all week, but the castle is closed on a Monday.


Free for the Village, Charge for the castle. Castle free with a Torino+Piemonte Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.048633; Longitude: 7.684591
What3Words: rather.cave.parrot


Photo ID: 005161 Photo ID: 005162 Photo ID: 005163 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing Torino City Sightseeing Torino No Data


The not-quite-open-top-tour (due to the number of tram lines it runs under the buses have a Perspex top to stop people trying to touch the cables!) runs around the key sites in the centre of the city, with an accompanying commentary in multiple languages


Charge, Discount and extra day with Torino+Piemonte Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.070115; Longitude: 7.6865
What3Words: nursery.aspect.forgets


Photo ID: 005141 Photo ID: 005142 Photo ID: 005147 Photo ID: 005157 Photo ID: 005158 Photo ID: 005159 Photo ID: 005160

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Duomo Duomo No Data


Considering this is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Catholicism, it's surprising how small the Cathedral actually is, with just one main central span and a couple of side altars. Space is given over, by the side of the main altar to the chapel where the Shroud is kept, hidden away for most of the time. At the time of visiting it was shortly after the 25-yearly exposition which had taken place for a couple of months over the summer, so it might explain why it was quite so quiet!



Getting There

Latitude: 45.073354; Longitude: 7.685401
What3Words: activity.shams.dinner


Photo ID: 005126 Photo ID: 005127 Photo ID: 005140 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mole Antonelliana Mole Antonelliana No Data


Started by Turin's Jewish community as a stunning synagogue, the work eventually was taken over by the city when the community realised it was too expensive for them to complete. Today it houses a museum and a viewing platform. It's such a massive structure dominating the skyline that it is the unofficial symbol of Turin (like the Eiffel Tower is for Paris)


Free to go into the ground floor, charge to go into the museum or up in the lift

Getting There

Latitude: 45.069242; Longitude: 7.693018
What3Words: curtains.noisy.usual


Photo ID: 005143 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mole Antonelliana: Museo Nazionale del Cinema Mole Antonelliana: Museo Nazionale del Cinema No Data


The museum houses a large collection of artefacts related to cinema, and in particular Italian cinema for which Turin is the Italian Hollywood.


Charge, Free with a Torino+Piemonte Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.069118; Longitude: 7.692913
What3Words: events.vitals.exact


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mole Antonelliana: Panoramic Lift Mole Antonelliana: Panoramic Lift No Data


The lift rises through the centre of the building (word of warning to those who don't like lifts, it's glass and there is no lift shaft, it just rises and falls on it's cables through the air!) to a viewing platform at the base of the spire. The views from the top are stunning out over the city, across to the Basilica at Superga and over to the alps.


Charge, Free with a Torino+Piemonte Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.069012; Longitude: 7.69338
What3Words: fans.display.hogs


Photo ID: 005144 Photo ID: 005145 Photo ID: 005146 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Monte dei Cappuccini Monte dei Cappuccini No Data


The hill that the church stands on offers stunning views over the city centre, and some of the best views of the Alps



Getting There

From the centre of Turin it's a stiff up-hill walk from bridge at the bottom of Via Po, alternatively the City Sightseeing bus stops at the bottom of the access road.
Latitude: 45.059752; Longitude: 7.697731
What3Words: poem.quack.cans


Photo ID: 005148 Photo ID: 005149 Photo ID: 005150 Photo ID: 005164 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Civico Pietro Micca Museo Civico Pietro Micca No Data


The museum is dedicated to Pietro Micca who helped to keep the network of tunnels that ran underneath the Citadella secure during the war of Spanish Succession. The museum is located on top of some of the remaining tunnels and you can go on a tour round some of them.


Charge, Free with a Torino+Piemonte Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.072142; Longitude: 7.668521
What3Words: divides.butter.gown


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Diocesano Museo Diocesano No Data


Located underneath the cathedral the museum has some general presentations on ecclesiastical art and some of the cathedrals main treasures (shroud excluded), but the other reason for coming down here is to see the remains of the former churches built on this site, still visible beneath the glass floors


Charge, Free with a Torino+Piemonte Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.073144; Longitude: 7.685441
What3Words: gulped.tornado.easy


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Egizio Museo Egizio No Data


Described as the most important museum of Egyptian artefacts in Europe, and the second in the world, the museum has a lot of hype to live up to, but live up to it it does. Over three floors there are thousands of exhibits from Sarcophagi and Mummies to scrolls, tablets and statues.


Charge, Free with a Torino+Piemonte Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.068463; Longitude: 7.684397
What3Words: with.approve.roses


Photo ID: 005151 Photo ID: 005152 Photo ID: 005153 Photo ID: 005154 Photo ID: 005155 Photo ID: 005156 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sassi-Superga Rack Railway Sassi-Superga Rack Railway No Data


The rack railway climbs the 3KM or so from Sassi up to a station just below the Basilica. The railway has been recently refurbished, but still has the original late 19th Century cars.


Charge, Free with a Torino+Piemonte Card

Getting There

From the centre of Turin catch the number 15 tram out to the station at Sassi
Latitude: 45.080635; Longitude: 7.731918
What3Words: expect.mainland.adjust


Photo ID: 005131 Photo ID: 005137 Photo ID: 005138 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2010), and on time of last update (30/09/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Accademia Accademia No Data


If the Uffizi is home to some of the worlds most famous paintings, then the Accademia is home to THE most famous of statues. Michelangelo's David is probably the worlds most recognisable statue, but it isn't the sole exhibit in this museum, which at busy times can have queues only beaten by those for the Uffizi. On your approach to David you walk past six other Michelangelo statues which he never finished, because he wanted to leave them that way. The shapes of humans appear to be trying to wrestle themselves free from the rock itself and in some ways they can look quite creepy. At the same time they leave it up to your own imagination as to how they would have eventually looked. The Gallery also contains a number of religious paintings, and a large room filled with other statues and busts.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.775054; Longitude: 11.257262
What3Words: triads.daily.length


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica di Santa Croce Basilica di Santa Croce No Data


This church was built on the site of one of the first Franciscan churches. Today it is also the National Pantheon, home to the tombs of the great and good of Italian culture. These include, despite not being officially pardoned until the late 20th century, Galileo Galilei, Rossini and Machiavelli. There is also a monument to Florence’s famous author Dante, but as he was expelled from the city his remains have never been returned from the town in which he died - Ravenna. The city has requested the return of the remains, on numerous occasions, but have always been refused, something to do with - you didn't want him whilst he was alive, you can't claim the glory now! Outside the church a stern statue of Dante stands, with a reproachful scowl upon his face. Attached to the church, in the site of the former convent is the church's museum. This includes quite a bit of information on the damage caused to the church in the last great flood of 1966, restoration work across the city is still going on more than 40 years later.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.768429; Longitude: 11.262832
What3Words: waxes.dealings.warrior


Photo ID: 002257 Photo ID: 002258 Photo ID: 002259 Photo ID: 002260 Photo ID: 002261 Photo ID: 041445 Photo ID: 041484

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2007), and on time of last update (19/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica di Santa Maria Novella Basilica di Santa Maria Novella No Data


In any other city this would make for a very impressive church, with it's beautiful cloister, and magnificent paintings inside. It's just in Florence everything gets out done by the cathedral. That said, this is well worth visiting.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.774582; Longitude: 11.249356
What3Words: gadgets.boarding.ticking


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The cathedral is one of the most spectacular buildings in the city. Rich in colour and decoration on the outside, inside it is a haven from the noise an bustle outside


Free to go in to the main body of the cathedral.

Getting There

Latitude: 43.77324; Longitude: 11.25618
What3Words: double.dazzling.arrival


Photo ID: 002217 Photo ID: 002218 Photo ID: 002230 Photo ID: 002240 Photo ID: 041342 Photo ID: 041387 Photo ID: 041391

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2007), and on time of last update (19/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Baptistery Cathedral Baptistery No Data


The baptistery is the oldest part of the cathedral complex, and one of the most beautiful. The outside doors are a spectacular prelude to the golden dome inside. Whilst there is not much else to see inside the building, the ceiling itself is worth the entrance fee



Getting There

Latitude: 43.773186; Longitude: 11.255075
What3Words: renew.settle.initial


Photo ID: 002227 Photo ID: 002231 Photo ID: 041390 Photo ID: 041400 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2007), and on time of last update (19/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Bell tower Cathedral Bell tower No Data


The bell tower stands separate from the Cathedral, it’s a heart pounding 414 steps to the top, but the views not only of the city, but of the cathedral itself are worth the climb



Getting There

Latitude: 43.773054; Longitude: 11.255826
What3Words: internal.adopting.glitz


Photo ID: 002225 Photo ID: 002226 Photo ID: 002265 Photo ID: 041388 Photo ID: 041393 Photo ID: 041394 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2007), and on time of last update (19/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral crypt Cathedral crypt No Data


In the crypt of the cathedral are the remains of an earlier church built on the site. Many of the walls, and significant amounts of the original mosaics still survive and can be viewed up close



Getting There

Latitude: 43.77286; Longitude: 11.256984
What3Words: flirts.outings.swan


Photo ID: 002228 Photo ID: 002229 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cupola Cathedral Cupola No Data


The dome of the cathedral is impressive, the views from the top even more so. On the way up you get stunning views of the inside of the church and the impressive painted dome.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.773402; Longitude: 11.257156
What3Words: takers.detect.bags


Photo ID: 002219 Photo ID: 002220 Photo ID: 002221 Photo ID: 002222 Photo ID: 002223 Photo ID: 002224 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chiesa di San Miniato al Monte Chiesa di San Miniato al Monte No Data


The monastery and church are perched high up over looking the city. From here you have stunning views over the whole of the city centre and into the Tuscan countryside



Getting There

Latitude: 43.759317; Longitude: 11.264806
What3Words: minder.trooper.shed


Photo ID: 002236 Photo ID: 002237 Photo ID: 002238 Photo ID: 041355 Photo ID: 041356 Photo ID: 041357 Photo ID: 041364

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2007), and on time of last update (19/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City sightseeing Firenze City sightseeing Firenze No Data


Double deck hop-on-hop-off tours run on two routes. The first route runs around the city centre and up to the Piazzale Michelangelo before returning back to the city centre via the Porta Romana. The second route runs from the city out to Fiesole. ***2022 Update*** The Fiesole route was suspended at the time of visiting due to the continuing impact of Covid



Getting There

Latitude: 43.777365; Longitude: 11.248461
What3Words: dizzy.pizzas.locate


Photo ID: 041481 Photo ID: 041483 Photo ID: 041484 Photo ID: 041488 Photo ID: 041490 Photo ID: 041493 Photo ID: 041504

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2007), and on time of last update (19/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palazzo Pitti: Galleria d'Arte Moderna Palazzo Pitti: Galleria d'Arte Moderna No Data


The gallery has a collection of works, in a small portion on the Pitti Palace covers works of art from the 18th through to the mid 20th century, effectively picking up where the Galleria Palatina finishes, but focusing more directly on works of art from Tuscan artists


Charge, Joint ticket for all Palazzo Pitti attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.765051; Longitude: 11.250107
What3Words: sponge.jump.referral


Photo ID: 002211 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palazzo Pitti: Galleria del Costume Palazzo Pitti: Galleria del Costume No Data


The gallery has a brisk run through of the major changes in fashion and design from the late middle ages through to the immediate post war years.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Palazzo Pitti attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.764605; Longitude: 11.249056
What3Words: bronzed.sparkle.firmer


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palazzo Pitti: Galleria Palatina Palazzo Pitti: Galleria Palatina No Data


Located on just one floor of just one wing of the Pitti Palace, the gallery houses many of the major works that were collected by the Medici family (who ended up owning the whole of the site). In addition to the works of art you can also see the sumptuous surroundings that the family would have lived in.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Palazzo Pitti attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.765035; Longitude: 11.250708
What3Words: soap.grandson.offshore


Photo ID: 002242 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palazzo Pitti: Giardino di Boboli Palazzo Pitti: Giardino di Boboli No Data


The Boboli Gardens exist because of Florence. The gardens have been created in the quarry from which many of Florence's major buildings were built. The massive gardens offer stunning views over the city from their highest points, and lengthy walks, most of which involve climbing up to the get to the stunning views at some point.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Palazzo Pitti attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.762184; Longitude: 11.247683
What3Words: glosses.leader.next


Photo ID: 002241 Photo ID: 002243 Photo ID: 002244 Photo ID: 041453 Photo ID: 041459 Photo ID: 041463 Photo ID: 041466

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2007), and on time of last update (19/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palazzo Pitti: Museum della Porcellane Palazzo Pitti: Museum della Porcellane No Data


The Porcelain museum is set in a small building at the top of the Boboli gardens, it houses a collection of porcelain and other dining ware.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Palazzo Pitti attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.761982; Longitude: 11.252511
What3Words: code.conveys.compounds


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Piazzale Michelangelo Piazzale Michelangelo No Data


With the tourist coaches and stalls this looks like a glorified car park. Which to some extent it is, but the views across the Arno to the city centre are spectacular. It's one of the few places in the city where you can truly appreciate the scale of the cathedral in relation to the rest of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.76285; Longitude: 11.264999
What3Words: juggle.fear.solo


Photo ID: 002235 Photo ID: 002255 Photo ID: 002262 Photo ID: 002263 Photo ID: 002264 Photo ID: 041347 Photo ID: 041348

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2007), and on time of last update (19/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ponte Vecchio Ponte Vecchio No Data


The Ponte Vecchio is Florence's prettiest bridge. Across most of its span, bar for a small section in the middle, it is covered on either side by small shops which rise a couple of storeys on either side.


Free to walk over the bridge, most of the shops are very expensive!

Getting There

Latitude: 43.76803; Longitude: 11.253133
What3Words: survivor.expose.richer


Photo ID: 041348 Photo ID: 041349 Photo ID: 041379 Photo ID: 041380 Photo ID: 041475 Photo ID: 041480 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2007), and on time of last update (19/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porta Romana Porta Romana No Data


According to the guide books there should be access from near the Porta Romana up onto the city walls and into the gate itself, but despite looking I couldn't find it. The gate itself is at the start of one of the longest preserved sections of the city wall, and is an impressive entrance into the city. As the name suggests the road that leads out of the city from here heads south towards Rome.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.760789; Longitude: 11.241846
What3Words: splits.retrial.deal


Photo ID: 002239 Photo ID: 041493 Photo ID: 041494 Photo ID: 041495 Photo ID: 041496 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2007), and on time of last update (19/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uffizi Uffizi No Data


Italy's most visited attraction, home to some of the worlds most famous paintings in a building created by the Medici (a byword for the power of this region in the renaissance period). Not bad for an office (Uffizi directly translates into English as Office!) On one visit you could never hope to see all the works that are on display here, but even walking round quickly you are amazed by the number of paintings that you know of.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.768688; Longitude: 11.255456
What3Words: locals.system.alleges


Photo ID: 002232 Photo ID: 002233 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fiesole: Cattedrale di San Romolo Fiesole: Cattedrale di San Romolo No Data


The small cathedral looks almost new on the outside (I would suspect someone had been hard at it with the sand blaster not that long ago.) Inside the cathedral is a mix of different coloured marbles and woods.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.807163; Longitude: 11.292583
What3Words: inhaled.cubs.broom


Photo ID: 002246 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fiesole: Zona Archeologica Fiesole: Zona Archeologica No Data


The Arcaeological zone contains the remains of many Roman buildings, including the surprisingly well kept theatre, along with fragments of buildings and the city's baths.


Charge, Includes entry to the Museum Bandini

Getting There

Latitude: 43.807809; Longitude: 11.293768
What3Words: emails.sublet.yell


Photo ID: 002247 Photo ID: 002248 Photo ID: 002249 Photo ID: 002250 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fiesole: Museo Bandini Fiesole: Museo Bandini No Data


Located across the street from the Zona Archeologica, and included in the ticket is this small museum dedicated to religoius art


Charge, Included in the entrance fee to the Zona Archeologica

Getting There

Latitude: 43.807406; Longitude: 11.29291
What3Words: unwind.twinge.volunteered


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pisa: Baptistery Pisa: Baptistery No Data


The baptistery is dwarfed by its neighbours the cathedral and the bell tower, so it's a surprise just how large it is when you get inside. Inside you can climb up to the upper gallery for even better views of the inside


Charge, Joint ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.723289; Longitude: 10.394075
What3Words: rent.cheek.fixtures


Photo ID: 002269 Photo ID: 002270 Photo ID: 002271 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pisa: Bell tower Pisa: Bell tower No Data


More commonly known for its architectural cock-up rather than its original function the "leaning-tower" is almost certainly the first thing people will mention when you mention Pisa. Today, back from the brink following work throughout the 1990s, which has secured it at least another 300 years, the tower has strict limits on the numbers who can visit. Booking ahead is recommended at busy times, but when I went I was able to get a timed ticket for only 40 minutes ahead, and they only send people up every 20 minutes. The climb up is surreal; one moment you are hauling yourself up steps that shouldn't be that steep. The next you're effectively climbing on the flat as you make you way in and out of the lean. From it's top the tower provides stunning views over the whole of the town.


Charge, Tickets need to be booked in advance, online in peak season

Getting There

Latitude: 43.722994; Longitude: 10.396585
What3Words: stoops.salads.exclaim


Photo ID: 002267 Photo ID: 002273 Photo ID: 002274 Photo ID: 002275 Photo ID: 002280 Photo ID: 002281 Photo ID:

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pisa: Camposanto Pisa: Camposanto No Data


Supposedly the soil in the cemetery was shipped from Calvary after the death of Christ, and that bodies are reduced to dust in just days. Whatever the beliefs are you cant help but wander at this spectacular building. Resembling a cloister it is filled with tombs, but offers a place of peace amongst all the crowds of the rest of the site.


Charge, Joint ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.724033; Longitude: 10.39489
What3Words: remove.gulped.nurses


Photo ID: 002278 Photo ID: 002279 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pisa: Cathedral Pisa: Cathedral No Data


The cathedral pre-dates Florence, and in some ways set the design standard for a lot that followed. The inside of the cathedral is spectacular with alternating bands of green and cream marble.


Charge, Joint ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.723273; Longitude: 10.395706
What3Words: business.herds.relax


Photo ID: 002268 Photo ID: 002272 Photo ID: 002276 Photo ID: 002277 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pisa: City Sightseeing Pisa: City Sightseeing No Data


***2016 UPDATE: The tour was not running when I visited Pisa in October 2016*** The hourly tour wanders around the centre of the town, taking in the city walls, and some of the city's history, but much of the focus is towards the cathedral complex. Three tours a day run additionally out to the nature reserve on the edge of town.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.722354; Longitude: 10.3979
What3Words: goats.banana.pylon


Photo ID: 002285 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2007), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pisa: Museo Delle Sinopie Pisa: Museo Delle Sinopie No Data


Following the damage done to the fresco's of the cathedral during the war, many original designs have been uncovered and these are on display in this museum


Charge, Joint ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.722513; Longitude: 10.397186
What3Words: petty.director.uniforms


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pisa: Museo Dell'Opera Del Duomo Pisa: Museo Dell'Opera Del Duomo No Data


A small museum which houses artefacts and displays on the various buildings which make up the cathedral complex.


Charge, Joint ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.72225; Longitude: 10.398839
What3Words: quietly.busy.hacking


Photo ID: 002282 Photo ID: 002283 Photo ID: 002284 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fiesole Fiesole No Data


Today Fiesole is a small, sleepy hill top town. Hard to imagine that this has been the site of continuous human settlement for at least 2,600 years, and that it once out ranked its nearby neighbour Florence as the more important city. The town sits beautifully on it's hillside, looking out across the plain that Florence sits in. Fiesole has historical artifacts that go back before the Roman era to that of the Etruscans, but it is the Romans who have left the largest mark on the town, with the remains of the Roman theatre so well preserved that they still act as a theatre for performances today


Getting There

There are regular busses from the main station in Florence up to Fiesole which take about 30 minutes, terminating outside the cathedral. Alternativly City Sightseeing Firenze double deck hop-on-hop-off busses also run out to Fiesole.
Latitude: 43.806938; Longitude: 11.292765
What3Words: revival.festivity.passions


Photo ID: 002246 Photo ID: 002247 Photo ID: 002248 Photo ID: 002249 Photo ID: 002250 Photo ID: 002254 Photo ID: 002256

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pisa Pisa No Data


Unfairly known around the world for its monumental building cockup there is more to Pisa then just a wonky tower, even if it does form part of one of the most beautiful settings in the world


Getting There

There are regular trains from Florence to Pisa, taking a little over an hour to get there
Latitude: 43.71614; Longitude: 10.396585
What3Words: goggles.invent.magic


Photo ID: 002266 Photo ID: 002267 Photo ID: 002269 Photo ID: 002273 Photo ID: 002274 Photo ID: 002281 Photo ID: 002284

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2007), and on time of last update (08/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Forte di Belvedere Forte di Belvedere No Data


16th Century fortress on the same ridge as Piazzale Michelangelo offering excellent views over the city including the Duomo.


Free to look around the outside and terraces, charge to go inside the rooms (used for exhibits)

Getting There

Latitude: 43.762866; Longitude: 11.253726
What3Words: sweeper.oblige.bravo


Photo ID: 041431 Photo ID: 041433 Photo ID: 041435 Photo ID: 041436 Photo ID: 041442 Photo ID: 041444 Photo ID: 041451

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/07/2022), and on time of last update (19/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Giardino Bardini Giardino Bardini No Data


A restored 17th century garden that climbs up the side of the ridge that leads to the Fote di Belvedere, offering excellent views over the city. The ticket combines entry to both this garden and the Giardino di Boboli allowing you to climb up through one garden then walk a short signposted walk along the street near the Forte di Belvedere and then descend back through the other garden.


Charge, includes entry to the Giardino di Boboli

Getting There

Latitude: 43.764915; Longitude: 11.257457
What3Words: wades.orchids.upset


Photo ID: 041406 Photo ID: 041407 Photo ID: 041410 Photo ID: 041415 Photo ID: 041416 Photo ID: 041419 Photo ID: 041423

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/07/2022), and on time of last update (19/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Canale dei Navicelli Canale dei Navicelli No Date


Built in the 16th century to bypass the strong currents at the mouth of the Arno and linking Florence via Pisa with the port at Livorno. Today the area around the Arno junction in Pisa is dry following substantial damage during WWII, but you can still see the outline of the canal and some of the infrastructure. At this point it also runs alongside some impressive parts of the old city walls



Getting There

Latitude: 43.711958; Longitude: 10.391558
What3Words: normal.canyons.gifts


Photo ID: 017919 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chiesa di Santa Maria della Spina Chiesa di Santa Maria della Spina No Date


A small Pisan Gothic church built right next to the banks of the Arno. The church no longer functions for religious purposes, but houses small exhibitions and is just a very pretty place to look around



Getting There

Latitude: 43.715216; Longitude: 10.396654
What3Words: sank.strict.blaring


Photo ID: 017908 Photo ID: 017909 Photo ID: 017910 Photo ID: 017911 Photo ID: 017912 Photo ID: 017913 Photo ID: 017914

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Date


Large parts of the old city walls still exist, in parts forming the boundary around the Piazza del Miracoli. You can walk alongside most of the parts that are still standing. Some of the most impressive are down by the former Arsenal where the land meets the river Arno



Getting There

Latitude: 43.713254; Longitude: 10.389102
What3Words: adjusted.flanked.pictures


Photo ID: 017918 Photo ID: 017920 Photo ID: 017921 Photo ID: 017926 Photo ID: 017927 Photo ID: 017929 Photo ID: 017930

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

OPA: Battistero di San Giovanni OPA: Battistero di San Giovanni No Date


The baptistery is dwarfed by its neighbours the cathedral and the bell tower, so it's a surprise just how large it is when you get inside. Inside you can climb up to the upper gallery for even better views of the inside


Charge, joint ticket with other OPA attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.723295; Longitude: 10.39414
What3Words: milk.dashes.below


Photo ID: 017773 Photo ID: 017789 Photo ID: 017790 Photo ID: 017791 Photo ID: 017825 Photo ID: 017831 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

OPA: Cattedrale di Pisa OPA: Cattedrale di Pisa No Date


The cathedral pre-dates Florence, and in some ways set the design standard for a lot that followed. The inside of the cathedral is spectacular with alternating bands of green and cream marble.


Charge, joint ticket with other OPA attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.723277; Longitude: 10.395911
What3Words: cheesy.vets.informs


Photo ID: 017788 Photo ID: 017798 Photo ID: 017799 Photo ID: 017800 Photo ID: 017801 Photo ID: 017820 Photo ID: 017827

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

OPA: Il Camposanto OPA: Il Camposanto No Date


The cemetery of the cathedral, houses some of Pisa's finest. Supposedly the soil in the cemetery was shipped from Calvary after the death of Christ, and that bodies are reduced to dust in just days. Whatever the beliefs are you cant help but wander at this spectacular building. Resembling a cloister it is filled with tombs, but offers a place of peace amongst all the crowds of the rest of the site.


Charge, joint ticket with other OPA attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.724006; Longitude: 10.394832
What3Words: fended.brighter.hampers


Photo ID: 017774 Photo ID: 017779 Photo ID: 017780 Photo ID: 017781 Photo ID: 017786 Photo ID: 017787 Photo ID: 017803

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

OPA: Museo delle sinopie OPA: Museo delle sinopie No Date


The museum houses the Sinopie - the underlying sketches which were then used by the fresco painters to paint the frescos - of the Camposanto and give an insight into the complex work involved in creating frescos. The museum details how the drafts are prepared and tells some of the history of the frescos.


Charge, joint ticket with other OPA attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.722441; Longitude: 10.394914
What3Words: spooned.pinch.whispers


Photo ID: 017775 Photo ID: 017776 Photo ID: 017777 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

OPA: Piazza dei Miracoli OPA: Piazza dei Miracoli No Date


The square of miracles - home to a fine collection of renaissance buildings the Camposanto, Baptistery and Cathedral all being overshadowed by the ill fated bell tower that has become the symbol of Pisa all around the world.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.722909; Longitude: 10.394955
What3Words: fountain.sing.inflame


Photo ID: 017796 Photo ID: 017812 Photo ID: 017824 Photo ID: 017829 Photo ID: 017931 Photo ID: 017933 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

OPA: Torre di Pisa OPA: Torre di Pisa No Date


More commonly known for its architectural cock-up rather than its original function the "leaning-tower" is almost certainly the first thing people will mention when you mention Pisa. Today, back from the brink following work throughout the 1990s, which has secured it at least another 300 years, the tower has strict limits on the numbers who can visit. Booking ahead is recommended at busy times, but late in the afternoon, once all the day trippers have headed back to Florence, you can usually get a ticket pretty quickly. Being at the top of the tower at Sunset makes for an excellent experience. The climb up is surreal; one moment you are hauling yourself up steps that shouldn't be that steep. The next you're effectively climbing on the flat as you make you way in and out of the lean. From it's top the tower provides stunning views over the whole of the town.


Charge and Timed Ticket for entry, joint ticket with other OPA attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.722972; Longitude: 10.396657
What3Words: pastels.civic.gliders


Photo ID: 017771 Photo ID: 017778 Photo ID: 017804 Photo ID: 017814 Photo ID: 017818 Photo ID: 017819 Photo ID: 017832

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lucca: Basilica di San Frediano Lucca: Basilica di San Frediano No Date


A large basilica up against the city walls, quite plain inside but a massive space



Getting There

Latitude: 43.846192; Longitude: 10.504545
What3Words: guarded.towns.ports


Photo ID: 017862 Photo ID: 017863 Photo ID: 017864 Photo ID: 017865 Photo ID: 017866 Photo ID: 017889 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lucca: Duomo di San Martino Lucca: Duomo di San Martino No Date


The city's Cathedral, with its tower dominating the skyline. The Cathedral was built after the tower so from the front does look a little a-symmetrical.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.840681; Longitude: 10.505905
What3Words: lobbed.when.drive


Photo ID: 017842 Photo ID: 017859 Photo ID: 017883 Photo ID: 017894 Photo ID: 017897 Photo ID: 017899 Photo ID: 017900

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lucca: Orto Botanico Lucca: Orto Botanico No Date


The city's small botanical gardens with a range of plants from around the world


Charge, Joint ticket for Orto Botanico and Torre Guinigi available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.841064; Longitude: 10.51098
What3Words: gateway.rotate.monopoly


Photo ID: 017869 Photo ID: 017870 Photo ID: 017871 Photo ID: 017872 Photo ID: 017873 Photo ID: 017874 Photo ID: 017875

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lucca: Piazza dell’Anfiteatro Lucca: Piazza dell’Anfiteatro No Date


The site of the Roman Amphitheatre, you can easily see the outline and in places the archways into the piazza are part of the original Roman fabric. The square houses a number of restaurants and cafes.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.845334; Longitude: 10.506166
What3Words: ribs.swimmer.communal


Photo ID: 017860 Photo ID: 017861 Photo ID: 017886 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lucca: Torre Guinigi Lucca: Torre Guinigi No Date


The iconic tower of the city, and the highest. At it's summit a small garden of oak trees grows giving the bizarre site of trees growing some 40m in the sky. There's 230 steps to the top from where there are stunning views across the city and to the mountains


Charge, Joint ticket for Orto Botanico and Torre Guinigi available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.843743; Longitude: 10.506969
What3Words: onwards.sweat.imposes


Photo ID: 017853 Photo ID: 017867 Photo ID: 017880 Photo ID: 017884 Photo ID: 017886 Photo ID: 017887 Photo ID: 017890

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lucca: Walls Lucca: Walls No Date


Forming a complete ring around the city the walls stretch for about 4.5Km and you can walk the whole way around them on the top. Great views of the city and the surrounding fortifications



Getting There

Latitude: 43.839161; Longitude: 10.507392
What3Words: voices.pebbles.sleeper


Photo ID: 017837 Photo ID: 017846 Photo ID: 017849 Photo ID: 017855 Photo ID: 017858 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lucca Lucca No Date


A perfectly preserved medieval city still hiding behind it's complete city walls.


Getting There

Trains run every 30 minutes from Pisa to Lucca taking around 25 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 43.842921; Longitude: 10.502698
What3Words: tugging.gasp.rising


Photo ID: 017847 Photo ID: 017848 Photo ID: 017854 Photo ID: 017855 Photo ID: 017877 Photo ID: 017884 Photo ID: 017885

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2016), and on time of last update (11/10/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Duomo Duomo No Data


The stunning black and white striped marble walls of the cathedral dominates the city. Inside the marble continues with striped columns and the stunning marble floors (not always on display)


Charge, joint ticket available for all cathedral attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 43.317792; Longitude: 11.329183
What3Words: approach.mammal.scoring


Photo ID: 013131 Photo ID: 013132 Photo ID: 013145 Photo ID: 013147 Photo ID: 013149 Photo ID: 013150 Photo ID: 013153

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Duomo: Battistero di San Giovanni Duomo: Battistero di San Giovanni No Data


The Baptistery of the cathedral, whilst not as light and spectacular as the main church it is still an impressive building with acres of marble


Charge, joint ticket available for all cathedral attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 43.318081; Longitude: 11.329492
What3Words: many.stops.sprinkle


Photo ID: 013130 Photo ID: 013162 Photo ID: 013163 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Duomo: Cripta Duomo: Cripta No Data


The crypt of the cathedral. Due to the steepness of the hill the crypt actually is above the level of the baptistery and houses a small exhibition on the frescos that were found in the area.


Charge, joint ticket available for all cathedral attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 43.317864; Longitude: 11.329368
What3Words: reserved.groom.abolish


Photo ID: 013144 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Duomo: Museo dell'Opera del Duomo Duomo: Museo dell'Opera del Duomo No Data


The museum of the Cathedral holds the usual collection of religious artefacts.


Charge, joint ticket available for all cathedral attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 43.317653; Longitude: 11.329685
What3Words: lifelong.across.contain


Photo ID: 013156 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Duomo: Panorama e Duomo Nuovo Duomo: Panorama e Duomo Nuovo No Data


Located off of the museum the key part of the visit is to be able to climb up to the viewing platform on what was supposed to be an extension to the Cathedral which was abandoned in the Medici times. The views over the city are stunning.


Charge, joint ticket available for all cathedral attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 43.317343; Longitude: 11.330114
What3Words: amends.using.paint


Photo ID: 013134 Photo ID: 013156 Photo ID: 013157 Photo ID: 013158 Photo ID: 013159 Photo ID: 013160 Photo ID: 013161

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Duomo: Pavimento Duomo: Pavimento No Data


The marble floors of the cathedral are worth the entrance fee in themselves, with stunning artwork and amazing craftsmanship


When the floor is uncovered charges for entry and for the combined pass are higher. Included in entry to the Cathedral

Getting There

Latitude: 43.317577; Longitude: 11.328937
What3Words: rashers.stores.montage


Photo ID: 013146 Photo ID: 013148 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Duomo: Piccolomini Library Duomo: Piccolomini Library No Data


The cathedral library houses some excellent frescos and an impressive painted ceiling


Charge, joint ticket available for all cathedral attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 43.317704; Longitude: 11.328856
What3Words: grocers.waters.diary


Photo ID: 013151 Photo ID: 013152 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fontebranda Fontebranda No Data


Located beneath the Basilica of San Domenico and once the city's principle water supply today it is in a quiet street away from the largest number of tourists and provides a peaceful and quiet spot. The water still rises into the large basin of the fountain and then spills out into channels below creating a relaxing atmosphere



Getting There

Latitude: 43.319362; Longitude: 11.327598
What3Words: dynamics.only.working


Photo ID: 013197 Photo ID: 013198 Photo ID: 013199 Photo ID: 013200 Photo ID: 013201 Photo ID: 013202 Photo ID:

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fortezza Medicea Fortezza Medicea No Data


Located at the top of the city, near the bus station, the fortress dominates the North of the city. From the ramparts the views over the city are some of the best, and with large trees, lots of shade plenty of benches and virtually no tourists this is a great place to escape to on a hot day.


Getting There

Latitude: 43.322297; Longitude: 11.323417
What3Words: ready.rational.vote


Photo ID: 013166 Photo ID: 013167 Photo ID: 013168 Photo ID: 013169 Photo ID: 013170 Photo ID: 013171 Photo ID: 013172

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Civico Museo Civico No Data


The city museum, housed in the town hall buildings. If anything the city rooms are more impressive than any of the exhibits


Charge, joint ticket for Museo Civico and Torre del Mangia available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.318057; Longitude: 11.332146
What3Words: trumped.status.apron
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Piazza del Campo Piazza del Campo No Data


The main square of the city, surrounded by cafés and bars it's the place to see and be seen in Siena



Getting There

Latitude: 43.318469; Longitude: 11.3316
What3Words: historic.added.dome


Photo ID: 013128 Photo ID: 013129 Photo ID: 013136 Photo ID: 013140 Photo ID: 013141 Photo ID: 013143 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Domenico Catherine Basilica San Domenico Catherine Basilica No Data


This impressive and imposing church high on the ridge that is also home to the fortress (and the bus station), houses, amongst other things, the head of St Catherine of Siena - a slightly gruesome relic.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.319719; Longitude: 11.327242
What3Words: coast.strides.solving


Photo ID: 013135 Photo ID: 013165 Photo ID: 013169 Photo ID: 013172 Photo ID: 013176 Photo ID: 013197 Photo ID: 013201

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santa Maria della Scala: Chapels Santa Maria della Scala: Chapels No Data


The former pilgrims hospital, several chapels are open to have a look around


Charge includes entrance to all areas of the complex

Getting There

Latitude: 43.317052; Longitude: 11.328572
What3Words: door.nutrients.welfare


Photo ID: 013133 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santa Maria della Scala: Exhibits Santa Maria della Scala: Exhibits No Data


The former pilgrims hospital, there are several small exhibits telling the story of the site, as well as an exhibition on some of the hospitals treasures.


Charge includes entrance to all areas of the complex

Getting There

Latitude: 43.316907; Longitude: 11.328419
What3Words: outwit.spooked.wicked


Photo ID: 013133 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santa Maria della Scala: Galleries Santa Maria della Scala: Galleries No Data


The former pilgrims hospital, many of the rooms have been turned into galleries with a range of permanent and temporary exhibitions


Charge includes entrance to all areas of the complex

Getting There

Latitude: 43.317157; Longitude: 11.328258
What3Words: full.toolkit.moving


Photo ID: 013133 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santa Maria della Scala: Museo archeologico Santa Maria della Scala: Museo archeologico No Data


Located in the basement of the hospital, and in places in tunnels dug out underneath the building and the piazza way above the museum houses a fine collection of Etruscan and Roman artefacts, however just the tunnels and passageways of the museum itself are the key attraction.


Charge includes entrance to all areas of the complex

Getting There

Latitude: 43.316989; Longitude: 11.328226
What3Words: stew.boomers.packet


Photo ID: 013133 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torre del Mangia Torre del Mangia No Data


The tower of the town hall, from the viewing platform at the top there are stunning views across the city and out to the Tuscan hills


Charge, joint ticket for Museo Civico and Torre del Mangia available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.318306; Longitude: 11.332271
What3Words: sleeper.genetics.tracking
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Gimignano San Gimignano No Data


A small hill town located just over an hour away from Siena is famous both for it's excellent local wines and for the amazing array of towers that were built in the town during the middle ages, today a significant number still survive and give the town a bizarre high-rise skyline


Getting There

Buses about every 75 minutes from the bus station heading to San Gimignano via Poggibonsi and taking around 75 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 43.467792; Longitude: 11.043213
What3Words: gaffer.hinders.invitees


Photo ID: 013181 Photo ID: 013184 Photo ID: 013188 Photo ID: 013190 Photo ID: 013192 Photo ID: 013194 Photo ID: 013195

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2014), and on time of last update (06/10/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arena Arena No Data


The third largest Roman Arena, and still used today as a location for theatre and opera performances. Whilst most of the outer walls have gone, the main part of the arena is still in exceptionally good condition and offers a complete idea of a Roman Arena.


Charge, Free with a Verona Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.439033; Longitude: 10.994353
What3Words: seats.audibly.discrepancy


Photo ID: 002636 Photo ID: 002641 Photo ID: 002642 Photo ID: 002643 Photo ID: 002676 Photo ID: 002677 Photo ID: 002678

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2008), and on time of last update (09/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica di Santa Zeno Basilica di Santa Zeno No Data


Located to the South West of the city centre the Basilica is one of the largest churches in the city and home to some stunning frescos


Charge, Free with a Verona Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.442511; Longitude: 10.979129
What3Words: breath.lifelong.resist


Photo ID: 002664 Photo ID: 002665 Photo ID: 002666 Photo ID: 002667 Photo ID: 002668 Photo ID: 002669 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2008), and on time of last update (09/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castelvecchio Castelvecchio No Data


The mighty fortress on the edge of the city centre. A mix of museums showing historical artefacts and religious paintings fill the rooms, whilst the views from the ramparts and towers are stunning


Charge, Free with a Verona Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.439726; Longitude: 10.987895
What3Words: imagined.bribing.oaks


Photo ID: 002655 Photo ID: 002656 Photo ID: 002657 Photo ID: 002658 Photo ID: 002659 Photo ID: 002660 Photo ID: 002661

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2008), and on time of last update (09/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chiesa di Santa Anastasia Chiesa di Santa Anastasia No Data


One of the largest churches in the city, and filled with stunning art work


Charge, Free with a Verona Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.445217; Longitude: 10.999916
What3Words: page.pencils.panther


Photo ID: 002650 Photo ID: 002651 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2008), and on time of last update (09/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Duomo Duomo No Data


The city's cathedral, not as impressive as some of the other churches, but worth a look around


Charge, Free with a Verona Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.447285; Longitude: 10.997022
What3Words: weekend.instant.pipes


Photo ID: 002652 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2008), and on time of last update (09/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ponte di Castlevecchio Ponte di Castlevecchio No Data


Crossing the river next to the Castlevecchio this fortified bridge is stunning, and offers excellent views of the castle and city centre



Getting There

Latitude: 45.439756; Longitude: 10.987369
What3Words: duck.discrepancy.aimless


Photo ID: 002656 Photo ID: 002661 Photo ID: 002662 Photo ID: 002663 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2008), and on time of last update (09/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roman Theatre and Archaeological Museum Roman Theatre and Archaeological Museum No Data


The remains of a Roman theatre on the opposite bank of the river from the city centre. The site also includes a comprehensive archaeological museum detailing some of the finds on the site


Charge, Free with a Verona Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.447457; Longitude: 11.001756
What3Words: push.solving.collects


Photo ID: 002682 Photo ID: 002683 Photo ID: 002684 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2008), and on time of last update (09/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torre dei Lamberti Torre dei Lamberti No Data


One of the main towers of the city, from it's viewing platform at the top the views over the city centre are stunning


Charge, Free with a Verona Card

Getting There

Latitude: 45.442955; Longitude: 10.997701
What3Words: hatter.memo.pram


Photo ID: 002644 Photo ID: 002645 Photo ID: 002646 Photo ID: 002647 Photo ID: 002648 Photo ID: 002649 Photo ID: 002670

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2008), and on time of last update (09/05/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Biblioteca Marciana Biblioteca Marciana No Data


Located in the Museum Archeologico the library now is kept for it's stunning painted roof, and the display of old books and globes.


Charge, Joint Entry with Palazzo Ducal, Museo Correr and the Museum Archeologico

Getting There

Latitude: 45.433609; Longitude: 12.339336
What3Words: applied.noises.rebirth


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Correr Museo Correr No Data


This museum tells some of the history of the building of the city, along with a collection of paintings from the city's archives.


Charge, Joint Entry with Palazzo Ducal, Museum Archeologico and the Biblioteca Marciana

Getting There

Latitude: 45.433613; Longitude: 12.337142
What3Words: moisture.than.politics


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum Archeologico Museum Archeologico No Data


Running directly on from the Museo Correr the archaeological museum has exhibits of Roman and Greek statues and busts found near the city.


Charge, Joint Entry with Palazzo Ducal, Museo Correr and the Biblioteca Marciana

Getting There

Latitude: 45.433816; Longitude: 12.339186
What3Words: sued.forum.exulted


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace) Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace) No Data


The home of the Doge's of Venice and the seat of the republics power. Only some of the rooms in the palace are open, but these show off the power, and money, that the republic had during it's more than 1000 years of existence. Touring the palace also takes in the new prison which is linked to the main palace by the world famous Bridge of Sighs.


Charge, Joint Entry with Museo Correr, Museum Archeologico and the Biblioteca Marciana

Getting There

Latitude: 45.433726; Longitude: 12.340484
What3Words: composed.fortunate.news


Photo ID: 003117 Photo ID: 003118 Photo ID: 003119 Photo ID: 003120 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Giorgio Maggiore San Giorgio Maggiore No Data


Located opposite St Marks square this church dominates the small island it rests on. The church is quite simple, but it's crowning glory is it's bell tower. Unlike St Marks you can get a full view of the Canals, along with a large swath of the lagoon, and most importantly a full shot of St Marks Cathedral and Bell tower.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.42957; Longitude: 12.343225
What3Words: divider.length.digital


Photo ID: 003124 Photo ID: 003127 Photo ID: 003128 Photo ID: 003129 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Marco San Marco No Data


The main cathedral of the city, whose front more resembles a grand railway station. Inside the whole of the building is covered in guilted mosaics. There are also lots of opportunities for you to part with your money, which make the free entry appear a little bit of charade. You have to pay for the treasury, or to look around the altar, and you have to pay to go up onto the balcony on the front of the cathedral (though this does also include entrance into the museum


Free entry to the Cathedral, charge for some parts

Getting There

Latitude: 45.434554; Longitude: 12.339658
What3Words: confined.remark.mess


Photo ID: 003108 Photo ID: 003115 Photo ID: 003142 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Marco Campanile San Marco Campanile No Data


The bell tower of the cathedral, and in itself possibly the most recognisable symbol of Venice. Freestanding in the St Marks Square the tower is a replacement for the one that was destroyed in 1902. A lift whisks you up the 60 odd meters to the viewing platform from where there are stunning views over the Cathedral, St Marks Square and the whole of Venice. Due to it's location and height the one thing you can't see are any of the canals!



Getting There

Latitude: 45.434057; Longitude: 12.339068
What3Words: spelling.enter.reef


Photo ID: 003109 Photo ID: 003110 Photo ID: 003111 Photo ID: 003112 Photo ID: 003113 Photo ID: 003114 Photo ID: 003116

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Marco Cathedral Museum San Marco Cathedral Museum No Data


Located in the Loggia above the entrance way to the cathedral the museum explains how the building was built and how some of the mosaics were restored. You can also walk around some of the galleries above the main part of the cathedral looking down on the body of the church. From the museum you can walk out onto the balcony that runs above the main entrance for good views of St Marks Square, the Doge's Palace and the four horses who create the focal point of the building



Getting There

Latitude: 45.434467; Longitude: 12.339363
What3Words: prayers.slamming.glitter


Photo ID: 003143 Photo ID: 003144 Photo ID: 003145 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Rocco San Rocco No Data


One of the city's many churches with a fine collection of paintings inside



Getting There

Latitude: 45.436549; Longitude: 12.325217
What3Words: tensions.onto.slime


Photo ID: 003163 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santa Maria della Salute Santa Maria della Salute No Data


This domed church, located at the end of the Grand Canal, opposite St Marks Square, dominated the Venice skyline and has an impressive interior



Getting There

Latitude: 45.430639; Longitude: 12.33475
What3Words: obey.tiger.vineyard


Photo ID: 003154 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari No Data


One of the largest churches in the city, and home to the tomb of local painter Titian.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.43717; Longitude: 12.326859
What3Words: spooned.excuse.lighten


Photo ID: 003161 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santi Giovanni e Paolo (San Zanipolo) Santi Giovanni e Paolo (San Zanipolo) No Data


A similar style to the brooding hulk that is Frari. Again, filled with artwork



Getting There

Latitude: 45.43941; Longitude: 12.341943
What3Words: parent.underway.giggle


Photo ID: 003171 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Murano: Glass Museum Murano: Glass Museum No Data


The museum is dedicated to the industry which has supported the island for hundreds of years. The museum tells the story of the evolution of glass production from basic drinking vessals and bowls, to the intricate glasswork of the modern sculptures and expensive trickets that they produce (some of the stuff is very expensive tat!).



Getting There

Latitude: 45.456582; Longitude: 12.356848
What3Words: tabloid.crop.wage


Photo ID: 003169 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Burano Burano No Data


The lace-making centre of Venice, and home to one of the largest communities off of the main islands. In keeping with tradition all the houses on the island are painted in bright colours making the area appear very pretty. The spire of the church dominates the island, if only for it's slightly less than upright angle (it looks as though it leans even more than Pisa's famous tower!)



Getting There

From San Marco catch boat LN direct to Burano. The journey takes about 75 minutes. Alternatively you can walk across Venice to Fondamente Nova and pick up the LN to Burano there, but this still takes about an hour.
Latitude: 45.485711; Longitude: 12.417383
What3Words: budged.iodine.properly


Photo ID: 003130 Photo ID: 003134 Photo ID: 003135 Photo ID: 003136 Photo ID: 003137 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Murano Murano No Data


The home of glass making in Venice, the island is still home to many factories, and a museum.


Getting There

From San Marco you can catch a 41 or 42 Vapparetto round to Murano, taking about 40 minutes
Latitude: 45.459047; Longitude: 12.352753
What3Words: solving.alone.pumps


Photo ID: 003139 Photo ID: 003164 Photo ID: 003165 Photo ID: 003166 Photo ID: 003167 Photo ID: 003168 Photo ID: 003180

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torcello Torcello No Data


This was once the main part of Venice. It's church was the original Cathedral. However, as it's canals silted up into a marshy swamp the Malaria carrying Mosquitoes moved in and the population started to collapse. From a peak of some 20,000 inhabitants the island today has less than 40 permanent residents (though a daily delivery of several thousand tourists). The main site of the island is the Cathedral


Charge for the cathedral

Getting There

From San Marco catch boat LN to Burano and then change to the "T" shuttle boat. The journey takes about 90 minutes. Alternatively you can walk across Venice to Fondamente Nova and pick up the LN to Burano there, but this still takes over an hour.
Latitude: 45.498301; Longitude: 12.418799
What3Words: keyholes.dive.reprimand


Photo ID: 003131 Photo ID: 003132 Photo ID: 003133 Photo ID: 003137 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2008), and on time of last update (05/10/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


This is an impressive building with a massive space inside, which given the lack of light in February in Northern Europe and the dark stone used is still very light and airy.


Small entry charge, additional charge to take photos

Getting There

Latitude: 56.949158; Longitude: 24.104809
What3Words: horses.imitate.overnight


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ethonological Museum Ethonological Museum No Data


Located just outside of Riga houses a collection of typical Latvian buildings - houses, churches, halls, etc that have been moved there from all around the country. It is very similar to the Folk museum in Oslo but covers a bigger area.


Small Charge

Getting There

Buses to the site leave regularly from the centre of town. These do take some time, and get quite crowded so a more comfortable option may be to take the tram, though you will have to walk the last 1/2 mile or so.
Latitude: 56.995665; Longitude: 24.26616
What3Words: helping.helpers.monopoly


Photo ID: 000556 Photo ID: 000557 Photo ID: 000558 Photo ID: 000559 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Russian Orthodox Cathedral Russian Orthodox Cathedral No Data


This building is spectacular both on the outside and the inside with almost every wall covered with icons and decorations and massive candle stands dotted liberally around the place.


Small Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 56.954044; Longitude: 24.115548
What3Words: aura.kipper.flipper


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Peters Church St Peters Church No Data


At St Peters you can get the lift up to the top of the tower for stunning views. Unfortunately the lift is currently out of order (and at the time of visiting had been for nearly a year!) The church itself is quite interesting with displays of artwork also dotted around the aisles.


Small charge

Getting There

Latitude: 56.947561; Longitude: 24.109282
What3Words: taster.human.votes


Photo ID: 000543 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

TV Tower TV Tower No Data


Located on an island in the middle of the river it dominated the landscape (in it's full red and yellow colouring!) You can get the express lift that goes up the curved legs to the viewing platforms at the top of the tower for stunning views over the whole of the city and off towards the Baltic.


Small charge

Getting There

The number 10 trolley bus from the city centre stops on the large bridge that crosses the river. You get off at this stop, go down the road underneath the bridge and keep following the road to the tower, the walk takes about 15 minutes from the bus stop.
Latitude: 56.923889; Longitude: 24.136984
What3Words: laws.abolish.drew


Photo ID: 000554 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salaspils Concentration Camp Salaspils Concentration Camp No Data


Located in the woods, about 1 mile from Darzini is a memorial. The memorial is located on the site of Salaspils concentration camp. Here, during the Nazi occupation over 10,000 people died and 10,000's more were kept until they could be dispatched to the death camps to the south in Poland. Today all that remains is an empty clearing and monuments and a strange feeling loss. When I visited Dachau it was on a warm autumn afternoon with lots of other people around. At Salaspils it was snowing heavily with biting winds and the only people around were the 6 of us. I think I came closer to starting to understanding the suffering that people went through, and that was with the benefit of a thick coat, and warm hat, gloves and scarf.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.872966; Longitude: 24.303271
What3Words: detracts.optic.themed


Photo ID: 000545 Photo ID: 000546 Photo ID: 000547 Photo ID: 000548 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/01/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Getting to Darzini Getting to Darzini No Data


Darzini is the nearest station to Salaspils Concentration camp. Signage to the site is not good so you might want to take a copy of these instructions if you want to go!


Getting There

Trains run from the central station in Riga to Darzini taking about 15 minutes. The station is the first that is totally in the forest since leaving Riga. From the station cross over the tracks and behind the platform you should see a large sign frame that is empty pointing in the same direction that you have been going crossing the tracks. Go in this direction up the slope to the pathway between the trees and follow this back down to a junction with another path. Here there is a fraction of a sign that looks like it says memorial and points to the right. Follow this. Keep following this path until you come to what looks like a football pitch with goals. Carry on past the pitch, but take the left turning immediately past the pitch. Keep following this path until you emerge into the clearing where the memorial is.
Latitude: 56.870064; Longitude: 24.280987
What3Words: intellectual.learner.scripted


Photo ID: 000545 Photo ID: 000546 Photo ID: 000547 Photo ID: 000548 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/01/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Amber Museum Amber Museum No Data


A small museum, located underneath an Amber shop, it gives a brief history on the creation of amber, and details the different types of amber



Getting There

Latitude: 54.683002; Longitude: 25.291037
What3Words: butter.space.projects


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological Museum Archaeological Museum No Data


The archaeological museum tells the history of man's presence in, what is today, Lithuania from about 9000BC up to the 14th Century. The displays are laid out in chronological order, starting at the beginning. All the displays have full English descriptions.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.687923; Longitude: 25.290742
What3Words: hers.grades.fewest


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bastion Bastion No Data


A former defence bastion, on a hill overlooking the old town. There is not much to see inside the bastion, but it is interesting for it's design. You climb a short staircase to, effectively, first floor level, and then descend down into the gun deck below the level of the road. On your return up to the top you can walk out onto the top of the mound.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.67711; Longitude: 25.292544
What3Words: uniforms.shoebox.limped


Photo ID: 001757 Photo ID: 001758 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


A striking building, which was used as a gallery during the Soviet years. 11 side chapels lead off from the main body of the church, the most impressive being the St Cassimere chapel



Getting There

Latitude: 54.685815; Longitude: 25.287695
What3Words: cabbage.district.digs


Photo ID: 001760 Photo ID: 001785 Photo ID: 001799 Photo ID: 001816 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Funicular Funicular No Data


A small funicular railway runs up from the Archaeological museum to the base of Gediminas’ Tower and the upper castle museum, meaning you don't have to make the 10 minute climb!



Getting There

Latitude: 54.687371; Longitude: 25.291182
What3Words: potions.contexts.tripled


Photo ID: 001809 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lithuanian national museum Lithuanian national museum No Data


The museum continues the story started in the Archaeological museum and tells the history of Lithuania from the 15th century onto the end of the war and its annexation into the USSR.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.687328; Longitude: 25.289165
What3Words: armrest.saying.vanished


Photo ID: 001746 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of applied arts Museum of applied arts No Data


The museum houses a series of rotating displays, though at present (May 2007) there is a long-term display of the furniture and furnishings for the rebuilt palace which will move to the palace when it opens in 2009



Getting There

Latitude: 54.68814; Longitude: 25.291412
What3Words: plodded.compounds.foal


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Genocide victims Museum of Genocide victims No Data


The museum is located in the buildings that were used by the KGB during the period of Soviet occupation. The museum tells the history of the Soviet campaigns against the native Lithuanians. In the basement are the former cells, including the horrific padded interrogation cell, and the execution chamber where over 7,000 people were murdered.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.688119; Longitude: 25.270679
What3Words: ditched.isolated.strange


Photo ID: 001762 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Anne's Church St Anne's Church No Data


One of the most spectacular, and smallest, churches in Vilnius.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.683086; Longitude: 25.294111
What3Words: flicks.misty.flinch


Photo ID: 001756 Photo ID: 001804 Photo ID: 001805 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Three Crosses Three Crosses No Data


Located on a hill, opposite Gediminas’ Tower the three crosses signify the place where seven monks were murdered before the country became Christian. The crosses were ripped down by the Soviets, and were recreated shortly after the 1991 independence. The remains of the original crosses are located close by. The views from the viewing platform are spectacular



Getting There

Latitude: 54.686714; Longitude: 25.297635
What3Words: descended.rating.camped


Photo ID: 001752 Photo ID: 001753 Photo ID: 001754 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

TV Tower TV Tower No Data


If any one location could be described as the spot where the USSR died then the TV tower is it. With Lithuania declaring its independence the troops were sent in to try and stop the break up of the USSR. In the chaos and confusion of the Soviet troops trying to seize control of the airwaves 14 Lithuanians were crushed to death beneath the tanks, hundreds more were injured. Within 12 months the USSR would cease to exist. The tower has the customary rotating restaurant, and stunning views over the city



Getting There

From the centre of town catch Trolleybus 11, or from the station Trolleybus 16 to the TV centre bus stop, then it’s a short walk back to the base of the tower
Latitude: 54.687154; Longitude: 25.214825
What3Words: speared.visual.checked


Photo ID: 001764 Photo ID: 001765 Photo ID: 001766 Photo ID: 001767 Photo ID: 001768 Photo ID: 001769 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Upper castle museum/Gediminas’ Tower Upper castle museum/Gediminas’ Tower No Data


All that remains of the once mighty castle are a few fragments of wall and one tower, Gediminas’ Tower. Today it houses the Upper castle museum, which tells some of the history of the growth of the castle. From the roof of the tower you can take in the views of the old town, new town and the 21st Century developments laid out beneath you.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.686714; Longitude: 25.29086
What3Words: speedy.curtail.shelter


Photo ID: 001747 Photo ID: 001748 Photo ID: 001749 Photo ID: 001750 Photo ID: 001761 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Užupis Užupis No Data


A small part of the city centre, which has declared its independence from the rest of the country, all be it mostly in jest. The area is a haven for artists.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.6812; Longitude: 25.295548
What3Words: puppets.nails.successes


Photo ID: 001806 Photo ID: 001807 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vilnius City Tour Vilnius City Tour No Data


A two and a half hour bus and walking tour that takes in the main sights (mostly churches) of the city centre. The tour guides give a full history of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.685368; Longitude: 25.287309
What3Words: official.uptake.started


Photo ID: 001783 Photo ID: 001784 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vilnius Picture Gallery Vilnius Picture Gallery No Data


Part of the national art gallery, the gallery houses paintings of and by Lithuanians from the 16th century to the middle of the 20th century



Getting There

Latitude: 54.680543; Longitude: 25.288864
What3Words: referral.envy.roofer


Photo ID: 001808 Photo ID: 001810 Photo ID: 001811 Photo ID: 001817 Photo ID: 001818 Photo ID: 001819 Photo ID: 001820

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaunas: Aleksoto Funicular Kaunas: Aleksoto Funicular No Data


This funicular runs up the hills on the South bank of the Nemunas river, offering stunning views over the old town of Kaunas



Getting There

Latitude: 54.892184; Longitude: 23.887748
What3Words: mixture.fine.spent


Photo ID: 001790 Photo ID: 001791 Photo ID: 001792 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaunas: Castle Kaunas: Castle No Data


A tower, and part of a wall, are all that remain of the castle, the rest having been washed away by the two rivers that come together a couple of hundred meters further along the spit of land the castle is on.


Charge, Possibly...

Getting There

Latitude: 54.898896; Longitude: 23.885329
What3Words: prevents.oldest.vipers


Photo ID: 001787 Photo ID: 001788 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaunas: Green Hill Funicular Kaunas: Green Hill Funicular No Data


This funicular rises up behind the new town to the impressive church that dominated the sky line. There are no views from the top though!



Getting There

Latitude: 54.900837; Longitude: 23.917499
What3Words: devours.primary.last


Photo ID: 001795 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trakai: Island castle Trakai: Island castle No Data


The Island castle is what most peoples idea of a proper castle is. Crenulations, difficult to access (in this case built on an island, only linked to the main land by two bridges), drawbridges, the whole lot. Inside there is not that much to see, with less than half the rooms accessible. A small museum is inside the main keep of the castle



Getting There

Latitude: 54.65241; Longitude: 24.933472
What3Words: collages.whinnying.disrobed


Photo ID: 001775 Photo ID: 001776 Photo ID: 001777 Photo ID: 001778 Photo ID: 001779 Photo ID: 001780 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trakai: Peninsular Castle Trakai: Peninsular Castle No Data


In stark contrast to the Island castle, only small fragments of the peninsular castle remain



Getting There

Latitude: 54.646302; Longitude: 24.936969
What3Words: disconnected.sailing.libels


Photo ID: 001781 Photo ID: 001782 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaunas Kaunas No Data


For a twenty year period between the two wars, Kaunas was the capital of Lithuania. Today it has returned to its status as second city, but is still a pretty city with a compact old town centre


Getting There

There is an irregular train service, about 10 a day, between Vilnius and Kaunas, taking about 90 minutes. Busses run more regularly, but take the same time
Latitude: 54.896873; Longitude: 23.892431
What3Words: groom.slicer.oblige


Photo ID: 001786 Photo ID: 001789 Photo ID: 001793 Photo ID: 001794 Photo ID: 001796 Photo ID: 001797 Photo ID: 001798

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trakai Trakai No Data


Trakai is a beautiful little town. Located on a finger of land surrounded on three sides by lakes. It's most famous sight is the Island castle, but the rest of the town is also very nice to walk around


Getting There

There are about half a dozen trains between Vilnius and Trakai (the end of the line) each day, taking about 50 minutes. Busses are more regular and take about 45 minutes
Latitude: 54.638852; Longitude: 24.934888
What3Words: skipping.trowel.rushing


Photo ID: 001771 Photo ID: 001772 Photo ID: 001773 Photo ID: 001774 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2007), and on time of last update (07/06/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bock Casemates Bock Casemates No Data


Luxembourg has often been described as the Gibraltar of the North. Up until the 19th Century, when most of the fortifications were demolished as Luxembourg gained its independence, the whole city was fortified with massive walls lining the sides of the Gorge and Kilometre and kilometre of tunnels dug into the soft rock. Today most of the tunnels have been destroyed, but nearly 17Km still exist and a small proportion of these are open underneath the Bock. From the openings there are stunning views over the city and the surrounding landscape making it obvious how difficult it would be to attack the city. The tunnels don't just go along at a level they go along on multiple levels and there are lots of times when you think you may have reached the end of a tunnel only to discover a spiral staircase in a corner heading either up or down. The tour ends with you emerging onto a lower level of the bridge that the Bock stands beside.


Charge, Free with a Luxembourg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 49.611582; Longitude: 6.136487
What3Words: moats.situated.basic


Photo ID: 001100 Photo ID: 001101 Photo ID: 001103 Photo ID: 001105 Photo ID: 030120 Photo ID: 030132 Photo ID: 030159

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ascenseur Panoramique du Pfaffenthal Ascenseur Panoramique du Pfaffenthal No Data


This modern glass lift descends down into Pfaffenthal from the northen edge of the city centre. The lift offers excellent views across Pfaffenthal and to the Bock promontory, particularly good views are to be had at night.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.615545; Longitude: 6.130601
What3Words: tripped.siesta.ideas


Photo ID: 030096 Photo ID: 030106 Photo ID: 030110 Photo ID: 030184 Photo ID: 030185 Photo ID: 030186 Photo ID: 030200

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/02/2020), and on time of last update (15/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale Notre-Dame Cathédrale Notre-Dame No Data


Large and impressive from the outside, a bit gaudy inside with several different architectural styles reflecting the different bits of building that have gone on



Getting There

Latitude: 49.609542; Longitude: 6.131562
What3Words: economies.meant.outlines


Photo ID: 001086 Photo ID: 001088 Photo ID: 001089 Photo ID: 001098 Photo ID: 001099 Photo ID: 030215 Photo ID: 030219

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2006), and on time of last update (15/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fort Niedergrünewald Fort Niedergrünewald No Data


Located on the cliffs above Pfaffenthal the remains of this small for provide for excellent views across Pfaffenthal and across to the Bock promontory



Getting There

It's a steep, but rewarding climb up the staircase that includes part of the former fortification walls, from the Tours Vauban to the Fort. Alternatively, you can catch a bus or tram to the first stop on the Kirchberg side of the Grand-Duchess Charlotte bridge and walk down through the parkland.
Latitude: 49.616308; Longitude: 6.133857
What3Words: echo.quench.sobbed


Photo ID: 030086 Photo ID: 030089 Photo ID: 030091 Photo ID: 030092 Photo ID: 030093 Photo ID: 030097 Photo ID: 030098

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/02/2020), and on time of last update (15/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grund Grund No Data


Located in the valley of the Alzette river directly beside the Bock promontory and below the cathedral this picturesque part of the city is worth spending time wandering around, just for the geology of the place.



Getting There

It's a steep descent down into (and up out of) Grund via the road, alternatively the number 23 bus runs regularly from the city centre down into Grund, or there is a lift from behind the Palais de Justice down to Grund, emerging from a tunnel near the main bridge crossing the river. Grund, Pétrusse and Pfaffenthal are all linked on the relativel flat if you follow the rivers. There are lifts giving access from the city down to Grund and Pfaffenthal, alternatively there are gentler slopes coming up from Pétrusse once you are past the Adolphe Bridge.
Latitude: 49.608659; Longitude: 6.135734
What3Words: material.crawled.huddled


Photo ID: 030122 Photo ID: 030140 Photo ID: 030144 Photo ID: 030149 Photo ID: 030171 Photo ID: 030179 Photo ID: 030230

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/02/2020), and on time of last update (15/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hop-on-Hop-off Bus Hop-on-Hop-off Bus No Data


Half-hourly service which takes you on an hour-long tour of the main sights in Luxembourg city centre and the new European and Finanical district on the Karlsberg Plateau


Charge, Discount with a Luxembourg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 49.609566; Longitude: 6.129293
What3Words: domestic.choice.rapport


Photo ID: 001094 Photo ID: 001095 Photo ID: 001096 Photo ID: 001097 Photo ID: 001104 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kirchberg Kirchberg No Data


Located on the opposite bank of the Alzette river, and on the same level as the main city - this plateau is now home to a large number of European and other International organisations.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.627953; Longitude: 6.153274
What3Words: exposes.upstairs.messed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/02/2020), and on time of last update (15/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée d'histoire de la Ville Luxembourg Musée d'histoire de la Ville Luxembourg No Data


The museum tells the history of the city from Roman times through years of un-inhabitation and then from its formal founding in 963 through to the modern day, though a large part of the museum was closed when I visited whilst they re-aligned the displays


Charge, Free with a Luxembourg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 49.610116; Longitude: 6.133499
What3Words: reviewed.towers.huddled


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parcs de la Pétrusse Parcs de la Pétrusse No Data


Located along the Pétrusse river and forming a moat between multiple sets of fortifications in the city centre this park area is a quiet green oasis in the heart of the city, away from the hustle and bustle above.



Getting There

There are steps that lead down into the park opposite the cathedral, but it's a steep descent down into (and up out of) Pétrusse via this route - in excess of 200 steps. From the opposite side of the Adolphe bridge there are gentler slopes down into the park. Grund, Pétrusse and Pfaffenthal are all linked on the relativel flat if you follow the rivers. There are lifts giving access from the city down to Grund and Pfaffenthal, alternatively there are gentler slopes coming up from Pétrusse once you are past the Adolphe Bridge.
Latitude: 49.608408; Longitude: 6.129022
What3Words: grapes.commands.bleat


Photo ID: 030222 Photo ID: 030224 Photo ID: 030225 Photo ID: 030226 Photo ID: 030227 Photo ID: 030228 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/02/2020), and on time of last update (15/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pétrusse Express Pétrusse Express No Data


A land train that descends the steep lanes down into the floor of the gorge, before taking in many of the sights down there, as well as rising back up to the remains of the Bock. A running commentary tells some of the history of and reasons for the fortification of Luxembourg


Charge, Discount with a Luxembourg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 49.609518; Longitude: 6.128692
What3Words: revival.stumps.phantom


Photo ID: 001093 Photo ID: 001094 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pfaffenthal Pfaffenthal No Data


A picturesque part of the city, hemmed in by the cliffs and fortifactions with the Alzette river gently running through the middle. Parts of the city fortifactions with the Eich gate and Vauban Tower mark the northern edge of the area.



Getting There

It's a steep descent down into (and up out of) Pfaffenthal via the road, alternatively the number 23 bus runs regularly from the city centre down into Pfaffenthal (via Grund), or there is the Scenic lift (Ascenseur Panoramique du Pfaffenthal) from the city centre down into the centre of Pfaffenthal. Grund, Pétrusse and Pfaffenthal are all linked on the relativel flat if you follow the rivers. There are lifts giving access from the city down to Grund and Pfaffenthal, alternatively there are gentler slopes coming up from Pétrusse once you are past the Adolphe Bridge.
Latitude: 49.615829; Longitude: 6.132208
What3Words: pushed.recipient.sober


Photo ID: 030076 Photo ID: 030078 Photo ID: 030082 Photo ID: 030085 Photo ID: 030111 Photo ID: 030116 Photo ID: 030123

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/02/2020), and on time of last update (15/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pfaffenthal-Kirchberg Funicular Pfaffenthal-Kirchberg Funicular No Data


This large double funicular (two sets of tracks, four trains) links the railway station at Pfaffenthal-Kirchberg with the trams and buses up on the Pont Grade-Duchesse Charlotte. There are also lifts from the lower station down to Pfaffenthal, emerging close to the Vauban Tower. The funicular runs very frequently with large cars easily able to clear a full train load of passengers in just a couple of minutes.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.618852; Longitude: 6.135947
What3Words: mistaken.juror.fenced


Photo ID: 030073 Photo ID: 030074 Photo ID: 030075 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/02/2020), and on time of last update (15/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pont Grande-Duchesse Charlotte Pont Grande-Duchesse Charlotte No Data


This bridge links the Kirchberg area with the city centre and from the deck there are excellent views down into Pfaffenthal a long way below it, as well as across to the fortifications on the Bock promontory .



Getting There

Latitude: 49.617801; Longitude: 6.131711
What3Words: lights.conned.head


Photo ID: 030099 Photo ID: 030100 Photo ID: 030101 Photo ID: 030102 Photo ID: 030103 Photo ID: 030104 Photo ID: 030105

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/02/2020), and on time of last update (15/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bourscheid: Château Bourscheid: Château No Data


A once mighty Château on a wooded hillside overlooking the river (and now railway line) which has fallen into ruins


Charge, Free with a Luxembourg Card

Getting There

The 545 bus runs from Ettlebruck (train connections from Luxembourg). From the bus stop go down the road that descends to the right of the church. Keep following this as it snakes its way down the hill, after about 20 minutes you should reach the Château. Alternatively, when you reach the bench after about 3 minutes walking take the road on the right and then the left hand turn at the junction, head for the road going downhill (steeply) and follow this to where it meets the main road, cross and follow the road/path directly opposite which becomes a small wooded track, reappearing at the bottom of the hill by the Château. This route is much steeper, but halves the time it takes to walk!
Latitude: 49.905609; Longitude: 6.079581
What3Words: nurses.takeovers.knee


Photo ID: 001116 Photo ID: 001117 Photo ID: 001118 Photo ID: 001121 Photo ID: 001122 Photo ID: 001123 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Echternach: Basilique St Willibrord Echternach: Basilique St Willibrord No Data


The church, and attached abbey dominate the rest of the town. It contains the remains of the founder of the Abbey. The Abbey was founded in 698 by St Willibrord, an Anglo-Saxon missionary who came to the area from the North East of England (no one seams to be able to agree on whether it was Yorkshire or Northumbria he came from!)



Getting There

Latitude: 49.813509; Longitude: 6.421418
What3Words: picked.pausing.canal


Photo ID: 001115 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vianden:Château Vianden:Château No Data


The main draw of the town is its Château. Left to fall into ruins over many centuries it has now been fully restored from ruins to what it looked like in its heyday. It sits on a large rocky outcrop over the town dominating the skyline and ensuring a long and exhausting climb to the top


Charge, Free with a Luxembourg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 49.935146; Longitude: 6.202598
What3Words: connected.plenty.dusty


Photo ID: 001109 Photo ID: 001112 Photo ID: 001113 Photo ID: 001114 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vianden:Télésiège Vianden:Télésiège No Data


A chair lift that climbs up to the hill next to the one the Château is pearched on. From the chairs you get stunning views over the surrounding area, and you only have to walk down hill to get to the château


Charge, Free with a Luxembourg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 49.936372; Longitude: 6.206208
What3Words: already.takeovers.dusts


Photo ID: 001110 Photo ID: 001111 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bourscheid Bourscheid No Data


The only attraction in Bourscheid is the Château, which is located about half way down the hill, about a kilometre out of the centre of town.


Getting There

There are hourly busses from Ettelbruck (545) which has regular half hourly trains from Luxembourg. Total journey time is 30 minutes to Ettelbruck and then 20 minutes on to Bourscheid
Latitude: 49.909768; Longitude: 6.064882
What3Words: outlines.likely.spaceship


Photo ID: 001116 Photo ID: 001117 Photo ID: 001118 Photo ID: 001119 Photo ID: 001120 Photo ID: 001121 Photo ID: 001122

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Diekirch Diekirch No Data


A small and pleasant town on the Sûre river


Getting There

There are half hourly trains from Ettelbruck to Diekirch which take about 5 minutes to make the journey. These trains continue back to Luxembourg, the journey to Ettlebruck from Luxembourg which take about 30 minutes
Latitude: 49.86817; Longitude: 6.158867
What3Words: vessel.impulsive.outgrown


Photo ID: 001106 Photo ID: 001107 Photo ID: 001108 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2006), and on time of last update (15/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Echternach Echternach No Data


Large town on the Sûre river where it forms the Luxembourg/German border


Getting There

There are regular busses (110, 111) from Luxembourg taking about 50 minutes to reach Echternach
Latitude: 49.812747; Longitude: 6.42035
What3Words: awoken.section.treatable


Photo ID: 001115 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2006), and on time of last update (15/02/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vianden Vianden No Data


Important town on the Sûre river with an impressive château and fortifications


Getting There

There are hourly busses from Ettelbruck which has regular half hourly trains from Luxembourg. Total journey time is 30 minutes to Ettelbruck and then 30 minutes to Vianden
Latitude: 49.933996; Longitude: 6.207628
What3Words: smallest.dentures.posts


Photo ID: 001109 Photo ID: 001110 Photo ID: 001111 Photo ID: 001112 Photo ID: 001113 Photo ID: 001114 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2006), and on time of last update (02/07/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dwejra: Boat Trip Dwejra: Boat Trip No Data


Starting from the inland sea the boats take you through the tunnel that links the inland sea to the Mediterranean. You then travel round the cliff face taking in a couple of caves as well as stunning views of the Azure window



Getting There

Latitude: 36.053698; Longitude: 14.191492
What3Words: wager.brawn.mutual


Photo ID: 013690 Photo ID: 013692 Photo ID: 013696 Photo ID: 013700 Photo ID: 013704 Photo ID: 013705 Photo ID: 013706

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/01/2015), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dwejra: Tower Dwejra: Tower No Data


The tower overlooks the two bays at Dwejra and from it's roof it offers stunning views over the bays, the inland sea and the Azure window



Getting There

Latitude: 36.050766; Longitude: 14.19146
What3Words: expedite.drearily.suspending


Photo ID: 013710 Photo ID: 013716 Photo ID: 013717 Photo ID: 013718 Photo ID: 013719 Photo ID: 024665 Photo ID: 024666

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/01/2015), and on time of last update (20/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Malta Sightseeing Malta Sightseeing No Data


Hop-on-Hop-Off open-top sightseeing tour of the island. The tour takes in most of the island in a slightly haphazard fashion as it wanders in a roughly anti-clockwise circuit round the island. There is a photo stop above Calypso Cave (which isn't otherwise accessible easily by Public transport) about a third of the way round. There is a multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary about the sights.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.024397; Longitude: 14.298584
What3Words: uttering.wands.activation


Photo ID: 013728 Photo ID: 013729 Photo ID: 013730 Photo ID: 013731 Photo ID: 013732 Photo ID: 013737 Photo ID: 013740

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2015), and on time of last update (20/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mgarr: Fort Chambray Mgarr: Fort Chambray No Data


On the headland overlooking the harbour and the town the fort was started in the 18th century, but part of the site dates back to the Roman era. At the time of visiting the main fort is being converted into residential accommodation, but there are still elements of the Roman fort to be seen



Getting There

Latitude: 36.024001; Longitude: 14.292729
What3Words: capes.quotations.poser


Photo ID: 013823 Photo ID: 013824 Photo ID: 013825 Photo ID: 013826 Photo ID: 013827 Photo ID: 013828 Photo ID: 013829

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2015), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Archaeological Museum Rabat: Archaeological Museum No Data


The museum contains many of the ancient artefacts that have been recovered from the many ancient sights around the island


Charge, multisite ticket for all Citadella Museums available

Getting There

Latitude: 36.045863; Longitude: 14.239622
What3Words: charitable.garbage.proprietary


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Cathedral Rabat: Cathedral No Data


A highly decorated cathedral located immediately inside the walls of the Citadella



Getting There

Latitude: 36.046297; Longitude: 14.239971
What3Words: obeys.defends.humane


Photo ID: 001668 Photo ID: 013759 Photo ID: 013762 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Folklore Museum Rabat: Folklore Museum No Data


A museum that houses exhibits on the tools and implements that people used in their everyday life in the past. The museum is not particularly interesting, but the building it is housed in, three former houses knocked together, gives more of an insight into how people lived.


Charge, multisite ticket for all Citadella Museums available

Getting There

Latitude: 36.046601; Longitude: 14.239799
What3Words: doctor.conductors.recoding


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Gozo 360 Rabat: Gozo 360 No Data


A 20 minute film on the history of the island of Gozo



Getting There

Latitude: 36.045291; Longitude: 14.239161
What3Words: impassioned.regularity.boxing


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Il-Kastell (Citadella) Rabat: Il-Kastell (Citadella) No Data


The fortified citadel of the old city. There are lots of museums, cafes and shops that can be explored inside its walls, as well as impressive views over the island, Comino and Malta. At the time of visiting in 2007 the site was quite run down. By 2015 it was in the process of a major renovation which is due for completion around 2017 and much of the site was inaccessible due to the works.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.046661; Longitude: 14.239579
What3Words: meerkat.silhouette.snorers


Photo ID: 013758 Photo ID: 013760 Photo ID: 013761 Photo ID: 013762 Photo ID: 013763 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2015), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Land Train Rabat: Land Train No Data


A land train running round the edge of the city centre showing many of the sights that would otherwise be hidden, including the very impressive Lunzjata Valley



Getting There

Latitude: 36.042883; Longitude: 14.241102
What3Words: bags.companions.voicing


Photo ID: 013751 Photo ID: 013752 Photo ID: 013753 Photo ID: 013754 Photo ID: 013755 Photo ID: 013756 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2015), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Natural Science Museum Rabat: Natural Science Museum No Data


Houses a small collection of items on the Geology, marine and bird life of the islands (all of it stuffed and mounted!)


Charge, multisite ticket for all Citadella Museums available

Getting There

Latitude: 36.046661; Longitude: 14.239097
What3Words: pint.layers.proficiency


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Old Prison Rabat: Old Prison No Data


The cells still have the graffiti which was carved on the walls when prisoners were kept there, much of it dating back to the early days of the knights


Charge, multisite ticket for all Citadella Museums available

Getting There

Latitude: 36.04628; Longitude: 14.239295
What3Words: storytelling.islander.pending


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ta' Pinu Church Ta' Pinu Church No Data


The national shrine basilica to the Virgin Mary, located about 10 minutes bus ride from Rabat. Located on the edge of a cliff with the surrounding countryside mostly empty it's quite an odd sight to suddenly stumble across this large church. Inside it's light with lots of Mary related items (including the usual selection of splints and prosthetics that are no longer required after cures...)



Getting There

From Rabat the hourly 308 bus stops immediately outside, taking about 10 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively the 311 and 312 buses stop back on the main road, about a 10 minute walk from the church and about 8 minutes journey time from Rabat
Latitude: 36.061884; Longitude: 14.214871
What3Words: vitals.equips.giants


Photo ID: 013683 Photo ID: 013684 Photo ID: 013685 Photo ID: 013686 Photo ID: 013687 Photo ID: 013688 Photo ID: 013764

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/01/2015), and on time of last update (20/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Xaghra: Ggantija Xaghra: Ggantija No Data


The oldest free standing structure in the world is the boast for this temple site, it gave rise to myths of a race of giants that once lived on the islands due to its size. Today it's known it was built around 3,600BC and in use for nearly 1,000 years before just being abandoned. Most of the site was uncovered in the 18th Century and over time has suffered significant deterioration, but recent renovations are trying to reverse the damage and the site is now listed by UNESCO. A small visitors centre puts some context to the site and who the people who built the temple may have been.


Charge, Joint ticket for Ggantija and Ta' Kola

Getting There

Latitude: 36.047254; Longitude: 14.268989
What3Words: replay.huddling.pops


Photo ID: 013781 Photo ID: 013784 Photo ID: 013786 Photo ID: 013790 Photo ID: 013793 Photo ID: 013798 Photo ID: 013799

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2015), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Xaghra: Ninu's Cave Xaghra: Ninu's Cave No Data


Located beneath someone's house, and discovered when one of their ancestors was digging a well, this small cave has a large number of spectacular stalactites and stalagmites



Getting There

Latitude: 36.050949; Longitude: 14.264537
What3Words: washes.tropic.carb


Photo ID: 013806 Photo ID: 013807 Photo ID: 013808 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2015), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Xaghra: Ta' Kola Windmill Xaghra: Ta' Kola Windmill No Data


About the only remaining example of one of the windmills built on the island when it was under the control of the Knights of St John. An Exhibition details how the miller would have lived and you can climb up to the grinding wheel at the top of the building


Charge, Joint ticket for Ggantija and Ta' Kola

Getting There

Latitude: 36.049804; Longitude: 14.266822
What3Words: raving.emails.schemers


Photo ID: 013800 Photo ID: 013801 Photo ID: 013802 Photo ID: 013803 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2015), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Xlendi: Ta' Karolina Cave Xlendi: Ta' Karolina Cave No Data


The natural cave was adapted into a private bathing area for a local convent and is accessed via a path that climbs up over the cliff by the harbour and then back down into the cave. You can go right up to the waters edge once inside the cave (though take care as the rocks are slippery)



Getting There

Latitude: 36.030191; Longitude: 14.215789
What3Words: venue.washer.sacking


Photo ID: 013768 Photo ID: 013772 Photo ID: 013773 Photo ID: 013774 Photo ID: 013777 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2015), and on time of last update (21/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dwerjra Dwerjra No Data


Located on the West coast of Gozo Dwejra has a fine selection of natural sights to wow an audience, with the Azure window rock arch and the inland sea, connected to the Mediterranean via a cave that you can sail through


Getting There

Bus 311 runs from Rabat to Dwejra hourly, taking around 20 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 36.052284; Longitude: 14.190119
What3Words: recount.metallic.sprang


Photo ID: 013689 Photo ID: 013708 Photo ID: 013710 Photo ID: 013711 Photo ID: 013712 Photo ID: 013714 Photo ID: 013715

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/01/2015), and on time of last update (20/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marsalforn Marsalforn No Data


Up on the North Coast of the island the pleasant bay has been partially ruined by the large number of hotels that have been built around it in a bid to cash in, but the harbour area itself is still quite pleasant with the clear shallow sea giving views of the corals and rocks below.


Getting There

From Rabat bus 310 runs to Marsalforn, taking around 15 minutes to make the journey. You can also get there direct from Mgarr on the 322 which takes around 35 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 36.071419; Longitude: 14.258902
What3Words: chemically.photographed.thoughtless


Photo ID: 013671 Photo ID: 013673 Photo ID: 013674 Photo ID: 013676 Photo ID: 013679 Photo ID: 013681 Photo ID: 013736

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/01/2015), and on time of last update (20/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat Rabat No Data


The island capital (also called Victoria). It's home to the impressive Citadella and the transport hub of the island.


Getting There

All buses (except the 322) terminate in the bus station in Rabat, the most regular route is that between Mgarr and Rabat linking to the times of the ferries
Latitude: 36.04479; Longitude: 14.239229
What3Words: outsourced.databases.grander


Photo ID: 013735 Photo ID: 013740 Photo ID: 013742 Photo ID: 013757 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2015), and on time of last update (20/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ramla Bay Ramla Bay No Data


Located on the North coast this wide quiet bay with a rich red sandy beach is a beautiful spot.


Getting There

Bus 302 from Rabat heads to the bottom of the road from Nadur taking around 20 minutes, the same bus stop that the 322 from Mgarr stops at (about 15 minutes.) From the bus stop it's a six or seven minute walk down the lane, following the Ramla river to the beach.
Latitude: 36.061461; Longitude: 14.28411
What3Words: storybooks.rambles.dovetails


Photo ID: 013809 Photo ID: 013811 Photo ID: 013814 Photo ID: 013816 Photo ID: 013818 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2015), and on time of last update (20/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Xaghra Xaghra No Data


Located on a hilltop overlooking the Ramla Valley and inwards towards Rabat this town is home to some of the most important archaeological sites on the island, including the Ggantija Temples, built more than 5,000 years ago.


Getting There

From Rabat bus 307 runs hourly taking around 10 minutes to make the journey to Xaghra. From Mgarr the 322 runs directly in around 20 minutes. In both cases buses stop outside the Ggantija visitors centre.
Latitude: 36.050233; Longitude: 14.264682
What3Words: intruders.ingredient.tenable


Photo ID: 013804 Photo ID: 013805 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2015), and on time of last update (20/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Xlendi Xlendi No Data


A quiet sheltered harbour on the South of the island. Today it's home to a large number of hotels and some decent restaurants, as well as the starting point for many of the water based activities of the island.


Getting There

Bus 306 runs hourly to Xlendi taking around 15 minutes to make the trip
Latitude: 36.03052; Longitude: 14.218192
What3Words: reuse.admires.reeling


Photo ID: 013741 Photo ID: 013769 Photo ID: 013770 Photo ID: 013771 Photo ID: 013775 Photo ID: 013776 Photo ID: 013780

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2015), and on time of last update (20/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sliema: Ferry Sliema: Ferry No Data


A much cheaper (if shorter) way to see Marsamxett Harbour is to take the frequent ferry that shuttles backwards and forwards across it between Sliema and Valletta.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.908765; Longitude: 14.5045
What3Words: curtains.twist.fixture


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sliema: Harbour Tours Sliema: Harbour Tours No Data


Several companies offer boat tours around the two harbours that are either side of Valletta, tours last around 90 minutes and include a commentary in at least English if not other languages as well. All the tours leave from the Ferries in Sliema.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.908728; Longitude: 14.504214
What3Words: loud.bars.reddish


Photo ID: 016533 Photo ID: 016534 Photo ID: 016535 Photo ID: 016536 Photo ID: 016537 Photo ID: 016538 Photo ID: 016539

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sliema: Malta Sightseeing North Sliema: Malta Sightseeing North No Data


A three hour hop-on-hop-off tour of the key sights to the North of the Island. After taking in Sliema and Valletta the bus heads North taking in the key sights around Mosta, Rabat and Mgarr before heading to the Coast at St Pauls Bay and then travelling down the coast back to Sliema. Multi-lingual commentary tells you about the key sights along the way


Charge; Joint ticket for the North and South Tours available

Getting There

Latitude: 35.908632; Longitude: 14.505575
What3Words: walled.slave.both


Photo ID: 016433 Photo ID: 016441 Photo ID: 016443 Photo ID: 016444 Photo ID: 016448 Photo ID: 016450 Photo ID: 016452

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sliema: Malta Sightseeing South Sliema: Malta Sightseeing South No Data


A three hour hop-on-hop-off tour of the key sights to the South of the Island. After taking in Sliema and Valletta the bus heads East and South taking in the key sights around Paola, the Three Cities before heading down to the coast at the picturesque Marsaxlokk. The tour then continues via the Caves near Marsaxlokk the Blue Grotto and the ancient sites at Hagar Qim before returning back to Sliema. A multi-lingual commentary tells you about the key sights


Charge; Joint ticket for the North and South Tours available

Getting There

Latitude: 35.908526; Longitude: 14.50571
What3Words: sandwich.weeks.blazing


Photo ID: 016433 Photo ID: 016521 Photo ID: 016527 Photo ID: 016529 Photo ID: 016540 Photo ID: 016541 Photo ID: 016542

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Birgu: Inquisitors Palace Birgu: Inquisitors Palace No Data


The palace houses a small exhibition on the role of the Inquisitor, thankfully (for the locals at least) the Inquisitor on Malta was a lot less "enthusiastic" than his Spanish counterpart, but had to be brought in after the knights started to become a little less religious than their leaders wanted. The museum is not massively interesting, but the building is worth looking around.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.887359; Longitude: 14.522531
What3Words: longer.bring.yourself


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Birgu: Malta at War Birgu: Malta at War No Data


The exhibition is based in the air raid shelters that were carved out of the rock during World War II to shelter the Maltese from the Italian and German air-raids. You start by watching a 20 minute film that was originally released in 1943, after the invasion of Sicily and the end of the attacks on Malta, as a propaganda tool to show the rest of the allies. After the film you are handed a hard hat and descend into the shelter. The complex is quite large, but it must still have been cramped when there were hundreds of people crowded into it.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.885882; Longitude: 14.522735
What3Words: powerful.spelled.scatter


Photo ID: 001660 Photo ID: 001661 Photo ID: 001662 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Birzebbuga: Ghar Dalam Caves Birzebbuga: Ghar Dalam Caves No Data


A small set of limestone caves that include some impressive stalactites and stalagmites. The museum on the site also gives a background on the geology of the island and some history of the creatures that once roamed the area including pigmy hippos and elephants



Getting There

From Sliema the only direct route is via the hop-on-hop-off bus tours. To get there by public transport you need to travel via Valletta (Frequent, 20 minutes) and change there to a bus heading out to Birzebbuga [2016 routes 82 or 85] (Every 20 minutes, around 35 minutes)
Latitude: 35.836486; Longitude: 14.528064
What3Words: copes.crawled.jumpy


Photo ID: 016546 Photo ID: 016547 Photo ID: 016548 Photo ID: 016549 Photo ID: 016550 Photo ID: 016551 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/01/2016), and on time of last update (07/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Buskett: Buskett Gardens Buskett: Buskett Gardens No Data


The former gardens of the Summer palace of the grand master, today a pleasant place to go for a stroll (when it's not raining)



Getting There

From Sliema Buskett is best reached using the hop-on-hop-off sightseeing bus. Alternatively take a bus to Rabat (hourly, around 65 minutes) [2016 Route 202] and change there for a local bus to Buskett [2016 Route 56]
Latitude: 35.857122; Longitude: 14.397932
What3Words: bleach.dorm.plunder


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Buskett: Clapham Junction Buskett: Clapham Junction No Data


Several sets of parallel lines, scored into the rock itself, an archaeological mystery.



Getting There

From Sliema Buskett is best reached using the hop-on-hop-off sightseeing bus. Alternatively take a bus to Rabat (hourly, around 65 minutes) [2016 Route 202] and change there for a local bus to Buskett [2016 Route 56]
Latitude: 35.852635; Longitude: 14.396923
What3Words: bridesmaids.chivalry.accusing


Photo ID: 001635 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hagar Qim: Hagar Qim Hagar Qim: Hagar Qim No Data


Hagar Qim is one of the oldest temples in the world, dated at somewhere around 4000-3000 BC, predating the pyramids of Egypt by 1000 years and Stonehenge by 2000 years. Today there are large amounts of ruins still standing of the main temple, two further temples having mostly been destroyed.


Charge, multisite ticket available with Mnajdra

Getting There

The easiest way to get to Hagar Qim from Sliema is to use one of the hop-on-hop-off bus services. Alternatively you'll need to take a bus into Valletta and change there for a bus out to the temples during winter months the bus only runs every hour [2016 route 74]
Latitude: 35.827735; Longitude: 14.442253
What3Words: imagery.creamy.ovals


Photo ID: 016552 Photo ID: 016554 Photo ID: 016556 Photo ID: 016558 Photo ID: 016560 Photo ID: 016562 Photo ID: 016563

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/03/2007), and on time of last update (07/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hagar Qim: Mnajdra Hagar Qim: Mnajdra No Data


Located about 500 meters from the Hagar Qim temples, these temples are slightly older, and more remain


Charge, multisite ticket available with Hagar Qim

Getting There

The easiest way to get to Hagar Qim from Sliema is to use one of the hop-on-hop-off bus services. Alternatively you'll need to take a bus into Valletta and change there for a bus out to the temples during winter months the bus only runs every hour [2016 route 74]
Latitude: 35.826778; Longitude: 14.436282
What3Words: packages.artist.cashless


Photo ID: 016565 Photo ID: 016568 Photo ID: 016570 Photo ID: 016571 Photo ID: 016572 Photo ID: 016576 Photo ID: 016577

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/03/2007), and on time of last update (07/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mdina: Mdina experience Mdina: Mdina experience No Data


A 20 minute film that tells the history of Mdina, formerly the capital of the island up until the creation of Valletta after the Great Siege


Charge, multisite ticket available with Medieval Times and the Knights of Malta exhibitions

Getting There

Latitude: 35.885934; Longitude: 14.402427
What3Words: nearing.maximum.richly


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mdina: Medieval Times Mdina: Medieval Times No Data


A walk through tableaux of wax works depicting what life was like in the middle ages, with a small amount of explanatory text


Charge, multisite ticket available with The Mdina Experience and the Knights of Malta exhibitions

Getting There

Latitude: 35.88593; Longitude: 14.401628
What3Words: brush.uses.predict


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mdina: St Pauls Cathedral Mdina: St Pauls Cathedral No Data


Dominating the skyline of the city the cathedral is one of the main buildings. Inside it is richly decorated with painted ceilings and an impressive painted dome.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 35.886397; Longitude: 14.404035
What3Words: bashed.habit.mule


Photo ID: 016513 Photo ID: 016514 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2016), and on time of last update (07/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mdina: The Knights of Malta Mdina: The Knights of Malta No Data


A 20 minute film tells the history of the Knights of St John, this is followed by a walk through exhibition on the main Grand Masters.


Charge, multisite ticket available with The Mdina Experience and the Medieval Times exhibitions

Getting There

Latitude: 35.885756; Longitude: 14.402636
What3Words: intelligible.admit.pothole


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mgarr: Ta' Hagrat Temples Mgarr: Ta' Hagrat Temples No Data


Located in the centre of Mgarr these combined temples can still be clearly made out, with the impressive stone arch providing a stunning backdrop for views over the valley. ****You need to purchase the ticket from the town hall in Mgarr in advance. Site is only open certain days and town hall closes for lunch each day. Check Heritage Malta Website in advance. You cannot purchase tickets at the site.****


Charge, joint ticket for Ta' Hagrat Temples and Skorba Temples available

Getting There

The easiest way to get to Mgarr from Sliema is to take one of the hop-on-hop-off buses which go direct. Alternatively take the bus to Mostar (hourly, 40 minutes) [2016 route 203] and change there for a bus to Mgarr - (half hourly around 20 minutes) [2016 Routes 44 or 238]. The temple is located close to the centre of town and the bus stop is by the town hall where you purchase tickets
Latitude: 35.918559; Longitude: 14.368554
What3Words: dime.glove.primes


Photo ID: 016469 Photo ID: 016470 Photo ID: 016471 Photo ID: 016472 Photo ID: 016473 Photo ID: 016474 Photo ID: 016475

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2016), and on time of last update (07/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Paola: Hal Saflieni Hypogeum Paola: Hal Saflieni Hypogeum No Data


A UNESCO unique heritage site, the Hypogeum is the only known underground temple of its type in the world.


Charge. Tickets must be booked several weeks in advance (either on-line or in person) as only 80 people a day are allowed down into the Hypogeum due to the damage that peoples breath is doing to the rock

Getting There

The only direct route is the hourly airport bus which takes around 35 minutes [2016 route X2]. Alternatively travel via Valletta for regular buses to Paola. From the bus stop by the Prison in Paola it’s a short, well signed walk
Latitude: 35.869578; Longitude: 14.506143
What3Words: workouts.bikes.maximum


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Catacombes of St Catald Rabat: Catacombes of St Catald No Data


Located a short walk from St Pauls church in Rabat this small set of Catacombs are completely separate from the other sites around the town. There is one large chamber, with a table for when people visiting the remains of their ancestors liked to make a meal of it, plus several smaller anti-chambers.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.882347; Longitude: 14.398144
What3Words: pleasing.pushes.exist


Photo ID: 016484 Photo ID: 016485 Photo ID: 016486 Photo ID: 016487 Photo ID: 016488 Photo ID: 016489 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2016), and on time of last update (07/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Catacombs of St Agatha Rabat: Catacombs of St Agatha No Data


***2016 - Currently Closed to Visitors*** A small set of underground burial chambers, which have retained many of their frescos


***Closed in 2016***

Getting There

Latitude: 35.880492; Longitude: 14.397229
What3Words: grownup.comic.evolving


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (07/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Catacombs of St Paul Rabat: Catacombs of St Paul No Data


A large complex of underground burial chambers, an audio guide takes you round the complex



Getting There

Latitude: 35.880997; Longitude: 14.397755
What3Words: crush.gearbox.outer


Photo ID: 016490 Photo ID: 016491 Photo ID: 016492 Photo ID: 016493 Photo ID: 016494 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (07/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Fun Train Rabat: Fun Train No Data


A 25-30 minute journey around Rabat and then out into the countryside to the neighbouring hill of Mtarfa from where there are stunning views across to both the city and the wider Maltese Countryside. An English language commentary tells you about the key sights



Getting There

Latitude: 35.885012; Longitude: 14.400702
What3Words: punks.rainbow.finest


Photo ID: 016479 Photo ID: 016480 Photo ID: 016481 Photo ID: 016482 Photo ID: 016483 Photo ID: 019584 Photo ID: 019587

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Grotto of St Paul Rabat: Grotto of St Paul No Data


According to legend this is the cave that St Paul lived in for three months when he was shipwrecked on the islands in 60AD, in the process converting the islands to Christians


Free, but donations requested

Getting There

Latitude: 35.881761; Longitude: 14.39909
What3Words: evenings.cheese.widgets


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Roman Domus Rabat: Roman Domus No Data


The Roman museum, it is built by, and over, the only remains of the Roman occupation of the island that have been found. The artefacts found on the site suggest that it may have been the residence of the Governor or a senior person due to the number of statues of the emperor and his family, but the museum signs admit that this is only conjecture.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.885113; Longitude: 14.400104
What3Words: crumble.kind.rams


Photo ID: 001686 Photo ID: 001687 Photo ID: 001688 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tarxien: Tarxien Temples Tarxien: Tarxien Temples No Data


Located a couple of hundred meters from the Hal Saflien Hypogeum, these temples are some of the larges on the island.



Getting There

The only direct route is the hourly airport bus which takes around 35 minutes [2016 route X2]. Alternatively travel via Valletta for regular buses to Paola. From the bus stop by the Prison in Paola it’s a short, well signed walk
Latitude: 35.869182; Longitude: 14.511909
What3Words: modules.paddle.rare


Photo ID: 001664 Photo ID: 001694 Photo ID: 001695 Photo ID: 001696 Photo ID: 001697 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valletta: Armoury Valletta: Armoury No Data


A display of the various forms of armour that the Knights had during their time running the island



Getting There

Latitude: 35.898263; Longitude: 14.514216
What3Words: bravery.avid.tolls


Photo ID: 001632 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valletta: Ferry Valletta: Ferry No Data


A much cheaper (if shorter) way to see The Grand Harbour is to take the frequent ferry that shuttles backwards and forwards across it between Valletta and Cospicua.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.900474; Longitude: 14.510025
What3Words: richest.rabble.random


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valletta: Fun Train Valletta: Fun Train No Data


A short 25 minute land train tour round the key sights of the city centre. An English commentary identifies the key sights



Getting There

Latitude: 35.897337; Longitude: 14.512324
What3Words: hero.dodging.help


Photo ID: 016439 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2016), and on time of last update (07/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valletta: Great Siege of Malta Valletta: Great Siege of Malta No Data


A walk through audio-visual exhibition that traces the reasons for, and the effect of the Great siege of 1565



Getting There

Latitude: 35.898328; Longitude: 14.513465
What3Words: couple.feared.prestige


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valletta: Knights Hospital Valletta: Knights Hospital No Data


The Knights were originally set up to care for sick and wounded pilgrims, before taking on their role as protectors and warriors. The order is still involved in hospital care today. The old hospital now houses an exhibition about how the knights cared for the sick and injured



Getting There

Latitude: 35.899871; Longitude: 14.518079
What3Words: suppose.ferrets.amber


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valletta: Malta Experience Valletta: Malta Experience No Data


A 50 minute film that tells the history of the islands from the mysterious temple builders, through wave after wave of invader until final independence from the UK in 1974.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.899749; Longitude: 14.518653
What3Words: prices.curtains.attend


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valletta: National Archaeology museum Valletta: National Archaeology museum No Data


The museum contains many of the ancient artefacts that have been recovered from the many ancient sights around the islands



Getting There

Latitude: 35.897563; Longitude: 14.511207
What3Words: hills.shops.novelist


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valletta: St John's Co-Cathedral & Museum Valletta: St John's Co-Cathedral & Museum No Data


A spectacular building with multi-coloured marble tomb stones covering the floor from heavily carved wall to heavily carved wall, which stretch to the completely painted vaulted ceiling. The museum houses some of the churches most important art works, as well as old manuscripts.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.89775; Longitude: 14.512618
What3Words: foods.uniforms.apply


Photo ID: 001630 Photo ID: 001631 Photo ID: 016439 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valletta: State Apartments Valletta: State Apartments No Data


The former palace of the Knights of St John, today it is the home of the President and parliament of Malta



Getting There

Latitude: 35.898502; Longitude: 14.514597
What3Words: donor.solves.puddles


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valletta: Upper Barrakka Gardens Valletta: Upper Barrakka Gardens No Data


Located close to the Stock Exchange and the Parliament buildings this small garden built on a redoubt offers stunning views over the grand harbour and across to the three cities. The view are, if anything, more spectacular at night when the fortifications on the cities opposite are lit up.



Getting There

Latitude: 35.894948; Longitude: 14.51202
What3Words: jams.unlucky.status


Photo ID: 016460 Photo ID: 016461 Photo ID: 016462 Photo ID: 016463 Photo ID: 016464 Photo ID: 016465 Photo ID: 019616

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zebbiegh: Skorba Temples Zebbiegh: Skorba Temples No Data


Little remains of the temple here, with just a couple of upright stones the only markers. Information boards fill in the gaps. ****You need to purchase the ticket from the town hall in Mgarr in advance. Site is only open certain days and town hall closes for lunch each day. Check Heritage Malta Website in advance. You cannot purchase tickets at the site.****


Charge, joint ticket for Ta' Hagrat Temples and Skorba Temples available

Getting There

The easiest way to get to Mgarr from Sliema is to take one of the hop-on-hop-off buses which go direct. Alternatively take the bus to Mostar (hourly, 40 minutes) [2016 route 203] and change there for a bus to Mgarr - (half hourly around 20 minutes) [2016 Routes 44 or 238. Route 238 is hourly, and gets you closer to the temple, but is only of use if you have pre-purchased a ticket]. The temple is located about a 20 minute walk away back the way the bus comes, however you need to visit the town hall where you purchase tickets before heading to the site. There is an hourly bus from Mgarr heading to Cirkewwa [2016 route 101] which will take you to the temples in around 5 minutes
Latitude: 35.920845; Longitude: 14.377707
What3Words: onion.mailbox.prickly


Photo ID: 016466 Photo ID: 016467 Photo ID: 016468 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2016), and on time of last update (07/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Birgu Birgu No Data


One of the three cities facing Valletta across the harbour, each occupying a fortified headland


Getting There

There are no direct buses from Sliema to Birgu, you need to change in Valletta, though both legs are very frequent (approx. 40 minutes including change) [2016 routes from Valletta 2, 3, 4]
Latitude: 35.887209; Longitude: 14.520968
What3Words: original.bank.design


Photo ID: 016538 Photo ID: 016540 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2016), and on time of last update (07/02/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mdina/Rabat Mdina/Rabat No Data


The old capital of Malta with Mdina surrounded by it's high fortress walls and Rabat just outside the main fortifications. They are a nice location just to wander around. The views from the bastions at the end of Mdina over the rest of the island are particularly spectacular


Getting There

There are hourly buses from Sliema to Rabat, taking around an hour [2016 route 202]. It's a short walk from the bus station in Rabat to the entrance to Mdina. It may be quicker to travel via Valletta where there are more frequent buses to Rabat [2016 routes 51, 52, 53 and 56]
Latitude: 35.884372; Longitude: 14.403284
What3Words: chops.spokes.blazed


Photo ID: 016495 Photo ID: 016496 Photo ID: 016498 Photo ID: 016499 Photo ID: 016501 Photo ID: 016509 Photo ID: 016515

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valletta Valletta No Data


The capital of Malta and a stunning small city, set within the fortifications built over hundreds of years.


Getting There

Several bus routes run from Sliema round to Valletta (More than 10 buses an hour, approximately 20 minutes) [2016 routes 13, 14, 15, 16 and 21], alternatively there is a ferry which crosses between Sliema and Valletta - though there is a stiff climb up from the harbour in Valletta to the main attractions
Latitude: 35.899079; Longitude: 14.513625
What3Words: farmland.influencing.folk


Photo ID: 016434 Photo ID: 016435 Photo ID: 016436 Photo ID: 019592 Photo ID: 019597 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Armoury Armoury No Data


A display of the various forms of armour that the Knights had during their time running the island



Getting There

In Valletta
Latitude: 35.898263; Longitude: 14.514216
What3Words: bravery.avid.tolls


Photo ID: 001632 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Siege of Malta Great Siege of Malta No Data


A walk through audio-visual exhibition that traces the reasons for, and the effect of the Great siege of 1565



Getting There

In Valletta
Latitude: 35.898328; Longitude: 14.513465
What3Words: couple.feared.prestige


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knights Hospital Knights Hospital No Data


The Knights were originally set up to care for sick and wounded pilgrims, before taking on their role as protectors and warriors. The order is still involved in hospital care today. The old hospital now houses an exhibition about how the knights cared for the sick and injured



Getting There

In Valletta
Latitude: 35.899871; Longitude: 14.518079
What3Words: suppose.ferrets.amber


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Malta Experience Malta Experience No Data


A 50 minute film that tells the history of the islands from the mysterious temple builders, through wave after wave of invader until final independence from the UK in 1974.



Getting There

In Valletta
Latitude: 35.899749; Longitude: 14.518653
What3Words: prices.curtains.attend


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Archaeology museum National Archaeology museum No Data


The museum contains many of the ancient artefacts that have been recovered from the many ancient sights around the islands



Getting There

In Valletta
Latitude: 35.897563; Longitude: 14.511207
What3Words: hills.shops.novelist


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St John's Co-Cathedral & Museum St John's Co-Cathedral & Museum No Data


A spectacular building with multi-coloured marble tomb stones covering the floor from heavily carved wall to heavily carved wall, which stretch to the completely painted vaulted ceiling. The museum houses some of the churches most important art works, as well as old manuscripts.



Getting There

In Valletta
Latitude: 35.89775; Longitude: 14.512618
What3Words: foods.uniforms.apply


Photo ID: 001630 Photo ID: 001631 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

State Apartments State Apartments No Data


The former palace of the Knights of St John, today it is the home of the President and parliament of Malta



Getting There

In Valletta
Latitude: 35.898502; Longitude: 14.514597
What3Words: donor.solves.puddles


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Birgu: Inquisitors Palace Birgu: Inquisitors Palace No Data


The palace houses a small exhibition on the role of the Inquisitor, thankfully (for the locals at least) the Inquisitor on Malta was a lot less "enthusiastic" than his Spanish counterpart, but had to be brought in after the knights started to become a little less religious than their leaders wanted. The museum is not massively interesting, but the building is worth looking around.



Getting There

Several bus routes run from Valletta to Birgu
Latitude: 35.887359; Longitude: 14.522531
What3Words: longer.bring.yourself


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Birgu: Malta at War Birgu: Malta at War No Data


The exhibition is based in the air raid shelters that were carved out of the rock during World War II to shelter the Maltese from the Italian and German air-raids. You start by watching a 20 minute film that was originally released in 1943, after the invasion of Sicily and the end of the attacks on Malta, as a propaganda tool to show the rest of the allies. After the film you are handed a hard hat and descend into the shelter. The complex is quite large, but it must still have been cramped when there were hundreds of people crowded into it.



Getting There

Several bus routes run from Valletta to Birgu
Latitude: 35.885882; Longitude: 14.522735
What3Words: powerful.spelled.scatter


Photo ID: 001660 Photo ID: 001661 Photo ID: 001662 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Buskett: Buskett Gardens Buskett: Buskett Gardens No Data


The former gardens of the Summer palace of the grand master, today a pleasant place to go for a stroll (when it's not raining)



Getting There

From Valletta catch bus 84
Latitude: 35.857122; Longitude: 14.397932
What3Words: bleach.dorm.plunder


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Buskett: Clapham Junction Buskett: Clapham Junction No Data


Several sets of parallel lines, scored into the rock itself, an archaeological mystery.



Getting There

From Valletta catch bus 84
Latitude: 35.852635; Longitude: 14.396923
What3Words: bridesmaids.chivalry.accusing


Photo ID: 001635 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hagar Qim: Hagar Qim Hagar Qim: Hagar Qim No Data


Hagar Qim is one of the oldest temples in the world, dated at somewhere around 4000-3000 BC, predating the pyramids of Egypt by 1000 years and Stonehenge by 2000 years. Today there are large amounts of ruins still standing of the main temple, two further temples having mostly been destroyed


Charge, multisite ticket available with Mnajdra

Getting There

Hagar Qim is reached by bus 38 or 138 from Valletta
Latitude: 35.827735; Longitude: 14.442253
What3Words: imagery.creamy.ovals


Photo ID: 001637 Photo ID: 001638 Photo ID: 001639 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hagar Qim: Mnajdra Hagar Qim: Mnajdra No Data


Located about 500 meters from the Hagar Qim temples, these temples are slightly older, and more remain


Charge, multisite ticket available with Hagar Qim

Getting There

Hagar Qim is reached by bus 38 or 138 from Valletta
Latitude: 35.826778; Longitude: 14.436282
What3Words: packages.artist.cashless


Photo ID: 001640 Photo ID: 001641 Photo ID: 001642 Photo ID: 001643 Photo ID: 001644 Photo ID: 001645 Photo ID: 001646

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mdina: Mdina experience Mdina: Mdina experience No Data


A 20 minute film that tells the history of Mdina, formerly the capital of the island up until the creation of Valletta after the Great Siege


Charge, multisite ticket available with Medieval Times and the Knights of Malta exhibitions

Getting There

In Rabat, several routes from Valletta and route 65 from Sliema
Latitude: 35.885934; Longitude: 14.402427
What3Words: nearing.maximum.richly


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mdina: Medieval Times Mdina: Medieval Times No Data


A walk through tableaux of wax works depicting what life was like in the middle ages, with a small amount of explanatory text


Charge, multisite ticket available with The Mdina Experience and the Knights of Malta exhibitions

Getting There

In Rabat, several routes from Valletta and route 65 from Sliema
Latitude: 35.88593; Longitude: 14.401628
What3Words: brush.uses.predict


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mdina: The Knights of Malta Mdina: The Knights of Malta No Data


A 20 minute film tells the history of the Knights of St John, this is followed by a walk through exhibition on the main Grand Masters.


Charge, multisite ticket available with The Mdina Experience and the Medieval Times exhibitions

Getting There

In Rabat, several routes from Valletta and route 65 from Sliema
Latitude: 35.885756; Longitude: 14.402636
What3Words: intelligible.admit.pothole


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Paola: Hal Saflieni Hypogeum Paola: Hal Saflieni Hypogeum No Data


A UNESCO unique heritage site, the Hypogeum is the only known underground temple of its type in the world.


Charge. Tickets must be booked several weeks in advance (either on-line or in person) as only 80 people a day are allowed down into the Hypogeum due to the damage that peoples breath is doing to the rock

Getting There

Catch any bus from Valletta to Paola, it’s a short, well signed walk from the main square, by the prison
Latitude: 35.869578; Longitude: 14.506143
What3Words: workouts.bikes.maximum


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Catacombs of St Agatha Rabat: Catacombs of St Agatha No Data


A small set of underground burial chambers, which have retained many of their frescos



Getting There

In Rabat, several routes from Valletta and route 65 from Sliema
Latitude: 35.880492; Longitude: 14.397229
What3Words: grownup.comic.evolving


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Catacombs of St Paul Rabat: Catacombs of St Paul No Data


A large complex of underground burial chambers, an audio guide takes you round the complex



Getting There

In Rabat, several routes from Valletta and route 65 from Sliema
Latitude: 35.880997; Longitude: 14.397755
What3Words: crush.gearbox.outer


Photo ID: 001689 Photo ID: 001690 Photo ID: 001691 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Grotto of St Paul Rabat: Grotto of St Paul No Data


According to legend this is the cave that St Paul lived in for three months when he was shipwrecked on the islands in 60AD, in the process converting the islands to Christians


Free, but donations requested

Getting There

In Rabat, several routes from Valletta and route 65 from Sliema
Latitude: 35.881761; Longitude: 14.39909
What3Words: evenings.cheese.widgets


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rabat: Roman Domus Rabat: Roman Domus No Data


The Roman museum, it is built by, and over, the only remains of the Roman occupation of the island that have been found. The artefacts found on the site suggest that it may have been the residence of the Governor or a senior person due to the number of statues of the emperor and his family, but the museum signs admit that this is only conjecture.



Getting There

In Rabat, several routes from Valletta and route 65 from Sliema
Latitude: 35.885113; Longitude: 14.400104
What3Words: crumble.kind.rams


Photo ID: 001686 Photo ID: 001687 Photo ID: 001688 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sliema: Harbour Tours Sliema: Harbour Tours No Data


Several companies offer boat tours around the two harbours that are either side of Valletta, all leave from the Ferries in Sliema.



Getting There

In Sliema, ferry or lots of bus routes from Valletta
Latitude: 35.908744; Longitude: 14.504517
What3Words: curtains.twist.fixture


Photo ID: 001649 Photo ID: 001650 Photo ID: 001651 Photo ID: 001652 Photo ID: 001653 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tarxien: Tarxien Temples Tarxien: Tarxien Temples No Data


Located a couple of hundred meters from the Hal Saflien Hypogeum, these temples are some of the larges on the island.



Getting There

Catch any bus from Valletta to Paola, it’s a short, well signed walk from the main square, by the prison
Latitude: 35.869182; Longitude: 14.511909
What3Words: modules.paddle.rare


Photo ID: 001664 Photo ID: 001694 Photo ID: 001695 Photo ID: 001696 Photo ID: 001697 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gozo: Archaeological Museum - [Rabat] Gozo: Archaeological Museum - [Rabat] No Data


The museum contains many of the ancient artefacts that have been recovered from the many ancient sights around the island


Charge, multisite ticket for the Archaeological, Natural science, Old Prison and Folklore museums available

Getting There

In Rabat
Latitude: 36.045863; Longitude: 14.239622
What3Words: charitable.garbage.proprietary


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gozo: Cathedral - [Rabat] Gozo: Cathedral - [Rabat] No Data


Similar to the Co-Cathedral in Valletta, this is a highly decorated cathedral


Charge, includes a free audio guide that includes the cathedral, museum and details of other buildings in the Citadel

Getting There

In Rabat
Latitude: 36.046297; Longitude: 14.239971
What3Words: obeys.defends.humane


Photo ID: 001668 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gozo: Folklore Museum - [Rabat] Gozo: Folklore Museum - [Rabat] No Data


A museum that houses exhibits on the tools and implements that people used in their everyday life in the past. The museum is not particularly interesting, but the building it is housed in, three former houses knocked together, gives more of an insight into how people lived.


Charge, multisite ticket for the Archaeological, Natural science, Old Prison and Folklore museums available

Getting There

In Rabat
Latitude: 36.046601; Longitude: 14.239799
What3Words: doctor.conductors.recoding


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gozo: Ggantija - [Xaghra] Gozo: Ggantija - [Xaghra] No Data


The oldest free standing structure in the world is the boast for this temple site, it gave rise to myths of a race of giants that once lived on the islands due to its size.



Getting There

**Updated January 2015** From Rabat the hourly 307 bus links to Xaghra in around 15 minutes. Alternatively there is a bus every 90 minutes (45 minutes in summer) from the Ferry terminal in Mgarr direct to the temples, journey time is around 30 minutes.
Latitude: 36.047312; Longitude: 14.269127
What3Words: ending.enforce.copybook


Photo ID: 001670 Photo ID: 001671 Photo ID: 001672 Photo ID: 001673 Photo ID: 001674 Photo ID: 001675 Photo ID: 001676

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (17/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gozo: Gozo 360 - [Rabat] Gozo: Gozo 360 - [Rabat] No Data


A 20 minute film on the history of the island of Gozo



Getting There

In Rabat
Latitude: 36.045291; Longitude: 14.239161
What3Words: impassioned.regularity.boxing


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gozo: Il-Kastell - [Rabat] Gozo: Il-Kastell - [Rabat] No Data


The fortified citadel of the old city. There are lots of museums, cafes and shops that can be explored inside its walls, as well as impressive views over the island, Comino and Malta



Getting There

In Rabat
Latitude: 36.046661; Longitude: 14.239579
What3Words: meerkat.silhouette.snorers


Photo ID: 001667 Photo ID: 001669 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gozo: Natural Science Museum - [Rabat] Gozo: Natural Science Museum - [Rabat] No Data


Houses a small collection of items on the Geology, marine and bird life of the islands (all of it stuffed and mounted!)


Charge, multisite ticket for the Archaeological, Natural science, Old Prison and Folklore museums available

Getting There

In Rabat
Latitude: 36.046661; Longitude: 14.239097
What3Words: pint.layers.proficiency


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gozo: Old Prison - [Rabat] Gozo: Old Prison - [Rabat] No Data


The cells still have the graffiti which was carved on the walls when prisoners were kept there, much of it dating back to the early days of the knights


Charge, multisite ticket for the Archaeological, Natural science, Old Prison and Folklore museums available

Getting There

In Rabat
Latitude: 36.04628; Longitude: 14.239295
What3Words: storytelling.islander.pending


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (24/03/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gozo Gozo No Data


Gozo, the second of the Maltese islands in possibly more beautiful and less over developed than its larger sister. Most of the building on the island is still within the original villages, which each sit on top of hills, overlooking the countryside


Getting There

**Updated January 2015** Buses run from both Valletta and Sliema to Cirkewwa (70-80 minutes) where there are ferries every 45 minutes to Mgarr on Gozo (25 minute crossing time). From Mgarr the Number 301 bus meets each ferry to take you direct to the main town on the island, Rabat (Victoria) in about 15 minutes. Alternatively the hourly 303 bus takes a more scenic route into Rabat. Another option is the 323 bus (every 90 minutes in winter, 45 minutes in summer) that heads to Xaghra and the Ggantija temple.
Latitude: 36.0443; Longitude: 14.251222
What3Words: regulating.spout.smarted


Photo ID: 001666 Photo ID: 001679 Photo ID: 001680 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/03/2007), and on time of last update (17/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Citadella Citadella No Data


Located on the next hill along from the castle in Buda the Citadella offers not only spectacular views out over Buda, the Danube, Pest and on into the Carpathian Basin that the remainder of Hungary sits in. The site itself also has an exhibition on the archaeology and timeline of civilization in Budapest. There is also a small display of weapons that were used when the Citadella was a strategic point. Just outside is the Liberation monument. Only word of warning it is quite a climb up to the top (though there are buses!)


Small Charge for entry to the Citadella though the views can also be got without entering

Getting There

Latitude: 47.486861; Longitude: 19.047503
What3Words: adults.carrots.lifted


Photo ID: 000082 Photo ID: 010019 Photo ID: 010021 Photo ID: 010022 Photo ID: 010030 Photo ID: 010031 Photo ID: 010033

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2002), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Erzsébet Kilátó (Elizabeth lookout) Erzsébet Kilátó (Elizabeth lookout) No Data


Built by the same man as the fisherman's bastion, this viewing tower offers excellent views over the city and the surrounding countryside



Getting There

See the entry for the Chairlift (Libegö) for details on getting to the chairlift, then take the lift up the hill and walk to the tower. Alternatively see the entry for Children's Railway (Gyermekvasut) and get off at Jánoshegy station and follow the signs back to the tower
Latitude: 47.518114; Longitude: 18.959422
What3Words: just.prime.thunder


Photo ID: 010050 Photo ID: 010051 Photo ID: 010052 Photo ID: 010053 Photo ID: 010054 Photo ID: 010055 Photo ID: 010056

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gyermekvasut (Children's Railway) Gyermekvasut (Children's Railway) No Data


Built by the communist equivalent of the scouts and guides it is still run almost exclusively by Children (There are one or two adult supervisors at the stations and adults drive the trains but apart from that children do all the rest). The line snakes its way through the Buda hills taking in some stunning scenery. With good public transport connections at either end you can just go one way rather than having to book a return journey and retrace your steps.



Getting There

From Széll Kálmán tér take tram 59 or 61 two stops to Városmajor and change there for the Cog-Wheel railway up to the end of the line at Széchenyi-hegy. From there it’s a short walk to the Széchenyihegy terminus station. Alternatively stay on tram 61 all the way to the end of the line at Huvösvölgy and pick up the railway at the Huvösvölgy terminus station.
Latitude: 47.49403; Longitude: 18.977138
What3Words: treble.secure.spells


Photo ID: 000092 Photo ID: 010058 Photo ID: 010059 Photo ID: 010060 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2002), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hösök Tere (Heroes Square) Hösök Tere (Heroes Square) No Data


Entranceway to the city park, the site was previously used for those massive parades of men and military might that the Communists were so fond on putting on in the days of their rule.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.514918; Longitude: 19.077826
What3Words: seated.strictly.dream


Photo ID: 010072 Photo ID: 010073 Photo ID: 010074 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Libegö (Chairlift) Libegö (Chairlift) No Data


The chairlift rises up into one of the many hills that surround Buda. The 15 minute journey up is peaceful and relaxing, though the journey back down has the better views



Getting There

From Nyugati railway station (Metro Line 3) take the 291 bus to the end of the line which is right by the base station
Latitude: 47.516659; Longitude: 18.974596
What3Words: dominate.national.echo


Photo ID: 010046 Photo ID: 010047 Photo ID: 010048 Photo ID: 010049 Photo ID: 010057 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum (Natural History Museum) Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum (Natural History Museum) No Data


A fun and interesting museum that charts the natural history of the country, It also touches on some science but all presented in interactive and engaging exhibitions. All the displays are in English as well as Hungarian.


Charge, free with Budapest card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.481843; Longitude: 19.085698
What3Words: ranks.straws.career


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2002), and on time of last update (28/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Margit-sziget (Margaret Island) Margit-sziget (Margaret Island) No Data


The island in the centre of the Danube is neither Buda nor Pest but it's own separate place. Today it's home to a large number of baths, restaurants, hotels and on a sunny day a fair proportion of the population of the city topping up it's tan.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.526851; Longitude: 19.048244
What3Words: barefoot.guess.colder


Photo ID: 010061 Photo ID: 010062 Photo ID: 010071 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Margit-sziget: Domonkos kolostor (Dominican Convent) Margit-sziget: Domonkos kolostor (Dominican Convent) No Data


Significant remains of the Dominican convent which you can wander around



Getting There

Latitude: 47.52901; Longitude: 19.051119
What3Words: island.survey.forever


Photo ID: 010065 Photo ID: 010066 Photo ID: 010067 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Margit-sziget: Ferences templom (Franciscan Church) Margit-sziget: Ferences templom (Franciscan Church) No Data


The small remaining ruins of the Franciscan church, including part of a tower and wall



Getting There

Latitude: 47.525359; Longitude: 19.046398
What3Words: strides.crib.dumpy


Photo ID: 010063 Photo ID: 010064 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Margit-sziget: Japánkert (Japanese Gardens) Margit-sziget: Japánkert (Japanese Gardens) No Data


A small formal garden in the Japanese style at the northern end of the island



Getting There

Latitude: 47.534516; Longitude: 19.05157
What3Words: fictional.broads.teachers


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Margit-sziget: Kilátó Galéria (Lookout Gallery) Margit-sziget: Kilátó Galéria (Lookout Gallery) No Data


The lookout gallery is located in the islands' water tower. Platforms are located at the base of the water bowl



Getting There

Latitude: 47.530169; Longitude: 19.050014
What3Words: pass.agenda.blanked


Photo ID: 010068 Photo ID: 010069 Photo ID: 010070 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Memento Park Memento Park No Data


When communism fell in Hungary all the statues that had originally dotted the city were torn down. Instead of destroy them or melt them down somebody had the good idea of placing them in a park on the outskirts of Budapest. There is something eerie about the place on a sunny day so I dread to think what it is like on a misty day!


Charge for entry

Getting There

From the end of the number 4 tram line take bus 150 for about 30 minutes (in a pretty meandering journey round the houses) to the stop Memento Park. If you're sitting on the right hand side you'll see some disembodied feet on a plinth just as the bus turns left into the road with the stop in it.
Latitude: 47.426345; Longitude: 18.998923
What3Words: blitz.compound.exhales


Photo ID: 010104 Photo ID: 010105 Photo ID: 010106 Photo ID: 010107 Photo ID: 010108 Photo ID: 010109 Photo ID: 010110

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/04/2002), and on time of last update (28/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sikló (Funicular Railway) Sikló (Funicular Railway) No Data


The funicular railway starts at the end of the Chain Bridge and rises to the centre of the castle, making short work of what is quite a hefty walk up hill


Charge, transport tickets not valid

Getting There

Latitude: 47.497664; Longitude: 19.038585
What3Words: segments.vaccines.crisper


Photo ID: 010013 Photo ID: 010014 Photo ID: 010015 Photo ID: 010016 Photo ID: 010017 Photo ID: 016404 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2013), and on time of last update (31/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Szent István Bazilika (St. Stephen's Basilica) Szent István Bazilika (St. Stephen's Basilica) No Data


Looming out of the Pest skyline and resembling St. Paul's in London St. Stephen's Basilica is an amazing building and well worth a visit. In addition to the inside of the church you can also see the treasury and climb the tower (or take the lift) to the top of the dome for views over Pest.


Charge for Tower and Treasury, Suggested Donation for Church

Getting There

Latitude: 47.500757; Longitude: 19.054091
What3Words: field.bravo.pausing


Photo ID: 010092 Photo ID: 010094 Photo ID: 010096 Photo ID: 010098 Photo ID: 010100 Photo ID: 010102 Photo ID: 010103

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/04/2002), and on time of last update (28/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Várhegy (Castle Hill) Várhegy (Castle Hill) No Data


The large castle complex (so large that it includes homes and a hotel) sits on a ridge in Buda overlooking the rest of the city. You can wander around most of the massive site, though there are charges to enter the buildings that are open to the public



Getting There

Latitude: 47.49901; Longitude: 19.03641
What3Words: fairy.dawn.bronzes


Photo ID: 000080 Photo ID: 000081 Photo ID: 000083 Photo ID: 000084 Photo ID: 000085 Photo ID: 000088 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/03/2002), and on time of last update (31/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Várhegy: Budapesti Történeti Múzeum (History Museum) Várhegy: Budapesti Történeti Múzeum (History Museum) No Data


The museum tells the history of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 47.495067; Longitude: 19.04005
What3Words: partied.sooner.positive


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/03/2002), and on time of last update (28/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Várhegy: Halászbástya (Fishermans Bastion) Várhegy: Halászbástya (Fishermans Bastion) No Data


Built in the early part of the 20th century, but designed to look much older, the Fishermans Bastion provides stunning views over the river and Pest. You can access the lower levels free of charge, but to go to the top levels there is an entry fee (which if the lower levels are busy is worth paying). On visiting in December 2015 there didn't appear to be an entry charge for the upper levels (this may be a summer-only charge)



Getting There

Latitude: 47.501939; Longitude: 19.035141
What3Words: lifts.pleasing.observer


Photo ID: 009987 Photo ID: 009988 Photo ID: 009989 Photo ID: 009990 Photo ID: 009991 Photo ID: 009993 Photo ID: 009997

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/03/2002), and on time of last update (31/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Várhegy: Labirintus Várhegy: Labirintus No Data


Located within the castle complex the caves are spectacular. Partly natural, partly created by castle dwellers as they dug down for cellars. They are open for the public to wander around freely, with just enough guiding to avoid getting people lost. Sections of the caves have been themed including scenes from an opera and the story of Dracula's incarceration in the caves (The real Vlad III Dracula AKA Vlad the Impailer, not the fictitious one), each with suitably atmospheric music.


Charge for entry, discount with Budapest Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.500076; Longitude: 19.034103
What3Words: island.deed.presume


Photo ID: 010081 Photo ID: 010082 Photo ID: 010083 Photo ID: 010084 Photo ID: 010085 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/03/2002), and on time of last update (28/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Várhegy: Magyar Nemzeti Galéria (National Gallery) Várhegy: Magyar Nemzeti Galéria (National Gallery) No Data


The national gallery hosts the Hungarian national collection of art works. Several major artists are on display



Getting There

Latitude: 47.496653; Longitude: 19.03914
What3Words: blanked.shovels.agreed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/03/2002), and on time of last update (28/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Várhegy: Mátyás-Templom (Matthias Church) Várhegy: Mátyás-Templom (Matthias Church) No Data


Located behind the fishermans bastion the Church is the spiritual centre of the castle complex



Getting There

Latitude: 47.501973; Longitude: 19.03421
What3Words: combining.homework.wiped


Photo ID: 010086 Photo ID: 010087 Photo ID: 010088 Photo ID: 010089 Photo ID: 010090 Photo ID: 010091 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/03/2002), and on time of last update (28/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zoo Zoo No Data


The zoo is popular amongst no only tourists but also the locals as well. However be warned the Zoo is not a modern building and the cages looked cramped for the animals. Though they look well cared for in most cases it is not a site any committed animal rights believer should visit.


Charge, free with Budapest card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.519679; Longitude: 19.079862
What3Words: outgoing.foiled.hopes


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2002), and on time of last update (28/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aquincum: Museum Aquincum: Museum No Data


The archaeological remains of the fortress and surrounding civilian settlement of Aquincum. Large parts of the site have been uncovered with a museum housing some of the key finds and much of the site open to wander round



Getting There

Take the H5 suburban train north from Buda to Aquincum station, trains every 6-10 minutes around 15 minutes
Latitude: 47.562781; Longitude: 19.048967
What3Words: pricier.touchy.recital


Photo ID: 012890 Photo ID: 012891 Photo ID: 012892 Photo ID: 012893 Photo ID: 012894 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aquincum: Amphitheatre Aquincum: Amphitheatre No Data


The former Amphitheatre of Aquincum, located outside the town walls - today much of the site is reconstruction, but there is still some of the original Roman stonework surviving



Getting There

Take the H5 suburban train north from Buda to Aquincum station, trains every 6-10 minutes around 15 minutes
Latitude: 47.567573; Longitude: 19.048066
What3Words: trailer.page.organs


Photo ID: 012888 Photo ID: 012889 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Big Bus Tour: Daytime Big Bus Tour: Daytime No Data


Open-top hop-on-hop-off sightseeing tours with multilingual commentary that take in the key sights in the city centre. A full circuit lasts around two hours


Charge, includes the night tour

Getting There

Latitude: 47.514528; Longitude: 19.078444
What3Words: timeless.cheese.dripping


Photo ID: 012876 Photo ID: 012877 Photo ID: 012880 Photo ID: 012881 Photo ID: 012882 Photo ID: 012883 Photo ID: 012884

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Big Bus Tour: Night Tour Big Bus Tour: Night Tour No Data


One tour each evening sets off at 9pm and completes a shorter circuit of the city centre at night - round trip no option to get off


Free with the daytime ticket - not possible to purchase a ticket for just this tour

Getting There

Latitude: 47.497877; Longitude: 19.054396
What3Words: edge.trustees.volcano


Photo ID: 012898 Photo ID: 012899 Photo ID: 012900 Photo ID: 012901 Photo ID: 012902 Photo ID: 012906 Photo ID: 012910

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

3D Past 3D Past No Data


A 15 minute 3D film that tells a potted history of Hungary and the Hungarians. It's more interesting for giving you access to the small St Michaels Chapel underneath the Fisherman's Bastion that had previously been closed to the public



Getting There

Latitude: 47.502035; Longitude: 19.03483
What3Words: goad.incoming.showed


Photo ID: 016368 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2015), and on time of last update (31/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Giraffe Hop-on-Hop-Off buses Giraffe Hop-on-Hop-Off buses No Data


One of many companies offering tours round the city. Giraffe are notable by their use of non-open-top buses, which in late December was a blessing. They run two tours which between them cover the whole of the city. Tours include a free boat cruise (though in late December with almost continuous heavy mists there wasn't much to see from the river)



Getting There

Latitude: 47.497862; Longitude: 19.054281
What3Words: jazz.spirit.duration


Photo ID: 016386 Photo ID: 016387 Photo ID: 016392 Photo ID: 016402 Photo ID: 016405 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2015), and on time of last update (31/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parliament: Kötár [Lapidarium] Parliament: Kötár [Lapidarium] No Data


Located in the tunnels created for the heating system for parliament this small exhibition houses some of the stone and metal work that has been taken off of the building as it has been repaired, as well as documenting how the building was built. The museum is only open for a couple of hours in the mornings.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.507792; Longitude: 19.04639
What3Words: mailer.chest.stormed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2015), and on time of last update (31/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zwack Museum Zwack Museum No Data


The museum is located in the distillery of Zwack, makers of Unicum the Hungarian national spirit. You are given a short guided tour of the cellars, including the opportunity to taste the drink straight from the barrel, before a 20 minute video on the history of the drink and then a chance to look around the small museum.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.476058; Longitude: 19.070174
What3Words: seaside.flipping.shutting


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2015), and on time of last update (31/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Line 2 Tram Line 2 Tram No Data


Running from the Margaret Island bridge past the Parliament and along the edge of the Danube opposite the castle the number 2 tram line offers some of the best sightseeing opportunities in the city. The very best views are from the right-hand side. During the main part of the day the trams are very regular, though it's still probably best to go to the start station by the Margit Hid (Margaret Bridge) to guarantee getting a seat (or even a window)


Charge, part of the standard transport ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 47.512756; Longitude: 19.047856
What3Words: applied.navigate.hunches


Photo ID: 016391 Photo ID: 016420 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2015), and on time of last update (31/12/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kronenburgerpark Kronenburgerpark No Data


Parts of former fortifications that have been landscaped into a pleasant city park with a small animal enclosure and a lake that is home to a number of ducks. The former powder tower forms and impressive backdrop


Getting There

Latitude: 51.847027; Longitude: 5.857568
What3Words: changes.funny.prepares


Photo ID: 017313 Photo ID: 017314 Photo ID: 017316 Photo ID: 017318 Photo ID: 017319 Photo ID: 017320 Photo ID: 017321

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2016), and on time of last update (08/05/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum het Valkhof Museum het Valkhof No Data


Museum and gallery charting the history of the city from its Roman foundations through to the modern day. Along with the large Roman collection there is an exhibition on the treaties of Nijmegen - a series of treaties signed in the city in the latter part of the 18th Century in an attempt to end various conflicts across Europe and a large collection on Pop Art.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.846751; Longitude: 5.871466
What3Words: rinse.cracks.slogans


Photo ID: 017299 Photo ID: 017300 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2016), and on time of last update (08/05/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pannenkoekenboot Pannenkoekenboot No Data


75 minute cruises down the Waal through the centre of Nijmegen. There isn't actually very much to see as the area is quite industrial, so instead to fill up the time the cruise comes with unlimited pancakes that you can munch on (hence the name - Pancake boat)



Getting There

Latitude: 51.849635; Longitude: 5.868414
What3Words: adding.plea.fears


Photo ID: 017279 Photo ID: 017280 Photo ID: 017281 Photo ID: 017282 Photo ID: 017283 Photo ID: 017284 Photo ID: 017285

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2016), and on time of last update (08/05/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sint-Nicolaaskapel Sint-Nicolaaskapel No Data


Chapel of the former fortress that occupied the area that is now the Vlakhofpark. The pretty circular chapel includes a model of what the fortress would have looked like in its heyday, dwarfing the small chapel


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.848119; Longitude: 5.869748
What3Words: ledge.captive.loud


Photo ID: 017253 Photo ID: 017261 Photo ID: 017262 Photo ID: 017263 Photo ID: 017264 Photo ID: 017265 Photo ID: 017269

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2016), and on time of last update (08/05/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stevenskerke Stevenskerke No Data


Largest church in the city and one of the dominant buildings on the landscape. Inside the church is quite plane and austere


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.84799; Longitude: 5.862756
What3Words: detection.pumps.zone


Photo ID: 017322 Photo ID: 017329 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2016), and on time of last update (08/05/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stevenskerke Toren Stevenskerke Toren No Data


Tower of the church, you can climb the 189 steps to the top of the tower from where there are excellent views over the city and the wider countryside



Getting There

Latitude: 51.847969; Longitude: 5.862284
What3Words: empire.mild.infants


Photo ID: 017324 Photo ID: 017325 Photo ID: 017326 Photo ID: 017327 Photo ID: 017328 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2016), and on time of last update (08/05/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valkhofpark Valkhofpark No Data


Parkland on the site of the former fortress of the town, on high ground overlooking the river. The remains of a couple of the towers and the Sint-Nicolaaskapel are in the park



Getting There

Latitude: 51.847863; Longitude: 5.870435
What3Words: crowbar.milkman.larger


Photo ID: 017255 Photo ID: 017256 Photo ID: 017257 Photo ID: 017258 Photo ID: 017259 Photo ID: 017269 Photo ID: 017270

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2016), and on time of last update (08/05/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arnhem Arnhem No Data


Most famous as the site of major fighting during the last year of World War II in Operation Market Garden - the attempt to capture the bridge - the city suffered extensive damage with much of it replaced after the war. A few historic buildings survive and the wide parks that run down the centre of many of the streets make for a much greener and prettier town than it's twin town of Croydon.


Getting There

There are regular buses (every 5-10 minutes, various routes) from Nijmegen to Arnhem taking around 50 minutes, alternatively there are trains every 15 minutes that take around 20 minutes
Latitude: 51.982193; Longitude: 5.910145
What3Words: privately.chopper.lightly


Photo ID: 017301 Photo ID: 017302 Photo ID: 017303 Photo ID: 017304 Photo ID: 017305 Photo ID: 017306 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2016), and on time of last update (08/05/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Canal Tour Canal Tour No Data


Tours start from just opposite the station and do a full loop round the canal that encircles the historic city centre with a small detour out onto the main canal that connects the city to the sea.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.21179; Longitude: 6.567174
What3Words: rams.fact.hobbit


Photo ID: 009471 Photo ID: 009472 Photo ID: 009473 Photo ID: 009474 Photo ID: 009475 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2013), and on time of last update (27/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Groninger Museum Groninger Museum No Data


The city's art museum is a striking structure, located on three islands opposite the train station. You enter at street level and then descend down to the main part of the gallery which is at the level of the canal. The gallery has a large space for showing temporary exhibits, as well as a small permanent collection.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.212281; Longitude: 6.566042
What3Words: rang.egging.nipped


Photo ID: 009467 Photo ID: 009468 Photo ID: 009469 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2013), and on time of last update (27/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Martinikerk Martinikerk No Data


The oldest church in the city, and for a short while a Cathedral. Inside the body of the church are some stunning painted ceilings, including the impressive choir ceiling.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.21948; Longitude: 6.568649
What3Words: safest.stages.horizons


Photo ID: 009461 Photo ID: 009462 Photo ID: 009463 Photo ID: 009464 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2013), and on time of last update (27/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Martinitoren Martinitoren No Data


The views from a church tower are usually pretty good, and when you're in the Netherlands where there's nothing more than a few feet above sea-level then this is even more so.


Charge, tokens need to be obtained from the Tourist information centre on the edge of the Grote Markt

Getting There

Latitude: 53.219329; Longitude: 6.567877
What3Words: camper.bridge.usual


Photo ID: 009456 Photo ID: 009457 Photo ID: 009458 Photo ID: 009459 Photo ID: 009460 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2013), and on time of last update (27/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Noordelijk Scheepvaartmuseum Noordelijk Scheepvaartmuseum No Data


The museum is dedicated to everything to do with ships and sailing, but also includes an interesting 20 minutes film on what late 15th century Groningen would have looked like.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.216228; Longitude: 6.55995
What3Words: complains.vent.provide


Photo ID: 009497 Photo ID: 009515 Photo ID: 009516 Photo ID: 009517 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2013), and on time of last update (27/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Prinsentuin Prinsentuin No Data


Located in the North Eastern corner of the old town this small garden to the rear of the Prinsenhof offers an oasis of tranquillity from the city with carefully laid out beds and perfectly trimmed hedges.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.221292; Longitude: 6.569112
What3Words: decency.tune.verse


Photo ID: 009507 Photo ID: 009508 Photo ID: 009509 Photo ID: 009510 Photo ID: 009511 Photo ID: 009512 Photo ID: 009513

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2013), and on time of last update (27/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Delfzijl Delfzijl No Data


Delfzijl is the closest costal town to Groningen, and home to the city's port at the end of the Canal that links the city to the coast. There is a small beach and views across the water to Germany less than 4 miles away across the water.


Getting There

There are half hourly trains (hourly evenings and Sundays) from Groningen to Delfzijl taking around 40 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 53.330783; Longitude: 6.926022
What3Words: historic.vaguer.worktable


Photo ID: 009478 Photo ID: 009479 Photo ID: 009482 Photo ID: 009485 Photo ID: 009490 Photo ID: 009493 Photo ID: 009494

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2013), and on time of last update (27/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zwolle Zwolle No Data


With a picturesque old town sitting on an island that resembles a fortification and bristling with the towers of churches there is lots to occupy the time just wandering around the town and taking in the sights.


Getting There

There are trains every 15 minutes from Groningen taking between 60 and 75 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 52.512218; Longitude: 6.092638
What3Words: scared.snipped.page


Photo ID: 009519 Photo ID: 009521 Photo ID: 009523 Photo ID: 009525 Photo ID: 009527 Photo ID: 009531 Photo ID: 009535

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2013), and on time of last update (27/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Van Abbemuseum Van Abbemuseum No Data


A large collection of modern and contemproary art including a fair collection of works by Piccaso. The building itself is well worth the visit, with a stunning extension on the back of the original 1930's gallery



Getting There

Latitude: 51.434423; Longitude: 5.481837
What3Words: grouping.popped.peachy


Photo ID: 013209 Photo ID: 013210 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/11/2014), and on time of last update (08/11/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Den Bosch: Jheronimus Bosch Art Center Den Bosch: Jheronimus Bosch Art Center No Data


Perhaps the town's most famous son, who painted large numbers of religious works in the city. Many are on view in this museum in a converted church. After a 15 minute film that sets the context for the time and the man you take a lift up the tower of the church to the top level for views over the city, you then descend a floor at the time with many works on display on each floor. A comprehensive audio guide tells you about each work.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.687766; Longitude: 5.312224
What3Words: pancakes.impulses.fronted


Photo ID: 013222 Photo ID: 013226 Photo ID: 013227 Photo ID: 013228 Photo ID: 013229 Photo ID: 013230 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/11/2014), and on time of last update (08/11/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Den Bosch: Sint Jans kathedraal (St John's Cathedral) Den Bosch: Sint Jans kathedraal (St John's Cathedral) No Data


The cathedral dominates the city centre, inside the light colours and enormous windows make for a light space. During the summer months you can climb one of the towers to take in views of the city


Free (Suggested donation), charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 51.687965; Longitude: 5.308506
What3Words: captures.baseline.universe


Photo ID: 013224 Photo ID: 013225 Photo ID: 013228 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/11/2014), and on time of last update (08/11/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Den Bosch Den Bosch No Data


Den Bosch or 's-Hertogenbosch (the dukes forest) is - despite being considerably smaller than Eindhoven - the capital of the provice on North Brabant. The largly traffic free city centre is surrounded by a ring of small canals, many passing under the buildings in a series of tunnels. It's a pleasent city to wander around with a fair amount to see and lots of places to eat and drink


Getting There

There are six trains an hour from Eindhoven taking between 20 minutes (intercity services - 4 per hour) and 30 minutes (sprinter services - 2 per hour) to make the journey. The station is located just to the West of the city centre
Latitude: 51.689053; Longitude: 5.303858
What3Words: builders.date.this


Photo ID: 013216 Photo ID: 013217 Photo ID: 013218 Photo ID: 013219 Photo ID: 013220 Photo ID: 013221 Photo ID: 013223

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/11/2014), and on time of last update (08/11/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

A'DAM Lookout A'DAM Lookout No Data


Located on the roof of the 20 storey A'DAM tower the viewing platform offers views over the city and the wider, and very flat, landscape that surrounds the city


Charge, Free with the I Amsterdam City Card

Getting There

Ferries run every couple of minutes from the landing stages at the rear of the Centraal station across the IJ to the north bank, taking around 90 seconds to make the crossing. From the north bank landing stage it's a couple of minutes walk to the tower - it's clearly visible from the landing stage.
Latitude: 52.383874; Longitude: 4.902522
What3Words: retail.interval.palm


Photo ID: 029456 Photo ID: 029466 Photo ID: 029467 Photo ID: 029469 Photo ID: 029470 Photo ID: 029471 Photo ID: 029472

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/12/2019), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Amsterdam Museum Amsterdam Museum No Data


The museum is housed in the former orphanage and tells the history of the city from it’s birth in the 13th century, through to the modern times in exhibits and models.


Charge, Free with the I Amsterdam City Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.370228; Longitude: 4.890431
What3Words: push.showcase.chins


Photo ID: 001744 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2007), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blue Boat: Night Canal Tour Blue Boat: Night Canal Tour No Data


A tour of the canals of Amsterdam at night with the canals lit up



Getting There

Latitude: 52.361898; Longitude: 4.882522
What3Words: green.squad.against


Photo ID: 001719 Photo ID: 001720 Photo ID: 001729 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2007), and on time of last update (15/04/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

De Hortus De Hortus No Data


The city's Botanical gardens featuring a butterfly house, palmhouse and a large greenhouse with multiple environments.


Charge, Free with the I Amsterdam City Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.366756; Longitude: 4.907957
What3Words: wiser.stuffing.pulses


Photo ID: 029474 Photo ID: 029476 Photo ID: 029479 Photo ID: 029481 Photo ID: 029482 Photo ID: 029483 Photo ID: 029486

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/12/2019), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heineken Experience Heineken Experience No Data


The city centre site of the former brewery has been transformed into the “Heineken Experience”. The exhibition takes you through the general process of brewing, as well as looking at the history of the company and its advertising. Part of the tour includes three halves of Heineken to sample on your way round.


Charge, Discount with I Amsterdam City Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.357865; Longitude: 4.891223
What3Words: resold.spoken.tiger


Photo ID: 001745 Photo ID: 029561 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2007), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hollandsche Schouwburg Hollandsche Schouwburg No Data


This was once one of the Netherlands premier theatres, then during the second world war it was converted into a reception centre for Jews who were to be deported to the east and their deaths. All but the façade of the theatre has been torn down, and today it is a memorial to those who died.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.36642; Longitude: 4.911099
What3Words: tracking.relate.slim


Photo ID: 001741 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2007), and on time of last update (15/04/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lovers: Museumboot Lovers: Museumboot No Data


A canal tour that has hop-on-hop-off stops close to most of the major museum sites in the city. The tour has a multi-lingual pre recorded commentary in Dutch, English, German and French



Getting There

Latitude: 52.378527; Longitude: 4.898529
What3Words: detection.arrives.replied


Photo ID: 001709 Photo ID: 001710 Photo ID: 001711 Photo ID: 001712 Photo ID: 001713 Photo ID: 001714 Photo ID: 001715

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2007), and on time of last update (15/04/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rederij Kooij: Canal Cruise Rederij Kooij: Canal Cruise No Data


One of several companies offering hour long cruises round the canals of Amsterdam showing you the key sights. Running commentary offered in Dutch, German, English and - on request - French


Charge, one free canal cruise included with I Amsterdam City Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.36915; Longitude: 4.892444
What3Words: caveman.trooper.pausing


Photo ID: 029437 Photo ID: 029438 Photo ID: 029497 Photo ID: 029498 Photo ID: 029499 Photo ID: 029502 Photo ID: 029508

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/12/2019), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rederij Plas Rederij Plas No Data


One of several companies offering hour long cruises round the canals of Amsterdam showing you the key sights. Running commentary offered in Dutch, German, English and - on request - French


Charge, one free canal cruise included with I Amsterdam City Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.376162; Longitude: 4.897563
What3Words: recall.binders.premises


Photo ID: 029569 Photo ID: 029571 Photo ID: 029576 Photo ID: 029577 Photo ID: 029578 Photo ID: 029579 Photo ID: 029580

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/12/2019), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Resistance Museum Resistance Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the Dutch resistance to the Nazi’s during WWII. From small starts the organisation grew to a massive scale, with many Dutch actively involved in undermining the German occupation.


Charge, Free with the I Amsterdam City Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.367451; Longitude: 4.912434
What3Words: boot.mess.trumpet


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2007), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rijksmuseum Rijksmuseum No Data


The premier museum in the Netherlands, housing some of the countries most precious and treasured works of art. The museum underwent a major rennovation and restoration during the first part of the 21st Century to create a more accessible museum whilst keeping the historic fabric of the building. Perhaps the most famous of it's treasures is The Night Watch by Rembrandt which occupies pride of place in the centre of the 2nd floor. At the time of visiting (2019) the painting was undergoing a major restoration - in full view of the visitors


Charge, Free with the I Amsterdam City Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.3601; Longitude: 4.88544
What3Words: rejects.offhand.pebbles


Photo ID: 029511 Photo ID: 029537 Photo ID: 029542 Photo ID: 029544 Photo ID: 029547 Photo ID: 029549 Photo ID: 029551

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2007), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stedelijk Museum Stedelijk Museum No Data


The city's modern art museum with a collection spanning from the end of the 19th Century through to the modern day - including the usual collection of modern art installations.


Charge, Free with the I Amsterdam City Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.35808; Longitude: 4.879716
What3Words: clasps.pints.puzzle


Photo ID: 029515 Photo ID: 029521 Photo ID: 029525 Photo ID: 029527 Photo ID: 029530 Photo ID: 029531 Photo ID: 029532

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/12/2019), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stromma: Amsterdam Light Festival Cruise Stromma: Amsterdam Light Festival Cruise No Data


Between late November and mid-January each year a light festival runs in the canals of the city with lots of light based art installations dotted in and around the canals. All the canal cruise companies offer tours through the exhibits, most taking about an hour to complete a circuit. Unfortunatly, the company I chose - Stromma appeared to be suffering from major problems with very long waits for boats (half hourly service, but ended up waiting nearly 90 minutes for a boat to arrive), poor sound quality onboard dirty windows that meant it was difficult to take photos.


Charge, Discount with I Amsterdam City Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.377319; Longitude: 4.899074
What3Words: onwards.quietly.kennels


Photo ID: 029441 Photo ID: 029443 Photo ID: 029444 Photo ID: 029445 Photo ID: 029447 Photo ID: 029451 Photo ID: 029455

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/11/2019), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Van Gogh museum Van Gogh museum No Data


Home to many of the artists paintings, drawings and letters, including many of the famous self-portraits and one of the Sunflower series. The museum also has a wing for temporary exhibitions


Charge, Free with the I Amsterdam City Card (Card also allows you to pre-book an timed entry slot)

Getting There

Latitude: 52.357875; Longitude: 4.881336
What3Words: gift.iceberg.dangerously


Photo ID: 029512 Photo ID: 029534 Photo ID: 029536 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2007), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Westerkerk Westerkerk No Data


With the tallest spire in the city, this church stands out in its surroundings, at the time of visiting the spire was undergoing refurbishment, but the guide books all say that you can normally climb the spire for amazing views


Free to look around the church, Charge to climb the spire

Getting There

Latitude: 52.374568; Longitude: 4.883906
What3Words: paper.paddock.bench


Photo ID: 001706 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2007), and on time of last update (15/04/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yellow Bike Tour Yellow Bike Tour No Data


This company offer both bike rentals and tours of the city and the surrounding countryside. Their countryside tour lasts a little over 6 hours and travels about 25-30Km



Getting There

Latitude: 52.376212; Longitude: 4.894771
What3Words: texted.rankings.fortress


Photo ID: 001721 Photo ID: 001722 Photo ID: 001723 Photo ID: 001724 Photo ID: 001725 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/04/2007), and on time of last update (15/04/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Keukenhof Keukenhof No Data


Only open for eight weeks each year, these are the largest flower gardens in the world, with thousands of tulips of hundreds of varieties making up the main attraction


Charge, only open for eight weeks from Mid/Late March to Mid/Late May, Closed the rest of the year

Getting There

See Lisse for details
Latitude: 52.26779; Longitude: 4.539993
What3Words: untruth.inaccuracy.framing


Photo ID: 001731 Photo ID: 001732 Photo ID: 001733 Photo ID: 001734 Photo ID: 001735 Photo ID: 001736 Photo ID: 001737

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2007), and on time of last update (15/04/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muiderslot Muiderslot No Data


Impressive, almost fairytale style castle located in a moat at the mouth of the Vecht river and built to defend the entrance to the river. Today the castle is a museum telling some of the history of the site, as well as offering stunning views of the local very flat landscape.


Charge, Free with the I Amsterdam City Card

Getting There

See Muiden for details on getting to the town. From the bus stop it's about a 10 minute walk to the entrance to the castle
Latitude: 52.334368; Longitude: 5.071345
What3Words: groomed.exclaim.crossing


Photo ID: 029411 Photo ID: 029414 Photo ID: 029418 Photo ID: 029419 Photo ID: 029424 Photo ID: 029427 Photo ID: 029432

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/11/2019), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lisse Lisse No Data


The town is at the heart of the Tulip growing industry, the town itself is nothing special, but when the tulips are in bloom the fields are spectacular


Getting There

Regular trains run from Amsterdam Centraal station to Leiden station every 15 minutes or so, taking a little over half an hour. From the forecourt outside there are regular busses to the Keukenhof gardens, taking about 25 minutes
Latitude: 52.256272; Longitude: 4.552052
What3Words: speech.empty.private


Photo ID: 001738 Photo ID: 001739 Photo ID: 001740 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2007), and on time of last update (15/04/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muiden Muiden No Data


Small town about 12KM from Amsterdam, but home to the impressive Muiderslot that protects the entrance to the Vecht river that runs through the town.


Getting There

For somewhere that's only about 12KM from the centre of Amsterdam, Muiden is surprisingly difficult to get to. There are regular Sprinter trains from all the main stations in Amsterdam to Weesp (trains every 15 minutes, journey time around 15-20 minutes). From Weesp the 110 bus runs every hour (so plan your connection) to a bus stop on the edge of Muiden - journey time abour 10 minutes. From the bus stop you need to walk into the town (several small bridges prevent large vehicles getting into the old town centre)
Latitude: 52.329935; Longitude: 5.069328
What3Words: umpires.dished.ranches


Photo ID: 029401 Photo ID: 029402 Photo ID: 029403 Photo ID: 029406 Photo ID: 029407 Photo ID: 029412 Photo ID: 029435

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/11/2019), and on time of last update (07/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zandvoort aan Zee Zandvoort aan Zee No Data


The nearest sea-side town to Amsterdam, with a wide sandy beach


Getting There

Regular half hourly trains run from Amsterdam Centraal station to Zandvoort taking about 30 minutes
Latitude: 52.37256; Longitude: 4.525681
What3Words: rust.spindles.rhymes


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2007), and on time of last update (15/04/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Amersfoort Keijlijn Amersfoort Keijlijn No Data


A small land train that operates a hop-on-hop-off service round the city centre - taking in the key sights. Commentary is in Dutch only



Getting There

Latitude: 52.159724; Longitude: 5.383235
What3Words: stags.exulted.propose


Photo ID: 020138 Photo ID: 020139 Photo ID: 020140 Photo ID: 020141 Photo ID: 020144 Photo ID: 020147 Photo ID: 020179

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/07/2017), and on time of last update (10/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Amersfoort rondvaarten: East Amersfoort rondvaarten: East No Data


A tour of the eastern part of the canal network. Due to one very low building it's not possible to go the whole way round so instead two boats head off from the starting point in opposite directions and moor up either side of the low building. The passengers disembark from their boat, go for a short 10 minute walk through some of the more picturesque streets of Amersfoort to join the other boat to complete the circuit. Commentary is in Dutch only.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.155757; Longitude: 5.388898
What3Words: narrow.physics.hissing


Photo ID: 020115 Photo ID: 020116 Photo ID: 020117 Photo ID: 020118 Photo ID: 020123 Photo ID: 020126 Photo ID: 020133

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/07/2017), and on time of last update (10/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Amersfoort rondvaarten: West Amersfoort rondvaarten: West No Data


A tour of the western part of the canal network including the stunning Monnikendam. Commentary is in Dutch only.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.155706; Longitude: 5.388987
What3Words: zest.flicks.debate


Photo ID: 020081 Photo ID: 020082 Photo ID: 020084 Photo ID: 020086 Photo ID: 020087 Photo ID: 020091 Photo ID: 020092

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/07/2017), and on time of last update (10/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


Parts of the old city walls still survive, albeit in places heavily reconstructed. They run alongside the river as it passes round the canalised centre of the city and provide for a very pleasant 2KM walk round two thirds of the outer city.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.159505; Longitude: 5.395546
What3Words: emerald.powers.buns


Photo ID: 020156 Photo ID: 020157 Photo ID: 020158 Photo ID: 020159 Photo ID: 020162 Photo ID: 020163 Photo ID: 020166

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/07/2017), and on time of last update (10/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Koppelpoort Koppelpoort No Data


The icon of the city and the only joint land and water gate in The Netherlands. This beautiful building sits across the entrance to the canal system of Amersfoort. At the time of visiting it wasn't possible to go inside the building.


Free to look round the outside

Getting There

Latitude: 52.158958; Longitude: 5.385334
What3Words: switched.brothers.speared


Photo ID: 020051 Photo ID: 020053 Photo ID: 020055 Photo ID: 020057 Photo ID: 020077 Photo ID: 020080 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2017), and on time of last update (10/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum Flehite Museum Flehite No Data


Located in an old Wall house - a house that was built on the foundations of the first city wall when it was taken down after the walls were expanded out - the museum tells a little about this history of the city from its foundations through to the modern day. It also includes an exhibition space for temporary exhibitions



Getting There

Latitude: 52.157796; Longitude: 5.386771
What3Words: riot.disputes.emailed


Photo ID: 020056 Photo ID: 020058 Photo ID: 020175 Photo ID: 020176 Photo ID: 020177 Photo ID: 020178 Photo ID: 020180

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/07/2017), and on time of last update (10/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren No Data


The third highest church tower in the Netherlands, today it's just the tower that survives as the church itself is long gone - destroyed in a gunpowder explosion in the 18th century. The tower is also the centre point of the Dutch grid system and so could be seen as the centre of the Netherlands. You can look round the ground floor of the tower for free, but you can also pay (tickets in the neighbouring tourist information centre) to climb the 300+ steps to the top of the tower for the views over the city that on a clear day are supposed to stretch all the way to Amsterdam


Free to go inside, Charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 52.155124; Longitude: 5.387264
What3Words: disband.incoming.nuzzled


Photo ID: 020069 Photo ID: 020070 Photo ID: 020135 Photo ID: 020136 Photo ID: 020137 Photo ID: 020173 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/07/2017), and on time of last update (10/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sint-Joriskerk Sint-Joriskerk No Data


The main church in the city that shows its centuries of development. The original building - the non-religious watchtower has been built around and then subsumed into the church over progressive building changes. Inside its possible to stand by the tower looking through what would have been the walls of the second incarnation of the church out to the current third incarnation.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.156679; Longitude: 5.390115
What3Words: subject.poetic.output


Photo ID: 020063 Photo ID: 020102 Photo ID: 020105 Photo ID: 020107 Photo ID: 020108 Photo ID: 020109 Photo ID: 020110

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/07/2017), and on time of last update (10/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Domkerk Domkerk No Data


The city's cathedral. The building is an odd-shape, a large portion of the nave collapsed in a storm in 1674 and was never rebuilt, which is why the tower is now separate from the rest of the church, and why it appears to be only three arms of a cross. Inside the large light building doesn't have much on show, but is a pleasant place to walk around for a little while.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.090849; Longitude: 5.122232
What3Words: twisting.bedroom.dust


Photo ID: 031178 Photo ID: 031180 Photo ID: 031215 Photo ID: 031216 Photo ID: 031217 Photo ID: 031218 Photo ID: 031219

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2020), and on time of last update (14/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Domtoren Domtoren No Data


At the time of visiting the tower was undergoing major restoration and was completely covered in scaffolding. This means that it was possible to access the top of the tower via lifts, rather than the normal 465 steps that it would take to climb to the top. From the viewing gallery at the top of the spire the views over the city and surrounding countryside are spectacular. On a clear day you can see all the way across to Amsterdam.


Charge, pre-booking recommended

Getting There

Latitude: 52.090654; Longitude: 5.12132
What3Words: sulk.budding.item


Photo ID: 031181 Photo ID: 031182 Photo ID: 031237 Photo ID: 031240 Photo ID: 031244 Photo ID: 031246 Photo ID: 031250

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2020), and on time of last update (14/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rederij Schuttevaer Rederij Schuttevaer No Data


This company runs regular canal tours that run along the length of the Oudegracht and Stadsbuitengracht to do a circular tour of the city. You can either take a one hour tour that does a simple circuit, or take a 90 minute tour that heads a little further up the Stadsbuitengracht away from the Oudegracht.


Charge, pre-booking recommended

Getting There

Latitude: 52.093248; Longitude: 5.11672
What3Words: clings.return.compose


Photo ID: 031222 Photo ID: 031224 Photo ID: 031227 Photo ID: 031228 Photo ID: 031230 Photo ID: 031329 Photo ID: 031340

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2020), and on time of last update (14/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spoorwegmuseum Spoorwegmuseum No Data


Housed in the Maliebaan station (still open for shuttle trains back to Utrecht Centraal during museum opening times) the museum charts the history of the railways both in the Netherlands and across Europe. There are a large number of carriages that you can go up into and walk through - including the very ornate carriages of the Wagon-Lits pullman cars next door to a Belgian Railways DiscoBar carriage.



Getting There

The museum is located in the South Eastern corner of the city, about a 20 minute walk from the centre of town. Bus number 2, which links most of the major museums, stops nearby. Alternatively, during opening hours there are hourly trains from Utrecht Centraal station direct to the museum - it's station is called Utrecht Maliebaan
Latitude: 52.087906; Longitude: 5.13122
What3Words: twisting.bedroom.dust


Photo ID: 031192 Photo ID: 031195 Photo ID: 031199 Photo ID: 031203 Photo ID: 031207 Photo ID: 031211 Photo ID: 031214

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2020), and on time of last update (14/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kasteel de Haar: Castle Kasteel de Haar: Castle No Data


The castle was refurbished and restored from a ruin in the late 19th century by a Baron to act as his private castle and to flaunt his vast wealth (though most of the money came from his wife!) Today you can see a 19th century impression of baroque era castle life with extravagant spaces that would never have been possible when the castle was originally built. A tour round the inside of the castle takes abou 90 minutes and you get to visit most of the rooms.


A ticket for entry to the castle also includes full access to the gardens and grounds

Getting There

Latitude: 52.121427; Longitude: 4.986349
What3Words: plummeting.bank.coldness


Photo ID: 031267 Photo ID: 031277 Photo ID: 031288 Photo ID: 031293 Photo ID: 031301 Photo ID: 031303 Photo ID: 031309

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2020), and on time of last update (14/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kasteel de Haar: Grounds Kasteel de Haar: Grounds No Data


The castle grounds are as spectacular as the castle itself, and in places clearly designed to give stunning views back down canals and lakes to the castle itself. There is also a small maze that you can get yourself lost in!


Tickets are available for just the grounds if you don't want to also visit the castle

Getting There

Latitude: 52.126293; Longitude: 4.986444
What3Words: placements.jogging.earnest


Photo ID: 031270 Photo ID: 031281 Photo ID: 031311 Photo ID: 031313 Photo ID: 031317 Photo ID: 031318 Photo ID: 031324

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2020), and on time of last update (14/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kasteel de Haar Kasteel de Haar No Data


Located a few miles outside of Utrecht Kasteel de Haar is an example of castle building gone made - with every possible bit of a castle you can imagine. The family that owned the castle were a key part of the social circle of late 19th and well into the 20th century high life - with their September parties drawing the most important figures and celebrities of the day. Today the castle and the grounds are open to the public to look around.


Getting There

There are half hourly trains from Utrecht Centraal to Vleuten (taking about 10 minutes) where you can pick up the 127 bus to the Eikslaan stop (6th stop, about 6 minutes). Beware this bus only runs once an hour and is operated using a mini-van, so only has seating for about 8 people. From the Eikslaan stop walk to the end of the road, where you'll be able to see the castle in the far distance down the estate road - which you can't use. Instead, turn left and then take the first road on the right and walk along that until you reach the castle gatehouse - it's about a 15 minute walk. On a Wednesday there is a number 111 bus that runs direct from Vleuten station to the castle entrance.
Latitude: 52.121758; Longitude: 4.987052
What3Words: rhythm.redevelop.dignitary


Photo ID: 031256 Photo ID: 031258 Photo ID: 031263 Photo ID: 031272 Photo ID: 031273 Photo ID: 031277 Photo ID: 031327

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2020), and on time of last update (14/08/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hortus Botanicus Hortus Botanicus No Data


The city's botanical gardens. They were originally set up as a research facility of the city's university (TU Delft) and they still play an important role for university research, as well as being open to the public as a little haven of tranquillity. There are a couple of greenhouses, several different planting areas and an arboretum.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.007675; Longitude: 4.371106
What3Words: mobile.propose.response


Photo ID: 048802 Photo ID: 048804 Photo ID: 048807 Photo ID: 048810 Photo ID: 048812 Photo ID: 048814 Photo ID: 048817

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2023), and on time of last update (09/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maria van Jessekerk Maria van Jessekerk No Data


The city's main Catholic church, and a very different building on the inside to the plain walls of the Lutheran Old and New churches, Richly decorated with lots of statues, painted walls and stained glass.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.011406; Longitude: 4.361023
What3Words: triads.speeds.silk


Photo ID: 048820 Photo ID: 048822 Photo ID: 048823 Photo ID: 048825 Photo ID: 048826 Photo ID: 048827 Photo ID: 048828

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2023), and on time of last update (09/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Markt Markt No Data


The largest square in the city and home to many restaurants and cafes. At one end of the square is the city hall and facing it is the New Church.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.011758; Longitude: 4.359321
What3Words: tilting.awkward.foil


Photo ID: 048643 Photo ID: 048647 Photo ID: 048650 Photo ID: 048651 Photo ID: 048655 Photo ID: 048656 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2023), and on time of last update (09/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Molen de Roos Molen de Roos No Data


Windmill located on the northern edge of the town centre, which is now open as a museum and attraction, dedicated to the role of Windmills.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.013946; Longitude: 4.351325
What3Words: guru.sizzled.alert


Photo ID: 048709 Photo ID: 048712 Photo ID: 048713 Photo ID: 048714 Photo ID: 048715 Photo ID: 048716 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2023), and on time of last update (09/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nieuwe Kerk Nieuwe Kerk No Data


The New Church - only new because it's newer than the Old Church. The church is important in the nation as it's the final resting place of the Dutch Royal Family with the Royal Crypt located beneath the top end of the church. You can also climb the 370 or so steps (no lift) to the mid-point of the main tower of the church for views over the city.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Old and New churches. Additional charge to climb tower.

Getting There

Latitude: 52.012098; Longitude: 4.360204
What3Words: burn.spelled.actors


Photo ID: 048721 Photo ID: 048724 Photo ID: 048727 Photo ID: 048731 Photo ID: 048732 Photo ID: 048737 Photo ID: 048738

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2023), and on time of last update (09/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oostpoort Oostpoort No Data


The only remaining gate of the city, with a drawbridge and parts of the fortifications still remaining



Getting There

Latitude: 52.010814; Longitude: 4.368623
What3Words: slime.ladders.rods


Photo ID: 048683 Photo ID: 048684 Photo ID: 048686 Photo ID: 048689 Photo ID: 048690 Photo ID: 048691 Photo ID: 048798

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2023), and on time of last update (09/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oude Kerk Oude Kerk No Data


The Old Church, located between the two main north south canals in the city, and consequently suffering from some very noticeable subsidence and lean on the main tower. The church is the final resting place of many of the city's most famous non royal residents, including the artist Vermeer.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Old and New churches

Getting There

Latitude: 52.012555; Longitude: 4.355667
What3Words: heat.they.suspend


Photo ID: 048704 Photo ID: 048739 Photo ID: 048741 Photo ID: 048744 Photo ID: 048747 Photo ID: 048748 Photo ID: 048750

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2023), and on time of last update (09/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rederij Brands Rederij Brands No Data


Regular tours of the canals in the city, sailing past many of the key sights, as well as out onto the main river for a 45 minute exploration of Delft. A commentary is provided in Dutch and English, as well as written descriptions in French and German.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.010381; Longitude: 4.358362
What3Words: outreach.larger.cold


Photo ID: 048661 Photo ID: 048662 Photo ID: 048666 Photo ID: 048667 Photo ID: 048671 Photo ID: 048672 Photo ID: 048830

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2023), and on time of last update (09/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scheveningen: Beach Scheveningen: Beach No Data


A wide sandy beach that stretches in both directions from the pier at the centre of town. To the south the beach is lined with restaurants, cafes and shops. To the north the beach leads back into wide sand dunes. The only downside is that it's the North Sea so never particularly warm for swimming in!



Getting There

Latitude: 52.119149; Longitude: 4.286455
What3Words: feeds.hillside.soak


Photo ID: 048752 Photo ID: 048754 Photo ID: 048756 Photo ID: 048761 Photo ID: 048762 Photo ID: 048766 Photo ID: 048768

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2023), and on time of last update (09/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scheveningen: Pier Scheveningen: Pier No Data


The town's pier which hosts a number of attractions along it's length. The pier is double deck with the lower, inside, deck housing a number of bars, cafes and play areas. The upper deck is out in the open and had a couple of small kiosks. At the end of the pier two extensions create a conference centre and hotel to the south side and a tower and Ferris wheel to the north side from where you can zip-line or bungee


Free to wander along the pier - charges for attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 52.115651; Longitude: 4.282999
What3Words: spike.drivers.feels


Photo ID: 048753 Photo ID: 048758 Photo ID: 048760 Photo ID: 048763 Photo ID: 048764 Photo ID: 048767 Photo ID: 048771

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2023), and on time of last update (09/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scheveningen Scheveningen No Data


Just 4KM from the centre of The Hague and 13Km from Delft and you reach the long sandy beaches of the North Sea coast. Scheveningen has the weird combination of Southern European beach side restaurants strung along the prom, sitting next to a sea-life centre and a pier, a strange mix of Anglo-Italian-Dutch-Kitsch that really only the Dutch can achieve. In the sun, and out of the wind the dunes and miles of sandy beaches look amazing. You can wander along the prom or the pier, or - when the inevitable shower passes through - dive into the shopping centre or amusement arcades.


Getting There

Tram line 1 runs from Delft to Scheveningen every 15 minutes, taking about 50 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 52.112778; Longitude: 4.282442
What3Words: boost.hasten.craters


Photo ID: 048751 Photo ID: 048765 Photo ID: 048769 Photo ID: 048772 Photo ID: 048779 Photo ID: 048780 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2023), and on time of last update (09/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Binnenhof Binnenhof No Data


The Houses of Parliament for the Netherlands. You can wander around the courtyards of the seat of Dutch power. Guided tours inside the building are available


Getting There

Latitude: 52.079572; Longitude: 4.312783
What3Words: toenail.display.udder


Photo ID: 010529 Photo ID: 010531 Photo ID: 010536 Photo ID: 010537 Photo ID: 010538 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2013), and on time of last update (03/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Haagse Toren Haagse Toren No Data


The highest view point in the whole of The Netherlands, from the 42nd story you can look across the city and surrounding countryside. With Scheveningen and the coast clearly visible, but also towards the towers of Rotterdam and the centre of Utrecht. There is also a cafe/restaurant where you can enjoy the views over something to eat and drink.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.071402; Longitude: 4.324783
What3Words: outsiders.workshop.cheered


Photo ID: 010503 Photo ID: 010504 Photo ID: 010505 Photo ID: 010506 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2013), and on time of last update (03/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Madurodam Madurodam No Data


All of the sights of the Netherlands, just in slightly smaller scale. From perfectly reproduced versions of the Palace of Justice in The Hague and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam to canals and train lines, Schiphol airport and the Tulip fields of Lisse.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.099526; Longitude: 4.297258
What3Words: moved.brand.mocked


Photo ID: 010556 Photo ID: 010559 Photo ID: 010564 Photo ID: 010566 Photo ID: 010567 Photo ID: 010574 Photo ID: 010577

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/10/2013), and on time of last update (03/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scheveningen Scheveningen No Data


Just 4KM from the centre of The Hague and you reach the long sandy beaches of the North Sea coast. Scheveningen has the weird combination of Southern European beach side restaurants strung along the prom, sitting next to a sea-life centre and a pier, a strange mix of Anglo-Italian-Dutch-Kitsch that really only the Dutch can achieve. In the sun, and out of the wind the dunes and miles of sandy beaches look amazing.


Getting There

From the centre of The Hague trams 1 and 9 go to the centre of Scheveningen. Tram 11 goes to Scheveningen Harbour and Tram 12 goes the other side of the harbour to the Western sand dunes at Duindorp. Further down the coast towards Hoek van Holland bus 24 reaches Kijkduin. Journey times from the centre of The Hague are around 30 minutes to all
Latitude: 52.112778; Longitude: 4.282442
What3Words: boost.hasten.craters


Photo ID: 010507 Photo ID: 010520 Photo ID: 010523 Photo ID: 010528 Photo ID: 010543 Photo ID: 010547 Photo ID: 010549

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2013), and on time of last update (03/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Burcht van Leiden Burcht van Leiden No Data


The remains of the 12th century citadel on top of a man-mad hill in the centre of town, originally built to help protect the city from the flood waters. Today only the outer shell survives, but provides a high vantage point to look over the city from.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.159003; Longitude: 4.492399
What3Words: navigate.darling.lifelong


Photo ID: 041764 Photo ID: 041769 Photo ID: 041771 Photo ID: 041772 Photo ID: 041775 Photo ID: 041776 Photo ID: 041777

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hartebrugkerk Hartebrugkerk No Data


A large catholic church in the centre of the city. Outside of services the main part of the church is closed off by a gate, but you can still look through to see the whole building



Getting There

Latitude: 52.16058; Longitude: 4.49074
What3Words: spinning.cool.happy


Photo ID: 041761 Photo ID: 041790 Photo ID: 041791 Photo ID: 041840 Photo ID: 041841 Photo ID: 041842 Photo ID: 041843

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hooglandse Kerk Hooglandse Kerk No Data


One of the largest churches in the city and one with a surprising amount of glass. Inside it's very bright and airy. Clearly the church itself has downsized as only one of the four arms of the cruciform building is still being used for services (and concerts) the rest of the space is used as an exhibition space, with the natural light from all the large windows helping to create the vibe of a hip gallery.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.157959; Longitude: 4.494187
What3Words: misted.shears.mile


Photo ID: 041768 Photo ID: 041782 Photo ID: 041839 Photo ID: 041873 Photo ID: 041874 Photo ID: 041875 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hortus Botanicus Hortus Botanicus No Data


Originally created to act as a teaching aid on medicinal plants for the students of the university, today the gardens have become the city's Botanical Gardens including several different planting areas and a couple of linked glass houses.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.157285; Longitude: 4.484492
What3Words: mildest.captures.blinks


Photo ID: 041961 Photo ID: 041963 Photo ID: 041965 Photo ID: 041967 Photo ID: 041969 Photo ID: 041970 Photo ID: 041972

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Koornbrug Koornbrug No Data


Historical bridge across the canal in the centre of the city. The bridge was used as a Corn market for a long time, but is now a scheduled monument.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.157981; Longitude: 4.491993
What3Words: triangle.probable.shorten


Photo ID: 041785 Photo ID: 041786 Photo ID: 041787 Photo ID: 041789 Photo ID: 041835 Photo ID: 041906 Photo ID: 041907

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marekerk Marekerk No Data


One of the first purpose built Protestant churches in The Netherlands (all the others around this time were converted catholic churches). This is an interesting octagonal building with an impressive dome



Getting There

Latitude: 52.162021; Longitude: 4.490723
What3Words: bronzes.asking.backers


Photo ID: 041767 Photo ID: 041792 Photo ID: 041844 Photo ID: 041845 Photo ID: 041846 Photo ID: 041847 Photo ID: 041848

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Molenmuseum De Valk Molenmuseum De Valk No Data


A former windmill that has been restored and turned into a museum dedicated to both this mill and the history and importance of windmills across The Netherlands. The ground floor has a reconstruction of the mill operators house as it would have been in the heyday of the mill. The first floor has a short video on the history and use of windmills in The Netherlands. You can then climb most of the way to the top of the mill at 29m or go out onto the platform at 14m for views over the city. Be warned the only way down is via very steep ladder stairs that require you to climb down backwards



Getting There

Latitude: 52.1645; Longitude: 4.486345
What3Words: anode.speeches.rumbles


Photo ID: 041744 Photo ID: 041852 Photo ID: 041853 Photo ID: 041854 Photo ID: 041855 Photo ID: 041857 Photo ID: 041858

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Morspoort Morspoort No Data


One of only two surviving gates into the city that along with the walls that ran alongside the defensive canal helped protect the city. This particular gate is to the West of the city centre



Getting There

Latitude: 52.162037; Longitude: 4.482105
What3Words: stand.ketchup.stem


Photo ID: 041868 Photo ID: 041869 Photo ID: 041871 Photo ID: 041917 Photo ID: 041918 Photo ID: 041919 Photo ID: 041920

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pieterskerk Pieterskerk No Data


One of the largest churches in the city, but the upkeep was too much for the church to afford so in the 1970s the church was retired from active service and became an historic monument and events space, which is why the location of the high alter is now a bar. Historically the church was an important location for the Pilgrim Fathers, with many of them coming from the congregation. The pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers, John Robinson, is buried in the church



Getting There

Latitude: 52.157629; Longitude: 4.487853
What3Words: drama.jiggle.wording


Photo ID: 041947 Photo ID: 041948 Photo ID: 041949 Photo ID: 041952 Photo ID: 041954 Photo ID: 041955 Photo ID: 041958

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rederij Rembrandt Rederij Rembrandt No Data


One of several companies offering canal tours. In this company's case they use larger ships that some of the other companies and ones that can quickly be converted to covered ships if the weather turns poor. Due to the size of the boat the route has to stick to the main canals. Multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary is provided



Getting There

Latitude: 52.162297; Longitude: 4.485229
What3Words: embers.wing.honestly


Photo ID: 041801 Photo ID: 041804 Photo ID: 041806 Photo ID: 041810 Photo ID: 041811 Photo ID: 041819 Photo ID: 041971

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stichting De Leidse Rederij: Day Tour Stichting De Leidse Rederij: Day Tour No Data


One of several companies offering canal tours. In this company's case they use smaller open boats that can get down some of the side canals making for a different tour to some of the other companies. The captain is also the tour guide so commentary is primarily in Dutch and English with German also available.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.161012; Longitude: 4.485812
What3Words: reds.sleeper.basis


Photo ID: 041823 Photo ID: 041826 Photo ID: 041830 Photo ID: 041833 Photo ID: 041834 Photo ID: 041836 Photo ID: 041837

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stichting De Leidse Rederij: Night Tour Stichting De Leidse Rederij: Night Tour No Data


The night tour I joined set of at 21:30, but as this was early August there was still some light in the sky the whole way round. As the tour sizes are smaller a smaller boat is used, which means it can travel down some of the lesser canals and you get to see more of the city that you would do on a daytime tour. There is less commentary, but that's not really needed as just the sights at night are enough.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.161002; Longitude: 4.485908
What3Words: cone.ejects.appendix


Photo ID: 041882 Photo ID: 041892 Photo ID: 041896 Photo ID: 041897 Photo ID: 041899 Photo ID: 041906 Photo ID: 041910

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Young Rembrandt Studio Young Rembrandt Studio No Data


The former studios of Jacob van Swanenburg who became a tutor to the young Rembrandt and helped him develop his artistic skill. Today the former studio is dedicated to the life of Rembrandt in Leiden, where he lived until he moved to Amsterdam at the age of 22. A short 7 minute film traces his story.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.157578; Longitude: 4.489829
What3Words: laying.runways.dozed


Photo ID: 041946 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zijlpoort Zijlpoort No Data


One of only two surviving gates into the city that along with the walls that ran alongside the defensive canal helped protect the city. This particular gate is to the East of the city centre



Getting There

Latitude: 52.161729; Longitude: 4.504214
What3Words: truly.much.loosed


Photo ID: 041833 Photo ID: 041876 Photo ID: 041877 Photo ID: 041878 Photo ID: 041879 Photo ID: 041895 Photo ID: 041896

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Katwijk: Mouth of the Rhein Katwijk: Mouth of the Rhein No Data


In reality this is just the mouth of the Oude Rijn branch that runs through Leiden, and is today a small outlet under the control of sea defences and locks. Historically though this river marked part of the northern boundary of the Roman Empire so has been historically significant for a long time.



Getting There

Bus Route 90 runs from Leiden Centraal Station and takes a more scenic route than the direct 431 but does serve the whole of the seafront at Katwijk, including stopping near the mouth of the Rhein. Buses run every hour and take about 30 minutes.
Latitude: 52.210666; Longitude: 4.400823
What3Words: sailed.shelters.tone


Photo ID: 041921 Photo ID: 041922 Photo ID: 041923 Photo ID: 041924 Photo ID: 041925 Photo ID: 041926 Photo ID: 041929

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Katwijk aan Zee Katwijk aan Zee No Data


Located on the coast about 9KM North West of the city this seaside town is set amongst large dunes and straddles the mouth of the Oude Rijn river that runs through Leiden.


Getting There

Bus route 431 runs from Leiden Centraal Station to the seafront in Katwijk every 15 minutes during the week and every 30 minutes at weekends, journey times are about 20 minutes. Route 90 runs from Leiden Centraal Station and takes a more scenic route, as well as serving the whole of the seafront at Katwijk, including stopping near the mouth of the Rhein. Buses run every hour and take about 30 minutes.
Latitude: 52.202099; Longitude: 4.408268
What3Words: gallons.paddock.hampers


Photo ID: 041927 Photo ID: 041930 Photo ID: 041933 Photo ID: 041936 Photo ID: 041937 Photo ID: 041938 Photo ID: 041939

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2022), and on time of last update (11/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


Hop-on-Hop-Off tour of the city centre using double deck coaches (no open-top) to take in the key sights. The live guide gives a running commentary in Dutch and English



Getting There

Latitude: 51.923533; Longitude: 4.466484
What3Words: music.result.softest


Photo ID: 016091 Photo ID: 016092 Photo ID: 016094 Photo ID: 016095 Photo ID: 016101 Photo ID: 016123 Photo ID: 016125

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2015), and on time of last update (31/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Euromast Euromast No Data


The tallest free-standing tower in The Netherlands - from the top there are stunning views over the city, river delta and on a clear day down to the North Sea at the end of the Harbour complex.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.905522; Longitude: 4.466515
What3Words: leaps.throw.backpack


Photo ID: 016100 Photo ID: 016116 Photo ID: 016154 Photo ID: 016155 Photo ID: 016156 Photo ID: 016157 Photo ID: 016158

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2015), and on time of last update (31/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maastunnel Maastunnel No Data


The first underwater tunnel in The Netherlands, this is actually a collection of tunnels - a set of road tunnels plus a separate double layer bore for a cycle path and a separate footpath back under the Maas river. Construction started in the 1930's and the tunnels opened during the Second World War. Today they provide a quick link between the North and South banks of the Maas. The original 1930s design is still there, even down to the wooden escalators that take pedestrians and cyclists down to their respective floors.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.900263; Longitude: 4.468249
What3Words: teams.cowboys.comments


Photo ID: 016160 Photo ID: 016181 Photo ID: 016185 Photo ID: 016186 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/10/2015), and on time of last update (31/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum Maritime Museum No Data


Museum dedicated to the history of Rotterdam harbour and shipping in general. One of the largest displays is the live feed of the movements in Rotterdam harbour


Charge, includes entrance on-board ships in the Maritime Harbour

Getting There

Latitude: 51.91755; Longitude: 4.482147
What3Words: imported.united.piglet


Photo ID: 016085 Photo ID: 016107 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2015), and on time of last update (31/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum Harbour Maritime Museum Harbour No Data


Fleet of historic vessels and related land cranes and trains. You can go on-board several of the boats - when you purchase your ticket to the Maritime Museum they tell you which ones are open on that day


Free to walk around the harbour - To board individual ships you need to have a valid ticket to the Maritime Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 51.915967; Longitude: 4.482917
What3Words: dogs.oaks.builders


Photo ID: 016084 Photo ID: 016085 Photo ID: 016107 Photo ID: 016108 Photo ID: 016109 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2015), and on time of last update (31/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Markthal Markthal No Data


An amazing modern structure that houses the city's market including a number of food stalls


Free to wander around

Getting There

Latitude: 51.919886; Longitude: 4.48648
What3Words: lush.ember.hopping


Photo ID: 016097 Photo ID: 016113 Photo ID: 016114 Photo ID: 016115 Photo ID: 016130 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2015), and on time of last update (31/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spido Harbour Cruise Spido Harbour Cruise No Data


Regular 75 minute cruises down the river into the start of the harbour area. The pre-recorded Dutch, English, German and French commentary tell you about the key sights as you pass them.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.909626; Longitude: 4.483366
What3Words: ahead.rosette.acre


Photo ID: 016162 Photo ID: 016163 Photo ID: 016164 Photo ID: 016166 Photo ID: 016168 Photo ID: 016170 Photo ID: 016179

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2015), and on time of last update (31/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinderdijk: Museummolen Blokweer Kinderdijk: Museummolen Blokweer No Data


A smaller mill, located by itself - there is only access to the ground floor but live feeds from the top of the mill show how the mechanism works as the sails zip past.


Charge, Joint ticket for all attractions in Kinderdijk UNESCO area

Getting There

Latitude: 51.878409; Longitude: 4.646449
What3Words: leaps.vipers.rollers


Photo ID: 016146 Photo ID: 016148 Photo ID: 016149 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2015), and on time of last update (31/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinderdijk: Museummolen Nederwaard Kinderdijk: Museummolen Nederwaard No Data


One of the larger mills along the site you can climb up inside almost to the mechanism at the top to see how a miller would have lived when the mills were in regular use.


Charge, Joint ticket for all attractions in Kinderdijk UNESCO area

Getting There

Latitude: 51.883374; Longitude: 4.639977
What3Words: pans.migrate.ranking


Photo ID: 016138 Photo ID: 016142 Photo ID: 016143 Photo ID: 016144 Photo ID: 016145 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2015), and on time of last update (31/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinderdijk: VVV Bike Hire Kinderdijk: VVV Bike Hire No Data


The tourist information centre opposite the waterbus stop rent out bikes which is a much quicker and more pleasant way to explore the Kinderdijk area. The key museum sights are each about 1Km apart from each other with a 2Km walk back from the furthest so having a bike means you can explore much more of the site in a reasonable time.


€25 refundable deposit with an ID card/Passport/Drivers Licence then €3 per hour for rental

Getting There

Latitude: 51.889079; Longitude: 4.635813
What3Words: credit.hoot.gravest


Photo ID: 016135 Photo ID: 016136 Photo ID: 016147 Photo ID: 016151 Photo ID: 016152 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2015), and on time of last update (31/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinderdijk: Wisboomgemaal Kinderdijk: Wisboomgemaal No Data


Housed in an old pumping station the visitors centre has a 20 minute long film that tells the history of the Kinderdijk and some of the technical detail to how the windmills work together to drain the Polder.


Charge, Joint ticket for all attractions in Kinderdijk UNESCO area

Getting There

Latitude: 51.888127; Longitude: 4.639111
What3Words: reinforce.rooms.lanes


Photo ID: 016132 Photo ID: 016133 Photo ID: 016134 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2015), and on time of last update (31/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinderdijk Kinderdijk No Data


The site of 19 (used to be 20) windmills to drain the polder and keep the area above water. The mills constitute the largest single concentration of windmills in a small space and are a stunning site as they form ranks down the side of the canals.


Getting There

During summer months (and still running in October 2015) the 202 ferry runs from the waterbus stop by Erasmus Bridge direct to the water bus stop at Kinderdijk. These ferries run every 2 hours and take around 30 minutes. Alternatively all year round you can take the number 20 ferry to the second stop at Ridderkerk (every 30 minutes, takes 30 minutes) and change there for the local ferry round to the Kinderdijk (meets the ferry from Rotterdam, takes around 5 minutes)
Latitude: 51.883032; Longitude: 4.642665
What3Words: combos.nature.under


Photo ID: 016131 Photo ID: 016137 Photo ID: 016140 Photo ID: 016150 Photo ID: 016153 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2015), and on time of last update (31/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological Museum Archaeological Museum No Data


Located in the Arsenal the museum displays the history of the Lower Silesian region from stone age through to the end of the bronze age. The displays are only in Polish with a very limited English guide


Charge, Joint ticket for Archaeological and Military museums

Getting There

Latitude: 51.112915; Longitude: 17.026497
What3Words: older.logged.stages


Photo ID: 007361 Photo ID: 007362 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archikatedra sw. Jana Chrzciciela (Cathedral) Archikatedra sw. Jana Chrzciciela (Cathedral) No Data


The Twin towered cathedral stands out amongst a sea of spires in the city centre. You can take a lift up one of the towers to the top to take in the stunning views over Wroclaw


Free to look around the Cathedral, Charge to go up the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 51.114225; Longitude: 17.046565
What3Words: barefoot.jelly.marble


Photo ID: 007304 Photo ID: 007306 Photo ID: 007307 Photo ID: 007308 Photo ID: 007309 Photo ID: 007310 Photo ID: 007311

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hala Stulecia (Peoples Hall) Hala Stulecia (Peoples Hall) No Data


The People's hall is in the finest style of over-the-top Soviet architecture. A massive structure that dominates everything around it.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.106779; Longitude: 17.077222
What3Words: standard.earful.dilute


Photo ID: 007348 Photo ID: 007349 Photo ID: 007358 Photo ID: 007379 Photo ID: 007380 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hala Stulecia: Fontanna Multimedialna (Mulimedia Fountain) Hala Stulecia: Fontanna Multimedialna (Mulimedia Fountain) No Data


The multimedia fountain is located directly behind the People's hall. The fountains can be programmed to combine with lights and music to create a show. Each hour a short music and water show displays.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.108776; Longitude: 17.078907
What3Words: walking.requested.smoker


Photo ID: 007350 Photo ID: 007351 Photo ID: 007381 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hala Stulecia: Ogród Japonski (Japanese Gardens) Hala Stulecia: Ogród Japonski (Japanese Gardens) No Data


Located in the park land surrounding the Peoples hall the Japanese gardens are as they say a part of the park that has been laid out to resemble a Japanese garden with waterfalls, pagodas and typical Japanese plants



Getting There

Latitude: 51.11009; Longitude: 17.080323
What3Words: honest.sweep.savings


Photo ID: 007353 Photo ID: 007354 Photo ID: 007355 Photo ID: 007356 Photo ID: 007357 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Katyn Massacre Memorial Katyn Massacre Memorial No Data


Located next to the Panorama the memorial is dedicated to the thousands of Polish men who were executed on Stalin's orders during the second world war in an attempt to destroy any ability for Poland to reestablish itself after the war. The memorial is very moving, with the main figures being of a woman holding the dead body of a man, his hands tied behind his back and a bullet wound in his head.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.110289; Longitude: 17.045924
What3Words: jazz.fairly.opposite


Photo ID: 007375 Photo ID: 007376 Photo ID: 007377 Photo ID: 007378 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kosciól Najswietszej Maryi Panny na Piasku (Our Lady on the Sand) Kosciól Najswietszej Maryi Panny na Piasku (Our Lady on the Sand) No Data


Located on the small island that the road has to hop across to get from the centre of Wroclaw to the Cathedral island this large and imposing building has a pleasant interior, though at the time of visiting most of the church was closed



Getting There

Latitude: 51.114697; Longitude: 17.041243
What3Words: giggles.skill.torches


Photo ID: 007299 Photo ID: 007300 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kosciól Sw. Elzbiety (St Elizabeths Church) Kosciól Sw. Elzbiety (St Elizabeths Church) No Data


Just off of the Rynek the church stands out for it's massive single tower, which you can climb for stunning views over the city. Inside the church is richly decorated.


Free to look around the Church, Charge to go up the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 51.111659; Longitude: 17.030321
What3Words: narrate.tower.dined


Photo ID: 007320 Photo ID: 007364 Photo ID: 007365 Photo ID: 007366 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kosciol Sw. Marii Magdaleny (St. Mary Magdalene Church) Kosciol Sw. Marii Magdaleny (St. Mary Magdalene Church) No Data


The church stands out on the skyline for it's lack of spires, having not been rebuilt following war damage, giving the church a slightly stunted feel, despite it's massive size. You can climb one of the towers and then take the penitents walk across the open-air bridge that links the two towers


Free, Charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 51.109447; Longitude: 17.035128
What3Words: bachelor.forms.dorm


Photo ID: 007286 Photo ID: 007326 Photo ID: 007329 Photo ID: 007330 Photo ID: 007331 Photo ID: 007334 Photo ID: 007364

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Milirary Museum Milirary Museum No Data


The Military museum is not much more than a collection of weapons and armour. The displays are quite sparse with not much information in English.


Charge, Joint ticket for Archaeological and Military museums

Getting There

Latitude: 51.113126; Longitude: 17.027105
What3Words: slap.dorm.elite


Photo ID: 007363 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ogród Botaniczny (Botanical Gardens) Ogród Botaniczny (Botanical Gardens) No Data


Located on the Cathedral Island the botanical gardens offer a small oasis of calm in the centre of the city. There are several themed areas, along with glasshouses. At the time of visiting the palm house was closed due to renovation



Getting There

Latitude: 51.116152; Longitude: 17.046415
What3Words: coconut.sued.bond


Photo ID: 007312 Photo ID: 007313 Photo ID: 007314 Photo ID: 007315 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ostrów Tumski (Cathedral Island) Ostrów Tumski (Cathedral Island) No Data


The original part of Wroclaw, the area is now home to several large churches, as well as the Cathedral and the archdiocese museum



Getting There

Latitude: 51.114199; Longitude: 17.04517
What3Words: rescuer.ranking.toffee


Photo ID: 007301 Photo ID: 007302 Photo ID: 007303 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Panoram Raclawicka Panoram Raclawicka No Data


Commemorating an important victory over the Russian army, the 360 degree panorama painting depicts the events of the battle. An audio guide talks you round the key parts of the painting setting the events in context and giving a little background to the battle



Getting There

Latitude: 51.110129; Longitude: 17.044336
What3Words: routine.lied.zapped


Photo ID: 007305 Photo ID: 007371 Photo ID: 007372 Photo ID: 007373 Photo ID: 007374 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

River Cruise River Cruise No Data


The cruise leaves from behind the church on Sand Island and travels up the Odra river to the Zoo, then slightly beyond before turning and returning to Sand Island.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.113863; Longitude: 17.041772
What3Words: themes.servants.narrow


Photo ID: 007367 Photo ID: 007368 Photo ID: 007369 Photo ID: 007370 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rynek Rynek No Data


The centre of the old town, housing the stunning town hall, and the second largest in Poland (only beaten by Krakow). Surrounding the centre of the square are lots of restaurants and cafes where you can while away the time people watching



Getting There

Latitude: 51.110144; Longitude: 17.031963
What3Words: chef.jokers.obvious


Photo ID: 007287 Photo ID: 007289 Photo ID: 007293 Photo ID: 007382 Photo ID: 007383 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/05/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stare Miasto (old town) Stare Miasto (old town) No Data


You can spend days wandering around the small lanes of the old town, with it's many café's, restaurants and old buildings. Except none of the original buildings survived the war intact, virtually all of the buildings are either complete rebuilds or significant reconstructions. It's a testament to the Polish restorers that you wouldn't know it isn't a 17th century city centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.110629; Longitude: 17.028701
What3Words: preoccupied.supporter.matrons


Photo ID: 007321 Photo ID: 007322 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stary Cmentarz Zydowski (Old Jewish Cemetery) Stary Cmentarz Zydowski (Old Jewish Cemetery) No Data


Just on the edge of town the cemetery is a testament to the size of the once thriving Jewish population in Wroclaw/Breslau. Wandering around what strikes you the most is that the last dates that appear on the tombs and headstones are the mid 1930's, a sobering reminder that by 1945 the Jewish population had effectively been wiped out.



Getting There

From the centre of town catch a number 9 or 15 tram and get off at the Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny stop (four after the main train station). The Cemetery is on the opposite side of the large junction, down a small track that's signposted from the main road
Latitude: 51.086818; Longitude: 17.02515
What3Words: dignity.skinny.drank


Photo ID: 007316 Photo ID: 007317 Photo ID: 007318 Photo ID: 007319 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uniwersytet Wroclawski: Aula Leopoldynska Uniwersytet Wroclawski: Aula Leopoldynska No Data


The main assembly room of the university, this is a stunning room with stunning painted ceilings and plasterwork


Charge, Joint tickets available for 2, 3 or 4 university sites. Audio guide available for an extra charge

Getting There

Latitude: 51.11371; Longitude: 17.032955
What3Words: tiles.runners.grounded


Photo ID: 007340 Photo ID: 007341 Photo ID: 007342 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uniwersytet Wroclawski: Church Uniwersytet Wroclawski: Church No Data


The Church of the Holy Name of Jesus has been subsumed into the university building and effectively become the university chapel. It's another stunningly over decorated building with a full painted ceiling.


Suggested Donation, audio guide available if you do make a donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.11401; Longitude: 17.035257
What3Words: sampling.solution.mile


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uniwersytet Wroclawski: Museum Uniwersytet Wroclawski: Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the faculties of the university, along with a moving slideshow showing the almost complete destruction of the city after the war.


Charge, Joint tickets available for 2, 3 or 4 university sites

Getting There

Latitude: 51.113771; Longitude: 17.033352
What3Words: passage.betrayal.sunroof


Photo ID: 007339 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uniwersytet Wroclawski: Oratorium Marianum Uniwersytet Wroclawski: Oratorium Marianum No Data


The music room of the university, a stunning room with spectacular painted ceilings


Charge, Joint tickets available for 2, 3 or 4 university sites

Getting There

Latitude: 51.113892; Longitude: 17.033776
What3Words: proceeds.drove.limped


Photo ID: 007338 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uniwersytet Wroclawski: Wieza Matematyczna Uniwersytet Wroclawski: Wieza Matematyczna No Data


The mathematical tower, you can climb to the top of the old observatory to get good views over the city, along the way there are displays related to the university


Charge, Joint tickets available for 2, 3 or 4 university sites

Getting There

Latitude: 51.113879; Longitude: 17.033465
What3Words: garden.eyebrows.cage


Photo ID: 007343 Photo ID: 007344 Photo ID: 007345 Photo ID: 007346 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wroclaw Zoo Wroclaw Zoo No Data


Opposite the Centennial Hall the zoo has the usual assortment of animals. At the time of visiting it was undergoing significant works to upgrade the enclosures for the animals.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.105637; Longitude: 17.076198
What3Words: crawling.frosted.water


Photo ID: 007384 Photo ID: 007387 Photo ID: 007390 Photo ID: 007392 Photo ID: 007393 Photo ID: 007394 Photo ID: 007395

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wzgórze Partyzantów (Partisans' Hill) Wzgórze Partyzantów (Partisans' Hill) No Data


One of the former bastions on the city walls, overlooking a bend in the river running along the edge of the old city walls.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.104859; Longitude: 17.038507
What3Words: jiggle.latter.cupcake


Photo ID: 007360 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/06/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls and Towers City Walls and Towers No Data


Many of the original towers and parts of the walls of the city survive and you can walk alongside them. The longest stretches are around the old Teutonic Castle and along the waterfront


Free to wander around

Getting There

Latitude: 53.008619; Longitude: 18.608861
What3Words: fight.dynamics.vowing


Photo ID: 020350 Photo ID: 020351 Photo ID: 020352 Photo ID: 020353 Photo ID: 020355 Photo ID: 020356 Photo ID: 020381

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2017), and on time of last update (12/08/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dom Mikolaja Kopernika - House of Nicolaus Copernicus Dom Mikolaja Kopernika - House of Nicolaus Copernicus No Data


The building was owned by Nicolaus Copernicus family around the time he was born and it's been suggested the famous astronomer and scientist may have been born here. Today it's dedicated to the history of the building and the man with lots of exhibits relating to his work and theories.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.009367; Longitude: 18.603839
What3Words: farmland.shifting.scoots


Photo ID: 020450 Photo ID: 020451 Photo ID: 020452 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2017), and on time of last update (12/08/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historic Old Town Historic Old Town No Data


Torun survived World War II virtually unscathed, and as such is the best preserved Medieval city in the whole of the country. With its imposing towers, massive churches and city walls it's a great place to wander around. Much of the old town has been pedestrianised so you don't need to worry about traffic.


Free to wander around

Getting There

Latitude: 53.010222; Longitude: 18.604546
What3Words: helper.police.trap


Photo ID: 020349 Photo ID: 020350 Photo ID: 020358 Photo ID: 020360 Photo ID: 020368 Photo ID: 020369 Photo ID: 020374

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2017), and on time of last update (12/08/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Katedra sw. Jana Chrzciciela i Jana Ewangelisty - Cathedral Katedra sw. Jana Chrzciciela i Jana Ewangelisty - Cathedral No Data


The imposing cathedral in the heart of the city centre is an impressive building, with an equally impressive tower. At the time of visiting the cathedral itself was in the process of being prepared for a big wedding the following day so it wasn't possible to visit much of the building.


Suggested Donation, Charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 53.009455; Longitude: 18.606122
What3Words: amuses.royally.changed


Photo ID: 020376 Photo ID: 020413 Photo ID: 020447 Photo ID: 020448 Photo ID: 020449 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2017), and on time of last update (12/08/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Krzywa Wieza w Toruniu - Leaning Tower Krzywa Wieza w Toruniu - Leaning Tower No Data


One of the largest of the city gates, and following subsidence in the clay beneath it now the most recognisable by the distinct lean the whole tower has - the top is 1.4 meters further out into the street than the bottom. The inside of the tower is now a cafe/gift shop but you can stand outside to take in the views - mostly of people attempting the impossible which is to stand with your back hard up against the wall and put your arms out to the front - the lean is so great that the action of raising your arms takes your centre of gravity outside of your body and you fall forward.


Free to look at

Getting There

Latitude: 53.00843; Longitude: 18.602108
What3Words: worked.quicker.drives


Photo ID: 020389 Photo ID: 020390 Photo ID: 020392 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2017), and on time of last update (12/08/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muzeum Historii Torunia - Museum of the History of Torun Muzeum Historii Torunia - Museum of the History of Torun No Data


The museum tells the history of the city from its founding through to the modern day - charting it's rises and falls with the changes in geopolitics in this part of the world over the centuries. The museum concludes with a 3D movie about the founding of the city and the buildings of the medieval city centre



Getting There

Latitude: 53.009361; Longitude: 18.607246
What3Words: shaves.rehearsal.chill


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2017), and on time of last update (12/08/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muzeum Okregowe w Toruniu - Regional Museum Muzeum Okregowe w Toruniu - Regional Museum No Data


Located in the old town hall the museum has a wide range of exhibits on the region including it's history, as well as some of the history of the building. On the first floor you can visit the former council hall which is lined with the portraits of the powerful men of Medieval Torun, along with its most famous son - Nicolaus Copernicus - the portrait being about the most famous image of him. The museum also houses an extensive art collection, mostly of artists from the local area, along with a collection of Polish Modern Art


Charge, Joint ticket for town hall museum and tower

Getting There

Latitude: 53.010738; Longitude: 18.60422
What3Words: purses.boss.dent


Photo ID: 020370 Photo ID: 020371 Photo ID: 020372 Photo ID: 020373 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2017), and on time of last update (12/08/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ruiny Zamku Krzyzackiego - Teutonic Castle Ruins Ruiny Zamku Krzyzackiego - Teutonic Castle Ruins No Data


The limited ruins of the Teutonic Knights Castle can be looked round. Several information posts in Polish, German and English tell you a little about the site. You can go down into the cellars underneath the castle and climb up over a covered walkway into the former toilet block that emptied straight into a small river (now surrounded by a high end restaurant)



Getting There

Latitude: 53.009387; Longitude: 18.610653
What3Words: twist.vocally.shampoo


Photo ID: 020362 Photo ID: 020422 Photo ID: 020424 Photo ID: 020428 Photo ID: 020430 Photo ID: 020433 Photo ID: 020437

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2017), and on time of last update (12/08/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Hall Tower Town Hall Tower No Data


You can climb the 170 or so stairs to the top of the town hall tower to take in the excellent views across the city. It’s a fairly easy climb as there are landings at the top of each flight of stairs so you're never more than about 20 steps from a resting point if needed.


Charge, Joint ticket for town hall museum and tower

Getting There

Latitude: 53.010582; Longitude: 18.604651
What3Words: slid.rider.outreach


Photo ID: 020371 Photo ID: 020375 Photo ID: 020408 Photo ID: 020410 Photo ID: 020412 Photo ID: 020413 Photo ID: 020414

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2017), and on time of last update (12/08/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vistula Cruise Vistula Cruise No Data


Cruises leave from a landing stage just down from the Brama Klasztorna (Monastery Gate) every hour on the hour for a forty minute cruise between the two bridges, taking in the stunning vista of the town walls and towers.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.007297; Longitude: 18.603823
What3Words: however.stocks.cans


Photo ID: 020396 Photo ID: 020398 Photo ID: 020400 Photo ID: 020401 Photo ID: 020402 Photo ID: 020403 Photo ID: 020404

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2017), and on time of last update (12/08/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Manufaktura Manufaktura No Data


Prior to the industrial revolution Lodz was a small village with a population of around 500. With the coming of the cotton mills the village exploded to become a massive city, and one of the powerhouses of the region. Eventually run by the state during the communist years the factories eventually collapsed into liquidation in the 1990's and the site was left derelict. By the turn of the millennium the whole area was being converted into a new centre for the city. The buildings have been beautifully restored to their original red brick and how house museums, restaurants, bars, cinemas and a large shopping mall. It's also given Lodz it's own Rynek - the centre and focus of the city - that all the cities of Poland that expanded during the Middle Ages have and Lodz was missing. Today no visit to Lodz is complete without visiting the site if only to marvel at the stunning regeneration that has taken place, if not to visit the museums or restaurants


Free to look around the site

Getting There

Latitude: 51.780149; Longitude: 19.447578
What3Words: decays.escapes.sediment


Photo ID: 017547 Photo ID: 017549 Photo ID: 017551 Photo ID: 017556 Photo ID: 017557 Photo ID: 017558 Photo ID: 017563

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2016), and on time of last update (30/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

ms2 Museum ms2 Museum No Data


Part of the city Art Museum this site houses their collection of 20th and 21st Century art



Getting There

Latitude: 51.778886; Longitude: 19.446613
What3Words: swing.equality.cabinet


Photo ID: 017563 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2016), and on time of last update (30/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muzeum Fabryki Muzeum Fabryki No Data


Located in one of the former factory buildings this small museum tells the history of the site from it's creation by Izrael Posnanski through to it's eventual decline and closure following the collapse of communism in Poland. Films then chart the regeneration of the site into the new cultural and shopping centre of the city - giving Lodz what it always lacked a Rynek or City Square.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.78069; Longitude: 19.448341
What3Words: learn.speeding.twins


Photo ID: 017557 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2016), and on time of last update (30/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muzeum Fabryki: Viewpoint Muzeum Fabryki: Viewpoint No Data


For an additional charge you can climb onto the roof of the museum to take in views across the whole of the site. An information board shows what each of the buildings was used for


Charge, Additional to museum entry

Getting There

Latitude: 51.780682; Longitude: 19.448139
What3Words: riders.central.recoup


Photo ID: 017559 Photo ID: 017560 Photo ID: 017561 Photo ID: 017562 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2016), and on time of last update (30/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muzeum Kanalu Muzeum Kanalu No Data


Museum of the Sewer. A tour guide takes you on a short (20 minute) tour round this circular former flushing sewer underneath Plac Wolnosci. The structure itself wasn't actually a sewer but used to hold water that would then be flushed down into the various sewers of the city to clean them - hence why it's now safe to take tourists round on tours.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.777008; Longitude: 19.45459
What3Words: rocky.remover.payer


Photo ID: 017564 Photo ID: 017565 Photo ID: 017566 Photo ID: 017567 Photo ID: 017568 Photo ID: 017569 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2016), and on time of last update (30/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muzeum Miasta Lodzi (City Museum) Muzeum Miasta Lodzi (City Museum) No Data


Housed in the former residential palace of Izrael Posnanski (he of what is now Manufaktura) the museum houses a number of exhibits relating to the city and it's famous sons.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.778655; Longitude: 19.4512
What3Words: weekday.sulked.veto


Photo ID: 017555 Photo ID: 017574 Photo ID: 017578 Photo ID: 017580 Photo ID: 017581 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2016), and on time of last update (30/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muzeum Stacja Radegast. Oddzial Muzeum Stacja Radegast. Oddzial No Data


The former station of Radegast, located just outside the Ghetto walls, was the location from which the Nazi's sent many of the Ghetto's residents (both Jewish and Gypsy) to their deaths in the gas chambers of Chelmno and Auschwitz. Today a three cattle wagons (similar to those used) stand at the station, along with a long tunnel in which an exhibition on the Ghetto and it's liquidation is detailed.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.802012; Longitude: 19.480384
What3Words: slumped.pasta.connects


Photo ID: 017582 Photo ID: 017583 Photo ID: 017585 Photo ID: 017588 Photo ID: 017590 Photo ID: 017592 Photo ID: 017597

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2016), and on time of last update (30/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muzeum Tradycji Niepodleglosciowych (Museum of Independence Traditions) Muzeum Tradycji Niepodleglosciowych (Museum of Independence Traditions) No Data


Located inside the Radegast station this small museum charts the names and details of all those who passed through here on their way to the extermination camps, as well as giving some background to the formation of the Ghetto and a small display of the Gypsy corner of the ghetto.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.801792; Longitude: 19.480882
What3Words: winners.rebirth.zealous


Photo ID: 017590 Photo ID: 017591 Photo ID: 017592 Photo ID: 017593 Photo ID: 017598 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2016), and on time of last update (30/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brama Krakowska Brama Krakowska No Data


The Krakow gate, and the most important, and elaborate, gate of the city as it lay on the Royal Route that linked the twin capitals of the Kingdoms of Poland and Lithuania - Krakow and Vilnius.


Getting There

Latitude: 51.247588; Longitude: 22.566485
What3Words: fallen.easels.district


Photo ID: 023931 Photo ID: 023992 Photo ID: 023993 Photo ID: 023994 Photo ID: 023996 Photo ID: 023997 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grodzka Gate Grodzka Gate No Data


One of the former city gates, today the main entrance into the old town from the castle


Getting There

Latitude: 51.249653; Longitude: 22.569877
What3Words: recovery.ponies.person


Photo ID: 023922 Photo ID: 023987 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plac Po Farze Plac Po Farze No Data


The square, located in the centre of the city and home to some good restaurants, was built over the remains of a medieval church which was pulled down. Parts of it's foundations are still visible in the centre of the square


Getting There

Latitude: 51.248763; Longitude: 22.569213
What3Words: strong.texted.skater


Photo ID: 023970 Photo ID: 023971 Photo ID: 023972 Photo ID: 023973 Photo ID: 023974 Photo ID: 023975 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wieza Tyranitarska (Trynitarska Tower) Wieza Tyranitarska (Trynitarska Tower) No Data


One of the former city gates, converted into a more elaborate bell tower and today a pleasant viewing platform with excellent views over the castle and Rynek


Getting There

Latitude: 51.247054; Longitude: 22.568009
What3Words: triads.bumpy.blues


Photo ID: 023963 Photo ID: 023965 Photo ID: 023966 Photo ID: 023967 Photo ID: 023968 Photo ID: 023969 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zamek Lubelski - Dojon Tower Zamek Lubelski - Dojon Tower No Data


The only surviving original part of the castle, though its been lowered and had an observation platform placed on the top. From the top of the tower are good views of the old town and the city. On the various floors of the tower are exhibitions on the use of the tower and castle over time, and in the basement a memorial to those killed in the castle during the days of the NKVD interrogations following WWII


Charge, Joint ticket for Museum, Chapel and Tower available

Getting There

Latitude: 51.250315; Longitude: 22.57241
What3Words: phones.slamming.super


Photo ID: 023925 Photo ID: 023982 Photo ID: 023984 Photo ID: 023985 Photo ID: 023988 Photo ID: 023989 Photo ID: 023990

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zamek Lubelski - Holy Trinity Chapel Zamek Lubelski - Holy Trinity Chapel No Data


The former chapel of the castle, today it is held up as one of the most valuable monuments of medieval art in Poland. The Chapel walls are covered in beautiful paintings


Charge, Joint ticket for Museum, Chapel and Tower available. Chapel can only be visited on an assigned time slot, these book out quickly so get there early.

Getting There

Latitude: 51.250298; Longitude: 22.573058
What3Words: reported.basis.breath


Photo ID: 002926 Photo ID: 023983 Photo ID: 023991 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zamek Lubelski - Museum Zamek Lubelski - Museum No Data


The museum has a small display on the archaeology and history of the region from the first settlements through to more recent times. There are also several galleries of paintings both from local and Polish painters as well as from international painters as well.


Charge, Joint ticket for Museum, Chapel and Tower available

Getting There

Latitude: 51.25051; Longitude: 22.571748
What3Words: maternal.latter.draining


Photo ID: 023927 Photo ID: 023928 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zamek Lubelski (Lublin Castle) Zamek Lubelski (Lublin Castle) No Data


Located on high ground at the edge of the old town not much of the original castle remains, other than the Dojon tower. The rest having been replaced over the centuries. The castle has had a number of roles, including being an infamous prison both in the times of the Nazi occupation and following the Russian liberation through the NKVD (Soviet secret police). You can walk around the grounds of the castle for free



Getting There

Latitude: 51.250461; Longitude: 22.57241
What3Words: means.leads.hormones


Photo ID: 023924 Photo ID: 023980 Photo ID: 023981 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Majdanek - Main Camp Majdanek - Main Camp No Data


The camp covers a large area, though most of the buildings were destroyed by the Nazis in a panicked retreat, because the whole site was liberated within two days a significant part still remains and gives an idea to the horrific conditions that inmates were detained in. The tour starts in the combined bath house and gas chamber, where a large number of the murders took place, and then proceeds through some of the remaining barrack blocks with various exhibits on life in the camp. ***Due to the nature of the exhibits, and in particular the gas chamber, it is strongly recommended that children under the age of 13 do not visit the site***



Getting There

Latitude: 51.224621; Longitude: 22.59638
What3Words: bolt.treaties.leader


Photo ID: 023943 Photo ID: 023946 Photo ID: 023947 Photo ID: 023949 Photo ID: 023951 Photo ID: 023952 Photo ID: 023954

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Majdanek - Mausoleum Majdanek - Mausoleum No Data


Located at the far end of the site the Mausoleum is a large dome which covers a huge mound made from the cremated ashes of victims found when the site was liberated. ***Due to the nature of the mausoleum it is strongly recommended that children under the age of 13 do not visit the site***



Getting There

Latitude: 51.216367; Longitude: 22.595954
What3Words: stadium.bubbles.boarded


Photo ID: 023955 Photo ID: 023958 Photo ID: 023959 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Majdanek - Monument Majdanek - Monument No Data


The monument gate marks the start of the route round the site. Built at the same time as the Mausoleum, and if you stand directly in front of it framing it in the distance, the memorial is a tribute to those who died in the camp



Getting There

Latitude: 51.225427; Longitude: 22.604172
What3Words: crossing.minus.milder


Photo ID: 023942 Photo ID: 023944 Photo ID: 023945 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Majdanek - Welcome Centre Majdanek - Welcome Centre No Data


The centre gives an overview on the site, along with some background on some of the other prisoners who were held and murdered here, alongside the Jewish population of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.225237; Longitude: 22.606131
What3Words: denser.targeted.clearing


Photo ID: 023941 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Majdanek Majdanek No Data


The site of one of the Nazi extermination camps, remarkable for being so close into the city centre. Today the whole site is a memorial to those who died (estimated at at least 80,000 with 60,000 of them being Jewish.) ***It is strongly recommended that children under the age of 13 do not visit the site due to the distressing nature of some of the exhibitions***


Getting There

From the centre of town several buses and trolley buses run out to Majdanek. The stop after the site is closer to the main entrance than the first stop called Majdanek. Buses take about 10 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 51.220957; Longitude: 22.596717
What3Words: traders.shin.braced


Photo ID: 023941 Photo ID: 023950 Photo ID: 023953 Photo ID: 023956 Photo ID: 023957 Photo ID: 023960 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2018), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Barbican Barbican No Data


This impressive structure was built to protect the city from the various groups that wished to take over this part of Poland (The Russians, The Prussians, The Germans, The Austrians, The Swedes...) The building is still impressive today (if only slightly dampened by the fact it was pretty well rebuilt from ruin in the 1840's.


Charge, Free with a Krakow Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.065528; Longitude: 19.941666
What3Words: lamp.rust.aviation


Photo ID: 001007 Photo ID: 001011 Photo ID: 001012 Photo ID: 001013 Photo ID: 001014 Photo ID: 001015 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Collegium Maius Collegium Maius No Data


Entrance to the university museum is on a guided tour only. The tour takes in the stunning old library and treasuries of the University. One room on the tour is dedicated to the former student Nicolas Copernicus, who went on to change the whole concept of the universe



Getting There

Latitude: 50.061747; Longitude: 19.933856
What3Words: unscrew.amid.waiters


Photo ID: 001022 Photo ID: 001023 Photo ID: 001024 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kosciuszko Mound Kosciuszko Mound No Data


The mound is man made, at the base are the buildings of a fort that the Austrians built in their attempt to turn Kraków into a fortress, above is the original mound, covered in grass, with its paths leading to the top. From the top of the mound you have stunning views over the city and the surrounding countryside.


Charge (more expensive after dusk!)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.054879; Longitude: 19.893279
What3Words: feed.swinging.cunning


Photo ID: 001018 Photo ID: 001019 Photo ID: 001020 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Krakow's Historical Museum at Pomorska Street Krakow's Historical Museum at Pomorska Street No Data


Billed as being about the history of Kraków from 1939 to the 1950's. I was expecting quite a bit on the war, but it is almost the whole of the museum, and makes for a very sobering and depressing museum. Not helped by the fact the museum history ends with the suffering people suffered after the war under Soviet control. The museum is housed in the building that, during the war, was the headquarters of the Gestapo. You can go into the small block that was used as cells to hold prisoners in. It is a thought provoking, but very emotionally draining experience as you realise that many of the markings and scratchings made on the walls were the last words that people wrote before they were either executed or died under torture minutes later.


Charge, Free with a Krakow Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.062759; Longitude: 19.936516
What3Words: caravan.laser.mixture


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Synagogue Old Synagogue No Data


This was one of the first to be built in the area in the 15th century. It no longer serves as a Synagogue, but instead holds a museum to the history and culture of Judaism. It some detail it explains the different customs and traditions as well as the festivals and beliefs of the Jewish faith.


Charge, Free with a Krakow Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.051407; Longitude: 19.948511
What3Words: dial.fussed.sprayed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Remuh Synagogue and Cemetery Remuh Synagogue and Cemetery No Data


Originally the site of the main Jewish Cemetery before the second world war, today the synagogue is open for people to visit to see what the inside of a synagogue looks like. The Cemetery was all but destroyed by the Nazi's, but has today been partially restored. One wall is made from the fragmented remains of tombstones



Getting There

Latitude: 50.052875; Longitude: 19.947444
What3Words: flag.panthers.skips


Photo ID: 001017 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Mary's Church St Mary's Church No Data


The church is spectacular with a beautiful painted ceiling and the largest alter piece in the world. However, you can only see a part of the church as the remainder is partitioned off for prayer only.


Charge, Free with a Krakow Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.061671; Longitude: 19.939499
What3Words: horses.hooked.flamed


Photo ID: 001008 Photo ID: 001016 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Hall Tower Town Hall Tower No Data


The tower has several different levels each of which has a different display, on level one it's remains of the old town hall, level two has some of the costumes that the burghers of old Kraków would have worn in the 14th Century. The third level has photos of the centre of Kraków taken at different times between the 1840's and 1930's. The top level has three viewing windows from which you can look over most of the city.


Charge, Free with a Krakow Tourist Card

Getting There

Latitude: 50.061457; Longitude: 19.936495
What3Words: public.whispers.translated


Photo ID: 001016 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wawel Castle Wawel Castle No Data


A large and imposing complex on a hill to the South West of the main market square. There is a lot of the site that you can wander around without having to enter any of the musuems.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.053998; Longitude: 19.935186
What3Words: clashes.able.offshore


Photo ID: 001031 Photo ID: 001032 Photo ID: 001033 Photo ID: 001034 Photo ID: 001035 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wawel Castle: Cathedral Wawel Castle: Cathedral No Data


More impressive from the outside than the inside, the curch also has a tower you can climb to view the bell, as well as being able to view the crypt where the former kings are burried


Free to go into the Cathedral, Charge to go up the tower or into the crypt

Getting There

Latitude: 50.054594; Longitude: 19.935545
What3Words: dollar.distract.usage


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wawel Castle: Dragons Lair Wawel Castle: Dragons Lair No Data


136 steps lead down into the hill that the castle stands on. Underneath there is a quite large complex of caves, at the end of which lives a fire breathing dragon (though in its current form the terrible lizard is made of copper and its breath is powered by town gas!



Getting There

Latitude: 50.054315; Longitude: 19.933501
What3Words: remit.punch.stunning


Photo ID: 001034 Photo ID: 001035 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wawel Castle: Lost Wawel Wawel Castle: Lost Wawel No Data


Exhibition that shows many of the bits of the old castle that have been lost over time as new buildings are built over the top. The exhibition also has a computer walk through of what the original settlement on the castle hill with its church and small buildings might have looked like.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.05418; Longitude: 19.936237
What3Words: primed.unravel.starters


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wawel Castle: Oriental Treasures Museum Wawel Castle: Oriental Treasures Museum No Data


A display of Oriental treasures that the castles kings seized.


Getting There

Latitude: 50.053939; Longitude: 19.933754
What3Words: message.quench.plotted


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wawel Castle: Royal State Rooms Wawel Castle: Royal State Rooms No Data


There is a large collection of rooms in the castle, and about 20 of them are on display to wander round. The rooms are all richly furnished with lots of paintings and tapestries, and beautifully carved ceilings.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.054432; Longitude: 19.936672
What3Words: wheels.nibbles.wicket


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wawel Castle: Treasury and Armoury Wawel Castle: Treasury and Armoury No Data


Museum showing part of the collection of treasures and arms that the castle has



Getting There

Latitude: 50.054266; Longitude: 19.934124
What3Words: vocab.creamed.rocket


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oswiecim: Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II - Birkenau Oswiecim: Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II - Birkenau No Data


A world heritage site, a memorial museum and the site of the worst acts of the second world war. The museum tells the history of the site and what took place there. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN


Free to look around the sites, charge for the guided tours and the 15 minute film

Getting There

From the station turn right and follow this road. At the round about continue on the same road round to the left. About 900 metres along this road is the site of Auschwitz I. Busses connect the two sites each hour, alternativly they are clearly signed from each other
Latitude: 50.026938; Longitude: 19.201527
What3Words: refused.enterprises.fault


Photo ID: 001041 Photo ID: 001042 Photo ID: 001044 Photo ID: 001045 Photo ID: 001046 Photo ID: 001047 Photo ID: 001048

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wieliczka: Salt Mines Wieliczka: Salt Mines No Data


Wieliczka sits right above a massive seam of rock salt, and into this, for centuries, people have dug to extract the salt. The mines now cover a massive area and descend to over 300 meters deep. Over the years the miners carved elaborate caverns, in most cases to extract the salt, but in other locations to create chapels and caverns. The mine is now open to the public to go on guided tours, these start by descending 380 steps to the first level of the mine 64 metres below the surface (by the end of the tour you descended another 71 meters to level 3 at 135 meters below.)



Getting There

From the station walk back along the main road for a couple of hundred meters, it is all very well signed
Latitude: 49.983061; Longitude: 20.055671
What3Words: unlucky.subsets.final


Photo ID: 001036 Photo ID: 001037 Photo ID: 001038 Photo ID: 001039 Photo ID: 001040 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oswiecim Oswiecim No Data


The town has had a relatively important past, once being the seat of power for the region, but it’s more recent history has put it more firmly on the map than possibly any other town on the planet. It is more commonly known by the German-ification of its name – Auschwitz.


Getting There

Trains run about 6 times a day from Kraków central station to Oswiecim taking a frustratingly slow 90 minutes to cover the 65 or so Kilometers
Latitude: 50.031784; Longitude: 19.209938
What3Words: promote.yell.necklace


Photo ID: 001041 Photo ID: 001042 Photo ID: 001044 Photo ID: 001045 Photo ID: 001046 Photo ID: 001047 Photo ID: 001048

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wieliczka Wieliczka No Data


The town sits right above a massive seam of rock salt, and into this, for centuries, people have dug to extract the salt.


Getting There

There are regular trains from Kraków central station to Wieliczka Rynek, the end of the line, taking about 20 minutes. Stay on the train to the end of the line. There is another station just beforehand called Wieliczka, but this is nowhere near the Salt Mines!
Latitude: 49.986994; Longitude: 20.065155
What3Words: craft.boarding.graphics


Photo ID: 001036 Photo ID: 001037 Photo ID: 001038 Photo ID: 001039 Photo ID: 001040 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2006), and on time of last update (06/06/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Barbican Barbican No Data


The former entrance to the old town, today the Barbican houses an exhibition on the city walls, as well as on the rebuilding of the city centre after the war and it's entry onto the World Heritage list



Getting There

Latitude: 52.250653; Longitude: 21.010011
What3Words: pure.cunning.correct


Photo ID: 002929 Photo ID: 002930 Photo ID: 002931 Photo ID: 002932 Photo ID: 002937 Photo ID: 002963 Photo ID: 002965

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens No Data


Located in the south of the city, these small gardens house a range of plants that grow in Polands mixed climate. It is a peaceful place and a good place to go to relax



Getting There

Latitude: 52.217809; Longitude: 21.027038
What3Words: buzzer.slurs.sorters


Photo ID: 002956 Photo ID: 002957 Photo ID: 002958 Photo ID: 002959 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


A small portion on the original city walls remain and they are well worth walking around to take in the key sites of the old town.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.250003; Longitude: 21.009711
What3Words: writings.rooster.grouping


Photo ID: 002936 Photo ID: 009307 Photo ID: 009311 Photo ID: 009316 Photo ID: 009317 Photo ID: 023908 Photo ID: 023912

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ghetto Heroes Monument Ghetto Heroes Monument No Data


This monument was built to pay homage to those who took part in the 1943 uprising in the Jewish Ghetto.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.249743; Longitude: 20.994106
What3Words: slang.carrots.plugged


Photo ID: 002943 Photo ID: 002960 Photo ID: 002961 Photo ID: 002962 Photo ID: 002963 Photo ID: 002964 Photo ID: 002965

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Little Insurgent Monument Little Insurgent Monument No Data


A monument on the line of the city walls to the children who took part in the 1944 Warsaw uprising against the Nazi's.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.249264; Longitude: 21.009529
What3Words: error.national.scooter


Photo ID: 002933 Photo ID: 023884 Photo ID: 023910 Photo ID: 023911 Photo ID: 023913 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mini-Train Tour Mini-Train Tour No Data


A 30 minute tour around the main parts of the old and new towns and along the river front



Getting There

Latitude: 52.246851; Longitude: 21.013442
What3Words: abolish.happier.stadium


Photo ID: 023882 Photo ID: 023883 Photo ID: 023884 Photo ID: 023885 Photo ID: 023886 Photo ID: 023889 Photo ID: 023892

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2008), and on time of last update (04/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Monument to Mordechaj Ainelewicz Monument to Mordechaj Ainelewicz No Data


Today a large limestone rock stands on top of a small mound. This is the site of the Bunker where the leader and many members of the resistance fighters of the Jewish uprising died.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.251536; Longitude: 20.99232
What3Words: flasks.balanced.grapes


Photo ID: 002944 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Monument to the Warsaw Uprising Monument to the Warsaw Uprising No Data


This massive monument is located on a spot where fierce fighting took place during the uprising. Part of the monument shows fighters launching an attack, another part shows fighters descending into the sewers so that they could move around and communicate.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.2493; Longitude: 21.005961
What3Words: vanish.moguls.mergers


Photo ID: 002934 Photo ID: 002935 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of the Warsaw Uprising Museum of the Warsaw Uprising No Data


This museum is devoted to the Warsaw uprising of 1944 when the populace as a whole rose up against their Nazi occupiers to try and free themselved (not to be confused with the Ghetto uprising of the previous year.) Sadly, it had a similar outcome with the Nazi's eventually winning and inflicting a terrible retribution, levelling the city and killing almost all the citizens. What makes more uncomfortable reading is that the Red Army was just a couple of hundred yards away, and refused to intervein as they wanted to ensure Poland would be communist after the war. The Western allies are no better citing the Normandy landings as their excuse for not assisting. The suffering, heroricisim and fighting spirit of the Poles is celebrated, but tempered by the outcome. You can take a lift to the viewing platform above the museum to see an illustration of the devistation reaked on the city by the Nazi retribution.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.23236; Longitude: 20.981129
What3Words: tramps.caps.surely


Photo ID: 002952 Photo ID: 002953 Photo ID: 002954 Photo ID: 002955 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palace of Culture and Science Palace of Culture and Science No Data


Built as a gift from the people of the USSR to the people of Poland as a sign of friendship. It is the most "distinctive" building in the city being visible from everywhere. From the 30th floor viewing balcony you get stunning views over the whole of the city, made all the better for not being able to see the palace!



Getting There

Latitude: 52.231847; Longitude: 21.006095
What3Words: modes.strays.pounce


Photo ID: 002938 Photo ID: 002939 Photo ID: 002940 Photo ID: 002941 Photo ID: 002949 Photo ID: 009328 Photo ID: 009330

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2008), and on time of last update (04/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pawiak Prison Museum Pawiak Prison Museum No Data


A haunting and disturbing location, not quite on a par with Auschwitz, but getting there. Originally built as a prison in the 19th Century, this place was taken over by the Gestapo and used as a prison, interregation and torture centre, and a place of death. The exbibits show the horror of life here. Daily executions of prisoners, casually killed in cells, in corridors, on stairs. 20 a day isn't rare, on some days its into three figures. Many of the people who entered here never made it out again. The exhibition is very moving but you need to come prepared. Don't think you've seen or heard of all the autrocities that the Nazi's carried out. Some of the things that happened here were truely horrific.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.246216; Longitude: 20.990936
What3Words: january.angers.courtyard


Photo ID: 002951 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Castle Royal Castle No Data


Destroyed in the Second World War, the castle has been completely restored. There are two possible tours that you can go on, one takes you round some general exhibitions, the other takes you around the royal suites. This is the tour I went on, and is very impressive



Getting There

Latitude: 52.247763; Longitude: 21.014743
What3Words: occupy.saucepan.hopping


Photo ID: 002921 Photo ID: 002927 Photo ID: 002941 Photo ID: 023880 Photo ID: 023891 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Anne's Belfry St Anne's Belfry No Data


Located just opposite the castle in the Old Town this tower offers stunning views over the old town, and across the rest of the central part of the capital



Getting There

Latitude: 52.246502; Longitude: 21.013863
What3Words: bluffs.leafing.stormed


Photo ID: 002922 Photo ID: 002923 Photo ID: 002924 Photo ID: 002925 Photo ID: 002926 Photo ID: 009302 Photo ID: 009303

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2008), and on time of last update (04/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St John's Cathedral St John's Cathedral No Data


The main church of the old town, home to the graves some of the areas Monarchs from the past as well as former presidents from the inter war years.


Free to look around the church, Charge for the Crypt

Getting There

Latitude: 52.248847; Longitude: 21.013579
What3Words: bills.canine.cute


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Umschlagplatz Monument Umschlagplatz Monument No Data


The monument is located at the site of the station where Jewish Ghetto members were loaded onto trains on their way to the extermination camps. Over 300,000 people were deported from here, and the forenames of over 3000 are etched into the stones.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.252282; Longitude: 20.989053
What3Words: couple.hilltop.poker


Photo ID: 002945 Photo ID: 002946 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Willy Brandt Sq Willy Brandt Sq No Data


A monument to the German leader who came to Poland, and fell to his knees in a gesture of contrition for Germanys actions against Poles in the war.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.249346; Longitude: 20.990973
What3Words: changes.renews.boost


Photo ID: 002948 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City-Sightseeing City-Sightseeing No Data


Open-Top buses run hourly tours around the main sights of the city, starting outside the Palace of Culture and Science and taking in the Old town and the botanical gardens on their route through the city. Multi-lingual commentary accompanies the journey



Getting There

Latitude: 52.229451; Longitude: 21.005205
What3Words: resolved.regular.pasta


Photo ID: 009321 Photo ID: 009322 Photo ID: 009323 Photo ID: 009324 Photo ID: 009325 Photo ID: 009326 Photo ID: 009327

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2013), and on time of last update (04/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Amber Museum Amber Museum No Data


Housed in one of the former gates of the city the museum has fine examples of Amber and examples of how it has been worked to make jewellery, plates, gifts etc. The museum them also tells the history of the building, originally the Prison and Torture towers, with the usual gory display of torture and execution equipment



Getting There

Latitude: 54.34985; Longitude: 18.647227
What3Words: tougher.seasonal.glosses


Photo ID: 002851 Photo ID: 002857 Photo ID: 002858 Photo ID: 002589 Photo ID: 002862 Photo ID: 002875 Photo ID: 002895

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archaeological Museum Archaeological Museum No Data


Located in another of the city's riverside gates, the museum tells the history of the area from the ending of the last ice-age forwards


Charge (additional charge to climb the tower for views over the river)

Getting There

Latitude: 54.349219; Longitude: 18.656496
What3Words: entertainer.forces.playoffs


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Artus Court Artus Court No Data


A fine example of a restored building in the city centre, this was once a meeting hall for the traders and merchants of the city. It was heavily photographed and documented prior to the war, so that afterwards it was possible to restore it to it's former glory. The buildings also house a photo exhibition



Getting There

Latitude: 54.348828; Longitude: 18.653659
What3Words: smart.lace.sailors


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Central Maritime Museum Central Maritime Museum No Data


Located in buildings both sides of the river the museum charts the connection between Gdansk and the sea, and has examples of boats from around the world.


Charge, joint ticket with Gdansk Crane, Central Maritime Museum and MS Soldek, including the river crossing available

Getting There

MS Solodek and the second part of the Central Maritime Museum are located on the opposite bank of the river. To reach them you will need to take the ferry. If you have brought a combined ticket this is included in the price, if you have not then you have to pay for the ferry.
Latitude: 54.350913; Longitude: 18.659179
What3Words: human.ordering.openings


Photo ID: 002885 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gdansk Crane Gdansk Crane No Data


The icon of the city, the Crane was built in the 16th century, and was powered by men walking round in the big treadmills. The museum is part of the maritime museum and has some exhibits relating to the sea as well as a few about the crane itself.


Charge, joint ticket with Gdansk Crane, Central Maritime Museum and MS Soldek, including the river crossing available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.350598; Longitude: 18.657682
What3Words: unless.twig.screamed


Photo ID: 002868 Photo ID: 002871 Photo ID: 002876 Photo ID: 002886 Photo ID: 002887 Photo ID: 002889 Photo ID: 002892

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

MS Soldek MS Soldek No Data


One of the last steam ships to be built, and one of the first ships to be built in the new shipyards in Gdansk, this has been preserved and offers you an opportunity to look over the ship to see what live would have been like on-board


Charge, joint ticket with Gdansk Crane, Central Maritime Museum and MS Soldek, including the river crossing available

Getting There

MS Solodek and the second part of the Central Maritime Museum are located on the opposite bank of the river. To reach them you will need to take the ferry. If you have brought a combined ticket this is included in the price, if you have not then you have to pay for the ferry.
Latitude: 54.351495; Longitude: 18.658825
What3Words: will.shaves.aura


Photo ID: 002869 Photo ID: 002870 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

River Cruise River Cruise No Data


Either onboard a modern boat, or on an ancient galleon (though I am not sure Galleons had diesel engines!) you can sail down the river towards its mouth onto the Baltic. On the way you pass the Iconic shipyards of Gdansk. The boats stop at Westerplatte where you can disembark to see the ruins



Getting There

Latitude: 54.348912; Longitude: 18.65685
What3Words: palaces.tidying.oasis


Photo ID: 002843 Photo ID: 002844 Photo ID: 002845 Photo ID: 002877 Photo ID: 002878 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roads to freedom Roads to freedom No Data


Located in the basement of the Solidarity building, the exhibition traces the history of opposition to the communist rule in Poland, the uprisings, brutal repressions and day-to-day struggles of people in Poland under the communist regime. The museum has mock-ups of polish shops, cafes and toilets from the bad days, as well as archive footage of both the repression, and eventual success of the Polish people.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.358757; Longitude: 18.647758
What3Words: promotes.rifled.deform


Photo ID: 002916 Photo ID: 002917 Photo ID: 002918 Photo ID: 002919 Photo ID: 002920 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Mary's Church St Mary's Church No Data


The largest church in the city, and very impressive it is with its white washed walls and bright windows the inside feels massive. You can climb the tower of the church (it's just over 400 steps) for views out over the city, though the platform at the top is not for the feint hearted


No charge for the church (other than a requested donation), Charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 54.349885; Longitude: 18.653562
What3Words: stuffy.cookery.lions


Photo ID: 002861 Photo ID: 002864 Photo ID: 002865 Photo ID: 002866 Photo ID: 002867 Photo ID: 002891 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Hall Town Hall No Data


The town hall now houses the Gdansk historical museum which charts the history and development of the city. Some of the most moving exhibits are the photos taken immediately after the war of the ruined city, and those taken in the late seventies showing a fully restored city. You can also climb the tower of the town hall for views of the city from the top (additional charge, not always open)


Charge, Additional charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 54.348922; Longitude: 18.652886
What3Words: royal.guitar.grumble


Photo ID: 002860 Photo ID: 002861 Photo ID: 002862 Photo ID: 002863 Photo ID: 002866 Photo ID: 002894 Photo ID: 002915

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

TramFerry TramFerry No Data


The TramFerry (Tramwaj Wodny) run a couple of services a day from Gdansk either along the coast to Sopot, or across the Gulf of Gdansk to Hel (cue jokes!). Both services are a lot cheaper than those offered by exactly the same company, but from their tourist sightseeing pier



Getting There

Latitude: 54.353399; Longitude: 18.65869
What3Words: expanded.flash.front


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uphagens House Uphagens House No Data


A rare example of a merchants house. The building has been in restoration for nearly 60 years, but most is now complete and you can view the lush surroundings in which the wealthy merchants would have lived



Getting There

Latitude: 54.349303; Longitude: 18.649528
What3Words: tummy.crimson.speak


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hel: Fokarium Hel: Fokarium No Data


This small aquarium on the sea front houses a collection of Baltic Grey Seals, sadly becoming rare in the wild.



Getting There

Access is well signposted from both the ferry dock and the train station
Latitude: 54.606788; Longitude: 18.800461
What3Words: opponent.wellies.dots


Photo ID: 002881 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Malbork: Castle Malbork: Castle No Data


The stunning castle, the largest in Poland, has been almost fully restored after being destroyed during the Second World War. To visit you have to go round on one of the guided tours, either in Polish every 30 minutes or so, or in English at 11, 13:30 and 15:30 (July and August only!) Alternatively you can get a ticket that lets you into the grounds of the castle, but none of the exhibitions or the main parts of the buildings


Charge, slightly higher charge for English (or German) language tour rather than Polish

Getting There

From Gdansk there are regular trains to Malbork taking about 35-55 minutes. From the station it is a relatively well signposted walk to the castle
Latitude: 54.040183; Longitude: 19.028406
What3Words: again.wakes.tickets


Photo ID: 002896 Photo ID: 002897 Photo ID: 002898 Photo ID: 002899 Photo ID: 002901 Photo ID: 002902 Photo ID: 002909

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Malbork: Castle Main Tower Malbork: Castle Main Tower No Data


The main tower of the castle provides stunning views over the castle and surrounding countryside, it's about 220 steps to the top, but there are lots of landings with pictures to look at so you can make a slow ascent.


Charge (additional to the entrance fee to the castle)

Getting There

From Gdansk there are regular trains to Malbork taking about 35-55 minutes. From the station it is a relatively well signposted walk to the castle
Latitude: 54.039396; Longitude: 19.026636
What3Words: darker.royal.inflict


Photo ID: 002900 Photo ID: 002903 Photo ID: 002904 Photo ID: 002905 Photo ID: 002906 Photo ID: 002907 Photo ID: 002910

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Westerplatte Westerplatte No Data


The point where world war II broke out, and the last part of Poland to be both occupied and liberated, the area was totally destroyed in the war, and, unlike Gdansk, has not been touched since. The bombed out buildings are slowly being reclaimed by nature, and the whole area has an eeire, yet peaceful feel to it


There is no charge for visiting the site, or the monument

Getting There

Bus 106 from town goes to the site, otherwise there are regular boat tours to Westerplatte that allow you to disembark and get on a later ferry back
Latitude: 54.407542; Longitude: 18.671265
What3Words: flushed.perkily.tent


Photo ID: 002846 Photo ID: 002847 Photo ID: 002848 Photo ID: 002849 Photo ID: 002878 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hel Peninsular Hel Peninsular No Data


Jutting some 20Km out into the Gulf of Gdansk, the Hel peninsular creates a natural bay that protects the three cities of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot. At the same time it provides endless jokes for English speakers! The long beaches and thick forest provide for lots of activities and the main towns on the strip all appear to be popular and busy


Getting There

There are several ferries a day from the centre of Gdansk to Hel at the very tip of the spit, taking about 2 (direct) to 3 (via Sopot) hours to complete the trip. Alternatively there are trains (a couple of direct, otherwise regular to Gdynia and then approximately hourly from Gdynia) that take about 2 1/2 to 3 hours. As return prices are double singles, you can do what I did and go out one way and come back the other (ferry then train probably easier)
Latitude: 54.638876; Longitude: 18.778381
What3Words: outclassed.drag.firelight


Photo ID: 002879 Photo ID: 002880 Photo ID: 002881 Photo ID: 002882 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


Supposedly the largest church in Poland this is a massive structure, although on the inside surprisingly plain.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.251651; Longitude: 19.019008
What3Words: plea.mascots.estate


Photo ID: 009246 Photo ID: 009247 Photo ID: 009248 Photo ID: 009249 Photo ID: 009250 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2013), and on time of last update (04/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muzeum Górnoslaski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie (Upper Silesia Ethnographic Park) Muzeum Górnoslaski Park Etnograficzny w Chorzowie (Upper Silesia Ethnographic Park) No Data


The park has around 100 structures collected from all over Silesia to give an indication of how life would have been in the 18th and 19th century. Many of the buildings are open to look inside and several have staff in period costume on hand to explain about life in the buildings. The biggest building is the perfectly rebuilt wooden church at the far end of the park.



Getting There

The museum is located at the very top end of the Park of Culture and Recreation, about 4KM from the centre of Katowice. Take tram 6, 11 or 19 from Rynek to the stop by the sports stadium, then it's a short walk
Latitude: 50.290871; Longitude: 18.970401
What3Words: basher.brains.quarrel


Photo ID: 009266 Photo ID: 009268 Photo ID: 009270 Photo ID: 009271 Photo ID: 009275 Photo ID: 009277 Photo ID: 009280

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2013), and on time of last update (04/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muzeum Slaskie (Silesia Museum) Muzeum Slaskie (Silesia Museum) No Data


An eclectic collection of displays located over three floors including temporary exhibitions and a permenant display that includes life in Silesia and a small gallery of paintings related to the region



Getting There

Latitude: 50.260602; Longitude: 19.022757
What3Words: gives.betrayal.extreme


Photo ID: 009239 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2013), and on time of last update (04/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Slaskim Ogrodzie Zoologicznym (Silesian Zoological Garden) Slaskim Ogrodzie Zoologicznym (Silesian Zoological Garden) No Data


A "Traditional" zoo with lots of animals in quite small pens. Most concerning were the brown bear pacing back and forth in a small corner of its cage, and the lion whose rib cage was clearly visible.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.280753; Longitude: 18.991102
What3Words: initial.hopeless.smaller


Photo ID: 009283 Photo ID: 009287 Photo ID: 009288 Photo ID: 009290 Photo ID: 009291 Photo ID: 009292 Photo ID: 009294

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2013), and on time of last update (04/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wojewódzki Park Kultury i Wypoczynku (Park of Culture and Recreation) Wojewódzki Park Kultury i Wypoczynku (Park of Culture and Recreation) No Data


Clunky name, beautiful space. This massive park stretches for miles from the Northern part of Katowice into the neighbouring town of Chorzów. The park includes formal gardens, woods, open spaces, fun fairs, the city Zoo and an ethnographical museum along with sports arenas, pitches, hotels and lots of small restaurants/cafes. You can easily spend days wandering around the site seeing everything



Getting There

Latitude: 50.286707; Longitude: 18.982401
What3Words: news.survey.lectures


Photo ID: 009281 Photo ID: 009282 Photo ID: 009296 Photo ID: 009297 Photo ID: 009298 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2013), and on time of last update (04/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Opole: Wieza Piastowska (Piast Tower) Opole: Wieza Piastowska (Piast Tower) No Data


The only remaining part of the former fortress on the site. At the time of visiting the tower was closed for renovation, but once complete you will again be able to climb to the top to take in the views of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 50.667158; Longitude: 17.919431
What3Words: maps.brochure.spooked


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2013), and on time of last update (04/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Opole Opole No Data


Located on a bend in the Odra river where a channel forms an island the city has a lovely rebuilt town square (albeit with a town hall that looks more fitting to Florence or Bologna than Silesia)


Getting There

There are roughly hourly trains from Katowice taking just over two hours to make the trip
Latitude: 50.668559; Longitude: 17.922381
What3Words: logs.awoken.sanded


Photo ID: 009253 Photo ID: 009254 Photo ID: 009255 Photo ID: 009256 Photo ID: 009259 Photo ID: 009261 Photo ID: 009265

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2013), and on time of last update (04/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lake Malta Mini Train Lake Malta Mini Train No Data


The train runs along the banks of Lake Malta from near the Cathedral to the new zoo


Charge, Discount with Poznan Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.408509; Longitude: 16.956984
What3Words: pinches.pencil.toddler


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Makieta Dawnego Poznania Makieta Dawnego Poznania No Data


Based in the crypt of the Franciscan church, this audio show uses a large model of the city as it was in the 18th Century to tell the history of the formation of the city, and with it the creation of Poland itself.


Charge, Discount with Poznan Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.408261; Longitude: 16.930978
What3Words: packet.pigment.swinging


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum Historii Miasta Poznania Museum Historii Miasta Poznania No Data


The historical museum of Poznan, based in the town hall. The exhibits are only displayed in Polish, but the rooms are in themselves worth the entrance fee


Charge, Free with Poznan Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.408617; Longitude: 16.933982
What3Words: tramps.bombard.test


Photo ID: 002971 Photo ID: 002973 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palmhouse Palmhouse No Data


The palmhouse, reportedly the largest in Europe, has a large collection of plants from around the globe, along with some examples of animals from the areas.


Charge, Discount with Poznan Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.401948; Longitude: 16.901221
What3Words: forum.cheese.flexed


Photo ID: 002977 Photo ID: 002978 Photo ID: 002979 Photo ID: 002980 Photo ID: 002981 Photo ID: 002982 Photo ID: 002983

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wielkopolski Muzeum Woiskowe Wielkopolski Muzeum Woiskowe No Data


The museum of the Wielkopolskie Army had dispalys of militaty uniforms, medals and weapons (all signage in Polish only)


Charge, Free with Poznan Card

Getting There

Latitude: 52.407963; Longitude: 16.933612
What3Words: eternity.exulted.comical


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ostrów Tumski: Cathedral Ostrów Tumski: Cathedral No Data


This is the birth place of Poland. Today the current cathedral is an impressive site with its soaring towers and its picturesque location (the original has been replaced many times over following expansions, destructions and fires!)


Requested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.411621; Longitude: 16.948568
What3Words: caravan.successor.stale


Photo ID: 002969 Photo ID: 002970 Photo ID: 002975 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ostrów Tumski: Cathedral Crypt Ostrów Tumski: Cathedral Crypt No Data


Located in the Crypt of the Cathedral are the ruins of the earlier versions of the Cathedral



Getting There

Latitude: 52.411458; Longitude: 16.948653
What3Words: giggle.snows.hobby


Photo ID: 002974 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ostrów Tumski Island Ostrów Tumski Island No Data


The original location of the city of Poznan, and where the Christian Poland was born. Today it is part of the suburbs of the city and is home to the Cathedral, the oldest in the country.



Getting There

From the City Centre catch any tram going to Katedra (at the time of visiting 4, 8 and 17) which is the only stop on the island
Latitude: 52.411019; Longitude: 16.948407
What3Words: enacted.campers.puff


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


Badly damaged in the war the outside of the cathedral hasn't been particularly lovingly restored, but inside the cathedral has been carefully returned to how it would have looked before the war, took it's toll.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.424472; Longitude: 14.556091
What3Words: ignoring.avid.graphic


Photo ID: 007486 Photo ID: 007490 Photo ID: 007492 Photo ID: 007519 Photo ID: 007520 Photo ID: 007234 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Tower Cathedral Tower No Data


A series of two lifts take you from the entrance up to the viewing windows which have been installed in the spire of the cathedral for stunning views over the city centre



Getting There

Latitude: 53.424462; Longitude: 14.555608
What3Words: fast.smoking.fantastic


Photo ID: 007516 Photo ID: 007517 Photo ID: 007518 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Tourist Trail: City Tour City Tourist Trail: City Tour No Data


The city tour takes you round the key sights in the city centre. It starts and finishes at the main centre and is very easy to follow as the route has been painted as a broken red line along all the pavements in the city, with numbers to highlight where there are key sights also painted on the pavement.


Free, pick up a map in the tourist information centre

Getting There

Latitude: 53.419038; Longitude: 14.551939
What3Words: tone.smashes.infinite


Photo ID: 007491 Photo ID: 007498 Photo ID: 007499 Photo ID: 007529 Photo ID: 007230 Photo ID: 007231 Photo ID: 007232

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Tourist Trail: Golden Tour City Tourist Trail: Golden Tour No Data


The golden route runs out from the city centre, up the John Paul II avenue towards the main city park, summer theatre and rose garden. The route is pretty easy to follow, and once you are out of the centre of the old town is pretty much a straight line up a major avenue, but through tree-lined pathways.


Free, pick up a map in the tourist information centre

Getting There

Latitude: 53.425878; Longitude: 14.559744
What3Words: visa.magpie.talents


Photo ID: 007525 Photo ID: 007526 Photo ID: 007527 Photo ID: 007528 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ducal Palace: Palace Museum Ducal Palace: Palace Museum No Data


Located in the basement of the castle buildings the museum has a couple of small exhibits on the history of the site. Everything was in Polish and there weren't any English translations so it was a bit difficult to understand what everything was.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.426089; Longitude: 14.560876
What3Words: wiring.simply.binder


Photo ID: 007487 Photo ID: 007495 Photo ID: 007516 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ducal Palace: Scenic Tower Ducal Palace: Scenic Tower No Data


One of two tours at the palace (the other, the clock tower was closed at the time of visiting for repairs), you can climb to the top for excellent views over the city centre



Getting There

Latitude: 53.4267; Longitude: 14.560098
What3Words: blaring.bikes.ballots


Photo ID: 007493 Photo ID: 007494 Photo ID: 007495 Photo ID: 007496 Photo ID: 007497 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oddzial Muzeum Miasta Szczecina (City History Museum) Oddzial Muzeum Miasta Szczecina (City History Museum) No Data


Located in the former Hansiatic town hall the museum tells the history of the town, with exhibits of artefacts and paintings.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.424411; Longitude: 14.560238
What3Words: kick.hook.stuffy


Photo ID: 007488 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Szczecinskie Podziemne Trasy: Cold War Tour Szczecinskie Podziemne Trasy: Cold War Tour No Data


After the end of the war part of the former German bunker was converted by the Soviets into a nuclear bunker and control point and this tour takes you round the parts of the bunker that were converted. The tour lasts about an hour.


Charge, Joint ticket for both bunker tours available

Getting There

Latitude: 53.419424; Longitude: 14.550887
What3Words: premises.revival.lateral


Photo ID: 007523 Photo ID: 007524 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Szczecinskie Podziemne Trasy: WWII Tour Szczecinskie Podziemne Trasy: WWII Tour No Data


The WWII tour takes you round the bunker located beneath the central station that was used to house the city's German population (Poles were banned from using it), during air-raids. The tour lasts about an hour and takes you across several parts of the massive bunker complex


Charge, Joint ticket for both bunker tours available

Getting There

Latitude: 53.419303; Longitude: 14.550834
What3Words: lots.opposing.toxic


Photo ID: 007521 Photo ID: 007522 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Swinoujscie: Fort Zachodni Swinoujscie: Fort Zachodni No Data


One of several forts built on this part of the coast to protect the Odra delta. The fort has, in places, started to decay, but much of it is still open to explore. There are several small exhibits in parts of the fort that tell the history of the site.


Getting There

Latitude: 53.918532; Longitude: 14.274952
What3Words: kite.readier.carb


Photo ID: 007502 Photo ID: 007503 Photo ID: 007504 Photo ID: 007505 Photo ID: 007506 Photo ID: 007507 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Swinoujscie: Muzeum Rybolówstwa Morskiegomore (Museum of deep sea fishing) Swinoujscie: Muzeum Rybolówstwa Morskiegomore (Museum of deep sea fishing) No Data


The museum partly focuses on the deep sea fishery industry, but also covers the towns history.


Getting There

Latitude: 53.907963; Longitude: 14.251923
What3Words: reinforce.snacks.lump


Photo ID: 007501 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Swinoujscie Swinoujscie No Data


Located at the mouth of the Swina river, until the 1940's this was Swinermünde, a fashionable German sea-side retreat for Berliners. Today it is still a very pleasant sea-side town, and has the added attraction of being able to walk along a beach into another country as you can cross backwards and forwards between Poland and Germany.


Getting There

There are semi-regular trains to Swinoujscie taking around 90 minutes to make the journey. The PKP station is on the opposite side of the Swina river from the centre of town, but regular (and free) ferries make the crossing. N.B. there is now a second station in the town centre of Swinoujsice, but this is a Deutsche Bahn station and the trains go back into Germany rather than Poland.
Latitude: 53.910026; Longitude: 14.247723
What3Words: became.typist.fault


Photo ID: 007500 Photo ID: 007508 Photo ID: 007510 Photo ID: 007512 Photo ID: 007513 Photo ID: 007514 Photo ID: 007515

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pure Azores Van Tour West Pure Azores Van Tour West No Data


The Western tour takes in many of the key sights on the Western and central parts of São Miguel. Starting in Ponta Delgada there is a stop at the back of town to visit the pineapple greenhouses. From there the bus slowly climbs the side of the Sete Cidades caldera stopping at a couple of view points for some amazing views - including at Miradouro da Boca do Inferno where you can make out the walls of the volcanic crater and multiple lakes. After a stop for lunch in Sete Ciadades the tour heads back past Ponta Delgada and onto the volcanic crater at Fogo for the stunning views over the crater lake. Heading downhill there is a stop at the hot springs at the Caldera Velha before the tour reaches the North Coast at Ribeira Grande where there is a stop at the Miradouro do Cintrão to take in the view along the coast. From there the bus returns to Ponta Delgada. The whole way the driver/guide tells you lots about the history of the islands, and the local area including about the geology that make the Azores so special



Getting There

Latitude: 37.739649; Longitude: -25.66836
What3Words: shortwave.trivet.good


Photo ID: 026586 Photo ID: 026607 Photo ID: 026617 Photo ID: 026625 Photo ID: 026635 Photo ID: 026637 Photo ID: 026638

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pure Azores Van Tour East Pure Azores Van Tour East No Data


The Eastern tour takes in many of the key sights on the Eastern half of São Miguel. Starting in Ponta Delgada there is a brief stop on a black sand beach before heading up to the view point at Miradouro da Nossa Senhora da Paz before the tour heads over to the town of Furnas to take in the volcanic sites there, as well as a stop for a traditional lunch, cooked in a pot in a fumarole. After lunch you head further inland to the waterfalls and gorge at Parque Natural da Ribeira dos Caldeirões for a stop before finally heading up to the North coast of the island to stop at a couple of viewing points at Miradouro da Vigia das Baleias and Miradouro de Santa Iria. From there the bus returns to Ponta Delgada. The whole way the driver/guide tells you lots about the history of the islands, and the local area including about the geology that make the Azores so special



Getting There

Latitude: 37.739701; Longitude: -25.668399
What3Words: declaration.fake.provided


Photo ID: 026431 Photo ID: 026440 Photo ID: 026501 Photo ID: 026520 Photo ID: 026539 Photo ID: 026571 Photo ID: 026573

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ananases A Arruda Ananases A Arruda No Data


The site produces pineapples on a small commercial scale. You can wander between the different greenhouses to see the pineapples in their various stages of growth. There is also a small museum and shop



Getting There

Latitude: 37.763008; Longitude: -25.6408
What3Words: bursts.tagged.spotted


Photo ID: 026581 Photo ID: 026582 Photo ID: 026584 Photo ID: 026587 Photo ID: 026590 Photo ID: 026592 Photo ID: 025693

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Achada: Parque Natural da Ribeira dos Caldeirões Achada: Parque Natural da Ribeira dos Caldeirões No Data


A small river gorge and waterfall located high in the centre of the island. Part of the stream has been diverted to create mills, which are open to look around during the week. A riverside walk leads part way down the gorge



Getting There

No access without your own transport, or on a tour
Latitude: 37.841806; Longitude: -25.267294
What3Words: trades.blabbed.insulated


Photo ID: 026536 Photo ID: 026538 Photo ID: 026541 Photo ID: 026550 Photo ID: 026551 Photo ID: 026554 Photo ID: 026555

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Algarvia: Miradouro da Vigia das Baleias Algarvia: Miradouro da Vigia das Baleias No Data


View point of the whales, from here you can look down a large part of the north of the island, as well - as the name would suggest, stand a chance of seeing whales off of the coast.



Getting There

No access without your own transport, or on a tour
Latitude: 37.851547; Longitude: -25.23129
What3Words: traded.dreaded.purport


Photo ID: 026558 Photo ID: 026559 Photo ID: 026563 Photo ID: 026564 Photo ID: 026565 Photo ID: 026568 Photo ID: 026571

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Feteiras: Miradouro do Pico do Carvão Feteiras: Miradouro do Pico do Carvão No Data


Small view point on the climb up the Sete Cidades Volcano crater. From here its possible to see the full width of the island with the North and South costs visible at one of the thinnest points.



Getting There

No access without your own transport, or on a tour
Latitude: 37.824355; Longitude: -25.736398
What3Words: taps.fragment.thornier


Photo ID: 026594 Photo ID: 026595 Photo ID: 026596 Photo ID: 026597 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fogo: Miradouro do Pico da Barrosa Fogo: Miradouro do Pico da Barrosa No Data


A high view point over the crater of the Fogo Volcano, looking down into the crater lake that can only be accessed via foot - making it a pristine habitat



Getting There

No access without your own transport, or on a tour
Latitude: 37.762642; Longitude: -25.491927
What3Words: definitions.reworking.squirted


Photo ID: 026619 Photo ID: 026620 Photo ID: 026621 Photo ID: 026622 Photo ID: 026623 Photo ID: 026624 Photo ID: 026625

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Furnas: Caldeiras Vulcânicas Furnas: Caldeiras Vulcânicas No Data


Located in the centre of town this volcanically active area has a number of mineral springs and fumaroles that create a weird landscape of bubbling pools and steam.



Getting There

There are buses to Furnas which stop just by the entrance to the park
Latitude: 37.772829; Longitude: -25.303614
What3Words: neater.iodine.circumstance


Photo ID: 026491 Photo ID: 026494 Photo ID: 026498 Photo ID: 026502 Photo ID: 026504 Photo ID: 026509 Photo ID: 026515

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Furnas: Lago das Furnas Furnas: Lago das Furnas No Data


Lake in one of the caldera's of the Furnas volcano. The area is still volcanically active with lots of fumaroles and bubbling pools. Locals and local restaurants can pay to have their stew pots put into large fumarole holes to cook their dishes.



Getting There

There are buses to Furnas with a bus stop located at the top of the road leading to the lake
Latitude: 37.768583; Longitude: -25.331142
What3Words: sultans.pebble.jungle


Photo ID: 026460 Photo ID: 026464 Photo ID: 026469 Photo ID: 026473 Photo ID: 026480 Photo ID: 026483 Photo ID: 026486

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Furnas: Miradouro do Pico do Ferro Furnas: Miradouro do Pico do Ferro No Data


High above the Lago das Furnas this view point allows views across the whole of the crater



Getting There

No access without your own transport, or on a tour
Latitude: 37.771531; Longitude: -25.334239
What3Words: hazel.extremely.accessed


Photo ID: 026521 Photo ID: 026522 Photo ID: 026524 Photo ID: 026525 Photo ID: 026528 Photo ID: 026531 Photo ID: 026533

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Moinhos: Miradouro de Santa Iria Moinhos: Miradouro de Santa Iria No Data


A small view point at the almost mid-point of the North coast of the island



Getting There

No access without your own transport, or on a tour
Latitude: 37.823914; Longitude: -25.462294
What3Words: intersect.orbits.imperfect


Photo ID: 026574 Photo ID: 026575 Photo ID: 026576 Photo ID: 026577 Photo ID: 026578 Photo ID: 026579 Photo ID: 026580

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ribeira Grande: Caldeira Velha Ribeira Grande: Caldeira Velha No Data


A small park located in a gorge that is over a volcanically active area, providing for hot bubbling pools and fumaroles.



Getting There

No access without your own transport, or on a tour
Latitude: 37.7821; Longitude: -25.500474
What3Words: easels.norms.unconfirmed


Photo ID: 026629 Photo ID: 026630 Photo ID: 026631 Photo ID: 026633 Photo ID: 026635 Photo ID: 026636 Photo ID: 026637

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ribeirinha: Miradouro do Cintrão Ribeirinha: Miradouro do Cintrão No Data


View point on the North coast from where you can clearly see the three main volcanic structures on the island



Getting There

No access without your own transport, or on a tour
Latitude: 37.842799; Longitude: -25.489652
What3Words: projects.wildcard.fairness


Photo ID: 026638 Photo ID: 026639 Photo ID: 026640 Photo ID: 026641 Photo ID: 026642 Photo ID: 026643 Photo ID: 026646

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sete Cidades: Miradouro da Boca do Inferno Sete Cidades: Miradouro da Boca do Inferno No Data


The showcase location of the island, high on the walls of the volcanic crater looking down onto multiple crater lakes and small towns that have been build within the caldera



Getting There

There are buses from Ponta Delgada to Sete Cidades
Latitude: 37.842817; Longitude: -25.763575
What3Words: shakes.cuties.fraught


Photo ID: 026598 Photo ID: 026601 Photo ID: 026603 Photo ID: 026604 Photo ID: 026607 Photo ID: 026608 Photo ID: 026610

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sete Cidades: Miradouro da Vista do Rei Sete Cidades: Miradouro da Vista do Rei No Data


View point looking across the main crater lake, which has two distinct colours.



Getting There

There are buses from Ponta Delgada to Sete Cidades
Latitude: 37.839266; Longitude: -25.794795
What3Words: chafe.merger.tops


Photo ID: 026613 Photo ID: 026614 Photo ID: 026615 Photo ID: 026616 Photo ID: 026617 Photo ID: 026618 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vila Franca do Campo:Miradouro da Nossa Senhora da Paz Vila Franca do Campo:Miradouro da Nossa Senhora da Paz No Data


Located on a hill high above the town this view point and chapel have amazing views out across the sea and to the small islet that shares the towns name. The chapel is accesses by climbing a staircase of around 100 steps that takes you even higher up the hill for wider views.



Getting There

No access without your own transport, or on a tour
Latitude: 37.727912; Longitude: -25.431493
What3Words: kneels.permitting.cadet


Photo ID: 026442 Photo ID: 026444 Photo ID: 026447 Photo ID: 026449 Photo ID: 026454 Photo ID: 026456 Photo ID: 026458

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Galeria Medina Galeria Medina No Data


Located on the floor above the Museu Pio XII the gallery has a selection of works from the Portuguese painter Henrique Median


Joint ticket with Museu Pio XII, Galeria Medina and Torre Medieval

Getting There

Latitude: 41.548452; Longitude: -8.425848
What3Words: flags.panics.forgets


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2013), and on time of last update (28/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardim de Santa Bárbara Jardim de Santa Bárbara No Data


Located in the centre of town, and overlooking picturesque ruins and crenelated buildings of the university the gardens offer a pleasant green space to sit in or wander around



Getting There

Latitude: 41.551402; Longitude: -8.425881
What3Words: bubbles.bunch.pigs


Photo ID: 008801 Photo ID: 008802 Photo ID: 008803 Photo ID: 008804 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2013), and on time of last update (28/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museu Dom Diogo de Sousa Museu Dom Diogo de Sousa No Data


The city's main archaeological museum has a good collection of remains from the prehistoric era through until the Romans. There is a preserved mosaic from a former villa in the grounds



Getting There

Latitude: 41.546121; Longitude: -8.427139
What3Words: lucky.inhaled.prance


Photo ID: 008814 Photo ID: 008815 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2013), and on time of last update (28/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museu Pio XII Museu Pio XII No Data


The museum has an eclectic collection of religious artefacts and archaeological remains


Joint ticket with Museu Pio XII, Galeria Medina and Torre Medieval

Getting There

Latitude: 41.548492; Longitude: -8.425623
What3Words: starch.leotard.avocado


Photo ID: 008793 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2013), and on time of last update (28/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sé (Cathedral) Sé (Cathedral) No Data


One of the oldest buildings in Portugal the small Cathedral includes a stunning upper choir with a highly elaborate organ. From the small cloister are a number of chapel housing reliquaries.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.550033; Longitude: -8.427002
What3Words: goal.bill.instead


Photo ID: 008786 Photo ID: 008787 Photo ID: 008789 Photo ID: 008797 Photo ID: 008798 Photo ID: 008853 Photo ID: 008854

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2013), and on time of last update (28/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Termas Romanas do Alto Cidade (Roman Baths) Termas Romanas do Alto Cidade (Roman Baths) No Data


The remains of the baths and part of a theatre from the ancient Roman city. There is a short introductory video that shows you how the baths developed over the centuries of their use and how they were used. You can then wander around the outside of the ruins.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Fonte do Idolo and the Termas Romanas available

Getting There

Latitude: 41.546322; Longitude: -8.429579
What3Words: sliding.fork.politics


Photo ID: 008808 Photo ID: 008809 Photo ID: 008810 Photo ID: 008811 Photo ID: 008812 Photo ID: 008813 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2013), and on time of last update (28/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torre Medieval Torre Medieval No Data


Located across the square from the main part of Museu Pio XII the tower offers stunning views over the centre of Braga from the top floor.


Joint ticket with Museu Pio XII, Galeria Medina and Torre Medieval

Getting There

Latitude: 41.548078; Longitude: -8.426476
What3Words: ranch.penny.purest


Photo ID: 008790 Photo ID: 008791 Photo ID: 008792 Photo ID: 008793 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2013), and on time of last update (28/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bom Jesus Ascensor Bom Jesus Ascensor No Data


The quick way up, or down, from Bom Jesus. The Funicular is still water powered, with the tank on the car being filled at the top to make it heavier than the car at the bottom, letting it fall under its own weight whilst dragging the lighter car to the top. When the car gets to the bottom it empties it's tank, whilst the top car fills up.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.55474; Longitude: -8.380798
What3Words: spotted.drips.spike


Photo ID: 008833 Photo ID: 008839 Photo ID: 008849 Photo ID: 008850 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2013), and on time of last update (28/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Escadaria do Bom Jesus Escadaria do Bom Jesus No Data


The main reason for heading out this way, the staircase is divided into three sections, the first meanders up the lower part of the hill like a switch-back road, before you reach the Staircase of the five senses which rises more rapidly up the hill, with fountains at each level of the stairs, before you reach the final few flights of stairs up to the church and other buildings at the top



Getting There

Latitude: 41.554475; Longitude: -8.379449
What3Words: nozzles.bind.contour


Photo ID: 008822 Photo ID: 008823 Photo ID: 008824 Photo ID: 008825 Photo ID: 008828 Photo ID: 008830 Photo ID: 008831

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2013), and on time of last update (28/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Igreja Bom Jesus Igreja Bom Jesus No Data


After the stunning sight of the Escadaria do Bom Jesus the church is put a bit in the shade. There are the usual selection of side chapels and reliquaries.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.554768; Longitude: -8.376871
What3Words: resold.handy.funnels


Photo ID: 008829 Photo ID: 008838 Photo ID: 008840 Photo ID: 008847 Photo ID: 008848 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2013), and on time of last update (28/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bom Jesus do Monte Bom Jesus do Monte No Data


The main reasons for visiting are the stunning staircase (Escadaria do Bom Jesus) that leads up to the church, and the stunning views over the surrounding countryside and the city that can be had on a good day. There is a small café, a kiosk and a shop located at the top, along with a couple of Hotels and the church


Getting There

Take the number 2 bus from the centre of Braga to the end of the line. Here you can catch the Funicular railway up to the top, but this means you miss the stunning staircase, or you can climb up the staircase. A small kiosk near the bus stop sells water.
Latitude: 41.5547; Longitude: -8.377499
What3Words: capers.strict.enjoy


Photo ID: 008826 Photo ID: 008832 Photo ID: 008834 Photo ID: 008835 Photo ID: 008836 Photo ID: 008837 Photo ID: 008841

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2013), and on time of last update (28/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardim Botânico Jardim Botânico No Data


Run by the university and located just below the site, the gardens are a peaceful oasis in the centre of the city. Set around a sunken garden in the centre the gardens are on various levels, including a large greenhouse (which was closed at the time of visiting)



Getting There

Latitude: 40.205804; Longitude: -8.421428
What3Words: passion.thanks.progress


Photo ID: 011092 Photo ID: 011093 Photo ID: 011094 Photo ID: 011095 Photo ID: 011096 Photo ID: 011100 Photo ID: 011102

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2014), and on time of last update (19/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mosteiro de Santa Clara-a-Velha Mosteiro de Santa Clara-a-Velha No Data


The Old monastery of Santa Clara had to be abandoned in the 17th century after the continued inundation of the site by the river meant it was no longer habitable. Left to decay for a couple of hundred years it was declared a national monument in the first half of the 20th century, but it wasn't until the late 1990's that the draining, dredging and restoration really took place. Today you can wander around the ruins of the convent and look at the impressive tide marks that show just how high the water had inundated the building.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.202496; Longitude: -8.433289
What3Words: incline.promotes.reason


Photo ID: 011051 Photo ID: 011111 Photo ID: 011112 Photo ID: 011113 Photo ID: 011115 Photo ID: 011119 Photo ID: 011125

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2014), and on time of last update (19/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro No Data


Located in the former bishops palace the museum has undergone major renovation, which included the discovery of substantial Roman remains in the lower levels of the palace. Today along with the Roman remains there are substantial exhibits on sculpture as well as religious art and a selection of other artefacts that used to be on display in the old museum



Getting There

Latitude: 40.208991; Longitude: -8.425527
What3Words: forced.marker.reframe


Photo ID: 011043 Photo ID: 011069 Photo ID: 011077 Photo ID: 011080 Photo ID: 011081 Photo ID: 011082 Photo ID: 011084

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2014), and on time of last update (19/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sé Nova (New Cathedral) Sé Nova (New Cathedral) No Data


Built in a more ornate style than the Sé Velha, and much more richly ornamented inside, the New Cathedral is located in the heart of the university quarter.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.209706; Longitude: -8.424668
What3Words: chew.proposes.heads


Photo ID: 011039 Photo ID: 011040 Photo ID: 011041 Photo ID: 011042 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/02/2014), and on time of last update (19/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sé Velha (Old Cathedral) Sé Velha (Old Cathedral) No Data


The original cathedral of the city, built in a highly fortified style. Inside the cathedral is quite plain, there is a very pleasant cloister from which there are good views of the tiled cathedral dome



Getting There

Latitude: 40.208807; Longitude: -8.427077
What3Words: subsets.cosmetic.shunts


Photo ID: 011023 Photo ID: 011024 Photo ID: 011025 Photo ID: 011027 Photo ID: 011028 Photo ID: 011031 Photo ID: 011066

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/02/2014), and on time of last update (19/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Universtiy Quarter Universtiy Quarter No Data


Located on the top of the hill overlooking the city the University is the oldest and most important in Portugal, and one of the oldest in Europe. From it's dominating position the views over the city are stunning.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.207445; Longitude: -8.426009
What3Words: restore.renew.backup


Photo ID: 011033 Photo ID: 011035 Photo ID: 011036 Photo ID: 011037 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/02/2014), and on time of last update (19/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Animaris Boat Trip Animaris Boat Trip No Data


The company runs the ferry service that connects Faro to the Ilha Deserta. You can take a simple ferry crossing to the island, or you take a guided tour through the lagoon to the island. The later takes about an hour, compared to 30 minutes for the ferry, but you get to see more of the wildlife



Getting There

Latitude: 37.012249; Longitude: -7.936144
What3Words: elevator.fear.canny


Photo ID: 006887 Photo ID: 006888 Photo ID: 006889 Photo ID: 006890 Photo ID: 006891 Photo ID: 006913 Photo ID: 006914

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Capela dos Ossos Capela dos Ossos No Data


Located within the Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo this chapel is made entirely out of human bones (mostly leg and skulls). It's fascinating in a horribly grizzly way.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.020344; Longitude: -7.934878
What3Words: miracle.absorbs.tailors


Photo ID: 006846 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID:  Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Museum Cathedral Museum No Data


Located above the Cathedral the small museum has a selection of artefacts on show including vestments, reliquie and the ubiquitous monstrance's.


Charge, Combined ticket includes Tower, Cathedral and Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 37.013215; Longitude: -7.934822
What3Words: wisely.mammal.feelers


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Tower Cathedral Tower No Data


From the top of the bell tower of the cathedral there are stunning views over the Ria Formosa Nature Park and the Old Town.


Charge, Combined ticket includes Tower, Cathedral and Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 37.013303; Longitude: -7.935002
What3Words: extra.custard.zealous


Photo ID: 006836 Photo ID: 006837 Photo ID: 006843 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Faro Town Train Faro Town Train No Data


Starting by the Marina this land train tour takes in the key sights in the city centre, including the old town and some of the many churches. Includes a 10 minute stop outside the Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo to allow you to visit if the church is open



Getting There

Latitude: 37.015896; Longitude: -7.935348
What3Words: detail.lance.bronzed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo No Data


From the outside the church is larger than life, inside it's death by gilding with gold leaf everywhere



Getting There

Latitude: 37.020047; Longitude: -7.934779
What3Words: front.withdraw.chopper


Photo ID: 006846 Photo ID: 006847 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Igreja de São Pedro Igreja de São Pedro No Data


The plain exterior of the church belies the beautiful and light interior



Getting There

Latitude: 37.018653; Longitude: -7.934677
What3Words: crisps.bright.erase


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ilha Deserta Ilha Deserta No Data


A natural island which forms part of the outer barrier that protects, and creates, the Ria Formosa. The island is a long strip of sand and dunes. The south coast is a long sandy beach, the north coast sheltered coves and dunes. To protect the wildlife a boardwalk takes you along part of the North coast, it then turns in across the island and down to the South coast. Where it emerges is the Southerly most point in Portugal. A stunning restaurant and a couple of fishermen's huts by the mooring point for the ferry are the only buildings on the island, and once away from them you feel like you are on a deserted island.


Charge for the ferry to get you there

Getting There

Ferries leave from the landing stage near the Arco da Porta Nova.
Latitude: 36.965765; Longitude: -7.872777
What3Words: deems.barrier.stalwarts


Photo ID: 006892 Photo ID: 006895 Photo ID: 006899 Photo ID: 006900 Photo ID: 006902 Photo ID: 006906 Photo ID: 006910

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museu Municipal Museu Municipal No Data


The municipal museum houses a wide range of exhibits on the history and development of the region (it used to be called the Archaeological museum). This includes a large collection of paintings and Islamic artefacts



Getting There

Latitude: 37.012769; Longitude: -7.934017
What3Words: lizard.officers.shovels


Photo ID: 006850 Photo ID: 006851 Photo ID: 006852 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museu Regional do Algarve Museu Regional do Algarve No Data


The museum has a small collection of artefacts relating to traditional life in the Algarve from a water carriers cart to recreations of traditional Algarve homes



Getting There

Latitude: 37.016177; Longitude: -7.931389
What3Words: propose.lights.shears


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sé (Cathedral) Sé (Cathedral) No Data


The stunning, but small, Cathedral is the main building in the centre of the old town. Several highly decorated chapels surround the central nave. Outside there are further chapels in a pleasant courtyard


Charge, Combined ticket includes Tower, Cathedral and Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 37.013386; Longitude: -7.934819
What3Words: mattress.lucky.revision


Photo ID: 006834 Photo ID: 006836 Photo ID: 006837 Photo ID: 006838 Photo ID: 006843 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lagos: Fortaleza da Ponta da Bandeira Lagos: Fortaleza da Ponta da Bandeira No Data


Located at the mouth of the river this small fort overlooks a pleasant beach and now houses a small museum dedicated to Portuguese explorers, in particular Henry the Navigator



Getting There

Latitude: 37.099031; Longitude: -8.668317
What3Words: observes.radar.zoomed


Photo ID: 006869 Photo ID: 006870 Photo ID: 006873 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lagos: Igreja de Santa Maria Lagos: Igreja de Santa Maria No Data


Located on the Praça do Infante this large church is surprisingly light inside with an interesting mural behind the altar



Getting There

Latitude: 37.100081; Longitude: -8.670638
What3Words: backed.darker.sending


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lagos: Igreja de Santo António Lagos: Igreja de Santo António No Data


Lagos' answer to the Carmo in Faro this church takes ornate decoration to a new level


Charge, Combined with the Museu Municipal

Getting There

Latitude: 37.099617; Longitude: -8.67137
What3Words: records.drainage.collect


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lagos: Museu Municipal Lagos: Museu Municipal No Data


Located around the Santo António church the museum has an eclectic collection of almost everything from Roman remains and models of fishing boats to fine art and a coin collection from around Europe and the former Portuguese colonies.


Charge, Included the Ireja de Santo António

Getting There

Latitude: 37.099463; Longitude: -8.67126
What3Words: stubble.saucepan.potato


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lagos: Slave Market Lagos: Slave Market No Data


Lagos was the first place that slaves from Africa were traded and this building played it's part in the barbaric trade. Today it houses a small museum that doesn't pull it's punches about the impact that slavery had, or the toll in human life and misery.



Getting There

Latitude: 37.100612; Longitude: -8.671249
What3Words: rocker.crest.choppy


Photo ID: 006867 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sagres: Fortaleza de Sagres Sagres: Fortaleza de Sagres No Data


Located on a peninsular of land that juts out from the main land the fort itself is quite small, but the headland offers stunning views of the cliffs and across to the end of Europe - it's mouth South Westerly corner at Cabo de São Vicente



Getting There

Latitude: 37.000698; Longitude: -8.948249
What3Words: couples.afternoon.twinning


Photo ID: 006875 Photo ID: 006877 Photo ID: 006878 Photo ID: 006879 Photo ID: 006880 Photo ID: 006881 Photo ID: 006883

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tavira: Castle Tavira: Castle No Data


The ruins of the castle, offering stunning views over the town. As there is a complete lack of safety rails it's not one for people who are nervous about heights!



Getting There

Latitude: 37.125249; Longitude: -7.651243
What3Words: predictions.anxious.equally


Photo ID: 006921 Photo ID: 006922 Photo ID: 006923 Photo ID: 006924 Photo ID: 006928 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tavira: Ponte Romana Tavira: Ponte Romana No Data


The original Roman bridge across the river, and now the focal centre point of the town



Getting There

Latitude: 37.12693; Longitude: -7.649833
What3Words: mopped.heraldry.sedans


Photo ID: 006927 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tavira: Town Train Tavira: Town Train No Data


Starting from the North bank of the river, by the Roman Bridge the tour takes in the key sights of the town, when the driver can be bothered



Getting There

Latitude: 37.127124; Longitude: -7.649285
What3Words: saturated.boredom.margarine


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ayamonte Ayamonte No Data


A small Spanish town on the border with Portugal, offering good views down the river Guadiana and across into Portugal.


Getting There

From Faro take the irregular trains to Vila Real then walk to the harbour for the hourly ferry across the river
Latitude: 37.214154; Longitude: -7.408766
What3Words: priced.cute.panning


Photo ID: 006854 Photo ID: 006855 Photo ID: 006856 Photo ID: 006857 Photo ID: 006858 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lagos Lagos No Data


Lagos was once the capital of the Algarve, and from here many of the missions of discovery that built the Portuguese empire left. The town has strong links to Vasco da Gama and Henry the Navigator, sadly, it's also the birthplace of the Slave trade in Europe.


Getting There

From Faro there are irregular trains to Lagos taking around 1 hour 45 to make the journey
Latitude: 37.102732; Longitude: -8.673038
What3Words: recovery.flushed.wagers


Photo ID: 006866 Photo ID: 006868 Photo ID: 006871 Photo ID: 006872 Photo ID: 006874 Photo ID: 006884 Photo ID: 006885

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sagres Sagres No Data


Almost the end of Europe and a jumping off point to get to Cape St Vincent, the South West corner of Europe. Home to a stunning fortress


Getting There

From Faro take the irregular train to Lagos and change there for an irregular service to Sagres. From Lagos it's 55 minutes
Latitude: 37.007226; Longitude: -8.941334
What3Words: crikey.lifelong.griddles


Photo ID: 006875 Photo ID: 006876 Photo ID: 006879 Photo ID: 006880 Photo ID: 006882 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tavira Tavira No Data


Located just over half way between Faro and Vial Real the town has an ancient Roman bridge, stunning castle ruins, long stretches of beach and stunning restaurants


Getting There

From Faro there are semi-regular (about hourly, but different times each hour) trains to Tavira, taking around 40 minutes.
Latitude: 37.126195; Longitude: -7.64992
What3Words: daily.deal.embalmed


Photo ID: 006925 Photo ID: 006926 Photo ID: 006930 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vila Real de Santo Antonio Vila Real de Santo Antonio No Data


The end, or start, of Portugal depending on your view. This pleasant seaside town is on the river Guadiana overlooks the Spanish border and has a regular ferry connection across the water. To really mess with your head look across at Spain and realise you are looking an hour into the future (the GMT/CET line runs down the middle of the river)


Getting There

From Faro there are irregular trains to Vila Real taking around an hour
Latitude: 37.194568; Longitude: -7.415601
What3Words: seamstress.lengths.subscribe


Photo ID: 006853 Photo ID: 006854 Photo ID: 006855 Photo ID: 006859 Photo ID: 006860 Photo ID: 006861 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/02/2012), and on time of last update (25/02/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica de Estrela Basilica de Estrela No Data


The Basilica is the second most important church in Portugal and is an impressive domed structure. Inside it is quite dark, but filled with lots of paintings.


Free, Requested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 38.713099; Longitude: -9.160806
What3Words: mere.tubes.decisive


Photo ID: 001330 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cable Car Cable Car No Data


The Parque das Nações is massive and the easiest way to take it in is to catch the Cable Car that runs along the water front from the Oceanarium to the Vasco de Gama tower (which was sadly closed when I visited)



Getting There

Latitude: 38.773441; Longitude: -9.091449
What3Words: offline.mended.yappy


Photo ID: 001324 Photo ID: 002384 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castelo de São Jorge Castelo de São Jorge No Data


The castle is perched on the top of castle hill and has stunning views over the city centre and surrounding countryside. Inside the grounds the shell of the castle is all that remains, but you can climb up the ramparts for further views over the city. T


Charge, reduction with a Lisboa card

Getting There

Latitude: 38.71402; Longitude: -9.133608
What3Words: forces.flag.acre


Photo ID: 001299 Photo ID: 001300 Photo ID: 001301 Photo ID: 001302 Photo ID: 002376 Photo ID: 002377 Photo ID: 002379

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral and Cloister Cathedral and Cloister No Data


The cathedral is striking for it’s look. If you didn’t see the large rose window in the centre you would be convinced that from the front it was a mighty fortress or castle, even the towers are crenulated! Inside the cathedral is quite dark, with not muc


Free for the Cathedral, Charge for the Cloister

Getting There

Latitude: 38.709851; Longitude: -9.132997
What3Words: humidity.clips.care


Photo ID: 001297 Photo ID: 001298 Photo ID: 002380 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Convento de Carmo Convento de Carmo No Data


The roof and parts of the walls were destroyed in the earthquake that almost totally flattened Lisbon on 1st November 1755. The building now houses the an archaeological museum which displays many finds from across the city.


Charge, reduction with a Lisboa card

Getting There

Latitude: 38.712103; Longitude: -9.140389
What3Words: impaired.best.translated


Photo ID: 001289 Photo ID: 001302 Photo ID: 001331 Photo ID: 001332 Photo ID: 001333 Photo ID: 002402 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Elevators and Lifts Elevators and Lifts No Data


One Elevator and three Lifts (funicular railways) climb some of the hills of Lisbon, making getting around even easier. The structures are musuem pieces in themselves


Charge, free with a Lisboa card, or a day ticket for the transport network

Getting There

Latitude: 38.712137; Longitude: -9.13937
What3Words: steeped.deeper.remodel


Photo ID: 001287 Photo ID: 001288 Photo ID: 001289 Photo ID: 001295 Photo ID: 002359 Photo ID: 002360 Photo ID: 002401

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Estufa Fria Estufa Fria No Data


The cities Botanical gardens is made up of an sheltered outdoor area which acts as a temperate house, and a glasshouse containing further plants.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.72938; Longitude: -9.155935
What3Words: tanked.adding.bracing


Photo ID: 002405 Photo ID: 002406 Photo ID: 002407 Photo ID: 002408 Photo ID: 002409 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/11/2007), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oceanário Oceanário No Data


Oceanário, the Lisbon Oceanarium is the second largest in the world and the largest in Europe, as they keep reminding you every couple of meters! Inside the massive tank contains thousands of species and it is spectacular. If it was not for the sheer nu


Charge, reduction with a Lisboa card

Getting There

Latitude: 38.76352; Longitude: -9.093783
What3Words: teaching.honest.outings


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Open Top Tour - Olicipio Open Top Tour - Olicipio No Data


The Olicipio tour runs up the coast from the Praça do Comércio to the Parque das Nações and then back through the top of the town before coming down through the Bario Alto and back to the Praça do Comércio. The tour lasts about 90 minutes and has multi-l


Charge, reduction with a Lisboa card

Getting There

Latitude: 38.708074; Longitude: -9.135864
What3Words: homework.supplier.solar


Photo ID: 001325 Photo ID: 001327 Photo ID: 001328 Photo ID: 001329 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Open Top Tour - Tagus Open Top Tour - Tagus No Data


The Tegas tour takes in the main sights in the city centre before heading off down the coast to Belém, returning back via Cais do Sodré. The tour lasts about 1 hour 45 minutes and has multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary


Charge, reduction with a Lisboa card

Getting There

Latitude: 38.708175; Longitude: -9.135907
What3Words: grower.rashers.restless


Photo ID: 001325 Photo ID: 001329 Photo ID: 001334 Photo ID: 001335 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Panteão Nacional (Santa Engrácia) Panteão Nacional (Santa Engrácia) No Data


The Panteão is the most important church in the country and is where some of the leading lights in Portuguese history are laid to rest. In the main body of the church, the tombs of the country’s greatest Poet lies along side that of Vasco de Gama and Pri


Charge, free with a Lisboa card

Getting There

Latitude: 38.715021; Longitude: -9.124682
What3Words: multiple.tailed.prawn


Photo ID: 001328 Photo ID: 001342 Photo ID: 001343 Photo ID: 001344 Photo ID: 001345 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parque das Nações Parque das Nações No Data


This was originally the sight of the World Expo is 1998 and has now been turned into a large exhibition and open space for the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.767653; Longitude: -9.095821
What3Words: gladiators.prices.insiders


Photo ID: 001321 Photo ID: 001322 Photo ID: 001323 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

São Roque São Roque No Data


From the outside this very plane looking church is deceptive. Inside there is so much decoration, that you have to look several times to truly believe that there is this much inside



Getting There

Latitude: 38.713589; Longitude: -9.143484
What3Words: alleges.speech.viewers


Photo ID: 002381 Photo ID: 002382 Photo ID: 002383 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/11/2007), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tram tour Tram tour No Data


The tram, an original from the 1960’s goes round the city up and down many of the hills that the city is built on, and past large numbers of the main sights including the castle and cathedral.


Charge, reduction with a Lisboa card

Getting There

Latitude: 38.707723; Longitude: -9.137398
What3Words: grab.seagull.counters


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trams Trams No Data


The trams in Lisbon are a vital part of the transport network, but they are also a key tourist attraction. Route 28 runs from one side of the city to the other going up and down the many hills and taking in several of the major sights including the cathe


Charge, free with a Lisboa card, or a day ticket for the transport network

Getting There

Latitude: 38.708183; Longitude: -9.137052
What3Words: shocks.packets.opens


Photo ID: 001294 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

View Points View Points No Data


Located at regular intervals around the tops of the hills are view points where you can get stunning views over different parts of the city and the Rio Toja



Getting There

Latitude: 38.712256; Longitude: -9.130207
What3Words: cobbles.monkey.sofa


Photo ID: 001296 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Almada: Cristo Rei Almada: Cristo Rei No Data


The statue of Christ standing over Rio de Janeiro is one of the most famous sights in the world. In the 1950’s a small but similar statue was built on the hill on the opposite side of the river from Lisbon to give thanks that Portugal managed to stay out



Getting There

Regular ferries run from the terminal by Cais do Sodré station to Cacilhas where the 101 bus runs to the base of the Cristo Rei
Latitude: 38.678676; Longitude: -9.17146
What3Words: indicate.rejected.kilts


Photo ID: 001316 Photo ID: 001317 Photo ID: 001318 Photo ID: 001319 Photo ID: 001320 Photo ID: 002399 Photo ID: 002400

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belém: Land train Belém: Land train No Data


Just outside the monastery is the starting point for the Belém land train which runs around the town centre taking in all the main sights before climbing into the hills above the town for more views of the river, before returning back to the monastery. T


Charge, reduction with a Lisboa card

Getting There

Latitude: 38.697476; Longitude: -9.20496
What3Words: october.tougher.nervy


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belém: Monument das Descobertas Belém: Monument das Descobertas No Data


Built as part of a world exhibition held in Belém in the 1940’s it shows some of the most important figures in Portuguese martime history, topped by Vasco de Gama and Henry the Navigator (the two that everyone has heard of). The monument is hollow inside


Charge, reduction with a Lisboa card

Getting There

Latitude: 38.693624; Longitude: -9.205733
What3Words: guardian.veto.trend


Photo ID: 001336 Photo ID: 002390 Photo ID: 002391 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belém: Mosteiro dos Jerónimos Belém: Mosteiro dos Jerónimos No Data


The church is quite impressive, but absolutely heaving with tourists. The cloister is even more impressive and as you have to pay to get into it quite a lot quieter. The cloister is bizarrely two storeys high and includes an exhibition which charts the


Charge, free with a Lisboa card

Getting There

Latitude: 38.698155; Longitude: -9.205781
What3Words: help.prude.payout


Photo ID: 001290 Photo ID: 001339 Photo ID: 001340 Photo ID: 001341 Photo ID: 002386 Photo ID: 002388 Photo ID: 002389

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belém: Torre de Belém Belém: Torre de Belém No Data


Originally built in the middle of the river as a defensive structure it sort of lost its purpose when the course of the river shifted after the 1755 earthquake, and it now finds itself a couple of metres off the bank at Belém. The tower is one of the mos


Charge, free with a Lisboa card

Getting There

Latitude: 38.691585; Longitude: -9.215979
What3Words: suspect.airports.skills


Photo ID: 001291 Photo ID: 001292 Photo ID: 001337 Photo ID: 001338 Photo ID: 002392 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cascais: Boca do Inferno (Mouth of Hell) Cascais: Boca do Inferno (Mouth of Hell) No Data


Boca do Inferno, literally “Mouth of Hell”, a square opening in the cliffs which has been warn away by the waves which sucks water in forces it back out again with spectacular results.



Getting There

BusCas runs round the town centre from the station stopping at the Boca do Inferno
Latitude: 38.690689; Longitude: -9.430754
What3Words: salsa.styled.prance


Photo ID: 001304 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sintra: Castelo dos Mouros (Moorish Castle) Sintra: Castelo dos Mouros (Moorish Castle) No Data


This is perched on the top of the next highest hill and again has stunning views. The only parts of the castle that remain are the outer defence walls, but you can climb up them to take in the views (though not particularly good if you have vertigo as th


Charge, reduction with a Lisboa card

Getting There

From Sintra station the 434 bus runs directly to the main entrance
Latitude: 38.792961; Longitude: -9.390135
What3Words: squealing.oppress.hiked


Photo ID: 001308 Photo ID: 001312 Photo ID: 001313 Photo ID: 001314 Photo ID: 002363 Photo ID: 002371 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sintra: Palácio de Pena Sintra: Palácio de Pena No Data


The palace is built on the top of the highest hill in the area and has stunning views. The palace is stunning in itself with several different building styles and colours having gone into it. It is also one of the busiest tourist attractions in Portugal


Charge, reduction with a Lisboa card

Getting There

From Sintra station the 434 bus runs directly to the main entrance
Latitude: 38.787576; Longitude: -9.390671
What3Words: midriff.headquarters.crossfire


Photo ID: 001306 Photo ID: 001307 Photo ID: 001308 Photo ID: 001309 Photo ID: 001310 Photo ID: 001311 Photo ID: 001314

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sintra: Palácio Nacional Sintra: Palácio Nacional No Data


This is a less interesting palace than the Palácio de Pena, but there is still lots to see including the kitchens with their strange double chimneys, making the back of the palace look a little like a Kentish hop house.


Charge, reduction with a Lisboa card

Getting There

From Sintra station the 433 or 434 buses run to the centre of town, where it’s a short walk to the palace
Latitude: 38.797648; Longitude: -9.390671
What3Words: catsuit.logging.curdle


Photo ID: 001311 Photo ID: 001315 Photo ID: 002372 Photo ID: 002373 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Almada Almada No Data


Located on the opposite bank of the Rio Toja from Lisbon the area is the home of the Cristo Rei statue that stands over the city


Getting There

Regular ferries run from the terminal by Cais do Sodré station to Cacilhas where the 101 bus runs to the base of the Cristo Rei
Latitude: 38.682043; Longitude: -9.15586
What3Words: pastels.statue.going


Photo ID: 001317 Photo ID: 002395 Photo ID: 002398 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belèm Belèm No Data


Home to some of the most important monuments and building in Portugal, Belém is now a suburb of Lisbon, but has it’s own identity


Getting There

There are regular trains from Cais do Sodré station to Belém taking about 10 minutes, but the station is quite a walk to most of the attractions in the town. Alternativly tram 15 runs to the Mosterio dos Jerónimos (also for the Monument das Decobertas) a
Latitude: 38.696061; Longitude: -9.206049
What3Words: cowboys.paper.bristle


Photo ID: 001290 Photo ID: 001293 Photo ID: 001336 Photo ID: 001339 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cascais Cascais No Data


Lisbon-on-Sea, located 30 minutes train ride from Lisbon this is a very pretty sea-side town with lots of beaches


Getting There

From Lisbon's Cais do Sodré station there are regular trains to Cascais taking about 30 minutes
Latitude: 38.696765; Longitude: -9.421506
What3Words: mini.chatting.monument


Photo ID: 001303 Photo ID: 001304 Photo ID: 002393 Photo ID: 002394 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sintra Sintra No Data


Home to some of the best castles and palaces in Lisbon, Sintra has lots to see and do


Getting There

From Lisbon's Sete Rios (Rossio once the rebuilding works are completed) station there are regular trains to Sintra taking about 35 minutes
Latitude: 38.796691; Longitude: -9.391186
What3Words: sleeved.joshing.payrolls


Photo ID: 001306 Photo ID: 001307 Photo ID: 001311 Photo ID: 001312 Photo ID: 001314 Photo ID: 001315 Photo ID: 002374

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2006), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

BeDriven: East Island Full Day Tour BeDriven: East Island Full Day Tour No Data


The tour starts by heading out of Funchal to the town of Camacha and a visit to the Wicker Factory there. After a stop to look round the factory the tour heads up into the mountains to the top of Pico Areeiro - the 3rd highest peak on the island and the highest one that can be accessed by road vehicles. After a stop at the peak the tour headed back down through the pass the links the north and south of the island stopping in Ribeiro Frio to have a look around and then continuing onto Santana for a lunch stop. After lunch the tour should have headed up into the mountains again for views over the east of the island, but due to roads still closed from the earlier storms and the weather we instead headed straight to the viewpoint at the eastern end of the island for it's stunning views along both the North and South coasts at the same time. From there it was a short drive into Machico for the final stop of the day before heading back into Funchal. The tour I was on was generally OK, though the driver did appear to be a little disinterested at time and was only giving a basic commentary on what we were seeing.


Getting There

Latitude: 32.750675; Longitude: -16.708891
What3Words: incorporate.refines.anybody


Photo ID: 022168 Photo ID: 022184 Photo ID: 022196 Photo ID: 022202 Photo ID: 022208 Photo ID: 022210 Photo ID: 022214

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blandy's Wine Lodge Tour Blandy's Wine Lodge Tour No Data


Tour round one of the original city centre wine lodges to see how Madeira wine is produced and the different types. The tour ends with a tasting of two different types of Madeira



Getting There

Latitude: 32.648268; Longitude: -16.91023
What3Words: media.prawn.implore


Photo ID: 017223 Photo ID: 017224 Photo ID: 017225 Photo ID: 017226 Photo ID: 017227 Photo ID: 017228 Photo ID: 017229

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2016), and on time of last update (17/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing: Red and Green Lines City Sightseeing: Red and Green Lines No Data


Red open-top double decker's run regular hop-on-hop-off tours that take in the key sights in the city centre before heading out to Câmara de Lobos. Tours last around 90 minutes and include a multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary



Getting There

Latitude: 32.646377; Longitude: -16.91118
What3Words: weaned.over.dairies


Photo ID: 017042 Photo ID: 017048 Photo ID: 017049 Photo ID: 017051 Photo ID: 017052 Photo ID: 017054 Photo ID: 017057

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/04/2016), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Monte Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Monte No Data


A beautiful church located high above the city, that also happens to be the last resting place of the last Habsburg King. From the church there are stunning views over the city and the sea.



Getting There

Buses leave from the city centre climbing up to near the entrance. Alternatively take the Cable Car from the city centre and then walk the short distance to the church
Latitude: 32.675993; Longitude: -16.90252
What3Words: robots.mystery.outline


Photo ID: 017144 Photo ID: 017145 Photo ID: 017146 Photo ID: 017147 Photo ID: 017148 Photo ID: 017149 Photo ID: 017150

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2016), and on time of last update (17/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardim Botânico da Madeira Jardim Botânico da Madeira No Data


A large botanical garden clinging to the side of the cliffs above the city centre. There are a range of plants including species endemic to Madeira as well as many plants that thrive in the climate.


Charge, discount combi tickets for other attractions available

Getting There

Buses leave from the city centre climbing up to the entrance. For a more interesting way of reaching the gardens take the Cable car to Monte and then the Botanical Gardens cable car from Monte down to the gardens themselves. A joint ticket is available from the cable car station in the centre of Funchal covering round trips on both cable cars and entrance to the gardens
Latitude: 32.662148; Longitude: -16.895655
What3Words: pink.confined.amber


Photo ID: 017093 Photo ID: 017097 Photo ID: 017100 Photo ID: 017104 Photo ID: 017107 Photo ID: 017109 Photo ID: 017116

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2016), and on time of last update (17/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardim Tropical Monte Palace Jardim Tropical Monte Palace No Data


A former palace gardens, now turned into a tropical gardens that you can wander through. A mixture of styles including Portuguese and Japanese. Terraces link all the way down to the bottom of the site from where it's a hefty walk back up, or €2 for a buggy ride back up to the main entrance


Charge, discount combi tickets for other attractions available

Getting There

Buses leave from the city centre climbing up to near the entrance. Alternatively take the Cable Car from the city centre up to the top station which is right by the entrance. Combi tickets are available that include the return cable car journey and entrance to the gardens
Latitude: 32.676055; Longitude: -16.901108
What3Words: deduct.ticking.physics


Photo ID: 017122 Photo ID: 017125 Photo ID: 017126 Photo ID: 017130 Photo ID: 017134 Photo ID: 017137 Photo ID: 017141

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2016), and on time of last update (17/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Madeira Film Experience Madeira Film Experience No Data


A 30 minute film charting the history of the islands from their volcanic foundations through to the discovery and population by the Portuguese up to the modern day.



Getting There

Latitude: 32.646658; Longitude: -16.91181
What3Words: seaside.tulip.relating


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2016), and on time of last update (17/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Madeira Seekers: West Island Full Day Tour Madeira Seekers: West Island Full Day Tour No Data


The tour starts by heading out to Câmara de Lobos for a quick stop before taking the scenic route up to Cabo Girão. After a quick photo stop the journey continues down along the coast to Ribeira Brava where there's a stop to have a look round the town. From there the tour normally heads straight up into the mountains with a 20 minute stop for a walk along a Lavada. However, due to the storms a few days earlier several of the mountain roads were closed, and weather conditions were poor - so we took a much longer, but possibly more scenic route up into the mountains and down the other side into Porto Moniz. Here there is a stop for an included lunch and a look round the town before the tour heads along the North coast taking a stop at a view point outside Seixal and a stop in São Vicente. From São Vicente the tour returns back through the mountains to the South coast and Funchal. The tour I was on was well run with an excellent driver who explained a lot about what we were seeing and some of the history of the area.



Getting There

Latitude: 32.868219; Longitude: -17.170523
What3Words: thunder.basecamp.ramming


Photo ID: 022098 Photo ID: 022101 Photo ID: 022105 Photo ID: 022109 Photo ID: 022133 Photo ID: 022147 Photo ID: 022155

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Magic Dolphin Catamaran Tour Magic Dolphin Catamaran Tour No Data


A 3 hour sail out of Funchal and along the coast to the Cabo Girão. Along the way the crew keep an eye out for whales, dolphins and turtles - so long as the weather is OK. On the day I went there were quite rough seas and the crew spent a lot of their time fetching sick bags for a couple of the less sea going passengers.



Getting There

Latitude: 32.646214; Longitude: -16.909982
What3Words: prices.deflate.evening


Photo ID: 017201 Photo ID: 017204 Photo ID: 017212 Photo ID: 017215 Photo ID: 017219 Photo ID: 017220 Photo ID: 017222

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2016), and on time of last update (17/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Se Se No Data


The city's cathedral and the largest church on the island. Once home to the largest diocese on the planet (Madeira, Azores and all Portuguese colonies) it's finely decorated inside with lots of gold and rich wood.



Getting There

Latitude: 32.648204; Longitude: -16.908084
What3Words: fees.violin.jetting


Photo ID: 017062 Photo ID: 017231 Photo ID: 017232 Photo ID: 026672 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2016), and on time of last update (17/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Teleférico do Funchal Teleférico do Funchal No Data


Gondolier cable car linking the sea front to Monte high above the city centre. The journey takes around 15 minutes and offers stunning views over the rooftops of the city and to the wider countryside.


Charge, discount combi tickets for other attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 32.647209; Longitude: -16.902252
What3Words: film.revisit.lifted


Photo ID: 017077 Photo ID: 017078 Photo ID: 017079 Photo ID: 017080 Photo ID: 017081 Photo ID: 017121 Photo ID: 017151

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2016), and on time of last update (17/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Teleférico do Jardim Botânico Teleférico do Jardim Botânico No Data


Running from near the Monte top station of the Teleférico do Funchal this shorter cable car links across to the Botanical gardens across a ravine. Stunning views and an interesting way to approach a botanical garden


Charge, discount combi tickets for other attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 32.676635; Longitude: -16.89932
What3Words: herds.exam.invested


Photo ID: 017084 Photo ID: 017087 Photo ID: 017088 Photo ID: 017117 Photo ID: 017118 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2016), and on time of last update (17/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yellow Bus: Câmara de Lobos Tour Yellow Bus: Câmara de Lobos Tour No Data


A 90 minute hop-on-hop-off open-top tour that heads West out of the town and along the coast to the neighbouring town of Câmara de Lobos. A multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary tells you more about the sites and some of the history of Câmara de Lobos, Funchal and Madeira


Charge, single day ticket for the Lobos and Girão tour or 48 hour ticket for all three tours

Getting There

Latitude: 32.646253; Longitude: -16.911541
What3Words: shirt.pursuit.amount


Photo ID: 017186 Photo ID: 017187 Photo ID: 017189 Photo ID: 022069 Photo ID: 022070 Photo ID: 022072 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/04/2016), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yellow Bus: Funchal Tour Yellow Bus: Funchal Tour No Data


A 75 minute hop-on-hop-off open-top tour round the key sights in the city centre and up to one of the main view points above the town. A multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary tells you more about the sites and some of the history of both Funchal and Madeira


Charge, single day ticket for one tour or 48 hour ticket for all three tours

Getting There

Latitude: 32.646308; Longitude: -16.911401
What3Words: minds.supposed.roof


Photo ID: 017192 Photo ID: 017193 Photo ID: 017194 Photo ID: 017195 Photo ID: 017200 Photo ID: 022073 Photo ID: 022080

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/04/2016), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cabo Girão Cabo Girão No Data


The second highest sea cliff with a vertical drop in the world, offering stunning views made slightly scarier by the viewing platform being out over the edge of the cliff, and the floor made of glass.



Getting There

There are buses from Câmara de Lobos but the easiest way to get to the Viewing Platform is to take either the Yellow Bus tour, or pick up the land train from Câmara de Lobos
Latitude: 32.656498; Longitude: -17.005025
What3Words: tiredly.epic.wrenched


Photo ID: 017171 Photo ID: 017172 Photo ID: 017173 Photo ID: 017175 Photo ID: 017176 Photo ID: 017177 Photo ID: 017181

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/04/2016), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Camacha: Wicker Factory Camacha: Wicker Factory No Data


The factory is one of the last of what was once a large industry on the island. The top floor of the centre houses a café and a gift shop. The next floor down houses some examples of the wicker makes work and the bottom floor houses the factory itself where several people are working making products from the initial splitting of the wood to the final finished product.


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 32.678746; Longitude: -16.844577
What3Words: indicate.shot.cave


Photo ID: 022169 Photo ID: 022170 Photo ID: 022171 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santana: Casas Típicas de Santana Santana: Casas Típicas de Santana No Data


A collection of five small thatched houses that were typical dwellings on the island in the past. Today they house artisan businesses.


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 32.805418; Longitude: -16.882625
What3Words: lengthy.allergic.laziness


Photo ID: 022199 Photo ID: 022201 Photo ID: 022202 Photo ID: 022203 Photo ID: 022204 Photo ID: 022205 Photo ID: 022206

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yellow Bus: Cabo Girão Tour Yellow Bus: Cabo Girão Tour No Data


A shuttle bus service that runs from Câmara de Lobos up to the viewing platform at Cabo Girão. The journey takes around 20 minutes and does not include any commentary


Charge, single day ticket for the Lobos and Girão tour or 48 hour ticket for all three tours

Getting There

The tour leaves from the Yellow Bus tour stop in Câmara de Lobos so the easiest way of reaching it is to take the tour bus there. The timetable is supposed to have the busses connecting, though that didn't work when I went on the tour
Latitude: 32.648529; Longitude: -16.974192
What3Words: develop.fairly.enlarge


Photo ID: 017170 Photo ID: 017174 Photo ID: 017179 Photo ID: 017182 Photo ID: 022101 Photo ID: 022102 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/04/2016), and on time of last update (17/04/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Câmara de Lobos Câmara de Lobos No Data


Small fishing village, though the main fishing port of the island, located a few kilometres along the coast from Funchal. It's a pleasant town to wander round and very easy to get to. It's picturesque houses have drawn numerous artists, Winston Churchill amongst them.


Getting There

There are regular buses from Funchal to Câmara de Lobos, alternatively both of the open-top bus tours go out here.
Latitude: 32.648148; Longitude: -16.976985
What3Words: pushing.shins.stepping


Photo ID: 017052 Photo ID: 017057 Photo ID: 017059 Photo ID: 017183 Photo ID: 017185 Photo ID: 017186 Photo ID: 017187

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2016), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Camacha Camacha No Data


A short drive from Funchal the town is today the centre of the wicker industry in the island with a factory and exhibition showing the history of wicker work and how it is carried out today.


Getting There

There are regular buses from Funchal to Camacha
Latitude: 32.6794288; Longitude: -16.8448329
What3Words: insect.safari.october


Photo ID: 022166 Photo ID: 022168 Photo ID: 022169 Photo ID: 022170 Photo ID: 022171 Photo ID: 022172 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Machico Machico No Data


Located on the South East coast this is one of the key seaside resorts of the island, with one of only two golden sand beaches (imported every couple of years from the Sahara before it gets washed away again)


Getting There

There are regular buses from Funchal to Machico
Latitude: 32.7184631; Longitude: -16.7658069
What3Words: zips.surfed.fended


Photo ID: 022217 Photo ID: 022218 Photo ID: 022219 Photo ID: 022220 Photo ID: 022221 Photo ID: 022222 Photo ID: 022223

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pico Areeiro Pico Areeiro No Data


The 3rd highest peak on the island, and the highest that is accessible by road vehicles. From the top - if the weather is kind - there should be good views over the whole island.


Getting There

The only way to get to Pico Areeiro without your own transport is on a guided tour from Funchal. Many companies offer these
Latitude: 32.7355775; Longitude: -16.9286418
What3Words: secured.unclench.quarrel


Photo ID: 022177 Photo ID: 022179 Photo ID: 022180 Photo ID: 022182 Photo ID: 022183 Photo ID: 022184 Photo ID: 022185

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porto Moniz Porto Moniz No Data


Located on the North West coast where the combination of rocks and the sea have formed natural pools that for many years have been used as natural bathing pools - regularly refreshed at each high tide (or on a stormy day when I visited constantly) by the sea washing over them. The surrounding mountains make for a beautiful setting.


Getting There

There are regular buses from Funchal to Porto Moniz
Latitude: 32.867774; Longitude: -17.169198
What3Words: rowdier.swimming.commenting


Photo ID: 022128 Photo ID: 022134 Photo ID: 022135 Photo ID: 022138 Photo ID: 022140 Photo ID: 022142 Photo ID: 022143

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ribeira Brava Ribeira Brava No Data


Located at the end of a major river on the South West part of the island the town has a small harbour separated from the rest of the settlement by a tunnel through the cliffs. There is an impressive church in the town centre.


Getting There

There are regular buses from Funchal t Ribeira Brava
Latitude: 32.671242; Longitude: -17.064878
What3Words: withholding.unpublished.edit


Photo ID: 022108 Photo ID: 022109 Photo ID: 022110 Photo ID: 022114 Photo ID: 022116 Photo ID: 022120 Photo ID: 022124

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ribeiro Frio Ribeiro Frio No Data


A key point on the valley that forms the main pass from the South to the North of the island. Today it is in the centre of a laurisilva forest and has a number of Lavada walks running through it. It also has a trout farm that you can look around, along with a number of cafes and restaurants.


Getting There

There are regular buses from Funchal to Ribeiro Frio
Latitude: 32.7347647; Longitude: -16.8866287
What3Words: dearer.cleanses.pebble


Photo ID: 022186 Photo ID: 022187 Photo ID: 022188 Photo ID: 022189 Photo ID: 022190 Photo ID: 022194 Photo ID: 022195

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Santana Santana No Data


Located in the hills above the North coast the town houses a collection of traditional Madeiran houses.


Getting There

There are regular buses from Funchal to Santana
Latitude: 32.8051036; Longitude: -16.8819198
What3Words: reduction.trended.porridge


Photo ID: 022199 Photo ID: 022200 Photo ID: 022201 Photo ID: 022202 Photo ID: 022204 Photo ID: 022205 Photo ID: 022206

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

São Vicente São Vicente No Data


Located in a valley bottom on the North coast, and protected by the winds by the high mountains that surround it, the town has a pleasant gothic church as well as a small arboretum showing the different types of trees that make up the laurisilva forests of the island.


Getting There

There are regular buses from Funchal to São Vicente
Latitude: 32.8037645; Longitude: -17.0462493
What3Words: imaginary.reattach.stature


Photo ID: 022152 Photo ID: 022153 Photo ID: 022154 Photo ID: 022155 Photo ID: 022156 Photo ID: 022157 Photo ID: 022161

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seixal Seixal No Data


A small harbour town on the north coast of the island. Just outside of town a view point on the old coast road shows how narrow and dangerous the old road used to be - with waterfalls pouring over the edge and the cliff falls since it closed in 2005 slowly eating away at what's left of the road


Getting There

There are regular buses from Funchal to Seixal
Latitude: 32.824707; Longitude: -17.106958
What3Words: underfed.imagery.credibly


Photo ID: 022144 Photo ID: 022146 Photo ID: 022147 Photo ID: 022148 Photo ID: 022149 Photo ID: 022150 Photo ID: 022151

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/03/2018), and on time of last update (18/03/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Miradouro Pico dos Barcelos Miradouro Pico dos Barcelos No Data


Located high above Funchal from this view point there are excellent views over the city, up into the hills beind it and along the coast towards Câmara de Lobos and Cabo Girão. The viewpoint also has public toilets and a small café where you can sit and enjoy the views with a drink



Getting There

Latitude: 32.658691; Longitude: -16.939432
What3Words: scarcely.fakes.cheerful


Photo ID: 026690 Photo ID: 026693 Photo ID: 026696 Photo ID: 026699 Photo ID: 026701 Photo ID: 026703 Photo ID: 026706

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing: Blue Line City Sightseeing: Blue Line No Data


The Blue line follows the Red line for the first part of it's tour, but instead of heading off down Boavista Avenue the bus returns back into town and then crosses over the River Douro and does a circuit around Vila Nova de Gaia before returning to the city centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.14449; Longitude: -8.610745
What3Words: promote.started.tuxedos


Photo ID: 044692 Photo ID: 044693 Photo ID: 044695 Photo ID: 044699 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing: Red Line City Sightseeing: Red Line No Data


This tour starts from the Cathedral and heads round through the centre of town before heading out along Boavista Avenue to the Coast at Castelo do Queijo. From there the service runs south along the Atlantic coast to Foz to Douro at the mouth of the river where it then turns inland and follows the river back to the City Centre. If you time it right (Departing the Cathedral around one hour before sunset) you can watch the sun set into the Atlantic from the top of the bus as it travels along the coast road.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.144367; Longitude: -8.610715
What3Words: composer.suitable.tribes


Photo ID: 044614 Photo ID: 044618 Photo ID: 044622 Photo ID: 044627 Photo ID: 044639 Photo ID: 044640 Photo ID: 044729

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Doro Cruises Doro Cruises No Data


Several companies offer 50-60 minute cruises up and down the Douro running from either the Ribeira or from the Gaia Waterfront. The tours run up the river to the Railway bridges, turn come back through the centre down to the last bridge before the sea, turn again and then return to the starting point. They offer excellent views of both Porto and Gaia, even if the tour I was on (and by the looks of it all the others) have no commentary


Charge, Discount with a Porto Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.140168; Longitude: -8.612985
What3Words: draining.mess.vows


Photo ID: 044648 Photo ID: 044649 Photo ID: 044650 Photo ID: 044656 Photo ID: 044660 Photo ID: 044667 Photo ID: 044668

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2011), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Miradouro da Igreja de São Lourenço Miradouro da Igreja de São Lourenço No Data


One of several viewing points on the side the of the hill that the cathedral is located on that look down into the valley below the cathedral and across the rest of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 41.142135; Longitude: -8.612987
What3Words: dandelions.orange.rival


Photo ID: 044493 Photo ID: 044494 Photo ID: 044495 Photo ID: 044496 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Miradouro da Rua das Aldas Miradouro da Rua das Aldas No Data


One of several viewing points on the side the of the hill that the cathedral is located on that look down into the valley below the cathedral and across the rest of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 41.142471; Longitude: -8.612647
What3Words: snitch.reaction.skipped


Photo ID: 044488 Photo ID: 044489 Photo ID: 044490 Photo ID: 044491 Photo ID: 044492 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palácio da Bolsa Palácio da Bolsa No Data


The Stock Exchange building was built in a former monastery. Today the stock exchange has moved to Lisbon so tourists can now take in the opulent surroundings, including the spectacular Arabian room at the end of the compulsory guided tour.


Charge, Discount with a Porto Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.141377; Longitude: -8.615668
What3Words: vampire.gained.episode


Photo ID: 005550 Photo ID: 044498 Photo ID: 044619 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2011), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pelourinho do Porto Pelourinho do Porto No Data


A twisting pillory column located in the square outside of the cathedral. From here there is a viewing spot to look out over the city, the river and Vila Nova de Gaia



Getting There

Latitude: 41.142553; Longitude: -8.611998
What3Words: whom.cover.humble


Photo ID: 044482 Photo ID: 044484 Photo ID: 044486 Photo ID: 044601 Photo ID: 044606 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ponte de Dom Luis I Ponte de Dom Luis I No Data


The bridge is the main link between Porto and Gaia, linking the waterfront at Ribeira with the port wine lodges. The bridge is a strange construction with the main deck running across the top of the structure at the same hight as the cathedral, with a much lower deck suspended beneath it. The top deck is open to pedestrians and the Metro line D, lower deck is the main road to the waterfront and heavily used by tour and service buses. As the bridge faces almost due West it's a popular place to visit to watch the sunset.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.139956; Longitude: -8.609423
What3Words: wheels.balanced.coast


Photo ID: 005484 Photo ID: 005493 Photo ID: 005498 Photo ID: 005523 Photo ID: 005524 Photo ID: 005533 Photo ID: 005536

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2011), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

San Francisco San Francisco No Data


The church is no longer in active use and now houses a museum, and in it's crypt a slightly creepy Ossuary and tombs. The church itself is a stunning example of what you can do if money and gold are in plentiful supply, the place absolutely drips with gold from every surface


Charge, Discount with a Porto Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.140989; Longitude: -8.61614
What3Words: betrayal.over.resist


Photo ID: 044621 Photo ID: 044674 Photo ID: 044677 Photo ID: 044680 Photo ID: 044684 Photo ID: 044687 Photo ID: 044689

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2011), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

São Bento Station São Bento Station No Data


Perhaps one of the prettiest stations on the planet - the main hall of the station is decorated with over 20,000 ceramic tiles depicting events from Portuguese history


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 41.14556; Longitude: -8.610542
What3Words: yarn.removing.rooms


Photo ID: 044793 Photo ID: 044794 Photo ID: 044796 Photo ID: 044797 Photo ID: 044798 Photo ID: 044799 Photo ID: 044800

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sé No Data


The Cathedral occupies a stunning location overlooking the Douro and the rest of the city centre. Inside the cathedral you can visit the double level cloister, treasury and small museum, as well as climb one of the towers for views over the city.


Charge, Discount with a Porto Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.142853; Longitude: -8.611003
What3Words: frost.joggers.chose


Photo ID: 044485 Photo ID: 044609 Photo ID: 044703 Photo ID: 044704 Photo ID: 044711 Photo ID: 044725 Photo ID: 044728

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2011), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torre dos Clérigos Torre dos Clérigos No Data


The tower is the highest building in the city centre, and from the top the views over the city centre are stunning. It's well worth the 200 or so step climb to reach the top.


Charge, Discount with a Porto Card

Getting There

Latitude: 41.145697; Longitude: -8.614471
What3Words: fronted.lower.widgets


Photo ID: 005497 Photo ID: 005507 Photo ID: 005508 Photo ID: 005546 Photo ID: 044471 Photo ID: 044627 Photo ID: 044628

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2011), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yellow Bus Tour: Castles Yellow Bus Tour: Castles No Data


This open-top sightseeing tour runs along the edge of the Douro and then the Atlantic coast to the nearby port town of Matosinhos before returning back through the city centre.


Charge, Discount with a Porto Card. One ticket is valid on all three routes for 48 hours

Getting There

Latitude: 41.144162; Longitude: -8.610652
What3Words: chucks.products.sharper


Photo ID: 005496 Photo ID: 005509 Photo ID: 005510 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2011), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yellow Bus Tour: Historic Porto Yellow Bus Tour: Historic Porto No Data


**2023 Update: This route now only operated in the city centre and then over to Vila Nova de Gaia, the extension out to the coast is only covered by the Castles tour.** This open-top sightseeing tour takes in the main historical sites in the city centre, taking in a wide route that see's it running out to the Atlantic at Foz before returning along the side of Douro before a short excursion into Vila Nova de Gaia.


Charge, Discount with a Porto Card. One ticket is valid on all three routes for 48 hours

Getting There

Latitude: 41.144235; Longitude: -8.610673
What3Words: ramming.quickly.blinking


Photo ID: 005485 Photo ID: 005486 Photo ID: 005487 Photo ID: 005488 Photo ID: 005489 Photo ID: 005490 Photo ID: 005491

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/02/2011), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yellow Bus Tour: Porto Bridges Yellow Bus Tour: Porto Bridges No Data


**2023 Update: This route was not in operation in 2023, uncertain if this is a permanent change or temporary due to the ongoing bridge works on the lower deck of the Ponte de Dom Luis I bridge**. This open-top sightseeing tour runs up through the city centre and then across one of the many bridges into the upper town part of Vila Nova de Gaia, before descending through the town to the Ponte de Dom Luis I and crossing back over to the Porto side. It then travels along the river under most of the rest of the bridges before returning to the city centre.


Charge, Discount with a Porto Card. One ticket is valid on all three routes for 48 hours

Getting There

Latitude: 41.144295; Longitude: -8.610692
What3Words: natively.inherit.factories


Photo ID: 005504 Photo ID: 005505 Photo ID: 005506 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2011), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Foz do Douro: Castelo do Queijo Foz do Douro: Castelo do Queijo No Data


Located just south of the harbour at Matosinhos guarding the entrance to the port this castle houses a small exhibition on some of the arms that might have been used when the castle was a defensive structure. The site also houses a small gift shop and a bar - but the main part of the visit is to head up onto the roof for the excellent views out over the ocean, port and neighbouring area from the battlements.


Small Charge

Getting There

From the centre of Porto the 500 bus runs every 15-30 minutes, taking about 30 minutes to make the journey to the Sea Life Centre bus stop which is the opposite side of the roundabout from the castle
Latitude: 41.168558; Longitude: -8.6899
What3Words: bombard.slows.above


Photo ID: 044501 Photo ID: 044504 Photo ID: 044507 Photo ID: 044511 Photo ID: 044517 Photo ID: 044520 Photo ID: 044525

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Foz do Douro: Fortaleza de São João da Foz Foz do Douro: Fortaleza de São João da Foz No Data


A small fortress guarding the mouth of the Douro River, today the site is a business park so is closed at weekends, but during the week you can wander around the courtyards of the fortress



Getting There

From the centre of Porto the 500 bus runs every 15-30 minutes, taking about 20 minutes to make the journey to the castle
Latitude: 41.148948; Longitude: -8.674006
What3Words: mistress.salads.captures


Photo ID: 044545 Photo ID: 044546 Photo ID: 044547 Photo ID: 044548 Photo ID: 044549 Photo ID: 044551 Photo ID: 044554

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Foz do Douro: Seafront Walk Foz do Douro: Seafront Walk No Data


Running between the two castles this pleasant 2KM walk runs along the top of the beach, offering excellent views of the beach and out to sea - on a sunny day it’s a very pleasant place to be.



Getting There

From the centre of Porto the 500 bus runs every 15-30 minutes, taking about 30 minutes to make the journey to the Sea Life Centre bus stop which is the opposite side of the roundabout from the Castelo do Queijo where you can start the walk. At the other end the 500 bus stops close to the Fortaleza de São João da Foz, about 20 minutes after leaving Porto
Latitude: 41.158549; Longitude: -8.684625
What3Words: tramps.target.prance


Photo ID: 044527 Photo ID: 044530 Photo ID: 044531 Photo ID: 044537 Photo ID: 044540 Photo ID: 044543 Photo ID: 044544

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gaia: Croft Wine Cellars Gaia: Croft Wine Cellars No Data


The Croft Caves are located towards the top of the hill and offer a sample followed by a short tour of the cellar, with some history on the brand and the process of making port, then it's back to the reception area for a second tasting.


2023 update - Charge (in 2011 it was Free, includes two tastings)

Getting There

The Caves are well signposted from the waterfront in Gaia
Latitude: 41.134771; Longitude: -8.615102
What3Words: minds.thorax.dealings


Photo ID: 005500 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2011), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gaia: Jardin do Morro Gaia: Jardin do Morro No Data


Located next to the iconic Dom Luis I bridge this garden on the top of the upper part of Vila Nova de Gaia is especially popular at sunset as it's west facing views down the river get the full show.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.137361; Longitude: -8.609426
What3Words: recently.outings.deserved


Photo ID: 044579 Photo ID: 044582 Photo ID: 044584 Photo ID: 044760 Photo ID: 044761 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gaia: Miradouro da Serra do Pilar Gaia: Miradouro da Serra do Pilar No Data


A view point located high above the Douro next to the Dom Luis I Bridge in Gaia, from here the views are spectacular, in particular for sunset - though arrive early as the terrace fills up quickly with people wanting to watch the sunset.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.138106; Longitude: -8.608572
What3Words: easy.wades.posts


Photo ID: 044579 Photo ID: 044760 Photo ID: 044762 Photo ID: 044763 Photo ID: 044764 Photo ID: 044765 Photo ID: 044766

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gaia: Taylors Wine Cellars Gaia: Taylors Wine Cellars No Data


The Taylors centre takes you on a tour of their cellar, which is one of the largest and oldest in the area. The tour includes some of the history of Port, along with how it is made and matured. The tour ends with a tasting of two types of port.


2023 update - Charge (in 2011 it was Free, includes two tastings)

Getting There

The Caves are well signposted from the waterfront in Gaia
Latitude: 41.13409; Longitude: -8.614188
What3Words: crafted.blunt.cubes


Photo ID: 005525 Photo ID: 005526 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2011), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gaia: Teleférico de Gaia Gaia: Teleférico de Gaia No Data


Linking the upper part of the town, by the metro station at Jardim do Morro, with the riverside lower part of town. The 5 minute journey each way offers some excellent views across both Gaia and Porto



Getting There

Latitude: 41.137946; Longitude: -8.609599
What3Words: charted.rent.binders


Photo ID: 044768 Photo ID: 044769 Photo ID: 044770 Photo ID: 044772 Photo ID: 044773 Photo ID: 044776 Photo ID: 044781

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Foz do Douro Foz do Douro No Data


Located at the mouth of the Douro river with a small fortress guarding the river entrance, this small settlement has long been absorbed into Porto itself, today the settlement continues up the coast to the next castle along with a pleasant promenade running along the seafront.


Getting There

From the centre of Porto the 500 bus runs every 15-30 minutes taking about 20 minutes to make the journey to the São João fortress and another 10 minutes onto the Queijo Castle, alternatively all of the hop-on-hop-off buses serving this part of town stop close to both of the castles
Latitude: 41.149771; Longitude: -8.675931
What3Words: metals.lowest.secretly


Photo ID: 044734 Photo ID: 044735 Photo ID: 044736 Photo ID: 044737 Photo ID: 044738 Photo ID: 044739 Photo ID: 044740

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2023), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vila Nova de Gaia Vila Nova de Gaia No Data


Although it looks as though it should be part of the same city, Vila Nova de Gaia, otherwise know as Gaia, is a completely separate town, with it's own council and tourist information centre. It's also where all the Port wine lodges house their cellars for the storage of Port whilst it matures. Most of them offer tours and the views from this side of the Douro looking back to Porto are spectacular


Getting There

The quickest way to get to Gaia is to walk across the Ponte de Dom Luis I from the Ribeira. Alternatively there are plenty of buses that go across the bridge, or the Metro goes over the upper bridge.
Latitude: 41.137666; Longitude: -8.61415
What3Words: began.waffle.awake


Photo ID: 044753 Photo ID: 044755 Photo ID: 044756 Photo ID: 044759 Photo ID: 044760 Photo ID: 044774 Photo ID: 044778

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2011), and on time of last update (02/02/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arcul de Triumf Arcul de Triumf No Data


Large arch located on an horrifically busy traffic roundabout in the city centre. Well on those points it matches it's Parisian cousin. At the time of visiting the arch was closed to visitors as they are working on installing a subway to access the site due to the traffic.


Free to view the outside

Getting There

Latitude: 44.467187; Longitude: 26.07814
What3Words: tingled.hill.tags


Photo ID: 021183 Photo ID: 021184 Photo ID: 021185 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2017), and on time of last update (04/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bulevardul Unirii Bulevardul Unirii No Data


Union Boulevard was part of the major rebuilding of Bucharest - partly as a result of an earthquake in 1977, but also a part of the Ceausescu megalomania. It's longer and wider than the Champs-Élysées running in a perfect straight line through the heart of the city and ends at the Palace of the Parliament. It's an impressive street, even if it is mostly residential blocks lining the street rather than the boutiques and cafes of it's Parisian cousin.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.427178; Longitude: 26.094126
What3Words: keys.trimmer.store


Photo ID: 021132 Photo ID: 021134 Photo ID: 021166 Photo ID: 021167 Photo ID: 021288 Photo ID: 021289 Photo ID: 021290

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2017), and on time of last update (04/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lacul Herastrau Cruise Lacul Herastrau Cruise No Data


The large lake is part of a string of lakes that run through the northern part of the city centre. Originally built to drain the swamp that Bucharest was otherwise built on, today it forms a peaceful body of water surrounded by the park of the same name. Regular cruises set off from a number of landing stages around the lake doing a 25-30 minute circuit that covers most of the lake.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.475695; Longitude: 26.077251
What3Words: acid.runways.ship


Photo ID: 021208 Photo ID: 021210 Photo ID: 021212 Photo ID: 021215 Photo ID: 021217 Photo ID: 021218 Photo ID: 021219

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2017), and on time of last update (04/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muzeul Satului Dimitrie Gusti Bucuresti (Ethnographic Museum) Muzeul Satului Dimitrie Gusti Bucuresti (Ethnographic Museum) No Data


The city's ethnographic museum contains around 100 historic buildings from across Romania that have been carefully rebuilt to give an overview of what life would have been like in the past for the people living in the countryside. Some of the most impressive buildings include the suspiciously stave looking church and the half-buried pit houses.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.471304; Longitude: 26.078641
What3Words: jigsaw.slings.parties


Photo ID: 021220 Photo ID: 021223 Photo ID: 021226 Photo ID: 021232 Photo ID: 021237 Photo ID: 021244 Photo ID: 021250

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2017), and on time of last update (04/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Town Old Town No Data


A small part of the old town survived the bulldozers of the 1980's and now forms one of the main tourist centres of the city with lots of pubs, clubs and restaurants lining the narrow streets. There are several interesting buildings hidden away in the old town.


Free to wander around

Getting There

Latitude: 44.431169; Longitude: 26.100816
What3Words: translated.rebirth.flicked


Photo ID: 021276 Photo ID: 021277 Photo ID: 021278 Photo ID: 021285 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/10/2017), and on time of last update (04/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palatul Parlamentului Palatul Parlamentului No Data


The gigantic parliamentary palace - the second largest administrative building on the planet after the Pentagon and with a bigger volume than the Great Pyramid - this was another part of the megalomania that overtook Romania in the 1980s. Building work wasn't finished until 8 years after the regime was overthrown. Today its one of the symbols of the city and a very imposing building.


Free to view the outside

Getting There

Latitude: 44.427495; Longitude: 26.087462
What3Words: headline.maximum.koala


Photo ID: 021133 Photo ID: 021135 Photo ID: 021136 Photo ID: 021137 Photo ID: 021138 Photo ID: 021139 Photo ID: 021289

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2017), and on time of last update (04/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palatul Voievodal Curtea Veche Palatul Voievodal Curtea Veche No Data


The ruins of an old palace from the time of Vlad "the Impailer" Dracul. The site is currently closed for restoration (and has been since 2015), but virtually all of the site is visible from the street outside


Free to view from street

Getting There

Latitude: 44.42989; Longitude: 26.101234
What3Words: flatten.revision.happily


Photo ID: 021096 Photo ID: 021098 Photo ID: 021100 Photo ID: 021265 Photo ID: 021268 Photo ID: 021271 Photo ID: 021275

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2017), and on time of last update (04/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parcul Herastrau Parcul Herastrau No Data


This massive park in the city centre is a welcome oasis from the noise and pollution of the city. The park contains many different areas to wander around as well as a large lake that you can take a cruise on - or rent a row boat. At the entrance near the Aviatorilor metro station there is a kiosk where you can rent bikes from.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.470319; Longitude: 26.082696
What3Words: prance.clan.competent


Photo ID: 021181 Photo ID: 021186 Photo ID: 021188 Photo ID: 021190 Photo ID: 021199 Photo ID: 021205 Photo ID: 021257

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2017), and on time of last update (04/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parliament Tour Parliament Tour No Data


Regular tours of parts of the Parliament Palace take place, lasting about an hour and covering about 10 of the biggest and most impressive halls and rooms of the building. During the tour you walk around 1.5Km, climb over 300 stairs and yet still see less than 5% of the total building. Depending on which rooms are in use you can see the spectacular ball room and the Human Rights Conference room with its massive 2 tonne chandelier. The tour also includes the opportunity to step out onto the balcony above the main entrance and look down the length of Union Boulevard



Getting There

Latitude: 44.428507; Longitude: 26.087531
What3Words: tarred.shapes.overnight


Photo ID: 021141 Photo ID: 021144 Photo ID: 021148 Photo ID: 021157 Photo ID: 021165 Photo ID: 021173 Photo ID: 021179

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2017), and on time of last update (04/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Revolution Square Revolution Square No Data


The area in front of the former Communist Party Headquarters. In December 1989 the square was filled with people who had be brought in to be address by Nicolae Ceausescu from the 1st floor balcony of the headquarters building to make him look presidential and in control. Part way through the speech the crowd started chanting and heckling, it was the beginning of the end for the regime, but not before quite a lot of bloodshed on the streets of Bucharest and other cities. Today the square houses two memorials to those who were killed in the revolution. The still bullet marked buildings are another testament to the fighting that took place here.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.438991; Longitude: 26.097448
What3Words: explain.hovered.vanish


Photo ID: 021113 Photo ID: 021114 Photo ID: 021119 Photo ID: 021120 Photo ID: 021121 Photo ID: 021122 Photo ID: 021123

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2017), and on time of last update (04/11/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blue and Yellow Train Blue and Yellow Train No Data


Land train tour round the city walls, starting from just outside the Österport the train runs clockwise round the walls of the city. A commentary tells about some of the key history of the settlements and the walls and the history and mythology of Gotland. The whole tour last around 25 minutes



Getting There

Latitude: 57.638367; Longitude: 18.298969
What3Words: moon.begun.evenings


Photo ID: 023271 Photo ID: 023272 Photo ID: 023273 Photo ID: 023274 Photo ID: 023275 Photo ID: 023276 Photo ID: 023277

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

DBW's Botanical Gardens DBW's Botanical Gardens No Data


Small botanical gardens in the land immediately inside the western walls. The gardens contain a number of specimens in formal planting, with several paths wandering through the grounds.


Free, suggested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 57.64362; Longitude: 18.293815
What3Words: master.embers.roosts


Photo ID: 023354 Photo ID: 023359 Photo ID: 023360 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Drottens Church Ruins Drottens Church Ruins No Data


Located opposite St Lars the ruins of this church include the large tower and the external walls.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.641693; Longitude: 18.295414
What3Words: prosper.recipient.major


Photo ID: 023312 Photo ID: 023314 Photo ID: 023325 Photo ID: 023328 Photo ID: 023330 Photo ID: 023332 Photo ID: 023333

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gotlands Museum Gotlands Museum No Data


Housed in a collection of former merchants houses and warehouses the museum tells the history of Gotland as a physical island and of the people. There is a large display on Viking era rune stones before exhibitions on the Geology and formation of this part of the Baltic and then a large display on the history of Gotland in the middle ages, including the 1361 invasion by the Danes that saw control of the islands pass to Denmark for the next few centuries. The treasury houses a large number of hoards of Gotland and Viking coins and jewellery and the lower part of the museum takes you into the warehouse and cellars of the former merchants house that the museum resides in. The final part of the museum takes you through to the modern era, albeit stopping some point in the late 1980's and some very chunky computers.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.6395703; Longitude: 18.2925984
What3Words: tabloid.briskly.dock


Photo ID: 023390 Photo ID: 023391 Photo ID: 023394 Photo ID: 023398 Photo ID: 023400 Photo ID: 023401 Photo ID: 023405

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Helge Ands Ruins Helge Ands Ruins No Data


Ruins of the Holy Ghost church, this is an interesting octagonal church, large parts of which have been restored and so it isn't always possible to go inside



Getting There

Latitude: 57.643024; Longitude: 18.298276
What3Words: used.narrow.renamed


Photo ID: 023350 Photo ID: 023351 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Silverhättan Silverhättan No Data


This smaller gate is on the North Western corner of the walls where they turn away from the coast and head inland. A wooden stairs and platform have been installed in the tower enabling you to climb up to take in the views of the walls



Getting There

Latitude: 57.646709; Longitude: 18.296115
What3Words: timing.pylons.oatmeal


Photo ID: 023167 Photo ID: 023173 Photo ID: 023174 Photo ID: 023175 Photo ID: 023176 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skansen Havsfrun Skansen Havsfrun No Data


A bastion sticking out from the lower part of the Southern walls. From the platform level at the top you can look down the southern extent of the walls and the castle ruins



Getting There

Latitude: 57.634785; Longitude: 18.287787
What3Words: assures.badly.readers


Photo ID: 023216 Photo ID: 023217 Photo ID: 023218 Photo ID: 023219 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Snäckgärdsporten Snäckgärdsporten No Data


The first gate heading East along the Northern walls after leaving the coast this gate is a major entrance into the city and has had stairs and platforms rebuilt inside it so you can climb to the top to take in the views over the neighbouring towers and the city centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.646639; Longitude: 18.296587
What3Words: montage.stubble.surfed


Photo ID: 023168 Photo ID: 023178 Photo ID: 023180 Photo ID: 023181 Photo ID: 023183 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Clements Ruins St Clements Ruins No Data


The ruins of St Clements Church include the tower and most of the external walls, part of the church is now a café and hotel.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.643091; Longitude: 18.296117
What3Words: boomer.caskets.polo


Photo ID: 023338 Photo ID: 023339 Photo ID: 023340 Photo ID: 023341 Photo ID: 023342 Photo ID: 023343 Photo ID: 023344

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Gertruds Ruins St Gertruds Ruins No Data


This was clearly a very small church when it was in use, today little more than the outline of the floor exists beneath lots of shrubs and bushes.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.64365; Longitude: 18.298789
What3Words: womb.buzzing.mule


Photo ID: 023352 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Hans Ruins St Hans Ruins No Data


Located next to St Peter's ruins this church was built as a larger building for St Peter's which was already too small. The two churches shared a common wall which was knocked through at one point to make the space larger. Today much of the site is the outside seating area of a cafe



Getting There

Latitude: 57.638124; Longitude: 18.293073
What3Words: passion.baseline.kinks


Photo ID: 023246 Photo ID: 023248 Photo ID: 023249 Photo ID: 023250 Photo ID: 023251 Photo ID: 023252 Photo ID: 023257

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Karin's Ruins St Karin's Ruins No Data


The most spectacular of the ruins. Located on the main square the whole of the outer walls, and most of the arches of the roof exist, creating an eerie space, with the sky coming in at multiple angles.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.640389; Longitude: 18.295674
What3Words: judges.sounding.atomic


Photo ID: 023202 Photo ID: 023229 Photo ID: 023233 Photo ID: 023300 Photo ID: 023302 Photo ID: 023305 Photo ID: 023308

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Lars Ruins St Lars Ruins No Data


The ruins of the Byzantine styled St Lawrence's church. You can ascend up stairs to a balcony level that runs around most on the main nave of the church. The dome of the church has long since gone, but on a clear day with a warm sun the blue sky is more impressive than any decorated ceiling



Getting There

Latitude: 57.64133; Longitude: 18.295219
What3Words: value.vehicle.held


Photo ID: 023310 Photo ID: 023315 Photo ID: 023316 Photo ID: 023319 Photo ID: 023321 Photo ID: 023323 Photo ID: 023327

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Maria domkyrka St Maria domkyrka No Data


The Cathedral was the only church left standing in the city following both the reformation and the sacking of the city by the Hansiatic league after the city's authorities failed to tackle piracy operating from their island. Today it has been restored with modern stained glass windows an either heavily restored or new stonework, but it still retains much of it's 12th century character


Free, suggested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 57.641774; Longitude: 18.298095
What3Words: ramble.standing.give


Photo ID: 023200 Photo ID: 023203 Photo ID: 023242 Photo ID: 023244 Photo ID: 023285 Photo ID: 023288 Photo ID: 023291

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Nicolai Ruins St Nicolai Ruins No Data


The largest ruins in the city, today they have had a modern roof installed and the space is used for events, meaning it isn't usually possible to look inside.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.644097; Longitude: 18.298094
What3Words: nurses.dabble.players


Photo ID: 023345 Photo ID: 023346 Photo ID: 023347 Photo ID: 023348 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Olof's Ruins St Olof's Ruins No Data


This was once one of the largest churches in the city, but much of the stonework has been lost to other buildings over time. Today just a small part of the building remains, with the trees and plants of the botanical gardens that have been built around it slowly swallowing up its stonework



Getting There

Latitude: 57.642917; Longitude: 18.293859
What3Words: assemble.products.money


Photo ID: 023355 Photo ID: 023356 Photo ID: 023357 Photo ID: 023358 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Pauls Ruins St Pauls Ruins No Data


The ruins of a 12th Century church. The church quickly turned out to be too small and the neighbouring St Hans was built, sharing a wall which included an archway between the two churches.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.637939; Longitude: 18.292562
What3Words: sang.uptake.spray


Photo ID: 023246 Photo ID: 023247 Photo ID: 023253 Photo ID: 023254 Photo ID: 023255 Photo ID: 023256 Photo ID: 023258

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Walls (East) Town Walls (East) No Data


The longest streatch of the walls running from the Norderport to the Österport and on to the Söderport include a number of fortified bastions and the stunning Dalmanstornet with its tiled roof, long low bridge across the Western Trenches (formed by the quarrying for the stone that created the walls) running round this part of the wall. The Kajsartornet was the city's prison for a number of years in the 17th and 18th centuries and now houses a museum.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.638432; Longitude: 18.298403
What3Words: stops.lonely.rejects


Photo ID: 023193 Photo ID: 023197 Photo ID: 023205 Photo ID: 023206 Photo ID: 023207 Photo ID: 023211 Photo ID: 023213

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Walls (North) Town Walls (North) No Data


Visby is almost completley surrounded by its surviving medieval town walls, comprising 27 towers and 9 hanging towers (from an original 29 and 22) the walls run for around 3.5Kms. The walls on the Northern side run alongside an undulating ditch - called the Northern Trenches, formed by the quarrying of the rock to build the walls and the town - as they climb up the hill away from the beach. The Silverhättan and Snäckgärdsporten have rebuilt steps and platforms inside enabling you to climb up the towers to take in the views. The Sankt Göransporten includes a small stone bridge that leads into town and lodged in one of the upper arrow slits is a medieval missile that became wedged in there centuries ago. The norther walls end at the Norderport - one of the main entrances to the city, even today as it is heavy with traffic.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.645445; Longitude: 18.29969
What3Words: evaded.coiling.ranted


Photo ID: 023169 Photo ID: 023170 Photo ID: 023184 Photo ID: 023185 Photo ID: 023188 Photo ID: 023189 Photo ID: 023190

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Walls (South) Town Walls (South) No Data


The southern town walls run from the Söderport back down towards the sea front. The Southern most parts of the wall are of a different and lower design and include remnants of the Visborg Castle



Getting There

Latitude: 57.634815; Longitude: 18.289915
What3Words: research.smiling.claims


Photo ID: 023215 Photo ID: 023216 Photo ID: 023217 Photo ID: 023218 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Walls (West) Town Walls (West) No Data


Visby is almost completley surrounded by its surviving medieval town walls, comprising 27 towers and 9 hanging towers (from an original 29 and 22) the walls run for around 3.5Kms. The walls on the Western side of the town run along the coast, by the botanical gardens and include the Kruttornet, the oldest tower on the walls.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.643763; Longitude: 18.292661
What3Words: reduce.singers.carpets


Photo ID: 023157 Photo ID: 023158 Photo ID: 023162 Photo ID: 026163 Photo ID: 023164 Photo ID: 023165 Photo ID: 023166

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Visborgs Slottsruin Visborgs Slottsruin No Data


Small parts of the former castle at the southern end of the walls remains. It's possible to make out the outlines of some of the former rooms.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.635466; Longitude: 18.286295
What3Words: admit.wide.widget


Photo ID: 023220 Photo ID: 023221 Photo ID: 023222 Photo ID: 023223 Photo ID: 023224 Photo ID: 023225 Photo ID: 023226

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2018), and on time of last update (06/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Domkyrka (Cathedral) Domkyrka (Cathedral) No Data


The city's Cathedral which stands on one edge of the Stortorget. Inside the large an imposing building the cathedral is quite plainly decorated, but with lots of traditional boothed pews looking towards the altar.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.664511; Longitude: 16.365446
What3Words: scout.fragments.misted


Photo ID: 041554 Photo ID: 041557 Photo ID: 041591 Photo ID: 041593 Photo ID: 041594 Photo ID: 041595 Photo ID: 041600

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2022), and on time of last update (24/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gamla Stadsmuren (City Walls) Gamla Stadsmuren (City Walls) No Data


A small section of the fortifications of the city remain running from near the station to close to the Stortorget. You can walk along the top of the ramparts from where there are good views over the harbour



Getting There

Latitude: 56.661891; Longitude: 16.366201
What3Words: coaching.shield.debit


Photo ID: 041570 Photo ID: 041574 Photo ID: 041577 Photo ID: 041578 Photo ID: 041581 Photo ID: 041583 Photo ID: 041586

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2022), and on time of last update (24/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jordbroporten Jordbroporten No Data


A 1930s gate punched into the city walls to allow quick access to the harbour area from the centre of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 56.66179; Longitude: 16.364398
What3Words: addicted.being.enable


Photo ID: 041586 Photo ID: 041587 Photo ID: 041588 Photo ID: 041590 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2022), and on time of last update (24/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kalmar läns museum (Kalmar County Museum) Kalmar läns museum (Kalmar County Museum) No Data


The museum tells the history of the city and region. The main focus is on the former Swedish Flagship the Kronan which sank during a battle just off the coast. The ship was rediscovered in 1980 and since then ongoing archaeological work has brought up about 90% of the ship and it's content, with much of it on display in the museum. There is also an exhibit on the Iron Age settlement of Sandby Borg which was discovered to be the site of a massacre. There are also temporary exhibit spaces which have various other changing exhibitions on display.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.664152; Longitude: 16.370602
What3Words: chats.treat.bidder


Photo ID: 041567 Photo ID: 041603 Photo ID: 041605 Photo ID: 041606 Photo ID: 041609 Photo ID: 041611 Photo ID: 041625

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2022), and on time of last update (24/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kalmar Slott Kalmar Slott No Data


The city's fortress that guards the entrance to the medieval harbour. This is an impressive and imposing structure with dry moats, wet moats, internal fortifications and a main keep that hunkers down behind yet more ramparts. You can explore almost all of the site



Getting There

Latitude: 56.657967; Longitude: 16.355489
What3Words: huddled.quicker.staging


Photo ID: 041644 Photo ID: 041649 Photo ID: 041657 Photo ID: 041669 Photo ID: 041681 Photo ID: 041685 Photo ID: 041726

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2022), and on time of last update (24/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kavaljersporten Kavaljersporten No Data


One of the original city gates through the walls. You can climb up over the gate on the remaining part of the city walls.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.663057; Longitude: 16.367588
What3Words: stereos.placed.works


Photo ID: 041571 Photo ID: 041572 Photo ID: 041573 Photo ID: 041575 Photo ID: 041576 Photo ID: 041580 Photo ID: 041582

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2022), and on time of last update (24/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Konstmuseum (Art Museum) Konstmuseum (Art Museum) No Data


Small art gallery located in the park near the castle housing a rotating set of displays over four floors.


Charge, Free on Fridays

Getting There

Latitude: 56.660795; Longitude: 16.355988
What3Words: lightly.hint.notes


Photo ID: 041632 Photo ID: 041633 Photo ID: 041634 Photo ID: 041635 Photo ID: 041636 Photo ID: 041637 Photo ID: 041638

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2022), and on time of last update (24/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sjöfartsmuseum (Maritime Museum) Sjöfartsmuseum (Maritime Museum) No Data


The museum is dedicated to the maritime history of this part of the coast


Charge - N.B. Cash Only, does not take cards

Getting There

Latitude: 56.665139; Longitude: 16.371538
What3Words: manage.listings.response


Photo ID: 041626 Photo ID: 041627 Photo ID: 041628 Photo ID: 041629 Photo ID: 041728 Photo ID: 041729 Photo ID: 041730

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2022), and on time of last update (24/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sylvanderparken Sylvanderparken No Data


Small park area located just across the water from the Castle. From here there are excellent views across the water to the castle



Getting There

Latitude: 56.659107; Longitude: 16.358782
What3Words: nutrients.learning.settled


Photo ID: 041516 Photo ID: 041518 Photo ID: 041520 Photo ID: 041522 Photo ID: 041524 Photo ID: 041630 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2022), and on time of last update (24/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vattentorn (Water Tower) Vattentorn (Water Tower) No Data


The old water tower of the city. Today it's been converted into apartments and you can't go inside, but the area around it includes parts of the city fortifications, including a bridge across the water fortifications to the city's prison.


Free to look around the outside

Getting There

Latitude: 56.663372; Longitude: 16.360051
What3Words: carry.bicker.things


Photo ID: 041537 Photo ID: 041539 Photo ID: 041540 Photo ID: 041549 Photo ID: 041699 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2022), and on time of last update (24/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Byxelkrok Byxelkrok No Data


Located at the north of Öland Island this town and harbour form a key connection back to the mainland with a ferry link across the water of the Kalmar Strait to Oskarshamn on the mainland. The harbour area houses a number of shops and restaurants.


Getting There

The 101 bus runs every 2 hours during the summer months from Kalmar C to Byxelkrok Harbour, taking just over 2 hours.
Latitude: 57.324692; Longitude: 17.008164
What3Words: powers.swirly.labs


Photo ID: 041731 Photo ID: 041732 Photo ID: 041734 Photo ID: 041735 Photo ID: 041736 Photo ID: 041737 Photo ID: 041740

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2022), and on time of last update (24/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Öland Öland No Data


A long thin island (137Km North to South, but only 16Km East to West at it's widest point) that helps to create the Kalmar Strait. The island has been inhabited for a long time with archaeological evidence of Iron Age forts across the island.


Getting There

Several bus routes run from Kalmar C across the Ölandsbron to various parts of the island. There is also a foot passenger ferry from the harbour, near the County Museum, across to the island.
Latitude: 56.665376; Longitude: 16.634017
What3Words: disinfect.forthcoming.benefactor


Photo ID: 041731 Photo ID: 041733 Photo ID: 041738 Photo ID: 041739 Photo ID: 041740 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2022), and on time of last update (24/07/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Iron Ore Line Iron Ore Line No Data


The railway line runs from Luleå up across Sweden, across the Arctic circle and then across the border into Norway before ending in Narvik. The total journey time from one end to the other is about 8 hours and the train times are such that you can't do a return trip in the day so you should either do this as part of an onward trip to Narvik, or plan to overnight in Narvik and then return the following day.


Standard Train Ticket Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 65.584153; Longitude: 22.164954
What3Words: trooper.soldiers.haunts


Photo ID: 040639 Photo ID: 040648 Photo ID: 040657 Photo ID: 040664 Photo ID: 040682 Photo ID: 040687 Photo ID: 040699

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2022), and on time of last update (11/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norrbottens Museum Norrbottens Museum No Data


Museum dedicated to the local Sami culture and history of the area



Getting There

Latitude: 65.582093; Longitude: 22.138153
What3Words: couches.rely.rumble


Photo ID: 040611 Photo ID: 004612 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2022), and on time of last update (11/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Malmöhus: Konstmuseum Malmöhus: Konstmuseum No Data


Housed in the newer part of the castle complex this museum is dedicated to Swedish design, in particular in furniture and furnishings


Charge, ticket includes all museums in the castle complex

Getting There

Latitude: 55.60462; Longitude: 12.987623
What3Words: shins.elects.folds


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2015), and on time of last update (15/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Malmöhus: Slott Malmöhus: Slott No Data


The castle is a strange mix of 16th century fortress and 1930's Nordic office block as the site has been renovated over time. The castle proper houses a number of exhibitions on the history of the area including the history of conquest and defeat between the Danes and Swedes for control of the Skåne region.


Charge, ticket includes all museums in the castle complex

Getting There

Latitude: 55.604963; Longitude: 12.986818
What3Words: screamed.alarming.rates


Photo ID: 014500 Photo ID: 014501 Photo ID: 014503 Photo ID: 014504 Photo ID: 014505 Photo ID: 014506 Photo ID: 014508

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2015), and on time of last update (15/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Helsingborg: Ferries Helsingborg: Ferries No Data


4-5 ferries an hour cross back and forwards between Helsingborg and Helsingør. From the ferries you can get some of the best views of both towns, with the Kärnan and Kronborg facing each other across the water being the two most obvious sights.



Getting There

The ferry terminals in both Helsingborg and Helsingør are located within the same complex as their respective railway stations
Latitude: 56.044132; Longitude: 12.693607
What3Words: novelist.issuer.roofs


Photo ID: 014482 Photo ID: 014483 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2015), and on time of last update (15/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Helsingborg: Kärnan Helsingborg: Kärnan No Data


The remains of a former fortress on top of the hill overlooking the town. Today only the central tower of the castle remains standing, and a rebuilt bastion nearby. Inside the castle an exhibition tells the history of the castle and some details about what life would have been like in it. From the top of the castle there are excellent (if windy) views over the Øresund towards Denmark.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.048345; Longitude: 12.697485
What3Words: heap.routine.orchids


Photo ID: 014465 Photo ID: 014472 Photo ID: 014473 Photo ID: 014474 Photo ID: 014476 Photo ID: 014477 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2015), and on time of last update (15/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lund: Botaniska trädgården Lund: Botaniska trädgården No Data


Small botanical gardens located to the East of the city centre. There is a large greenhouse, with limited opening hours



Getting There

Latitude: 55.704308; Longitude: 13.203323
What3Words: festivity.ventures.mindset


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/04/2015), and on time of last update (15/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lund: Domkyrka Lund: Domkyrka No Data


The stunning city Cathedral with its distinctive twin grey towers. The cathedral has it's own Astronomical clock that performs a couple of times a day, but unless you happen to be in the cathedral at the right time it isn't worth actively watching.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.704064; Longitude: 13.193839
What3Words: skinny.coasted.meaning


Photo ID: 014436 Photo ID: 014437 Photo ID: 014438 Photo ID: 014441 Photo ID: 014442 Photo ID: 014444 Photo ID: 014446

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/04/2015), and on time of last update (15/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lund: Kulturen Lund: Kulturen No Data


Open-Air/Folk museum bringing together a number of buildings from across the region to preserve them. You can enter many of the buildings where there are displays on how people would have lived or worked in the buildings when they were in use.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.704466; Longitude: 13.19694
What3Words: remix.deposits.setting


Photo ID: 014447 Photo ID: 014448 Photo ID: 014449 Photo ID: 014451 Photo ID: 014453 Photo ID: 014456 Photo ID: 014460

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/04/2015), and on time of last update (15/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Helsingborg Helsingborg No Data


Located just 4Km across the Øresund from Helsingør in Denmark this has been an important town for centuries, first for defending and attacking this part of Sweden, and more recently as a major artery linking Southern Sweden to Denmark (and from there to the rest of mainland Europe). With the opening of the Øresund Bridge south of Copenhagen the flow of traffic may have calmed a little, but the option to purchase tax free alcohol and tobacco on the ferries that cross the strait still keeps the services running and the town busy


Getting There

Regular trains run from Malmö C to Helsingborg C. Fast Øresundtåg trains take around 40 minutes to make the journey, slower Pågatågen services take around an hour. The price is the same for both services
Latitude: 56.046037; Longitude: 12.695946
What3Words: treaties.scouted.shins


Photo ID: 014461 Photo ID: 014463 Photo ID: 014464 Photo ID: 014466 Photo ID: 014469 Photo ID: 014470 Photo ID: 000144

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2015), and on time of last update (15/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lund Lund No Data


Located around 24 Km from Malmö the town of Lund is set around the large striking Cathedral and university.


Getting There

Regular trains run from Malmö C to Lund C taking about 10-15 minutes
Latitude: 55.702797; Longitude: 13.193061
What3Words: snores.birds.pace


Photo ID: 014431 Photo ID: 014432 Photo ID: 014434 Photo ID: 014435 Photo ID: 014440 Photo ID: 014458 Photo ID: 014459

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/04/2015), and on time of last update (15/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Biological Museum Biological Museum No Data


The bulk of the museum is taken up with a 360° diorama showing most of the natural birds and beasts of Sweden. Access to is is up a peculiar double spiral staircase


Charge, Free with Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.327082; Longitude: 18.097798
What3Words: summer.successor.braked


Photo ID: 000660 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


Located next to the palace in central Stockholm the Cathedral has the tardis like quality of being significantly bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.325829; Longitude: 18.070487
What3Words: skis.mulls.kitten


Photo ID: 001990 Photo ID: 001991 Photo ID: 001992 Photo ID: 001993 Photo ID: 001994 Photo ID: 00200 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaknästornet Kaknästornet No Data


The city's TV tower. Set in the middle of parkland and commanding stunning views over the city and its many islands


Small Charge, Free with Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.335034; Longitude: 18.126798
What3Words: quantity.necks.pipeline


Photo ID: 000653 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Katarinahissen Katarinahissen No Data


Built originally as a way of reaching the higher parts of the town without the need for lots of steps, the lift and walkway now provide an excellent view point over the lake and city, especially during a late evening sunset.


Charge, Free with Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.319947; Longitude: 18.073422
What3Words: done.discouraged.mixer


Photo ID: 000658 Photo ID: 000659 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kungliga Myntkabinette (Royal Money Cabinet) Kungliga Myntkabinette (Royal Money Cabinet) No Data


An exhibition on Money. Not only does it trace the history of the Swedish currency, it also looks at money itself with displays of currency from Pre-Roman times to the Euro



Getting There

Latitude: 59.325891; Longitude: 18.073352
What3Words: chip.revision.builds


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Medieval Stockholm Museum of Medieval Stockholm No Data


Located in the cellars of the parliament building are the remains of the old city walls and the area has now been turned into a museum on Medieval Stockholm. The exhibition also includes the remains of several ships which have been discovered in the channels around Stockholm during archaeological excavations.


Charge, Free with Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.328256; Longitude: 18.070267
What3Words: padding.smoker.void


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordiska museum Nordiska museum No Data


The museum was set up to let future generations know what life was like in Sweden in the past. It runs from the 16th Century right up to today, with displays on clothing, fabrics, traditions and design. Strangely in the design section IKEA only get a couple of mentions!



Getting There

Latitude: 59.329233; Longitude: 18.093967
What3Words: rent.shining.swatted


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Open top tour Open top tour No Data


A pre-recorded multi-lingual commentary guides you round the city on this open top bus


Charge, Discount with boat tour tickets, discount with Stockholm card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.329621; Longitude: 18.073819
What3Words: orchestra.drove.icicles


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/06/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Palace Royal Palace No Data


The royal apartments within the palace are open to visitors, the rooms are spectacular, not only in their opulence, but also in the fact you can see so many of the rooms that are regularly used by the Royal family for entertaining and putting up guests. The Royals themselves no longer live in the palace instead preferring a little pad out in the countryside.


Charge, Free with Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.326836; Longitude: 18.071673
What3Words: tiptoes.buzzer.trout


Photo ID: 000655 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sightseeing boats Sightseeing boats No Data


Regular tours around the islands that make up Stockholm. Several different routes cover the citys waterways, each with pre-recorded multi-lingual commentary


Charge for each trip, discount for bulk bookings, discount with Open top sightseeing bus, Two of the tours are free with the Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.329386; Longitude: 18.073969
What3Words: browser.extremes.learns


Photo ID: 000650 Photo ID: 000651 Photo ID: 000651 Photo ID: 000665 Photo ID: 000666 Photo ID: 040937 Photo ID: 040958

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2005), and on time of last update (03/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skansen Skansen No Data


Skansen is a folk part, similar to those in Bunratty, Oslo and Riga. Unlike those, though, it has also diversified into a semi safari-park of native animals with Wolves, Wolverines, Lynx, Bears, Elk, Seals and Bison on view.


Charge, Free with Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.32452; Longitude: 18.101209
What3Words: starts.audibly.fixed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skansen Zoo Skansen Zoo No Data


Located within the main Skansen site is a small zoo which houses some more exotic creatures including a cage full of ring-tailed lemurs that you can wander through


Additional Charge on top of Skansen entry, Free with Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.324466; Longitude: 18.103999
What3Words: exchanges.resting.candy


Photo ID: 000662 Photo ID: 000663 Photo ID: 000664 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Three Crowns Museum Three Crowns Museum No Data


located in the cellars of the current royal palace, it explains some of the background to the buildings on the site, as well as showing the ruins of the castle that burnt down in the 17th Century.


Charge, Free with Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.326277; Longitude: 18.06972
What3Words: playful.bared.mock


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Hall Tours Town Hall Tours No Data


The hourly guided tours that take you round some of the more important rooms of the building. The tour includes the blue room, where the banquet to honour the Noble prize winners is held every year, and the gold room with its spectacular mosaic decoration of some 19,000,000 individual tiles.


Charge, Free with Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.327471; Longitude: 18.054464
What3Words: senior.edgy.fencing


Photo ID: 000665 Photo ID: 000669 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Hall Tower Town Hall Tower No Data


The tower offers stunning views of the city centre. Despite it's hight, much of the climb to the top is on a gradual slope that runs around the edge of the tower, rather than up the middle


Charge, Free with Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.327301; Longitude: 18.055515
What3Words: requested.strapped.bossy


Photo ID: 000665 Photo ID: 000667 Photo ID: 000668 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vasa Museum Vasa Museum No Data


The museum is built around the almost complete remains of the 17th Century battleship the Vasa which sunk, on it's first trip out of docks after being built. It lay on the bed of the lake until the late 1950's when it was rediscovered. From the point at which it was raised from the sea bed until it finally went on full display to the public still took nearly 30 years, with the entire wreck having to be saturated with a type of plastic to replace all the water in it. The museum tells the history of the ship, the background to the reasons why she was built and how she sunk, and the efforts that were gone to to rescue her from her grave


Charge, Free with Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.32798; Longitude: 18.091473
What3Words: delivers.trees.harvest


Photo ID: 040965 Photo ID: 040967 Photo ID: 040971 Photo ID: 040972 Photo ID: 040973 Photo ID: 040976 Photo ID: 040977

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/06/2005), and on time of last update (11/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Västerbron Bridge Västerbron Bridge No Data


One of the main bridges crossing between islands, located just away from the city centre the views of the centre are spectacular



Getting There

The regular route 4 bus runs over the bridge
Latitude: 59.323896; Longitude: 18.028049
What3Words: cocktail.hesitate.pack


Photo ID: 000656 Photo ID: 040930 Photo ID: 040931 Photo ID: 040942 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2005), and on time of last update (11/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vin & Sprithistoriska Museum Vin & Sprithistoriska Museum No Data


The museum of wine and spirit history. It traces the history of alcohol in Sweden, its manufacture and over consumption that eventually lead to the strict control methods and state control of supply. It also gives an insight into the production of the local tipple Vodka


Charge, Free with Stockholm Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.348262; Longitude: 18.039368
What3Words: lines.sweated.teamed


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2005), and on time of last update (15/06/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Drottningholm: Chinese Slott Drottningholm: Chinese Slott No Data


Built in the grounds of the Drottingholm Slott this small palace has been built in an oriental style


Charge, combination ticket for the Drottingholm Slott and the Chinese Slott available

Getting There

Latitude: 59.317032; Longitude: 17.87864
What3Words: clap.pushing.tiling


Photo ID: 001989 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Drottningholm: Drottningholm Slott Drottningholm: Drottningholm Slott No Data


The normal home of the Swedish Royal family, several rooms in one wing are open to the public to have a look around


Charge, combination ticket for the Drottingholm Slott and the Chinese Slott available

Getting There

Latitude: 59.321652; Longitude: 17.886901
What3Words: harmless.napkins.ladder


Photo ID: 001983 Photo ID: 001984 Photo ID: 001985 Photo ID: 001986 Photo ID: 001987 Photo ID: 001988 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Läggesta: Gripsholm Slott Läggesta: Gripsholm Slott No Data


One of the most impressive castles in Sweden, you can explore over virtually the whole of the castle



Getting There

Latitude: 59.256262; Longitude: 17.218666
What3Words: loser.expired.lofts


Photo ID: 002017 Photo ID: 002019 Photo ID: 002020 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Läggesta: Östra Södermanlands Järnväg Läggesta: Östra Södermanlands Järnväg No Data


Originally part of the Swedish railway network the line was closed and is now run as a private narrow gauge steam railway



Getting There

Latitude: 59.258779; Longitude: 17.218237
What3Words: manhole.less.support


Photo ID: 002018 Photo ID: 002021 Photo ID: 002022 Photo ID: 002023 Photo ID: 002024 Photo ID: 002025 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uppsala: Castle Uppsala: Castle No Data


Still the residence of the regions governor the castle is now also an art gallery. You can view more of the castle by going on a guided tour



Getting There

Latitude: 59.858178; Longitude: 17.633636
What3Words: evenings.mankind.adopts


Photo ID: 002005 Photo ID: 002006 Photo ID: 002007 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uppsala: Gamla Uppsala Uppsala: Gamla Uppsala No Data


One of the most important archaeological sites in the country. The ten mounds are not natural features, they were built as burial mounds by the Vikings and have helped to shed more light on the practices of these people



Getting There

From the centre of Uppsala take bus 2 to the end of the line, and then the museum and the burial mounds and a short walk across the railway line
Latitude: 59.897827; Longitude: 17.633529
What3Words: safety.defended.storage
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Drottningholm Drottningholm No Data


Home to the royal family of Sweden and one of the most beautiful palaces in the country


Getting There

There are regular ferries which run from the harbour next to the city hall in Stockholm direct to the palace, alternativly (and more quickly) you can catch the metro to Brommaplan and then change onto one of the many bus routes that run to the castle.
Latitude: 59.324722; Longitude: 17.888889
What3Words: encoded.youth.lentil


Photo ID: 001983 Photo ID: 001984 Photo ID: 001985 Photo ID: 001986 Photo ID: 001987 Photo ID: 001988 Photo ID: 001989

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marifred Marifred No Data


Marifred is a very pretty little lakeside town, which also has one of the most spectacular castles in Sweden


Getting There

There are trains every other hour from Stockholm to Läggesta from where busses meet the trains to go into Marifred, alternativly, during the summer, you can catch the OSJ steam trains from beneath the station to the centre of Marifred
Latitude: 59.259871; Longitude: 17.222443
What3Words: flinch.monks.rashers


Photo ID: 002016 Photo ID: 002017 Photo ID: 002018 Photo ID: 002019 Photo ID: 002020 Photo ID: 002021 Photo ID: 002022

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uppsala Uppsala No Data


Uppsala is the most imporant religious town in the country, being the seat of the church in Sweden, it's also home to several viking burial mounds.


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Stockholm to Uppsala
Latitude: 59.858146; Longitude: 17.64459
What3Words: disputes.struts.admire


Photo ID: 002001 Photo ID: 002003 Photo ID: 002005 Photo ID: 002006 Photo ID: 002008 Photo ID: 002009 Photo ID: 002010

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

ABBA Museum ABBA Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the Swedish supergroup from their childhoods through the years of their world dominance and what they have done since the group split in the 1980's. Am audio guide, narrated by the four ABBA members themselves, guides you round the exhibition. Along the way there are lots of hands (and voice) on exhibitions.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.324938; Longitude: 18.096853
What3Words: studio.shows.nitrogen


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2018), and on time of last update (27/12/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botaniska trädgården (Botanical Gardens) Botaniska trädgården (Botanical Gardens) No Data


The former palace gardens, and now part of the University. Steps lead down from the castle, across the road and straight into the gardens. The main part of the gardens is what you would expect from palace gardens, with formal planting and lots of topiaried hedges and straight paths. Off to one side, on the opposite side of another road, are the more interesting gardens including a Nordic/Alpine garden, a small arboretum and a Japanese garden. This part of the gardens also houses the Tropical Greenhouse



Getting There

Latitude: 59.852788; Longitude: 17.630675
What3Words: flanked.meal.senses


Photo ID: 032212 Photo ID: 032235 Photo ID: 032236 Photo ID: 032244 Photo ID: 032247 Photo ID: 032257 Photo ID: 032258

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Domkyrka (Cathedral) Domkyrka (Cathedral) No Data


The city's Cathedral and also the tallest church in the Nordic region.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.858135; Longitude: 17.633603
What3Words: sediment.charm.walled


Photo ID: 032172 Photo ID: 032179 Photo ID: 032180 Photo ID: 032182 Photo ID: 032183 Photo ID: 032187 Photo ID: 032191

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Helga Trefaldighets kyrka (Holy Trinity Church) Helga Trefaldighets kyrka (Holy Trinity Church) No Data


A small church has been on the site since the early middle ages with the current incarnation dating from the early 14th century making it one of the oldest buildings in the city



Getting There

Latitude: 59.856892; Longitude: 17.632662
What3Words: dial.spooned.cuts


Photo ID: 032197 Photo ID: 032199 Photo ID: 032200 Photo ID: 032201 Photo ID: 032203 Photo ID: 032225 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skattkammaren Skattkammaren No Data


Located on the 5th-7th floors of the Northern tower of the cathedral this small museum houses some of the Cathedrals treasures, including vestments, chalices and other items. Access is via a lift, though rather concerningly you're given a torch to help with the low lighting and if you need to evacuate via the tower staircase



Getting There

Latitude: 59.858217; Longitude: 17.632648
What3Words: variety.daring.sensual


Photo ID: 032227 Photo ID: 032228 Photo ID: 032229 Photo ID: 032230 Photo ID: 032231 Photo ID: 032232 Photo ID: 032233

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Slott: Grounds Slott: Grounds No Data


The grounds of the city castle. Much of the original castle was reconstructed following a fire in the early 18th century so it looks more like a palace than a traditional palace. Parts of the older fortifications also exists in the grounds.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.853689; Longitude: 17.634971
What3Words: they.flat.support


Photo ID: 032205 Photo ID: 032215 Photo ID: 032286 Photo ID: 032287 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Slott: Gunillaklockan Slott: Gunillaklockan No Data


One of the bastions of the original castle, now housing the castle bell which used to be sounded to mark the start and end of the nightly curfew. From here there are excellent views down towards the cathedral and the town centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.854214; Longitude: 17.63413
What3Words: plants.bless.petition


Photo ID: 032206 Photo ID: 032207 Photo ID: 032208 Photo ID: 032209 Photo ID: 032281 Photo ID: 032282 Photo ID: 032283

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Slott: Uppsala konstmuseum (Art Museum) Slott: Uppsala konstmuseum (Art Museum) No Data


The Art Museum is housed in the Southern wing of the castle. There are a number of permeant exhibitions of items from the city's collection. On the top floor there is also an exhibition space for temporary exhibits.


Free (Charge for Temporary Exhibitions)

Getting There

Latitude: 59.853188; Longitude: 17.635286
What3Words: grand.reddish.plotting


Photo ID: 032239 Photo ID: 032230 Photo ID: 032231 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tropiska växthuset (Tropical Greenhouse) Tropiska växthuset (Tropical Greenhouse) No Data


Located in the Botaniska trädgården this group of linked greenhouses showcase plants from a number of different environments, including a rain forest, waterlily pond, semi-tropical and desert rooms.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.850551; Longitude: 17.628006
What3Words: deflect.bluntly.unlucky


Photo ID: 032248 Photo ID: 032249 Photo ID: 032250 Photo ID: 032251 Photo ID: 032254 Photo ID: 052255 Photo ID: 032256

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Upplandsmuseet Upplandsmuseet No Data


Located in the former city mill this museum charts the history of the city and the wider Upplands region with artefacts dating back over 5000 years through to the modern day.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.858939; Longitude: 17.634954
What3Words: gear.liberty.laptop


Photo ID: 032171 Photo ID: 032268 Photo ID: 032271 Photo ID: 032272 Photo ID: 032273 Photo ID: 032274 Photo ID: 032276

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gamla Uppsala: Högar Gamla Uppsala: Högar No Data


The whole area is covered with burial sites, though the large mounds here stand out by being so much larger than the others. Over the centuries they've been used as a place for parliaments, speeches and protests - but today they are protected monument and fenced off to stop people walking over the top of them and wearing away the grass the holds the structures together. You can walk all the way round the edge of the mounds on a pathway (one half is flat and level, the other side behind the mounds is uneven and rocky) which has a number of interpretation boards along the way to tell you more about the site.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.898211; Longitude: 17.630255
What3Words: guides.verdict.saunas


Photo ID: 032332 Photo ID: 032334 Photo ID: 032336 Photo ID: 032342 Photo ID: 032343 Photo ID: 032345 Photo ID: 032346

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gamla Uppsala: Museum Gamla Uppsala: Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the site from the modern day back to when the site was used for funerals. It also houses a number of artefacts that were dug up on the site during various archaeological excavations that have taken place over time. There is also a large seating area in front of a window looking out over the site, for when the weather isn't suitable for walking round outside.


Charge, allows for unlimited visits during the year

Getting There

Latitude: 59.897772; Longitude: 17.633667
What3Words: apricot.chapters.firm


Photo ID: 032335 Photo ID: 032349 Photo ID: 032350 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sigtuna: Klockstapel Sigtuna: Klockstapel No Data


Located on a hill overlooking the town and with good views out over the lake there has been a belfry on this site since at least the 17th century, though the historic one burnt down in 2016 and the current one is a modern-day reconstruction.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.616924; Longitude: 17.718486
What3Words: downloads.accumulated.doing


Photo ID: 032313 Photo ID: 032314 Photo ID: 032315 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sigtuna: Mariakyrkan Sigtuna: Mariakyrkan No Data


The main church of the town, located close to the centre and with the ruins of Sankt Olofs Church in its graveyard.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.618401; Longitude: 17.722896
What3Words: criminally.flags.thesaurus


Photo ID: 032326 Photo ID: 032327 Photo ID: 032328 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sigtuna: Museum Sigtuna: Museum No Data


This small museum charts the history of the area, from one of the most important settlements in middle-age Sweden, and the location where the first Swedish coins were minted - marking the end of the Viking age, to it's slow decline into being a quiet village on the banks of Lake Mälaren before its rise in importance again as a dormitory town for the nearby Arlanda airport.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.615193; Longitude: 17.718818
What3Words: connected.woodpecker.coffeemaker


Photo ID: 032304 Photo ID: 032305 Photo ID: 032306 Photo ID: 032307 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sigtuna: Rådhus Sigtuna: Rådhus No Data


Reportedly the smallest Town Hall in all of Sweden, this small building actually stopped functioning as the seat of government in the late 1940s but is a historic monument. During the summer months it houses a small museum.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.616985; Longitude: 17.721243
What3Words: riff.pianists.headstrong


Photo ID: 032291 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sigtuna: Rune Stones Sigtuna: Rune Stones No Data


Dotted throughout the town are numerous rune stones - large pieces of rock with Viking era runes written on them. Many are located close to the ruined and active churches as many were created after Christianity became the religion of the area. These nearly 1000 year old carved rocks are an impressive testament to the lives of the Vikings who inhabited this part of the world.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.616991; Longitude: 17.720351
What3Words: busiest.splintered.drawing


Photo ID: 032318 Photo ID: 032330 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sigtuna: Sankt Lars Kyrkoruin Sigtuna: Sankt Lars Kyrkoruin No Data


The smallest of the ruins, just the back wall of one tower remains standing. Located nearby are two of the rune stones that dot the town



Getting There

Latitude: 59.617009; Longitude: 17.719946
What3Words: workout.attains.projecting


Photo ID: 032316 Photo ID: 032317 Photo ID: 032319 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sigtuna: Sankt Olofs kyrkoruin Sigtuna: Sankt Olofs kyrkoruin No Data


The largest and most well preserved of the church ruins in the town, and located in the graveyard of the main town church - Mariakyrkan. The ruins are still used as a chapel for weddings with much of the shape of the building still intact, albeit without roofs and some of the back walls gone.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.618366; Longitude: 17.721188
What3Words: fluidly.galaxy.pursued


Photo ID: 032320 Photo ID: 032321 Photo ID: 032322 Photo ID: 032324 Photo ID: 032325 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sigtuna: Sankt Per's Kyrkoruin Sigtuna: Sankt Per's Kyrkoruin No Data


Ruins of a church located on the edge of the town. Parts of the tower, rear wall and side walls remain. At present it isn't possible to go inside the church as repair works are required to stabilise the mortar, but you can still get a good sense of the building from walking round it.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.616315; Longitude: 17.713725
What3Words: transported.vacuum.saddle


Photo ID: 032309 Photo ID: 032310 Photo ID: 032311 Photo ID: 032312 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sigtuna: Strandpromenaden Sigtuna: Strandpromenaden No Data


A walking route that follows the edge of the lake through the town centre. There are numerous benches along the way to sit and enjoy the views out across the lake



Getting There

Latitude: 59.614381; Longitude: 17.720516
What3Words: sleepiness.buzz.caramel


Photo ID: 032297 Photo ID: 032298 Photo ID: 032299 Photo ID: 032300 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sigtuna: Tourist office Sigtuna: Tourist office No Data


Located in a merchants house in the centre of the city this building now houses, alongside the tourist office, a small museum that tells a little of the story of what life would have been like in Sigtuna in the past. The large formal gardens stretch from the back of the house all the way down to the edge of the lake.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.616467; Longitude: 17.721605
What3Words: alteration.terrace.ruffle


Photo ID: 032294 Photo ID: 032295 Photo ID: 032296 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gamala Uppsala Gamala Uppsala No Data


Old Uppsala, located a couple of kilometres north of the modern city. This is where the city was originally founded round the 6th Century burial mounds and an early Cathedral. Today it’s a suburb of the city, but perhaps one of the most important archaeological sites in Sweden


Getting There

From Uppsala the number 2 bus runs every 15 minutes (20 minutes at weekends) to Gamla Uppsala taking just under 25 minutes. Catch the bus to the end of the line and the Archaeological site, museum and old church are all a few metres from the bus stop.
Latitude: 59.897558; Longitude: 17.635217
What3Words: panics.stays.cliff


Photo ID: 032331 Photo ID: 032338 Photo ID: 032340 Photo ID: 032344 Photo ID: 032347 Photo ID: 032348 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sigtuna Sigtuna No Data


Established around 980 as a harbour town on the shore of Lake Mälaren, at one point this was one of the most important cities in Sweden. Over time it's fortunes waned and by the early 20th century had a population of around 600. Because of it's earlier importance it is home to a number of former churches, that have become ruins and a significant number of Viking era Rune stones. In the last 50 years the area has become more important as it is only a few miles from Arlanda airport which as the main international airport for Scandinavia has seen a number of the local settlements expand significantly to become dormitory towns


Getting There

From Uppsala you need to take the Pendeltåg one stop south to Knivsta (every 30 minutes, about 8 minutes) and change there onto the 183 bus to Sigtuna (every hour - only every 2-3 hours at weekends; about 25 minutes). Alternatively you can take the regional train (hourly, about 15 minutes) to Märsta station and change there onto the 570/575 bus (every 30 minutes, about 25 minutes). The second option requires separate tickets to be purchased for each leg, where as the train/183 bus option can be done with a single UL ticket.
Latitude: 59.616851; Longitude: 17.721546
What3Words: spied.nicked.reassures


Photo ID: 032293 Photo ID: 032301 Photo ID: 032302 Photo ID: 032303 Photo ID: 032308 Photo ID: 032320 Photo ID: 032326

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/10/2020), and on time of last update (12/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Akvariet Akvariet No Data


Located in the Sjöfartsmuseet this small aquarium has a number of displays of rare and exotic fish


Charge, Joint ticket giving annual access to all city museums or Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 57.699279; Longitude: 11.932316
What3Words: cone.imparts.chapels


Photo ID: 017735 Photo ID: 017736 Photo ID: 017737 Photo ID: 017738 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/09/2016), and on time of last update (24/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ferries (281/2/3/4) Ferries (281/2/3/4) No Data


From Saltholmen a number of ferry routes connect out to the smaller islands in the southern archipelago. During the summer months the ferries are regular and connect well with each other so it's possible to go round on circular tours and change at Saltholmen to get onto another ferry to explore a different part of the archipelago.


Charge, Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

From the centre of town tram 11 (and 9 from morning until early evening) run out to Saltholmen (end of the line) taking around 40 minutes to make the journey. It's then a 4 minute walk from the tram stop to the ferry terminal.
Latitude: 57.661442; Longitude: 11.842564
What3Words: parkway.reply.soulful


Photo ID: 019930 Photo ID: 019932 Photo ID: 019935 Photo ID: 019942 Photo ID: 019944 Photo ID: 019949 Photo ID: 019953

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2017), and on time of last update (06/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ferries (285/286) Ferries (285/286) No Data


Regular ferries run up and down the river linking parts of the city together. They provide a good view of the city and on a warm day a cool place to sit for a while as you take in the views


Charge, Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 57.71182; Longitude: 11.965899
What3Words: range.hamper.mole


Photo ID: 017713 Photo ID: 017716 Photo ID: 017718 Photo ID: 017722 Photo ID: 017724 Photo ID: 017726 Photo ID: 017728

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/09/2016), and on time of last update (06/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Göteborgs Stadsmuseum Göteborgs Stadsmuseum No Data


The museum tells the history of the city from 12,000 years ago to the recent past - including a large exhibition on the only Viking ship found in Sweden.


Charge, Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 57.706334; Longitude: 11.963453
What3Words: phantom.thumps.vague


Photo ID: 020036 Photo ID: 020037 Photo ID: 020038 Photo ID: 020039 Photo ID: 020040 Photo ID: 020041 Photo ID: 020049

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/07/2017), and on time of last update (06/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Läppstiftet Läppstiftet No Data


A small viewing gallery located at the top of the lipstick building by the riverside at Lilla Bommen. From the platform there are excellent views across the city and down the river towards the archipelago and beyond.


Charge, Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 57.713184; Longitude: 11.96741
What3Words: directs.visit.remake


Photo ID: 019902 Photo ID: 019903 Photo ID: 019904 Photo ID: 019905 Photo ID: 019906 Photo ID: 019907 Photo ID: 019910

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2017), and on time of last update (06/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Naturhistoriska museum Naturhistoriska museum No Data


Located in the large Slottsskgen the Natural History museum has a broad collection of exhibits covering everything from Geology and Dinosaurs through to a large number of animal specimens


Charge, Joint ticket giving annual access to all city museums or Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 57.689976; Longitude: 11.949285
What3Words: offline.friction.tops


Photo ID: 017740 Photo ID: 017741 Photo ID: 017742 Photo ID: 017743 Photo ID: 017744 Photo ID: 017745 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/09/2016), and on time of last update (24/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palmhuset Palmhuset No Data


Located in the Trädgårdsföreningen the palm house has a number of temperature and humidity controlled spaces including the main palm house, a tropical room and an arid room.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.705618; Longitude: 11.97574
What3Words: definite.creamed.fattest


Photo ID: 017704 Photo ID: 017705 Photo ID: 017706 Photo ID: 017707 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/09/2016), and on time of last update (24/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sjöfartsmuseet Sjöfartsmuseet No Data


The city maritime museum that tells the history of the city from it's founding to its current position as the main port for Scandinavia


Charge, Joint ticket giving annual access to all city museums or Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 57.699214; Longitude: 11.931904
What3Words: pool.exposing.patch


Photo ID: 017731 Photo ID: 017732 Photo ID: 017733 Photo ID: 017734 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/09/2016), and on time of last update (24/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Slottsskogen Slottsskogen No Data


A large park to the South of the city centre with lots of space to relax in, along with view points over the city, a number of lakes, cafes and the Natural History museum



Getting There

Latitude: 57.685511; Longitude: 11.94577
What3Words: maternal.mushroom.nibbles


Photo ID: 017739 Photo ID: 017746 Photo ID: 017747 Photo ID: 017748 Photo ID: 017749 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/09/2016), and on time of last update (24/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spårvägssällskapet Ringlinien Spårvägssällskapet Ringlinien No Data


A heritage tramway that runs from the central station out to the amusement park at Liseberg - a total journey time of around 15 minutes. Historical and museum trams operate the service, giving you a taste of what it was like to travel on transport in Gothenburg in the early 20th Century


Charge, Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 57.707908; Longitude: 11.972973
What3Words: consumed.using.banana


Photo ID: 017709 Photo ID: 017710 Photo ID: 20030 Photo ID: 20031 Photo ID: 20035 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/09/2016), and on time of last update (24/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stinsen Sightseeing Stinsen Sightseeing No Data


Land train offering a hop-on-hop-off service taking in the sites in the centre of the city that aren't accessible to either boat or bus - including the beautiful Haga district. Pre-recorded commentary tells you about the key sights. The tour leaves from Gustav Adolfs Torv with additional stops by the fish church and in the centre of Haga.


Charge, Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 57.706973; Longitude: 11.96632
What3Words: move.shrimp.tornado


Photo ID: 020042 Photo ID: 020043 Photo ID: 020044 Photo ID: 020045 Photo ID: 020046 Photo ID: 020048 Photo ID: 020050

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/07/2017), and on time of last update (06/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Strömma Hop-on-Hop-Off Bus Strömma Hop-on-Hop-Off Bus No Data


A 50 minute open-top bus tour through the city centre, offering hop-on-hop-off service, but at the time of visiting with only four services in the day that option wasn't really viable. A multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary gives key facts about sites and the city


Charge, Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 57.702962; Longitude: 11.971049
What3Words: stuffy.trials.owns


Photo ID: 017681 Photo ID: 017682 Photo ID: 017683 Photo ID: 017685 Photo ID: 017689 Photo ID: 017694 Photo ID: 017697

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/09/2016), and on time of last update (06/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Strömma Paddan Strömma Paddan No Data


A circular tour of the canals and river that make up the heart of the city. The tour guide gives a history of the city, along with details on the sites that you are seeing


Charge, Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 57.703617; Longitude: 11.969859
What3Words: tops.meal.guessing


Photo ID: 017750 Photo ID: 017752 Photo ID: 017753 Photo ID: 017755 Photo ID: 017756 Photo ID: 017757 Photo ID: 017758

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/09/2016), and on time of last update (06/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trädgårdsföreningen Trädgårdsföreningen No Data


Run by the Garden Society of Gothenburg this botanical garden is a calm oasis in the city centre. A large part of the park is taken up with the rose garden.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.706555; Longitude: 11.976584
What3Words: interval.caged.pint


Photo ID: 017699 Photo ID: 017700 Photo ID: 017701 Photo ID: 017702 Photo ID: 017703 Photo ID: 017704 Photo ID: 017708

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/09/2016), and on time of last update (24/09/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Universeum Universeum No Data


Part museum, part zoo and aquarium, part tropical garden this odd collection makes for a very interesting insight into science and nature. The first part of the visit looks at the role of water in Sweden and the type of animals that exist in some of the countries different environments before moving into an aquarium that houses a wide variety of species including several shark species in their spectacular main tank. From the aquarium you exit into the Rainforest that fills the full height of the building and houses a large number of rainforest plants, birds and some animals - with the full effect of the oppressive humidity. The rest of the museum houses scientific exhibits including on Sweden's input into space exploration.


Charge, Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

Latitude: 57.695727; Longitude: 11.988458
What3Words: painter.move.crown


Photo ID: 019911 Photo ID: 019918 Photo ID: 019920 Photo ID: 019923 Photo ID: 019927 Photo ID: 019928 Photo ID: 020027

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2017), and on time of last update (06/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kungälv: Bohus Fästning Kungälv: Bohus Fästning No Data


A spectacular castle perched on a hill overlooking the river. Ruined during the 17th and 18th centuries parts have been restored and you can explore the whole site including walking along the walls at the top of the castle and looking down into the dungeon.


Charge, 50% discount with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

The Grön Express bus runs from the city centre to the stop at Eriksdal (every 15 minutes, around 20 minutes). From there it’s a short walk across the bridge to the castle entrance
Latitude: 57.86155; Longitude: 11.999452
What3Words: trainer.slippers.surfaces


Photo ID: 019956 Photo ID: 019963 Photo ID: 019970 Photo ID: 019976 Photo ID: 019980 Photo ID: 019982 Photo ID: 019989

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2017), and on time of last update (06/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Säve: Aeromuseum Säve: Aeromuseum No Data


Located in a former secret cold war NATO air base tunneled into the rock near the airfield today the museum houses a large collection of aircraft and air related exhibits. Even if your not interested in the content of the museum the building itself is worth a visit.


Charge, Free with the Gothenburg Card

Getting There

From the city centre take a tram (5, 6, 10) or bus (many) out to the bus station at Hjalmar Brantingspl and change there for the hourly number 35 bus. Get off at the Granhäll (you won't be able to miss the jet fighter by the road side opposite the bus stop from Gothenburg.) From here its a well signed 10-15 minute walk to the museum
Latitude: 57.77079; Longitude: 11.880659
What3Words: over.conveys.debate


Photo ID: 019992 Photo ID: 019994 Photo ID: 019995 Photo ID: 019996 Photo ID: 019998 Photo ID: 019999 Photo ID: 020000

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2017), and on time of last update (06/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bratislavský hrad (Castle) Bratislavský hrad (Castle) No Data


Perched on the top of a hill overlooking the city the castle is one of the dominant landmarks of the city. You can walk around the grounds of the castle for free but there are charges to visit the attractions inside the castle



Getting There

Latitude: 48.142186; Longitude: 17.100123
What3Words: ranking.reply.pastels


Photo ID: 000825 Photo ID: 000826 Photo ID: 000827 Photo ID: 009932 Photo ID: 009974 Photo ID: 009979 Photo ID: 009979

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/11/2005), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Tour Castle Tour No Data


The castle tour starts in the centre of the old town and takes in some of the sights here, before heading up through the town to the castle itself. Once at the castle there is a 15 minute stop to have a bit of a wander round, before the tour descends back down into the city centre.


Charge, Joint ticket for both the Old Town and Castle tour available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.141893; Longitude: 17.109779
What3Words: trick.ozone.wanting


Photo ID: 009968 Photo ID: 009969 Photo ID: 009970 Photo ID: 009971 Photo ID: 009972 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hrad: Slovenské národné múzeum (Slovakian National Museum) Hrad: Slovenské národné múzeum (Slovakian National Museum) No Data


The museum looks at the history of the Slovakian nation (and the region prior to the countries creation in 1993)



Getting There

Latitude: 48.142559; Longitude: 17.099694
What3Words: zoom.tones.educated


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/11/2005), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Katedrála svätého Martina (St Michaels Cathedral) Katedrála svätého Martina (St Michaels Cathedral) No Data


Located in the city centre this is the Cathedral for the city.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 48.145286; Longitude: 17.106813
What3Words: tarred.means.tuck


Photo ID: 000827 Photo ID: 009933 Photo ID: 009985 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/11/2005), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Michalská brána (Michaels Gate) Michalská brána (Michaels Gate) No Data


The only surviving city gate. Today it houses a small exhibition on weapons and arms, but the main reason for entering the museum is to climb to the viewing platform, from where there are excellent views over the old town.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.145132; Longitude: 17.106874
What3Words: cutaway.limiting.conned


Photo ID: 009935 Photo ID: 009938 Photo ID: 009944 Photo ID: 009961 Photo ID: 009962 Photo ID: 009963 Photo ID: 009965

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Town Tour Old Town Tour No Data


The Old Town tour takes in the major sights in the city centre, squeezing its way down narrow lanes and through the streets lined with tables for the café's and restaurants. A running commentary tells you about the main sights.


Charge, Joint ticket for both the Old Town and Castle tour available

Getting There

Latitude: 48.143819; Longitude: 17.108301
What3Words: props.prickly.reporter


Photo ID: 009966 Photo ID: 009967 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

UFO Viewing Platform UFO Viewing Platform No Data


The UFO is the local name given to the restaurant and viewing platform erected on the top of the Most SNP. From the top you have excellent views over the city centre and up and down the Danube, even if it does slightly disconcertingly sway slightly when a very heavy lorry goes over the bridge underneath.



Getting There

Latitude: 48.136645; Longitude: 17.105327
What3Words: search.lights.mixers


Photo ID: 009928 Photo ID: 009930 Photo ID: 009931 Photo ID: 009934 Photo ID: 009936 Photo ID: 009937 Photo ID: 009940

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hrad Devín Hrad Devín No Data


Located at the confluence of the Danube and the Morava Rivers, the castle stands on a high ridge overlooking the rivers and so was a strategic sight for many centuries. Today it is in ruins, and at the time of visiting only part of the site was open to visitors (it had already been closed for 5 years). Walls of some of the buildings are still standing, and the views over the rivers and wider countryside are stunning


Getting There

The number 29 bus leaves from the bus station underneath the Most SNP hourly on weekdays, half hourly on weekends (weekends only in summer months), and terminates in the car park of the castle. Alternatively the more frequent number 28 starts from Most SNP and runs past the access road to the castle (300m walk to car park). Outside of the summer this is the only option on weekends.
Latitude: 48.173942; Longitude: 16.978093
What3Words: prowled.cycle.certain


Photo ID: 009946 Photo ID: 009950 Photo ID: 009953 Photo ID: 009956 Photo ID: 009958 Photo ID: 009959 Photo ID: 009960

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Emona Emona No Data


Emona was the Roman settlement which the modern Ljubljana has been built upon. Little remains of the original Roman town, but parts of the city walls, gates and some bits of sewer still survive and you can see them on a well signed walking tour that takes you round the edge of the former Roman settlement



Getting There

Latitude: 46.045659; Longitude: 14.498544
What3Words: frocks.speeds.loss


Photo ID: 012768 Photo ID: 012769 Photo ID: 012770 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ljubljanski grad: Galerija S (Castle: S Gallery) Ljubljanski grad: Galerija S (Castle: S Gallery) No Data


Located underneath the castle in the foundations the gallery is a space for changing exhibitions


Charge, or included in small and large castle tickets

Getting There

Latitude: 46.048806; Longitude: 14.508181
What3Words: scanner.chat.molars


Photo ID: 012699 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ljubljanski grad: Kapela (Castle: Chapel) Ljubljanski grad: Kapela (Castle: Chapel) No Data


Former chapel of the castle, richly decorated



Getting There

Latitude: 46.048691; Longitude: 14.507976
What3Words: corals.fund.dove


Photo ID: 012690 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ljubljanski grad: Kazemate (Castle: Casemate) Ljubljanski grad: Kazemate (Castle: Casemate) No Data


The former casemate, at the time of visiting, had been turned into an exhibition on the development of the city over the last two millennium



Getting There

Latitude: 46.049342; Longitude: 14.508393
What3Words: voter.slider.scar


Photo ID: 012693 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ljubljanski grad: Kaznilnica (Castle: Penitentiary) Ljubljanski grad: Kaznilnica (Castle: Penitentiary) No Data


The former castle prison cells, include a small exhibition on the people who were held there



Getting There

Latitude: 46.048886; Longitude: 14.507934
What3Words: exist.disposal.stealing


Photo ID: 012691 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ljubljanski grad: Razgledna Terasa (Castle Viewing Terrace) Ljubljanski grad: Razgledna Terasa (Castle Viewing Terrace) No Data


The terrace looks over the north of the city offering excellent views



Getting There

Latitude: 46.049283; Longitude: 14.508727
What3Words: treat.primary.dorm


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ljubljanski grad: Razgledni Stolp (Castle: Viewing Tower) Ljubljanski grad: Razgledni Stolp (Castle: Viewing Tower) No Data


The castle clock tower offers stunning views over the whole of the city and the surrounding countryside


Charge, or included in small and large castle tickets

Getting There

Latitude: 46.048764; Longitude: 14.507705
What3Words: pointer.shape.sanded


Photo ID: 012688 Photo ID: 012695 Photo ID: 012696 Photo ID: 012697 Photo ID: 012698 Photo ID: 012704 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ljubljanski grad: Slovenska zgodovina (Castle: Slovenian History museum) Ljubljanski grad: Slovenska zgodovina (Castle: Slovenian History museum) No Data


The museum has a number of artefacts relating to the history of the region, as well as a comprehensive display on the history of Slovenia, focusing in particular on the period from the outbreak of WWI through to independence in 1991


Charge, or included in small and large castle tickets

Getting There

Latitude: 46.04859; Longitude: 14.508055
What3Words: resists.contact.crass


Photo ID: 012694 Photo ID: 012700 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ljubljanski grad: Virtualni Grad (Castle: Virtual Castle) Ljubljanski grad: Virtualni Grad (Castle: Virtual Castle) No Data


A 15 minute video presentation on the history of Ljubljana and the castle.


Charge, or included in small and large castle tickets

Getting There

Latitude: 46.048753; Longitude: 14.507812
What3Words: paying.classed.takes


Photo ID: 012685 Photo ID: 012686 Photo ID: 012687 Photo ID: 012692 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

River Cruise River Cruise No Data


Several different companies offer tours up and down the Ljubljanica river, leaving from various points along it. They all take the same route from the centre of town out into the countryside outside the city before turning round and heading back through the city centre, turning again just after the market and Cathedral to return to their starting point. Tours last 50 minutes, though most are without commentary



Getting There

Latitude: 46.051646; Longitude: 14.508787
What3Words: slippery.cobras.passion


Photo ID: 012773 Photo ID: 012774 Photo ID: 012775 Photo ID: 012777 Photo ID: 012778 Photo ID: 012779 Photo ID: 012780

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Slovenia in one day Tour Slovenia in one day Tour No Data


A full day tour that takes in most of Western Slovenia. After picking up in Ljubljana the tour heads North West to Lake Bled to take in Bled Island and the Castle before stopping for lunch in the town. After lunch the tour heads south, back past Ljubljana and down to Predjama to look round the stunning cliff face cave castle there, before heading back to Postojna to look round the magnificent caves. In total it visits most of the top five tourist attractions in Slovenia, before returning back to Ljubljana.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.046576; Longitude: 14.50665
What3Words: space.info.incomes


Photo ID: 012711 Photo ID: 012714 Photo ID: 012718 Photo ID: 012733 Photo ID: 012739 Photo ID: 012742 Photo ID: 012761

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tourist Train Tourist Train No Data


Running from the centre of town up to the castle and back - a more interesting way of getting to the castle



Getting There

Latitude: 46.05025; Longitude: 14.506775
What3Words: when.batches.fork


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vzpenjace (Funicular) Vzpenjace (Funicular) No Data


The funicular rises up to the castle undercroft from the centre of town, the single glass carriage offers good views on it's way up (if it's not packed to capacity as it often is)


Charge, or included in large castle ticket only

Getting There

Latitude: 46.050114; Longitude: 14.509663
What3Words: twisting.secret.cult


Photo ID: 012705 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bled Bled No Data


Possibly the prettiest town in Slovenia, overlooking Lake Bled with it's cliff top castle and mid-lake island.


Getting There

There are regular coaches from Ljubljana to Bled taking around an hour to make the journey.
Latitude: 46.366809; Longitude: 14.108339
What3Words: marches.retool.expectation


Photo ID: 012726 Photo ID: 012736 Photo ID: 012738 Photo ID: 012739 Photo ID: 012740 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bled: Blejski grad (Bled Castle) Bled: Blejski grad (Bled Castle) No Data


The castle stands on a high cliff overlooking the lake and just giving off the sense of impregnability. Inside the castle there is a chapel, forge, print works and a small museum to look around, but the key draw are the views over the lake.


Charge, Included in the Slovenia in One day tour

Getting There

Latitude: 46.3698; Longitude: 14.100571
What3Words: bluntest.trying.instances


Photo ID: 012730 Photo ID: 012731 Photo ID: 012732 Photo ID: 012733 Photo ID: 012734 Photo ID: 012735 Photo ID: 012737

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bled: Blejski otok (Bled Island) Bled: Blejski otok (Bled Island) No Data


The island, located towards one end of Lake Bled houses a church that is the location of pilgrimages. You can climb the bell tower of the church, and even ring the wishing bell, but if you can get over to the island early in the morning before the hoards of tourists arrive it's just a very pleasant and tranquil place from where you can view the stunning vistas of the lake, town and castle


Free to look around the island, Charge to go into the church or the bell tower

Getting There

Latitude: 46.362234; Longitude: 14.090132
What3Words: shocks.reminders.caseworker


Photo ID: 012716 Photo ID: 012717 Photo ID: 012719 Photo ID: 012722 Photo ID: 012723 Photo ID: 012724 Photo ID: 012725

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bled: Blejsko jezero (Lake Bled) Bled: Blejsko jezero (Lake Bled) No Data


The lake is a result of a former glacier and due to it's depth and the surrounding mountains is a sparkling blue. It's also warm enough to be a major swimming location, along with rowing. No powered boats are allowed on the lake which make it gloriously quiet



Getting There

Latitude: 46.36578; Longitude: 14.100153
What3Words: contributor.impressions.seriously


Photo ID: 012711 Photo ID: 012712 Photo ID: 012713 Photo ID: 012714 Photo ID: 012721 Photo ID: 012729 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bled: Pletna (Lake Boat) Bled: Pletna (Lake Boat) No Data


Five families have the right to ply for trade on the lake, running small flat bottomed rowing boats that take visitors out to Bled Island. It doesn't matter which boat you go to as the charge will be the same, and they'll wait until their full, or close to full, before heading off. If you're on an organised tour you may be able to get a more exclusive boat just to the tour group


Charge, Included in the Slovenia in One day tour

Getting There

Latitude: 46.359998; Longitude: 14.094606
What3Words: dredged.thursdays.fled


Photo ID: 012715 Photo ID: 012718 Photo ID: 012720 Photo ID: 012727 Photo ID: 012728 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Postojna: Postojnska jama (Postojna Cave) Postojna: Postojnska jama (Postojna Cave) No Data


The number one tourist attraction in Slovenia, the caves are enormous, with the initial journey into the caves being a 4.5Km train ride, deep into the side of the mountain. From there you follow a guide as they take your round another kilometre and a half or so of show caves before returning to the train for the journey back out of the cave. The formations inside the cave are amazing, and all of this has been formed by what is in effect quite a small river, albeit over half a million years.


Charge, Included in the Slovenia in One day tour. Joint ticket for Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle is available

Getting There

The cave is located out the back of town, about a kilometre from the train station. Trains run at irregular intervals throughout the day, taking around an hour to make the journey.
Latitude: 45.782713; Longitude: 14.204123
What3Words: actual.outpatient.discovers


Photo ID: 012749 Photo ID: 012754 Photo ID: 012755 Photo ID: 012757 Photo ID: 012760 Photo ID: 012762 Photo ID: 012764

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Predjama: Predjamski grad (Predjama Castle) Predjama: Predjamski grad (Predjama Castle) No Data


Built into a cave, halfway up a cliff, the castle is an amazing feat of engineering, let alone a stunning sight. You can visit most of the castle, although the caves to the rear of the castle, that the inhabitants used to sneak in and out whenever they were besieged, have been closed to prevent damage.


Charge, Included in the Slovenia in One day tour. Joint ticket for Postojna Cave and Predjama Castle is available

Getting There

There is a free shuttle bus that runs hourly in the afternoon from Postojna Cave to the castle and back
Latitude: 45.815866; Longitude: 14.12694
What3Words: minibar.easygoing.tuneless


Photo ID: 012741 Photo ID: 012743 Photo ID: 012744 Photo ID: 012745 Photo ID: 012746 Photo ID: 012747 Photo ID: 012748

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

McCaigs Tower McCaigs Tower No Data


Built as a monument to his family by John McCaig, the tower was never fully finished, but today forms the key point on the skyline of Oban, and a convenient place from which to get really good views over the town and out to the Islands.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.415682; Longitude: -5.468552
What3Words: bother.less.gambles


Photo ID: 005873 Photo ID: 005874 Photo ID: 005875 Photo ID: 005876 Photo ID: 005877 Photo ID: 005878 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2011), and on time of last update (01/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mull and Iona Tour Mull and Iona Tour No Data


The tour starts in Oban with a morning crossing to Mull where you pick up the coach for the journey through the picturesque highlands of the island down to the ferry port at Fionnphort. From there you catch the ferry across to Iona where you have about two hours to look around the key sights of the island, before catching the ferry back to Fionnphort and the coach back through the highlands to the ferry back to Oban



Getting There

Latitude: 56.412287; Longitude: -5.475461
What3Words: juggle.routine.stretcher


Photo ID: 005891 Photo ID: 005893 Photo ID: 005894 Photo ID: 005896 Photo ID: 005897 Photo ID: 005906 Photo ID: 005907

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2011), and on time of last update (01/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oban Distillery Oban Distillery No Data


The hour long tour takes you round the distillery. This includes into the working areas of the Distillery (though visiting on a weekend you don't get to actually see anyone working as they rest the stills at the weekend.) The tour includes a very small taste of some cask strength Whisky, as well as a single measure of their standard 14 year old at the end of the tour and a free glass.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.414987; Longitude: -5.471631
What3Words: hindering.cookies.bowhead


Photo ID: 005879 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2011), and on time of last update (01/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dunstaffnage: Castle Dunstaffnage: Castle Historic Scotland


Dunstaffnage castle is set on the end of spit of land that makes it both easily defendable and picturesque. Only the shell of the original castle remain, with a 18th century building inside the shell still standing but not open to the public. In the nearby woods are the ruins of the castle chapel.



Getting There

Buses run about once an hour from Oban to Dunbeg from where it's a 15 minute walk down past the local College to the castle entrance
Latitude: 56.454737; Longitude: -5.437052
What3Words: televise.synthetic.elite


Photo ID: 005916 Photo ID: 005917 Photo ID: 005918 Photo ID: 005919 Photo ID: 005920 Photo ID: 005921 Photo ID: 005924

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/05/2011), and on time of last update (01/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Iona: Abbey Iona: Abbey Historic Scotland


The abbey has made the island a site for pilgrimage for centuries. Today it's still standing and attracting pilgrims. The church and cloister are open to look around, along with a small museum. The rest of the site is used for pilgrims.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.33405; Longitude: -6.392713
What3Words: desk.highlighted.realm


Photo ID: 005900 Photo ID: 005901 Photo ID: 005902 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2011), and on time of last update (01/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Iona: Nunnery Iona: Nunnery Historic Scotland


The ruins of the former nunnery for the abbey.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.329149; Longitude: -6.397262
What3Words: foal.used.forehand


Photo ID: 005898 Photo ID: 005899 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2011), and on time of last update (01/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Iona Iona No Data


For centuries the island has been a place of pilgrimage with it's Abbey and today for members of the UK Labour movement to the grave of John Smith


Getting There

From Oban you need to catch the ferry to Craignuir on Mull and from there take one the (infrequent) bus to Fionnphort where you change onto the half hourly ferry across to Iona. Alternatively there are daily tours run by CalMac and Bowman's which let you do it without having to worry about connections.)
Latitude: 56.330434; Longitude: -6.392069
What3Words: vitamins.families.eased


Photo ID: 005898 Photo ID: 005899 Photo ID: 005900 Photo ID: 005901 Photo ID: 005902 Photo ID: 005903 Photo ID: 005904

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2011), and on time of last update (01/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mull Mull No Data


Mull is the second largest of the Inner Hebredian islands, and the easiest to get to from Oban. The crossing is an attraction in itself cruising between some of the inner islands. From the ferry port at Craignuir there are regular buses up to the Islands capital of Tobermory. There are also buses that meet the ferry to go to the nearby castle at Duart.


Getting There

CalMac ferries leave about every two hours from the terminal in Oban to Craignuir, taking about 45 minutes to make the crossing
Latitude: 56.471215; Longitude: -5.705595
What3Words: binds.mothering.photo


Photo ID: 005892 Photo ID: 005895 Photo ID: 005905 Photo ID: 005908 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2011), and on time of last update (01/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum Maritime Museum No Data


This museums has lots of displays on shipping and for some reason that escapes me now North sea oil...



Getting There

Latitude: 57.146434; Longitude: -2.094848
What3Words: canny.feeds.admit


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North Sea Trail North Sea Trail No Data


One of a series of self guided trails that cover the city and wider area, available from the tourist information centre. This trail starts you a couple of miles north of the city centre at the Bridge of Don and continues along the sea front, around the harbour and back out to the south of the city. Full length is around 12KM



Getting There

The North Sea trail starts at the Bridge over the Don about 50 minutes walk north of the city. You can catch a 1 or 2 bus to the bridge to save the walk
Latitude: 57.175621; Longitude: -2.090664
What3Words: choice.farm.ruby


Photo ID: 006730 Photo ID: 006731 Photo ID: 006732 Photo ID: 006735 Photo ID: 006736 Photo ID: 006737 Photo ID: 006740

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Aberdeen Trail Old Aberdeen Trail No Data


One of a series of self guided trails that cover the city and wider area, available from the tourist information centre. This trail starts you a little way north of the Mercat cross and takes you up through Old Aberdeen and the university area past the old Cathedral and ends at the old Bridge of Don



Getting There

Latitude: 57.15732; Longitude: -2.099204
What3Words: happen.awards.sleep


Photo ID: 006721 Photo ID: 006722 Photo ID: 006727 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Provist Skene's House Provist Skene's House No Data


This is one of the few medieval buildings that survive in Aberdeen and the interiors have been reconstructed to show what life was like at various times during the buildings existence.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.148359; Longitude: -2.097461
What3Words: richer.push.adults


Photo ID: 001283 Photo ID: 006720 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seaton Park Seaton Park No Data


A large park stretching from the north of Old Aberdeen up to Bridge of Don



Getting There

The park is a good 30 minute walk north of the city centre. Alternatively you can catch the number 20 bus to the top end of the university campus, from where it's a short walk to the park, or catch the 1 or 2 bus to Bridge of Don where you can walk back to the park
Latitude: 57.171899; Longitude: -2.099977
What3Words: tests.cheeks.float


Photo ID: 006726 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Machar's Cathedral St Machar's Cathedral No Data


The old cathedral of the city


Free, Suggested donation

Getting There

The cathedral is a good 30 minute walk north of the city centre. Alternatively you can catch the number 20 bus to the top end of the university campus, from where it's a short walk to the cathedral
Latitude: 57.169828; Longitude: -2.102348
What3Words: loses.starts.tame


Photo ID: 006723 Photo ID: 006724 Photo ID: 006725 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tollbooth Tollbooth No Data


This now houses the Aberdeen civic history museum which has small displays on the growth of Aberdeen, the Tollbooth itself, the life of an Aberdeen PC and crime (reflecting the Tollbooth's previous existence as a prison)



Getting There

Latitude: 57.147766; Longitude: -2.094701
What3Words: sizes.common.commented


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2006), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Crathes Castle Crathes Castle National Trust for Scotland


Home of the Burnett family, the castle has been with the National Trust of Scotland since the 1950's and offers an insight into the development of castles in this part of Scotland from the 16th century fortress to Scottish baronial palace. The castle is set in large grounds that are open to wander around, along with a pleasant walled garden


Charge for the castle and walled garden, grounds are free to wander around

Getting There

Latitude: 57.061498; Longitude: -2.439861
What3Words: contracting.raking.ballooned


Photo ID: 006771 Photo ID: 006773 Photo ID: 006775 Photo ID: 006776 Photo ID: 006777 Photo ID: 006778 Photo ID: 006779

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Elgin: Bishops House Elgin: Bishops House Historic Scotland


The ruins of the old bishops house opposite the cathedral



Getting There

Latitude: 57.650964; Longitude: -3.306788
What3Words: vital.arena.rank


Photo ID: 006768 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Elgin: Castle Elgin: Castle No Data


The mound where the castle once stood provides an excellent view point over the city. Only a couple of fragments of the castle keep still survive



Getting There

Latitude: 57.648452; Longitude: -3.322232
What3Words: stored.path.paths


Photo ID: 006761 Photo ID: 006762 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Elgin: Cathedral Elgin: Cathedral Historic Scotland


The ruins of the cathedral. The Chapter house is still in one piece as are the bulk of the towers, from the top of which there are stunning views over the site and the town



Getting There

Latitude: 57.650648; Longitude: -3.305479
What3Words: drift.they.grants


Photo ID: 006763 Photo ID: 006764 Photo ID: 006765 Photo ID: 006766 Photo ID: 006767 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stonehaven: Costal Walk Stonehaven: Costal Walk No Data


Running up from Stonehaven past the war memorial and on beyond Dunnottar castle the walk offers stunning views of this part of the coastline



Getting There

Latitude: 56.955372; Longitude: -2.201235
What3Words: shadowing.trailing.lorry


Photo ID: 006747 Photo ID: 006743 Photo ID: 006753 Photo ID: 006754 Photo ID: 006757 Photo ID: 006758 Photo ID: 006759

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stonehaven: Dunnottar Castle Stonehaven: Dunnottar Castle No Data


Located about 2 miles south of Stonehaven these stunning ruins on a rocky outcrop make for a majestic sight. Large parts of the castle remain and you can wander around the whole site.



Getting There

From Aberdeen catch the hourly X7 bus to the top of the lane that Dunnottar castle is situated in. The bus stop is about 7 minutes after Stonehaven and from the stop it's around 10 to 15 minute walk to the castle
Latitude: 56.945928; Longitude: -2.196772
What3Words: lighters.scorecard.friday


Photo ID: 006742 Photo ID: 006746 Photo ID: 006748 Photo ID: 006749 Photo ID: 006750 Photo ID: 006751 Photo ID: 006752

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stonehaven: War Memorial Stonehaven: War Memorial No Data


Located above the town and providing stunning views out over the sea, is the towns simple yet elegant war memorial



Getting There

Latitude: 56.955027; Longitude: -2.202727
What3Words: lurching.snooping.aced


Photo ID: 006744 Photo ID: 006755 Photo ID: 006756 Photo ID: 006757 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Elgin Elgin No Data


Home to a ruined castle and cathedral the city has clearly had an important past


Getting There

There are irregular trains (about every 1 hour 40 minutes) from Aberdeen to Elgin, taking about 90 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively there are hourly buses from Aberdeen, taking around 2 1/2 hours
Latitude: 57.648866; Longitude: -3.314711
What3Words: misty.suffice.burn


Photo ID: 006761 Photo ID: 006763 Photo ID: 006765 Photo ID: 006767 Photo ID: 006768 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stonehaven Stonehaven No Data


Located a few miles south of Aberdeen the town of Stonehaven has a sleepy harbour and access to stunning costal walks


Getting There

There are regular buses taking between 30 and 60 minutes to the centre of the town. There are one to two trains an hour to the station in Stonehaven (about a 3/4 mile walk from the centre) that take about 15 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 56.96407; Longitude: -2.208863
What3Words: credible.gloom.publish


Photo ID: 006741 Photo ID: 006758 Photo ID: 006759 Photo ID: 006760 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2012), and on time of last update (26/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Adam Lyle (deceased) Ghost Tour Adam Lyle (deceased) Ghost Tour No Data


A witty and enjoyable, fun ghost tour of old Edinburgh. All the stories are told with a lighter vein and be warned, most nights the ghosts come out to play...



Getting There

Latitude: 55.948815; Longitude: -3.195919
What3Words: heats.gears.locked


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2001), and on time of last update (23/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arthurs Seat Arthurs Seat No Data


The dominating sight on the Edinburgh skyline (after the castle) is Arthurs Seat. It’s a pleasant but strenuous climb up the side to the summit, but the views from the top are well worth it.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.944092; Longitude: -3.161836
What3Words: maybe.sling.worth


Photo ID: 000982 Photo ID: 000983 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Calton Hill Calton Hill No Data


Rising up above the New town and looking over towards the Royal Mile, Castle and Arthur's Seat, Calton Hill offers stunning views over the city and beyond



Getting There

Latitude: 55.955057; Longitude: -3.182763
What3Words: mason.trees.sentences


Photo ID: 006556 Photo ID: 006557 Photo ID: 006558 Photo ID: 006559 Photo ID: 006560 Photo ID: 006562 Photo ID: 006563

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/11/2011), and on time of last update (29/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Camera Obscura Camera Obscura No Data


An interesting museum looking at optical illusion and everything else to do with vision. On the top of the roof is the camera obscurer an interesting way to get a tour of Edinburgh without leaving the room



Getting There

Latitude: 55.948964; Longitude: -3.195581
What3Words: rides.stages.famed


Photo ID: 000145 Photo ID: 000146 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2001), and on time of last update (09/11/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Edinburgh Castle Edinburgh Castle Historic Scotland


A spectacular castle clinging to an outcrop of rock on the site of a former volcano the castle is a stunning site visible for a large area. Inside there are several museums and an audio guide takes you round the castle at your own pace.


Entry charge to complex, all items inside included

Getting There

Latitude: 55.948569; Longitude: -3.20024
What3Words: rots.until.penny


Photo ID: 000060 Photo ID: 000062 Photo ID: 000063 Photo ID: 000066 Photo ID: 000067 Photo ID: 000142 Photo ID: 003399

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2001), and on time of last update (29/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Edinburgh Dungeon Edinburgh Dungeon No Data


Like it's sister museums in London and York the Edinburgh dungeon looks at the history of Torture, Witch Craft and general unpleasantness! A gory yet fun tour



Getting There

Latitude: 55.951092; Longitude: -3.190917
What3Words: remind.slurs.coins


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2001), and on time of last update (09/11/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Forth Bridge Forth Bridge No Data


Take a ride out on the train to North Queensferry and you cross the Forth bridge, one of the most spectacular pieces of engineering. A short walk down the hill from the station takes you to the base of the bridge and you can get a true idea of the scale of the structure


Cheap day single from Edinburgh Waverly to North Queensferry. Looking at the bridge from the ground is free

Getting There

Regular trains run from Edinburgh Waverly to North Queensferry over the bridge, taking about 20 minutes
Latitude: 56.012211; Longitude: -3.394577
What3Words: torch.hamsters.abundance


Photo ID: 000070 Photo ID: 030483 Photo ID: 030485 Photo ID: 030491 Photo ID: 030495 Photo ID: 030514 Photo ID: 030516

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2001), and on time of last update (05/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

High Kirk of St. Giles High Kirk of St. Giles No Data


The main important church on the Royal mile. This is an impressive building and well worth a look around


Suggested Donation, Charge for the Thistle Chapel

Getting There

Latitude: 55.949502; Longitude: -3.190933
What3Words: solve.void.ducks


Photo ID: 003387 Photo ID: 006577 Photo ID: 030599 Photo ID: 030600 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2001), and on time of last update (23/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holyrood Palace Holyrood Palace No Data


The official residence of the British Monarch when they are in the Scottish Capital, Holyrood has been a working palace for around 500 years. Today, when the Queen isn't using it, it's open to the public to have a look around. In the grounds are also the ruins of the Abbey which was on this site before the palace.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.952756; Longitude: -3.172023
What3Words: empire.dunes.bars


Photo ID: 006565 Photo ID: 006570 Photo ID: 006571 Photo ID: 006572 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/11/2011), and on time of last update (29/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mary King's Close Mary King's Close No Data


When the built the city's exchange they built over several of the city's old closes, and Mary King's was one of them. Today the abandoned streets and tiny buildings give an idea on what life would have been like in 17th Century Edinburgh



Getting There

Latitude: 55.950146; Longitude: -3.190622
What3Words: given.towns.format


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/11/2011), and on time of last update (29/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mercat Ghost & Ghouls Walk Mercat Ghost & Ghouls Walk No Data


An interesting ghost walk through the passageways of old Edinburgh. The tour ends in the vaults beneath the South Bridge. No stunts, no actors and vaguely unnerving for it as you can sense a tension building in the group. When the tour is over for a small additional charge you can go onto a small pub for a complementary drink and a further chat with your guide about the spooky past of Edinburgh



Getting There

Latitude: 55.949659; Longitude: -3.190201
What3Words: affair.town.navy


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2001), and on time of last update (23/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mercat Ghost Hunter trail Mercat Ghost Hunter trail No Data


An interesting and lively tour that goes into the vaults of the South Bridge and one of Edinburgh's more stately graveyards



Getting There

Latitude: 55.949659; Longitude: -3.190201
What3Words: affair.town.navy


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Museum of Scotland National Museum of Scotland No Data


Scotland's premier museum and home to treasures like the Lewis Chessmen and a stunning science museum. From the terrace you get amazing views over the city. You could spend days wandering around the museum and still not take it in.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.946935; Longitude: -3.18986
What3Words: takes.ocean.blunt


Photo ID: 006578 Photo ID: 006579 Photo ID: 006580 Photo ID: 006581 Photo ID: 006582 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/11/2011), and on time of last update (29/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nelson's Tower Nelson's Tower No Data


You can climb the 170 or so steps up the inside of Nelson's tower, already located on one of the highest points on Calton Hill, for some of the highest views over the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.954423; Longitude: -3.182607
What3Words: manliness.shares.final


Photo ID: 006562 Photo ID: 006564 Photo ID: 006565 Photo ID: 006566 Photo ID: 006567 Photo ID: 006568 Photo ID: 006569

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/11/2011), and on time of last update (29/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Our Dynamic Earth Our Dynamic Earth No Data


An engaging and interesting attraction that traces the history of the geology of the earth and the evolution of life from the dawn of time to present time.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.950539; Longitude: -3.174432
What3Words: firm.crab.atoms


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2001), and on time of last update (29/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Mile Royal Mile No Data


The road that runs from the Castle at the top of the hill to the palace of Holyrood at the bottom. This is the heart of the old town and well worth a wander around



Getting There

Latitude: 55.949442; Longitude: -3.192717
What3Words: leaned.deaf.peanut


Photo ID: 000064 Photo ID: 003386 Photo ID: 003387 Photo ID: 030588 Photo ID: 030597 Photo ID: 030598 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2001), and on time of last update (05/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Yacht Britannia Royal Yacht Britannia No Data


Moored in Leath harbour after it was decommissioned the former Royal Yacht is well worth a visit if only to see the splendour that (if your a UK Citizen) your taxes paid for. A well presented and sympathetic small exhibition precedes an audio guide tour of the yacht itself.



Getting There

Regular busses run from Princes Street to Leath harbour, stopping just outside the entrance and taking about 15 minutes
Latitude: 55.982166; Longitude: -3.177323
What3Words: builds.hiding.demand


Photo ID: 000147 Photo ID: 000148 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/11/2002), and on time of last update (09/11/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scott Monument Scott Monument No Data


This impressive monument to Sir Walter Scott has steps going up inside it that let you climb in 4 stages to the top for impressive views over the city. Small exhibition at each of the levels


Small Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 55.952402; Longitude: -3.193341
What3Words: vase.clay.salt


Photo ID: 000068 Photo ID: 000069 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2001), and on time of last update (09/11/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scottish National Gallery Scottish National Gallery No Data


Scotland's premier art gallery housing some of the most important paintings that the country owns.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.951696; Longitude: -3.196292
What3Words: talent.nest.class


Photo ID: 006589 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/11/2011), and on time of last update (29/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scotch Whisky Experience Scotch Whisky Experience No Data


Located just down from the castle this is to Edinburgh what the Jameson's distillery is to Dublin - A marketing machine for the Whisky industry. Nether the less it is still an interesting exhibition with a dark ride through the production of Scotch whiskey. As part of the tour you sample one type of Whisky. At the end, for a charge, you can sample 4 more whisky's that qualify you to become a member of the Scottish whisky appreciation society for a year


Charge, Additional charge for the extra sampling at the end

Getting There

Latitude: 55.948913; Longitude: -3.195149
What3Words: wiped.lions.value


Photo ID: 030586 Photo ID: 030589 Photo ID: 030590 Photo ID: 030591 Photo ID: 030592 Photo ID: 030595 Photo ID: 030596

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2001), and on time of last update (05/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Falkirk Wheel Falkirk Wheel No Data


The worlds only rotating boat lift. Next to the lift is a small visitors centre which tells the history of the building of the wheel and some background to the canal system in Scotland. You can take a boat cruise which takes you up in the lift, and along a part of the union canal



Getting There

From Edinburgh there are regular trains to Falkirk High, taking about 30 minutes, from where bus 3 runs to the visitors centre, or it's a 30-40 minute walk along the bank of the Union canal
Latitude: 56.000343; Longitude: -3.841685
What3Words: revamping.proceeds.compiler


Photo ID: 003417 Photo ID: 003418 Photo ID: 003419 Photo ID: 003420 Photo ID: 003421 Photo ID: 003422 Photo ID: 003425

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dunfermline: Abbey Dunfermline: Abbey Historic Scotland


The abbey church houses the tomb of Robert the Bruce and is the only remaining section of the old palace that is still in working order


Charge, joint entry with Dunfermline Palace

Getting There

Latitude: 56.069803; Longitude: -3.463145
What3Words: valve.stuff.digs


Photo ID: 000990 Photo ID: 000991 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dunfermline: Palace Dunfermline: Palace Historic Scotland


Ruins of the once mighty abbey and palace with information boards and an audio guide to tell you about the history of the site.


Charge, joint entry with Dunfermline Abbey

Getting There

Latitude: 56.069568; Longitude: -3.464899
What3Words: online.dates.trap


Photo ID: 000992 Photo ID: 000993 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Linlithgow Palace Linlithgow Palace Historic Scotland


The birthplace of Mary Queen of Scots, and the Palace of the Stuart's the royal family of Scotland. Today it is just a shell, but much of the fabric of the building remains, and there are large parts of the building to explore



Getting There

From Edinburgh there are regular trains to Linlithgow, taking about 20 minutes
Latitude: 55.978769; Longitude: -3.600812
What3Words: soup.peachy.firming


Photo ID: 003401 Photo ID: 003402 Photo ID: 003403 Photo ID: 003404 Photo ID: 003405 Photo ID: 003406 Photo ID: 003407

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North Berwick: Dirleton Castle North Berwick: Dirleton Castle Historic Scotland


The castle evolved through three families and over several hundred years into a large palatial building, set in beautiful landscaped grounds. Though a significant part of the castle has disappeared there are still enough remains to get a taste of what life here must have been like.



Getting There

From North Berwick take bus X5 or 124 (combined half-hourly service) to the entrance to the castle, a journey of about 5 minutes, alternatively it is about an hours walk from North Berwick
Latitude: 56.04593; Longitude: -2.778275
What3Words: holidays.rentals.investors


Photo ID: 003346 Photo ID: 003347 Photo ID: 003348 Photo ID: 003349 Photo ID: 003350 Photo ID: 003351 Photo ID: 003352

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North Berwick: Tantallon Castle North Berwick: Tantallon Castle Historic Scotland


One of the most stunning castles in this part of the country, perched on the top of the cliffs, overlooking the Bass rock, the guardian of the entrance to the Firth of Forth. Whilst the castle is ruinous (and in danger of collapsing further as repairs carried out in the 16th Century used much softer stone than the original) there is still large parts standing, and stunning views of the coast to be had from the battlements



Getting There

From North Berwick you can catch the 120 bus, but they are very infrequent. Alternatively catch the X5 or 124 (see Dirleton castle) to the end of the route at the Tesco's and then walk the 2 miles, along a pretty level road to the castle. You can walk from the centre of town, but it's a pretty steep climb up to the Tantallon road (at the Tesco's!)
Latitude: 56.056544; Longitude: -2.650264
What3Words: brains.roadblock.aimed


Photo ID: 003358 Photo ID: 003359 Photo ID: 003360 Photo ID: 003361 Photo ID: 003362 Photo ID: 003363 Photo ID: 003364

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrews: Castle St Andrews: Castle Historic Scotland


An audio guide takes you around the ruins of the castle which also offers stunning views over the bay. The tour also takes in the siege tunnels which were dug underneath the castle.



Getting There

From the bus station walk down the main road to the coast. From here the Castle is to the left and the Cathedral to the right
Latitude: 56.341939; Longitude: -2.790055
What3Words: sweetener.tabloid.interval


Photo ID: 000987 Photo ID: 000988 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrews: Cathedral St Andrews: Cathedral Historic Scotland


The ruins of the once mighty cathedral provide an odd sight standing on the edge of the coast and over looking the town. From the top of the one remaining sturdy tower there are stunning views over the surrounding countryside



Getting There

From the bus station walk down the main road to the coast. From here the Castle is to the left and the Cathedral to the right
Latitude: 56.339902; Longitude: -2.786772
What3Words: duty.knees.bikes


Photo ID: 000985 Photo ID: 000986 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Argyll's Lodgings Stirling: Argyll's Lodgings Historic Scotland


A preserved example of what a 17th century Wealthy Scots town house would have looked like



Getting There

Argyll's lodgings are just before you reach the castle which is clearly signed from the station
Latitude: 56.121748; Longitude: -3.943904
What3Words: puppy.about.good


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Castle Stirling: Castle Historic Scotland


The castle is very very similar to Edinburgh, but on a more manageable scale it houses a number of displays and museums, the most interesting of which is on the great kitchens.



Getting There

The castle is clearly signed from the station
Latitude: 56.123907; Longitude: -3.948051
What3Words: winner.rested.crew


Photo ID: 001000 Photo ID: 001001 Photo ID: 001002 Photo ID: 001003 Photo ID: 001004 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Holy Rude Kirk Stirling: Holy Rude Kirk No Data


The site of the Coronation of the then 13 month old James to become James VI of Scotland.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Argyll's lodgings are just before you reach the castle which is clearly signed from the station
Latitude: 56.120878; Longitude: -3.944612
What3Words: flat.flood.voted


Photo ID: 000998 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Mar's Wark Stirling: Mar's Wark Historic Scotland


The remains of a fine house that was built near the castle. It is now in complete ruins and contains part of the graveyard of the Holy Rude Kirk.



Getting There

Argyll's lodgings are just before you reach the castle which is clearly signed from the station
Latitude: 56.121144; Longitude: -3.944231
What3Words: meant.reach.lower


Photo ID: 000997 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Old Prison Stirling: Old Prison No Data


This now houses a museum telling the story of life in prison during the initially enlightened Victoria times (Elizabeth Fry etc.) through to the more barbaric times at the end of the century. The museum also has a display on what life is like in a current Scottish jail, the Maximum security Shorts on the outskirts of Glasgow.



Getting There

Argyll's lodgings are just before you reach the castle which is clearly signed from the station
Latitude: 56.120017; Longitude: -3.944103
What3Words: effort.desk.sketch


Photo ID: 000999 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Open top tour Stirling: Open top tour No Data


Live guide tour that takes you around the centre of Stirling, past the castle and the other attractions. The tour then goes out into the surrounding countryside and up to the Walace monument at Bridge of Allan



Getting There

The Open Top Tour stops outside the station
Latitude: 56.119939; Longitude: -3.935871
What3Words: wacky.save.brings


Photo ID: 000995 Photo ID: 000996 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Wallace Monument Stirling: Wallace Monument No Data


The Wallace monument is Scotland's national monument, to the man (immortalised on screen by Mel Gibson as Braveheart) who helped, temporarily, to kick the English out of Scotland. The monument is on the top of a big hill which you can climb up (taking about 10 minutes), or you can cheat and catch the free minibus to the top (about 90 seconds!). From the base of the monument you can climb up the spiral staircase (240+ stairs) to the top for, what I was reliably informed are on a clear day, stunning views over Stirling and across from Edinburgh to the Highlands.



Getting There

The easiest way to get to the Wallace monument is to catch the open top tour
Latitude: 56.138753; Longitude: -3.918031
What3Words: offerings.scorpions.soonest


Photo ID: 000995 Photo ID: 000996 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dunfermline Dunfermline No Data


Small, but pretty town, final resting place of Robert the Bruce, about 20 minute north of Edinburgh


Getting There

Regular trains run from Edinburgh Waverley to Dunfemline Town station taking about 20 minutes
Latitude: 56.071389; Longitude: -3.461702
What3Words: likes.sound.remain


Photo ID: 000990 Photo ID: 000991 Photo ID: 000992 Photo ID: 000993 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Falkirk Falkirk No Data


Located at the junction of two major canals, railway lines and roads Falkirk is the key link town in the central belt between Edinburgh and Glasgow. Today it's key tourist attraction is it's restored canals, and more importantly the innovative wheel the links the two


Getting There

From Edinburgh there are regular trains to Falkirk, taking about 30 minutes
Latitude: 55.999365; Longitude: -3.784811
What3Words: cans.boats.stops


Photo ID: 003423 Photo ID: 003424 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North Berwick North Berwick No Data


Located at the mouth of the Firth of Forth, North Berwick is a pretty harbour town, with sandy beaches and an air of faded greatness. The large Victorian and Edwardian guest houses that line the coast road tell of a recent past as a holiday destination, before warmer options arrived. It's position at the mouth of the Forth made it even more important in the past, with the surrounding area littered with castles and fortifications


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Edinburgh to North Berwick, taking about 35 minutes
Latitude: 56.05832; Longitude: -2.719556
What3Words: reckons.flukes.rashers


Photo ID: 003367 Photo ID: 003368 Photo ID: 003369 Photo ID: 003371 Photo ID: 003372 Photo ID: 003373 Photo ID: 003374

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrews St Andrews No Data


Once the capital of Scotland, and now the home to Golf! The town is located on the edge of pretty bay


Getting There

Regular trains run from Edinburgh Waverley to Leuchers taking about 50 minutes. From there it's a short 10 minute bus ride (buses are quite frequent) to St Andrews. Tickets giving combined rail and bus travel are available for purchase and work out cheaper than buying separate tickets
Latitude: 56.338909; Longitude: -2.798928
What3Words: dunk.lends.subtitle


Photo ID: 000985 Photo ID: 000986 Photo ID: 000987 Photo ID: 000988 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling Stirling No Data


Another town which was once the capital of Scotland and was home to "Braveheart" William Wallace


Getting There

Hourly trains run from Edinburgh Waverley to Stirling taking about 40 minutes.
Latitude: 56.119422; Longitude: -3.935874
What3Words: lakes.quick.royal


Photo ID: 000996 Photo ID: 000997 Photo ID: 000998 Photo ID: 000999 Photo ID: 001000 Photo ID: 001002 Photo ID: 001003

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Craigmillar Castle Craigmillar Castle Historic Scotland


With connections to Mary Queen of Scots this small castle, located about 3Km from the centre of the city, is well preserved and a good example of a 16th Century Scottish castle. From the roof of the keep you can see the whole of historic Edinburgh from the Castle to Holyrood Palace as well as Arthurs Seat and on a clear day all the way down the Forth to Bass Rock and beyond.



Getting There

The castle is located halfway along Craigmillar Castle Road. Buses from the centre of Edinburgh run along the Old Dalkeith Road (33; 49) or along the Peffermill Road (2; 14; 30) in both instances there is a stop called Craigmillar Castle Road. It's then about a 15 minute walk from the bus stop uphill (from both roads) to the castle. From Peffermill Road this is along a path that runs next to the road, from the Old Dalkeith Road there is no pavement and you need to walk along the side of the road - or if the weather has been dry - up through the park
Latitude: 55.92567; Longitude: -3.14085
What3Words: angel.empty.traps


Photo ID: 030519 Photo ID: 030525 Photo ID: 030532 Photo ID: 030536 Photo ID: 030540 Photo ID: 030557 Photo ID: 030564

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/02/2020), and on time of last update (05/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Forth Tours - Blackness and Three Bridges Forth Tours - Blackness and Three Bridges No Data


This 90 minute tour takes you underneath all three of the Forth crossings before continuing to sail upstream past the Rosyth dockyard and the limekilns at Charlestown. The tour then turns and moves towards the Southern bank of the river where it sails past Blackness castle before heading back to the starting point. A pre-recorded commentary tells you about the key sites. The tour also comes with a free cream tea.



Getting There

From Edinburgh Waverley take the train to Dalmeny station (approx. every 15 minutes, takes about 15 minutes). From the station take the footpath that runs next to the line down under the Forth Rail Bridge, where there is a set of steps leading down to the riverside and the landing point at Hawes Pier
Latitude: 55.99154; Longitude: -3.386149
What3Words: curbed.played.snowballs


Photo ID: 030489 Photo ID: 030491 Photo ID: 030494 Photo ID: 030495 Photo ID: 030496 Photo ID: 030503 Photo ID: 030508

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/02/2020), and on time of last update (05/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Botanical Gardens Royal Botanical Gardens No Data


Located just beyond the New Town these gardens have a large number of exhibits and themed areas, along with a couple of glasshouses (though on the day I visited the glasshouses were closed due to the wind).


Free to look around the gardens, charge for the glasshouses

Getting There

Latitude: 55.965298; Longitude: -3.208793
What3Words: index.cowboy.casual


Photo ID: 030567 Photo ID: 030571 Photo ID: 030575 Photo ID: 030578 Photo ID: 030581 Photo ID: 030584 Photo ID: 030585

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/03/2020), and on time of last update (05/03/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dunfermline: Abbey Dunfermline: Abbey Historic Scotland


The abbey church houses the tomb of Robert the Bruce and is the only remaining section of the old palace that is still in working order


Charge, joint entry with Dunfermline Palace, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

From the station follow the signs for the city centre
Latitude: 56.069803; Longitude: -3.463145
What3Words: valve.stuff.digs


Photo ID: 000990 Photo ID: 000991 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dunfermline: Palace Dunfermline: Palace Historic Scotland


Ruins of the once mighty abbey and palace with information boards and an audio guide to tell you about the history of the site.


Charge, joint entry with Dunfermline Abbey, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

From the station follow the signs for the city centre
Latitude: 56.069568; Longitude: -3.464899
What3Words: online.dates.trap


Photo ID: 000992 Photo ID: 000993 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Edinburgh: Arthurs Seat Edinburgh: Arthurs Seat No Data


The dominating sight on the Edinburgh skyline (after the castle) is Arthurs Seat. It’s a pleasant but strenous climb up the side to the sumit, but the views from the top are well worth it.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.944092; Longitude: -3.161836
What3Words: maybe.sling.worth


Photo ID: 000982 Photo ID: 000983 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Edinburgh: Mercat Ghost Hunter trail Edinburgh: Mercat Ghost Hunter trail No Data


an interesting and lively tour that goes into the vaults of the South Bridge and one of Edinburgh's more stately graveyards



Getting There

Latitude: 55.949659; Longitude: -3.190201
What3Words: affair.town.navy


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrews: Castle St Andrews: Castle Historic Scotland


An audio guide takes you around the ruins of the castle which also offers stunning views over the bay. The tour also takes in the siege tunnels which were dug underneath the castle.


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

From the bus station walk down the main road to the coast. From here the Castle is to the left and the Cathedral to the right
Latitude: 56.341939; Longitude: -2.790055
What3Words: sweetener.tabloid.interval


Photo ID: 000987 Photo ID: 000988 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrews: Cathedral St Andrews: Cathedral Historic Scotland


The ruins of the once mighty cathedral provide an odd sight standing on the edge of the coast and over looking the town. From the top of the one remaining sturdy tower there are stunning views over the surrounding countryside


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

From the bus station walk down the main road to the coast. From here the Castle is to the left and the Cathedral to the right
Latitude: 56.339902; Longitude: -2.786772
What3Words: duty.knees.bikes


Photo ID: 000985 Photo ID: 000986 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Argyll's Lodgings Stirling: Argyll's Lodgings Historic Scotland


A preserved example of what a 17th century Wealthy Scots town house would have looked like


Free entry if you have a valid Castle ticket for the same day

Getting There

Argyll's lodgings are just before you reach the castle which is clearly signed from the station
Latitude: 56.121748; Longitude: -3.943904
What3Words: puppy.about.good


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (08/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Castle Stirling: Castle Historic Scotland


Similar in design and look to Edinburgh castle, Stirling has for most of it's life been considerably more important, being the palace of choice for a number of Scottish Kings and being vital to control of the country - Control Stirling and you control Scotland - The whole site is open for exploring with the Royal Palace being the star attraction. There are also exhibits in the Kitchens and the Chapel Royal along with the wall walks and the Regimental museum of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

The castle is clearly signed from the station
Latitude: 56.123907; Longitude: -3.948051
What3Words: winner.rested.crew


Photo ID: 001000 Photo ID: 001001 Photo ID: 001002 Photo ID: 001003 Photo ID: 001004 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (08/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Holy Rude Kirk Stirling: Holy Rude Kirk No Data


The site of the Coronation of the then 13 month old James to become James VI of Scotland.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Holy Rude Kirk is just before you reach the castle which is clearly signed from the station
Latitude: 56.120878; Longitude: -3.944612
What3Words: flat.flood.voted


Photo ID: 000998 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Mar's Wark Stirling: Mar's Wark Historic Scotland


The remains of a fine house that was built near the castle. It is now in complete ruins and contains part of the graveyard of the Holy Rude Kirk.



Getting There

Mar's Wark is just before you reach the castle which is clearly signed from the station
Latitude: 56.121144; Longitude: -3.944231
What3Words: meant.reach.lower


Photo ID: 000997 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (08/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Old Prison Stirling: Old Prison No Data


***2014 Update - This attraction is now closed*** This now houses a museum telling the story of life in prison during the initially enlightened Victoria times (Elizabeth Fry etc.) through to the more barbaric times at the end of the century. The museum also has a display on what life is like in a current Scottish jail, the Maximum security Shorts on the outskirts of Glasgow.



Getting There

The Old Prison is just before you reach the castle which is clearly signed from the station
Latitude: 56.120017; Longitude: -3.944103
What3Words: effort.desk.sketch


Photo ID: 000999 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (08/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Open top tour Stirling: Open top tour No Data


***2014 Update - The service is no longer running*** Live guide tour that takes you around the centre of Stirling, past the castle and the other attractions. The tour then goes out into the surrounding countryside and up to the Walace monument at Bridge of Allan



Getting There

The Open Top Tour stops outside the station
Latitude: 56.119939; Longitude: -3.935871
What3Words: wacky.save.brings


Photo ID: 000995 Photo ID: 000996 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (08/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling: Wallace Monument Stirling: Wallace Monument No Data


The Wallace monument is Scotland's national monument, to the man (immortalised on screen by Mel Gibson as Braveheart) who helped, temporarily, to kick the English out of Scotland. The monument is on the top of a big hill which you can climb up (taking about 10 minutes), or you can cheat and catch the free minibus to the top (about 90 seconds!). From the base of the monument you can climb up the spiral staircase (240+ stairs) to the top for, what I was reliably informed are on a clear day, stunning views over Stirling and across from Edinburgh to the Highlands.



Getting There

There are regular buses from the centre of town to Causewayhead (10-25 minutes depending on the route) from where it's a 5-10 minute walk to the visitors centre at the bottom of the hill the monument stands on. Regular courtesy buses climb up to the monumnet if you don't fancy the 15-20 minute hike up through the woods.
Latitude: 56.138753; Longitude: -3.918031
What3Words: offerings.scorpions.soonest


Photo ID: 000995 Photo ID: 000996 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (08/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dunfermline Dunfermline No Data


Small, but pretty town, final resting place of Robert the Bruce, about 20 minute north of Edinburgh


Getting There

Regular trains run from Edinburgh Waverley to Dunfemline Town station taking about 20 minutes
Latitude: 56.071389; Longitude: -3.461702
What3Words: likes.sound.remain


Photo ID: 000990 Photo ID: 000991 Photo ID: 000992 Photo ID: 000993 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrews St Andrews No Data


Once the capital of Scotland, and now the home to Golf! The town is located on the edge of pretty bay


Getting There

Regular trains run from Edinburgh Waverley to Leuchers taking about 50 minutes. From there it's a short 10 minute bus ride (buses are quite frequent) to St Andrews. Tickets giving combined rail and bus travel are available for purchase and work out cheaper than buying separate tickets
Latitude: 56.338909; Longitude: -2.798928
What3Words: dunk.lends.subtitle


Photo ID: 000985 Photo ID: 000986 Photo ID: 000987 Photo ID: 000988 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stirling Stirling No Data


Another town which was once the capital of Scotland and was home to "Braveheart" William Wallace


Getting There

Hourly trains run from Edinburgh Waverley to Stirling taking about 40 minutes.
Latitude: 56.119422; Longitude: -3.935874
What3Words: lakes.quick.royal


Photo ID: 000996 Photo ID: 000997 Photo ID: 000998 Photo ID: 000999 Photo ID: 001000 Photo ID: 001002 Photo ID: 001003

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2006), and on time of last update (26/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Broughty Ferry Castle Broughty Ferry Castle Historic Scotland


Now in a suburb of Dundee the castle now guards the entrance to a small harbour on the Tay. The castle today houses a number of small exhibitions on the local history and nature of the area. In good weather there are excellent views across the Tay from the viewing windows on the top floor.



Getting There

From the centre of town there are regular buses to Broughty Ferry (every 5 minutes, 20 minutes). From the main street it's a short walk down to the riverside and the castle
Latitude: 56.462954; Longitude: -2.870213
What3Words: banquets.crystals.riverside


Photo ID: 010281 Photo ID: 010284 Photo ID: 010285 Photo ID: 010286 Photo ID: 010287 Photo ID: 010288 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2013), and on time of last update (31/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Discovery Point Discovery Point No Data


The Discovery point museum tells the story of the Antarctic exploration of the RSS Discovery (moored alongside the museum). It includes several film shows, in particular one telling the story of the exploration of Antarctica.


Charge, includes entry to both the Discovery Point museum and the RRS Discovery. Joint ticket with the Verdant Works available

Getting There

Latitude: 56.456619; Longitude: -2.968664
What3Words: fuzz.vibrates.cocoons


Photo ID: 010211 Photo ID: 010215 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2013), and on time of last update (31/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dundee Heritage Walk Dundee Heritage Walk No Data


The local council produces a leaflet showing a suggested walking route round the city centre to see the main sights of the city that feature the best of the city's architecture


Free, leaflet available from the tourist information centre

Getting There

Latitude: 56.460523; Longitude: -2.970031
What3Words: preoccupied.palm.liver


Photo ID: 010223 Photo ID: 010224 Photo ID: 010226 Photo ID: 010228 Photo ID: 010230 Photo ID: 010233 Photo ID: 010234

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/01/2012), and on time of last update (31/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

RRS Discovery RRS Discovery No Data


The ship that first took Scott to the Antarctic was built in Dundee and is now in dry dock next to the Discovery Point museum. You can walk around the deck and below deck to see what life would have been like on-board


Charge, includes entry to both the Discovery Point museum and the RRS Discovery. Joint ticket with the Verdant Works available

Getting There

Latitude: 56.456942; Longitude: -2.967955
What3Words: motivate.dodging.deeds


Photo ID: 010212 Photo ID: 010213 Photo ID: 010214 Photo ID: 010216 Photo ID: 010217 Photo ID: 010218 Photo ID: 010219

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2013), and on time of last update (31/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Verdant Works Verdant Works No Data


Dundee was once home to the worlds Jute industry with works located all over the town. Today all the manufacturing and processing has moved to India and the former works have either been demolished or converted. The Verdant works have been preserved to tell the history of Dundee's role as Juteopolis and the industry.


Charge, Joint ticket with RRS Discovery and Discovery Point available

Getting There

Latitude: 56.461667; Longitude: -2.983443
What3Words: feared.really.ashes


Photo ID: 010290 Photo ID: 010291 Photo ID: 010292 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2013), and on time of last update (31/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arbroath: Abbey Arbroath: Abbey Historic Scotland


The ruins of the once major abbey complex include the full remains of the abbots house and sacristy as well as large parts of the cloister walls. Exhibitions include the history of the abbey and the importance of the Declaration of Arbroath.


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

Latitude: 56.562651; Longitude: -2.583354
What3Words: stands.claims.pumps


Photo ID: 010239 Photo ID: 010240 Photo ID: 010241 Photo ID: 010243 Photo ID: 010244 Photo ID: 010245 Photo ID: 010247

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2013), and on time of last update (31/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrews: Castle St Andrews: Castle Historic Scotland


An audio guide takes you around the ruins of the castle which also offers stunning views over the bay. The tour also takes in the siege tunnels which were dug underneath the castle.


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members, Joint ticket for Cathedral and Castle available

Getting There

Latitude: 56.341939; Longitude: -2.790055
What3Words: sweetener.tabloid.interval


Photo ID: 010263 Photo ID: 010264 Photo ID: 010265 Photo ID: 010266 Photo ID: 010267 Photo ID: 010272 Photo ID: 010273

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (31/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrews: Cathedral St Andrews: Cathedral Historic Scotland


The ruins of the once mighty cathedral provide an odd sight standing on the edge of the coast and over looking the town. From the top of the one remaining sturdy tower there are stunning views over the surrounding countryside


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members, Joint ticket for Cathedral and Castle available

Getting There

Latitude: 56.339902; Longitude: -2.786772
What3Words: duty.knees.bikes


Photo ID: 010275 Photo ID: 010276 Photo ID: 010277 Photo ID: 010278 Photo ID: 010279 Photo ID: 010280 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (31/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrews: Open Top Tour St Andrews: Open Top Tour No Data


Running in the summer months the open-top tour takes in the main sights in the town centre before heading out into the countryside around the town for stunning views down on the beaches and ruins



Getting There

Latitude: 56.339902; Longitude: -2.795101
What3Words: amid.shoppers.panoramic
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2013), and on time of last update (31/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arbroath Arbroath No Data


Home to the Declaration of Arbroath which set out the right of Scotland to be declared an independent nation and which helped to cement Robert the Bruce's claim to be king of a nation. Today the town is more widely known for the locally produced Arbroath Smokie a smoked fish.


Getting There

There are regular trains to Arbroath taking just under 20 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively there are frequent buses, taking around 40 minutes.
Latitude: 56.556532; Longitude: -2.583718
What3Words: hurls.racing.swing


Photo ID: 010236 Photo ID: 010237 Photo ID: 010238 Photo ID: 010242 Photo ID: 010250 Photo ID: 010251 Photo ID: 010253

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2013), and on time of last update (31/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrews St Andrews No Data


Once the capital of Scotland, and now the home to Golf! The town is located on the edge of pretty bay and is home to a large number of golf courses, and the third oldest university in the UK.


Getting There

There are regular trains from Dundee to Leuchers where you can change to the bus that runs into St Andrews (through ticketing available). Alternatively there are regular buses from Dundee direct to St Andrews (via Leuchers station!). Either way takes around 40 minutes
Latitude: 56.338909; Longitude: -2.798928
What3Words: dunk.lends.subtitle


Photo ID: 010260 Photo ID: 010262 Photo ID: 010268 Photo ID: 010269 Photo ID: 010270 Photo ID: 010271 Photo ID: 010274

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2006), and on time of last update (13/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

HMS Unicorn HMS Unicorn No Data


The Unicorn was built at the point the navy was starting to change from wooden to iron ships. She was built on spec with a roof to keep her watertight until she was needed, at which point she would have had her masts erected. However the call never came and today she resides in the harbour in Dundee as one of the few examples of a frigate with it's original roof. You can explore the whole of the ship right down to the very bottom (though head height down there makes it uncomfortable to move around)



Getting There

Latitude: 56.461588; Longitude: -2.958479
What3Words: give.media.dollar


Photo ID: 023471 Photo ID: 023473 Photo ID: 023476 Photo ID: 023477 Photo ID: 023482 Photo ID: 023485 Photo ID: 023488

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2018), and on time of last update (13/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Anstruther Anstruther No Data


Located on the southern coast of Fife, opposite North Berwick, this small harbour town is very pretty with its small harbour and beach. It's home to some excellent fish and chip shops and a fishing museum


Getting There

There are regular buses from Dundee to St Andrews where you can change onto the hourly express bus to Anstruther with a total journey time of around an hour, or the local bus from St Andrews that takes about 25 minutes longer
Latitude: 56.222256; Longitude: -2.69834
What3Words: tungsten.approvals.herb


Photo ID: 023437 Photo ID: 023439 Photo ID: 023442 Photo ID: 023444 Photo ID: 023449 Photo ID: 023453 Photo ID: 023454

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2018), and on time of last update (13/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanic Gardens Botanic Gardens No Data


Located to the North of the City Centre the Botanical gardens are built around the impressive Kibble Palace glass house. A large number of species are on display, but there would appear to be a particular fascination with pitcher plants as they appear in multiple locations across all the glass houses



Getting There

Latitude: 55.879033; Longitude: -4.289236
What3Words: shark.league.chained


Photo ID: 013335 Photo ID: 013339 Photo ID: 013355 Photo ID: 013356 Photo ID: 013360 Photo ID: 013361 Photo ID: 013365

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


Hop-on-hop-off open-top bus sightseeing tours of the city that take in the most of the sites. The full tour lasts about 2 hours and takes in a route round the East End of the city for the first 40 minutes or so before heading out to the West End, Riverside, University Area and Kelvinhall. Multi-lingual pre-recorded commentary, some buses have a live guide.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.865214; Longitude: -4.306125
What3Words: rally.issued.drive


Photo ID: 013317 Photo ID: 013318 Photo ID: 013321 Photo ID: 013325 Photo ID: 013329 Photo ID: 013333 Photo ID: 013341

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/11/2014), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glasgow Cathedral Glasgow Cathedral No Data


Glasgow's dark and sombre Cathedral of St Mungo, located beneath the Necropolis. Inside the Cathedral uses the slope of the hill to create large spaces beneath the Choir with several chapels.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 55.862964; Longitude: -4.234586
What3Words: nests.gear.tips


Photo ID: 000136 Photo ID: 013296 Photo ID: 013297 Photo ID: 013298 Photo ID: 013304 Photo ID: 013312 Photo ID: 013316

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2002), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glasgow Museum of Modern Art Glasgow Museum of Modern Art No Data


Interesting changing collection of paintings, photographs, sculpture and instillations



Getting There

Latitude: 55.860165; Longitude: -4.252176
What3Words: wicked.aims.plots


Photo ID: 013322 Photo ID: 013323 Photo ID: 013373 Photo ID: 013375 Photo ID: 013376 Photo ID: 013377 Photo ID: 013378

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2002), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glasgow Science Centre Glasgow Science Centre No Data


Containing the Science Mall a fully hands on interactive museum, the Glasgow Tower with views over the whole of the city and the Imax theatre


Charge. Discounts for more than one element available

Getting There

Latitude: 55.858722; Longitude: -4.294512
What3Words: stump.rails.feels


Photo ID: 013326 Photo ID: 022439 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2002), and on time of last update (27/10/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glasgow Tall Ships Glasgow Tall Ships No Data


***2014 - N.B. The ship has moved and is now located behind the Riverside Museum*** Exhibition detailing the history of navigation and ship building on the Clyde and then a chance to look around the last Clyde build tall ship left in Europe.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 55.864546; Longitude: -4.307391
What3Words: leans.grain.throw


Photo ID: 013346 Photo ID: 013347 Photo ID: 013348 Photo ID: 013349 Photo ID: 013350 Photo ID: 022449 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2002), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hunterian: Gallery Hunterian: Gallery No Data


The Art Collection of the Hunterian, includes the largest Collection of paintings by British-Based American painter Whistler outside of the US.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.873023; Longitude: -4.288815
What3Words: dirt.rounds.critic


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hunterian: Main Collection Hunterian: Main Collection No Data


A large and eclectic collection put together by a Victorian collector that covers his interest. Everything from Roman remains to stuffed animals via the early days of electricity.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.871831; Longitude: -4.288402
What3Words: held.bubble.tower


Photo ID: 013333 Photo ID: 013334 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hunterian: The Mackintosh House Hunterian: The Mackintosh House No Data


When the house the Mackintosh had designed for himself was due to be demolished to make way for a student canteen the interiors, fixtures and furniture were put into storage, by the 1980's Mackintosh was starting to receive more recognition for his work and consequently the rooms were reassembled in a building next to the Hunterian Art Gallery. You can visit the rooms on a guided tour that leaves every 30 minutes.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.872905; Longitude: -4.288885
What3Words: same.firm.cafe


Photo ID: 013338 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kelvinhall Museum & Art Gallery Kelvinhall Museum & Art Gallery No Data


The Kelvinhall museum houses an eclectic collection dealing with Art, Archaeology and Natural History amongst others



Getting There

Latitude: 55.868617; Longitude: -4.29058
What3Words: purple.author.singer


Photo ID: 000140 Photo ID: 013332 Photo ID: 013336 Photo ID: 022450 Photo ID: 022451 Photo ID: 022453 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2002), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Necropolis Necropolis No Data


The city of the dead overlooking the cathedral has the tombs of many of the great and good but also of ordinary people from Glasgow's past. The tombs themselves are interesting in themselves, not least of all for the way the owners were trying to outdo each other even in death. There are also excellent views over the rest of the city from the highest point



Getting There

Latitude: 55.862428; Longitude: -4.230852
What3Words: rapid.star.class


Photo ID: 000137 Photo ID: pm0309 Photo ID: 013307 Photo ID: 013308 Photo ID: 013310 Photo ID: 013311 Photo ID: 013315

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2002), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

People's Palace People's Palace No Data


Located in Glasgow Green the People's Palace houses an exhibition on life in Glasgow, including exhibits on some of it's famous sons.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.851353; Longitude: -4.237073
What3Words: stow.deep.fans


Photo ID: 013319 Photo ID: 013320 Photo ID: 013367 Photo ID: 013372 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Provands Lordship Provands Lordship No Data


The oldest building in the city



Getting There

Latitude: 55.862332; Longitude: -4.236903
What3Words: hiding.suffice.data


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2002), and on time of last update (27/10/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Riverside Museum Riverside Museum No Data


The relocated Museum of Transport housing a large collection of exhibits relating to transport in the city from horse drawn carts and trams through to modern cars and bikes. The museum is located on the riverside with the Glasgow Tall Ships exhibit moored up directly outside



Getting There

The museum is some way out of the city centre. To reach it you can take the open-top sight seeing tour bus, or pick up an electric number 100 bus from George Square. Buses run every 30 minutes and take about 25 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 55.861513; Longitude: -4.25143
What3Words: edges.tend.rift


Photo ID: 013347 Photo ID: 013351 Photo ID: 013352 Photo ID: 013353 Photo ID: 013354 Photo ID: 022438 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Mungo's Museum St Mungo's Museum No Data


Museum dedicated to explaining the multiculturalism and multi-religion makeup of Glasgow and to the different meanings and ceremonies of each of the major religions



Getting There

Latitude: 55.862501; Longitude: -4.236335
What3Words: usage.bowls.vest


Photo ID: 000138 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2002), and on time of last update (27/10/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Transport Museum - CLOSED Transport Museum - CLOSED No Data


***2014 - NB this museum is now closed and the collection housed in the Riverside Museum*** Covering transport in Glasgow over the 20th century



Getting There

Latitude: 55.868864; Longitude: -4.294893
What3Words: richer.rising.boss


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2002), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Winter Gardens Winter Gardens No Data


Attached to the back of the People's Palace the winter gardens house palm trees and formal gardens, all under the cover of an impressive glass house. The space also includes a pleasant café.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.851176; Longitude: -4.237476
What3Words: boom.jazz.poster


Photo ID: 013319 Photo ID: 013367 Photo ID: 013369 Photo ID: 013370 Photo ID: 013371 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Antonine Wall Antonine Wall Historic Scotland


Less well known than it's southern counterpart, for just over 20 years the Antonine wall, running from The Firth of Forth to the Firth of Clyde was the most Northerly part of the Roman Empire. Little remains of the wall, but it is still possible to walk it's path


Free to walk along the route

Getting There

The wall runs about 8 miles north of Glasgow, which is the easiest point to reach it, alternatively it also runs through Falkirk
Latitude: 55.920002; Longitude: -4.327959
What3Words: zips.march.transfers


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2009), and on time of last update (31/05/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bearsden Bath House Bearsden Bath House Historic Scotland


Once part of a larger fort on the Antonine wall, today all that remains is this bath house



Getting There

From Glasgow there are regular trains to Hillsfoot, turn left out of the station and cross over the road, there is good signage from the station to the bath house. Alternatively get off one stop earlier at Bearsden station, turn left out the station and walk up the hill and turn right into Roman Road, this route is less well signed
Latitude: 55.919862; Longitude: -4.327994
What3Words: tides.organ.asks


Photo ID: 003681 Photo ID: 003682 Photo ID: 003683 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2009), and on time of last update (31/05/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bothwell Castle Bothwell Castle Historic Scotland


Once a mighty stately home, today Bothwell castle is impressive ruins in the bend of the river.


Charge, Historic Scotland

Getting There

From Glasgow there are regular trains to Uddingston, where it is about a 30 minute walk up to the castle.
Latitude: 55.809493; Longitude: -4.095004
What3Words: frosted.rock.windy


Photo ID: 003684 Photo ID: 003685 Photo ID: 003686 Photo ID: 003687 Photo ID: 003688 Photo ID: 003689 Photo ID: 003690

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2009), and on time of last update (31/05/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ayr Ayr No Data


A beautiful seaside town to the South of Glasgow with stunning views across to the Mull of Kintyre and Aran.


Getting There

From Glasgow there are regular trains to Ayr, taking about an hour
Latitude: 55.463565; Longitude: -4.633183
What3Words: striving.evaporate.paint


Photo ID: 003691 Photo ID: 003692 Photo ID: 003693 Photo ID: 003694 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2009), and on time of last update (31/05/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Balloch: Sweeny's Cruises - Experience Cruise Balloch: Sweeny's Cruises - Experience Cruise No Data


This is a one hour cruise that takes in the Southern part of the lake, up until the Highland Boundary Fault which starts at the southern end of the loch islands and marks the boundary between the lowlands and the highlands. A pre-recorded commentary points out key sights and facts along the way



Getting There

The pier is located just opposite and to the right of the railway station in Balloch
Latitude: 56.003574; Longitude: -4.582359
What3Words: showering.snatched.meanings


Photo ID: 022482 Photo ID: 022484 Photo ID: 022485 Photo ID: 022486 Photo ID: 022517 Photo ID: 022521 Photo ID: 022522

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Balloch: Sweeny's Cruises - Island Discovery Balloch: Sweeny's Cruises - Island Discovery No Data


This is a two hour cruise that travels up into the loch and through the narrow straights between some of the islands before reaching Luss on the western shore of the loch. From there the boat returns back to Balloch round the edge of the islands. Along the way there is a pre-recorded commentary that points out key sights and gives facts about the loch and it's history.



Getting There

The pier is located just opposite and to the right of the railway station in Balloch
Latitude: 56.003699; Longitude: -4.58247
What3Words: legroom.race.booster


Photo ID: 022489 Photo ID: 022493 Photo ID: 022495 Photo ID: 022497 Photo ID: 022500 Photo ID: 022504 Photo ID: 022511

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dunoon Dunoon No Data


Located at the top of the Firth of Clyde where two lochs meet the river this small costal town has some stunning views as well as an interesting museum


Getting There

From Glasgow Central take the regular train to Gourock (every 15 minutes, 30-45 minutes), at Gourock the trains connect with the ferry to Dunoon which takes around 20 minutes to make the crossing (every 30 minutes). Through tickets from Glasgow to Dunoon covering the train at the ferry are available
Latitude: 55.948149; Longitude: -4.923863
What3Words: baroness.armful.whites


Photo ID: 022466 Photo ID: 022468 Photo ID: 022469 Photo ID: 022471 Photo ID: 022472 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Balloch Balloch No Data


Located at the southern end of Loch Lomond the town offers easy access to Loch Lomond with lots of pubs and restaurants to help you on your way, loch cruises and an aquarium


Getting There

Half Hourly trains run from Glasgow Queen Street to Balloch, taking about 60 minutes (on Sundays trains run from Glasgow Central and take around 50 minutes). From the station it’s a short walk to the Loch
Latitude: 56.005964; Longitude: -4.589968
What3Words: hires.prominent.forget


Photo ID: 022477 Photo ID: 022478 Photo ID: 022479 Photo ID: 022480 Photo ID: 022521 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Corpach Sea Lock Corpach Sea Lock No Data


At the very end of the Caledonian Canal, and in the shadow of Ben Nevis, these final two locks allow passage off of the canal and out to sea. From the end of the canal you have stunning views over Loch Eil as it empties into Loch Linnhe.



Getting There

From Fort William there are regular buses to Corpach taking around 15 minutes, alternatively the trains to Mallaig stop at Corpach about 10 minutes after leaving Fort William
Latitude: 56.842224; Longitude: -5.121421
What3Words: text.visa.feasting


Photo ID: 007244 Photo ID: 007245 Photo ID: 007246 Photo ID: 007247 Photo ID: 007249 Photo ID: 007250 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fort William Fort William No Data


The military structure that gave the town its name. Only a very small part of the structure still survives, with just parts of the Sally Port and defensive walls near the railway station. Interpretation boards give some background to the reasons for building the fort and what it was used for



Getting There

Latitude: 56.821572; Longitude: -5.107452
What3Words: suspended.generated.coast


Photo ID: 007209 Photo ID: 007210 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Glen Way Great Glen Way No Data


Starting in the remains of the Fort at Fort William and ending at the Castle in Inverness, the Great Glen Way is one of several long-distance walks in Scotland. Covering over 70 miles the walk takes several days to complete, but the first 6 miles or so of the walk from Fort William to the top of Neptune's staircase offer stunning views and relatively flat walking.



Getting There

If you wanted to cheat you can catch the bus back from the bottom of Neptune's Staircase into Fort William, completing the journey back in only 10 minutes, or pick up the train from Banavie station taking about 5 minutes
Latitude: 56.821372; Longitude: -5.107441
What3Words: dent.boils.elated


Photo ID: 007236 Photo ID: 007241 Photo ID: 007243 Photo ID: 007251 Photo ID: 007279 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Inverlochy Castle Inverlochy Castle Historic Scotland


The ruins of the 13th Century castle show how important this area has been for a long time. Today the substantial curtain wall and towers are still standing.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.832315; Longitude: -5.082384
What3Words: crumple.twists.dozens


Photo ID: 007239 Photo ID: 007240 Photo ID: 007242 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Neptune's Staircase Neptune's Staircase No Data


A stunning feat of engineering, the 8 locks on the staircase lift boats from almost sea level (the final drop is a the Corpach Sea Lock) up to the Caledonian Canal. From the locks there are stunning views of the Lochs and mountains surrounding the area including the looming presence of Ben Nevis.



Getting There

From Fort William there are regular buses to Banavie taking around 10 minutes, alternatively the trains to Mallaig stop at Banavie about 5 minutes after leaving Fort William
Latitude: 56.84588; Longitude: -5.094588
What3Words: trailers.unheated.remind


Photo ID: 007252 Photo ID: 007253 Photo ID: 007254 Photo ID: 007255 Photo ID: 007256 Photo ID: 007280 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nevis Range Nevis Range No Data


Located about 7 miles north of Fort William the Gondola's take you up to the ski resort on Aonach Mòr, from where there are stunning views over the mountain ranges and lochs that surround Fort William



Getting There

From Fort William there are buses every other hour to the base gondola station, taking around 20 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 56.852164; Longitude: -4.998833
What3Words: archive.requested.stupidly


Photo ID: 007211 Photo ID: 007212 Photo ID: 007213 Photo ID: 007214 Photo ID: 007215 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

West Highland Museum West Highland Museum No Data


A stunning little museum in the town centre telling the, often bloody, history of the West Highlands.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.817658; Longitude: -5.111014
What3Words: launcher.trials.pumps


Photo ID: 007281 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

West Highland Railway West Highland Railway No Data


Regularly voted one of the best railway journeys in the world. The journey is stunning from as soon as the line climbs away from the Clyde and heads up into the hills at Helensburgh. The line winds it's way between Lochs and mountains, often across stunning viaducts, crossing the lonely and desolate Rannoch Moor, stopping at Corrour the most isolated and highest railway station in the UK (10 miles from the nearest road), before descending back down to the base of Ben Nevis at Fort William before climbing again through the mountains, across the stunning Glenfinnan viaduct and finally coming down to sea level at the small ferry port of Mallaig.


Cost of journey, views are free

Getting There

Latitude: 56.82045; Longitude: -5.106105
What3Words: chats.skipped.dynasties


Photo ID: 007197 Photo ID: 007222 Photo ID: 007223 Photo ID: 007232 Photo ID: 007269 Photo ID: 007274 Photo ID: 007278

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Armadale: Clan Donald Castle Armadale: Clan Donald Castle No Data


The ruins of the Clan Donald Castle are set in acres of gardens and woodland trail that you can wander around.



Getting There

From the jetty in Armadale it's about a 10 minute, well signed, walk to the estate.
Latitude: 57.072598; Longitude: -5.894889
What3Words: widest.trend.proclaims


Photo ID: 007226 Photo ID: 007229 Photo ID: 007230 Photo ID: 007231 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glenfinnan: Monument Glenfinnan: Monument National Trust for Scotland


The monument, at the head of Loch Shiel, is said to be at the point where Bonny Prince Charlie set foot on Scottish Soil to start the revolt that would end in defeat at Culloden just eight months later and end the Jacobite cause. When the visitors centre is open you can climb the monument for views down the loch and across to the viaduct.


Free to look around the outside, charge to climb

Getting There

The monument, visitors centre, start of the nature trails and the best spots for viewing the viaduct are all down on Loch Shiel, about a 10 minute walk down hill from the station. Come out of the station, walk down the access road and turn left onto the
Latitude: 56.8692; Longitude: -5.437047
What3Words: havens.foggy.sprain


Photo ID: 007265 Photo ID: 007268 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glenfinnan: Nature Trails Glenfinnan: Nature Trails National Trust for Scotland


From the visitors centre there are a number of walks that lead out through the neighbouring woodland and by the side of the Loch to explore. Most are only a couple of kilometres long, but you could easily spend a few hours exploring the area.



Getting There

The monument, visitors centre, start of the nature trails and the best spots for viewing the viaduct are all down on Loch Shiel, about a 10 minute walk down hill from the station. Come out of the station, walk down the access road and turn left onto the
Latitude: 56.869847; Longitude: -5.435381
What3Words: laugh.goggle.student


Photo ID: 007262 Photo ID: 007263 Photo ID: 007264 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glenfinnan: Viaduct Glenfinnan: Viaduct No Data


This gracefully curving viaduct that spans the valley floor at the head of Loch Shiel would be stunning wherever it was positioned. It's location in such a naturally stunning location makes it all the more impressive. Its such an important piece of architecture that it features on Scottish bank notes, and since it started to feature in the Harry Potter movies has gained new admirers.


Free to view

Getting There

The monument, visitors centre, start of the nature trails and the best spots for viewing the viaduct are all down on Loch Shiel, about a 10 minute walk down hill from the station. Come out of the station, walk down the access road and turn left onto the
Latitude: 56.876256; Longitude: -5.431108
What3Words: order.discussed.surface


Photo ID: 007218 Photo ID: 007219 Photo ID: 007220 Photo ID: 007260 Photo ID: 007269 Photo ID: 007271 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glenfinnan: Visitors Centre Glenfinnan: Visitors Centre National Trust for Scotland


The visitors centre tells the history of this small part of the highlands. Intrinsically woven into the history of the Jacobite uprising, the story of Bonnie Prince Charlie, and now since the Harry Potter movies, it's stunning viaduct has brought a whole new element of tourists to the area.



Getting There

The monument, visitors centre, start of the nature trails and the best spots for viewing the viaduct are all down on Loch Shiel, about a 10 minute walk down hill from the station. Come out of the station, walk down the access road and turn left onto the
Latitude: 56.870215; Longitude: -5.435022
What3Words: testy.august.explores


Photo ID: 007258 Photo ID: 007259 Photo ID: 007260 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mallaig: Heritage Centre Mallaig: Heritage Centre No Data


Located next to the railway station this small museum tells the history of the town, from it's days as a quiet fishing village, to the revolution brought about by the arrival of the railway.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.005481; Longitude: -5.82998
What3Words: piled.total.facing


Photo ID: 007231 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Armadale Armadale No Data


Located on the southern end of Skye at a part of the island where the fields are rolling and green (compared to the mountainous terrain of much of the rest of the island). Armadale has grown up around the ferry terminal. Today along with several tourists shops and cafe's there is the ruins of the Clan Donald Castle and the land surrounding it, to explore.


Getting There

From Fort William there are around 3 to 4 trains a day to Mallaig, there regular ferries connect with the trains. The crossing is about 30 minutes, and with connections in Mallaig the total journey time is around 2 hours.
Latitude: 57.064344; Longitude: -5.895613
What3Words: shun.arrow.asserts


Photo ID: 007226 Photo ID: 007227 Photo ID: 007228 Photo ID: 007229 Photo ID: 007230 Photo ID: 007231 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glenfinnan Glenfinnan No Data


Glenfinnan sums up in one location what makes the West Highland Line one of the most spectacular in the world. At the head of Loch Shiel with the stunning viaduct, monument to the landing by Bonnie Prince Charlie, a couple of Monroe's and nature trails. And if all that isn't enough the station building has been converted into a small museum.


Getting There

From Fort William there are around 3 to 4 trains a day to Mallaig, which all stop at Glenfinnan. Journey time is around 25 minutes
Latitude: 56.87148; Longitude: -5.443479
What3Words: reshaping.reclining.firelight


Photo ID: 007257 Photo ID: 007258 Photo ID: 007259 Photo ID: 007261 Photo ID: 007266 Photo ID: 007267 Photo ID: 007270

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mallaig Mallaig No Data


The end of the West Highland Line and a very pleasant little fishing harbour. It's also the gateway to Skye and the smaller isle of Rùm, Eigg, Muck and Canna


Getting There

From Fort William there are around 3 to 4 trains a day to Mallaig. Journey time is around an hour.
Latitude: 57.005481; Longitude: -5.828794
What3Words: orange.impact.generated


Photo ID: 007224 Photo ID: 007225 Photo ID: 007231 Photo ID: 007232 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2012), and on time of last update (13/05/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


Hop-On-Hop-Off Open-Top sightseeing tour bus that takes in the mains sights around the city centre. A pre-recorded commentary tells you about what you are seeing



Getting There

Latitude: 57.477279; Longitude: -4.225845
What3Words: family.notes.sculpture


Photo ID: 011881 Photo ID: 011882 Photo ID: 011883 Photo ID: 011884 Photo ID: 011885 Photo ID: 011886 Photo ID: 011887

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2014), and on time of last update (11/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Discover Loch Ness Tour Discover Loch Ness Tour No Data


There is a choice of tour that you can do ranging from a short half day tour where you just see the sites up to the full tour which includes entry to Loch Ness Centre and Exhibition, Urquhart Castle and a boat trip on Loch Ness back to Inverness. The tour is very well presented and very enjoyable. There are regular stops along the way to take photo opportunities and the tour guide gives a running commentary on the whole area. The tour starts at 10:30 in the centre of Inverness and then drives down the side and out to Loch Ness. There are stops on the edge of town to take photos of the Castle and Cathedral and then a stop shortly after the point where Loch Ness starts/ends. The next stop is at a gift shop to buy all those tasteful Nessie souvenirs and then there is a stop for a video presentation about the sightings of Nessie and the hoaxes that people have produced. Next stop is the Loch Ness exhibition and then there is a choice of either a trip to look at a typical crofters village or an ancient burial ground. Our tour chose the burial ground. Final stop for the all day tour is Urquhart castle where you get about 90 minutes to look round before you board the boat trip back into Inverness.


Range of charges depending on how much you want to do. Without private transport it is the only real way of seeing much of the area though.

Getting There

Latitude: 57.477064; Longitude: -4.226174
What3Words: straw.record.poems


Photo ID: 000322 Photo ID: 000323 Photo ID: 000324 Photo ID: 000325 Photo ID: 000326 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2004), and on time of last update (31/03/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jacobite Tours Jacobite Tours No Data


Amongst other services that they offer are boat trips along Loch Ness from Urquhart castle to the Caledonian Canal near to the centre of Inverness. The boat tour is offered as part of the Discover Loch Ness tour


Charge (Included in the Discover Loch Ness tour)

Getting There

The tours start from either the Canal, and free shuttle buses run from the centre of town, or from Urquhart Castle, though you will have had to pay admission to the castle to join the boat from there.
Latitude: 57.465104; Longitude: -4.243684
What3Words: apply.arrow.cape


Photo ID: 000326 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2004), and on time of last update (31/03/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrew's Cathedral St Andrew's Cathedral No Data


A small and slightly dingy cathedral located on the North bank of the Ness opposite the river from the castle.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 57.474543; Longitude: -4.229093
What3Words: fleet.treat.lease


Photo ID: 000321 Photo ID: 011814 Photo ID: 011815 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2004), and on time of last update (31/03/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ardersier: Fort George Ardersier: Fort George Historic Scotland


Probably the largest and most spectacular fort built on the UK mainland. The perimeter of the walls is over 1KM and the site still has all its original buildings. There are lots of museums to explore and several small exhibitions on the use of the fort over its life. The fort is still used as barracks for the army so there are some areas that are off limits



Getting There

A bus runs approximately every 90 minutes from the centre of Inverness, past the airport, to Fort George
Latitude: 57.583338; Longitude: -4.071293
What3Words: precluded.entitle.fantastic


Photo ID: 000318 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2004), and on time of last update (31/03/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aviemore: Cairngorm Mountain Railway Aviemore: Cairngorm Mountain Railway No Data


The highest railway in the UK, the Cairngorm mountain railway is a funicular that climbs up from it's base station at around 650m to the restaurant and shop complex just below the mountain summit at just over 1000m. The views from the viewing terrace at the top are well worth the journey.


Getting There

See entry for Aviemore for details of getting to Aviemore. From Aviemore station take the number 31 bus (hourly, gap over lunch, 25 minutes) to the base station
Latitude: 57.13373; Longitude: -3.670169
What3Words: stress.campus.owns


Photo ID: 011862 Photo ID: 011863 Photo ID: 011864 Photo ID: 011865 Photo ID: 011866 Photo ID: 011873 Photo ID: 011876

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2014), and on time of last update (11/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aviemore: Strathspey Railway Aviemore: Strathspey Railway No Data


A heritage steam railway which shares the national rail station at Aviemore. The line runs about 10 miles inland along the Spey river.



Getting There

See Aviemore
Latitude: 57.188595; Longitude: -3.828644
What3Words: custard.contracts.edit


Photo ID: 011851 Photo ID: 011852 Photo ID: 011853 Photo ID: 011854 Photo ID: 011855 Photo ID: 011858 Photo ID: 011860

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2014), and on time of last update (11/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Corrimony Chambered Cairn Corrimony Chambered Cairn Historic Scotland


Located out in the middle of the Highlands about 3 miles west of Drumnadrochit this ancient burial mound has been reopened so you can see how the dead were buried about 4500 years ago.



Getting There

Impossible or very difficult to get to without private transport! it is included on the Discover Loch Ness tour.
Latitude: 57.334496; Longitude: -4.687678
What3Words: meanwhile.launch.sprawls


Photo ID: 000323 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2004), and on time of last update (31/03/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Culloden Battlefield Culloden Battlefield National Trust for Scotland


The place where the Jacobite revolts of the 18th century finally died, and the site of the last battle to be fought on British Soil (though the Channel Islanders may have something to say about that and World War II) On this site almost all of the 5000 strong Jacobite army died along with about 500 Government troops. The battlefield itself is open all day everyday but there is also a visitors centre which has a film explaining the build up to the battle and the aftermath. There is also a small exhibition of artefact's. The whole exhibition has a distinct bias trying to portray the incident as Scots being massacred by the English. If you look deep enough at the exhibition it does admit that there were more Scots on the Government side than on the Jacobite side and that a large number of the Jacobite's were French, Irish and even English!


Access to the battlefield is Free but there is a charge to view the exhibition in the visitors centre

Getting There

An hourly bus service runs from the centre of Inverness to the Visitors centre and takes about 35 minutes
Latitude: 57.47831; Longitude: -4.094467
What3Words: ratio.paving.outlines


Photo ID: 000319 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/03/2004), and on time of last update (31/03/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Drumnadrochit: Loch Ness Centre and Exhibition Drumnadrochit: Loch Ness Centre and Exhibition No Data


Through several rooms this audio visual exhibition tells the story of Loch Ness from how it was formed to how it can tell the health of the environment and delves into the mysteries of Nessie. Does a monster really exist? Is it a large fish? Is it all just too much Whiskey?


Charge (Included in the Discover Loch Ness tour)

Getting There

The exhibition is next to the Drumnadrochit hotel by the side of Loch Ness. Several bus routes run past the site, stopping slightly beyond the hotel after the road turns to the left over a bridge. Journey time is around 30 minutes
Latitude: 57.337872; Longitude: -4.478817
What3Words: youths.unscathed.polite


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2004), and on time of last update (31/03/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Drumnadrochit: Urquhart Castle Drumnadrochit: Urquhart Castle Historic Scotland


Located on the banks of Loch Ness at its widest point this is one of the most scenic castles in the UK, or what's left of it. The Government supporting owner of the castle blew it to pieces shortly before the Jacobite's seized the area so that they would be unable to use it. The remains now offer a good view over the Loch


Charge (Included in the Discover Loch Ness tour)

Getting There

There are regular buses from the centre of Inverness to the coach park at the top of the site, journey time about 35 minutes. Alternatively, Jacobite tours offer boat trips out to Urquhart castle taking about an hour
Latitude: 57.324343; Longitude: -4.441953
What3Words: ended.absorbing.encrusted


Photo ID: 000325 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2004), and on time of last update (31/03/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Far North routes to Skye Far North routes to Skye No Data


Whilst there isn't a great deal to do in Portree when you get there, the journey across the Northern Highlands to Kyle of Lochalsh and then across Skye to it's capital really helps to define the phrase 'it's better to travel than to arrive'. There are two possible routes from Inverness, but it is possible with a bit of planning to see both. I took the morning (08:58 in May 2014) train departure from Inverness to Kyle of Lochalsh where I connected (40 minute wait) with the coach over to Portree. On the way back there was a direct coach (17:40 in May 2014) from Portree all the way back to Inverness. Both routes offer stunning views as they skirt loch's and climb through hidden passes in the mountains. Get a good seat, bring some refreshments and settle back for a stunning journey


Charge, booking even a few days in advance can make significant savings

Getting There

Trains leave from the Railway station, Coaches from the neighbouring bus station. In Kyle of Lochalsh the buses stop at the old slipway about a five minute walk from the station - take the ramp up from the station, turn left onto the bridge and follow the road down to a set of traffic lights, turn left and the bus stop is in front of you.
Latitude: 57.276437; Longitude: -5.742964
What3Words: documents.hook.deform


Photo ID: 011827 Photo ID: 011828 Photo ID: 011831 Photo ID: 011832 Photo ID: 011833 Photo ID: 011836 Photo ID: 011838

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2014), and on time of last update (11/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aviemore Aviemore No Data


The gateway to the Cairngorms the small town benefits from it's location on the Highland Main Line to Inverness. The main street is mostly made up of cafes or outdoor clothing shops, with very little else to occupy the time.


Getting There

All trains heading south from Inverness towards Edinburgh, Glasgow and London stop at Aviemore. Journey time is around 40 minutes
Latitude: 57.189831; Longitude: -3.829315
What3Words: energy.coasters.plunger


Photo ID: 011851 Photo ID: 011861 Photo ID: 011877 Photo ID: 011878 Photo ID: 011880 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2014), and on time of last update (11/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kyle of Localsh Kyle of Localsh No Data


A town almost without a purpose these days. Once it was an important transport hub with the ferry across to Kyleakin on Skye providing the main link onto the island. Today the bridge just outside of town has meant all the traffic now just whips through the town and out over the bridge and onto Skye.


Getting There

There are a very limited number of trains each day to Kyle of Lochalsh, and at the time of visiting the winter service was at risk of being cut completely. Journey time is around 2.5 hours. Alternatively a couple of Scottish CityLink coaches run from Inverness to Kyle of Lochalsh and onto Portree, taking just over 2 hours
Latitude: 57.280372; Longitude: -5.715579
What3Words: messaging.apron.ballots


Photo ID: 011840 Photo ID: 011841 Photo ID: 011842 Photo ID: 011843 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2014), and on time of last update (11/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Portree Portree No Data


The main town of Skye, it's in a pleasant location around a harbour from where there are sightseeing boats to go out and look at the local wildlife. Other than that there is very little else to see and do in Portree, other than sample the many very good restaurants located in the town


Getting There

From Inverness there are a couple of direct CityLink coaches a day to Portree, taking around 3 hours. Alternatively take the Far North line to Kyle of Lochalsh and pick up either the CityLink coach, or local bus there over to Skye and on to Portree
Latitude: 57.413044; Longitude: -6.194337
What3Words: spooned.occupiers.ultra


Photo ID: 011847 Photo ID: 011848 Photo ID: 011849 Photo ID: 011850 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2014), and on time of last update (11/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle of Old Wick Castle of Old Wick Historic Scotland


Ruins of reputedly one of the first castles in Northern Scotland, built by the Earl of Orkney to protect his southern lands. Today just a small fragment of the keep remains on a rocky promontory about a mile south of the town centre



Getting There

Latitude: 58.423363; Longitude: -3.081666
What3Words: bounding.fuel.rags


Photo ID: 014724 Photo ID: 014725 Photo ID: 014727 Photo ID: 014728 Photo ID: 014729 Photo ID: 014730 Photo ID: 014731

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2015), and on time of last update (09/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Pultney Distillery Old Pultney Distillery No Data


The towns distillery, located in the Pultneytown area. The hour long tour takes your round the whole process and concludes with a tasting of the product



Getting There

Latitude: 58.434538; Longitude: -3.0847
What3Words: stumble.nutty.flasks


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2015), and on time of last update (09/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wick Heritage Centre Wick Heritage Centre No Data


The Heritage centre houses a wide range of exhibits and artefacts related to Wick and its history from its role as the worlds largest Herring port to how the people of Wick lived in the past.



Getting There

Latitude: 58.439762; Longitude: -3.088525
What3Words: wicked.kidney.shed


Photo ID: 014676 Photo ID: 014677 Photo ID: 014678 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2015), and on time of last update (09/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Thurso: Caithness Horisons Thurso: Caithness Horisons No Data


Located in the former town hall this museum tells the history of Caithness focusing mainly on the Geology of the area. A 20 minute video tells you more about the area and its history



Getting There

Latitude: 58.595627; Longitude: -3.518284
What3Words: electrode.media.remarried


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2015), and on time of last update (09/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

John O'Groats John O'Groats No Data


Not actually the most Northerly point in the UK, but it has managed to become the place that everyone assumes is. Along with the traditional sign post there are a couple of café's and craft shops. During summer months there are direct ferries to the Orkney islands from the harbour


Getting There

Number 77 bus runs every 2 hours from Wick to John O'Groats (and then onto Thurso), taking around 30 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 58.644029; Longitude: -3.069965
What3Words: romantics.clasps.symphony


Photo ID: 014684 Photo ID: 014686 Photo ID: 014691 Photo ID: 014693 Photo ID: 014694 Photo ID: 014696 Photo ID: 014698

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2015), and on time of last update (09/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Thurso Thurso No Data


The most northern town on mainland Britain is located around its river and grid pattern town laid out in the 19th Century


Getting There

Bus routes 81 (every 2 hours no service on Sunday) and 82 (hourly, infrequent on Sunday) buses run directly to Thurso taking around 50 minutes. Alternatively take a number 77 (every 2 hours, no service on Sunday) to John O'Groats where it becomes a number 80 and continues round to Thurso following the Pentland Firth, taking around an hour and 45 minutes. Another option is to take the Inverness train (infrequent, only one train on a Sunday) to Thurso taking around 25 minutes.
Latitude: 58.594749; Longitude: -3.520303
What3Words: squirted.stages.vibrating


Photo ID: 014732 Photo ID: 014735 Photo ID: 014738 Photo ID: 014739 Photo ID: 014741 Photo ID: 014742 Photo ID: 014743

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2015), and on time of last update (09/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bishops Palace Bishops Palace Historic Scotland


The Bishops palace was built for the bishops of the cathedral. Only the shell of the building exists


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

Latitude: 58.980602; Longitude: -2.958745
What3Words: ladder.respected.founders


Photo ID: 001250 Photo ID: 001267 Photo ID: 001268 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Broch of Gurness Broch of Gurness Historic Scotland


By the time Gurness was in use it was 300BC and times had moved on. No longer the small farming community leading their life with not much more than nature to fear. Gurness is a fortress with the villagers living around the central Broch that would defend the village when it was attacked from the sea. It is very clear to see that in the nearly 3000 years that separate them the standard of living for the inhabitants of Orkney had gone decidedly down hill.


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

Access to Gurness is only really possible with a car or on a guided tour as there are no buses running near to the site
Latitude: 59.122054; Longitude: -3.077974
What3Words: snug.desk.prowling


Photo ID: 001259 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Earls Palace Earls Palace Historic Scotland


The Earls palace was built for the Earl of Orkney and Lord of the Shetlands, Earl Patrick Stewart. Significant ruins remain


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

Latitude: 58.980237; Longitude: -2.959517
What3Words: incorrect.lake.method


Photo ID: 001264 Photo ID: 001265 Photo ID: 001266 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Highland Park Distillery Highland Park Distillery No Data


The tour is very similar to those that I have been on at the Old Jameson’s distillery in Dublin, the Old Middleton distillery near Cork and the Scottish Whiskey heritage society in Edinburgh. The key difference is rather than walking around a museum piece you are walking around a living, working distillery.



Getting There

About a miles walk out of town, the buses between Kirkwall and South Ronaldsway pass the distillery
Latitude: 58.968226; Longitude: -2.955172
What3Words: reds.obstinate.changes


Photo ID: 001261 Photo ID: 001262 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maeshow Cairn Maeshow Cairn Historic Scotland


The tomb is at the centre of a massive network of stone age sacred sites with two stone circles lying in a processional route towards it. Inside are carved runes from both the time of creation and later when the Vikings used it. The site itself dates back to approximately 3100BC making it older than the pharaohs pyramids in Egypt.


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

On the road between Kirkwall and Stromness, hourly buses connect the two
Latitude: 58.99593; Longitude: -3.189039
What3Words: chairing.readjust.blessing


Photo ID: 001252 Photo ID: 001255 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Orkney museum Orkney museum No Data


The museum has displays on life in the Orkneys from the Stone age up to modern day with an eclectic range of items on display.


Free, Suggested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 58.981304; Longitude: -2.961223
What3Words: facelift.chip.illogical


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ring of Brodgar Ring of Brodgar Historic Scotland


This is an even more impressive stone circle. Today 27 stones remain, but when it was built it would have had about 60 stones.



Getting There

About a mile further on from the Standing stones of Stenness and off of the bus route
Latitude: 59.001887; Longitude: -3.228446
What3Words: list.legroom.smarting


Photo ID: 001256 Photo ID: 001257 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skara Brae Skara Brae Historic Scotland


Like Jarlsholf (see Shetland Islands) this Neolithic village laid under sand and earth for centuries before being revealed following a massive storm ripped off the covering land. Unlike Jarlshof, Skara Brae appears to have been abandoned about 2500BC and is consequently perfectly preserved. You can get a feeling of how the people of the time lived, in an almost subterranean life.


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

There are a couple of buses a day from Kirkwall to Skara Brae
Latitude: 59.047177; Longitude: -3.346024
What3Words: sides.accented.span


Photo ID: 001258 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Magnus Cathedral St Magnus Cathedral No Data


Originally built in the 12th Century it's been adapted and expanded as many times as it has changed hands. Originally built as part of the Hamburg(!) diocese it was then transferred to Trondheim (Norway) until the Orkney and Shetland Islands were taken over by Scotland where they transferred to Scottish diocese, all of this before the reformation!


Free, Suggested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 58.981401; Longitude: -2.959662
What3Words: frostbite.strapped.strumming


Photo ID: 001249 Photo ID: 001263 Photo ID: 001268 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Standing stones of Stenness Standing stones of Stenness Historic Scotland


Originally a 12 stone circle there are now just 5 remaining, but the whole place has an air of mystique around it.



Getting There

On the road between Kirkwall and Stromness, hourly buses connect the two
Latitude: 58.993492; Longitude: -3.20855
What3Words: clumped.seats.purse


Photo ID: 001253 Photo ID: 001254 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Unstan Chabered Cairn Unstan Chabered Cairn Historic Scotland


An ancient burial chamber



Getting There

On the road between Kirkwall and Stromness, hourly buses connect the two
Latitude: 58.985672; Longitude: -3.249121
What3Words: livid.whizzed.lives


Photo ID: 001251 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wildabout Orkney Tour Wildabout Orkney Tour No Data


Day tours that take in many of the key sights of Orkney. The Sunday tour is titled "From stone age to Iron age"



Getting There

Latitude: 58.980884; Longitude: -2.957913
What3Words: mistaking.wounds.elephant


Photo ID: 001251 Photo ID: 001252 Photo ID: 001253 Photo ID: 001254 Photo ID: 001256 Photo ID: 001258 Photo ID: 001259

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aberdeen: City Sightseeing Tour Aberdeen: City Sightseeing Tour No Data


A hop-on-hop-off open-top tour that takes in the major sights of Aberdeen



Getting There

Latitude: 57.148647; Longitude: -2.096688
What3Words: stow.bolts.leaned


Photo ID: 001281 Photo ID: 001282 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aberdeen: Maritime Museum Aberdeen: Maritime Museum No Data


This museums has lots of displays on shipping and for some reason that escapes me now North sea oil...



Getting There

Latitude: 57.146434; Longitude: -2.094848
What3Words: canny.feeds.admit


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aberdeen: Provist Skene's House Aberdeen: Provist Skene's House No Data


This is one of the few medieval buildings that survive in Aberdeen and the interiors have been reconstructed to show what life was like at various times during the buildings existence.



Getting There

Latitude: 57.148359; Longitude: -2.097461
What3Words: richer.push.adults


Photo ID: 001283 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aberdeen: Tolbooth Aberdeen: Tolbooth No Data


This now houses the Aberdeen civic history museum which has small displays on the growth of Aberdeen, the Tolbooth itself, the life of an Aberdeen PC and crime (reflecting the Tolbooth's previous existence as a prison)



Getting There

Latitude: 57.147766; Longitude: -2.094701
What3Words: sizes.common.commented


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lamb Holm: Italian Chapel Lamb Holm: Italian Chapel No Data


During W.W.II the island was used to house Italian POWs, mostly captured in Northern Africa. They were put to work building the Churchill Barriers, and at the same time helped to build up the camp they were held prisoner in. They were granted two Nissan huts with which they built a small chapel. The chapel (Now known as the Italian chapel) still stands and is an amazing tribute to the work of the people who helped to build it.



Getting There

Latitude: 58.889172; Longitude: -2.890348
What3Words: swaps.premiums.harshest


Photo ID: 001269 Photo ID: 001270 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rousay: Blackhammer Cairn Rousay: Blackhammer Cairn Historic Scotland


Another of the cairns on the island



Getting There

Latitude: 59.131268; Longitude: -3.025205
What3Words: managers.heartened.scaffold


Photo ID: 001277 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rousay: Midhowe Broch Rousay: Midhowe Broch Historic Scotland


An iron-age fortified dwelling located next to the even older Cairn



Getting There

Latitude: 59.157485; Longitude: -3.100344
What3Words: code.publisher.beginning


Photo ID: 001275 Photo ID: 001276 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rousay: Midhowe Cairn Rousay: Midhowe Cairn Historic Scotland


The remains of one of the largest burial chambers ever discovered, pre-dating the pyramids of Egypt



Getting There

Latitude: 59.156561; Longitude: -3.099164
What3Words: narrow.rainwater.comply


Photo ID: 001274 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rousay: Rousay history tour Rousay: Rousay history tour No Data


A full day tour that connects with the mid-morning ferry from Tingwall and gets you back in time for the last ferry. The tour goes anti-clockwise around the island taking in many of the main sights



Getting There

Latitude: 59.130668; Longitude: -2.986463
What3Words: arts.greed.worm


Photo ID: 001272 Photo ID: 001273 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rousay: Tavershoe Tuick Rousay: Tavershoe Tuick Historic Scotland


A unique two storey chambered cairn



Getting There

Latitude: 59.131411; Longitude: -3.004927
What3Words: skipped.burn.heaven


Photo ID: 001278 Photo ID: 001279 Photo ID: 001280 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stromness: museum Stromness: museum No Data


An even eclectic mix of exhibits on Lighthouses, the sunken German fleet in Scapa Flow (the body of water surrounded by the larger of the islands) and natural history with a large collection of stuffed animals and birds.



Getting There

Latitude: 58.959273; Longitude: -3.300587
What3Words: impulses.fells.alike


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aberdeen Aberdeen No Data


The oil capital of Britain!


Getting There

There are overnight ferries from Kirkwall to Aberdeen, alternativly Loganair operate regular flights that take about 40 minutes
Latitude: 57.147494; Longitude: -2.095392
What3Words: resist.tend.scam


Photo ID: 001281 Photo ID: 001282 Photo ID: 001283 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2009), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lamb Holm Lamb Holm No Data


A small island linked to the main land by the Churchill Barrier, about the only structure on the island is the Italian Chapel


Getting There

Buses travelling south towards South Ronaldsway and the ferries at St Mary's and Burwick pass the chapel
Latitude: 58.887575; Longitude: -2.895155
What3Words: dripped.endearing.revisits


Photo ID: 001269 Photo ID: 001270 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rousay Rousay No Data


One of the northern isle and the easiest to reach by ferry. The island is a treasure trove of historic sights with over 160 identified archaeological sites


Getting There

Buses from Kirkwall connect with the ferries from Tingwall to Rousay
Latitude: 59.155163; Longitude: -3.031883
What3Words: blues.fractions.pinch


Photo ID: 001272 Photo ID: 001273 Photo ID: 001274 Photo ID: 001275 Photo ID: 001277 Photo ID: 001278 Photo ID: 001280

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stromness Stromness No Data


The second largest town on the Orkney islands and the main port for longer distance ferries (Shetlands and Aberdeen)


Getting There

There are hourly busses during the day between Kirkwall and Stromness
Latitude: 58.961915; Longitude: -3.300018
What3Words: disco.mouse.tropic


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2006), and on time of last update (13/08/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Black Watch Castle and Museum Black Watch Castle and Museum No Data


Housed in a Baronial Castle on the edge of the North Inch the museum tells the history of the Black Watch regiment as well as details of their key campaigns



Getting There

Latitude: 56.403441; Longitude: -3.436622
What3Words: thank.rams.weds


Photo ID: 012983 Photo ID: 012984 Photo ID: 012985 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Perth Museum and Gallery Perth Museum and Gallery No Data


The City's museum and gallery housing a wide collection of artefacts



Getting There

Latitude: 56.39827; Longitude: -3.428044
What3Words: puppy.before.relay


Photo ID: 012973 Photo ID: 012980 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sculpture Trail Sculpture Trail No Data


Running on the East Bank of the Tay from Smeatons bridge to the Tay Viaduct is a park area with a pleasant riverside walk dotted with various sculptures. Signs along the way give details of the works.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.393702; Longitude: -3.422867
What3Words: ruby.frost.item


Photo ID: 013013 Photo ID: 013019 Photo ID: 013020 Photo ID: 013021 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scone Palace Scone Palace No Data


Former abbey now a grand Georgian Palace, the location where Scottish kings have been traditionally crowned and from where the Stone of Scone (or Stone of Destiny) was taken by Edward I back to England in the 13th Century to form the basis of the crowning of English and now British monarchs. The house is still lived in so only state rooms are open to look round, but you can also wander round large parts of the extensive grounds including the excellent star shaped maze.


Charge. There is a ticket that covers just the grounds or a joint ticket for the grounds and the Palace

Getting There

From Perth take the number 3 or number 58 bus to the castle driveway (irregular between 8 and 30 minutes journey depending on which route the bus takes). It's then a 15 minute walk along the drive to the palace proper
Latitude: 56.422845; Longitude: -3.438341
What3Words: cards.buzzards.glare


Photo ID: 012986 Photo ID: 012987 Photo ID: 012989 Photo ID: 012990 Photo ID: 012995 Photo ID: 013000 Photo ID: 013005

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Paisley Museum Paisley Museum No Data


The museum houses exhibits on the local history of the area, as well as the history of the towns weaving industry and the traditional Paisley Shawls it created.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.845095; Longitude: -4.430066
What3Words: losses.fees.oasis


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/11/2007), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bute: Rothesay Castle Bute: Rothesay Castle Historic Scotland


The castle was founded by the Stuart family, who later went on to be the Kings of Scotland and then England as well. Little of the interior of the castle remains, but most of the walls do.


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

Latitude: 55.836482; Longitude: -5.055149
What3Words: suffice.escorting.pays


Photo ID: 002338 Photo ID: 002339 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2007), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dumbarton Castle Dumbarton Castle Historic Scotland


Built on the top of a volcanic rock overlooking the Clyde the castle was an important defensive location for many centuries


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

There are regular trains from Glasgow Queen Street to Dumbarton East, from where it’s a 15 minute, well signed walk to the castle
Latitude: 55.936895; Longitude: -4.563543
What3Words: stacks.decks.trio


Photo ID: 002346 Photo ID: 002347 Photo ID: 002348 Photo ID: 002349 Photo ID: 002350 Photo ID: 002351 Photo ID: 002352

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2007), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maxwells Heartland Tours Maxwells Heartland Tours No Data


Daily tours that cover much of the region around Glasgow. The tour I went on travelled north from Glasgow through to Loch Lomond and then on into Glencoe and the Highlands



Getting There

Tours depart from George Square in Glasgow
Latitude: 55.860911; Longitude: -4.251108
What3Words: wiring.struck.faces


Photo ID: 002321 Photo ID: 002322 Photo ID: 002325 Photo ID: 002326 Photo ID: 002328 Photo ID: 002329 Photo ID: 002330

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/11/2007), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Balloch Balloch No Data


Located at the southern end of Loch Lomond the town offers easy access to Loch Lomond


Getting There

Half Hourly trains run from Glasgow Queen Street to Balloch, taking about 60 minutes. From the station it’s a short walk to the Loch
Latitude: 56.005964; Longitude: -4.589968
What3Words: hires.prominent.forget


Photo ID: 002354 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2007), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bute Bute No Data


The isle of Bute only became part of Scotland in the 13th Century, surprising given how close it is to the main land.


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Glasgow Central and from Paisley Gilmour Street to Wemyss Bay where Ferries to Bute leave from.
Latitude: 55.835693; Longitude: -5.056361
What3Words: streetcar.mimes.crossword


Photo ID: 002335 Photo ID: 002336 Photo ID: 002337 Photo ID: 002338 Photo ID: 002339 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2007), and on time of last update (28/11/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Citadel Citadel No Data


At one time a large Citadel encircled the centre of Ayr, built by Cromwell's forces, today just parts of the walls remains. The main remaining section is located just back from the mouth of the Ayr



Getting There

Latitude: 55.466107; Longitude: -4.636788
What3Words: officials.shift.worthy


Photo ID: 009133 Photo ID: 009166 Photo ID: 009167 Photo ID: 009168 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Johns Tower St Johns Tower No Data


St John's tower is all that remains of a much larger church which once stood on the site. At the time of visiting it wasn't possible to even enter the grounds



Getting There

Latitude: 55.463487; Longitude: -4.636971
What3Words: group.contour.these


Photo ID: 009105 Photo ID: 009106 Photo ID: 009132 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Lang Scots Mile The Lang Scots Mile No Data


Running for a full Scottish mile (1.12 miles) the signed walk takes you past the Citadel and onto the sea front from where there are stunning views across the Firth of Clyde to Arran (on clear days)



Getting There

Latitude: 55.466115; Longitude: -4.63735
What3Words: divisible.apes.highlighted


Photo ID: 009099 Photo ID: 009101 Photo ID: 009104 Photo ID: 009169 Photo ID: 009170 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alloway: Auld Kirk Alloway: Auld Kirk National Trust for Scotland


The ruins of the old church in Alloway, where Burn's father is buried, which features in his poem Tam o' Shanter



Getting There

Latitude: 55.427893; Longitude: -4.637448
What3Words: funded.only.upon


Photo ID: 009163 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alloway: Burns Birthplace Cottage Alloway: Burns Birthplace Cottage National Trust for Scotland


The building where Scotland's most celebrated son was born. The rooms have been restored to how they would have looked when the young Robert lived there.


Charge; Joint ticket with the Birthplace Cottage, Museum and Memorial

Getting There

Latitude: 55.43283; Longitude: -4.63346
What3Words: entertainer.wishes.shady


Photo ID: 009159 Photo ID: 009160 Photo ID: 009161 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alloway: Burns Birthplace Museum Alloway: Burns Birthplace Museum National Trust for Scotland


The museum tells the story of Robert Burns, along with his wide body of work. You can listen to readings of his poems and find out the background to them.


Charge; Joint ticket with the Birthplace Cottage, Museum and Memorial

Getting There

Latitude: 55.427872; Longitude: -4.634093
What3Words: event.pilots.detail


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alloway: Burns Memorial & Brig O' Doon Alloway: Burns Memorial & Brig O' Doon National Trust for Scotland


Located near the river the Burns memorial and gardens overlook the Brig O' Doon, you can climb the memorial to take in better views of the bridge


Charge; Joint ticket with the Birthplace Cottage, Museum and Memorial

Getting There

Latitude: 55.426945; Longitude: -4.636692
What3Words: crop.relay.proven


Photo ID: 009162 Photo ID: 009164 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arran: Arran Brewery Arran: Arran Brewery No Data


Located below the castle the brewery has been going since 2000 and has produced several award winning brews. The owner runs tours each day of the facilities which, whilst they aren't particularly long - it's not a large brewery, make up for it in the passion he clearly has for his subject.


Charge for the tour

Getting There

Latitude: 55.592159; Longitude: -5.156869
What3Words: tint.adopt.sober


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arran: Brodick Castle Arran: Brodick Castle National Trust for Scotland


The home of the former owners of Arran, it is now looked after by the National Trust for Scotland. You can wander around many of the rooms taking in the sumptuous surroundings



Getting There

Latitude: 55.593808; Longitude: -5.151105
What3Words: torso.cotton.stressed


Photo ID: 009116 Photo ID: 009124 Photo ID: 009125 Photo ID: 009126 Photo ID: 009127 Photo ID: 009128 Photo ID: 009129

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arran: Bus service Arran: Bus service No Data


Some of the best sights on the island can be had by sitting down and taking one of the bus routes that run across the island. Combining routes you can travel round the whole coast of the island, or take the dramatic road - The String - through the centre of the island over the mountains. The views are dramatic from rolling meadows and beaches to snow-capped mountains.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.576495; Longitude: -5.13959
What3Words: activism.spotted.fussy
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Culzean Castle Culzean Castle National Trust for Scotland


Former home of the Kennedy family, and the only building in Scotland to have been designed by Scottish architect Robert Adam. Inside you can wander around many of the rooms.


Charge; Joint ticket for castle and country park available

Getting There

Latitude: 55.354783; Longitude: -4.789181
What3Words: rhino.dish.nodded


Photo ID: 009137 Photo ID: 009138 Photo ID: 009139 Photo ID: 009142 Photo ID: 009143 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Culzean Country Park Culzean Country Park National Trust for Scotland


The grounds of the castle have been turned into a country park which you can easily spend hours wandering around. There are lots of buildings dotted through the landscape to explore and beautiful (and massive) walled gardens


Charge; Joint ticket for castle and country park available

Getting There

Latitude: 55.353126; Longitude: -4.771376
What3Words: tells.vibe.thudding


Photo ID: 009134 Photo ID: 009135 Photo ID: 009145 Photo ID: 009146 Photo ID: 009147 Photo ID: 009148 Photo ID: 009149

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dunure: Castle Dunure: Castle Historic Scotland


The remains of an early Kennedy family castle (they of Culzean). The ruins are today perched perilously on the edge of a sea cliff giving them an even more impressive look. You can access some parts of the inside of the building, but for obvious reasons some parts are no longer accessible



Getting There

Latitude: 55.405026; Longitude: -4.761844
What3Words: repelled.closets.broken


Photo ID: 009151 Photo ID: 009152 Photo ID: 009154 Photo ID: 009155 Photo ID: 009157 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alloway Alloway No Data


Alloway is to Scotland what Stratford-upon-Avon is to England. Birthplace of Robert Burns, arguably Scotland's most celebrated son, the town revolves around Burns, including several sights that feature in his works, as well as excellent museums and the cottage where he was born.


Getting There

From Ayr there are frequent buses to Alloway taking around 10 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 55.431068; Longitude: -4.635984
What3Words: face.refers.lease


Photo ID: 009159 Photo ID: 009160 Photo ID: 009161 Photo ID: 009162 Photo ID: 009163 Photo ID: 009164 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arran Arran No Data


Sitting in the Firth of Clyde, protected from the worst of the weather by the Mull of Kintyre, Arran is described as Scotland in a small island. With beaches, rolling meadows and snow-capped mountains you can get the full range of Scottish landscapes in an island you can circumnavigate on a bus in three hours.


Getting There

From Ayr there are direct buses to Ardrossan for the ferry to Arran (hourly about an hour); alternatively catch any train to Kilwinning and change for a train to Ardrossan Harbour (about 45 minutes, trains connect with ferries). The ferry to Arran runs every couple of hours and takes 55 minutes to make the crossing.
Latitude: 55.580673; Longitude: -5.243225
What3Words: upwards.loom.cult


Photo ID: 009115 Photo ID: 009122 Photo ID: 009123 Photo ID: 009130 Photo ID: 009136 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Culzean Culzean National Trust for Scotland


When the Kennedy family handed their home over to the National Trust for Scotland the whole estate was opened up to the public as a country park. With miles of walks from forest trails to cliff top wanders, a landscape dotted with buildings to explore, and of course the stunning castle building itself


Getting There

From Ayr there are direct buses to the Culzean Castle bus stop on the main road. 60 runs every hour Monday to Saturday, 360 runs every other hour on a Sunday. Journey time is about 30 minutes. From the stop it's about a mile walk to the visitors centre.
Latitude: 55.34889; Longitude: -4.793859
What3Words: exhales.continued.composer


Photo ID: 009135 Photo ID: 009136 Photo ID: 009140 Photo ID: 009144 Photo ID: 009150 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dunure Dunure No Data


Located a few miles south of Ayr, Dunure is a small harbour town with the stunning remains of a castle perched perilously on a cliff over looking the harbour.


Getting There

From Ayr there are buses roughly once an hour, taking around 30 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 55.406452; Longitude: -4.758196
What3Words: toggle.yarn.indulges


Photo ID: 009153 Photo ID: 009156 Photo ID: 009157 Photo ID: 009158 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2013), and on time of last update (10/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Clickimin Broch Clickimin Broch Historic Scotland


Clickimin Broch is a former bronze age farm settlement which was upgraded into an Iron age fort and lasted well into the first millennium before being abandoned. Today it is about the second best preserved example of a Broch in the world


Free and always open

Getting There

Latitude: 60.149196; Longitude: -1.165538
What3Words: generally.scatter.archives


Photo ID: 000722 Photo ID: 000723 Photo ID: 000724 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fort Charlotte Fort Charlotte Historic Scotland


A small fort, built overlooking the stretch of water between Bressay and the mainland. Originally built in 1665, it was rebuilt during the reign of George III and named after his Queen.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.155422; Longitude: -1.144445
What3Words: roadblock.benched.amounting


Photo ID: 000731 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seabirds and Seals tour Seabirds and Seals tour No Data


A stunning and brilliantly presented 3 hour cruise around the coasts of Bressay and Noss taking in all the wildlife. Part way through the tour, the boat pulls up into one of the many caves along the coast of Bressay and a little sub-aqua camera/robot is lowered over the side and you are shown the life that exists beneath the waves around the Shetland isles.


Charge (quite expensive, but you do get 3 unforgettable hours and tea/coffee and biscuits). Operates from the pier in the centre of town. Tickets bookable via the Tourist Information Centre

Getting There

Latitude: 60.153478; Longitude: -1.14099
What3Words: intruding.punk.freshen


Photo ID: 000741 Photo ID: 000742 Photo ID: 000743 Photo ID: 000744 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sightseeing Tour Sightseeing Tour No Data


One of a series of alternating tours that show you the scenery of the main island. The tour stops part way round for refreshments. There are no photo stops, but the driver goes quite slow at the most photogenic places so that you can take a few shots.



Getting There

Latitude: 60.154621; Longitude: -1.143104
What3Words: files.menu.glossed


Photo ID: 000732 Photo ID: 000733 Photo ID: 000734 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Up Helly Aa Up Helly Aa No Data


One of the most spectacular local festivals in the country is the annual Up Helly Aa at the end of January. At the end of months of work a Viking long-boat is lead through the town in a torch lit procession, before all the torches are thrown into the boat and it becomes the biggest bonfire in town. The exhibition is held in the boatshed where the next boat is to be built between May and September and reviews that years festivities as well as giving background information on Up Helly Aa



Getting There

Latitude: 60.155625; Longitude: -1.15247
What3Words: evaporate.including.lost


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bressay Bressay No Data


The closest island to Lerwick, just 5 minutes across the channel. The island has some archaeological remains, as well as some stunning scenery


The ferry is £3 from Lerwick to Bressay, but free from Bressay to Lerwick

Getting There

The car ferry operates from the harbour at Lerwick to Bressay every hour or so taking 5 minutes
Latitude: 60.145949; Longitude: -1.090393
What3Words: untruth.gearbox.sang


Photo ID: 000727 Photo ID: 000728 Photo ID: 000741 Photo ID: 000742 Photo ID: 000743 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jarlshof Jarlshof Historic Scotland


Re-discovered after ferocious storms ripped the top layers of soil off some of the site just over 100 years ago, this is a massive site with examples of buildings that were in almost constant inhabitation from the early Bronze Age, through Iron age, the Picts, Vikings and up to the 17th century. The most recent building (and the only one which was known about before the storm) is another residence of Earl Patrick Stewart (of Scalloway castle fame).



Getting There

Latitude: 59.869102; Longitude: -1.290872
What3Words: collide.diplomas.crackled


Photo ID: 000736 Photo ID: 000737 Photo ID: 000738 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Noss Nature Reserve Noss Nature Reserve No Data


Noss is a national nature reserve as it is a nesting ground for thousands of sea birds including puffins. The walk to the nesting grounds takes you around the top of the cliffs.


Charge for the ferry to get to the Island

Getting There

A small ferry takes you from the East coast of Bressay to Noss (taking about a minute.) From Lerwick you have to cross to Bressay on the ferry and then walk (about 1 hour 30) or drive across to the other side of the island to pick up the ferry
Latitude: 60.150904; Longitude: -1.039238
What3Words: marsh.defining.punctuate


Photo ID: 000729 Photo ID: 000744 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Scatness Old Scatness No Data


On the edge of the airport archaeologists have uncovered remains of and Iron Age settlement, just a mile from the site of another settlement, and within sight of three other pre-historic farmsteads. The site at the airport is still being uncovered with more being found each year. The Old Scatness visitors centre explains what has been discovered at the site and what they hope to continue to find. After watching an introductory visit you are taken on a tour of the site by people who have been involved in the digging, and then you are shown reconstruction's on the buildings as they think they would have looked, including a costumed guide telling you about how people would have lived. On a misty, windy, damp and chilly day, it's amazing how homely and comfortable the reconstruction's feel.


Charge (discount on admission to Jarlshof)

Getting There

Latitude: 59.879048; Longitude: -1.305753
What3Words: magnum.torch.fortified


Photo ID: 000735 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scalloway Castle Scalloway  Castle Historic Scotland


Vacant for more than 300 years it is still in relatively good shape (the roof may have disappeared, but you can see what is supposed to have looked like when it was inhabited). You can wander around the castle grounds without a problem, but to access the castle you have to try the door. If it's locked it's a short walk back to the Scalloway hotel to pick up the key to let yourself in! Inside there is a display on the history of the castle, and its commissioner Earl Patrick Stewart (eventually beheaded in Edinburgh for his tyrannical treatment of his tenants and residents of the Orkney and Shetland Islands).


Free (key held at the Scalloway hotel if the door is locked!)

Getting There

Latitude: 60.135607; Longitude: -1.274071
What3Words: steepest.enigma.scarf


Photo ID: 000726 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sumburgh Head Nature Reserve Sumburgh Head Nature Reserve No Data


Beyond Jarlshof the land rises steeply to Sumburgh head, the very southern tip of the islands, before falling away as cliffs at a point where the North Sea and Atlantic meet. The cliffs provide a home to hundreds of thousands of birds, and have now been turned into an RSPB protected nature reserve. Despite the hike up to the top of the hill, next to the lighthouse that protects the rocks, the views are stunning.



Getting There

From Jarlshof follow the road round towards the airport, but at the junction at the end of the runway follow the signs for Grutness. The road then leads up to the lighthouse at the top of Sumburgh Head
Latitude: 59.854517; Longitude: -1.274248
What3Words: syndicate.alike.boring
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bressay Bressay No Data


The closest island to Lerwick, just 5 minutes across the channel. The island has some archaeological remains, as well as some stunning scenery


The ferry is £3 from Lerwick to Bressay, but free from Bressay to Lerwick

Getting There

The car ferry operates from the harbour at Lerwick to Bressay every hour or so taking 5 minutes
Latitude: 60.145949; Longitude: -1.090393
What3Words: untruth.gearbox.sang


Photo ID: 000727 Photo ID: 000728 Photo ID: 000741 Photo ID: 000742 Photo ID: 000743 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Noss Noss No Data


Noss is a national nature reserve as it is a nesting ground for thousands of sea birds including puffins. The walk to the nesting grounds takes you around the top of the cliffs.


Charge for the ferry to get to the Island

Getting There

A small ferry takes you from the East coast of Bressay to Noss (taking about a minute.) From Lerwick you have to cross to Bressay on the ferry and then walk (about 1 hour 30) or drive across to the other side of the island to pick up the ferry
Latitude: 60.142188; Longitude: -1.016235
What3Words: airbag.adopts.skinning


Photo ID: 000728 Photo ID: 000729 Photo ID: 000744 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scalloway Scalloway No Data


The former capital of the Shetland Islands until the middle of the 19th century. Today it is a quiet fishing town with its own ruined castle


Getting There

Roughly Hourly busses run from Lerwick to Scalloway Monday - Saturday
Latitude: 60.137691; Longitude: -1.279371
What3Words: supplied.grunt.ditched


Photo ID: 000725 Photo ID: 000726 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scatness Scatness No Data


Location of large numbers of archaeological treasures at Jarlshof, as well as the RSPB reserve at Sumburgh Head


Getting There

Catch the airport bus from the centre of Lerwick. The stop is directly after the bus crosses the end of the runway, you can see it coming for some time as you come down the hill.
Latitude: 59.872269; Longitude: -1.296859
What3Words: madder.guises.mural


Photo ID: 000735 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sumburgh Sumburgh No Data


Location of large numbers of archaeological treasures


Getting There

Catch the airport bus from the centre of Lerwick. It’s one stop beyond the Old Scatness site, at the Sumburgh Head Hotel
Latitude: 59.86684; Longitude: -1.278877
What3Words: courtyard.numeral.converter


Photo ID: 000736 Photo ID: 000737 Photo ID: 000738 Photo ID: 000739 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2005), and on time of last update (12/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Argyll's Lodgings Argyll's Lodgings Historic Scotland


A preserved example of what a 17th century Wealthy Scots town house would have looked like


Free entry if you have a valid Castle ticket for the same day

Getting There

Latitude: 56.121748; Longitude: -3.943904
What3Words: puppy.about.good


Photo ID: 012210 Photo ID: 012211 Photo ID: 012212 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Castle Historic Scotland


Similar in design and look to Edinburgh castle, Stirling has for most of it's life been considerably more important, being the palace of choice for a number of Scottish Kings and being vital to control of the country - Control Stirling and you control Scotland - The whole site is open for exploring with the Royal Palace being the star attraction. There are also exhibits in the Kitchens and the Chapel Royal along with the wall walks and the Regimental museum of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.


Charge, Free for Historic Scotland members

Getting There

Latitude: 56.123907; Longitude: -3.948051
What3Words: winner.rested.crew


Photo ID: 012187 Photo ID: 012188 Photo ID: 012189 Photo ID: 012196 Photo ID: 012198 Photo ID: 012201 Photo ID: 012206

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holy Rude Kirk Holy Rude Kirk No Data


The site of the Coronation of the then 13 month old James to become James VI of Scotland.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 56.120878; Longitude: -3.944612
What3Words: flat.flood.voted


Photo ID: 012180 Photo ID: 012182 Photo ID: 012183 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mar's Wark Mar's Wark Historic Scotland


The remains of a fine house that was built near the castle. It is now in complete ruins and contains part of the graveyard of the Holy Rude Kirk.



Getting There

Latitude: 56.121144; Longitude: -3.944231
What3Words: meant.reach.lower


Photo ID: 012176 Photo ID: 012177 Photo ID: 012178 Photo ID: 012183 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bannockburn: Battlefield Bannockburn: Battlefield National Trust for Scotland


1314 is as important to Scottish history as 1066 is to English history. This is the date that King Robert the Bruce inflicted a crushing victory against the English forces of King Edward. Today the site of the battle is commemorated with a monument in the actual battlefield which can be visited at any time



Getting There

From the centre of Stirling regular buses run to Bannockburn taking about 10 minutes.
Latitude: 56.093377; Longitude: -3.93785
What3Words: transfers.handy.vibrate


Photo ID: 012161 Photo ID: 012163 Photo ID: 012164 Photo ID: 012165 Photo ID: 012166 Photo ID: 012167 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/06/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bannockburn: Visitors Centre Bannockburn: Visitors Centre National Trust for Scotland


The Visitors centre, next to the battlefield itself, tells the story of the build up to, events of and fall out from the Battle of Bannockburn. You can take part in an electronic battle re-enactment (the English always lose) or watch others taking part.


Charge, Free for National Trust for Scotland Members

Getting There

From the centre of Stirling regular buses run to Bannockburn taking about 10 minutes.
Latitude: 56.092535; Longitude: -3.934779
What3Words: feel.even.lost


Photo ID: 012162 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/06/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Causewayhead: Wallace Monument Causewayhead: Wallace Monument No Data


The Wallace monument is Scotland's national monument, to the man (immortalised on screen by Mel Gibson as Braveheart) who helped, temporarily, to kick the English out of Scotland. The monument is on the top of a big hill which you can climb up (taking abo



Getting There

There are regular buses from the centre of town to Causewayhead (10-25 minutes depending on the route) from where it's a 5-10 minute walk to the visitors centre at the bottom of the hill the monument stands on. Regular courtesy buses climb up to the monument if you don't fancy the 15-20 minute hike up through the woods.
Latitude: 56.138753; Longitude: -3.918031
What3Words: offerings.scorpions.soonest


Photo ID: 012213 Photo ID: 012214 Photo ID: 012215 Photo ID: 012216 Photo ID: 012217 Photo ID: 012218 Photo ID: 012220

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Doune: Castle Doune: Castle Historic Scotland


The castle has been central to Scottish history, being home to the Duke of Albany who was the power behind the throne of three successive Scots kings. In more recent times the castle became synonymous with Trojan Rabbits and Holy Grails as it was used for much of the filming of the Monty Python film. The audio guide is presented by former Python Terry Jones and along with a large amount of information on the Castle and the Duke of Albany it also has a fair amount of information about the filming.


Getting There

The castle is a five minute walk from the bus stop in the centre of Doune
Latitude: 56.185091; Longitude: -4.050074
What3Words: fellow.cuddling.increment


Photo ID: 012227 Photo ID: 012228 Photo ID: 012229 Photo ID: 012230 Photo ID: 012231 Photo ID: 012232 Photo ID: 012233

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/06/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Doune Doune No Data


Today a small Scottish town, but at one point a vitally important town in the running of Scotland with it's castle being the centre of much of Scottish Royal Life.


Getting There

Hourly buses run from Stirling to Doune taking around 40 minutes
Latitude: 56.189706; Longitude: -4.05281
What3Words: colonies.mountain.unpacked


Photo ID: 012226 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/06/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heart of Wales Line Heart of Wales Line No Data


Starting in Swansea and cutting up through the centre of Wales into the Welsh Marches and on into England ending in Shrewsbury. The route has stunning views along the length and is the ideal way to see lots of stunning countryside, even if the weather isn't too great


A "Heart of Wales Circular Ranger" allows you to take the train from Swansea up through the line and then come back from Shrewsbury via Hereford and Cardiff. Alternatively you can go out by Cardiff and Hereford and come back down the Heart of Wales line.

Getting There

Latitude: 51.625184; Longitude: -3.941023
What3Words: posts.label.crown


Photo ID: 002041 Photo ID: 002042 Photo ID: 002043 Photo ID: 002044 Photo ID: 002045 Photo ID: 002046 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/08/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Carmarthen: Castle Carmarthen: Castle Cadw


A large part of the medieval castle has been replaced at some point by the county offices, but one of the gate towers, part of the outer wall and a fragment of one of the towers is still standing, and offers commanding views over the surrounding countryside.



Getting There

From Swansea there are regular buses to Carmarthen, alternatively there are trains which are quicker, but less frequent.
Latitude: 51.855718; Longitude: -4.305916
What3Words: ankle.fails.moss


Photo ID: 002056 Photo ID: 002057 Photo ID: 002058 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gower: Weobley castle Gower: Weobley castle Cadw


Weobley castle, high on an outcrop of land overlooking the north coast of the Gower. A lot of the outer shell of the castle remains, and from the higher points on it you get stunning views over the coast, looking along a broad sweeping bay. One of the rooms of the main tower has been partly restored to act as an exhibition space to tell the history of castles on the Gower, including lots of information on Weobley and the other castle managed by Cadw (The Welsh Historic monuments service) at Oxwich.



Getting There

From Swansea catch the Gower bus to Llanrhidian Cross, from there you need to change onto a second bus to reach the castle. The buses wait for each other at Llanrhidian Cross
Latitude: 51.61286; Longitude: -4.199331
What3Words: vocally.lawfully.bunny


Photo ID: 002031 Photo ID: 002032 Photo ID: 002033 Photo ID: 002034 Photo ID: 002035 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kidwelly: Castle Kidwelly: Castle Cadw


A spectacular castle, built, originally, by the Normans in the 12th century to subdue the Welsh, it swapped hands several time during the first hundred years or so, but then remained firmly in English hands through rebellions and uprisings, mostly due to its design of concentric rings of defence, outer walls, inner walls, lots of murder holes and arrow slits, it’s pretty much everything that you expect from a castle. Much of the site is in ruins today, but you can still get a good feel of the whole castle, and from the top of the still standing south tower you get views over the whole of the town, and much of the countryside beyond, emphasising quite how important this site was to keep. Nothing moved around this area without the castle knowing.



Getting There

From Swansea there are regular buses to Kidwelly
Latitude: 51.73956; Longitude: -4.305718
What3Words: hurls.then.diverged


Photo ID: 002051 Photo ID: 002052 Photo ID: 002053 Photo ID: 002054 Photo ID: 002055 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/08/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mumbles: Oystermouth Castle Mumbles: Oystermouth Castle No Data


Oystermouth castle is virtually just a shell, but you can still access the battlements, from where, you get stunning views of the whole sweep of the Swansea bay, from the tweeness of Mumbles, through the city centre and onto the slightly less beautiful industrial and refinery works at Port Talbot.



Getting There

There are buses from Swansea out onto the Peninsular. For some locations you have to change buses en route at Llanrhidian Cross, but they all connect
Latitude: 51.57713; Longitude: -4.002736
What3Words: notion.dame.pixel


Photo ID: 002036 Photo ID: 002037 Photo ID: 002038 Photo ID: 002039 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gower Gower No Data


Stunning scenery and small villages. The Gower Peninsular is ideal for getting away from the city. With castles to visit, beaches to walk along and hikes to take.


Getting There

There are buses from Swansea out onto the Peninsular. For some locations you have to change buses en route at Llanrhidian Cross, but they all connect
Latitude: 51.595415; Longitude: -4.163818
What3Words: changed.wires.imprints


Photo ID: 002031 Photo ID: 002032 Photo ID: 002033 Photo ID: 002034 Photo ID: 002035 Photo ID: 002059 Photo ID: 002060

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mumbles Mumbles No Data


Swansea's seaside twin. The town of Mumbles boasts a fair number of bars and restaurants (and unfortunately, due to the number of bars, stag parties)


Getting There

There are regular buses from Swansea along the coast road to Mumbles
Latitude: 51.575296; Longitude: -3.998144
What3Words: including.foods.fetch


Photo ID: 002026 Photo ID: 002027 Photo ID: 002028 Photo ID: 002029 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cardiff Castle Cardiff Castle No Data


The site has been fortified since Roman times, with remains of part of the old Roman walls still visible and on display within the site. The area was abandoned after the Romans left and it wasn't until the Norman's in the 11th Century that the site was used again. The remains of the old Norman keep are one of the main attractions. The site went through various extensions and additions over the years but the main changes were made by the Marquis of Bute and William Burges (them of Castle Coch fame) who completely refurbished the inside of the main areas of the castle. The grounds and Norman Keep are explorable, but the inside of the main part of the castle is only viewable on a guided tour. The tours are well worth the extra small expense as they are well presented and informative.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.482706; Longitude: -3.181894
What3Words: tennis.runner.export


Photo ID: 000565 Photo ID: 000566 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Museum & Gallery of Wales National Museum & Gallery of Wales No Data


There are lots of exhibitions and artifacts. You could very easily spend a couple of days exploring all the exhibits. One of the main ones is a gallery devoted to the history of the planet and explains the last 700,000,000 years (or so) through what has happened to the land-mass that is now Wales.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.485712; Longitude: -3.177259
What3Words: stir.crops.coast


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bute Company Dock Building Bute Company Dock Building No Data


One of the old Victorian dock company buildings which now houses the Welsh Assembly education centre. The centre is well presented & gives a background to how devolved power operates in Wales.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.463563; Longitude: -3.163413
What3Words: deck.error.chair


Photo ID: 000563 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cardiff Bay Visitors Centre Cardiff Bay Visitors Centre No Data


The centre gives a background to the rejuvenation of the area along with a scale model of the whole area. Particularly convenient to run to in the event of a downpour!



Getting There

Latitude: 51.465625; Longitude: -3.164797
What3Words: police.nets.encounter


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harbour Tours Harbour Tours No Data


Regular tours leave from outside the Bute Dock Buildings to tour the bay. You can either choose from the waterbus which runs to and from Penarth as a commuter service or from the companies offering cruises of the bay and back. All of the tours go past the Cardiff Bay barrage which helps to create the whole Cardiff Bay area.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.462958; Longitude: -3.164728
What3Words: souk.chop.bland


Photo ID: 000562 Photo ID: 000564 Photo ID: 000568 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Techniquest Techniquest No Data


A quite kiddyish, but nether the less entertaining museum dedicated to "Hands on Science" - See also the Glasgow Science Museum



Getting There

Latitude: 51.46256; Longitude: -3.168075
What3Words: scarcely.dust.pulled


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caerphilly Castle Caerphilly Castle Cadw


A large and imposing fortress located in the Welsh valley's that dominates the local area and provides much to look around. The castle is a little disappointing as it looks massive from the outside, but there is not much to see other than ruins once inside. Despite that the site does have 2 exhibitions inside different towers. One tells the history of the site and the other the history of the inhabitation of Wales.


Charge - CADW (English Heritage members discount - up to 100%)

Getting There

Three trains an hour to Caerphilly leave from Cardiff Queen Street station during the day Monday to Saturday taking just over 20 minutes. On Sunday there are ONLY three trains ALL DAY!
Latitude: 51.576176; Longitude: -3.22041
What3Words: dice.cheer.cakes


Photo ID: 000560 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Coch Castle Coch Cadw


Located on the top of a hill, a long way from anywhere this castle is more of a palace than a defensive fortress. The castle was originally built by the Norman's but was abandoned in the 14th Century and remained ruins until it was restored & rebuilt by Marquis of Bute and William Burges (them of Cardiff Castle fame). The outside is fairy-tale Norman castle, but inside it's all Victorian fantasy!


Charge - CADW (English Heritage members discount - up to 100%)

Getting There

Regular trains to Taffs Well (the nearest station) leave from Cardiff Queen Street station during the day Monday to Saturday taking just over 20 minutes. There is NO Sunday service. From Taffs Well station it's a 30 minute initially not well signed hike (up hill) to the castle. If you have got off a train from Cardiff you need to cross over the footbridge to the other platform, leave the station and follow the course of the railway line back to the road junction. From here follow the cycle route signs heading back towards Cardiff. After about 10 minutes signs to Castle Coch start appearing and it's about another 20 minutes walk!
Latitude: 51.535859; Longitude: -3.254861
What3Words: wins.trace.paper


Photo ID: 000561 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cardiff Bay Cardiff Bay No Data


Once the industrial heartland of South Wales. The epitome of a confident and industrial nation. Shipping the produce of the Valleys to all corners of the empire and the rest of the world. Cardiff Bay fell on hard times. By the 1980's it was desolate. Today it has been completely regenerated, and in a more sympathetic and pleasant way than London's docks. The area now forms the cultural and political heart of not only Cardiff, but also Wales. With the Wales Millennium Centre, cinemas, the Welsh Assembly and countless shops and restaurants.


Getting There

Getting to Cardiff Bay is easy. From the city centre you can catch the X6 bus. Regular trains run from Queens Street Station taking about 3 minutes (but there is no service on a Sunday) alternatively you can walk from the centre in about 25 minutes - though it's a pretty boring walk down a completely straight, fast and busy road.
Latitude: 51.463205; Longitude: -3.163805
What3Words: robots.wanted.herds


Photo ID: 000562 Photo ID: 000563 Photo ID: 000564 Photo ID: 000568 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/02/2005), and on time of last update (28/03/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Amgueddfa Ceredigion Museum Amgueddfa Ceredigion Museum No Data


The museum, housed in a former Edwardian theatre houses a wide collection of exhibits related to life in Ceredigion and the wider area from pre-history through to the modern day. There is also a changing series of temporary exhibits



Getting There

Latitude: 52.41638; Longitude: -4.083799
What3Words: siesta.chimp.skid


Photo ID: 027378 Photo ID: 027379 Photo ID: 027380 Photo ID: 027381 Photo ID: 027382 Photo ID: 027383 Photo ID: 027384

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beaches: North Beach Beaches: North Beach No Data


The town has two beaches - the North beach is alongside the main promenade and close to the town centre shops.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.417645; Longitude: -4.085193
What3Words: universes.helpless.brothers


Photo ID: 027141 Photo ID: 027145 Photo ID: 027224 Photo ID: 027226 Photo ID: 027337 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beaches: South Beach Beaches: South Beach No Data


The town has two beaches - The south beach is the other side of the castle and closer to the harbour



Getting There

Latitude: 52.411726; Longitude: -4.089793
What3Words: assess.move.script


Photo ID: 027257 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Castle No Data


Partial ruins of the towns castle on an important headland in the centre of the town separating the North and South beaches. You can wander around the grounds of the castle at any time



Getting There

Latitude: 52.413314; Longitude: -4.089961
What3Words: iron.kneeled.steady


Photo ID: 027225 Photo ID: 027232 Photo ID: 027237 Photo ID: 027242 Photo ID: 027246 Photo ID: 027249 Photo ID: 027255

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cliff Railway Cliff Railway No Data


The second longest cliff railway in the country links the prom to the top of Constitution Hill. The journey up takes around 4 minutes



Getting There

Latitude: 52.422355; Longitude: -4.08392
What3Words: replying.rooks.gossip


Photo ID: 027227 Photo ID: 027328 Photo ID: 027329 Photo ID: 027330 Photo ID: 027331 Photo ID: 027332 Photo ID: 027339

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Constitution Hill Constitution Hill No Data


The large hill located at the northern end of the promenade offers hearty walks to the summit where there is a café, camera obscura, bowling alley and view points. You can also take the much more relaxed route up via the cliff railway. From the top there are views across the town, Cardigan bay and Snowdonia. On clear days you should be able to see the peaks of Snowdon from the top of the hill



Getting There

Latitude: 52.425002; Longitude: -4.082891
What3Words: toffee.passenger.tinkle


Photo ID: 027223 Photo ID: 027227 Photo ID: 027327 Photo ID: 027333 Photo ID: 027335 Photo ID: 027337 Photo ID: 027338

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Pier Royal Pier No Data


Small pier located at the southern end of North Beach. The pier is mostly made up of an arcade and pool bar with a short beer garden deck that stretches out over the water (at high tide). From the end of the pier there are good views of the castle, Constitution Hill and the promenade


Free to walk on the pier

Getting There

Latitude: 52.415821; Longitude: -4.087796
What3Words: chairing.survived.seducing


Photo ID: 027144 Photo ID: 027151 Photo ID: 027222 Photo ID: 027226 Photo ID: 027228 Photo ID: 027334 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vale of Rheidol Railway Vale of Rheidol Railway No Data


A heritage railway that never actually closed, and the last place that British Rail ran steam trains right up until the day in 1989 when the railway was privatised. With a slightly odd history for a heritage railway it's still a stunning ride up into the hills of the Rheidol valley on this small narrow gauge steam railway. After an initial journey in land along the relative flat the trains then slowly start puffing up the hill to the top station at Devil's Bridge, some 660 feet above sea level. Along the way there are stunning views as the train clings to the side of the cliff, at places with almost a sheer drop on one side.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.411229; Longitude: -4.078614
What3Words: tame.brisk.hopefully


Photo ID: 027264 Photo ID: 027282 Photo ID: 027286 Photo ID: 027292 Photo ID: 027294 Photo ID: 027316 Photo ID: 027320

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Borth: Wild Animal Kingdom Borth: Wild Animal Kingdom No Data


This small zoo specialises in animals that have either been rejected or abandoned as pets. Alongside the main part of the zoo there is also a large lion enclosure, located a few minutes walk away from the main buildings.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.485427; Longitude: -4.043981
What3Words: jetting.hoot.mirroring


Photo ID: 027355 Photo ID: 027360 Photo ID: 027362 Photo ID: 027365 Photo ID: 027368 Photo ID: 027369 Photo ID: 027375

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Devil's Bridge: Nature Trail and Falls Walk Devil's Bridge: Nature Trail and Falls Walk No Data


A 45 minute walk down into the gorge formed by the River Mynach as it heads towards the River Rheidol. The most spectacular part of the walk being the 90m falls themselves. The walk involves quite a significant descent down the gorge, along wet and slippery steps. Naturally it includes an equally significant ascent back up to road level at the end.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.377579; Longitude: -3.850356
What3Words: aims.inclines.brass


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Devil's Bridge: Punch Bowl walk Devil's Bridge: Punch Bowl walk No Data


This short 10 minute walk takes you down the South side of the bridge to the start of the cascades that feed into the Mynach falls. Here you can get a good view of the stacked bridges, as well as the spectacular carved canyon that the river has etched out from the rock, including almost perfectly round bowls as the river changes direction through the rock. It's around 100 steps down to the river and the same back up again.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.376642; Longitude: -3.849839
What3Words: able.consented.scouted


Photo ID: 027300 Photo ID: 027301 Photo ID: 027302 Photo ID: 027305 Photo ID: 027308 Photo ID: 027309 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Devil's Bridge: The Bridges Devil's Bridge: The Bridges No Data


The myth of the Devil's bridge is that it was built for an old woman so that she could rescue her cows that had crossed the river and were trapped, the devil agreed to build the bridge on the condition he took the soul of the first thing to cross the bridge. The old lady sent her dog across first ensuring the devil only got a dogs soul. In reality the original bridge was built in the Medieval period by the local monks. When it was feared the original bridge was becoming unstable in the 18th century a second bridge was built on top of the original. This second bridge was subsequently replaced at the start of the 20th century leading to three stacked bridges all on top of each other. The bridges can be best viewed from the two tourist walks



Getting There

Latitude: 52.37681; Longitude: -3.849945
What3Words: panoramic.patrol.season


Photo ID: 027298 Photo ID: 027299 Photo ID: 027300 Photo ID: 027308 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tywyn: Talyllyn Railway Tywyn: Talyllyn Railway No Data


Narrow gauge railway running up into the foothills of Snowdonia from the coast at Tywyn. The journey takes around an hour from one end to the other, though a round trip takes nearly two and a half hours as the train stops at Abergynolwyn station for 30 minutes on its return leg as a refreshment break



Getting There

See Tywyn for details on getting to the town. The Talyllyn Railway station is located a short distance from the National Rail station, and has a bus stop right outside
Latitude: 52.583641; Longitude: -4.088813
What3Words: gambles.fills.munched


Photo ID: 027163 Photo ID: 027168 Photo ID: 027181 Photo ID: 027194 Photo ID: 027196 Photo ID: 027201 Photo ID: 027205

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Borth Borth No Data


Small seaside town located to the north of Aberystwyth. The town is overlooked by cliffs with a war memorial on the top


Getting There

There are hourly buses from Aberystwyth to Borth, taking around 20 minutes to make the journey. There are also trains every one to two hours, making the journey in about 10 minutes.
Latitude: 52.481154; Longitude: -4.051073
What3Words: kilowatt.contour.ample


Photo ID: 027341 Photo ID: 027342 Photo ID: 027344 Photo ID: 027346 Photo ID: 027350 Photo ID: 027352 Photo ID: 027377

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Devil's Bridge Devil's Bridge No Data


A small community, named for the bridge located there that according to myth was built by the devil. Today it has the top terminus of the Vale of Rheidol Railway as well as the stacked three bridges and the Mynach falls as the river cascades some 90m into the River Rheidol.


Getting There

There are a couple of T22 buses a day from Aberystwyth to Devil's Bridge, taking around 45 minutes. Alternatively the Vale of Rheidol Railway is a more scenic, if expensive, way of making the journey taking around an hour with at least two departures a day during the summer season.
Latitude: 52.375752; Longitude: -3.853901
What3Words: coil.flickers.awkward


Photo ID: 027294 Photo ID: 027295 Photo ID: 027296 Photo ID: 027297 Photo ID: 027308 Photo ID: 027310 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Machynlleth Machynlleth No Data


Small market town located near the meeting point of Powys, Gwynedd and Ceredigion counties. The picturesque clock marks the centre of the town.


Getting There

From Aberystwyth there are regular trains to Machynlleth, taking around 30 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively X28 and T2 buses run a combined hourly service taking around 45 minutes
Latitude: 52.590535; Longitude: -3.853257
What3Words: laminated.crunching.liver


Photo ID: 027156 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tywyn Tywyn No Data


Small seaside town on cardigan bay, north of the Dyfi river. A mixed sandy/stone beach stretches along the whole of the town


Getting There

It's possible to get from Aberystwyth by train changing at Dovey Junction. However, connections are not great at when looking on the way out involved over an hours wait at Dovey Junction heading to Tywyn, but just 5 minutes in the opposite direction. A more reliable alternative is the X28/X29 coastliner service. The X28 runs hourly from Aberystwyth to Machynlleth where every alternate hour it connects with the X29 (guaranteed connection). Journey time is 45 minutes to Machynlleth and a further 30 minutes onto Tywyn
Latitude: 52.586259; Longitude: -4.090212
What3Words: sunshine.rejoiced.requiring


Photo ID: 027216 Photo ID: 027217 Photo ID: 027218 Photo ID: 027219 Photo ID: 027220 Photo ID: 027221 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/06/2019), and on time of last update (25/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Boat Trip Boat Trip No Data


Regular 25 minute short cruises out into the bay operate regularly during the summer. Boats leave from near the pier and travel out towards the Great Orme, taking in some of the sea level caves, before turning round and heading back into land. The captain gives some commentary



Getting There

Latitude: 53.326631; Longitude: -3.830205
What3Words: windmill.widest.smirks


Photo ID: 009611 Photo ID: 009612 Photo ID: 009613 Photo ID: 009614 Photo ID: 009615 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2013), and on time of last update (07/07/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeting City Sightseeting No Data


The hop-on-hop-off open-top bus tours start from the land end of the pier and take in the main sights in the centre of Llandudno, before heading out into the country and over the Conwy estuary to do a circuit of the town. Buses then return back to the centre of Llandudno.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.32716; Longitude: -3.830852
What3Words: dabble.picturing.this


Photo ID: 009546 Photo ID: 009549 Photo ID: 009551 Photo ID: 009559 Photo ID: 009562 Photo ID: 009564 Photo ID: 009565

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2013), and on time of last update (07/07/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Orme Great Orme No Data


The single most defining feature of Llandudno, the giant rock outcrop is over 4 miles in diameter, more than a mile across and at it's summit over 600 feet above sea level. Hollowed out by Mine workings thousands of years old, grazed by Cashmere goats that trace their ancestry back to a gift to Queen Victoria and possibly one of the most accessible high points in the country with both a tram and a cable car to the top.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.332561; Longitude: -3.852317
What3Words: caps.indeed.trickles


Photo ID: 009582 Photo ID: 009583 Photo ID: 009584 Photo ID: 009587 Photo ID: 009590 Photo ID: 009592 Photo ID: 009594

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2013), and on time of last update (07/07/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Orme Mines Great Orme Mines No Data


The discovery in 1987 that the former 18th and 19th century mine workings actually went back 1800BC helped to rewrite the history books on how the Bronze age developed in the UK. The mines showed that the locals had been digging out malachite, the ore from which copper can be created. Today just a tiny fraction of the mine workings have been opened up, but they give a good idea of what life would have been like underground



Getting There

Latitude: 53.33003; Longitude: -3.847216
What3Words: swatting.encoded.graver


Photo ID: 009599 Photo ID: 009600 Photo ID: 009601 Photo ID: 009603 Photo ID: 009604 Photo ID: 009605 Photo ID: 009606

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2013), and on time of last update (07/07/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Orme Tramway Great Orme Tramway No Data


The tramway runs in two stages from the centre of the town to the half way station, where you have to change trams to complete the journey to the summit. The views on a clear day are stunning



Getting There

Latitude: 53.32724; Longitude: -3.835583
What3Words: repeats.hushed.warp


Photo ID: 009576 Photo ID: 009577 Photo ID: 009578 Photo ID: 009588 Photo ID: 009607 Photo ID: 009608 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2013), and on time of last update (07/07/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marine Drive Tour Marine Drive Tour No Data


The hour long tour runs around the edge of the Great Orme on Marine drive, a four mile route which offers views out over the town and the sea. The driver is your tour guide as he tells you some of the history of the town, perhaps the only purpose built holiday resort in Wales



Getting There

Latitude: 53.327259; Longitude: -3.831074
What3Words: smokers.second.euphoric


Photo ID: 009616 Photo ID: 009617 Photo ID: 009618 Photo ID: 009619 Photo ID: 009620 Photo ID: 009621 Photo ID: 009622

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2010), and on time of last update (07/07/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pier Pier No Data


The icon of any seaside resort, The Pier at Llandudno is picturesquely offset by the Great Orme to one side and the mountains of Snowdonia behind it. At the land end there are the usual small selection of fun-fair rides and stall. At the sea end is a cafe/bar and an amusement arcade. The views from the end looking back at the town, with the Snowdonia mountains behind it are stunning



Getting There

Latitude: 53.331693; Longitude: -3.825002
What3Words: tolerates.sues.kicked


Photo ID: 009568 Photo ID: 009569 Photo ID: 009570 Photo ID: 009571 Photo ID: 009572 Photo ID: 009574 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2013), and on time of last update (07/07/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Snowdon Sherpa Snowdon Sherpa No Data


The Snowdon Sherpa is a series of bus routes that cross Snowdonia linking public transport hubs at Porthmadog, Llanberis and Betws-Y-Coed to the many of the best walking areas of Snowdonia, including Pen-Y-Pass, Capel Curig and Snowdon itself. Whilst the route is designed for getting people to walks, it's also an excellent way to see some stunning scenery without expending any energy yourself.



Getting There

From Llandudno there are regular X1 or 19 buses to Betws-Y-Coed taking between 45 and 75 minutes to make the journey from where you can pick up the Sherpa service towards Pen-y-Pass and beyond. Alternatively there are six trains a day (less on a Sunday) to Betws-Y-Coed taking around 50 minutes.
Latitude: 53.093412; Longitude: -3.800953
What3Words: drive.newlywed.thickened


Photo ID: 009632 Photo ID: 009633 Photo ID: 009634 Photo ID: 009635 Photo ID: 009636 Photo ID: 009637 Photo ID: 009638

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2013), and on time of last update (07/07/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Betws-Y-Coed Betws-Y-Coed No Data


One of the most stunning regions of a geographically stunning country, Snowdonia includes Wales' highest peak - Snowdon - as well as some of the most popular hiking paths in the country



Getting There

From Llandudno there are regular X1 or 19 buses to Betws-Y-Coed taking between 45 and 75 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively there are six trains a day (less on a Sunday) to Betws-Y-Coed taking around 50 minutes.
Latitude: 53.091872; Longitude: -3.801806
What3Words: portfolio.grub.overheard


Photo ID: 009639 Photo ID: 009640 Photo ID: 009642 Photo ID: 009644 Photo ID: 009647 Photo ID: 009648 Photo ID: 009650

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2013), and on time of last update (07/07/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Snowdonia Snowdonia No Data


One of the most stunning regions of a geographically stunning country, Snowdonia includes Wales' highest peak - Snowdon - as well as some of the most popular hiking paths in the country



Getting There

From Llandudno there are regular X1 or 19 buses to Betws-Y-Coed taking between 45 and 75 minutes to make the journey from where you can pick up the Sherpa service towards Pen-y-Pass and beyond. Alternatively there are six trains a day (less on a Sunday) to Betws-Y-Coed taking around 50 minutes.
Latitude: 53.080529; Longitude: -4.020655
What3Words: straddled.passions.absent


Photo ID: 009632 Photo ID: 009633 Photo ID: 009634 Photo ID: 009635 Photo ID: 009636 Photo ID: 009637 Photo ID: 009638

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2013), and on time of last update (07/07/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Castle Cadw


Perhaps the most impressive of the Welsh Castles, it's now used as the site of the investiture of the Prince of Wales, a feature they play on quite a bit around the site. Lots of towers to climb and the views over the Menai Straits and across to Snowdonia are spectacular.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.139412; Longitude: -4.27697
What3Words: mock.curvy.neck


Photo ID: 019368 Photo ID: 019373 Photo ID: 019436 Photo ID: 019438 Photo ID: 019447 Photo ID: 019449 Photo ID: 019451

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2017), and on time of last update (15/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Segontium Segontium Cadw


A Roman fort was built here in AD77 to protect this far flung outpost of the Roman empire, and in particular the strategic Menai Straits. Today a small part of the ruins of the fort can be walked round


Free to look around grounds, Charge for museum (if open)

Getting There

Latitude: 53.1369789; Longitude: -4.2650319
What3Words: pushy.angle.reject


Photo ID: 019426 Photo ID: 019428 Photo ID: 019429 Photo ID: 019431 Photo ID: 019432 Photo ID: 019433 Photo ID: 019434

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2017), and on time of last update (15/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Walls Walls No Data


Large parts of the town walls still remain and it makes for a pleasant walk around the town. The section of the walls looking onto the Menai Strait is particularly attractive



Getting There

Latitude: 53.140817; Longitude: -4.275356
What3Words: gender.digs.foam


Photo ID: 019360 Photo ID: 019361 Photo ID: 019363 Photo ID: 019376 Photo ID: 019377 Photo ID: 019378 Photo ID: 019383

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2017), and on time of last update (15/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Welsh Highland Railway Welsh Highland Railway No Data


Running along the edge of Snowdon from Caernarfon to Porthmadog. The journey is spectacular, starting with the impressive slowly climbing out of Caernarfon into the mountains before finally reaching its highest point just after Rhyd Ddu. The line then twists and turns its way back down the mountain, through the stunning Aberglaslyn Pass and across a wide flood plane before finally crossing through the centre of Porthmadog to end at the Ffestiniog railway station. The full journey takes a little over two hours, and due to the length of time there are only limited departures a day. It's possible to shorten a round trip by taking the number 1 bus from Porthmadog back to Caernarfon at the end (additional charge) which only takes 40 minutes to get back to Caernarfon.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.1375402; Longitude: -4.2719419
What3Words: parts.bowls.grace


Photo ID: 019372 Photo ID: 019387 Photo ID: 019390 Photo ID: 019391 Photo ID: 019393 Photo ID: 019397 Photo ID: 019399

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2017), and on time of last update (15/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llanberis: Electric Mountain Llanberis: Electric Mountain No Data


The Dinorwig pump storage power station is located in a former slate quarry in Llanberis, almost opposite the starting point of the Snowdon mountain railway, but you would never know from the outside. The whole station is built inside the mountain and uses the power of water to provide instant surges of Electricity to the grid as they are needed. The tour starts from the visitors centre and takes you, by bus, into the heart of the mountain to look around the valve hall, turbine hall and generator rooms.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.118651; Longitude: -4.121606
What3Words: incorrect.severe.passes


Photo ID: 005784 Photo ID: 019405 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2011), and on time of last update (15/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llanberis: Snowdon Railway Llanberis: Snowdon Railway No Data


The Snowdon mountain railway is the easy (and lazy) way to climb the highest mountain in Wales, taking you from Llanberis to the summit in about 60 minutes. Depending on weather conditions the service may be curtailed short of the summit. It's worth booking online at least a day in advance as spaces are limited and on a nice day the trains book out for the day very rapidly



Getting There

Latitude: 53.116213; Longitude: -4.119648
What3Words: stag.goods.mostly


Photo ID: 005779 Photo ID: 005780 Photo ID: 005781 Photo ID: 005782 Photo ID: 005783 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2017), and on time of last update (15/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llanberis: Snowdon Sherpa - S2 Llanberis: Snowdon Sherpa - S2 No Data


The Snowdon Sherpa is a series of bus routes that cross Snowdonia linking public transport hubs at Porthmadog, Llanberis and Betws-y-Coed to the many of the best walking areas of Snowdonia, including Pen-y-Pass, Capel Curig and Snowdon itself. Whilst the route is designed for getting people to walks, it's also an excellent way to see some stunning scenery without expending any energy yourself. The S2 route starts in Llanberis and runs up and over Pen-y-Pass before descending through Capel Curig and past the Swallow falls into the picturesque Betws-y-Coed.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.117287; Longitude: -4.119835
What3Words: segregate.middle.bandstand


Photo ID: 019404 Photo ID: 019405 Photo ID: 019407 Photo ID: 019408 Photo ID: 019409 Photo ID: 019411 Photo ID: 019416

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2017), and on time of last update (15/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llanberis: Snowdon Sherpa - S97 Llanberis: Snowdon Sherpa - S97 No Data


The Snowdon Sherpa is a series of bus routes that cross Snowdonia linking public transport hubs at Porthmadog, Llanberis and Betws-y-Coed to the many of the best walking areas of Snowdonia, including Pen-y-Pass, Capel Curig and Snowdon itself. Whilst the route is designed for getting people to walks, it's also an excellent way to see some stunning scenery without expending any energy yourself. The S97 starts at Pen-y-Pass and descends down the mountains through stunning scenery to Beddgellert before running alongside the Aberglaslyn Pass and on into Porthmadog.



Getting There

For the S97 you need to take the 88 from Caernarfon to Llanberis and change there onto an S1 or S2 service to Pen-y-Pass where the S97 starts. Alternatively take a number 1 or T2 bus from Caernarfon to Porthmadog and change onto the S97 there.
Latitude: 53.080555; Longitude: -4.020747
What3Words: meaning.stick.reworked


Photo ID: 019458 Photo ID: 019459 Photo ID: 019460 Photo ID: 019461 Photo ID: 019462 Photo ID: 019463 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2017), and on time of last update (15/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llanberis Llanberis No Data


The key point for people wishing to climb Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales. The easiest ways to ascend are from here with a wide path way, or even easier, regular trains all the way to the café on the summit.


Getting There

From Caernarfon the number 88 bus runs to Llanberis on a regular basis taking around 25 minutes to make the journey. The bus connects with Snowdon Sherpa busses at Llanberis interchange (last stop on the 88), which is also the stop for the Snowdon mountain railway and Electric mountain
Latitude: 53.120186; Longitude: -4.126718
What3Words: motivates.dustbin.bonnet


Photo ID: 019403 Photo ID: 019405 Photo ID: 019406 Photo ID: 019407 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2017), and on time of last update (15/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Snowdonia Snowdonia No Data


One of the most stunning regions of a geographically stunning country, Snowdonia includes Wales' highest peak - Snowdon - as well as some of the most popular hiking paths in the country


Getting There

From Caernarfon the number 88 bus runs to Llanberis on a regular basis taking around 25 minutes to make the journey. From Llanberis you can access Snowdon or hop onto a Snowdon Sherpa bus to explore the wider area
Latitude: 53.068479; Longitude: -4.076262
What3Words: remit.wobbles.debater


Photo ID: 019408 Photo ID: 019455 Photo ID: 019456 Photo ID: 019457 Photo ID: 019460 Photo ID: 019461 Photo ID: 019462

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2017), and on time of last update (15/05/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ffestiniog Railway Ffestiniog Railway No Data


The Ffestiniog railway follows roughly the same line that the slate mine trains took to get from the caverns at Blaenau down to the port at Porthmadog. Today the journey takes in some stunning countryside.


Charge, Joint tickets with the Welsh Highland Railway available

Getting There

Latitude: 52.92406; Longitude: -4.126589
What3Words: using.shifts.float


Photo ID: 005740 Photo ID: 005792 Photo ID: 005794 Photo ID: 005804 Photo ID: 005805 Photo ID: 005806 Photo ID: 005809

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2011), and on time of last update (12/05/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Welsh Highland Railway Welsh Highland Railway No Data


Running along the edge of Snowdon from Porthmadog to Caernarfon, the line finally opened in full only a few weeks before I visited. The journey is spectacular, starting with the impressive cross town link in Porthmadog and continuing through the stunning Aberglaslyn Pass. At present only a limited number of trains continue on to Porthmadog, but most make it to Pont Creosor just outside the town so you still get to experience the stunning views


Charge, Joint tickets with the Ffestiniog railway available

Getting There

Latitude: 52.924254; Longitude: -4.126203
What3Words: cosmetic.chair.endearing


Photo ID: 005769 Photo ID: 005770 Photo ID: 005772 Photo ID: 005773 Photo ID: 005775 Photo ID: 005776 Photo ID: 005777

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2011), and on time of last update (12/05/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harlech: Castle Harlech: Castle Cadw


A mighty fort the overlooks Cardigan bay and the town of Harlech. Much of the outer walls remain and there are large parts of the ruins that you can wander over



Getting There

From Porthmadog there are trains every two hours, taking around 25 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 52.859999; Longitude: -4.109187
What3Words: processor.televise.liability


Photo ID: 005741 Photo ID: 005742 Photo ID: 005743 Photo ID: 005745 Photo ID: 005747 Photo ID: 005748 Photo ID: 005749

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2011), and on time of last update (12/05/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llanberis: Electric Mountain Llanberis: Electric Mountain No Data


The Dinorwig pump storage power station is located in a former slate quarry in Llanberis, almost opposite the starting point of the Snowdon mountain railway, but you would never know from the outside. The whole station is built inside the mountain and uses the power of water to provide instant surges of Electricity to the grid as they are needed. The tour starts from the visitors centre and takes you, by bus, into the heart of the mountain to look around the valve hall, turbine hall and generator rooms.



Getting There

See Llanberis for details
Latitude: 53.118651; Longitude: -4.121606
What3Words: incorrect.severe.passes


Photo ID: 005784 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2011), and on time of last update (12/05/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llanberis: Snowdon Railway Llanberis: Snowdon Railway No Data


The Snowdon mountain railway is the easy (and lazy) way to climb the highest mountain in Wales, taking you from Llanberis to the summit in about 60 minutes. Depending on weather conditions the service may be curtailed short of the summit (as happened when I visited) for safety reasons.



Getting There

See Llanberis for details
Latitude: 53.116213; Longitude: -4.119648
What3Words: stag.goods.mostly


Photo ID: 005779 Photo ID: 005780 Photo ID: 005781 Photo ID: 005782 Photo ID: 005783 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2011), and on time of last update (12/05/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llechwedd Slate Caverns: Deep Mine Llechwedd Slate Caverns: Deep Mine No Data


You are taken down in a lift into some of the deeper caverns, there you follow a light guided audio show on the history of the mines and what they were like to work in. The tour includes a further descent into much lower caverns, ending with a lift ride back up to the surface.


Charge, Joint ticket with the Miners Tramway available

Getting There

See getting to Blaenau Ffestiniog for details on getting there. From Blaenau it's either a mile walk, or a short hop on one of the shuttle buses which occasionally meet the Ffestiniog trains.
Latitude: 53.004545; Longitude: -3.940229
What3Words: solo.pitching.truckload


Photo ID: 005799 Photo ID: 005800 Photo ID: 005801 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2011), and on time of last update (12/05/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llechwedd Slate Caverns: Miners Tramway Llechwedd Slate Caverns: Miners Tramway No Data


You board a modern mining tram car to journey into the mine, taking one of the middle levels of cavern. The guides tell you a little about the history of Slate mining in the location, as well as giving you a feel for what it was like to work in the mine


Charge, Joint ticket with the Deep mine available

Getting There

See getting to Blaenau Ffestiniog for details on getting there. From Blaenau it's either a mile walk, or a short hop on one of the shuttle buses which occasionally meet the Ffestiniog trains.
Latitude: 53.00492; Longitude: -3.939682
What3Words: science.feels.forgiving


Photo ID: 005796 Photo ID: 005797 Photo ID: 005798 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2011), and on time of last update (12/05/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llechwedd Slate Caverns: Victorian Village Llechwedd Slate Caverns: Victorian Village No Data


Part of the original mining village built around the Llechwedd mine still survives and is open to look around



Getting There

See getting to Blaenau Ffestiniog for details on getting there. From Blaenau it's either a mile walk, or a short hop on one of the shuttle buses which occasionally meet the Ffestiniog trains.
Latitude: 53.004054; Longitude: -3.94038
What3Words: scarcely.glossed.vast


Photo ID: 005802 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2011), and on time of last update (12/05/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Abermaw/Barmouth Abermaw/Barmouth No Data


Located at the end of the river Mawddach where it empties into Cardigan bay, Abermaw is a tranquil seaside resort town with wide sandy beaches fringed with small dunes. The views with the mountains coming right down into the sea are stunning.


Getting There

From Porthmadog there are trains every other hour taking around 45 minutes.
Latitude: 52.721946; Longitude: -4.056144
What3Words: thinnest.slam.reach


Photo ID: 005751 Photo ID: 005753 Photo ID: 005754 Photo ID: 005755 Photo ID: 005758 Photo ID: 005760 Photo ID: 005761

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2011), and on time of last update (12/05/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blaenau Ffestiniog Blaenau Ffestiniog No Data


Looking like some kind of surreal lunar landscape Blaenau couldn't be described as a pretty town, with over a centuries worth of slate spoil dumped on the hills it's a very odd looking place, but it's because of this slate heritage it has an impressive mine complex and a steam railway which draw in visitors.


Getting There

From Porthmadog the Ffestiniog Railway runs services to Blaenau, taking around 1 hour 10 minutes. Alternatively there are regular buses taking just under 30 minutes.
Latitude: 52.994853; Longitude: -3.935648
What3Words: sketch.dined.vessel


Photo ID: 005794 Photo ID: 005795 Photo ID: 005803 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2011), and on time of last update (12/05/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caernarfon Caernarfon No Data


The county town of Gwynedd it's dominated by its castle, which is the only major site. Parts of the city walls still remain that you walk around the base of.


Getting There

From Porthmadog you can catch the Welsh Highland Railway to Caernarfon (one a day at present), this will take nearly three hours. Alternatively you can take the bus to Caernarfon which is roughly hourly and takes 50 minutes
Latitude: 53.145112; Longitude: -4.268737
What3Words: scared.view.priced


Photo ID: 005778 Photo ID: 005785 Photo ID: 005786 Photo ID: 005787 Photo ID: 005788 Photo ID: 005789 Photo ID: 005790

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2011), and on time of last update (12/05/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llanberis Llanberis No Data


The key point for people wishing to climb Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales. The easiest ways to ascend are from here with a wide path way, or even easier, regular trains all the way to the café on the summit.


Getting There

From Porthmadog you can catch the Welsh Highland Railway to Caernarfon (one a day at present) and then change onto the bus to Llanberis (every 30 minutes), this will take nearly four hours. Alternatively you can take the bus to Caernarfon (hourly) and change there, that will take around 1 1/2 hours.
Latitude: 53.120186; Longitude: -4.126718
What3Words: motivates.dustbin.bonnet


Photo ID: 005779 Photo ID: 005780 Photo ID: 005781 Photo ID: 005782 Photo ID: 005783 Photo ID: 005784 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2011), and on time of last update (12/05/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bookshops Bookshops No Data


It's what Hay is famous for. It is the international home of the second hand bookshop with nearly 40 now in and around the town. You may stumble apon a book you've been hunting for for years or a first edition you really wanted. However if you can't find anything to buy in the second hand shops try Bookends where all books are £1 and theres a large selection of book sent from the major book shop chains that were damaged


Free to look, but don't get carried away with the book buying

Getting There

Latitude: 52.074017; Longitude: -3.126007
What3Words: winded.digital.inflates


Photo ID: 000106 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/07/2002), and on time of last update (14/07/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beaches Beaches No Data


Three Beaches - North, Castle and South stretch along the coast at Tenby. At low tide there are wide golden sandy beaches and it's possible to walk between South and Castle beaches. At high tide they are separate beaches with Castle beach being reduced to quite a small size



Getting There

Latitude: 51.671408; Longitude: -4.694681
What3Words: contour.songbirds.weaned


Photo ID: 014512 Photo ID: 014528 Photo ID: 014530 Photo ID: 014542 Photo ID: 014546 Photo ID: 014550 Photo ID: 014613

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tenby Castle Tenby Castle No Data


The small remnants of the towns castle stand on the cliffs overlooking both the North and Castle beaches affording stunning views across the whole of the coastline round Tenby



Getting There

Latitude: 51.672539; Longitude: -4.694568
What3Words: duck.milkman.handyman


Photo ID: 014525 Photo ID: 014532 Photo ID: 014536 Photo ID: 014538 Photo ID: 014540 Photo ID: 014541 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tenby Museum and Gallery Tenby Museum and Gallery No Data


Located on castle hill the museum and art gallery has a mixed collection detailing the history of the town as well as exhibitions on tourism and the Tenby lifeboat. The gallery includes a main collection and a room for special exhibitions



Getting There

Latitude: 51.672325; Longitude: -4.694925
What3Words: swoop.landscape.inherits


Photo ID: 014543 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Walls Town Walls No Data


Parts of the original town walls still survive, with the towers and gates stretching down to the cliffs. You can walk along one complete side of the walls



Getting There

Latitude: 51.670646; Longitude: -4.70019
What3Words: blemishes.chicken.chat


Photo ID: 014511 Photo ID: 014553 Photo ID: 014554 Photo ID: 014555 Photo ID: 014658 Photo ID: 014663 Photo ID: 014665

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tudor Merchant's house Tudor Merchant's house National Trust


The preserved house of a former Tudor Merchant. The house has been restored to look how it would have done in the late 15th Century. Guides give you lots of information about how the house would have looked and some of the very modern facilities it had



Getting There

Latitude: 51.671698; Longitude: -4.698076
What3Words: founders.coffee.mandolin


Photo ID: 014520 Photo ID: 014668 Photo ID: 014669 Photo ID: 014670 Photo ID: 014671 Photo ID: 014672 Photo ID: 014673

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Haverfordwest: Castle Haverfordwest: Castle No Data


From the opposite side of the river the castle looks dominating over the town centre. Up close it is just three sides of a shell left with just the outer wall and some traces of stairs and floors visible.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.80266; Longitude: -4.96978
What3Words: with.grew.ever


Photo ID: 014597 Photo ID: 014598 Photo ID: 014599 Photo ID: 014600 Photo ID: 014601 Photo ID: 014603 Photo ID: 014605

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Manorbier: Castle Manorbier: Castle No Data


The substantial remains of this cliff-top castle overlooking the beach.



Getting There

Bus 349 runs from Tenby every hour (not Sunday) taking around 20 minutes
Latitude: 51.645519; Longitude: -4.799691
What3Words: smirking.canoe.secrets


Photo ID: 014556 Photo ID: 014558 Photo ID: 014560 Photo ID: 014562 Photo ID: 014566 Photo ID: 014569 Photo ID: 014570

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pembroke: Castle Pembroke: Castle No Data


Founded shortly after the Norman's arrived the castle, by the 15th Century was home to the Tudor family who would go on to rule England and Wales. The future Henry VII was born in one of the towers. Much of the curtain wall and gatehouse towers have been restored over the last 100 years or so to how they would have been in the time of the Tudors. The original imposing Norman keep and inner bailey are ruins, but you can climb to the top of the keep for stunning views. You can also descend down beneath the castle into the Wogan Cavern hollowed out from the rock the castle sits upon.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.677203; Longitude: -4.920877
What3Words: revival.convinces.superbly


Photo ID: 014616 Photo ID: 014617 Photo ID: 014625 Photo ID: 014627 Photo ID: 014631 Photo ID: 014634 Photo ID: 014643

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Davids: Bishop's Palace St Davids: Bishop's Palace Cadw


The ruins of the Bishop's palace. Whilst many of the buildings are now shells you can get a good idea of how massive a complex this would have been next to the Cathedral. You can wander through the vaults beneath the main buildings where there are exhibitions on the palace's history



Getting There

Latitude: 51.882367; Longitude: -5.270114
What3Words: fades.watchdogs.disco


Photo ID: 014576 Photo ID: 014580 Photo ID: 014581 Photo ID: 014583 Photo ID: 014584 Photo ID: 014587 Photo ID: 014590

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Davids: Cathedral St Davids: Cathedral No Data


The cathedral of the smallest city in


Suggested Donation, Charge to take photos

Getting There

Latitude: 51.882069; Longitude: -5.268333
What3Words: scouting.weep.initiated


Photo ID: 014573 Photo ID: 014575 Photo ID: 014577 Photo ID: 014591 Photo ID: 014593 Photo ID: 014594 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Haverfordwest Haverfordwest No Data


The administrative heart of Pembrokeshire and home to the main transport hub for the region. The town is dominated by the imposing ruins of the castle on the hill overlooking the town centre.


Getting There

From Tenby take bus 349 (Hourly, not Sunday, just under two hours) direct to Haverfordwest
Latitude: 51.801264; Longitude: -4.971367
What3Words: quiet.pounds.island


Photo ID: 014596 Photo ID: 014602 Photo ID: 014604 Photo ID: 014605 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pembroke Pembroke No Data


Home to one of Wales' finest castles the town has quite a sleepy feel to it


Getting There

From Tenby take bus 349 (Hourly, not Sunday, just under an hour) direct to Pembroke, or by train (every 2 hours, less frequent on Sundays, around 20 minutes) then a short walk
Latitude: 51.676191; Longitude: -4.918345
What3Words: fuzz.viewers.hulk


Photo ID: 014614 Photo ID: 014645 Photo ID: 014646 Photo ID: 014649 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Davids St Davids No Data


Britain's smallest city (albeit only restored to city status at the start of the 21st Century) is focused around it's cathedral which sits below the hill much of the city rests on and so offers a stunning view as the vista opens up.


Getting There

From Tenby take bus 349 (Hourly, not Sunday, just under two hours) to Haverfordwest and change there for bus 411 (roughly hourly, not Sunday, 45 minutes) to St David's
Latitude: 51.881096; Longitude: -5.265833
What3Words: lined.pancakes.overused


Photo ID: 014572 Photo ID: 014574 Photo ID: 014575 Photo ID: 014576 Photo ID: 014577 Photo ID: 014579 Photo ID: 014595

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/04/2015), and on time of last update (02/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Berwyn: Chainlink Bridge Berwyn: Chainlink Bridge No Data


A small chainlink bridge that crosses the River Dee just below Berwyn station linking across to the Llangollen canal and making a shortcut route for the walk to the Horseshoe Falls. It's a bit of a wobbly bridge, but the views are worth the swaying.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.980472; Longitude: -3.194803
What3Words: nuptials.vandalism.mothering


Photo ID: 027539 Photo ID: 027540 Photo ID: 027541 Photo ID: 027542 Photo ID: 027543 Photo ID: 027544 Photo ID: 027553

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Berwyn: Horseshoe Falls Berwyn: Horseshoe Falls No Data


A manmade set of falls on the River Dee in Berwyn that are used to push water into the Llangollen Canal. Today they also create an impressive set of rapids and on a hot day a pleasant place to cool down.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.981302; Longitude: -3.199144
What3Words: ends.fractions.bongo


Photo ID: 027549 Photo ID: 027550 Photo ID: 027551 Photo ID: 027552 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Denbigh: Burgess Gate Denbigh: Burgess Gate Cadw


Part of the original city walls, and one of the largest gates on the walls. Today it houses a small exhibition on the history of the walls and castle in Denbigh.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.182652; Longitude: -3.420858
What3Words: acting.receiving.waddle


Photo ID: 027419 Photo ID: 027420 Photo ID: 027421 Photo ID: 027422 Photo ID: 027423 Photo ID: 027424 Photo ID: 027473

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Denbigh: Castle Denbigh: Castle Cadw


Ruins of the 13th Century castle that was built by Edward I as part of his attempts to control the Welsh lands. Today large parts of the towers and curtain wall still stand and you can get a good idea as to how large and imposing a site this would have been in its heyday.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.18061; Longitude: -3.420717
What3Words: hasten.poet.joyously


Photo ID: 027439 Photo ID: 027441 Photo ID: 027445 Photo ID: 027450 Photo ID: 027456 Photo ID: 027462 Photo ID: 027469

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Denbigh: Leicester's Church Denbigh: Leicester's Church Cadw


The partial built ruins of what was planned to be a grand church, but never got much beyond one wall



Getting There

Latitude: 53.182401; Longitude: -3.419447
What3Words: blissful.walnuts.decanter


Photo ID: 027426 Photo ID: 027427 Photo ID: 027428 Photo ID: 027429 Photo ID: 027474 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Denbigh: Walls Denbigh: Walls Cadw


Large parts of the medieval city walls still exist and you can walk around a significant part of them. Unlike city walls in Chester or York these don't have large numbers of tourists wandering around them so you can enjoy them in peace and tranquillity.


Free, There is a deposit for the key that lets you onto the walls that can be borrowed from the castle or the library

Getting There

Latitude: 53.182648; Longitude: -3.418204
What3Words: lushly.awoke.redouble


Photo ID: 027471 Photo ID: 027476 Photo ID: 027478 Photo ID: 027479 Photo ID: 027480 Photo ID: 027482 Photo ID: 027484

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llangollen: Llangollen Railway Llangollen: Llangollen Railway No Data


Part for the former railway from Ruabon to Barmouth the line has been reopened in stages from Llangollen to Corwen (though at the time of visiting the stretch of line between Corwen and Carrog was closed for a final extension into the town centre at Corwen to be completed. A mix of steam and diesel trains run along the railway, which runs alongside the River Dee the whole way, with some impressive views the whole way.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.971511; Longitude: -3.171454
What3Words: quail.leaps.coveted


Photo ID: 027492 Photo ID: 027496 Photo ID: 027498 Photo ID: 027514 Photo ID: 027519 Photo ID: 027525 Photo ID: 027555

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llangollen: Llangollen Sightseeing Llangollen: Llangollen Sightseeing No Data


An open-top Routemaster bus takes a 15 minute drive up into the hills and over the Horseshoe pass, stopping at the café and giftshop at the summit of the pass for around 30 minutes before heading back down again. The views are pretty spectacular, but even on a hot day it can be quite cold and windy at the top of the pass.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.970396; Longitude: -3.170557
What3Words: hogs.trifling.backswing


Photo ID: 027556 Photo ID: 027559 Photo ID: 027561 Photo ID: 027564 Photo ID: 027569 Photo ID: 027570 Photo ID: 027579

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trevor: Jones the Boats Trevor: Jones the Boats No Data


Regular narrow boat tours that cross over the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct. Tours take around 45 minutes to do a round trip, but you can also pay to just go in one direction and then walk back across the aqueduct.



Getting There

From Wrexham take either the 5 (every 30 minutes) or T3 (infrequent) from the bus station to the Duke of Yorks bus stop in Trevor. From the Duke of Yorks bus stop walk down Tower Hill (Road immediately behind the bus stop when arriving from Wrexham) following the brown signs for canal boat tours. Before the large car park follow the path for a couple of hundred yards until you reach the canal basin and booking office/cafe
Latitude: 52.974285; Longitude: -3.085552
What3Words: blows.control.inefficient


Photo ID: 027386 Photo ID: 027398 Photo ID: 027399 Photo ID: 027400 Photo ID: 027401 Photo ID: 027402 Photo ID: 027407

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trevor: Pontcysyllte Aqueduct Trevor: Pontcysyllte Aqueduct No Data


One of the wonders of the industrial revolution, the second highest aqueduct in Europe and the highest navigable aqueduct in Europe. The aqueduct, and impressive earth works that stretch for another half mile or so across the end of the valley that allowed the actual aqueduct to be shortened, are a marvel of engineering allowing the Shropshire Union Canal to cross high over the river Dee deep below it in the valley. After falling into disrepair when the canals fell out of favour it has now been completely refurbished, and become a vital part of the leisure canal network. The tow path allows you to walk across the aqueduct and take in the stunning views across the valley, or you can hire a canoe or take a boat ride. For those on foot there are large railings that run alongside the path, but on the water there is only the edge of the water trough that comes up a foot or so above the level of the water, so you have an unobstructed view of the drop.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.970456; Longitude: -3.087795
What3Words: toast.rumbles.operating


Photo ID: 027393 Photo ID: 027394 Photo ID: 027395 Photo ID: 027401 Photo ID: 027402 Photo ID: 027403 Photo ID: 027414

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Berwyn Berwyn No Data


A small settlement on the River Dee where the Llangollen canal starts. To create the water source for the canal a man made set of falls were created in a horseshoe shape that are a short walk from the railway station


Getting There

From Wrexham TrawsCymru route T3 runs to Berwyn every 1 to 2 hours taking around 45 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively you can take the T3 or Bus 5 to Llangollen and change onto the Llangollen railway there. An important note is that on the weekends all TrawsCymru routes are free of charge, so if you can time your visit with the T3 services you wouldn't need to pay the fare to get to Berwyn
Latitude: 52.978321; Longitude: -3.201786
What3Words: cafe.condensed.knots


Photo ID: 027502 Photo ID: 027506 Photo ID: 027538 Photo ID: 027539 Photo ID: 027551 Photo ID: 027553 Photo ID: 027554

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Denbigh Denbigh No Data


The former county town of Denbighshire, and home to one of the more impressive of the Welsh castles, sitting on it's hill high above the town centre.


Getting There

From Wrexham the X51 runs hourly to Denbigh, taking around 85 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 53.183592; Longitude: -3.419088
What3Words: promotion.spit.culling


Photo ID: 027420 Photo ID: 027431 Photo ID: 027433 Photo ID: 027435 Photo ID: 027436 Photo ID: 027478 Photo ID: 027483

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llangollen Llangollen No Data


Small town located on the river Dee at an impressive set of rapids in the river. The town is now the starting point from the Llangollen Railway as well as an access point for the Llangollen Canal


Getting There

From Wrexham the number 5 bus runs every 30 minutes or so to Llangollen, taking around 40 minutes to make the journey. TrawsCymru route T3 also runs from Wrexham to Llangollen every 1 to 2 hours, but via a slightly quicker route taking around 35 minutes to make the journey. An important note is that on the weekends all TrawsCymru routes are free of charge, so if you can time your visit with the T3 services you wouldn't need to pay the fare to get to Llangollen
Latitude: 52.9696487; Longitude: -3.1703858
What3Words: dishes.sues.posed


Photo ID: 027487 Photo ID: 027489 Photo ID: 027490 Photo ID: 027545 Photo ID: 027547 Photo ID: 027458 Photo ID: 027585

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trevor Trevor No Data


Located a few miles to the south of Wrexham this village is home to the Trevor Basin, located at one end of the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and the main jumping off place to enjoy this wonder of the industrial revolution


Getting There

From Wrexham the number 5 bus runs every 30 minutes or so to Trevor, taking around 30 minutes to make the journey. TrawsCymru route T3 also runs from Wrexham to Trevor every 1 to 2 hours, but via a slightly quicker route taking around 25 minutes to make the journey. An important note is that on the weekends all TrawsCymru routes are free of charge, so if you can time your visit with the T3 services you wouldn't need to pay the fare to get to Trevor
Latitude: 52.975449; Longitude: -3.089282
What3Words: refreshed.shortage.zapped


Photo ID: 027388 Photo ID: 027390 Photo ID: 027392 Photo ID: 027396 Photo ID: 027416 Photo ID: 027417 Photo ID: 027418

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2019), and on time of last update (06/07/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Breakwater Country Park Breakwater Country Park No Data


Located in the site of the former quarry and brick works from which they constrcted Holyhead's breakwater, and the base of Holyhead Mountain, the park offers a pleasent area to walk around.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.316113; Longitude: -4.662626
What3Words: dugouts.subway.trams


Photo ID: 004277 Photo ID: 004278 Photo ID: 004351 Photo ID: 004352 Photo ID: 004353 Photo ID: 004354 Photo ID: 004355

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roman Shore Fort Roman Shore Fort Cadw


Only the outer walls of the shore fort survive, today forming walls around the 13th century church of St Cybi



Getting There

Latitude: 53.311476; Longitude: -4.632312
What3Words: assist.umbrellas.cycles


Photo ID: 004271 Photo ID: 004272 Photo ID: 004273 Photo ID: 004272 Photo ID: 004279 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beaumaris: Castle Beaumaris: Castle Cadw


One of the most stunning castles in the country, both for its Castleness and for its location on the sea front with Snowdonia as a backdrop. Lots of towers and wall walks to explore



Getting There

From Holyhead catch either the bus or train to Bangor, from there you need to take the bus to Beaumaris. The buses stop in the centre of town, just before the castle.
Latitude: 53.26455; Longitude: -4.090001
What3Words: otters.weeded.cookbooks


Photo ID: 004288 Photo ID: 004289 Photo ID: 004291 Photo ID: 004293 Photo ID: 004294 Photo ID: 004295 Photo ID: 004296

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caernarfon: Castle Caernarfon: Castle Cadw


Perhaps the most impressive of the Welsh Castles, it's now used as the site of the investiture of the Prince of Wales, a feature they play on quite a bit around the site. Lots of towers to climb and the views over the Menai Straits and across to Snowdonia are spectacular.



Getting There

From Holyhead catch either the bus or train to Bangor, from there you need to take the bus to Caernarfon
Latitude: 53.139412; Longitude: -4.27697
What3Words: mock.curvy.neck


Photo ID: 004326 Photo ID: 004327 Photo ID: 004328 Photo ID: 004329 Photo ID: 004330 Photo ID: 004331 Photo ID: 004332

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Conwy: Castle Conwy: Castle Cadw


Ranking as one of the best preserved and largest castles in Wales, Conwy has a beautiful position on the estuary. The multiple towers make it a massive site to explore.



Getting There

From Holyhead catch either the bus or train to Bangor, from there you can get a bus direct to Conwy
Latitude: 53.280379; Longitude: -3.827491
What3Words: entitles.assess.stone


Photo ID: 004303 Photo ID: 004304 Photo ID: 004305 Photo ID: 004306 Photo ID: 004307 Photo ID: 004308 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Conwy: Town Walls Conwy: Town Walls Cadw


One of the few sets of town walls still preserved in Britain, though not complete, you can still walk around large sections taking in the town from a different angle.



Getting There

From Holyhead catch either the bus or train to Bangor, from there you can get a bus direct to Conwy
Latitude: 53.280313; Longitude: -3.833397
What3Words: asks.products.succumbs


Photo ID: 004302 Photo ID: 004310 Photo ID: 004311 Photo ID: 004312 Photo ID: 004313 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cricieth: Castle Cricieth: Castle Cadw


Just some small ruins of this castle remain, but with their location on the top of a rocky outcrop you can get a full taste of how impressive this castle must have been. On a sunny day the views over Cardigan Bay and the West Wales coast are stunning.



Getting There

From Holyhead catch either the bus or train to Bangor, from there you can get a bus direct to Cricieth. Some go directly to the town, others go via Porthmadog first.
Latitude: 52.915783; Longitude: -4.234756
What3Words: sprint.earphones.moons


Photo ID: 004339 Photo ID: 004340 Photo ID: 004341 Photo ID: 004342 Photo ID: 004344 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llandudno: Marine Drive tour Llandudno: Marine Drive tour No Data


The hour long tour runs around the edge of the Great Orm on Marine drive, a four mile route which offers views out over the town and the sea. The driver is your tour guide as he tells you some of the history of the town, perhaps the only purpose built holiday resort in Wales



Getting There

From Holyhead catch either the bus or train to Bangor, from there you can get a bus direct to Llandudno. Alternatively, catch the train to Llandudno Junction and change there for trains to Llandudno
Latitude: 53.327259; Longitude: -3.831074
What3Words: smokers.second.euphoric


Photo ID: 004315 Photo ID: 004316 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llanfair PG: Marquess of Anglesey's Column Llanfair PG: Marquess of Anglesey's Column No Data


Located just outside the village the Column, from it's viewing platform at the top, offers stunning views out over the Menai Straits taking in both of the Menai Bridges as well as the peaks of Snowdonia



Getting There

There are infrequent trains from Holyhead, alternatively there are regular buses. It's a 10 minute walk from the station to the Column, Buses stop just before the column (2nd bus stop after the station)
Latitude: 53.221439; Longitude: -4.195704
What3Words: requested.polka.crunch


Photo ID: 004282 Photo ID: 004283 Photo ID: 004284 Photo ID: 004285 Photo ID: 004286 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llanfair PG: Station Llanfair PG: Station No Data


Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch is one of the longest place names in the world, and the station proudly wears its name as possibly one of the most photographed station name signs in the country



Getting There

There are infrequent trains from Holyhead, alternatively there are regular buses
Latitude: 53.220962; Longitude: -4.209236
What3Words: dancer.bench.munched
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porthaethwy: Menai Suspension Bridge Porthaethwy: Menai Suspension Bridge No Data


Thomas Telford's suspension bridge is a marvel of engineering, allowing an easy a safe crossing of a dangerous stretch of water.



Getting There

Buses from Holyhead to Bangor cross the bridge on their way into Bangor. There are bus stops on either side of the bridge.
Latitude: 53.220399; Longitude: -4.163518
What3Words: scrolled.lyrics.press


Photo ID: 004297 Photo ID: 004298 Photo ID: 004299 Photo ID: 004300 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bangor Bangor No Data


The large university campus makes this a lively town, with the university buildings dominating the town from their hillside locations.


Getting There

There are regular buses from Holyhead taking just over the hour, or trains taking around 45 minutes
Latitude: 53.227808; Longitude: -4.134049
What3Words: alongside.doubt.dodges


Photo ID: 004299 Photo ID: 004300 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beaumaris Beaumaris No Data


The castle dominates the town, but with its short pier, and old buildings, Beaumaris is a pleasant town to walk around taking in the stunning views across the Menai straits to the mountains of Snowdonia opposite


Getting There

Buses run regularly from Bangor. There are regular buses and trains from Holyhead to Bangor. Total journey time around 2 hours by train and bus, 2 1/2 hours by bus
Latitude: 53.26366; Longitude: -4.09295
What3Words: owned.taller.lushly


Photo ID: 004287 Photo ID: 004290 Photo ID: 004292 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caernarfon Caernarfon No Data


The county town of Gwynedd it's dominated by its castle, which is the only major site. Parts of the city walls still remain that you walk around the base of.


Getting There

From Holyhead catch either the bus or train to Bangor, from there you need to take the bus to Caernarfon
Latitude: 53.145112; Longitude: -4.268737
What3Words: scared.view.priced


Photo ID: 004334 Photo ID: 004335 Photo ID: 004346 Photo ID: 004347 Photo ID: 004348 Photo ID: 004349 Photo ID: 004350

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Colwyn Bay Colwyn Bay No Data


Not benefiting from the more glitzy Llandudno just down the coast, Colwyn bay looks like a town that has seen better days. The Pier is decaying with only the front part still accessible. However, there is a long flat seafront that you can walk along to take in the clean air, safe in the knowledge that it won't be as crowded as Llandudno!


Getting There

From Holyhead there are direct trains to Colwyn bay
Latitude: 53.294372; Longitude: -3.722788
What3Words: obey.slap.spits


Photo ID: 004318 Photo ID: 004319 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Conwy Conwy No Data


Home to an almost complete set of town walls and a stunning castle, Conwy is a picture postcard perfect town (fine when I visited in January, I'm suspecting heaving in the summer months!)


Getting There

From Holyhead catch either the bus or train to Bangor, from there you can get a bus direct to Conwy
Latitude: 53.281723; Longitude: -3.828439
What3Words: curvy.straying.ratty


Photo ID: 004301 Photo ID: 004309 Photo ID: 004320 Photo ID: 004321 Photo ID: 004322 Photo ID: 004323 Photo ID: 004324

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llandudno Llandudno No Data


Probably the first purpose built seaside resort in Wales, Llandudno is also probably it's most famous. With its wide bay, long prom lined only by hotels, it's pier and dominating everything the rocky crag of the Great Orm.


Getting There

From Holyhead catch either the bus or train to Bangor, from there you can get a bus direct to Llandudno. Alternatively, catch the train to Llandudno Junction and change there for trains to Llandudno
Latitude: 53.326544; Longitude: -3.834459
What3Words: verb.stove.tango


Photo ID: 004314 Photo ID: 004315 Photo ID: 004316 Photo ID: 004317 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llanfair PG Llanfair PG No Data


The name of the town was designed as a tourist ploy by a Victorian businessman, and its still working today. There isn't much to see in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch once you've taken in the station name sign.


Getting There

There are infrequent trains from Holyhead, alternatively there are regular buses
Latitude: 53.221361; Longitude: -4.205823
What3Words: brightens.stupidly.madder
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pwllheli Pwllheli No Data


The largest town on the LLyn peninsular and it's main transport hub, Pwllheli has some stunning beaches


Getting There

From Holyhead catch either the bus or train to Bangor, from there you need to take the bus to Caernarfon and from there change onto another bus to Pwllheli
Latitude: 52.887372; Longitude: -4.425587
What3Words: recall.reboot.pursue


Photo ID: 004336 Photo ID: 004337 Photo ID: 004338 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2010), and on time of last update (30/01/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bedford Castle Mound Bedford Castle Mound No Data


The mound that the keep of the castle stood on until it was destroyed following a siege in 1224, with the stone from the castle being used to rebuild St Pauls church and repave much of the town centre. Today stones outline where the keep would have originally stood. A viewpoint looks out over the River.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.135417; Longitude: -0.463347
What3Words: zest.losses.game


Photo ID: 049533 Photo ID: 049568 Photo ID: 049570 Photo ID: 049572 Photo ID: 049630 Photo ID: 049632 Photo ID: 049635

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/10/2023), and on time of last update (09/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Bailey Gardens Castle Bailey Gardens No Data


Small remnants of the lower fortifications of the castle



Getting There

Latitude: 52.135428; Longitude: -0.464875
What3Words: skin.order.blank


Photo ID: 049561 Photo ID: 049562 Photo ID: 049653 Photo ID: 049637 Photo ID: 049638 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/10/2023), and on time of last update (09/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

John Bunyan Museum John Bunyan Museum No Data


Museum to the local preacher who wrote Pilgrims Progress, the second most translated book in the world after the bible. The museum tells the history of the man and his connections to the area (he was born in the small village of Elstow about 2KM south of the museum)


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.136705; Longitude: -0.463501
What3Words: dawn.ocean.darker


Photo ID: 049573 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/10/2023), and on time of last update (09/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Panacea Museum Panacea Museum No Data


The Panacea movement was founded in Bedford early in the 20th century, with many of the movements followers purchasing neighbouring houses with the gardens merged and a chapel built in the middle. The houses have now been turned into a museum telling the history of the group and their belief that the second coming was imminent



Getting There

Latitude: 52.136176; Longitude: -0.462675
What3Words: dusty.goats.hardly


Photo ID: 049731 Photo ID: 049732 Photo ID: 049733 Photo ID: 049734 Photo ID: 049736 Photo ID: 049738 Photo ID: 049740

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/10/2023), and on time of last update (09/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Paul's Square St Paul's Square No Data


Large square which could be considered the centre of the historic town as the parish church is in the centre of the square surrounded by the Corn Exchange, Town Hall and County Court.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.135467; Longitude: -0.46694
What3Words: reason.trade.ruby


Photo ID: 049551 Photo ID: 049552 Photo ID: 049553 Photo ID: 049555 Photo ID: 049640 Photo ID: 049641 Photo ID: 049643

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/10/2023), and on time of last update (09/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Higgins The Higgins No Data


The towns museum and art gallery, named after the Higgins Family who owned the house and neighbouring brewery that the museum is built around. The museum houses a large number of exhibits across a range of subjects with a particular focus on local history.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.136011; Longitude: -0.463927
What3Words: unity.ships.toward


Photo ID: 049711 Photo ID: 049714 Photo ID: 049716 Photo ID: 049720 Photo ID: 049727 Photo ID: 049728 Photo ID: 049730

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/10/2023), and on time of last update (09/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ampthill: Houghton House Ampthill: Houghton House English Heritage


A large mansion house on a promontory high above the otherwise flat lands of this part of Bedfordshire. The house was built between 1615 and 1621 and is believed to be the inspiration for the House Beautiful in John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. The house was abandoned in 1794 and it's owner then stripped it of anything of value leaving it as a shell without a roof. Today it's a picturesque ruin.



Getting There

From the centre of Bedford the Stagecoach number 2 runs every hour Monday to Saturday and the Grant Palmer numbers 42 and 68 alternate to provide two buses and hour Monday to Saturday to Ampthill. 2 and 42 take about 30 minutes the 68 takes about 40 minutes to make the journey. From the centre of Ampthill its about a one mile walk, relatively well signposted, up to the house.
Latitude: 52.043969; Longitude: -0.486131
What3Words: catching.generally.thunder


Photo ID: 049601 Photo ID: 049605 Photo ID: 049611 Photo ID: 049612 Photo ID: 049613 Photo ID: 049616 Photo ID: 049619

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/10/2023), and on time of last update (09/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Elstow: Moot Hall Elstow: Moot Hall No Data


The Moot Hall in the village of Elstow dates back to around the start of the 16th century so would have already been over 100 years old when John Bunyan was born in the village in 1628. Originally a market hall to serve the neighbouring Abbey it became a manorial court. Today it houses a small museum on the history of the building and the villages most famous son.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.116046; Longitude: -0.469001
What3Words: chefs.valid.fairly


Photo ID: 049577 Photo ID: 049579 Photo ID: 049580 Photo ID: 049581 Photo ID: 049582 Photo ID: 049585 Photo ID: 049587

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/10/2023), and on time of last update (09/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Silsoe: Wrest Park Garden Silsoe: Wrest Park Garden English Heritage


The formal gardens of the house, which are completely open to look around. There are multiple areas to explore with the less formal gardens full of sculptures and small structures. The view down the canal from either the house or the Archers Pavilion at the other end are spectacular


Charge, includes house and gardens

Getting There

From the centre of Bedford the MK1 bus runs every hour to Silsoe from where it's a 10-15 minute walk along the drive to the house and gardens
Latitude: 52.006111; Longitude: -0.41177
What3Words: whirlwind.trumpet.decisions


Photo ID: 049682 Photo ID: 049684 Photo ID: 049686 Photo ID: 049697 Photo ID: 049699 Photo ID: 049706 Photo ID: 049709

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/10/2023), and on time of last update (09/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Silsoe: Wrest Park House Silsoe: Wrest Park House English Heritage


English Heritage are in the process of undertaking significant works on the house after it was handed over to them at the beginning of the 21st century, at present only a handful of the ground floor rooms are open to view, but they give an idea of the opulence of the de Grey Family who owned the Park for 600 years up until they were forced to sell it in 1917


Charge, includes house and gardens

Getting There

From the centre of Bedford the MK1 bus runs every hour to Silsoe from where it's a 10-15 minute walk along the drive to the house and gardens
Latitude: 52.008034; Longitude: -0.412007
What3Words: noise.housework.greed


Photo ID: 049654 Photo ID: 049665 Photo ID: 049666 Photo ID: 049670 Photo ID: 049672 Photo ID: 049676 Photo ID: 049680

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/10/2023), and on time of last update (09/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Elstow Elstow No Data


A small village about 2KM south of Bedford that has today been pretty much swallowed up by the larger town. The village is home to an Abbey and it's Moot Hall. It's also the birthplace of John Bunyan.


Getting There

From the centre of Bedford the Stagecoach MK1 (Daily) and Grant Palmer 44 (Monday to Saturday) services run about every hour (though not evenly spaced) taking about 20 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 52.115966; Longitude: -0.469584
What3Words: book.noted.test


Photo ID: 049574 Photo ID: 049576 Photo ID: 049589 Photo ID: 049590 Photo ID: 049591 Photo ID: 049595 Photo ID: 049898

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/10/2023), and on time of last update (09/10/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whipsnade Zoo Whipsnade Zoo No Data


Whipsnade is the sister zoo to London zoo, and is also the largest zoo by size in the country. These days most of the large animals, such as Rhino, Hippo and Elephant are housed at Whipsnade rather than in the more cramped conditions in London. The spaces are very large, so there is quite a bit of walking involved to get round to see everything, and it's possible for animals to hide deep in their enclosures so that they aren't visible. The site is so large that you can pay extra and drive your own car into the zoo and around the site to take in the animals. There are plenty of facilities and kiosks dotted round the site



Getting There

The nearest station to Whipsnade is Luton (trains from London St Pancras). From Luton you need to take a bus into Dunstable (very frequent, even on Sundays, around 15 minutes) and change there for a number 40/40A bus to Whipsnade. During the week there is a roughly hourly service, though the times and routing changed. On a Saturday there are just four buses with the last bus leaving the zoo just before 2pm. There are no services on a Sunday. From Dunstable its around a 4 mile walk up onto Dunstable Down over to the zoo - its flat from Dunstable to the foot of the down, then a short but very steep ascent, then flat along the top of the ridge that the zoo sits on. On a warm dry day its a pleasant walk from the zoo as it's almost all downhill, but towards the zoo it would be a strenuous walk.
Latitude: 51.849848; Longitude: -0.544171
What3Words: takeovers.wimp.publisher


Photo ID: 035368 Photo ID: 035375 Photo ID: 035381 Photo ID: 035383 Photo ID: 035441 Photo ID: 035442 Photo ID: 035452

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/09/2021), and on time of last update (06/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whipsnade: Great Whipsnade Railway Whipsnade: Great Whipsnade Railway No Data


Also known as the Jumbo Express this is a small train that takes you round the back of some of the larger paddocks - including the Elephants, Asian Rhinos and Camels - allowing you to see many of the bigger animals from the comfort of a seat, rather than having to walk quite long distances. A full journey takes about 20 minutes to complete, with trains leaving on a frequency based on how busy the zoo is (I went in early September, when the zoo was still in full summer mode and the trains were departing full every 20 minutes)


Additional Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 51.846125; Longitude: -0.541896
What3Words: homing.hoops.tiles


Photo ID: 035351 Photo ID: 035353 Photo ID: 035357 Photo ID: 035364 Photo ID: 035365 Photo ID: 035366 Photo ID: 035377

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/09/2021), and on time of last update (06/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whipsnade: Lookout Lodge Experience Whipsnade: Lookout Lodge Experience No Data


The Lookout Lodge experience is an opportunity to spend a night in the zoo. You are housed in small lodges located next to the White Rhino enclosure. Arrival is 16:30 where you are greeted with a glass of bubbly whilst you settle into your lodge room. Once the zoo closes at 18:00 you set off on a tour round parts of the zoo including the Rhino, Hunting dogs and Chimps with the guides telling you lots of information about the different animals. After about 90 minutes you end up at the Base Camp restaurant at the centre of the Zoo where dinner is served. After dinner, with torches laid on, it's time for a night time walk past the Flamingos, Cheetahs and Lions before returning to the lodges just before 22:00 for bed. In the morning, after an 07:40 checkout and an 08:00 breakfast there is a final tour round the Lemurs, Lynx's, Boars and Wolverines before the experience ends at 10:00 as the zoo reopens to the public.


Charge - includes free entry to the Zoo on the check-in day and entry to the Zoo, or London Zoo on the checkout day

Getting There

Latitude: 51.849319; Longitude: -0.551422
What3Words: flopping.candy.pushed


Photo ID: 035386 Photo ID: 035391 Photo ID: 035396 Photo ID: 035401 Photo ID: 035413 Photo ID: 035414 Photo ID: 035415

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/09/2021), and on time of last update (06/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Abbey Gatehouse Abbey Gatehouse No Data


You can't go inside the gatehouse at present due to Covid-19 restrictions, but the impressive structure is one of the few intact structure of the old Abbey. At one point it was converted into a royal residence with Elizabeth I staying there once.


Free to look around the outside

Getting There

Latitude: 51.456432; Longitude: -0.96681
What3Words: unity.singer.corn


Photo ID: 031764 Photo ID: 031770 Photo ID: 031771 Photo ID: 031773 Photo ID: 031774 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Abbey Ruins Abbey Ruins No Data


The impressive ruins of Reading Abbey. The Abbey was originally built on the order of Henry I, who died before building work was completed, but who is buried somewhere on the site. The Abbey became very powerful and wealthy due to it's location close to major routes between the North and the English coast ports and between London and the West. When Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries the abbot was strongly outspoken against it and was one of the few to be executed by the king for treason. Following the dissolution the Abbey fell into ruins, with parts of it being used to build other buildings around the town. Today it's an impressive set of ruins and forms an additional park space continuation on from the Forbury Gardens.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.456344; Longitude: -0.965077
What3Words: damage.edges.looked


Photo ID: 031776 Photo ID: 031779 Photo ID: 031782 Photo ID: 031784 Photo ID: 031786 Photo ID: 031787 Photo ID: 031789

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Forbury Gardens Forbury Gardens No Data


This large formal garden in the centre of the town is a pleasant open space to wander around. Inside the gardens is a memorial to the soldiers from the local regiment who were killed in an ill-fated campaign in Afghanistan.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.456982; Longitude: -0.967322
What3Words: vibrates.finds.camera


Photo ID: 031761 Photo ID: 031762 Photo ID: 031763 Photo ID: 031765 Photo ID: 031766 Photo ID: 031768 Photo ID: 031769

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mill Arch Mill Arch No Data


Small arch, possibly built with stones from the Abbey, that formed the entrance to the Abbey's Mill. The mill sat over the end of the Holy Brook as it entered into the Kennett River just below the rear part of the Abbey complex.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.455339; Longitude: -0.966821
What3Words: shadow.agree.bronze


Photo ID: 031797 Photo ID: 031798 Photo ID: 031799 Photo ID: 031800 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of English Rural Life Museum of English Rural Life No Data


The museum, part of the University, is dedicated to life in the countryside with a particular emphasis on the South East of England and Berkshire in particular - though it does cover aspects from across the whole of the country. There are lots of interactive exhibits to help you better understand rural life through the ages.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.449113; Longitude: -0.959948
What3Words: older.arch.bands


Photo ID: 031831 Photo ID: 031832 Photo ID: 031835 Photo ID: 031836 Photo ID: 031838 Photo ID: 031840 Photo ID: 031844

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reading Minster Reading Minster No Data


Large church located on the Western edge of the town centre. At the time of visiting it was closed to visitors due to Covid-19 precautions



Getting There

Latitude: 51.454507; Longitude: -0.97353
What3Words: tasty.harsh.wires


Photo ID: 031801 Photo ID: 031802 Photo ID: 031803 Photo ID: 031804 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reading Museum Reading Museum No Data


Located in the town hall the museum houses a number of exhibits which focus on Reading and the region. The Story of Reading traces the history of the town from pre-history through to the modern day, with a big focus on the Abbey - Built by Henry VI and destroyed by Henry VIII. On the first floor of the museum is a replica of the Bayeux Tapestry, which was created by a group of embroiderers in Staffordshire in 1880. The top floor houses an exhibition on the Roman settlement at Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum) including exhibits on daily life as well as lots of finds from the excavation. There is also the art gallery on this floor, as well as an exhibit on Huntley and Palmers, the towns biscuit manufacturer who was a staple of the town until the headquarters were moved to Liverpool in the latter part of the 20th Century.


Free, suggested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.45694; Longitude: -0.969947
What3Words: rocky.lion.glare


Photo ID: 031732 Photo ID: 031733 Photo ID: 031738 Photo ID: 031739 Photo ID: 031741 Photo ID: 037145 Photo ID: 031748

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reading Town Trail Reading Town Trail No Data


The town trail starts at Reading Museum and winds its way through the key points of the town centre, including the Forbury Gardens, Abbey Ruins, Mill Arch and the Minster. At several points along the way there are information panels that tell you more about the history of the town, and of the area where you are. You can pick up a leaflet with a map at Reading Museum, or just follow the signs round the town.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.456422; Longitude: -0.969869
What3Words: boss.same.divisions


Photo ID: 031731 Photo ID: 031732 Photo ID: 031758 Photo ID: 031759 Photo ID: 031760 Photo ID: 031797 Photo ID: 031801

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Thames River Cruise Thames River Cruise No Data


The company offers a number of different cruise lengths along the stretch of the Thames around Reading. I chose the 90 minute tour which involves sailing upstream all the way to the weir and lock at Mapledurham before returning to the landing stage by Caversham Bridge. The captain provides a running commentary on the outward leg of the journey up to the weir. There is a bar on board to buy refreshments.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.465814; Longitude: -0.978099
What3Words: burn.bounty.civic


Photo ID: 031861 Photo ID: 031862 Photo ID: 031865 Photo ID: 031867 Photo ID: 031868 Photo ID: 031871 Photo ID: 031877

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Silchester Amphitheatre Silchester Amphitheatre English Heritage


Located just outside the city walls, by the Eastern Gate, the ruins of the Amphitheatre of Calleva Atrebatum give an idea of the impressive size of the city as it could require an amphitheatre of this size. Parts of the lower walls, entranceways and the banking for the seating remains.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.358896; Longitude: -1.075445
What3Words: assembles.ticked.locked


Photo ID: 031815 Photo ID: 031816 Photo ID: 031817 Photo ID: 031818 Photo ID: 031819 Photo ID: 031820 Photo ID: 031821

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Silchester Roman City Walls Silchester Roman City Walls English Heritage


The Roman settlement of Calleva Atrebatum was a major city in it's day, on the main East-West route across Southern Britain. The site was abandoned before the Romans left, and consequently was never re-used. Today large fragments of the Roman walls mark out the massive size of this site, though much of the city itself has been left under the soil.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.360593; Longitude: -1.084303
What3Words: compiler.hubcaps.prepares


Photo ID: 031813 Photo ID: 031814 Photo ID: 031822 Photo ID: 031824 Photo ID: 031826 Photo ID: 031827 Photo ID: 031829

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Silchester Trail Silchester Trail No Data


The Silchester trail is a 8 mile round walk that starts at Bramley station and takes you across open countryside to the Roman ruins at Silchester, as well as a detour into town, before looping back to the station at Bramley via a different route. Depending on how long you spend looking at the Roman ruins and amphitheatre the full walk should take about 3 hours.



Getting There

Trains run between Reading and Bramley every hour taking just under 20 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 51.351558; Longitude: -1.070943
What3Words: overcomes.knitted.microfilm
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Silchester Silchester No Data


The modern town of Silchester is built to the West of the former Roman City of Calleva Atrebatum.


Getting There

Silchester's public transport options are limited to a handful of irregular buses on a route between Tadley and Basingstoke that only runs Monday to Saturday. The other option is to take the train to Bramley and follow the Silchester Trail, which is a 4 mile walk to Silchester across open countryside. Alternatively you can walk along the quiet country lanes which cuts about a mile off the walk, but does mean you need to keep an eye out for the few speeding motorists that do come past.
Latitude: 51.353606; Longitude: -1.100598
What3Words: megawatt.latches.cracking


Photo ID: 031805 Photo ID: 031806 Photo ID: 031807 Photo ID: 031812 Photo ID: 031823 Photo ID: 031824 Photo ID: 031830

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2020), and on time of last update (14/09/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


The open-top Double decker bus tours start from outside the castle and take in much of the centre of Windsor before heading out across the great park and into Datchet and Eton before returning to Windsor. The fleet was in the process of being upgraded so some older buses had a single recorded English commentary on loud speakers and others had multi-lingual commentary available via headsets. As with all other City Sightseeing tours you can hop on and off at any of the stops.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.482733; Longitude: -0.607735
What3Words: curvy.boxing.amused


Photo ID: 008022 Photo ID: 008023 Photo ID: 008024 Photo ID: 008025 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

River Cruise River Cruise No Data


Regular 40 minute cruises operate along a short stretch of the Thames from Windsor to the nearby lock and then back again. The running commentary gives some of the background and history of the area.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.485104; Longitude: -0.609572
What3Words: dined.draw.grapes


Photo ID: 008007 Photo ID: 008008 Photo ID: 008009 Photo ID: 008010 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/09/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St John the Baptist Church St John the Baptist Church No Data


The impressive parish church, located next to the Guildhall is a sea of tranquillity away from the packed streets of the town. Inside there is a stunning painting of the last supper.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.481839; Longitude: -0.606203
What3Words: charmingly.rounds.valley


Photo ID: 008012 Photo ID: 008013 Photo ID: 008014 Photo ID: 008015 Photo ID: 008016 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/09/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Windsor and Royal Borough Museum Windsor and Royal Borough Museum No Data


Located in the guildhall the museum has a small collection of displays on the history of the area



Getting There

Latitude: 51.481971; Longitude: -0.606769
What3Words: payer.loops.nurse


Photo ID: 007971 Photo ID: 007972 Photo ID: 007973 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/09/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Windsor Castle Windsor Castle No Data


It's impossible not to be in awe of the castle which dominates the town centre. Located on a bluff of chalk the site has been used as a castle since shortly after the Norman invasion and today is still the weekend retreat for the Royals when they are in London. You can wander around the grounds of the castle, and take in the stunning state rooms. You can also visit St George's Chapel located within the castle complex.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.484244; Longitude: -0.603025
What3Words: survey.villa.solo


Photo ID: 007974 Photo ID: 007987 Photo ID: 007996 Photo ID: 007997 Photo ID: 007999 Photo ID: 008000 Photo ID: 008001

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/09/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Windsor Castle: Round Tower Windsor Castle: Round Tower No Data


During the summer months, and not when the queen is in residence, you can go on a guided tour up the round tower for stunning views over the castle and the surrounding area.


Charge, additional to entry to the castle.

Getting There

Latitude: 51.483847; Longitude: -0.604414
What3Words: area.river.fonts


Photo ID: 007989 Photo ID: 007990 Photo ID: 007991 Photo ID: 007992 Photo ID: 007993 Photo ID: 007994 Photo ID: 007995

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/09/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Runnymede Runnymede National Trust


Runnymede means "meeting meadow" and it's here in 1215 that the Barons finally cornered King John into signing the Magna Carta, the single most important legal document in the history of English law. It set down concepts such as the right to a fair trial and that everyone is born free. From this single document large parts of the American constitution, and Human rights legislation around the world have drawn inspiration. Today the site of the signing is commemorated by a small monument and the lands around the area have been taken into the custody of the National Trust to keep them special for future generations



Getting There

During the summer months route 100 runs a circular route taking in sights around Windsor Great Park including Runnymede. Journey time is around 40 minutes. Alternatively the 71 from the town centre towards Heathrow Airport stops outside the The Bells of Ouzeley from where it's a short walk (every 30 minutes, 15 minutes)
Latitude: 51.444506; Longitude: -0.566075
What3Words: heats.deny.ropes


Photo ID: 008034 Photo ID: 008035 Photo ID: 008036 Photo ID: 008037 Photo ID: 008038 Photo ID: 008039 Photo ID: 008040

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Amersham Museum Amersham Museum No Data


Small museum in a former Tudor Hall House that tells the history of the town from it's founding, through it's industrial rise, the coming of the railways and it's conversion into a suburban dormitory town of London.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.666855; Longitude: -0.618326
What3Words: focal.giving.exist


Photo ID: 048064 Photo ID: 048065 Photo ID: 048066 Photo ID: 048068 Photo ID: 048075 Photo ID: 048077 Photo ID: 048079

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2023), and on time of last update (26/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Garden of Remembrance Garden of Remembrance No Data


The towns war memorial and garden of remembrance, has a number of different monuments reflecting various conflicts. The gardens have lots of seating making it a pleasant place just to sit and watch the world go by



Getting There

Latitude: 51.666578; Longitude: -0.61527
What3Words: salads.ballots.soap


Photo ID: 047888 Photo ID: 047889 Photo ID: 047890 Photo ID: 047892 Photo ID: 047894 Photo ID: 047895 Photo ID: 047896

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2023), and on time of last update (26/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kings Chapel Kings Chapel No Data


Small chapel located just off the main street in Old Amersham, used primarily as a wedding venue



Getting There

Latitude: 51.66613; Longitude: -0.618814
What3Words: beard.vocab.speeds


Photo ID: 047911 Photo ID: 047912 Photo ID: 047913 Photo ID: 047915 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2023), and on time of last update (26/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Market Hall Market Hall No Data


17th century market hall and former town hall built in the centre of town. A small market is still held on the street level on a Saturday morning



Getting There

Latitude: 51.666528; Longitude: -0.616808
What3Words: fixed.toxic.hopes


Photo ID: 047871 Photo ID: 047874 Photo ID: 047877 Photo ID: 047878 Photo ID: 047880 Photo ID: 047904 Photo ID: 047907

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2023), and on time of last update (26/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Railway Memorial Railway Memorial No Data


Located at the top of the hill this half size train is a replica of the steam engine and carriages that used to run on the Metropolitan Line of the Underground when it still ran out to Aylesbury.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.676879; Longitude: -0.608126
What3Words: ritual.lost.life


Photo ID: 048023 Photo ID: 048024 Photo ID: 048025 Photo ID: 048026 Photo ID: 048027 Photo ID: 048028 Photo ID: 048029

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2023), and on time of last update (26/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Mary the Virgin Church St Mary the Virgin Church No Data


The Old town's church with parts of it dating back to the 13th century



Getting There

Latitude: 51.667032; Longitude: -0.615994
What3Words: blitz.visa.broker


Photo ID: 047873 Photo ID: 047882 Photo ID: 047885 Photo ID: 047891 Photo ID: 048051 Photo ID: 048057 Photo ID: 048060

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2023), and on time of last update (26/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chalfont St Giles: Chiltern Open Air Museum Chalfont St Giles: Chiltern Open Air Museum No Data


Ethnographic museum located in a large park housing a number of buildings from across the Chilterns focusing mainly on the period from the Tudors through to the 1950s. There is also a recreation of a Iron Age round house from around 2,000 years ago.



Getting There

There is no public transport to the site. From Amersham a taxi in 2023 was around £13 and took about 15 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively take the train or tube to Chorleywood from where it's a 2 1/2 mile walk (leave the station and take the road down and under the railway line, cross at the bottom and take the continuation of the road up the hill (Shire road). Keep following this road straight ahead until it takes a sharp turn to the left at which point continue straight ahead onto the narrow lane (Old Shire Road). Keep following this road straight ahead, it turns into a track and then into a bridleway. Follow this until the bridleway takes a sharp turn to the left at this point signs for the Chiltern Way take you into the woods to the right. Follow these through the woods and out onto the heathland until you reach a gate at the Newlands estate, turn left and follow the road the short distance to the car park for the Open Air Museum)
Latitude: 51.634549; Longitude: -0.543365
What3Words: minus.flight.test


Photo ID: 047916 Photo ID: 047924 Photo ID: 047934 Photo ID: 047936 Photo ID: 047976 Photo ID: 047996 Photo ID: 048010

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2023), and on time of last update (26/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Missenden: Roald Dahl Memorial Great Missenden: Roald Dahl Memorial No Data


Located in the churchyard of the village church of St Peters and St Pauls close to Dahls grave is a tree surrounded by bench with eight seats (one for each of his children and step children) with a quote from the Giraffe the Pelly and me carved into the concrete.



Getting There

From the centre of town follow Church street over the bypass and into the grounds of the church. The bench and tree are visible from the entrance to the churchyard.
Latitude: 51.701563; Longitude: -0.699094
What3Words: craftsman.this.released


Photo ID: 048047 Photo ID: 048048 Photo ID: 048049 Photo ID: 048050 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2023), and on time of last update (26/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Missenden: Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre Great Missenden: Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre No Data


Located in the heart of the village that Dahl called home for most of his later life and from where he wrote many of his most famous children's books. The museum includes the writing shed where he wrote many of his titles, along with other artefacts relating to Dahl and his life. For children there are regular story telling sessions in the rooms off of the main museum building.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.702513; Longitude: -0.706007
What3Words: task.reconnect.grumbles


Photo ID: 048031 Photo ID: 048032 Photo ID: 048036 Photo ID: 048037 Photo ID: 048038 Photo ID: 048039 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2023), and on time of last update (26/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chesham Chesham No Data


Market town located at the most North-westerly point of the London Underground in the Chess Valley.


Getting There

From Amersham the combined 1/1A/1B bus runs every 15-20 minutes, taking about 20 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 51.705695; Longitude: -0.612367
What3Words: book.panic.filer


Photo ID: 048016 Photo ID: 048017 Photo ID: 048018 Photo ID: 048019 Photo ID: 048020 Photo ID: 040821 Photo ID: 048022

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2023), and on time of last update (26/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Missenden Great Missenden No Data


A small Chiltern Village made famous by it's long time resident Roald Dahl who used places in and around the town as settings for many of his children's books. Today the village is home to the Dahl museum as well as his grave and memorial.


Getting There

From Amersham Chiltern trains run 1 to 2 times an hour taking about 5 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 51.702015; Longitude: -0.705656
What3Words: writing.clincher.solving


Photo ID: 048033 Photo ID: 048034 Photo ID: 048042 Photo ID: 048044 Photo ID: 048045 Photo ID: 048046 Photo ID: 048047

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2023), and on time of last update (26/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Buckingham Parish Church Buckingham Parish Church No Data


The Parish church of St Peter and Paul's located on the highest point in the town, with it's spire visible from some distance. Part of the building was remodelled by George Gilbert Scott



Getting There

Latitude: 51.998022; Longitude: -0.989704
What3Words: graver.migrate.dislodge


Photo ID: 047581 Photo ID: 047585 Photo ID: 047586 Photo ID: 047587 Photo ID: 047594 Photo ID: 047602 Photo ID: 047614

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/06/2023), and on time of last update (13/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chantry Chapel Chantry Chapel National Trust


The oldest building in the town, originally built in the 11th century as a hospital and later used as the grammar school. Today it's open a couple of days a week to have a look around the inside, though it's mostly used as a 2nd hand book store



Getting There

Latitude: 52.000332; Longitude: -0.988004
What3Words: spirits.forgot.prouder


Photo ID: 047615 Photo ID: 047616 Photo ID: 047617 Photo ID: 047618 Photo ID: 047619 Photo ID: 047620 Photo ID: 047621

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/06/2023), and on time of last update (13/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Gaol Old Gaol No Data


The town's former prison. Today it houses the town museum that charts the history of Buckingham from prehistoric times through to the middle of the 20th century with the arrival and subsequent departure of the railways along with the lace industry.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.000865; Longitude: -0.986564
What3Words: tracking.imperious.coconuts


Photo ID: 047604 Photo ID: 047607 Photo ID: 047623 Photo ID: 047626 Photo ID: 047628 Photo ID: 047632 Photo ID: 047635

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/06/2023), and on time of last update (13/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stowe Gardens Stowe Gardens National Trust


Georgian landscaped gardens and park located just outside of Buckingham. The large gardens have several miles of paths to wander round and a full route round all the different follies, palaces and monuments is around 3 miles, though there are plenty of shorter or themed routes that are also available



Getting There

There café and car park are about 2 miles from Buckingham, with the ticket office being another half mile further on. It's a direct walk, but there are no public transport options for reaching either the car park or the ticket office
Latitude: 52.026369; Longitude: -1.012964
What3Words: airbase.leaps.drifting


Photo ID: 047653 Photo ID: 047656 Photo ID: 047667 Photo ID: 047677 Photo ID: 047678 Photo ID: 047696 Photo ID: 047723

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/06/2023), and on time of last update (13/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

All Saints Church All Saints Church No Data


The towns Parish Church, located just behind the Market House and Guildhall. There's been a church here since the 11th century, though the current structure is a result of major restoration and building work at the end of the 19th century.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.629964; Longitude: -0.751251
What3Words: kicked.saying.waving


Photo ID: 048197 Photo ID: 048198 Photo ID: 048200 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2023), and on time of last update (02/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guildhall Guildhall No Data


18th century replacement for the earlier guildhall that burnt down, located in the very centre of the town, opposite the Little Market House



Getting There

Latitude: 51.629353; Longitude: -0.751503
What3Words: vocal.closes.snaps


Photo ID: 048185 Photo ID: 048186 Photo ID: 048190 Photo ID: 048191 Photo ID: 048192 Photo ID: 048193 Photo ID: 048199

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2023), and on time of last update (02/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Little Market House Little Market House No Data


Located in the centre of town, opposite the Guildhall, this small brick market hall dates from the beginning of the 17th century.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.629448; Longitude: -0.750947
What3Words: inspector.deaf.stores


Photo ID: 048181 Photo ID: 048182 Photo ID: 048183 Photo ID: 048184 Photo ID: 048187 Photo ID: 048188 Photo ID: 048189

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2023), and on time of last update (02/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wycombe Museum Wycombe Museum No Data


Small museum located in a Victorian house just above the railway station, the museum tells the history of the town and area from prehistoric to the modern day, using 10 items from the collection to highlight different periods. There is also a small garden that you can wander around.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.631253; Longitude: -0.748081
What3Words: pitch.chairs.lamps


Photo ID: 048261 Photo ID: 048262 Photo ID: 048265 Photo ID: 048269 Photo ID: 048272 Photo ID: 048274 Photo ID: 048280

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/07/2023), and on time of last update (02/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beaconsfield: Bekonscot Beaconsfield: Bekonscot No Data


The worlds oldest model village - today it houses 7 different zone or villages that cover different eras. The site is known for the names of the models shops which are usually (bad) puns. There is also a small ride on railway which runs around part of the site as an additional attraction.


Charge, additional charge for the railway

Getting There

From High Wycombe there are regular trains to Beaconsfield that take about 6 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively the 101/102/103/104 buses combine to provide a service every 15 minutes (30 on Sundays) to Beaconsfield, taking about 25 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 51.613533; Longitude: -0.645453
What3Words: gladiators.pools.jukebox


Photo ID: 048201 Photo ID: 048210 Photo ID: 048214 Photo ID: 048218 Photo ID: 048220 Photo ID: 048235 Photo ID: 048256

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/07/2023), and on time of last update (02/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hughenden Manor Hughenden Manor National Trust


There's been a manor since shortly after the Norman Invasion, though the current house dates from the 18th century. After passing through various hands the house eventually came into the possession of British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, who - with his wife Mary Ann - carried out significant remodelling to create the building that exists to today. Much of the house has been retained as it was when the Disraelis were living there. The house was used covertly as a centre for creating maps for bombing raids during WWII, given the codename Hillside - a history that was totally unknown to the National Trust who took possession of the property in 1947. It was only when a visitor in 2004 discussed what they did at the house during the war that the secret life of the building came to light and today a portion of the building is given over to this history. Along with the house there is also a formal garden that you can wander around.


Charge, Free for National Trust members

Getting There

From High Wycombe the 300 bus runs every 20 minutes Monday to Saturday, hourly on Sundays, taking about 10 minutes to make the journey to the entrance to the park. From the park entrance it's about a 10 minute uphill walk to the manor house
Latitude: 51.650225; Longitude: -0.756772
What3Words: allows.same.pits


Photo ID: 048143 Photo ID: 048144 Photo ID: 048146 Photo ID: 048147 Photo ID: 048150 Photo ID: 048153 Photo ID: 048170

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2023), and on time of last update (02/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

West Wycombe: Dashwood Mausoleum West Wycombe: Dashwood Mausoleum No Data


Located just below the church, so that both buildings are visible from below, this impressive structure is the mausoleum for the Dashwood Family, the local land owners



Getting There

Latitude: 51.647118; Longitude: -0.804794
What3Words: smile.mile.expand


Photo ID: 048093 Photo ID: 048100 Photo ID: 048101 Photo ID: 048102 Photo ID: 048108 Photo ID: 048109 Photo ID: 018113

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2023), and on time of last update (02/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

West Wycombe: Hell-Fire Caves West Wycombe: Hell-Fire Caves No Data


The caves started out as a quarry, but were dug out further as part of a work creation scheme for upgrading the road to High Wycombe. Once the caves were complete they then also served as a space for the Hell-Fire club created by Sir Francis Dashwood and with a murky history as to what went on at the meetings - which involved many members of the political elite of the country. Today you can explore all of the caves which end about 300m below the church of St Lawrence on the top of the hill.


Charge, Discount for National Trust Members

Getting There

Latitude: 51.64605; Longitude: -0.802576
What3Words: toast.outfit.loaded


Photo ID: 048114 Photo ID: 048117 Photo ID: 048120 Photo ID: 048123 Photo ID: 048125 Photo ID: 048128 Photo ID: 048136

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2023), and on time of last update (02/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

West Wycombe: St Lawrence Church West Wycombe: St Lawrence Church No Data


Located on the top of the hill the church served the now lost medieval village of Haverngdon. The 14th century chancel and tower remained and these were remodelled by the landowner Sir Francis Dashwood in the 18th Century.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.647392; Longitude: -0.805847
What3Words: glad.robe.owner


Photo ID: 048095 Photo ID: 048096 Photo ID: 048097 Photo ID: 048098 Photo ID: 048099 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2023), and on time of last update (02/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

West Wycombe West Wycombe No Data


A small village a couple of miles to the west of High Wycombe and with a large number of historic preserved buildings. Much of the village comes under the auspices of the West Wycombe Park which was the estate of the Dashwood family and today is in the hands of the National Trust.


Getting There

From High Wycombe the 40 bus runs every hour Monday to Saturday, about every 2 hours on Sundays, taking about 10 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 51.644596; Longitude: -0.802945
What3Words: finest.club.pushy


Photo ID: 048081 Photo ID: 048082 Photo ID: 048083 Photo ID: 048084 Photo ID: 048086 Photo ID: 048089 Photo ID: 048090

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2023), and on time of last update (02/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Campbell Park Campbell Park No Data


Large park located at the Eastern end of central Milton Keynes which runs from the shopping district down to the Grand Union Canal. The park includes a number of art works dotted around it, as well as a ridge that leads out to the Light Pyramid a triangular installation which is positioned perfectly for the rising sun coming up behind it on the Summer Solstice.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.04778; Longitude: -0.742507
What3Words: mashing.abandons.topical


Photo ID: 047732 Photo ID: 047734 Photo ID: 047736 Photo ID: 047737 Photo ID: 047744 Photo ID: 047748 Photo ID: 047752

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2023), and on time of last update (20/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Church of Christ the Cornerstone Church of Christ the Cornerstone No Data


Combined church for the city's Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, Roman Catholic and United Reformed congregations. Large circular church with an impressive dome.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.041048; Longitude: -0.761422
What3Words: flamingo.clipboard.caring


Photo ID: 047816 Photo ID: 047817 Photo ID: 047818 Photo ID: 047819 Photo ID: 047820 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2023), and on time of last update (20/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Film and Sci-Fi Museum National Film and Sci-Fi Museum No Data


Museum housing a collection of film and tv memorabilia with a particular focus on Science Fiction including Star Wars, Star Trek and Doctor Who. Very strict photography policy where you can only take photos in specified selfie areas.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.045124; Longitude: -0.757403
What3Words: strike.decorated.snares


Photo ID: 047811 Photo ID: 047812 Photo ID: 047813 Photo ID: 047814 Photo ID: 047815 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2023), and on time of last update (20/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bletchley: Bletchley Park Bletchley: Bletchley Park No Data


A small unassuming English Country House about 40 minutes from London, but one which held an amazing secret as during WWII this was the location of the code breakers who managed to decrypt the Nazi's most important cyphers and codes and helped turn the tide of war in favour the allies by being able to read communications that the Nazi's though were undecipherable in almost real time. Much of the site has been cleared since the war but several of the key huts - including hut 8 where Alan Turing worked - have been preserved and converted into exhibitions about the history of the site and cryptography



Getting There

Latitude: 51.997459; Longitude: -0.739331
What3Words: neck.saints.snack


Photo ID: 047821 Photo ID: 047824 Photo ID: 047826 Photo ID: 047827 Photo ID: 047830 Photo ID: 047832 Photo ID: 047848

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/06/2023), and on time of last update (20/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bletchley: National Museum of Computing Bletchley: National Museum of Computing No Data


This small museum tells the history of computing from Alan Turing's Bombe and the Colossus (both of which have been reconstructed here) through the first generation of industrial computers to modern computing and devices with a number of exhibits that are a little too familiar to feel comfortable being in a museum.


Getting There

The museum is located at the very back of the Bletchley Park car park, about a five minute walk from the main entrance to Bletchley Park
Latitude: 51.998419; Longitude: -0.743733
What3Words: active.things.activism


Photo ID: 047851 Photo ID: 047853 Photo ID: 047855 Photo ID: 047856 Photo ID: 047857 Photo ID: 047859 Photo ID: 047860

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/06/2023), and on time of last update (20/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wolverton: Bancroft Roman Villa Wolverton: Bancroft Roman Villa No Data


Limited remains of a roman villa with the stones showing the final layout of the building from around 340AD



Getting There

From the centre of Milton Keynes take a number 6 bus (every 20 minutes, 25 minute journey) to the Hodge Lea Roundabout East stop from where it's about a 15 minute walk to the villa. Alternatively, its about a 10 minute walk along the path from the Concrete Cows
Latitude: 52.055405; Longitude: -0.795018
What3Words: procured.training.desks


Photo ID: 047770 Photo ID: 047772 Photo ID: 047774 Photo ID: 047775 Photo ID: 047776 Photo ID: 047777 Photo ID: 047778

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2023), and on time of last update (20/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wolverton: Concrete Cows Wolverton: Concrete Cows No Data


One of the most famous, or possibly infamous, icons of Milton Keynes are it's concrete cows, originally built in 1978. There are in fact two sets of cows, the originals were originally built in 1978 at the site of what became the Milton Keynes museum. This set then moved around the town to various locations before returning to the museum in 2016. A second replica set was created and placed in a field by the road coming into Milton Keynes, also visible from the slow lines of the train between Wolverton and Milton Keynes (right hand side). This second set can be visited at any time as they are in an open field



Getting There

From the centre of Milton Keynes take a number 6 bus (every 20 minutes, 15 minute journey) to the Colley Hill stop from where it's a short walk under the main road and west along the road towards the railway bridge. Shortly before the bridge the cows are in a field on the right hand side
Latitude: 52.051129; Longitude: -0.795152
What3Words: scam.heavy.digestion


Photo ID: 047761 Photo ID: 047762 Photo ID: 047763 Photo ID: 047764 Photo ID: 047765 Photo ID: 047766 Photo ID: 047767

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2023), and on time of last update (20/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wolverton: Milton Keynes Museum Wolverton: Milton Keynes Museum No Data


Originally a farm house located on the edge of the Wolverton Estate the area was earmarked to be included in the development of the new town of Milton Keynes in the 1970s. Local support helped to preserve the farmhouse and turned it into a museum. Today the museum has a number of exhibits on the local area, life in the Victorian era and Rural Life, as well as exhibits on telecommunications and a Hall of Transport that includes details on the history of Wolverton as the first town purpose built for the railways.


Getting There

From the centre of Milton Keynes take a number 6 bus (every 20 minutes, 25 minute journey) to the Hodge Lea Roundabout East stop from where it's about a 5 minute walk back along the road to the museum.
Latitude: 52.056174; Longitude: -0.804749
What3Words: acting.fans.campfires


Photo ID: 047779 Photo ID: 047788 Photo ID: 047793 Photo ID: 047795 Photo ID: 047799 Photo ID: 047800 Photo ID: 047805

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2023), and on time of last update (20/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bletchley Bletchley No Data


The town has been a settlement since at least the Anglo Saxon times and for a long time was a quiet area a long way from London, perfect for moving the code breaking parts of the security services to during the Second World War, at Bletchley Park they helped to crack Enigma and the Lorenz cypher and shorten the war. Since the 1970s the town has been subsumed into Milton Keynes as it's southern most suburb.


Getting There

Many of the different local buses from Milton Keynes travel to Bletchley via different routes taking between 20 and 30 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively there are frequent trains from Milton Keynes to Bletchley taking about 5 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 51.99878; Longitude: -0.752174
What3Words: thinks.picked.ruled


Photo ID: 047834 Photo ID: 047835 Photo ID: 047837 Photo ID: 047843 Photo ID: 047844 Photo ID: 047849 Photo ID: 047850

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/06/2023), and on time of last update (20/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wolverton Wolverton No Data


The worlds first town purpose built for the railways. With the opening of the London to Birmingham railway the steam engines could only really manage about 50 miles before needing to be swapped over, and because the carriages were individual units with no facilities there was a need to break the journey to allow passengers to refresh themselves as well. Consequently a Grand Central station was built at the mid-point between the two cities, along with carriage works, engine sheds and factories. That town was Wolverton, which today has been subsumed into being a suburb of Milton Keynes.


Getting There

Many of the different local buses from Milton Keynes travel to Wolverton via different routes taking between 20 and 60 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 52.062553; Longitude: -0.816036
What3Words: label.remedy.dividers


Photo ID: 047768 Photo ID: 047769 Photo ID: 047771 Photo ID: 047773 Photo ID: 047802 Photo ID: 047804 Photo ID: 047807

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2023), and on time of last update (20/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bristol Eye Bristol Eye No Data


***2011 UPDATE - The wheel is no longer in Bristol*** Ferris wheel, located next to the ruins of St Peters Church, which offers stunning views over the city centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.455745; Longitude: -2.588675
What3Words: cross.colleague.expand


Photo ID: 001485 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2007), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bristol Ferry Company Bristol Ferry Company No Data


Regular ferries (Weekends and rush hours during the winter, all day during the summer) run up and down the floating harbour linking the different parts of the city.


Charge, Day tickets available

Getting There

Latitude: 51.452162; Longitude: -2.597709
What3Words: then.dine.energy


Photo ID: 001477 Photo ID: 001478 Photo ID: 001479 Photo ID: 023830 Photo ID: 023836 Photo ID: 023839 Photo ID: 023845

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2007), and on time of last update (21/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cabot Tower Cabot Tower No Data


Built on the top of one of the tallest hills in the centre of Bristol, this tower offers stunning views over the city centre and the harbour, across to the surrounding countryside and the Clifton Suspension Bridge



Getting There

Latitude: 51.453973; Longitude: -2.60686
What3Words: smiled.gold.leads


Photo ID: 023791 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2007), and on time of last update (27/01/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Camera Obscurer Camera Obscurer No Data


Located in an observatory looking across the Avon Gorge and the Clifton Suspension bridge you can manoeuvre the camera for stunning views of the surrounding countryside



Getting There

See getting to Clifton for details, short walk from the bus stop
Latitude: 51.456654; Longitude: -2.626483
What3Words: ashes.reveal.joined


Photo ID: 005663 Photo ID: 023865 Photo ID: 023869 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2007), and on time of last update (23/02/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City museum and Art Gallery City museum and Art Gallery No Data


The city's gallery and museum houses a wide range of exhibits, including a menagerie of stuffed animals, a small Egyptian exhibition as well as displays on the history of the city, in particular from a geological view



Getting There

Latitude: 51.456477; Longitude: -2.605079
What3Words: limit.goat.moons


Photo ID: 005717 Photo ID: 005718 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2011), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing Bristol City Sightseeing Bristol No Data


***2018 UPDATE - City Sightseeing is no longer operating in Bristol, but the same tours are being run by Bristol Insight*** The tours run around the city centre and out up onto Clifton Downs to take in the views. A live guide takes you round the city pointing out the key sights.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.452098; Longitude: -2.59696
What3Words: sprint.stews.pile


Photo ID: 005712 Photo ID: 005713 Photo ID: 005714 Photo ID: 005715 Photo ID: 005719 Photo ID: 005720 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2011), and on time of last update (21/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Clifton Suspension Bridge Clifton Suspension Bridge No Data


A small visitors centre has displays on the construction of the bridge and how they maintain it. Brunel didn't live to see the completion of the bridge, but it is a fitting tribute to him



Getting There

See getting to Clifton for details, short walk from the bus stop
Latitude: 51.454909; Longitude: -2.628018
What3Words: tribes.museum.expand


Photo ID: 001483 Photo ID: 001484 Photo ID: 001493 Photo ID: 001494 Photo ID: 001495 Photo ID: 005622 Photo ID: 005713

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2007), and on time of last update (21/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Giants Cave Giants Cave No Data


Access to the cave is by a narrow passageway from the basement of the building the camera obscurer is in. The cave opens out several hundred feet up in the Avon gorge, just behind and below the suspension bridge and offers a unique perspective on this engineering marvel



Getting There

See getting to Clifton for details, short walk from the bus stop
Latitude: 51.4564; Longitude: -2.627159
What3Words: daily.rungs.goes


Photo ID: 038231 Photo ID: 038233 Photo ID: 038234 Photo ID: 038235 Photo ID: 038236 Photo ID: 038237 Photo ID: 038238

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2007), and on time of last update (23/02/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

SS Great Britain SS Great Britain No Data


Described as the mother of modern ships, SS Great Britain was another of Brunel's masterpieces. After 80 years of service she was scuttled in the Falkland islands and left to rot for nearly 30 years before being recovered and returned to the dry dock where she was built. Work to restore the ship continues, as years of salt are still making the iron rust. You can access almost all parts of the ship, including being able to walk around the base of it.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.449183; Longitude: -2.608416
What3Words: doing.bowls.mirror


Photo ID: 001479 Photo ID: 001480 Photo ID: 001481 Photo ID: 001482 Photo ID: 005712 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2007), and on time of last update (27/01/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cheddar: Cox's Cavern Cheddar: Cox's Cavern No Data


Cox's cavern are a set of show caves towards the lower end of the Gorge


Charge, Joint ticket with other Cheddar Caves attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 51.281774; Longitude: -2.768088
What3Words: switched.email.unwraps


Photo ID: 005686 Photo ID: 005687 Photo ID: 005688 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2011), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cheddar: Crystal Quest Cheddar: Crystal Quest No Data


Located within Cox's cavern crystal quest is a pretty kitsch and childish walk through some of the lower parts of Cox's cavern with wax works and smoke breathing dragons


Charge, Joint ticket with other Cheddar Caves attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 51.281397; Longitude: -2.769296
What3Words: songbird.hotspot.bicker


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2011), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cheddar: Gorge Explorer Cheddar: Gorge Explorer No Data


An open top tour that runs up the Gorge with a live guide pointing out key sights


Charge, Joint ticket with other Cheddar Caves attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 51.27983; Longitude: -2.772949
What3Words: twit.articulated.renovated


Photo ID: 005671 Photo ID: 005672 Photo ID: 005673 Photo ID: 005674 Photo ID: 005675 Photo ID: 005676 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2011), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cheddar: Gough's Cave Cheddar: Gough's Cave No Data


Gough's cave are the largest set of caves in Cheddar that are open to the public. They include spectacular chambers with mirror pools, stalactites and stalagmites


Charge, Joint ticket with other Cheddar Caves attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 51.281964; Longitude: -2.765577
What3Words: amounting.fruitcake.shuts


Photo ID: 005677 Photo ID: 005678 Photo ID: 005679 Photo ID: 005680 Photo ID: 005681 Photo ID: 005682 Photo ID: 005683

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2011), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cheddar: Lookout Tower Cheddar: Lookout Tower No Data


The Lookout tower is on the top of the Gorge, up 273 steps from the base of the gorge to the top and then a further 60 odd steps to the top of the tower. From the top you can see large parts of the Gorge.


Charge, Joint ticket with other Cheddar Caves attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 51.280485; Longitude: -2.770207
What3Words: uncle.convey.overdone


Photo ID: 005684 Photo ID: 005685 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2011), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cheddar: Museum of Prehistory Cheddar: Museum of Prehistory No Data


The museum tells the history of the Gorge, including the famous Cheddar Man


Charge, Joint ticket with other Cheddar Caves attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 51.282023; Longitude: -2.766307
What3Words: rejoins.span.original


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2011), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glastonbury: Abbey Glastonbury: Abbey No Data


The abbey was closed with the dissolution of the monasteries and has since fallen into ruin. The remains give a glimpse into what life in the monastery would have been like, up until its closure



Getting There

Busses from Bristol stop right outside the entrance
Latitude: 51.146173; Longitude: -2.71549
What3Words: nozzles.rating.opened


Photo ID: 001486 Photo ID: 001487 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2007), and on time of last update (27/01/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wells :Cathedral Wells :Cathedral No Data


A stunning, and massive, cathedral in what is quite a small market town. Inside the cathedral is light and airy


Free, Suggested Donation, Charge to take photos inside

Getting There

Busses from Bristol stop at the bus station, a five to ten minute walk from the cathedral
Latitude: 51.209182; Longitude: -2.64586
What3Words: slick.clashing.toothpick


Photo ID: 001488 Photo ID: 001489 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2007), and on time of last update (27/01/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Weston: Land Train Weston: Land Train No Data


The land train runs from the pier along the sea front for about 3/4 of a mile to the marina



Getting There

Latitude: 51.346101; Longitude: -2.981404
What3Words: finger.shiny.rested


Photo ID: 005695 Photo ID: 005696 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2011), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Weston: Wheel of Weston Weston: Wheel of Weston No Data


The wheel of Weston is on the sea front by the pier and offers stunning views over the town and the coast



Getting There

Latitude: 51.345739; Longitude: -2.980889
What3Words: names.blaze.corner


Photo ID: 005689 Photo ID: 005690 Photo ID: 005691 Photo ID: 005692 Photo ID: 005693 Photo ID: 005694 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2011), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bath Bath No Data


Probably the worlds most famous Georgian city, with a history stretching back to before the Romans


Getting There

Highly frequent busses from the centre of Bristol to Bath taking about 40 minutes.
Latitude: 51.381424; Longitude: -2.357447
What3Words: copies.recent.rear


Photo ID: 001490 Photo ID: 001491 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2007), and on time of last update (27/01/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bradford-on-Avon Bradford-on-Avon No Data


With history dating back to the Saxon era Bradford is located on both the Avon and the Kennet and Avon canal


Getting There

There are regular trains to Bradford-on-Avon taking around 30 minutes
Latitude: 51.346976; Longitude: -2.251017
What3Words: talents.toads.landowner


Photo ID: 005697 Photo ID: 005699 Photo ID: 005700 Photo ID: 005702 Photo ID: 005704 Photo ID: 005705 Photo ID: 005709

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2011), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cheddar Cheddar No Data


Cheddar is home to the Cheese and also home to a stunning gorge with several show caves


Getting There

To get to Cheddar from Bristol you either need to catch the 356 bus to Wells (every 30 minutes, 1 hour) and then pick up the hourly 126 bus to Cheddar (25 minutes). Alternatively catch the bus (1 hour) or train (30 minutes) to Weston-Super-Mare and then pick up the 126 bus the Cheddar (45 minutes)
Latitude: 51.279347; Longitude: -2.77459
What3Words: nerd.pulp.striving


Photo ID: 005671 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2011), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Clifton Clifton No Data


A very nice (and posh) suburb of Bristol, home to the world famous suspension bridge


Getting There

Regular busses on route 8 run from Bristol Temple Meads station and the city centre to Clifton
Latitude: 51.4612; Longitude: -2.618802
What3Words: submit.woke.recent


Photo ID: 001483 Photo ID: 001484 Photo ID: 001493 Photo ID: 001494 Photo ID: 001495 Photo ID: 005666 Photo ID: 005729

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/01/2007), and on time of last update (21/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glastonbury Glastonbury No Data


Most famous for the musical festival that takes place on a farm outside of the town, Glastonbury is otherwise a small market town with stunning remains of an abbey.


Getting There

Regular busses run from the bus station in Bristol to Glastonbury taking about 90 minutes
Latitude: 51.147358; Longitude: -2.717786
What3Words: snug.healthier.evolves


Photo ID: 001486 Photo ID: 001487 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2007), and on time of last update (27/01/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wells Wells No Data


Charming English market town with a spectacular cathedral


Getting There

Regular busses run from the bus station in Bristol to Wells taking a little over an hour
Latitude: 51.210385; Longitude: -2.643467
What3Words: pumpkin.proudest.minute


Photo ID: 001488 Photo ID: 001489 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/01/2007), and on time of last update (27/01/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Weston-Super-Mare Weston-Super-Mare No Data


The West-Countries premier seaside resort, Weston is a pretty typical seaside resort with it's pier, amusement arcades and rock shops. The wide sandy beaches add to the attraction


Getting There

There are regular buses (1 hour) or trains (30 minutes) to Weston
Latitude: 51.347669; Longitude: -2.982209
What3Words: moss.tones.anyway


Photo ID: 005689 Photo ID: 005690 Photo ID: 005691 Photo ID: 005692 Photo ID: 005694 Photo ID: 005695 Photo ID: 005696

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2011), and on time of last update (18/04/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bristol Insight Bristol Insight No Data


Hop-on-Hop-Off Open-Top bus tours that cover the city centre, the Avon Gorge and then up to Clifton Downs before heading back into the city centre. A live guide takes you round the city pointing out the key sights.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.452108; Longitude: -2.596949
What3Words: video.beast.blocks


Photo ID: 023788 Photo ID: 023793 Photo ID: 023799 Photo ID: 023803 Photo ID: 023805 Photo ID: 023824 Photo ID: 023826

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/07/2018), and on time of last update (21/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Park Castle Park No Data


The site of the former city castle, at one time similar in size to the Tower of London, but pulled down following the English Civil War. Up until the Blitz this was the main shopping area of the city, but the area was destroyed in the bombing and has now been left as a park with small parts of the ruins of the castle still visible



Getting There

Latitude: 51.455939; Longitude: -2.58836
What3Words: office.loving.page


Photo ID: 023813 Photo ID: 023814 Photo ID: 023818 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/07/2018), and on time of last update (21/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Peters St Peters No Data


The only remaining building in this quarter of the old city after it was destroyed in the bombing raids of the Bristol Blitz. Today the shell of the church is retained as a memorial to all those who lost their lives in the bombings



Getting There

Latitude: 51.455343; Longitude: -2.589669
What3Words: wants.ladder.tinsel


Photo ID: 023810 Photo ID: 023811 Photo ID: 023812 Photo ID: 023815 Photo ID: 023816 Photo ID: 023817 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/07/2018), and on time of last update (21/07/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bristol Zoo Bristol Zoo No Data


N.B. The zoo closes at the end of 2022 prior to relocating to a new site on the outskirts of Bristol in 2025. This small historic zoo on the edge of Clifton Downs has a wide selection of animals from Lions and Gorillas to smaller less well known animals such as the Tree Kangaroo.



Getting There

Bus number 8 runs every 15 minutes from the centre of town and stops right outside the zoo - journey time around 20 minutes. Alternatively the open top bus also stops by the zoo
Latitude: 51.463483; Longitude: -2.624157
What3Words: shall.thanks.shout


Photo ID: 038201 Photo ID: 038208 Photo ID: 038211 Photo ID: 038217 Photo ID: 038219 Photo ID: 038221 Photo ID: 038224

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2022), and on time of last update (23/02/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


A former priory that became the city's cathedral following the Reformation. At the time of visiting major works were underway to open up more of the cathedral, including the tower, to visitors


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.191932; Longitude: -2.890424
What3Words: bricks.mixed.plan


Photo ID: 010618 Photo ID: 010619 Photo ID: 010620 Photo ID: 016021 Photo ID: 010622 Photo ID: 010623 Photo ID: 010624

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/11/2013), and on time of last update (23/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chester Heritage Tour Chester Heritage Tour No Data


A 40 minute tour around the centre of Chester on a replica 1920's London Omnibus. A live guide in period costume tells you some of the history of the city, as well as pointing out the key sights



Getting There

Latitude: 53.191739; Longitude: -2.891888
What3Words: stops.bottom.deck


Photo ID: 010612 Photo ID: 010613 Photo ID: 010614 Photo ID: 010615 Photo ID: 010616 Photo ID: 010617 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/11/2013), and on time of last update (23/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


One of the most complete set of city walls in the country, they can trace their origin back to the Roman fort that was located here, the walls offer excellent views over much of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 53.193809; Longitude: -2.893374
What3Words: ridge.sounds.trap


Photo ID: 010628 Photo ID: 010630 Photo ID: 010631 Photo ID: 010636 Photo ID: 010641 Photo ID: 010649 Photo ID: 010656

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/11/2013), and on time of last update (23/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grosvenor Museum Grosvenor Museum No Data


The city's museum housing a wide collection of artefacts, including a large selection of Roman finds, reconstructed period rooms and the city's art collection.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.187217; Longitude: -2.892406
What3Words: slime.coach.trout


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/11/2013), and on time of last update (23/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

River cruise River cruise No Data


Short 30 minute cruises down the River Dee. A commentary tells you about the key sights as you sail past.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.187589; Longitude: -2.886212
What3Words: atoms.assure.manliness


Photo ID: 010595 Photo ID: 010596 Photo ID: 010597 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/11/2013), and on time of last update (23/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roman Amphitheatre Roman Amphitheatre English Heritage


Partial remains of the city's Roman Amphitheatre, including a model of what the whole site wold have looked like



Getting There

Latitude: 53.189296; Longitude: -2.887151
What3Words: lowest.vital.crop


Photo ID: 010601 Photo ID: 010602 Photo ID: 010603 Photo ID: 010604 Photo ID: 010605 Photo ID: 010606 Photo ID: 010608

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/11/2013), and on time of last update (23/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roman Gardens Roman Gardens No Data


Located next to the city walls by the Amphitheatre this garden has been created to show many of the Roman finds from across the city



Getting There

Latitude: 53.188473; Longitude: -2.88765
What3Words: rear.reveal.public


Photo ID: 010598 Photo ID: 010599 Photo ID: 010600 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/11/2013), and on time of last update (23/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St John the Baptist Church St John the Baptist Church No Data


The original Cathedral of the city, there has been a church on this site since the 7th century. At the time of visiting the church was undergoing substantial repair and renovation work so not much was visible


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.188976; Longitude: -2.885711
What3Words: sing.branch.dame


Photo ID: 010647 Photo ID: 010648 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/11/2013), and on time of last update (23/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Johns ruins St Johns ruins No Data


Located in the grounds of the current day church there are ruins of one of the former churches that has stood on this site



Getting There

Latitude: 53.189206; Longitude: -2.88515
What3Words: target.city.daisy


Photo ID: 010591 Photo ID: 010592 Photo ID: 010593 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/11/2013), and on time of last update (23/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Rows The Rows No Data


When the Normans started to build modern day Chester they discovered that the sandstone the city is built upon was too hard to dig down into to create cellars, so instead they put the cellars at ground level and built the shops, and arcades at first floor level. Today most the cellars have also been converted into shops creating a double-deck city centre.


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 53.190256; Longitude: -2.891663
What3Words: hired.intro.found


Photo ID: 010644 Photo ID: 010646 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/11/2013), and on time of last update (23/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ellesmere Port: National Waterways Museum Ellesmere Port: National Waterways Museum No Data


Located in the former docks area where the Shropshire Union canal meets the Manchester Ship Canal and shortly after there the Mersey the museum tells the history of canals in this part of the country and the impact they had on the surrounding area. Along with looking round the boats you can also go on a short cruise up a part of the Shropshire Union Canal



Getting There

There are regular buses from Chester to Ellesmere Port bus station (every 10-15 minutes, 25-40 minutes) from where it's a 20 minute walk down to the site. Alternatively you can take the train (every 15 minutes, 12 minutes) to Hooton and change there for the train (every 30 minutes, 8 minutes - trains connect) to Ellesmere Port. From the railway station it's a 10 minute walk to the site.
Latitude: 53.288026; Longitude: -2.891872
What3Words: posts.oddly.older
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/11/2013), and on time of last update (23/11/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cambridge Museum of Technology Cambridge Museum of Technology No Data


Located in the former sewage pumping station of the city this museum tells the history of technology in the city. The first part of the museum - in the old pumping station itself - looks at how the station worked, including working models of the pumps. Behind the pumping station are a number of out buildings which tell more of the history of technology in the city, focussing on the Pye Electronics and Cambridge Instruments companies who helped shape the modern world from their bases in the city.



Getting There

From the centre of town take a number 3 bus out to the retail parks on the Newmarket road, just beyond the city Ring Road. From the bus stop its about a five to ten minute walk past the large Tesco superstore and down to the riverside. The tall chimney of the pumping station is an easy navigation tool to follow.
Latitude: 52.21271; Longitude: 0.143163
What3Words: thin.modern.flock


Photo ID: 033241 Photo ID: 033242 Photo ID: 033243 Photo ID: 033244 Photo ID: 033245 Photo ID: 033246 Photo ID: 033247

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2021), and on time of last update (21/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cambridge University Botanic Garden Cambridge University Botanic Garden No Data


Located to the south of the city centre, close to the station, the Botanic gardens of the university house a large number of speicies both out in the open and in the extensive glass houses.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.193294; Longitude: 0.128332
What3Words: awake.trendy.bench


Photo ID: 033141 Photo ID: 033144 Photo ID: 033145 Photo ID: 033151 Photo ID: 033154 Photo ID: 033159 Photo ID: 033166

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/06/2021), and on time of last update (21/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Mound Castle Mound No Data


The site of the former castle. There is no building here now, but from the top of the mound there are excellent views across the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.212; Longitude: 0.114737
What3Words: mats.tags.assist


Photo ID: 033278 Photo ID: 033279 Photo ID: 033280 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2021), and on time of last update (21/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Centre for Computing History Centre for Computing History No Data


Located in a small industrial estate on the edge of town this museum traces the history of computing from difference engine of Charles Babbage through to modern computers, consoles and mobile devices. There are many different computers from basic mechanical devices, through the computers of the start of the home computing age in the 1980s and up to the modern day. Many of the exhibits are still in working order and you are able to use them.



Getting There

From the centre of town take a number 3 bus out to the retail parks on the Newmarket road, just beyond the city Ring Road. From the bus stop its about a five to ten minute walk through the retail park, over the railway bridge and back on yourself into the industrial estate.
Latitude: 52.207835; Longitude: 0.149251
What3Words: riding.soils.moral


Photo ID: 033231 Photo ID: 033232 Photo ID: 033233 Photo ID: 033234 Photo ID: 033235 Photo ID: 033236 Photo ID: 033237

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2021), and on time of last update (21/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


Open-top hop-on-hop-off bus tour that takes in the main sights in the centre of Cambridge, before heading out to the station and then on to the American Cemetery on the edge of town. A full round trip takes around 80 minutes, with buses leaving every 20-40 minutes depending on the season. There's a multi-lingual commentary through headphones, or an English commentary that plays over speakers on the bus.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.201381; Longitude: 0.114659
What3Words: guises.locals.sheet


Photo ID: 033174 Photo ID: 033175 Photo ID: 033176 Photo ID: 033179 Photo ID: 033183 Photo ID: 033184 Photo ID: 033190

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2021), and on time of last update (21/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fitzwilliam Museum Fitzwilliam Museum No Data


The city's premier museum houses a wide collection of exhibits covering art, ceramics, Egyptology and classical civilisations. The building itself is an impressive structure and worth a visit just on it's own.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.200254; Longitude: 0.119693
What3Words: useful.lanes.facing


Photo ID: 033172 Photo ID: 033261 Photo ID: 033262 Photo ID: 033263 Photo ID: 033265 Photo ID: 033266 Photo ID: 033269

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2021), and on time of last update (21/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great St Mary's Great St Mary's No Data


The University Church, located opposite Kings College. The church plays a minor role in University life, all undergraduates must live within 3 miles of the church and all officers within 20. You can climb the 123 steps to the top of the tower for some of the best views of the centre of Cambridge, and certainly some of the best views of the neighbouring colleges.


Free, Charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 52.205339; Longitude: 0.118321
What3Words: silent.aims.script


Photo ID: 033220 Photo ID: 033249 Photo ID: 033250 Photo ID: 033253 Photo ID: 033255 Photo ID: 033256 Photo ID: 033259

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2021), and on time of last update (21/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology No Data


The museum displays a selection of artefacts from the Universities archaeology and anthropology collections. The museum is set out into country areas, including large sections on South America, the Far East and North America. On the ground floor there is a display of archaeological finds from the local area.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.20283; Longitude: 0.121271
What3Words: dart.rigid.hoping


Photo ID: 033274 Photo ID: 033275 Photo ID: 033276 Photo ID: 033277 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2021), and on time of last update (21/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newton's Apple Tree Newton's Apple Tree No Data


Located in front of Trinity College the tree is reported to be the same one from which an Apple fell onto Isaac Newton's head, giving him the idea for gravity. The fact the tree was at his home in Lincolnshire and this is just a grafted tree taken from the original is quietly skipped over!



Getting There

Latitude: 52.2073; Longitude: 0.117769
What3Words: motel.bonds.crowd


Photo ID: 033287 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2021), and on time of last update (21/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Polar Museum Polar Museum No Data


Located in the Scott Polar Research Institute the museum tells the history of polar exploration - though mostly from the British perspective, there's only a small display on Roald Amundsen. There are also some exhibits on the people that live in the arctic regions.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.198429; Longitude: 0.1263
What3Words: split.shed.desk


Photo ID: 033206 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2021), and on time of last update (21/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scudamore's Punt Tour Scudamore's Punt Tour No Data


40 minute tours along a stretch of the River Cam between Magdalene and Queens College's and back passing underneath the Bridge of Sighs and past the stunning chapel of Kings College, amongst other sights.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.209879; Longitude: 0.116749
What3Words: fills.poetic.calm


Photo ID: 033207 Photo ID: 033210 Photo ID: 033212 Photo ID: 033213 Photo ID: 033216 Photo ID: 033217 Photo ID: 033218

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2021), and on time of last update (21/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zoology Museum Zoology Museum No Data


The university Zoology museum houses a large number of specimens ranging from pre-historic creatures to modern day animals.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.203209; Longitude: 0.120698
What3Words: images.tight.flight


Photo ID: 033192 Photo ID: 033193 Photo ID: 033194 Photo ID: 033195 Photo ID: 033196 Photo ID: 033199 Photo ID: 033203

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2021), and on time of last update (21/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


Hidden behind a large gatehouse this large cathedral is an impressive building, with an equally impressive history. Today it is the final resting place of Katherine of Aragon, first wife of Henry VIII. For a few years in the late 16th Century it was also the final resting place of Mary Queen of Scots.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.572617; Longitude: -0.239204
What3Words: logs.flip.slurs


Photo ID: 034611 Photo ID: 034616 Photo ID: 034718 Photo ID: 034719 Photo ID: 034722 Photo ID: 034723 Photo ID: 034724

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2021), and on time of last update (23/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Excel Bus Excel Bus No Data


The Excel Bus is group of three bus routes (A, B and C) which run from Peterborough to Norwich via Wisbech, Kings Lynn, Swaffham and Dereham. The basic service Monday to Saturday is an hourly service on route B (which skips some of the smaller villages between Wisbeach and Kings Lynn bus does serve Dereham) and a half hourly service on route C (which stops at the smaller villages between Wisbeach and Kings Lynn, but bypasses Dereham), combining to give a half hourly service to Wisbech, Kings Lynn, Swaffham and Norwich. In the evenings and on Sundays route A runs every hour serving both Dereham and the smaller villages. There is also a route D which runs every 30 minutes Monday-Saturday between Dereham and Norwich only


Charge - A day ticket just for the Excel routes is available.

Getting There

Latitude: 52.573927; Longitude: -0.246719
What3Words: assure.transmitted.stray


Photo ID: 034639 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/08/2021), and on time of last update (23/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Longthorpe Tower Longthorpe Tower English Heritage


This 14th Century tower was built as an accompaniment to the existing house that it is still attached to, though the house is now in private ownership. The property is a tale of social mobility with the family that built it having moved from peasant to knighthood in just three generations. As a show of wealth the main hall on the first floor was richly decorated with paintings. These were covered up - likely following the reformation - and were hidden until repairs were undertaken after World War II and the images once again uncovered. Botched conservation work by the British Museum in the 1950s has led to most of the colour being lost from the paintings, but they are still very clear to see on the walls. The upper floor has a small exhibition on the history of the tower and the family that built it.



Getting There

From the centre of Peterborough take the number 2 bus (every 12 minutes, takes 6 minutes from the bus station) a few stops to Longthorpe, alternatively it's a pretty dull 2 mile walk from the city centre through suburban streets.
Latitude: 52.570874; Longitude: -0.286826
What3Words: rinse.chief.ladder


Photo ID: 034691 Photo ID: 034694 Photo ID: 034695 Photo ID: 034696 Photo ID: 034697 Photo ID: 034698 Photo ID: 034699

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2021), and on time of last update (23/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nene Valley Railway Nene Valley Railway No Data


This heritage railway runs over part of the former Peterborough to Northampton railway which runs alongside the River Nene for much of it's route. Today about 7 miles of the line are open from a station on the edge of Peterborough city centre to a station at the site of the former Yarwell Junction. Regular steam train service run on the line and there are exhibitions at both Wansford and Overton stations.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.567838; Longitude: -0.247807
What3Words: prices.stored.tells


Photo ID: 034704 Photo ID: 034706 Photo ID: 034712 Photo ID: 034738 Photo ID: 034743 Photo ID: 034747 Photo ID: 034759

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2021), and on time of last update (23/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Peterborough Museum & Art Gallery Peterborough Museum & Art Gallery No Data


Housed in a former hospital building the museum has a number of galleries dedicated to the history of the area, including the importance of the railways on the city, as well as one of the original operating theatres open to look at. There is also a space for temporary exhibitions.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.571844; Longitude: -0.245838
What3Words: rice.mops.trunk


Photo ID: 034630 Photo ID: 034731 Photo ID: 034732 Photo ID: 034734 Photo ID: 034735 Photo ID: 034735 Photo ID: 034737

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2021), and on time of last update (23/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dereham: Mid Norfolk Railway Dereham: Mid Norfolk Railway No Data


Originally a junction station with lines heading over large parts of Norfolk the lines all eventually closed at the end of 1969. The line has been preserved and today runs from Dereham to a temporary station at Wymondham Abbey, about a mile from the national rail station - though the tracks are in use with a connection onto the main line. The full round trip takes about 2 hours to complete.


Charge - all day rover ticket allows you to hop on and off at different stops

Getting There

From the centre of town its about a 10 minute walk to the station
Latitude: 52.678911; Longitude: 0.947555
What3Words: obviously.choirs.bluffing


Photo ID: 034669 Photo ID: 034672 Photo ID: 034679 Photo ID: 034680 Photo ID: 034682 Photo ID: 034684 Photo ID: 034688

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/08/2021), and on time of last update (23/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wisbech: Peckover House and Garden Wisbech: Peckover House and Garden National Trust


The house was originally built as part of a speculative building plan in the early 18th century as the town of Wisbech gentrified with the income from the port. After several owners the house passed into the hands of the Peckover family in the late 18th century, who kept the inside of the building as it was when the brought it. It remained in the family until 1949 when it was bequeathed to the National Trust along with the impressive gardens. Both the house and the gardens are open to the public to look around.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.665048; Longitude: 0.155328
What3Words: edit.jubilant.pinch


Photo ID: 034640 Photo ID: 034649 Photo ID: 034651 Photo ID: 034657 Photo ID: 034659 Photo ID: 034661 Photo ID: 034663

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/08/2021), and on time of last update (23/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dereham Dereham No Data


Dereham is a pleasant market town almost in the centre of Norfolk.


Getting There

The Excel bus routes A and B runs every hour from Peterborough bus station to Dereham Market Place, taking about 2.5 hours to make the journey
Latitude: 52.68136; Longitude: 0.940676
What3Words: rattled.handrail.case


Photo ID: 034670 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/08/2021), and on time of last update (23/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wisbech Wisbech No Data


Wisbech has, during its day, been an important harbour town, located close to the mouth of the River Nene. It grew into an important Georgian town with many good examples of Georgian architecture on display, including a pleasant crescent around the site of the former Norman castle, now a Georgian Villa.


Getting There

The Excel bus routes A, B and C runs every 30 minutes (hourly on Sundays) from Peterborough bus station to Wisbech Bus Station, taking about 45-50 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 52.66511; Longitude: 0.160928
What3Words: moving.photocopy.retrieves


Photo ID: 034631 Photo ID: 034632 Photo ID: 034633 Photo ID: 034635 Photo ID: 034636 Photo ID: 034660 Photo ID: 034665

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/08/2021), and on time of last update (23/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Barrowfields Barrowfields No Data


Just outside the centre of town this large grass area on the top of the cliffs once housed a number of burial cairns, though all bar one were removed in the 19th century by a farmer looking for stone. Today just the one survives.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.418594; Longitude: -5.071248
What3Words: joys.sprains.lawful


Photo ID: 032068 Photo ID: 032118 Photo ID: 032121 Photo ID: 032126 Photo ID: 032129 Photo ID: 032130 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2020), and on time of last update (04/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blue Reef Aquarium Blue Reef Aquarium No Data


The towns aquarium, located just above Towan Beach and housing a number of exhbitis including the obligatory walk through tank. Several exhibits on species local to the Cornish waters as well as more exotic species including a Sea Turtle and small sharks in the main tank.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.41487; Longitude: -5.083913
What3Words: armful.scornful.helper


Photo ID: 032135 Photo ID: 032138 Photo ID: 032139 Photo ID: 032141 Photo ID: 032142 Photo ID: 032145 Photo ID: 032146

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/10/2020), and on time of last update (04/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Huer's Hut Huer's Hut No Data


Located on the cliffs above the harbour this lookout point was used by fishermen to check the sea to see where the fish were before setting out to catch.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.420267; Longitude: -5.089
What3Words: unravel.caramel.derailed


Photo ID: 032057 Photo ID: 032105 Photo ID: 032106 Photo ID: 032108 Photo ID: 032109 Photo ID: 032110 Photo ID: 032111

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2020), and on time of last update (04/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newquay Land Train Newquay Land Train No Data


The land train runs from the centre of town up along Narrowcliffe and then down towards the Zoo and Trenace Gardens before returning back into the centre of town and making a loop up round the Atlantic Hotel to take in the view across the various beaches of the town. A running commentary in English tells you about the key sights and some of the history of the town along the way.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.413634; Longitude: -5.083564
What3Words: digests.spring.searches


Photo ID: 032051 Photo ID: 032052 Photo ID: 032055 Photo ID: 032056 Photo ID: 032069 Photo ID: 032076 Photo ID: 032102

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2020), and on time of last update (04/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newquay Zoo Newquay Zoo No Data


Located on the edge of town by the Trenance Gardens this small zoo houses a large number of exhibits including big cats and monkies.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.411578; Longitude: -5.067537
What3Words: salary.retire.bucks


Photo ID: 032156 Photo ID: 032147 Photo ID: 032162 Photo ID: 032164 Photo ID: 032165 Photo ID: 032166 Photo ID: 032170

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/10/2020), and on time of last update (04/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Towan Headland Towan Headland No Data


A large headland located on the edge of town, from here there are excellent views across the whole of the town and the beaches, as well as up and down the coast.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.425264; Longitude: -5.09919
What3Words: saints.tilts.professes


Photo ID: 032077 Photo ID: 320800 Photo ID: 032087 Photo ID: 032088 Photo ID: 032091 Photo ID: 032093 Photo ID: 032096

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2020), and on time of last update (04/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trenance Gardens Trenance Gardens No Data


Located in a valley below the railwayline the gardens and lakes make a pleasant area to walk around.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.41001; Longitude: -5.073611
What3Words: transcribes.gagging.interests


Photo ID: 032051 Photo ID: 032052 Photo ID: 032053 Photo ID: 032054 Photo ID: 032074 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2020), and on time of last update (04/10/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lands End Coaster Lands End Coaster No Data


One of the longest Open-Top bus services around. Two buses an hour run the route, that takes just under 4 hours to do a complete circuit. The bus sets off anti-clockwise at the start of the hour and in the clockwise direction on the half hour. From Penzance the anti-clockwise route heads out past Marazion and then across to St Ives before travelling along the North Coast down to Geevor and Sennan before heading to Lands End. From Lands End the bus returns to Penzance via Porthcurno and Newlyn.


The First Kernow all Cornwall ticket - either 1, 2 or 3 day - allows unlimited travel on all First buses in the county, including the various open-top buses

Getting There

Latitude: 50.121285; Longitude: -5.531909
What3Words: energy.pokes.knee


Photo ID: 036032 Photo ID: 036033 Photo ID: 036044 Photo ID: 036053 Photo ID: 036057 Photo ID: 036235 Photo ID: 036245

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/10/2021), and on time of last update (05/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Geevor Tin Mine Geevor Tin Mine No Data


Tin has been mined here for hundreds of years and Geevor was one of the last to close as foreign competition and falling prices made Cornish mining no longer a commercial prospect. The last mining was done on the site in 1986. The pumps were left running and the site kept maintained up until 1990 when it was finally abandoned to fall into disrepair. Today the site has reopened as a museum to mining in Cornwall. You can wander over large sections of the site seeing how miners spent their days. The mines that closed in 1990 stretched more than 1.5KM out to see, and when the pumps were turned off started to fill with water. However, some 18th century mines have been rediscovered and one of the highlights of the museum is a short tour around a small part.



Getting There

Route 18 run directly to Geevor. The Lands End Coaster also runs to Geevor and is half way round the route so it doesn't matter which direction you take the bus.
Latitude: 50.152404; Longitude: -5.675726
What3Words: saunas.lengthen.normal


Photo ID: 000605 Photo ID: 036058 Photo ID: 036254 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2005), and on time of last update (05/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lands End Lands End No Data


The most Westerly part of the mainland (though not the most Southerly - that accolade lies with Lizard head the other side of Penzance.) The site is not only the end of the country but also a slightly tacky theme park. In addition to the end of the country there are also several 'attractions' to keep you occupied (and out of any sudden showers that may decide to strike!)


Charge for the attractions, multi-attraction ticket also available

Getting There

The Lands End Coaster runs every hour directly, taking an hour to make the journey
Latitude: 50.065831; Longitude: -5.713803
What3Words: awesome.shampoos.porridge


Photo ID: 000603 Photo ID: 000615 Photo ID: 036077 Photo ID: 036234 Photo ID: 036238 Photo ID: 036243 Photo ID: 036244

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2005), and on time of last update (05/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porthcurno: Minack Theatre Porthcurno: Minack Theatre No Data


On the cliffs above Porthcurno is the Minack theatre. Built in the late 1930's (and then rebuilt after the war because of damage caused by turning the headland into a gun emplacement) the theatre is a unique sight. The stage is on the edge of the cliff with a 200ft drop beneath! The site includes a small museum to the lady who built it, Rowena Cade.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.040866; Longitude: -5.651135
What3Words: last.composer.following


Photo ID: 000601 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2005), and on time of last update (05/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porthcurno: PK Porthcurno Porthcurno: PK Porthcurno No Data


***2005 review when the museum was called The Museum of Submarine Telegraphy*** Located where the telegraph cables that linked and ran an Empire came ashore, the museum tells the story of underground telegraphy along with the history of Porthcurno. A special exhibition also explains the role that Brunel's 'Great Eastern' played in the laying of the first successful transatlantic cable. Part of the museum is also in the tunnels dug to keep the site working during WWII



Getting There

Latitude: 50.046075; Longitude: -5.654365
What3Words: stoops.multiple.afraid


Photo ID: 000602 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2005), and on time of last update (05/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Ives: Sub-Tropical Gardens St Ives: Sub-Tropical Gardens No Data


Located in the centre of St Ives, these small gardens have, thanks to the warm gulf stream, plants growing that otherwise only grow in Sub-Tropical locations



Getting There

Latitude: 50.212827; Longitude: -5.481158
What3Words: grid.cactus.leathers


Photo ID: 000608 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2005), and on time of last update (04/05/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Ives: Tate St Ives St Ives: Tate St Ives No Data


The building it is in is architecturally stunning with lots of space created and large gallery areas. Unfortunately, they have filled it with... Art not to my personal taste, and very little of it to justify the £5.50 entrance fee! To make matters worse the staff were quite rude (the only non-pleasant people I met during the whole trip)



Getting There

Latitude: 50.214845; Longitude: -5.482457
What3Words: zoom.madness.inversely


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2005), and on time of last update (04/05/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lizard: Lizard Point Lizard: Lizard Point National Trust


Despite all the hype that Lands End (50.07N) tries to push out, the Southern most point on the island of Great Britain is Lizard Point (49.96N) - at the end of the Lizard peninsular that runs south from Helston. The peninsular has a number of pretty sandy coves and stunning scenery, along with the other worldly sight of the Goonhilly Satellite Earth Station. It also benefits from not that many people knowing it's the Southern most point of Great Britain, so is much less crowded and lacks the levels of tat (and money extraction) of it's North Westerly counterpart.



Getting There

From Penzance you need to take the First Kernow U4 bus (hourly 55 minutes) to Helston and change there onto either the First Kernow L1 bus (every 2 hours Monday-Saturday, 1 hour) or the Go Cornwall 34 Bus (Hourly Monday-Saturday, every 2 hours on a Sunday, 1 hour) down to the end of the route at The Lizard: Green. From the Green it's a 10-15 minute well signed walk down to Lizard point - the final couple of hundred yards are down some quite steep steps or a steep and slightly slippery path.
Latitude: 49.958917; Longitude: -5.206367
What3Words: stiff.chart.majors


Photo ID: 036098 Photo ID: 036102 Photo ID: 036104 Photo ID: 036108 Photo ID: 036111 Photo ID: 036115 Photo ID: 036116

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/10/2021), and on time of last update (05/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Marazion: St Michaels Mount Marazion: St Michaels Mount National Trust


Located on a small island off the coast of Marazion, linked to the mainland for only a couple of hours a day at low tide, the island was at one time owned by the same Benedictine monastery as the almost identical, but much larger, Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy. Today the island is in the care of the National Trust and the St Aubyn estate - members of the family still live in the castle, though most of the site is open to visitors. At the time of visiting the gardens were closed for the winter. Access during low tide is via a 10-15 minute walk along the causeway, at high tide its by ferry


Charge, free entry for National Trust members - ferry charge for all visitors including NT

Getting There

From Penzance you need to take the First Kernow U4 or coaster buses (combined to be half hourly, 10-15 minutes) to Marazion. From Marazion it's a walk out along the Causeway at low tide, or from one of three landing points depending on how high the tide is. Chapel rock is the lowest landing stage, located at the start of the causeway. When the tide gets higher the landing point is on a jetty a little way along the beach. At high tide access is from the harbour which is in the opposite direction from the bus stop in the centre of Marazion - you can check online for tide times and which location to use to access the island.
Latitude: 50.117897; Longitude: -5.478057
What3Words: riskiest.entertainer.vacancies


Photo ID: 036136 Photo ID: 036145 Photo ID: 036160 Photo ID: 036164 Photo ID: 036186 Photo ID: 036191 Photo ID: 036217

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/10/2021), and on time of last update (05/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mousehole Mousehole No Data


Picturesque harbour town, just along the coast from Penzance with lots of good restaurants


Getting There

Regular busses run from Penzance to Mousehole
Latitude: 50.083169; Longitude: -5.539126
What3Words: prowling.thigh.spicy


Photo ID: 000617 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2005), and on time of last update (04/05/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Porthcurno Porthcurno No Data


Today a picturesque and quiet bay on the way down to Lands End, but at one time possibly the most important place on the planet (at least to the British Empire) for here, in a little hut the telegraph cables that linked and ran an Empire came ashore.


Getting There

The Lands End Coaster runs every hour directly, taking about 50 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 50.042878; Longitude: -5.650234
What3Words: adopters.stow.sung


Photo ID: 000601 Photo ID: 000602 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2005), and on time of last update (05/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Ives St Ives No Data


Very pretty harbour town on the North coast of Cornwall with stunning views from the top of the (very steep) town.


Getting There

Several bus routes run from Penzance to St Ives, alternatively you can get there by train, changing at St Erth
Latitude: 50.211707; Longitude: -5.481706
What3Words: balconies.shoelaces.soon


Photo ID: 000607 Photo ID: 000608 Photo ID: 000609 Photo ID: 036033 Photo ID: 036034 Photo ID: 036041 Photo ID: 036266

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2005), and on time of last update (05/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tresco Tresco No Data


The 2nd largest of the Scilly Isles Tresco is both beautiful, peaceful and in places rugged with lots of space to wander over and explore (including the ruins of two castle)


All the ruins on the island are free to look around

Getting There

A helicopter service runs from Penzance to Tresco several times a day.
Latitude: 49.955748; Longitude: -6.333447
What3Words: sprayer.economies.incisions


Photo ID: 000610 Photo ID: 000611 Photo ID: 000612 Photo ID: 000613 Photo ID: 000614 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/04/2005), and on time of last update (04/05/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eden Project Eden Project No Data


One of the most famous sights in the UK, and it's less then 7 years old. Built in a former china clay pit the two alien biomes provide humid and temperate houses the show off many hundreds of different species of plant. Outside the sides of the pit have



Getting There

From St Austell bus station there are regular busses operating directly to the Eden Project
Latitude: 50.36113; Longitude: -4.744538
What3Words: dissolve.interview.splint


Photo ID: 001351 Photo ID: 001352 Photo ID: 001353 Photo ID: 001354 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/09/2006), and on time of last update (01/10/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lost Gardens of Heligan Lost Gardens of Heligan No Data


Originally built during the 18th and 19th century the gardens fell into disrepair during most of the 20th century, before being "Rediscovered" The gardens, designed like a jungle, cling to the side of a steep hill that leads down to a small valley at the



Getting There

From St Austell bus station there are hourly buses (Monday to Saturday in Summer) to the main entrance of the gardens
Latitude: 50.284664; Longitude: -4.810424
What3Words: sideburns.submerge.over


Photo ID: 001346 Photo ID: 001347 Photo ID: 001348 Photo ID: 001349 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/09/2006), and on time of last update (01/10/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Falmouth: Pendennis Castle Falmouth: Pendennis Castle English Heritage


Originally built as part of the costal defences by Henry VII, Pendennis has had it’s fortifications increased many times, and remained in active service until 1956 when it was passed to, what is now, English Heritage


Charge, Free for English Heritage Members

Getting There

From Falmouth Docks station follow the signs for Pendennis point, partway up the road are signs to the castle
Latitude: 50.146739; Longitude: -5.047102
What3Words: senses.wider.back


Photo ID: 001356 Photo ID: 001357 Photo ID: 001363 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2006), and on time of last update (01/10/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Mawes: Castle St Mawes: Castle English Heritage


Located directly opposite Pendennis castle on the opposite bank of the Fal St Mawes helps to make this stretch of water, and Falmouth, very well defended. The castle has remained in amazingly good shape.


Charge, Free for English Heritage Members

Getting There

The castle is a short walk up from the harbour, up the aptly named lower castle road
Latitude: 50.155442; Longitude: -5.023692
What3Words: removers.hardening.documents


Photo ID: 001359 Photo ID: 001360 Photo ID: 001361 Photo ID: 001362 Photo ID: 001363 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2006), and on time of last update (01/10/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Falmouth Falmouth No Data


One of Cornwall's main ports, a pretty little town with stunning views from the harbour and castle


Getting There

Falmouth is at the end of a short branch line that runs, hourly, from Truro
Latitude: 50.155786; Longitude: -5.071564
What3Words: clips.tilt.analogy


Photo ID: 001356 Photo ID: 001357 Photo ID: 001358 Photo ID: 001359 Photo ID: 001363 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2006), and on time of last update (01/10/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Mawes St Mawes No Data


Located opposite Falmouth at the mouth of the River Fal, St Mawes is a picturesque small harbour town


Getting There

Busses operate from Truro to St Mawes, alternatively, there are regular ferries from Falmouth
Latitude: 50.158549; Longitude: -5.015152
What3Words: highbrow.passion.custard


Photo ID: 001359 Photo ID: 001360 Photo ID: 001361 Photo ID: 001362 Photo ID: 001363 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2006), and on time of last update (01/10/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Truro Truro No Data


The capital of Cornwall, a bit of a sleepy place. It's main feature is it's cathedral, completed only a little over 100 years ago.


Getting There

All trains heading south from St Austell stop at Truro
Latitude: 50.263778; Longitude: -5.049849
What3Words: sank.boom.fell


Photo ID: 001364 Photo ID: 001365 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/09/2006), and on time of last update (01/10/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dock Museum Dock Museum No Data


The museum, located in a former dry dock, tells the history of the town and it's connection to the sea from Pre-history through until the modern day.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.112017; Longitude: -3.240243
What3Words: soccer.rarely.cuts


Photo ID: 015195 Photo ID: 015196 Photo ID: 015200 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/06/2015), and on time of last update (05/07/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Furness Abbey Furness Abbey English Heritage


Furness Abbey was a large institution that controlled significant tracts of land both in the local area and in Ireland and the Isle of Man. Following the reformation the abbey was disolved and rendered uninhabitable. Significant parts of the abbey still remain and it's possible to wander around most of the ruins. A small museum and interpretation centre tells the history of the Abbey and showcases some of the key finds from the site.



Getting There

Bus 6 and 6X run from the centre of town up Abbey Road. Most buses go via the hospital so turn off the Abbey road one stop after the Strawberry Hotel. From here you need to continue walking up Abbey road away from town until you reach signs pointing towards the abbey
Latitude: 54.137098; Longitude: -3.198279
What3Words: available.tech.bets


Photo ID: 015201 Photo ID: 015202 Photo ID: 015204 Photo ID: 015206 Photo ID: 015208 Photo ID: 015209 Photo ID: 015210

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2015), and on time of last update (05/07/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ravenglass: Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway Ravenglass: Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway No Data


Formerly and industrial line, the railway is now totally given over to tourists. The very narrow-gauge trains run for about 7 miles inland into the Dales. At the Ravenglass station there is a small museum to the history of the line.


Charge (discounted ticket available from Northern Rail stations when purchasing ticket to Ravenglass, but not at the Railway itself)

Getting There

Located next to the National Rail station
Latitude: 54.355844; Longitude: -3.408197
What3Words: reverses.restore.driven


Photo ID: 015132 Photo ID: 015135 Photo ID: 015137 Photo ID: 015140 Photo ID: 015143 Photo ID: 015149 Photo ID: 015150

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/06/2015), and on time of last update (05/07/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ravenglass: Roman Bath House Ravenglass: Roman Bath House English Heritage


Significant remains of a 2nd century Roman bath house, the only remaining remenant of a large Roman fort located in the area (being less then 20 miles from Hadrian's wall)



Getting There

From the station there is a signed walk that starts up on the National Rail bridge by the signal box. The walk takes about 10 minutes
Latitude: 54.350728; Longitude: -3.404227
What3Words: venues.recline.extremely


Photo ID: 015155 Photo ID: 015156 Photo ID: 015157 Photo ID: 015158 Photo ID: 015159 Photo ID: 015160 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/06/2015), and on time of last update (05/07/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ulverston: Laurel and Hardy Museum Ulverston: Laurel and Hardy Museum No Data


Stan Laurel was born in the town and lived there until he was six. The museum is dedicated to the comedy duo with exhibits and films



Getting There

Latitude: 54.194666; Longitude: -3.093623
What3Words: disarmed.teardrop.myself


Photo ID: 015178 Photo ID: 015184 Photo ID: 015185 Photo ID: 015186 Photo ID: 015188 Photo ID: 015192 Photo ID: 015193

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/06/2015), and on time of last update (05/07/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ulverston: Sir John Barrow Monument Ulverston: Sir John Barrow Monument No Data


Built as a monument by Sir John Barrow and based on John Smeeton's design for lighthouses, though it isn't a lighthouse itself. The tower itself is only open on Sunday's and Bank Holiday's between Easter and October, though the views from the base after the stiff climb up are still excellent.



Getting There

From the centre of town there are signposts leading to the Monument (in places signed as Hoad Hill Monument). The walk takes around 30 minutes
Latitude: 54.202515; Longitude: -3.08276
What3Words: gossiping.elated.elevator


Photo ID: 015179 Photo ID: 015181 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/06/2015), and on time of last update (05/07/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grange-over-Sands Grange-over-Sands No Data


Located on the shores of Morecambe Bay, Grange-over-Sands has the feel of a traditional small British seaside town, even if the coast can be some way away when the tide is out.


Getting There

Roughly hourly (two hourly on Sunday) train from Barrow take around 40 minutes to reach Grange-over-Sands.
Latitude: 54.192953; Longitude: -2.909454
What3Words: pans.awoke.ticked


Photo ID: 015161 Photo ID: 015162 Photo ID: 015163 Photo ID: 015164 Photo ID: 015165 Photo ID: 015171 Photo ID: 015172

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/06/2015), and on time of last update (05/07/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ravenglass Ravenglass No Data


Small town located at the junction of three rivers (Esk, Irt and Mite) just before they empty into the sea. The town has an interesting history with the small remains of a Roman Bath house pointint to its importance as a fort during Roman times, through to it's narrow guage railway that travells up the river Mite towards the dales


Monday to Saturday there are roughly hourly trains from Barrow towards Carlisle, taking around 45 minutes to make the journey. There are no services on a Sunday (in 2015 there are talks about starting a Sunday service from 2016 onwards)

Getting There

Latitude: 54.355459; Longitude: -3.410632
What3Words: promotes.upwardly.courage


Photo ID: 015131 Photo ID: 015133 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/06/2015), and on time of last update (05/07/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ulverston Ulverston No Data


Birth place of, amongst others, Stan Laurel of Laurel and Hardy fame, this small historic market town is set about a mile back from Morecambe bay and from the surrounding hills offers excellent views over the mountains of the lakes and the coast.


Getting There

Roughly hourly (two hourly on Sunday) train from Barrow take around 20 minutes to reach Ulverston.
Latitude: 54.195901; Longitude: -3.096342
What3Words: flag.gently.pocketed


Photo ID: 015173 Photo ID: 015174 Photo ID: 015175 Photo ID: 015176 Photo ID: 015182 Photo ID: 015183 Photo ID: 015194

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/06/2015), and on time of last update (05/07/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Carlisle Castle Carlisle Castle English Heritage


An impressive fortress standing guard over the city. The castle has protected the city for hundreds of years, though on a number of occasions it has fallen to the Scottish and to the Parliamentarians


Charge, Free for English Heritage Members

Getting There

Latitude: 54.897218; Longitude: -2.942083
What3Words: sushi.rats.define


Photo ID: 034111 Photo ID: 034116 Photo ID: 034123 Photo ID: 034125 Photo ID: 034129 Photo ID: 034132 Photo ID: 034136

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2009), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


This small cathedral was originally part of a much larger priory, but part of the cathedral was demolished in the 17th century to strengthen the nearby castle, creating a slightly lopsided building today. There are also a few traces of the rest of the priory and parts of the cloister visible in the Cathedral precinct.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 54.89476; Longitude: -2.938671
What3Words: maker.crowds.shin


Photo ID: 034091 Photo ID: 034092 Photo ID: 034093 Photo ID: 034095 Photo ID: 034096 Photo ID: 034101 Photo ID: 034104

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Citadel Citadel No Data


An impressive structure just outside of the station and forming an impressive introduction to the city. The buildings are still in use as courts, but the outsides are spectacular



Getting There

Latitude: 54.891958; Longitude: -2.933312
What3Words: feast.punt.hooked


Photo ID: 003616 Photo ID: 034141 Photo ID: 034142 Photo ID: 034143 Photo ID: 034144 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2009), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cumbrian Coast Round Robin Cumbrian Coast Round Robin No Data


A one day ticket which allows you to hop on and hop off trains round the Cumbrian coast from Carlisle down to Barrow-in-Furness, inland to Lancaster and then back up through the lakes. You can get off at any station on route and pick up a later train.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.890144; Longitude: -2.932389
What3Words: clever.stray.aura


Photo ID: 003647 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2009), and on time of last update (31/05/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North West Round Robin North West Round Robin No Data


A one day ticket which allows you to hop on and hop off trains down the Settle to Carlisle line on to Leeds and then back round to Carlisle via Bradford, Halifax, Burnley, Blackburn and Preston. Alternatively you can cut across from Skipton to Lancaster through the dales. You don't have to keep going in the same direction so you don't have to do the southern (and rather dull) part of the route if you don't want to



Getting There

Latitude: 54.890462; Longitude: -2.932245
What3Words: influencing.sober.blocks


Photo ID: 003651 Photo ID: 003652 Photo ID: 003653 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2009), and on time of last update (31/05/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tullie House Tullie House No Data


The museum has an eclectic collection ranging from the Geology of the Carlisle area to pre-history, the railways and modern local history. It also has a 10 minute audio-visual presentation on the border raiders who terrorised both sides of the English/Scottish border in the 16th and early 17th century. Next door to the modern museum extension is the original building which houses a small art collection.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.895608; Longitude: -2.940495
What3Words: basic.wisely.forget


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2009), and on time of last update (31/05/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

West Walls West Walls No Data


Parts of the original city fortifications, the west walls run from behind the Cathedral round to the castle. The views of the city and the cathedral are excellent.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.894275; Longitude: -2.939857
What3Words: warns.bank.rapid


Photo ID: 034108 Photo ID: 034109 Photo ID: 034110 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2009), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dumfries: Burns House Dumfries: Burns House No Data


The house where Burns lived for the final years of his life, just a short walk back from the river. Today it's a museum - though at the time of visiting, due to the size of the rooms - it was closed because of Covid precautions



Getting There

See Dumfries for more details, all attractions are a short walk from the bus stop near Devorgilla Bridge, or about a 10 minute walk from the railway station
Latitude: 55.065999; Longitude: -3.60811
What3Words: romantics.silence.cutlets


Photo ID: 034168 Photo ID: 034169 Photo ID: 034170 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dumfries: Burns Mausoleum Dumfries: Burns Mausoleum No Data


Originally just buried in the churchyard as Burns' popularity grew after his death there were moves to give him a more fitting last resting place and this small, but beautifully designed (and recently restored) mausoleum is now a lasting memorial to the man



Getting There

See Dumfries for more details, all attractions are a short walk from the bus stop near Devorgilla Bridge, or about a 10 minute walk from the railway station
Latitude: 55.065056; Longitude: -3.604748
What3Words: plugs.invisible.surprised


Photo ID: 034165 Photo ID: 034166 Photo ID: 034167 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dumfries: Devorgilla Bridge Dumfries: Devorgilla Bridge No Data


A 15th century bridge in the centre of town crossing the River Nith. On the opposite bank to the centre of the modern town is a small house which is also a museum, but at the time of visiting was closed due to Covid-19 precautions.



Getting There

See Dumfries for more details, all attractions are a short walk from the bus stop near Devorgilla Bridge, or about a 10 minute walk from the railway station
Latitude: 55.068086; Longitude: -3.616091
What3Words: outline.lunching.union


Photo ID: 034156 Photo ID: 034181 Photo ID: 034183 Photo ID: 034184 Photo ID: 034185 Photo ID: 034189 Photo ID: 034190

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dumfries: Museum Dumfries: Museum No Data


The museum and camera obscura are located at one of the highest points in the town centre, with the camera obscura looking more like a stunted lighthouse. The museum tells the history of the region from the early stone age through to the modern era. At the time of visiting in July 2021 there was even an exhibition on Plague covering The Black Death, Cholera, Spanish Flu and the then ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Due to the restrictions in place because of the latter the camera obscura was closed to visitors.



Getting There

See Dumfries for more details, all attractions are a short walk from the bus stop near Devorgilla Bridge, or about a 10 minute walk from the railway station
Latitude: 55.065245; Longitude: -3.614395
What3Words: wound.bottle.sadly


Photo ID: 034170 Photo ID: 034171 Photo ID: 034172 Photo ID: 034173 Photo ID: 034174 Photo ID: 034175 Photo ID: 034178

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dumfries: Robert Burns Centre Dumfries: Robert Burns Centre No Data


Located in a former mill building the museum tells the history of Burns and his connections to Dumfries and the surrounding area. The exhibition includes original handwritten pages of manuscript, as well as models depicting the town as Burns would have found it.



Getting There

See Dumfries for more details, all attractions are a short walk from the bus stop near Devorgilla Bridge, or about a 10 minute walk from the railway station
Latitude: 55.066615; Longitude: -3.613998
What3Words: invested.pods.item


Photo ID: 034146 Photo ID: 034147 Photo ID: 034148 Photo ID: 034149 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Egremont: Castle Egremont: Castle No Data


The partial ruins on this once large castle located on a mound at the end of the town centre.



Getting There

See Egremont for details on getting here
Latitude: 54.479894; Longitude: -3.529677
What3Words: bumps.guitars.overjoyed


Photo ID: 034240 Photo ID: 034241 Photo ID: 034242 Photo ID: 034243 Photo ID: 034244 Photo ID: 034249 Photo ID: 034250

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hadrian's Wall: Birdoswald Roman Fort Hadrian's Wall: Birdoswald Roman Fort English Heritage


One of several larger forts that were built along the wall to support the turrets and milecastles. Like Housteads this fort sits on the wall itself, with the wall going east to west along the Norther edge of the fort. A small museum gives a very brief introduction to the site.


Charge, Free for English Heritage Members

Getting There

***2021 Update*** From Carlisle you need to take the train (every 30 to 60 minutes, takes about 40 minutes) or the 685 bus (every hour, about 50 minutes) to Haltwhistle to connect with the 185 to Birdoswald. There are only 3 journeys a day on the 185. The through journey, with a good connection takes about 80 minutes.
Latitude: 54.989569; Longitude: -2.603137
What3Words: husbands.layered.envoy


Photo ID: 003628 Photo ID: 003629 Photo ID: 003635 Photo ID: 003638 Photo ID: 003639 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2009), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hadrian's Wall: Cumbrian Remains Hadrian's Wall: Cumbrian Remains English Heritage


There are very few sections of the wall still standing in their original location (large parts of the wall have been used since the Norman times to create Castles, homes, farms and even field boundary walls, it's all still there, just not where the Romans put it!). But the section that runs from Birdoswald Fort is pretty impressive and well worth a walk along. Part way down there are the remains of one of the Mile forts.



Getting There

***2021 Update*** The 685 bus runs from Carlisle out to Brampton and onto Haltwhistle where the AD122 bus can be picked up to explore the wall
Latitude: 54.990776; Longitude: -2.595026
What3Words: slate.thudding.rarely


Photo ID: 003629 Photo ID: 003631 Photo ID: 003632 Photo ID: 003633 Photo ID: 003634 Photo ID: 003636 Photo ID: 003637

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2009), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hadrian's Wall: Roman Army Museum Hadrian's Wall: Roman Army Museum No Data


Located at the site of a Fort on Hadrian's Wall the museum explains what it would have been like to be a Roman soldier. The museum also has a birds-eye view of some key parts of the wall, including models of what the camps, forts and settlements along the line of the wall might have looked like.


Charge, Joint Entry with Vindolanda available

Getting There

***2021 Update*** From Carlisle you need to take the train (every 30 to 60 minutes, takes about 40 minutes) or the 685 bus (every hour, about 50 minutes) to Haltwhistle to connect with the AD122 bus to the Roman Army Museum - Buses run every other hour to the museum
Latitude: 54.985577; Longitude: -2.522414
What3Words: stags.clef.skim


Photo ID: 003626 Photo ID: 002637 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2009), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hadrian's Wall: Vindolanda Hadrian's Wall: Vindolanda No Data


One of the best excavated Roman sites in the country and the location of some of the most important finds about Roman life, including over 400 letter/post cards which tell about the daily life in the camp, including the famous Birthday invite which is the sole example of female handwriting from the Roman era in the world. Most of the letters are now kept at the British Museum in London, but there are still a few on display and the museum and site give a real feel for how life would have been like in Roman times.


Charge, Joint Entry with the Roman Army Museum available

Getting There

***2021 Update*** From Carlisle you need to take the train (every 30 to 60 minutes, takes about 40 minutes) or the 685 bus (every hour, about 50 minutes) to Haltwhistle to connect with the AD122 bus to Vindolanda - Buses run every other hour to the museum, alternatively the bus runs hourly to The Sill national park centre, from where its about a mile walk to the site.
Latitude: 54.991182; Longitude: -2.360923
What3Words: panoramic.pavilions.hazel


Photo ID: 003617 Photo ID: 003618 Photo ID: 003619 Photo ID: 003620 Photo ID: 003621 Photo ID: 003622 Photo ID: 003623

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2009), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lanercost Priory Lanercost Priory English Heritage


The remains of the priory which survived a six month stay from Edward I that nearly bankrupted it and constant use as a military base, and therefore legitimate target from the Scots. The priory finally fell into ruin after the reformation and the dissolution on the monasteries. Today the main part of the Priory is the local parish church, but behind it are the remains of the chapter house, cloister and refectory.


Charge, Free for English Heritage Members

Getting There

***2021 Update*** There is no longer any public transport going to Lanercost Priory. The closest is the 685 bus (every 30 minutes, about 25 minutes) to Brampton and then a two mile walk.
Latitude: 54.966141; Longitude: -2.694955
What3Words: documents.sometime.surely


Photo ID: 003671 Photo ID: 003672 Photo ID: 003673 Photo ID: 003674 Photo ID: 003675 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2009), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maryport: Lake District Coast Aquarium Maryport: Lake District Coast Aquarium No Data


The aquarium houses a number of species, both those that are native to the local waters, as well as examples of more tropical fish.



Getting There

From the centre of town head towards the harbour, from there the aquarium is visible. Its about a 5 minute walk from the centre of town
Latitude: 54.715107; Longitude: -3.502859
What3Words: qualifier.snooty.glad


Photo ID: 034213 Photo ID: 034214 Photo ID: 034215 Photo ID: 034216 Photo ID: 034217 Photo ID: 034218 Photo ID: 034219

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maryport: Senhouse Roman Museum Maryport: Senhouse Roman Museum No Data


Locate next to the site of the Roman fort of Alauna the museum houses the collection of the Senhouse family, who have owned the land for hundreds of years and collected the roman remains found on their site. Amongst them include one of the largest collections of Roman Altars in the world.



Getting There

From the centre of Maryport you need to walk up to the top of the High Street and then follow the path running next to the cliffs until you reach the museum. Its about a 10-15 minute walk from the town centre
Latitude: 54.721238; Longitude: -3.495786
What3Words: panic.octagon.lonely


Photo ID: 034191 Photo ID: 034192 Photo ID: 034193 Photo ID: 034194 Photo ID: 034195 Photo ID: 034200 Photo ID: 034203

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Penrith: Penrith Castle Penrith: Penrith Castle English Heritage


Just a small fraction of ruins of the castle remain, once the palace of Royalty, today it forms part of the town park.



Getting There

There are regular trains from Carlisle to Penrith, taking about 15 minutes
Latitude: 54.662042; Longitude: -2.757306
What3Words: strongly.admiringly.organist


Photo ID: 003648 Photo ID: 003649 Photo ID: 003650 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2009), and on time of last update (31/05/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ravenglass: Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway Ravenglass: Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway No Data


Formerly and industrial line, the railway is now totally given over to tourists. The very narrow-gauge trains run for about 7 miles inland into the Dales. At the Ravenglass station there is a small museum to the history of the line.


Charge, Discount with a rail ticket

Getting There

From Carlisle there are direct, but not particularly frequent, trains taking around 95 minutes
Latitude: 54.355844; Longitude: -3.408197
What3Words: reverses.restore.driven


Photo ID: 003641 Photo ID: 003642 Photo ID: 003643 Photo ID: 003644 Photo ID: 003645 Photo ID: 003646 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2009), and on time of last update (31/05/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitehaven: The Beacon Whitehaven: The Beacon No Data


This museum is located by the side of the harbour and houses a number of exhibitions including a gallery on the history of the local area from prehistoric remains through to the modern day. There is also a gallery on the nearby Sellafield nuclear plant. On the top floor there are dramatic views over the harbour and surrounding countryside.



Getting There

See Whitehaven for details on getting here - The Beacon is on the edge of the harbour
Latitude: 54.548726; Longitude: -3.594563
What3Words: fork.closes.shops


Photo ID: 034233 Photo ID: 034235 Photo ID: 034236 Photo ID: 034237 Photo ID: 034238 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitehaven: The Rum Story Whitehaven: The Rum Story No Data


The museum tells the story of Rum and the interconnection with the slave trade. The museum, and parts of the exhibition are linked to the local Jefferson family who are still involved in the rum business.



Getting There

See Whitehaven for details on getting here - The Rum Story is in the centre of town
Latitude: 54.547959; Longitude: -3.588836
What3Words: entertainer.ramp.plants


Photo ID: 034226 Photo ID: 034227 Photo ID: 034228 Photo ID: 034229 Photo ID: 034230 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bowness-on-Solway Bowness-on-Solway No Data


The point where England stops going West, and starts going South. The technical end of Hadrian's wall (though there are no remains, only a display board), albeit that the fortifications continued South down the coast to Ravenglass as they didn't trust the Scots not to just sail round the end of the wall.


Getting There

Bus 93 runs from Carlisle to Bowness a few times a day, though it comes straight back again so you either have three minutes, or nearly two hours to look around, the former not long enough the latter too long.
Latitude: 54.949995; Longitude: -3.216677
What3Words: confusion.terribly.workflow


Photo ID: 003676 Photo ID: 003677 Photo ID: 003678 Photo ID: 003679 Photo ID: 003680 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2009), and on time of last update (31/05/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dumfries Dumfries No Data


Dumfries is a large town that sits on the River Nith a short distance from where it empties into the Solway Firth. There's speculation that the town may have risen to prominence during the Roman era, being the opposite site of the firth from Hadrian's Wall. However it's real claim to fame is that for the final 5 years of his life Robert Burns lived (and died) in the town. Today it's a key stop on the Burns tourist route through this part of South West Scotland


Getting There

There are irregular trains between Carlisle and Dumfries, taking about 40 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively - and more reliably - the 79 bus runs every hour from the centre of Carlisle to the Devorgilla Bridge, close to the main Burns sites, taking about 1 hour 40 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 55.069991; Longitude: -3.612111
What3Words: enjoy.otter.roosts


Photo ID: 034150 Photo ID: 034153 Photo ID: 034154 Photo ID: 034157 Photo ID: 034160 Photo ID: 034162 Photo ID: 034163

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Egremont Egremont No Data


This small town houses a pleasant ruined castle.


Getting There

From Carlisle you need to take the number 300 bus or train to Whitehaven and change there onto a number 30 bus heading to Thornhill (only half the buses go this way, don't catch a bus going to Frizington. Buses to Egremont run every 30 minutes). Journey time to Whitehaven is 70-90 minutes depending on whether you take the bus or train and then a further 25 minutes from Whitehaven to Egremont.
Latitude: 54.48105; Longitude: -3.528762
What3Words: heat.superhero.handrail


Photo ID: 034239 Photo ID: 034245 Photo ID: 034246 Photo ID: 034247 Photo ID: 034248 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maryport Maryport No Data


This small sea port on the mouth of the River Ellen was once a key Roman location on the Southern defensive line that stretched south from Hadrian's Wall to protect the coast from any attack from across the Solway Firth.


Getting There

From Carlisle you can either take the number 300 bus which runs hourly and takes about an hour to make the journey, or you can catch the hourly train that takes about 40 minutes to make the journey. The bus stops on the main road running along the edge of town, the train station is about a three minute walk further away.
Latitude: 54.7146; Longitude: -3.494916
What3Words: bandaged.global.space


Photo ID: 034204 Photo ID: 034205 Photo ID: 034206 Photo ID: 034207 Photo ID: 034210 Photo ID: 034211 Photo ID: 034212

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ribblehead Ribblehead No Data


The station is set in the middle of nowhere, with just a pub and the Viaduct for company, but the views are stunning


No access onto the Viaduct, free to look at it from the ground

Getting There

There are direct trains from Carlisle, across the viaduct, taking about 80 minutes
Latitude: 54.210448; Longitude: -2.370322
What3Words: lawns.unhappily.elevate


Photo ID: 003657 Photo ID: 003658 Photo ID: 003659 Photo ID: 003660 Photo ID: 003661 Photo ID: 003662 Photo ID: 003663

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2009), and on time of last update (31/05/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Settle Settle No Data


A small market town in North Yorkshire, it is more well known as the starting point for the Settle to Carlisle railway line.


Getting There

There are direct trains from Carlisle, taking about 95 minutes
Latitude: 54.07222; Longitude: -2.281594
What3Words: rolled.zapped.food


Photo ID: 003654 Photo ID: 003655 Photo ID: 003656 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2009), and on time of last update (31/05/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitehaven Whitehaven No Data


Whitehaven has been a major port for a long time, playing an important role in trade across the centuries. After declining during the latter part of the 20th century the town has been regenerated and the port area is now a busy marina.


Getting There

From Carlisle you can either take the number 300 bus which runs hourly and takes about 90 minutes to make the journey, or you can catch the hourly train that takes about an hour and 10 minutes to make the journey. The bus stops in the centre of Whitehaven, where as the train station is about a five to ten minute walk from the centre.
Latitude: 54.5497; Longitude: -3.588592
What3Words: hardly.slip.moss


Photo ID: 034231 Photo ID: 034232 Photo ID: 034233 Photo ID: 034234 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

599 Bus 599 Bus No Data


A regular service bus that runs as an open top service with pre-recorded commentary. The route starts in Windermere (Kendal early morning) and runs via the ferries at Bowness-on-Windermere and then along the edge of the lake to Ambleside and then through the stunning Cumbrian countryside to Grasmere. As it's a normal service bus you can get a day ticket and get on and off at any stop in either direction. During the summer months the buses run every 20 minutes in both directions


Charge, Day ticket available for all buses in North West England

Getting There

A few buses at the start of service between 8 and 10am start in Kendal and run in service to Windermere. Outside of this time you need to take a 555/755 bus or train to Windermere and pick up the 599 there
Latitude: 54.329846; Longitude: -2.745436
What3Words: town.deeper.either


Photo ID: 020310 Photo ID: 020311 Photo ID: 020312 Photo ID: 020316 Photo ID: 020317 Photo ID: 020323 Photo ID: 020341

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2017), and on time of last update (29/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kendal Castle Kendal Castle No Data


The ruins of the former Norman castle are perched on a high spot overlooking the town, on the opposite side of the river, and providing stunning views over both the town and the mountains of the lake district. Large parts of the curtain wall still exist, as well as parts of two towers, but the bulk of the rest of the castle has gone. The views from the top are well worth the stiff (but well signposted) 15 minute walk up from the town centre



Getting There

Latitude: 54.325207; Longitude: -2.736332
What3Words: boring.crush.join


Photo ID: 020247 Photo ID: 020249 Photo ID: 020255 Photo ID: 020256 Photo ID: 020258 Photo ID: 020259 Photo ID: 020260

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2017), and on time of last update (29/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kendal Museum Kendal Museum No Data


The towns museum is an eclectic collection ranging from local geology, geography and history to egyptology and exxhibits on the free masons. There is also an extensive collection of Victorian stuffed animals showing the wildlife that existed at the time around the globe.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.331431; Longitude: -2.741765
What3Words: fields.coins.upper


Photo ID: 020266 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2017), and on time of last update (29/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bowness: Windermere Lake Cruises - North Bowness: Windermere Lake Cruises - North No Data


The northbound cruise leaves Bowness-on-Windermere and travels the northern half of Lake Windermere to Ambleside. Tours run frequently with steamers operating every hour or so and additional launches running in between. The launches stop additionally at Brockhole. A limited commentary tells you about the key sites.


Charge, 24 hour ticket available. Joint 24 hour ticket and return rail journe on the LHR available

Getting There

Boats depart from Bowness-on-Windermere ferries. From Kendal early morning 599 buses (5 to 6 between 8 and 10am) run to Bowness pier. There are two 755 buses late morning running directly to Bowness. Outside these times take the 555 bus to Windermere and change there onto a 599 bus to Bowness
Latitude: 54.36293; Longitude: -2.923485
What3Words: roughness.losses.hometown


Photo ID: 020302 Photo ID: 020304 Photo ID: 020305 Photo ID: 020306 Photo ID: 020307 Photo ID: 020308 Photo ID: 020309

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2017), and on time of last update (29/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bowness: Windermere Lake Cruises - South Bowness: Windermere Lake Cruises - South No Data


The southbound cruise leaves Bowness-on-Windermere and travels the southern half of Lake Windermere to Lakeside. Tours run every hour and are timed to connect with the Lakeside and Haverthwaite railway train at Lakeside. A limited commentary tells you about the key sites.


Charge, 24 hour ticket available. Joint 24 hour ticket and return rail journe on the LHR available

Getting There

Boats depart from Bowness-on-Windermere ferries. From Kendal early morning 599 buses (5 to 6 between 8 and 10am) run to Bowness pier. There are two 755 buses late morning running directly to Bowness. Outside these times take the 555 bus to Windermere and change there onto a 599 bus to Bowness
Latitude: 54.36306; Longitude: -2.923423
What3Words: dirt.cello.onto


Photo ID: 020273 Photo ID: 020274 Photo ID: 020276 Photo ID: 020279 Photo ID: 020293 Photo ID: 020294 Photo ID: 020300

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2017), and on time of last update (29/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coniston: Conistan Launch - Red (North) Route Coniston: Conistan Launch - Red (North) Route No Data


The north route sets off from the landing stage at Coniston and travels up the lake to the northern shore before turning and heading around halfway down the lake and turning again before heading back. There are several jettys along the way that you can disembark at and join a later cruise. The round trip takes around 45 minutes.



Getting There

See Coniston for details on getting to the town. The jetty is a well signposted 15 minute walk from the centre of the town
Latitude: 54.363819; Longitude: -3.06601
What3Words: icebergs.soon.libraries


Photo ID: 020330 Photo ID: 020336 Photo ID: 020338 Photo ID: 020339 Photo ID: 020340 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2017), and on time of last update (29/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coniston: Conistan Launch - Yellow (South) Route Coniston: Conistan Launch - Yellow (South) Route No Data


The south route sets off from the landing stage at Coniston and travels down the lenght of the lake to it's southern shore before turning and heading back. There are several jettys along the way that you can disembark at and join a later cruise. The round trip takes around 60 minutes. On the day I did the tour the boat developed a mechanical fault just beyond the half way point and we had to limp to a jetty and join the north tour that came to our rescue.



Getting There

See Coniston for details on getting to the town. The jetty is a well signposted 15 minute walk from the centre of the town
Latitude: 54.3638; Longitude: -3.06591
What3Words: automatic.amphibian.farmer


Photo ID: 020333 Photo ID: 020334 Photo ID: 020335 Photo ID: 020336 Photo ID: 020337 Photo ID: 020338 Photo ID: 020339

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2017), and on time of last update (29/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lakeside: Lakeside and Haverthwaite railway Lakeside: Lakeside and Haverthwaite railway No Data


A small steam railway running 3 miles or so from the Southern end of Lake Windermere to just outside the town of Haverthwaite.


Charge, joint return rail journey and 24 hour Windermere Lake Cruise Explorer ticket available

Getting There

The X6 bus from Kendal towards Barrow-in-Furness stops close to the end of the line at Haverthwaite, otherwise take a Windermere Lake Cruise from Bownes-on-Windermere to the other end of the line at Lakeside
Latitude: 54.277773; Longitude: -2.955428
What3Words: text.crinkled.drummers


Photo ID: 020279 Photo ID: 020280 Photo ID: 020281 Photo ID: 020283 Photo ID: 020285 Photo ID: 020287 Photo ID: 020288

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2017), and on time of last update (29/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coniston Coniston No Data


Surrounded by mountains and at the end of the 3rd largest lake in the Lake District, Conistan is a very pretty little town with more history than it's size would suggest. Arthur Ransom set several of his books here, John Rigby lived his last few years by the lake and it was on Coniston Water that records for the water speed record were set - and where, sadly, Donald Campbell lost his life trying to better them.


Getting There

Route 505 runs from Windermere to Coniston every hour. Two morning buses (around 9 and 10am) start in Kendal. Journey time to Coniston is around 75 minutes from Kendal
Latitude: 54.368983; Longitude: -3.075814
What3Words: afraid.squashes.serenade


Photo ID: 020326 Photo ID: 020327 Photo ID: 020328 Photo ID: 020329 Photo ID: 020331 Photo ID: 020332 Photo ID: 020333

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2017), and on time of last update (29/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grasmere Grasmere No Data


In the heart of Wordsworth country, and the location for several houses that he lived in during his life, this small village has grown large on more than a century of Wordsworth based tourism. It's still a very pretty village to walk around but can be very busy with tourists in the height of season.


Getting There

The 555 bus runs direct to Grasmere taking around 45-50 minutes from Kendal every half hour (hourly on Sundays). Alternatively Grasmere is the end point of the 599 open-top bus service with several of the early morning departures (between 8 and 10) starting in Kendal.
Latitude: 54.459542; Longitude: -3.024391
What3Words: hiding.laminate.diamonds


Photo ID: 020313 Photo ID: 020314 Photo ID: 020315 Photo ID: 020342 Photo ID: 020343 Photo ID: 020344 Photo ID: 020345

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2017), and on time of last update (29/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

508 Bus 508 Bus No Data


The 508 bus runs from Penrith over to Ullswater where it runs alongside the lake to the foot at Glenridding. During summer months there is a two-hourly open-top service (Monday to Saturday) from Penrith to Glenridding and onto Patterdale. The alternative hour service (and all Sunday buses) continues beyond Patterdale through the Kirkstone pass, the third highest in England, and down to Windermere


Charge, Day ticket available for all buses in North West England

Getting There

Latitude: 54.662105; Longitude: -2.758102
What3Words: winner.purple.afraid


Photo ID: 020711 Photo ID: 020713 Photo ID: 020715 Photo ID: 020719 Photo ID: 020723 Photo ID: 020726 Photo ID: 020731

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Penrith Castle Penrith Castle English Heritage


Relatively substantial remains of this former Royal residence, located opposite Penrith's station. Large parts of the outer walls remain along with parts of the tower and some of the floor plan of the rest of the building.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.662042; Longitude: -2.757306
What3Words: strongly.admiringly.organist


Photo ID: 020801 Photo ID: 020803 Photo ID: 020805 Photo ID: 020811 Photo ID: 020815 Photo ID: 020817 Photo ID: 020818

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/09/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glenridding: Ullswater Steamer Glenridding: Ullswater Steamer No Data


Running the full length of Ullswater with stops at Pooley Bridge at the top of the lake, Howtown about half way down and Glenridding at the bottom, the steamer service offers a pleasant way of seeing Ullswater. A limited commentary tells you a little about what you are seeing.



Getting There

The 508 bus runs hourly in the summer from Penrith to Pooley Bridge and then down the Northern bank of the lake all the way to Glenridding. You can join the steamer either at Pooley Bridge or Glenridding, though there are more facilities at Glenridding
Latitude: 54.543916; Longitude: -2.94438
What3Words: emeralds.globe.blip


Photo ID: 020734 Photo ID: 020738 Photo ID: 020741 Photo ID: 020742 Photo ID: 020747 Photo ID: 020749 Photo ID: 020750

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Keswick: 555 Bus Keswick: 555 Bus No Data


The 555 bus links Keswick and the Northern lakes to Grasmere, Ambleside, Windermere and the Southern Lakes and then onto Kendal and some buses through to Lancaster. The journey from Keswick to Grasmere is particularly stunning as it climbs up out of the town to Castlerigg and then descends down past Thirlmere towards Grasmere. Services run every 30 minutes Monday to Saturday and hourly on Sunday. Journey time to Grasmere is around 30 minutes, Ambleside 45 minutes, Windermere 55 minutes and Kendal 1 hour 40.


Charge, Day ticket available for all buses in North West England

Getting There

Latitude: 54.601614; Longitude: -3.141575
What3Words: tropic.zinc.unrealistic


Photo ID: 020872 Photo ID: 020873 Photo ID: 020875 Photo ID: 020876 Photo ID: 020877 Photo ID: 020879 Photo ID: 020880

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/09/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Keswick: 77 Bus Keswick: 77 Bus No Data


The 77 and 77A services run a circular route from Keswick and up through the stunning Honister and Whinlatter passes. The buses climb up and down the mountains and pass Crummock Water, Buttermere and Derwent Water on their way. Between the two services they offer an hourly departure from Keswick with the 77A running clockwise offering a more frequent service first going via Derwent Water and Seatoller to the Honister Pass and then past Buttermere and Crummock Water before climbing back up to Whinlatter pass and back down into Keswick. All the lakes are on the left hand side of the bus in this direction. The 77 runs less frequently (only 4 full services a day) in the opposite direction. In this case the right hand side of the bus is the better to sit on. Journey time to do the full circuit is just under two hours


Charge, Day ticket available for all buses in North West England

Getting There

Latitude: 54.601565; Longitude: -3.142015
What3Words: interviewer.frames.dish


Photo ID: 020822 Photo ID: 020825 Photo ID: 020826 Photo ID: 020835 Photo ID: 020850 Photo ID: 020856 Photo ID: 020860

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/09/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Keswick: 78 Bus Keswick: 78 Bus No Data


The 78 bus runs from Keswick town centre out along the Eastern shore of Derwent Water and then out into the mountains to the foot of the Honister Pass at Seatoller. The bus is, in good weather, operated by an open-top double decker which offers stunning views and an exhilarating ride through the foothills of the mountains. Services run every 30 minutes and take around 60 minutes to do a full round trip.


Charge, Day ticket available for all buses in North West England

Getting There

Latitude: 54.601605; Longitude: -3.141963
What3Words: spenders.debut.blending


Photo ID: 020775 Photo ID: 020776 Photo ID: 020779 Photo ID: 020785 Photo ID: 020786 Photo ID: 020791 Photo ID: 020796

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Keswick: Keswick Launch Keswick: Keswick Launch No Data


The launch service provides an hourly clockwise and hourly anti-clockwise service that travels round Derwent Water (more frequently when busy). The boats call at 8 piers on their way round offering the opportunity to disembark and explore more of the area. Despite most people using it as a cruise service to do round trips there is no commentary on board.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.594417; Longitude: -3.141076
What3Words: flooding.breaches.obvious


Photo ID: 020755 Photo ID: 020756 Photo ID: 020757 Photo ID: 020761 Photo ID: 020763 Photo ID: 020768 Photo ID: 020773

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Derwentwater Derwentwater No Data


The third largest of the lakes in the lake district Derwentwater (or Derwent Water) is surrounded by stunning scenery and offers lots of walking options, including a pleasant lake side walk. Launches circle the lake on a regular basis making multiple stops along the way.


Getting There

There are hourly X4 or X5 buses from the centre of Penrith to Keswick, taking around 45 minutes to complete the journey. From Keswick town centre it's a well signed 10 minute walk to the lake. Alternatively the number 78 bus travels along the Eastern shore of the lake all the way to Lodore Falls at the southern end of the lake
Latitude: 54.57821; Longitude: -3.14557
What3Words: toward.lunching.teacher


Photo ID: 020752 Photo ID: 020753 Photo ID: 020754 Photo ID: 020759 Photo ID: 020764 Photo ID: 020765 Photo ID: 020767

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Keswick Keswick No Data


Located at the head of Derwent Water the town is the focal point of the North Lakes. There is easy access up into the mountains including the stunning Honister pass and slate mines. Regular launches run round Derwent Water to take in the views and the town also has it's own museum as well as the Pencil Museum


Getting There

There are hourly X4 or X5 buses from the centre of Penrith to Keswick, taking around 45 minutes to complete the journey
Latitude: 54.600926; Longitude: -3.137483
What3Words: durations.indulges.flock


Photo ID: 020752 Photo ID: 020755 Photo ID: 020773 Photo ID: 020774 Photo ID: 020799 Photo ID: 020867 Photo ID: 020880

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ullswater Ullswater No Data


The second largest of the lakes in the Lake District this long thin lake has stunning mountain views and a ferry service that runs up and down the lake linking the top, middle and bottom.


Getting There

The 508 bus runs hourly in the summer from Penrith to Pooley Bridge and then down the Northern bank of the lake all the way to Glenridding
Latitude: 54.578354; Longitude: -2.877043
What3Words: advancing.prove.mops


Photo ID: 020724 Photo ID: 020725 Photo ID: 020737 Photo ID: 020743 Photo ID: 020745 Photo ID: 020746 Photo ID: 020751

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/09/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aviary Aviary No Data


Small aviary of exotic birds located in the Lower Gardens



Getting There

Latitude: 50.718687; Longitude: -1.875949
What3Words: unable.exchanges.chose


Photo ID: 043360 Photo ID: 043361 Photo ID: 043362 Photo ID: 043363 Photo ID: 043364 Photo ID: 043365 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2022), and on time of last update (24/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bournemouth Beach Bournemouth Beach No Data


The long sandy beach is perhaps Bournemouth's greatest draw. Running for many miles along the front as far as Sandbanks the golden sands are a popular place to be on a warm day.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.71693; Longitude: -1.868801
What3Words: inform.spins.inch


Photo ID: 043330 Photo ID: 043334 Photo ID: 043335 Photo ID: 043336 Photo ID: 043350 Photo ID: 043351 Photo ID: 043449

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2022), and on time of last update (24/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bournemouth Observation Wheel Bournemouth Observation Wheel No Data


Ferris wheel on the seafront by the pier. From the top there are views over the town and the coast



Getting There

Latitude: 50.716537; Longitude: -1.87598
What3Words: lucky.pines.claim


Photo ID: 043348 Photo ID: 043352 Photo ID: 043441 Photo ID: 043442 Photo ID: 043443 Photo ID: 043444 Photo ID: 043445

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2022), and on time of last update (24/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bournemouth Pier Bournemouth Pier No Data


A small pleasure pier that houses a restaurant/bar and some arcades. Good views along the coast from the end.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.715907; Longitude: -1.875551
What3Words: lights.duck.even


Photo ID: 043347 Photo ID: 043451 Photo ID: 043452 Photo ID: 043458 Photo ID: 043461 Photo ID: 043462 Photo ID: 043469

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2022), and on time of last update (24/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

East Cliff East Cliff No Data


Located to the east of the town centre this area is home to a number of hotels as well as a wide stretch of beach. The former East Cliff lift closed in 2016 due to a landslip and as of visiting in 2022 it hadn't been repaired.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.71822; Longitude: -1.865604
What3Words: names.basin.sprint


Photo ID: 043327 Photo ID: 043332 Photo ID: 043333 Photo ID: 043334 Photo ID: 043337 Photo ID: 043341 Photo ID: 043342

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2022), and on time of last update (24/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lower Gardens Lower Gardens No Data


A wide gardens with the Bourne River running through it along with exotic planting and the Bournemouth Aviary



Getting There

Latitude: 50.718118; Longitude: -1.875636
What3Words: degree.stone.canny


Photo ID: 043354 Photo ID: 043355 Photo ID: 043356 Photo ID: 043357 Photo ID: 043358 Photo ID: 043359 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2022), and on time of last update (24/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Purbeck Breezer Purbeck Breezer No Data


Hourly open-top bus that operates between Bournemouth and Swanage on the Isle of Purbeck via the Chain Ferry at Sandbanks.


Standard bus fares apply

Getting There

Latitude: 50.726724; Longitude: -1.864596
What3Words: lease.critic.double


Photo ID: 043367 Photo ID: 043368 Photo ID: 043373 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2022), and on time of last update (24/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sandbanks Chain Ferry Sandbanks Chain Ferry No Data


Chain ferry that crosses back and forth between the Isle of Purbeck (actually a peninsular rather than an island these days) and the Sandbanks area of Bournemouth


Free for foot passengers, included in ticket price if using public transport, toll charge for private transport

Getting There

Latitude: 50.682989; Longitude: -1.948764
What3Words: deaf.sweep.outfit


Photo ID: 043378 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2022), and on time of last update (24/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Upside Down House Upside Down House No Data


Located close to the pier this building allows you to experience walking on the ceiling as everything is flipped over.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.716954; Longitude: -1.87514
What3Words: cult.gold.yards


Photo ID: 043353 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2022), and on time of last update (24/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Corfe: Castle Corfe: Castle National Trust


Ruins of a large castle on a steep hill overlooking the town of Corfe. The castle was deliberately slighted following the English Civil War as it had been a royalist holdout.


Charge, Free for National Trust Members

Getting There

See Corfe for details on getting here
Latitude: 50.640396; Longitude: -2.059042
What3Words: incurs.unroll.increases


Photo ID: 043386 Photo ID: 043389 Photo ID: 043396 Photo ID: 043404 Photo ID: 043408 Photo ID: 043423 Photo ID: 043429

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2022), and on time of last update (24/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Corfe Corfe No Data


Small picturesque village located at the foot of the Castle and on the Swanage steam railway


Getting There

From Bournemouth you can take the Number 50 Purbeck Breezer (hourly, about 65 minutes) to Swanage and change there for the number 40 on to Corfe (Hourly, about 20 minutes) with a timetabled 15 minutes connection time in Swanage the end to end journey is 1 hour 40 minutes. Alternatively you can take any bus from Bournemouth to Poole (every couple of minutes, about 25 minutes) and change there for the number 40 to Corfe (hourly, about 50 minutes) depending on the connection in Poole you may be able to do the end to end journey in around 90 minutes. In summer months the Swanage railway runs between Swanage and Corfe Castle 4-6 times a day as an alternative to the number 40.
Latitude: 50.638443; Longitude: -2.057526
What3Words: transmit.ascendant.young


Photo ID: 043382 Photo ID: 043418 Photo ID: 043426 Photo ID: 043434 Photo ID: 043437 Photo ID: 043439 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2022), and on time of last update (24/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Isle of Purbeck Isle of Purbeck No Data


Today an peninsular rather than an Island. Much of Purbeck is an area of outstanding natural beauty, includes the seaside town of Swanage, the castle at Corfe and the steam railway that runs between the two. From the higher points of the peninsular there are excellent views back across the coast of Bournemouth and beyond.


Getting There

From Bournemouth you can take the Number 50 Purbeck Breezer (hourly, about 50 minutes) onto the Isle of Purbeck at the Chain ferry, or continue on to the main town - Swanage, in around 65 minutes.
Latitude: 50.636307; Longitude: -1.992583
What3Words: distilled.ripe.chatting


Photo ID: 043373 Photo ID: 043374 Photo ID: 043375 Photo ID: 043381 Photo ID: 043388 Photo ID: 043438 Photo ID: 043440

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2022), and on time of last update (24/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brewers Quey Brewers Quey No Data


Former brewery that has been converted into shops, restaraunts and 2 museums: The Timewalk and Weymouth Museum


Free to look around centre

Getting There

Latitude: 50.60547; Longitude: -2.452451
What3Words: pinks.best.atomic


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/07/2003), and on time of last update (19/07/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Model World Model World No Data


Very kiddyish but interesting none the less. This large garden area has a range of different models of local areas with interactive elements.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.624944; Longitude: -2.44471
What3Words: steep.popped.ridge


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2003), and on time of last update (19/07/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Northe Fort Northe Fort No Data


Another important fort protecting the south coast. This well maintained and very large fort offers spectacular views over the whole of the area as well and a very interesting exhibition. The fort covers three areas, one on the level that you enter, the ramparts and the basements. You could easily spend hours looking at all the exhibitions and wandering the corridors of the basements.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.607462; Longitude: -2.443863
What3Words: risky.lease.storms


Photo ID: 000211 Photo ID: 000212 Photo ID: 000213 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/07/2003), and on time of last update (19/07/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Timewalk Timewalk No Data


The timewalk takes you back through the history of Weymouth in the company of a talking cat. Sounds kiddyish but is actually very interesting. Tour ends with a short exhibit on how beer was brewed on the site and then (most importantly) free tastings of what was brewed on site for over 18 year olds



Getting There

Latitude: 50.605457; Longitude: -2.452505
What3Words: tilt.stick.ocean


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/07/2003), and on time of last update (19/07/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Weymouth Museum Weymouth Museum No Data


Weymouth museum charts the history of the area from its earliest recordings upto the present day.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.605433; Longitude: -2.452413
What3Words: outfit.game.ritual


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/07/2003), and on time of last update (19/07/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Corfe Castle Corfe Castle National Trust


Once a grand and mighty castle which had withstood attack for centuries the castle was reduced to ruin on the orders of Oliver Cromwell during the Civil War. Since then the remains have been left unchanged. They now offer a spectacular view over the Isle of Purbeck and the quite town of Corfe


Charge (National Trust)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.640446; Longitude: -2.059218
What3Words: innocence.unhelpful.opera


Photo ID: 000470 Photo ID: 000471 Photo ID: 000472 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2004), and on time of last update (17/10/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Portland Bill Portland Bill No Data


The southern most tip of the Isle of Portland, with its lighthouse and disused quarries this area has the potential to be very bleak but on a warm sunny day it is amazing. The lighthouse offers displays and more details on the areas, but is closed all day on Saturdays!


Free to look around the Bill. Charge if you wish to go into the lighthouse

Getting There

Latitude: 50.513297; Longitude: -2.456614
What3Words: videos.laces.briefer


Photo ID: 000206 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2003), and on time of last update (19/07/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Portland Castle Portland Castle English Heritage


Small fort built by Henry VIII and uesd right up until the end of WWII. An interesting audio tour takes you round the whole of the castle and its battlements. Considering its age the fort is in very good condition and is heaving with history


Entrance Charge - Part of English Heritage

Getting There

Latitude: 50.56824; Longitude: -2.446786
What3Words: expecting.repayment.oaks


Photo ID: 000208 Photo ID: pm0403 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2003), and on time of last update (19/07/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Swanage Swanage No Data


Tranquil seaside resort on the Isle of Purbeck that has the feel of a long ago England


Getting There

Hourly train service from Weymouth to Wareham (and then onto London Waterloo) where an hourly bus service to Corfe and then onto Swanage runs from
Latitude: 50.609219; Longitude: -1.962551
What3Words: decoded.meaty.fortnight


Photo ID: 000473 Photo ID: 000474 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2004), and on time of last update (17/10/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Corfe Corfe No Data


Small village on the Isle of Purbeck. The village is arranged around the hill that the castle (now ruins) was built upon.


Getting There

Hourly train service from Weymouth to Wareham (and then onto London Waterloo) where an hourly bus service to Corfe and then onto Swanage runs from
Latitude: 50.63851; Longitude: -2.057075
What3Words: masks.comedy.sharpness


Photo ID: 000470 Photo ID: 000471 Photo ID: 000472 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2004), and on time of last update (17/10/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Portland Portland No Data


Small island connected to the main-land by a small spit of land. One of the most impressive features is Chisel beach. A thin strip of beach surrounded on by sea


Getting There

Regular buses run from the centre of Weymouth onto Portland for the castle and town areas. An open top bus runs every 30 mins every day through the summer (less frequent and not everyday during the winter) up to Portland Bill. Journeys take about 15 minutes to the Island and about 30 to the Bill.
Latitude: 50.549872; Longitude: -2.437935
What3Words: cornfield.push.beaker


Photo ID: 000206 Photo ID: 000207 Photo ID: 000208 Photo ID: pm0403 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2003), and on time of last update (19/07/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Head of Steam Head of Steam No Data


Located on the site of Darlington North Road station, this museum tells the history of the Stockton and Darlington railway, the course of which still runs past the museum building today. Through exhibits and the fabric of the building it traces the story of the railway from the original plans through to it's opening and its role in changing transportation in the UK.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.535991; Longitude: -1.55477
What3Words: crowds.verbs.nights


Photo ID: 032976 Photo ID: 032978 Photo ID: 032979 Photo ID: 032980 Photo ID: 032983 Photo ID: 032985 Photo ID: 032986

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skerne Bridge Skerne Bridge No Data


A short walk from the Head of Steam museum is the Skerne Bridge, the oldest railway bridge in the world, and still in regular use ever since it opened to traffic in 1825. There is a riverside walkway that gives you good views of the bridge from ground level.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.53448; Longitude: -1.550689
What3Words: saints.heavy.blows


Photo ID: 032987 Photo ID: 032988 Photo ID: 032989 Photo ID: 032990 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Barnard Castle: Bridge Barnard Castle: Bridge No Data


This 16th century bridge is the main crossing over the River Tees for some distance, and leads into Barnard Castle at the bottom of the hill that the castle stands on. From the bridge there are excellent views of the castle and along the river.


Getting There

From the centre of Barnard castle follow the path that leads towards the castle, and then follow it on downhill round the edge of the castle. After a steep descent you end up by the bridge.
Latitude: 54.542744; Longitude: -1.927299
What3Words: former.joints.farm


Photo ID: 032888 Photo ID: 032890 Photo ID: 032891 Photo ID: 032905 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Barnard Castle: Castle Barnard Castle: Castle English Heritage


The ruins of this medieval castle - originally built by the Balliol family starting at the end of the 11th century, at one time it was a favourite castle of King Richard III. The castle eventually passed to the Neville family and they decided to concentrate on their main property at Raby Castle, about 7 miles away, so the castle was abandoned and used as a source of stone for Raby. Today most of the curtain wall and parts of some of the towers still survive, with a large amount of land included within the curtain walls.



Getting There

In the centre of Barnard Castle - see Barnard Castle for more details
Latitude: 54.543538; Longitude: -1.926005
What3Words: cloud.cringes.weekends


Photo ID: 032882 Photo ID: 032893 Photo ID: 032898 Photo ID: 032904 Photo ID: 032908 Photo ID: 032914 Photo ID: 032921

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Piercebridge: Roman Bridge Piercebridge: Roman Bridge English Heritage


A small part of the footings of this Roman Bridge remain in a field, set a little way back from the modern day course of the Tees. This river crossing was an important point on the Dere Road that linked York to the Firth of Forth, and the key supply line for the soldiers on Hadrian's wall. Two small information boards tell the story of the bridge and its importance



Getting There

See Piercebridge for details on getting here - about a 12 minute walk from the bus stop
Latitude: 54.53464; Longitude: -1.67005
What3Words: slices.polygraph.afflict


Photo ID: 032872 Photo ID: 032873 Photo ID: 032875 Photo ID: 032876 Photo ID: 032877 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Piercebridge: Roman Fort Piercebridge: Roman Fort No Data


Whilst most of the remains of the Roman fort lie underneath the village, a small portion of the Eastern end of the fort, including the outer fortifications and a bath house have been uncovered in fields at the back of the village. There are a couple of information boards that give a little bit of background on the role the fort played in keeping the supply lines of the Roman army working.



Getting There

See Piercebridge for details on getting here - about a 3 minute walk from the bus stop
Latitude: 54.536029; Longitude: -1.675964
What3Words: forensic.restrict.situation


Photo ID: 032861 Photo ID: 032862 Photo ID: 032864 Photo ID: 032865 Photo ID: 032867 Photo ID: 032868 Photo ID: 032869

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Richmond: Castle Richmond: Castle English Heritage


It's only fitting that the place that has had it's name replicated more often around the English speaking world than any other should also have an impressive castle and important history. The lands were given to William the Conqueror's nephew shortly after the Battle of Hastings and he built his castle here on "The Strong Hill" (Riche Mount). Today the castle is mostly ruins, though the impressive keep is in pretty good repair (having been used during both the World Wars.) There is a small exhibition on the history of the castle and the town.



Getting There

See Richmond for details on getting here. Located just behind the Market Place where the buses stop.
Latitude: 54.402209; Longitude: -1.737535
What3Words: stay.amicably.indoor


Photo ID: 032924 Photo ID: 032925 Photo ID: 032926 Photo ID: 032928 Photo ID: 032929 Photo ID: 032931 Photo ID: 032937

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shildon: Locomotion Shildon: Locomotion No Data


A northern outpost of the National Railway Museum, the location is on the site of part of the original Stockton to Darlington railway - the worlds first steam engine hauled passenger railway - which ran from the Collieries around Shildon down to the ports at Stockton. Today the large hanger houses a number of important trains from the history of the railways in Britain, from the original Locomotion No. 1 through to the Advanced Passenger Train, and the Intercity 125, along with more mundane trains such as commuter trains from London and even a (at the time of visiting) recently retired Pacer train that long outlived their welcome in the North of England and Wales.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

From Darlington the No 1 Bus runs every 30 minutes to Shildon, taking about 35 minutes. Alternatively the 5 and 5A run every hour each (so half hourly service between them) taking about 45 minutes to make the journey. The buses approach Locomotion from different directions, for the 5/5A get off just after passing over the railway line by Shildon station, for the number 1 get off at the stop at the bottom of the dip on Dale Road
Latitude: 54.624323; Longitude: -1.630832
What3Words: machinery.directive.hiker


Photo ID: 032951 Photo ID: 032953 Photo ID: 032959 Photo ID: 032963 Photo ID: 032964 Photo ID: 032966 Photo ID: 032968

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Barnard Castle Barnard Castle No Data


Home to an impressive castle, a picturesque Buttermarket in the middle of a road traffic junction, and a generally picturesque market town, Barnard Castle is probably more famous at the time I visited for the jaunts of the Prime Ministers key advisor here when he was supposed to be self-isolating after developing Covid.


Getting There

From Darlington the X75 and X76 buses run every 30 minutes or so during the day (Monday to Saturday). The X76 runs direct taking about 30 minutes, where as the X75 diverts via some other villages and takes around 45 minutes. Departures from Barnard Castle back to Darlington are therefore unevenly spaced. On Sunday's the X75 runs every other hour.
Latitude: 54.545296; Longitude: -1.923822
What3Words: casualness.accomplice.mumble


Photo ID: 032886 Photo ID: 032888 Photo ID: 032889 Photo ID: 032892 Photo ID: 032946 Photo ID: 032947 Photo ID: 032950

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Piercebridge Piercebridge No Data


Piercebridge is a small village located just on the western edge of Darlington. It's home to the ruins of a former Roman fort and Bridge over the River Tees, all located on the main supply route between York and Hadrian's Wall


Getting There

From Darlington the X75 and X76 run at roughly hourly intervals (X75 only, every other hour, on Sundays) taking about 15 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 54.536823; Longitude: -1.676988
What3Words: divisible.inspector.shelf


Photo ID: 032863 Photo ID: 032866 Photo ID: 032870 Photo ID: 032871 Photo ID: 032872 Photo ID: 032874 Photo ID: 032877

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Richmond Richmond No Data


Depending on which version you want to believe Richmond either takes it's name from the castle being built on "The Strong Hill" (Riche Mount) or from the Norman settlement of Richemont. Whichever one it is, Richmond is now the most replicated UK place name in the World with over 100 other Richmond's dotted throughout the English speaking world (including Richmond-upon-Thames near London, and more confusingly another Richmond in Sheffield in South Yorkshire). Today the town is set around the pretty Georgian market and is one of the (many) gateways into the Yorkshire Dales


Getting There

From Darlington the X26 and X27 provide a half hourly service to Richmond taking about 35-40 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 54.403146; Longitude: -1.737481
What3Words: choirs.instant.increment


Photo ID: 032932 Photo ID: 032934 Photo ID: 032935 Photo ID: 032942 Photo ID: 032943 Photo ID: 032944 Photo ID: 032945

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanic Garden Botanic Garden


This small botanical gardens houses a number of different species from around the globe. Set over a rolling landscape on terraces and slopes the plants are grouped into geographically themed areas.



Getting There

From the centre of Durham bus number 6 runs up the hill to South Colleges where you can hop off the bus for both the Oriental Museum and the Botanic Gardens.
Latitude: 54.762439; Longitude: -1.574973
What3Words: acute.sorry.silks


Photo ID: 032806 Photo ID: 032808 Photo ID: 032810 Photo ID: 032811 Photo ID: 032812 Photo ID: 032813 Photo ID: 032815

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Durham Castle Durham Castle


Originally a Norman castle, with many additions and changes over the years - today it houses parts of the university, including halls of residence for some of the students. In normal times you can take a guided tour round the building, but at the time of visiting Covid restrictions had cancelled all tours


Charge to go on a tour - access only via tour

Getting There

Latitude: 54.775451; Longitude: -1.576473
What3Words: wiser.backed.miss


Photo ID: 032713 Photo ID: 032761 Photo ID: 032762 Photo ID: 032766 Photo ID: 032767 Photo ID: 032835 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Durham Cathedral Durham Cathedral


In 995 the body of St Cuthburt was moved from Lindesfarne to this location and a small shrine chapel was built. With the arrival of the Normans this was chosen as the ideal spot for a grand imposing cathedral. Building work went on for the standard couple of hundered years before the current structure was fully completed in the 15th Century. Inside the cathedral there are the usual selection of side chapels, the shrine chapel to St Cuthburt and a stunning rose window. You can also visit the beautiful cloister for views of the three towers from insdie the Cathedral complex


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 54.773539; Longitude: -1.576861
What3Words: meals.silver.ticket


Photo ID: 032712 Photo ID: 032719 Photo ID: 032741 Photo ID: 032742 Photo ID: 032747 Photo ID: 032750 Photo ID: 032757

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Durham Cathedral: Central Tower Durham Cathedral: Central Tower


At 66m tall the top of the Central Tower is the highest point in the city and from here the views are stunning. It's a pretty calf aching lung busting 325 step climb to the top, with only a small rest area about 125 steps up.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.77354; Longitude: -1.576588
What3Words: strict.forced.hurt


Photo ID: 032756 Photo ID: 032759 Photo ID: 032760 Photo ID: 032761 Photo ID: 032762 Photo ID: 032763 Photo ID: 032764

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Durham Museum Durham Museum


Located in the former St Mary-le-Bow church this small museum traces the history of the city, from the founding of the shrine to St Cuthburt to protect it from invading Vikings to the rise of the Prince Bishops, industrialisation and the mining the were at the heart of Durhams communities for years.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.773673; Longitude: -1.574629
What3Words: habit.share.farmer


Photo ID: 032718 Photo ID: 032731 Photo ID: 032832 Photo ID: 032833 Photo ID: 032834 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Elvet Bridge Elvet Bridge


A bridge has been on this site since the 12th century, today the bridge has been pedestrianised with some of the cafes and bars offering outside seating on the deck. Views from the bridge are a bit limited by the modern Elvet road bridge in one direction and the less than architecturally stunning Kingsgate bridge in the opposite, but there are still lovely views of the wooded side of the promentary that the cathedral and castle sit on.


Getting There

Latitude: 54.775932; Longitude: -1.573295
What3Words: driven.wisdom.desks


Photo ID: 032735 Photo ID: 032736 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Framwellgate Bridge Framwellgate Bridge


Built in the 15th century to replace an earlier structure on the site this is now the second oldest bridge in the city, and from it's pedestrianised deck there are excellent views up to the castle and cathedral high on the promentary above. There are also beautiful views back towards the Prebends Bridge and the horseshoe curve of the river. In the opposite direction there are dramatic views of the Weir on the Wear.


Getting There

Latitude: 54.776052; Longitude: -1.57802
What3Words: empty.margin.order


Photo ID: 032769 Photo ID: 032770 Photo ID: 032775 Photo ID: 032828 Photo ID: 032831 Photo ID: 032842 Photo ID: 032843

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kingsgate Bridge Kingsgate Bridge


A bit of a modern monstrosity, but the views from the bridge down to the Elvet bridge are some of the most picturesque in Durham


Getting There

Latitude: 54.773131; Longitude: -1.572552
What3Words: form.gains.reds


Photo ID: 032732 Photo ID: 037233 Photo ID: 037234 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oriental Museum Oriental Museum


Part of the University's collections, this museum holds a large number of artefacts from across the orient from Egypt to China and Japan and places in between. Key exhibits include a timeline of pottery and ceramic in China from pre-history through the various dynasies to the modern day, as well as a decent Egyptian collection



Getting There

From the centre of Durham bus number 6 runs up the hill to South Colleges where you can hop off the bus for both the Oriental Museum and the Botanic Gardens.
Latitude: 54.763829; Longitude: -1.5813449
What3Words: pushy.passes.ramp


Photo ID: 032816 Photo ID: 032817 Photo ID: 032181 Photo ID: 032819 Photo ID: 032820 Photo ID: 032821 Photo ID: 032823

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palace Green Palace Green


The Palace Green is a large lawn located between the Cathedral and Castle at the highest point in the city centre. At the time of visiting it was also home to a Covid-19 testing centre!



Getting There

Latitude: 54.774546; Longitude: -1.575962
What3Words: bottom.spoke.verse


Photo ID: 032714 Photo ID: 032717 Photo ID: 032768 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Prebends Bridge Prebends Bridge


Dating from the 18th century, this bridge is located just before the bottom of the horseshoe bend in the river as it loops round the promentary that the cathedral and castle stand on. From the bridge there are excellent views of this part of the river and the cathedral standing over the gorge below.


Getting There

Latitude: 54.770952; Longitude: -1.579426
What3Words: number.bells.slope


Photo ID: 032724 Photo ID: 032725 Photo ID: 032726 Photo ID: 032727 Photo ID: 032728 Photo ID: 032729 Photo ID: 032730

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Finchale Priory Finchale Priory English Heritage


The ruins of a 13th century monestary located by the banks of the River Wear a couple of miles north of Durham city centre. The site is open to look around, though there are no information boards (you can buy a book from the kiosk)



Getting There

From Durham the number 62 bus runs to Brasside every hour Monday to Saturday. Get off at the bus stop outside Frankland prison and walk down the road directly opposite. Keep following the road for about 1 mile until you reach the holiday village, the ruins of the priory are located inside the village.
Latitude: 54.818103; Longitude: -1.540385
What3Words: cassettes.curtains.coached


Photo ID: 032776 Photo ID: 032779 Photo ID: 032782 Photo ID: 032787 Photo ID: 032788 Photo ID: 032792 Photo ID: 032799

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2021), and on time of last update (05/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Butchers Row Butchers Row No Data


A small parade of arches, opposite the Pannier Market, which lives up to its name and contains most of the towns Butchers.


Free to look at the architecture, charge for the sausages!

Getting There

Latitude: 51.080331; Longitude: -4.059507
What3Words: translated.struck.stable


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/10/2007), and on time of last update (16/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of North Devon Museum of North Devon No Data


A small, but interesting museum which tells the history of the area from pre-historic times up to the modern day. Exhibitions include displays on the Geology of the area, life in Victorian North Devon and the local Flora and Fauna. There is also a small exhibition about the local regiments.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.077848; Longitude: -4.058928
What3Words: bliss.chained.corn


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/10/2007), and on time of last update (16/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pannier Market Pannier Market No Data


Barnstaple's indoor market, and a stunning piece of architecture


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 51.08054; Longitude: -4.0594
What3Words: backed.arrive.tides


Photo ID: 003750 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/10/2007), and on time of last update (16/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tarka Trail Tarka Trail No Data


Running along the line of the former railways the Traka Trail is a cycle and walking route that runs from Braunton to Torrington via Barnstaple and Bideford. There are cycle hire shops along the route, including one at the railway station at Barnstaple. The walk or ride along the line is stunning with lots of views and a couple of tunnels you can cycle through.


Free to walk and cycle, charge to hire bikes

Getting There

Latitude: 51.073926; Longitude: -4.063311
What3Words: duty.fields.torch


Photo ID: 003791 Photo ID: 003792 Photo ID: 003794 Photo ID: 003795 Photo ID: 003797 Photo ID: 003799 Photo ID: 003800

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beaches of North Devon Beaches of North Devon No Data


North Devon has some of the finest beaches in the UK, and are well known for their surfing, on a windy day with good surf it can be difficult to get onto the beach!


Getting There

Latitude: 51.11698; Longitude: -4.220756
What3Words: gems.detail.flag


Photo ID: 002286 Photo ID: 002287 Photo ID: 002288 Photo ID: 002290 Photo ID: 002291 Photo ID: 002292 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/10/2007), and on time of last update (16/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Broomhill Sculpture Garden Broomhill Sculpture Garden No Data


Located in a valley, in the grounds of the Broomhill art hotel the garden displays works from many sculptures on a walkway that takes you down and then back up through the grounds



Getting There

Busses run from Barnstaple to the top of the drive
Latitude: 51.112851; Longitude: -4.05105
What3Words: best.blues.linen


Photo ID: 002301 Photo ID: 002302 Photo ID: 002303 Photo ID: 002307 Photo ID: 002308 Photo ID: 002310 Photo ID: 002311

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2007), and on time of last update (16/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Exmoor Exmoor No Data


Dominating the land of North Devon and South Somerset Exmoor has a wild beauty about it which takes the breath away.


Getting There

Latitude: 51.165028; Longitude: -3.608837
What3Words: with.blur.merely


Photo ID: 002312 Photo ID: 002313 Photo ID: 002314 Photo ID: 002315 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/10/2007), and on time of last update (16/10/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lundy Lundy National Trust


The island of Lundy, 13 miles off the Devon coast is a stunning haven for wildlife. The island itself is visually stunning and easy for walking around.


Charge to get onto the Island if you have your own boat, included in the cost of the ferry ticket if you arrive by ferry

Getting There

The ferry MS Oldenberg leaves from either Ilfracombe or Bideford a couple of times a week depending on tides. It is advisable to book in advance as in the height of summer the ferry can fill up quickly. Journey time is about two hours in each direction. You then have between five and eight hours or so on the Island (again depending on tides) to explore
Latitude: 51.172724; Longitude: -4.670219
What3Words: plod.guidebook.workflow


Photo ID: 003751 Photo ID: 003754 Photo ID: 003756 Photo ID: 003770 Photo ID: 003772 Photo ID: 003775 Photo ID: 003789

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Travelling in North Devon Travelling in North Devon No Data


North Devon is not the easiest of places to get around. I was staying with friends who very kindly drove me around places. There is one train line in to Barnstaple, and from there on you have to rely on busses to get around the rest of the area.


Getting There

Latitude: 51.078822; Longitude: -4.056487
What3Words: visa.jukebox.scars


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The impressive cathedral, started by the Normans and massively expanded during the Gothic period. The cathedral has survived all of Exeter's trials and tribulations, with remarkably only one small part of the Cathedral being lost to the blitz.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.722493; Longitude: -3.529916
What3Words: pose.rails.rotate


Photo ID: 017348 Photo ID: 017350 Photo ID: 017405 Photo ID: 017046 Photo ID: 017409 Photo ID: 017411 Photo ID: 017412

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Exeter Cruises Exeter Cruises No Data


Regular cruises run along the Exe from the quayside down to the Double Locks pub and lock system. You can take a single tour and then make the 30 or so minute walk back into town along peaceful paths next to the river, or go for a return ticket and either go for a round trip or pick up a later ferry after sampling the food and drink in the Double Locks Hotel and pub.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.718236; Longitude: -3.530478
What3Words: voters.humid.slick


Photo ID: 017356 Photo ID: 017356 Photo ID: 017358 Photo ID: 017359 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Exeter Underground Passages Exeter Underground Passages No Data


Built over 650 years ago to house the pipes that fed the water supply to the Cathedral and later the City so that pipes could be repaired without having to dig up the road. Today large parts of the passages survive and you can go on guided tours along them. The small museum tells the history of the passages, why they were built and some of the myths that have grown up about them.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.725218; Longitude: -3.526767
What3Words: submit.areas.lied


Photo ID: 017342 Photo ID: 017343 Photo ID: 017344 Photo ID: 017345 Photo ID: 017346 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Northernhay Gardens Northernhay Gardens No Data


Large gardens located next to Exeter Central station that are a tranquil green oasis in the centre of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.726575; Longitude: -3.531476
What3Words: pushes.sprint.liked


Photo ID: 017331 Photo ID: 017332 Photo ID: 017333 Photo ID: 017334 Photo ID: 017335 Photo ID: 017336 Photo ID: 017337

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rougemont Castle Rougemont Castle No Data


Only parts of the walls and the impressive Norman gatehouse of the original castle survive, they form one of the entrances to the Rougemont Gardens



Getting There

Latitude: 50.725881; Longitude: -3.529831
What3Words: storm.stamp.mats


Photo ID: 017340 Photo ID: 017341 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rougemont Gardens Rougemont Gardens No Data


Located next to the Northernhay Gardens these gardens include some of the ruins of the city's castle along with parts of the city walls.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.725739; Longitude: -3.530774
What3Words: icon.window.topic


Photo ID: 017338 Photo ID: 017339 Photo ID: 017340 Photo ID: 017341 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Catherine's Almshouses St Catherine's Almshouses No Data


The medieval almshouses were all but destroyed in the Exeter Blitz in 1942, and the ruins have been kept as a reminder of the damage done to the city. A small exhibition board tells the history of the site



Getting There

Latitude: 50.723755; Longitude: -3.529402
What3Words: square.smooth.orchestra


Photo ID: 017402 Photo ID: 017403 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dartmoor Railway Dartmoor Railway No Data


Originally a railway ran from Exeter leaving the Barnstaple line and looping round Dartmoor through Okehampton and Tavistock back towards Gunnislake and into Plymouth. The line was retained through Okehampton as it went to the quarry where British Rail got most of their ballast from. Today the line remains for quarry trains, and with the isolation of South Devon and Cornwall still fresh in the memory from the damage done to Dawlish in 2014 it could still return to use as a passenger railway. Today the Dartmoor railway run services from Okehampton to the nearby Viaduct, but on Summer Sunday's, funded by the County Council, Great Western Railway run 4 return trips from Exeter to Oakhampton, a chance to see parts of the edge of Dartmoor that are otherwise only ever seen by quarry train drivers



Getting There

Latitude: 50.732402; Longitude: -3.996356
What3Words: outraged.handicaps.vesting


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dawlish Sea Wall Dawlish Sea Wall No Data


One of Brunel's most impressive achievements was to build the railway line between the cliffs and sea along the coast at Dawlish. Its subsequently proved to be the weak link in the South West's rail network with the whole area being cut off from the national network for two months when the tracks, and path, were washed away in February 2014. Alongside the tracks from Dawlish Warren all the way to Dawlish a path offers amazing views of both the railway and the sea, along with a pleasant and easy walk.



Getting There

From Exeter there are regular trains to Dawlish Warren where the path starts at the Cornwall end of the Southbound platform. The path runs alongside the railway to Dawlish station where you can catch trains back to Exeter. Purchase a return ticket to Dawlish.
Latitude: 50.58721; Longitude: -3.454643
What3Words: handbag.worksheet.confronts


Photo ID: 017364 Photo ID: 017368 Photo ID: 017369 Photo ID: 017370 Photo ID: 017372 Photo ID: 017373 Photo ID: 017375

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Exmouth: Beach Bus Exmouth: Beach Bus No Data


The standard number 95 bus from Exmouth station to Sandy Bay holiday park is operated as an open-top service and for the cost of a day ticket you can take in the views of the beach and surrounding countryside.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.62165; Longitude: -3.415449
What3Words: exile.weeks.tune


Photo ID: 017395 Photo ID: 017396 Photo ID: 017397 Photo ID: 017398 Photo ID: 017400 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Exmouth: Exmouth Ferry Exmouth: Exmouth Ferry No Data


The ferry links Exmouth harbour with the station at Starcross and it s a good way of seeing a large part of the Exe Estuary and the harbour. Sailings are every hour between Easter and October



Getting There

From Exeter take either the train or bus to either Exmouth or Starcross.
Latitude: 50.617091; Longitude: -3.424031
What3Words: lawful.bookshop.pushy


Photo ID: 017414 Photo ID: 017415 Photo ID: 017416 Photo ID: 017417 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oakhampton Castle Oakhampton Castle English Heritage


The impressive ruins of a castle that can trace it's history back to the years immediately post Norman invasion and up to it's eventual ruination following the politicking of Henry VIII. Today the romantic ruins of the castle are impressive set against the backdrop of Dartmoor.



Getting There

From Okehampton town centre it's around a 10 minute walk.
Latitude: 50.730549; Longitude: -4.008543
What3Words: scoring.briefer.handicaps


Photo ID: 017383 Photo ID: 017386 Photo ID: 017387 Photo ID: 017389 Photo ID: 017390 Photo ID: 017392 Photo ID: 017393

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Starcross: Exmouth Ferry Starcross: Exmouth Ferry No Data


The ferry links Exmouth harbour with the station at Starcross and it s a good way of seeing a large part of the Exe Estuary and the harbour. Sailings are every hour between Easter and October



Getting There

From Exeter take either the train or bus to either Exmouth or Starcross.
Latitude: 50.626862; Longitude: -3.445425
What3Words: ducks.dumplings.roving


Photo ID: 017414 Photo ID: 017415 Photo ID: 017416 Photo ID: 017417 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dawlish Dawlish No Data


A beautiful town nestling up the side of the cliffs tumbling down from Dartmoor to the sea. The centre of town is set around Dawlish Water, a terraced stream that runs through the centre of town.


Getting There

There are regular trains from Exeter taking around 15-20 minutes
Latitude: 50.580418; Longitude: -3.466232
What3Words: evidence.onlookers.promising


Photo ID: 017367 Photo ID: 017370 Photo ID: 017371 Photo ID: 017373 Photo ID: 017377 Photo ID: 017379 Photo ID: 017380

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dawlish Warren Dawlish Warren No Data


The point where the railway and the sea really do meet. From here the railway runs along the sea wall. By the station there is a small amusement park along with a beach and some cafes/restaurants


Getting There

There are regular trains from Exeter taking around 15 minutes
Latitude: 50.597656; Longitude: -3.443161
What3Words: hips.choice.rezoning


Photo ID: 017364 Photo ID: 017365 Photo ID: 017366 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Exmouth Exmouth No Data


Located at the end of the River Exe where it empties into the sea this is a pleasant sea-side town, that on a Sunny bank holiday weekend is crowded with people coming down both from Exeter and from the large number of nearby holiday villages


Getting There

There are regular trains from Exeter to Exmouth taking around 40 minutes, there are also regular buses taking a little longer.
Latitude: 50.619564; Longitude: -3.414261
What3Words: wider.lodge.ample


Photo ID: 017396 Photo ID: 017397 Photo ID: 017398 Photo ID: 017399 Photo ID: 017400 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Okehampton Okehampton No Data


Located on the Northern edge of Dartmoor this pretty market town is home to some stunning castle remains and a heritage railway


Getting There

There are regular buses from Exeter to the centre of town. On Summer Sundays there are 4 trains a day from Exeter to Okehampton, though the station is approximately 15 minutes walk uphill from the town centre, both options take around an hour.
Latitude: 50.737992; Longitude: -4.002509
What3Words: generated.drives.inserted


Photo ID: 017381 Photo ID: 017382 Photo ID: 017384 Photo ID: 017388 Photo ID: 017391 Photo ID: 017394 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2016), and on time of last update (04/06/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harbour Cruises Harbour Cruises No Data


Regular tours of the harbour and the Taymar estuary run from several points along the harbour side, running much the same route they all take in Drakes Island and the navel dockyards of Devonport, as well as the towns on the Cornish bank of the Taymar.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.363809; Longitude: -4.144909
What3Words: brains.frock.scales


Photo ID: 002838 Photo ID: 002839 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2008), and on time of last update (22/06/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plymouth Gin Plymouth Gin No Data


Continuously distilling gin since the 18th century, and still the favourite of the Royal Navy, the distillery is open for tours each hour, to look briefly at the process of making gin. You get to smell and taste the botanicals that give it it's flavour, and sample some of their products. After the tour you can enjoy a free Gin cocktail in the bar.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.367683; Longitude: -4.137796
What3Words: chin.strike.dent


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2008), and on time of last update (22/06/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Citadel Royal Citadel English Heritage


Built in 1666 to make it very clear to the republican people of Plymouth that the King was back in charge, today the citadel still houses army commandos, and consequently is only open to a couple of guided tours a week (check English Heritage website for details). On the tour you get to go around the ramparts of the citadel and into the chapel.


Charge, Discount (but not free) for English Heritage members

Getting There

Latitude: 50.364764; Longitude: -4.137522
What3Words: ledge.assure.tribes


Photo ID: 002829 Photo ID: 002830 Photo ID: 002833 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2008), and on time of last update (22/06/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Smeatons Tower Smeatons Tower No Data


Built as the third Eddystone lighthouse, the tower eventually was dismantled and brought ashore when it was discovered that the sea was destroying not the tower, but the rock it was built on! Today you can climb the tower for a sample of what life would have been like living in the lighthouse, and from the top get stunning views over the Hoe and the Harbour



Getting There

Latitude: 50.364388; Longitude: -4.141846
What3Words: moons.topped.deny


Photo ID: 002806 Photo ID: 002810 Photo ID: 002832 Photo ID: 002833 Photo ID: 002837 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/06/2008), and on time of last update (22/06/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Buckfastleigh: Buckfast Abbey Buckfastleigh: Buckfast Abbey No Data


Opened in 1932 on the site of an older monetary which had been destroyed during the reformation, the abbey is today the home to a small community of monks, who’s chief function appears to be to pull in the tourist pound and produce their well known Buckfast tonic wine, more commonly seen in the hands of the worst street drinkers!


Free to look around the grounds and the church

Getting There

Latitude: 50.493569; Longitude: -3.775982
What3Words: pages.snug.effort


Photo ID: 002812 Photo ID: 002813 Photo ID: 002814 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2008), and on time of last update (22/06/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Totnes: Castle Totnes: Castle English Heritage


Whilst it may only be the outer walls, Totnes castle is a perfect example of a Norman Mott and Bailey castle. From the top of the mound, and then up the stairs to the ramparts, you can get good views over the town, and down along the river Dart


Charge, English Heritage

Getting There

Latitude: 50.432033; Longitude: -3.690655
What3Words: gums.scratches.pile


Photo ID: 002819 Photo ID: 002820 Photo ID: 002821 Photo ID: 002822 Photo ID: 002823 Photo ID: 002824 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2008), and on time of last update (22/06/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Totnes: South Devon Railway Totnes: South Devon Railway No Data


A small branch line used to run off of the main London to Plymouth line from Totnes into the Devon countryside, it was closed in the 1950's but soon afterwards was reopened as a preservation railway. Today it runs for just over seven miles from a station just after the junction with the main line at Totnes, to Buckfastleigh. Steam trains make regular journeys up and down the line


Charge, includes free hop-on-hop-off bus service between the station, abbey and town

Getting There

From Plymouth you catch the train to Totnes and then follow the signs to the river, under the railway bridge and back up to the South Devon Railway station
Latitude: 50.439591; Longitude: -3.685784
What3Words: stooping.active.flats


Photo ID: 002811 Photo ID: 002816 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2008), and on time of last update (22/06/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Buckfastleigh Buckfastleigh No Data


A small town, built on the wool and quarrying industries, today another example of the perfect English village, and home to monastery where they make Buckfast tonic wine, beloved of the worst drunks up and down the nation!


Getting There

From Plymouth you catch the train to Totnes (about 25 minutes) then you can either get the bus, or in season catch the South Devon Railway to Buckfastleigh
Latitude: 50.483118; Longitude: -3.768885
What3Words: initiated.think.sobs


Photo ID: 002812 Photo ID: 002813 Photo ID: 002814 Photo ID: 002815 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2008), and on time of last update (22/06/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Totnes Totnes No Data


Sitting at the highest tidal point on the River Dart, Totnes is a quintessential old English town, with narrow streets crowding around the hill that the church and castle sit on. It perhaps surprising that it also has one of the largest communities of "alternative lifestyle" proponents in the country (mostly aging hippies!)


Getting There

There are regular trains from Plymouth to Totnes, taking about 25 minutes
Latitude: 50.43135; Longitude: -3.68557
What3Words: jukebox.embers.warms


Photo ID: 002817 Photo ID: 002818 Photo ID: 002825 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/06/2008), and on time of last update (22/06/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Connaught Gardens Connaught Gardens No Data


Located on the top of a small cliff on the Western end of the prom the gardens house a number of different areas including a jungle, small succulent house, performance area, sunken garden and general beds. From the back of the garden there are stunning views over the beach and the cliffs carrying on towards Dorset.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.675446; Longitude: -3.246382
What3Words: liner.rocks.insect


Photo ID: 026857 Photo ID: 026859 Photo ID: 026861 Photo ID: 026862 Photo ID: 026864 Photo ID: 026867 Photo ID: 026870

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seafront Seafront No Data


The small seafront in Sidmouth faces onto a pebble beach, but with the cliffs either side and two man-made defences just off the coast it's a tranquil and protected area.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.677768; Longitude: -3.238505
What3Words: mole.peanut.homes


Photo ID: 026755 Photo ID: 026757 Photo ID: 026759 Photo ID: 026760 Photo ID: 026833 Photo ID: 026835 Photo ID: 026837

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

South West Coast Path South West Coast Path No Data


The South West Coast Path is a long distance route that runs along the entire coast of Devon and Cornwall. In Sidmouth it runs along the seafront, under the cliffs of Connaught Gardens and then, after the beach, it crosses the river Sid and climbs back up onto the cliffs on the other side of town. The views from the cliffs are stunning, though the climbs are quite strenuous.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.679091; Longitude: -3.234229
What3Words: feast.bells.models


Photo ID: 026836 Photo ID: 026839 Photo ID: 026841 Photo ID: 026843 Photo ID: 026845 Photo ID: 026847 Photo ID: 026848

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/05/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lyme Regis: Museum Lyme Regis: Museum No Data


A small museum located in the centre of town that tells the history of the town, along with the stories of the fossil hunters who helped unlock the history of the planet with their findings from the crumbling cliffs that surround the town.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.724759; Longitude: -2.932415
What3Words: weary.hushed.dummy


Photo ID: 026880 Photo ID: 026881 Photo ID: 026882 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lyme Regis: The Cobb Lyme Regis: The Cobb No Data


Small harbour area located at the western end of the seafront, and home to the towns sandy beach, along with the lifeboat station and the location where boat tours leave from.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.718917; Longitude: -2.937899
What3Words: trailers.dries.paddle


Photo ID: 026886 Photo ID: 026887 Photo ID: 026890 Photo ID: 026894 Photo ID: 026895 Photo ID: 026897 Photo ID: 026900

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seaton: Tramway Seaton: Tramway No Data


Built on the line of the former Seaton railway the collection of historic trams run regular services up and down by the side of the Axe estuary. You can experience what it would have been like riding on an open-top double deck tram from the start of the 20th century. Small exhibitions at the different stops give a bit of the background to the collection and line.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.705071; Longitude: -3.067808
What3Words: rooftop.allows.kilt


Photo ID: 026766 Photo ID: 026772 Photo ID: 026777 Photo ID: 026779 Photo ID: 026799 Photo ID: 026801 Photo ID: 026811

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lyme Regis Lyme Regis No Data


Small seaside town located in Dorset, just before the border with Devon. Most famous for it's crumbling cliffs that have exposed thousands of fossils and helped scientists to understand the history of the planet.


Getting There

There are hourly buses from Sidmouth to Lyme Regis, via Seaton, taking around an hour to make the journey
Latitude: 50.724799; Longitude: -2.932823
What3Words: requiring.keyboards.rated


Photo ID: 026871 Photo ID: 026873 Photo ID: 026876 Photo ID: 026879 Photo ID: 026883 Photo ID: 026884 Photo ID: 026885

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seaton Seaton No Data


Seaton is set around its wide beach located between the cliffs on the Jurassic coast.


Getting There

There are hourly buses from Sidmouth to Seaton, taking around 30 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 50.704628; Longitude: -3.070762
What3Words: pushing.risking.hexes


Photo ID: 026812 Photo ID: 026813 Photo ID: 026814 Photo ID: 026815 Photo ID: 026816 Photo ID: 026817 Photo ID: 026818

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

High Flyer High Flyer No Data


Located on the seafront just down for the centre of Torquay, the high flyer is a tethered balloon which rises to 400 feet for stunning views over the sweep of Torbay.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.46317; Longitude: -3.537946
What3Words: scale.rigid.deflection


Photo ID: 003697 Photo ID: 003699 Photo ID: 003700 Photo ID: 003701 Photo ID: 003702 Photo ID: 003725 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kents Cavern Kents Cavern No Data


The Caverns have been in use for hundreds of thousands of years as shelter for both animals and humans, the hour long tour takes you around some of the main parts of the cave system.



Getting There

From the centre of town the 32 or 32T bus climb the hill out of town towards the cavern. You need to keep an eye out as it's not particularly well signposted (just one small brown attraction sign)
Latitude: 50.467762; Longitude: -3.502675
What3Words: heat.sticky.hurls


Photo ID: 003731 Photo ID: 003734 Photo ID: 003735 Photo ID: 003736 Photo ID: 003738 Photo ID: 003739 Photo ID: 003740

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Road Train Road Train No Data


The Road Train runs around the centre of Torquay taking in the main sights including the Abbey and Strand.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.466205; Longitude: -3.538156
What3Words: fans.verse.king


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Torre Abbey Torre Abbey No Data


Much of the original Abbey building was converted after the reformation into a stately home, which now houses an art gallery. In the gardens are the ruins of other parts of the original Abbey



Getting There

Latitude: 50.463948; Longitude: -3.540645
What3Words: frosted.exists.drama


Photo ID: 003702 Photo ID: 003720 Photo ID: 003721 Photo ID: 003722 Photo ID: 003723 Photo ID: 003724 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brixham: Original Ghostwalk Brixham: Original Ghostwalk No Data


An interesting and well presented 90 minute tour around the centre of Brixham, recounting some of the many ghost strorys related to the town, one of the most haunted in the UK



Getting There

Latitude: 50.396077; Longitude: -3.512728
What3Words: caring.variety.bypassed


Photo ID: 003726 Photo ID: 003728 Photo ID: 003729 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dartmouth: Bayards Cove Fort Dartmouth: Bayards Cove Fort English Heritage


Located just to the edge of the town quay, this is a small Tudor artillery fort guarding Dartmouth's inner harbour.


Free, English Heritage

Getting There

From Torquay take the 111 bus to Dartmouth, alternatively catch the bus to Paignton and then take either the bus or steam train to Kingswear and then cross to Dartmouth via the ferry.
Latitude: 50.347911; Longitude: -3.577434
What3Words: alerting.shot.dazzling


Photo ID: 003710 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dartmouth: Castle Dartmouth: Castle English Heritage


Located at the mouth of the River Dart, the castle protected the important harbour at Dartmouth.


Charge, English Heritage

Getting There

From Torquay take the 111 bus to Dartmouth and then walk the 1KM to the castle, alternatively catch the bus to Paignton and then take either the bus or steam train to Kingswear and then cross to Dartmouth via the ferry. If you don't want to walk the Kilometre to the castle there are regular ferries that run between the quay side in Dartmouth and the foot of the castle.
Latitude: 50.341968; Longitude: -3.566072
What3Words: stickler.steep.panting


Photo ID: 003713 Photo ID: 003714 Photo ID: 003715 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Paignton and Dartmouth Steam Railway Paignton and Dartmouth Steam Railway No Data


Running from Paignton out to Kingswear on the opposite bank of the river from Dartmouth as a preserved railway, with several steam trains a day in each direction



Getting There

From Torquay take any bus, or the train, to Paignton. The steam railway station is next door to the National Rail station
Latitude: 50.434189; Longitude: -3.56464
What3Words: fever.gloves.pints


Photo ID: 003716 Photo ID: 003717 Photo ID: 003718 Photo ID: 003719 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brixham Brixham No Data


Located around nine miles south of Torquay, Brixham is the most industrial of the three towns that make up Torbay, with a fishing fleet and quite a bit of industry around the harbour.


Getting There

From Torquay the number 12 runs regularly down the coast to both Paignton and onto Brixham
Latitude: 50.394047; Longitude: -3.516022
What3Words: discloses.divides.carver


Photo ID: 003726 Photo ID: 003727 Photo ID: 003728 Photo ID: 003729 Photo ID: 003730 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dartmouth Dartmouth No Data


The town is the home of the Royal Naval College, and has been an important town, as it is a deep water port, since before the Crusades (in fact some of them left from Dartmouth). Today it is a tourist mecca partly for its "Quaintness".


Getting There

From Torquay the 111 bus runs all the way to Dartmouth. Alternatively, you can catch any bus into Paignton and then get either a 120 or the steam train to Kingswear where you can cross to Dartmouth by the regular ferry
Latitude: 50.3518; Longitude: -3.578389
What3Words: nursery.folks.paradise


Photo ID: 003706 Photo ID: 003707 Photo ID: 003712 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kingswear Kingswear No Data


Located on the opposite bank of the Dart to Dartmouth, it is the end of the line for the steam railway from Paignton.


Getting There

From Torquay catch any bus into Paignton and then get either a 120 or the steam train to Kingswear, Alternatively you can go into Brixham by bus and then catch a bus to Kingswear from there
Latitude: 50.348801; Longitude: -3.572381
What3Words: twit.ranged.bullion


Photo ID: 003708 Photo ID: 003709 Photo ID: 003711 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Paignton Paignton No Data


Located about two miles to the south of Torquay, Paignton is the more family friendly of the three Torbay towns, with "proper" seaside arcades and crazy golf courses. It's also the end of the railway line, and the starting point for the steam railway to Kingswear and Dartmouth


Getting There

From Torquay the number 12 runs regularly down the coast to both Paignton and onto Brixham
Latitude: 50.437637; Longitude: -3.567703
What3Words: cave.vows.photo


Photo ID: 003703 Photo ID: 003704 Photo ID: 003705 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2009), and on time of last update (04/07/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Mary's and All Saints Church St Mary's and All Saints Church No Data


The most famous sight in the town, and identifiable from some distance by it's uniquely crooked spire is subject to many myths and legends as to how it came about - with the most plausible, and least fanciful, being caused by the lack of skilled craftsmen when it was being constructed following the Black Death leading to unseasoned timber being used that warped, compounded by the addition of 33 tons of lead in the 17th century.


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 53.23619; Longitude: -1.424372
What3Words: groom.early.moved


Photo ID: 054011 Photo ID: 054013 Photo ID: 054014 Photo ID: 054015 Photo ID: 054016 Photo ID: 054018 Photo ID: 054019

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2024), and on time of last update (22/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bolsover: Castle Bolsover: Castle English Heritage


Whilst it does resemble a traditional medieval castle, Bolsover was rebuilt by the Cavendish's (Chatsworth) as a Riding School and leisure castle on one of the lesser used parts of their holdings.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.23089; Longitude: -1.29606
What3Words: guard.demotion.steps


Photo ID: 054160 Photo ID: 054161 Photo ID: 054174 Photo ID: 054179 Photo ID: 054184 Photo ID: 054202 Photo ID: 054219

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2024), and on time of last update (22/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castleton: Blue John Cavern Castleton: Blue John Cavern No Data


A large natural cavern, carved out by underground hot streams, that then became a lead mine along with the discovery of Blue John a very rare gemstone found only in the hills around Mam Tor. A guided tour takes you down 245 steps to the lowest reaches of the cave, before you ascend back up 245 steps to the top.



Getting There

Blue John Cavern is at the end of the Peak Sightseer Blue tour.
Latitude: 53.345534; Longitude: -1.803532
What3Words: hoaxes.tasks.stumpy


Photo ID: 054092 Photo ID: 054095 Photo ID: 054096 Photo ID: 054098 Photo ID: 054099 Photo ID: 054102 Photo ID: 054103

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2024), and on time of last update (22/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chatsworth House and Gardens Chatsworth House and Gardens No Data


Home to the Dukes of Devonshire this is one of the finest stately homes in the UK and certainly the best preserved. A guided trail takes you round many of the rooms in the building including the state rooms and the dining room. The large gardens are also open to explore including glass houses, a cascade and a maze.



Getting There

From Chesterfield there are four Peak Sightseer buses in the morning that head to Chatsworth house before starting either the Red or Blue tour. There are four buses at the end of the day that head back from Chatworth to Chesterfield. The journey is about 40 minutes and the ticket includes full use of the tow Peak Sightseer tours for the day. Outside of those early buses the 170 (and variants) heads to Bakewell where you can pick up the Red tour. Journey time from Chesterfield to Bakewell is between 45 and 55 minutes, plus another 30 minutes onto Chatsworth.
Latitude: 53.227617; Longitude: -1.611824
What3Words: promising.composts.ruins


Photo ID: 048588 Photo ID: 048589 Photo ID: 048590 Photo ID: 048593 Photo ID: 048605 Photo ID: 048616 Photo ID: 048621

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2024), and on time of last update (22/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chatsworth: Peak Sightseer Blue Chatsworth: Peak Sightseer Blue No Data


The Blue tour operates as a linear service from Chatsworth out to Castleton then up the stunning Winnats Pass to the foot of Mam Tor and the Blue John Cavern. The journey is about 75 minutes each way, with a full round trip taking about 2.5 hours. There are hourly buses.


Charge, includes both the Red and Blue routes and the connecting bus in the morning from and in the evening to Chesterfield

Getting There

From Chesterfield there are four Peak Sightseer buses in the morning that head to Chatsworth house before starting either the Red or Blue tour. There are four buses at the end of the day that head back from Chatworth to Chesterfield. The journey is about 40 minutes and the ticket includes full use of the tow Peak Sightseer tours for the day.
Latitude: 53.229382; Longitude: -1.610917
What3Words: generally.informs.advice


Photo ID: 054051 Photo ID: 054064 Photo ID: 054067 Photo ID: 054071 Photo ID: 054075 Photo ID: 054090 Photo ID: 054113

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2024), and on time of last update (22/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chatsworth: Peak Sightseer Red Chatsworth: Peak Sightseer Red No Data


The Red tour operates as a loop service first heading out to Pilsley before taking in a loop through Bakewell and Ashford in the Water. Buses run every 30 minutes with a full loop taking just under an hour


Charge, includes both the Red and Blue routes and the connecting bus in the morning from and in the evening to Chesterfield

Getting There

From Chesterfield there are four Peak Sightseer buses in the morning that head to Chatsworth house before starting either the Red or Blue tour. There are four buses at the end of the day that head back from Chatworth to Chesterfield. The journey is about 40 minutes and the ticket includes full use of the tow Peak Sightseer tours for the day.
Latitude: 53.229379; Longitude: -1.610848
What3Words: producers.upwards.officials


Photo ID: 054126 Photo ID: 054127 Photo ID: 054130 Photo ID: 054141 Photo ID: 054144 Photo ID: 054146 Photo ID: 054148

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2024), and on time of last update (22/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bakewell Bakewell No Data


The largest town within the Peak District National Park and home to the famous pudding and tart that both bare the towns name. This is a pretty town with lots of original buildings and a medieval stone bridge


Getting There

From Chesterfield the 170 (and variants) runs hourly seven days a week taking between 45 and 55 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 53.213067; Longitude: -1.67572
What3Words: other.rent.highly


Photo ID: 054129 Photo ID: 054131 Photo ID: 054133 Photo ID: 054135 Photo ID: 054137 Photo ID: 054139 Photo ID: 054140

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2024), and on time of last update (22/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bolsover Bolsover No Data


Famous in the UK for it's former firebrand MP (Dennis Skinner) the former Mining town of Bolsover is a strange mix of Victorian mining town and renaissance era rich persons playground with the Castle of the Cavendish's sitting above a ridge looking down on the model village of New Bolsover built for the miners who brought prosperity to the town long after the Dukes of Devonshire had departed.


Getting There

From Chesterfield the 1/1A bus runs three times a hour Monday to Saturday, and twice an hour on a Sunday (times not evenly spaced) taking about 40 minutes to reach the Market Place in Bolsover
Latitude: 53.229403; Longitude: -1.291624
What3Words: retrial.reject.dragonfly


Photo ID: 054151 Photo ID: 054152 Photo ID: 054153 Photo ID: 054154 Photo ID: 054155 Photo ID: 054156 Photo ID: 051457

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2024), and on time of last update (22/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castleton Castleton No Data


Home to an ancient castle, now in ruins, as well as the main jumping off point for visiting some of the most stunning attractions in the Peak District including Mam Tor and Winnats Pass


Getting There

From Chesterfield there are two Peak Sightseer buses in the morning that head to Chatsworth house before starting out on the Blue tour to Castleton, total journey time is around 90 minutes. There is only one bus in the evening from Castletown back to Chesterfield via Chatsworth, but you can take an earlier bus and change at Chatsworth. The only other route would require catching the bus or train from Chesterfield to Sheffield and changing there onto a bus to Castleton, services are about hourly and take around 2 hours to complete the journey.
Latitude: 53.343172; Longitude: -1.776267
What3Words: saucepan.retire.salary


Photo ID: 054071 Photo ID: 054072 Photo ID: 054073 Photo ID: 054077 Photo ID: 054104 Photo ID: 054108 Photo ID: 054118

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2024), and on time of last update (22/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The Parish Church of All Saints was promoted to a Cathedral in 1927 to create the Bishops Seat of Derby, consequently it has a very different feel to some of the other cathedrals in the country. Light and airy inside the building is regularly used for concerts so along with the regular sights of a religious building you may stumble across a sound booth and a bar.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.924846; Longitude: -1.477493
What3Words: zeal.smart.asserts


Photo ID: 048465 Photo ID: 048472 Photo ID: 048482 Photo ID: 048485 Photo ID: 048492 Photo ID: 048494 Photo ID: 048495

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Derby Museum and Gallery Derby Museum and Gallery No Data


This museum tells the history of the city from the prehistoric era through to today through a large number of artefacts including a Bronze Age longboat and a Hippo Skeleton, both found in the city. The Gallery houses a number of paintings by local artist Joseph Wright.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.923068; Longitude: -1.48014
What3Words: defend.unable.hoot


Photo ID: 048541 Photo ID: 048542 Photo ID: 048544 Photo ID: 048546 Photo ID: 048551 Photo ID: 048554 Photo ID: 048555

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Derby Ram Derby Ram No Data


Large concrete statue of a Ram, the symbol of the city, at the main crossroads in the pedestrianised heart of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.921327; Longitude: -1.474486
What3Words: stone.care.spaces


Photo ID: 048480 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Derby River Boat Derby River Boat No Data


Operated using a solar powered electric narrow boat this 45 minute tour sails upstream out of the city centre towards weir at Darley Abbey where it turns around and returns to the centre of Derby. Along the way a commentary tells you some of the history of the city, the river and the canals of the area.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.926428; Longitude: -1.474894
What3Words: brick.lows.soak


Photo ID: 048518 Photo ID: 048519 Photo ID: 048521 Photo ID: 048523 Photo ID: 048526 Photo ID: 048527 Photo ID: 048530

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Making Museum of Making No Data


The museum is housed in a former silk mill, on the site of what is widely regarded to be the first fully mechanised factory in the world. The museum charts the history of manufacturing and making in the city and surrounding area from the original silk mills of the Derwent Valley to the modern high tech manufacturing of trains at Alstom, cars at Toyota, and the engines that power some of the worlds best selling jets at Rolls Royce Engines.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.925821; Longitude: -1.47576
What3Words: legal.legal.lovely


Photo ID: 048464 Photo ID: 048531 Photo ID: 048532 Photo ID: 048535 Photo ID: 048536 Photo ID: 048539 Photo ID: 048540

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pickford's House Museum Pickford's House Museum No Data


House built by Georgian architect Joseph Pickford for himself. The house has been restored to how it would have been when Pickford built it, with displays on furniture of the time, as well as several changing exhibition spaces and in the top floor an exhibition on model theatres.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.92432; Longitude: -1.485912
What3Words: jazzy.lake.casual


Photo ID: 048499 Photo ID: 048500 Photo ID: 048503 Photo ID: 048504 Photo ID: 048506 Photo ID: 048509 Photo ID: 048512

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

River Gardens River Gardens No Data


Running alongside the River Derwent behind the council offices and bus station this is a large green space that provides space to watch the river and people pass by



Getting There

Latitude: 52.922883; Longitude: -1.471789
What3Words: cult.dice.herb


Photo ID: 048451 Photo ID: 048452 Photo ID: 048453 Photo ID: 048454 Photo ID: 048455 Photo ID: 048456 Photo ID: 048457

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Silk Mill Park Silk Mill Park No Data


Small park area located between the rear of the Cathedral and the river by the former Silk Mill now the Museum of Making



Getting There

Latitude: 52.925236; Longitude: -1.476117
What3Words: newly.deep.solved


Photo ID: 048464 Photo ID: 048465 Photo ID: 048467 Photo ID: 048468 Photo ID: 048475 Photo ID: 048476 Photo ID: 048477

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Site of Exeter House Site of Exeter House No Data


Located between the River Gardens and Silk Mill Park the footpath by the river has a large metal monument attached to the side of the wall marking the location of Exeter House which is where Bonnie Prince Charlie met with advisors in December 1745 and decided to abandon his march on London and retreat back to Scotland, making this humble footpath one of the most important sites in modern British history!



Getting There

Latitude: 52.924534; Longitude: -1.475008
What3Words: flag.trendy.also


Photo ID: 048462 Photo ID: 048463 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belper: Mills Belper: Mills No Data


The mills form part of a complex that was an important part of the historic silk trade in the Derwent Valley and are part of the UNESCO listed heritage site of the Derwent Mills. Today the buildings have a variety of uses, though in places are showing quite severe dilapidation


Free to look around the outside

Getting There

Latitude: 53.028743; Longitude: -1.486137
What3Words: bulletins.quaking.sculpting


Photo ID: 048559 Photo ID: 048561 Photo ID: 048562 Photo ID: 048563 Photo ID: 048565 Photo ID: 048566 Photo ID: 048567

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belper: River Gardens Belper: River Gardens No Data


Located by the river and lake formed by the weirs that powered the mills these pleasant gardens include an area for rowing boats, a band stand, tea room and several different planting areas.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.030294; Longitude: -1.484464
What3Words: harmless.moral.failed


Photo ID: 048569 Photo ID: 048570 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chatsworth House and Gardens Chatsworth House and Gardens No Data


Home to the Dukes of Devonshire this is one of the finest stately homes in the UK and certainly the best preserved. A guided trail takes you round many of the rooms in the building including the state rooms and the dining room. The large gardens are also open to explore including glass houses, a cascade and a maze.



Getting There

From Derby you need to take either the Six or the TransPeak bus to Darley Dale and change there onto the open top bus to the house (houly, about 2 hours journey time - only operates during summer months).
Latitude: 53.227617; Longitude: -1.611824
What3Words: promising.composts.ruins


Photo ID: 048588 Photo ID: 048589 Photo ID: 048590 Photo ID: 048593 Photo ID: 048605 Photo ID: 048616 Photo ID: 048621

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belper Belper No Data


A town on the Derwent river about 7 miles north of Derby, and an important part of the mill industry on the river with several large mills straddling the wide weir on the river here.


Getting There

The various services that make up route 6 run a combined service of every 15 minutes (every 30 minutes on Sundays) from Derby bus station to Belper Bus Station, taking about 30 minutes to make the journey. The Transpeak service T2 runs every hour, taking about 20 minutes as it stops in less places. Alternatively, the train from Derby to Belper run once an hour taking about 10 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 53.024358; Longitude: -1.477951
What3Words: trembles.dips.remain


Photo ID: 048560 Photo ID: 048563 Photo ID: 048564 Photo ID: 048566 Photo ID: 048567 Photo ID: 048568 Photo ID: 048570

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2023), and on time of last update (24/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brighton Museum and Gallery Brighton Museum and Gallery No Data


Located in the stable block of the Royal Pavilion the museum and gallery is an eclectic collection of artefacts covering design, Egyptian history and popular ceramics through to a solid collection on the history of the town.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 50.823238; Longitude: -0.137921
What3Words: decks.lots.twist


Photo ID: 011312 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/03/2014), and on time of last update (05/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brighton Pier Brighton Pier No Data


Along with the Royal Pavilion the most iconic structure of the city. Brighton pier is pretty much the definition of the English seaside pier with a large selection of amusement arcades, doughnut stalls and at the end a fun fair. The views back from the pier over Brighton are pretty good



Getting There

Latitude: 50.818219; Longitude: -0.136606
What3Words: glaze.memo.vibe


Photo ID: 011244 Photo ID: 011251 Photo ID: 011254 Photo ID: 011300 Photo ID: 011302 Photo ID: 011323 Photo ID: 011325

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/03/2014), and on time of last update (05/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brighton Wheel Brighton Wheel No Data


Rising 55m above the sea front next to the pier the wheel offers stunning views over the Sussex coastline, particularly on a clear day. A commentary points out the key sights



Getting There

Latitude: 50.819029; Longitude: -0.134407
What3Words: zone.state.rods


Photo ID: 011245 Photo ID: 011255 Photo ID: 011256 Photo ID: 011258 Photo ID: 011261 Photo ID: 011264 Photo ID: 011267

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/03/2014), and on time of last update (05/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North Laine North Laine No Data


Starting from the opposite side of North Street to the Lanes the North Laine offer a more bohemian shopping experience with a wider, and weirder selection of shops, cafes and the famous Kommedia



Getting There

Latitude: 50.825074; Longitude: -0.139493
What3Words: brand.piano.boost


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/03/2014), and on time of last update (05/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Pavilion Royal Pavilion No Data


Play palace of the Prince Regent, Indian on the outside, Chinese on the Inside, this is the perfect example of what happens if you have more money than taste. Carefully restored to how it looked at the height of the Prince Regents playboy days in Brighton it's a great insight into the opulence of the late Georgian era.


Charge (Discount for English Heritage Members)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.822319; Longitude: -0.137561
What3Words: opens.feast.buzz


Photo ID: 011241 Photo ID: 011306 Photo ID: 011309 Photo ID: 011314 Photo ID: 011315 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/03/2014), and on time of last update (05/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sealife Centre Sealife Centre No Data


Located in the historic aquarium building this follows the standard formula for this brand with the usual selection of exhibits


Very Expensive

Getting There

Latitude: 50.819578; Longitude: -0.135539
What3Words: fired.dame.chase


Photo ID: 011317 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/03/2014), and on time of last update (05/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Lanes The Lanes No Data


The labyrinth of small passageways running from North Street down towards the seafront housing a wide selection of shops, in particular jewellery and antiques, and always heaving with tourists



Getting There

Latitude: 50.821418; Longitude: -0.139884
What3Words: duck.tables.lake


Photo ID: 011246 Photo ID: 011247 Photo ID: 011248 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/03/2014), and on time of last update (05/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Devils Dyke Devils Dyke National Trust


A massive gash in the landscape at the edge of the South Downs. From the very pleasant pub at the top of the Dyke, on the back edge of the downs, you get a stunning view across the Sussex Weald to the North Downs. There are plenty of hearty walks that help you explore the area.


Getting There

Brighton and Hove route 77 (open top bus in fine weather) runs approximately hourly from the pier out to the pub at Devils Dyke. Due to the route it takes it can get heavily delayed if the traffic in the centre of Brighton is busy.
Latitude: 50.883376; Longitude: -0.211346
What3Words: seasick.repayment.pile


Photo ID: 011281 Photo ID: 011282 Photo ID: 011283 Photo ID: 011284 Photo ID: 011285 Photo ID: 011286 Photo ID: 011287

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/03/2014), and on time of last update (05/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rottingdean Rottingdean No Data


Rottingdean makes a nice location to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre. It can be a bit twee with the main trade being tea shops selling cream teas, but the beach is quieter and in a prettier location


Getting There

Several Brighton and Hove bus routes run from the Centre of Brighton to Rottingdean with at least 15 buses an hour linking the two. Journeys take between 15 and 40 minutes to make the journey, depending on the route (Service 12, 14 and 27 along the sea front are significantly faster than route 2 which goes up round the back of Brighton via the race course). Other bus companies also provide some limited services along the coast
Latitude: 50.803368; Longitude: -0.057299
What3Words: motels.park.skim


Photo ID: 011291 Photo ID: 011292 Photo ID: 011293 Photo ID: 011294 Photo ID: 011295 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/03/2014), and on time of last update (05/03/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Airbourne Airbourne No Data


The self styled largest free air show in the world, Airbourne takes place from Thursday to Sunday in the middle of August each year. Along with regular displays from both modern and historic aircraft plus the Red Arrows and wing walkers there are also music stages and large numbers of stalls and attractions. The whole event ends with a spectacular fireworks display late on the Sunday evening



Getting There

Latitude: 50.76179; Longitude: 0.286523
What3Words: oiled.lock.lime


Photo ID: 012935 Photo ID: 012939 Photo ID: 012941 Photo ID: 012942 Photo ID: 012943 Photo ID: 012963 Photo ID: 012967

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beachy Head Beachy Head No Data


The highest Chalk sea cliff in the country, and a slightly infamous spot for suicides, Beachy Head offers stunning views over Sussex and into Kent. There's also a very good pub serving excellent food at the summit of the climb



Getting There

During the summer season City-Sightseeing open-top tour buses run up to Beachy Head every 30 minutes. During the high summer season there are also hourly 13X buses run by Brighton and Hove. During the main summer season the 13X runs Saturday and Sunday only. Outside of Summer Months the only bus access is via the 13X on Sundays. Journey time is around 15-20 minutes. Alternatively, it's a stiff but enjoyable 2 mile walk from the town centre up to Beachy Head
Latitude: 50.739996; Longitude: 0.253222
What3Words: disengage.canal.sings


Photo ID: 006618 Photo ID: 006619 Photo ID: 006620 Photo ID: 006621 Photo ID: 006622 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2011), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


Half hourly open-top tours that start at the end of the pier and run up to the cliffs at Beachy Head then down past Birling Gap and on into East Dean before heading back into town. A pre-recorded audio commentary gives a running English commentary on the route.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.76748; Longitude: 0.292789
What3Words: blackbird.showdown.capers


Photo ID: 012951 Photo ID: 012953 Photo ID: 012955 Photo ID: 012956 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pier Pier No Data


The elegant pier with a small selection of shops, a Victorian tea rooms and a small games arcade, whilst not as showy as it's better known neighbour in Brighton, provides a focus for the sea front and offers an insight into the Victorian seaside town. Sadly, a couple of weeks before visiting in August 2014 a devastating fire destroyed the main arcade at the landwards end of the pier. By the time I visited the site had already been cleared and work was well underway to get the deck of the pier re-opened before the end of the year and full repairs to be completed as quickly as possible



Getting There

Latitude: 50.766282; Longitude: 0.294442
What3Words: scouting.ambushed.driven


Photo ID: 006595 Photo ID: 006598 Photo ID: 006623 Photo ID: 006625 Photo ID: 006626 Photo ID: 006627 Photo ID: 006628

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2011), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Redoubt Fortress Redoubt Fortress No Data


The largest of three major forts built on the Sussex and Kent coasts to protect against the threat from Napoleon. Today the fort has been restored with many of the casemates turned into a museum that looks at the history of the fort and it's uses, as well as housing the regimental museum for the Royal Sussex Regiment and the Queen's Royal Irish Hussars.


Free to look around the top level of the fortress, Charge to visit the museum

Getting There

Latitude: 50.773972; Longitude: 0.300473
What3Words: almost.valuables.title


Photo ID: 012957 Photo ID: 012958 Photo ID: 012959 Photo ID: 012960 Photo ID: 012961 Photo ID: 012962 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

South Downs Way South Downs Way No Data


The South Downs way is a long-distance walking route that starts in Eastbourne and then heads up over Beachy Head, Seven Sisters, Seaford head and on across Sussex and into Hampshire, ending in Winchester. The first 10 miles or so of the walk take you out of the town and up over Beachy Head and the Seven Sisters cliff formations, with views over some stunning countryside, and all easily accessible via public transport



Getting There

Latitude: 50.751863; Longitude: 0.267019
What3Words: museum.shower.saints


Photo ID: 006600 Photo ID: 006601 Photo ID: 006602 Photo ID: 006603 Photo ID: 006615 Photo ID: 006616 Photo ID: 006617

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2011), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Birling Gap Birling Gap National Trust


Birling Gap sits at the end of the chalk ridges known as the Seven Sisters and before the ascents to the lighthouse at Belle Tout and the final climb to Beachy Head. The small hamlet has a large National Trust tea room. Since originally visiting there has been significant erosion of the cliffs at Birling Gap, causing the closure of part of the tea-room and temporarily cutting access to the beach.



Getting There

On weekdays access to Birling Gap is via a mile or so walk from the village of East Dean, buses run every 10 minutes taking around 15-20 minutes. On a Sunday there are direct buses (Brighton and Hove 13X0 to Birling Gap (hourly about 20 minutes). Buses also run hourly on Saturdays during the main part of the summer and in the high peak of summer they run hourly every day. Alternatively during the summer season the City-Sightseeing bus heads out to Birling Gap every 30 minutes taking about 30-35 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 50.742966; Longitude: 0.201488
What3Words: fetching.easels.energetic


Photo ID: 006611 Photo ID: 006612 Photo ID: 006613 Photo ID: 006614 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2011), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pevensey: Castle Pevensey: Castle English Heritage


The ruins of a Norman Castle, built inside the ruins of a Roman fort. Pevensey is stooped in history from the landing point of the Norman conquest up to it's role as a gun emplacement during the second world war, carefully disguised as a ruined castle



Getting There

There are half hourly trains from Eastbourne to Pevensey and Westerham station (10 minutes) from where it's a 10 minute or so walk. Alternatively the 99 bus runs every 20 minutes (about 16 minutes), get off the stop after Pevensey Bay station from where it's a short walk to the castle
Latitude: 50.819147; Longitude: 0.334096
What3Words: identity.fault.evoke


Photo ID: 006637 Photo ID: 006638 Photo ID: 006639 Photo ID: 006640 Photo ID: 006641 Photo ID: 006642 Photo ID: 006643

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2011), and on time of last update (19/12/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seven Sisters Seven Sisters No Data


Seven chalk ridges that run along the South Coast, starting at Birling Gap and ending at the point where the Cuckmere river empties into the sea. The pristine white chalk underlies the constantly changing nature of the countryside as the sea rapidly eats its way into the cliffs.



Getting There

Access to the Seven Sisters is either from the Cuckmere Haven side at Exceat. Buses run from the pier to Exceat every 10 minutes taking around 20 minutes. Alternatively access is at Birling Gap, but there are only direct buses all year round on a Sunday (hourly, around 20 minutes). See the entry for Birling Gap for more details on access by public transport during the summer season
Latitude: 50.775082; Longitude: 0.153787
What3Words: seaweed.dollars.parkland


Photo ID: 006604 Photo ID: 000605 Photo ID: 006606 Photo ID: 006607 Photo ID: 006608 Photo ID: 006609 Photo ID: 006610

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2011), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hastings Hastings No Data


A former large fishing port, Hastings fell on poor times with the decline of the home tourism industry and has only just started to revive itself. Needless to say the town plays up to its famous battle with several 1066 themed attractions


Getting There

There are up to three trains an hour to Hastings, taking between 20 and 30 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively the 99 bus runs along the coast taking about 90 minutes. Buses run every 20 minutes
Latitude: 50.856554; Longitude: 0.580602
What3Words: enjoy.mute.keen


Photo ID: 006648 Photo ID: 006649 Photo ID: 006650 Photo ID: 006651 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2011), and on time of last update (19/12/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rye Rye No Data


Once one of the most important ports on the south coast, and a Cinque port. With the marshes encroaching and the rivers silting up the town is now at least two miles from the coast, but has been preserved as a picturesque Sussex town


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Eastbourne to Rye taking around 45 minutes
Latitude: 50.9501; Longitude: 0.734239
What3Words: radiates.upward.gathering


Photo ID: 006653 Photo ID: 006654 Photo ID: 006655 Photo ID: 006656 Photo ID: 006657 Photo ID: 006658 Photo ID: 006660

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2011), and on time of last update (19/12/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Anne of Cleves House Anne of Cleves House No Data


**Review from previous visit - museum was still closed due to Covid measures in September 2021** The house was given to Anne as part of her divorce settlement from Henry VIII and has been restored to how it would have looked when Anne lived here. Outside there is a traditional Tudor garden.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.868979; Longitude: 0.00406
What3Words: astounded.beams.rash


Photo ID: 035960 Photo ID: 035961 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2021), and on time of last update (27/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lewes Castle Lewes Castle No Data


The fist parts of the castle were created shortly after the Norman invasion of 1066, with the castle becoming something of a rarity for having two mottes. Today only one of the mottes survives with partial ruins of the keep on the top - though parts of one of the towers remains which allows you to climb to the top for excellent views. Information boards on the different floors tells the history of the castle and the town. The Barbican gatehouse also remains and once again you can climb to the top of that for views of the castle and surrounding town.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.872883; Longitude: 0.007485
What3Words: butlers.nicer.centrally


Photo ID: 035932 Photo ID: 035937 Photo ID: 035943 Photo ID: 035946 Photo ID: 035947 Photo ID: 035951 Photo ID: 035952

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2021), and on time of last update (27/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lewes Priory Lewes Priory No Data


The ruins of the priory of St Pancras, Founded shortly after the Normans arrived the site grew into a substantial complex, which was all subsequently demolished following the dissolution of the monasteries. Just small fragments of the buildings remain today as a reminder of what the site once was.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.868306; Longitude: 0.008515
What3Words: croaking.prouder.august


Photo ID: 035962 Photo ID: 035964 Photo ID: 035966 Photo ID: 035967 Photo ID: 035969 Photo ID: 035970 Photo ID: 035975

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2021), and on time of last update (27/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sussex Archaeological Museum Sussex Archaeological Museum No Data


Located next to the castle the museum houses a number of finds from the different sites under Sussex Past's care. This includes Archaeological finds dating back to the stone age. There is also a model of Lewes as it would have been over 100 years ago and a half hourly light and sound show that tells some of the history of the city


Charge, Included in entry to Castle

Getting There

Latitude: 50.872609; Longitude: 0.008392
What3Words: return.endlessly.warms


Photo ID: 035953 Photo ID: 035954 Photo ID: 035955 Photo ID: 035956 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2021), and on time of last update (27/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newhaven: Fort Newhaven: Fort No Data


There have been fortifications on this headland back to at least the Roman times, but the current fort is Victorian. It was designed to hunker down into the landscape and be almost invisible so any attacking enemy wouldn't really know what they were coming across. Not that any of that design was ever put to test, with the threat from the French already having receded by the time the fort opened (in fact by then the main Enemy Napoleon III was retired and living in Kent!)



Getting There

See Newhaven for details on getting to the town. From Newhaven Town station it's about a 25 minute walk along the opposite bank of the river to the fort - the walk is pretty flat until the final 300m or so where you climb up to the fort.
Latitude: 50.783207; Longitude: 0.054692
What3Words: remedy.grape.waltzed


Photo ID: 035870 Photo ID: 035871 Photo ID: 035874 Photo ID: 035878 Photo ID: 035880 Photo ID: 035883 Photo ID: 035885

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2021), and on time of last update (27/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rodmell: Monk's House Rodmell: Monk's House National Trust


This 500 year old building had an uneventful life until the early 20th century when it was purchased by Virginia Woolf and her husband Leonard. It was here that she wrote many of her books and following her death Leonard continued to live here until he died. The house has been kept as it would have been when the Woolf's were living there, and the gardens - which were designed by Leonard - have been maintained as they would have been when he was alive.



Getting There

From Lewes the 123 bus runs a couple of times a day Monday to Saturday, taking about 20 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 50.838711; Longitude: 0.016565
What3Words: crashing.watched.shoelaces


Photo ID: 035891 Photo ID: 035892 Photo ID: 035895 Photo ID: 035900 Photo ID: 035901 Photo ID: 035905 Photo ID: 035915

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2021), and on time of last update (27/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seaford: Museum Seaford: Museum No Data


Located in the first (or last) of the Martello towers built between here and Aldeburgh in Suffolk, the museum tells the history of the town including a focus on the domestic life of the town, with a wide selection of historic household equipment, and mock-ups of period shops



Getting There

Latitude: 50.767041; Longitude: 0.103958
What3Words: lyricism.diver.bandaged


Photo ID: 035981 Photo ID: 035982 Photo ID: 035986 Photo ID: 035987 Photo ID: 035989 Photo ID: 035991 Photo ID: 035993

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2021), and on time of last update (27/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wilmington: Long Man Wilmington: Long Man No Data


A large figure of a man carved into the chalk that was thought to have originated in the Iron Age, but modern archaeology suggests it may only have been created in the early 17th Century. You can climb up onto the South Downs way to look down on the figure, but the best views are actually from the fields below, plus they don't require a hefty climb up the chalk ridge of the South Downs.



Getting There

From Lewes you can take a regular train (4-6 an hour) to Polegate and change there onto a bus to Wilmington (irregular), or walk from Polegate station (about 2 miles). Alternatively take the train to Berwick station (about 2 an hour) and it's a 2.5 mile walk. From Wilmington you can either walk along the relatively flat path to the fields below the Long Man from where the best views are seen - this walk takes about 20 minutes. Alternatively you can hike up onto the South Downs Way to look down onto the slope from above - though seeing the Long Man from the top is more difficult, this also requires a steep ascent and the walk takes around 45-60 minutes in each direction.
Latitude: 50.810041; Longitude: 0.188021
What3Words: bland.digs.pram


Photo ID: 035999 Photo ID: 036000 Photo ID: 036003 Photo ID: 036005 Photo ID: 036007 Photo ID: 036008 Photo ID: 036014

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2021), and on time of last update (27/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newhaven Newhaven No Data


The New Harbour, built at the seaward end of the River Ouse by dredging a deep channel in the river to allow larger boats to travel up to the harbour and docks. Today the harbour remains, but in a much reduced capacity with a small fishing fleet and a twice a day ferry service to Dieppe. The town itself climbs up the hills heading out of town, but apart from the fort there is little to see in the town


Getting There

There are half hourly trains from Lewes to Newhaven Town taking 10 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively the 123 bus runs a couple of times a day Monday to Saturday taking about 40 minutes to make the trip
Latitude: 50.793826; Longitude: 0.048312
What3Words: gems.pigtails.wisely


Photo ID: 035856 Photo ID: 035859 Photo ID: 035863 Photo ID: 035864 Photo ID: 035865 Photo ID: 035879 Photo ID: 035884

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/09/2021), and on time of last update (27/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seaford Seaford No Data


Once a major port on the English coast the town suffered from costal sedimentation that silted up it's harbour so traffic moved to the New Harbour or New Haven built up the coast at what is today Newhaven. The town had a bit of a revival in the 19th century becoming a small seaside resort, albeit eclipsed by the nearby resorts of Eastbourne and Brighton. Today it is mostly a dormitory town for Brighton, Eastbourne and London. The town is also home to the first, or last if you're coming from the North of the Martello towers that were built to protected the South East coast from a French invasion that never happened.


Getting There

There are half hourly trains from Lewes to Seaford taking about 20 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 50.772802; Longitude: 0.100689
What3Words: rational.instilled.financial


Photo ID: 035977 Photo ID: 035978 Photo ID: 035980 Photo ID: 035992 Photo ID: 035994 Photo ID: 035995 Photo ID: 035998

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2021), and on time of last update (27/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Camber Castle Camber Castle English Heritage


N.B. ***Originally visited in 2006 when it was possible to enter the castle, photos are from then, information updated in 2021*** Built by Henry VIII to protect the shore it stood next to, over time the channels have silted up and the castle now rests is splendid isolation set back nearly a mile from the coast. There is no access to the inside of the castle, but you can look at the outside of the fort.


Free - no entry inside

Getting There

Camber Castle is about 1 1/2 miles from the centre of Rye. From the centre of town head to the Strand and cross the River Brede, you should now be on the A259 heading towards Hastings. Follow the river. Just after a shipyard Harbour Road goes off to the left heading towards Rye Harbour, immediately crossing the River Brede again. As soon as you've crossed the bridge there is a public bridleway going off to the right, alongside the bank of the Brede. Stay on the bridal way and you should be able to see the castle about a mile away, just keep following the bridleway the whole way.
Latitude: 50.933553; Longitude: 0.733704
What3Words: butternut.saga.printouts


Photo ID: do0286 Photo ID: do0287 Photo ID: do0288 Photo ID: do0289 Photo ID: do0290 Photo ID: 035813 Photo ID: 035830

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2006), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lamb House Lamb House National Trust


The grandest house in the town, built during the early Georgian period by the Lamb family, it played host to King George I when his ship was forced to land in Rye due to a storm. However, it's most famous resident was the novelist Henry James who lived here for the last 16 years of his life, and wrote several of his books in the house and the now lost garden room.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.949915; Longitude: 0.732801
What3Words: mock.openly.encourage


Photo ID: 035758 Photo ID: 035759 Photo ID: 035760 Photo ID: 035761 Photo ID: 035762 Photo ID: 035763 Photo ID: 035764

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rye Bay eBike Hire Rye Bay eBike Hire No Data


Located in Rye Harbour, with an occasional Pop-Up location just on the edge of town in the Rye Creative Centre, this bike hire company specialises in hiring out eBike - making the process of going for long cycle rides much easier as the battery can take on some of the strain. The area round Rye and along the coast towards Camber and Lydd had several very good cycle paths, which for the most part are totally segregated from the road making it a safe way to get around.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.943943; Longitude: 0.744079
What3Words: emails.accented.sway


Photo ID: 035686 Photo ID: 035689 Photo ID: 035696 Photo ID: 035705 Photo ID: 035712 Photo ID: 035726 Photo ID: 035730

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rye Castle Museum Rye Castle Museum No Data


Located in a former bottling factory the museum tells the history of the town from the pre-Roman through to the modern day.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.95109; Longitude: 0.734523
What3Words: shielding.frocks.canyons


Photo ID: 035793 Photo ID: 035794 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rye Heritage Centre Rye Heritage Centre No Data


Located at the bottom of town the heritage centre houses the town model. The model shows how the town would have looked at the end of the 19th century - though its clear very little has changed in the following century and a bit. A 15 minute light and sound presentation chart the history of the town through to the modern day, using the model as reference points.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.949785; Longitude: 0.729548
What3Words: runs.squish.investors


Photo ID: 035795 Photo ID: 035796 Photo ID: 035797 Photo ID: 035798 Photo ID: 035799 Photo ID: 035800 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Marys Church St Marys Church No Data


The town church, occupying the highest point in the town. The height means the tower doesn't have to be particularly tall for it's clock face to be visible from a long distance and to act as a key feature on the skyline. It also means it's not a particularly strenuous climb up the ladders to the top of the tower for views out over the surrounding countryside.


Free, Charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 50.95014; Longitude: 0.734162
What3Words: climate.flickers.weds


Photo ID: 035736 Photo ID: 035769 Photo ID: 035772 Photo ID: 035778 Photo ID: 035779 Photo ID: 035782 Photo ID: 035789

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Wave The Wave No Data


The Wave is the branding for a series of bus routes that link Eastbourne to Hastings (Number 99); Hastings to Rye (Numbers 100 and 101) and Rye to Lydd, Lydd-on-Sea, Romney, Hythe, Folkstone and Dover (102). Buses are typically hourly on each section every day (99 is every 20 minutes Monday to Saturday) - The 100 and 101 route serve different places, so some places are only served every other hour on this route. The buses provide excellent links across the Romney Marsh area giving quick access to many of the main towns along the coast.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.951827; Longitude: 0.731606
What3Words: rise.sardine.decompose


Photo ID: 035640 Photo ID: 035642 Photo ID: 035643 Photo ID: 035645 Photo ID: 035648 Photo ID: 035649 Photo ID: 035650

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ypres Tower Ypres Tower No Data


Also referred to as Rye Castle this small tower along with Camber Castle acted as key defensive points across the access to Rye harbour when the sea lapped at the foot of the hill that Rye is on. As the sea retreated the importance of the castle waned and it subsequently served various roles, including that of the town prison - with the main tower being used for the men and a smaller tower the opposite side of the internal garden used for the women. Today it houses a small exhibition on the history of the castle, and the history of the area as the harbour silted up and retreated, as well as offering good views over the confluence of the rivers Rother and Brede from the terrace on the first floor.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.9498; Longitude: 0.735577
What3Words: mentioned.cabinet.balance


Photo ID: 035737 Photo ID: 035741 Photo ID: 035745 Photo ID: 035746 Photo ID: 035750 Photo ID: 035751 Photo ID: 035753

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Greatstone-on-Sea: Sound Mirrors Greatstone-on-Sea: Sound Mirrors No Data


Before Radar was invented the UK Government had worked out they could use the noise of incoming aircraft to plot their location and direction - giving an early warning of potential attacks, which given this was the late 1920s and early 1930s shows the country was already preparing long before Hitler even came to power in Germany. Today the Sound Mirrors are a reminder of how quickly technology moved during war time going from vital front line to historical footnote in a couple of years. The mirrors themselves are large pieces of sculpted concrete, designed to reflect and magnify sound waves being generated by approaching aircraft. Using multiple mirrors this can be used to plot the location and speed of the planes. The site has several different designs of sound mirror each with their own purpose


Free - no access to the mirrors themselves

Getting There

From Seaview Road bus stop turn left into Seaview road and walk down the road until it ends on the shingle. Walk across the shingle and enter the RSPB Nature reserve, turn left and follow the path until you reach a junction of paths after about 10 minutes, here turn right and follow this path until you reach the sound mirrors. It's about a 15-20 minute walk from the bus stop to the Sound Mirrors, with most of it over loose shingle
Latitude: 50.956588; Longitude: 0.954211
What3Words: footpath.period.painters


Photo ID: 035667 Photo ID: 035668 Photo ID: 035669 Photo ID: 035670 Photo ID: 035671 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Camber Sands Camber Sands No Data


The last town in East Sussex, and known for it's wide sandy beach (and less well know, sadly, for the strong currents off shore that regularly cause swimmers to get into trouble). Due to the curve of the coast at this point the beach is in a wide sandy bay that at low tide can be quite shallow in places. The shape of the land also generates quite a bit of wind, and the area is popular for kite surfing.


Getting There

The 102 bus runs hourly from Rye to Camber, taking about 20 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 50.932758; Longitude: 0.796337
What3Words: richer.phantom.plums


Photo ID: 035682 Photo ID: 035697 Photo ID: 035698 Photo ID: 035719 Photo ID: 035720 Photo ID: 035721 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dengemarsh Dengemarsh No Data


Located West along the coast from Dungeness, Dengemarsh is - if anything - a stranger location. The land here was reclaimed from the sea in the 8th century, but little is now here other than the back of an Army firing range, a coast guard lookout station, the back of Dungeness Nuclear power plant and the Dengemarsh Sewer. The latter actually being the route through which the Romney Marshes are kept drained and dry taking the excess water down and out to the sea here, rather than an actual human waste sewer. It's a very weird location, accessed by a very weird and bumpy road


Getting There

The 102 bus runs hourly from Rye to Lydd taking about 30 minutes to make the journey. From Lydd it's a 4 mile walk down a single track road that then turns into an unpaved road and then a shingle track to Dengemarsh beach - it's a long and boring walk, so best done on a bike.
Latitude: 50.913219; Longitude: 0.936136
What3Words: snaps.obstruction.geologist


Photo ID: 035691 Photo ID: 035692 Photo ID: 035693 Photo ID: 035964 Photo ID: 035965 Photo ID: 035696 Photo ID: 035723

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dungeness Dungeness No Data


Effectively the bottom right corner of Britain, Dungeness is a strange place, a vast shingle beach the stretches back into the Romney Marshes with a massive Nuclear Power station adding to the strangeness.


Getting There

The 102 bus runs hourly from Rye to Lydd and then onto Lydd-on-Sea (in Rye the bus will be showing Lydd (For Dover) or Lydd (For Folkstone) as the destination), the journey takes about 40 minutes. From Lydd-on-Sea it's about a 30-40 minute walk down the sole road heading out to Dungeness
Latitude: 50.91425; Longitude: 0.973229
What3Words: hogs.taskbar.unpacked


Photo ID: 035650 Photo ID: 035672 Photo ID: 035673 Photo ID: 035674 Photo ID: 035675 Photo ID: 035676 Photo ID: 035722

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Greatstone-on-Sea Greatstone-on-Sea No Data


It's not easy to tell where Lydd-on-Sea ends and Greatstone-on-Sea starts, but the main difference between these almost identical towns is that there are some sand dunes towards the north end of the town that separate the road from the beach.


Getting There

The 102 bus runs hourly from Rye to Lydd and then onto Lydd-on-Sea and Greatstone-on-Sea (in Rye the bus will be showing Lydd (For Dover) or Lydd (For Folkstone) as the destination), the journey takes about 50 minutes
Latitude: 50.961581; Longitude: 0.961464
What3Words: pounces.sunbeam.grouping


Photo ID: 035660 Photo ID: 035661 Photo ID: 035662 Photo ID: 035663 Photo ID: 035664 Photo ID: 035665 Photo ID: 035666

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lydd Lydd No Data


Located in the Romney Marshes, and a couple of miles inland from the sea, Lydd is the first town that you reach in Kent as you come across from East Sussex. A large part of the town is focused on the Army camp which stretches for several miles down to the coast and Dengemarsh and most of the way back to Camber. The town is set around a pretty church, with it's tower being visible from a long distance across the otherwise flat landscape.


Getting There

The 102 bus runs hourly from Rye to Lydd taking about 30 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 50.950969; Longitude: 0.906542
What3Words: repeating.pianists.snooping


Photo ID: 035643 Photo ID: 035644 Photo ID: 035645 Photo ID: 035646 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lydd-on-Sea Lydd-on-Sea No Data


Not to be confused with Lydd Town, which is a couple of miles inland, Lydd-on-Sea sits between Greatstone-on-sea to the north and Dungeness to the South, though it's quite difficult to tell where one settlement ends and the next begins. The town spreads out behind the coast road with the wide shingle beach stretching down to the sea.


Getting There

The 102 bus runs hourly from Rye to Lydd and then onto Lydd-on-Sea (in Rye the bus will be showing Lydd (For Dover) or Lydd (For Folkstone) as the destination), the journey takes about 40 minutes
Latitude: 50.943782; Longitude: 0.968556
What3Words: bookshop.reservoir.protest


Photo ID: 035651 Photo ID: 035652 Photo ID: 035653 Photo ID: 035654 Photo ID: 035655 Photo ID: 035656 Photo ID: 035657

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Winchelsea Winchelsea No Data


Located on a high ridge formed by the confluence of the rivers Brede, Rother and Tillingham. The town was formed in the 13th century to place the older settlement which had been at sea level and was lost to erosion. Today perched on the top of it's ridge the town has commanding views over the countryside, and a fine collection of old buildings, set in a grid pattern around the church at the centre, and with three of the four original town gates still standing.


Getting There

The 100 bus runs hourly (every other hour on Sundays) from Rye up onto the ridge that Winchelsea is on, before carrying on to Hastings. The journey takes just under 10 minutes
Latitude: 50.924258; Longitude: 0.708899
What3Words: spud.mailers.wedding


Photo ID: 035803 Photo ID: 035804 Photo ID: 035811 Photo ID: 035814 Photo ID: 035821 Photo ID: 035823 Photo ID: 035827

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/09/2021), and on time of last update (23/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Colchester Castle Colchester Castle No Data


A thousand year old castle, built on 2,000 year old roman foundations. The site started as a temple to Claudius, was the site of a massacre by Boudicca, was the largest Norman keep ever built in Britain and today houses a stunning collection of artefacts about Colchester's past, with lots of Roman remain. You can also go on a guided tour of the castle foundations and see the Roman remains and then climb to the roof for stunning views over the town.


Charge, additional charge for the castle tour

Getting There

Latitude: 51.890623; Longitude: 0.902998
What3Words: vibes.edges.loved


Photo ID: 006781 Photo ID: 006783 Photo ID: 006812 Photo ID: 006813 Photo ID: 006814 Photo ID: 006815 Photo ID: 006817

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/01/2012), and on time of last update (31/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Natural History Museum Natural History Museum No Data


Located in a former church the museum has examples of most of the animals that are native to this part of Essex



Getting There

Latitude: 51.889557; Longitude: 0.903878
What3Words: ample.garage.over


Photo ID: 006782 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/01/2012), and on time of last update (31/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roman Walls Roman Walls No Data


Large parts of the original Roman walls of Camulodunum still remain and it's possible to trace large parts of what was a massive settlement



Getting There

Latitude: 51.888031; Longitude: 0.904618
What3Words: nasal.rails.exists


Photo ID: 006811 Photo ID: 006828 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/01/2012), and on time of last update (31/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Botolph's Priory St Botolph's Priory English Heritage


The ruins of the former Augustinian priory



Getting There

Latitude: 51.887395; Longitude: 0.904398
What3Words: oath.gallons.sorry


Photo ID: 006819 Photo ID: 006820 Photo ID: 006821 Photo ID: 006822 Photo ID: 006823 Photo ID: 006824 Photo ID: 006825

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/01/2012), and on time of last update (31/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St John's Abbey Gate St John's Abbey Gate English Heritage


The only remaining part of St John's Abbey is the impressive gate structure



Getting There

Latitude: 51.885548; Longitude: 0.901281
What3Words: rising.ports.jacket


Photo ID: 006826 Photo ID: 006827 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/01/2012), and on time of last update (31/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Flatford Mill Flatford Mill National Trust


The land around the mill was once owned by the father of John Constable, and it was here that he painted some of his most famous works, including the Haywain. Today the landscape is little changed from Constable's day and you can still see the same scenes that he did, only with the benefit of a National Trust tea room to add sustenance



Getting There

From Colchester take the train one stop north to Manningtree (2-3 trains an hour about 10 minutes). From Manningtree it's a well sign-posted 1 3/4 mile walk along footpaths (can be muddy at times) to Flatford. Alternatively you can go by roads, but this is over 3 miles. There are also buses from Colchester to the nearby village of East Bergholt which is then a 20 minute walk away (hourly, around 30 minutes)
Latitude: 51.958591; Longitude: 1.021771
What3Words: solo.motivations.coping


Photo ID: 006789 Photo ID: 006790 Photo ID: 006791 Photo ID: 006792 Photo ID: 006793 Photo ID: 006794 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2012), and on time of last update (31/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Clacton-on-Sea Clacton-on-Sea No Data


East Essex's premier sea-side town. It ticks all the boxes with games arcades, a pier with fairground rides café's and views along the coast.


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Colchester taking around 30 minutes
Latitude: 51.789267; Longitude: 1.151955
What3Words: flattens.landscape.originate


Photo ID: 006795 Photo ID: 006796 Photo ID: 006798 Photo ID: 006799 Photo ID: 006800 Photo ID: 006801 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2012), and on time of last update (31/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Walton-on-the-Naze Walton-on-the-Naze No Data


Less showy that it's neighbour to the south, Clacton, Walton is a quiet seaside resort with a long pier (though most of it is just a wooden jetty for fishing from). It's close to the Naze a headland at the end of the Blackwater estuary that is an important wildlife habitat.


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Colchester taking around 40 minutes. During the week, and on Saturdays, if you miss the train you can catch the later Clacton train which then catches up with the Walton train at Thorpe-le-Soken
Latitude: 51.846476; Longitude: 1.272032
What3Words: coconut.guideline.scored


Photo ID: 006802 Photo ID: 006804 Photo ID: 006805 Photo ID: 006806 Photo ID: 006807 Photo ID: 006809 Photo ID: 006810

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2012), and on time of last update (31/01/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beecroft Art Gallery Beecroft Art Gallery No Data


The town art gallery showing a number of changing exhibitions over its two floors. In the basement there is also the Jazz centre UK (though this was closed on the day I visited)



Getting There

Latitude: 51.542689; Longitude: 0.710531
What3Words: repair.cost.pinch


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/06/2021), and on time of last update (15/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Central Museum Central Museum No Data


Located in the Victorian former central library the museum is divided into several different collections. The main exhbitiion space is given over to the archaeology and history of South Essex and the Southend region from the earliest traces of man through the Iron and Broze ages, Romans and Anglo-Saxons and up to the medieval period. There is also a significant display of the finds of a 6th Century Anglo-Saxon Princely burial that was discovered when a road was widened a short distance away in the Prittlewell area of the town. Other parts of the museum focus on the history of the towns tourism, the ecology and fauna of the Thames estuary and mock-ups of some Victoria rooms.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.542259; Longitude: 0.710744
What3Words: punch.leap.falls


Photo ID: 033091 Photo ID: 033092 Photo ID: 033093 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/06/2021), and on time of last update (15/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Open Top Bus Open Top Bus No Data


Running on weekends during the summer months, and every day during the holidays, the numbe 68 bus operates an open-top bus route that takes in Westcliff, Chalkwell, Old Leigh, Leigh-on-Sea and then back to Southend. This is a good way of seeing some of the pretty towns West of Southend, and for accessing them. Services run every 30 minutes, with a full loop taking around 60 minutes - though traffic in central Southend can be very bad and delay services significantly.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.533213; Longitude: 0.71456
What3Words: data.animal.cracks


Photo ID: 033107 Photo ID: 033108 Photo ID: 033109 Photo ID: 033119 Photo ID: 033125 Photo ID: 033132 Photo ID: 033134

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/06/2021), and on time of last update (15/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pier Pier No Data


The worlds longest pleasure pier, at over a mile long it streatches out into the Thames Estuary, to put the end out into deep water even at low tide. At the far end there is a pavilion an RNLI station and a number of small cafes


Charge to go onto pier

Getting There

Latitude: 51.514884; Longitude: 0.721953
What3Words: runs.harp.piper


Photo ID: 032993 Photo ID: 033000 Photo ID: 033001 Photo ID: 033005 Photo ID: 033009 Photo ID: 033012 Photo ID: 033102

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/06/2021), and on time of last update (15/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pier Railway Pier Railway No Data


Running most of the way down the pier from landside to the start of the café's the railway saves on over a miles walk down the pier.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.533147; Longitude: 0.7158
What3Words: leaned.jolly.shops


Photo ID: 032997 Photo ID: 032998 Photo ID: 032999 Photo ID: 033007 Photo ID: 033010 Photo ID: 033133 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/06/2021), and on time of last update (15/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Shrubbery The Shrubbery No Data


A small shrubbery and rock garden, located on the Western Esplalande, just across from the pier - this is a pretty little garden, with fantasy buildings dotted amongst the rocks and shrubs. You cant go into the garden, but you can look from around the edge



Getting There

Latitude: 51.533496; Longitude: 0.713711
What3Words: gravy.next.digit


Photo ID: 033124 Photo ID: 033136 Photo ID: 033137 Photo ID: 033138 Photo ID: 033139 Photo ID: 033140 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/06/2021), and on time of last update (15/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hadwell: Hadwell Castle Hadwell: Hadwell Castle English Heritage


Small fragments of this 13th century castle, that stands on a high ridge commanding views across the Thames Estuary into Kent, across Canvey Island and down beyond Southend. The castle wasn't built in the best possible way - with the ground being unstable causing the building to required constant repair to stop it sliding down the hill. Eventually the castle was abandoned in the 16th century and today only fragments of the outer wall and one round tower are standing. There is one very precarious chunk of masonary from another tower that is clearly slowly sliding down the hill still, with a very distinct lean into the hill.



Getting There

From Southend regular trains run to Leigh-on-Sea, taking about 10 minutes. From there is a 35 minute walk uphill to the castle. Alternatively, the number 26 bus runs every 20 minutes or so from Leigh-on-Sea station to Hadley Church, from where it’s a gentle 10 minute downhill walk to the castle. The 26 starts back in Southend, but takes about 50 minutes to make the journey to Hadley, so you may want to take the train to cut down a significant part of the journey.
Latitude: 51.544446; Longitude: 0.60891
What3Words: solo.rare.atom


Photo ID: 033067 Photo ID: 033069 Photo ID: 033070 Photo ID: 033072 Photo ID: 033073 Photo ID: 033082 Photo ID: 033086

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/06/2021), and on time of last update (15/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tilbury: Tilbury Fort Tilbury: Tilbury Fort English Heritage


Originally built as a small fort for the protection of the River Thames by Henry VIII, the site was expanded over time with a major overhaul undertaken during the reign of Charles II to create much of the shape of the fort that exists today. Further changes took place during the Victorian era. Today many of the barrack and official buildings have dissapeared, but some of the powder magazines, officer's quarters and the chappel remains which helps give you a feel of the site.



Getting There

From Southend there are half hourly trains to Tilbury Town. From there the number 99 town circular bus connects to take you down to the Gravesend ferry at Tilbury Riverside - this used to be a train line, which has never been officially closed, so through ticketing including the bus to Tilbury Riverside is available. In the opposite direction the bus connects with the ferry and should connect with the trains back, but the connection is tight and if the ferry is delayed the bus will wait for that, so you may end up with a lengthy wait on TIlbury Town station. Total journey time is about 50 minutes.
Latitude: 51.452776; Longitude: 0.374743
What3Words: sheet.little.probe


Photo ID: 033025 Photo ID: 033030 Photo ID: 033038 Photo ID: 033044 Photo ID: 033051 Photo ID: 033052 Photo ID: 033063

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/06/2021), and on time of last update (15/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beverly Gate Beverly Gate No Data


The partial ruins of one of the city's former gates, possibly one of the most important locations in the country as it was the closure of this gate, and the refusal of the city to allow King Charles in that marked the build up to the English civil war. Today only small parts remain in a sunken area near the maritime museum and tourist information centre



Getting There

Latitude: 53.743464; Longitude: -0.33798
What3Words: talent.glad.blows


Photo ID: 007856 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ferens Art Gallery Ferens Art Gallery No Data


The city's art gallery showing their strong collection of art, along with temporary exhibitions and a space for local artists


Free, Donations requested

Getting There

Latitude: 53.743445; Longitude: -0.339289
What3Words: mostly.pool.those


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hands on History Museum Hands on History Museum No Data


The hands on History museum, based in the former Grammar School, is an eclectic mix of exhibits. The ground floor is the "hands-on" element with a mock up of a Victorian school. On the first floor there is a small exhibit on ancient Egypt and an display on the life of the ordinary residents of Hull


Free, Donations requested

Getting There

Latitude: 53.741579; Longitude: -0.335426
What3Words: chart.neon.drops


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holy Trinity Church Holy Trinity Church No Data


The largest parish church in England, this looks more like a small cathedral with a stunning nave and choir.


Free, Donations requested

Getting There

Latitude: 53.741744; Longitude: -0.334343
What3Words: care.maker.oath


Photo ID: 007865 Photo ID: 007866 Photo ID: 007867 Photo ID: 007868 Photo ID: 007869 Photo ID: 007870 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hull and East Riding Museum Hull and East Riding Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the area from pre-history through until the English civil war


Free, Donations requested

Getting There

Latitude: 53.74334; Longitude: -0.330325
What3Words: pots.itself.hills


Photo ID: 007880 Photo ID: 007881 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum Maritime Museum No Data


The Maritime museum, based in the former dock offices, charts the history of the maritime connections of Hull. Exhibits look at both fishing and the more controversial role of Hull as a whaling port.


Free, Donations requested

Getting There

Latitude: 53.743813; Longitude: -0.338591
What3Words: renew.lately.vibes


Photo ID: 007893 Photo ID: 007896 Photo ID: 007908 Photo ID: 007909 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spurn Lightship Spurn Lightship No Data


Built in 1929 to help protect the notoriously treacherous approaches to the Humber the lightship was eventually decommissioned in the late 1970's and brought to Hull's Marina where it has been restored to how it would have been when it was out in the Humber estuary. You can experience the cramped conditions that the crew had to suffer for a month at a time. There are also some small exhibits on how lightships worked


Free, Donations requested

Getting There

Latitude: 53.740646; Longitude: -0.338227
What3Words: gravy.bath.loves


Photo ID: 007857 Photo ID: 007858 Photo ID: 007859 Photo ID: 007860 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Mary the Virgin Church St Mary the Virgin Church No Data


A lovely little church, off of Lowgate, located near most of the city museums.


Free, Donations requested

Getting There

Latitude: 53.743876; Longitude: -0.33239
What3Words: inform.splice.gosh


Photo ID: 007873 Photo ID: 007897 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Streetlife Museum Streetlife Museum No Data


The streetlife museum is the city's museum of transport mixed with exhibits on Victorian era shops. You can experience what life was like for people who had to travel by stagecoach on the carriage simulator.


Free, Donations requested

Getting There

Latitude: 53.743692; Longitude: -0.329713
What3Words: shower.grace.employ


Photo ID: 007877 Photo ID: 007878 Photo ID: 007879 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Deep The Deep No Data


Home to the largest aquarium tank in the country, and one of the 10 best lift rides in the world, the aquarium looks at all aspects of sea life from the first sea based creatures through to the modern day. You work you way down through the building to the base of the tank from where you walk through a viewing tunnel before rising back up through the tank in the lift.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.738755; Longitude: -0.330663
What3Words: needed.reply.select


Photo ID: 007864 Photo ID: 007898 Photo ID: 007901 Photo ID: 007902 Photo ID: 007903 Photo ID: 007904 Photo ID: 007905

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wilberforce House Museum Wilberforce House Museum No Data


The house where William Wilberforce, one of the driving forces behind the abolition of the slave trade, was born. The house now houses a museum with three main exhibits. The ground floor looks at the life of William. The upper floor looks at the subject of slavery and how the slave trade operated. Finally, on the ground floor opposite the main exhibits there are a couple of rooms dedicated to showing that slavery still exists in the 21st Century.


Free, Donations requested

Getting There

Latitude: 53.744212; Longitude: -0.329912
What3Words: faces.upset.radar


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Humber Bridge Humber Bridge No Data


When it opened it was the longest suspension bridge in the world, and cut over 50 miles off the journey between banks of the Humber. Today, it's no longer such a world beater, but it is still a stunning structure. You can observe the bridge from viewing points in Hessle (the Hull side) or in Barton-upon-Humber. You can also walk across the bridge (it takes about 30 minutes) as there are foot/cycle paths on either side of the road carriageway. The views from the bridge itself down the Humber estuary are stunning.


Getting There

The 350 bus towards Scunthorpe leaves from Hull bus station every hour and stops off at the North side of the bridge, in Hessle, just before crossing over. Alternatively you can stay on the bus and ride over the bridge through to Barton-upon-Humber, take in the views and then walk back over and pick up the bus on the bridge approach on the Hull side. Journey time is around 20 minutes to Hessle and a further 10 minutes across the bridge and down into Barton
Latitude: 53.707961; Longitude: -0.450096
What3Words: green.surprises.cycle


Photo ID: 007883 Photo ID: 007884 Photo ID: 007886 Photo ID: 007887 Photo ID: 007888 Photo ID: 007889 Photo ID: 007890

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bridlington Bridlington No Data


A traditional east coast seaside town with the usual mix of sandy beaches, amusement arcades and a small fun fair, and home to some stunning fish and chips


Getting There

There are roughly two trains an hour from Hull, taking around 45 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 54.081737; Longitude: -0.19299
What3Words: stall.tries.existence


Photo ID: 006516 Photo ID: 006517 Photo ID: 006518 Photo ID: 007910 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2012), and on time of last update (16/08/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Montpellier Montpellier No Data


Along with Promenade which follows on from Montpellier this is one of the nicest parts of the town, with lots of Georgian architecture and beautiful garden squares.


Getting There

Latitude: 51.896708; Longitude: -2.081147
What3Words: ranges.sentences.fluid


Photo ID: 011003 Photo ID: 011004 Photo ID: 011005 Photo ID: 011006 Photo ID: 011007 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2014), and on time of last update (20/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pittville Park Pittville Park No Data


Stretching North from the town centre the park creates an elegant walkway up to the Pump Room from where those in Georgian times could take the waters of the Spa. Today it's a pleasant park with a small lake and aviary


Getting There

Latitude: 51.909424; Longitude: -2.067972
What3Words: force.truth.finishing


Photo ID: 010993 Photo ID: 010994 Photo ID: 010995 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2014), and on time of last update (20/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pittville Pump Room Pittville Pump Room No Data


The pump room was the focus of Spa life in Georgian Cheltenham, where those coming to take the waters could imbibe. Today, if there aren't any events taking place, you can look around the stunning rooms of the building, you can even sample the waters if you wish.


Getting There

From the centre of town bus D goes up to the pump room in about 5 minutes. Alternatively it's about a 15-20 minute walk up to the pump room
Latitude: 51.911956; Longitude: -2.067356
What3Words: filer.expert.vocab


Photo ID: 010986 Photo ID: 010987 Photo ID: 010988 Photo ID: 010989 Photo ID: 010990 Photo ID: 010991 Photo ID: 010992

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2014), and on time of last update (20/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Wilson: Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum The Wilson: Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum No Data


The town's museum and art gallery. The museum is the usual mix of everything to do with the history of the town, from pre-history through to the modern day. There is a focus on the Arts and Crafts movement who did a lot of their work in the Cotswolds.


Getting There

Latitude: 51.901187; Longitude: -2.077891
What3Words: moth.noises.dimes


Photo ID: 011008 Photo ID: 011010 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/01/2014), and on time of last update (20/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cirencester: Abbey Gardens Cirencester: Abbey Gardens No Data


Nothing remains of the original abbey buildings, but the grounds that they were set in still remain, including the Ice House and abbey pond. Today it's a pleasant park that you can wander round



Getting There

Latitude: 51.719319; Longitude: -1.965523
What3Words: resists.relief.definite


Photo ID: 010982 Photo ID: 010983 Photo ID: 010984 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2014), and on time of last update (20/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cirencester: Amphitheatre Cirencester: Amphitheatre English Heritage


One of the few remnants of Cirencester's Roman past, today just grass covered earthworks show what would have been an impressive arena and stands.



Getting There

Short walk from the town centre the opposite side of the main road bypassing the town centre. From the large Waitrose at the South Western end of town take Sheep Street up and over the main road that bypasses the town centre and then turn immediately left once over the bridge. There is signage from this point
Latitude: 51.711535; Longitude: -1.972207
What3Words: expensive.teacher.shaves


Photo ID: 010975 Photo ID: 010976 Photo ID: 010977 Photo ID: 010978 Photo ID: 010979 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2014), and on time of last update (20/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cirencester: Corinium Museum Cirencester: Corinium Museum No Data


An excellent museum telling the history of the town from prehistoric settlements through to the Victorian era, with a significant emphasis on it's Roman history



Getting There

Latitude: 51.717501; Longitude: -1.970624
What3Words: pimples.dunes.hoped


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2014), and on time of last update (20/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cirencester: Roman Walls Cirencester: Roman Walls No Data


Very little of the original Roman walls that once encircled the town remain. A small section at the rear of the Abbey gardens is exposed to look at to get an idea of what they may have looked like



Getting There

Latitude: 51.718784; Longitude: -1.961921
What3Words: camp.scatters.according


Photo ID: 010983 Photo ID: 010984 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2014), and on time of last update (20/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cirencester: St John the Baptist Church Cirencester: St John the Baptist Church No Data


One of the largest parish churches in Britain, and a striking building that is visible from across the town. Inside the large windows illuminate the number of small chapels and nave.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.717537; Longitude: -1.96813
What3Words: soap.sweeten.deleting


Photo ID: 010980 Photo ID: 010981 Photo ID: 010982 Photo ID: 010985 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2014), and on time of last update (20/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cirencester Cirencester No Data


Corinium was second only to Londinium at one point in the Roman occupation of Britain. A large Roman City with all the amenities that would go along with that until it was abandoned shortly after the Romans departed the British Isles in the 5th Century. The Georgian town has been built almost completely on top of the original Roman settlement which means that almost nothing remains. However, despite it's lack of Roman remains it is a beautiful Cotswolds Georgian Town with elegant streets and a pleasant and relaxed feel.


Getting There

Bus 51 runs hourly during the day Monday to Saturday from Cheltenham to Cirencester (and onto Swindon) taking around 40 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 51.717062; Longitude: -1.968358
What3Words: stall.canyons.either


Photo ID: 010971 Photo ID: 010972 Photo ID: 010973 Photo ID: 010974 Photo ID: 010985 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2014), and on time of last update (20/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


Manchester Cathedral is a small oasis of tranquillity hidden away amongst the high-rise towers of the city centre.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.485249; Longitude: -2.244354
What3Words: alert.life.hammer


Photo ID: 001426 Photo ID: 001428 Photo ID: 008255 Photo ID: 008257 Photo ID: 008258 Photo ID: 008259 Photo ID: 008260

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2006), and on time of last update (12/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Imperial War Museum North Imperial War Museum North No Data


The museum looks at war and it's effects in one large display hall. There is also a temporary exhibition gallery.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

From the centre of town catch any tram going to MediacityUK and get off there. It's a short well signed walk from the tram stop (the museum is clearly visible). Trams are every 10 minutes or so and take around 20 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 53.469951; Longitude: -2.298803
What3Words: shower.reply.drain


Photo ID: 008223 Photo ID: 008243 Photo ID: 008244 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2012), and on time of last update (19/11/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Imperial War Museum North: Air Shard Imperial War Museum North: Air Shard No Data


Rising up from the centre of the museum the air shard offers views over Salford Quays and MediacityUK. I'm sure on a sunny day the views are spectacular, but on a typical Mancunian wet day visibility was at best a couple of hundred yards.



Getting There

From the centre of town catch any tram going to MediacityUK and get off there. It's a short well signed walk from the tram stop (the museum is clearly visible). Trams are every 10 minutes or so and take around 20 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 53.469925; Longitude: -2.299243
What3Words: vocab.pumps.wings


Photo ID: 008223 Photo ID: 008243 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2012), and on time of last update (19/11/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Manchester Museum Manchester Museum No Data


The Manchester museum, part of the university, has a wide collection of artefacts touching most subjects from Egyptians to Space via stuffed animals, Dinosaurs and Geology.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.46633; Longitude: -2.234709
What3Words: friday.socket.craft


Photo ID: 008245 Photo ID: 008246 Photo ID: 008247 Photo ID: 008248 Photo ID: 008249 Photo ID: 008250 Photo ID: 008254

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2012), and on time of last update (19/11/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Manchester Wheel Manchester Wheel No Data


Supposedly a temporary structure erected over Christmas, but it's the second time the wheel has been here, so who knows… The wheel offers stunning views over the city centre (and if the wind gets really strong at the top the contents of your stomach!) - UPDATE NOVEMBER 2012>>The wheel has now been removed (April 2012)



Getting There

Latitude: 53.484356; Longitude: -2.243078
What3Words: meal.meals.melon


Photo ID: 001427 Photo ID: 001428 Photo ID: 001429 Photo ID: 001430 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2006), and on time of last update (19/11/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Science and Industry Museum of Science and Industry No Data


Located in the buildings of the worlds first railway station the museum has displays on all aspects of science and industry



Getting There

The museum is close to Deansgate-Castlefield tram stop or about a miles walk from the city centre
Latitude: 53.477281; Longitude: -2.255062
What3Words: trying.civic.pool


Photo ID: 001422 Photo ID: 001423 Photo ID: 001424 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2006), and on time of last update (12/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Lowry The Lowry No Data


The Lowry comprises theatres, arts venues and exhibition galleries all in one space and dedicated to Salford's most famous son, L.S. Lowry. The centre has a large collection of the artists work which are on display in the permanent collection. There is also a 20 minute film showing throughout the day dealing with Lowry's life and exhibition space showing a changing programme of displays.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

From the centre of town catch any tram going to MediacityUK and get off there. It's a short well signed walk from the tram stop (the centre is clearly visible). Trams are every 10 minutes or so and take around 20 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 53.470915; Longitude: -2.295917
What3Words: insect.frozen.reform


Photo ID: 008224 Photo ID: 008242 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2012), and on time of last update (19/11/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Buxton: Pooles Cavern Buxton: Pooles Cavern No Data


A stunning series of show caves descending beneath Derbyshire. The caves include parts of what becomes the Derbyshire River Wye when it emerges from the caves and stunning stalactites and stalagmites, including some of the fastest growing in the world. Regular tours take you through all the accessible parts of the cave.



Getting There

From the centre of town follow the signs through the Pavilion park and out the back of town to Pooles Cavern
Latitude: 53.250339; Longitude: -1.926582
What3Words: morphing.snowmen.flanked


Photo ID: 008203 Photo ID: 008204 Photo ID: 008205 Photo ID: 008206 Photo ID: 008207 Photo ID: 008208 Photo ID: 008209

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/11/2012), and on time of last update (19/11/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Buxton: Solomon's Temple Buxton: Solomon's Temple No Data


Located on a hill high above the town the folly offers stunning views down into Buxton and on over the Peak District.



Getting There

The walk to Solomon's Temple is clearly signposted from the car park for Pooles Cavern
Latitude: 53.242685; Longitude: -1.920598
What3Words: veal.slicing.nuzzling


Photo ID: 008211 Photo ID: 008212 Photo ID: 008213 Photo ID: 008214 Photo ID: 008215 Photo ID: 008216 Photo ID: 008217

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/11/2012), and on time of last update (19/11/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chester: Cathedral Chester: Cathedral No Data


A former priory that has become the city's cathedral


Free, Donation Requested

Getting There

Latitude: 53.191932; Longitude: -2.890424
What3Words: bricks.mixed.plan


Photo ID: 001416 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2006), and on time of last update (12/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chester: City Tour Chester: City Tour No Data


A 40 minute tour around the centre of Chester on a replica 1920's London Omnibus



Getting There

Latitude: 53.191739; Longitude: -2.891888
What3Words: stops.bottom.deck


Photo ID: 001412 Photo ID: 001413 Photo ID: 001414 Photo ID: 001415 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2006), and on time of last update (12/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chester: City Walls Chester: City Walls No Data


One of the most complete set of city walls in the country, they can trace their origin back to the Roman fort that was located here, the walls offer excellent views over much of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 53.193809; Longitude: -2.893374
What3Words: ridge.sounds.trap


Photo ID: 001417 Photo ID: 001418 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2006), and on time of last update (12/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chester: Roman Remains Chester: Roman Remains English Heritage


Recently unearthed remains of a Roman Amphitheatre



Getting There

Latitude: 53.189296; Longitude: -2.887151
What3Words: lowest.vital.crop


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2006), and on time of last update (12/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kendal: Castle Kendal: Castle No Data


The ruins of the former Norman castle are perched on a high spot overlooking the town and providing stunning views over both the town and the mountains of the lake district. Large parts of the curtain wall still exist, as well as parts of two towers, but the bulk of the rest of the castle has gone


Getting There

Latitude: 54.324937; Longitude: -2.736481
What3Words: worm.lamps.game


Photo ID: 008231 Photo ID: 008233 Photo ID: 008236 Photo ID: 008237 Photo ID: 008238 Photo ID: 008239 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2012), and on time of last update (19/11/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lancaster: Castle Lancaster: Castle No Data


Originally built by King John 900 years ago the castle still serves some of its original functions by housing the courts and prison of Lancaster, access is by guided tours only which can be affected by court sittings (weekends are therefore the best time to visit)



Getting There

Latitude: 54.050017; Longitude: -2.80558
What3Words: kept.mostly.rested


Photo ID: 001406 Photo ID: 001408 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2006), and on time of last update (12/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lancaster: Priory Lancaster: Priory No Data


The Priory church opposite the castle, supposedly very impressive, was closed when I visited



Getting There

Latitude: 54.050772; Longitude: -2.805548
What3Words: shop.shirts.farms


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2006), and on time of last update (12/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lancaster: Roman Remains Lancaster: Roman Remains No Data


Round the back of the Priory church there are supposedly Roman remain, couldn't find them though!



Getting There

Latitude: 54.050878; Longitude: -2.806596
What3Words: cool.save.earth


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2006), and on time of last update (12/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Buxton Buxton No Data


One of only two Roman spa towns in the UK (the other being Bath) the town is still well known for it's spring water and it's fantastic architecture (bearing a striking resemblance to a miniature Bath). The town has stunning parks, interesting architecture and easy access up into the Peak District


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Manchester Piccadilly taking around one hour to complete the journey.
Latitude: 53.258475; Longitude: -1.915483
What3Words: snored.scream.hatch


Photo ID: 008196 Photo ID: 008197 Photo ID: 008198 Photo ID: 008199 Photo ID: 008200 Photo ID: 008201 Photo ID: 008202

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/11/2012), and on time of last update (19/11/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chester Chester No Data


One of England's most strategically important towns, just a couple of miles from the Welsh border, the city was a major Roman fort, whose outer walls now form the almost complete city wall


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Manchester Picadilly to Chester, taking a little over one hour
Latitude: 53.191456; Longitude: -2.895005
What3Words: tribal.grand.fever


Photo ID: 001419 Photo ID: 001420 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/11/2006), and on time of last update (12/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kendal Kendal No Data


The self-styled capital of the lakes, albeit some distance from any of the lakes, Kendal is a pleasant town, overlooked by stunning remains of it's former castle, with the River Kent forming a natural boundary to the town centre.


Getting There

There are regular trains from Manchester to Oxenholme (Lake District) where you can change onto the train that shuttles backwards and forwards to Kendal and on to Windermere. Journey time is around 1 hour 40 minutes from Manchester.
Latitude: 54.328472; Longitude: -2.746164
What3Words: venue.orange.vanish


Photo ID: 008231 Photo ID: 008232 Photo ID: 008234 Photo ID: 008235 Photo ID: 008240 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2012), and on time of last update (19/11/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lancaster Lancaster No Data


The county town of Lancashire, once more important than Liverpool and Manchester


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Manchester Piccadilly to Lancaster taking a little over an hour
Latitude: 54.049588; Longitude: -2.798424
What3Words: export.horses.home


Photo ID: 001406 Photo ID: 001407 Photo ID: 001408 Photo ID: 001409 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2006), and on time of last update (12/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Morecambe Morecambe No Data


Just a few miles from Lancaster on the North West Coast, Morecambe is a traditional English seaside resort, including on the day I visited driving rain!


Getting There

Morecambe is on a small branch line from Lancaster, there are lots of trains each day, but at irregular intervals. The journey takes about 10 minutes from Lancaster
Latitude: 54.063997; Longitude: -2.87859
What3Words: others.share.areas


Photo ID: 001410 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2006), and on time of last update (12/12/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Milestones Museum Milestones Museum No Data


A living history museum, housed in a hanger on the edge of the town centre. The museum houses a number of period buildings from the Victorian through to the WWII eras showcasing housing and shops from across Hampshire over the time period.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.266537; Longitude: -1.111193
What3Words: epic.tops.cans


Photo ID: 053781 Photo ID: 053782 Photo ID: 053786 Photo ID: 053793 Photo ID: 053795 Photo ID: 053801 Photo ID: 053808

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2024), and on time of last update (01/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Willis Museum and Sainsbury Gallery Willis Museum and Sainsbury Gallery No Data


The towns museum telling the story of Basingstoke through time, with a main focus on the development of the town from the end of the 18th century onwards.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.2627102; Longitude: -1.0870017
What3Words: cross.window.battle


Photo ID: 053841 Photo ID: 053845 Photo ID: 053895 Photo ID: 053896 Photo ID: 053897 Photo ID: 053898 Photo ID: 053900

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2024), and on time of last update (01/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Laverstoke: Bombay Sapphire Distillery Laverstoke: Bombay Sapphire Distillery No Data


The site dates back as a mill to the 10th century, though the current buildings date from the 18th Century onwards when it was a paper mill, producing the paper that Bank of England bank notes were printed on for 250 years. After falling into dereliction by the start of the 21st century the mill was then transformed into a distillery for the Bombay Sapphire company. Today the mill is still the only site of gin production for Bombay Sapphire and you can explore the mill buildings, the modern greenhouses and taste some of the product on a 90 minute guided tour (needs to be booked in advance)


Charge, includes one free drink

Getting There

From Basingstoke town centre the number 76 bus runs every 30-60 minutes, taking about 30 minutes to reach Laverstoke Mill from where it's a short walk to the distillery
Latitude: 51.235023; Longitude: -1.296458
What3Words: wharfs.ignore.rummage


Photo ID: 053813 Photo ID: 053819 Photo ID: 053820 Photo ID: 053824 Photo ID: 053836 Photo ID: 053838 Photo ID: 053840

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2024), and on time of last update (01/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North Warnborough: Odiham (King John's) Castle North Warnborough: Odiham (King John's) Castle No Data


The ruins of a hunting lodge, built for King John between 1207 and 1214. In 1215 the King left from here to head to Runnymeads to sign the Magna Carta.



Getting There

From Basingstoke the number 13 bus runs every hour (Monday to Saturday only) to North Warnborough, taking about 20 minutes. From North Warnborough it's about a 10-15 minute well signed walk along the canal to get to the castle ruins
Latitude: 51.261431; Longitude: -0.961603
What3Words: quack.cornering.autumn


Photo ID: 053763 Photo ID: 053766 Photo ID: 053768 Photo ID: 053771 Photo ID: 053774 Photo ID: 053777 Photo ID: 053780

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2024), and on time of last update (01/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Basing: Basing House Old Basing: Basing House No Data


Once one of the largest houses in Britain, with 300+ rooms, this was a spectacular Tudor Mansion, but with the family siding with the Royalists in the English Civil War it's days were numbered. After a series of sieges it finally fell to the Parliamentarian forces and was subsequently destroyed. Today just the Great Barn and a couple of the buildings of the farm, plus the walled garden, exist. The site of the Old House is just a set of ruins atop of the baily fortification that failed to protect the house from the destructive wrath of the Civil War. You can walk around the whole site of the Old House and the neighbouring New House (of which nothing survives). You can also visit the Great Barn if it isn't being used for a wedding



Getting There

From Basingstoke the number 10 bus runs from the bus station to Old Basing around every 2 hours, taking 10 minutes (Monday to Saturday only). Alternatively the number 14 runs irregularly (Monday to Saturday) and the 7 runs every 30 minutes (Sundays only) towards Chineham. Getting off at Saxon Way, less than 10 minutes after leaving the bus station and then walking 10-15 minutes gets you to Basing House. The other option is the relatively pleasant and flat 2 mile walk from the town centre through Eastrop Park and along the abandoned canal.
Latitude: 51.270511; Longitude: -1.0536468
What3Words: soap.common.overnight


Photo ID: 053858 Photo ID: 053860 Photo ID: 053865 Photo ID: 053867 Photo ID: 053876 Photo ID: 053879 Photo ID: 053890

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2024), and on time of last update (01/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historic Dockyard: Action Stations Historic Dockyard: Action Stations No Data


A museum dedicated to the modern Royal Navy with lots of hands on activities.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Dockyard attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.799979; Longitude: -1.106897
What3Words: extra.blunt.scarcely


Photo ID: 011156 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historic Dockyard: Dockyard Apprentice Historic Dockyard: Dockyard Apprentice No Data


This small museum tells the story of the various trades and crafts that went into building a ship at the time of the Victory.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Dockyard attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.799962; Longitude: -1.107959
What3Words: ends.twigs.civil


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historic Dockyard: Harbour Tour Historic Dockyard: Harbour Tour No Data


Regular tours of the harbour leaving from the dockyard (or from Gunwharf Quays in the winter months) go out into the harbour. The captain guides you round the harbour including details of the various ships currently in dock.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Dockyard attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.794449; Longitude: -1.108055
What3Words: groups.quench.ranges


Photo ID: 011233 Photo ID: 011234 Photo ID: 011235 Photo ID: 011236 Photo ID: 011237 Photo ID: 011238 Photo ID: 011239

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historic Dockyard: HMS Victory Historic Dockyard: HMS Victory No Data


Certainly the most famous naval ship in Britain and one of the most famous ships of the world. Flagship of the Navy, lead the charge at Trafalgar and was the location of, at the same time, Nelson's greatest victory and his death. You can wander around most of the ship seeing what life would have been like in the Georgian Navy.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Dockyard attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.801807; Longitude: -1.109611
What3Words: varieties.double.grabs


Photo ID: 011160 Photo ID: 011221 Photo ID: 011222 Photo ID: 011223 Photo ID: 011224 Photo ID: 011227 Photo ID: 011228

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historic Dockyard: HMS Warrior Historic Dockyard: HMS Warrior No Data


The first Iron clad warship of the British Navy. Due to its size and level of threat it never actually fired a shot in anger. Superseded by subsequent technical revolutions it was abandoned as a hulk and left to rot until the 1960's when it was realised just how important to the history of the British Navy that she was. She was rescued and painstakingly restored to pristine condition and is now moored in the harbour at the dockyard


Charge, Joint ticket for all Dockyard attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.798186; Longitude: -1.109648
What3Words: popped.fruit.played


Photo ID: 011151 Photo ID: 011216 Photo ID: 011217 Photo ID: 011218 Photo ID: 011219 Photo ID: 011220 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historic Dockyard: Mary Rose Historic Dockyard: Mary Rose No Data


Rescued from the silt of the Solent in the 1980's the job of replacing all the water in the timbers of the ship with wax was finally completed in April 2013 and at the time of visiting the ship was undergoing a four to five year drying process, after which it will be preserved for centuries to come. The museum housing the ship and artefacts has been designed so that once the drying process is complete the wall that separates the ship from visitors can be removed and the whole space become one, artefacts and reconstructed ship on one side, the original timbers on the other.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Dockyard attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.802193; Longitude: -1.108887
What3Words: owls.uses.times


Photo ID: 011158 Photo ID: 011229 Photo ID: 011230 Photo ID: 011231 Photo ID: 011232 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historic Dockyard: Royal Navy Museum Historic Dockyard: Royal Navy Museum No Data


The museum traces the history of the Royal Navy


Charge, Joint ticket for all Dockyard attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.801105; Longitude: -1.110137
What3Words: known.bands.corner


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historic Dockyard: Trafalgar Experience Historic Dockyard: Trafalgar Experience No Data


The museum houses an exhibition on HMS victory, as well as the panoramic painting of the battle of Trafalgar as part of a Trafalgar Experience.


Charge, Joint ticket for all Dockyard attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.80141; Longitude: -1.11063
What3Words: guess.mining.thick


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Portsmouth Old Portsmouth No Data


The historic town of Portsmouth at the mouth of the harbour. The area includes many of the fortifications of the harbour, along with the cathedral and great places for taking in views



Getting There

Latitude: 50.791198; Longitude: -1.108359
What3Words: short.ducks.files


Photo ID: 011206 Photo ID: 011207 Photo ID: 011208 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Round Tower Round Tower No Data


The Round Tower guards the narrowest entry point into the harbour, and if was from here that a chain could be raised to seal off the harbour. From the top of the tower there are excellent views.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.790539; Longitude: -1.108876
What3Words: gates.reduce.edits


Photo ID: 011212 Photo ID: 011213 Photo ID: 011214 Photo ID: 011215 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sally Port and Walls Sally Port and Walls No Data


Some of the original fortifications of the town survive running alongside the waters edge, making Portsmouth such a secure port.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.789828; Longitude: -1.10718
What3Words: ample.epic.caller


Photo ID: 011209 Photo ID: 011210 Photo ID: 011211 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spinnaker Tower Spinnaker Tower No Data


Soaring into the sky over Gunwharf Quays the Spinnaker Tower offers stunning views from it's 100m, 105m and 110m viewing platforms over the Solent and Isle of Wight. A lift whisks you to the 100m viewing platform and stairs take you up to the higher levels.


Charge, Joint ticket with Historic Dockyard available

Getting There

Latitude: 50.79552; Longitude: -1.108534
What3Words: lime.care.soaks


Photo ID: 011134 Photo ID: 011135 Photo ID: 011138 Photo ID: 011140 Photo ID: 011141 Photo ID: 111148 Photo ID: 011150

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gosport: Explosion! The Museum of Naval Firepower Gosport: Explosion! The Museum of Naval Firepower No Data


Located on the site of the former Priddy's Hard armaments supply depot which closed in 1989 the museum tells the history of the site and has a large display on the various different types of ways of killing and maiming others.


Charge. Joint ticket for Explosion and the Submarine museum is available

Getting There

From the ferry terminal it's a 20-25 minute generally well signed walk north up the peninsular
Latitude: 50.807529; Longitude: -1.125929
What3Words: flags.river.scan


Photo ID: 011191 Photo ID: 011192 Photo ID: 011193 Photo ID: 011194 Photo ID: 011195 Photo ID: 011196 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gosport: The Royal Navy Submarine Museum Gosport: The Royal Navy Submarine Museum No Data


The museum tells the story of the Submarine and it's roll in warfare. From the earliest example held in preservation in the museum up to displays on the latest nuclear powered mega subs silently patrolling under the seas across the world. At the time of visiting HMS Alliance, a preserved WWII submarine was having conservation work carried out on it, but you can normally go on board for a guided tour to see what life on board a Submarine would have been like.


Charge. Joint ticket for Explosion and the Submarine museum is available

Getting There

From the ferry terminal it's about a 10-15 minute walk south following the sea front walk round to Haslar and the entrance to the museum
Latitude: 50.788281; Longitude: -1.119507
What3Words: rents.pots.fame


Photo ID: 011197 Photo ID: 011199 Photo ID: 011200 Photo ID: 011201 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Southsea: D-Day Museum and Overlord Embroidery Southsea: D-Day Museum and Overlord Embroidery No Data


A visit to the museum starts with the Overlord embroidery, designed to mimic the Beaux Tapestry it tells the story of the build up to and execution of the D-Day landings (Operation Overlord) in Normandy (the parallels with the Norman invasion across the channel 876 years earlier being pointed out early on in the exhibition). There is also a 15 minute film that sets the context for Operation Overlord. The rest of the museum has displays and exhibits related to both Portsmouth's role in D-Day and some general history about the Second World War



Getting There

Latitude: 50.779733; Longitude: -1.089371
What3Words: roof.raced.sums


Photo ID: 011181 Photo ID: 011182 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Southsea: Castle Southsea: Castle No Data


Built under the orders of Henry VIII to protect the English coast (along with, amongst others Deal and Walmer in Kent and Pendennis and St Mawes in Cornwall). It is thought that from somewhere near here Henry watched the Mary Rose sink as she left port. Today the castle is only open to visitors during the summer months, in winter the cafe is open so you can cross the drawbridge and see inside the initial outer battlements, but not get into the keep



Getting There

Latitude: 50.778124; Longitude: -1.08879
What3Words: keys.prices.oppose


Photo ID: 011175 Photo ID: 011176 Photo ID: 011177 Photo ID: 011178 Photo ID: 011179 Photo ID: 011180 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Southsea: Prom Southsea: Prom No Data


A wide prom runs along much of the seafront at Southsea, and along the former fortifications. The views out over the Solent on a sunny day are excellent.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.77787; Longitude: -1.086404
What3Words: counts.brains.scars


Photo ID: 011169 Photo ID: 011170 Photo ID: 011171 Photo ID: 011172 Photo ID: 011173 Photo ID: 011174 Photo ID: 011175

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gosport Gosport No Data


Located on the opposite side of the harbour from Portsmouth dockyard the area has traditionally been the supply and logistics base for Portsmouth, with the Royal Hospital Haslar and the Priddy's Hard armaments depot being two of the more notable services based in Gosport, and consequently suffered with the closure of such facilities. Today many of the spaces previously occupied by the military are being converted either into housing, or in some cases museums


Getting There

There are regular ferries crossing between Portsmouth Harbour station and Gosport. Journey times are around 5 minutes.
Latitude: 50.794913; Longitude: -1.118291
What3Words: thank.inner.visits


Photo ID: 011198 Photo ID: 011202 Photo ID: 011204 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Southsea Southsea No Data


Southsea is the civilian seaside resort to Portsmouth's military dockyards. Large expanses of green space, Victorian hotels and a pier (sadly closed at the time of visiting) make this look like a traditional British seaside resort. On a sunny day the clear views across the Solent to the Isle of Wight are stunning.


Getting There

Southsea is less than a mile from the centre of Portsmouth, and a large number of buses run between the two taking around 10 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 50.781211; Longitude: -1.080112
What3Words: goods.fine.stages


Photo ID: 011166 Photo ID: 011167 Photo ID: 011168 Photo ID: 011169 Photo ID: 011183 Photo ID: 111184 Photo ID: 111185

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2014), and on time of last update (27/02/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


Despite the growth of the city, and the damage done by both industry and war, a surprising amount of Southampton's old town walls still survive. You can walk along side all that does remain forming a circuit around the edge of the old town and down to the town quay.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.902722; Longitude: -1.406089
What3Words: slowly.decreased.among


Photo ID: 005438 Photo ID: 005446 Photo ID: 005454 Photo ID: 005475 Photo ID: 005476 Photo ID: 005477 Photo ID: 005480

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/02/2011), and on time of last update (12/02/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum Maritime Museum No Data


The Maritime Museum is housed in a former wool warehouse. Today it has an exhibition on Southampton's links to the sea, and it's most infamous departure, that of Titanic.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.897498; Longitude: -1.406175
What3Words: stays.strut.crass


Photo ID: 005453 Photo ID: 005471 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/02/2011), and on time of last update (12/02/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hythe: Pier Hythe: Pier No Data


Hythe pier is one of the few piers still serving it's original purpose, that of allowing ferries to off load passengers from deeper water and connect back to the land. Today the pier still has it's electric tramway running down one side taking those who don't want to walk the length of the pier.


Charge (access to the pier is charged as either a return on the train or a return on the ferry with the train included)

Getting There

Latitude: 50.874688; Longitude: -1.393542
What3Words: rivers.order.echo


Photo ID: 005456 Photo ID: 005457 Photo ID: 005458 Photo ID: 005459 Photo ID: 005460 Photo ID: 005464 Photo ID: 005465

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/02/2011), and on time of last update (12/02/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hythe Hythe No Data


Hythe is a small, sleepy (at least at the time of visiting) town on the opposite side of Southampton Water to the city centre.


Getting There

From Southampton Town Quay a half hourly ferry service runs to the end of Hythe Pier where the tramway connects you back to the land.
Latitude: 50.869875; Longitude: -1.398418
What3Words: vouch.barks.quench


Photo ID: 005460 Photo ID: 005461 Photo ID: 005462 Photo ID: 005463 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/02/2011), and on time of last update (12/02/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alfred Statue Alfred Statue No Data


Statue to one of England's most famous kings (if only for the issue with the cakes). The statue dominates this end of the high street



Getting There

Latitude: 51.061265; Longitude: -1.309063
What3Words: norms.monkeys.pools


Photo ID: 014314 Photo ID: 014376 Photo ID: 014377 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/04/2015), and on time of last update (06/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Castle No Data


Small traces of the castle survive around the law courts and Great Hall. You can descend steps into the passageways that used to be underneath the castle



Getting There

Latitude: 51.063061; Longitude: -1.319492
What3Words: unicorns.spirits.hikes


Photo ID: 014397 Photo ID: 014399 Photo ID: 014400 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2015), and on time of last update (06/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


Impressive cathedral if only for it's dimensions with quite a squat tower making it look much smaller from the outside than it truly is. Entry to the Cathedral includes free guided tours and access to the treasury museum. You can also pay extra to go on themed guided tours, including one up the tower



Getting There

Latitude: 51.060701; Longitude: -1.313126
What3Words: blending.sensible.ironic


Photo ID: 014318 Photo ID: 014370 Photo ID: 014406 Photo ID: 014407 Photo ID: 014408 Photo ID: 014409 Photo ID: 014410

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2015), and on time of last update (06/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Mill City Mill National Trust


Straddling the Itchen river just by the East Gate the City Mill was restored at the start of the 21st century and is once again producing flower as part of an interpretation centre. You can watch the wheat being ground and descend below to the mill race to see the waterwheel in action



Getting There

Latitude: 51.061142; Longitude: -1.30779
What3Words: edits.scoop.jaws


Photo ID: 014313 Photo ID: 014378 Photo ID: 014379 Photo ID: 014380 Photo ID: 014381 Photo ID: 014382 Photo ID: 014383

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2015), and on time of last update (06/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Museum City Museum No Data


Located in a building near the cathedral this small museum tells the history of the city from the prehistoric era through its creation as a Roman city, eventual rise to the Capital of the country before it's slow decline back to a county town. There are some impressive Roman artefacts including an major mosaic



Getting There

Latitude: 51.061992; Longitude: -1.31492
What3Words: tarred.represent.rankings


Photo ID: 014405 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2015), and on time of last update (06/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Hall Great Hall No Data


The Great Hall of the castle, today home to the Round Table of Arthurian legend. It's an impressive space to look around


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.062645; Longitude: -1.319747
What3Words: extremely.captures.fairway


Photo ID: 014401 Photo ID: 014402 Photo ID: 014403 Photo ID: 014404 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2015), and on time of last update (06/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nunnaminster Nunnaminster No Data


Remains of a former convent. Only small fragments remain



Getting There

Latitude: 51.06106; Longitude: -1.310392
What3Words: relieves.inhabited.shadow


Photo ID: 014316 Photo ID: 014317 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/04/2015), and on time of last update (06/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Weirs The Weirs No Data


A pleasant walk along side the Itchen river between the City Mill and Wharf Mill next to the city walls



Getting There

Latitude: 51.060298; Longitude: -1.307862
What3Words: genius.heartened.recruiter


Photo ID: 014308 Photo ID: 014309 Photo ID: 014310 Photo ID: 014311 Photo ID: 014312 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/04/2015), and on time of last update (06/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wolvesey Castle Wolvesey Castle English Heritage


Ruins of a major palace built and lived in by the Bishops of Winchester. Today little of the structure other than the external walls survive, but the interpretation panels give you an overview of the history of the site and why a bishops palace was so well fortified



Getting There

Latitude: 51.059143; Longitude: -1.310086
What3Words: seeing.easily.jolly


Photo ID: 014385 Photo ID: 014387 Photo ID: 014388 Photo ID: 014389 Photo ID: 014390 Photo ID: 014391 Photo ID: 014392

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2015), and on time of last update (06/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bishop's Waltham Palace Bishop's Waltham Palace English Heritage


Former palace of the Bishops of Winchester today just parts of the outer walls remain



Getting There

Hourly buses (route 69) run from Winchester to Bishop's Waltham taking around 45 minutes to make the journey. There are no services on Sundays
Latitude: 50.952985; Longitude: -1.215783
What3Words: firebird.bounding.stubborn


Photo ID: 014321 Photo ID: 014324 Photo ID: 014327 Photo ID: 014330 Photo ID: 014333 Photo ID: 014336 Photo ID: 014339

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/04/2015), and on time of last update (06/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Titchfield Abbey Titchfield Abbey English Heritage


Former abbey converted into a palace following the dissolution of the monasteries. Today it is just a shell, though the opulence still visible



Getting There

From Winchester take any train to Fareham. From Fareham take either the X4 or X5 bus towards Southampton to the village of Titchfield, from Titchfield it's about a 10 minute walk to the Abbey. Trains are every 30 minutes or so and take 20 minutes, the buses combine to give a 15 minute frequency and take around 10 minutes. Frequencies are halved on Sundays.
Latitude: 50.857059; Longitude: -1.231471
What3Words: offer.monorail.inch


Photo ID: 014345 Photo ID: 014348 Photo ID: 014352 Photo ID: 014356 Photo ID: 014357 Photo ID: 014359 Photo ID: 014362

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2015), and on time of last update (06/04/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The Norman cathedral is home to the shrine to St Alban - the first recorded British Christian martyr. At one point part of a major Abbey much of the rest of the site has disappeared, with only limited traces on the outside of the building where a cloister was once located. Inside the cathedral has the longest nave of any in England and also includes a large number of surviving wall paintings that date back to the 13th century.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.750428; Longitude: -0.342216
What3Words: flags.ties.tall


Photo ID: 030738 Photo ID: 030761 Photo ID: 030763 Photo ID: 030765 Photo ID: 030768 Photo ID: 030770 Photo ID: 030775

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/07/2020), and on time of last update (18/07/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

London Gate London Gate English Heritage


The partial remains of the Roman gate that lay on Watling Street, linking Roman Dover and London through St Albans to Chester.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.747383; Longitude: -0.352246
What3Words: pulse.tiles.chimp


Photo ID: 030832 Photo ID: 030833 Photo ID: 030834 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2020), and on time of last update (18/07/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mosaic and Hypocaust Mosaic and Hypocaust No Data


Site was closed when I visited as Covid-Secure measures were still being implemented, but the following review is from a visit in 2007: The remains of a large house which one stood on the site, today only one mosaic from one room, and an example of a hypocaust are visible



Getting There

Latitude: 51.749218; Longitude: -0.356295
What3Words: engine.feels.vets


Photo ID: do0336 Photo ID: do0337 Photo ID: do0338 Photo ID: do0339 Photo ID: do0340 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2007), and on time of last update (18/07/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roman Theatre of Verulamium Roman Theatre of Verulamium No Data


The best preserved remains of a Roman Theatre in the country - with the shape and height of the theatre clearly discernible.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.754091; Longitude: -0.358282
What3Words: shovels.scales.extra


Photo ID: 030807 Photo ID: 030811 Photo ID: 030813 Photo ID: 030815 Photo ID: 030817 Photo ID: 030818 Photo ID: 030822

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2020), and on time of last update (18/07/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roman Walls Roman Walls English Heritage


Parts of the walls of the Roman city of Verulamium survive. A large portion runs down one side of Verulamium park down to meet the London Gate.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.746809; Longitude: -0.354136
What3Words: teeth.elbow.parent


Photo ID: 030835 Photo ID: 030836 Photo ID: 030837 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2020), and on time of last update (18/07/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sopwell Nunnery/Lee House Sopwell Nunnery/Lee House No Data


The ruins of a Tudor mansion built on the site of the former 12th century Sopwell nunnery. The ruins visible today are of Lee Hall - the Tudor mansion.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.744225; Longitude: -0.334639
What3Words: newly.that.bath


Photo ID: 030838 Photo ID: 030840 Photo ID: 030842 Photo ID: 030843 Photo ID: 030847 Photo ID: 030848 Photo ID: 030850

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2020), and on time of last update (18/07/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Verulamium museum Verulamium museum No Data


Site was closed when I visited as Covid-Secure measures were still being implemented, but the following review is from a visit in 2007: The museum tells the story of Verulamium, once the third most important city in Roman Britain. Artifacts found during the digs that have taken place in the city are on display



Getting There

Latitude: 51.752718; Longitude: -0.355093
What3Words: noisy.hotels.ranged


Photo ID: do0346 Photo ID: do0347 Photo ID: do0348 Photo ID: do0349 Photo ID: do0350 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2007), and on time of last update (18/07/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Verulamium Park Verulamium Park No Data


A large park that covers much of the site of the Roman city of Verulamium - the park includes a large lake, a café and playground.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.749429; Longitude: -0.352497
What3Words: indoor.cycle.rats


Photo ID: 030800 Photo ID: 030801 Photo ID: 030802 Photo ID: 030804 Photo ID: 030825 Photo ID: 030826 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2020), and on time of last update (18/07/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Verulamium Park: Wall fragment Verulamium Park: Wall fragment English Heritage


Located in the centre of Verulamium Park this small fragment of the wall is the easiest to see and understand how it was built as you can see round both sides.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.748683; Longitude: -0.350995
What3Words: highs.frock.heavy


Photo ID: 030801 Photo ID: 030827 Photo ID: 030828 Photo ID: 030829 Photo ID: 030830 Photo ID: 030831 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2020), and on time of last update (18/07/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

London Colney: de Havilland Aircraft Museum London Colney: de Havilland Aircraft Museum No Data


Salisbury Hall, located today just behind the M25 and south of the town of London Colney, was for a number of years the design centre for the de Havilland Aircraft Company and it was from this centre that the Mosquito fighter bomber was designed, a plane that helped the allies during WWII. The de Havilland Company was at one point the worlds major aircraft manufacturer and was the first to have a passenger jet flying with the Comet. The company has long since left the site, but today it houses a museum to the aircraft that the company helped to build - including several Mosquito's, as well as the only remaining Comet fuselage with it's catastrophically faulty square windows. I visited on the first day the museum had reopened following the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic and their Covid-Secure adaptions included not allowing visitors to go inside any of the planes - they can only be viewed from the outside for the time being



Getting There

From St Albans the number 84 bus runs every 30 minutes (hourly on Sundays) to London Colney. The stop for Salisbury Hall is three stops after the giant Colney Fields shopping centre, and is first stop as the bus starts running on a road next to the M25, so it's easy to spot. Journey time is about 30 minutes. From the bus stop it's a 5 minute walk down the lane to the museum - well signposted all the way.
Latitude: 51.710928; Longitude: -0.271631
What3Words: scuba.lifted.shine


Photo ID: 030746 Photo ID: 030747 Photo ID: 030750 Photo ID: 030753 Photo ID: 030755 Photo ID: 030756 Photo ID: 030759

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/07/2020), and on time of last update (18/07/2020) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ashford Museum Ashford Museum No Data


Located opposite St Mary's Church in the former Boys Grammar School this small museum tells the history of the town with a particular focus on its role in the two World Wars, as well as the importance of the railways on the town.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.148733; Longitude: 0.872284
What3Words: rounds.such.proud


Photo ID: 041024 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/06/2022), and on time of last update (20/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Curious Brewery Tour Curious Brewery Tour No Data


The Brewery has been around since 2011, but only opened this site by the railway station in 2019. There are regular 90 minute tours of the site which include a tour round the production, kegging and bottling facilities, as well as a tasting of their four main products.


Charge, must be booked online in advance

Getting There

Latitude: 51.143871; Longitude: 0.872698
What3Words: slimy.middle.skin


Photo ID: 041011 Photo ID: 041029 Photo ID: 041033 Photo ID: 041034 Photo ID: 041037 Photo ID: 041038 Photo ID: 041040

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/06/2022), and on time of last update (20/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mark IV British tank Mark IV British tank No Data


In 1919 a Mark IV tank was gifted to the town in recognition of the fundraising for the war effort that the town had undertaken. Today it's the only remaining WWI tank on display outside of a museum in the country



Getting There

Latitude: 51.150255; Longitude: 0.870554
What3Words: intelligible.method.treat


Photo ID: 041025 Photo ID: 041026 Photo ID: 041027 Photo ID: 041028 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/06/2022), and on time of last update (20/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Mary the Virgin Church St Mary the Virgin Church No Data


The parish church in the centre of town. Parts of the church date back to at least the 13th century and a church on this site was mentioned in the doomsday book. The quiet passageways that surround the church are a pleasant break from the bustle of the rest of the town



Getting There

Latitude: 51.148618; Longitude: 0.872848
What3Words: submit.coast.mile


Photo ID: 041013 Photo ID: 041015 Photo ID: 041016 Photo ID: 041017 Photo ID: 041018 Photo ID: 041019 Photo ID: 041020

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/06/2022), and on time of last update (20/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bodiam: Castle Bodiam: Castle National Trust


If you think of a ruined castle, you probably picture Bodiam. Four round towers one on each corner, square towers between them, a high wall and all of that in the middle of moat accessed only via a narrow bridge. The shell of the castle is in amazing condition and you could almost imagine being able to live inside, sadly inside it is just a shell with none of the original buildings remaining, but this only helps to make this such a romantic ruin.



Getting There

From Ashford you can reach Bodiam via public transport by taking the train (hourly, about an hour) to Hastings and change there onto the 349 from Hasting to Bodiam (40 minutes every 2 hours). Alternatively you can take the number 2 or 2A bus from Ashford to Tenterden (every other hour on each route, hourly combined, no service 2 on Sundays - takes around 50 minutes) and changing there onto the Kent and East Sussex Steam Railway (6 services a day in high season, about 50 minutes)
Latitude: 51.002472; Longitude: 0.543576
What3Words: gathering.snowstorm.bogus


Photo ID: 041075 Photo ID: 041077 Photo ID: 041082 Photo ID: 041085 Photo ID: 041089 Photo ID: 041093 Photo ID: 041098

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2022), and on time of last update (20/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tenterden: Colonel Stephens Railway Museum Tenterden: Colonel Stephens Railway Museum No Data


Located just behind the station at Tenterden this small museum houses artefacts that relate not only to the K&ESR but also several other local lines that have also long since disappeared.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.070563; Longitude: 0.684968
What3Words: ramming.subplot.examine


Photo ID: 041152 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2022), and on time of last update (20/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tenterden: Kent & East Sussex Railway Tenterden: Kent & East Sussex Railway No Data


Originally opened at the beginning of the 20th century the line barely had 50 years of service before it was closed by British Rail. In the 1970s the first part of the line was opened as a heritage railway and work to expand the line back towards the railway at Robertsbridge has been underway ever since. In 2022 the line runs from Tenterden to Bodiam, making it a good way to access the castle there.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.070173; Longitude: 0.685024
What3Words: regular.scanty.ogre


Photo ID: 041042 Photo ID: 041050 Photo ID: 041074 Photo ID: 041105 Photo ID: 041115 Photo ID: 041121 Photo ID: 041151

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2022), and on time of last update (20/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tenterden: Tenterden & District Museum Tenterden: Tenterden & District Museum No Data


A small museum in a two storey wooden building close to the centre of town, charting the history of the town and local district.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.068222; Longitude: 0.684611
What3Words: smug.masses.buzzing


Photo ID: 041153 Photo ID: 041154 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2022), and on time of last update (20/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tenterden Tenterden No Data


Originally a wool town that grew in the 14th Century this pleasant market town. Before the Romney Marsh formed the town used to have direct access to the sea via the River Rother. Today the river is just a shallow stream running some distance from the town centre. Today the town is the main starting point for the restored Kent and East Sussex railway which originally opened at the start of the 20th century, was closed in the middle of the century and reopened as a heritage line in the 1970s


Getting There

From Ashford you can take the number 2 or 2A bus to Tenterden (every other hour on each route, hourly combined, no service 2 on Sundays - takes around 50 minutes)
Latitude: 51.067997; Longitude: 0.686454
What3Words: darkest.haunt.puffed


Photo ID: 041155 Photo ID: 041156 Photo ID: 041157 Photo ID: 041158 Photo ID: 041159 Photo ID: 041160 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2022), and on time of last update (20/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coastline Coastline No Data


The coastline around Broadstaris contains some of Southern Englands best beaches. The chalk cliffs come down to wide sandy beaches that streatch from Margate through the Seven Bays of Broadstairs (Botany, Kingsgate, Joss, Stone, Viking (which the town centre overlooks) Louisa and Dumpton Gap) to Ramsgate. At low tide it's possible to stroll along the beaches and at high tide either along the cliff paths or in places on cliff base walks. At Botany bay the beach is boarded by stunning chalk stacks, whilst at Kingsgate Bay there's a doorway that's been carved through the cliffs by the sea. Between Joss and Stone bays the stunning North Foreland rises marking the Eastern end of Thanet.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.357911; Longitude: 1.443259
What3Words: person.crowd.debit


Photo ID: 013040 Photo ID: 013044 Photo ID: 013050 Photo ID: 013054 Photo ID: 013064 Photo ID: 013066 Photo ID: 013074

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2014), and on time of last update (20/09/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dickens House Dickens House No Data


Located across the road from the Royal Albion hotel the Dickens House museum houses a fine collection of Dickens related memorabilia from some of his personal posessions to rare first editions and even some of the original serialisation part works of his early books.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.358288; Longitude: 1.442224
What3Words: slam.rainy.award


Photo ID: 013076 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/09/2014), and on time of last update (20/09/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ramsgate Tunnels Ramsgate Tunnels No Data


Built in just a few months in 1939 to provide shelter for the towns citizens as the threat of war loomed, a network of chalk tunnels burrow under the town all linking into the abandoned harbour railway tunnel. The 90 minute tour takes you through large parts of the chalk tunnels and gives you an idea as to how life was like for people, some of whom ended up spending much of the war living in the complex.


Charge - pre-booking essential

Getting There

Latitude: 51.334484; Longitude: 1.426705
What3Words: claims.prime.sunk


Photo ID: 013084 Photo ID: 013086 Photo ID: 013088 Photo ID: 013091 Photo ID: 013095 Photo ID: 013099 Photo ID: 013100

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/09/2014), and on time of last update (20/09/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Margage Margage No Data


Having previously fallen on hard times Margate is a seaside town that appears to be on the cusp of a major revival, with it's dreamland amusement park set to reopen in 2015 and the Turner Contemporary gallery hopefully returning a healthy tourist trade to the town. Unlike the other Thanet coastal towns Margate is located at sea level right next to it's beach with the railway station being just yards from the beach and the main bus stops only a short walk away.


Getting There

The Loop bus which operates a high frequency service (every 7-8 minutes Monday to Saturday daytime, 10 minutes Sundays, 15-20 minutes evenings) in both directions round a circular route that links Broadstairs, Cliftonville, Margate, QEQM Hospital, the Westwood Cross shopping centre, and Ramsgate. If the traffic is good it takes around 70 minutes to go once round the circuit. Journey times from Broadstairs to Margate are around 20 minutes
Latitude: 51.386976; Longitude: 1.378387
What3Words: tribe.policy.saying


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/09/2014), and on time of last update (20/09/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ramsgate Ramsgate No Data


Ramsgate is a former Cross-Channel Ferry town that, like Margate, fell on hard times when that trade finally came to an end. Today there is a large amount of regeneration taking place in the town centre. Much of the town is focused around the Harbour which is the location for several attractions.


Getting There

The Loop bus which operates a high frequency service (every 7-8 minutes Monday to Saturday daytime, 10 minutes Sundays, 15-20 minutes evenings) in both directions round a circular route that links Broadstairs, Ramsgate, the Westwood Cross shopping centre, QEQM Hospital, Margate and Cliftonville. If the traffic is good it takes around 70 minutes to go once round the circuit. Journey times from Broadstairs to Ramsgate are around 15 minutes
Latitude: 51.33212; Longitude: 1.419897
What3Words: orchestra.wisdom.about


Photo ID: 013081 Photo ID: 013082 Photo ID: 013083 Photo ID: 013084 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2014), and on time of last update (20/09/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dickens World Dickens World No Data


This walk through museum/tour takes a look at life in Dickensian Britain - in all it's full gory details. Your Dickensian tour guide takes you round what a poor area of town would look like, weaving the characters from Dickens' novels into the story. The tour lasts about 90 minutes.



Getting There

Dickens World in located in Chatham Maritime behind the Dockyard
Latitude: 51.401108; Longitude: 0.532581
What3Words: class.rubble.ample


Photo ID: 015825 Photo ID: 015826 Photo ID: 015827 Photo ID: 015828 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historic Dockyard Historic Dockyard No Data


The dockyard was a key part of the Royal Navy from the 17th century through to its closure in 1984. It has now been converted into a historic visitors attraction, as the largest preserved dockyard from the age of sail. Despite being an historic preserved site there are still parts in use, in particular the rope walk, which is still producing ropes for everything maritime right up to the modern day.


Charge, Covers entry to all exhibitions for a full year (if gift aided)

Getting There

Latitude: 51.396022; Longitude: 0.528249
What3Words: invite.cooks.field


Photo ID: 015829 Photo ID: 015886 Photo ID: 015887 Photo ID: 015893 Photo ID: 015895 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dockyard: Hearts of Oak Dockyard: Hearts of Oak No Data


The Heart of Oak digital video presentation walks you around the key processes in the construction of a wooden ship. You are taken through the main steps and meet some of the people involved in the building of ships.


Included in Dockyard entry

Getting There

Latitude: 51.396633; Longitude: 0.528945
What3Words: tall.commented.knee


Photo ID: 015891 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dockyard: HM Submarine Ocelot Dockyard: HM Submarine Ocelot No Data


One of the last warships built in the dockyard the Ocelot is a good example of an 1950s Cold-War era submarine. The guided tour takes you through the whole of the vessel, which is even more cramped and tiny inside than it appears from the outside. The tour is not recommended for those who suffer from claustrophobia


Included in Dockyard entry. Access to tour is via Timed Ticket only

Getting There

Latitude: 51.395501; Longitude: 0.526714
What3Words: clubs.first.type


Photo ID: 015892 Photo ID: 015904 Photo ID: 015907 Photo ID: 015909 Photo ID: 015910 Photo ID: 015914 Photo ID: 015915

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dockyard: HMS Cavalier Dockyard: HMS Cavalier No Data


The HMS Cavalier was launched from Chatham in 1944 as a destroyer to assist with the war effort, serving in many theatre of the war, in particular with the Arctic convoys. You can explore the whole ship with an accompanying audio guide which includes interviews with sailors and officers who worked on the ship.


Included in Dockyard entry

Getting There

Latitude: 51.395028; Longitude: 0.526484
What3Words: solid.encounter.freed


Photo ID: 015894 Photo ID: 015916 Photo ID: 015917 Photo ID: 015918 Photo ID: 015919 Photo ID: 015920 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dockyard: HMS Gannet Dockyard: HMS Gannet No Data


The HMS Gannet was a Victoria sloop built just slightly further down the Medway in 1878. You can wander around the whole of the ship exploring what it would have looked like when it was in service.


Included in Dockyard entry

Getting There

Latitude: 51.395966; Longitude: 0.527051
What3Words: empire.loft.random


Photo ID: 015890 Photo ID: 015903 Photo ID: 015905 Photo ID: 015906 Photo ID: 015908 Photo ID: 015920 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dockyard: RNLI Historic Lifeboat Collection Dockyard: RNLI Historic Lifeboat Collection No Data


The Historic Lifeboat collection houses many examples of the RNLI's ships over the years.


Included in Dockyard entry

Getting There

Latitude: 51.396615; Longitude: 0.528079
What3Words: after.fumes.buck


Photo ID: 015887 Photo ID: 015888 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dockyard: Steam, Steel and Submarines Dockyard: Steam, Steel and Submarines No Data


This exhibition charts the final century or so of the dockyard as steel and steam replaced wood and sail. The docks moved into production of Submarines up to its eventual closure in 1984


Included in Dockyard entry

Getting There

Latitude: 51.393031; Longitude: 0.525393
What3Words: tooth.salsa.appear


Photo ID: 015896 Photo ID: 015092 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dockyard: The Big Space Dockyard: The Big Space No Data


The big space houses a large number of vehicles, bits of equipment and boats from the Royal Engineers collection.


Included in Dockyard entry

Getting There

Latitude: 51.396303; Longitude: 0.527423
What3Words: yards.scare.deck


Photo ID: 015887 Photo ID: 015889 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dockyard: Victorian Ropery Dockyard: Victorian Ropery No Data


The Ropery houses the quarter of a mile long Double Rope Walk which is still in active use today. The tour, lead by a costumed guide, tells you about the process of rope making and it's history at the docks. There is an opportunity to have a go at making some rope.


Included in Dockyard entry. Access to tour is via Timed Ticket only

Getting There

Latitude: 51.392962; Longitude: 0.525822
What3Words: crust.length.flock


Photo ID: 015897 Photo ID: 015898 Photo ID: 015899 Photo ID: 015900 Photo ID: 015901 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Explore Medway Open Top Bus Explore Medway Open Top Bus No Data


Running during the summer months only this hop-on-hop-off tour takes in the key sights in Rochester and Chatham. The tour takes in the Castle and Cathedral in Rochester, the centre of Chatham as well as the docks and Dickens world before returning back through Chatham to Rochester. A pre-recorded commentary tells you about the key sights along the way, and an on-board live guide in Dickensian costume adds further details.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.401753; Longitude: 0.532745
What3Words: march.trace.vivid


Photo ID: 015829 Photo ID: 015832 Photo ID: 015833 Photo ID: 015834 Photo ID: 015835 Photo ID: 015836 Photo ID: 015862

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rochester: Castle Rochester: Castle English Heritage


The impressive keep of the castle, ruined in the 13th century during King John's wars with the Barons, is one of the defining sights of the Medway towns. It's impressive location by the side of the Medway with the gaping holes where windows used to be, looking like gaping wounds in the side of the castle, make for an eerie sight. You can climb to the top of the keep for stunning views along the Medway and across the roof of the neighbouring Cathedral



Getting There

Latitude: 51.389378; Longitude: 0.501237
What3Words: wants.joke.flood


Photo ID: 015843 Photo ID: 015849 Photo ID: 015851 Photo ID: 015858 Photo ID: 015859 Photo ID: 015870 Photo ID: 015882

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rochester: Cathedral Rochester: Cathedral No Data


This small, but perfectly formed Cathedral is overshadowed by the towering ruins of the neighbouring castle. Inside the light stone and large windows flood the space with light.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.389004; Longitude: 0.503084
What3Words: cowboy.bunny.crisp


Photo ID: 015837 Photo ID: 015838 Photo ID: 015839 Photo ID: 015840 Photo ID: 015841 Photo ID: 015842 Photo ID: 015844

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rochester Rochester No Data


Once one of the smallest cities in the Country until and administrative error in 1998 caused it to revert to a town, it's been home to a ruined castle for hundreds of years, a Cathedral and during the Victorian era was home to Charles Dickens. The picturesque town centre stretches away from the river by the side of the castle and cathedral.


Getting There

There are regular buses (every few minutes, 5-10 minutes) and trains (4-6 an hour, 2 minutes) from Chatham. At the time of visiting a new station was being constructed that will include a bus station much closer to the centre of town than currently.
Latitude: 51.389795; Longitude: 0.503778
What3Words: mime.friend.solar


Photo ID: 015845 Photo ID: 015852 Photo ID: 015854 Photo ID: 015857 Photo ID: 015861 Photo ID: 015864 Photo ID: 015876

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2015), and on time of last update (19/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beaney Museum Beaney Museum No Data


An eclectic collection of art, artefacts and curiosities. One display is in fact called a cabinet of curiosities, but the whole museum could be described as such. Exhibits range from portraits and paintings to Egyptian artefacts and regimental medals via stuffed animals, geology, geography and religion.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.279582; Longitude: 1.07919
What3Words: noble.spicy.invest


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Canterbury Historic River Tours Canterbury Historic River Tours No Data


Regular tours running through the centre of the city taking in the key sights, the guides also row the boats whilst they give you some of the history of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 51.280296; Longitude: 1.078818
What3Words: crowned.doctor.below


Photo ID: 011620 Photo ID: 011622 Photo ID: 011623 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Canterbury Punting Company Canterbury Punting Company No Data


Running regular tours up and down the Stour. The tour guides take large punts (up to 12 passengers) through the city centre or out into the countryside in 40 minute long tours, telling some of the history of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.278546; Longitude: 1.077105
What3Words: crew.season.shower


Photo ID: 011617 Photo ID: 011618 Photo ID: 011619 Photo ID: 011621 Photo ID: 011623 Photo ID: 011624 Photo ID: 011625

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Canterbury Tales Canterbury Tales No Data


A combination of Live actors and audio guides bring Chaucer's most famous work to life. You listen to the pilgrims tales as they walk from Southwark to Canterbury on Pilgrimage to the tomb of Thomas Beckett.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.278211; Longitude: 1.079606
What3Words: shark.noting.wallet


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Castle No Data


The ruins of the Norman fortification. Originally built to defend the town it soon lost its importance as the significantly sturdier fortifications at Dover were built. It's served its time as a prison and a coal storage unit. At the time of visiting it was only possible to see the outside of the castle



Getting There

Latitude: 51.275645; Longitude: 1.074585
What3Words: thinks.sorters.zeal


Photo ID: 011647 Photo ID: 011648 Photo ID: 011649 Photo ID: 011650 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The mother church of the Anglican communion, and it is an impressive cathedral with it's massive nave, crypt where Thomas Beckett's tomb drew pilgrims in their thousands until Henry VIII had the tomb destroyed, and stunning choir.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.279815; Longitude: 1.082459
What3Words: lamps.drift.manage


Photo ID: 011579 Photo ID: 011612 Photo ID: 011613 Photo ID: 011614 Photo ID: 011615 Photo ID: 011616 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Precincts Cathedral Precincts No Data


The grounds of the Cathedral are open to look around 9pm to take in views of the cathedral


When the Cathedral is closed it is free to look around the grounds

Getting There

Latitude: 51.279609; Longitude: 1.08175
What3Words: rabble.sooner.foil


Photo ID: 011578 Photo ID: 011580 Photo ID: 011581 Photo ID: 011582 Photo ID: 011583 Photo ID: 011584 Photo ID: 011585

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


A fair amount of the city walls still exist and it's possible to walk either along side them or in a part, between the bus station and the castle, on the top of the walls



Getting There

Latitude: 51.275412; Longitude: 1.079841
What3Words: twigs.weeks.dared


Photo ID: 011611 Photo ID: 011641 Photo ID: 011642 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eastbridge Hospital Eastbridge Hospital No Data


The hospital was a place of hospitality for pilgrims visiting the city. Today the crypt, refectory and small chapel are open to look around



Getting There

Latitude: 51.279905; Longitude: 1.078483
What3Words: gears.finely.jungle


Photo ID: 011606 Photo ID: 011607 Photo ID: 011608 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heritage Museum Heritage Museum No Data


The heritage museum traces the history of Canterbury through the history of England at the same time. The impact of the Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Normans through the Tudors and Stuarts to the modern day.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Roman Museum and the Heritage Museum available

Getting There

Latitude: 51.278576; Longitude: 1.07737
What3Words: fleet.flips.camera


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Roman Museum Roman Museum No Data


Located beneath the shops in the centre of town this small museum is based around some reasonable sized Roman remains of a house and part of the entrance to a Baths. The museum tells the history of Roman Canterbury from inception to its destruction and abandonment following the fall of Rome.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Roman Museum and the Heritage Museum available

Getting There

Latitude: 51.278668; Longitude: 1.081498
What3Words: agents.grape.limp


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Simmons Monument Simmons Monument No Data


Located by the city walls, overlooking the Dane John Gardens, the monument rises above everything around it offering stunning views over the city across to the Cathedral and beyond.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.274929; Longitude: 1.077785
What3Words: feels.studio.jumpy


Photo ID: 011643 Photo ID: 011644 Photo ID: 011645 Photo ID: 011646 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Augustine's Abbey St Augustine's Abbey English Heritage


The ruins of the founding church of Christianity's rebirth in England. At one time the most important religious building in England, today the ruins of the Abbey tell the story of the re-Christianisation of England following the departure of the Romans, and the history of religion in Canterbury through to the destruction of the Abbey following the reformation and it's rescue in the 19th century



Getting There

Latitude: 51.278152; Longitude: 1.08826
What3Words: invent.solar.actors


Photo ID: 011631 Photo ID: 011633 Photo ID: 011634 Photo ID: 011636 Photo ID: 011638 Photo ID: 011639 Photo ID: 011640

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Richborough Roman Fort Richborough Roman Fort English Heritage


Founded as Rutupiæ, the location where the Romans first landed when they conquered Britain in AD 43. From here Watling Street set off to London and Chester, this was a major Roman port handling supplies into the British Province. Over time as Roman Rule started to be challenged it turned into a Saxon Shore Fort to defend this edge of the Roman empire from attack by sea. Eventually falling into disrepair shortly after the Roman's fled Britain in the 5th Century. Today, with the Wantsum channel long gone and the site stranded miles from the sea it's hard to imagine how important this location once was to the preservation of Roman power in Britain. An Audioguide takes you round the site, explaining the remains that you can see.



Getting There

From Sandwich it's about a mile and a half walk either along the River Stour or down a road to Richborough. Whilst the walk along the river is prettier, it is also longer and the path, at the time of visiting, was in a poor state of repair
Latitude: 51.293315; Longitude: 1.332804
What3Words: tribe.shadowed.drivers


Photo ID: 011591 Photo ID: 011593 Photo ID: 011595 Photo ID: 011597 Photo ID: 011599 Photo ID: 011600 Photo ID: 011601

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sandwich Sandwich No Data


One of the Cinque Ports, but perhaps best known for it's Earl's choice of fast food to eat whilst gambling, the picturesque town sits quietly on the River Stour. There are many historic buildings dotted around the town centre


Getting There

There are buses (routes 13 or 14) every 20 minutes or so between Canterbury and Sandwich, taking around 35 minutes to make the journey. Route 14 takes a slightly different route into the town centre, and the stop by the Fire Station is the closest bus stop to Richborough Roman Fort
Latitude: 51.274694; Longitude: 1.338792
What3Words: report.initiated.unleashed


Photo ID: 011602 Photo ID: 011063 Photo ID: 011604 Photo ID: 011605 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2014), and on time of last update (04/05/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chart Gunpowder Mills Chart Gunpowder Mills No Data


Located close to the centre of town this small mill was built to help grind the ingredients together for the Gunpowder production process. The mill includes a small museum on the history of production and it's role in the town.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.314741; Longitude: 0.882216
What3Words: dividers.readings.playfully


Photo ID: 010179 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2013), and on time of last update (12/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oare Gunpowder Works Oare Gunpowder Works No Data


Along with brewing the other major industry in Faversham was Gunpowder production, up until the mid 1930's, when it was realised that having the gunpowder production down in the South East corner of the country may not be a good idea if there were another war, so all the works were moved to Ayrshire and the works abandoned. At the start of the 21st Century the abandoned works were tided up and turned into country park with signposted walks taking in the main parts of the site and the building ruins.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.324826; Longitude: 0.871739
What3Words: relishing.splint.lateral


Photo ID: 010174 Photo ID: 010175 Photo ID: 010176 Photo ID: 010177 Photo ID: 010178 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2013), and on time of last update (12/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shepherd Neame Brewery Shepherd Neame Brewery No Data


The company has been brewing on their town centre site since at least the 17th century and today Faversham is very much a Shepherd Neame town. The 2 hour tour of the brewery includes seeing the main parts of the brewery and the brewing process, along with the companies micro-brewery. The tour ends with a tasting session of several of the companies brews.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.316683; Longitude: 0.891647
What3Words: measuring.indoor.likely


Photo ID: 010155 Photo ID: 010162 Photo ID: 010163 Photo ID: 010164 Photo ID: 010165 Photo ID: 010166 Photo ID: 010170

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2013), and on time of last update (12/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reculver Towers and Fort Reculver Towers and Fort English Heritage


The towers of a ruined medieval church, built inside the remains of a Roman Fort that protected the former channel that separated Kent from the Isle of Thanet.



Getting There

Reculver is about 4 miles from Herne Bay linked by the Saxon Shore Way walk. Alteratively very infrequent buses run to Reculver Monday to Saturday. I took a cab from Herne Bay station to Reculver and walked back into Herne Bay which reduced the overall walking distance.
Latitude: 51.379546; Longitude: 1.199645
What3Words: wobbling.shortage.proposals


Photo ID: 010186 Photo ID: 010188 Photo ID: 010189 Photo ID: 010191 Photo ID: 010193 Photo ID: 010194 Photo ID: 010195

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2013), and on time of last update (12/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Herne Bay Herne Bay No Data


Heren Bay is another pretty Kent seaside town focused around it's harbour and the stub of the former pier, with the ruined end of the pier still visible several hundred feet off shore.


Getting There

There are half hourly (hourly on Sunday) trains from Faversham to Herne Bay, taking around 15 minutes to make the journey. It's about a 15-20 minute walk from the station to the seafront.
Latitude: 51.372638; Longitude: 1.124114
What3Words: depend.most.indeed


Photo ID: 010203 Photo ID: 010204 Photo ID: 010206 Photo ID: 010207 Photo ID: 010208 Photo ID: 010209 Photo ID: 010210

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2013), and on time of last update (12/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitstable Whitstable No Data


Famous for it's sea food, in particular it's Oysters, Whistable is a pleasant Kent sea-side town, focused around its small harbour.


Getting There

There are half hourly (hourly on Sunday) trains from Faversham to Whitstable, taking less than 10 minutes to make the journey. It's about a 10-15 minute walk from the station to the seafront
Latitude: 51.362704; Longitude: 1.026015
What3Words: innocence.conjured.busy


Photo ID: 010180 Photo ID: 010181 Photo ID: 010182 Photo ID: 010183 Photo ID: 010184 Photo ID: 010185 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2013), and on time of last update (12/08/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway No Data


The railway is built on a tiny scale with everything in miniature form. Trains run from Hythe through the towns of Dymchurch and New Romney out to the weird environment of the shingle beaches at Dungeness. Along the way the line skirts the edge of the Romney Marsh and the English Chanel



Getting There

Latitude: 51.071343; Longitude: 1.072393
What3Words: crinkled.collapsed.prefect


Photo ID: 009008 Photo ID: 009009 Photo ID: 009010 Photo ID: 009013 Photo ID: 009020 Photo ID: 009027 Photo ID: 009031

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Military Canal Royal Military Canal No Data


Starting just to the East of Hythe and running across the Romney marsh towards Hastings the Royal Military Canal was designed to be a defence against any attack on the South Coast. Running alongside was a military road and fortifications. Today just the Canal remains, cutting through the centre of Hythe and providing a tranquil waterside setting nestled back behind the beach



Getting There

Latitude: 51.07139; Longitude: 1.075673
What3Words: earlobes.according.quench


Photo ID: 008979 Photo ID: 009006 Photo ID: 009007 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dover: Castle Dover: Castle English Heritage


One of the original Norman fortifications of England, today Dover is still a fantastic example of what a castle should look like. The site is oozing history from the Normans right up to it's pivotal role during WWII. Norman keeps to Battle of Britain tunnels through Medieval casemates and Victorian barracks there is lots to see across the massive site.



Getting There

From Hythe catch the 101/102 bus to the end of it's route in Dover (every 15 minutes, 30-40 minutes); then it's a stiff 15 minute walk up-hill or take the hourly number 15 bus a couple of stops up the hill to the entrance
Latitude: 51.129573; Longitude: 1.321203
What3Words: tried.fork.hello


Photo ID: 008994 Photo ID: 008995 Photo ID: 008997 Photo ID: 008998 Photo ID: 009002 Photo ID: 009003 Photo ID: 009004

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dungeness: Old Lighthouse Dungeness: Old Lighthouse No Data


The old lighthouse includes a small exhibition on the history of the light, some background information on lighthouses in the UK and from it's lantern stunning views over the strange landscapes of the Romney Marshes, Dungeness beaches, the Nuclear power station and on a good day across to France and along the coast towards the White Cliffs of Dover and Beachy Head


Getting There

Latitude: 50.913553; Longitude: 0.970069
What3Words: juggled.hired.sues


Photo ID: 009012 Photo ID: 009017 Photo ID: 009018 Photo ID: 009019 Photo ID: 009021 Photo ID: 009024 Photo ID: 009025

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dymchurch: Martello Tower Dymchurch: Martello Tower English Heritage


Martello towers were built along the coast to protect the country from invasion. Never used in anger many have now been turned into homes. The tower in the centre of the town is open occasionally and includes a reconstruction of what the inside of one of these towers would have been like during the Napoleonic ear.


Free to look round the outside, irregular opening (charge if open to go inside)

Getting There

Latitude: 51.024236; Longitude: 0.99547
What3Words: promoted.betrayal.exotic


Photo ID: 009036 Photo ID: 009037 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Folkestone: East Cliff Lift Folkestone: East Cliff Lift No Data


The East Cliff lift is a water powered funicular that links the town centre with the beach.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.076909; Longitude: 1.178547
What3Words: eclipses.legs.posting


Photo ID: 008982 Photo ID: 008984 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Folkestone: Battle of Britain Memorial Folkestone: Battle of Britain Memorial No Data


The simple, but moving, memorial sits on the cliffs looking out towards France and the horizon from which wave after wave of aircraft came during the summer and autumn of 1940. The simple memorial wall lists the names of those who gave their lives in the increasingly desperate bid to defend Britain from the Nazi's. Those Few who between them saved a nation.


Getting There

The Memorial is located in Capel le Feren, between Folkestone and Dover. From Hythe take the 101/102 bus through Folkestone. The bus stop is opposite the entrance (buses every 15 minutes, around 30 minutes)
Latitude: 51.098493; Longitude: 1.205921
What3Words: minerals.establish.resurgent


Photo ID: 008987 Photo ID: 008988 Photo ID: 008989 Photo ID: 008992 Photo ID: 008993 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Folkestone: Battle of Britain Museum Folkestone: Battle of Britain Museum No Data


Today the museum sits in a small corner of a massive housing development, but during the key months of 1940 RFC Hawkinge was in the front line of the Battle of Britain. Today the hangers contain a vast array of photos, documents and bits of aircraft that tell the story of "The Few" and their "Finest Hour"



Getting There

From Hythe take any bus to Folkestone bus station (up to every 8 minutes, 20 minutes) and change onto a 73 (every 30 minutes, 25 minutes journey) to the end of the route outside the museum
Latitude: 51.112776; Longitude: 1.152419
What3Words: spent.snowmen.stars


Photo ID: 008986 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

New Romney: Model Railway New Romney: Model Railway No Data


The large model railway and museum is located above the café next to platform one of the railway.


Getting There

Latitude: 50.985836; Longitude: 0.954405
What3Words: cassettes.overhead.blank


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dover Dover No Data


After London possibly one of the most well-known English settlements the town is still the country's main port for ferries making the short hop across the channel to France. The Norman castle that dominates the town from its position on the cliffs over the town show how strategic the port has been from the days of William the Conqueror through to the Second World War and beyond.


Getting There

From Hythe catch the 101/102 bus to the end of it's route in Dover (every 15 minutes, 30-40 minutes)
Latitude: 51.126718; Longitude: 1.311407
What3Words: chin.turns.quit


Photo ID: 008996 Photo ID: 008999 Photo ID: 009000 Photo ID: 009001 Photo ID: 009005 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dungeness Dungeness No Data


Effectively the bottom right corner of Britain, Dungeness is a strange place, a vast shingle beach the stretches back into the Romney Marshes with a massive Nuclear Power station adding to the strangeness.


Getting There

From Hythe take the Romney Hythe and Dymchurch Railway to Dungeness (about 1 hour, irregular)
Latitude: 50.914696; Longitude: 0.976378
What3Words: sparks.dilute.bagpipes


Photo ID: 009011 Photo ID: 009014 Photo ID: 009015 Photo ID: 009016 Photo ID: 009022 Photo ID: 009026 Photo ID: 009029

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dymchurch Dymchurch No Data


Located on the coast the town sits behind the massive walls that protect it from the sea, which from the top offer stunning views along the coast.


Getting There

From Hythe take the Romney Hythe and Dymchurch Railway to Dymchurch (15 minutes, irregular) or catch the 101/102 bus (every 15 minutes around 25 minutes journey)
Latitude: 51.023804; Longitude: 0.993855
What3Words: object.hobbyists.archive


Photo ID: 009032 Photo ID: 009033 Photo ID: 009034 Photo ID: 009035 Photo ID: 009038 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Folkestone Folkestone No Data


Once rivalling it's neighbour Dover for the cross-channel ferry business, Folkestone has today fallen back into being a sleepy seaside town


Getting There

From Hythe catch the 101/102 bus (every 15 minutes, 20 minutes)
Latitude: 51.0784; Longitude: 1.178284
What3Words: buying.longer.looked


Photo ID: 008981 Photo ID: 008983 Photo ID: 008985 Photo ID: 008686 Photo ID: 008990 Photo ID: 008981 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

New Romney New Romney No Data


Located on the edge of the Romney Marsh the town is the Headquarters of the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch railway


Getting There

From Hythe take the Romney Hythe and Dymchurch Railway to Dymchurch (40 minutes, irregular) or catch the 101/102 bus (every 15 minutes around 40 minutes journey)
Latitude: 50.985464; Longitude: 0.953579
What3Words: before.sprouted.crabmeat


Photo ID: 009030 Photo ID: 009031 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2013), and on time of last update (18/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Archbishops Palace Archbishops Palace No Data


The former archbishops palace, located by the Medway river. Today it houses the registry office, so it isn't possible to go inside the building, but you can walk round the grounds.


Getting There

Latitude: 51.270931; Longitude: 0.520607
What3Words: factor.bells.ramp


Photo ID: 037942 Photo ID: 037943 Photo ID: 037945 Photo ID: 037947 Photo ID: 037948 Photo ID: 037949 Photo ID: 037950

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2022), and on time of last update (22/01/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kent Life Kent Life No Data


This ethnographic and farm park is located on the site of an original Tudor Farm. Today it houses a number of buildings that are historically important from across Kent that have been disassembled from their original location and rebuilt on site here. There are also a number of farm animals including pigs, horses and alpacas.


Getting There

From Maidstone town centre the 155 bus runs hourly (every two hours) to the Malta Inn bus stop, close to the junction with the M20, taking about 12 minutes to make the journey. During summer months there are regular boat trips from the centre of Maidstone down the Medway to the park on the Kentish Lady ferryboat, taking about 30 minutes
Latitude: 51.296979; Longitude: 0.507184
What3Words: mystery.deep.inversion


Photo ID: 037954 Photo ID: 039760 Photo ID: 037964 Photo ID: 037965 Photo ID: 037970 Photo ID: 037972 Photo ID: 037974

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/01/2022), and on time of last update (22/01/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Leeds Castle: Castle Leeds Castle: Castle No Data


There's been a castle on the site since shortly after the Norman invasion of Britain, taking advantage of the natural islands within a lake to create a strong fortification. Over the centuries multiple buildings have been built, destroyed, rebuilt and remodelled until the current construction which is mostly a Georgian stately home linked to a Tudor castle. The inside of a lot of the castle is from the early part of the 20th century. You can tour round most of the building on a fixed route that passes through most of the main rooms in both buildings.


Charge, covers the castle, grounds, maze and falconry displays

Getting There

See getting there entry for more details
Latitude: 51.24899; Longitude: 0.630549
What3Words: majority.keeps.gong


Photo ID: 037884 Photo ID: 037891 Photo ID: 037893 Photo ID: 037895 Photo ID: 037896 Photo ID: 037902 Photo ID: 037904

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2022), and on time of last update (22/01/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Leeds Castle: Falconry Displays Leeds Castle: Falconry Displays No Data


Located behind the Maze is the Bird of Prey centre which runs daily falconry displays. These show off a number of different birds that the centre holds, with explanations on how each bird would hunt in the wild as well as some information on the different species.


Charge, covers the castle, grounds, maze and falconry displays

Getting There

See getting there entry for more details
Latitude: 51.245648; Longitude: 0.634057
What3Words: shrimps.slang.baker


Photo ID: 037913 Photo ID: 037915 Photo ID: 037921 Photo ID: 037924 Photo ID: 037932 Photo ID: 037935 Photo ID: 037936

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2022), and on time of last update (22/01/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Leeds Castle: Grounds Leeds Castle: Grounds No Data


Whilst a part of the grounds have been converted into a golf course, which is out of bounds to people who aren't members, most of the rest of the grounds and gardens are open to be explored. This includes several formal gardens as well as park land around the lakes.


Charge, covers the castle, grounds, maze and falconry displays

Getting There

See getting there entry for more details
Latitude: 51.246822; Longitude: 0.631042
What3Words: circulate.spoken.drive


Photo ID: 037865 Photo ID: 037867 Photo ID: 037873 Photo ID: 037876 Photo ID: 037880 Photo ID: 037907 Photo ID: 037908

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2022), and on time of last update (22/01/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Leeds Castle: Maze Leeds Castle: Maze No Data


Located about a 10 minute walk from the main castle there is a large hedge maze which you can wander around and attempt to find the middle. Once in the middle you descend down into a grotto and follow a tunnel path back to the entrance to the maze.


Charge, covers the castle, grounds, maze and falconry displays

Getting There

See getting there entry for more details
Latitude: 51.24543; Longitude: 0.633239
What3Words: obstruct.arranges.survive


Photo ID: 037909 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2022), and on time of last update (22/01/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rochester Castle Rochester Castle English Heritage


The impressive keep of the castle, ruined in the 13th century during King John's wars with the Barons, is one of the defining sights of the Medway towns. It's impressive location by the side of the Medway with the gaping holes where windows used to be, looking like gaping wounds in the side of the castle, make for an eerie sight. You can climb to the top of the keep for stunning views along the Medway and across the roof of the neighbouring Cathedral



Getting There

From Maidstone the 155 bus runs hourly (every two hours on Sundays) to Rochester, taking about 45 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 51.389378; Longitude: 0.501237
What3Words: wants.joke.flood


Photo ID: 037977 Photo ID: 037981 Photo ID: 037983 Photo ID: 037986 Photo ID: 037987 Photo ID: 037992 Photo ID: 038002

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/01/2022), and on time of last update (22/01/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Leeds Castle Leeds Castle No Data


The castle markets itself as the most beautiful castle in England and it's location on two small islands surrounded by a moat does make it look quite a lot like a fairy-tale castle. The grounds also include a number of other attractions which combined can occupy much of a day.


Getting There

From Maidstone the 10X bus to Ashford runs every hour (roughly every two hours, though with irregular times, on a Sunday) to the Great Danes roundabout in Hollingbourne (recognised by the large hotel by the roundabout). Journey time is about 20 minutes. From here it's a five minute walk down the road to the entry to the estate and then about another 10 minute walk up the access road and across the car parks to the ticket shop.
Latitude: 51.25417; Longitude: 0.626464
What3Words: emotional.twitchy.atoms


Photo ID: 037861 Photo ID: 037864 Photo ID: 037873 Photo ID: 037875 Photo ID: 037879 Photo ID: 037881 Photo ID: 037883

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2022), and on time of last update (22/01/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fort Fort No Data


Today, other than a retaining wall and a couple of replica canon's very little of the fort remains, however a large part of the site is now is use as the Winter Gardens. From the top prom there are good views over the harbour and out to sea.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.392023; Longitude: 1.386466
What3Words: agreed.lake.again


Photo ID: 010922 Photo ID: 010923 Photo ID: 010924 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/01/2014), and on time of last update (08/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hornby Visitors Centre Hornby Visitors Centre No Data


Housed next to the headquarters of the company the visitors centre tells the story of Hornby, from it's founding by Frank Hornby with his creation of Meccano through to the modern day and their seaming domination of the Hobby market with Scalextric, Corgi and Airfix amongst their may brands.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.367631; Longitude: 1.391927
What3Words: dart.pasta.bliss


Photo ID: 010967 Photo ID: 010968 Photo ID: 010969 Photo ID: 010970 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/01/2014), and on time of last update (08/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Town Old Town No Data


Margate's old town is a collection of pleasant small streets set a little back from the sea front behind the harbour. Today housing a collection of retro and vintage clothes shops, cafes, restaurants and bars as well as the old town hall and town museum.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.389408; Longitude: 1.381965
What3Words: flute.buns.canny


Photo ID: 010938 Photo ID: 010939 Photo ID: 010940 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/01/2014), and on time of last update (08/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Tudor House Old Tudor House No Data


One of the oldest buildings in the town, dating back to at least the 16th Century. Over the years the building had been knocked about a bit, including a long period as three separate cottages and a threat to demolish it, but in the late 1950's work was done to save the building and today it has been restored to what it is believed it looked like when it was first built - a large and well constructed building for someone who must have been very wealthy in Margate society. You can explore both floors of the house, or the very knowledgeable custodians can also guide you around


Charge, Joint ticket with the Margate Museum available

Getting There

Latitude: 51.389621; Longitude: 1.384232
What3Words: sake.calls.clap


Photo ID: 010935 Photo ID: 010936 Photo ID: 010937 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/01/2014), and on time of last update (08/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seafront Seafront No Data


Margate's history is linked to the sea, and its wide sandy beach curved round a gentle bay made it one of the premier seaside destinations for the South East London holiday maker. Whilst there may not be seaside crowds often, the beach and the cliff walks that head off in both directions are pleasant places to wander around.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.387423; Longitude: 1.376821
What3Words: slide.wants.pens


Photo ID: 010903 Photo ID: 010904 Photo ID: 010909 Photo ID: 010951 Photo ID: 010952 Photo ID: 010954 Photo ID: 010957

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/01/2014), and on time of last update (08/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shell Grotto Shell Grotto No Data


Discovered in the early 19th century, this Grotto has an unknown history prior to then with many theories surrounding it - Roman temple to Georgian Folly. Today you can descend down into the grotto to look round for yourself and marvel at the millions of shells each carefully glued to the walls of the cavern to create intricate patterns.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.387751; Longitude: 1.389434
What3Words: parks.moving.mason


Photo ID: 010928 Photo ID: 010929 Photo ID: 010930 Photo ID: 010931 Photo ID: 010932 Photo ID: 010933 Photo ID: 010934

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/01/2014), and on time of last update (08/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Turner Contemporary Turner Contemporary No Data


Turner spent a lot of time in Margate, and there are some pretty famous works that are based in or around the town. The Turner Contemporary hosts a changing programme of exhibits, including at the time of visiting some of Turners work.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.391246; Longitude: 1.382024
What3Words: prime.punch.credit


Photo ID: 010963 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/01/2014), and on time of last update (08/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Broadstairs Broadstairs No Data


Perched on steep cliffs around a small sandy bay Broadstairs is a very pretty English seaside town. Quieter than Margate and Ramsgate the town boasts a large number of restaurants and cafes


Getting There

The Loop bus runs both a clockwise and anti-clockwise service linking Margate to Broadstairs and Ramsgate (and back to Margate) at high frequency. Buses run every 7-8 minutes Monday to Saturday and every 10 minutes on Sundays. Depending on the direction you go buses take around 25 minutes to get to Broadstairs direct or 45 minutes via Ramsgate. Alternatively there are regular trains that take around 5 minutes, but the station is a good 10 minute walk up the hill from the town centre
Latitude: 51.358407; Longitude: 1.441848
What3Words: holds.phones.cling


Photo ID: 010941 Photo ID: 010942 Photo ID: 010943 Photo ID: 010944 Photo ID: 010945 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/01/2014), and on time of last update (08/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ramsgate Ramsgate No Data


More of a harbour town than Margate with it's busy harbour (albeit these days currently without cross-channel ferries) taking centre stage of the town.


Getting There

The Loop bus runs both a clockwise and anti-clockwise service linking Margate to Ramsgate and Broadstairs (and back to Margate) at high frequency. Buses run every 7-8 minutes Monday to Saturday and every 10 minutes on Sundays. Depending on the direction you go buses take around 20 minutes to get to Ramsgate direct or 45 minutes via Broadstairs. Alternatively there are regular trains that take around 10 minutes, but the station is a long distance up hill from the centre of town.
Latitude: 51.33212; Longitude: 1.419897
What3Words: orchestra.wisdom.about


Photo ID: 010946 Photo ID: 010947 Photo ID: 010948 Photo ID: 010949 Photo ID: 010950 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/01/2014), and on time of last update (08/01/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Albion Palace Gardens Albion Palace Gardens No Data


Pleasant gardens including a rock ravine that the road meanders through down to the harbour from the East Cliff.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.332752; Longitude: 1.422287
What3Words: soap.seat.agrees


Photo ID: 014901 Photo ID: 014902 Photo ID: 014903 Photo ID: 014904 Photo ID: 014905 Photo ID: 014906 Photo ID: 014907

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

East Cliff East Cliff No Data


Located on the Broadstairs side of town the East Cliff offers excellent views over the beach, harbour and out towards Pegwell bay and down towards Sandwich and beyond.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.333539; Longitude: 1.42495
What3Words: green.origin.manage


Photo ID: 014908 Photo ID: 014909 Photo ID: 014911 Photo ID: 014912 Photo ID: 014913 Photo ID: 014914 Photo ID: 014915

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

East Cliff Lift East Cliff Lift No Data


Linking the harbour area to the East Cliff the lift takes all the strain out of walking up the hill. Operates on weekends from Easter and daily from late May until the end of the summer season.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.332664; Longitude: 1.423891
What3Words: cost.slap.remedy


Photo ID: 014910 Photo ID: 014917 Photo ID: 014918 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum Maritime Museum No Data


Small maritime museum telling the large maritime history of Ramsgate, with its most important period being it's key role in the Dunkerque evacuation and it's role in the development of cross-channel hovercraft services.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.33151; Longitude: 1.422453
What3Words: wounds.ample.head


Photo ID: 014920 Photo ID: 014921 Photo ID: 014922 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ramsgate Tunnels Ramsgate Tunnels No Data


Built in just a few months in 1939 to provide shelter for the towns citizens as the threat of war loomed, a network of chalk tunnels burrow under the town all linking into the abandoned harbour railway tunnel. The 90 minute tour takes you through large parts of the chalk tunnels and gives you an idea as to how life was like for people, some of whom ended up spending much of the war living in the complex.


Charge - pre-booking essential

Getting There

Latitude: 51.334484; Longitude: 1.426705
What3Words: claims.prime.sunk


Photo ID: 013084 Photo ID: 013086 Photo ID: 013088 Photo ID: 013091 Photo ID: 013095 Photo ID: 013099 Photo ID: 013100

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/09/2014), and on time of last update (20/09/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seaman's Church Seaman's Church No Data


Located by the side of the harbour and partly built into the West Cliff this small chapel is dedicated to those who have sailed from Ramsgate harbour. Located on the floors above is the seaman's mission that looks after sailors, particularly in the past those rescued from ship wrecks on the Goodwin Sands


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.329884; Longitude: 1.416855
What3Words: remark.shapes.years


Photo ID: 014929 Photo ID: 014930 Photo ID: 014931 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Deal: Castle Deal: Castle English Heritage


Deal, Walmer and Sandown Castles were all built at the same time to almost identical plans to help protect this part of the coastline. Sandown has long since become just scattered ruins and Walmer as home to the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports has become more of a stately home. Deal on the other hand remains as it was originally constructed with it's low squat walls bristling with firepower potential.


Getting There

From the station follow the signs to the seafront. The castle is located to the South of the pier, heading towards Walmer
Latitude: 51.219444; Longitude: 1.403644
What3Words: hope.chase.help


Photo ID: 014959 Photo ID: 014961 Photo ID: 014963 Photo ID: 014969 Photo ID: 014972 Photo ID: 014974 Photo ID: 014977

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dover: Castle Dover: Castle English Heritage


With it's Norman keep on top of the White Cliffs the castle looms over the town. The site has an even older history dating back to Saxon and Roman times. A visit to the castle requires a full day to be able to see everything. It's advisable to bring a picnic with you as whilst there are cafes and restaurants inside the Castle complex they are all very expensive and not of particularly good quality (2015 - £4.00 for a limp cheese and ham sandwich).


The Castle is Expensive to get into, and whilst it is nominally free for English Heritage members if any event is taking place an access charge is made even to EH card holders.

Getting There

From the centre of town it’s a good 20 minute stiff walk up hill to the castle, and from the station add on another 10 minutes to get into town. From the centre of town the hourly (every other hour on Sunday) number 15 to Deal (NOT 15A) runs up to a stop above the pedestrian entrance to save your legs the walk. Alternatively Dover has a reasonable number of taxi's that charge reasonable rates.
Latitude: 51.129145; Longitude: 1.322134
What3Words: across.dishes.cases


Photo ID: 014981 Photo ID: 014982 Photo ID: 014984 Photo ID: 014986 Photo ID: 015015 Photo ID: 015017 Photo ID: 015020

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dover: Castle - Admiralty Look-out Dover: Castle - Admiralty Look-out English Heritage


The lookout sits above the Eastern Docks (modern ferry terminal) and offers excellent views out over the channel and towards France. An exhibition within the building shows how it would have looked whilst it was in operation during World War I


Included in Castle Entrance fee

Getting There

Latitude: 51.126695; Longitude: 1.32487
What3Words: works.goods.start


Photo ID: 014988 Photo ID: 014989 Photo ID: 014990 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dover: Castle - Great Tower Dover: Castle - Great Tower English Heritage


The Norman Keep. Inside many of the rooms have been restored to look how they may have done in times gone past. You can explore all the spaces of the castle, including the passageways between the walls and then climb to the top of the tower for views over the castle, the town and towards France


Included in Castle Entrance fee

Getting There

Latitude: 51.129605; Longitude: 1.321315
What3Words: river.shack.onion


Photo ID: 015004 Photo ID: 015005 Photo ID: 015010 Photo ID: 015011 Photo ID: 015014 Photo ID: 015017 Photo ID: 015018

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dover: Castle - Medieval tunnels Dover: Castle - Medieval tunnels English Heritage


Running into the hills away from the castle keep these medieval and 18th century tunnels lead to various gun emplacements at various points on the outer walls


Included in Castle Entrance fee

Getting There

Latitude: 51.130356; Longitude: 1.320539
What3Words: lifted.cooks.bets


Photo ID: 015006 Photo ID: 015007 Photo ID: 015008 Photo ID: 015009 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dover: Castle - Operation Dynamo Dover: Castle - Operation Dynamo English Heritage


Perhaps the most important time in the history of the castle was it's role in WWII, being on the front line, though it played an important role even before the front line reached the English Channel. From the Secret War tunnels Operation Dynamo, the evacuation of the beaches of Dunkirk, was co-ordinated. A 45 minute audio and visual tour takes you round many of the tunnels, whilst telling the story of the build up to war, why Operation Dynamo was needed, and the aftermath.


Included in Castle Entrance fee

Getting There

Latitude: 51.126473; Longitude: 1.32243
What3Words: doing.window.vital


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dover: Castle - Roman Pharos Dover: Castle - Roman Pharos English Heritage


Located next to St Mary-in-Castro this is a Roman lighthouse, placed up here to guide ships into the natural harbour that has made Dover the town that it is.


Included in Castle Entrance fee

Getting There

Latitude: 51.128365; Longitude: 1.323046
What3Words: trio.flown.remit


Photo ID: 014998 Photo ID: 015001 Photo ID: 015002 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dover: Castle - Secret War Tunnels Dover: Castle - Secret War Tunnels English Heritage


Originally built at the time of the Napoleonic wars the tunnels were subsequently used as a nerve centre during WWII. The tunnel leading down from Canon Gate takes you to a small museum, café and toilets. To see inside the tunnels you need to take the Operation Dynamo tour


Included in Castle Entrance fee

Getting There

Latitude: 51.126405; Longitude: 1.323326
What3Words: commented.penny.pets


Photo ID: 014997 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dover: Castle - St Mary-in-Castro Dover: Castle - St Mary-in-Castro English Heritage


A small Saxon church located within the castle complex that was built at least 1000 years ago but by the 19th century was in ruins before being restored to act as the chapel for anyone based at the castle.


Included in Castle Entrance fee

Getting There

Latitude: 51.128419; Longitude: 1.3234
What3Words: alert.backup.fails


Photo ID: 014998 Photo ID: 014999 Photo ID: 015000 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dover: Castle - Underground Hospital Dover: Castle - Underground Hospital English Heritage


Located next to the Secret War Tunnels, these tunnels were used during the war to treat the wounded in the relative safety of the cliffs.


Included in Castle Entrance fee

Getting There

Latitude: 51.126717; Longitude: 1.322367
What3Words: caged.friday.tools


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Walmer: Castle Walmer: Castle English Heritage


One of three similar castle built during the reign of Henry VIII to protect this most vulnerable part of the country. The castles never really saw much action and from relatively early on Walmer was converted into a homely residential palace for the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. With the post of Lord Warden having been held by Wellington, Pitt the Younger, Churchill and the Queen Mother the castle has become a focal point for parts of their lives. An audio and video guide (on an iPod) guides you round the castle itself, there are also extensive gardens, including down into the moat, to explore


Getting There

There is no signage from Walmer station on how to get to the Castle (or from the castle on how to get to Walmer station). From Walmer station walk down onto station road and then continue along this until it meets Dover Road. Turn left and continue along Dover Road taking the second road on the right (Walmer Castle Road). Walk down Walmer Castle road to the bottom where it meets Liverpool Road, turn left and walk along Liverpool Road. If it's dry you can take the footpath across the field to the entrance to Walmer Castle. Alternatively continue along Liverpool Road until it meets Granville Road turn Right and walk down until it meets Kingsdown Road where your turn right again and follow this road to the entrance to the castle. From Walmer Station it's about a 20 minute walk
Latitude: 51.200577; Longitude: 1.402054
What3Words: unsettled.unsigned.cats


Photo ID: 014941 Photo ID: 014943 Photo ID: 014946 Photo ID: 014948 Photo ID: 014951 Photo ID: 014953 Photo ID: 014955

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Deal and Walmer Deal and Walmer No Data


Walmer and Deal run into each other becoming the first major settlement on the coast round from Ramsgate. A good way to see both towns and their key sights is to take the train from Ramsgate to Walmer and walk down to the castle. From Walmer castle it's a mile and a half walk along the beach path into Deal itself and it's castle. You can then loop back through town and pick up the train one stop back up the line at Deal.


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Ramsgate to Deal (19 minutes) and Walmer (22 minutes).
Latitude: 51.223127; Longitude: 1.404449
What3Words: notice.eating.cigar


Photo ID: 014944 Photo ID: 014956 Photo ID: 014967 Photo ID: 014977 Photo ID: 014978 Photo ID: 014979 Photo ID: 014980

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dover Dover No Data


With it's White Cliffs and Norman Castle Dover is probably one of the most famous English towns on the planet. From it's role as the Gateway to the UK from the continent to it's role as the front line in the Battle of Britain and throughout most major conflicts from the Norman Invasion to the end of the Second World War.


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Ramsgate to Dover Priory taking around 30 minutes. Alternatively Monday to Saturday the 87/88 bus run hourly between Ramsgate and Dover taking around 75 minutes to make the trip.
Latitude: 51.127183; Longitude: 1.313174
What3Words: acid.dive.vital


Photo ID: 014981 Photo ID: 014987 Photo ID: 014990 Photo ID: 014991 Photo ID: 014994 Photo ID: 015016 Photo ID: 015020

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2015), and on time of last update (30/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knole House Knole House National Trust


Once a palace for an Archbishop the house and grounds were seized by Henry VIII during the reformation and eventually found their way into the hands of the Sackville family. After being sold to the National Trust the house is now a major tourist attraction with several of the lavishly furnished rooms open to look around. You can also climb the Gatehouse Tower for views over the deer park and beyond.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.266199; Longitude: 0.205358
What3Words: gold.shave.will


Photo ID: 037038 Photo ID: 037040 Photo ID: 037044 Photo ID: 037047 Photo ID: 037050 Photo ID: 037057 Photo ID: 037065

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/11/2021), and on time of last update (14/11/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knole Park Knole Park National Trust


The former deer park of Knole House, today this is a large open parkland that you can wander across - though at the time of visiting in November, with caution as it was the height of rutting season and the stags of the large deer populations in the park were fully antlered up and ready to do battle.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.26687; Longitude: 0.210002
What3Words: value.discouraged.spits


Photo ID: 037033 Photo ID: 037036 Photo ID: 037082 Photo ID: 037084 Photo ID: 037089 Photo ID: 037092 Photo ID: 037095

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/11/2021), and on time of last update (14/11/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chislehurst: Caves Chislehurst: Caves No Data


Rather than natural caves these are man-made caverns that have been carved out of the chalk and flit of the rock for at least 4,000 years. There are three distinct parts of the caves - the Saxon workings, the Ancient workings and the Roman workings. Over the years the caves have been used for a number of activities including a successful Mushroom growing project that only stopped with the start of the second world war and the caves becoming air raid shelters. After the war the caves hosted concerts and discos as well as being used for filming. Today you can visit on a 45 minute guided tour round the key sections of the caves.



Getting There

There are half hourly trains from Sevenoaks to Chislehurst taking about 25 minutes to make the journey. It's a short 5 minute walk from the station to the caves.
Latitude: 51.407299; Longitude: 0.057958
What3Words: canny.green.popped


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2021), and on time of last update (14/11/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eynsford: Castle Eynsford: Castle English Heritage


The ruins of a Norman castle - built relatively soon after the conquest in the late 11th century. Relatively soon the castle was abandoned so it's a rare example of a stone Norman castle in it's original layout and form.



Getting There

From the station walk to the end of the access road and turn right, follow the main road for about 10-15 minutes into town and the entrance to the castle is opposite the Castle Hotel pub
Latitude: 51.370508; Longitude: 0.213464
What3Words: lions.ships.owners


Photo ID: 037020 Photo ID: 037022 Photo ID: 037024 Photo ID: 037025 Photo ID: 037026 Photo ID: 037028 Photo ID: 037030

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2021), and on time of last update (14/11/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eynsford: Lullinstone Roman Villa Eynsford: Lullinstone Roman Villa English Heritage


Located close to the river on the edge of Eynsford are the remains of a large Roman villa. A series of increasingly grand villa buildings occupied the site for around 300 years up until the Romans left Britain. Over the time the villa housed both a cult room to Roman Deities as well as a Christian chapel, and is one of the earliest examples of Christian worship on Great Britain.



Getting There

From the station walk to the end of the access road and turn left (don't follow the road sign pointing to the villa), walk under the railway bridge and follow the road for a couple of hundred yards before a lane goes off to the right, the lane itself is gated off, but is a public footpath which leads all the way to the site of the villa - total walking time is about 15 minutes (if you follow the road signs the total walk is around 25 minutes)
Latitude: 51.364038; Longitude: 0.196417
What3Words: moral.taken.shed


Photo ID: 036991 Photo ID: 036996 Photo ID: 037001 Photo ID: 037004 Photo ID: 037006 Photo ID: 037009 Photo ID: 037010

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2021), and on time of last update (14/11/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eynsford Eynsford No Data


Eynsford is a pretty Kent village located on the river Darent, which flows through the village centre across a ford and an ancient bridge. The town is home to ruins of a Roman Villa as well as a Norman Castle, showing how long the area has been occupied.


Getting There

There are half hourly trains from Sevenoaks to Eynsford which take about 15 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 51.367663; Longitude: 0.21125
What3Words: woke.rare.lawn


Photo ID: 037011 Photo ID: 037012 Photo ID: 037013 Photo ID: 037015 Photo ID: 037016 Photo ID: 037017 Photo ID: 037018

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/11/2021), and on time of last update (14/11/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pantiles Pantiles No Data


The historic heart of old Tunbridge Wells, based around the spring, this area is now home to a large number of shops and restaurants


Free to wander

Getting There

Latitude: 51.125831; Longitude: 0.257504
What3Words: hope.fades.spider


Photo ID: 029111 Photo ID: 029112 Photo ID: 029113 Photo ID: 029114 Photo ID: 029115 Photo ID: 029116 Photo ID: 029124

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2019), and on time of last update (28/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spa Valley Railway Spa Valley Railway No Data


The railway line between Tunbridge Wells and Eridge only closed in 1985, but today - with the exception of the section between Tunbridge Wells and Tunbridge Wells West the line has been reopend as a heritage railway. A mix of steam and deisel trains provide regular services on operating days.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.123679; Longitude: 0.25351
What3Words: bared.drive.case


Photo ID: 029208 Photo ID: 029221 Photo ID: 029267 Photo ID: 029273 Photo ID: 029277 Photo ID: 029279 Photo ID: 028280

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/10/2019), and on time of last update (28/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Chalybeate Spring The Chalybeate Spring No Data


The reason for the existence of Tunbridge Wells. The spring brought the well-to-do to the area to take the waters and helped found the town. Today you can try the waters during the summer months.


Free to look from the outside

Getting There

Latitude: 51.126666; Longitude: 0.258656
What3Words: bets.ruby.issued


Photo ID: 029117 Photo ID: 029118 Photo ID: 029119 Photo ID: 029120 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2019), and on time of last update (28/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Battle: Abbey Battle: Abbey English Heritage


The Abbey was built on the site where King Harold fell during the Battle of Hastings as an act of homage by the successful William the Conqueror. Today only fragments of the abbey buildings remain, but they give an idea of life in the Abbey and the importance of the site.


Charge, joint ticket for the Abbey ruins, Battlefield and the visitors centre

Getting There

Latitude: 50.913924; Longitude: 0.487485
What3Words: decorate.majoring.flop


Photo ID: 029173 Photo ID: 029175 Photo ID: 029182 Photo ID: 029185 Photo ID: 029187 Photo ID: 029188 Photo ID: 029191

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2019), and on time of last update (28/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Battle: Battlefield Battle: Battlefield English Heritage


In this space on 14th October 1066 the battle that would shape the history of Britain took place as the last of the Anglo-Saxon kings died on the battlefield and the Norman victors completed their invasion of England. Today you can walk around the edge of the battlefield with an audio commentary that tells you about the key events of the battle (the walk was closed on the day I visited due to ground conditions following several days of very heavy rain). Alternatively, if you don't want to walk around the battlefield (takes around 30 minutes), or if the path is closed, you can instead survey the battlefield from the Abbey terrace, at roughly the level where Harold would have stood for much of the battle.


Charge, joint ticket for the Abbey ruins, Battlefield and the visitors centre

Getting There

Latitude: 50.912435; Longitude: 0.486875
What3Words: aced.gamer.loosed


Photo ID: 029177 Photo ID: 029179 Photo ID: 029198 Photo ID: 029199 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2019), and on time of last update (28/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Groombridge Place Groombridge Place No Data


A large medieval manor house with a moat located on the Kent Sussex border. The house itself is closed to the public, but the grounds are open to be explored, including woodlands that climb up the steep cliffs at the back of the estate, Bird or Prey exhibits and the formal gardens. There is a suggested walk that takes your round the whole estate, taking between 90 minutes and three hours depending on your pace.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.118513; Longitude: 0.190291
What3Words: winters.warms.task


Photo ID: 029231 Photo ID: 029245 Photo ID: 029251 Photo ID: 029256 Photo ID: 028259 Photo ID: 029261 Photo ID: 029263

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/10/2019), and on time of last update (28/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tonbridge: Castle Gatehouse Tonbridge: Castle Gatehouse No Data


The gatehouse is the only substantial part of the castle still standing, but you can explore the whole building from the basements to the battlements. An audio guide takes you round the building telling the history of the castle.


Charge, includes a free audio guide

Getting There

Latitude: 51.196568; Longitude: 0.273939
What3Words: stone.tribe.ahead


Photo ID: 029129 Photo ID: 029134 Photo ID: 029151 Photo ID: 029154 Photo ID: 029157 Photo ID: 029160 Photo ID: 029161

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2019), and on time of last update (28/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tonbridge: Castle Grounds Tonbridge: Castle Grounds No Data


The castle was one of the first that was built following the Norman invasion in 1066 and has gone through various versions during its life. Today just the gatehouse, part of the curtain wall overlooking the Medway, the Motte and a small fragment of the keep remains. The space is now a park and you can walk around it, and explore more about the castle through the seven information boards dotted around the site.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.196169; Longitude: 0.273393
What3Words: exist.create.leaned


Photo ID: 029131 Photo ID: 029132 Photo ID: 029135 Photo ID: 029137 Photo ID: 029139 Photo ID: 029140 Photo ID: 029142

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2019), and on time of last update (28/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Battle Battle No Data


Battle, a town built around an historical event. The Abbey was built shortly after the Norman Conquest to pay homage to King Harold who died on the spot following the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Today a bustling town has built up around the ruins of the Abbey, though the only real sights are the ruins and the battlefield itself


Getting There

There are regular trains (every 30 minutes) from Tunbridge Wells to Battle taking between 20 and 30 minutes to make the journey depending on the calling pattern. From the station is a 10-15 minute well signed walk to the centre of town and the abbey
Latitude: 50.917285; Longitude: 0.48394
What3Words: smug.opposites.vocals


Photo ID: 029171 Photo ID: 029172 Photo ID: 029184 Photo ID: 029189 Photo ID: 029192 Photo ID: 029197 Photo ID: 029200

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2019), and on time of last update (28/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tonbridge Tonbridge No Data


The older sibling to Tunbridge Wells, with the first fortifications appearing shortly after the Norman conquest and only changing its name from U to O in the 19th Century. Today it's a major rail hub as well as a commercial centre, though there are still a large number of older buildings and of course the ruins of the Castle.


Getting There

There are regular trains (every 15 minutes on weekdays, 30 minutes at weekends) from Tunbridge Wells to Tonbridge, taking 10 minutes to make the journey, though Tonbridge station is a good 10 minutes walk from the castle. Alternatively there are buses (routes 7 and 402 at the time of visiting) that run every 15 minutes from the centre of Tunbridge Wells to the centre of Tonbridge (there is a stop right outside the castle) and take around 25 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 51.195066; Longitude: 0.27461
What3Words: logic.trick.spoil


Photo ID: 029126 Photo ID: 029127 Photo ID: 029128 Photo ID: 029130 Photo ID: 029141 Photo ID: 029143 Photo ID: 029169

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2019), and on time of last update (28/10/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blackpool Tower: Aquarium Blackpool Tower: Aquarium No Data


The first thing you see on your way into the complex is the small aquarium which houses a small selection of marine life


Charge, One ticket does all Tower attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.815901; Longitude: -3.054905
What3Words: button.offer.chill


Photo ID: 004616 Photo ID: 004617 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blackpool Tower: Jurassic walk & 3D Cinema Blackpool Tower: Jurassic walk & 3D Cinema No Data


A bizarre 5 minute 3D film that makes no sense with or without the 3D specs followed by a walk past some (poor) animatronics dinosaurs finishing with a Mammoth and a Sabre tooth tiger, the latter looking more like a stuffed toy lion with a set of comic fangs shoved in it's mouth


Charge, One ticket does all Tower attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.81561; Longitude: -3.055154
What3Words: plans.hills.darker


Photo ID: 004618 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blackpool Tower: Tower Ballroom Blackpool Tower: Tower Ballroom No Data


Used in countless TV shows, it is very impressive. You can take a drink at the edge of the dance floor listen to the organ and watch others dance, or even take part yourself.


Charge, One ticket does all Tower attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.816109; Longitude: -3.055248
What3Words: wanted.slam.leap


Photo ID: 004626 Photo ID: 004627 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blackpool Tower: Tower Top Blackpool Tower: Tower Top No Data


The real reason for going into the tower, the views from the top are spectacular taking in the whole sweep of the Fylde coast


Charge, One ticket does all Tower attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.8157; Longitude: -3.054781
What3Words: ruler.trim.zest


Photo ID: 004619 Photo ID: 004621 Photo ID: 004622 Photo ID: 004623 Photo ID: 004624 Photo ID: 004625 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blackpool Tower: Walk of Faith Blackpool Tower: Walk of Faith No Data


At the top of the tower they have taken the floor out and instead installed a large pane of glass. It's tested for 6 tonnes so it's safe to walk over and stare down the 360 odd feet to the ground below. Needless to say, it's not good if you have vertigo, and there were several kids freaking out when I was up there (possibly discovering for the first times in their lives that they didn't like heights)


Charge, One ticket does all Tower attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.815673; Longitude: -3.054897
What3Words: fall.await.busy


Photo ID: 004620 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blackpool Trams Blackpool Trams No Data


Along with the tower, Blackpool is also famous for it's trams. Whilst the rest of the UK were busy ripping them out (and now busy putting them all back in again) Blackpool kept it's tramlines and it's trams. Today the line is in the process of being upgraded so large parts of it were closed when I visited, but it's still possible to travel along the prom in one of the old tram cars.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.81963; Longitude: -3.055873
What3Words: design.resist.asking


Photo ID: 004577 Photo ID: 004604 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Central Pier Central Pier No Data


The Central Pier is loaded with bars and amusements with funfair rides and fairground games



Getting There

Latitude: 53.810839; Longitude: -3.059435
What3Words: spaces.either.visits


Photo ID: 004571 Photo ID: 004606 Photo ID: 004607 Photo ID: 004610 Photo ID: 004611 Photo ID: 004614 Photo ID: 004624

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North Pier North Pier No Data


The North Pier is certainly the poor relation of Blackpool's three piers. At the time of visiting, just after Easter 2010, it still had signs up for the 2009 summer season. The pier looked abandoned, apart from a few small kiosks at the land end, but it is a pleasant place to walk along, without all the noise and bustle of the other two piers



Getting There

Latitude: 53.819225; Longitude: -3.061924
What3Words: punk.dizzy.vouch


Photo ID: 004570 Photo ID: 004572 Photo ID: 004574 Photo ID: 004575 Photo ID: 004576 Photo ID: 004612 Photo ID: 004621

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Prom Prom No Data


The long prom running from the South Pier up beyond the North Pier was in the process of being heavily upgraded when I visited. The work done so far make it look like it's going to be quite impressive, when it's finally finished. Whilst the work is going on though it adds to a general feel of a place not yet finished.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.80724; Longitude: -3.056087
What3Words: rested.wider.chase


Photo ID: 004567 Photo ID: 004568 Photo ID: 004569 Photo ID: 004589 Photo ID: 004605 Photo ID: 004630 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

South Pier South Pier No Data


The South Pier, directly opposite the Pleasure Beach has yet more rides and amusements on it.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.795581; Longitude: -3.060293
What3Words: union.silent.forest


Photo ID: 004606 Photo ID: 004608 Photo ID: 004609 Photo ID: 004615 Photo ID: 004625 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lake District: Lake Cruise Lake District: Lake Cruise No Data


From Bowness there are regular tours up and down the lake, including round trips and direct services.


From Windermere station take the Lakeland Experience Bus (Route 599) to Bowness, alternatively it's about a mile and a half walk down to the piers.

Getting There

Latitude: 54.362852; Longitude: -2.922868
What3Words: rocked.blunders.boil


Photo ID: 004592 Photo ID: 004593 Photo ID: 004594 Photo ID: 004595 Photo ID: 004596 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lake District: Lakeland Experience Bus Lake District: Lakeland Experience Bus No Data


The bus runs from Bowness to Grasmere via Windermere station and Ambleside running, through some stunning countryside.


The bus leaves from directly outside Windermere station in both directions

Getting There

Latitude: 54.379843; Longitude: -2.903446
What3Words: list.jelly.treetop


Photo ID: 004597 Photo ID: 004598 Photo ID: 004600 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fleetwood Fleetwood No Data


At first glance the port town doesn't look like it has much to offer, but walk up to the beach on a clear day and the views across Morecambe Bay are stunning, the hills of the lake district, the sweep of the bay, and views all the way along the coast from Fleetwood, through to Barrow-in-Furness


There are regular buses on a couple of routes from Blackpool to Fleetwood, taking around 30 minutes. Once upgrade works have been completed, trams will also return to Fleetwood

Getting There

Latitude: 53.924014; Longitude: -3.008672
What3Words: spending.incoming.lightbulb


Photo ID: 004578 Photo ID: 004579 Photo ID: 004580 Photo ID: 004581 Photo ID: 004584 Photo ID: 004586 Photo ID: 004587

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lake District Lake District No Data


Possibly one of the prettiest parts of the UK, the lake district is a run of jaw dropping scenery. From the hills and mountains down to the lakes.


From Blackpool North you have to change trains in Preston. From Preston there are some direct trains to Windermere, but in most instances you need to catch the train to Oxenholm and change there for the shuttle service to Windermere.

Getting There

Latitude: 54.5; Longitude: -3.166667
What3Words: panic.whistling.rift


Photo ID: 004591 Photo ID: 004599 Photo ID: 004601 Photo ID: 004602 Photo ID: 004603 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Avenham Park Avenham Park No Data


A large and pleasant park that rolls down the hillside towards the River Ribble. The park includes a tea room and Japanese gardens



Getting There

Latitude: 53.75328; Longitude: -2.700886
What3Words: dozed.lost.monday


Photo ID: 013251 Photo ID: 013252 Photo ID: 013253 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Avenham Park: Japanese Gardens Avenham Park: Japanese Gardens No Data


Located towards the top of the park the Japanese gardens provide the main formal gardens in the park, set around a small lake and rockery. A tranquil place to sit and wile away the time



Getting There

Latitude: 53.753026; Longitude: -2.702377
What3Words: wasp.regime.detect


Photo ID: 013247 Photo ID: 013248 Photo ID: 013249 Photo ID: 013250 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harris Museum Harris Museum No Data


The city Museum and Art Gallery housing exhibitions on the local area, along with broader subject areas. Significant collections of bequests create some eclectic collections



Getting There

Latitude: 53.759122; Longitude: -2.698246
What3Words: join.boots.frame


Photo ID: 013294 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Clitheroe: Castle Keep Clitheroe: Castle Keep No Data


Reputedly one of the smallest castle keeps in the country, it is hard to imagine anyone being able to live in the space, particularly once you enter through the thick walls into the tiny central area.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.870841; Longitude: -2.393192
What3Words: robot.feels.hazel


Photo ID: 013277 Photo ID: 013280 Photo ID: 013281 Photo ID: 013282 Photo ID: 013283 Photo ID: 013285 Photo ID: 013289

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Clitheroe: Castle Museum Clitheroe: Castle Museum No Data


Located in the grounds of the castle the museum tells the history of the town from the pre-historic period up to modern day, including exhibits on the nearby Pendal Witches.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.870146; Longitude: -2.393428
What3Words: display.flagpole.irritated


Photo ID: 013289 Photo ID: 013290 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Clitheroe Clitheroe No Data


A small market town located in the hills, overlooked by some stunning scenery - Pendal Hill, home of the Pendal Witches, being the most obvious natural feature.


Getting There

The 280 bus runs at approximately hourly intervals from Preston Bus Station to Clitheroe Interchange. Journey time is around 45 minutes
Latitude: 53.872632; Longitude: -2.391121
What3Words: flatten.postcard.licks


Photo ID: 013276 Photo ID: 013278 Photo ID: 013279 Photo ID: 013284 Photo ID: 013286 Photo ID: 013287 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Morecambe Morecambe No Data


Seaside town set around Morecambe bay. On a clear sunny day you get stunning views over to the mountains of the Southern Lakes. The bay itself is notorious for its dangerous sands and tides.


Getting There

From Preston take any train to Lancaster (Regular, 15 minutes). There you can change onto the local train that runs to Morecambe at irregular intervals. Journey time from Lancaster is around 10 minutes.
Latitude: 54.073997; Longitude: -2.865138
What3Words: author.take.sorry


Photo ID: 013256 Photo ID: 013258 Photo ID: 013260 Photo ID: 013261 Photo ID: 013266 Photo ID: 013271 Photo ID: 013274

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/11/2014), and on time of last update (03/12/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Gardens Castle Gardens No Data


The pleasant gardens run between the remains of the castle and the River Soar



Getting There

Latitude: 52.631972; Longitude: -1.141658
What3Words: sweat.hotels.remedy


Photo ID: 009049 Photo ID: 009075 Photo ID: 009076 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Hall Castle Hall No Data


The main hall building is open occasionally during the summer. You can look around the court rooms that were used up until the early 1990's


Free, Donation Suggested

Getting There

Latitude: 52.632369; Longitude: -1.141189
What3Words: epic.match.dime
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guildhall Guildhall No Data


The medieval guildhall houses occasional exhibitions, at the time of visiting the exhibition on the excavation of King Richard III's grave was on


Free, Donation Suggested

Getting There

Latitude: 52.634694; Longitude: -1.137595
What3Words: pint.shuts.among
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jewry Wall Jewry Wall English Heritage


The remains of a former Bath house that are now the sole Roman remains in the city



Getting There

Latitude: 52.635002; Longitude: -1.141371
What3Words: tummy.note.will


Photo ID: 009065 Photo ID: 009066 Photo ID: 009069 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jewry Wall Museum Jewry Wall Museum No Data


The museum has artefacts tracing the towns history from the Roman era through to the modern day.


Free, Donation Suggested

Getting There

Latitude: 52.634616; Longitude: -1.141537
What3Words: ages.young.forced
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Leicester Castle Leicester Castle No Data


Very little of the Castle remains other than the earthworks that the original Norman fortifications were built upon.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.631733; Longitude: -1.140668
What3Words: minus.wishes.areas


Photo ID: 009077 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Leicester Cathedral Leicester Cathedral No Data


Leicester cathedral is quite small, but this makes is a warm and welcoming location. The key highlight at the time of visiting was the memorial stone to King Richard III which may become his resting place.


Free, Donation Suggested

Getting There

Latitude: 52.63474; Longitude: -1.137018
What3Words: froth.chill.priced


Photo ID: 009070 Photo ID: 009071 Photo ID: 009072 Photo ID: 009073 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

New Walk Museum New Walk Museum No Data


The city's main museum and art gallery with an eclectic collection ranging from Dinosaurs and Ancient Egyptians to German impressionist art and Picasso ceramics


Free, Donation Suggested

Getting There

Latitude: 52.629013; Longitude: -1.127939
What3Words: broken.causes.riots
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newarke Houses Newarke Houses No Data


Several old houses knocked together into a museum that focuses on life in Leicester during the 20th Century, the regimental museum for the Royal Leicestershire Regiment and exhibitions on the houses themselves.


Free, Donation Suggested

Getting There

Latitude: 52.631682; Longitude: -1.139043
What3Words: vets.oath.carbon
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Mary de Castro St Mary de Castro No Data


The church is located in the grounds of the castle, with it's spire dominating the surrounding area. The church is only open for a couple of hours each afternoon Monday to Saturday


Free, Donation Suggested

Getting There

Latitude: 52.632293; Longitude: -1.140322
What3Words: games.cried.limit


Photo ID: 009048 Photo ID: 009061 Photo ID: 009062 Photo ID: 009603 Photo ID: 009064 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Nicholas Church St Nicholas Church No Data


The oldest church in the city combining elements of Saxon and Norman architecture with materials recovered from Roman buildings on a site possibly once used as a pagan temple. The site certainly has history


Free, Donation Suggested

Getting There

Latitude: 52.635174; Longitude: -1.140912
What3Words: exam.think.hammer


Photo ID: 009067 Photo ID: 009068 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ashby de la Zouch: Castle Ashby de la Zouch: Castle English Heritage


The ruins of the castle, destroyed at the end of the Civil War.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.746561; Longitude: -1.466621
What3Words: sprinter.blubber.gets


Photo ID: 009055 Photo ID: 009056 Photo ID: 009057 Photo ID: 009058 Photo ID: 009059 Photo ID: 009060 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kirby Muxloe: Castle Kirby Muxloe: Castle English Heritage


Only small parts of the castle remain, but with it's perfect rectangular moat this is what a story book castle setting should look like



Getting There

Latitude: 52.636696; Longitude: -1.227229
What3Words: flown.image.analogy


Photo ID: 009051 Photo ID: 009052 Photo ID: 009053 Photo ID: 009054 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ashby de la Zouch Ashby de la Zouch No Data


The town has been through ups and downs over the centuries, it's important castle with links to several monarchs was destroyed at the end of the Civil War, but Sir Walter Scot's novel Ivanhoe brought a new lease of life to the town and a tourist industry that continues to today.


Getting There

From Leicester the 29/29A bus runs every half hour to Coalville where it turns into the 9/9A and continues to Ashby (no need to change bus) total through journey time is around 65 minutes
Latitude: 52.746879; Longitude: -1.472039
What3Words: distracts.aware.disgraced


Photo ID: 009055 Photo ID: 009056 Photo ID: 009057 Photo ID: 009058 Photo ID: 009059 Photo ID: 009060 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kirby Muxloe Kirby Muxloe No Data


Located on the edge of the city Kirby Muxloe is home to some stunning castle remains


Getting There

From Leicester the 153 bus runs every 30 minutes Monday to Saturday, taking around 25 minutes. There are no direct services on a Sunday
Latitude: 52.634678; Longitude: -1.235361
What3Words: packet.cakes.bank


Photo ID: 009051 Photo ID: 009052 Photo ID: 009053 Photo ID: 009054 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/04/2013), and on time of last update (30/04/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

East Gate East Gate No Data


A small trace of the remains of the Roman East Gate into the city



Getting There

Latitude: 53.235441; Longitude: -0.535465
What3Words: rescue.think.codes


Photo ID: 036962 Photo ID: 036963 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lawns Visitor Centre Lawns Visitor Centre No Data


On the site of the former Mental Hospital this complex houses a number of museums and attractions. The grounds themselves are worth a visit. In addition there are museums to a couple of the local RAF squadrons, The Lincolnshire Archaeology museum and the Joseph Banks Conservatory


Charges for some areas, grounds free.

Getting There

Latitude: 53.235171; Longitude: -0.543748
What3Words: ground.resort.tennis


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2002), and on time of last update (23/07/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lincoln Castle Lincoln Castle No Data


Little remains of the original Norman castle, but a full set of medieval walls and towers surround the site. Inside sits the current Crown Court, along with a former Victorian Prison as well as a vault which contains one of only four copies of the Original Magna Carta text that is still in the location it belongs to.


Free to enter the grounds

Getting There

Latitude: 53.234875; Longitude: -0.540776
What3Words: jabs.riding.yard


Photo ID: 036875 Photo ID: 036877 Photo ID: 036878 Photo ID: 036900 Photo ID: 036901 Photo ID: 036906 Photo ID: 036912

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2002), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lincoln Castle: Magna Carta Lincoln Castle: Magna Carta No Data


Lincoln still holds it's original copy of the 1215 Magna Carta, as well as the 1217 Charter of the Forests which helped to solidify the role of the monarch following the death of King John and a protracted Civil War. Both documents are on display in a climate controlled vault. Next to the vault an audio visual presentation tells the story of the Magna Carta - why it was needed, how John tried to defy it and how his son Henry III helped to establish the charter that has become fundamental to much of global human rights.


Charge, Day ticket available that gives access to all castle attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.234458; Longitude: -0.540423
What3Words: fool.zoom.spots


Photo ID: 036882 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lincoln Castle: Victorian Prison Lincoln Castle: Victorian Prison No Data


The Victorian Prison within the castle was only in operation for a few years before a much larger purpose built prison was built on the outskirts of town, but the site has been a jail for much longer than the building on the site today. You can walk around the two wings of the prison - the Womens and the Mens and see exhibits on what life would have been like in the cells and in general. You can go out into the small exercise yard to see the space prisoners had to stretch their legs in, and visit the prison chapel which was designed with the idea of keeping everyone in isolation - no prisoner can see another.


Charge, Day ticket available that gives access to all castle attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.2346; Longitude: -0.54067
What3Words: bolt.tubes.veal


Photo ID: 036879 Photo ID: 036881 Photo ID: 036884 Photo ID: 036885 Photo ID: 036888 Photo ID: 036891 Photo ID: 036894

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lincoln Castle: Wall Walk Lincoln Castle: Wall Walk No Data


Following restoration and conservation works, along with specially built sections, it is now possible to walk the entire way round the walls of the castle. Access is via a tower near the East Gate - from where you are almost immediately met with stunning views across to the Cathedral. You continue anti-clockwise around the castle with access down into the Cobb Hall Tower, as well as into the Lucy Tower which is built on the location of the original Norman fortification. The final tower - the Observatory Tower allows you to climb even higher for views over the whole of the castle site, the centre of Lincoln and far off into the distance - helped by the elevated position of the castle high above the mostly flat lands of Lincolnshire and beyond.


Charge, Day ticket available that gives access to all castle attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.23446; Longitude: -0.539999
What3Words: tester.city.having


Photo ID: 036902 Photo ID: 036905 Photo ID: 036906 Photo ID: 036911 Photo ID: 036924 Photo ID: 036934 Photo ID: 036938

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lincoln Cathedral Lincoln Cathedral No Data


With parts of the original Norman cathedral still visible, Lincoln cathedral is one of the most spectacular in the country. 3rd largest with some interesting features. Tour guides can show you round the cathedral and once a day you can go on a tour of the roof to look down into the cathedral and get some of the most stunning views in Eastern England (need a head of heights and an enjoyment of spiral staircases required).


Entry Charge Monday - Saturday, tours are free

Getting There

Latitude: 53.234275; Longitude: -0.5362
What3Words: shakes.trials.mile


Photo ID: 036908 Photo ID: 036946 Photo ID: 036947 Photo ID: 036950 Photo ID: 036951 Photo ID: 036957 Photo ID: 036961

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/07/2002), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lincoln Ghost Walk Lincoln Ghost Walk No Data


This interesting and well presented tour takes you round the area surrounding the Cathedral and Castle telling you of the hunting's of the shops, offices, homes and sites of historic interest.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.234458; Longitude: -0.538867
What3Words: admits.safely.vital


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2002), and on time of last update (23/07/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Medieval Bishops Palace Medieval Bishops Palace English Heritage


The former home of the bishops of Lincolnshire that has been reduced now to a set of very impressive ruins. Walk yourself round with an audio guide that tells you the story of how the site was used and how it came to be in the state it is now



Getting There

Latitude: 53.233376; Longitude: -0.53653
What3Words: until.rating.hung


Photo ID: 000114 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2002), and on time of last update (23/07/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Lincolnshire Life Museum of Lincolnshire Life No Data


Museum in a former army barracks tracing the life and living conditions of Lincoln residents from the 19th and 20th centuries. Also has a museum charting the history of the local regiment and a small collection of transport artifacts. On certain Sundays the steam machines are put through their paces and well worth a visit



Getting There

Latitude: 53.237922; Longitude: -0.544875
What3Words: grain.mixer.wires
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2002), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newport Arch Newport Arch No Data


Part of the former Roman city walls, and the only surviving Roman gate in England that is still open for traffic.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.237197; Longitude: -0.538195
What3Words: lives.jars.common


Photo ID: 036803 Photo ID: 036804 Photo ID: 036805 Photo ID: 036871 Photo ID: 036872 Photo ID: 036873 Photo ID: 036874

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pottergate Pottergate No Data


Remains of the Original 13th Century entrance to the Cathedral grounds



Getting There

Latitude: 53.23328; Longitude: -0.532926
What3Words: ground.hush.remain


Photo ID: 036966 Photo ID: 036967 Photo ID: 036968 Photo ID: 036969 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Priory Arch Priory Arch No Data


Victorian era reconstruction of the Medieval gate that lead to the Cathedral close. Today it straddles a relatively major road in the upper part of the city, so has quite a steady flow of traffic through it during the day



Getting There

Latitude: 53.234936; Longitude: -0.5348
What3Words: index.zealous.inspector


Photo ID: 036799 Photo ID: 036801 Photo ID: 036964 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Steep Hill Steep Hill No Data


A one in seven hill, that climbs up from the lower city centre to the Cathedral and Castle at the top of the hill. It's a hard slog up the hill, but along the way the road is lined with lots of old buildings, including a couple of Norman buildings towards the bottom of the hill.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.232131; Longitude: -0.538652
What3Words: fired.good.pumps


Photo ID: 036979 Photo ID: 036980 Photo ID: 036981 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Collection The Collection No Data


The city's archaeological museum that traces the history of human habitation in Lincolnshire from the earliest traces of man through to the modern day. There is also a smaller side gallery which houses temporary exhibitions.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.231985; Longitude: -0.537457
What3Words: cone.mason.bill


Photo ID: 036972 Photo ID: 036973 Photo ID: 036974 Photo ID: 036975 Photo ID: 036976 Photo ID: 036977 Photo ID: 036978

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Usher Gallery Usher Gallery No Data


Founded by the bequests of a man who made his fortune turning the Lincoln Imp into a fashion must have this collection of paintings, watches, clocks, coins and other antiquities is an ecliptic and interesting mix



Getting There

Latitude: 53.232107; Longitude: -0.536469
What3Words: cheese.hours.parent


Photo ID: 000118 Photo ID: 36970 Photo ID: 36971 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2002), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gainsborough: Old Hall Gainsborough: Old Hall English Heritage


One of the best preserved medieval manor houses in England, the site was expanded over the years from the original building with additional ranges being added. The original medieval kitchen and great hall form the rear part of the building, with a brick tower and additions at the front being later constructions. You can wander round the whole of the building, even climbing the tower to take in views over the town.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.400677; Longitude: -0.778012
What3Words: brotherly.fever.repeated


Photo ID: 036842 Photo ID: 036843 Photo ID: 036844 Photo ID: 036851 Photo ID: 036855 Photo ID: 036857 Photo ID: 036859

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tattershall: Castle Tattershall: Castle National Trust


Whilst it's a relatively small castle, Tattershall plays an important part in the history of the preservation of buildings in the UK. It was the stripping and sale (and eventual recover) of the remains on the castle at the start of the 20th century that lead to the creation of legislation to protect Ancient Monuments. The castle itself is a 20th century restoration of the 15th century rebuild of a 13th century castle. Only the central tower, living and audience accommodation survived the post Civil War slighting of fortified buildings, but today the space has been restored to how it would have looked during its heyday in the 15th century. Each floor is intact and you can climb all the way to the roof and battlements at the very top of the building



Getting There

Latitude: 53.101407; Longitude: -0.193446
What3Words: pumpkin.topping.sweetener


Photo ID: 036811 Photo ID: 036813 Photo ID: 036817 Photo ID: 036818 Photo ID: 036824 Photo ID: 036830 Photo ID: 036832

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gainsborough Gainsborough No Data


Gainsborough is reportedly the most inland port town in England, sitting on the River Trent over 55 miles from the sea - though in reality no ships still come down this far using more modern facilities further upstream.


Getting There

There are hourly 100 buses from Lincoln to Gainsborough (and onto Scunthorpe) Monday to Saturday, taking about 50 minutes to make the journey - there are no buses on a Sunday. Alternatively there are at least hourly trains (7 days a week) from Lincoln to Gainsborough Lea Road station taking about 20 minutes, but it is then a good 25 minute walk into the centre of Gainsborough from Lea Road station.
Latitude: 53.399415; Longitude: -0.77591
What3Words: suiting.compiler.advancing


Photo ID: 036841 Photo ID: 036842 Photo ID: 036860 Photo ID: 036861 Photo ID: 036862 Photo ID: 036863 Photo ID: 036869

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tattershall Tattershall No Data


A small market town about 20 miles South East of Lincoln


Getting There

There are hourly IC5 buses Monday to Saturday between Lincoln and Tattershall (and onto Boston) taking about 75 minutes to make the journey. There is no service on a Sunday
Latitude: 53.104426; Longitude: -0.19036
What3Words: ditching.prom.reassured


Photo ID: 036814 Photo ID: 036815 Photo ID: 036833 Photo ID: 036834 Photo ID: 036837 Photo ID: 036838 Photo ID: 036840

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2021), and on time of last update (27/10/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cutty Sark Cutty Sark No Data


Once one of the fastest sailing ships in the world, the Cutty Sark was designed to get tea from the colonies back to Britain as quickly as possible. With the advent of steam ships she lost her importance and had a number of other roles before being purchased for the nation and returned to Greenwich. Whilst closed for refurbishment in 2007 the ship suffered a massive fire, but - in part due to it undergoing refurbishment - most of the fabric of the ship was saved, and around 90% is original. The refurbishment not only saw the ship being restored, but also being lifted up and enclosed in a glass canopy which means you can now walk below the ship, right under it's keel.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.482882; Longitude: -0.009595
What3Words: looks.sound.safely


Photo ID: 035153 Photo ID: 035154 Photo ID: 035155 Photo ID: 035156 Photo ID: 035157 Photo ID: 035169 Photo ID: 035164

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Greenwich Foot Tunnel Greenwich Foot Tunnel No Data


Linking Island Gardens at the Southern end of the Isle of Dogs/Docklands to the centre of Greenwich this Victorian foot tunnel is still an important part of the London transport infrastructure - particularly, as was the case on the day I used it, when the DLR is having engineering works and there are no trains running under the river. When they work there are lifts at either end, otherwise it's about 90 steps down and up at the other side



Getting There

Latitude: 51.4833227; Longitude: -0.010162
What3Words: planet.feeds.bike


Photo ID: 035149 Photo ID: 035150 Photo ID: 035151 Photo ID: 035152 Photo ID: 035159 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2021), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Greenwich Market Greenwich Market No Data


The town's market - originally dating from the 18th century. Today it's mostly arts and crafts and souvenirs rather than an actual market.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.481571; Longitude: -0.009027
What3Words: chimp.send.rewarding


Photo ID: 049054 Photo ID: 049055 Photo ID: 049056 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Greenwich Park Greenwich Park No Data


This large park, one of the Royal Parks, runs up onto Blackheath from the rear of the National Maritime Museum and the Old Royal Naval College.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.473144; Longitude: 0.003288
What3Words: fleet.pizza.feed


Photo ID: 048831 Photo ID: 048333 Photo ID: 048335 Photo ID: 048337 Photo ID: 048861 Photo ID: 048863 Photo ID: 048869

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Greenwich Park: Meridian Line Greenwich Park: Meridian Line No Data


The Prime Meridian line of 0 degrees longitude runs through the park as well as the observatory. Rather than paying to go into the observatory there is a continuation of the line on the wall and floor of the path running around the front of the site which can be accessed without needing to pay the entrance fee.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.478032; Longitude: -0.001391
What3Words: pushy.united.events


Photo ID: 048861 Photo ID: 048862 Photo ID: 048863 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Greenwich Park: Observatory View Point Greenwich Park: Observatory View Point No Data


From the ridge at the highest point of the park the views over Docklands and across to the old City of London are spectacular.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.47793; Longitude: -0.00089
What3Words: tricky.scenes.cake


Photo ID: 048831 Photo ID: 048832 Photo ID: 048833 Photo ID: 048834 Photo ID: 048835 Photo ID: 048836 Photo ID: 048837

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Greenwich Park: Rose Garden Greenwich Park: Rose Garden No Data


Located behind the Ranger House is a small Rose Garden that has displays of different roses, as well as several seating areas.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.473699; Longitude: -0.001041
What3Words: foil.script.tune


Photo ID: 048869 Photo ID: 048870 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Maritime Museum National Maritime Museum No Data


Museum dedicated to the naval history both of Greenwich and the Country as a whole, with a particular focus on the Navy from the Tudor period through to the Battle of Trafalgar, including the uniform that Admiral Nelson was wearing when he was fatally shot. Exhibitions also cover global exploration and exploitation divided up into regions across the planet.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.481179; Longitude: -0.005469
What3Words: runner.robots.could


Photo ID: 048873 Photo ID: 048874 Photo ID: 048877 Photo ID: 048878 Photo ID: 048882 Photo ID: 048883 Photo ID: 048884

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Queens House Queens House No Data


Designed by Indigo Jones for Queen Elizabeth I this elegant house is now part of the complex that includes the National Maritime Museum. You can wander around several of the rooms, taking in the elegant design.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.481177; Longitude: -0.003707
What3Words: dips.shot.launch


Photo ID: 035171 Photo ID: 035172 Photo ID: 035173 Photo ID: 035174 Photo ID: 035175 Photo ID: 035176 Photo ID: 048833

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ranger's House and The Wernher Collection Ranger's House and The Wernher Collection English Heritage


The Ranger's house was the formal home of the Rangers of Greenwich Park. It eventually passed into the hands of English Heritage towards the end of the 20th century, but by then all of the furniture, artworks and other fittings had been dispersed so there was no collection to display. Around the same time the collection of former Gold and Diamond magnate Julius Wernher collection had been saved for the nation from being split up and exported, but had no home to go to, so the decision was taken to pair the stately home with no collection and the collection with no home up. Consequently the interior decoration of the house bares no resemblance to how it would have looked when it was occupied, but is more a museum to showcase the Wernher collection.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.473431; Longitude: -0.001659
What3Words: when.certified.labs


Photo ID: 048869 Photo ID: 048871 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Observatory Royal Observatory No Data


The centre of time and Longitude. The history of the Royal Observatory goes back to the Georgian era of discovery and through developments made on site here through timing devices and observations it was eventually possible to create an accurate and easy to use way of working out longitude - assisting sailors to locate where they were east or west on the planet. From this work it also led to the standardisation of time - originally as Greenwich Mean Time and these days as UTC. Through the courtyard of the observatory the Prime Meridian or 0 degrees longitude runs marking the divide between the Western and Eastern hemispheres of the globe - you can stand on either side of the line and take a photo of your feet in both East and West at once.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.477815; Longitude: -0.001466
What3Words: direct.miss.lamps


Photo ID: 048838 Photo ID: 048840 Photo ID: 048843 Photo ID: 048846 Photo ID: 048850 Photo ID: 048859 Photo ID: 048860

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Alfege's Church St Alfege's Church No Data


The parish church of Greenwich, built to a design by Nicholas Hawksmoor in the 18th century, almost destroyed by bombing duing WWII, but now restored to close to how it was before the bombing.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.480508; Longitude: -0.009662
What3Words: digs.piper.remain


Photo ID: 049041 Photo ID: 049042 Photo ID: 049043 Photo ID: 049045 Photo ID: 049047 Photo ID: 049051 Photo ID: 049053

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eltham: Palace Eltham: Palace English Heritage


This was originally a medieval palace built for the Kings and Queens of England. Henry VIII spent much of his childhood here, but the last monarch to visit was Charles I and afterwards the buildings started to fall into ruins. The Great Hall was rescues by Stephen and Virginia Courtauld - wealthy philanthropists and explorers who built an art deco mansion alongside restoring the Great Hall. Today the whole site - Modern mansion, Great Hall and the Grounds are open to look around with an audio guide that tells you the history of the building and it's restoration.


Charge, English Heritage Property

Getting There

From the centre of Greenwich the 286 bus runs regularly to Eltham High Street (every 8-10 minutes, about 30 minutes) from where it's about a 10 minute walk to the palace
Latitude: 51.44723; Longitude: 0.048206
What3Words: lamp.frock.hike


Photo ID: 048955 Photo ID: 048958 Photo ID: 048963 Photo ID: 048971 Photo ID: 048998 Photo ID: 049002 Photo ID: 049018

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mudchute City Farm Mudchute City Farm No Data


Located in the small country park (in part formed from the spoil excavated to create the Docklands redevelopment in the 1980s, this city farm has a number of animals including pigs, sheep, goats, birds and even llamas.



Getting There

From Greenwich catch the DLR to Mudchute (every 5 minutes, about 5 minutes), it's then a short walk through the park to the farm
Latitude: 51.492038; Longitude: -0.010465
What3Words: camps.guilty.thanks


Photo ID: 049066 Photo ID: 049071 Photo ID: 049076 Photo ID: 049077 Photo ID: 049079 Photo ID: 049080 Photo ID: 049081

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shooters Hill: Severndroog Castle Shooters Hill: Severndroog Castle No Data


Located at the top of Castle Wood, towards the top of Shooters Hill, this folly was built by the widow of Sir William James who made his fortune in the East India Company. The folly fell into ruin by the early part of the 21st Century, but over a number of years was brought back to life. The tea room in the base of the tower is open Tuesday to Sunday, the tower is open to visitors only on a Sunday. From the top - on a clear day - you can see to the North Downs, as far west as Windsor and well into Essex.


Charge to climb the tower (only open Sundays)

Getting There

From the centre of Greenwich you need to take a bus (several routes about 10 minutes) or DLR (every 5 minutes, about 5 minutes) to Lewisham where you can change onto the number 89 bus to Memorial Hospital on Shooters Hill (every 12 minutes, about 25 minutes), from there its about a 5 minute walk down to the castle
Latitude: 51.466639; Longitude: 0.060057
What3Words: stored.barn.onions


Photo ID: 048906 Photo ID: 048913 Photo ID: 048924 Photo ID: 048925 Photo ID: 048926 Photo ID: 048928 Photo ID: 048941

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Woolwich: Foot Tunnel Woolwich: Foot Tunnel No Data


The unloved sibling of the Greenwich Foot Tunnel, this crossing links Woolwich town centre to North Woolwich on the opposite bank - providing pedestrians with an alternative route when the free Woolwich Ferry isn't running. There's about 100 steps down (and back up when the lifts aren't working), with the tunnel itself being about a 1/4 of a mile long. When I visited the tunnel was busy as the ferry wasn't operating and I passed about five other people using it!



Getting There

From the centre of Greenwich the 177 bus runs regularly to the tunnel entrance in Woolwich (every 8-12 minutes, about 20 minutes). Alternatively regular trains run to Woolwich Arsenal station (4 trains an hour, about 15 minutes) from where it's about a 10 minute walk to the tunnel entrance.
Latitude: 51.494324; Longitude: 0.062883
What3Words: aura.acted.enhancement


Photo ID: 049023 Photo ID: 049029 Photo ID: 049031 Photo ID: 049034 Photo ID: 049036 Photo ID: 049039 Photo ID: 049040

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2023), and on time of last update (29/08/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Charter Quay Charter Quay No Data


Located at the confluence of the Hogsmill and Thames Rivers and includes a small wetlands area



Getting There

Latitude: 51.409184; Longitude: -0.308082
What3Words: areas.cheeks.robots


Photo ID: 037436 Photo ID: 037437 Photo ID: 037438 Photo ID: 037439 Photo ID: 037440 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coronation Stone Coronation Stone No Data


Located in the grounds of the Guildhall this stone is reported to be the coronation stone that was used to crown several Saxon Kings in the 10th Century



Getting There

Latitude: 51.408411; Longitude: -0.306698
What3Words: ridge.good.rating


Photo ID: 037441 Photo ID: 037442 Photo ID: 037443 Photo ID: 037445 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kingston Museum Kingston Museum No Data


This small museum tells the history of the town, from the earliest pre-historic and Roman remains, through its time as the coronation location for Saxon kings, to it's 20th century role in Aircraft manufacturing



Getting There

Latitude: 51.409576; Longitude: -0.300356
What3Words: spent.bats.repay


Photo ID: 037446 Photo ID: 037447 Photo ID: 037448 Photo ID: 037449 Photo ID: 037450 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Market Place Market Place No Data


Victorian market place, that during the Christmas period houses part of the towns Christmas market



Getting There

Latitude: 51.409686; Longitude: -0.306234
What3Words: adding.defeat.start


Photo ID: 037451 Photo ID: 037452 Photo ID: 037453 Photo ID: 037454 Photo ID: 037456 Photo ID: 037457 Photo ID: 037459

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ham: Ham House and Gardens Ham: Ham House and Gardens National Trust


The house was completed in 1610 in Elizabethan style, and the front layout of the house has maintained much of it's original design, though the rear of the house was rebuilt into a Georgian style. You can wander around a large part of the house, including the impressive long gallery and the open gallery that looks down from the first floor onto the entrance hall. The large formal garden at the rear of the house is open all year, with other parts of the gardens open during the summer months.



Getting There

From Kingston the number 371 bus runs to Ham, every 10-15 minutes, taking about 25 minutes to make the journey. From the Ham Street Bus Stop it's about a 10 minute walk to the grounds. Alternatively you can catch the number 65 bus to the Ham, Sandy Lane bus stop (every 8-10 minutes, 10 minutes) from where it's a 20 minute walk to the grounds.
Latitude: 51.444351; Longitude: -0.314102
What3Words: sorters.strict.homes


Photo ID: 037521 Photo ID: 037523 Photo ID: 037525 Photo ID: 037527 Photo ID: 037532 Photo ID: 037543 Photo ID: 037547

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hampton Court: Gardens Hampton Court: Gardens No Data


There are several gardens located around the palace. To the rear of the palace are the East Front Gardens, which stretch away toward Home Park - a feat helped by the nearly 3/4 mile long canal that extends into the park. To the rear of William III's apartments are the Privy gardens, which house ornate planting and well trimmed grass. Further on are the pond gardens close to the Great Vine - the worlds largest single vine, most of which is housed in a specially constructed greenhouse. On the opposite side of the palace form the Pond Gardens are the general gardens, including the maze.


Charge, Single entrance fee covers all attractions in the palace and gardens

Getting There

Latitude: 51.401884; Longitude: -0.337412
What3Words: tinsel.slave.data


Photo ID: 037606 Photo ID: 037617 Photo ID: 037618 Photo ID: 037619 Photo ID: 037622 Photo ID: 037623 Photo ID: 037625

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hampton Court: Georgian Story Hampton Court: Georgian Story No Data


Housed in the rooms around the opposite side of Fountain court to William III's apartments these rooms show what the palace would have been like during the Georgian era


Charge, Single entrance fee covers all attractions in the palace and gardens

Getting There

Latitude: 51.403366; Longitude: -0.336905
What3Words: bunch.traded.proof


Photo ID: 037576 Photo ID: 037577 Photo ID: 037578 Photo ID: 037580 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hampton Court: Henry VIII's Appartments Hampton Court: Henry VIII's Appartments No Data


Located in the Tudor part of the palace these rooms are decorated as they would have been done when Henry VIII stayed here. There is also access from the rooms to the private viewing gallery that overlooks the Chapel Royal


Charge, Single entrance fee covers all attractions in the palace and gardens

Getting There

Latitude: 51.403636; Longitude: -0.337851
What3Words: format.visit.taps


Photo ID: 037562 Photo ID: 037563 Photo ID: 037565 Photo ID: 037566 Photo ID: 037567 Photo ID: 037568 Photo ID: 037570

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hampton Court: Henry VIII's Kitchens Hampton Court: Henry VIII's Kitchens No Data


The Tudor kitchens show how the vast quantities of food that would be needed for a Tudor party would have been prepared.


Charge, Single entrance fee covers all attractions in the palace and gardens

Getting There

Latitude: 51.403878; Longitude: -0.338444
What3Words: tonic.estate.usual


Photo ID: 037588 Photo ID: 037589 Photo ID: 037590 Photo ID: 037591 Photo ID: 037592 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hampton Court: Maze Hampton Court: Maze No Data


The small maze, located in the side gardens away from the main palace, is the oldest hedge maze in the UK and is still open to the public to explore, and get lost in


Charge, Single entrance fee covers all attractions in the palace and gardens

Getting There

Latitude: 51.406211; Longitude: -0.337649
What3Words: loyal.animal.paint


Photo ID: 037633 Photo ID: 037634 Photo ID: 037635 Photo ID: 037636 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hampton Court: Other sites Hampton Court: Other sites No Data


Alongside the main attractions there are various other small gardens, the Mantegna Gallery - which houses pictures depicting the triumphs of Caesar, The Chocolate Kitchens, The Cumberland Art Gallery and Chapel Royal are all open to be looked around as part of the entrance ticket.


Charge, Single entrance fee covers all attractions in the palace and gardens

Getting There

Latitude: 51.403104; Longitude: -0.33859
What3Words: unique.pages.deny


Photo ID: 037626 Photo ID: 037630 Photo ID: 037631 Photo ID: 037632 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hampton Court: Palace Hampton Court: Palace No Data


The palace is arranged into several key parts. To the front the original Tudor palace is the most visually famous part of the complex with it's red brick gatehouse. Behind the Tudor palace the 17th Century re-working of the palace gives way to large more luxurious rooms. Most of the palace site is open to look around


Charge, Single entrance fee covers all attractions in the palace and gardens

Getting There

Latitude: 51.403385; Longitude: -0.337851
What3Words: curvy.with.turns


Photo ID: 037552 Photo ID: 037553 Photo ID: 037556 Photo ID: 037557 Photo ID: 037559 Photo ID: 037593 Photo ID: 037611

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hampton Court: William III's Appartments Hampton Court: William III's Appartments No Data


The rooms in this wing are laid out as they would have been done when William and Mary stayed here in the latter half of the 17th century


Charge, Single entrance fee covers all attractions in the palace and gardens

Getting There

Latitude: 51.402898; Longitude: -0.337134
What3Words: basket.grows.crazy


Photo ID: 037596 Photo ID: 037597 Photo ID: 037598 Photo ID: 037599 Photo ID: 037601 Photo ID: 037603 Photo ID: 037604

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kew: Royal Botanical Gardens Kew: Royal Botanical Gardens No Data


The gardens trace their history back to 1759 and consequently the gardens have grown into one of the worlds largest and most biologically diverse gardens in the world. Set alongside the river Thames, and occupying a site of about 330 acres the gardens include multiple greenhouses and conservatories, as well as themed gardens, a tree-top walkway, a Pagoda and even some small royal palaces. No matter what time of year you visit the gardens there is always a lot to see, though in December dressed up for the chill outside the tropical greenhouses can be a bit much!



Getting There

From Kingston the number 65 bus runs every 8-10 minutes, taking about 25 minutes to reach the main entrance to the gardens.
Latitude: 51.478156; Longitude: -0.290617
What3Words: hoping.keep.memo


Photo ID: 037463 Photo ID: 037469 Photo ID: 037478 Photo ID: 037484 Photo ID: 037496 Photo ID: 037506 Photo ID: 037509

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hampton Court Hampton Court No Data


Located about 3 miles upstream from Kingston, Hampton Court was started as a palace for Thomas Wolsey, after he fell from favour in 1529 he gave the palace to Henry VIII and it became one of the kings favourite palaces. The front façade of the palace is from this Tudor period. In the following century William III had major remodelling done to the palace and the rear façade is from this time. Much of the palace and the gardens are open to visitors to look around.


Getting There

From Kingston the 111, 216 and 411 buses run regularly (every 5-10 minutes), taking less than 10 minutes to make the journey. In summer months Turks Launches run regular ferry services from the pier by Kingston Bridge to the pier by Hampton Court Bridge, taking about 45 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 51.403626; Longitude: -0.339464
What3Words: fortunate.layers.ruler


Photo ID: 037551 Photo ID: 037554 Photo ID: 037555 Photo ID: 037558 Photo ID: 037594 Photo ID: 037595 Photo ID: 037612

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/12/2021), and on time of last update (23/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

British Museum British Museum No Data


An enormous museum that would require days to look around in full. You can go a quick tour round most of the exhibits in a few hours, but that's without stopping to read any of the descriptions or background information. The museum houses a large collection of treasures from across the UK including the original Sutton Hoo finds, the Roman letters from Vindolanda and some of the Lewis Chessmen. There are also large numbers of artefacts from across the globe - some more controversial that they are in a museum in the UK rather than at home than others.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.519516; Longitude: -0.126955
What3Words: flown.video.after


Photo ID: 034842 Photo ID: 034844 Photo ID: 034847 Photo ID: 034849 Photo ID: 034851 Photo ID: 034854 Photo ID: 034858

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cable Car Cable Car No Data


Opened as part of the Olympics in 2012 the cable car links the site of the Millennium Dome at North Greenwich with an area close to the Excel exhibition centre in the Royal Docks. In effect it serves little, if any, transport purpose - but it does offer some excellent views of this part of the city, including the towers of Docklands and, on a clear day, into the centre of London



Getting There

Latitude: 51.499708; Longitude: 0.008229
What3Words: composers.model.claim


Photo ID: 034944 Photo ID: 034945 Photo ID: 034948 Photo ID: 034059 Photo ID: 034956 Photo ID: 034959 Photo ID: 034960

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Christchurch Greyfrairs Christchurch Greyfrairs No Data


One of the 51 churches, other than St Pauls, that Sir Christopher Wren designed for the city of London. The church itself was gutted and partially destroyed during the blitz, but today the space it occupied is now a tranquil garden



Getting There

Latitude: 51.515872; Longitude: -0.098985
What3Words: lands.petty.expect


Photo ID: 035225 Photo ID: 035226 Photo ID: 035227 Photo ID: 035228 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Cruises City Cruises No Data


This company provides regular sightseeing cruises up and down the Thames between Westminster, Tower and Greenwich piers. A mix of pre-recorded and live commentary tells you some of the history of the city, as well as details on sights as you pass them.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.484056; Longitude: -0.009371
What3Words: petty.cake.haven


Photo ID: 035177 Photo ID: 035179 Photo ID: 035180 Photo ID: 035182 Photo ID: 035183 Photo ID: 035193 Photo ID: 035194

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Covent Garden Covent Garden No Data


Originally a flower and fruit market, Covent garden closed in the mid 1970s and was regenerated into a shopping and leisure destination with boutique shops and restaurants taking over the spaces that the market used to operate in. Today you can wander round the former market halls.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.512009; Longitude: -0.122684
What3Words: hurry.hurt.patch


Photo ID: 034824 Photo ID: 034825 Photo ID: 034826 Photo ID: 034827 Photo ID: 034838 Photo ID: 034829 Photo ID: 034830

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cutty Sark Cutty Sark No Data


Once one of the fastest sailing ships in the world, the Cutty Sark was designed to get tea from the colonies back to Britain as quickly as possible. With the advent of steam ships she lost her importance and had a number of other roles before being purchased for the nation and returned to Greenwich. Whilst closed for refurbishment in 2007 the ship suffered a massive fire, but - in part due to it undergoing refurbishment - most of the fabric of the ship was saved, and around 90% is original. The refurbishment not only saw the ship being restored, but also being lifted up and enclosed in a glass canopy which means you can now walk below the ship, right under it's keel.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.482882; Longitude: -0.009595
What3Words: looks.sound.safely


Photo ID: 035153 Photo ID: 035154 Photo ID: 035155 Photo ID: 035156 Photo ID: 035157 Photo ID: 035169 Photo ID: 035164

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ghost Bus Tour Ghost Bus Tour No Data


This 75 minute tour on a traditional London Routemaster Bus starts from near Trafalgar Square and meanders its way through different parts of the city. Along the way the conductor tells you some of the ghostly stories of London. Around London Bridge the tour stops for a short walk to visit the site of a mass burial pit before returning back to the bus to complete the journey.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.507098; Longitude: -0.125757
What3Words: basis.trick.ruled


Photo ID: 035108 Photo ID: 035109 Photo ID: 035110 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Greenwich Foot Tunnel Greenwich Foot Tunnel No Data


Linking Island Gardens at the Southern end of the Isle of Dogs/Docklands to the centre of Greenwich this Victorian foot tunnel is still an important part of the London transport infrastructure - particularly, as was the case on the day I used it, when the DLR is having engineering works and there are no trains running under the river. When they work there are lifts at either end, otherwise it's about 90 steps down and up at the other side



Getting There

Latitude: 51.4833227; Longitude: -0.010162
What3Words: planet.feeds.bike


Photo ID: 035149 Photo ID: 035150 Photo ID: 035151 Photo ID: 035152 Photo ID: 035159 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guildhall Gallery Guildhall Gallery No Data


The gallery houses a number of paintings that form the collection of the Corporation of London.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.515601; Longitude: -0.091367
What3Words: gasp.caller.intent


Photo ID: 035212 Photo ID: 035217 Photo ID: 035223 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guildhall Roman Amphitheatre Guildhall Roman Amphitheatre No Data


When the Guildhall Gallery was being built in the 1980s the pre-build archaeological dig came across Londinium's Amphitheatre. It was long suspected that Londinium had had an amphitheatre, but archaeologists hadn't been able to pinpoint it. With the discovery work on the gallery had to be put on hold whilst the building was redesigned to help preserve and show off the remains. Today you can descend into the basement of the Guildhall Gallery and see the uncovered remains of the arena walls and floor where they were found.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.515599; Longitude: -0.091691
What3Words: choice.orchestra.gross


Photo ID: 035213 Photo ID: 035218 Photo ID: 035219 Photo ID: 035220 Photo ID: 025221 Photo ID: 035222 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Horniman Museum Horniman Museum No Data


Started as the personal collection of Victorian Tea Magnate Frederick Horniman. He bequeathed the museum and gardens to the local people and since then the museum has continued to expand. It has something on almost every topic from Natural History and Geology to World Cultures and music, along with an aquarium and a gallery that houses temporary exhibitions.



Getting There

Horniman Museum is located in Forest Hill to the South East of Central London. Forest Hill railway station is served by trains from London Bridge as well as Overground trains. From the station it's a stiff 10 minute walk up hill to the museum, or alternatively take the number 185 bus from outside the station a couple of stops to the museum
Latitude: 51.440983; Longitude: -0.061035
What3Words: love.gloves.cave


Photo ID: 035291 Photo ID: 035294 Photo ID: 035296 Photo ID: 035297 Photo ID: 035302 Photo ID: 035303 Photo ID: 035305

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jewel Tower Jewel Tower English Heritage


Originally part of the Houses of Parliament - the Palace of Westminster - now one of only a few remnants of the originally buildings that have been destroyed on several occasions. The tower has a small exhibition on it's own history as well as housing an exhibition on the history of Parliament and it's role in the development of Britain as a democracy.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.498481; Longitude: -0.126408
What3Words: book.stop.others


Photo ID: 034769 Photo ID: 034770 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

London Mithraeum London Mithraeum No Data


Originally discovered in the 1950s the temple to Mithras is one of only a handful of Roman temples in the UK where it's know who the temple was dedicated to. Following the 1950s excavations the temple was relocated to street level and left out in the open for nearly half a century. When the site was redeveloped in the early 21st century it was decided to return the temple to it's original location, 7m below ground, now underneath the UK headquarters for Bloomberg. Access to the site is free and includes a 5 minute immersive sound and light experience to give you an idea of what the temple would have been like.


Free, pre-booking essential

Getting There

Latitude: 51.512365; Longitude: -0.090476
What3Words: deeply.scar.snow


Photo ID: 035059 Photo ID: 035060 Photo ID: 035061 Photo ID: 035062 Photo ID: 035063 Photo ID: 035121 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

London Transport Museum London Transport Museum No Data


Located in the former flower market halls at Covent Garden the London Transport Museum traces the history of public transport in London, from the earliest sedan chairs and initial horse drawn buses through to the creation and evolution of the tube. There are lots of interactive exhibits to try, as well as displays on the iconic typographic and graphic design of the Underground



Getting There

Latitude: 51.511876; Longitude: -0.121593
What3Words: dream.exist.monkey


Photo ID: 034831 Photo ID: 034832 Photo ID: 034833 Photo ID: 034834 Photo ID: 034835 Photo ID: 034836 Photo ID: 034837

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

London Wall London Wall English Heritage


A small part of the Roman wall that originally surrounded the settlement of Londinium. In places the Roman Wall also formed the foundation for the later Medieval city walls which have been built on top of it.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.50996; Longitude: -0.076031
What3Words: stick.sports.free


Photo ID: 034791 Photo ID: 034792 Photo ID: 034793 Photo ID: 034794 Photo ID: 035126 Photo ID: 035133 Photo ID: 035224

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

London Zoo London Zoo No Data


The zoo was formed from the animal menagerie that was originally held at the Tower of London. It was moved out to Regents Park when it became clear keeping it at the tower wasn't a good idea. Over time the zoo has evolved from just showing off animals to playing a major role in conservation. Consequently, due to the size of the site, many of the largest animals - Elephants, Rhinos, Hippos, Bears - are no longer kept in London and instead the remaining enclosures have been enlarged and developed to try and match the natural environment of the animals (or as closely as you can given the climate of London!)



Getting There

Latitude: 51.535661; Longitude: -0.155697
What3Words: still.movies.reason


Photo ID: 035261 Photo ID: 035268 Photo ID: 035269 Photo ID: 035273 Photo ID: 035275 Photo ID: 035277 Photo ID: 035282

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mail Rail Mail Rail No Data


The Mail Rail was a small narrow gauge automatic railway designed for quickly sending post across the capital deep beneath the streets, avoiding the congestion above. Mail Rail itself closed in the early 2000s and there were several ideas of what to do with the abandoned tunnels that stretch for around 7 miles under the centre of London. Today the network is maintained in a moth-balled state, in case a use can be found for it, but a small section around the Mount Pleasant sorting office is now open to the public to explore on a 15 minute ride in specially adapted mail carts (the railway was never built with the intention of humans riding on it - so the carriages are small and very cramped)


Charge, Includes Postal Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 51.524547; Longitude: -0.113367
What3Words: potato.backup.jolly


Photo ID: 034875 Photo ID: 034876 Photo ID: 034877 Photo ID: 034878 Photo ID: 034879 Photo ID: 034881 Photo ID: 034882

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of London Museum of London No Data


Located in the Barbican complex the museum charts the history of London and Londoners from pre-history through the small settlements that would have grown up in the area, to the arrival of the Romans and the creation of Londinium. It then continues through the Anglo-Saxon and Middle Ages city before reaching the tumultuous events of the mid-1660s with plague and then fire ravaging the city. At the time of visiting the story of the capital continues up to the Olympic games in 2012 - The museum itself is in the process of building a new site a short distance away, as it has outgrown its existing space, so there isn't any space to continue beyond the early 2010s. Once in their new home in West Smithfield's the museum will be updated again.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.51766; Longitude: -0.096473
What3Words: grit.heave.appeal


Photo ID: 035111 Photo ID: 035115 Photo ID: 035116 Photo ID: 035118 Photo ID: 035121 Photo ID: 035122 Photo ID: 035124

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of London Docklands Museum of London Docklands No Data


Located in former dock buildings in West India Quay the museum charts the history of the docks and docklands and the role they played in the history of London. There is a major exhibition across much of the main floor that shows just how complicit London was in the evils of the slave trade, and the wealth that some city merchants were able to amass on the back of such inhumanity. The museum also houses recreations of what the docks areas would have been like in the Victorian era and then moves onto the closure and eventual regeneration of the docks from a centre of shipping to a centre of finance.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.507668; Longitude: -0.023842
What3Words: affair.pets.maple


Photo ID: 035137 Photo ID: 035139 Photo ID: 035141 Photo ID: 035142 Photo ID: 035143 Photo ID: 035144 Photo ID: 035145

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of the Home Museum of the Home No Data


Located in former Alms houses the museum tells the history of home life and decoration - the main part of the museum being a series of the same room - the main living space - as it evolved from the early 17th century through to the modern day.



Getting There

The museum of the Home is located next to Hoxton Overground station
Latitude: 51.53122; Longitude: -0.076158
What3Words: smooth.planet.local


Photo ID: 035309 Photo ID: 035310 Photo ID: 035311 Photo ID: 035314 Photo ID: 035316 Photo ID: 035318 Photo ID: 035320

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Number 15 Bus Number 15 Bus No Data


The cheapest sightseeing tour bus in London is the regular route 15. Departing from outside Charring Cross station the route passes by Aldwych, The Royal Courts of Justice, Fleet Street, St Pauls and The Tower of London before heading out into the East end. You can see many of London's key sights from the top deck.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.508298; Longitude: -0.126113
What3Words: limit.pile.lows


Photo ID: 034784 Photo ID: 034785 Photo ID: 034786 Photo ID: 034787 Photo ID: 034788 Photo ID: 034789 Photo ID: 034790

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palace of Westminster Palace of Westminster No Data


When Parliament isn't sitting you can take a self-guided tour round key parts of the building, including Westminster Hall and the chambers of both the Lords and the Commons. An audio guide tells you about the history and workings of Parliament.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.500065; Longitude: -0.125324
What3Words: fled.clocks.drag


Photo ID: 034772 Photo ID: 034773 Photo ID: 034774 Photo ID: 034775 Photo ID: 034776 Photo ID: 034777 Photo ID: 034778

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Postal Museum Postal Museum No Data


Located close to the site of the Mount Pleasant sorting office - once one of the largest in the country - the museum tells the history of the postal service in the UK, from it's origins and the first stamps through to the modern day.


Charge, Includes Mail Rail

Getting There

Latitude: 51.524811; Longitude: -0.113962
What3Words: necks.farms.round


Photo ID: 034886 Photo ID: 034887 Photo ID: 034888 Photo ID: 034889 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Queens House Queens House No Data


Designed by Indigo Jones for Queen Elizabeth I this elegant house is now part of the complex that includes the National Maritime Museum. You can wander around several of the rooms, taking in the elegant design.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.481177; Longitude: -0.003707
What3Words: dips.shot.launch


Photo ID: 035171 Photo ID: 035172 Photo ID: 035173 Photo ID: 035174 Photo ID: 035175 Photo ID: 035176 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

See London by Night Bus Tour See London by Night Bus Tour No Data


A 90 minute open-top sightseeing tour of London at night. Starting from Green Park the tour heads out west to Knightsbridge and South Kensington before coming back in towards Hyde Park Corner and Buckingham Palace (though the tour isn't allowed to go in front of the palace). From there the tour takes in Westminster Abbey, Parliament, Westminster Bridge, Waterloo Bridge, Aldwych, The Royal Courts of Justice, Fleet Street, St Pauls, London Bridge, Tower Bridge and the Tower of London before returning back to the West End via the Victoria Embankment, Whitehall and Piccadilly Circus. A live tour guide gives a running commentary.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.506857; Longitude: -0.142449
What3Words: mixed.period.market


Photo ID: 034799 Photo ID: 034800 Photo ID: 034804 Photo ID: 034805 Photo ID: 034808 Photo ID: 034811 Photo ID: 034818

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sky Garden Sky Garden No Data


20 Fenchurch Street, otherwise known as the Walkie-Talkie building, is one of the most distinctive in the city - not least of all for having a full sized three storey park located on the upper floors. You take the lift up to the 36th floor where the main bar and lower gardens are, as well as an outside viewing platform that faces the river and gives excellent views to the East, South and West of the city. You can then walk up through the gardens, past a couple of restaurants and another bar, to the 38th floor where there are views out over the City of London to the north.


Free, pre-booking essential

Getting There

Latitude: 51.511503; Longitude: -0.083515
What3Words: alert.chained.bats


Photo ID: 035070 Photo ID: 035074 Photo ID: 035077 Photo ID: 035080 Photo ID: 035106 Photo ID: 035198 Photo ID: 035204

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Somerset House Somerset House No Data


A former Royal palace turned London playground. The palace buildings include museums and galleries for which there are entrance fees, but the massive courtyard in the centre of the complex is open to look around for free, and at various times in the year houses events such as an ice-skating rink around Christmas.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.51114; Longitude: -0.117181
What3Words: joke.lock.scary


Photo ID: 034821 Photo ID: 034822 Photo ID: 034823 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Pauls Cathedral St Pauls Cathedral No Data


The 5th incarnation of a Cathedral on this site (all four of the previous versions having burnt to the ground - the last during the Great Fire of London in 1666). This incarnation, which - in cathedral terms - took an incredibly quick 35 years to build is Sir Christopher Wrens crowning masterpiece - and has become a symbol of the city of London, with it's domed roof being an icon of the city. In the crypt there are the tombs of a number of important people from history including Florence Nightingale, Lord Nelson and the Duke of Wellington. Wren is also buried down here with the inscription - if you seek his monument, look around you.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.513944; Longitude: -0.098306
What3Words: reader.flows.global


Photo ID: 035237 Photo ID: 035238 Photo ID: 035239 Photo ID: 035240 Photo ID: 035252 Photo ID: 035257 Photo ID: 035258

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Pauls Cathedral - Triforium Tour St Pauls Cathedral - Triforium Tour No Data


The cathedral runs regular tours to different parts of the building, but perhaps the most interesting takes you up above the cathedral floor to the Trifoium - the area up by the organ pipes and the ceiling of the church. Access is via a spiral cantilevered staircase - which has no support other than the steps being built into the side of the wall. At the top level, along with views of the church, you also see the model that Wren had built depicting how he wanted to build St Pauls. It's not a model of the finished version - very much a model of a work in progress - but it is still distinctively the building that exists today.


Charge, in addition to entrance to the cathedral

Getting There

Latitude: 51.513961; Longitude: -0.099234
What3Words: undulation.jump.robot


Photo ID: 035241 Photo ID: 035243 Photo ID: 035244 Photo ID: 035245 Photo ID: 035246 Photo ID: 035247 Photo ID: 035248

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Thames Clippers River Boats Thames Clippers River Boats No Data


Thames Clippers run frequent high-speed boat services (in 2021 branded Uber Boats following a sponsorship deal with the ride sharing service) that run up and down the river. The core route (RB1) runs from Westminster out to Woolwich, via The London Eye, Bankside, Blackfriars, London Bridge, The Tower, Canary Wharf, Greenwich and North Greenwich, operating about every 20 minutes or so during the day. A second route (RB2) runs from the Tate Modern at Bankside up to the Tate Britain near Victoria covering the western end of central London. During morning and evening peaks Monday-Friday RB6 runs all the way out to Putney providing some very pretty views of this stretch of the river. You can use Oyster and Contactless payment (though pricing is quite high) or purchase a rover ticket that gives you unlimited use of the boats. If you already have a day or longer Travelcard there is a discounted Rover ticket


Charge - Discounted tickets if you already have a day or longer travelcard

Getting There

Latitude: 51.507216; Longitude: -0.121184
What3Words: track.rainy.legend


Photo ID: 034892 Photo ID: 034893 Photo ID: 034895 Photo ID: 034898 Photo ID: 034939 Photo ID: 034972 Photo ID: 034977

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Orbit The Orbit No Data


Built as part of the 2012 London Olympics as a viewing platform it's now a permanent feature on the London Skyline and offers some of the best views of the skyscrapers of both the City and the Docklands. Whilst a lift whisks you up to the top viewing platform on the way back down you can chose from the lift, the 430 or so stairs, or - for an extra cost - take the 178m helter skelter slide all the way back down to ground level



Getting There

The Olympic Park is a short walk from Stratford railway station - with frequent Tube, DLR, Overground and National Rail trains to the centre of London
Latitude: 51.538385; Longitude: -0.01297
What3Words: audit.grant.cost


Photo ID: 035322 Photo ID: 035325 Photo ID: 035327 Photo ID: 035332 Photo ID: 035339 Photo ID: 035343 Photo ID: 035350

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tower Bridge: Engine Room Tower Bridge: Engine Room No Data


Located on the South Bank of the bridge you can access the site of the original steam powered engine room that helped to lift and lower the bridge. The bridge was converted to electricity in the 1970s, but up until then it ran using steam power and the engine room would have been a hive of activity throughout the day.


Charge, includes tour and engine room

Getting There

Latitude: 51.504221; Longitude: -0.076392
What3Words: having.regard.fleet


Photo ID: 035058 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tower Bridge: Tour Tower Bridge: Tour No Data


Tower Bridge was opened at the end of the 19th century as a pretty unique structure - part suspension bridge, part bascule bridge - the centre arms of the bridge can be lifted in just 60 seconds to allow taller ships access to the Pool of London. During the busiest periods of the Port of London in its early days the bridge could be opened 50 times a day or more, so to help prevent total gridlock, a route for pedestrians was built that goes up the towers and across the walkways high above the bridge deck - meaning pedestrians could avoid having to wait for the bridge to close again to be able to cross. As the number of openings declined, use of the walkways did to and they eventually stopped being used. However they have now been turned into a visitor attraction, with a chunk of the walkway replaced with a glass floor that allows you to look down on the bridge deck below.


Charge, includes tour and engine room

Getting There

Latitude: 51.505934; Longitude: -0.075335
What3Words: rods.brains.foam


Photo ID: 035049 Photo ID: 035050 Photo ID: 035051 Photo ID: 035052 Photo ID: 035053 Photo ID: 035055 Photo ID: 035056

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tower of London Tower of London No Data


London's Castle - built by the Normans within 20 years of their invasion of England as a show of power. The central White Tower, with alterations, has been there ever since, with more fortifications building up around it over the following millennium. The tower has had a number of roles, from Royal Mint and Prison to site of execution and torture and today as one of the leading tourist attractions in the city. It's also home to the Crown Jewels, an exhibition that at times can get lengthy queues so it's advisable to get there early. You can wander round the complex yourself, and decent maps are provided free of charge at the entrance, or you can join one of the guided tours that the Yeoman Warders (also known as Beefeaters) run on a regular basis that tell some more of the history (including the grizzly bits) of the tower.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.507981; Longitude: -0.078444
What3Words: lance.intend.calculating


Photo ID: 035007 Photo ID: 035009 Photo ID: 035029 Photo ID: 035036 Photo ID: 035038 Photo ID: 035041 Photo ID: 035045

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2021), and on time of last update (05/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Albert Memorial Albert Memorial No Data


Located on the Southern edge of Hyde Park this massive memorial to the late husband of Queen Victoria was built with the money that was supposed to pay for the Royal Albert Hall. At the time of visiting it was undergoing another of the now relatively regular restorations to keep the gold leaf shiny and bright (during the middle part of the 20th century no work was carried out on the monument for decades and it had decayed quite considerably, to the point of becoming at risk before it was initially restored in the 1990s)



Getting There

Latitude: 51.502454; Longitude: -0.177701
What3Words: winter.voted.port


Photo ID: 042032 Photo ID: 042033 Photo ID: 042034 Photo ID: 042036 Photo ID: 042037 Photo ID: 042038 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Apsley House Apsley House English Heritage


Also known as One London, as it was the first building you reached in London coming from the West, Apsley house has been the home of the Dukes of Wellington since it was purchased by the First Duke, he of Waterloo fame. The ground and first floors of the house are open to the public to look around and include a museum on the Dukes achievements and some of the gifts he received from grateful European royal families that he'd removed the threat from France.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.503439; Longitude: -0.151639
What3Words: ticket.intelligible.silk


Photo ID: 042070 Photo ID: 042080 Photo ID: 042175 Photo ID: 042176 Photo ID: 042177 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Geological Museum Geological Museum No Data


Originally a separate museum it was merged into the Natural History Museum many years ago, though it is still very noticeably in a separate building (albeit linked to the main NHM building). The museum focuses on the earth with exhibitions on how the earth is made up including an earthquake simulation and exhibits on volcanoes.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.496857; Longitude: -0.17412
What3Words: dime.frock.play


Photo ID: 042012 Photo ID: 042013 Photo ID: 042014 Photo ID: 042015 Photo ID: 042016 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

London Canal Museum London Canal Museum No Data


Located in a basin off of the Regents Canal the museum tells the history of the canals in London, including their rise, fall and return from almost ruin into the leisure boating routes that they are today.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.534254; Longitude: -0.120166
What3Words: direct.giving.fallen


Photo ID: 042081 Photo ID: 042082 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

London Photo Tours and Workshops London Photo Tours and Workshops No Data


A 4 hour one-on-one session with a professional artist to get the most out of your camera in using the familiar sites of London to develop skills. The tour starts at Charing Cross Station and takes in Trafalgar Square the bottom end of China Town, Piccadilly, The Mall, Horseguards and Westminster before finishing on the Victoria Embankment. Half way through there is a working break where you sit in a cafe with the instructor and review the photos taken so far.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.508178; Longitude: -0.125401
What3Words: intent.charm.cards


Photo ID: 042193 Photo ID: 042195 Photo ID: 042198 Photo ID: 042199 Photo ID: 042201 Photo ID: 042210 Photo ID: 042219

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

London Waterbus London Waterbus No Data


Regular services run between Camden Market and Little Venice, along the first part of the Regents Canal from it's junction with the Grand Union (Little Venice) to the first set of Locks (Camden). The route includes a journey through the Maida Hill tunnel as well as through the grounds of London Zoo. A live English commentary is provided along the way.


Charge, pre-booking recommended

Getting There

Latitude: 51.541151; Longitude: -0.146354
What3Words: dime.shiny.honest


Photo ID: 042105 Photo ID: 042109 Photo ID: 042111 Photo ID: 042113 Photo ID: 042118 Photo ID: 042121 Photo ID: 042127

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Natural History Museum Natural History Museum No Data


The museum covers the whole range of Natural History with large exhibitions on Dinosaurs (including the famous Dippy the Diplodocus), Mammals, Birds, Minerals and Gem Stones and many more. The building itself is spectacular, with lots of carvings of animals on the arches and around the rooms.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.496033; Longitude: -0.176362
What3Words: wicked.stroke.focus


Photo ID: 041981 Photo ID: 041989 Photo ID: 041993 Photo ID: 042001 Photo ID: 042004 Photo ID: 042005 Photo ID: 042010

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Albert Hall Tour Royal Albert Hall Tour No Data


Originally the Central Hall for Culture and Science, but renamed by Victoria as she laid the foundation stone to the Royal Albert Hall, this impressive circular venue is available for hire to anyone for a cultural or scientific event (i.e. no Birthday Parties or Weddings.) The hour long tours take your round the different parts of the public side of the venue, taking in the boxes and galleries. Depending on the time of visiting you may be able to see acts rehearsing for upcoming events (though on those instances no photography is allowed on the tour)



Getting There

Latitude: 51.500701; Longitude: -0.177339
What3Words: counts.pills.belong


Photo ID: 042035 Photo ID: 042040 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Science Museum Science Museum No Data


This museum covers science and technology - starting with the earliest forms of engines and pumps and going through to space exploration and modern communication technology. Of the three big museums in South Kensington (Natural History, Science, V&A) this is the most interactive.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.497662; Longitude: -0.174254
What3Words: active.landed.serve


Photo ID: 042017 Photo ID: 041019 Photo ID: 042022 Photo ID: 042025 Photo ID: 042026 Photo ID: 042029 Photo ID: 042031

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

See London by Night See London by Night No Data


A 90 minute open-top sightseeing tour of London at night. Starting from Green Park the tour heads out west to Knightsbridge and South Kensington before coming back in towards Hyde Park Corner and Buckingham Palace (though the tour isn't allowed to go in front of the palace). From there the tour takes in Westminster Abbey, Parliament, Westminster Bridge, Waterloo Bridge, Aldwych, The Royal Courts of Justice, Fleet Street, St Pauls, London Bridge, Tower Bridge and the Tower of London before returning back to the West End via the Victoria Embankment, Whitehall and Piccadilly Circus. A live tour guide gives a running commentary. During the summer months there are up to 6 departures a night, with the last one setting off about 22:15.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.506857; Longitude: -0.142449
What3Words: mixed.period.market


Photo ID: 042170 Photo ID: 042174 Photo ID: 042178 Photo ID: 042180 Photo ID: 042183 Photo ID: 042189 Photo ID: 042190

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tate Britain Tate Britain No Data


The Gallery is dedicated to collecting and displaying British Art from the 16th Century through to the modern day. During the 20th Century there was a degree of mission creep as the gallery (then just called Tate) started to collect modern art from multiple countries, but with the opening of Tate Modern the gallery was renamed Tate Britain and returned to it's original purpose. Today it houses the largest collection of works from JMW Turner, as well as a significant number of sculptures from Henry Moore.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.490851; Longitude: -0.126942
What3Words: volume.patrol.name


Photo ID: 042131 Photo ID: 042132 Photo ID: 042136 Photo ID: 042137 Photo ID: 042138 Photo ID: 042141 Photo ID: 042142

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tate Modern Tate Modern No Data


Located in the shell of the former Bankside Power Station the gallery is dedicated to Modern art, with a collection starting in the mid-20th Century and going through to contemporary artworks. The floor of the turbine hall is a monumental space that is used for temporary, usually oversized, exhibitions that are often designed to take advantage of the space available. If you're not into Modern Art the gallery is still impressive just for the building, and from the cafe the views out over the Thames to St Pauls.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.507895; Longitude: -0.099337
What3Words: hotel.fallen.vest


Photo ID: 042148 Photo ID: 042154 Photo ID: 042156 Photo ID: 042157 Photo ID: 042165 Photo ID: 042168 Photo ID: 042169

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

V&A V&A No Data


An enormous museum, located on the opposite side of Exhibition Road from the Science and Natural History Museums, this museums - named after Victoria and Albert - is the worlds largest museum dedicated to the applied arts, decorative arts and design. The collections stretch from antiquity through to the modern day and includes a number of recreations of period rooms from across the ages.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.496492; Longitude: -0.172027
What3Words: mice.holly.clown


Photo ID: 042041 Photo ID: 042048 Photo ID: 042053 Photo ID: 042054 Photo ID: 042058 Photo ID: 042063 Photo ID: 042065

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wellington Arch Wellington Arch English Heritage


Built in commemoration of the UK's victory in the Napoleonic Wars, along side Marble Arch, the arch was moved to it's current location in 1883. Today it houses three floors of exhibition space as you climb up inside the structure and then viewing platforms that look out from either side of the monument towards Buckingham Palace in one direction and Hyde Park in the other.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.502546; Longitude: -0.150797
What3Words: fairly.loose.given


Photo ID: 042071 Photo ID: 042072 Photo ID: 042073 Photo ID: 042075 Photo ID: 042076 Photo ID: 042078 Photo ID: 042079

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2022), and on time of last update (30/08/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cavern Quarter Cavern Quarter No Data


Possibly the most famous club in the world, the Cavern is where the Beatles honed their skills. Today the whole area around the club is known as the Cavern Quarter. On the streets are statues relating to the Beatles and their songs.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.406353; Longitude: -2.987326
What3Words: exact.level.allows


Photo ID: 004553 Photo ID: 004554 Photo ID: 004555 Photo ID: 020206 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Explorer Bus Tour City Explorer Bus Tour No Data


Half hourly live guided tour round the key sites of the city centre. The tours start in the Albert Docks and then take in the city centre before heading out to the Cathedrals before returning back to the docks.


Charge, Free with a Liverpool Visitors Card

Getting There

Latitude: 53.399573; Longitude: -2.989553
What3Words: trim.goats.family


Photo ID: 004494 Photo ID: 004495 Photo ID: 004496 Photo ID: 004497 Photo ID: 004516 Photo ID: 004517 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2010), and on time of last update (18/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

International Slavery Museum International Slavery Museum No Data


Located in the same building as the Maritime Museum the slavery museum doesn't pull it's punches in its condemnation of the trade (including exhibitions on modern day slavery and people trafficking). Whilst Liverpool was never a slave port, the ships that left here were on a leg of a triangular journey which saw them take good from Liverpool to Africa, then slaves to the Americas before returning to Liverpool with goods.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.401294; Longitude: -2.992755
What3Words: knee.middle.papers


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liverpool (Anglican) Cathedral Liverpool (Anglican) Cathedral No Data


A truly impressive space, and from the same man who brought you the humble phone box - Giles Gilbert Scott. Work started in 1904 and in true cathedral style continued slowly until it's final completion in 1978. In contrast the Catholic Cathedral just down the road was wacked up in five years in the 1960's!. Just to complicate matters even further Gilbert Scott, who died before the Cathedral was completed, couldn't be buried in it because he was a Catholic. The architect of the Catholic Cathedral was an Anglican... Today the Cathedral is the largest Anglican Cathedral in the world and one of the largest cathedrals in Europe. Inside its stunning space is lit by massive stained-glass windows giving it a much lighter interior than it's austere exterior might suggest.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.398191; Longitude: -2.973218
What3Words: slang.extra.plants


Photo ID: 004517 Photo ID: 004525 Photo ID: 004526 Photo ID: 004531 Photo ID: 004533 Photo ID: 020198 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liverpool (Anglican) Cathedral: Tower Experience Liverpool (Anglican) Cathedral: Tower Experience No Data


I don't know if two lifts and 110 odd steps actually counts as an "experience" but the views from the top are certainly impressive. On the way back down there is an opportunity to visit the cathedrals embroidery gallery.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.397436; Longitude: -2.973105
What3Words: healers.bowls.dips


Photo ID: 004527 Photo ID: 004528 Photo ID: 004529 Photo ID: 004530 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liverpool Metropolitan (Catholic) Cathedral of Christ the King Liverpool Metropolitan (Catholic) Cathedral of Christ the King No Data


Started long after work had commenced on the Anglican Cathedral, yet finished more than 10 years ahead of it. However, the speedy build has come back to haunt the Cathedral with it requiring so many repairs that at one point the repair bill was only slightly less than the cost of pulling the whole thing down and starting again. If the Anglican Cathedral is a fine example of what a traditional cathedral looks like, then the Catholic Cathedral is anything but. Internally it is built in the round with a large lantern made out of stained glass. Further stained glass around the outside make the inside strangely bathed in coloured light. Externally the building is eye catching, pejoratively called either "Paddy's Wigwam" or the "Popes Shuttle", the one thing you probably wouldn't think it was at a first viewing (if you didn't see the giant cross) was a religious building


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.404722; Longitude: -2.968776
What3Words: flats.poster.frock


Photo ID: 004530 Photo ID: 004533 Photo ID: 004534 Photo ID: 005435 Photo ID: 020190 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum Maritime Museum No Data


Located in former dock buildings in the Albert Dock the museum tells the history of seafaring in Merseyside, along with some of the bigger tragedies (Lusitania, Titanic).



Getting There

Latitude: 53.401217; Longitude: -2.993034
What3Words: loops.summer.hills


Photo ID: 004558 Photo ID: 004559 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mersey Ferry Mersey Ferry No Data


During the rush hours the Mersey Ferry's shuttle back and forth between Liverpool and Birkenhead. Outside of the rush hour they become a 50 minute cruise down the Mersey taking you through the history of the city and it's development. There is no way, however, of escaping the playing of "Ferry across the Mersey"


Charge, Free with a Liverpool Visitors Card

Getting There

Latitude: 53.404905; Longitude: -2.998195
What3Words: hush.magic.stuff


Photo ID: 004518 Photo ID: 004519 Photo ID: 004520 Photo ID: 004521 Photo ID: 004522 Photo ID: 004523 Photo ID: 004557

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2010), and on time of last update (18/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Beatles Story The Beatles Story No Data


John Lennon is famously mis-quoted as saying the Beatles were bigger than Jesus. Perhaps in Liverpool that's the case, there are certainly more Beatles related museums, exhibitions and displays than cathedrals and probably still more than if you added in the churches as well. The Beatles story tells the history of the band from it's starting days as the Quarrymen through to the final split.


Charge, Free with a Liverpool Visitors Card

Getting There

Latitude: 53.39924; Longitude: -2.991951
What3Words: hood.these.quiz


Photo ID: 004536 Photo ID: 004537 Photo ID: 004538 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Beatles Story: Fab 4D show The Beatles Story: Fab 4D show No Data


A short (15 minute or so) 3D cartoon with excerpts from some of the Beatles key hits


Charge, Free with a Liverpool Visitors Card

Getting There

Latitude: 53.405349; Longitude: -2.997283
What3Words: mimic.heats.chimp


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Echo Wheel of Liverpool The Echo Wheel of Liverpool No Data


The big wheel, like similar ones in Manchester and Belfast, offers stunning views over the Albert Docks over to the Liver Building, down the Mersey and across the river to the Wirral.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.398428; Longitude: -2.990915
What3Words: match.hedge.behind


Photo ID: 004502 Photo ID: 004503 Photo ID: 004504 Photo ID: 004505 Photo ID: 004507 Photo ID: 004508 Photo ID: 004509

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Yellow Duckmarine The Yellow Duckmarine No Data


***2017 UPDATE: PERMENANTLY CLOSED*** An hour tour with a difference. After a short tour around the city centre the Duckmarine (a converted WWII DUKW amphibious truck - pronounced duck.) roars down a slipway by the Albert Dock and does its party piece of converting from truck to boat at the flip of a switch. The tour then continues through some of the docks before finally leaving the water to return to it's land based duties and dropping you off at the starting point. Throughout the tour a live guide gives you a running commentary


Charge, Discount with a Liverpool Visitors Card

Getting There

Latitude: 53.399615; Longitude: -2.98922
What3Words: rates.album.radio


Photo ID: 004539 Photo ID: 004540 Photo ID: 004560 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/04/2010), and on time of last update (18/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

World Museum World Museum No Data


The World Museum houses all the bits of Liverpool museums collection that they haven't got a dedicated museum for. There is everything in here from exhibits on space and time to Egyptians and Romans via an Aquarium and botany.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.40998; Longitude: -2.981758
What3Words: sizes.object.slave


Photo ID: 004499 Photo ID: 004561 Photo ID: 004562 Photo ID: 004563 Photo ID: 004564 Photo ID: 004565 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Southport Pier Southport Pier No Data


The second longest pier in the UK, today it's just a strip of wood sticking out into the sea with a dilapidated building on the end housing a small amusement arcade and a small cafe. The views up the coast towards Blackpool are worth the walk.


Free to walk along the pier, charge for the tram

Getting There

The Merseyrail Northern line services from Liverpool Central head north to Southport every 15 minutes during the day, taking around 40 minutes to make the journey from the city centre. From the station the pier is well signposted
Latitude: 53.655347; Longitude: -3.02124
What3Words: atoms.alive.calls


Photo ID: 004541 Photo ID: 004544 Photo ID: 004546 Photo ID: 004547 Photo ID: 004548 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

New Brighton New Brighton No Data


Located on the opposite bank of the Mersey to Liverpool, New Brighton was supposed to be to Liverpool what it's older namesake was to London. Unfortunately the original plans were never fulfilled and today there is even less to do here than there is in Southport, not helped by it's views being of industrial Liverpool across the Mersey.


Getting There

There are regular busses from the centre of Liverpool to New Brighton. Alternatively, there are regular Merseyrail train services as well. Busses and trains take a similar amount of time to make the journey.
Latitude: 53.43802; Longitude: -3.043814
What3Words: guard.bucket.custom


Photo ID: 004549 Photo ID: 004550 Photo ID: 004551 Photo ID: 004552 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Southport Southport No Data


Located to the North of Liverpool, Southport is branded as the "quintessential English seaside resort". Unfortunately, English seaside resorts are in bad decline, and Southport does have the feel of a town whose best days may already have been and gone. The views from the pier are pleasant on a nice day, but apart from arcades and fun fair rides there is little to do.


Getting There

The Merseyrail Northern line services from Liverpool Central head north to Southport every 15 minutes during the day, taking around 40 minutes to make the journey from the city centre.
Latitude: 53.647304; Longitude: -3.00733
What3Words: bond.sugars.coast


Photo ID: 004542 Photo ID: 004543 Photo ID: 004545 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2010), and on time of last update (24/04/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liverpool City Sights: City and Beatles Tour Liverpool City Sights: City and Beatles Tour No Data


The tour takes around 90 minutes and includes a tour round parts of the city centre and up to the Cathedrals before heading out into the Liverpool suburbs to visit places associated with the Beatles such as Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields and the childhood homes of both John Lennon and Paul McCartney. The live guide tells you a lot about the city and The Beatles from their early lives through to their success.


Charge - Ticket is valid for 48 hours and includes the Hop-on-hop-off City tour

Getting There

Latitude: 53.399568; Longitude: -2.989618
What3Words: lions.belly.alert


Photo ID: 020198 Photo ID: 020199 Photo ID: 020200 Photo ID: 020201 Photo ID: 020202 Photo ID: 020203 Photo ID: 020204

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2017), and on time of last update (18/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liverpool City Sights: City Tour Liverpool City Sights: City Tour No Data


A 50 minute tour around the key sights in the city centre with a pre-recorded commentary telling you about the key sights.


Charge, 24 hour ticket for just the city centre tour or a 48 hour ticket including The Beatles tour

Getting There

Latitude: 53.399574; Longitude: -2.989581
What3Words: trim.goats.family


Photo ID: 020187 Photo ID: 020188 Photo ID: 020189 Photo ID: 020191 Photo ID: 020195 Photo ID: 020196 Photo ID: 020207

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2017), and on time of last update (18/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Liverpool Museum of Liverpool No Data


The museum tells the story of Liverpool the city and it's people - their impact on the Empire and in more recent times through the arts and entertainment. From the 2nd floor viewing gallery is probably one of the finest views in the country across the Pier Head and the majestic buildings of Liverpool Waterfront.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.402972; Longitude: -2.995595
What3Words: kicked.flute.squad


Photo ID: 020231 Photo ID: 020232 Photo ID: 020233 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/07/2017), and on time of last update (18/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Johns Beacon St Johns Beacon No Data


The City Radio tower has a viewing platform at studio level that looks over the city. From the gallery you can take in the key sights of the city and on a good day should be able to see into Wales and up the coast to Blackpool



Getting There

Latitude: 53.406324; Longitude: -2.981997
What3Words: drill.jars.thigh


Photo ID: 020211 Photo ID: 020212 Photo ID: 020213 Photo ID: 020214 Photo ID: 020215 Photo ID: 020216 Photo ID: 020218

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/07/2017), and on time of last update (18/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Birkenhead: Park Birkenhead: Park No Data


The first public park in the world and the template for Central Park in New York. The park covers a large part of Birkenhead with two lakes and numerous paths wandering through woods, rockeries and open spaces. It's a lovely place to wander round on a pleasent day



Getting There

From the centre of Liverpool the 437 bus runs regularly to the park, via the Queensway tunnel, taking around 20 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively there are frequent trains (between 4 and 8 an hour) from Liverpool Central to Birkenhead Park station taking about 8 minutes.
Latitude: 53.394371; Longitude: -3.044502
What3Words: poem.topped.perky


Photo ID: 020219 Photo ID: 020221 Photo ID: 020223 Photo ID: 020225 Photo ID: 020226 Photo ID: 020227 Photo ID: 020230

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/07/2017), and on time of last update (18/07/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Anglia Plus Rover Anglia Plus Rover No Data


A One, Three or Seven day ticket that gives you access to all the trains through Norfolk and Suffolk and into Cambridgeshire. The Seven day ticket comes in a number of options to limit just to certain areas or for the whole area. The ticket also, conveniently, includes bus travel into the centre of Norwich, Ipswich and Great Yarmouth from their respective train stations.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.626939; Longitude: 1.306434
What3Words: winter.bend.fruit


Photo ID: 004745 Photo ID: 004761 Photo ID: 004762 Photo ID: 004763 Photo ID: 004782 Photo ID: 004784 Photo ID: 004785

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral of St John the Baptist Cathedral of St John the Baptist No Data


The Catholic Cathedral of the city. Not as impressive as the Anglican cathedral, but still worth a quick look around.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.629151; Longitude: 1.283988
What3Words: merit.cone.hired


Photo ID: 033358 Photo ID: 033377 Photo ID: 033379 Photo ID: 033380 Photo ID: 033381 Photo ID: 033383 Photo ID: 033385

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2021), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cow Tower Cow Tower English Heritage


Once a strategic tower on the city walls, at a curve in the river. Today the only a small proportion of the tower survives as ruins, which can be seen from the outside only



Getting There

Latitude: 52.634215; Longitude: 1.308274
What3Words: critic.strong.bleat


Photo ID: 033307 Photo ID: 033308 Photo ID: 033309 Photo ID: 033310 Photo ID: 033311 Photo ID: 033312 Photo ID: 033313

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/05/2010), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norwich Castle Norwich Castle No Data


Originally built by the Normans as a palace the castle was converted to a prison by the 12th Century and spent the next 500 years or so fulfilling that role. Consequently all the internal walls and floors have been removed from the original palace and the inside is a Victorian repair job. Today the castle houses the city museum telling the history of Norwich, it's flora and fauna and the city's art gallery. You can also go on a tour of the battlements for stunning views over the city centre. ***2021 Update*** Major restoration works to undo the Victoria changed and return the castle to it's 12th century design was underway when I visited, consequently only a small part of the museum is open. Works are due to be completed in 2023.


Charge, Additional charge for Battlements or Dungeons tours

Getting There

Latitude: 52.628413; Longitude: 1.296022
What3Words: arrow.casino.sketch


Photo ID: 004794 Photo ID: 004795 Photo ID: 033346 Photo ID: 033350 Photo ID: 033353 Photo ID: 033356 Photo ID: 033357

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/06/2010), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norwich Cathedral Norwich Cathedral No Data


The second highest spire and the largest cloister in the country, the cathedral is one of the most identifiable buildings in the city. Inside the large amounts of glass make the inside very light.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.631988; Longitude: 1.301268
What3Words: spirit.camera.funds


Photo ID: 033331 Photo ID: 033333 Photo ID: 033446 Photo ID: 033455 Photo ID: 033456 Photo ID: 033462 Photo ID: 033463

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2010), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norwich City Sightseeing Norwich City Sightseeing No Data


The sightseeing tour runs around the key sights in the city centre, before climbing up to the prison on the outskirts of the city to take in the views over the city skyline.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.627919; Longitude: 1.295225
What3Words: stands.stove.phones


Photo ID: 033359 Photo ID: 033360 Photo ID: 033361 Photo ID: 033362 Photo ID: 033363 Photo ID: 033366 Photo ID: 033367

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2010), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Plantation Garden Plantation Garden No Data


Located next to the Catholic Cathedral this former quarry has been converted into a hidden garden, with terraces, an Italianate staircase and fountain. It's a very peaceful and tranquil location that doesn’t appear to be particularly well known.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.628891; Longitude: 1.281831
What3Words: mouse.period.scouts


Photo ID: 033386 Photo ID: 033388 Photo ID: 033390 Photo ID: 033392 Photo ID: 033394 Photo ID: 033396 Photo ID: 033398

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2021), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pull's Ferry Pull's Ferry No Data


A former 15th Century watergate which was the site of a ferry crossing until the mid 20th Century. Today the house is a private residence, but you can walk around the watergate as it sits on the Riverside walk



Getting There

Latitude: 52.6304194; Longitude: 1.307051
What3Words: views.backs.caged


Photo ID: 033292 Photo ID: 033295 Photo ID: 033296 Photo ID: 033297 Photo ID: 033298 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2021), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Remains of St Benedicts Church Remains of St Benedicts Church No Data


Just the tower of this former church remains, and even that is now fenced off as the structure is unstable. It's located in the middle of a small housing complex, but you can walk through to view the remains



Getting There

Latitude: 52.631153; Longitude: 1.286139
What3Words: taken.blunt.grants


Photo ID: 033375 Photo ID: 033376 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2021), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Riverside Walk Riverside Walk No Data


Running for around a mile from the station around two sides of the city centre, ending at the former quayside near the Cathedral, the riverside walk provides beautiful views of the city and of its tranquil river



Getting There

Latitude: 52.628176; Longitude: 1.30574
What3Words: goods.veal.clap


Photo ID: 033291 Photo ID: 033299 Photo ID: 033302 Photo ID: 033303 Photo ID: 033304 Photo ID: 033314 Photo ID: 033319

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/05/2010), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

X1/X2 buses X1/X2 buses No Data


The X1 and X2 coaster services (also including X11, X21 and X22) run regularly from Norwich out to the Norfolk coast. The X1 and X11 combine to give a 15 minute frequency from Norwich to Great Yarmouth, taking about 40 minutes. The X1 continues with a service every half hour that runs down the coast to Lowestoft taking another 60 minutes to make the journey from Great Yarmouth. The X2, X21 and X22 combine to give a 15 minute frequency from Norwich to Lowestoft, taking about 90 minutes to make the trip. With an Explorer ticket you can use either bus and effectively do a loop. I took an X22 from Norwich to Lowestoft and then took and X1 back via Great Yarmouth to Norwich.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.624201; Longitude: 1.293179
What3Words: rate.mild.stacks


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2021), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caister: Roman Fort Caister: Roman Fort English Heritage


A small portion of the Roman fort has been unearthed. The fort stood guard over the much wilder estuary that existed in Roman times. It was one of the largest forts in the country and the building and part of the wall that have been unearthed only represent a very small corner of the site.



Getting There

From Norwich catch the train to Great Yarmouth (hourly, 40 minutes) and walk to the bus station or take the X1 or X11 bus (every 15 minutes, 45 minutes) to the bus station and catch a 1 or 1A bus out to Caister (every 30 minutes, around 10 minutes). There are clear signs just before the bus stop pointing to the site
Latitude: 52.650022; Longitude: 1.719334
What3Words: precautions.lots.occurs


Photo ID: 004777 Photo ID: 004778 Photo ID: 004779 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cromer: Amazona Cromer: Amazona No Data


Small zoo located on the outskirts of Cromer that specialises in creatures from South America. Large numbers of Patagonia Mara roam free around the site.



Getting There

From Norwich there are direct hourly trains to Cromer, taking around 35 minutes. From the station it's a well signed 15-20 minute walk out to the zoo
Latitude: 52.922535; Longitude: 1.297181
What3Words: fumes.originals.fancy


Photo ID: 033402 Photo ID: 033404 Photo ID: 033406 Photo ID: 033414 Photo ID: 033423 Photo ID: 033425 Photo ID: 033427

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/06/2021), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cromer: Museum Cromer: Museum No Data


A small museum, located in a former fishermans house in the town centre. There are exhibitions on the history of the town and the building, as well as an extensive gallery on the fosils that have been found in the area, including a large mammoth - parts of which are on display



Getting There

From Norwich there are direct hourly trains to Cromer, taking around 35 minutes.
Latitude: 52.931246; Longitude: 1.301822
What3Words: stages.fluffed.womanly


Photo ID: 033439 Photo ID: 033440 Photo ID: 033441 Photo ID: 033442 Photo ID: 033443 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/06/2021), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cromer: Pier Cromer: Pier No Data


One of the Key attractions of the town the pier houses a theatre along with Cafe's and bars and the town's lifeboat station. Its a good place to take the views of the sweep of the coast on the one hilly bit of Norfolk.



Getting There

From Norwich there are direct hourly trains to Cromer, taking around 35 minutes.
Latitude: 52.933955; Longitude: 1.301451
What3Words: haystack.pits.drama


Photo ID: 004758 Photo ID: 004759 Photo ID: 004760 Photo ID: 033430 Photo ID: 033431 Photo ID: 033435 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ely: Cathedral Ely: Cathedral No Data


The ship of the Fens as it's locally know occupies the only bit of high ground for miles and is consequently visible from most places (except the centre of town bizarrely!). Inside the acres of glass make it very light and airy. During the day there are tours up to the roof of the Octagonal tower.


Free, Suggested Donation. Charge to go on a tour up the tower.

Getting There

Latitude: 52.398635; Longitude: 0.263844
What3Words: steadier.ticket.stove


Photo ID: 004736 Photo ID: 004737 Photo ID: 004738 Photo ID: 004739 Photo ID: 004740 Photo ID: 004741 Photo ID: 004742

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Yarmouth: City Sightseeing Great Yarmouth: City Sightseeing No Data


The hourly open-top tour runs around the key sites in the town, along with going the length of the prom. A pre-recorded English commentary accompanies you on your tour.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.607382; Longitude: 1.736899
What3Words: comic.influencing.shield


Photo ID: 004764 Photo ID: 004765 Photo ID: 004766 Photo ID: 004775 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Yarmouth: Elizabethan House Great Yarmouth: Elizabethan House National Trust


The Elizabethan house, on the South Quay side, was originally built for a wealthy Elizabethan merchant. It has been updated and transformed over the intervening couple of hundred years, but has been restored, in places, to it's Elizabethan origins. Some of the rooms have been kept as Victorian rooms to show how changes were made over time.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.605354; Longitude: 1.725433
What3Words: result.oils.pulled


Photo ID: 004768 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Yarmouth: Greyfriars' Cloister Great Yarmouth: Greyfriars' Cloister English Heritage


The small ruins of the former Greyfriars' Cloister. There are education boards inside the site, but at the time of visiting the gates were locked so I could only look from the outside.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.605009; Longitude: 1.726246
What3Words: stray.feast.vocab


Photo ID: 004769 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Yarmouth: Land Trains Great Yarmouth: Land Trains No Data


There are two different land trains running in the town. One runs from the Britannia pier down to Scroby Sands and the holiday village there. The other runs on a circuit around the centre of town, again starting at the Brittania Pier


Getting There

Latitude: 52.607752; Longitude: 1.736977
What3Words: lakes.afford.tops


Photo ID: 004765 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Yarmouth: Lydia Eva Great Yarmouth: Lydia Eva No Data


The last steam powered Herring drifter, the ship is now moored up near the Elizabethan house and open for people to look around


Free, Suggested Donation.

Getting There

Latitude: 52.605735; Longitude: 1.724376
What3Words: full.lanes.smiled


Photo ID: 004767 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Yarmouth: Merchants House Museum Great Yarmouth: Merchants House Museum English Heritage


The Merchant's house was in one of Great Yarmouth's Rows. It was originally owned by a merchant, but over time was divided into smaller dwellings.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.603354; Longitude: 1.726935
What3Words: native.jungle.perky


Photo ID: 004771 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Yarmouth: Row 111 House Museum Great Yarmouth: Row 111 House Museum English Heritage


One of the few remaining buildings from the old Rows. The building was heavily damaged during WWII, but has been restored by English Heritage to show what life was like in one of the Row houses just before the outbreak of war.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.603829; Longitude: 1.72693
What3Words: remit.soak.modest


Photo ID: 004770 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Yarmouth: Time & Tide Museum Great Yarmouth: Time & Tide Museum No Data


The Time and Tide museum is based in what was the last herring smoking plant in the town, which closed in the 1980's. Today it houses a museum which tells both the story of the herring industry and how smoking and curing took place and the history of Great Yarmouth from it's earliest settlers up to modern times.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.601702; Longitude: 1.731774
What3Words: duck.stored.hugs


Photo ID: 004773 Photo ID: 004774 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sheringham: Coasthopper Sheringham: Coasthopper No Data


The Coasthopper bus runs along the length of the coast from Cromer round to Hunstanton and then on to Kings Lynn as the number 35 bus. You can buy a day (3 day or 7 day) rover ticket allowing unlimited use of the service which links together all the little seaside (or used to be seaside, thanks to silting now quite a long way for the seaside-) towns.



Getting There

From Norwich there are direct hourly trains to Sheringham via Cromer, taking around 45 minutes. Most buses also start from Cromer.
Latitude: 52.941649; Longitude: 1.209118
What3Words: qualifier.protrude.hobbyists


Photo ID: 004749 Photo ID: 004750 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sheringham: Poppy Line Sheringham: Poppy Line No Data


The poppy line (or North Norfolk Railway as it's otherwise known), is part of the line from Norwich which was closed beyond Sheringham in the early 1960's. Today it runs both Steam and Diesel trains along a 10 or so mile stretch to a station outside the town of Holt. The line passes through some stunning (and for Norfolk, surprisingly rolling) countryside.


Charge, Discount with a valid rail ticket to Sheringham

Getting There

From Norwich there are direct hourly trains to Sheringham via Cromer, taking around 45 minutes
Latitude: 52.941769; Longitude: 1.207986
What3Words: sedative.removing.bill


Photo ID: 004746 Photo ID: 004747 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wells-Next-The-Sea: Harbour Railway Wells-Next-The-Sea: Harbour Railway No Data


The small gauge harbour railway runs from the quayside by the main road, along the beach road to the back of the holiday park near the beach. From the station it's about another half a mile to the beach, and much further still if the tide is out to the actual sea.



Getting There

From Norwich you need to take the train to either Cromer or Sheringham and pick up the Coasthopper bus to Wells.
Latitude: 52.958576; Longitude: 0.849922
What3Words: speaks.treaties.sheepish


Photo ID: 004754 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wroxham: Bure Valley Railway Wroxham: Bure Valley Railway No Data


A narrow-gauge railway running along the line of the Bure Valley to the small town of Aylsham



Getting There

Latitude: 52.716825; Longitude: 1.408417
What3Words: ramble.rezoning.chops


Photo ID: 004733 Photo ID: 004734 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aylsham Aylsham No Data


Located to the North of Norwich, Aylsham is a small town with a pretty church, more usually visited for being at one end of the Bure Valley Railway


Getting There

From Norwich you can catch the train to Hoveton & Wroxham, and then change onto the Bure Valley Railway. Alternatively (and cheaper) there are direct buses from Norwich
Latitude: 52.796408; Longitude: 1.252061
What3Words: easy.swarm.supplier


Photo ID: 004735 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cromer Cromer No Data


Famous for it's Crabs, Cromer also has the distinction of being one of the few hilly towns on the coast and the cliffs provide an interesting backdrop to the beaches.


Getting There

From Norwich there are hourly trains to Cromer, taking around 35 minutes.
Latitude: 52.930721; Longitude: 1.297545
What3Words: inflates.aside.shirt


Photo ID: 004757 Photo ID: 004758 Photo ID: 004759 Photo ID: 004760 Photo ID: 033429 Photo ID: 033433 Photo ID: 033434

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2010), and on time of last update (29/06/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ely Ely No Data


On one of the few pieces of high ground in the Fens, Ely is an important city, and railway junction. Along with the cathedral the city is also and important boating site with a large inland marina for narrow boats and broads cruiser.


Getting There

There are regular trains from Norwich to Ely taking around 50-60 minutes
Latitude: 52.399447; Longitude: 0.259788
What3Words: flying.sagging.florists


Photo ID: 004743 Photo ID: 004744 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Yarmouth Great Yarmouth No Data


Great Yarmouth was the key port for Norwich and between the two places they built up substantial wealth. The Wealth continued for Great Yarmouth through the Herring industry until over-catching saw it decline from the 1950's onwards. Today Great Yarmouth makes most of it's money from it's regular catches of Tourists, with the town littered with Holiday parks and B&Bs. The town caters well for its tourist crowd with plenty of attractions both modern and historic.


Getting There

From Norwich there are hourly trains direct to Great Yarmouth taking around 40 minutes. Alternatively the X1/X11 bus runs every 15 minutes during the main part of the day (half hourly on Sundays) and takes about 45 minutes to get to the centre of Great Yarmouth - closer than the railway station.
Latitude: 52.60768; Longitude: 1.733018
What3Words: shall.rising.apples


Photo ID: 004772 Photo ID: 004775 Photo ID: 004776 Photo ID: 004780 Photo ID: 004781 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hoveton Hoveton No Data


Running into Wroxham so that you can't even see the join, the two towns are one of the main mooring points on the broads, with boat rental companies and broads tours everywhere.


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Norwich to Hoveton & Wroxham station, which is in Hoveton, journey time is around 15 minutes
Latitude: 52.714394; Longitude: 1.41125
What3Words: request.flamingo.devalued


Photo ID: 004732 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hunstanton Hunstanton No Data


According to the guide books Hunstanton (Pronounced Hunsten) is where the North Norfolk Coast officially ends and the Wash begins. The town has a long promenade with the usual selection of kiosks and fun-fair rides.


Getting There

From Norwich you need to catch the train to Sheringham and pick up the Coasthopper bus (journey time around 2 1/2 hours, or you can catch the train to Ely, change to a Kings Lynn train and then pick up the bus in Kings Lynn, journey time still around 2 1/2 hours)
Latitude: 52.938365; Longitude: 0.48902
What3Words: deploying.objective.stuff


Photo ID: 004750 Photo ID: 004751 Photo ID: 004752 Photo ID: 004753 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sheringham Sheringham No Data


Sheringham is one of the key centres on the North Norfolk coast. Terminus of both the Bittern line from Norwich and the Poppy Line steam railway, it's also a key bus interchange and home to a surprisingly large number of ice cream shops! The sea, which further down the coast has left former ports high and dry, is working in the opposite direction at Sheringham and the sea front is mostly ugly concrete walls designed to stop the town being swallowed up by the sea.


Getting There

From Norwich there are hourly trains to Sheringham via Cromer, taking around 45 minutes.
Latitude: 52.942797; Longitude: 1.208518
What3Words: presuming.hulk.limitless


Photo ID: 004748 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wells-Next-The-Sea Wells-Next-The-Sea No Data


Wells-Next-The-Sea was once one of the most important ports in England. Then the harbour started to silt up and since the middle ages the coast line has shifted so much that the beach is now a good mile away from the harbour, and when the tide is out the sea can be another near mile further out. Today the town trades on it's misleading name and people come to see the seaside town that isn't.


Getting There

From Norwich you need to catch the train to Sheringham and pick up the Coasthopper bus (journey time around 1 3/4 hours.)
Latitude: 52.95143; Longitude: 0.853415
What3Words: opens.desiring.heap


Photo ID: 004749 Photo ID: 004755 Photo ID: 004756 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wroxham Wroxham No Data


Running into Hoveton so that you can't even see the join, the two towns are one of the main mooring points on the broads, with boat rental companies and broads tours everywhere.


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Norwich to Hoveton & Wroxham station, which is in Hoveton, journey time is around 15 minutes
Latitude: 52.706607; Longitude: 1.399308
What3Words: nooks.redeemed.fines


Photo ID: 004732 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/06/2010), and on time of last update (08/06/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norfolk Broads Norfolk Broads No Data


You can escape from it all on a boat on the Norfolk broads, and when they get busy you can escape from them by either walking or taking one of the 4 electric boats that run from various parts of the borads into the dykes and drainage canals that make up the broads. So narrow that even these small boats can only just squeeze down them but in just one turn you are hidden from the rest of the broads behind all the reads and can experience the diversity of wildlife that exists in the region first hand.


Charge for boats buts most areas you can walk round for free.

Getting There

Latitude: 52.689286; Longitude: 1.51062
What3Words: gazed.emeralds.quickly


Photo ID: 000275 Photo ID: 000276 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/10/2003), and on time of last update (16/11/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norwich Castle Norwich Castle No Data


Originally built by the Normas as a palace the castle was coverted to a prison by the 12th Century and spent the next 500 years or so fulfilling that role. Consequently all the internal walls and floors have been removed from the original palace and the inside is a Victorian repair job. Today the castle houses the city museum telling the history of Norwich, it's flora and fauna and the city's art gallery. You can also go on a tour of the battlements for stunning views over the city centre.


Charge, Additional charge for Battlements or Dungeons tours

Getting There

Latitude: 52.628413; Longitude: 1.296022
What3Words: arrow.casino.sketch


Photo ID: 000272 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2003), and on time of last update (16/11/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norwich Cathedral Norwich Cathedral No Data


The second highest spire and the largest cloister in the country, the cathedral is one of the most identifiable buildings in the city. Inside the large amounts of glass make the inside very light.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.631988; Longitude: 1.301268
What3Words: spirit.camera.funds


Photo ID: 000271 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2003), and on time of last update (16/11/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Berwick Battlements Berwick Battlements English Heritage


Almost all the battlements of Berwick remain and you can walk around them in about an hour, taking in the views both of the town, the bridges and the sea.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.773049; Longitude: -2.000778
What3Words: home.shot.exact


Photo ID: 003312 Photo ID: 003313 Photo ID: 003314 Photo ID: 003344 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Berwick Castle Berwick Castle English Heritage


Only a very small fragment of the castle still remains, cramped up next to the Railway viaduct and coming down the side of the hill to the river



Getting There

Latitude: 55.773592; Longitude: -2.012622
What3Words: zealous.royal.items


Photo ID: 003335 Photo ID: 003338 Photo ID: 003339 Photo ID: 003340 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holy Island: Lindisfarne Castle Holy Island: Lindisfarne Castle National Trust


The castle was built in the 16th Century, but converted into an Edwardian mansion in the 20th Century for the then publisher of "Country Life". The castle was closed when I visited, but the gardens were open, and you could still look around the Lime Kilns in the grounds.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.669054; Longitude: -1.784742
What3Words: apartment.firming.vegans


Photo ID: 003293 Photo ID: 003294 Photo ID: 003295 Photo ID: 003296 Photo ID: 003309 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holy Island: Lindisfarne Priory Holy Island: Lindisfarne Priory English Heritage


Built after the monks returned once the Vikings had left today it is in ruins in the grounds of the main church on the island, but still gives a good idea of what the full priory would have looked like. At the entrance to the church is a small museum which tells the history of the island and it's links to the church.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.669175; Longitude: -1.800964
What3Words: shopping.dining.nurtures


Photo ID: 003282 Photo ID: 003283 Photo ID: 003284 Photo ID: 003285 Photo ID: 003286 Photo ID: 003287 Photo ID: 003292

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North Berwick: Dirleton Castle North Berwick: Dirleton Castle Historic Scotland


The castle evolved through three families and over several hundred years into a large palatial building, set in beautiful landscaped grounds. Though a significant part of the castle has disappeared there are still enough remains to get a taste of what life here must have been like.



Getting There

From North Berwick take bus X5 or 124 (combined half-hourly service) to the entrance to the castle, a journey of about 5 minutes, alternatively it is about an hours walk from North Berwick
Latitude: 56.04593; Longitude: -2.778275
What3Words: holidays.rentals.investors


Photo ID: 003346 Photo ID: 003347 Photo ID: 003348 Photo ID: 003349 Photo ID: 003350 Photo ID: 003351 Photo ID: 003352

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North Berwick: Tantallon Castle North Berwick: Tantallon Castle Historic Scotland


One of the most stunning castles in this part of the country, perched on the top of the cliffs, overlooking the Bass rock, the guardian of the entrance to the Firth of Forth. Whilst the castle is ruinous (and in danger of collapsing further as repairs carried out in the 16th Century used much softer stone than the original) there is still large parts standing, and stunning views of the coast to be had from the battlements



Getting There

From North Berwick you can catch the 120 bus, but they are very infrequent. Alternatively catch the X5 or 124 (see Dirleton castle) to the end of the route at the Tesco's and then walk the 2 miles, along a pretty level road to the castle. You can walk from the centre of town, but it's a pretty steep climb up to the Tantallon road (at the Tesco's!)
Latitude: 56.056544; Longitude: -2.650264
What3Words: brains.roadblock.aimed


Photo ID: 003358 Photo ID: 003359 Photo ID: 003360 Photo ID: 003361 Photo ID: 003362 Photo ID: 003363 Photo ID: 003364

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Warkworth: Castle Warkworth: Castle English Heritage


The castle, perched high above the town centre, is in pretty good shape, with much of the main keep surviving. It was one of the most important castles in this part of the country in the middle ages, and it shows in the number of buildings that were inside the bailey.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.3454; Longitude: -1.611879
What3Words: snuggle.ballots.sharpens


Photo ID: 003318 Photo ID: 003319 Photo ID: 003320 Photo ID: 003321 Photo ID: 003322 Photo ID: 003323 Photo ID: 003324

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holy Island Holy Island No Data


Also known as Lindisfarne, the island was the birth place of the re-Christianisation of England. From the monks on the Island came the Lindisfarne gospel, possibly one of the most important books in the country. Today the island is steeped in history and heritage, and a wonderful place to explore with sandy beaches, low cliffs and lost of footpaths to wander along. Access to the island is via a causeway, and once it has flooded for the high tide the island relaxes into a quite and peaceful place with no vehicles moving around.


Getting There

From Berwick the 477 bus runs on certain days (one day a week in the Winter rising to daily during the height of summer). Buses are timed to ensure they can cross and get back before the tide comes in so the times vary greatly from day to day.
Latitude: 55.671728; Longitude: -1.801007
What3Words: kilowatt.fuses.itself


Photo ID: 003288 Photo ID: 003289 Photo ID: 003297 Photo ID: 003298 Photo ID: 003300 Photo ID: 003301 Photo ID: 003302

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North Berwick North Berwick No Data


Located at the mouth of the Firth of Forth, North Berwick is a pretty harbour town, with sandy beaches and an air of faded greatness. The large Victorian and Edwardian guest houses that line the coast road tell of a recent past as a holiday destination, before warmer options arrived. It's position at the mouth of the Forth made it even more important in the past, with the surrounding area littered with castles and fortifications


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Edinburgh to North Berwick, taking about 35 minutes
Latitude: 56.05832; Longitude: -2.719556
What3Words: reckons.flukes.rashers


Photo ID: 003367 Photo ID: 003368 Photo ID: 003369 Photo ID: 003371 Photo ID: 003372 Photo ID: 003373 Photo ID: 003374

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Warkworth Warkworth No Data


Once the seat of the Dukes of Northumberland, the town is dominated by the castle which stands over the town centre. There is also a small medieval church, and the original bridge and entry gate to the town.


Getting There

There are no direct buses from Berwick, instead you have to catch a bus to Alnwick bus station, where you change onto the bus for Warkworth (annoyingly the bus from Berwick goes onto Newcastle, and the bus you change onto in Alnwick also goes to Newcastle, but via a different route, hence the need to change). Total journey time is about 90 minutes, but you have to pay for two separate tickets, so it works out quite expensive. The buses from Alnwick to Warkworth are more frequent than the buses to Berwick, so it's worth checking the times or you could have an hours wait
Latitude: 55.349073; Longitude: -1.609626
What3Words: flick.organist.crest


Photo ID: 003325 Photo ID: 003328 Photo ID: 003329 Photo ID: 003330 Photo ID: 003331 Photo ID: 003332 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2009), and on time of last update (02/02/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Abbey Abbey No Data


This impressive abbey dominates not only the town but the surrounding countryside.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.97132; Longitude: -2.102578
What3Words: socialite.frostbite.lecturers


Photo ID: 033857 Photo ID: 033866 Photo ID: 033871 Photo ID: 033876 Photo ID: 033877 Photo ID: 033878 Photo ID: 034090

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Abbey Museum Abbey Museum No Data


Located off of the cloister of the abbey this small museum tells the history of the site, including a tomb stone of a 25 year old Roman soldier that was found in the foundations of the abbey.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.971457; Longitude: -2.103322
What3Words: elections.daylight.decently


Photo ID: 034081 Photo ID: 034082 Photo ID: 034083 Photo ID: 034084 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

AD122 Bus AD122 Bus No Data


The AD122 bus links Hexham and Haltwhistle via all of the major sites along this part of the wall - Chesters, Housesteads, Vindolanda, The Sill and the Roman Army Museum. It's worthwhile picking up the leaflet on the bus that includes the timetable as although the service is hourly during the summer the bus takes two different routes on arriving at The Sill. One bus every two hours heads down to Vindolanda, back to The Sill and then directly into Haltwhistle before returning to The Sill via the Roman Army museum. On the opposite hour the bus takes the route in reverse - it means that there can be some lengthy gaps between services at both the Roman Army Museum and Vindolanda.


Single, return, day and 3 day rovers available from the driver or on the Go Ahead App

Getting There

Latitude: 54.970414; Longitude: -2.096024
What3Words: materials.excavate.pocketed


Photo ID: 033948 Photo ID: 034065 Photo ID: 034066 Photo ID: 034067 Photo ID: 034068 Photo ID: 034069 Photo ID: 034070

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bridge Bridge No Data


Crossing over the River Tyne just above a weir, this is an impressive bridge and at sunset offers spectacular views of the sun setting behind the hills



Getting There

Latitude: 54.976643; Longitude: -2.094198
What3Words: expel.thudded.highs


Photo ID: 033906 Photo ID: 033907 Photo ID: 033908 Photo ID: 033909 Photo ID: 033910 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Market Place Market Place No Data


The small market place includes an historic covered market area, located between the Moot Hall and the Abbey



Getting There

Latitude: 54.971404; Longitude: -2.101295
What3Words: improve.raft.scrubbing


Photo ID: 033860 Photo ID: 033863 Photo ID: 033865 Photo ID: 034089 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Moot Hall Moot Hall No Data


The Moot Hall, or assembly hall, looks more like a small castle and is located on the edge of the market square opposite the Abbey



Getting There

Latitude: 54.971411; Longitude: -2.100944
What3Words: darting.elections.slightly


Photo ID: 033855 Photo ID: 033856 Photo ID: 033859 Photo ID: 033880 Photo ID: 034074 Photo ID: 034088 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Gaol Old Gaol No Data


One of the first purpose built prisons in the country (most others were conversions of earlier castles of forts). The museum is spread out over the four floors of the building from the Dungeon to the upper floors and house a number of exhibits on both the history of the gaol, crime and punishment in Hexhamshire and the history of the border reavers and fortified housing in the area.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.971239; Longitude: -2.100003
What3Words: croutons.loafing.codes


Photo ID: 033854 Photo ID: 033904 Photo ID: 034071 Photo ID: 034072 Photo ID: 034073 Photo ID: 034075 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Birdoswald Birdoswald English Heritage


One of several larger forts that were built along the wall to support the turrets and milecastles. Like Housesteads this fort sits on the wall itself, with the wall going east to west along the Norther edge of the fort. A small museum gives a very brief introduction to the site.


Charge, Free for English Heritage Members

Getting There

From Hexham you need to take the AD122 or train to Haltwhistle to connect with the 185 to Birdoswald. There are only 3 journeys a day on the 185. The through journey, with a good connection takes about 90 minutes.
Latitude: 54.989659; Longitude: -2.602342
What3Words: deranged.zapped.date


Photo ID: 033916 Photo ID: 033918 Photo ID: 033920 Photo ID: 033923 Photo ID: 033924 Photo ID: 033925 Photo ID: 033929

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chesters Chesters English Heritage


Chesters fort straddles Hadrian's Wall, the only fort to do so, the forward third of the fort being north of the wall. The site also includes the most complete Roman army bath house in the country. The small museum includes some of the spectacular finds found on the site


Charge, Free for English Heritage Members

Getting There

All AD122 services call at Chesters every hour, taking about 15 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 55.025966; Longitude: -2.138965
What3Words: establish.driver.spin


Photo ID: 034040 Photo ID: 034042 Photo ID: 034045 Photo ID: 034047 Photo ID: 034056 Photo ID: 034058 Photo ID: 034061

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Corbridge: Roman Town Corbridge: Roman Town English Heritage


Built prior to the creation of Hadrian's Wall, the site was originally on the Stanegate which ran to Carlisle and was built to supply the army. With the creation of the wall some 40 years later some of it's importance was lost as a fort, but instead it became a supply base and a place for off-duty soldiers to head to. The small museum houses a collection of some of the finds made on the site.


Charge, Free for English Heritage Members

Getting There

The site is about a 10 minute, well signposted walk from the centre of Corbridge
Latitude: 54.978229; Longitude: -2.029424
What3Words: impose.prouder.clockwork


Photo ID: 033888 Photo ID: 033889 Photo ID: 033892 Photo ID: 033894 Photo ID: 033896 Photo ID: 033901 Photo ID: 033902

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Housesteads Housesteads National Trust and English Heritage


Sitting high on a crag the fort falls back down the hillside. This is one of the major forts on the wall, with the wall itself forming the northern wall of the fort. From the top of the fort you have stunning views over the land on either side, and a formidable position from which to defend your empire.


Charge, Free for both English Heritage and National Trust Members

Getting There

All AD122 services call at Housesteads every hour, taking about 30 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 55.013335; Longitude: -2.330064
What3Words: villager.heightens.island


Photo ID: 034010 Photo ID: 034014 Photo ID: 034018 Photo ID: 034022 Photo ID: 034026 Photo ID: 034027 Photo ID: 034029

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Once Brewed: The Sill - National Landscape Discovery Centre Once Brewed: The Sill - National Landscape Discovery Centre No Data


The Sill is one of the main visitor centres for the Northumberland National Park. The centre tells a little of the history of national parks, as well as giving an explanation on the role they play. There is also an exhibition on the different landscapes and land uses in England.



Getting There

All AD122 services call at The Sil, taking about 35 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 54.99608; Longitude: -2.388103
What3Words: constrain.evolving.leaky


Photo ID: 033949 Photo ID: 033950 Photo ID: 033951 Photo ID: 033952 Photo ID: 033955 Photo ID: 033956 Photo ID: 033957

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Temple of Mithras Temple of Mithras English Heritage


A small temple, lying a short distance south of the wall halfway between Chester and Housesteads.



Getting There

All AD122 services call at Brocolitia car park, which is the closest stop to the temple, every hour, taking about 20 minutes to make the journey. From the bus stop it's about a 5 minute walk down to the temple.
Latitude: 55.033927; Longitude: -2.222617
What3Words: torched.physics.perfumes


Photo ID: 034001 Photo ID: 034003 Photo ID: 034004 Photo ID: 034005 Photo ID: 034006 Photo ID: 034007 Photo ID: 034008

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vindolanda: Museum Vindolanda: Museum No Data


One of the best excavated Roman sites in the country and the location of some of the most important finds about Roman life, including over 400 letter/post cards which tell about the daily life in the camp, including the famous Birthday invite which is the sole example of female handwriting from the Roman era in the world. Most of the letters are now kept at the British Museum in London, but there are still a few on display and the museum and site give a real feel for how life would have been like in Roman times.


Charge, Joint ticket for Vindolanda (Site and Museum) and the Roman Army Museum available

Getting There

The AD122 bus stops at Vindolanda on certain journeys, taking 40 minutes from Hexham
Latitude: 54.991513; Longitude: -2.357303
What3Words: dabbling.charcoal.successor


Photo ID: 033970 Photo ID: 033971 Photo ID: 033972 Photo ID: 033973 Photo ID: 033974 Photo ID: 033975 Photo ID: 033976

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vindolanda: Ruins Vindolanda: Ruins No Data


The ruins stretch across a large part of the site, with more excavations being carried out each year. Today most of the fort has been uncovered, along with a large part of the civilian Vicus next door to it.


Charge, Joint ticket for Vindolanda (Site and Museum) and the Roman Army Museum available

Getting There

The AD122 bus stops at Vindolanda on certain journeys, taking 40 minutes from Hexham
Latitude: 54.991214; Longitude: -2.360221
What3Words: bouncing.orange.heartache


Photo ID: 033961 Photo ID: 033962 Photo ID: 033967 Photo ID: 033968 Photo ID: 033986 Photo ID: 033990 Photo ID: 033999

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Walltown: Quarry Country Park Walltown: Quarry Country Park No Data


Originally a stone quarry beneath the large ridges that make up some of the most dramatic parts of the wall. Today the quarry has been turned into a pleasant country park with a kiosk and information centre.



Getting There

The AD122 bus stops at Walltown on all journeys. Some go direct taking 45 minutes, other services operate via Haltwhistle first and take about 70 minutes
Latitude: 54.987834; Longitude: -2.518147
What3Words: number.clicker.seats


Photo ID: 033941 Photo ID: 033942 Photo ID: 033943 Photo ID: 033944 Photo ID: 033945 Photo ID: 033946 Photo ID: 033947

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Walltown: Roman Army Museum Walltown: Roman Army Museum No Data


Located at the site of a Fort on Hadrian's Wall the museum explains what it would have been like to be a Roman soldier. The museum also has a birds-eye view of some key parts of the wall, including models of what the camps, forts and settlements along the line of the wall might have looked like.


Charge, Joint ticket for Vindolanda (Site and Museum) and the Roman Army Museum available

Getting There

The AD122 bus stops at Walltown on all journeys. Some go direct taking 45 minutes, other services operate via Haltwhistle first and take about 70 minutes
Latitude: 54.985704; Longitude: -2.522284
What3Words: noun.invisible.lengthen


Photo ID: 033938 Photo ID: 033939 Photo ID: 033940 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Corbridge Corbridge No Data


The modern day town of Corbridge lies about half a mile from the centre of the main Roman settlement. The small town centre is laid out round the small St Andrews Church, which includes a 14th century fortified vicarage - a reminder of the times when things were wild in this part of the border region.


Getting There

From Hexham there are hourly trains to Corbridge, taking about 5 minutes to make the journey, but the station is about a 10 minute walk from town. Alternatively the 10, X85 and X85 buses make the journey regularly taking about 10 minutes to reach the town centre
Latitude: 54.974057; Longitude: -2.019977
What3Words: including.workshops.dares


Photo ID: 033881 Photo ID: 033882 Photo ID: 033883 Photo ID: 033884 Photo ID: 033885 Photo ID: 033886 Photo ID: 033887

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Haltwhistle Haltwhistle No Data


Haltwhistle describes itself as the town at the centre of Britain. This isn't entirely correct, but it is at the midpoint on the wall, and is - along with Hexham - one of the main towns for accessing the wall from. The town itself has a pretty market square and a good range of shops.


Getting There

From Hexham there are two trains an hour Monday to Saturday and one an hour on Sunday, taking about 20 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively the AD122 bus runs via The Wall to Hexham taking about an hour
Latitude: 54.97036; Longitude: -2.460045
What3Words: taxpayers.among.worm


Photo ID: 033911 Photo ID: 033912 Photo ID: 033913 Photo ID: 033914 Photo ID: 033915 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2021), and on time of last update (04/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Peter's Church St Peter's Church No Data


St Peter's is no longer in use as a church, but as a site of worship since Saxon times it's an important part of Northamptons history



Getting There

Latitude: 52.236499; Longitude: -0.90343
What3Words: quarrel.swaps.debit


Photo ID: 005641 Photo ID: 005642 Photo ID: 005643 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2011), and on time of last update (20/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Berkhampsted: Castle Berkhampsted: Castle English Heritage


The ruins of a Norman castle, located just by the railway station. Not much of the castle remains, but the mound of the Motte is clearly identifyable and offers stunning views of the surrounding area from the top.



Getting There

From Northampton there are regular trains to Berkhampsted taking around 45 minutes. The castle is clearly visible from the station.
Latitude: 51.763869; Longitude: -0.559359
What3Words: pedicure.pricier.adjusting


Photo ID: 005650 Photo ID: 005651 Photo ID: 005652 Photo ID: 005653 Photo ID: 005654 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2011), and on time of last update (20/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bletchley: Bletchley Park Bletchley: Bletchley Park No Data


Located about 40 miles north of London, Bletchley park is an unassuming small stately home set in large grounds. It's also one of the most important places in World War II. It's here that the code breakers broke the Nazi's Enigma system and were able to read exactly what the Germans were thinking for the last part of the war. Today the site has reduced in size as a lot of the huts have gone, and several of those that reamin are in poor reapir, but the key hut - hut 8 where Alan Turing worked - has been preserved. The museums and exhibitions dotted around the site tell the history of the Code breakers as well as of spying in general.



Getting There

From Northampton there are regular trains to Bletchley taking around 25 minutes to make the journey. From the station it's a well signed, 100m or so walk to the entrance to the park
Latitude: 51.996587; Longitude: -0.742854
What3Words: rungs.cubes.before


Photo ID: 005645 Photo ID: 005646 Photo ID: 005647 Photo ID: 005648 Photo ID: 005649 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2011), and on time of last update (20/03/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brewhouse Yard Brewhouse Yard No Data


A collection of old buildings build onto (and into) the side of the hill that trace life in Nottingham through the ages from an Edwardian room to a Anderson Shelter and more


Free entry on weekdays, Small Charge at Weekends

Getting There

Latitude: 52.949294; Longitude: -1.152797
What3Words: spun.signal.jars
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2002), and on time of last update (29/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caves of Nottingham Caves of Nottingham No Data


Nottingham itself is built on Sandstone which is easy to dig and tunnel through. As such it is now littered with caves. One of the largest set is beneath one of the shopping centres. During the week an audio guided tour takes in all the aspects of the use of the caves from the earliest times up to their use in the war and their potential loss when the shopping centre was being planned. At weekends a guide takes you round the caves, and points out where you leave the cave system - but are still inside the concrete box of the shopping centre, with the face of the cliff that forms the caves clearly visible.


Charge. Joint ticket for the Caves and the National Justice Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 52.950202; Longitude: -1.147653
What3Words: lush.fool.sleeps


Photo ID: 021651 Photo ID: 021653 Photo ID: 021657 Photo ID: 021658 Photo ID: 021662 Photo ID: 021664 Photo ID: 021665

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/06/2002), and on time of last update (08/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Justice Museum (previously Galleries of Justice) National Justice Museum (previously Galleries of Justice) No Data


Located in the former main police station and Magistrates court this very engaging museum takes you through the history and processes of crime, detection, trial and punishment. You can participate in a trial in the original Victorian court room and explore the different cells of the jail, including the ones dug out of the rock.


Charge. Joint ticket for the Caves and the National Justice Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 52.950778; Longitude: -1.144236
What3Words: amuse.shop.form


Photo ID: 021666 Photo ID: 021667 Photo ID: 021668 Photo ID: 021672 Photo ID: 021673 Photo ID: 021674 Photo ID: 021677

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2002), and on time of last update (08/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Green's Mill Green's Mill No Data


A working windmill just outside the city centre. Well worth a visit to see a windmill in action. Small children's science museum also attached



Getting There

Latitude: 52.95208; Longitude: -1.129366
What3Words: sits.larger.budget


Photo ID: 000104 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/06/2002), and on time of last update (29/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Costume and Textile Museum of Costume and Textile No Data


A museum dedicated to costume and textiles and dealing heavily with the history of Lace, which Nottingham is also famous for


Free entry on weekdays, Small Charge at Weekends

Getting There

Latitude: 52.950829; Longitude: -1.151065
What3Words: almost.spell.arch


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2002), and on time of last update (29/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nottingham Castle Nottingham Castle No Data


Not a real castle more a mansion house. The original castle was levelled after the English civil war. However it does provide good views of the city. The castle itself has an interesting museum charting the history of Nottingham and a good art gallery. The gallery also has touring exhibitions. Also available is the tour of Mortimer's Hole, a cave that runs from the centre of the castle complex trough the hill to the bottom of the hill


Charge, Additional charge for the Mortimer's Hole tour

Getting There

Latitude: 52.949388; Longitude: -1.154605
What3Words: ears.museum.pace


Photo ID: 021642 Photo ID: 021643 Photo ID: 021679 Photo ID: 021680 Photo ID: 021682 Photo ID: 021683 Photo ID: 021687

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/06/2002), and on time of last update (08/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nottingham Ghost Tour Nottingham Ghost Tour No Data


Starting at Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem and ending in the caves beneath the Salutation inn this tour of some of the most haunted and grizzly sites in Nottingham is interesting and well presented by an informative tour guide



Getting There

Latitude: 52.951122; Longitude: -1.151805
What3Words: banana.factor.scar


Photo ID: 021648 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2002), and on time of last update (08/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Robin Hood Statue Robin Hood Statue No Data


Located just below the castle is the statue of Nottingham's most famous son



Getting There

Latitude: 52.950441; Longitude: -1.153408
What3Words: tags.thin.shot


Photo ID: 000103 Photo ID: 021644 Photo ID: 021645 Photo ID: 021646 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/06/2002), and on time of last update (08/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Mary's Church St. Mary's Church No Data


An interesting church on the close to the Galleries of Justice, well worth a look around


Discretionary donation (Gift aid available for UK tax payers)

Getting There

Latitude: 52.951143; Longitude: -1.142938
What3Words: props.slide.lobby


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2002), and on time of last update (29/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tales of Robin Hood Tales of Robin Hood No Data


***2017 Update - Attraction permanently closed*** A disappointing and childish dark ride your through the legend of Nottingham's most famous inhabitant. The sound quality in the carriage was bad so it was impossible to hear what was going on, could just have been my carriage, could have been the whole exhibition


Charge, Joint ticket for caves available

Getting There

Latitude: 52.951993; Longitude: -1.153146
What3Words: moment.than.search


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2002), and on time of last update (08/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newark: Castle Newark: Castle No Data


Whilst there is only one wall, some fragments of towers and parts of the gatehouse remaining, Newark Castle is still an impressive ruin set on the banks of the River Trent. During the summer months there are tours of both the towers and the dungeons. The gatehouse, one of the largest remaining parts of the castle, was the site where King John (he of the Robin Hood legends, and factually the Magna Carta) died in 1216 following a feast in the castle


Free to look round the grounds, charge in summer months for the tours

Getting There

Latitude: 53.077537; Longitude: -0.812411
What3Words: copying.myself.mega


Photo ID: 021692 Photo ID: 021700 Photo ID: 021703 Photo ID: 021704 Photo ID: 021707 Photo ID: 021708 Photo ID: 021709

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/01/2018), and on time of last update (08/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Southwell Minster Southwell Minster No Data


This is the main church for this area of Nottinghamshire and is a wonderful building with impressive towers and a understated but impressive interior


Discretionary donation (Gift aid available for UK tax payers)

Getting There

Latitude: 53.076851; Longitude: -0.954051
What3Words: vintages.bleak.puppy


Photo ID: 000101 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/06/2002), and on time of last update (29/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newark Newark No Data


A pleasant market town located on the banks of the River Trent and home to some impressive castle ruins. During the civil war the town was a key Royalist town and a Civil War walking trail runs around the centre of the town


Getting There

There are two stations in Newark - Newark Castle on the Nottingham to Lincoln line, and closest to the castle and centre of town, and Newark Northgate on the East Coast Mainline. Regular trains run from Nottingham to Newark Castle (with some also stopping at Newark Northgate) taking around 25 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively there are hourly buses from the centre of Nottingham taking around 50 minutes, and surprisingly costing more than the train for a return journey.
Latitude: 53.076202; Longitude: -0.809119
What3Words: steams.replenish.nurses


Photo ID: 021691 Photo ID: 021692 Photo ID: 021693 Photo ID: 021694 Photo ID: 021695 Photo ID: 021702 Photo ID: 021705

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/01/2018), and on time of last update (08/01/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mercer Art Gallery Mercer Art Gallery No Data


Located in the former Town Hall this small gallery houses a rotating display of works.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.994246; Longitude: -1.547044
What3Words: gifted.basin.tigers


Photo ID: 040474 Photo ID: 040475 Photo ID: 040477 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/05/2022), and on time of last update (22/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

RHS Harlow Carr Gardens RHS Harlow Carr Gardens No Data


Located on an estate on the edge of town that is located over a river valley the gardens include formal planting as well as a woodland walk and a couple of glass houses.



Getting There

From the centre of town there is a pleasant 2 mile walk through the Valley Gardens and then on a footpath to the gardens. Alternatively the number 6 runs to the Plantation Road bus stop every 30 minutes Monday to Saturday, hourly on Sunday, taking 9 minutes from where it's a 10 minute walk to the gardens.
Latitude: 53.982103; Longitude: -1.572536
What3Words: cover.nurse.judges


Photo ID: 040543 Photo ID: 040552 Photo ID: 040556 Photo ID: 040559 Photo ID: 040567 Photo ID: 040581 Photo ID: 040589

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/05/2022), and on time of last update (22/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Pump Room Museum Royal Pump Room Museum No Data


The pump room was built over four springs that come to the surface here. One of the springs was directed to a tap outside for the poor to use, but the Strong Sulphur well - which was deemed to have the best health giving qualities was fed into a well inside the building, where the best of society would come each day during the season to take the waters. Today the pump room houses an exhibition on the history of the spring water in Harrogate, which propelled the town past it's formerly much richer and more important neighbour Knaresborough. There are also small exhibits from the general museum collection including ancient Greek pottery and Egyptology.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.993477; Longitude: -1.546603
What3Words: system.pass.trick


Photo ID: 040464 Photo ID: 040466 Photo ID: 040468 Photo ID: 040470 Photo ID: 040471 Photo ID: 040472 Photo ID: 040473

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/05/2022), and on time of last update (22/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Turkish Baths Harrogate Turkish Baths Harrogate No Data


The last surviving intact Turkish Baths in the country, although they are Turkish in design they operate much more like a traditional Roman Baths where you can experience the different heat rooms, the steam room and the cold plunge pool, rather than the Hammam. I'm a sceptic, but even I after 2 hours moving between the different areas felt considerably more relaxed after my session. So relaxed in fact that I struggled to stay awake when I got back to the hotel, had an early night and one of the best nights sleep in a long time! The only way to look round the baths is to book for a session. Most sessions are mixed gender, but they do run occasional Ladies only or Gentlemen only sessions. It's advisable to book well in advance


Charge, advisable to book well in advance

Getting There

Latitude: 53.994483; Longitude: -1.544139
What3Words: bless.studio.quiet


Photo ID: 040458 Photo ID: 040459 Photo ID: 040460 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/05/2022), and on time of last update (22/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knaresborough: Castle Knaresborough: Castle No Data


The small remains of the tower and part of the outer wall of the castle overlook the town and the river



Getting There

Latitude: 54.006851; Longitude: -1.469464
What3Words: yelled.yacht.decks


Photo ID: 040489 Photo ID: 040490 Photo ID: 040491 Photo ID: 040493 Photo ID: 040494 Photo ID: 040498 Photo ID: 040499

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/05/2022), and on time of last update (22/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knaresborough: Mother Shipton's Cave Knaresborough: Mother Shipton's Cave No Data


The cave where Mother Shipton was born, it's pretty small and has a simple statue to its famous resident as well as a short audio explanation about the cave and the history. There's also a small exhibition on the cave, and the petrifying well in the gift shop


Charge, includes the Cave, Well and museum

Getting There

Latitude: 54.003626; Longitude: -1.471186
What3Words: uplifting.rescue.hamsters


Photo ID: 040505 Photo ID: 040527 Photo ID: 040528 Photo ID: 040529 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/05/2022), and on time of last update (22/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knaresborough: Petrifying Well Knaresborough: Petrifying Well No Data


As limestone rich water cascades over the rocks of this waterfall and into a small pool they deposit minerals on everything that comes in contact with them, turning teddy bears to stone in about three months. There's also a small exhibition on the cave, and the petrifying well in the gift shop


Charge, includes the Cave, Well and museum

Getting There

Latitude: 54.003576; Longitude: -1.470913
What3Words: inspected.motive.swept


Photo ID: 040513 Photo ID: 040515 Photo ID: 040518 Photo ID: 040521 Photo ID: 040522 Photo ID: 040526 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/05/2022), and on time of last update (22/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spofforth: Castle Spofforth: Castle English Heritage


The ruins of a medieval fortified mansion house built for the Percy family in the 14th century, but disused since the early 17th century. Part of the great hall was built into the natural rock landscape so a surprising amount of the structure has survived to the modern day



Getting There

From Harrogate two competing companies provide services to Spofforth. The Connexions Buses X70 runs every 30 minutes Monday to Friday and roughly hourly on Saturdays. Monday to Friday one bus each hour runs through the centre of the village and stops by the Castle, the other bypasses the village centre and stops a short walk away, journey time is 15 minutes for the service that bypasses the town and 20 minutes for the direct service. The Harrogate and District route 7 runs to the stop just beyond the village centre every 30 minutes Monday to Friday and hourly on both Saturday and Sunday.
Latitude: 53.954865; Longitude: -1.452411
What3Words: ideal.promote.intestine


Photo ID: 040423 Photo ID: 040427 Photo ID: 040429 Photo ID: 040433 Photo ID: 040435 Photo ID: 040438 Photo ID: 040446

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/05/2022), and on time of last update (22/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knaersborough Knaersborough No Data


Located on the River Nidd, just east of Harrogate, where the railway crosses the river on a stunning viaduct with a ruined castle overlooking the calm river, it's a picture postcard Yorkshire town. Until the discovery of the healing quality of the springs in Harrogate Knaresborough was the more important settlement - as shown by having a castle - but the roles were reversed within a few years of the spa craze taking off as Harrogate became the much more important town.


Getting There

There are half hourly trains from Harrogate to Knaresborough taking about 10 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively the many variations of the route 1 from Harrogate and District provide a bus service every 10 minutes Monday to Saturday (every 20 minutes on Sunday) taking around 20 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 54.007882; Longitude: -1.466868
What3Words: retina.linguists.drove


Photo ID: 040481 Photo ID: 040483 Photo ID: 040485 Photo ID: 040497 Photo ID: 040500 Photo ID: 040503 Photo ID: 040507

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2011), and on time of last update (22/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dorman Museum Dorman Museum No Data


The Dorman Museum is the main museum of Middlesbrough, with exhibitions on the development and life of the town both from pre-historical findings, but mostly from the founding of the town in the 1830's. There are several small rooms with changing temporary exhibitions



Getting There

From the centre of town it's a 15-20 minute walk straight down Linthorpe road from the city centre
Latitude: 54.564486; Longitude: -1.24094
What3Words: themes.feed.shots


Photo ID: 005176 Photo ID: 005177 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.



The Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art has a series of galleries with a changing programme of exhibitions demonstrating modern art from around the world. At the top of the building is a viewing gallery from which you can look over the centre of Middlesbrough



Getting There

Latitude: 54.574574; Longitude: -1.232722
What3Words: those.dinner.votes


Photo ID: 005178 Photo ID: 005179 Photo ID: 005180 Photo ID: 005181 Photo ID: 005182 Photo ID: 005183 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Temenos Temenos No Data


A new artwork from Anish Kapoor and Cecil Balmond installed at the start of 2010 in the Middlehaven regeneration site. Unfortunately at the time of visiting, it's still pretty much all there is in Middlehaven, the rest of the site being a wasteland of demolished buildings.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.580295; Longitude: -1.220984
What3Words: expert.latter.dozen


Photo ID: 005185 Photo ID: 005187 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Transporter Bridge Transporter Bridge No Data


One of only two left in the country (the other being in Newport, Wales), the transporter bridge offers a unique way of crossing the Tees, and is the defining sight on the Middlesbrough skyline.


Charge to cross

Getting There

Latitude: 54.584672; Longitude: -1.227787
What3Words: estate.dream.pool


Photo ID: 005184 Photo ID: 005186 Photo ID: 005188 Photo ID: 005189 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Transporter Bridge Visitors Centre Transporter Bridge Visitors Centre No Data


Located next to the winch room, the small museum tells the history of the bridge, along with details on how it works, and on similar structures around the world



Getting There

Latitude: 54.583479; Longitude: -1.228988
What3Words: hands.risks.weeks


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Durham: Cathedral Durham: Cathedral No Data


The Cathedral is a fine example of a Norman building and is situated in a stunning position on the top of the hill over looking the River Wear. Inside there are several exhibitions on the history of the Cathedral and it's work.


Suggested Donation to go in, Charge for the exhibitions

Getting There

Latitude: 54.773551; Longitude: -1.576238
What3Words: harp.hello.fully


Photo ID: 005214 Photo ID: 005217 Photo ID: 005219 Photo ID: 005220 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hartlepool: Maritime Experience Hartlepool: Maritime Experience No Data


The Maritime Experience is based in the historic docks, and shows what life would have been like both around the docks, and on board ship around the start of the 19th century. The site includes a 20 minute film on Press ganging, a 35 minute audio/visual presentation on life onboard a ship and occasional demonstrations of the fire power that sailors would have been carrying.


Charge, includes entrance to the Trincomalee

Getting There

Latitude: 54.690131; Longitude: -1.207573
What3Words: crowds.swaps.save


Photo ID: 005166 Photo ID: 005167 Photo ID: 005168 Photo ID: 005169 Photo ID: 005170 Photo ID: 005174 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hartlepool: Museum of Hartlepool Hartlepool: Museum of Hartlepool No Data


The museum tells the history of Hartlepool, from pre-history and Roman era through to the end of the Victorian era, with special exhibitions on some of the ships that were made in the Hartlepool shipyards before they closed. Moored up outside is an example of a Hartlepool built ship, the Paddle steamer, PSS Wingfield Castle, which you can wander around


Getting There

Latitude: 54.689871; Longitude: -1.206501
What3Words: bride.among.cube


Photo ID: 005174 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hartlepool: Trincomalee Hartlepool: Trincomalee No Data


The Trincomalee was ordered at the height of the Napoleonic wars and was built out in India as there was insufficient Oak left in the UK to build a warship of it's size. However, by the time the ship was completed, the wars were over and it wasn't needed, so it spent nearly 25 years in storage before being sent out on a couple of missions. By the middle of the 19th Century it had been converted to a training ship and remained as such until 1991 when she was taken out of service and sent up to Hartlepool. Today you can wander around her decks to see what life would have been like on a Napoleonic era warship.


Charge, included in the entrance to the Maritime Experience

Getting There

Latitude: 54.690317; Longitude: -1.206951
What3Words: swept.spots.bright


Photo ID: 005168 Photo ID: 005169 Photo ID: 005171 Photo ID: 005172 Photo ID: 005173 Photo ID: 005174 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pickering: Castle Pickering: Castle English Heritage


A 13th century hunting lodge, today only parts of the buildings and the outer walls survive. I visited in the October half term and the site was closed. It appears to only be open April to September, best to check with English Heritage before setting out


Charge, Free for English Heritage Members

Getting There

Latitude: 54.250208; Longitude: -0.776038
What3Words: alongside.surpassed.ever


Photo ID: 005212 Photo ID: 005213 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pickering: North Yorkshire Moors Railway Pickering: North Yorkshire Moors Railway No Data


The North Yorkshire Moors Railway offers a ride through stunning countryside over the Moors and down into Pickering at one end and Whitby the other. Only a couple of trains each day at the busiest times of the year go into Whitby, the rest of the time they terminate at Grosmont station.



Getting There

See the entry on Pickering for details about picking up the railway there, see the entry for Whitby about picking up the railway there. For Grosmont there are four or five direct trains a day from Middlesbrough, though the don't connect particularly well with the steam trains.
Latitude: 54.436069; Longitude: -0.72506
What3Words: scam.stockpile.cave


Photo ID: 005211 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitby: 199 Steps Whitby: 199 Steps No Data


Less a tourist attraction, more a torture, the 199 steps (or 198 or 200 or any other number between 190 and 210 depending on what you read!) lead up from the town centre to St Mary's church and the Abbey. In reality there are a pretty easy climb, and on the way up they offer stunning views across the town, the river and up the coast.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.488669; Longitude: -0.610836
What3Words: eyeful.splinters.hourglass


Photo ID: 005194 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitby: Abbey Whitby: Abbey English Heritage


The Abbey sits on top of the Eastern Cliffs, a brooding ruin overlooking the town and helping to give the haunting and slightly menacing feel that Bram Stoker was trying to portray in his books. Of course, visiting it on a lovely sunny day with a clear blue sky does slightly detract from the brooding nature. You can look around the site as it is taking in the information boards, or you can borrow an audio guide which does help with an explanation about the various uses of the site over time.


Charge, Free for English Heritage Members

Getting There

Latitude: 54.488327; Longitude: -0.607488
What3Words: comfort.condense.sweeper


Photo ID: 005195 Photo ID: 005196 Photo ID: 005197 Photo ID: 005198 Photo ID: 005199 Photo ID: 005200 Photo ID: 005201

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitby: Captain Cook Memorial Museum Whitby: Captain Cook Memorial Museum No Data


Located in the building where Cook had lodgings when he was in town as a trainee the museum is dedicated to everything Cook. It's also a fine example of what a Georgian Whitby ship-owners house would have looked like



Getting There

Latitude: 54.486644; Longitude: -0.611774
What3Words: tasteful.skin.station


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitby: Lighthouse Whitby: Lighthouse No Data


The lighthouse at the end of the West Pier is open to visitors to climb the 70 or so steps to the top for stunning views over the harbour, the cliffs, the abbey and back up the river Esk



Getting There

Latitude: 54.492851; Longitude: -0.612895
What3Words: awoken.lilac.pizzas


Photo ID: 005203 Photo ID: 005204 Photo ID: 005207 Photo ID: 005208 Photo ID: 005209 Photo ID: 005210 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitby: St Mary's Church Whitby: St Mary's Church No Data


Located next to the abbey, it is the graveyard of the church that features in some of the scenes from Bram Stoker's Dracula. Today the church is a tourist magnet, and inside it's difficult to remember that this is a place of worship due to the sheer number of people looking round.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 54.488987; Longitude: -0.60987
What3Words: complains.scooter.heightens


Photo ID: 005193 Photo ID: 005194 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitby: Whitby Town Tour Whitby: Whitby Town Tour No Data


The open-top hop-on-hop-off tour runs in a loop around the town, starting from the land end of the west pier the service runs up over the west cliffs before crossing over the river on the New Bridge for stunning views of the town, before climbing up to the Abbey, then descending back into the town centre and back to the pier. The on board live guide gives an interesting and witty commentary.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.490265; Longitude: -0.614548
What3Words: prevented.marching.doormat


Photo ID: 005202 Photo ID: 005204 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

York: Attractions York: Attractions No Data


For more information on attractions in York, please view the entry for York



Getting There

Latitude: 53.957904; Longitude: -1.082454
What3Words: scores.hiding.foster


Photo ID: 005225 Photo ID: 005226 Photo ID: 005227 Photo ID: 005228 Photo ID: 005299 Photo ID: 005230 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

York: City Sightseeing York: City Sightseeing No Data


A regular hop-on-hop-off service provided taking in the key sights in the city. Some tours are conducted with a "Live Guide" during the school holidays and the summer. For the remainder of the tours, and the rest of the year the tours are done with a recorded commentary



Getting There

Latitude: 53.962687; Longitude: -1.085643
What3Words: skip.inches.enable


Photo ID: 005221 Photo ID: 005222 Photo ID: 005223 Photo ID: 005224 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

York: River Cruise York: River Cruise No Data


An hours cruise along the Ouse, taking in the key sights from the river. A guided tour with a running commentary from the captain



Getting There

Latitude: 53.960296; Longitude: -1.087625
What3Words: ears.wiring.create


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Durham Durham No Data


Home to a stunning cathedral and a castle which houses one of Britain's top universities, Durham is a majestic, if slightly cramped, British town. With the town set around the gorge carved by the river Wear its spectacular natural location only adds to the power of the Norman buildings


Getting There

From Middlesbrough there are regular hourly buses to Durham, taking around an hour to make the trip
Latitude: 54.777178; Longitude: -1.575572
What3Words: fame.sleepy.submit


Photo ID: 005214 Photo ID: 005215 Photo ID: 005216 Photo ID: 005217 Photo ID: 005218 Photo ID: 005219 Photo ID: 005220

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hartlepool Hartlepool No Data


Once one of the most important ports in the country, today it's more well known for it's former MP (Lord Mandelson) and it's interesting attitude to Monkey's dressed in French uniforms. The town has undergone a major regeneration and at the time of visiting had just played host to the UK leg of the "Tall Ships Races" event.


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Middlesbrough taking around 30 minutes, alternatively there are buses every 30 minutes taking closer to an hour.
Latitude: 54.685815; Longitude: -1.209526
What3Words: agreed.cubs.mixer


Photo ID: 005167 Photo ID: 005168 Photo ID: 005172 Photo ID: 005174 Photo ID: 005175 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pickering Pickering No Data


Pickering is one of the key towns for the North Yorkshire Moors, providing easy access up onto the Moors either by bus, foot or steam train. The town itself has an impressive castle and a pleasant town centre


Getting There

From Middlesbrough it's a bit of a trek. The easiest way is to take the train to York and pick up the bus to Pickering, total journey time is around three hours. Alternatively, you can catch the bus or the train to Whitby and pick up the North Yorkshire Moors Railway to Pickering, journey time though is still around 3 hours and there are only a couple of trains a day from Whitby so it requires some careful planning.
Latitude: 54.246196; Longitude: -0.778785
What3Words: refrained.wagers.drummers


Photo ID: 005211 Photo ID: 005212 Photo ID: 005213 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitby Whitby No Data


Given that it only features in three chapters of the book, Whitby has milked the Dracula and Bram Stoker connections for all they are worth. Located at the mouth of the river Esk the town was an important port, it's ship building yards built the ships that James Cook sailed to discover Australia and it's Abbey housed nine saints. Today the links to the very real discoverer of foreign lands are slightly overshadowed by the links to a fictitious blood sucker, but it's still a very pleasant and very English seaside town.


Getting There

There are about four trains a day from Middlesbrough to Whitby taking just over 90 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively there are two different bus services. The 5X takes around 90 minutes and runs every 30 minutes. The 93 runs less frequently, but takes just over 70 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 54.485273; Longitude: -0.614572
What3Words: stolen.last.brother


Photo ID: 005191 Photo ID: 005192 Photo ID: 005202 Photo ID: 005205 Photo ID: 005206 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

York York No Data


At one point the second city of England, York is still an important centre of Religious life and a key link to Britain's past. A key Roman site, the Capital of the Viking empire in England and more recently one of the centres of the UK's Chocolate industry.


Getting There

From Middlesbrough there are hourly trains to York, taking around a hour to get there
Latitude: 53.961262; Longitude: -1.0852
What3Words: forgot.family.jukebox


Photo ID: 005221 Photo ID: 005222 Photo ID: 005223 Photo ID: 005224 Photo ID: 005225 Photo ID: 005228 Photo ID: 005229

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/10/2010), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Castle English Heritage


The ruins of the castle stand on the headland between the North and South bays and dominate the town centre. Only parts of the outer walls and the main tower survive, along with the outlines of a former Roman signal station that occupied the site nearly 2,000 years ago



Getting There

Latitude: 54.287606; Longitude: -0.389521
What3Words: digits.family.tinsel


Photo ID: 006489 Photo ID: 006490 Photo ID: 006492 Photo ID: 006495 Photo ID: 006497 Photo ID: 006499 Photo ID: 006500

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

North Bay Railway North Bay Railway No Data


The railway runs from the entrance of Peasholm park for around a mile to the aquarium at Scaby Mills, taking in scenic views of the park and the coast



Getting There

Latitude: 54.29299; Longitude: -0.41136
What3Words: jacket.mouth.silent


Photo ID: 006524 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Peasholm Park Peasholm Park No Data


The park includes a water drop ride, the north bay railway and the towns open-air theatre. It's also a pleasant place to take a stroll round


Free to enter the park, charges for attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 54.294044; Longitude: -0.41026
What3Words: crate.chairs.gear


Photo ID: 006523 Photo ID: 006524 Photo ID: 006525 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Regal Lady Cruise Regal Lady Cruise No Data


The cruise boat runs regular cruises out into the North sea, with an commentary from the captain



Getting There

Latitude: 54.282671; Longitude: -0.389349
What3Words: retail.probe.spray


Photo ID: 006528 Photo ID: 006529 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beverley: Minster Beverley: Minster No Data


A pretty church located in the centre of the town. If you time your arrival correctly you can go on a tour of the tower


Free to enter, charge for the tower, suggested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.83931; Longitude: -0.424583
What3Words: homecare.wriggle.knocking


Photo ID: 006519 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Helmsley: Castle Helmsley: Castle English Heritage


The spectacular ruins of the castle, partly destroyed at the end of the civil war to stop it being used again as a defensive fortress. Today kept as a picturesque ruin



Getting There

Latitude: 54.245011; Longitude: -1.064086
What3Words: crops.choppy.videos


Photo ID: 006532 Photo ID: 006533 Photo ID: 006534 Photo ID: 006535 Photo ID: 006536 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knaresborough: Castle Knaresborough: Castle No Data


The small remains of the tower and part of the outer wall of the castle overlook the town and the river



Getting There

Latitude: 54.006851; Longitude: -1.469464
What3Words: yelled.yacht.decks


Photo ID: 006546 Photo ID: 006548 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knaresborough: Mother Shipton's Cave Knaresborough: Mother Shipton's Cave No Data


The cave where Mother Shipton was born, it's pretty small and has a simple statue to its famous resident as well as a short audio explanation about the cave and the history. There's also a small exhibition on the cave, and the petrifying well in the gift shop


Charge, includes the Cave, Well and museum

Getting There

Latitude: 54.003626; Longitude: -1.471186
What3Words: uplifting.rescue.hamsters


Photo ID: 006552 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knaresborough: Petrifying Well Knaresborough: Petrifying Well No Data


As limestone rich water cascades over the rocks of this waterfall and into a small pool they deposit minerals on everything that comes in contact with them, turning teddy bears to stone in about three months. There's also a small exhibition on the cave, and the petrifying well in the gift shop


Charge, includes the Cave, Well and museum

Getting There

Latitude: 54.003576; Longitude: -1.470913
What3Words: inspected.motive.swept


Photo ID: 006550 Photo ID: 006551 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rievaulx Abbey Rievaulx Abbey English Heritage


The ruins of a once great abbey, destroyed following the dissolution of the Abbey's by Henry VIII.



Getting There

From Helmsley it's a three mile walk. Alternatively from Easter to the October half term Moorbus services operate three times on Wednesday and Sunday.
Latitude: 54.257454; Longitude: -1.1167
What3Words: defectors.flying.fails


Photo ID: 006537 Photo ID: 006538 Photo ID: 006539 Photo ID: 006540 Photo ID: 006541 Photo ID: 006543 Photo ID: 006545

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beverley Beverley No Data


A pretty East Yorkshire market town with it's minster and small market square


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Scarborough taking around am hour
Latitude: 53.842514; Longitude: -0.431643
What3Words: education.contexts.entertainer


Photo ID: 006519 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bridlington Bridlington No Data


A traditional east coast seaside town with the usual mix of sandy beaches, amusement arcades and a small fun fair, all closed up on a blustery day in late October, but home to some stunning fish and chips


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Scarborough taking around 30 minutes
Latitude: 54.081737; Longitude: -0.19299
What3Words: stall.tries.existence


Photo ID: 006516 Photo ID: 006517 Photo ID: 006518 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Filey Filey No Data


The small fishing port of Filey is odd in that it doesn't have a harbour. Instead the boats are towed into and out of the water on tractors, a very odd but interesting sight


Getting There

There are trains every hour taking around 15 minutes
Latitude: 54.209695; Longitude: -0.288949
What3Words: scuba.hotspots.cooks


Photo ID: 006511 Photo ID: 006512 Photo ID: 006513 Photo ID: 006514 Photo ID: 006515 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Helmsley Helmsley No Data


Located on the edge of the Moors, the town is the main hub for this part of the Moors area and home to a fine castle and a good selection of restaurants and cafes


Getting There

There are hourly buses from Scarborough, taking around 90 minutes
Latitude: 54.246259; Longitude: -1.061221
What3Words: cakes.albums.zapped


Photo ID: 006531 Photo ID: 006532 Photo ID: 006533 Photo ID: 006534 Photo ID: 006535 Photo ID: 006536 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Knaersborough Knaersborough No Data


Located on the River Nidd, just east of Harrogate, where the railway crosses the river on a stunning viaduct with a ruined castle overlooking the calm river, it's a picture postcard Yorkshire town


Getting There

From Scarborough you have to catch the hourly train to York (50-60 minutes) and change there for the hourly train to Knaresborough (25-30 minutes)
Latitude: 54.007882; Longitude: -1.466868
What3Words: retina.linguists.drove


Photo ID: 006547 Photo ID: 006549 Photo ID: 006553 Photo ID: 006554 Photo ID: 006555 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Robin Hood's Bay Robin Hood's Bay No Data


Part way between Whitby and Scarborough, Robin Hood's bay has stunning views out along the coast and postcard perfect winding steep lanes that lead down to the harbour.


Getting There

There are hourly buses from Scarborough, taking around 40 minutes
Latitude: 54.430352; Longitude: -0.532129
What3Words: unsigned.plays.searched


Photo ID: 006503 Photo ID: 006504 Photo ID: 006505 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitby Whitby No Data


For more information on attractions in Whitby, please view the entry for Middlesbrough



Getting There

There are hourly buses from Scarborough, taking around an hour
Latitude: 54.485273; Longitude: -0.614572
What3Words: stolen.last.brother


Photo ID: 006506 Photo ID: 006507 Photo ID: 006508 Photo ID: 006509 Photo ID: 006510 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

York York No Data


For more information on attractions in York, please view the entry for York



Getting There

There are hourly trains from Scarborough to York taking around 50 minutes. Alternatively there are hourly buses that take around 90 minutes.
Latitude: 53.961262; Longitude: -1.0852
What3Words: forgot.family.jukebox


Photo ID: 005221 Photo ID: 005222 Photo ID: 005223 Photo ID: 005224 Photo ID: 005225 Photo ID: 005228 Photo ID: 005229

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/10/2011), and on time of last update (14/11/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


Three large sections of the old city walls still remain. During daylight hours you can walk round on the top of the walls using the footpath



Getting There

Latitude: 53.958251; Longitude: -1.09108
What3Words: vanish.crash.busy


Photo ID: 026963 Photo ID: 027043 Photo ID: 027054 Photo ID: 027057 Photo ID: 027071 Photo ID: 027080 Photo ID: 027123

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2003), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Cruises York City Cruises York No Data


Boat tours along the River Ouse in the centre of York. Daytime tours include a live commentary on the key sights. Evening cruises also operate without commentary to see the city in the twilight



Getting There

Latitude: 53.956169; Longitude: -1.082802
What3Words: quarrel.risky.glove


Photo ID: 026975 Photo ID: 026977 Photo ID: 026979 Photo ID: 026981 Photo ID: 026984 Photo ID: 026987 Photo ID: 026989

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


The standard hop-on-hop-off open top bus tour. Live guides operate on about half of the services, otherwise there is a recorded commentary telling you about the key sights of the city. Tours start from Bootham Bar and run every 15-30 minutes taking around 50 minutes to do a full circuit.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.962677; Longitude: -1.085511
What3Words: taker.dive.cling


Photo ID: 026957 Photo ID: 026959 Photo ID: 026963 Photo ID: 026964 Photo ID: 026991 Photo ID: 026994 Photo ID: 027033

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Clifford's Tower Clifford's Tower English Heritage


Only remaining section of the former castle. Only the shell of the building now exists but with the spiral staircases to the top you can still walk round the ramparts.


Charge, Free for English Heritage members

Getting There

Latitude: 53.955865; Longitude: -1.08005
What3Words: pardon.cling.caked


Photo ID: 026990 Photo ID: 027019 Photo ID: 027020 Photo ID: 027021 Photo ID: 027035 Photo ID: 027039 Photo ID: 027041

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2003), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cold War Bunker Cold War Bunker English Heritage


Located in a residential district of the city this bunker was one of the control points that would have helped Britain to understand what was going on in the event of a Nuclear attack. The bunker can only be visited on a guided tour which takes place each hour.


Charge, Free for English Heritage members

Getting There

From the centre of York bus number 1 runs frequently to West Bank bus stop, located a short walk from the bunker. From the city centre the bus takes around 10 minutes.
Latitude: 53.956877; Longitude: -1.116796
What3Words: chemistry.spirit.rail


Photo ID: 026901 Photo ID: 026902 Photo ID: 026094 Photo ID: 026907 Photo ID: 026908 Photo ID: 026911 Photo ID: 026914

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2019), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ghost Detective Ghost Detective No Data


Starting from outside the Jorvik Viking Centre this is an amusing and informative walk that takes in the area around the Jorvik Centre as well as the rest of the centre of York.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.957433; Longitude: -1.080168
What3Words: print.hers.desire


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2003), and on time of last update (23/12/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ghost Hunt Ghost Hunt No Data


Following a levitating costumed guide round the alleyways and side streets of York. Starting from the top of the Shambles this is a humorous and informative walk.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.959879; Longitude: -1.080265
What3Words: mugs.begin.factor


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2003), and on time of last update (23/12/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ghost Trail Ghost Trail No Data


The poster happily proclaims that the costumed guide is "Equity Qualified" (Out of work Actor?) This witty walk starts from outside the Minster.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.961814; Longitude: -1.082057
What3Words: icons.really.cute


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2003), and on time of last update (23/12/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jorvik Viking Centre Jorvik Viking Centre No Data


In the exact spot where the largest find of Viking age artefacts has ever been made in the UK this museum come dark ride explains about the way the Vikings would have lived when they settled in York



Getting There

Latitude: 53.957436; Longitude: -1.080319
What3Words: chops.return.insist


Photo ID: 026915 Photo ID: 026917 Photo ID: 026918 Photo ID: 026920 Photo ID: 026921 Photo ID: 026922 Photo ID: 026927

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2003), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Railway Museum National Railway Museum No Data


Set in one of the old railway workshops this museum shows the history and (under-)development of the railways in Britain.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.960454; Longitude: -1.096079
What3Words: trying.tree.became


Photo ID: 005229 Photo ID: 005230 Photo ID: 027092 Photo ID: 027093 Photo ID: 027094 Photo ID: 027095 Photo ID: 027096

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2003), and on time of last update (28/10/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Richard III Museum Richard III Museum No Data


Set in the largest of the old gatehouses on the city walls - Monks Bar. This museum puts the case for and against Richard III being guilty of murdering his nephews so that he could become king. Once you have listened to all the evidence you can cast your vote on his guilt or innocence.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.96277; Longitude: -1.078548
What3Words: laws.trend.ramp


Photo ID: 026964 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2003), and on time of last update (23/12/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

York Art Gallery York Art Gallery No Data


Collection of paintings and sculptures from the cities archives. Including a collection of paintings from a local painter and 19th century activist.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.962941; Longitude: -1.086112
What3Words: stray.flat.habit


Photo ID: 026960 Photo ID: 027110 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2003), and on time of last update (23/12/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

York Brewery York Brewery No Data


Regular tours round the brewery including the option to taste some of the products.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.956895; Longitude: -1.090567
What3Words: cape.vase.tribune


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2003), and on time of last update (23/12/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

York Castle Museum York Castle Museum No Data


Set in the former Women's and Debtor's prisons this museum now houses a collection showing the changes in the way of life over generations in Yorkshire. Museum also includes the prison cell that highwayman Dick Turpin spent his last few weeks in.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.954974; Longitude: -1.078645
What3Words: drew.bind.loft


Photo ID: 000286 Photo ID: 027037 Photo ID: 027038 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2003), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

York Dungeon York Dungeon No Data


Dedicated to all that is grizzly and nasty about history from the Plague to witch burning, torture to Viking justice.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.956971; Longitude: -1.081877
What3Words: boss.fats.mock


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2003), and on time of last update (23/12/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

York Minster York Minster No Data


The largest medieval building this side of the Alps and with more medieval glass than the rest of the UK combined this is a simply massive structure. Display in the undercroft charts the history of the site from its start as a Roman military headquarters (still visible) through to the modern Minster.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.962357; Longitude: -1.082094
What3Words: rigid.public.friend


Photo ID: 026928 Photo ID: 026932 Photo ID: 026933 Photo ID: 026935 Photo ID: 026939 Photo ID: 026948 Photo ID: 026950

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2003), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

York Model Railway York Model Railway No Data


***2019 Update - NOW CLOSED*** Set in the former tea room of the station this display of model railway layouts can while away spare time whilst you wait for your own train.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.958421; Longitude: -1.092558
What3Words: mining.duck.frames


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2003), and on time of last update (16/06/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yorkshire Museum Yorkshire Museum No Data


Eclectic collection of artefacts in no real order showing the history of the city and the county.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.962631; Longitude: -1.086305
What3Words: luxury.hugs.asking


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2003), and on time of last update (23/12/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Banbury Cross Banbury Cross No Data


Famous from the Nursery rhyme all the Banbury crosses were destroyed in 1600, today a single cross remains, built to commemorate the marriage of Queen Victoria's eldest daughter.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.06013; Longitude: -1.340353
What3Words: achieving.shins.branded


Photo ID: 009171 Photo ID: 009186 Photo ID: 009187 Photo ID: 009188 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/05/2013), and on time of last update (21/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Banbury Museum Banbury Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the town, including lots of information about the Oxford Canal that passes underneath the museum itself with stunning views from the gallery down onto Tooley's historic boatyard and the main lock in the centre of town.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.063365; Longitude: -1.333592
What3Words: kind.rang.vets


Photo ID: 009191 Photo ID: 009192 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/05/2013), and on time of last update (21/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hook Norton: Brewery Hook Norton: Brewery No Data


The brewery has a small museum dedicated to the history of brewing at the site, as well as a small exhibition on Hook Norton itself. You can also go on a brewery tour round the production facilities ending with a tasting, but these do need to be booked well in advance


Free to look round the museum, charge for the tour

Getting There

Latitude: 51.996967; Longitude: -1.494076
What3Words: warms.heartless.juggle


Photo ID: 009197 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/05/2013), and on time of last update (21/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oxford: Castle Unlocked Oxford: Castle Unlocked No Data


The first major part of the castle was built by William the Conqueror in the 1070's and the site has been occupied ever since. For most of it's life it was a prison, only finally relinquishing that roll in 1996 when it was closed down as it was too expensive to fit toilets into the cells to end slopping out. Today the bulk of the prison has been converted into a hotel, but one wing of the prison, along with the oldest tower of the castle are open to the public.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.751793; Longitude: -1.262923
What3Words: slime.muddy.coins


Photo ID: 009205 Photo ID: 009210 Photo ID: 009225 Photo ID: 009226 Photo ID: 009228 Photo ID: 009229 Photo ID: 009230

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/05/2013), and on time of last update (21/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oxford: City Sightseeing Oxford: City Sightseeing No Data


Regular tours run around the city centre taking in all the main sights. All tours have multi-lingual commentary, with around half the services also offering a live guide.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.753622; Longitude: -1.26955
What3Words: ship.hints.ruler


Photo ID: 009198 Photo ID: 009200 Photo ID: 009204 Photo ID: 009209 Photo ID: 009211 Photo ID: 009213 Photo ID: 009215

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/05/2013), and on time of last update (21/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oxford: Colleges Oxford: Colleges No Data


Most of the Oxford Colleges allow visitors to wander around their quads and cloisters, though opening times vary dramatically, and some colleges close completely during exam periods


Most colleges charge a small entry fee

Getting There

Latitude: 51.754947; Longitude: -1.258074
What3Words: fend.comical.mock


Photo ID: 009206 Photo ID: 009207 Photo ID: 009216 Photo ID: 009218 Photo ID: 009223 Photo ID: 009224 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/05/2013), and on time of last update (21/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oxford: Walking Tour Oxford: Walking Tour No Data


Leaving from Broad street the 90 minute walking tour takes in many of the key sights in the city centre including the Bodleian library and several of the Colleges. The price of the tour includes the entrance fees to the Colleges so is a good way to see many of the central Colleges.


Charge, Free for 48 hour city sightseeing ticket holders

Getting There

Latitude: 51.754486; Longitude: -1.256669
What3Words: critic.paper.dined


Photo ID: 009217 Photo ID: 009218 Photo ID: 009220 Photo ID: 009221 Photo ID: 009222 Photo ID: 009223 Photo ID: 009224

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/05/2013), and on time of last update (21/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hook Norton Hook Norton No Data


Located in the rolling Cotswolds countryside the small village of Hook Norton is a perfect example of a small Cotswolds village. However, not all is as it appears as it's also home to an excellent brewery producing some very pleasant beers.


Getting There

Hourly buses run from Banbury bus station to Hook Norton taking around 30 minutes. There are no services on Sunday
Latitude: 51.995279; Longitude: -1.483841
What3Words: fruitcake.nibbles.printouts


Photo ID: 009196 Photo ID: 009197 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/05/2013), and on time of last update (21/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oxford Oxford No Data


One of the most visited cities outside of London, famous for it's dreaming spires and Inspector Morse, there's a lot more to Oxford, including many excellent museums


Getting There

There are at least two fast trains each hour from Banbury taking around 20 minutes. These are supplemented by less frequent stopping trains that take about 35 minutes.
Latitude: 51.751999; Longitude: -1.257795
What3Words: report.aims.fortunate


Photo ID: 009199 Photo ID: 009202 Photo ID: 009203 Photo ID: 009208 Photo ID: 009211 Photo ID: 009222 Photo ID: 009235

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/05/2013), and on time of last update (21/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ashmolean Museum Ashmolean Museum No Data


Originally founded from the collection of one man - Elias Ashmole - the museum is considered to be the first modern museum with it's creation. Over the years the collection has expanded significantly from the initial collection of curiosities to a wide ranging collection covering history and culture from across the planet. The museum also houses a fine collection of art and has a series of temporary exhibitions on it's upper floor (additional charge)



Getting There

Latitude: 51.755397; Longitude: -1.260067
What3Words: rate.tend.damage


Photo ID: 038331 Photo ID: 038332 Photo ID: 038333 Photo ID: 038337 Photo ID: 038338 Photo ID: 038340 Photo ID: 038350

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/02/2022), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bodleian Old Library Bodleian Old Library No Data


One of the oldest libraries in Europe and one of the oldest parts of the University. The Bodleian Library system now spans 28 libraries spread out across the city, but at the heart is the Bodleian Old Library, the original building. You can visit the courtyard of the building whenever it's open, but to go inside the library you either need to be a member of the library, or pay to go on a guided tour


Free to look around the courtyard, charge for a tour of the building

Getting There

Latitude: 51.75408; Longitude: -1.254313
What3Words: yard.hips.leans


Photo ID: 038268 Photo ID: 038304 Photo ID: 038305 Photo ID: 038306 Photo ID: 038308 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2022), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanic Gardens Botanic Gardens No Data


The gardens were built on the site of a former Jewish cemetery and now house a small garden and a couple of small greenhouses that have several different climate zones.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.750983; Longitude: -1.247682
What3Words: humble.brain.racks


Photo ID: 038242 Photo ID: 038360 Photo ID: 038362 Photo ID: 038364 Photo ID: 038365 Photo ID: 038366 Photo ID: 038367

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/02/2022), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Carfax Tower Carfax Tower No Data


Carfax Tower, or more correctly the tower of St Michaels Church, albeit the tower is the only surviving part of the building. The junction it overlooks is considered to be the very centre of Oxford and from the roof of the tower, a 99 step climb up some quite narrow stairs, the views over the city's dreaming spires and across towards the hills of the countryside beyond are breath-taking. The views are helped by the fact that no building in the centre of Oxford is allowed to be taller than the Carfax Tower so it's views are unobstructed. Slightly strangely the tower is operated by the local bus company using the City Sightseeing branding.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.751966; Longitude: -1.258141
What3Words: wells.finely.frame


Photo ID: 038249 Photo ID: 038310 Photo ID: 038311 Photo ID: 038312 Photo ID: 038313 Photo ID: 038314 Photo ID: 038315

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2022), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Christ Church Cathedral Christ Church Cathedral No Data


The chapel of the University. When Henry VIII refounded the college he decreed that the chapel would become the Cathedral for the diocese of Oxford, which it remains today - making it one of the smallest Cathedrals in the country. The cathedral includes the shrine to St Frideswide, linking it back to the original use of the site


Charge includes Christ Church College, Christ Church Cathedral and a multi-media guide

Getting There

Latitude: 51.750116; Longitude: -1.25469
What3Words: gladiators.tester.statue


Photo ID: 038384 Photo ID: 038385 Photo ID: 038386 Photo ID: 038387 Photo ID: 038388 Photo ID: 038389 Photo ID: 038390

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/02/2022), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Christ Church College Christ Church College No Data


Originally built by Thomas Wolsey as Cardinal College on the site of the former Priory of St Frideswide, the college was re-founded by Henry VIII as Christ Church College after Thomas fell out of favour. Despite that, many of the plans for the stunning buildings were retained and completed, albeit taking a couple of hundred years. The Grand Hall is one of the finest dining halls in the country and was used as the model for the hall in the Harry Potter movies, as well as featuring in many other films and TV programmes. Depending on the time of year parts of the College may be closed to visitors


Charge includes Christ Church College, Christ Church Cathedral and a multi-media guide

Getting There

Latitude: 51.74946; Longitude: -1.254455
What3Words: woof.cling.neat


Photo ID: 038284 Photo ID: 038371 Photo ID: 038374 Photo ID: 037375 Photo ID: 038380 Photo ID: 038381 Photo ID: 038383

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/02/2022), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


Regular tours run around the city centre taking in all the main sights. All tours have multi-lingual commentary, with around half the services also offering a live guide.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.753622; Longitude: -1.26955
What3Words: ship.hints.ruler


Photo ID: 038271 Photo ID: 038278 Photo ID: 038279 Photo ID: 038286 Photo ID: 038288 Photo ID: 038290 Photo ID: 038294

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2022), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Colleges Colleges No Data


Most of the Oxford Colleges allow visitors to wander around their quads and cloisters, though opening times vary dramatically, and some colleges close completely during exam periods. When I visited in February 2022 most of the Colleges were starting to re-open after being closed to visitors during the Covid-19 pandemic


Most colleges charge a small entry fee

Getting There

Latitude: 51.754947; Longitude: -1.258074
What3Words: fend.comical.mock


Photo ID: 038241 Photo ID: 038259 Photo ID: 038274 Photo ID: 038275 Photo ID: 038283 Photo ID: 038289 Photo ID: 038299

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/05/2013), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

History of Science Museum History of Science Museum No Data


Located in the original Ashmolean Museum building, this museum charts the history of scientific development from the earliest astrolabes and telescopes to the Covid-19 vaccine. Some key exhibits include the bed pans that the Oxford University team used to develop Penicillin into a viable antibiotic treatment and the blackboard used by Einstein when he gave a guest lecture at the university.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.754287; Longitude: -1.255434
What3Words: poet.stem.dawn


Photo ID: 038356 Photo ID: 038357 Photo ID: 038358 Photo ID: 035359 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/02/2022), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Natural History Museum Natural History Museum No Data


The university's natural history museum has a wide collection of artefacts from dinosaur skeletons and fossils through minerals and rocks to modern day animal skeletons accompanied by a large number of insects. The building itself is well worth the visit with its high glass roof and thin iron columns creating a beautiful internal space.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.758673; Longitude: -1.255567
What3Words: peanut.stem.leaps


Photo ID: 038317 Photo ID: 038318 Photo ID: 038319 Photo ID: 038320 Photo ID: 038321 Photo ID: 038322 Photo ID: 038323

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2022), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oxford Castle and Prison Oxford Castle and Prison No Data


The first major part of the castle was built by William the Conqueror in the 1070's and the site has been occupied ever since. For most of it's life it was a prison, only finally relinquishing that roll in 1996 when it was closed down as it was too expensive to fit toilets into the cells to end slopping out. Today the bulk of the prison has been converted into a hotel, but one wing of the prison, along with the oldest tower of the castle are open to the public which you can visit on a character guided tour.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.751793; Longitude: -1.262923
What3Words: slime.muddy.coins


Photo ID: 009205 Photo ID: 009210 Photo ID: 009225 Photo ID: 009226 Photo ID: 009228 Photo ID: 009229 Photo ID: 009230

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/05/2013), and on time of last update (21/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oxford Ghost Walk Oxford Ghost Walk No Data


A 75 minute walk round the centre of Oxford with some tales of the supernatural and historic. The tour has more of a literary bent that other tours I've been on.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.754488; Longitude: -1.256737
What3Words: wiped.danger.charm


Photo ID: 038265 Photo ID: 038267 Photo ID: 038268 Photo ID: 038269 Photo ID: 038270 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2022), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pitt-Rivers Museum Pitt-Rivers Museum No Data


Connected to the Natural History Museum the Pitt-Rivers museum showcases the universities collection of Ethnographic and archaeological artefacts. The museum is a crazy arrangement of glass cabinets all stuffed to the brim with artefacts laid out on the main floor with only narrow passageways between them - wandering round you fear you're going to make the whole lot come crashing down at any moment!


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.758882; Longitude: -1.255108
What3Words: swear.hulk.escape


Photo ID: 038324 Photo ID: 038325 Photo ID: 038326 Photo ID: 038327 Photo ID: 038328 Photo ID: 038329 Photo ID: 038330

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/02/2022), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Radcliffe Camera Radcliffe Camera No Data


The round reading room for the Bodleian library, located opposite the Bodleian Old Library and next door to the University church. Access into the building, unless you are a member of the University, is via a guided tour only.


Free to look around the outside, charge for a tour of the building

Getting There

Latitude: 51.753432; Longitude: -1.253992
What3Words: hulk.task.basis


Photo ID: 038256 Photo ID: 038260 Photo ID: 038261 Photo ID: 038307 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/02/2022), and on time of last update (01/03/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Walking Tour Walking Tour No Data


Leaving from Broad street the 90 minute walking tour takes in many of the key sights in the city centre including the Bodleian library and several of the Colleges. The price of the tour includes the entrance fees to the Colleges so is a good way to see many of the central Colleges.


Charge, Free for 48 hour city sightseeing ticket holders

Getting There

Latitude: 51.754486; Longitude: -1.256669
What3Words: critic.paper.dined


Photo ID: 009217 Photo ID: 009218 Photo ID: 009220 Photo ID: 009221 Photo ID: 009222 Photo ID: 009223 Photo ID: 009224

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/05/2013), and on time of last update (21/05/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

All Saint's Church All Saint's Church No Data


The towns parish church - open to look around


Getting There

Latitude: 52.671062; Longitude: -0.728616
What3Words: quicksand.dine.mixers


Photo ID: 033484 Photo ID: 033486 Photo ID: 033487 Photo ID: 033488 Photo ID: 033489 Photo ID: 033491 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Butter Cross Butter Cross No Data


Part of the town market place, and still home to the town stocks - no longer in use. The stocks are relatively unique in having five rather than four leg holes.


Getting There

Latitude: 52.670375; Longitude: -0.728141
What3Words: risky.budgeted.dragging


Photo ID: 033479 Photo ID: 033481 Photo ID: 033482 Photo ID: 033483 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle: Great Hall Castle: Great Hall No Data


The great hall of the castle is all that remains on site. This is open to the public on certain days, though on the day I attempted to visit it was closed for weddings.


Getting There

Latitude: 52.670956; Longitude: -0.727398
What3Words: crusher.occur.bicker


Photo ID: 033498 Photo ID: 033501 Photo ID: 033502 Photo ID: 033503 Photo ID: 033504 Photo ID: 033506 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle: Grounds Castle: Grounds No Data


The grounds of the former castle, clearly marked by the walls - which are collapsing in places. Inside most of the site has been cleared, apart from the great hall which stands off to one corner of the site.


Getting There

Latitude: 52.671051; Longitude: -0.726924
What3Words: interrupt.buns.sedative


Photo ID: 033496 Photo ID: 033497 Photo ID: 033499 Photo ID: 033500 Photo ID: 033502 Photo ID: 033506 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rutland County Museum Rutland County Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the county and local area with exhibits ranging from pre-historic to post World War II. There's also a large number of exhibits relating to farming and agricultural life



Getting There

Latitude: 52.668077; Longitude: -0.725459
What3Words: mastering.stars.niece


Photo ID: 033510 Photo ID: 033529 Photo ID: 033531 Photo ID: 033532 Photo ID: 033535 Photo ID: 033536 Photo ID: 033538

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rutland Flyers Rutland Flyers No Data


Running Monday to Saturday the Rutland Flyer buses cross the county linking Oakham to Melton Mowbray and Corby, both in Leicestershire. The RF1 runs the whole route roughly every hour, taking a relatively direct routing between Melton and Uppingham before diving off to serve some smaller settlements. Corby to Oakham takes about an hour with another 30 minutes onto Melton Mowbray. The RF2 starts in Oakham and takes a more circuitous route through some of the villages to the north of the town, reaching Melton after about an hour. In both cases the views of the countryside are stunning.


Charge - Network day ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 52.669731; Longitude: -0.732039
What3Words: peach.bandwagon.treaties


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Melton Mowbray: St Mary's Church Melton Mowbray: St Mary's Church No Data


The large parish church, with an imposing tower. The church itself is open limited hours to look around inside


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.763608; Longitude: -0.885943
What3Words: snaps.vest.spend


Photo ID: 033517 Photo ID: 033518 Photo ID: 033519 Photo ID: 033520 Photo ID: 033521 Photo ID: 033522 Photo ID: 033523

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Melton Mowbray: Ye Olde Pork Pie Shoppe Melton Mowbray: Ye Olde Pork Pie Shoppe No Data


The Melton Mowbray Pork Pie has protected status that means it can only be produced in the local area. The shop claims to be home to the best pies, and they certainly have a large stock that you can purchase from in a number of sizes.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.765322; Longitude: -0.887481
What3Words: sweat.lines.cube


Photo ID: 033515 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Normanton: Church Normanton: Church No Data


When Rutland Water was built in the 1970's two valleys had to be flooded, with a couple of villages destroyed in the process. Normanton Church stood on the very edge of where the reservoir would end, and so rather than being demolished a special concrete lining was created round the base of the church to protect it from flooding - leaving just the upper part of the church and the tower still above water level. From the church there are excellent views across Rutland Water



Getting There

From Oakham you need to take the RF1 bus into Uppingham (hourly, about 40 minutes) and change there onto the number 12 bus (every 2 hours, about 30 minutes), which stops by the car park for the Normanton part of the reservoir, from the carpark it's about a 10 minute walk to the church
Latitude: 52.646285; Longitude: -0.622989
What3Words: clearcut.fishery.mocked


Photo ID: 033542 Photo ID: 033543 Photo ID: 033545 Photo ID: 033546 Photo ID: 033548 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stamford: Burghley House Stamford: Burghley House No Data


The fine stately home was built for the Baron Burghley who was Lord High Treasurer to Queen Elizabeth I. Its a fine example of a Tudor palace built by someone with a lot of money and favour in high places. Today a small number of the rooms are open to the public during the summer months to look around - with vast amounts of paintings and treasures on display



Getting There

From Oakham take the train one stop to Stamford (hourly, about 15 minutes). From the station its about a mile and a half uphill walk, initially through the town and then through the park to the house.
Latitude: 52.642393; Longitude: -0.452001
What3Words: tweezers.cheaply.goodbye


Photo ID: 033562 Photo ID: 033563 Photo ID: 033568 Photo ID: 033572 Photo ID: 033574 Photo ID: 033580 Photo ID: 033587

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stamford: Burghley House Gardens of Secrets Stamford: Burghley House Gardens of Secrets No Data


A set of themed water gardens that house a number of hidden fountains or water jets that are activated as you walk nearby.


Charge, joint ticket with house available

Getting There

From Oakham take the train one stop to Stamford (hourly, about 15 minutes). From the station its about a mile and a half uphill walk, initially through the town and then through the park to the house.
Latitude: 52.642119; Longitude: -0.447164
What3Words: living.sketching.icons


Photo ID: 033595 Photo ID: 033596 Photo ID: 033597 Photo ID: 033599 Photo ID: 033601 Photo ID: 033603 Photo ID: 033605

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Melton Mowbray Melton Mowbray No Data


This small Leicestershire market town has styled itself as the Rural Capital of Food as it is home to both the Melton Mowbray Pork Pie and one of the few locations where Stilton can be produced. The compact town centre is based around the large market area, with the tower of the parish church presiding over the area.


Getting There

From Oakham there are hourly trains taking just over 10 minutes to make the journey (though it is then another 10 minute walk into town from the station). Alternatively the RF1 and RF2 buses take 30 and 60 minutes respectively to reach the centre of Melton Mowbray, though slower, the ride on the bus through the countryside is more interesting.
Latitude: 52.764679; Longitude: -0.887031
What3Words: rivers.straw.music


Photo ID: 033511 Photo ID: 033512 Photo ID: 033513 Photo ID: 033514 Photo ID: 033516 Photo ID: 033525 Photo ID: 033526

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stamford Stamford No Data


Stamford is a very pleasant Georgian market town, located just over the border in Lincolnshire.


Getting There

From Oakham there are hourly trains taking just over 10 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 52.652723; Longitude: -0.477381
What3Words: towers.barks.basic


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/07/2021), and on time of last update (05/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blists Hill Victorian Town Blists Hill Victorian Town No Data


A large part of the site are the original mine workings, canals and incline plane of this former industrial area, but it's also been added to with rebuilt Victorian buildings to give an impression of what life would have been like in the Victorian times when the Gorge was at the centre of the worlds workshop


Charge, Part of the Ironbridge Passport

Getting There

Latitude: 52.62911; Longitude: -2.451378
What3Words: chin.newest.dwarf


Photo ID: 006246 Photo ID: 006247 Photo ID: 006248 Photo ID: 006249 Photo ID: 006250 Photo ID: 006251 Photo ID: 006252

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coalport China Museum Coalport China Museum No Data


Located a short walk from the Tar tunnel the china museum tells the history of china manufacture in the Gorge, including demonstrations and large collections of some of the works created here.


Charge, Part of the Ironbridge Passport

Getting There

Latitude: 52.61882; Longitude: -2.451072
What3Words: target.manicured.logged


Photo ID: 006235 Photo ID: 006236 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Darby Houses Darby Houses No Data


The houses built for and lived in by successive generations of the Darby family


Charge, Part of the Ironbridge Passport

Getting There

Latitude: 52.641286; Longitude: -2.493886
What3Words: credited.collected.gladiator


Photo ID: 006254 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Iron Bridge Iron Bridge No Data


Perhaps the most famous Iron structure in the world, built to help bring staff into the Iron foundries of Colebrookdale today it's the centrepiece of the Gorge World Heritage Site



Getting There

Latitude: 52.627388; Longitude: -2.485523
What3Words: smug.folk.graph


Photo ID: 006231 Photo ID: 006241 Photo ID: 006244 Photo ID: 006257 Photo ID: 006259 Photo ID: 006265 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ironbridge Gorge Museums Ironbridge Gorge Museums No Data


10 museums dotted along the Gorge in a 6 mile area through Colebrookdale, Ironbridge, Jackfield, Borsley, Madeley and Coalport.


You can pay for each museum individually, or you can buy a passport that gives you unlimited access to the museums for a year, as well as free travel on the Gorge connect bus.

Getting There

The museums are quite spread out and from Blists Hill to The Derby houses it's a good five miles. On weekends during the summer the Gorge connect bus links the sites together every half hour. Outside of these times the Ironbridge, Toll House, and Museum of the Gorge are all located within walking distance in Ironbridge. 77 or 88 buses run up the hill from Ironbridge to Colebrookdale for the museums there. Jackfield is about a miles walk on the opposite side of the river from Ironbridge. Coalport can be reached by the infrequent 77 bus. Blists hill is a short walk from Madeley (77, 96, 99)
Latitude: 52.627647; Longitude: -2.484654
What3Words: churn.unwraps.remedy


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jackfield Tile Museum Jackfield Tile Museum No Data


Along with Iron and China the Gorge was also famous for it's ceramic tile production, perhaps the most famous commission for the tile works here was Covent Garden tube station in London, and the museum includes a mock-up of part of a station with the tiles recreated. You can also, during the week, walk round part of the factory which still works on this site producing tiles.


Charge, Part of the Ironbridge Passport

Getting There

Latitude: 52.623601; Longitude: -2.464403
What3Words: makeovers.pining.magazines


Photo ID: 006237 Photo ID: 006238 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Iron Museum of Iron No Data


Located in the grounds of the foundry where the successive generations of Abraham Darby's invented and then perfected the art of smelting using coke rather than charcoal which eventually lead to mass production and the creation of the Iron Bridge. The museum tells the history of the family. There's also an exhibition on some of the objects they created for the Great Exhibition


Charge, Part of the Ironbridge Passport

Getting There

Latitude: 52.639209; Longitude: -2.492952
What3Words: vibrate.jetliner.crockery


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of the Gorge Museum of the Gorge No Data


The museum tells the history of the Gorge, including a stunning model of the length of the gorge.


Charge, Part of the Ironbridge Passport

Getting There

Latitude: 52.629514; Longitude: -2.492244
What3Words: clarifies.snares.chiefs


Photo ID: 006259 Photo ID: 006260 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Furnace Old Furnace No Data


The birthplace of industry, it was in this furnace that the first Abraham Darby experimented with coke instead of charcoal as a fuel, and as a result created the conditions for cheap mass production of iron, and with it the Industrial Revolution



Getting There

Latitude: 52.640505; Longitude: -2.492738
What3Words: readjust.spout.fuel


Photo ID: 006253 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

River Cruise River Cruise No Data


Hourly cruises that run up and down the Severn including under the Iron Bridge.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.629312; Longitude: -2.493671
What3Words: safest.bombshell.pushing


Photo ID: 006255 Photo ID: 006256 Photo ID: 006257 Photo ID: 006258 Photo ID: 006259 Photo ID: 006260 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tar Tunnel Tar Tunnel No Data


Originally built to create an underground canal to link the coal fields on Blists hill to the River Severn during it's construction the miners hit a well of natural bitumen which still oozes from the walls of the tunnel. The idea of a canal was quickly abandoned (replaced by the next door impressive inclined plane) and the bitumen was extracted for a number of years.


Charge, Part of the Ironbridge Passport

Getting There

Latitude: 52.619986; Longitude: -2.452912
What3Words: enclosing.highbrow.dimension


Photo ID: 006232 Photo ID: 006233 Photo ID: 006234 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Toll House Toll House No Data


Located at the end of the bridge, until the 1950's the toll house collected the fees for crossing the bridge. Today it houses a small museum dedicated to the construction of the bridge and the people involved



Getting There

Latitude: 52.626899; Longitude: -2.485737
What3Words: firelight.rebounder.dogs


Photo ID: 006240 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bridgnorth: Castle Bridgnorth: Castle No Data


Very small remains of the former castle set inside landscaped gardens



Getting There

Latitude: 52.532139; Longitude: -2.419385
What3Words: backdrop.outsmart.thinking


Photo ID: 006296 Photo ID: 006297 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bridgnorth: Cliff Railway Bridgnorth: Cliff Railway No Data


One of the oldest funicular railways in Britain makes the (very) short journey from the riverside to the top of the hill



Getting There

Latitude: 52.534387; Longitude: -2.418226
What3Words: dining.packages.vibrating


Photo ID: 006298 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bridgnorth: Severn Valley Railway Bridgnorth: Severn Valley Railway No Data


A 16 mile stretch of Heritage rail line which has steam trains running along its length. The line follows the course of the Severn south to the Worcestershire town of Kidderminster



Getting There

Latitude: 52.53054; Longitude: -2.420565
What3Words: outfitter.camera.splashes


Photo ID: 006292 Photo ID: 006293 Photo ID: 006294 Photo ID: 006295 Photo ID: 006305 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shrewsbury: Abbey Shrewsbury: Abbey No Data


Only the church of the abbey still remains. The original abbey was built shortly after the Norman invasion and survived until the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.707585; Longitude: -2.743701
What3Words: gazed.sushi.intervals


Photo ID: 006278 Photo ID: 006279 Photo ID: 006280 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shrewsbury: Castle Shrewsbury: Castle No Data


The castle was built shortly after the Norman invasion, though what is standing today is an 18th century rebuild. The keep contains a regimental museum, though the grounds include Laura's tower on the old Norman mott which offers stunning views over the city and the Severn


Free to walk around the grounds and climb Laura's tower. Charge to go into the keep for the Regimental museum

Getting There

Latitude: 52.71104; Longitude: -2.74964
What3Words: plots.artist.thanks


Photo ID: 006280 Photo ID: 006281 Photo ID: 006282 Photo ID: 006283 Photo ID: 006284 Photo ID: 006285 Photo ID: 006286

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shrewsbury: Museum Shrewsbury: Museum No Data


The museum has an eclectic collection on the history, geology and natural history of Shrewsbury and the region. It includes an extensive collection of artefacts from Wroxeter as well and a large exhibition on one of Shrewsbury's most famous sons' Charles Darwin



Getting There

Latitude: 52.708596; Longitude: -2.757064
What3Words: supper.garage.sting


Photo ID: 006290 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shrewsbury: River Cruise Shrewsbury: River Cruise No Data


40 minute cruises up and down the Severn between the Welsh and English bridges and back, taking in the main sights



Getting There

Latitude: 52.709835; Longitude: -2.758405
What3Words: pushes.video.acid


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shrewsbury: St Chads Shrewsbury: St Chads No Data


The largest round church in the country and the location of both Charles Darwin's baptism and wedding


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.707348; Longitude: -2.75907
What3Words: dome.boot.mercy


Photo ID: 006273 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wroxeter Roman City Wroxeter Roman City English Heritage


At one point one of the most important cities in Roman Britain and a base for the Roman's, eventually successful, conquering of Wales. The site included a massive bath complex (which is the main part of the site still viewable).



Getting There

Monday to Saturday there are buses every two hours to Wroxeter, taking around 15 minutes.
Latitude: 52.674684; Longitude: -2.644293
What3Words: bank.jungle.bleaker


Photo ID: 006266 Photo ID: 006267 Photo ID: 006268 Photo ID: 006269 Photo ID: 006270 Photo ID: 006271 Photo ID: 006272

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bridgnorth Bridgnorth No Data


Located a few miles downstream from Ironbridge, Bridgnorth is the northern terminus of the Severn Valley Railway (which used to run through Ironbridge onto Shrewsbury). The town is built around a large rock outcrop on a bend in the Severn, with the small ruins of a castle on the top or "Upper Town".


Getting There

There are infrequent buses from Ironbridge to Bridgnorth that take around 30 minutes
Latitude: 52.535663; Longitude: -2.419792
What3Words: lazy.surfacing.lyrics


Photo ID: 006291 Photo ID: 006299 Photo ID: 006300 Photo ID: 006301 Photo ID: 006302 Photo ID: 006303 Photo ID: 006304

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shrewsbury Shrewsbury No Data


The county town of Shropshire, located on a horseshoe bend in the Severn and at one point forming the boundary between England and Wales. Today, the city centre still contains a large number of medieval buildings.


Getting There

Monday to Saturday there are buses every two hours to Shrewsbury taking around 40 minutes
Latitude: 52.707683; Longitude: -2.7542
What3Words: mount.snake.loud


Photo ID: 006274 Photo ID: 006275 Photo ID: 006276 Photo ID: 006277 Photo ID: 006287 Photo ID: 006288 Photo ID: 006289

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (27/08/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Abbey Abbey No Data


Only the church of the abbey still remains. The original abbey was built shortly after the Norman invasion and survived until the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.707585; Longitude: -2.743701
What3Words: gazed.sushi.intervals


Photo ID: 006278 Photo ID: 006279 Photo ID: 006280 Photo ID: 016247 Photo ID: 016249 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (29/11/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Castle No Data


The castle was built shortly after the Norman invasion, though what is standing today is an 18th century rebuild. The keep contains a regimental museum, though the grounds include Laura's tower on the old Norman mott which offers stunning views over the city and the Severn


Free to walk around the grounds and climb Laura's tower. Charge to go into the keep for the Regimental museum

Getting There

Latitude: 52.71104; Longitude: -2.74964
What3Words: plots.artist.thanks


Photo ID: 016237 Photo ID: 016242 Photo ID: 016244 Photo ID: 016245 Photo ID: 016248 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (29/11/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum Museum No Data


The museum has an eclectic collection on the history, geology and natural history of Shrewsbury and the region. It includes an extensive collection of artefacts from Wroxeter as well and a large exhibition on one of Shrewsbury's most famous sons' Charles Darwin



Getting There

Latitude: 52.707118; Longitude: -2.754742
What3Words: games.loser.raft


Photo ID: 006290 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (29/11/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

River Cruise River Cruise No Data


40 minute cruises up and down the Severn between the Welsh and English bridges and back, taking in the main sights



Getting There

Latitude: 52.709835; Longitude: -2.758405
What3Words: pushes.video.acid


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (29/11/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Chads St Chads No Data


The largest round church in the country and the location of both Charles Darwin's baptism and wedding


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.707348; Longitude: -2.75907
What3Words: dome.boot.mercy


Photo ID: 006273 Photo ID: 016226 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (29/11/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Much Wenlock: Wenlock Priory Much Wenlock: Wenlock Priory English Heritage


The ruins of a once might priory, destroyed after the reformation. An audio guide takes you round the site and tells you the history of the Priory and its destruction



Getting There

Latitude: 52.597336; Longitude: -2.555381
What3Words: spinning.pastels.jaundice


Photo ID: 016191 Photo ID: 016193 Photo ID: 016195 Photo ID: 016197 Photo ID: 016198 Photo ID: 016202 Photo ID: 016203

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/11/2015), and on time of last update (29/11/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Much Wenlock: Museum Much Wenlock: Museum No Data


Small museum located in the centre of town that has a collection of local history, geology and botany along with quite a large amount of information on the towns roll in the founding of the modern olympics


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.596024; Longitude: -2.557419
What3Words: smarter.agents.captions


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/11/2015), and on time of last update (29/11/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Welshpool: Powis Castle and Gardens Welshpool: Powis Castle and Gardens National Trust


Located on a ridge overlooking the town this impressive fortified stately home is open for the public to look around a limited number of the state rooms and to walk round the impressive gardens



Getting There

There are hourly (less frequent on Sundays) trains from Shrewsbury to Welshpool taking around 20 minutes to make the journey. From the station its around a 25 minute walk to the castle.
Latitude: 52.64981; Longitude: -3.161036
What3Words: duty.numeral.dominate


Photo ID: 016208 Photo ID: 016209 Photo ID: 016210 Photo ID: 016212 Photo ID: 016214 Photo ID: 016219 Photo ID: 016220

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/11/2015), and on time of last update (29/11/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wroxeter Roman City Wroxeter Roman City English Heritage


At one point one of the most important cities in Roman Britain and a base for the Roman's, eventually successful, conquering of Wales. The site included a massive bath complex (which is the main part of the site still viewable).



Getting There

Monday to Saturday there are buses every two hours to Wroxeter, taking around 30 minutes.
Latitude: 52.674684; Longitude: -2.644293
What3Words: bank.jungle.bleaker


Photo ID: 006266 Photo ID: 006267 Photo ID: 006268 Photo ID: 006269 Photo ID: 006270 Photo ID: 006271 Photo ID: 006272

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2011), and on time of last update (29/11/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Much Wenlock Much Wenlock No Data


Small town about halfway between Shrewsbury and Bridgnorth. Famous for holding its own Olympic games, long before the modern olympics were started


Getting There

Monday to Saturday there are hourly buses from Shrewsbury to the centre of Much Wenlock, taking around 30 minutes.
Latitude: 52.595836; Longitude: -2.557187
What3Words: waking.prowling.directive


Photo ID: 016192 Photo ID: 016194 Photo ID: 016196 Photo ID: 016199 Photo ID: 016200 Photo ID: 016204 Photo ID: 016205

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/11/2015), and on time of last update (29/11/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bath Abbey Bath Abbey No Data


Originally built at the end of the 15th Century, this Abbey had less than a century before Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries and it lost most of its importance. The church itself was restored to an important role by Elizabeth I, and today forms part of the architectural heart of the city, sat next to the Roman Baths. Inside the Abbey is bright from the vast number of windows that cover it's walls


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.381464; Longitude: -2.358767
What3Words: mild.gifts.anyone


Photo ID: 034421 Photo ID: 034422 Photo ID: 034423 Photo ID: 034424 Photo ID: 034425 Photo ID: 034509 Photo ID: 034549

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/03/2002), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Baths Baths No Data


The hot springs that rise in the centre of what is now Bath are the only hot thermal springs in the UK, and for bath loving Romans posted to this benighted end of the empire it must have been a relief to be able to experience Rome from Home. The waters have continued to flow through the centuries that followed, with the baths passing in and out of fashion. The baths themselves closed to bathing in the mid 20th century (though a new spa opened in the early 21st century close by). You can see the sacred spring bath where the water bubble to the surface and then flow into the Great Bath - the most photographed place in Bath. As you work your way through the complex the museum tells the history of the baths, along with many of the finds that have been discovered on the site. In the summer months the baths are open until after sunset, with flaming torches lit around the edge of the Great Bath and a bar to help you really find civilisation.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.38121; Longitude: -2.359545
What3Words: dream.host.photos


Photo ID: 034497 Photo ID: 034512 Photo ID: 034517 Photo ID: 034520 Photo ID: 034522 Photo ID: 034528 Photo ID: 034533

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/03/2002), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing: City Tour City Sightseeing: City Tour No Data


One of two tours operating in the city. This tour starts from the city centre and after taking a route through the very centre of the city it heads up to The Assembly Rooms, Royal Circle and Royal Crescent before returning back to the city centre. An English commentary tells you about the key sights and some facts and history about the city along the way.


Charge, ticket covers both tours

Getting There

Latitude: 51.381715; Longitude: -2.358884
What3Words: retire.lock.oiled


Photo ID: 034578 Photo ID: 034581 Photo ID: 034582 Photo ID: 034583 Photo ID: 034584 Photo ID: 034585 Photo ID: 034588

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2021), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing: Skyline Tour City Sightseeing: Skyline Tour No Data


One of two tours operating in the city. This tour starts from the city centre and then heads up into the hills for views down into Bath, the bus heads back into town via the American Museum and the National Trust Prior Park site before returning back over the impressive locks that the Kennett and Avon Canal climbs out of the city on. An English commentary is provided to tell you about the key sights.


Charge, ticket covers both tours

Getting There

Latitude: 51.3809; Longitude: -2.357462
What3Words: august.awake.reform


Photo ID: 034566 Photo ID: 034567 Photo ID: 034569 Photo ID: 034570 Photo ID: 034572 Photo ID: 034574 Photo ID: 034576

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2021), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hot and Cross Baths Hot and Cross Baths No Data


Now part of the modern Thermae Spa complex these are some of the original Georgian bath houses that were built during the heyday of the city. The buildings were refurbished when Thermae took them over and you can look into them when they are not in use (when they are being used the glass frosts over so you cant stare in!)



Getting There

Latitude: 51.380774; Longitude: -2.36139
What3Words: hardly.lowest.crisp


Photo ID: 034403 Photo ID: 034405 Photo ID: 034406 Photo ID: 034407 Photo ID: 034496 Photo ID: 034498 Photo ID: 034500

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2021), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Medieval Walls Medieval Walls No Data


A small fragment of the old medieval walls of Bath still remain, showing how small the original city was before the Georgians came along and turned it into their party capital



Getting There

Latitude: 51.38247; Longitude: -2.361465
What3Words: poem.crisis.bath


Photo ID: 034416 Photo ID: 034417 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2021), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

No 1 Royal Crescent No 1 Royal Crescent No Data


The house on the end of the crescent is now a museum. The house is set up to exactly resemble what the interior of a Georgian house would have looked like



Getting There

Latitude: 51.386551; Longitude: -2.367055
What3Words: abode.cans.proper


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/03/2002), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parade Gardens Parade Gardens No Data


Located down by the banks of the River Avon just below the Pulteney Weir these gardens are actually at the level of parts of the Roman and Medieval city - with the Georgians lifting up much of the surrounding city to help prevent flooding. The gardens house several statues, a bandstand and stunning views of the Pulteney Bridge and Weir



Getting There

Latitude: 51.381548; Longitude: -2.356788
What3Words: handed.trades.kings


Photo ID: 034596 Photo ID: 034597 Photo ID: 034598 Photo ID: 034599 Photo ID: 034600 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2021), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Postal Museum Postal Museum No Data


Supposedly the home of the first letter to be posted using a stamp this small museum on the postal service is worth a visit



Getting There

Latitude: 51.383381; Longitude: -2.359834
What3Words: spark.spout.youth


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/03/2002), and on time of last update (29/06/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pulteney Cruisers Pulteney Cruisers No Data


Starting from above the Pulteney Weir this 60 minute cruise heads upstream under the Pulteney Bridge and out into the countryside around Bath before reaching the Weir at Barthampton, where it turns round and returns back to the centre of Bath. A live commentary for part of the journey is provided.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.382801; Longitude: -2.357146
What3Words: others.shapes.spun


Photo ID: 034551 Photo ID: 034552 Photo ID: 034554 Photo ID: 034556 Photo ID: 034557 Photo ID: 034561 Photo ID: 034563

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2021), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

River Adventures - Boat and Walking Tour River Adventures - Boat and Walking Tour No Data


This 90 minute tour starts with a 30 minute sail up the Avon from a mooring near the bus station up to the Pulteney Weir, including the boat backing into the bottom of the weir for some amazing photos of the Pulteney Bridge, Weir and Grand Parade. The boat then returns to the mooring point from where a 60 minute walking tour starts. The tour takes you round the key sights in the city, and is a good way of getting your bearings as to where everything is.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.378053; Longitude: -2.362165
What3Words: lift.shaky.regime


Photo ID: 034393 Photo ID: 034395 Photo ID: 034403 Photo ID: 034406 Photo ID: 034408 Photo ID: 034410 Photo ID: 034417

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2021), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Circus Royal Circus No Data


Just along from the royal crescent the royal circus is a perfect circle of Georgian houses around a central circular park with several large trees in it. The Circus was designed by the father of the man who went on to design the Royal Crescent and is one of the defining architectural sites of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.385944; Longitude: -2.364045
What3Words: spoken.tune.shelf


Photo ID: 034581 Photo ID: 034594 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/03/2002), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Crescent Royal Crescent No Data


The first crescent to be built in the UK and one of the most impressive pieces of Georgian architecture. 30 houses in one sweep along the top of a ridge overlooking the centre of town. There is a small private (residents only) park immediately in front, but behind that there is a large green space - part of Royal Victoria Park - which offers excellent views of the full sweep of the curve.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.387022; Longitude: -2.36824
What3Words: songs.tiles.bumps


Photo ID: 034582 Photo ID: 034590 Photo ID: 034591 Photo ID: 034592 Photo ID: 034593 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/03/2002), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wells: Bishops Palace Wells: Bishops Palace No Data


The Bishops Palace is a large moated complex more like a fortress that the home of a man of religion. Once you've crossed the moat and entered through the gate house you are in the inner courtyard, which houses the main palace - parts of which can be visited - as well as a number of gardens that are both inside and outside of the fortifications. You can also climb up onto the fortifications and take in the views of the deer park, moat and on a clear day across to Glastonbury Tor.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.209147; Longitude: -2.643238
What3Words: merely.presuming.resists


Photo ID: 034464 Photo ID: 034470 Photo ID: 034476 Photo ID: 034478 Photo ID: 034484 Photo ID: 034486 Photo ID: 034493

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2021), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wells: Cathedral Wells: Cathedral No Data


This large cathedral dominates the town, and the surrounding area. Inside the large nave is left uncluttered by benches or chairs to show off the size of the space. You can also visit the cloister and the chapter house which is located on an upper floor, coming off of the stairs that climb up and over the road down into the Vicar's close (no access to Vicar's close from the cathedral).


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.210399; Longitude: -2.643506
What3Words: pumpkin.proudest.minute


Photo ID: 034426 Photo ID: 034428 Photo ID: 034430 Photo ID: 034432 Photo ID: 034434 Photo ID: 034436 Photo ID: 034440

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2021), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wells: Vicar's Close Wells: Vicar's Close No Data


The small medieval street of narrow houses is very picturesque and worth making the short detour round the edge of the cathedral to visit.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.211465; Longitude: -2.64369
What3Words: snooze.visitors.snoozing


Photo ID: 034444 Photo ID: 034445 Photo ID: 034446 Photo ID: 034447 Photo ID: 034448 Photo ID: 034449 Photo ID: 034451

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2021), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wells Wells No Data


Wells is a small cathedral city, seat of the Bishop of Bath and Wells, with an impressive cathedral, Bishops Palace and Market Place.


Getting There

From Bath the 172/173/174 buses run every 30 minutes Monday to Saturday (hourly on Sunday) via various routes to Wells, taking about 75 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 51.209433; Longitude: -2.645
What3Words: beefed.hockey.bring


Photo ID: 034439 Photo ID: 034450 Photo ID: 034455 Photo ID: 034457 Photo ID: 034459 Photo ID: 034460 Photo ID: 034495

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2021), and on time of last update (10/08/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Denbies Vineyard Denbies Vineyard No Data


The largest vineyard in the UK, accounting for 10% of all English vineyards. The estate has over 7 miles of walking routes including through footpaths and bridalways. The Chateau has a restaurant, gift shop and exhibition space.


Free to look around the exhibition space, charge for guided tours, free to walk around the estate if you stick to the footpaths

Getting There

Latitude: 51.247628; Longitude: -0.331449
What3Words: ripe.body.purple


Photo ID: 053973 Photo ID: 053975 Photo ID: 053982 Photo ID: 053989 Photo ID: 053991 Photo ID: 053993 Photo ID: 054006

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2024), and on time of last update (08/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Denbies: Secret Vineyard Tour Denbies: Secret Vineyard Tour No Data


A two hour tour around the estate, including a walk (or if it's pouring with rain the Land Train) up to the highest point on the estate for views over the vineyard. The tour includes four tastings of different Denbies wines



Getting There

Latitude: 51.247482; Longitude: -0.331493
What3Words: stores.clues.media


Photo ID: 053976 Photo ID: 053979 Photo ID: 053984 Photo ID: 053985 Photo ID: 053990 Photo ID: 053994 Photo ID: 054002

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/07/2024), and on time of last update (08/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum and Heritage Centre Museum and Heritage Centre No Data


Small museum and heritage centre that tells the history of Dorking from prehistoric through to modern day, with a focus on the geology and geography that helped form the towns location



Getting There

Latitude: 51.231811; Longitude: -0.333623
What3Words: send.score.reveal


Photo ID: 053901 Photo ID: 053903 Photo ID: 053904 Photo ID: 053905 Photo ID: 053907 Photo ID: 053908 Photo ID: 053909

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/07/2024), and on time of last update (08/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Box Hill: Box Hill Fort Box Hill: Box Hill Fort National Trust


Late 19th century fort, built as part of the final defensive line protecting London should the empire fall and an invasion force be making their way towards the capital. Today the building is locked up, but shutters have been left open so you can look inside


Getting There

Latitude: 51.249785; Longitude: -0.3144533
What3Words: level.props.depend


Photo ID: 053965 Photo ID: 053966 Photo ID: 053967 Photo ID: 053968 Photo ID: 053969 Photo ID: 053970 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/07/2024), and on time of last update (08/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Box Hill: Salomons Memorial Box Hill: Salomons Memorial National Trust


Almost at the top of Box Hill this view point looks out over the North Downs escarpment, Dorking and in the distance the South Downs. The memorial is dedicated to Leopold Salomons of Norbury Park who donated large parts of the land that make up Box Hill to the National Trust in 1914


Getting There

Latitude: 51.247517; Longitude: -0.31114
What3Words: noisy.flags.water


Photo ID: 053953 Photo ID: 053955 Photo ID: 053956 Photo ID: 053957 Photo ID: 053958 Photo ID: 053959 Photo ID: 053962

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/07/2024), and on time of last update (08/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Box Hill: Stepping Stones Box Hill: Stepping Stones National Trust


One of two routes across the River Mole, the other being a footbridge a few hundred meters downstream, allowing access onto the paths climbing up Box Hill. The stones can be slippery and when the waters are high some of the stones have water flowing over them.


Getting There

Latitude: 51.248812; Longitude: -0.321719
What3Words: dated.splice.ties


Photo ID: 053939 Photo ID: 053940 Photo ID: 053941 Photo ID: 053942 Photo ID: 053943 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/07/2024), and on time of last update (08/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brockham: Betchworth Castle Brockham: Betchworth Castle No Data


The ruins of a medieval manor house that has crumbled to just a few bit of walls - due to the state of the building you can't get onto the site, but the fence does allow you to get relatively close to the building.



Getting There

From Dorking take the 21 (every other hour Monday to Saturday) or 32 (hourly Monday to Saturday, every other hour on Sunday) bus to the Castle Gardens stop (about 10 minutes). Walk back along the road to the entrance to the golf course, and just on the left hand side is a public right of way heading over to the castle, it's about a 10 minute walk from the bus stop
Latitude: 51.237377; Longitude: -0.296108
What3Words: vision.level.boss


Photo ID: 053922 Photo ID: 053923 Photo ID: 053924 Photo ID: 053925 Photo ID: 053927 Photo ID: 053928 Photo ID: 053929

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/07/2024), and on time of last update (08/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Box Hill Box Hill National Trust


One of the highest points on the North Downs with views over the Surrey and Sussex Weald and the South Downs. There are also excellent views down into Dorking and along the rest of the North Downs Ridge


Getting There

From the centre of Dorking its about a mile to the Stepping Stones crossing of the River Mole and then a steep mile or so climb up to the sumit, the paths are mostly steps and are well maintained. Alternatively, from Dorking the Number 21 bus runs every two hours (Monday to Saturday, about 15-20 minutes) up to the visitors centre at the top of Box Hill from where it's pretty flat walking to most of the key sights at the top (and the cafe and toilets.)
Latitude: 51.24907; Longitude: -0.313054
What3Words: beans.secure.taker


Photo ID: 053932 Photo ID: 053934 Photo ID: 053944 Photo ID: 053945 Photo ID: 053947 Photo ID: 053951 Photo ID: 053952

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/07/2024), and on time of last update (08/07/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blind Bishops Steps Blind Bishops Steps No Data


Leading up to the Castle and Bishops Palace the steps were built for Bishop Fox who was blind for the last ten years of his life. The steps are arranged in sets of seven steps with seven paces between each flight of steps - making navigating them easier for someone with sight loss - although time, pedestrians, erosion and the changing shape of the land have made them less than even today.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.21807; Longitude: -0.803194
What3Words: profile.takes.quilt


Photo ID: 035535 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/09/2021), and on time of last update (12/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dragons Teeth Dragons Teeth English Heritage


Located behind Waverley Abbey these World War II anti-tank blocks were installed as a preventative measure. The area was one that the UK government identified could be at risk after invasion and the idea was to make bringing tanks up the river and onto land at this point impossible. For blocks of concrete that are now over 80 years old they have weathered well.



Getting There

From the centre of Farnham it's about a 2 mile walk to Waverley Abbey - the last mile or so being along a road with no walkway. Alternatively Monday to Saturday the number 46 bus runs every hour (times vary each hour) taking about 10 minutes to make the journey to Waverley Abbey. The Dragons Teeth are located at the very rear of the Abbey site, on the banks of the river
Latitude: 51.199233; Longitude: -0.759092
What3Words: snapping.purchaser.complies


Photo ID: 035480 Photo ID: 035481 Photo ID: 035482 Photo ID: 035483 Photo ID: 035484 Photo ID: 035485 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/09/2021), and on time of last update (12/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Farnham Castle Farnham Castle English Heritage


There's been a castle on this site since at least the 12th Century, though the ruins that are here today date from a later version of the castle. It's a stiff climb up to the top of the castle walls, but from the top there are excellent views across the site and the wider countryside. The attached Bishops Palace is open occasionally to look around, though not on the day I visited - they were hosting a wedding.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.219027; Longitude: -0.802517
What3Words: odds.procures.fairly


Photo ID: 035536 Photo ID: 035539 Photo ID: 035543 Photo ID: 035544 Photo ID: 035545 Photo ID: 035546 Photo ID: 035548

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/09/2021), and on time of last update (12/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Farnham Museum Farnham Museum No Data


Small museum located in an original Georgian building at the western end of town. The museum has exhibits on the history of Farnham from pre-history through to the modern day - at the time of visiting there was an exhibition on how local people had been dealing with the Corona Virus Lockdowns.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.213239; Longitude: -0.804517
What3Words: crest.thuds.slowness


Photo ID: 035521 Photo ID: 035522 Photo ID: 035523 Photo ID: 035524 Photo ID: 035525 Photo ID: 035526 Photo ID: 035527

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/09/2021), and on time of last update (12/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Waverley Abbey Waverley Abbey English Heritage


The ruins of the first Cistercian Abbey built in England, originally founded in the early 12th Century. The abbey grew and thrived over the centuries, but was already in decline when the reformation came along at which point the Abbey was closed down by Henry VIII and the lands sold off to one of his friends. The buildings eventually fell into ruins, and parts of the site have subsequently been lost to farms, but significant remains of the buildings still exist - in particular the dormitories and chapter house. You can download an audio guide from the English Heritage website that guides you round the site (the site itself is unstaffed, but had excellent 4G reception if you forget to download in advance)



Getting There

From the centre of Farnham it's about a 2 mile walk to Waverley Abbey - the last mile or so being along a road with no walkway. Alternatively Monday to Saturday the number 46 bus runs every hour (times vary each hour) taking about 10 minutes to make the journey to Waverley Abbey
Latitude: 51.199996; Longitude: -0.759557
What3Words: sprinter.envy.flat


Photo ID: 035462 Photo ID: 035463 Photo ID: 035466 Photo ID: 035470 Photo ID: 035474 Photo ID: 035477 Photo ID: 035490

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/09/2021), and on time of last update (12/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alton: Watercress Line Alton: Watercress Line No Data


The Mid-Hants Railway, also called the Watercress Line is a 10 mile heritage railway that runs from Alton to Alresford. The line was originally part of a through route from Winchester to London via Alton and Aldershot. The line between London and Alton via Aldershot and Farnham is still part of the national network, but following the Beeching cuts of the 1960s the line South of Alton was closed. The heritage railway was founded to try and save the line and return steam trains. Today the line runs from platform 3 at Alton station, providing cross platform interchange with the national rail network to the station at Alresford with intermediate stops at Medstead & Four Marks and Ropley, that latter also being home to the lines museum and a small miniature railway that can be ridden on.



Getting There

From Farnham trains run every 30 minutes to Alton, taking about 10-15 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 51.152055; Longitude: -0.966744
What3Words: automate.blacked.sprouting


Photo ID: 035551 Photo ID: 035556 Photo ID: 035581 Photo ID: 035587 Photo ID: 035608 Photo ID: 035613 Photo ID: 035620

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/09/2021), and on time of last update (12/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guildford: Castle Guildford: Castle No Data


Guildford Castle was built shortly after the Battle of Hastings in 1066 either by William the Conqueror or by one of his barons. Today just the Keep of the castle on top of it's mound, and small fragments of the outer walls and gate still exist. The moat and mound have been turned into a pleasant park and garden. From the base of the Keep there are excellent views over the surrounding countryside, and these are probably better from the top of the keep - though at the time of visiting the keep was still closed due to Covid restrictions.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.234291; Longitude: -0.572437
What3Words: before.prompting.jelly


Photo ID: 035491 Photo ID: 035492 Photo ID: 035493 Photo ID: 035494 Photo ID: 035496 Photo ID: 035499 Photo ID: 035505

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/09/2021), and on time of last update (12/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guildford: Museum Guildford: Museum No Data


A small museum located in a building at the foot of the castle mound. The museum tells the history of Guildford from pre-history through to the modern era. The main exhibits focus on the Saxon and Medieval era when Guildford Friary was an important feature of the town.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.233797; Longitude: -0.573463
What3Words: school.chain.shape


Photo ID: 035507 Photo ID: 035508 Photo ID: 035509 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/09/2021), and on time of last update (12/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guildford Guildford No Data


Regularly referred to as the county town of Surrey (though it's never been home to the County Council), home to both a university and a cathedral but not a city. Guildford has some evidence of prehistoric settlement, and there are some Roman tiles within the castle, but the main history of the town is from the Saxon period onwards. The keep of the Norman Castle being the main historical site in the town.


Getting There

There are regular trains from Farnham to Guildford (every 30 minutes Monday to Saturday; no service on a Sunday, taking about 25 minutes). The Number 65 bus runs directly between the two towns (roughly hourly Monday to Saturday; no service on a Sunday, taking about 25 minutes as long as there are no traffic delays on the A31 which is notorious for hold-ups). The Number 46 bus takes a less direct route via the countryside (roughly hourly Monday to Saturday; no service on a Sunday, taking about 75 minutes)
Latitude: 51.236439; Longitude: -0.570302
What3Words: proud.fine.faded


Photo ID: 035503 Photo ID: 035504 Photo ID: 035510 Photo ID: 035513 Photo ID: 035515 Photo ID: 035517 Photo ID: 035520

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/09/2021), and on time of last update (12/09/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lightbox: Woking Story's Lightbox: Woking Story's No Data


Located in the Lightbox complex next to the Basingstoke Canal this small museum tells the history of the town and it's development, in particular following the arrival of the railways. There are also exhibits on the nearby Brookwood cemetery



Getting There

Latitude: 51.321611; Longitude: -0.558928
What3Words: nobody.kinks.poet


Photo ID: 041221 Photo ID: 041223 Photo ID: 041224 Photo ID: 041225 Photo ID: 041226 Photo ID: 041228 Photo ID: 041229

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2022), and on time of last update (27/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brooklands: Concorde Experiece Brooklands: Concorde Experiece No Data


Concorde 003 was launched from Brooklands and became the testbed and trailing craft. She was the first aircraft in history to take 100 passengers through the speed of sound and with it gained the airworthiness certificate for the Concorde fleet. Today she's back where she was built as a visitor attraction. Former crew from the days of flying tell you a little about the aircraft, and allow access underneath the spectacular delta wing, before you head up inside the plane itself to sit in the seats and feel what it would have been like for the ultra rich as they shot across the Atlantic in barely three hours.


Additional Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 51.355214; Longitude: -0.46496
What3Words: pull.origin.melon


Photo ID: 041201 Photo ID: 041202 Photo ID: 041203 Photo ID: 041205 Photo ID: 041206 Photo ID: 041207 Photo ID: 041208

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2022), and on time of last update (27/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brooklands: London Bus Museum Brooklands: London Bus Museum No Data


Located on the Brooklands Museum site, but technically a separate museum. The museum houses a collection of former London Transport buses, from the earliest horse drawn omnibuses through to modern low floor double decker's and even demonstrator fully electric buses.


Free - entrance included in Brookwood Museum fee, Donation requested

Getting There

Latitude: 51.355756; Longitude: -0.464322
What3Words: wiped.volume.analogy


Photo ID: 041183 Photo ID: 041184 Photo ID: 041185 Photo ID: 041186 Photo ID: 041187 Photo ID: 041188 Photo ID: 041190

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2022), and on time of last update (27/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brooklands: Museum Brooklands: Museum No Data


Located at the top end of the site of the Brooklands Racetrack the museum tells the history of the site which was the worlds first motor racing circuit and a centre for car, motorbike and cycle racing, as well as for early aviation. During WWI and WWII the aircraft factories on the site churned out large numbers of planes to help the war effort - including fighters and bombers during WWII. After the war the site became an important part of the UK aviation sector, with 30% of Concorde manufactured on the site. Eventually all production closed down in the 1980s and soon after part of the original circuit and the Club House were turned into the museum.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.353501; Longitude: -0.465092
What3Words: index.calculating.stars


Photo ID: 041161 Photo ID: 041164 Photo ID: 041169 Photo ID: 041173 Photo ID: 041179 Photo ID: 041195 Photo ID: 041219

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2022), and on time of last update (27/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brooklands: Vintage Bus Ride Brooklands: Vintage Bus Ride No Data


Setting off from the London Bus Museum you can take a 20 minute ride on a vintage London Bus for a journey out of the museum, up through Weybridge town centre and then back to the museum.


Additional Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 51.355899; Longitude: -0.464413
What3Words: reds.steep.foster


Photo ID: 041189 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2022), and on time of last update (27/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Esher: Claremont Landscape Gardens Esher: Claremont Landscape Gardens National Trust


Formerly the playground of Dukes and Royalty today this is a pleasant garden with landscaped hills, an amphitheatre, large lake with a grotto and an island. A pleasant space to spend a couple of hours wandering around



Getting There

From Woking you need to catch either the train (regular, 10-15 minutes) to Guildford and then walk (10 minutes) to the bus station or the bus (34 or 35 at least hourly, about 30 minutes) directly to Guildford bus station and then change there onto the 715 bus (hourly Monday to Saturday, every 90 minutes on Sundays, around 40 minutes journey time) to Esher, West End Lane which is opposite the entrance to the gardens
Latitude: 51.356149; Longitude: -0.381099
What3Words: solid.themes.assume


Photo ID: 041253 Photo ID: 041259 Photo ID: 041262 Photo ID: 041270 Photo ID: 041278 Photo ID: 041281 Photo ID: 041297

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2022), and on time of last update (27/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wisley: RHS Wisley: RHS No Data


The main gardens of the Royal Horticultural Society showcasing garden design and plants from around the globe. There are large planted gardens as well as woodland walks and large orchard and kitchen gardens.



Getting There

From Woking you need to catch either the train (regular, 10-15 minutes) to Guildford and then walk (10 minutes) to the bus station or the bus (34 or 35 at least hourly, about 30 minutes) directly to Guildford bus station and then change there onto the 715 bus (hourly Monday to Saturday, every 90 minutes on Sundays, about 25 minutes journey time) to Wisley Lay By on the A3 from where it's a 10 minute walk to the main entrance
Latitude: 51.314514; Longitude: -0.473079
What3Words: mixed.employ.things


Photo ID: 041305 Photo ID: 041308 Photo ID: 041313 Photo ID: 041320 Photo ID: 041326 Photo ID: 041332 Photo ID: 041340

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2022), and on time of last update (27/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brooklands Brooklands No Data


The home of speed in the UK - location of the worlds first Motorsports Race Track and the home to a major part of the early aviation industry in the UK. Today large parts of the race track can still be seen, though the only access is from the Brooklands Museum.


Getting There

There 436 bus runs every 30 minutes (Monday to Saturday only) from Woking to the Brookwood Hotel, a short walk from the museum site, taking about 40 minutes to make the journey. Otherwise there are regular trains from Woking station to Weybridge station (about 10 minutes travel time), from there it's a 20 minute walk to the museums.
Latitude: 51.35111; Longitude: -0.467109
What3Words: fonts.tender.handy


Photo ID: 041168 Photo ID: 041172 Photo ID: 041180 Photo ID: 041194 Photo ID: 041198 Photo ID: 041218 Photo ID: 041220

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2022), and on time of last update (27/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Christchurch Mansion Christchurch Mansion No Data


This former stately home has been turned into the city's second museum, with a large exhibition space for temporary exhibits, as well as a tour through the house itself



Getting There

Latitude: 52.060626; Longitude: 1.158212
What3Words: orbit.over.metals


Photo ID: 033683 Photo ID: 033684 Photo ID: 033686 Photo ID: 033687 Photo ID: 033688 Photo ID: 033690 Photo ID: 033693

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ipswich Museum Ipswich Museum No Data


A fascinating local museum, still in the Victorian style of covering everything. In a small space it packs in not just local items but also a reasonable set of Egyptian and Roman displays. There's also the Victorian stuffed animal collection and the obligatory local geology collection.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.060628; Longitude: 1.150652
What3Words: waters.tester.cave


Photo ID: 033670 Photo ID: 033671 Photo ID: 033673 Photo ID: 033675 Photo ID: 033679 Photo ID: 033681 Photo ID: 033682

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2011), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Harbourside Old Harbourside No Data


Regenerated at the start of the 21st Century the harbour side is the focus for Ipswich's rebirth with trendy restaurants, hotels, bars and former warehouses converted into expensive flats. The marina contains a fair collection of very expensive looking boats.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.052682; Longitude: 1.1602
What3Words: gear.dame.risk


Photo ID: 005941 Photo ID: 005942 Photo ID: 005943 Photo ID: 005944 Photo ID: 005968 Photo ID: 005969 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2011), and on time of last update (27/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Mary's Blackfriars St Mary's Blackfriars No Data


The only substantial medieval ruins in the town, parts of the Dominican friary, now in the middle of a housing development



Getting There

Latitude: 52.055047; Longitude: 1.158194
What3Words: looks.icons.first


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2011), and on time of last update (27/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aldeburgh: Martello Tower Aldeburgh: Martello Tower No Data


The first (or last if you're heading north) of the 103 towers built in the early 19th century to defend the east and south coast of England from attack. Located at regular intervals along the coast from here at Aldeburgh all the way down to Seaford in East Sussex these forts never saw any action, with the threat from France already disappearing with the defeat of Napoleon within a couple of years of their completion. Today this Martello tower has been converted into a holiday home, so it can't be visited - but you can walk around the outside and, from the southern side, take in the views of geography in action as the land beyond here has all been created in the last couple of hundred years by longshore drift of eroded land from further up the coast being dumped here by the sea.


Getting There

The Martello tower is about a 20 minute walk south, along the seafront, from the centre of Aldeburgh
Latitude: 52.137559; Longitude: 1.597881
What3Words: nagging.foreheads.fruits


Photo ID: 033651 Photo ID: 033652 Photo ID: 033653 Photo ID: 033655 Photo ID: 033657 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aldeburgh: Moot House Museum Aldeburgh: Moot House Museum No Data


Located in the Tudor built town hall the museum tells the history of the town and the important role it used to play in English shipbuilding and fishing.


Getting There

Latitude: 52.154944; Longitude: 1.603121
What3Words: stopped.alternate.infringe


Photo ID: 033630 Photo ID: 033632 Photo ID: 033633 Photo ID: 033634 Photo ID: 033635 Photo ID: 033636 Photo ID: 033638

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aldeburgh: Slaughden Aldeburgh: Slaughden No Data


The small fishing village of Slaughden sat to the south of Aldeburgh. It's original location was on a spit of land that formed the entrance to the natural harbour that brough Aldeburgh it's wealth. Over time the river silted up which, combined with erosion from the north sea slowly narrowed the spit of land taking the village with it. The last traces of the village were washed away in the 1930s. Today nothing of the village remains - though the Martello tower remains as a reminder of where the end of the land used to be. Sign boards give some background to the village, and from here you're able to see the site of the river and north sea separated by a spit of land less than 100m wide.


Getting There

The site of Slaughden is about a 10 minute walk south, along the seafront, from the centre of Aldeburgh
Latitude: 52.141377; Longitude: 1.599126
What3Words: pinks.hotspots.arranged


Photo ID: 033644 Photo ID: 033646 Photo ID: 033648 Photo ID: 033654 Photo ID: 033660 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bury: Abbey Gardens Bury: Abbey Gardens No Data


The ruins of the once mighty abbey are set in peaceful gardens the form the centre of the town



Getting There

Latitude: 52.243845; Longitude: 0.718489
What3Words: feels.vitamins.gambles


Photo ID: 005952 Photo ID: 005953 Photo ID: 005954 Photo ID: 005955 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2011), and on time of last update (27/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bury: St Edmundsbury Cathedral Bury: St Edmundsbury Cathedral No Data


The modern Cathedral (with some parts having only been completed in the last couple of years). Inside it's light and bright with a stunning vaulted roof and stained glass.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.243897; Longitude: 0.716944
What3Words: gadget.offstage.embraced


Photo ID: 005949 Photo ID: 005950 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2011), and on time of last update (27/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Felixstowe: Landguard Fort Felixstowe: Landguard Fort English Heritage


Protecting the Harwich Haven there has been a fort on this site since the 16th Century. The bulk of the current fort dates from the 19th Century when it was heavily modernised. The fort saw active service right up until the 1950's. Protecting the entrance to the port at Harwich it's been an important site for the protection of the country from Tudor wars to WWII. Today most of the site is open and accessible for visitors to wander around.



Getting There

From the centre of Felixstowe it's around a two mile walk out along the headland to Landguard fort. Alternatively the 77 bus runs every hour during the day Monday to Saturday (and Sunday's in Summer) out to the fort. The 77 also runs direct from the centre of Ipswich
Latitude: 51.938789; Longitude: 1.32087
What3Words: roadblock.paddle.scribble


Photo ID: 005961 Photo ID: 005962 Photo ID: 056963 Photo ID: 005964 Photo ID: 005965 Photo ID: 005966 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2011), and on time of last update (27/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Framlingham: Castle Framlingham: Castle English Heritage


Impressive remains of this castle, with pretty much all of the curtain wall and towers still standing, though the inside of the site only houses the later workhouse buildings, with the medieval buildings having been cleared when the workhouse was created. You can take a walk round the top of the walls for stunning views over the castle and the landscape, or walk around the moat at the bottom for impressive views up the sheer stone walls of the outer fortifications.


Charge, Free for English Heritage members

Getting There

Latitude: 52.224262; Longitude: 1.346658
What3Words: sheep.chatting.iterative


Photo ID: 033791 Photo ID: 033793 Photo ID: 033795 Photo ID: 033797 Photo ID: 033805 Photo ID: 033808 Photo ID: 033817

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Southwold: Pier Southwold: Pier No Data


The pier is a compact example of the British seaside pleasure pier with several shops, cafes and games arcades on it. From the end there are good views back over the coast and town



Getting There

Latitude: 52.330411; Longitude: 1.686635
What3Words: happen.sport.modem


Photo ID: 033741 Photo ID: 033742 Photo ID: 033750 Photo ID: 033752 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Southwold: Walberswick Ferry Southwold: Walberswick Ferry No Data


This small rowing ferry crosses the River Blyth in Southwold harbour. Normally this forms part of a pleasant round walking route, but at the time of visiting the bridge used for the return leg was closed for repairs so the ferry was using motors and running an intense service to cover.



Getting There

From the centre of Southwold you can walk along the beach to the harbour where the ferry leaves from
Latitude: 52.316467; Longitude: 1.666887
What3Words: pens.describes.fully


Photo ID: 033767 Photo ID: 033768 Photo ID: 033776 Photo ID: 033777 Photo ID: 033778 Photo ID: 033779 Photo ID: 033781

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stowmarket: Museum of East Anglian Life Stowmarket: Museum of East Anglian Life No Data


This large ethnographic museum is located in the grounds of Abbots Hall in the centre of the town. A collection of buildings from around East Anglia have been reassembled onsite, including a number of large barns which house exhibits on the life and industry of the region. There is a small farm area with a collection of sheep, goats, pigs, horses and birds. There is also a focus on the role the travelling and gypsy community played in the farming life in the counties.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.186832; Longitude: 0.993548
What3Words: muscular.blackmail.riverbed


Photo ID: 033695 Photo ID: 033702 Photo ID: 033705 Photo ID: 033711 Photo ID: 033715 Photo ID: 033720 Photo ID: 033727

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Woodbridge: Museum Woodbridge: Museum No Data


A small museum, located down in the harbour area, that tells the history of the town and the surrounding area



Getting There

Latitude: 52.090303; Longitude: 1.319833
What3Words: sweetener.drifter.stuffing


Photo ID: 033842 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Woodbridge: Sutton Hoo Woodbridge: Sutton Hoo National Trust


In 1938 a dig took place in the suspected burial mounds close to Tranmer House. It was thought that Tudor grave robbers had emptied all of the burial mounds in the area, but that turned out not to be true, as the archaeologists uncovered one of the most important finds in British history, and the finest Anglo-Saxon burial site in the country. Today most of the actual treasures are held at the British Museum in London, but reconstructions and replicas of all of the finds, are on display in the High Hall exhibition, and you can still visit the burial grounds to see the mounds which housed the treasures.


Charge, Free for National Trust members

Getting There

From Ipswich take the number 64 bus to Melton (hourly about 45 minutes) or the train (hourly about 20 minutes) and then it's a 25 or so minute walk up hill to the site. Alternatively take the number 64 bus to Woodbridge (hourly about 40 minutes) and change there onto the number 71 bus which runs to the main entrance to the site (about every 2 hours, takes 11 minutes)
Latitude: 52.094511; Longitude: 1.341674
What3Words: present.firelight.cluttered


Photo ID: 033606 Photo ID: 033610 Photo ID: 033613 Photo ID: 033615 Photo ID: 033617 Photo ID: 033620 Photo ID: 033625

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Woodbridge: Tide Mill Museum Woodbridge: Tide Mill Museum No Data


There's been a mill on this site for around 900 years. The mill fell into disuse in the mid 20th century and was threatened with demolition. It was saved by the public, but much of the millpond was lost to a marina, so instead of the mill being able to be powered for four hours over low tide it can now only run for 30 minutes. Inside the mill there is an exhibition on how the mill runs - and it still does, producing flour for local bakers.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.090157; Longitude: 1.3210252
What3Words: upon.supporter.taxpayers


Photo ID: 033832 Photo ID: 033833 Photo ID: 033834 Photo ID: 033835 Photo ID: 033836 Photo ID: 033837 Photo ID: 033839

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aldeburgh Aldeburgh No Data


There is evidence of Roman settlement in the area where Aldeburgh is today. Due to the constant shifting nature of the coast around here the fortunes of Aldeburgh have risen and fallen with the tides. By the Tudor period the conditions had turned Aldeburgh into an important port on the North Sea, with a large fleet and an impressive town hall which still stands today. Over time the harbour silted up and fortunes of the town waned - though it survived, which is more than can be said for the fishing village of Slaughden - the final part of which was consumed by the sea in the 1930s


Getting There

The number 64 bus runs hourly from Ipswich to Aldeburgh, taking just under 2 hours to make the journey
Latitude: 52.154916; Longitude: 1.602144
What3Words: length.pages.radically


Photo ID: 033626 Photo ID: 033627 Photo ID: 033628 Photo ID: 033269 Photo ID: 033631 Photo ID: 033640 Photo ID: 033641

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bury St Edmunds Bury St Edmunds No Data


Located in West Suffolk Bury has been an important town for centuries, tracing it's routes back to early Saxon if not Roman times. It's the centre of Ecclesiastical life in this part of the country with it's massive (now ruined) Abbey complex.


Getting There

There are hourly trains to Bury, supplemented by an additional "fast" service every other hour. Journey times are between 25 and 35 minutes
Latitude: 52.246098; Longitude: 0.712405
What3Words: strut.winners.prune


Photo ID: 005951 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2011), and on time of last update (27/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Felixstowe Felixstowe No Data


On the opposite bank of the Stour from Harwich, Felixstowe is today an important port in it's own right, but it's also been a crucial location for the protection of the port of Harwich, with the fort at Landguard saving England's bacon on many occasions from Tudor times up until the second world war.


Getting There

There are regular buses from Ipswich to Felixstowe (about every 15 minutes, journey time 40 minutes). Alternatively there are hourly trains which take around 30 minutes.
Latitude: 51.963903; Longitude: 1.351554
What3Words: gates.kept.raft


Photo ID: 005966 Photo ID: 005967 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2011), and on time of last update (27/06/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Framlingham Framlingham No Data


Framlingham is a small market town, which has played an important part in the history of England, with monarch and powerful families regularly visiting. Today it's main claim to fame is it's stunning 12th century castle


Getting There

From Ipswich the 118/119 bus runs about every 2 hours, taking 45 minutes to make the journey. N.B. depending on the route the bus can depart from one of two different bus stops in Framlingham, so looking at the timetable at one may look like there are no departures for several hours.
Latitude: 52.221818; Longitude: 1.343546
What3Words: camper.meatball.cowboys


Photo ID: 033803 Photo ID: 033818 Photo ID: 033826 Photo ID: 033827 Photo ID: 033828 Photo ID: 033829 Photo ID: 033830

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lowestoft Lowestoft No Data


A former fishing town, there is little to fall in love with in Lowestoft. The journey to get here is pleasant through the southern Broads, but the towns one big claim to fame is that it's the most Easterly point in the UK. Whilst the train ride is worth the journey, there isn't much to see or do in the town, once you've gone as far East as you can.


Getting There

There are trains every hour from Ipswich direct to Lowestoft, taking about 90 minutes. Alternatively there are half hourly trains from Ipswich to Norwich where there are hourly trains to Lowestoft, this route also takes about 90 minutes depending on the connection in Norwich
Latitude: 52.474259; Longitude: 1.750689
What3Words: stem.slowly.sound


Photo ID: 005956 Photo ID: 005957 Photo ID: 033789 Photo ID: 033790 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2011), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Southwold Southwold No Data


Southwold is a pretty seaside town that's an almost perfect preservation of what a British seaside town before the advent of the package tour would have looked like.


Getting There

From Ipswich you need to take the hourly train to Lowestoft (90 minutes) and change there for a number 99 bus to Southwold (hourly, 50 minutes).
Latitude: 52.326007; Longitude: 1.679391
What3Words: soaks.afternoon.round


Photo ID: 033736 Photo ID: 033739 Photo ID: 033743 Photo ID: 033760 Photo ID: 033784 Photo ID: 033787 Photo ID: 033788

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stowmarket Stowmarket No Data


Stowmarket is a pleasant market town, the main highlight being the Museum of East Anglian Life, as well as a pretty town centre and an impressive station building.


Getting There

There are at least three trains an hour between Ipswich and Stowmarket taking about 15 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 52.187807; Longitude: 0.995318
What3Words: dreamers.stilted.tentacles


Photo ID: 033730 Photo ID: 033731 Photo ID: 033732 Photo ID: 033733 Photo ID: 033734 Photo ID: 033735 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Walberswick Walberswick No Data


Walberswick is a small, pretty village on the southern back of the River Blyth opposite Southwold Harbour. There is a pleasant village green and shops as well as tea rooms and a pub.


Getting There

From Ipswich you need to take the hourly train to Lowestoft (90 minutes) and change there for a number 99 bus to Southwold (hourly, 50 minutes). It's then a 20 or so minute walk down to Southwold harbour and across on the ferry to Walberswick
Latitude: 52.313231; Longitude: 1.663488
What3Words: tabs.instant.intricate


Photo ID: 033769 Photo ID: 033770 Photo ID: 033771 Photo ID: 033772 Photo ID: 033773 Photo ID: 033774 Photo ID: 033775

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Woodbridge Woodbridge No Data


Woodbridge is an historic market town located on the banks of the River Deben


Getting There

The number 64 bus runs every 30 minutes from Ipswich to Woodbridge (half the buses continue onto Aldeburgh), taking about 40 minutes to make the journey. Alternatively there are hourly trains on the Lowestoft line that take about 15 minutes.
Latitude: 52.095183; Longitude: 1.311948
What3Words: fades.crumples.lunge


Photo ID: 033831 Photo ID: 033832 Photo ID: 033838 Photo ID: 033839 Photo ID: 033844 Photo ID: 033848 Photo ID: 033850

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/07/2021), and on time of last update (15/07/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Doncaster Museum & Art Gallery Doncaster Museum & Art Gallery No Data


Impressive local museum with lots of information about the history of Doncaster and the local geology. The city's art gallery is located on the upper floor



Getting There

Latitude: 53.520458; Longitude: -1.127392
What3Words: ships.drain.occurs


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Conisbrough Castle Conisbrough Castle English Heritage


Significant ruin of a major Norman castle. The impressive keep is visible from the surrounding countryside and the views from the top of it are pretty spectacular as well. Films on each floor of the keep tell you a little about the family (the half brother of Henry II) built the castle.



Getting There

There are regular trains from Doncaster to Conisborough taking around 7 minutes. From the station it’s a stiff 10 minute walk up hill to the castle (which is well signed)
Latitude: 53.484394; Longitude: -1.226135
What3Words: phones.suitable.named


Photo ID: 018261 Photo ID: 018264 Photo ID: 018266 Photo ID: 018268 Photo ID: 018270 Photo ID: 018273 Photo ID: 018275

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Thornton Abbey Thornton Abbey English Heritage


Ruins of an Augustinian Abbey located near the Humber. The stunning gatehouse survives almost intact, but only small parts of the ruins of the Abbey survive



Getting There

From Doncaster take the hourly train towards Cleethorpes to Grimsby (just over an hour) and change there for the train to Thornton Abbey - note these trains are only every two hours - taking around 20 minutes. From the station the Abbey gatehouse is clearly visible and a path runs from the level crossing directly to it
Latitude: 53.655332; Longitude: -0.31399
What3Words: mainland.health.camps


Photo ID: 018228 Photo ID: 018231 Photo ID: 018238 Photo ID: 018244 Photo ID: 018248 Photo ID: 018251 Photo ID: 018254

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cleethorpes Cleethorpes No Data


Victorian seaside town with a small pier and a wide sandy beach. The usual selection of amusement arcades and donkey rides help to make this a very typical English seaside resort


Getting There

There are hourly trains from Doncaster to Cleethorpes taking around 75 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 53.557537; Longitude: -0.029527
What3Words: poster.leap.scan


Photo ID: 018211 Photo ID: 018213 Photo ID: 018215 Photo ID: 018217 Photo ID: 018219 Photo ID: 018221 Photo ID: 018223

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/11/2016), and on time of last update (20/11/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens No Data


Located on the edge of the city centre the Botanical Gardens provide a pleasant green lung and a welcome tranquil location in the city. The Victorian glasshouse is stunning both for its design and the plants on display inside. The rest of the gardens are laid out on a themed basis.



Getting There

From the centre of town several bus routes run out to the botanical gardens taking around 15 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 53.372669; Longitude: -1.498829
What3Words: rigid.loving.waddle


Photo ID: 007956 Photo ID: 007957 Photo ID: 007958 Photo ID: 007960 Photo ID: 007962 Photo ID: 007963 Photo ID: 007964

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The Cathedral has been built up from the former parish church on the location, with parts of the original 13th century church still visible. Inside the light stone work makes for a bright church which helps to show off the large amount of stained glass. The Cathedral was extended in the 1960's which added a lantern tower which has stunning stained glass in it.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.383128; Longitude: -1.469228
What3Words: orange.pies.stale


Photo ID: 007917 Photo ID: 007919 Photo ID: 007951 Photo ID: 007952 Photo ID: 007953 Photo ID: 007954 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Millennium Gallery Millennium Gallery No Data


Located next to the Winter Gardens the millennium galleries houses exhibition space for displays, along with a couple of permanent exhibitions on the cutlery and metal working traditions of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.37965; Longitude: -1.467496
What3Words: sends.issue.gravy


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Winter Gardens Winter Gardens No Data


The winter gardens are located near the famous Crucible theatre and offer a tropical glasshouse in the centre of the city, with palm trees stretching above the small café's and shops.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.379874; Longitude: -1.468112
What3Words: simple.never.tape


Photo ID: 007911 Photo ID: 007913 Photo ID: 007914 Photo ID: 007923 Photo ID: 007969 Photo ID: 007970 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Matlock Bath: Heights of Abraham Matlock Bath: Heights of Abraham No Data


Located on a peak overlooking the town the Heights of Abraham offer both stunning views and lots to do all included in the single ticket


Charge - Single ticket to all attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.12427; Longitude: -1.564575
What3Words: december.thud.throwaway


Photo ID: 007929 Photo ID: 007930 Photo ID: 007931 Photo ID: 007933 Photo ID: 007941 Photo ID: 007942 Photo ID: 007943

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Matlock Bath: Heights of Abraham - Cable Car Matlock Bath: Heights of Abraham - Cable Car No Data


Your journey to the site starts on the Cable Car which takes you up the 500m or so from the valley bottom to the top of the site. Part way up the cable car slows so that you can take in the great views (it's actually so another set of cars can load up, occasionally it actually stops if someone with reduced mobility is boarding)


Charge - Single ticket to all attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.124354; Longitude: -1.556765
What3Words: glassware.enclosing.slider


Photo ID: 007928 Photo ID: 007934 Photo ID: 007947 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Matlock Bath: Heights of Abraham - Great Masson Cavern Matlock Bath: Heights of Abraham - Great Masson Cavern No Data


Formed by hundreds of years of lead mining the caverns link together to make a spectacular cave system of which you only see a small amount on the guided tour.


Charge - Single ticket to all attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.124495; Longitude: -1.56571
What3Words: untruth.oils.icon


Photo ID: 007937 Photo ID: 007938 Photo ID: 007939 Photo ID: 007940 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Matlock Bath: Heights of Abraham - Great Rutland Cavern Matlock Bath: Heights of Abraham - Great Rutland Cavern No Data


The smaller of the two sets of caves on the site the cavern has a sound and light show inside which tells the story of what it was like to be a lead miner at the height of the mines workings.


Charge - Single ticket to all attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.123375; Longitude: -1.56413
What3Words: founding.pranced.zipped


Photo ID: 007944 Photo ID: 007945 Photo ID: 007946 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Matlock Bath: Heights of Abraham - Prospect Tower Matlock Bath: Heights of Abraham - Prospect Tower No Data


Located near the Cable car station you can climb the 50 or so steep steps to the top of the tower for stunning views out over Matlock and the surrounding Derbyshire countryside.


Charge - Single ticket to all attractions

Getting There

Latitude: 53.12432; Longitude: -1.563739
What3Words: downfield.instant.blast


Photo ID: 007932 Photo ID: 007935 Photo ID: 007936 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Matlock Bath Matlock Bath No Data


A popular spa town in Victoria times which attracted people to the sights on the Heights of Abraham and kept them entertained down in the town. Today it's still a popular holiday destination with many pubs, restaurants, amusement arcades and a couple of museums


Getting There

From Sheffield you need to take the train to Derby (30 minutes, frequent) and change their onto either a train (hourly, 30 minutes) or bus (every 15-30 minutes, 75 minutes) to Matlock Bath. The station is a very short walk across the river from the town centre.
Latitude: 53.120837; Longitude: -1.563116
What3Words: tells.takeovers.initial


Photo ID: 007948 Photo ID: 007949 Photo ID: 007950 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2012), and on time of last update (13/09/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gateshead: Angel of the North Gateshead: Angel of the North No Data


Pretty much the symbol for North Eastern England, the statue standing on a hillside just outside of the centre of Gateshead welcomes visitors into the city. It's 175 foot wing-span and slight lean forwards all the more impressive when you are up close



Getting There

From the city busses (currently 21 and 22) run out to the Angel. At the time of visiting all the buses had a big picture of the Angel on the side of them. You can't miss the Angel as you pass it. The stop is about 200m beyond the Angel, cross over the
Latitude: 54.914132; Longitude: -1.589531
What3Words: period.piano.parkland


Photo ID: 004073 Photo ID: 004074 Photo ID: 004075 Photo ID: 004076 Photo ID: 004077 Photo ID: 004078 Photo ID: 004079

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gateshead: BALTIC centre for contemporary art Gateshead: BALTIC centre for contemporary art No Data


The North East's premier modern arts complex, the Baltic has a continually changing programme of modern art displays and installations, free to enter and look around, some of the exhibitions ask for a donation for literature. The views from the viewing platforms at the top of the building are stunning, but the glass lifts might not be to everyone's taste!


Free, donation requested

Getting There

Latitude: 54.969362; Longitude: -1.597669
What3Words: necks.tuck.amber


Photo ID: 004011 Photo ID: 004100 Photo ID: 004101 Photo ID: 004102 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gateshead: Millennium Bridge Gateshead: Millennium Bridge No Data


Fast becoming one of the symbols of the city, the Millennium bridge is the newest crossing over the Tyne. It's party piece is its "Wink" that it does when it rises to let large ships through. Panels at each end of the bridge give the times of lifts for the week.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.969692; Longitude: -1.599069
What3Words: swim.pasta.popped


Photo ID: 004012 Photo ID: 004013 Photo ID: 004014 Photo ID: 004097 Photo ID: 004098 Photo ID: 004099 Photo ID: 004101

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gateshead: Sage Centre Gateshead: Sage Centre No Data


The North East's premier music venue, home to concerts, recitals and music education. From the galleries of this stunning building are equally stunning views across the river to Newcastle.


Free to look around, charges for events

Getting There

Latitude: 54.967782; Longitude: -1.602083
What3Words: trying.bubble.logs


Photo ID: 004022 Photo ID: 004100 Photo ID: 016068 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newcastle Gateshead: Bridges Newcastle Gateshead: Bridges No Data


Within a half mile stretch of the Tyne there are seven bridges, which create a backdrop for the city. The most famous, the Tyne Bridge was started at the same time as the Sydney harbour bridge by the same designer, but as it was smaller it finished first and can therefore claim to be the original. The low swing bridge which rotates round a central platform sits between the Tyne bridge and the double deck High level bridge, road and pedestrians below, trains above. With the exception of the Metro and the King Edward railway bridge you can walk across the rest (the high level bridge is limited to just buses in one direction and the Millennium bridge is pedestrians and bikes only)



Getting There

Latitude: 54.967444; Longitude: -1.607534
What3Words: finger.picked.bucked


Photo ID: 004010 Photo ID: 004105 Photo ID: 004108 Photo ID: 004020 Photo ID: 004021 Photo ID: 004103 Photo ID: 004105

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newcastle Gateshead: City Sightseeing Newcastle Gateshead: City Sightseeing No Data


An hour long tour of the centre of both Newcastle and Gateshead. The tour takes in all the key sights, including crossing the river twice, once in each direction so everyone can get a good view of the bridges.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.969358; Longitude: -1.615891
What3Words: canny.chef.school


Photo ID: 004096 Photo ID: 004143 Photo ID: 016061 Photo ID: 016062 Photo ID: 016064 Photo ID: 016065 Photo ID: 016067

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2009), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newcastle: Black Gate Newcastle: Black Gate No Data


The gateway to the castle, and part of the outer walls, now split from the castle by the railway line that runs straight through them



Getting There

Latitude: 54.969334; Longitude: -1.610758
What3Words: beard.resist.stream


Photo ID: 004025 Photo ID: 004114 Photo ID: 004125 Photo ID: 016077 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newcastle: City Walls Newcastle: City Walls No Data


Around the city there are still some substantial fragments of the city walls, built to protect the city from raids from the Scots, it wasn't until the thrones of England and Scotland were unified by James VI/I in 1603 that Newcastle could relax a little, and since then the walls have been left to decay to the few elements that remain today. Interestingly it took the city 100 years to build the two miles of walls around the centre, against the Romans taking less than 10 years to build the 80 or so miles of Hadrian's Wall



Getting There

Latitude: 54.971481; Longitude: -1.606563
What3Words: tame.scare.doors


Photo ID: 004128 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newcastle: Discovery Museum Newcastle: Discovery Museum No Data


The discovery museum has a strange mix of science and local history



Getting There

Latitude: 54.969227; Longitude: -1.624753
What3Words: snows.normal.proper


Photo ID: 004153 Photo ID: 004154 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newcastle: Great North Museum Newcastle: Great North Museum No Data


An strange mix of exhibits from stuffed animals to Egyptology via world cultures and, naturally for the area, Roman empire. The museum houses a large scale model of Hadrian's Wall running virtually the entire width of one of the rooms showing the topography and layout of the wall, starting with Arbeia at South Shields, and ending at Bowness-on-Solway



Getting There

Latitude: 54.98052; Longitude: -1.613177
What3Words: filled.flame.vine


Photo ID: 004144 Photo ID: 004145 Photo ID: 004146 Photo ID: 004147 Photo ID: 004148 Photo ID: 004149 Photo ID: 004150

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newcastle: Grey's Monument Newcastle: Grey's Monument No Data


Monument to the Northumberland born Prime Minister, creator of the reform bill that gave the right to vote to every man who owned property, but most widely known for his blend of tea!


Free to look around the outside, occasionally there are tours up the tower for which there is a charge

Getting There

Latitude: 54.973838; Longitude: -1.613145
What3Words: song.animal.slime


Photo ID: 004081 Photo ID: 004082 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newcastle: New Castle Newcastle: New Castle No Data


The building that gave the city it's name. Parts of the castle have been lost over time, with the main perpetrator being the railway line which runs right past the edge of the keep. The Great Hall and many of the rooms survive, and from the roof there are stunning views (though the crenulations were added in the 19th century as the castle wasn't thought to look castle-like enough!)



Getting There

Latitude: 54.968842; Longitude: -1.610334
What3Words: splash.video.bars


Photo ID: 004107 Photo ID: 004108 Photo ID: 004109 Photo ID: 004110 Photo ID: 004111 Photo ID: 004112 Photo ID: 004113

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Newcastle: St Nicholas Cathedral Newcastle: St Nicholas Cathedral No Data


The Anglican cathedral of the city, located near the castle.


Free, donation requested

Getting There

Latitude: 54.970089; Longitude: -1.611155
What3Words: backed.scam.area


Photo ID: 004121 Photo ID: 004122 Photo ID: 004123 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alnwick: Castle Alnwick: Castle No Data


The home of the Percy Family, Dukes of Northumberland for centuries and more recently home to the Harry Potter movies, Alnwick castle has been remodelled many times over the years and today the state rooms look much more comfortable and family oriented than in lots of other stately homes. You follow a route around the state rooms but you can explore the grounds of the castle and take part in a number of activities (additional costs) including broomstick riding.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Castle and Gardens available

Getting There

Latitude: 55.415773; Longitude: -1.706045
What3Words: quit.exchanges.inventors


Photo ID: 015946 Photo ID: 015947 Photo ID: 015950 Photo ID: 015955 Photo ID: 015956 Photo ID: 015958 Photo ID: 015959

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2015), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alnwick: Gardens Alnwick: Gardens No Data


The restored castle gardens include an impressive cascade, bamboo maze and an interesting Poison Garden for which you have to go on a free guided tour - to make sure you don't accidently kill yourself.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Castle and Gardens available

Getting There

Latitude: 55.413914; Longitude: -1.70054
What3Words: treatment.survive.robot


Photo ID: 015925 Photo ID: 015926 Photo ID: 015931 Photo ID: 015933 Photo ID: 015939 Photo ID: 015944 Photo ID: 015945

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2015), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bamburgh: Castle Bamburgh: Castle No Data


The impressive castle stands on a cliff dominating this part of the Northumbrian coast. With the wide sandy beaches and dunes on a sunny day it's a beautiful location. The castle is still lived in, but you can visit most of the main rooms as well as exploring the grounds.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.60904; Longitude: -1.710685
What3Words: swerves.shun.visions


Photo ID: 015976 Photo ID: 015977 Photo ID: 015983 Photo ID: 015987 Photo ID: 015993 Photo ID: 015997 Photo ID: 015999

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2015), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beamish Museum Beamish Museum No Data


Living history museum that houses a number of collections of buildings recounting life in the North at various time from the Georgian era through to the Second World War. The large site is linked together using trams and buses making getting around easy. Key sights include a 1900's town, the chance to go down a drift mine, take a ride on an example of the first type of train in the world and experience a war time farm.


Charge, Discount if you present a valid bus ticket

Getting There

From Newcastle the 28 and 28A run a combined 30 minute service taking between 50 and 60 minutes to get to Beamish, buses run right to the main entrance
Latitude: 54.881788; Longitude: -1.65843
What3Words: income.compounds.twinkling


Photo ID: 016027 Photo ID: 016029 Photo ID: 016033 Photo ID: 016037 Photo ID: 016040 Photo ID: 016048 Photo ID: 016050

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/09/2015), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Craster: Dunstanburgh Castle Craster: Dunstanburgh Castle National Trust and English Heritage


The ruins of a former major castle on low cliffs overlooking the North Sea. Today part of one tower, the gatehouse and a section of curtain wall remain standing.



Getting There

From Craster its about a mile and a half walk through fields to the castle - it’s a clearly marked path and on a sunny day busy
Latitude: 55.489303; Longitude: -1.595021
What3Words: outlast.lifeguard.sweetly


Photo ID: 016012 Photo ID: 016014 Photo ID: 016016 Photo ID: 016018 Photo ID: 016019 Photo ID: 010621 Photo ID: 016023

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2015), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hadrian's Wall: AD122 Bus Hadrian's Wall: AD122 Bus No Data


Running almost the length of the wall (it ignores the bit from Wallsend into Newcastle), the bus runs from the centre of Newcastle to the centre of Carlisle, coming away from the wall to serve the train stations at Hexham and Haltwhistle. During the height of the tourist season a couple of the buses include a live guide who gives a running commentary on the sights visible along the route, as well as giving an insight into life on the Romans' most troublesome frontier.



Getting There

***2015 Update*** There are no longer direct buses from Newcastle, instead you need to take a Number 10 or X85 bus from Eldon Square bus station to Hexham where they connect with the AD122 bus. Alternatively, you can catch a train from Newcastle to Hexham (additional charge) and pick up the bus there.
Latitude: 54.969342; Longitude: -1.61602
What3Words: units.moment.venue


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2009), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hadrian's Wall: Chesters Hadrian's Wall: Chesters English Heritage


Chesters fort straddles Hadrian's Wall, the only fort to do so, the forward third of the fort being north of the wall. The site also includes the most complete Roman army bath house in the country. The small museum includes some of the spectacular finds found on the site



Getting There

The only realistic way of reaching Chesters by public transport is on the AD122 bus which runs between Hexham and Haltwhistle.
Latitude: 55.026023; Longitude: -2.139469
What3Words: joystick.clock.moats


Photo ID: 004046 Photo ID: 004047 Photo ID: 004048 Photo ID: 004049 Photo ID: 004050 Photo ID: 004052 Photo ID: 004053

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2009), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hadrian's Wall: Corbridge Roman Site Hadrian's Wall: Corbridge Roman Site English Heritage


Built prior to the creation of Hadrian's Wall, the site was originally on the Stanegate which ran to Carlisle and was built to supply the army. With the creation of the wall some 40 years later some of it's importance was lost as a fort, but instead it became a supply base and a place for off-duty soldiers to head to. The small museum houses a collection of some of the finds made on the site



Getting There

From Newcastle there are hourly trains to Corbridge, taking about 35 minutes, it's then a 30 or so minute walk into the town centre and then back out again to the site.
Latitude: 54.978229; Longitude: -2.029424
What3Words: impose.prouder.clockwork


Photo ID: 004068 Photo ID: 004069 Photo ID: 004070 Photo ID: 004071 Photo ID: 004072 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2009), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hadrian's Wall: Housesteads Hadrian's Wall: Housesteads National Trust and English Heritage


Sitting high on a crag the fort falls back down the hillside. From the top of the fort you have stunning views over the land on either side, and a formidable position from which to defend your empire.



Getting There

The only realistic way of reaching Housesteads by public transport is on the AD122 bus which runs between Hexham and Haltwhistle.
Latitude: 55.013531; Longitude: -2.330346
What3Words: wiggles.innocence.stuck


Photo ID: 004055 Photo ID: 004056 Photo ID: 004057 Photo ID: 004058 Photo ID: 004059 Photo ID: 004060 Photo ID: 004061

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2009), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hexham: Abbey Hexham: Abbey English Heritage


This impressive abbey dominates not only the town but the surrounding countryside.



Getting There

From Newcastle there are regular trains to Hexham taking around 40 minutes.
Latitude: 54.971635; Longitude: -2.102637
What3Words: mailings.glitz.slang


Photo ID: 004064 Photo ID: 004065 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Prudhoe: Castle Prudhoe: Castle No Data


Located on a hill overlooking the Tyne Valley the castle helped to defend this part of the country during the worst of the wars between the Scots and English. The site has been permanently occupied from Norman times through to the modern day, though much of the castle keep has disappeared when it was used as farm buildings prior to being turned into a manor house in the 19th Century



Getting There

From the centre of Newcastle there are two trains an hour to Prudhoe (they continue to Hexham), taking around 20 minutes. From the station you need to walk up the hill to the castle. If you exit the car park by the road to the left hand side, this takes you up to the main road opposite a flight of stairs that get you most of the way.
Latitude: 54.965149; Longitude: -1.858578
What3Words: kennels.doubts.rigs


Photo ID: 004115 Photo ID: 004116 Photo ID: 004117 Photo ID: 004118 Photo ID: 004119 Photo ID: 004120 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

South Shields: Arbeia South Shields: Arbeia No Data


The final point on the Hadrian's Cycle Way, and arguably the final point on the extended line of Hadrian's Wall (The wall itself is from Wallsend east of Newcastle to Bowness-on-Solway west of Carlisle, but the extended line taking into account supply sites, forts and baths etc., runs from Arbeia across the Tyne, along the length of the wall and down the Cumbrian coast to the bath houses at Ravenglass. The site includes a reconstruction of what the west gate house, the barracks and commanding officers house might have looked like. The small museum shows some of the finds from the site.


Free, donation requested

Getting There

It's about a mile from the Shields ferry to Arbeia, following the cycle path signs, you can cut the distance in places by taking steps up the switchbacks, rather than walking all the way up the road
Latitude: 55.004352; Longitude: -1.431098
What3Words: oasis.luck.orbit


Photo ID: 004030 Photo ID: 004031 Photo ID: 004033 Photo ID: 004034 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

South Shields: City Sightseeing: South Tyneside South Shields: City Sightseeing: South Tyneside No Data


***2015 Update - Tour no longer running*** An hour long tour running along the coast taking in the main sights before heading inland towards Bedes World and Catherine Cookson country.



Getting There

The tour starts from a bus stop by the Shields Ferry, and then stops at the Market and Metro station before heading off. From the centre either go to South Shields Metro station, or North Shields and catch the ferry (the latter a more impressive way to arrive!)
Latitude: 54.996493; Longitude: -1.438764
What3Words: regime.tester.fans


Photo ID: 004026 Photo ID: 004028 Photo ID: 004029 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2009), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

South Shields: Marsden Bay South Shields: Marsden Bay No Data


A natural cove in the coast, which was turned into a man-made grotto through the use of dynamite! Today the caves house a bar and a restaurant, but there is also a sandy beach and a huge limestone rock which is home to a large number of seabirds


Free to go down the lift to the beach, if you want to look around the pub and restaurant they do ask that you buy something

Getting There

From South Shields buses run regularly towards Marsden Bay and the lighthouse, alternatively catch the sightseeing bus
Latitude: 54.977367; Longitude: -1.376123
What3Words: goad.teams.crowned


Photo ID: 004028 Photo ID: 004029 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

South Shields: Souter Lighthouse South Shields: Souter Lighthouse National Trust


The first lighthouse in the world to use electric light, today, with modern shipping and the reduction in traffic into and out of the Tyne, the lighthouse is surplice to requirement so has been opened to the public to see what life would have been like.



Getting There

From South Shields buses run regularly towards Marsden Bay and the lighthouse, alternatively catch the sightseeing bus
Latitude: 54.970468; Longitude: -1.364161
What3Words: guess.shades.voters


Photo ID: 004026 Photo ID: 004027 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tynemouth: Priory and Castle Tynemouth: Priory and Castle English Heritage


Sited on the headland above the mouth of the Tyne, the castle guarded this strategically important site. Today there are a few ruins of the Priory remaining and a large chunk of the castle keep. At the sea facing part of the site are remains of World War I gun emplacement



Getting There

Tynemouth metro station is a short walk from the priory
Latitude: 55.01773; Longitude: -1.419774
What3Words: plants.noon.nails


Photo ID: 004035 Photo ID: 004037 Photo ID: 004038 Photo ID: 004039 Photo ID: 004040 Photo ID: 004041 Photo ID: 004042

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wallsend: Segadunum Wallsend: Segadunum No Data


The first, or last, fort on Hadrian's Wall and it's Eastern most extremity. From here a short spur of wall headed the few hundred yards to the banks of the Tyne. From this point the wall runs west across the country to Bowness. Very little of the original site remains, a few stones here and there, but a small chunk of the wall survives. On the site there is a full reconstruction of a Roman Army Bathhouse, based on finds both here and at other forts along the wall. The museum tells some of the history of the fort and the Roman Empire in Northern England. The museum also explains a little about the Colliery that is in the same area.


Charge, Discount for English Heritage Members, Discount for those with a valid Metro ticket

Getting There

From the centre of Newcastle the Yellow Metro line goes to Wallsend station, from where it's a short walk to the site.
Latitude: 54.987641; Longitude: -1.532153
What3Words: gallons.coach.grapes


Photo ID: 004131 Photo ID: 004132 Photo ID: 004133 Photo ID: 004134 Photo ID: 004135 Photo ID: 004136 Photo ID: 004137

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Warkworth: Caste Warkworth: Caste English Heritage


The castle, perched high above the town centre, is in pretty good shape, with much of the main keep surviving. It was one of the most important castles in this part of the country in the middle ages, and it shows in the number of buildings that were inside the bailey.



Getting There

Latitude: 55.3454; Longitude: -1.611879
What3Words: snuggle.ballots.sharpens


Photo ID: 003318 Photo ID: 003319 Photo ID: 003320 Photo ID: 003321 Photo ID: 003322 Photo ID: 003323 Photo ID: 003323

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2009), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alnmouth Alnmouth No Data


Located at the mouth of the River Aln (as the name would suggest) this is a pretty seaside town with sand dunes and in good visibility views along the coast and out to some of the islands. The small town centre includes several pubs, restaurants and cafes


Getting There

From Newcastle the X18 bus runs direct to Alnmouth taking around 90 minutes.
Latitude: 55.386334; Longitude: -1.611835
What3Words: extensive.snapper.magpie


Photo ID: 015960 Photo ID: 015961 Photo ID: 015965 Photo ID: 015966 Photo ID: 015967 Photo ID: 015969 Photo ID: 015970

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2015), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alnwick Alnwick No Data


One of the key towns in Northumberland and home to the Duke of Northumberland and his stately pile Alnwick Castle. The town is cantered round the pleasant market square with a couple of museums and of course the castle.


Getting There

From Newcastle the X15 (Hourly, 90 Minutes); X18 (Hourly, 1 3/4 hours) and X20 (Hourly, 2 Hours) buses all go direct to Alnwick. Alternatively you can take the train (every 1 to 2 hours) to Alnmouth (25 minutes) and change onto an X18 or X20 there (another 10-15 minutes)
Latitude: 55.413372; Longitude: -1.707125
What3Words: contracts.retaliate.animated


Photo ID: 015921 Photo ID: 015922 Photo ID: 015923 Photo ID: 015974 Photo ID: 015975 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/09/2015), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bamburgh Bamburgh No Data


The town sits around the stunning sight of the castle on it's rocky outcrop. In the sun the sandy beach and dunes with views across to Lindisfarne and the other Farne islands make this a particularly attractive town


Getting There

From Newcastle the X18 bus runs a couple of times ta day direct to Bamburgh taking around 3 hours. Depending on connections it may be quicker (but more expensive) to take the train to Berwick Upon Tweed (Every 1-2 Hours, 55 minutes) and change there onto the X18 or 418 bus (combined around hourly, 45 minutes)
Latitude: 55.60708; Longitude: -1.717276
What3Words: sugar.extension.charmingly


Photo ID: 015976 Photo ID: 015982 Photo ID: 015985 Photo ID: 015986 Photo ID: 015996 Photo ID: 016002 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2015), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Craster Craster No Data


Located round a small harbour just south of the ruins of Dunstanburgh Castle the small town has several cafes, pubs and stunning views


Getting There

From Newcastle the X18 bus runs a couple of times ta day direct to Craster taking around 2 1/2 hours. In the hours when the X18 isn't going through to Craster and Berwick-upon-Tweed you can take the X18 or X15 to Alnwick and change there for the 418. Combined the 418 and X18 provide a roughly hourly service from Alnwick to Craster
Latitude: 55.472804; Longitude: -1.594014
What3Words: replied.zoos.variances


Photo ID: 016006 Photo ID: 016607 Photo ID: 016008 Photo ID: 016009 Photo ID: 016010 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/09/2015), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gateshed Gateshed No Data


Gateshead is a completely separate town to Newcastle with its own council, identity and centre. Previously in the shadow of its showy neighbour across the Tyne, Gateshead has undergone a revival with its quayside area becoming the cultural heart of the North East and it's statue (Angel of the North) becoming the symbol for the region


Getting There

Seven bridges, countless buses, two metro lines, getting between Newcastle and Gateshead is as easy as crossing the river.
Latitude: 54.959372; Longitude: -1.601826
What3Words: unwanted.plank.times


Photo ID: 004014 Photo ID: 004073 Photo ID: 004075 Photo ID: 004079 Photo ID: 004080 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/08/2009), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hexham Hexham No Data


A small abbey town, Hexham has a quiet village feel to it, whilst still having a fine selection of attractions including the abbey, Old Gaol, and easy access onto Hadrian's Wall for some of the most spectacular walking in the country


Getting There

There are two trains an hour from Newcastle to Hexham, taking about 40 minutes, alternatively there are regular coaches from the bus station taking around an hour.
Latitude: 54.970212; Longitude: -2.097917
What3Words: reserved.efficient.engraving


Photo ID: 004062 Photo ID: 004063 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

South Shields South Shields No Data


Newcastle's costal playground with a traditional English prom of arcades and fair ground rides mixed with fish and chips and a very large number of Indian restaurants


Getting There

From Newcastle you can catch the Yellow metro line straight to South Shields, or you can catch it to North Shields and catch the ferry across the Tyne.
Latitude: 54.995798; Longitude: -1.427708
What3Words: posts.buyers.slim


Photo ID: 004032 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2009), and on time of last update (17/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tynemouth Tynemouth No Data


A pretty seaside town offering a sandy beach set beneath the stunning ruins of the castle and priory


Getting There

The Yellow metro line from the city centre goes to Tynemouth. It doesn't really matter which way you go as it's about 30 minutes both clockwise and anticlockwise from Monument
Latitude: 55.017616; Longitude: -1.422805
What3Words: yoga.backed.think


Photo ID: 004036 Photo ID: 004043 Photo ID: 004044 Photo ID: 004083 Photo ID: 004084 Photo ID: 004085 Photo ID: 004086

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2009), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Warkworth Warkworth No Data


Once the seat of the Dukes of Northumberland, the town is dominated by the castle which stands over the town centre. There is also a small medieval church, and the original bridge and entry gate to the town.


Getting There

From Newcastle the X18 (Hourly, 90 minutes) and X20 (Hourly, around 100 minutes) buses all go direct to Warkworth. Alternatively you can take the train (every 1 to 2 hours) to Alnmouth (25 minutes) and change onto an X18 or X20 there (another 10-15 minutes)
Latitude: 55.349073; Longitude: -1.609626
What3Words: flick.organist.crest


Photo ID: 003325 Photo ID: 003328 Photo ID: 003329 Photo ID: 003330 Photo ID: 003331 Photo ID: 003332 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/01/2009), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Whitley Bay Whitley Bay No Data


Whitley Bay has the look of a once grand seaside town which has seen better days, many of the larger hotels are boarded up and several of the guest houses were up for sale when I visited, but it's location offers good views along the coast and a pleasant looking beach


Getting There

The Yellow metro line from the city centre goes to Whitley Bay. It doesn't really matter which way you go as it's about 30 minutes both clockwise and anticlockwise from Monument
Latitude: 55.041856; Longitude: -1.447299
What3Words: ocean.urgent.shadow


Photo ID: 004006 Photo ID: 004095 Photo ID: 016078 Photo ID: 016079 Photo ID: 016080 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2009), and on time of last update (03/10/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mompesson House Mompesson House National Trust


An elegant and picturesque 18th century house located by the cathedral in the centre of Salisbury with a large collection of period furniture



Getting There

Latitude: 51.06676; Longitude: -1.798475
What3Words: fuel.retire.locals


Photo ID: do0077 Photo ID: 005233 Photo ID: 005249 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/07/2004), and on time of last update (30/11/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salisbury and Wiltshire Museum Salisbury and Wiltshire Museum No Data


Housed in Kings House opposite the cathedral the museum has artifacts from the numerous archaeological digs in the area including Stonehenge and the famous Amesbury Archer whoes remains were found near the town. The museum also has exhibitions on Salisbury itself.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.064511; Longitude: -1.800065
What3Words: stage.repay.lime


Photo ID: 005254 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/11/2010), and on time of last update (30/11/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salisbury Cathedral Salisbury Cathedral No Data


One of the UK's largest Cathedrals, and posessor of the tallest spire in the UK. The Cathedral was built in the early 13th Century and is little changed since then.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.064767; Longitude: -1.798193
What3Words: blank.stress.home


Photo ID: 005234 Photo ID: 005236 Photo ID: 005238 Photo ID: 005239 Photo ID: 005240 Photo ID: 005241 Photo ID: 005242

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/11/2010), and on time of last update (30/11/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salisbury Cathedral: Magna Carta Exhibition Salisbury Cathedral: Magna Carta Exhibition No Data


One of only four originals of the Magna Carta left the copy on display is one of the best preserved.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.064449; Longitude: -1.797292
What3Words: likes.cover.forks


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/11/2010), and on time of last update (30/11/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salisbury Cathedral: Tower Tour Salisbury Cathedral: Tower Tour No Data


The tour takes around 90 minutes as you ascend up in five stages to the base of the spire for stunning views over the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.064929; Longitude: -1.797488
What3Words: winks.trap.brass


Photo ID: 005243 Photo ID: 005244 Photo ID: 005245 Photo ID: 005246 Photo ID: 005247 Photo ID: 005248 Photo ID: 005250

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/11/2010), and on time of last update (30/11/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stonehenge Tour Stonehenge Tour No Data


The tour is the only way of getting out to Stonehenge by Public transport, and as such is a bit of a rip off as it's many times more than a regular bus would be. The tour starts from the station and goes via the bus station out to Stonehenge, then returns via Old Sarum.



Getting There

Latitude: 51.070291; Longitude: -1.794108
What3Words: hotel.bands.dart


Photo ID: 005264 Photo ID: 005265 Photo ID: 005269 Photo ID: 005270 Photo ID: 005275 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/11/2010), and on time of last update (30/11/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Sarum Old Sarum English Heritage


The birth place of modern Salisbury, it was here that the first Cathedral was built, before the church fell out with the King and moved the Cathedral down to the Valley. Today the ruins of the Castle and outline of the Cathedral show how important a place this once was.



Getting There

From the centre of Salisbury routes 5, 6 and 8 run out regularly to Old Sarum
Latitude: 51.093254; Longitude: -1.804976
What3Words: heap.lads.minerals


Photo ID: 005266 Photo ID: 005267 Photo ID: 005268 Photo ID: 005271 Photo ID: 005272 Photo ID: 005273 Photo ID: 005274

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/11/2010), and on time of last update (30/11/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stonehenge Stonehenge National Trust and English Heritage


Probably the most iconic pre-historic monument in the UK and one of the most famous sights of Britain. The site, over 5,000 years old, has intreigued people for generations. Today you can't actually get up to the stones, but you can still get stunning views from the walking route



Getting There

See Stonehenge Down for details on getting here
Latitude: 51.17886; Longitude: -1.826174
What3Words: workbook.remark.galloping


Photo ID: 005257 Photo ID: 005258 Photo ID: 005259 Photo ID: 005260 Photo ID: 005261 Photo ID: 005262 Photo ID: 005263

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/11/2010), and on time of last update (30/11/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stonehenge Down Stonehenge Down National Trust


Covering a wide part of Salisbury Plain, and home to several hundred ancient burrial sites, long barrows and cairns Stonehenge Down is an important part of Britain's pre-history. You can walk over large areas of the down and take in the various pre-historic sites.



Getting There

From the centre of Salisbury the only way to reach Stonehenge and the Down on public transport is via the Stonehenge tour, which leaves hourly (half hourly at the height of Summer) from the rail station and 10 minutes later the bus station.
Latitude: 51.184152; Longitude: -1.83226
What3Words: insert.plotter.tripled


Photo ID: 005256 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/11/2010), and on time of last update (30/11/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Big Brum Buz Tour Big Brum Buz Tour No Data


***2018 Update*** - This tour is no longer running. Starting from outside the Council Offices this open-top bus tour of the city centre takes in the main sights of the city centre and the Jewellery Quarter before heading out into the beautiful Edgbaston suburb before returning to the city centre via the market and Bullring area. Live guided commentary - N.B. only three departures a day at Weekends in the summer



Getting There

Latitude: 52.480194; Longitude: -1.902376
What3Words: silver.glaze.fails


Photo ID: 009444 Photo ID: 009445 Photo ID: 009446 Photo ID: 009447 Photo ID: 009448 Photo ID: 009449 Photo ID: 009450

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/06/2013), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens No Data


The Botanical gardens are located on the edge of the city in the very nice suburb of Edgbaston. Along with a small collection of zoned glass houses (the usual tropical, sub tropical and arid) the formal grounds have lots of paths to wander around to take in the plants.



Getting There

Busses run regularly from the city centre out to the Gardens. At the time of visiting routes 10, 22, 23, 24 and 29 ran direct.
Latitude: 52.467266; Longitude: -1.929806
What3Words: soils.format.marble


Photo ID: 005286 Photo ID: 005287 Photo ID: 005289 Photo ID: 005291 Photo ID: 005293 Photo ID: 005295 Photo ID: 005297

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Canal Tour Canal Tour No Data


A couple of companies operate tours leaving from Brindley Place and taking in the central part of Birmingham to the MailBox and then out into the countryside up the BCN Main Line, taking in a couple of the loops that were formed when the main line was straightened towards the end of the 18th century.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.47837; Longitude: -1.911707
What3Words: gather.plays.swear


Photo ID: 009441 Photo ID: 009442 Photo ID: 023599 Photo ID: 023603 Photo ID: 023605 Photo ID: 023608 Photo ID: 023622

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/06/2013), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The Cathedral was originally built at the beginning of the 18th Century as a large church, but was upgraded to a Cathedral when the Birmingham Diocese was created in the early 20th Century. Inside it's quite a dark church with two large stained glass windows dominating either end of the nave.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.481192; Longitude: -1.898972
What3Words: salt.heads.hardly


Photo ID: 005307 Photo ID: 005308 Photo ID: 005309 Photo ID: 009332 Photo ID: 009431 Photo ID: 023586 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Frankfurt Markets Frankfurt Markets No Data


Each year Birmingham plays host to the largest German market in the UK. Depending on who you ask some people now claim that the Birmingham Frankfurt Market is now larger than the Frankfurt market itself. The market runs from New Street up past the town hall and through out to the start of Broad Street, the entertainment quarter of the city.


Free to look around.

Getting There

Latitude: 52.479892; Longitude: -1.90262
What3Words: poker.beyond.sweep


Photo ID: 005277 Photo ID: 005278 Photo ID: 005279 Photo ID: 005280 Photo ID: 005281 Photo ID: 005282 Photo ID: 005303

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum & Art Gallery Museum & Art Gallery No Data


BM&AG is located in a fine Edwardian building directly behind the town hall, a fine example of an early 20th century civic museum. Today the ecliptic collection covers most subject areas, but there are large displays of the city's art collection, a gallery devoted to the city's most famous religious son Cardinal Newman and the big draw, the Staffordshire Treasure Hoard, the largest single find of Anglos Saxon gold discovered in a field in Staffordshire in 2009.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.48031; Longitude: -1.903167
What3Words: humans.tolls.stay


Photo ID: 005304 Photo ID: 005305 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of the Jewellery Quarter Museum of the Jewellery Quarter No Data


Located in the heart of the Jewellery Quarter the museum tells the history of Jewellery manufacture in the Birmingham area, and why they collected in this small area of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.490535; Longitude: -1.912233
What3Words: play.script.tooth


Photo ID: 005349 Photo ID: 023588 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bournville: Cadbury World Bournville: Cadbury World No Data


A temple to Chocolate, Cadbury world tells the history of the Cadbury company, it's Quaker origins, the building of Bournville and the process of making chocolate. Plus there are several opportunities to snack on chocolate as you go round!


Charge, advance booking recommended

Getting There

It's about a 10 minute walk from Bourneville station, but there are signs from the station building (on the opposite platform to the one that the trains from Birmingham arrive on) to Cadbury World.
Latitude: 52.430043; Longitude: -1.93222
What3Words: dinner.plug.being


Photo ID: 005347 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Burton on Trent: National Brewery Centre Burton on Trent: National Brewery Centre No Data


The museum is dedicated to the art of brewing, in the home of the English Beer industry. At one point a quarter of all beer in the UK was brewed in this small town. It's so important to the history of brewing that the process of processing the water so it is perfect for creating beer is called Burtonisation (it was the quality of water in Burton that made so many breweries establish themselves here). The museum takes you through the process and some of the history of brewing. There are also small exhibitions on the history of Burton the town it's rise and decline. There is also an opportunity to sample some of the local produce included in the cost of admission



Getting There

Latitude: 52.807668; Longitude: -1.632425
What3Words: fresh.splash.smiled


Photo ID: 005321 Photo ID: 005322 Photo ID: 005323 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dudley: Black Country Living Museum Dudley: Black Country Living Museum No Data


A collection of around 40 buildings from across the Black Country covering the late Victorian and Early 20th century period depicting what life was like in the region during it's heyday. The site includes a working tram and trolleybus line and links into the Dudley Canal's Trust as well as a guided tour of part of a drift mine.



Getting There

The museum is about a 10 minute walk from the centre of Dudley. Follow the signs
Latitude: 52.519929; Longitude: -2.075107
What3Words: cake.scuba.wiring


Photo ID: 009416 Photo ID: 009417 Photo ID: 009421 Photo ID: 009423 Photo ID: 009424 Photo ID: 009426 Photo ID: 009428

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2013), and on time of last update (16/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dudley: Dudley Canals Trust Dudley: Dudley Canals Trust No Data


The Canal Trust runs regular tours of the impressive narrow-bore Dudley tunnel which cuts through the hills for nearly two miles. Tours take in several parts of the different tunnels and caverns that make up the system. Longer tours can be arranged that take in more of the tunnels.



Getting There

From the centre of Dudley follow the signs to the Black Country Living Museum and then continue on down the road that the museum is on, taking the left at the bottom of the hill by the traffic lights. Follow the road round over the canal basin and keep on the road until you reach the trust's car park and access bridge
Latitude: 52.523289; Longitude: -2.078202
What3Words: shadow.behave.monday


Photo ID: 009393 Photo ID: 009396 Photo ID: 009399 Photo ID: 009400 Photo ID: 009411 Photo ID: 009413 Photo ID: 009415

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2013), and on time of last update (16/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinver: Kinver Edge Kinver: Kinver Edge National Trust


The sandstone ridge runs across the countryside offering stunning views. On the top of the edge are the remains of an old Iron Age hill fort, as well as the Rock Houses



Getting There

Latitude: 52.447706; Longitude: -2.243228
What3Words: spurring.snippets.contents


Photo ID: 009379 Photo ID: 009380 Photo ID: 009381 Photo ID: 009382 Photo ID: 009383 Photo ID: 009386 Photo ID: 009387

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/06/2013), and on time of last update (16/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinver: Rock Houses Kinver: Rock Houses National Trust


Carved into the soft sandstone of Kinver Edge the houses were in use until the 1960's. Today a couple have been restored to show what life would have been like living in these buildings. More than just caves the houses include separate rooms and even a whitewash on the outside of the cliff face.



Getting There

From the centre of Kinver follow the signs to the car park, about a 15 minute walk
Latitude: 52.450033; Longitude: -2.241991
What3Words: ruling.swan.handwriting


Photo ID: 009369 Photo ID: 009370 Photo ID: 009371 Photo ID: 009372 Photo ID: 009374 Photo ID: 009375 Photo ID: 009376

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/06/2013), and on time of last update (16/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lichfield: Cathedral Lichfield: Cathedral No Data


One of the lesser known Cathedrals of the UK, Lichfield is a stunning Gothic building, with it's three towers dominating the skyline. Inside the massive church there is lots of open space, and with the stained glass being renovated at the time of visiting, lots of light. The Cathedral also houses remains of a much older Anglo Saxon church found when the cathedral was being renovated and the Chad, or Lichfield, Gospels (an 8th century illuminated gospel)


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.68554; Longitude: -1.830415
What3Words: older.tiger.deny


Photo ID: 005326 Photo ID: 005327 Photo ID: 005329 Photo ID: 005330 Photo ID: 005331 Photo ID: 005332 Photo ID: 005333

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Telford: Ironbridge Telford: Ironbridge No Data


Named after it's most famous structure this small village is home to the world's first cast iron bridge, which spans the Severn Gorge at this point. A whole tourism industry has grown up around the bridge, replacing the real industry that once thrived on this part of the Severn. There are around 10 museums within a couple of miles of Ironbridge. Unfortunately at the time of visiting, the weather had taken it's toll and everything was closed.


Free to look around the town and cross the bridge. Charge for the museums

Getting There

From Telford a number of bus routes run to the site. Journey times take around 20-25 minutes.
Latitude: 52.627775; Longitude: -2.485335
What3Words: beards.waddle.trickling


Photo ID: 005351 Photo ID: 005353 Photo ID: 005354 Photo ID: 005355 Photo ID: 005356 Photo ID: 005357 Photo ID: 005359

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wall: Letocetum Wall: Letocetum National Trust and English Heritage


Located on Watling Street (now shadowed by the main A5 and M6) Letocetum was an important staging post along the road to help keep the Roman Army moving. Today parts of the Bath house and Mansio are visible



Getting There

From Birmingham take the train to Shenstone (every 30 minutes, 40 minutes); it's then a 2 mile walk from the station (left from the station, right onto Ashcroft Lane for just under two miles and then left into Watling street shortly after passing under the M6 and A5 roads) to the site. Alternatively, take the train to Lichfield (4 an hour, around 45 minutes) and catch the bus to Wall (every other hour, 15 minutes)
Latitude: 52.656944; Longitude: -1.856636
What3Words: trash.flickers.subsets


Photo ID: 009356 Photo ID: 009357 Photo ID: 009360 Photo ID: 009361 Photo ID: 009363 Photo ID: 009364 Photo ID: 009365

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/06/2013), and on time of last update (16/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bournville Bournville No Data


The village of Bournville was built by the Cadbury family to house the workers of their factory in clean, comfortable conditions. Today the village is still cantered around the factory with alms houses, sports facilities and houses still part of Cadbury's. The village is very pretty and worth a wander around (if only to work off the chocolate!)


Getting There

There are regular trains (about every 10 minutes) to Bournville, taking around 15 minutes
Latitude: 52.429802; Longitude: -1.938239
What3Words: sweat.lives.clear


Photo ID: 004390 Photo ID: 004391 Photo ID: 004392 Photo ID: 004393 Photo ID: 004393 Photo ID: 004395 Photo ID: 005346

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Burton on Trent Burton on Trent No Data


The home of UK brewing, stepping of the train you are immediately hit with the smell of hops and malted barley. The town itself isn't particularly special and is dominated by the massive Corrs factory (Corrs having taken over Bass a few years ago)


Getting There

From Birmingham there are half hourly trains to Burton on Trent, taking around 30 minutes
Latitude: 52.801454; Longitude: -1.630096
What3Words: forced.trip.cloud


Photo ID: 005321 Photo ID: 005322 Photo ID: 005323 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dudley Dudley No Data


Sandwiched between Wolverhampton to the North and Birmingham to the South and saddled with an accent that even Brummies' love to mock, yet Dudley is home to a stunning castle, it's the birthplace of the Father of the Industrial Revolution (Abraham Darby I), and even today turns out more than it's fair share of actors, writers and poets.


Getting There

There is no direct train or tram link to Dudley. Instead buses 74, 126 and 140 run regularly (bus every few minutes, takes around an hour) from the Snow Hill area of Birmingham direct to the bus station in the centre of Dudley. Alternatively you can catch a train to Dudley Port, Sandwell & Dudley or Tipton stations and pick up a bus there (trains every 30 minutes, about 15 minutes then regular buses another 15 minutes). You can also pick up a tram to Dudley Road Guns Village tram stop and pick up a number 74 bus from there.
Latitude: 52.510893; Longitude: -2.083787
What3Words: draw.belly.commented


Photo ID: 009391 Photo ID: 009392 Photo ID: 009398 Photo ID: 009419 Photo ID: 009420 Photo ID: 009429 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/06/2013), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kinver Kinver No Data


The town is located at the very Southern end of Staffordshire, barely out of the West Midlands conurbation, but far enough out to be surrounded by pleasant countryside. The main reason for visiting is the stunning Kinver Edge that looms over the town and the surrounding landscapes


Getting There

From Birmingham either catch a number 9 bus (frequent, 75 minutes) direct to Stourbridge Interchange. Alternatively catch any train to Stourbridge Junction (every 10 minutes, around 30 minutes) and change there for the shuttle train to Stourbridge Town (every 10 minutes, 3 minutes). From Stourbridge the 228 bus runs once an hour to Kinver, taking around 20 minutes.
Latitude: 52.448175; Longitude: -2.229181
What3Words: grew.poets.begun


Photo ID: 009366 Photo ID: 009367 Photo ID: 009368 Photo ID: 009373 Photo ID: 009378 Photo ID: 009388 Photo ID: 009390

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/06/2013), and on time of last update (16/06/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lichfield Lichfield No Data


One of the lesser known Cathedral Cities of England (possibly because of it's proximity to Birmingham). Today it's pretty much an Identikit town to much of the rest of the UK, with the exception of it's massive cathedral and pretty Cathedral Close


Getting There

From Birmingham there are four trains an hour to Lichfield City station, taking around 45 minutes to make the trip
Latitude: 52.683043; Longitude: -1.826048
What3Words: clever.clips.flames


Photo ID: 005324 Photo ID: 005325 Photo ID: 005334 Photo ID: 005335 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Telford Telford No Data


Built in the 1960's and 70's and named after Civil engineer Thomas Telford, there is no way to hide that Telford is a New Town. Of the same Ilk as Milton Keynes. It's difficult to like the town, especially with the long walk from the station to the centre of town (or badly signposted bus link!). However, the town has now grown to swallow up the World Heritage Site of the Severn Gorge with Colebrookdale, Ironbridge and Coleport. It's also where you need to come to connect onto buses into the site.


Getting There

From Birmingham there are two trains an hour to Telford Central taking between 35 and 50 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 52.676538; Longitude: -2.446733
What3Words: chimp.harshest.trusts


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2010), and on time of last update (23/12/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sightseeing Birmingham Sightseeing Birmingham No Data


This hop-on-hop-off open-top tour takes in the main sights in the centre of Birmingham and the Jewellery Quarter. A pre-recorded commentary guides you round the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.481318; Longitude: -1.899881
What3Words: dirt.sentences.terms


Photo ID: 023571 Photo ID: 023573 Photo ID: 023574 Photo ID: 023576 Photo ID: 023579 Photo ID: 023582 Photo ID: 023590

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2018), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dudley: Castle Dudley: Castle No Data


The ruins of the castle overlook the town and the zoo, from the top of the keep you can take in the panoramas, and from inside the main buildings you can see exhibits on the animals that would have lived in the castle during the medieval times.


Free with zoo ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 52.514047; Longitude: -2.079879
What3Words: upon.stale.later


Photo ID: 023651 Photo ID: 023653 Photo ID: 023655 Photo ID: 023656 Photo ID: 023658 Photo ID: 023661 Photo ID: 023662

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2018), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dudley: Chair Lift Dudley: Chair Lift No Data


The vintage chairlift runs from the main entrance of the zoo up to the entrance to the castle, cutting off a pretty steep climb. The total journey time is less than 90 seconds


Free with zoo ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 52.513789; Longitude: -2.078053
What3Words: rails.vibrate.logs


Photo ID: 023643 Photo ID: 023646 Photo ID: 023649 Photo ID: 023686 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2018), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dudley: Zoo Dudley: Zoo No Data


This small zoo, set around the ruins of the castle, has a large number of impressive exhibits including Tigers, Lions, Giraffe and Bears, along with a walk through Lemur enclosure


Free with zoo ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 52.515355; Longitude: -2.079562
What3Words: nurses.title.joke


Photo ID: 023645 Photo ID: 023665 Photo ID: 023670 Photo ID: 023676 Photo ID: 023680 Photo ID: 023683 Photo ID: 023688

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2018), and on time of last update (29/06/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coventry Cathedral Coventry Cathedral No Data


One of the few 1950's designed buildings in Coventry that has a majority of people liking it. The Cathedral combines the scale of a medieval Cathedral with the building techniques of the 20th Century to create a massive space.


Free, but suggested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.40849; Longitude: -1.507141
What3Words: cape.later.scrap


Photo ID: 004361 Photo ID: 004382 Photo ID: 004383 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2010), and on time of last update (28/02/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coventry Transport Museum Coventry Transport Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of road transport, and the key part that Coventry has played in it. There are lots of old (and not so old) cars, bikes and other forms of road transport, including Thrust SSC, the fastest land vehicle in the world.


Free, but suggested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.410772; Longitude: -1.509314
What3Words: damp.first.pokers


Photo ID: 004385 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2010), and on time of last update (28/02/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Coventry Cathedral Old Coventry Cathedral No Data


Destroyed in the Blitz of November 1940 the shell of the former cathedral has been preserved as a memorial to those who died and as a sign of the city's refusal to give in.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.407953; Longitude: -1.507463
What3Words: safely.bridge.counts


Photo ID: 004356 Photo ID: 004359 Photo ID: 004360 Photo ID: 004362 Photo ID: 004363 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2010), and on time of last update (28/02/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Priory Visitors Centre Priory Visitors Centre No Data


Coventry Priory is the cities original cathedral, destroyed following the dissolution of the monasteries. Today the visitors centre has some of the remains of the ruin on display, along with access (for pre-booked tours) to the undercroft of the original priory



Getting There

Latitude: 52.409084; Longitude: -1.508528
What3Words: analogy.miss.trip


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2010), and on time of last update (28/02/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Spon Street Spon Street No Data


Spon Street is a collection of medieval buildings rescued from the ruins of the city and located together to create a small snapshot of what Coventry looked like prior to the war.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.408356; Longitude: -1.517529
What3Words: when.newly.unless


Photo ID: 004384 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2010), and on time of last update (28/02/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Michaels Tower St Michaels Tower No Data


The tower of the former cathedral. From the viewing platform at the base of the spire you get stunning views across the city



Getting There

Latitude: 52.407996; Longitude: -1.508206
What3Words: under.hills.curving


Photo ID: 004357 Photo ID: 004358 Photo ID: 004364 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2010), and on time of last update (28/02/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum No Data


Located just behind the cathedrals the museum houses a number of galleries with changing exhibitions along with a permanent exhibition on the history of Coventry from the 15th century to the modern day. There are also exhibitions on the towns most famous Daughter, Lady Godiva, along with part of the city's art collection and a local history library


Free, but suggested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.407207; Longitude: -1.506135
What3Words: loft.abode.short


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/02/2010), and on time of last update (28/02/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bournville: Cadbury World Bournville: Cadbury World No Data


A temple to Chocolate, Cadbury world tells the history of the Cadbury company, it's Quaker origins, the building of Bournville and the process of making chocolate. Plus there are several opportunities to snack on chocolate as you go round!


Charge, advance booking recommended

Getting There

From Coventry you need to catch the train into Birmingham and change there for trains to Bournville. There are signs from the station building at Bournville to Cadbury World.
Latitude: 52.430043; Longitude: -1.93222
What3Words: dinner.plug.being


Photo ID: 004386 Photo ID: 004387 Photo ID: 004388 Photo ID: 004389 Photo ID: 004390 Photo ID: 004391 Photo ID: 004392

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2010), and on time of last update (28/02/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kenilworth: Castle Kenilworth: Castle English Heritage


Built around an original Norman Fort, the castle was enlarged over several hundred years until it reached its peak in the times of Queen Elizabeth. Part of it was destroyed after the civil war, but it became one of the first castles to become a tourist attraction thanks to Sir Walter Scott's novel "Kenilworth".



Getting There

From Coventry there are regular buses to the centre of Kenilworth, it's then a 10 minute or so walk down to the castle.
Latitude: 52.34799; Longitude: -1.592224
What3Words: piles.alone.dance


Photo ID: 004376 Photo ID: 004377 Photo ID: 004378 Photo ID: 004379 Photo ID: 004380 Photo ID: 004381 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/02/2010), and on time of last update (28/02/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon: Anne Hathaway's Cottage Stratford-upon-Avon: Anne Hathaway's Cottage No Data


Anne Hathaway was Williams wife (she gave birth to their first child 6 months after their wedding, I'll let you do the maths!) and this is the Cottage that she grew up in.


Charge, Joint ticket with other properties

Getting There

Latitude: 52.190624; Longitude: -1.73157
What3Words: tips.almost.flames


Photo ID: 004368 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon: City Sightseeing Stratford-upon-Avon: City Sightseeing No Data


The hop-on-hop-off multi-lingual tour of the area takes in all the key sites, including going out to both Anne Hathaway's Cottage and Mary Arden's Farm (Mary was Williams mother).



Getting There

Latitude: 52.192767; Longitude: -1.703026
What3Words: dreams.atoms.bike


Photo ID: 004366 Photo ID: 004367 Photo ID: 004368 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon: Holy Trinity Church Stratford-upon-Avon: Holy Trinity Church No Data


The church in the town where William and Anne are buried. This is a lovely church with lots of windows making it very light inside.


Suggested (compulsory) donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.186612; Longitude: -1.707293
What3Words: patch.manual.nests


Photo ID: 004374 Photo ID: 004375 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon: Nash House & New Place Stratford-upon-Avon: Nash House & New Place No Data


The Nash house was where William's granddaughter lived for a while, but it also next to where New Place once stood, the home that Shakespeare retired to and eventually died in. Sadly, a grumpy preacher in the 18th Century who didn't like Shakespeare's plays had it pulled down so all that exists today are the gardens


Charge, Joint ticket with other properties

Getting There

Latitude: 52.190843; Longitude: -1.707634
What3Words: ages.inspector.scouts


Photo ID: 004367 Photo ID: 005078 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon: Shakespeare's Birthplace Stratford-upon-Avon: Shakespeare's Birthplace No Data


The house where William was born and brought up, today you enter through the next door visitor centre which gives some background on Williams life and work, then you go into the house itself.


Charge, Joint ticket with other properties

Getting There

Latitude: 52.19391; Longitude: -1.708004
What3Words: poppy.ranch.sheet


Photo ID: 004366 Photo ID: 004369 Photo ID: 004370 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bournville Bournville No Data


The village of Bournville was built by the Cadbury family to house the workers of their factory in clean, comfortable conditions. Today the village is still cantered around the factory with alms houses, sports facilities and houses still part of Cadbury's. The village is very pretty and worth a wander around (if only to work off the chocolate!)


Getting There

From Coventry you need to catch the train into Birmingham and change there for trains to Bournville.
Latitude: 52.429802; Longitude: -1.938239
What3Words: sweat.lives.clear


Photo ID: 004390 Photo ID: 004391 Photo ID: 004392 Photo ID: 004393 Photo ID: 004393 Photo ID: 004395 Photo ID: 005346

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/02/2010), and on time of last update (28/02/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon Stratford-upon-Avon No Data


It's location on the banks of the Avon makes Stratford a very pretty town and worth seeing just for this. But it is its association with the English languages greatest writer that draws the crowds. It was here the William Shakespeare was born, grew up, retired to and eventually died and was buried in. The whole town is 'ShakespeareWorld'


Getting There

From Coventry there are hourly buses Monday to Saturday direct to Stratford. Alternatively (and the only option on a Sunday) you can catch the train to Birmingham New Street, walk the short distance to Moor Street and pick up a direct train there. You can also, Monday to Saturday, catch the train to Leamington Spa and pick up a Stratford train there (though these are less regular)
Latitude: 52.19157; Longitude: -1.706989
What3Words: lifted.exchanges.insect


Photo ID: 004366 Photo ID: 004367 Photo ID: 004369 Photo ID: 004371 Photo ID: 004372 Photo ID: 004373 Photo ID: 004375

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


The cathedral dominates the skyline in Worcester (and the back of £20 notes!). Inside is suprisingly light. You can climb the 236-steps of the tower to its roof for stunning views over the city and surrounding countryside


Suggested Donation, Charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 52.188825; Longitude: -2.220773
What3Words: lonely.deep.jets


Photo ID: 000935 Photo ID: 000938 Photo ID: 000939 Photo ID: 000975 Photo ID: 000976 Photo ID: 000977 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Greyfriars Greyfriars No Data


One of only a few remaining Tudor houses in Worcester. The house has been refurbished (not restored) to resmble what it might have looked like in the past


Charge, Free for National Trust members

Getting There

Latitude: 52.190494; Longitude: -2.21886
What3Words: brand.cloth.spike
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bridgnorth: Cliff railway Bridgnorth: Cliff railway No Data


One of the oldest funicular railways in Britain makes the (very) short journey from the riverside to the top of the hill


Charge for return trip

Getting There

Latitude: 52.534387; Longitude: -2.418237
What3Words: dining.packages.vibrating


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Craven Arms: Stokesay Castle Craven Arms: Stokesay Castle English Heritage


A fine example of a "Welsh Marches" castle with most of the building still in pretty good nick. An audio guide takes you around the site and tells you some of the history of the area


Charge, Free for English Heritage members

Getting There

The nearest station is Craven Arms which has hourly trains from Hereford. There are trains from Worcester to Hereford. From Craven Arms station walk back along the road for about 3/4 mile (you can see the castle from the right hand side of the train shortly before arriving at Craven Arms
Latitude: 52.430334; Longitude: -2.831463
What3Words: multiples.propose.sulked


Photo ID: 000940 Photo ID: 000941 Photo ID: 000942 Photo ID: 000943 Photo ID: 000944 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/04/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gloucester: Cathedral Gloucester: Cathedral No Data


A pretty standard cathedral with a pleasant sunny cloister


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 51.867253; Longitude: -2.246409
What3Words: hang.today.knee


Photo ID: 000956 Photo ID: 000957 Photo ID: 000958 Photo ID: 000959 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Malvern: Museum Great Malvern: Museum No Data


Small but very interesting museum which tells the history of the area. Up in the hills there is evidence of a large pre-Roman settlement and the museum itself is in the former gatehouse of the priory set during William the Conquerors reign. The museum goes on to explain about the history of the priory, the rise of the Water cure and Great Malvern's role in the modern age



Getting There

Latitude: 52.11088; Longitude: -2.329456
What3Words: skirt.unit.index


Photo ID: 000963 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hereford: Cider Museum Hereford: Cider Museum No Data


The museum is housed in the former works of the local Cider company and has displays on the history of Cider (and Perry) and how it is made. The second part of the museum takes you through the process of making Cider Champaign, the company’s speciality.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.056106; Longitude: -2.726361
What3Words: taken.spits.gold


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hereford: Old House Museum Hereford: Old House Museum No Data


A fine example of a 17th Century building still standing in its original location, It houses a free museum, which shows what life in the 17th century would have been like for someone living there.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.056505; Longitude: -2.714868
What3Words: answer.total.shift


Photo ID: 000965 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kidderminster: Severn Valley Railway Kidderminster: Severn Valley Railway No Data


A 16 mile stretch of Heritage rail line which has steam trains running along its length. The line follows the course of the Severn north to the Shropshire town of Bridgnorth



Getting There

There are regular direct trains from Worcester to Kidderminster, taking a little over 20 minutes to complete the journey
Latitude: 52.384319; Longitude: -2.239607
What3Words: faster.camps.sketch


Photo ID: 000970 Photo ID: 000972 Photo ID: 000973 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ludlow: Ludlow Castle Ludlow: Ludlow Castle No Data


Once the seat of power for much of the region and home to the courts it fell into ruin and is now a perfect example of what a ruined castle should look like! With lots of random passageways and spiral staircases leading to different levels that you can get to and lots more staircases appearing a couple of floors up with no way of being reached the castle could easily provide hours of hide and seek fun! From the top of the tallest tower the views over the town are only beaten by those that must be visible from the tower of the church. The countryside that Ludlow nestles in is a spectacular landscape of rolling hills and river valleys with a different landscape whichever direction you look.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.367467; Longitude: -2.723617
What3Words: replying.dollars.belief


Photo ID: 000946 Photo ID: 000947 Photo ID: 000948 Photo ID: 000949 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/04/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Malvern Hills Malvern Hills No Data


The Malvern Hills run between Worcester and Hereford forming a natural boundry, They mostly have rounded tops and whilst being steep offer lots of opportunity for walking. The highest point (Worcestershire beacon) can be reached in about an hour from Great Malvern station


Free, Guides/Maps (cost) available from the Tourist information centre in Great Malvern

Getting There

From Great Malvern station follow the signs for the city centre and then just keep heading up-hill!
Latitude: 52.105011; Longitude: -2.338975
What3Words: insurance.seasonal.gather


Photo ID: 000961 Photo ID: 000962 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Witley: Witley Court Witley: Witley Court English Heritage


Witley Court was once one of the finest houses in the country, and home in its time to the seventh wealthiest person in the land (and given that was the height of the Victorian period the 7th wealthiest person in the world). The mansion that existed on the site was massively expanded and elaborated upon and turned into a magnificent residence. The family sold the house in the 1920's before disaster struck in 1937. A fire beneath the ballroom spread out of control and gutted one whole side of the building. With the insurance not coming even vaguely close to the repair costs the house was abandoned and left to rot. In the 1970's it was protected by the government and is now in the stewardship of English Heritage who are conserving the building in the state it is now in, an empty shell of a building, but still massively impressive.


Charge, Free for English Heritage members

Getting There

Latitude: 52.282219; Longitude: -2.338865
What3Words: tadpoles.outgrown.dramatic


Photo ID: 000950 Photo ID: 000951 Photo ID: 000952 Photo ID: 000953 Photo ID: 000954 Photo ID: 000977 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bridgnorth Bridgnorth No Data


Pretty town at the norther end of the Severn Valley railway. Built around a large hill its main claim to fame is one of the oldest funicular railways in Britain


Getting There

Bridgenorth is the northern terminus of the Severn Valley railway which is linked to the national rail network at its southern terminal at Kidderminster
Latitude: 52.535294; Longitude: -2.42403
What3Words: finishes.marine.enhances


Photo ID: 000971 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gloucester Gloucester No Data


The county town for Gloucestershire, and slightly dissapointing. There is quite a lot to see in the Historic docks and the Cathedral, though the rest of the city has been affected by 1950s onwards building


Getting There

Direct trains from Worcester run every couple of hours
Latitude: 51.86674; Longitude: -2.248678
What3Words: spaces.office.attend


Photo ID: 000955 Photo ID: 000956 Photo ID: 000957 Photo ID: 000958 Photo ID: 000959 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Malvern Great Malvern No Data


A very pretty town at the base of the Malvern hills and home to the spring that inspired the Victorian "Water Cure"


Getting There

Most trains from Worcester Foregate street go to Great Malvern
Latitude: 52.111895; Longitude: -2.319832
What3Words: bound.safe.full
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hereford Hereford No Data


The county town for Herefordshire, and slightly dissapointing. The cathedral is interesting and there are a couple of museums, but the city has a lot of very ugly buildings


Getting There

Direct trains from Worcester, though at irregular times
Latitude: 52.055987; Longitude: -2.71755
What3Words: react.films.arrow


Photo ID: 000965 Photo ID: 000966 Photo ID: 000967 Photo ID: 000968 Photo ID: 000969 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ludlow Ludlow No Data


The pure essence of "Quaint English Town" Ludlow has hundreds of timber framed buildings giving off a twee "Olde Worlde" feel. Its also home to a spectacula castle


Getting There

Trains to Ludlow run from Hereford. From Worcester you need to change
Latitude: 52.368158; Longitude: -2.717453
What3Words: clear.corded.washroom


Photo ID: 000945 Photo ID: 000946 Photo ID: 000947 Photo ID: 000948 Photo ID: 000949 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/04/2006), and on time of last update (03/05/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Cathedral No Data


Large cathedral church with the usual selection of side chapels.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 50.836267; Longitude: -0.780789
What3Words: tune.spike.fines


Photo ID: 013586 Photo ID: 013587 Photo ID: 013589 Photo ID: 013591 Photo ID: 013592 Photo ID: 013593 Photo ID: 013597

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/01/2015), and on time of last update (10/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


Sections of the original city walls have been restored to trace the outline of the former city centre. You can walk along long sections.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.83935; Longitude: -0.781931
What3Words: tube.oasis.damp


Photo ID: 013571 Photo ID: 013573 Photo ID: 013658 Photo ID: 013660 Photo ID: 013663 Photo ID: 013669 Photo ID: 013670

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/01/2015), and on time of last update (10/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Novium The Novium No Data


Located over the remains of a Roman Bath House the museum tells the history of Chichester and the surrounding area. On the ground floor you can see parts of the excavations of the bath house. On the upper floors are two galleries focusing on the history and life in the Chichester area. From the top floor there are good views across to the Cathedral



Getting There

Latitude: 50.837416; Longitude: -0.781256
What3Words: soaks.maker.paints


Photo ID: 013576 Photo ID: 013577 Photo ID: 013578 Photo ID: 013579 Photo ID: 013580 Photo ID: 013581 Photo ID: 013585

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/01/2015), and on time of last update (10/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fishbourne: Roman Palace Fishbourne: Roman Palace No Data


The site of luxurious villa/palace built at the height of the Roman Empire in Britain. Many major mosaics have been unearthed through the archaeological digs and most are on display in their original locations. Outside of the display hall for the mosaics is an interpretation of what a Roman garden would have looked like


Charge, Discount for English Heritage members

Getting There

From Chichester there are hourly trains to Fishbourne, taking about 3 minutes to make the journey. From the station it's a well signed 5 minute walk to the palace. Alternatively from the centre of Chichester the 700 bus runs every 20 minutes, taking about 10 minutes to get to a stop at the rear of the site, from there it's an 8 minute walk to the palace.
Latitude: 50.836594; Longitude: -0.809761
What3Words: corporate.roosters.lads


Photo ID: 013627 Photo ID: 013629 Photo ID: 013630 Photo ID: 013631 Photo ID: 013635 Photo ID: 013638 Photo ID: 013640

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/01/2015), and on time of last update (10/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Portchester: Castle Portchester: Castle English Heritage


The substantial Norman castle was built into one small corner the remains of the - by then almost 1000 year old - Roman fort that sits at a key point overlooking the Solent. Much of the outline of the buildings remain, and the keep has been restored to it's full height. You can climb to the roof of the keep for excellent views over the Roman fort and wider Solent area



Getting There

Latitude: 50.83802; Longitude: -1.114754
What3Words: line.shells.shaped


Photo ID: 013606 Photo ID: 013607 Photo ID: 013609 Photo ID: 013611 Photo ID: 013613 Photo ID: 013616 Photo ID: 013620

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/01/2015), and on time of last update (10/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Portchester: Roman Fort Portchester: Roman Fort English Heritage


Built in the 3rd Century possibly as a base for those fighting piracy, or possibly as a fort to defend the local Roman commander who had seized control of Britannia, this is a substantial Roman fort site with an impressive curtain wall running round the whole site.



Getting There

Latitude: 50.83718; Longitude: -1.113993
What3Words: tent.broke.ticket


Photo ID: 013603 Photo ID: 013604 Photo ID: 013605 Photo ID: 013614 Photo ID: 013615 Photo ID: 013619 Photo ID: 013621

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/01/2015), and on time of last update (10/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Singleton: Weald and Downland Museum Singleton: Weald and Downland Museum No Data


Located in the South Downs National Park this ethnographic museum brings together a number of historic buildings, some dating back to the middle ages, from around Southern England into a single setting. Guides in many of the buildings can tell you about how life would have been at the time the building was in use.


Charge, Discount for those arriving by bus

Getting There

From Chichester the number 60 bus (every 30 minutes Monday to Saturday, hourly on Sunday) makes the journey to Singleton in around 20 minutes. If you show your bus ticket in the ticket office there is a discount on the entrance fee.
Latitude: 50.90723; Longitude: -0.75654
What3Words: attic.unpainted.cooked


Photo ID: 013641 Photo ID: 013643 Photo ID: 013646 Photo ID: 013648 Photo ID: 013651 Photo ID: 013655 Photo ID: 013656

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/01/2015), and on time of last update (10/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Portchester Portchester No Data


Home to a Norman castle inside a Roman fort the area by the Solent is steeped in history


Getting There

From Chichester there are hourly trains to Portchester taking around 25 minutes to make the journey. From the station follow the road down to the big roundabout and then straight across down to the castle. It's about a 20 minute walk from the station to the fort.
Latitude: 50.838386; Longitude: -1.116986
What3Words: glove.holly.frock


Photo ID: 013601 Photo ID: 013602 Photo ID: 013615 Photo ID: 013617 Photo ID: 013618 Photo ID: 013622 Photo ID: 013624

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/01/2015), and on time of last update (10/01/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ardingly: Wakehurst Ardingly: Wakehurst National Trust (Also Kew Gardens)


The site is owned by the National Trust, but is leased to the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew as their out of town site for wild planting and gardens, as well as more of their tree collections. At the time of visiting the house was undergoing major renovation and covered in scaffolding, which had been opened up into a viewing platform allowing for spectacular views across the gardens and down onto the roof of the house. The gardens also house the Millennium seed bank, a collection of seeds from around the world held in reserve to try and repopulate plants should they go extinct in the wild.


Charge, Free for National Trust and/or Kew Gardens Members

Getting There

From Haywards Heath the 272 bus runs every 2 hours or so direct to Wakehurst, taking about 15 minutes to make the journey. N.B. buses only run Monday-Saturday
Latitude: 51.051959; Longitude: -0.199437
What3Words: underway.flagging.delusions


Photo ID: 052086 Photo ID: 052089 Photo ID: 052110 Photo ID: 052113 Photo ID: 052117 Photo ID: 052128 Photo ID: 052130

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/04/2024), and on time of last update (22/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bluebell Railway Bluebell Railway No Data


Once part of the National Rail network, but closed in the mid-1950s, the line was the first Heritage Railway to re-open with steam trains returning to a part of the tracks within a couple of years of closure and setting the template for many heritage railways around the country. Over the years the line has extended and now runs from it's connection with the National Rail network at East Grinstead down to Sheffield Park, via the main station on the line at Horsted Keynes, once an important junction station and home to the carriage works. Sheffield Park is the current terminus of the line and likely to remain that way as a return south to Lewes is unlikely. It's also home to the locomotive works for the line and a small museum, as it and station just short of Horsted Keynes were the first part of the line to re-open.



Getting There

From Haywards Heath the 270 runs hourly (every other hour on Sundays) to East Grinsted or Horsted Keynes (railway running days only), taking about 20 minutes to Horsted Keynes Station and about an hour to East Grinstead
Latitude: 51.046056; Longitude: -0.044724
What3Words: over.growl.rice


Photo ID: 052171 Photo ID: 052173 Photo ID: 052184 Photo ID: 052189 Photo ID: 052213 Photo ID: 052220 Photo ID: 052277

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2024), and on time of last update (22/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Handcross: Nymans Gardens Handcross: Nymans Gardens National Trust


A National Trust owned property - Original a spacious family home in beautiful grounds the main house burnt to the ground in 1947 and only a small part was restored for the family to live in before they gifted the house and gardens to the National Trust. Today the grounds provide many different areas to explore including walled gardens, a large rock garden and several specialist and themes spaces. I visited in mid-April and the garden was a riot of colour from all the blossoms


Charge, Free for National Trust Members

Getting There

From Haywards Heath the 271 bus runs every 2 hours or so, taking 20 minutes to reach Nymans
Latitude: 51.068966; Longitude: -0.087154
What3Words: fetching.boost.fencing


Photo ID: 052011 Photo ID: 052015 Photo ID: 052021 Photo ID: 052032 Photo ID: 052040 Photo ID: 052053 Photo ID: 052078

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/04/2024), and on time of last update (22/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sheffield Park and Gardens Sheffield Park and Gardens National Trust


Whilst the house at Sheffield Park is still in private ownership the large gardens and parkland are now part of the National Trust. Gardens and woods are located around a series of ponds, including an impressive waterfall.


Charge, Free for National Trust Members

Getting There

From Haywards Heath you either need to travel via the Bluebell Railway, or take the train to Lewes (every 30 minutes, about 20 minutes) and change there for 121 bus (every 75 minutes on Saturdays, every two hours on Sundays, no service Monday to Friday, journey time is about 30 minutes)
Latitude: 50.997684; Longitude: 0.013327
What3Words: hurtles.give.builds


Photo ID: 052223 Photo ID: 052229 Photo ID: 052234 Photo ID: 052245 Photo ID: 052253 Photo ID: 052261 Photo ID: 052265

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2024), and on time of last update (22/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

All Saints Church All Saints Church No Data


The church is located close to the site of the original spring that brought prosperity to the town. Over the years it was enlarged from a small church to one of the largest parish churches in the UK.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.286004; Longitude: -1.532209
What3Words: churn.cakes.glue


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Art Gallery Art Gallery No Data


The art gallery, located in the pump house, displays some of the art works donated to or owned by the town, including a fair number which focus on Warwickshire.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.286849; Longitude: -1.534446
What3Words: flying.urgent.veal


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jephson Gardens Jephson Gardens No Data


Originally the location of the entertainments laid on for those down to take the waters, today the Jephson gardens are a tranquil oasis in the centre of town. They include a small greenhouse of tropical plants.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.287905; Longitude: -1.531122
What3Words: labels.epic.space


Photo ID: 005112 Photo ID: 005113 Photo ID: 005114 Photo ID: 005116 Photo ID: 005117 Photo ID: 005118 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Leamington Spa walk Leamington Spa walk No Data


During the summer months the local town council run a free evening stroll around the town centre, taking in some of the key sights in the town, including the Jephson gardens, Elephant wash and the site of the first spa spring. The tours are run by local guides and give a very good insight into Leamington Spa



Getting There

Latitude: 52.287168; Longitude: -1.533655
What3Words: supporter.league.grace


Photo ID: 005112 Photo ID: 005113 Photo ID: 005114 Photo ID: 005115 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum Museum No Data


Located in the Pump Room the museum tells the history of the town from small hamlet to playground of the rich. The museum includes some of the original baths preserved inside including the Turkish bathing rooms. The museum also has a gallery for special exhibitions



Getting There

Latitude: 52.286989; Longitude: -1.534425
What3Words: lived.rise.under


Photo ID: 005119 Photo ID: 005120 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Charlecote Park Charlecote Park National Trust


Home to the Lucy family the house was remodelled in the Victorian era and that is the layout viewable today. Along with the house there are substantial grounds you can wander around with both formal gardens and the deer park.


Charge, Free for NT Members

Getting There

From Leamington there are hourly direct buses to the entrance to the park (the same bus continues onto Stratford-upon-Avon)
Latitude: 52.205493; Longitude: -1.622254
What3Words: trailers.slurping.relocated


Photo ID: 005096 Photo ID: 005097 Photo ID: 005098 Photo ID: 005099 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coughton Court Coughton Court National Trust


Home to the Throckmorton family for over 600 years whose staunch Catholicism brought them both power and suffering. It was in rooms in the building that plotters in the Gunpowder plot waited to hear if they had been successful. The house still has an original priest hole and one whole wing was destroyed by an angry Protestant mob in the 15th Century. Today the house and substantial grounds are open to look around.


Charge, Free for NT Members, except walled garden

Getting There

From Leamington you need to catch a bus into Stratford-upon-Avon and change there onto another bus (26 to Redditch) to Coughton Court. Journey time, with a good connection is around 1 hour 40.
Latitude: 52.243569; Longitude: -1.879864
What3Words: recliner.caressing.solved


Photo ID: 005100 Photo ID: 005101 Photo ID: 005102 Photo ID: 005103 Photo ID: 005104 Photo ID: 005105 Photo ID: 005106

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon: Anne Hathaway's Cottage Stratford-upon-Avon: Anne Hathaway's Cottage No Data


Anne Hathaway was Williams wife (she gave birth to their first child 6 months after their wedding, I'll let you do the maths!) and this is the Cottage that she grew up in.


Charge, Joint ticket with other properties

Getting There

Latitude: 52.190624; Longitude: -1.73157
What3Words: tips.almost.flames


Photo ID: 004368 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon: Bancroft River Cruise Stratford-upon-Avon: Bancroft River Cruise No Data


The 45 minute cruise leaves hourly from a mooring point behind the Crowne Plaza hotel and travels down the river to the Holy Trinity Church, then back up past some of the more expensive houses in Stratford. Along the way the guide tells you some of the history of the town and some facts about the river.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.192512; Longitude: -1.700065
What3Words: hired.chemistry.verbs


Photo ID: 005107 Photo ID: 005108 Photo ID: 005109 Photo ID: 005110 Photo ID: 005111 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon: City Sightseeing Stratford-upon-Avon: City Sightseeing No Data


The hop-on-hop-off multi-lingual tour of the area takes in all the key sites, including going out to both Anne Hathaway's Cottage and Mary Arden's Farm (Mary was Williams mother).



Getting There

Latitude: 52.192767; Longitude: -1.703026
What3Words: dreams.atoms.bike


Photo ID: 004366 Photo ID: 004367 Photo ID: 004368 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon: Holy Trinity Church Stratford-upon-Avon: Holy Trinity Church No Data


The church in the town where William and Anne are buried. This is a lovely church with lots of windows making it very light inside.


Suggested (compulsory) donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.186612; Longitude: -1.707293
What3Words: patch.manual.nests


Photo ID: 004374 Photo ID: 004375 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon: Mary Arden's House Stratford-upon-Avon: Mary Arden's House No Data


Mary was Williams Grandmother and the house she lived in is now part of a large site that recreates Tudor life, including farming and living. The site is only open during the summer months


Charge, Joint ticket with other properties

Getting There

From Stratford the easiest way is to take the open-top tour out to the site, alternatively you can take the train back two stops to Wilmcote from where it is a short walk.
Latitude: 52.221129; Longitude: -1.760945
What3Words: rationing.down.scorched


Photo ID: 005071 Photo ID: 005072 Photo ID: 005073 Photo ID: 005074 Photo ID: 005075 Photo ID: 005076 Photo ID: 005077

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon: Nash House & New Place Stratford-upon-Avon: Nash House & New Place No Data


The Nash house was where William's granddaughter lived for a while, but it also next to where New Place once stood, the home that Shakespeare retired to and eventually died in. Sadly, a grumpy preacher in the 18th Century who didn't like Shakespeare's plays had it pulled down so all that exists today are the gardens.


Charge, Joint ticket with other properties

Getting There

Latitude: 52.190843; Longitude: -1.707634
What3Words: ages.inspector.scouts


Photo ID: 004367 Photo ID: 005078 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon: Shakespeare's Birthplace Stratford-upon-Avon: Shakespeare's Birthplace No Data


The house where William was born and brought up, today you enter through the next door visitor centre which gives some background on Williams life and work, then you go into the house itself.


Charge, Joint ticket with other properties

Getting There

Latitude: 52.19391; Longitude: -1.708004
What3Words: poppy.ranch.sheet


Photo ID: 004366 Photo ID: 004369 Photo ID: 004370 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/02/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Warwick: St Mary's Church Warwick: St Mary's Church No Data


The main church in the town housing the tombs of some of the Earls of Warwick.


Suggested donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.282301; Longitude: -1.587991
What3Words: encounter.author.stem


Photo ID: 005092 Photo ID: 005095 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Warwick: St Mary's Church Tower Warwick: St Mary's Church Tower No Data


The 160 step climb to the top of the tower is worth the effort for the stunning views of both the town and the surrounding countryside. There are also spectacular views of the castle.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.282284; Longitude: -1.58849
What3Words: fuzzy.factories.waving


Photo ID: 005093 Photo ID: 005094 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Warwick: Warwick Castle Warwick: Warwick Castle No Data


Home to the Earls of Warwick, the castle is reputedly the finest Medieval castle in England. It's certainly well kept with almost the whole building being original. The only problem is that it is run by the same people who run the London Dungeons and Alton Towers, so it's very commercial, and very expensive. There is lots to see around the site, though some areas charge an additional entrance fee (such as the dungeons) on top of the already hefty entrance charge.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.279705; Longitude: -1.585207
What3Words: sailor.flips.discouraged


Photo ID: 005081 Photo ID: 005082 Photo ID: 005083 Photo ID: 005085 Photo ID: 005086 Photo ID: 005088 Photo ID: 005089

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stratford-upon-Avon Stratford-upon-Avon No Data


It's location on the banks of the Avon makes Stratford a very pretty town and worth seeing just for this. But it is its association with the English languages greatest writer that draws the crowds. It was here the William Shakespeare was born, grew up, retired to and eventually died and was buried in. The whole town is 'ShakespeareWorld'


Getting There

From Leamington Spa there are regular buses direct to Stratford (15 and 18, hourly 18A on Sundays) taking around an hour to complete the trip. Alternatively you can catch the infrequent train direct. Trains take around 30 minutes, but are only every other hour
Latitude: 52.19157; Longitude: -1.706989
What3Words: lifted.exchanges.insect


Photo ID: 004366 Photo ID: 004367 Photo ID: 004369 Photo ID: 004371 Photo ID: 004372 Photo ID: 004373 Photo ID: 004375

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Warwick Warwick No Data


The county town of Warwickshire and home to one of the largest and best preserved castles in the country. The town also boasts a number of Tudor, Georgian and Victoria buildings and is a pleasant place to stroll around in the sun.


Getting There

From Leamington there are regular buses to Warwick taking around 20 minutes, alternatively (and cheaper) there are trains around every 30 minutes taking 4 minutes.
Latitude: 52.282262; Longitude: -1.590555
What3Words: novel.limp.chef


Photo ID: 005084 Photo ID: 005087 Photo ID: 005090 Photo ID: 005091 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2010), and on time of last update (19/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Anne Hathaway's Cottage Anne Hathaway's Cottage No Data


Anne Hathaway was Williams wife (she gave birth to their first child 6 months after their wedding, I'll let you do the maths!) and this is the Cottage that she grew up in, albeit with later additions. You can explore both the cottage and the grounds.


Charge, Joint ticket for Anne Hathaway's Cottage, New Place and Shakespeare's Birthplace

Getting There

The cottage is about a miles walk from the centre of Stratford, alternatively the open-top hop-on-hop-off bus stops by the cottage every 30 minutes during the season, arriving at the cottage 30 minutes after leaving Bank Foot.
Latitude: 52.190624; Longitude: -1.73157
What3Words: tips.almost.flames


Photo ID: 048331 Photo ID: 048332 Photo ID: 048334 Photo ID: 048336 Photo ID: 048337 Photo ID: 048340 Photo ID: 048341

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2023), and on time of last update (17/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Avon Boating Cruise Avon Boating Cruise No Data


Starting from just outside the RSC theatre on the river itself this tour first heads down towards the weir before heading back up the river, under the two bridges and a fair distance further up the river taking in some of the very nicest of the riverside houses, before turning round and returning back to the theatre. There are hand-held audio guides available to give you some information, otherwise the tour is conducted with no commentary.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.191082; Longitude: -1.702547
What3Words: firm.issued.closet


Photo ID: 048401 Photo ID: 048403 Photo ID: 048406 Photo ID: 048413 Photo ID: 048418 Photo ID: 048419 Photo ID: 048420

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/07/2023), and on time of last update (17/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bancroft River Cruise Bancroft River Cruise No Data


The 45 minute cruise leaves hourly from a mooring point behind the Crowne Plaza hotel and travels down the river to the Holy Trinity Church, then back up past some of the more expensive houses in Stratford. Along the way the guide tells you some of the history of the town and some facts about the river.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.192512; Longitude: -1.700065
What3Words: hired.chemistry.verbs


Photo ID: 048391 Photo ID: 048392 Photo ID: 048398 Photo ID: 048399 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2023), and on time of last update (17/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Canal and River Cruise Canal and River Cruise No Data


Starting from the Bancroft Basin the cruise starts by descending the Stratford lock to gain access to the River Avon before travelling down to the weir where it turns around and travels back to the basin, including riding up in the lock. Along the way a pre-recorded commentary points out key sights.



Getting There

Latitude: 52.192013; Longitude: -1.70319
What3Words: tricky.cracks.forget


Photo ID: 048377 Photo ID: 048380 Photo ID: 048382 Photo ID: 048384 Photo ID: 048387 Photo ID: 048388 Photo ID: 048389

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/07/2023), and on time of last update (17/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


The hop-on-hop-off multi-lingual tour of the area takes in all the key sites, including going out to both Anne Hathaway's Cottage and Mary Arden's Farm (Mary was Williams mother).



Getting There

Latitude: 52.192767; Longitude: -1.703026
What3Words: dreams.atoms.bike


Photo ID: 048281 Photo ID: 048283 Photo ID: 048285 Photo ID: 048287 Photo ID: 048294 Photo ID: 048296 Photo ID: 048347

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2023), and on time of last update (17/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holy Trinity Church Holy Trinity Church No Data


The church in the town where William and Anne are buried. This is a lovely church with lots of windows making it very light inside.


Free to look around the main body of the church, charge to go up to the altar and see Shakespeare's Grave

Getting There

Latitude: 52.186612; Longitude: -1.707293
What3Words: patch.manual.nests


Photo ID: 048365 Photo ID: 048366 Photo ID: 048367 Photo ID: 048387 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2023), and on time of last update (17/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nash House & New Place Nash House & New Place No Data


The Nash house was where William's granddaughter lived for a while, but it also next to where New Place once stood, the home that Shakespeare retired to and eventually died in. Sadly, a grumpy preacher in the 18th Century who didn't like Shakespeare's plays had it pulled down so all that exists today are the gardens.


Charge, Joint ticket for Anne Hathaway's Cottage, New Place and Shakespeare's Birthplace

Getting There

Latitude: 52.190843; Longitude: -1.707634
What3Words: ages.inspector.scouts


Photo ID: 048348 Photo ID: 048349 Photo ID: 048350 Photo ID: 048356 Photo ID: 048358 Photo ID: 048361 Photo ID: 048362

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2023), and on time of last update (17/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Shakespeare Theatre: Gallery Royal Shakespeare Theatre: Gallery No Data


Located in the only part of the original theatre to survive the 1926 fire this small gallery houses a number of costumes from RSC productions over the year, as well as displays on how different interpretations of The Bards work are put together. There is also the RSCs copy of the First Folio, the 1623 production of Shakespeare's work that helped to cement his legacy.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.190429; Longitude: -1.704519
What3Words: shrimp.causes.caring


Photo ID: 048329 Photo ID: 048431 Photo ID: 048432 Photo ID: 048433 Photo ID: 048434 Photo ID: 048435 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/07/2023), and on time of last update (17/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Shakespeare Theatre: Tower Royal Shakespeare Theatre: Tower No Data


The tallest building in the town, with views - on a good day - out to the Malvern Hills and the surrounding countryside. It's a great place to take in views over the centre of Stratford and the river.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 52.190823; Longitude: -1.704433
What3Words: foam.plays.risky


Photo ID: 048328 Photo ID: 048421 Photo ID: 048422 Photo ID: 048424 Photo ID: 048427 Photo ID: 048429 Photo ID: 048430

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/07/2023), and on time of last update (17/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shakespeare's Birthplace Shakespeare's Birthplace No Data


The house where William was born and brought up, today you enter through the next door visitor centre which gives some background on Williams life and work, then you go into the house itself.


Charge, Joint ticket for Anne Hathaway's Cottage, New Place and Shakespeare's Birthplace

Getting There

Latitude: 52.19391; Longitude: -1.708004
What3Words: poppy.ranch.sheet


Photo ID: 048310 Photo ID: 048311 Photo ID: 048312 Photo ID: 048317 Photo ID: 048319 Photo ID: 048320 Photo ID: 048325

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/07/2023), and on time of last update (17/07/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Art Gallery City Art Gallery No Data


The gallery houses the works of art that the city has either brought or had donated to it. There is a wide collection including paintings, sculptures and photographs. There are temporary galleries which at the time of visiting were displaying winners of the 2010 Northern Art prize



Getting There

Latitude: 53.800125; Longitude: -1.548058
What3Words: scars.theme.bind


Photo ID: 005393 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Henry Moore Institute Henry Moore Institute No Data


At the time of visiting the Institute was in the process of changing most of it's galleries over for a major new exhibition. The Institute focuses on sculpture and is named for the local born artist rather than actually housing any of his works.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.800115; Longitude: -1.547543
What3Words: awake.snows.bill


Photo ID: 005393 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Armouries Royal Armouries No Data


Located in the canal basin the Royal Armouries were moved from the Tower of London to Leeds in the 1990's to enable more of them to be displayed than was possible in the cramped conditions of the Tower. The purpose built museum has space to show off all of the collection, though the design of the building and the choice of location for some exhibitions does appear a little random at times. The exhibition deals with all forms of Arm, Armour and warfare from the medieval times through until the modern day.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.791792; Longitude: -1.532636
What3Words: paying.yard.noisy


Photo ID: 005387 Photo ID: 005389 Photo ID: 005390 Photo ID: 005391 Photo ID: 005408 Photo ID: 005410 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harrogate: Royal Pump Room Museum Harrogate: Royal Pump Room Museum No Data


Located over a couple of the wells that made the city famous, including the sulphurous well, the pump room now houses a museum telling the history of the development of the town. At the end of your visit you are invited to sample the waters. They are pretty eggy and salty and advice is they are best taken shortly after there has been heavy rain as this dilutes the worst of the taste. Tasting the water is free, a very strong mint to take the taste away costs.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.993544; Longitude: -1.546755
What3Words: living.shut.busy


Photo ID: 005402 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harrogate: Valley Gardens Harrogate: Valley Gardens No Data


Running from the pump room up onto the edge of the Pennines offering stunning views over the countryside.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.991193; Longitude: -1.550939
What3Words: kinks.locked.tulip


Photo ID: 005403 Photo ID: 005404 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Haworth: Brontë Parsonage Museum Haworth: Brontë Parsonage Museum No Data


The Parsonage house was where the family lived for much of their lives, and was where the bulk of the sisters books were written. Today it’s a museum to the history of the Brontë Sisters and their works.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.831179; Longitude: -1.957262
What3Words: opponent.doubts.escorting


Photo ID: 024501 Photo ID: 024502 Photo ID: 024503 Photo ID: 024504 Photo ID: 024505 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Haworth: St Michael and All Angels Church Haworth: St Michael and All Angels Church No Data


This is the church that the Brontë Sisters father was responsible for and is now the site of the family vault where most of the family, including the three sisters, are buried.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 53.83121; Longitude: -1.956088
What3Words: pirate.tasks.smiles


Photo ID: 024494 Photo ID: 024495 Photo ID: 024496 Photo ID: 024497 Photo ID: 024498 Photo ID: 024499 Photo ID: 024500

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Keighly: Keighly and Worth Valley Railway Keighly: Keighly and Worth Valley Railway No Data


One of the first heritage lines to open in the UK after it was closed in the early 1960s (before the Beeching cuts.) Today a regular service runs through much of the year, partly as the service is a convenient way of getting to Haworth for the Brontë Parsonage.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.867904; Longitude: -1.901867
What3Words: land.expert.trip


Photo ID: 024462 Photo ID: 024467 Photo ID: 024471 Photo ID: 024474 Photo ID: 024479 Photo ID: 024486 Photo ID: 024490

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Middleham: Castle Middleham: Castle English Heritage


The castle has played an important part in English history and at one point was a major royal residence. Today a large bulk of the structure survives with the shell of the keep still pretty well intact. The views from the top of the keep over the Dales are spectacular (even when it is pouring with rain!)



Getting There

Latitude: 54.284074; Longitude: -1.806975
What3Words: collides.ranks.began


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Middleham: Church Middleham: Church No Data


A lovely small parish church set on the edge of the town centre.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 54.286417; Longitude: -1.807541
What3Words: finds.firework.fruity


Photo ID: 005373 Photo ID: 005374 Photo ID: 005375 Photo ID: 005376 Photo ID: 005377 Photo ID: 005378 Photo ID: 005380

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Richmond: Castle Richmond: Castle English Heritage


It's only fitting that the place that has had it's name replicated more often around the English speaking world than any other should also have an impressive castle and important history. The lands were given to William the Conqueror's nephew shortly after the Battle of Hastings and he built his castle here on "The Strong Hill" (Riche Mount). Today the castle is mostly ruins, though the impressive keep is in pretty good repair (having been used during both the World Wars.) There is a small exhibition on the history of the castle and the town.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.402209; Longitude: -1.737535
What3Words: stay.amicably.indoor


Photo ID: 005362 Photo ID: 005363 Photo ID: 005364 Photo ID: 005365 Photo ID: 005367 Photo ID: 005368 Photo ID: 005369

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Richmond: Friary Richmond: Friary No Data


Located behind the Tourist information centre, the only part of the Friary that remains is a tower and two arched windows.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.404544; Longitude: -1.73805
What3Words: equipment.trucks.worldwide


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ripon: Cathedral Ripon: Cathedral No Data


A beautiful and compact cathedral for this beautiful and compact city. The Cathedral includes the original Saxon crypt dating from 672.


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 54.13505; Longitude: -1.519997
What3Words: puddings.envisage.welcome


Photo ID: 005431 Photo ID: 005432 Photo ID: 005433 Photo ID: 005434 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ripon: Fountains Abbey and Studly Royal Ripon: Fountains Abbey and Studly Royal National Trust and English Heritage


The ruins of the largest Cistercian abbey in the country and a real insight into what a fully functioning (rich) monastery would have looked like. In the 18th Century the surrounding land was landscaped into formal gardens (Studly Royal) with the ruins of the Abbey as an additional feature. Today the gardens do play second fiddle to the amazing remains, though they complement each other very well, with stunning vistas across the gardens to the ruins and vice-versa



Getting There

From Ripon town centre it's a four mile walk, alternatively, the irregular 139 bus (more frequent on summer Sundays) runs out to the visitors centre taking around 15 minutes
Latitude: 54.113069; Longitude: -1.584735
What3Words: passwords.parading.caressed


Photo ID: 005411 Photo ID: 005414 Photo ID: 005418 Photo ID: 005419 Photo ID: 005423 Photo ID: 005428 Photo ID: 005429

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Saltaire: Shipley Glen Cable Tramway Saltaire: Shipley Glen Cable Tramway No Data


This cable hauled tram runs the 600m or so from the rear of Roberts Park up to the top of Shipley Glen. It's worth a round trip just for the weird little carriages and the journey.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.842938; Longitude: -1.790699
What3Words: fades.future.begin


Photo ID: 024529 Photo ID: 024530 Photo ID: 024531 Photo ID: 024532 Photo ID: 024533 Photo ID: 024534 Photo ID: 024536

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skipton: Castle Skipton: Castle No Data


Advertised as one of the finest surviving medieval castles with all it's roof intact. Only a part of the castle is actually open to visitors, the bulk of the building still being a private home. You guide yourself round the castle following a guide sheet and the limited information plaques on the walls. All in all, it's a bit of a disappointment, and quite expensive.



Getting There

Latitude: 53.964045; Longitude: -2.015283
What3Words: defender.tanks.broadens


Photo ID: 005397 Photo ID: 005398 Photo ID: 005399 Photo ID: 005400 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harrogate Harrogate No Data


Harrogate only really began as a place in the 19th Century when it's spa waters started to attract the rich and famous. Today it's a very upmarket and gentile town, still with a small Turkish bath as a reminder of it's spa past, but mostly focusing on the Conference trade.


Getting There

From Leeds there are half hourly trains to Harrogate, taking around 30 minutes. Alternatively there are buses every 20 minutes taking around an hour
Latitude: 53.993227; Longitude: -1.541154
What3Words: reply.fleet.fallen


Photo ID: 005401 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Haworth Haworth No Data


Located on a steep hill, this small town is now the centre of an international tourism trade, thanks to three sisters who lived at the parsonage during the early 19th Century. The Brontë sisters are perhaps some of the most famous writers in the English language and consequently tourists are drawn to this small town in their hundreds to look round the church where their father was in charge, the parsonage where they wrote most of their work as well as the local surrounding countryside


Getting There

There are half hourly Metro trains from Leeds to Keighley, supplemented by occasional Blackpool and Carlisle trains with the journey taking around 35 minutes. From Keighley you need to take a Bronte Bus or Keighley Jets service to Haworth. If it's running you could take the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway from Keighley direct to Haworth. The bus and steam train take around the same time to make the journey, with a total journey time of just over an hour.
Latitude: 53.831515; Longitude: -1.955942
What3Words: ghost.residual.surreal


Photo ID: 024492 Photo ID: 024493 Photo ID: 024506 Photo ID: 024507 Photo ID: 024508 Photo ID: 024509 Photo ID: 024510

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Middleham Middleham No Data


The home of Racehorse training in the UK (there are nearly as many horses as there are people in the town) it's importance was originally because of it's castle. Today it's a pleasant little town spread out around the market square and jubilee fountain near the castle.


Getting There

From Leeds you can catch a bus to Ripon (every 30-20 minutes, 90 minutes) where you can pick up the 159 to Middleham (every 2 hours, 50 minutes). This is the cheapest option. You can also catch the train to Darlington (Regular, some requiring a change in York, 55 minutes) where a bus service runs every 30 minutes from outside the station taking around 30 minutes to get to the Market square in Richmond and from there pick up the 159 to Middleham. Through ticketing from Leeds to Richmond is available.
Latitude: 54.285336; Longitude: -1.805553
What3Words: partied.caring.obstinate


Photo ID: 005379 Photo ID: 005382 Photo ID: 005383 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Richmond Richmond No Data


Depending on which version you want to believe Richmond either takes it's name from the castle being built on "The Strong Hill" (Riche Mount) or from the Norman settlement of Richemont. Whichever one it is, Richmond is now the most replicated UK place name in the World with over 50 other Richmond's dotted throughout the English speaking world (including Richmond-upon-Thames near London, and more confusingly another Richmond in Sheffield in South Yorkshire). Today the town is set around the pretty Georgian market and is one of the (many) gateways into the Yorkshire Dales


Getting There

From Leeds you have to catch the train to Darlington (Regular, some requiring a change in York, 55 minutes) where a bus service runs every 30 minutes from outside the station taking around 30 minutes to get to the Market square. Through ticketing from Leeds is available.
Latitude: 54.403146; Longitude: -1.737481
What3Words: choirs.instant.increment


Photo ID: 005361 Photo ID: 005366 Photo ID: 005371 Photo ID: 005372 Photo ID: 005384 Photo ID: 005385 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ripon Ripon No Data


One of the smallest cities in the UK (fourth smallest in England, 7th in the UK as a whole) Ripon gives quick access to some of the most stunning parts of the Yorkshire dales, including the World Heritage site at Fountains Abbey


Getting There

From Leeds the number 36 bus runs every 20 minutes or so taking about 90 minutes to make the trip into Ripon.
Latitude: 54.136319; Longitude: -1.523795
What3Words: snares.formal.exonerate


Photo ID: 005431 Photo ID: 005432 Photo ID: 005435 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Saltaire Saltaire No Data


Built by mill owner and magnate Titus Salt as a model town for his mill workers complete with shops, decent homes and entertainment facilities today Saltaire is still a beautiful little town and a World Heritage Site. The large park on the edge of town on the opposite bank of the Aire and separated by the Leeds and Liverpool canal adds to the peaceful and pleasant feel of this town. It's worth spending some time wandering around.


Getting There

There are half hourly Metro trains from Leeds, Journeys take around 25 minutes
Latitude: 53.837101; Longitude: -1.789953
What3Words: inspector.active.hurray


Photo ID: 024511 Photo ID: 024513 Photo ID: 024517 Photo ID: 024519 Photo ID: 024520 Photo ID: 024522 Photo ID: 024524

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/09/2018), and on time of last update (11/10/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skipton Skipton No Data


Skipton on the edge of the dales is a small market town with an impressive castle and a pleasant canal.


Getting There

There are half hourly Metro trains from Leeds, supplemented by occasional Blackpool and Carlisle trains. Journeys take around 40 minutes.
Latitude: 53.961552; Longitude: -2.016903
What3Words: clashes.fools.oxidation


Photo ID: 005396 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2011), and on time of last update (18/01/2011) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alderney Museum Alderney Museum No Data


The museum has a small and eclectic collection of artefacts related to the island, from flints and stones used by the very first settlers to the island up to the modern day, with - unsurprisingly, a large collection of items relating to the war. The museum tells the history of the island including the murky period during WWII when it was evacuated of all the inhabitants and turned into the only concentration camp in the British Isles. Records show that definitely 1000 and maybe as many as 3000+ people died on the island during the war either as slave workers or from the conditions they were forced to live in.


Small Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 49.713838; Longitude: -2.204604
What3Words: chandelier.pacemakers.mongoose


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2004), and on time of last update (05/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alderney Railway Alderney Railway No Data


The service is the only train that runs in the whole of the Channel Islands. The former goods line from the quarry to the harbour has been reopened by a group of railway enthusiasts who run a service backwards and forwards using an old London Underground train. It's not very quick and there are only 3 trains a day at the weekend in July and August, but it's more than any of the other islands can muster!



Getting There

Latitude: 49.721746; Longitude: -2.20057
What3Words: aced.draining.rosebuds


Photo ID: 000448 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2004), and on time of last update (05/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bus Tour Bus Tour No Data


A well presented and interesting tour that takes you round the outside of the island showing you the main sights of the island. The tour is conducted by the driver who gives an informative and well presented history and guide to the island.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.712798; Longitude: -2.207394
What3Words: eligibility.untangle.splice


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2004), and on time of last update (05/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lighthouse Lighthouse No Data


Located next to the Quarry at the end of the railway line, the main lighthouse on the island is open whenever the railway runs and offers 45 minute long guided tours telling you something of the history and workings of the lighthouse.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.727281; Longitude: -2.171903
What3Words: promote.malting.shovels
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2004), and on time of last update (05/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wildlife Bunker Wildlife Bunker No Data


Utilising an old German fortification the Alderney Wildlife Society has put together an exhibition on the unique flora and fauna of the island (including the unique blonde hedgehog!)



Getting There

Latitude: 49.70944; Longitude: -2.18821
What3Words: turmoil.composition.parallel


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2004), and on time of last update (05/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bears Beach Bears Beach No Data


North of Fisherman's beach and generally quiet Bears Beach lies below some low sand dues and is a small sandy beach with excellent views across to Guernsey. Due to the surrounding reef and rocks it isn't possible for most vessels to get near the beach even at high tide.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.476605; Longitude: -2.455287
What3Words: swoop.bickered.downtime


Photo ID: 027851 Photo ID: 027852 Photo ID: 027854 Photo ID: 027857 Photo ID: 027859 Photo ID: 027861 Photo ID: 028003

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2019), and on time of last update (11/08/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belvois Bay Belvois Bay No Data


The second most popular beach on the island, this is located on a small bay half way up the Western coast of the island and almost directly opposite the harbour once you’ve climbed up and over the central spine of the island. A small bay with a sandy beach and a cafe.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.473767; Longitude: -2.444715
What3Words: desperation.keypads.clunked


Photo ID: 027899 Photo ID: 027902 Photo ID: 027904 Photo ID: 027960 Photo ID: 027966 Photo ID: 027967 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2019), and on time of last update (11/08/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Common Common No Data


Occupying most of the Northern third of the island the Common is a large open space with a number of small hills. Dotted across the common are a number of Dolmen, believed to be from ancient inhabitants of the island who treated the Common as the burial ground, and possibly religious part of the island.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.479236; Longitude: -2.451622
What3Words: perplex.permit.flamboyant


Photo ID: 027976 Photo ID: 027978 Photo ID: 027982 Photo ID: 027987 Photo ID: 027998 Photo ID: 028010 Photo ID: 028011

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2019), and on time of last update (11/08/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fisherman's Beach Fisherman's Beach No Data


Located next to the harbour, this is the closest of the island beaches to the main facilities and the third busiest. At low tide its possible to go out to the islets off shore as the tide retreats a long way back behind the reef. At high tide the area becomes an overspill for the harbour. The beach is sandy



Getting There

Latitude: 49.47207; Longitude: -2.452389
What3Words: suchlike.nightclubs.dignitary


Photo ID: 027831 Photo ID: 027834 Photo ID: 027836 Photo ID: 027884 Photo ID: 027885 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2019), and on time of last update (11/08/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Island Walk Island Walk No Data


A path runs round the edge of the whole of the island, allowing you to do a complete circuit of the island. Half the walk, round the northern part of the island, takes in the Common, beaches and sand dunes and is relatively flat walking. The second half of the walk, from Shell Beach round to the Harbour via the South of the Island takes you up over the cliffs, with excellent views across to the neighbouring islands and down into the little bays around the island.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.465394; Longitude: -2.445537
What3Words: retaliation.roses.fishnet


Photo ID: 027928 Photo ID: 027933 Photo ID: 027937 Photo ID: 027942 Photo ID: 027948 Photo ID: 027953 Photo ID: 027959

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2019), and on time of last update (11/08/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mouisonniere Beach Mouisonniere Beach No Data


The quietest of the islands beaches and stretching the whole length of the North coast of Herm. This long sandy beach sits below the dunes at the end of the islands Common and on a clear day offers views out towards Alderney



Getting There

Latitude: 49.481049; Longitude: -2.452901
What3Words: reworking.skimmer.battling


Photo ID: 027864 Photo ID: 027865 Photo ID: 027868 Photo ID: 027870 Photo ID: 027871 Photo ID: 027872 Photo ID: 028009

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2019), and on time of last update (11/08/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shell Beach Shell Beach No Data


The most popular of the islands beaches. Running for about half of the East coast of the island from the end of Mouisonniere beach at Alderney Point this long sandy beach is actually made up from millions of crushed shells, so it's not as soft sand as some of the other beaches on the island. It does however have a shallow sloping beach that provides lots of space during high tide - at low tide it's a long walk to the water. The beach also has a small concession offering kayaking and a small kiosk selling drinks and snacks



Getting There

Latitude: 49.479577; Longitude: -2.447867
What3Words: torrid.calms.typical


Photo ID: 027875 Photo ID: 027878 Photo ID: 027879 Photo ID: 027880 Photo ID: 027881 Photo ID: 027905 Photo ID: 027975

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2019), and on time of last update (11/08/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castle Cornet Castle Cornet No Data


St Peter Port's main defense and like its cousin in St Hellier, separated from the land by almost a mile. Unlike Jersey, someone in the 19th century decided to build a breakwater out to the island so that the castle is permanently accessible. The staff give a daily guided tour round the site, giving you a background to the history of the complex. The tour ends at the noon day gun, seconds before it is fired. The site itself has separate 4 museums housed in different parts of the building along with other memorabilia scattered around the site


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.453117; Longitude: -2.526362
What3Words: visions.whom.activity


Photo ID: 000247 Photo ID: 000258 Photo ID: 000267 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fort George Fort George No Data


On the hill above St Peter Port and overlooking La Vallette and Castle Cornet, is Fort George. Originally it was built to supersede Castle Cornet but has in time come to be the less important of the two. Most of the buildings are still there but are currently sealed awaiting the site to be properly developed into a tourist attraction, but for good views out over the bay and St Peter Port it is a good site



Getting There

Latitude: 49.446379; Longitude: -2.53046
What3Words: liberty.dairies.rumbles


Photo ID: 000259 Photo ID: 000260 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

German Naval Headquarters German Naval Headquarters No Data


Built during the war to house the Naval intelligence for the German forces, this site is unique in not only giving you an idea of how the average German soldier spent their time at work, but because most of the details and information came from interviews with the officer who oversaw the construction and running of the site throughout the war. There is a short video presentation that includes part of those interviews and he (sadly now deceased) walks you round the site reminiscing on where things were and how the headquarters operated, especially once the islands had become isolated after D-day. The museum also benefits from being open from 7-9pm on a Monday evening so that you can fit it in at the end of a day


Free, Donation Requested

Getting There

Latitude: 49.458055; Longitude: -2.543936
What3Words: trademarks.climbing.impatiently


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guernsey Museum & Art Gallery Guernsey Museum & Art Gallery No Data


Located in a very quite a peaceful park, just up the back of St Peter Port this museum gives an in-depth guide to the history of the islands, from their geological creation 8000 years ago (prior to that they had just been large hills on the landscape of France prior to the bay of San Marlo forming), through their development at the hands of humans, their changes of ownership between France and England, their occupation and liberation during WWII up to the modern day. The gallery also contains some of the art works that the state owns.


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.459157; Longitude: -2.540803
What3Words: feasts.evolving.bitters


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Vallette Underground Museum La Vallette Underground Museum No Data


Housed in yet more tunnels dug for the Germans by prisoners, this time for housing fuel storage tanks for refueling U-boats, this is an eclectic collection of posters, signs, memorabilia, paraphernalia, vehicles, uniforms and medals from both sides. There is little in the way of signange to tell you what the things are, but most speak for themselves.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.450272; Longitude: -2.535256
What3Words: pilots.deadline.tonic


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Forest: German Occupation Museum Forest: German Occupation Museum No Data


Located down a little side street near the airport this museum gives a well presented oversight to the war and how it affected the residents of Guernsey. The museum has lots of information but suffers slightly from the look that it hasn't been updated since the early 80's with some of the information signs needing a bit of repair



Getting There

Latitude: 49.429642; Longitude: -2.59361
What3Words: streetwise.confining.makeover


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grand Rocques: Grand Rocques Fort Grand Rocques: Grand Rocques Fort No Data


Located on the West coast of the island this fort has been heavily modified by the Germans who made it secure during the occupation.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.487252; Longitude: -2.587516
What3Words: signal.gourmet.cost


Photo ID: 000250 Photo ID: 000251 Photo ID: 000252 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Villocq: Telephone Museum (CLOSED) Le Villocq: Telephone Museum (CLOSED) No Data


Despite all my assumptions to the opposite this turned out to be a very interesting and enjoyable museum. The very knowledgeable staff personally show you round the main exhibits, showing you how the technology behind making a telephone call works and the impact and development of the telephone within Guernsey. The museum itself is, suitable, housed inside one of the old Guernsey Telecom exchanges



Getting There

Latitude: 49.467985; Longitude: -2.580006
What3Words: fasten.drift.defraud


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Les Monmains: Vale Castle Les Monmains: Vale Castle No Data


From the road Vale castle near the second town of St Sampson, looks as though it is spectacular, unfortunately once you go inside you realize that the outside walls is virtually all that exists of the site. You can still make out where dividing walls once went, but apart from the odd small slab of stonework it is only the outside walls that have remained



Getting There

Latitude: 49.485203; Longitude: -2.509153
What3Words: whizzed.tigers.wide


Photo ID: 000261 Photo ID: 000262 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pleinmont: Fort Pezeries Pleinmont: Fort Pezeries No Data


On the most South Westerly point of the island this fort, like Fort George is in ruins, even less remains of this one just a small amount of retaining wall and one of the magazine stores. A board gives you a bit of information about the fort and it's life.



Getting There

Latitude: 49.437241; Longitude: -2.671437
What3Words: apprentice.sways.harmlessly


Photo ID: 000464 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2004), and on time of last update (05/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pleinmont: Pleinmont Observation Tower Pleinmont: Pleinmont Observation Tower No Data


Pleinmont is one of the few German observation towers that are open to the public (Wednesday only!) There is lots of information inside on the construction and use of the towers and the views from the roof are well worth the dodgy final climb up a short ladder and a large step back over the open cover you have just emerged from!



Getting There

Latitude: 49.433962; Longitude: -2.663476
What3Words: cloying.hairspray.kiosk


Photo ID: 000461 Photo ID: 000462 Photo ID: 000463 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2004), and on time of last update (05/09/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rocquaine Bay: Fort Grey Rocquaine Bay: Fort Grey No Data


Large fort building, resembling a cup and saucer that has been converted into a museum detailing the maritime history of the island. It focuses quite heavily on the accidents and shipwrecks that have occurred off the adjacent treacherously rocky western coast.


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.439529; Longitude: -2.655129
What3Words: untold.devoid.unblinking


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rousse: Rousse Tower Rousse: Rousse Tower No Data


One of the many martello towers built around the island has been turned into a small display of what life would have been like when it was in use at the time of the Napolionic wars. Wax works within the tower show how cramped life would have been like and the nearby magazine store has information boards giving a background to the Rousse tower and the martello towers in general



Getting There

Latitude: 49.49818; Longitude: -2.554235
What3Words: tidier.wowing.kittens


Photo ID: 000246 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrew: German Underground Hospital St Andrew: German Underground Hospital No Data


The fact that there is almost nothing here only adds to the sense of foreboding and menace that exists in the tunnels. Built, like its counterpart in Jersey, using slave labor many of whom died in its construction. Unlike Jersey's this has not been restored more than necessary. Water drips from the ceilings, beds and other metalwork rusts and the old tracks used to haul the carts loaded with debris from the construction are still visible. Also visible are several tunnels only partly excavated before the end of the war. The final thing that adds to the sense of menace is the temperature. No matter what the weather is like outside, its always 15°C inside



Getting There

Latitude: 49.44112; Longitude: -2.578483
What3Words: spooned.flattened.infuriated


Photo ID: 000245 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Andrew: Little Chapel St Andrew: Little Chapel No Data


Small and slightly kitsch attraction. Chapel and several side chapels all made entirely out of broken porcelain


Free, Donation Requested

Getting There

Latitude: 49.443715; Longitude: -2.58831
What3Words: port.bumblebees.idyllic


Photo ID: 000244 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Martin: Sausmarez Manor St Martin: Sausmarez Manor No Data


Manor house set in several acres of land just outside St Peter Port. The house itself is closed to the public most of the time, but you can wander round the grounds, visit the lakes or take in the tropical garden and sculpture trail



Getting There

Latitude: 49.435803; Longitude: -2.547112
What3Words: difficulties.wiring.tunic


Photo ID: 000249 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Islands The Islands No Data


Guernsey as itself is an individual island, but it is part of the Bailiwick of Guernsey which is made up of 7 main islands and lots of islets. The main islands are (in order of size): Guernsey; Alderney; Sark; Herm; Brecqhou - Private island off the coast of Sark; Jethou - Private island off the coast of Herm; Lihou - Off the coast of Guernsey, only accessible by Causeway at low tides


Getting There

Alderney - can be reached by regular short hop flights from Guernsey; Sark - Sark Shipping company run services from St Peter Port to Sark taking about 45 minutes and costing about £25 return; Herm - Herm Trident Catermans run regularly between St Peter Port and Herm, taking about 20 minutes and costing about £10 return; Brecqhou - there is no access to this island; Jethou - there is no access to this island; Lihou - small causeway near to Fort Grey. The fort also displays the times that the causeway is open
Latitude: 49.449379; Longitude: -2.427979
What3Words: giveaway.towering.horseshoe


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Herm Herm No Data


This is an absolutely beautiful island. Unlike Sark, Herm has been very strict with the motor transport. 1 tractor and a couple of quad bikes to empty the plentiful bins around the island. Even the kids have to give up their bikes by the time they get to 16! The island is very small (less than a mile long by 3/4 mile wide) but as most people head for the beaches on the East coast you can very quickly find yourself in absolute peace a quite overlooking the white sand dune beaches of the north coast or looking back onto the main bays from the South cliffs path. To walk the whole way round the island takes little over 2 hours if you walk fast, but it is well worth gently strolling to get a better view of the island.


Getting There

Herm Trident Catermans run regularly between St Peter Port and Herm, taking about 20 minutes and costing about £10 return
Latitude: 49.475412; Longitude: -2.449433
What3Words: font.clockwise.piling


Photo ID: 000263 Photo ID: 000264 Photo ID: 000265 Photo ID: 000266 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sark Sark No Data


The only feudal society still in existence in Western Europe. Traditionally renowned for having no motorised vehicles, this has recently been eroded as more and more of the islanders purchase tractors. Although there are still no cars allowed there are now over 70 tractors competing with the horse and carts and the bikes. The easiest way to see the island is to hire a bike, but don't believe their hype about Sark being flat. It isn't. There are lots of slopes and after a short while it always seams they are in the direction you are heading!!


Sark Shipping company run services from St Peter Port to Sark taking about 45 minutes and costing about £25 return.

Getting There

Latitude: 49.433626; Longitude: -2.352101
What3Words: essential.prohibit.canyons


Photo ID: 000253 Photo ID: 000254 Photo ID: 000255 Photo ID: 000256 Photo ID: 000257 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Horse Trams Horse Trams No Data


Each tram is pulled by a single horse along the mile or so from the Sea Terminal to the Manx Electric Railway station at Derby Castle. The trams run up and down the Prom at 20 minute intervals during the day stopping at most bus stops.


Charge, passes that cover all forms of transport valid for 1, 3, 5 or 7 days are available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.149074; Longitude: -4.47511
What3Words: elite.fixed.fresh


Photo ID: 000214 Photo ID: 007399 Photo ID: 007400 Photo ID: 007473 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Isle of Man Steam Railway Isle of Man Steam Railway No Data


The steam railway runs south from Douglas through the old capital in Castletown to Port St Mary and Port Erin.


Charge, passes that cover all forms of transport valid for 1, 3, 5 or 7 days are available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.147871; Longitude: -4.485313
What3Words: hunt.serve.priced


Photo ID: 007441 Photo ID: 007442 Photo ID: 007443 Photo ID: 007444 Photo ID: 007445 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Manx Electric Railway Manx Electric Railway No Data


The electric railway runs north from the top end of the Prom up through Groudel, Laxey and on up to Ramsey towards the north of the island. Running along the coast most of the way the trams offer stunning views of the northern part of the island


Charge, passes that cover all forms of transport valid for 1, 3, 5 or 7 days are available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.167095; Longitude: -4.460734
What3Words: pesto.inflicts.carries


Photo ID: 007401 Photo ID: 007402 Photo ID: 007403 Photo ID: 007404 Photo ID: 007405 Photo ID: 007406 Photo ID: 007431

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Manx Museum Manx Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the island through a large number of displays and artefacts from around the island, including exhibits on the Vikings and the islands unique form of government the Tingwall that has survived, unchanged, for over 1,000 years.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.154468; Longitude: -4.48188
What3Words: window.survey.mice


Photo ID: 007482 Photo ID: 007483 Photo ID: 007484 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ballasalla: Rushen Abbey Ballasalla: Rushen Abbey Manx Heritage


The ruins of the Abbey, once one of the most powerful institutions on the island, dissolved by Henry VIII and then left to ruins, the site was finally brought under the control of Manx Heritage just before the millennium and archaeological digs and restoration work have started to reveal the site.


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

From Douglas catch either the Railway or bus route 1/2 to Ballasalla. Journey time is around 30 minutes.
Latitude: 54.098516; Longitude: -4.634112
What3Words: disputing.jeeps.faraway


Photo ID: 007460 Photo ID: 007461 Photo ID: 007462 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2012), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castletown: Castle Rushen Castletown: Castle Rushen Manx Heritage


Very interesting and well kept castle that houses exhibits on its past and the role it has played in the island. It also includes some information on the role Castletown played when it was the capital of the island


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.073781; Longitude: -4.652946
What3Words: retired.dreamlike.middle


Photo ID: pm0404 Photo ID: 007463 Photo ID: 007467 Photo ID: 007468 Photo ID: 007469 Photo ID: 007470 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castletown: Nautical Museum Castletown: Nautical Museum Manx Heritage


Very interesting museum detailing the islands relationship with the sea. Exceptionally friendly and knowledgeable staff who make it even more interesting


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.074769; Longitude: -4.652072
What3Words: diva.grudges.storyline


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2003), and on time of last update (24/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castletown: Old Grammar School Castletown: Old Grammar School Manx Heritage


Small exhibition detailing the history of Castletown, its time as capital and at the same time the evolution of the building the exhibition in based in



Getting There

Latitude: 54.072878; Longitude: -4.652136
What3Words: notepad.clocking.backwater


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2003), and on time of last update (24/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cregneash Folk Museum Cregneash Folk Museum Manx Heritage


Cregneash Village is a living folk museum (some of the properties are still private residences). Other than that it's a typical "living history" museum with staff demonstrating what life would have been like in the village during the Victorian era.


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

From Douglas catch either the Railway or bus route 1/2 to Port Erin (journey time around 1 hour). Change there onto bus route 8 (infrequent). Journey time from Port Erin is around 10 minutes
Latitude: 54.069085; Longitude: -4.768276
What3Words: waxy.thrilled.payment


Photo ID: 007452 Photo ID: 007453 Photo ID: 007454 Photo ID: 007455 Photo ID: 007456 Photo ID: 007457 Photo ID: 007458

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2012), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Laxey: Great Laxey Mines Railway Laxey: Great Laxey Mines Railway No Data


This small former mine railway runs from near the MER station round to near the Laxey Wheel, including running through the only railway tunnel on the island



Getting There

Latitude: 54.2338; Longitude: -4.4054
What3Words: wishing.freed.smooth


Photo ID: 007416 Photo ID: 007417 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Laxey: Laxey Wheel Laxey: Laxey Wheel Manx Heritage


Well laid out open-air museum detailing the history of the wheel and mining in this area of the island. You can walk down a small piece of mine that still exists and a choice of walks round the outside of the site from 20 to 45 minutes, the longer the walk the more strenuous


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.238623; Longitude: -4.407406
What3Words: entire.tech.outlast


Photo ID: 007418 Photo ID: 007419 Photo ID: 007420 Photo ID: 007421 Photo ID: 007422 Photo ID: 007423 Photo ID: 007424

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Laxey: Snaefell Mountain Railway Laxey: Snaefell Mountain Railway No Data


Running from Laxey the railway climbs to the summit of the highest point on the island.


Charge, passes that cover all forms of transport valid for 1, 3, 5 or 7 days are available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.232036; Longitude: -4.405515
What3Words: topic.circles.consumed


Photo ID: 000223 Photo ID: 007408 Photo ID: 007409 Photo ID: 007410 Photo ID: 007411 Photo ID: 007414 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Peel: Castle Peel: Castle Manx Heritage


Almost completely ruined castle, which makes it all the more interesting to imagine how it would have looked when it was inhabited


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.226234; Longitude: -4.698141
What3Words: hints.brothers.daring


Photo ID: 000218 Photo ID: 000220 Photo ID: 000221 Photo ID: 007438 Photo ID: 007475 Photo ID: 007476 Photo ID: 007477

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Peel: House of Manannan Peel: House of Manannan Manx Heritage


Located in the former railway station the museum tells the history of the islands through the eyes of the ancient Manx god, Manannan. The museum is a mixture of exhibits and audio/visual tableaus.


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.221941; Longitude: -4.697497
What3Words: faded.clocked.bleach


Photo ID: 007474 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/07/2012), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ramsey: The Grove Museum Ramsey: The Grove Museum Manx Heritage


The museum tells part of the history of Victorian life on the island through the residents of the house that the museum is based in. Purchased by a Liverpool shipping magnate as a holiday home, he eventually moved to live here permanently and it remained in the family until the late 1970's when the last of his grandchildren died and it passed to the Manx government. Guides in period costume add lots of additional details to those on the display boards in the rooms that you can visit.


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.332053; Longitude: -4.394944
What3Words: messing.shackled.womanly


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/06/2012), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Snaefell Snaefell No Data


On a clear day stunning views over the island and the surrounding lands of Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England



Getting There

From Douglas catch either the Manx Electric Railway or bus route 3 to Laxey where you can pick up the Snaefell mountain railway to the summit. Journey time is around 40 minutes to Laxey and another 30 minutes on the Mountain railway (trains run every 30 minutes)
Latitude: 54.263202; Longitude: -4.461694
What3Words: scrubbing.fussy.dazzles


Photo ID: 000222 Photo ID: 007410 Photo ID: 007411 Photo ID: 007412 Photo ID: 007413 Photo ID: 007414 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sound of Man Sound of Man Manx Heritage


The bottom left hand corner of the island, from here you can easily see the small Calf of Man island just across the Sound. A small visitors centre with a very good café tells the history of the site and has some information on the wildlife that you can view



Getting There

From Douglas catch either the Railway or bus route 1/2 to Port Erin (journey time around 1 hour). Change there onto bus route 8 (infrequent). Journey time from Port Erin is around 15 minutes
Latitude: 54.063981; Longitude: -4.792442
What3Words: selections.divorce.horizontally


Photo ID: 007446 Photo ID: 007447 Photo ID: 007448 Photo ID: 007449 Photo ID: 007450 Photo ID: 007451 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/07/2012), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castletown Castletown No Data


The old capital of the island and home to the old parliament and the most impressive castle on the island


Getting There

From Douglas you can take the Steam railway which takes around 35 minutes or take bus route 1/2 which takes around 30 minutes.
Latitude: 54.073205; Longitude: -4.653252
What3Words: airless.loyalties.disdain


Photo ID: 000217 Photo ID: 007464 Photo ID: 007465 Photo ID: 007466 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Laxey Laxey No Data


Once one of the most important industrial parts of the island, the town is also the key setting off point for Snaefell, the highest mountain in the island. It's also home to the islands most famous sight the Laxey Wheel. Old Laxey is located about 600 yards further down the valley at the point where the river empties into the sea, with a small harbour and a pleasant beach


Getting There

From Douglas you can take the Manx Electric Railway or bus route 3 both of which take around 30 minutes.
Latitude: 54.233895; Longitude: -4.40555
What3Words: ticked.bothered.watching


Photo ID: 000223 Photo ID: 007407 Photo ID: 007408 Photo ID: 007415 Photo ID: 007425 Photo ID: 007426 Photo ID: 007428

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Peel Peel No Data


The main town on the west coast of the island. Key sights include the Cathedral of St Germans and the ruins of Peel Castle


Getting There

From Douglas take bus 5/6 to Peel, buses every 30 minutes taking around 40 minutes
Latitude: 54.22296; Longitude: -4.695706
What3Words: error.motivate.burying


Photo ID: 000219 Photo ID: 007435 Photo ID: 007436 Photo ID: 007437 Photo ID: 007478 Photo ID: 007479 Photo ID: 007481

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ramsey Ramsey No Data


The largest town in the North of the Island. Ramsey is based around a large harbour and is home to the Manx museum of Victorian Life - The Grove


Getting There

From Douglas you can take the Manx Electric Railway which takes around 75 minutes or take bus route 3 both of which takes around 90 minutes.
Latitude: 54.321016; Longitude: -4.384704
What3Words: grownups.venue.luge


Photo ID: 000215 Photo ID: 000216 Photo ID: 007433 Photo ID: 007434 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2003), and on time of last update (10/07/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Carisbrooke Castle Carisbrooke Castle English Heritage


Ask someone to draw a castle and they will probably draw Carisbrooke. This massive fortress dominates the high ground just outside Newport. Once the centre of power on the island today it houses a museum and lots to see including the Carisbrooke Ponies who help to raise water from the well and an almost complete circuit of walls to walk along.



Getting There

Buses 6, 7, 12 or 38 go to the bottom of the hill that the castle is on. Alternatively it's about a mile and a half walk from the centre of Newport
Latitude: 50.687509; Longitude: -1.31387
What3Words: slumped.riverbank.collide


Photo ID: 012320 Photo ID: 012322 Photo ID: 012326 Photo ID: 012329 Photo ID: 012332 Photo ID: 012335 Photo ID: 012338

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Island Coaster Island Coaster No Data


The Island Coaster runs up to six times a day right round the Southern and Eastern coasts of the island taking in all the main sights. A couple of buses start or end their journeys in Newport


Charge, included in bus passes

Getting There

The bus runs from Yarmouth to Ryde, however the first couple of buses in the morning start in Newport and run onto Yarmouth or Ryde to start the service. In the evening one service from Ryde runs back to Newport direct and another completes a full circuit from Ryde through Yarmouth and back to Newport
Latitude: 50.69847; Longitude: -1.294136
What3Words: resonates.instincts.panicking


Photo ID: 012299 Photo ID: 012302 Photo ID: 012306 Photo ID: 012307 Photo ID: 012310 Photo ID: 012313 Photo ID: 012315

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alum Bay: Boat trips Alum Bay: Boat trips No Data


Two services operate from the beach taking in the Needles. One is on a Yellow RIB powerboat which speeds you round the Needles and back to the beach in around 15 minutes. The more sedate boat sails out to the Needles and back, taking about 30 minutes to do a round trip.



Getting There

See Alum Bay for details on getting here. From Alum Bay either walk or take the chairlift down to the beach where there is a small pier from where the boats leave
Latitude: 50.668981; Longitude: -1.570218
What3Words: burden.tolerates.model


Photo ID: 012370 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alum Bay: Chairlift Alum Bay: Chairlift No Data


The Chairlift descends down Alum Chine to the beach. As it goes over and down the cliff you get excellent views of the multi-coloured sands that make up the cliff



Getting There

See Alum Bay for details on getting here
Latitude: 50.66843; Longitude: -1.566557
What3Words: flamenco.protests.boomed


Photo ID: 012365 Photo ID: 012366 Photo ID: 012367 Photo ID: 012369 Photo ID: 012371 Photo ID: 012374 Photo ID: 012375

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

East Cowes: Osborne House East Cowes: Osborne House English Heritage


The summer home of Queen Victoria and her family. Today the whole site including the Swiss Cottage built by Albert as a present to his children, and the royal family's private beach is open to look around and explore.



Getting There

From Newport take the number 5 bus to the entrance to Osborne House, buses every 20 minutes, journey time is around 20 minutes
Latitude: 50.750574; Longitude: -1.269552
What3Words: childcare.image.rehearsed


Photo ID: 012255 Photo ID: 012265 Photo ID: 012266 Photo ID: 012269 Photo ID: 012270 Photo ID: 012273 Photo ID: 012274

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Needles: New Battery Needles: New Battery National Trust


Located in the remotest part of the island the battery was therefore an ideal location from which to run Britain's secret Rocket Programme when the country was still in the race to become a space superpower (total achievement is one satellite into orbit in the early 1970's) Today the battery is an ideal location from which to view the stunning Needles chalk stacks and the equally impressive lighthouse located at the end of them.



Getting There

See Alum Bay for details on getting here
Latitude: 50.661556; Longitude: -1.578573
What3Words: stitching.exact.fleet


Photo ID: 012346 Photo ID: 012347 Photo ID: 012348 Photo ID: 012349 Photo ID: 012350 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Needles: Old Battery Needles: Old Battery National Trust


The Old Battery was built in the 19th century to guard the Solent from attack. The battery includes a long tunnel burrowed out of the chalk that leads down towards the end of the cliff which offers the closest views of the Needles.



Getting There

See Alum Bay for details on getting here
Latitude: 50.662845; Longitude: -1.583141
What3Words: mammoths.cyber.enacts


Photo ID: 012351 Photo ID: 012352 Photo ID: 012354 Photo ID: 012356 Photo ID: 012357 Photo ID: 012358 Photo ID: 012360

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ryde: Downs Breezer Ryde: Downs Breezer No Data


The Downs Breezer runs in a loop out of Ryde towards Sandown and then up over the Brading Down before returning to Ryde via the Steam Railway. Half an hour later another Breezer bus runs the route in the reverse direction enabling you to hop-on and off between the various sights along the route.


Charge, included in bus passes

Getting There

See Ryde for details on getting here
Latitude: 50.732662; Longitude: -1.15924
What3Words: pink.pouch.yoga


Photo ID: 012277 Photo ID: 012279 Photo ID: 012280 Photo ID: 012282 Photo ID: 012283 Photo ID: 012284 Photo ID: 012285

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yarmouth: Castle Yarmouth: Castle English Heritage


A small castle built by the harbour in Yarmouth to defend the town, harbour and access to the Solent


Getting There

See Yarmouth for details on getting here
Latitude: 50.706551; Longitude: -1.500211
What3Words: quite.annotated.junction


Photo ID: 012339 Photo ID: 012340 Photo ID: 012341 Photo ID: 012343 Photo ID: 012386 Photo ID: 012388 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yarmouth: Needles Breezer Yarmouth: Needles Breezer No Data


An open-top bus service that leaves Yarmouth every 30 minutes and crosses the low downland towards Freshwater Bay before climbing up to the Needles before returning to Yarmouth via Totland.


Charge, included in bus passes

Getting There

See Yarmouth for details on getting here
Latitude: 50.705395; Longitude: -1.50098
What3Words: signal.provoking.locating


Photo ID: 012345 Photo ID: 012376 Photo ID: 012377 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alum Bay Alum Bay No Data


Alum Bay is a small family fun park located at the edge of the National Trust land that includes the Needles (a major chalk stack that has overtime crumbled into three jagged teeth of rock standing out from the sea.) From Alum Bay you can take the open-top bus or walk to the Needles batteries or you can take the chairlift down to the beach.


Getting There

Bus route 7 runs every 30 minutes from Newport to Yarmouth and on to Alum Bay (until just after the park closes at which point it terminates two miles back down the road in Totland.) Journey time is around 50 minutes. Alternatively you can take the route 7 to Yarmouth and change onto the open-top Needles Breezer which runs every 30 minutes as well but takes a more scenic route
Latitude: 50.667922; Longitude: -1.565623
What3Words: crinkled.spinners.tasteful


Photo ID: 012364 Photo ID: 012368 Photo ID: 012369 Photo ID: 012370 Photo ID: 012372 Photo ID: 012373 Photo ID: 012374

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cowes Cowes No Data


The home of Yacht racing on the island.


Getting There

The high frequency route 1 from Newport goes to Cowes every 7-8 minutes taking about 20 minutes. Route 5 runs every 20 minutes to East Cowes taking about 30 minutes. Between Cowes and East Cowes the chain ferry/floating bridge provides a link (free for pedestrians)
Latitude: 50.760517; Longitude: -1.297211
What3Words: drumbeat.creatures.limiting


Photo ID: 012247 Photo ID: 012248 Photo ID: 012249 Photo ID: 012250 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ryde Ryde No Data


The transport hub on the East of the island with the Catamaran and Hovercraft links to the mainland, along with the railway line down to Shanklin. The town rises up from the harbour over a steep hill. From the pier there are wonderful views of the waterfront


Getting There

Bus route 9 runs every 10 minutes between Newport and Ryde taking about 30 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 50.729944; Longitude: -1.163224
What3Words: farm.ticket.awake


Photo ID: 012278 Photo ID: 012286 Photo ID: 012287 Photo ID: 012289 Photo ID: 012290 Photo ID: 012291 Photo ID: 012297

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yarmouth Yarmouth No Data


With the ferry links to the New Forrest and a small castle Yarmouth has been an important town on the island for a long time. It's also the gateway to the Needles area.


Getting There

Bus route 7 runs every 30 minutes from Newport to Yarmouth, journey time is about 40 minutes
Latitude: 50.705698; Longitude: -1.499439
What3Words: warrior.stables.relatives


Photo ID: 012342 Photo ID: 012344 Photo ID: 012387 Photo ID: 012388 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/06/2014), and on time of last update (12/07/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Downs Breezer Downs Breezer No Data


The Downs Breezer runs in a loop out of Ryde past the steam railway at Wootton and then up over the stunning Isle of Wight Downs, before descending back into Sandown and then returning to Ryde along the coast road. Tours run every hour and have a full commentary in English as to what you're seeing.


Charge, included in bus passes

Getting There

Latitude: 50.732662; Longitude: -1.15924
What3Words: pink.pouch.yoga


Photo ID: 024033 Photo ID: 024034 Photo ID: 024035 Photo ID: 024036 Photo ID: 024067 Photo ID: 024068 Photo ID: 024074

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2018), and on time of last update (19/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Island Coaster Island Coaster No Data


The Island Coaster runs up to three times a day in each direction right round the Southern and Eastern coasts of the island taking in all the main sights. The morning buses run from Ryde to Yarmouth and in the afternoon buses run from Yarmouth and Alum Bay back to Ryde


Charge, included in bus passes

Getting There

Latitude: 50.69847; Longitude: -1.294136
What3Words: resonates.instincts.panicking


Photo ID: 024081 Photo ID: 024084 Photo ID: 024088 Photo ID: 024089 Photo ID: 024090 Photo ID: 024091 Photo ID: 024091

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2018), and on time of last update (19/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wootton: Isle of Wight Steam Railway Wootton: Isle of Wight Steam Railway No Data


Part of the former railway line that ran from Ryde to Cowes via Newport. Today the section between Smallbrook Junction and Wootton is open and steam trains provide service along the line.



Getting There

From Ryde take a number 9 bus via Wootton to the bus stop right outside the station. Buses run every 20 minutes Monday to Saturday and half hourly on a Sunday, taking about 15 minutes to make the journey. N.B. only half the number 9 buses go via Wootton. Alternatively, you can take the Downs Breezer to the same stop.
Latitude: 50.717784; Longitude: -1.240235
What3Words: treetop.irritate.behalf


Photo ID: 024042 Photo ID: 024044 Photo ID: 024047 Photo ID: 024048 Photo ID: 024049 Photo ID: 024050 Photo ID: 024054

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2018), and on time of last update (19/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shanklin: Chine Shanklin: Chine No Data


One of the many Chines on the islands, small gorges formed by streams cutting down through the cliffs. Thanks to the protection that the cliffs give the areas are a haven for flora and fauna. You can climb up through the Shanklin Chine from the Esplanade to the Old Town at the top.



Getting There

See Shanklin for details on getting to the town. In Shanklin the Shanklin Steamer bus takes you down to the Esplanade, as does the Island Coaster from where you can reach the bottom of the Chine. Alternatively, the Number 3 bus goes to the old town at the top of the Chine from where you can walk down to the Esplanade
Latitude: 50.626475; Longitude: -1.175312
What3Words: streak.invents.flows


Photo ID: 024057 Photo ID: 024059 Photo ID: 024060 Photo ID: 024061 Photo ID: 024063 Photo ID: 024064 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2018), and on time of last update (19/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shanklin: Steamer Shanklin: Steamer No Data


A half hourly bus service that runs from the bus station in the centre of Shanklin past the railway station and down the hill to the Esplanade, before returning to the bus station via the old town. It’s a good way of avoiding the steep hill down to the esplanade.


Charge, included in bus passes

Getting There

Latitude: 50.631578; Longitude: -1.179548
What3Words: packet.atoms.hindering


Photo ID: 024055 Photo ID: 024056 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2018), and on time of last update (19/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yarmouth: Needles Breezer Yarmouth: Needles Breezer No Data


An open-top bus service that leaves Yarmouth every 30 minutes and crosses the low downland towards Freshwater Bay before climbing up to the Needles before returning to Yarmouth via Totland.


Charge, included in bus passes

Getting There

See Yarmouth for details on getting here
Latitude: 50.705395; Longitude: -1.50098
What3Words: signal.provoking.locating


Photo ID: 024092 Photo ID: 024094 Photo ID: 024095 Photo ID: 024097 Photo ID: 024098 Photo ID: 024099 Photo ID: 024100

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2018), and on time of last update (19/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alum Bay Alum Bay No Data


Alum Bay is a small family fun park located at the edge of the National Trust land that includes the Needles (a major chalk stack that has overtime crumbled into three jagged teeth of rock standing out from the sea.) From Alum Bay you can take the open-top bus or walk to the Needles batteries or you can take the chairlift down to the beach.


Getting There

From Ryde you can take an Island Coaster direct to Alum Bay, three buses run in the morning and take around 2 1/2 hours to make the journey. Alternatively route 9 runs every 10-15 minutes to Newport (taking 30 minutes) where you can change onto bus route 7 which runs every 30 minutes from Newport to Yarmouth and on to Alum Bay (until just after the park closes at which point it terminates two miles back down the road in Totland.) Journey time is around 50 minutes, so around 90 minutes in total. From Newport another alternative is to take the route 7 to Yarmouth and change onto the open-top Needles Breezer which runs every 30 minutes as well but takes a more scenic route
Latitude: 50.667922; Longitude: -1.565623
What3Words: crinkled.spinners.tasteful


Photo ID: 024097 Photo ID: 024100 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2018), and on time of last update (19/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sandown Sandown No Data


Along with neighbouring Shanklin, Sandown forms the main seaside resort on the island, with long sandy beaches and the usual seaside funfairs, mini golf courses and play parks. Sandown includes the islands main pleasure pier as well as a number of museums and the island zoo.


Getting There

The Number 2 and 3 buses combine to provide a quarter hourly service from Ryde to Sandown, taking around 30 minutes. The number 8 runs hourly and takes a more scenic, but longer route along the coast road, taking about 50 minutes. The Downs Breezer heads over to Sandown hourly via the downs taking around 45 minutes to reach Sandown. Alternatively there are two trains an hour (not evenly spaced) that take around 20 minutes to get to Sandown station.
Latitude: 50.653067; Longitude: -1.155571
What3Words: teamed.overjoyed.proud


Photo ID: 024075 Photo ID: 024076 Photo ID: 024077 Photo ID: 024084 Photo ID: 024085 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2018), and on time of last update (19/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shanklin Shanklin No Data


Along with neighbouring Sandown, Shanklin forms the main seaside resort on the island, with long sandy beaches and the usual seaside funfairs, mini golf courses and play parks. The old town in Shanklin includes a number of old thatched houses


Getting There

The Number 2 and 3 buses combine to provide a quarter hourly service from Ryde to Shanklin, taking around 50 minutes. Alternatively there are two trains an hour (not evenly spaced) that take around 25 minutes to get to Shanklin station.
Latitude: 50.630628; Longitude: -1.171682
What3Words: surfacing.disarmed.viewers


Photo ID: 024055 Photo ID: 024056 Photo ID: 024058 Photo ID: 024086 Photo ID: 024087 Photo ID: 024088 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/08/2018), and on time of last update (19/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Yarmouth Yarmouth No Data


With the ferry links to the New Forrest and a small castle Yarmouth has been an important town on the island for a long time. It's also the gateway to the Needles area.


Getting There

From Ryde you can take an Island Coaster direct to Yarmouth, three buses run in the morning and take just under three hours to make the journey. Alternatively route 9 runs every 10-15 minutes to Newport (taking 30 minutes) where you can change onto bus route 7 which runs every 30 minutes from Newport to Yarmouth. Journey time is around 50 minutes, so around 90 minutes in total.
Latitude: 50.705698; Longitude: -1.499439
What3Words: warrior.stables.relatives


Photo ID: 012342 Photo ID: 012344 Photo ID: 012387 Photo ID: 012388 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (12/08/2018), and on time of last update (19/08/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Elizabeth Castle Elizabeth Castle Jersey Heritage


Well kept castle with informative displays and information. Site includes 3 museum (all military oriented) ***N.B. Closed from the end of October to Easter***


Charge, Multi-Site ticket Available

Getting There

From St Helier it’s a good 10-15 minute walk across the causeway to the castle at low tide. Alternatively you can use the aquatic buses to reach the landing point on the castle and skip the walk. Outside of low tide you have to use the aquatic buses, that can sail out to the island at high tide.
Latitude: 49.176191; Longitude: -2.125554
What3Words: triangular.operatives.songwriter


Photo ID: 000239 Photo ID: 000240 Photo ID: 000241 Photo ID: 000242 Photo ID: 029283 Photo ID: 029285 Photo ID: 029295

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jersey Museum Jersey Museum Jersey Heritage


Museum charting the history of the Island. Using a range of resources from traditional displays to hands on exhibitions. 12 minute Audio Visual presentation gives a good background to the island


Charge, Multi-Site ticket Available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.182541; Longitude: -2.107157
What3Words: eternity.science.sheets


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/11/2002), and on time of last update (15/12/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum Maritime Museum Jersey Heritage


Shows the relationship that the Island has had with the sea over the course of its history and try's to explain Maritime related scientific topics in a fully hands on way


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.181461; Longitude: -2.110008
What3Words: clean.cobble.surging


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/11/2002), and on time of last update (15/12/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Occupation Museum Occupation Museum No Data


Small museum that features a couple of displays on the uniforms and lifestyles of the Germans occupying Jersey during WWII. Main part of the museum is a 40 minute video on the occupation


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.184733; Longitude: -2.111644
What3Words: evening.abode.elite


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/11/2002), and on time of last update (15/12/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Occupation Tapestry Occupation Tapestry Jersey Heritage


Display of the tapestry put together to mark the 50th anniversary of the surrender of the islands by the Germans at the end of the Second World War. It depicts the history of the island during its occupations


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Latitude: 49.181745; Longitude: -2.109756
What3Words: dots.changes.tasty


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/11/2002), and on time of last update (15/12/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Corbiere: Lighhouse Corbiere: Lighhouse No Data


Located at the most South Western point of the island the lighthouse is one of the architectural emblems of the island. At low tide it's connected to the mainland by a causeway, at which times the lighthouse can be visited. When the tide is in there is no access to the lighthouse



Getting There

Bus routes 12, 12A and 22 all go to a bus stop at Corbiere from where it's a 5-10 minutes or so walk down to the start of the causeway
Latitude: 49.179852; Longitude: -2.250369
What3Words: scrawl.transcribe.pirate


Photo ID: 029297 Photo ID: 029298 Photo ID: 029299 Photo ID: 029303 Photo ID: 029304 Photo ID: 029305 Photo ID: 029306

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/11/2019), and on time of last update (11/11/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gorey: Mont Orgueil Gorey: Mont Orgueil Jersey Heritage


Having had the English Civil War pass it by this is one of the best preserved medieval castles in the British Isles. Situated half way up the short East Coast of the Island it commands the bays to the South of the island and looks across the seas towards France. This is a large site and it takes a good couple of hours to explore the whole space. Lots of well presented information boards that help you to explore virtually all the castle. From the roof of the keep there are stunning views over the coast, and on a clear day across to France.


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Bus route 1 runs along the coast from St Helier to Gorey, whilst route 2 takes an inland route
Latitude: 49.199625; Longitude: -2.019403
What3Words: powdered.stewed.geek


Photo ID: 029341 Photo ID: 029348 Photo ID: 029363 Photo ID: 029366 Photo ID: 029369 Photo ID: 029376 Photo ID: 029385

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/11/2002), and on time of last update (11/11/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Houge Bie: Museum La Houge Bie: Museum Jersey Heritage


The larges Neolithic passage grave in the Channel Islands, one of the largest in the world. The site also includes a 12th Century chapel built on the top of the mound to "Christianise" the site, a geology and archaeology museum, and the remains of the German bunkers and trenches built on the site. ***N.B. Closed from the end of October to Easter***


Charge, Multi-site ticket available

Getting There

Bus route 13 passes by La Houge Bie
Latitude: 49.200397; Longitude: -2.063949
What3Words: lots.snooty.changing


Photo ID: 000229 Photo ID: 000230 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Ville la Bas: Groznes Castle La Ville la Bas: Groznes Castle No Data


Ruins of the castle that used to sit on the North East headland of the island. Very little remains other than the archway of the entrance and some of the lower walls



Getting There

Bus route 8 runs from St Helier out to St Ouen and the coast where you can disembark to view the castle
Latitude: 49.257271; Longitude: -2.246541
What3Words: miss.narrating.consisted


Photo ID: 000232 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2003), and on time of last update (25/08/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Lawrence: Jersey War Tunnels St Lawrence: Jersey War Tunnels No Data


Site includes the tunnels carved out of the ground by slave workers that was intended for use as a hospital but was never used during the occupation of the island. The site also includes exhibitions on the slave workers forced to work on the complex, a garden of reflexion with hard statistics on the cost of war marked onto the walls, a woodland walk round the site.



Getting There

Bus routes 8 and 23 run to the entrance of the museum
Latitude: 49.210409; Longitude: -2.154012
What3Words: graceful.stall.shortfalls


Photo ID: 029308 Photo ID: 029311 Photo ID: 029315 Photo ID: 029317 Photo ID: 029321 Photo ID: 029323 Photo ID: 029324

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2003), and on time of last update (11/11/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trinity: Jersey Zoo Trinity: Jersey Zoo No Data


Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust - A well run and interesting Zoo covering a range of animals (mostly small ones) in good conditions.



Getting There

Bus routes 3, 13 and 23 all run out to the Zoo
Latitude: 49.228584; Longitude: -2.074292
What3Words: stairway.letterhead.creeps


Photo ID: 000156 Photo ID: 000157 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/12/2002), and on time of last update (15/12/2002) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liberty Bus Liberty Bus No Data


The local bus service - Liberty Bus - links almost the whole of the island together. During the summer months there are high frequency routes to many of the key sights. During Winter months frequencies are reduced with some places not served at all on a Sunday. However places like Gorey get a minimum of 3 buses an hour even on winter Sundays.


Getting There

All buses depart from the Liberation bus station in the centre of town. Tickets can be brought on the bus with either cash or contactless card, or you can buy a day, or multi-day pass from the information desk inside the bus station
Latitude: 49.183581; Longitude: -2.110256
What3Words: section.cobbled.starred


Photo ID: 029301 Photo ID: 029325 Photo ID: 029327 Photo ID: 029339 Photo ID: 029340 Photo ID: 029344 Photo ID: 029393

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/11/2019), and on time of last update (11/11/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belfast Wheel Belfast Wheel No Data


Located next to City hall the 60m high Ferris wheel offers stunning views over the city centre and out to the hills beyond, though on a windy day it can be a nerve-racking experience ***2015 Update - The wheel has now left Belfast***



Getting There

Latitude: 54.596533; Longitude: -5.929002
What3Words: remark.hung.bleat
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/11/2008), and on time of last update (21/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens No Data


The Botanical Gardens offer a large green space located next to the University in which to relax and enjoy the well kept gardens with lots of varieties of trees and flower beds



Getting There

Latitude: 54.582273; Longitude: -5.93255
What3Words: fund.palms.zones


Photo ID: 014849 Photo ID: 014850 Photo ID: 014851 Photo ID: 014852 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/05/2015), and on time of last update (21/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


The tours last around 90 minutes and take in the main sights of the city centre, along with the ship yards and the Stormont Assembly. The tour then travels along the Falls and Shankill roads, the hearts of the Nationalist and Unionist communities to take in the murals, before returning to the city centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.599318; Longitude: -5.929796
What3Words: gifts.live.crazy


Photo ID: 003206 Photo ID: 003207 Photo ID: 003208 Photo ID: 003209 Photo ID: 003211 Photo ID: 003212 Photo ID: 003213

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/11/2008), and on time of last update (21/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Crumlin Road Gaol Crumlin Road Gaol No Data


This former prison which at times has seen some of the most important people in the peace process and modern day politics in Northern Ireland spend time as inmates, has been restored to how it would have looked when it originally opened, with the four wings coming off from the central hub. The tour includes the condemned cell and execution rooms, last used in 1961 as well as the opportunity to walk along the tunnel that linked the prison with the now derelict courthouse on the opposite side of the Crumlin Road



Getting There

Latitude: 54.608952; Longitude: -5.94241
What3Words: active.fact.caves


Photo ID: 014856 Photo ID: 014857 Photo ID: 014861 Photo ID: 014863 Photo ID: 014865 Photo ID: 014867 Photo ID: 014869

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/05/2015), and on time of last update (21/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Giants Causeway Tour Giants Causeway Tour No Data


I went on the tour organised by City Sightseeing (who do the open top tours), but there are plenty of other operators offering full day tours along similar routes, as well as short half day tours just to the causeway. The tour I went on travels up the spectacular Antrim and Causeway coast road north out of Belfast, most of the time it hugs the coast taking in the spectacular scenery. The tour makes a couple of photo stops along the route, and during the summer months there is an opportunity to cross the terrifying Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge.



Getting There

Lots of tours leave from the city centre in Belfast, check with the Belfast Welcome centre for a full list of operators. Most tours run every day of the year except July 12th and December 25th.
Latitude: 54.597792; Longitude: -5.930289
What3Words: flies.stops.manual


Photo ID: 003186 Photo ID: 003188 Photo ID: 003200 Photo ID: 003201 Photo ID: 003202 Photo ID: 003203 Photo ID: 003204

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/11/2008), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lagan Boat Tour Lagan Boat Tour No Data


A 60 minute cruise down the Lagan around the docks area of Belfast. A live guide points out key sights along the way which include the Titanic slipway, dry dock and if you're lucky some of the rare Common Seals that have started to live in the river since it's health improved



Getting There

Latitude: 54.602165; Longitude: -5.921239
What3Words: hurls.bind.still


Photo ID: 014793 Photo ID: 014817 Photo ID: 014818 Photo ID: 014820 Photo ID: 014821 Photo ID: 014823 Photo ID: 014825

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/05/2015), and on time of last update (21/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palm House Palm House No Data


Located in the botanical gardens the palm house houses some of the city's more delicate plant specimens, as well as being a welcome warm location on a cold day.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.58356; Longitude: -5.933698
What3Words: still.grand.snows


Photo ID: 014851 Photo ID: 014853 Photo ID: 018454 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/05/2015), and on time of last update (21/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

SS Nomadic SS Nomadic No Data


The SS Nomadic was built in the Harland and Wolff shipyard at the same time as the Titanic, the ship she was to be the tender for. The massive Titanic was too large to fit into the port of Cherbourg so SS Nomadic was used as a tender to convey the First and Second class passengers out to the Titanic. She was built to the same level of opulence as the Titanic and wandering around the decks you get an idea of quite how luxurious the ships must have been.


Charge, Joint tickets for SS Nomadic, Titanic Dock and Titanic Experience available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.606345; Longitude: -5.911185
What3Words: dine.latter.lately


Photo ID: 014840 Photo ID: 014886 Photo ID: 014887 Photo ID: 014888 Photo ID: 014889 Photo ID: 014890 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/05/2015), and on time of last update (21/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Titanic Dock and Pump-House Titanic Dock and Pump-House No Data


The last place that the Titanic was on dry land. This massive dry dock was built especially for the Olympic class of liner as a space to fit out and finish off the ships prior to going into service. Titanic was in the dock for nearly a year before heading out on her sea trials and then, less than a fortnight after leaving the dock, to her grave in the Atlantic. The pump room houses the equipment that was used to move the massive dock doors and drain the dock of water. After looking round the pump house you can descend the 40 foot or so down into the dry dock to take in the sheer scale of the ship that filled this space.


Charge, Joint tickets for SS Nomadic, Titanic Dock and Titanic Experience available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.614469; Longitude: -5.901691
What3Words: tummy.boost.land


Photo ID: 014800 Photo ID: 014871 Photo ID: 014873 Photo ID: 014876 Photo ID: 014878 Photo ID: 014881 Photo ID: 014882

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/05/2015), and on time of last update (21/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Titanic Experience Titanic Experience No Data


Built next to the slipway where Titanic was launched from this museum tells the history of the Harland and Wolff yard that built some of the finest ships the world has ever seen. The museum charts the history behind building such a large ship, it's construction and fateful maiden voyage and the history of it's rediscovery.


Charge, Joint tickets for SS Nomadic, Titanic Dock and Titanic Experience available

Getting There

Latitude: 54.608371; Longitude: -5.910069
What3Words: larger.events.silly


Photo ID: 014799 Photo ID: 014883 Photo ID: 014885 Photo ID: 014891 Photo ID: 014893 Photo ID: 014894 Photo ID: 014900

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/05/2015), and on time of last update (21/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ulster Museum Ulster Museum No Data


Stunning museum located off of the Botanical gardens. The best idea is to start at the top of the building where the top two floors are given over to art and then work your way down through the museum as the exhibits are set out around ramps and stairs that lead you down through the building and exhibits relating to nature, science and history before heading into exhibits about the history of this part of Ireland from pre-history through to the troubles and Good Friday agreement.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 54.58245; Longitude: -5.935511
What3Words: rank.splice.unwanted


Photo ID: 014842 Photo ID: 014843 Photo ID: 014844 Photo ID: 014845 Photo ID: 014846 Photo ID: 014847 Photo ID: 014848

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/05/2015), and on time of last update (21/05/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Portaferry: Castle Portaferry: Castle No Data


The ruins of this small fortifies tower house are located in the grounds of the tourist information centre



Getting There

Latitude: 54.381426; Longitude: -5.549147
What3Words: quicksand.flank.recruited


Photo ID: 003971 Photo ID: 003972 Photo ID: 003973 Photo ID: 003974 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Portaferry: Exploris Portaferry: Exploris No Data


A small aquarium located behind the tourist information centre which highlights the variety of wildlife to be found in Strangford Lough. This includes two pools where you can "pet" the fish, and a centre devoted to nursing seals back to health.



Getting There

Latitude: 54.382419; Longitude: -5.54875
What3Words: upsetting.milky.bind


Photo ID: 003975 Photo ID: 003976 Photo ID: 003977 Photo ID: 003978 Photo ID: 003979 Photo ID: 003980 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Strangford: Castle Strangford: Castle No Data


A small tower house on the western banks of the Lough



Getting There

Latitude: 54.371246; Longitude: -5.556443
What3Words: exhales.drifters.giant


Photo ID: 003984 Photo ID: 003985 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Giants Causeway Giants Causeway National Trust


One of the natural wonders of the world. Formed millions of years ago by the slow cooling of lava, today the Giants Causeway is Northern Irelands most popular tourist attraction, and possibly it's most spectacular.


Free to look around the causeway, charge if you want to take the bus from the visitors centre rather than walk the KM to the causeway (it's a bit of a climb on the way back). Bus is free for National Trust members

Getting There

By public transport from Belfast it is quite long winded to get to the Causeway, requiring taking a bus or train to Coleraine and then taking another, not very regular, bus out to the causeway. Alternatively, there are lots of companies offering day trips from Belfast
Latitude: 55.240439; Longitude: -6.512275
What3Words: dawn.limbs.customers


Photo ID: 003192 Photo ID: 003193 Photo ID: 003194 Photo ID: 003195 Photo ID: 003196 Photo ID: 003197 Photo ID: 003198

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/11/2008), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Antrim and Causeway Coast Antrim and Causeway Coast No Data


One of the most spectacular stretches of coastline anywhere in the British Isles, culminating in possibly the eighth wonder of the world, the Giants Causeway. Virtually the whole coast line north from the city (once you have actually cleared the city centre) is stunning.



Getting There

The easiest way to see the coastline is to go on a day tour that goes up the coast road (the half-day tours to the Giants Causeway go along the motorway in both directions and miss out the coast).
Latitude: 55.232449; Longitude: -6.515923
What3Words: decoded.glossed.balanced


Photo ID: 003187 Photo ID: 003189 Photo ID: 003190 Photo ID: 003191 Photo ID: 003199 Photo ID: 003202 Photo ID: 003205

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/11/2008), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mourne Mountains Mourne Mountains No Data


Some of the most stunning scenery in Ireland. The mountains rise up from the sea with stunning peaks. The area has lots of walking opportunities. During the summer you can take the Mourne Rambler bus up into the mountains to either explore, or sightsee from the comfort of a bus.



Getting There

The nearest town to the mountains is Newcastle, which is a 75 minute bus ride from Belfast. In July and August the Mourne Rambler bus leaves from Newcastle and goes up into the mountains
Latitude: 54.166856; Longitude: -5.970383
What3Words: woodstove.coins.occupy


Photo ID: 003994 Photo ID: 003995 Photo ID: 003996 Photo ID: 003997 Photo ID: 003998 Photo ID: 003999 Photo ID: 004000

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Portaferry Portaferry No Data


Located at the south eastern end of Strangford Lough where the waters narrow to a small channel before going into the sea.


Getting There

From Belfast you can catch either the number 9 or number 10 bus direct to Portaferry. Both go the same way as far as Newtownards. The 9 then runs down the coast, the 10 running along the side of the Lough. Both are an interesting journey, of you could go out one way and back the other.
Latitude: 54.381057; Longitude: -5.548267
What3Words: erupt.pasta.dove


Photo ID: 003981 Photo ID: 003982 Photo ID: 003988 Photo ID: 003989 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Strangford Strangford No Data


Located at the south western end of Strangford Lough where the waters narrow to a small channel before going into the sea.


Getting There

From Belfast you need to catch a bus from Downpatrick and change there, the buses are not particularly frequent. Alternatively you can go to Portaferry and catch the ferry across the Lough
Latitude: 54.370009; Longitude: -5.556507
What3Words: impulsive.advancing.searcher


Photo ID: 003983 Photo ID: 003986 Photo ID: 003987 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bogside artists murals Bogside artists murals No Data


Painted on the gable ends of a dozen houses in the Bogside are some of the most iconic images of the troubles in Northern Ireland, from a teenager with a petrol bomb, a priest taking a dying man away from Bloody Sunday, to the image of a 14 year old girl, an innocent, the 100th victim of the troubles, killed in a gun fight between the IRA and the British Army. You can wander around the area and see the murals for free, but if you want to get a better idea about them you can go on a guided tour with the men who painted them.


Free to look at the murals, charge to go on a walk with the artists

Getting There

Latitude: 54.995835; Longitude: -7.326969
What3Words: sling.blitz.given


Photo ID: 003809 Photo ID: 003817 Photo ID: 003818 Photo ID: 003819 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


The walls, built at the start of the 17th century, form a complete circle around the centre of the city, and have never been defeated in siege or battle. Today you can walk a full circuit around the city on the walls taking in many of the main sites from a high vantage point including the Bogside murals, Cathedral and the River Foyle



Getting There

Latitude: 54.996549; Longitude: -7.318794
What3Words: giant.game.boots


Photo ID: 003802 Photo ID: 003804 Photo ID: 003806 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Derry City Tour Derry City Tour No Data


This walking tour starts at the Tourist Information Centre and then goes about half way around the city walls taking in the key sites of the city and giving lots of background information on the city, it's history and how things have changed since the peace process started



Getting There

Latitude: 54.993527; Longitude: -7.317731
What3Words: logs.hills.album


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Foyle Valley Railway Museum Foyle Valley Railway Museum No Data


A small museum on the edge of town, at the site of one of the former stations of Derry, which charts the rise and fall of the railways in Northern Ireland and in particular in Derry which once had four different railway stations, but now only one station with only nine trains a day to Belfast


Getting There

Latitude: 54.990905; Longitude: -7.320971
What3Words: count.salon.nights


Photo ID: 003814 Photo ID: 003815 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Open-Top-Tour Open-Top-Tour No Data


The tour starts from outside the tourist information centre and then goes round to pick up additionally from the guild hall. It then runs through the centre of the city, before coming down into the Bogside area of the city. After taking in the Murals and the history of the area it comes back to the riverside and then crosses the Foyle onto the opposite bank. From here it travels past some of the abandoned UK and US military bases, and some of the main loyalist areas before crossing back over the Foyle past the very rich peoples houses and back down into the city centre. The live guide gives out lots of information on the history of the city



Getting There

Latitude: 54.993896; Longitude: -7.317592
What3Words: foods.tuck.care


Photo ID: 003812 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tower Museum: Armada Shipwreck Tower Museum: Armada Shipwreck No Data


This exhibition tells the story of the ship La Trinidad Valencera which took part in the failed Spanish Armada and was eventually wrecked off the coast of Derry. It then goes on to explain about the ships discovery and the recovery of some of the artefacts from it.


Charge, Joint entry with the Story of Derry

Getting There

Latitude: 54.996869; Longitude: -7.319974
What3Words: photos.pans.strong


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tower Museum: The story of Derry Tower Museum: The story of Derry No Data


The exhibition tells the history of Derry from its earliest known routes as a monastic centre in the 5th century, through to it's transformation by the guilds of London into Londonderry, and then it's role in the troubles and peace process. Throughout the exhibition there are interesting video presentations to put each era into context.


Charge, Joint entry with the Armada Shipwreck

Getting There

Latitude: 54.996623; Longitude: -7.319759
What3Words: shades.anyway.museum


Photo ID: 003816 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ballintoy: Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge Ballintoy: Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge National Trust


The rope bridge links the main land to the small island of Carrick-a-Rede. It's an adventure, but you need to leave sufficient time as the queues to get across can be in excess of 30 minutes each way, plus it's a 15 minute walk from the entrance to the bridge in each direction!


Charge, Free entry to National Trust Members

Getting There

Getting to the Rope Bridge from Derry is only possible in the height of summer, and then not easily. From Derry catch the train to Coleraine, change there onto the open-top bus to the Giants Causeway, or any bus to Bushmills. At either Bushmills or the Causeway change onto the Causeway rambler bus which runs from Bushmills to the rope bridge. The last rambler bus back connects with the last open-top bus at the causeway (with about 25 minutes to spare)
Latitude: 55.239564; Longitude: -6.332449
What3Words: desktops.quite.volcano


Photo ID: 003848 Photo ID: 003849 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bushmills: Distillery Bushmills: Distillery No Data


The distillery is the only one remaining in Northern Ireland and gives you an interesting introduction into how Whiskey is distilled north of the border.



Getting There

From Derry catch the train to Coleraine, change there for a bus to Bushmills
Latitude: 55.202331; Longitude: -6.519989
What3Words: slogged.nimbly.reinstate


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castlerock: Downhill Demesne Castlerock: Downhill Demesne National Trust


The ruins of the stately home of Earl Bishop Hervey


Charge, Joint entry to Mussenden Temple and Downhill Demesne, Free to National Trust Members

Getting There

From Derry catch the train two stops to Castlerock station. From the station walk down to Main Street and follow this along until the road turns to go over the entrance to the railway tunnel. In front of you a path leads up by the side of a holiday park, this part leads across the top of the cliffs (back down the other side again and then back up the next set) until you get to the Temple and the Demesne
Latitude: 55.164333; Longitude: -6.81059
What3Words: vocally.prayers.sundial


Photo ID: 003827 Photo ID: 003830 Photo ID: 003837 Photo ID: 003841 Photo ID: 003843 Photo ID: 003844 Photo ID: 003845

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Castlerock: Mussenden Temple Castlerock: Mussenden Temple National Trust


At the rear of Downhill Demesne this small building hangs to the side of the cliff offering stunning views along the coast and, on a clear day, over into Ireland


Charge, Joint entry to Mussenden Temple and Downhill Demesne, Free to National Trust Members

Getting There

From Derry catch the train two stops to Castlerock station. From the station walk down to Main Street and follow this along until the road turns to go over the entrance to the railway tunnel. In front of you a path leads up by the side of a holiday park, this part leads across the top of the cliffs (back down the other side again and then back up the next set) until you get to the Temple and the Demesne
Latitude: 55.167784; Longitude: -6.810848
What3Words: recorders.mills.highs


Photo ID: 003828 Photo ID: 003829 Photo ID: 003838 Photo ID: 003839 Photo ID: 003840 Photo ID: 003842 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Giants Causeway Giants Causeway National Trust


One of the natural wonders of the world. Formed millions of years ago by the slow cooling of lava, today the Giants Causeway is Northern Irelands most popular tourist attraction, and possibly it's most spectacular.


Free to look around the causeway, charge if you want to take the bus from the visitors centre rather than walk the KM to the causeway (it's a bit of a climb on the way back). Bus is free for National Trust members

Getting There

From Derry catch the train to Coleraine from where there are four (open-top) buses a day out to the causeway during July and August. Alternatively there are a few regular buses a day which run past the causeway (short walk from the road to the visitors centre)
Latitude: 55.240439; Longitude: -6.512275
What3Words: dawn.limbs.customers


Photo ID: 003192 Photo ID: 003193 Photo ID: 003194 Photo ID: 003195 Photo ID: 003196 Photo ID: 003197 Photo ID: 003198

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Causeway Coast Causeway Coast No Data


One of the most spectacular stretches of coastline anywhere in the British Isles, culminating in possibly the eighth wonder of the world, the Giants Causeway.



Getting There

Getting along the whole coast is quite difficult, and there are only two buses a day from Coleraine (trains from Derry) along the coast, though various buses can take you along parts of it (e.g. Regular buses to Bushmills, buses from Bushmills to the rope bridge)
Latitude: 55.232449; Longitude: -6.515923
What3Words: decoded.glossed.balanced


Photo ID: 003850 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2009), and on time of last update (08/08/2009) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Anella Verda: Rec del l'Obac Anella Verda: Rec del l'Obac No Data


Part of the green ring that surrounds Andorra la Vella. This is described as the shady path with the route hugging the Northern face of the mountains surrounding the town. Much of the path is through woodland. Once you have climbed up to the path it is generally flat, though at the Eastern end the path deteriorates down into a narrow and steep track.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.503773; Longitude: 1.525838
What3Words: legitimated.sprinkling.imprecise
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Anella Verda: Rec del Solà Anella Verda: Rec del Solà No Data


Part of the green ring that surrounds Andorra la Vella. This is described as the sunny path with the route hugging the Southern face of the mountains surrounding the town. The path follows an irrigation channel most of the way and once you have climbed up to the path it's a very flat route around the edge of town, offering stunning views.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.509305; Longitude: 1.519759
What3Words: sparing.captain.industrialist
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pont Pla Pont Pla No Data


One of several ancient bridges around the country that formed part of the track network, that until the coming of the roads in the 20th century was the only way round the country. Today it is preserved as an historic monument



Getting There

Latitude: 42.517424; Longitude: 1.526312
What3Words: stereotype.disclose.cortex


Photo ID: 015062 Photo ID: 015063 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Touris Bus: Landscape and Energy Touris Bus: Landscape and Energy No Data


This half day tour leaves from the centre of Andorra la Vella and travels out to the Museu de L'Electricitat located at the first Hydroelectric power station in the country before heading up into the mountains to visit the lake that feeds the power station and then down to the Romanesque church of Sant Miquel before returning to the centre of town


Charge, includes museum entrance but you have to pay for drinks at the Coffee stop

Getting There

Latitude: 42.507497; Longitude: 1.522045
What3Words: homebound.nuisances.wobbly
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Touris Bus: Landscape and traditions Touris Bus: Landscape and traditions No Data


This full day tour starts in the centre of Andorra la Vella before heading up the North Valley to the ski resort of Arcalís, stopping off on route to visit a church and mill in La Cortinada. On the way back down the valley there is a stop for lunch (food included in cost of tour), a visit to the iron mining town of Llorts and a tour round the town of Ordino before returning back to Andorra la Vella


Charge, includes entrance fees and lunch (but you have to pay for any drinks you order).

Getting There

Latitude: 42.50749; Longitude: 1.52194
What3Words: queens.recurrence.uprisings
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

D'Arcalís D'Arcalís No Data


Right up at the very north of the country and at the top of the Northern Valley the ski resort of Arcalís-Ordino offers stunning scenery and clear mountain air. During the height of summer the ski-lifts run to take walkers and mountain bikers up to the very top of the mountains and in one case over lakes and into France.



Getting There

Without your own transport the only way of getting to D'Arcalis is the join the full day Landscape and Traditions tour that takes place on a Saturday
Latitude: 42.631299; Longitude: 1.478337
What3Words: regrowth.shareholder.hind


Photo ID: 015079 Photo ID: 015080 Photo ID: 015081 Photo ID: 015082 Photo ID: 015084 Photo ID: 015089 Photo ID: 015093

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Encamp: Museu de l'Electricitat Encamp: Museu de l'Electricitat No Data


The museum is located in the first Hydroelectric power station built in the country. Along with displays on the theory behind hydroelectric power generation the museum also charts the history of Andorra through the 20th century and the role the power station (and the roads built to serve it) turned Andorra from an impoverished and cut off mountain state of only a few thousand people into the high-tech modern microstate of 80,000



Getting There

The museum is located at the top of a very steep hill out of town. Regular buses on Routes 2, 3 and 4 stop by the Modern Hydro station
Latitude: 42.51509; Longitude: 1.553411
What3Words: ascends.promises.airfield


Photo ID: 015038 Photo ID: 015039 Photo ID: 015040 Photo ID: 015041 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Engolasters: Circuit de Les Fonts Viewpoint Engolasters: Circuit de Les Fonts Viewpoint No Data


One of the many former mountain paths that linked up the towns of Andorra before the coming of the roads. The path is flat and well surfaced the whole way, providing an easy walk. About 10 minutes along the path is a viewing platform from which there are stunning views over the valley and the towns of Les Escaldes and Andorra la Vella.



Getting There

Local buses go to the start point of the walk
Latitude: 42.514264; Longitude: 1.567668
What3Words: windfall.eastward.reap
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Engolasters: Estany d'Engolasters Engolasters: Estany d'Engolasters No Data


The second largest lake in the country, which supplies both drinking water to the towns of Les Escaldes and Andorra la Vella, but also the water to power the Hydroelectric power station. There are lots of scenic walks around the lake, along with other attractions, activities and lake side cafes and restaurants.



Getting There

Local buses go to the lake
Latitude: 42.518313; Longitude: 1.566
What3Words: sprigs.bracelet.professes


Photo ID: 015043 Photo ID: 015044 Photo ID: 015045 Photo ID: 015046 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Engolasters: Sant Miquel d'Engolasters Engolasters: Sant Miquel d'Engolasters No Data


One of more than 40 Romanesque churches dotted around the country from the 12th century. This one has the second highest tower in the country. Due to the unique climate in Andorra which is very dry the frescos have been preserved inside the chapel.



Getting There

Local buses go past the church
Latitude: 42.511431; Longitude: 1.560451
What3Words: spiced.earmarked.reformulate
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Cortinada: Mola i Serradora de Cal Pal La Cortinada: Mola i Serradora de Cal Pal No Data


Located opposite the Sant Martí church the sawmill and neighbouring flower mill demonstrate how the power of the mountain rivers was used to help in everyday life.



Getting There

From Andorra La Vella you need to take the Ordino bus (every 30 minutes, 30 minutes) to Ordino and then change onto a local bus. From Ordino its around 10 minutes to La Cortinada
Latitude: 42.576883; Longitude: 1.517794
What3Words: sheriffs.outdone.unsinkable
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Cortinada: Sant Martí de la Cortinada La Cortinada: Sant Martí de la Cortinada No Data


One of more than 40 Romanesque churches dotted around the country from the 12th century. Over time this church has been extended with a large Gothic extension being added on when the town gained wealth from it's mills.



Getting There

From Andorra La Vella you need to take the Ordino bus (every 30 minutes, 30 minutes) to Ordino and then change onto a local bus. From Ordino its around 10 minutes to La Cortinada
Latitude: 42.576693; Longitude: 1.517735
What3Words: spies.housemates.unnumbered
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llorts: Mina de Llorts Llorts: Mina de Llorts No Data


Iron has played an important part in the history of the Northern Valley of Andorra, and the mines at Llorts where were much of it was collected from. You can go on a tour of the mines to see the conditions miners would have had to have worked in.



Getting There

From Andorra La Vella you need to take the Ordino bus (every 30 minutes, 30 minutes) to Ordino and then change onto a local bus. From Ordino its around 15-20 minutes to Llorts. The Mines are located at the Northern end of the Village
Latitude: 42.60002; Longitude: 1.53296
What3Words: striving.redirect.disbelief


Photo ID: 015098 Photo ID: 015099 Photo ID: 015100 Photo ID: 015101 Photo ID: 015102 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parc Natural de la Vall de Sorteny Parc Natural de la Vall de Sorteny No Data


A large natural park located in the north of the country with many hiking trails offering stunning views over the valleys



Getting There

Without your own transport the only way of getting to the park is the join the full day Landscape and Traditions tour that takes place on a Saturday
Latitude: 42.627216; Longitude: 1.554718
What3Words: patron.inspires.vocalist


Photo ID: 015075 Photo ID: 015076 Photo ID: 015077 Photo ID: 015078 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Llorts Llorts No Data


A small village hugging the side of the mountains, made more important by the Iron mines on the northern edge of the settlement.


Getting There

From Andorra La Vella you need to take the Ordino bus (every 30 minutes, 30 minutes) to Ordino and then change onto a local bus. From Ordino its around 15-20 minutes to Llorts. The Mines are located at the Northern end of the Village
Latitude: 42.596239; Longitude: 1.526641
What3Words: tiptoeing.invariants.networked


Photo ID: 015103 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ordino Ordino No Data


The largest town in the parish of Ordino and a pleasant settlement. The whole parish is the most traditional in terms of Andorran architecture and makes an interesting contrast to Andorra la Vella.


Getting There

From Andorra La Vella there are half hourly buses to Ordino taking around 30 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 42.556817; Longitude: 1.533185
What3Words: mouthy.distrusts.exults


Photo ID: 015104 Photo ID: 015105 Photo ID: 015107 Photo ID: 015108 Photo ID: 015109 Photo ID: 015110 Photo ID: 015111

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/06/2015), and on time of last update (26/06/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Casa Loma Casa Loma No Data


The castle was built by one of the most wealthy of Toronto's citizens as a palatial palace for his family. It's style is a mix of Norman, Scottish Baronial, Celtic, Italianate, Teutonic and Tudor - all mixed together because the owner liked all the styles. Before the castle was even completed his fortune disappeared and the property was seized by the council to cover back taxes. Today it's open to look around to see how one mans interpretation of a castle at the start of the 20th century would look



Getting There

From the centre of town take the line 1 metro line to Dupont station from where it's a well signposted 5 minute walk up hill. Alternatively, the city sightseeing tour buses stop a little closer (but you still have to make the climb)
Latitude: 43.678121; Longitude: -79.409583
What3Words: prevents.unable.grazes


Photo ID: 020603 Photo ID: 020612 Photo ID: 020618 Photo ID: 020624 Photo ID: 020646 Photo ID: 020651 Photo ID: 020660

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


A two hour tour round the key sights of the city centre, including a trip out to the only castle of North America - Casa Loma. A live guide gives a running commentary all the way round. The buses are a mix of modern vehicles and old British buses (including an old London Routemaster) that have been converted for driving in Canada



Getting There

Latitude: 43.655926; Longitude: -79.380679
What3Words: shift.highways.tickets


Photo ID: 020541 Photo ID: 020544 Photo ID: 020546 Photo ID: 020547 Photo ID: 020554 Photo ID: 020561 Photo ID: 020591

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

CN Tower CN Tower No Data


Up until 2010 the tower was the tallest structure in the world, a record it had held for over 30 years. Today it’s the symbol of the city and visible from almost everywhere. The views from the top - on a clear day - were stunning. You can take the general admission and go up to the two viewing platforms just over 1000 foot above the ground, or pay an additional charge to go up another 400 or so feet to the highest skypod deck. The lower observation deck includes an outside gallery and several glass floor segments.


Charge, variable depending on how far up the tower you wish to go. You can opt to dine in the rotating restaurant which includes free lift to the restaurant, but not access to the other floors.

Getting There

Latitude: 43.642563; Longitude: -79.386994
What3Words: blame.sulky.swan


Photo ID: 020514 Photo ID: 020518 Photo ID: 020520 Photo ID: 020528 Photo ID: 020531 Photo ID: 020537 Photo ID: 020540

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Distillery District Distillery District No Data


The area around one of the former distilleries, which closed in the early 1990's, has been converted into a pedestrianised area housing lots of craft, food and drink shops in the former distillery buildings. It's a great place to get some good food and good beer with a brewery and now also a distillery on the site.


Free to wander around

Getting There

Latitude: 43.650284; Longitude: -79.359537
What3Words: tilting.disposal.steaming


Photo ID: 020690 Photo ID: 020691 Photo ID: 020692 Photo ID: 020693 Photo ID: 020694 Photo ID: 020696 Photo ID: 020697

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harbour Star Cruise Harbour Star Cruise No Data


Regular cruises around the harbour and into the waterways of the Toronto Islands. A live guide gives a commentary to the key sights and some of the history of the islands and the city.


Charge, one tour included in City Sightseeing ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 43.637639; Longitude: -79.382859
What3Words: banks.roofer.electric


Photo ID: 020572 Photo ID: 020574 Photo ID: 020577 Photo ID: 002580 Photo ID: 020581 Photo ID: 020583 Photo ID: 020585

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal Ontario Museum Royal Ontario Museum No Data


The main museum in the city housing a wide range of artefacts from Dinosaurs and minerals, through Egyptian mummies and Greek statues to exhibits on modern day Canada and the original inhabitants of the country before the Europeans showed up. This is a vast museum and needs several hours to do it justice



Getting There

Latitude: 43.66799; Longitude: -79.394786
What3Words: sprayed.shift.take


Photo ID: 020545 Photo ID: 020565 Photo ID: 020667 Photo ID: 020671 Photo ID: 020675 Photo ID: 020676 Photo ID: 020685

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Steam Whistle Brewery Steam Whistle Brewery No Data


Located in part of the former engine round house of the Union station this city centre brewery is a popular attraction, not least of all for their generous samples that come with the 30 minute tours of the brew house


Charge for the tours

Getting There

Latitude: 43.641139; Longitude: -79.385214
What3Words: gather.archives.unusually


Photo ID: 020527 Photo ID: 020601 Photo ID: 020608 Photo ID: 020610 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Toronto Railroad Museum Toronto Railroad Museum No Data


Located in part of the former engine round house of the Union station this museum charts the history of Railroads in Toronto and around. Outside you can see many examples of former engines and carriages


Free to look around the external exhibits, Charge to go into the main museum

Getting There

Latitude: 43.640731; Longitude: -79.386024
What3Words: modes.liners.twigs


Photo ID: 020527 Photo ID: 020599 Photo ID: 020600 Photo ID: 020606 Photo ID: 020609 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Town Hall Area Town Hall Area No Data


The area around the old and new town halls is a bit of a focal point for the city, with the big Toronto sign outside the new town hall attracting tourists taking photos. It's a good spot to people watch and in the winter the fountain in front of the town hall becomes a public skating rink.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.652259; Longitude: -79.383379
What3Words: caveman.machine.grid


Photo ID: 020594 Photo ID: 020701 Photo ID: 020703 Photo ID: 020707 Photo ID: 020708 Photo ID: 020709 Photo ID: 020710

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/08/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Toronto Islands Toronto Islands No Data


Up until the middle of the 19th century the islands were actually attached to Toronto but during storms the link was broken and they became full islands. Today they form a large park and the city's beach with amusement gardens; a maze, boating lake and several other attractions. The islands create a great space to walk around - or you can hire a bike to cycle round the almost flat islands.


You have to pay for the ferry to get you across to the island but once there it is free to wander round the islands, as is the maze and the pier, charges for rides in the amusement gardens

Getting There

Ferries to the islands run regularly from the terminal just behind the Westin Harbour Castle hotel. Tickets are only sold as returns but you can use any of the routes including returning from a different part of the islands (e.g. Land at Centre Island pier and walk to the pier at Ward's Island)
Latitude: 43.619085; Longitude: -79.374308
What3Words: goggle.gladiators.album


Photo ID: 020481 Photo ID: 020490 Photo ID: 020493 Photo ID: 020496 Photo ID: 020501 Photo ID: 020503 Photo ID: 020506

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2017), and on time of last update (03/09/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal No Data


The primary cathedral of the city with a stunning interior rich in decoration.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.504474; Longitude: -73.556081
What3Words: ramming.material.bikers


Photo ID: 028101 Photo ID: 028104 Photo ID: 028211 Photo ID: 028213 Photo ID: 028217 Photo ID: 028222 Photo ID: 028223

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Biosphere Biosphere No Data


The American pavilion for the Worlds Fair was built by the same man who built the Epcot centre for Disney - clearly evidenced by his trademark dome. Today the pavilion has been converted into a museum which looks at the Environment and mans impact on it - with interesting displays on weather and the effect man is having on it, the local environment aroudn Montreal and Canada more widely. There are also viewing platforms high up within the dome from where you can get good views over the islands and back to downtown Montreal (albeit with the grid of the dome in the way of the view)


Getting There

Latitude: 45.514089; Longitude: -73.531452
What3Words: valve.frocks.acute


Photo ID: 028143 Photo ID: 028171 Photo ID: 028176 Photo ID: 028180 Photo ID: 028182 Photo ID: 028187 Photo ID: 028190

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde No Data


This large basilica, modelled on St Peters in Rome, was built in the predominantly Prodestant Anglophone part of the city by the Catholic Church as a major French speaking cathedral - partly just to prove a point about the power of the church. The imposing building has an ornate inside which isn't as spectacular as the Notre-Dame, but is free to visit.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.499212; Longitude: -73.568286
What3Words: pure.clutter.supple


Photo ID: 028034 Photo ID: 028059 Photo ID: 028090 Photo ID: 028201 Photo ID: 028202 Photo ID: 028206 Photo ID: 028210

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Croisières AML Croisières AML No Data


A large multi-deck boat that offers cruises around the harbour and a short stretch of the St Lawrence River. A commentary is given in both English and French



Getting There

Latitude: 45.503011; Longitude: -73.552299
What3Words: kings.dark.tragedy


Photo ID: 028248 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Croix du Mont-Royal (Mount Royal Cross) Croix du Mont-Royal (Mount Royal Cross) No Data


A large illuminated cross that sits at one of the highest points of Mont-Royal



Getting There

From the centre of town take an Orange line metro to Mont-Royal and then pick up an 11 or 711 bus up onto Mont-Royal. The best stop is for the Smith House from where its about a 10-15 minute walk along a relatively level path to the cross
Latitude: 45.508855; Longitude: -73.587929
What3Words: frog.recover.prelude


Photo ID: 028050 Photo ID: 028098 Photo ID: 028099 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Le Bateau-Mouche Le Bateau-Mouche No Data


Guided cruise that leaves from the Old Port and heads out onto the St Laurence River and past the islands before returning to do a tour round the old port itself. The guide has lots of information on the history of the river and the port and the roles they played in the history of Montreal.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.506703; Longitude: -73.549944
What3Words: shocks.match.episode


Photo ID: 028113 Photo ID: 028115 Photo ID: 028116 Photo ID: 028119 Photo ID: 028129 Photo ID: 028131 Photo ID: 028133

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mont-Royal: Belvédère Camillien-Houde Mont-Royal: Belvédère Camillien-Houde No Data


View point overlooking the Northern and Eastern parts of the city, including the Olympic park.


Getting There

From the centre of town take an Orange line metro to Mont-Royal and then pick up an 11 or 711 bus up onto Mont-Royal. Buses stop at the viewpoint
Latitude: 45.51069; Longitude: -73.5928
What3Words: move.prefer.musical


Photo ID: 028047 Photo ID: 028048 Photo ID: 028057 Photo ID: 028058 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mont-Royal: Belvédère Kondiaronk Mont-Royal: Belvédère Kondiaronk No Data


View point overlooking downtown Montreal, from where many of the main buildings of the city can be seen.


Getting There

From the centre of town take an Orange line metro to Mont-Royal and then pick up an 11 or 711 bus up onto Mont-Royal. The best stop is for the Smith House from where its about a 10 minute walk along a relatively level path to the view point
Latitude: 45.503345; Longitude: -73.58684
What3Words: tuck.samples.humidity


Photo ID: 028084 Photo ID: 028085 Photo ID: 028087 Photo ID: 028089 Photo ID: 028090 Photo ID: 028092 Photo ID: 028093

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Parc Jean-Drapeau Parc Jean-Drapeau No Data


With the construction of the Metro in Montreal a large amount of spoil was created, which was shipped over to the middle of the St Laurence river and used to expand the small islets that were already here to turn them into much larger islands, that in 1967 hosted the Worlds Fair. The park land that was created for the fair still exists and is a popular place for locals to visit. Public art works have been dotted around the islands on the numerous trails that you can follow



Getting There

From the city centre take the Yellow Metro line one stop to Jean-Drapeau. From here bus 777 links across to the casino on the neighbouring island
Latitude: 45.514435; Longitude: -73.534355
What3Words: transmit.hook.roofed


Photo ID: 028145 Photo ID: 028146 Photo ID: 028153 Photo ID: 028158 Photo ID: 028160 Photo ID: 028161 Photo ID: 028173

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pointe-à-Callière (Montreal Museum of Archaeology and History) Pointe-à-Callière (Montreal Museum of Archaeology and History) No Data


Built over (and under) a number of buildings the museum houses some of the ruins of the original French settlement of Ville Marie, along with exhibitions on the inhabitants of the region from the First Nation tribes through to the modern day. At the top of the museum you can go up to the Belvedere for stunning views over the heart of Old Montreal and the Old Port.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.502825; Longitude: -73.55407
What3Words: blunt.interval.begun


Photo ID: 028232 Photo ID: 028233 Photo ID: 028235 Photo ID: 028237 Photo ID: 028251 Photo ID: 028260 Photo ID: 028269

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.



The city's underground city, linking Metro stations, shopping centres and a large number of hotels and offices all below the streets - air conditioned in the summer and heated in the winter it's possible to get around a lot of Montreal without actually heading outside. Particularly useful where the long cycles on the traffic lights make getting across the road a slow process.


Getting There

Latitude: 45.501053; Longitude: -73.569237
What3Words: gripes.circular.stadium


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stewart museum Stewart museum No Data


Located in a former fort, built to protect the city from a possible invasion by the US, this museum tells the history of the city from it's founding to the middle of the 19th century.


Charge, Discount if you present a valid metro or bus ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 45.519658; Longitude: -73.536031
What3Words: reviewed.herb.camps


Photo ID: 028163 Photo ID: 028164 Photo ID: 028165 Photo ID: 028166 Photo ID: 028167 Photo ID: 028169 Photo ID: 028170

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tour de Ville: Day Tour de Ville: Day No Data


The standard hop-on-hop-off open-top bus tour. Live guides give a running commentary in either English or English and French, depending on the audience on the bus. The tour starts with a short loop around Old Montreal before heading out through the modern city and up onto Mont-Royal before returning to the tourist information centre. The majority of the buses are convereted ex-London Routemasters with not particularly comfortable bench seating and quite cramped rows, a couple of more modern buses also run round with much more comfortable seat - and significantly more seats. A full circuit lasts around 2 hours



Getting There

Latitude: 45.500172; Longitude: -73.571488
What3Words: snoring.ruins.plastic


Photo ID: 028032 Photo ID: 028037 Photo ID: 028038 Photo ID: 028040 Photo ID: 028047 Photo ID: 028049 Photo ID: 028056

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tour de Ville: Night Tour de Ville: Night No Data


In the evening tours hourly tours leave from the Tourist office between 7pm and 10pm. They run on a different route to the day tours, heading out to the Casino from where there are excellent views of the the centre of Montreal at night. The bus then returns to the city centre and does a partial loop around the old town, stopping at the Hôtel de ville where you can hop off and join a later bus. The tour then takes a different route through the centre of modern Montreal before returning to the standard daytime route as it ascends up onto Mont-Royal for nighttime views over the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.500075; Longitude: -73.571586
What3Words: withdrew.sometime.stocky


Photo ID: 028065 Photo ID: 028068 Photo ID: 028070 Photo ID: 028071 Photo ID: 028072 Photo ID: 028073 Photo ID: 028077

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vieux Montreal (Old Montreal) Vieux Montreal (Old Montreal) No Data


The original settlement of the city, which grew up inside walls (demolished as the city expanded in later centuries), today it houses some of the most interesting buildings of the city


Getting There

Latitude: 45.507969; Longitude: -73.553254
What3Words: late.void.display


Photo ID: 028041 Photo ID: 028042 Photo ID: 028079 Photo ID: 028082 Photo ID: 028105 Photo ID: 028111 Photo ID: 028242

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vieux Port (Old Harbour) Vieux Port (Old Harbour) No Data


The old harbour - the original source of much of the wealth of the region when ships couldn't get any further up stream because of the rapids. With the opening of the canal and the seaway the port lost its importance and today is exclusively a lesiure port with a cruise dock and quays for numerous sightseeing tours.


Getting There

Latitude: 45.507229; Longitude: -73.551114
What3Words: capers.pack.swung


Photo ID: 028136 Photo ID: 028138 Photo ID: 028244 Photo ID: 028247 Photo ID: 028272 Photo ID: 028274 Photo ID: 028276

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/08/2019), and on time of last update (02/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gurtenbahn Funicular Gurtenbahn Funicular No Data


The Gurtenbahn climbs to the top of the Gurten, one of the main hills overlooking the city. From the top the views are spectacular. For added effect a tower climbs another 60m or so to put you above the line of the trees


There is a charge for a return trip; however, a day ticket for the transport network that covers both zones 10 and 11 is valid for journeys

Getting There

From the city centre take Tram 9 to the Gurtenbahn stop, or the S3 train to Wiedl
Latitude: 46.927817; Longitude: 7.446102
What3Words: outwit.talents.amends


Photo ID: 002062 Photo ID: 002063 Photo ID: 002070 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rosegarten Rosegarten No Data


The rose garden is exactly what it says it is, however, it is also a fine location to the east of the city centre, the opposite side of the river from the main part of town, from which you can take in the views of the city



Getting There

Bus 10 from the centre of town stops outside the entrance
Latitude: 46.952079; Longitude: 7.460489
What3Words: text.mergers.jetted


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aareschlucht Aareschlucht No Data


Between the towns of Innerkirchen and Meiringen the river Aar forces its way through the hills in an impressive gorge, a walkway has been bolted to the side of the gorge and you can follow the river along through.



Getting There

From Bern you need to catch the train to Interlaken and then change to the train to Meiringen, from the station at Meiringen it’s about a 15 minute walk to the start of the Aarschlucht, alternatively you can catch the train on from Meiringen towards Innerkirchen and get off at Innerkirchen and walk back
Latitude: 46.720016; Longitude: 8.204856
What3Words: general.stuns.holds


Photo ID: 002107 Photo ID: 002108 Photo ID: 002109 Photo ID: 002110 Photo ID: 002111 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alpine Tower Alpine Tower No Data


The tower has a small exhibition space, a restaurant and a bar, but the main reason for coming up here is the journey up (three separate cable cars) and the stunning views


Free to look around, but the only access is via the cable cars, which are quite expensive

Getting There

From Bern you need to catch the train to Interlaken and then change to the train to Meiringen, from the station at Meiringen it’s a short walk to the lower station of the cable car
Latitude: 46.737662; Longitude: 8.25703
What3Words: branched.household.redouble


Photo ID: 002126 Photo ID: 002128 Photo ID: 002129 Photo ID: 002130 Photo ID: 002131 Photo ID: 002132 Photo ID: 002134

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brienz Rothorn Bahn Brienz Rothorn Bahn No Data


The last cog-wheel railway to still use steam power to get to the top of the mountain. The views on the way up are spectacular



Getting There

From Bern you need to catch the train to Interlaken and then change to the train to Brienze, the trains leave from the station on the opposite side of the road
Latitude: 46.755115; Longitude: 8.039031
What3Words: collected.wiggles.punctual


Photo ID: 002135 Photo ID: 002136 Photo ID: 002137 Photo ID: 002141 Photo ID: 002142 Photo ID: 002143 Photo ID: 002144

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jungfraujochbahnen Jungfraujochbahnen No Data


It’s a very expensive and touristy thing to do, but the journey up to Jungfraujoch, the highest station in Europe is worth the hype and the cost, for the views on the way up, and the views when you get to the Jungfraujoch.


Charge (Very expensive)

Getting There

From Bern you need to catch the train to Interlaken where the trains leave to go into the Jungfrau region. Tickets allow you to go round in a circle going up one way to Kleine Scheidegg and down the other way. You can also buy period passes for the region which allow you to use most of the cable cars and funiculars in the region
Latitude: 46.690708; Longitude: 7.869945
What3Words: managed.dignity.asleep


Photo ID: 002074 Photo ID: 002077 Photo ID: 002081 Photo ID: 002087 Photo ID: 002089 Photo ID: 002093 Photo ID: 002094

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reichenbach Falls Reichenbach Falls No Data


The most famous waterfalls, if only for a fictitious event (the death of Sherlock Holmes)


Free, charge to use the funicular

Getting There

From Bern you need to catch the train to Interlaken and then change to the train to Meiringen, from the station at Meiringen it’s about a 10 minute walk to the bottom of the Reichenbach Falls funicular, alternatively it's a further 90 minutes walk to get to the top of the falls.
Latitude: 46.719461; Longitude: 8.187668
What3Words: dude.gardens.toned


Photo ID: 002112 Photo ID: 002113 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jungfrau Region Jungfrau Region No Data


The Jungfrau region provides easy access up into the alps, including train access up to the highest station in Europe at Jungfraujoch. It's a good place to go for hikes and walks, as well as sitting back on a train or cable car and taking in the views


Getting There

From Bern take the train to Interlaken which acts at the main hub for transport into the Jungfrau region
Latitude: 46.547421; Longitude: 7.982093
What3Words: suitably.divider.units


Photo ID: 002076 Photo ID: 002078 Photo ID: 002079 Photo ID: 002082 Photo ID: 002084 Photo ID: 002086 Photo ID: 002100

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harder Kulm Harder Kulm No Data


The funicular railway to Harder Kulm climbs up the opposite bank of the Aare from the centre of Interlaken. From the top, I am told, there are excellent views of the city, though when I went up there was a torrential downpour and I didn't actually leave the station to attempt the five minute walk to the top


Charge for the Funicular, otherwise free to climb

Getting There

Latitude: 46.691083; Longitude: 7.86539
What3Words: strong.blinking.cliff


Photo ID: 003032 Photo ID: 003074 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heimwehfluh Heimwehfluh No Data


The funicular railway to Heimwerhfluh leaves from just beyond the West station. From the viewing platform you can take in the two lakes and the mountains, including spectacular views of Harder Kulum. There is also a small playpark, a model railway exhibition and you can descend back down to Interlaken on an all year round bob-sleigh run (or take the funicular, or even walk!)


Free to look around, Charge for the Funicular and all the activities

Getting There

Latitude: 46.67736; Longitude: 7.851432
What3Words: staring.choice.limbs


Photo ID: 003071 Photo ID: 003072 Photo ID: 003073 Photo ID: 003074 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/08/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jungfraujochbahnen Jungfraujochbahnen No Data


It’s a very expensive and touristy thing to do, but the journey up to Jungfraujoch, the highest station in Europe is worth the hype and the cost, for the views on the way up, and the views when you get to the Jungfraujoch.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.690708; Longitude: 7.869945
What3Words: managed.dignity.asleep


Photo ID: 002074 Photo ID: 002077 Photo ID: 002081 Photo ID: 002087 Photo ID: 002089 Photo ID: 002093 Photo ID: 002094

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brienz: Brienz Rothorn Bahn Brienz: Brienz Rothorn Bahn No Data


The last cog-wheel railway to still use steam power to get to the top of the mountain. The views on the way up are spectacular



Getting There

From Interlaken Ost there are regular trains to Brienz. The railway is on the opposite side of the road
Latitude: 46.755115; Longitude: 8.039031
What3Words: collected.wiggles.punctual


Photo ID: 002135 Photo ID: 002136 Photo ID: 002137 Photo ID: 002141 Photo ID: 002142 Photo ID: 002143 Photo ID: 002144

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grindelwald: FirstBahn Grindelwald: FirstBahn No Data


This aerial gondola rises from the town up to the mountains behind. From here there are stunning views of the mountains, and in particular the Eiger.


Charge, Discounts for late afternoon assents

Getting There

From Interlaken Ost catch the train direct to Grindelwald, trains take about 30 minutes
Latitude: 46.625134; Longitude: 8.041778
What3Words: porridge.herds.budgeted


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/08/2007), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Meiringen: Aareschlucht Meiringen: Aareschlucht No Data


Between the towns of Innerkirchen and Meiringen the river Aar forces its way through the hills in an impressive gorge, a walkway has been bolted to the side of the gorge and you can follow the river along through.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.720016; Longitude: 8.204856
What3Words: general.stuns.holds


Photo ID: 002107 Photo ID: 002108 Photo ID: 002109 Photo ID: 002110 Photo ID: 002111 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Meiringen: Alpine Tower Meiringen: Alpine Tower No Data


The tower has a small exhibition space, a restaurant and a bar, but the main reason for coming up here is the journey up (three separate cable cars) and the stunning views


Free to look around, but the only access is via the cable cars, which are quite expensive

Getting There

Latitude: 46.737662; Longitude: 8.25703
What3Words: branched.household.redouble


Photo ID: 002126 Photo ID: 002128 Photo ID: 002129 Photo ID: 002130 Photo ID: 002131 Photo ID: 002132 Photo ID: 002134

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Meiringen: Reichenbach Falls Meiringen: Reichenbach Falls No Data


The most famous waterfalls, if only for a fictitious event (the death of Sherlock Holmes)


Free, charge to use the funicular

Getting There

Latitude: 46.719461; Longitude: 8.187668
What3Words: dude.gardens.toned


Photo ID: 002112 Photo ID: 002113 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mürren: Allmendhubelbahn Mürren: Allmendhubelbahn No Data


This funicular railway takes you up over the mountain that overlooks Mürren for views down into the valley and across to the three peaks



Getting There

Latitude: 46.56055; Longitude: 7.892926
What3Words: sheet.fastening.eyelashes


Photo ID: 003058 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schilthorn Schilthorn No Data


Whilst not as high as the Eiger Munch and Jungfrau that it competes with Schilthorn has the advantage that you can see the three stunning peaks in their full glory from the top, or from the revolving restaurant. The site was the location of some of the scenes in "On Her Majesties Secret Service" and there is lots of Bond paraphernalia (and tat!)


Free to look around, access is via the cable cars, which are quite expensive, or a long hike

Getting There

From Interlaken Ost you catch the train to Lauterbrunnen and then catch a series of cable cars and railways up to Mürren and then onto Schilthorn. Total assent time is about 90 minutes
Latitude: 46.557326; Longitude: 7.835226
What3Words: stadium.pampering.bind


Photo ID: 003049 Photo ID: 003050 Photo ID: 003051 Photo ID: 003052 Photo ID: 003053 Photo ID: 003054 Photo ID: 003055

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Männlichen Männlichen No Data


This peak forms part of the wall of mountains that separate Lauterbrunnen from Grindelwald. The views across the peaks are spectacular


Charge to get there

Getting There

From Interlaken Ost travel to Lauterbrunnen and then onto Wengen where you can catch the cable car to Männlichen. Alternatively go to Grindelwald, onto Grund and pick up the aerial gondola from there.
Latitude: 46.613174; Longitude: 7.941442
What3Words: attitudes.drift.shuttle


Photo ID: 003061 Photo ID: 003062 Photo ID: 003063 Photo ID: 003064 Photo ID: 003065 Photo ID: 003066 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Meiringen Meiringen No Data


Located at the end of a gorge on the Aare river and at the foot of the climb up through the Brünig pass Meiringen is a beautiful place, and has lots of natural sights to see


Getting There

From Interlaken Ost there are regular trains to Meiringen. About half terminate there, the remainder continue onto Luzern
Latitude: 46.727477; Longitude: 8.188977
What3Words: void.sensual.waving


Photo ID: 002107 Photo ID: 002108 Photo ID: 002109 Photo ID: 002110 Photo ID: 002111 Photo ID: 002112 Photo ID: 002113

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mürren Mürren No Data


Located on the peaks directly opposite Männlichen and with stunning views directly across to the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau this mountain town has a plethora of restaurants, hotels and sporting facilities, as well as being a good stopping off point on your way up to, or down from Schilthorn (to change between the railway and the cable cars up to Brig and Schilthorn you have to change in Mürren


Getting There

From Interlaken Ost take the train to Lauterbrunnen and then change to the cable car. At the top you connect with a railway that runs along a ridge on the mountain to Mürren.
Latitude: 46.561605; Longitude: 7.895973
What3Words: brambles.tall.fakes


Photo ID: 003041 Photo ID: 003042 Photo ID: 003043 Photo ID: 003044 Photo ID: 003056 Photo ID: 003057 Photo ID: 003059

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/08/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanischer Garten Botanischer Garten No Data


Small botanical gardens located next to the Spalentor. The gardens include a number of glasshouses as well as outdoor planting. On a hot sunny day it's a lovely space to wander around with all the shade



Getting There

From the centre of town take tram 3 heading towards Burgfelden Grenze up the hill to the Spalentor stop. The entrance to the gardens is right by the tram stop
Latitude: 47.559001; Longitude: 7.581838
What3Words: rising.animated.princes


Photo ID: 015780 Photo ID: 015781 Photo ID: 015782 Photo ID: 015783 Photo ID: 015784 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Gates: Sankt Aubin-tor City Gates: Sankt Aubin-tor No Data


One of three remaining ornate city gates that used to sit on the outer city walls. Today it is well preserved tower,


No access to tower, Free to look at outside

Getting There

From the centre of town take tram 3 towards Birsfelden and get off at the St-Aubin-Tor stop
Latitude: 47.553253; Longitude: 7.60322
What3Words: computer.sums.play


Photo ID: 015800 Photo ID: 015801 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Gates: Spalentor City Gates: Spalentor No Data


One of three remaining ornate city gates that used to sit on the outer city walls. Today it is well preserved with a castle like façade from the outside of the city.


No access to tower, Free to look at outside

Getting There

From the centre of town take tram 3 heading towards Burgfelden Grenze up the hill to the tower. The tram stops by the side of the tower
Latitude: 47.55794; Longitude: 7.581423
What3Words: pinches.regulate.called


Photo ID: 015769 Photo ID: 015770 Photo ID: 015771 Photo ID: 015775 Photo ID: 015776 Photo ID: 015777 Photo ID: 015779

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Münster Münster No Data


Impressive church in the centre of town commanding the high ground over the river. You can visit all parts of the church, though to climb the tower you have to be in a group of at least two people.


Free. Charge to climb the tower - must be in a group of 2 or more to be able to ascend

Getting There

Latitude: 47.556373; Longitude: 7.592165
What3Words: bless.prelude.helpful


Photo ID: 015715 Photo ID: 015726 Photo ID: 015736 Photo ID: 015737 Photo ID: 015738 Photo ID: 015739 Photo ID: 015740

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Münster: Cloister Münster: Cloister No Data


Cloister of the impressive Münster. Several different courtyards make up the space which leads through to the Pfalz viewing terrace at the rear of the building



Getting There

Latitude: 47.556366; Longitude: 7.592843
What3Words: homing.useful.rocks


Photo ID: 015724 Photo ID: 015725 Photo ID: 015728 Photo ID: 015279 Photo ID: 015730 Photo ID: 015731 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Münster: Pfalz Münster: Pfalz No Data


A viewing terrace at the rear of the Münster offering excellent views over the river and opposite bank



Getting There

Latitude: 47.556772; Longitude: 7.592829
What3Words: chart.neck.cactus


Photo ID: 015732 Photo ID: 015733 Photo ID: 015734 Photo ID: 015736 Photo ID: 015804 Photo ID: 015805 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Münsterfähre Münsterfähre No Data


One of four pulley ferries that cross the river. The boat makes use of a cable strung high above the river to run a pulley along that drags the boat from one side of the river to the other.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.556987; Longitude: 7.592932
What3Words: fool.messed.rely


Photo ID: 015717 Photo ID: 015735 Photo ID: 015748 Photo ID: 015749 Photo ID: 015750 Photo ID: 015751 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum der Kulturen Museum der Kulturen No Data


Museum dedicated to world-wide cultures along with temporary exhibitions.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.557198; Longitude: 7.590222
What3Words: improves.courier.forms


Photo ID: 015743 Photo ID: 015744 Photo ID: 015745 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trams 15/16 Trams 15/16 No Data


Tram lines 15 and 16 run on a loop around some of the main sights in the centre of the city and then up into the hills immediately to the south. The local tourist office produces a guide to the route and the key things that you see as you go round. Both routes start in the centre of town and run out to Bruderholz where the 16 becomes a 15 and vice-versa to return following the other route. The climb up to Bruderholz, particularly on route 16, is quite spectacular with effectively a number of tram switchbacks taking the line up to the top.


Standard central zone ticket. If staying in a Basel hotel it is included in the free travel ticket all hotels give their guests

Getting There

Latitude: 47.562865; Longitude: 7.599771
What3Words: recovery.suckle.pages


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trams 16/15 Trams 16/15 No Data


Tram lines 15 and 16 run on a loop around some of the main sights in the centre of the city and then up into the hills immediately to the south. The local tourist office produces a guide to the route and the key things that you see as you go round. Both routes start in the centre of town and run out to Bruderholz where the 16 becomes a 15 and vice-versa to return following the other route. The climb up to Bruderholz, particularly on route 16, is quite spectacular with effectively a number of tram switchbacks taking the line up to the top.


Standard central zone ticket. If staying in a Basel hotel it is included in the free travel ticket all hotels give their guests

Getting There

Latitude: 47.559294; Longitude: 7.587016
What3Words: knocking.nobody.riper


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiseraugst: Augusta Raurica - Monuments Kaiseraugst: Augusta Raurica - Monuments No Data


There are several major elements of the city still visible, the most obvious being the partially restored theatre next to the museum, along with temples and the remains of the Amphitheatre. Some of the sites are quite spaced out and on a hot day there is very little shelter as you walk around the site.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.533201; Longitude: 7.722125
What3Words: cargo.park.outermost


Photo ID: 015806 Photo ID: 015807 Photo ID: 015808 Photo ID: 015814 Photo ID: 015815 Photo ID: 015818 Photo ID: 015819

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiseraugst: Augusta Raurica - Museum Kaiseraugst: Augusta Raurica - Museum No Data


The museum houses the reconstruction of a Roman house, as well details on the site



Getting There

Latitude: 47.534007; Longitude: 7.721639
What3Words: reporting.hound.lifted


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Luftseilbahn Reigoldswil Wasserfallen Luftseilbahn Reigoldswil Wasserfallen No Data


Gondola cable car rising up into the mountains to the South West of Basel. At the top station are a number of adventure activities as well as cafes and restaurants. You can choose to come up by Cable Car and descend via Trottibike (oversized scooter) down the precipitous mountain path


Charge, Additional charge for Trottibike

Getting There

From Basel catch either the train or the number 81 bus to Liestal. From Liestal pick up the number 70 bus (or if you've come by bus you may be able to stay on as some 81's become 70's at Liestal station) to the end of the route at Reigoldswil Dorfplatz. From the bus stop it's a well signposted 10-15 minute walk to the cable car base station
Latitude: 47.390169; Longitude: 7.696443
What3Words: unusable.redouble.deserved


Photo ID: 015786 Photo ID: 015787 Photo ID: 015789 Photo ID: 015792 Photo ID: 015798 Photo ID: 015799 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Passerelle des Trois Pays/Dreilanderbrücke Passerelle des Trois Pays/Dreilanderbrücke No Data


The bridge of Three counties, though in reality it only passes through Germany and France, but with Switzerland clearly visible a few yards upstream of the bridge. Its rare to be able to see three countries from the same location, which is the only real draw to coming to this bridge



Getting There

From the centre of Basel tram 8 travels out to the German border and crosses into the town of Weil am Rhein. Get off at the Dreilanderbrücke stop from where it’s a very short walk to the bridge
Latitude: 47.591557; Longitude: 7.589873
What3Words: smokers.extra.scales


Photo ID: 015755 Photo ID: 015756 Photo ID: 015757 Photo ID: 015758 Photo ID: 015759 Photo ID: 015760 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kaiseraugst Kaiseraugst No Data


Site of a major Roman settlement on the banks of the Rhine. Today the Roman remains jostle for position with the modern housing and farms.


Getting There

From Basel there are half hourly S-Bahn trains to Kaiseraugst taking around 11 minutes. It’s a 10 minute or so walk to the Museum and Theatre. Alternatively the number 81 bus goes to the neighbouring town of Augst from where it a 15 minute walk, buses are also every 30 minutes. In both cases the walks are well signposted
Latitude: 47.538213; Longitude: 7.723932
What3Words: woes.dumps.openings


Photo ID: 015809 Photo ID: 015810 Photo ID: 015811 Photo ID: 015816 Photo ID: 015817 Photo ID: 015820 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/08/2015), and on time of last update (05/09/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.



Located by the Swiss/French border to the North West of the city centre CERN is one of the leading research centres on the planet. Its from the labs at CERN that Tim Berners-Lee gave life to the World Wide Web and where the Large Hadron Collider now exists to help scientists understand more about the first fractions of the a second of existence after the big bang. If you pre-book and are part of a group it's possible to go on tours of the site which straddles the border - a symbolic show of science being universal.



Getting There

Take tram 18 from the city centre to the end of the line. The Reception is on the opposite side of the road to the Globe
Latitude: 46.23299; Longitude: 6.055674
What3Words: rosette.online.plea


Photo ID: 029621 Photo ID: 029622 Photo ID: 029623 Photo ID: 029626 Photo ID: 029630 Photo ID: 029632 Photo ID: 029633

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2019), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

CERN: Microcosm CERN: Microcosm No Data


The older of the two museums at the site - this houses details on how the Large Hadron Collider works, including a mock-up of part of the tunnel that is beneath the site and the surrounding countryside.



Getting There

Take tram 18 from the city centre to the end of the line. The Museum is on the opposite side of the road to the Globe
Latitude: 46.2326; Longitude: 6.055765
What3Words: camper.central.held


Photo ID: 029629 Photo ID: 029630 Photo ID: 029631 Photo ID: 029632 Photo ID: 029633 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2019), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

CERN: Universe of Particles CERN: Universe of Particles No Data


Housed in the Le Globe de la Science et de l'Innovation - The Globe of Science and Innovation - this museum looks at the different particles that make up everything and how they relate to the everything from the big bang onwards. The exhibition includes a six minute film/animation on some of the work that has been done that plays in English every hour at xx:15 and in French at xx:45



Getting There

Take tram 18 from the city centre to the end of the line, right by the globe
Latitude: 46.233993; Longitude: 6.055618
What3Words: workshops.remotes.cunning


Photo ID: 029621 Photo ID: 029624 Photo ID: 029625 Photo ID: 029626 Photo ID: 029627 Photo ID: 029628 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2019), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Geneva Cathedral Geneva Cathedral No Data


The cathedral is at the heart of the old town and has evolved over a number of centuries (you can explore the previous incarnations in the Archaeological museum located underneath). Different styles exist across the building with Gothic, Romanesque and neo-classical elements - with the towers and spire showing some of the major differences. You can climb one of the towers to get views over the city, lake and towards the mountains


Suggested Donation for the Cathedral, Charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 46.201176; Longitude: 6.148406
What3Words: perfume.tennis.orbit


Photo ID: 029599 Photo ID: 029601 Photo ID: 029634 Photo ID: 029637 Photo ID: 029641 Photo ID: 029642 Photo ID: 029644

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2004), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin Botaniques Jardin Botaniques No Data


The city's botanic gardens including a large rockery, a Japanese garden and three green houses covering a wide range of climate zones



Getting There

Latitude: 46.225909; Longitude: 6.145997
What3Words: drums.whips.dandelions


Photo ID: 029679 Photo ID: 029682 Photo ID: 029684 Photo ID: 029685 Photo ID: 029688 Photo ID: 029694 Photo ID: 029700

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2019), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée d'Art et d'Histoire (Museum of Art and History) Musée d'Art et d'Histoire (Museum of Art and History) No Data


Museum dedicated to fine art and archaeology. The upper floors have all the paintings whilst the two lower floors have all of the archaeological exhibits, both global and local to the Geneva area.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.199398; Longitude: 6.151631
What3Words: grant.montage.placed


Photo ID: 029804 Photo ID: 029805 Photo ID: 029806 Photo ID: 029807 Photo ID: 029808 Photo ID: 029809 Photo ID: 029810

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2019), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée d'histoire des sciences de la Ville de Genève (Science History Museum) Musée d'histoire des sciences de la Ville de Genève (Science History Museum) No Data


A small museum dedicated to historical scientific equipment, including thermometers, telescopes, metrological gadgets and lots of experimental electrical apparatus. There are several hands on exhibits to help explain some of the science that the exhibits researched.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.220856; Longitude: 6.152141
What3Words: pets.homework.forecast
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2019), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle (Natural History Museum) Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle (Natural History Museum) No Data


The natural history museum located just outside the old town. The usual collection of stuffed animals in a variety of displays depicting both Swiss and global creatures.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.198696; Longitude: 6.158221
What3Words: forgets.language.behave


Photo ID: 029769 Photo ID: 029771 Photo ID: 029773 Photo ID: 029780 Photo ID: 029784 Photo ID: 029788 Photo ID: 029797

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2019), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Place des Nations Place des Nations No Data


At the heart of the international quarter of the city, the Place des Nations is immediately in front of the United Nations building. In front of the entrance is the sculpture Broken Chair which depicts a chair with one of it's four legs blown off, in memory of the civilian victims of land mines and cluster bombs. From here you can also see the ranks of flag poles that display the flags of all the members of the United Nations.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.22283; Longitude: 6.138863
What3Words: evaded.bottom.natively


Photo ID: 029671 Photo ID: 029672 Photo ID: 029673 Photo ID: 029674 Photo ID: 029675 Photo ID: 029676 Photo ID: 029678

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2019), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Site archéologique de la Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Genève Site archéologique de la Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Genève No Data


Located beneath the Cathedral this exhibition shows the discoveries that were made when they were trying to stop the Cathedral above from collapsing. Amongst the ruins are parts of the three previous cathedrals on the site, along with Roman remains and the burial site of a local chieftain from around the 1st century BCE. An extensive audio guide takes your round the site, including syncing with many of the audio visual exhibits.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.201141; Longitude: 6.14804
What3Words: enjoy.store.mattress


Photo ID: 029645 Photo ID: 029646 Photo ID: 029650 Photo ID: 029652 Photo ID: 029656 Photo ID: 029657 Photo ID: 029658

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2004), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

TPG Ferries: Genève-Molard TPG Ferries: Genève-Molard No Data


The local transport company runs a number of ferries (M1, M2, M3 and M4) which cross the lower part of the lake. M1 runs every 10 minutes from the centre of town, by the southern end of the Mont-Blanc Bridge to Genève-Pâquis (3 minute journey) where it connects with the M2 ferry across to the Jardain Anglais (every 10 minutes, 3 minute journey) and the M3 ferry up to Genève-Plage (every 30 minutes, 10 minute journey). At Genève-Plage the M3 connects with the M4 (every 30 minutes, boats wait for each other, 10 minute journey) that heads back across the lake to the Parc de La Perle du Lac, close to the Botanical Gardens. With the ferries connecting with each other it's possible to explore much of the lower lake for the cost of a public transport ticket, rather than paying for an expensive cruise.


Cost of a transport ticket - Hotel guests automatically get a free ticket for the length of their stay

Getting There

Suggested Itinerary - Take M1 from Genève-Molard to Genève-Pâquis. Here you could do a round trip on the M2 across to Genève-Quai Gustave Ador, but if time is tight catch the M3 from here directly to Genève-Plage where it connects with the M4 back across the lake to Genève-De-Châteaubriand. Depending on the connection at Genève-Pâquis you can do the entire trip in about 45 minutes. You can then either take the same route back, or it's a short walk from the M4 pier to the bus stop for buses back into the centre of Geneva.
Latitude: 46.204653; Longitude: 6.148675
What3Words: reminds.passing.includes


Photo ID: 029747 Photo ID: 029748 Photo ID: 029750 Photo ID: 029751 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2019), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

TPG Ferries: Genève-Pâquis TPG Ferries: Genève-Pâquis No Data


The local transport company runs a number of ferries (M1, M2, M3 and M4) which cross the lower part of the lake. M1 runs every 10 minutes from the centre of town, by the southern end of the Mont-Blanc Bridge to Genève-Pâquis (3 minute journey) where it connects with the M2 ferry across to the Jardain Anglais (every 10 minutes, 3 minute journey) and the M3 ferry up to Genève-Plage (every 30 minutes, 10 minute journey). At Genève-Plage the M3 connects with the M4 (every 30 minutes, boats wait for each other, 10 minute journey) that heads back across the lake to the Parc de La Perle du Lac, close to the Botanical Gardens. With the ferries connecting with each other it's possible to explore much of the lower lake for the cost of a public transport ticket, rather than paying for an expensive cruise.


Cost of a transport ticket - Hotel guests automatically get a free ticket for the length of their stay

Getting There

Suggested Itinerary - Take M1 from Genève-Molard to Genève-Pâquis. Here you could do a round trip on the M2 across to Genève-Quai Gustave Ador, but if time is tight catch the M3 from here directly to Genève-Plage where it connects with the M4 back across the lake to Genève-De-Châteaubriand. Depending on the connection at Genève-Pâquis you can do the entire trip in about 45 minutes. You can then either take the same route back, or it's a short walk from the M4 pier to the bus stop for buses back into the centre of Geneva.
Latitude: 46.209563; Longitude: 6.151371
What3Words: limped.branch.lakes


Photo ID: 029733 Photo ID: 029734 Photo ID: 029735 Photo ID: 029736 Photo ID: 029740 Photo ID: 029745 Photo ID: 029746

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2019), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

TPG Ferries: Genève-Plage TPG Ferries: Genève-Plage No Data


The local transport company runs a number of ferries (M1, M2, M3 and M4) which cross the lower part of the lake. M1 runs every 10 minutes from the centre of town, by the southern end of the Mont-Blanc Bridge to Genève-Pâquis (3 minute journey) where it connects with the M2 ferry across to the Jardain Anglais (every 10 minutes, 3 minute journey) and the M3 ferry up to Genève-Plage (every 30 minutes, 10 minute journey). At Genève-Plage the M3 connects with the M4 (every 30 minutes, boats wait for each other, 10 minute journey) that heads back across the lake to the Parc de La Perle du Lac, close to the Botanical Gardens. With the ferries connecting with each other it's possible to explore much of the lower lake for the cost of a public transport ticket, rather than paying for an expensive cruise.


Cost of a transport ticket - Hotel guests automatically get a free ticket for the length of their stay

Getting There

Suggested Itinerary - Take M1 from Genève-Molard to Genève-Pâquis. Here you could do a round trip on the M2 across to Genève-Quai Gustave Ador, but if time is tight catch the M3 from here directly to Genève-Plage where it connects with the M4 back across the lake to Genève-De-Châteaubriand. Depending on the connection at Genève-Pâquis you can do the entire trip in about 45 minutes. You can then either take the same route back, or it's a short walk from the M4 pier to the bus stop for buses back into the centre of Geneva.
Latitude: 46.211558; Longitude: 6.170513
What3Words: dabbled.sloping.record


Photo ID: 029706 Photo ID: 029707 Photo ID: 029709 Photo ID: 029710 Photo ID: 029714 Photo ID: 029720 Photo ID: 029722

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2019), and on time of last update (26/12/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chateau Chillon Chateau Chillon No Data


Located on the edge of Lake Geneva this impressive fairy-tale castle has lots to explore and a rich and fascinating history.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.41431; Longitude: 6.927567
What3Words: pirates.ambushed.pencils


Photo ID: 000353 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/05/2004), and on time of last update (23/05/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lausanne: Cathedral Lausanne: Cathedral No Data


This is the most dominating land mark of the city, visible from most places it commands a view point from high on the hill over the city centre. Inside is surprisingly large, but quite dark. You can climb the tower to three different levels for views over the city and the lake


Free to look around the Cathedral. Charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 46.522626; Longitude: 6.635571
What3Words: jams.trickle.stumps


Photo ID: 003097 Photo ID: 003098 Photo ID: 003099 Photo ID: 003100 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lausanne Lausanne No Data


The fifth largest city in Switzerland and home to the International Olympics Committee, Lausanne sits in a pretty spot on Lake Geneva, looking across to France with the city rising on the hills behind the harbour. The very centre of the city isn't a particularly pretty place, but the area around the Cathedral and the Harbour are quite nice


Getting There

From Geneva there are regular trains to Lausanne taking between 35 and 50 minutes. Alternatively you can catch the ferry, there are a couple of services a day and they take about 4 hours.
Latitude: 46.517886; Longitude: 6.632094
What3Words: flicked.rockets.scan


Photo ID: 003097 Photo ID: 003098 Photo ID: 003099 Photo ID: 003100 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/08/2008), and on time of last update (10/08/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mont Salève Mont Salève No Data


Located just over the boarder in France this mountain towers over the city of Geneva and from its summit provides excellent views of the lake and surrounding areas


Charge for the cable car to the summit

Getting There

Regular buses (route 8) run from the city centre to the Franco/Swiss border and then it is a short walk across the boarder to the cable car base station. The whole route from the bus stop is clearly signed.
Latitude: 46.154211; Longitude: 6.193323
What3Words: sinless.paranoid.sparrows


Photo ID: 000357 Photo ID: 000358 Photo ID: 000359 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/05/2004), and on time of last update (23/05/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Montreux and Chillon Montreux and Chillon No Data


Montreux and Chillon are located at the opposite end of Lake Geneva to Geneva. Chillon is located about 5 minutes bus ride along the lake side from Montreux.


Getting There

Regular hourly train services run from the main station in Geneva to Montreux and buses (Route 1) run along the lake side (a short walk from the station) to Chillon. From Montreux station you can also catch the Cogwheel railway up to Glion and the Funicular railway from Glion comes down to the lakeside next to a route 1 bus stop.
Latitude: 46.43135; Longitude: 6.91246
What3Words: dripped.sketch.boasted


Photo ID: 000350 Photo ID: 000351 Photo ID: 000352 Photo ID: 000353 Photo ID: 000354 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/05/2004), and on time of last update (23/05/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jakobshornbahn Jakobshornbahn No Data


This two stage cable car takes you from just behind the railway station at Davos Platz up to the summit of the Jakosbhorn which overlooks the town from the South East. The views from both the middle and top stations are excellent. The first stage is a large modern cable car which takes only a couple of minutes to make the journey up to Ischalp. From Ischalp a much smaller and older cable car takes you on up to Jakosbhorn, taking about 10 minutes to make the journey. With connections it's about 20 minutes from the base station to the summit.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.791747; Longitude: 9.821989
What3Words: tape.initial.teacher


Photo ID: 038963 Photo ID: 038964 Photo ID: 038968 Photo ID: 038969 Photo ID: 038973 Photo ID: 038977 Photo ID: 038984

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhätische Bahn - Rhaetian Railway Rhätische Bahn - Rhaetian Railway No Data


The Rhätische Bahn (Rhaetian Railway) is a network of narrow gauge railways that provide almost all the rail services in the Graubünden Canton. Two of the lines (The Albula Line from Thusis to St. Moritz, and the Bernina Line from St. Moritz to Tirano) are UNESCO World Heritage listed due to their spectacular construction and stunning views - which include several times that the railway loops back on itself in spiral tunnels, on switchbacks up the sides of mountains and in the stunning Brusio Spiral - often used as the poster image for all Swiss railways. Services generally run hourly on all lines and connections between services are excellent. As with all Swiss railways there are the usual selection of single and return tickets, and discounted tickets if you purchase in advance and commit to a specific train. However journeys are still expensive with a return on the Bernina line coming in at over 50CHF for the cheapest most inflexible standard class ticket (2022 prices). If you want to guarantee a window seat then you'll want to be looking to book in 1st class in which case the same journey tops in over 110CHF. If you wanted to see all the different lines over a couple of days the total fares would come to over 330CHF on inflexible tickets with everything booked a couple of weeks in advance, rising to 400CHF for flexible standard class tickets and over 700CHF for first class (all prices from 2022). However, the railway offers a number of travelcards and railcards that allow unlimited travel on the whole of the Rhaetian Railway network along with the local buses in most of the towns on the line. I brought a 5 days in 14 (i.e. the ticket is valid for 14 days, but you can only travel on 5 days in that period) ticket for the whole region in 1st class for 240CHF (2022 prices). There are tickets for shorter periods or just for sections of the railway as well - check the website for the latest information and prices, but if you intend on doing just the Albula and Bernina lines you'll be saving money.


See Description

Getting There

Latitude: 46.964043; Longitude: 9.555687
What3Words: essay.keener.relegate


Photo ID: 039128 Photo ID: 039348 Photo ID: 039355 Photo ID: 039417 Photo ID: 039421 Photo ID: 039423 Photo ID: 039446

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhätische Bahn: Davos to Filisur Line Rhätische Bahn: Davos to Filisur Line No Data


This is the smallest of the identified lies, running the 19Km from Davos to meet the Albula line at Filisur, including travelling across the curing Wiesen Viaduct between Davos Wiesen and Filisur as well as a brief view of the stunning Landwasser Viaduct on the Albula Line just before Filisur. Journeys take less than 30 minutes.


See for information about prices

Getting There

Latitude: 46.791028; Longitude: 9.820594
What3Words: winter.couch.deranged


Photo ID: 039017 Photo ID: 038020 Photo ID: 038023 Photo ID: 039024 Photo ID: 039026 Photo ID: 039420 Photo ID: 039422

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhätische Bahn: Landquart to Davos Line Rhätische Bahn: Landquart to Davos Line No Data


Landquart is considered the starting point of the network, and all distances are measured from here. After leaving Landquart trains head across the flat fields alongside the Landquart river towards a wall of rock that rises up hiding the valley further up. The gap is so narrow that both trains and the modern road go through tunnels to clear the pass. Then the train climbs steadily, following the river to Klosters, where it splits from the Vereina line and heads more steeply uphill onto the valley that Davos sits on. During this period the train switches back on itself a couple of times giving stunning views down onto Klosters and the Landquart valley.


See for information about prices

Getting There

Latitude: 46.791529; Longitude: 9.820903
What3Words: comforted.finally.padding


Photo ID: 038942 Photo ID: 038943 Photo ID: 038946 Photo ID: 038949 Photo ID: 038950 Photo ID: 038952 Photo ID: 038953

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergün: Bahnmuseum Albula Bergün: Bahnmuseum Albula No Data


Located at Bergün station, in the centre of one of the most spectacular sections of the Albula Line. The museum tells the history of the construction of the different lines that make up the network today detailing how the challenges of building in the mountainous terrain, and keeping the service running despite the weather, was achieved.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.630936; Longitude: 9.746564
What3Words: newly.equipping.sizzled


Photo ID: 039432 Photo ID: 039433 Photo ID: 039434 Photo ID: 039435 Photo ID: 039436 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhätische Bahn: Albula Line Rhätische Bahn: Albula Line No Data


UNESCO World Heritage listed line that runs from Thusis up to the Albula Tunnel and then back down the mountain to St. Moritz. Along the way there are countless tunnels, including several where the train loops round on itself emerging almost above itself up the mountain. There are stunning views down the Albula valley, the impressive curved Landwasser viaduct takes you over the Landwasser river before diving straight into a tunnel and up to Filisur which is where the most impressive part of the line with the spiral tunnels and constant switchbacks begin. You reach the peak of the line during the transvers of the near 6Km long Albula tunnel that takes you straight through the mountains and drops you out on the opposite side of the range, heading down the Beverin valley and into the valley of the River Inn for the final run into St. Moritz.


See for information about prices

Getting There

Latitude: 46.575055; Longitude: 9.808754
What3Words: chariots.without.satin


Photo ID: 039032 Photo ID: 039034 Photo ID: 039043 Photo ID: 039053 Photo ID: 039409 Photo ID: 039427 Photo ID: 039428

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhätische Bahn: Arosa Line Rhätische Bahn: Arosa Line No Data


Starting from the street outside Chur station the line starts by running through the town, before turning off to climb up into the mountains. Key highlights include the stunning Langwieser Viaduct which crosses the Plessur river by the station at Langwies, shortly after the train calls at Litzirüti and from there it's a dramatic climb up through a carousel of switchbacks directly in front of the station before the final ascent up into Arosa.


See for information about prices

Getting There

Latitude: 46.784168; Longitude: 9.679295
What3Words: sandwich.crunchy.directive


Photo ID: 039336 Photo ID: 039340 Photo ID: 039342 Photo ID: 039345 Photo ID: 039347 Photo ID: 039349 Photo ID: 039351

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhätische Bahn: Bernina Line Rhätische Bahn: Bernina Line No Data


The Bernina Line is UNESCO listed for it's entire 61Km route from St. Moritz to Tirano, just over the border in Italy. Along the way the line climbs up the Bernina pass, reaching the peak of the pass at Ospizio Bernina at 2,253m - making it the third highest railway in Switzerland, as well as the highest mountain pass railway in Europe. From the Bernina pass the train descends rapidly down the opposite side of the mountain in a series of dramatic switchbacks down the side of the mountain before reaching a plateau between the mountains at Poschiavo. From here the train runs along a relatively level section along the banks of Lake Poschiavo before a final steep descent down the mountain assisted by the Brusio Spiral which helps the train lose vertical height without taking up horizontal space and allows for a shallower run down the final part of the line across the Swiss Italian border and down into Tirano, the final section of the line running as a tram through the outskirts of the Italian city.


See for information about prices

Getting There

Latitude: 46.408749; Longitude: 10.019657
What3Words: acoustics.deprives.tagging


Photo ID: 039055 Photo ID: 039068 Photo ID: 039080 Photo ID: 039082 Photo ID: 039094 Photo ID: 039107 Photo ID: 039122

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhätische Bahn: Disentis Line Rhätische Bahn: Disentis Line No Data


The Disentis Line starts at Reichenau-Tamins where the Hinterrhein and Vorderrhein merge to create the Rhein proper. The line follows the course of the Vorderrhein back up through stunning gorges and rolling hills up into the high mountains at Disentis, where the line becomes the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn.


See for information about prices

Getting There

Latitude: 46.705018; Longitude: 8.855596
What3Words: stood.backs.extremes


Photo ID: 039266 Photo ID: 039269 Photo ID: 039272 Photo ID: 039276 Photo ID: 039282 Photo ID: 039309 Photo ID: 039330

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhätische Bahn: Engadin Line Rhätische Bahn: Engadin Line No Data


The Engadin line starts at the junction with the Albula line at Bever and continues along the valley of the River Inn to the town of Scuol (the station serving both Scuol and nearby Tarasp). Along the way the line runs through the wide valley of the River Inn before the mountains start to close into narrow gorges and then back out to wide valleys. The final descent down into Scuol-Tarasp runs along a continuous line of peaks that form a solid wall of rock on the opposite side of the Inn valley.


See for information about prices

Getting There

Latitude: 46.793904; Longitude: 10.286595
What3Words: into.everybody.sleepless


Photo ID: 039441 Photo ID: 039445 Photo ID: 039446 Photo ID: 039450 Photo ID: 039453 Photo ID: 039483 Photo ID: 039494

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhätische Bahn: Landquart to Thusis Line Rhätische Bahn: Landquart to Thusis Line No Data


This is probably the least interesting of the lines in the network, architecturally or scenery wise, but it forms a vital core joining up the lines running from the end of the Albula line at Thusis, connecting with the Disentis Line at Reichenau-Tamins, through Chur for the Arosa line and through to Landquart where it meets the line up to Klosters and Davos.


See for information about prices

Getting There

Latitude: 46.823425; Longitude: 9.407353
What3Words: shipwreck.strapped.odds


Photo ID: 039401 Photo ID: 039402 Photo ID: 039403 Photo ID: 039404 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rhätische Bahn: Vereina line Rhätische Bahn: Vereina line No Data


The Vereina line is the most recent addition to the network only opening in 1999 - over 100 years after the first lines opened. It runs the short distance from Klosters Platz to Sagliains on the Engadin Line, creating a quick link from Scoul-Tarasp to Landquart via the Vereina Tunnel - an engineering mammoth at 19km long. The tunnel not only serves the railway, but also runs half hourly car shuttle trains that allow vehicles to cut nearly 80Km off the trip between either sides of the mountains.


See for information about prices

Getting There

Latitude: 46.816684; Longitude: 9.96097
What3Words: extensive.shameless.browsers


Photo ID: 039469 Photo ID: 039470 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scuol: Pendicularas Scuol: Pendicularas No Data


Gondola cable car that operates from close to the train station at Scuol-Tarasp up into the mountain above the town. From the top of the mountain there are excellent views along the Inn valley.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.79515; Longitude: 10.289097
What3Words: thumps.bookcases.prep


Photo ID: 039496 Photo ID: 039500 Photo ID: 039501 Photo ID: 039502 Photo ID: 039505 Photo ID: 039526 Photo ID: 039532

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arosa Arosa No Data


A small ski resort town located in the high alps. The town is set around a large lake.


Getting There

From Davos you need to take the train to Filisur and change there for the train to Chur, services on both lines are hourly. In Chur the trains to Arosa leave from a tram platform at street level, trains are every hour. Journey time to Chur is about 90 minutes and then a further hour onto Arosa.
Latitude: 46.782508; Longitude: 9.680131
What3Words: sends.flats.evaporate


Photo ID: 039362 Photo ID: 039363 Photo ID: 039364 Photo ID: 039365 Photo ID: 039366 Photo ID: 039367 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chur Chur No Data


The oldest city in the country. The compact and pretty old town houses a number of interesting buildings as well as an impressive castle.


Getting There

From Davos you need to take the train to Filisur and change there for the train to Chur, including the connection the journey time is about 90 minutes, services are every hour on both lines.
Latitude: 46.850834; Longitude: 9.531953
What3Words: shelf.selling.crimson


Photo ID: 039385 Photo ID: 039388 Photo ID: 039390 Photo ID: 039392 Photo ID: 039394 Photo ID: 039398 Photo ID: 039400

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Disentis/Mustér Disentis/Mustér No Data


Located in the heart of the Romansch speaking area of Switzerland (hence the dual name - Disentis is the German name, Mustér is the Romansch name). The town is a meeting point of the Rhaetian Railway and Matterhorn Gotthard Railways. It's also an important religious town with the large abbey dominating the town centre.


Getting There

From Davos there are a couple of direct trains each day travelling via Klosters, Landquart and Chur taking just over 3 hours. If there isn't a direct train the easiest way is to take the train from Davos to Landquart and change there onto the train from Landquart to Disentis. Journey time is a little longer at about 3 and a quarter hours, with all services running hourly. You can also travel via Filisur and Thusis changing at Reichenau-Tamins, but the connections aren't as good and the journey takes a similar amount of time.
Latitude: 46.704669; Longitude: 8.853287
What3Words: walked.reissued.scarred


Photo ID: 039298 Photo ID: 039301 Photo ID: 039302 Photo ID: 039303 Photo ID: 039304 Photo ID: 039305 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Klosters Klosters No Data


Famous as one of the premier ski resorts in Europe the town centre is a strange mix of oversized Swiss Chalets alongside more traditional buildings. The Landquart river runs through the middle of town. There are several cable cars that link the town centre up to the ski slopes above.


Getting There

From Davos there are regular direct trains, taking about 25 minutes to make the journey down the mountain. There is an hourly service to Landquart via Klosters and most hours this is supplemented by an hourly shuttle service between Davos Platz and Klosters Platz
Latitude: 46.86994; Longitude: 9.882859
What3Words: dressing.powerful.webcams


Photo ID: 039000 Photo ID: 039001 Photo ID: 039002 Photo ID: 039003 Photo ID: 039004 Photo ID: 039005 Photo ID: 039006

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (13/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Scuol Scuol No Data


Located on the River Inn at the end of the Engadin line of the Rhaetian Railway this picturesque town and ski resort is a good jumping off place to explore more of this far end of Switzerland. Nearby is the impressive Tarasp Castle, sitting high on a rock promontory shooting up from the valley floor.


Getting There

From Davos you need to take a train down to Klosters Platz and change there. Trains from Klosters to Scuol-Tarasp are hourly, with the connection being against the Landquart train, rather than the Davos/Klosters shuttle. Journey time from Davos to Scuol-Tarasp is about 75 minutes
Latitude: 46.796956; Longitude: 10.29774
What3Words: races.ideas.afflicted


Photo ID: 039497 Photo ID: 039534 Photo ID: 039535 Photo ID: 039536 Photo ID: 039537 Photo ID: 039539 Photo ID: 039540

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Moritz St. Moritz No Data


One of the most famous winter sports towns in the country, and the home to several Winter Olympics. The town is actually two separate areas - St. Moritz Dorf is the area around the station and up into the hills above, this area includes many of the high end shops as well as the Church of St. Moritz.


Getting There

From Davos you need to take the train to Filisur and change there (cross platform interchange, trains are timed to meet). Services are hourly on both lines, journey time is 25 minutes to Filisur and then an hour to St. Moritz. Total connection is 1 hour 30.
Latitude: 46.490809; Longitude: 9.835504
What3Words: alley.budding.script


Photo ID: 039057 Photo ID: 039211 Photo ID: 039212 Photo ID: 039221 Photo ID: 039222 Photo ID: 039223 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Moritz Bad St. Moritz Bad No Data


Located at the top end of the St. Moritz Lake the Spa town part of St. Moritz is located on the valley of the River Inn


Getting There

From St. Moritz you can walk along the lakeside or take a local bus from the station to Bad
Latitude: 46.486784; Longitude: 9.836063
What3Words: predict.singer.stiffly


Photo ID: 039213 Photo ID: 039214 Photo ID: 039215 Photo ID: 039216 Photo ID: 039217 Photo ID: 039218 Photo ID: 039219

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tirano Tirano No Data


Located just over the border in the Lombardy area of Northern Italy this city is the end of the Bernina Line from St. Moritz.


Getting There

From Davos the most comfortable way is to take the train to Filisur, change there for the train to St. Moritz and change in St. Moritz for the train to Tirano (starts there.) Total journey time is 90 minutes to St. Moritz, 45 minutes connection there and then 2 and quarter hours to Tirano - total travel time 4.5 hours, trains are hourly on all lines.. You can save an hour off of this if you get off of the St. Moritz train at Samedan, change onto the connection to Pontresina and change there again onto the train to Tirano - connections are good, but if the train is busy from St. Moritz you may not get a good seat at Pontresina.
Latitude: 46.216418; Longitude: 10.170919
What3Words: lightless.physicists.browned


Photo ID: 039139 Photo ID: 039142 Photo ID: 039143 Photo ID: 039144 Photo ID: 039145 Photo ID: 039146 Photo ID: 039148

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2022), and on time of last update (25/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glacial Garden Glacial Garden No Data


The glacial gardens are the geological evidence of the damage done by glaciers that once moved across the land here, with sinkholes and strangely etched rocks. The gardens also include a museum that explains about glaciers, and the threats they are facing, as well as a hall of mirrors and a viewing platform



Getting There

Latitude: 47.058608; Longitude: 8.310369
What3Words: tank.indicate.gasp


Photo ID: 002186 Photo ID: 002187 Photo ID: 002188 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Golden Rundfhart Golden Rundfhart No Data


The Golden Rundfhart comprises of a 90 minute cruise on the lake followed by a climb up to the top of Mount Pilatus on the worlds steepest cogwheel railway. From the summit you take the cable cars back down to lake level and then the bus back into Luzern



Getting There

Latitude: 47.051284; Longitude: 8.310583
What3Words: happier.person.pastels


Photo ID: 002175 Photo ID: 002177 Photo ID: 002179 Photo ID: 002180 Photo ID: 002181 Photo ID: 002183 Photo ID: 002184

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Heilig Hüsli Heilig Hüsli No Data


Located on the Holzbrücke this small chapel was built in the 16th century and for much of it's life was only accessible by water until the modern Holzbrücke was built in 2001. You can't actually go inside the chapel, but you can view the inside from the entrance



Getting There

Latitude: 47.222514; Longitude: 8.814832
What3Words: headstone.routs.dime


Photo ID: 045717 Photo ID: 045718 Photo ID: 045722 Photo ID: 045726 Photo ID: 045727 Photo ID: 045728 Photo ID: 045729

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holzbrücke Holzbrücke No Data


A recreation of a wooden bridge that originally crossed the channel between the Obersee and the Zurichsee, originally built in the 14th century but this particular version only dates from 2001. It provides a pleasant car free way of crossing over the two lakes at the point where they meet.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.22065; Longitude: 8.81223
What3Words: toward.consoled.inserted


Photo ID: 045711 Photo ID: 045716 Photo ID: 045724 Photo ID: 045735 Photo ID: 045736 Photo ID: 045738 Photo ID: 045748

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kapuzinerkloster Kapuzinerkloster No Data


A still active Capuchin Friary located in the heart of the old city. You can wander into the grounds and the chapel.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.22683; Longitude: 8.812764
What3Words: relief.safe.backed


Photo ID: 045958 Photo ID: 045959 Photo ID: 045960 Photo ID: 045961 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kapuzinerzipfel Kapuzinerzipfel No Data


The point where the end of the ridge that the castle is on drops down to the lake making a small spit of land that juts out into the water offering excellent views up the lake.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.226866; Longitude: 8.811391
What3Words: orange.scars.meaty


Photo ID: 045916 Photo ID: 045917 Photo ID: 045918 Photo ID: 045919 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Johann Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Johann No Data


The city's catholic church located on the same ridge as the castle in the old town. Inside the church floor follows the slope of the ridge creating a raked interior which is slightly odd for a church. There is lots of dark wood, elaborate chandeliers and the standard trappings of a Catholic church



Getting There

Latitude: 47.227466; Longitude: 8.81652
What3Words: firewall.confirms.barstool


Photo ID: 045901 Photo ID: 045902 Photo ID: 045906 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lindenhof Lindenhof No Data


A pleasant park area stretching down the ridge from the castle towards the lake. The views from up here are excellent, if you can bear the vast number of midges that congregate up here as well.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.227029; Longitude: 8.813925
What3Words: shatters.prominent.busters


Photo ID: 045909 Photo ID: 045910 Photo ID: 045911 Photo ID: 045914 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Obersee Obersee No Data


The Obersee is a medium sized lake which Rapperswil is located on the North Eastern corner of. Looking down the lake you have good views down into the mountains beyond



Getting There

Latitude: 47.211327; Longitude: 8.858815
What3Words: suspended.chatting.taxed


Photo ID: 045704 Photo ID: 045706 Photo ID: 045707 Photo ID: 045708 Photo ID: 045709 Photo ID: 045710 Photo ID: 045713

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rosengarten Schlossberg Rosengarten Schlossberg No Data


Located on the slopes of the castle hill this small walled garden provides a tranquil spot to take in the blooms (when they're out - at the time of visiting the garden wasn't in flower)



Getting There

Latitude: 47.226691; Longitude: 8.813287
What3Words: sprains.inefficient.tedious


Photo ID: 045912 Photo ID: 045954 Photo ID: 045955 Photo ID: 045956 Photo ID: 045957 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schloss Schloss No Data


The city's castle perched on the highest point of the ridge that the city is built around with a strategic view up Lake Zurich.


Free to look around the grounds

Getting There

Latitude: 47.227365; Longitude: 8.815628
What3Words: shorts.tacky.pets


Photo ID: 045891 Photo ID: 045897 Photo ID: 045914 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadtmuseum Stadtmuseum No Data


Located in three buildings - an old merchants house, a middle ages tower house and a 21st century link building, this museum tells the history of the city from it's earliest foundations through to the modern day. On the ground floor there is a large model of the city as it was in the 18th century so you can see how little of the old town has actually changed. From this floor you can also go out onto the back terrace of the museum which is most of the way up the ridge of the castle hill. From the top floor of the tower house you can take in the views over the roofs of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.227963; Longitude: 8.817838
What3Words: debit.instilled.replayed


Photo ID: 045928 Photo ID: 045930 Photo ID: 045932 Photo ID: 045938 Photo ID: 045941 Photo ID: 045945 Photo ID: 045947

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zurichsee Zurichsee No Data


The Zurichsee is a large lake that runs from Rapperswil in the South Eastern most corner up to the city of Zurich is a rough banana shape so that you can't actually see that far up the lake from Rapperswil before it's obscured by land. There are regular ferries that run up and down the lake from Rapperswil to Zurich serving many of the lakeside towns and one of the islands at the southern end of the lake


Free, Charge for the ferries (included in ZVV tickets)

Getting There

Latitude: 47.258416; Longitude: 8.646641
What3Words: matter.space.squeaks


Photo ID: 045776 Photo ID: 045848 Photo ID: 045854 Photo ID: 045864 Photo ID: 045867 Photo ID: 045875 Photo ID: 045886

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zurichsee Boats Zurichsee Boats No Data


Several ferry routes operate across Lake Zurich, but the most impressive is the 2 hour ride down the length of the lake to Zurich (or vice versa). Along the way the boat calls in at several stops, affording good views of the small towns along the shores of the lake, as well as views back towards the alps and Rapperswil or down the lake to Zurich itself


Charge, included in the ZVV fare tariff

Getting There

Latitude: 47.225685; Longitude: 8.813107
What3Words: beaten.chills.cuddled


Photo ID: 045764 Photo ID: 045964 Photo ID: 045966 Photo ID: 046002 Photo ID: 046005 Photo ID: 046008 Photo ID: 046020

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pfäffikon: Wasserburg Pfäffikon: Wasserburg No Data


A small castle situated on an artifical island and surrounded by a moat next to a chapel and the fomer lutenency building for the region


Free to look around the outside

Getting There

There are up to six trains an hour (though unevenly spaced with a near 20 minute gap between each batch of 3) between Raperswil and Pfäffikon, taking about 5 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 47.204647; Longitude: 8.774831
What3Words: carpentry.payout.retrieves


Photo ID: 045989 Photo ID: 045991 Photo ID: 045992 Photo ID: 045993 Photo ID: 045995 Photo ID: 045997 Photo ID: 045998

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Insel Ufenau Insel Ufenau No Data


The largest island in Switzerland, which is surprising given how small it is - a full circuit round the island takes barely 15 minutes to walk. The island was home to a monastery and is now home to two chapels that are open to look around and a bistro (reservations required)


No charge to access the island, but the only access is via ferry which does charge

Getting There

Ferries run between Rapperswil and Insel Ufenau about every 2 hours in the period from Easter to October (no access outside these times). Journey time is about 10 minutes.
Latitude: 47.217463; Longitude: 8.779906
What3Words: shielding.candle.manuals


Photo ID: 045751 Photo ID: 045783 Photo ID: 045794 Photo ID: 045799 Photo ID: 045807 Photo ID: 045820 Photo ID: 045837

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/04/2023), and on time of last update (26/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale de Lausanne Cathédrale de Lausanne No Data


The city's cathedral, at one of the highest points in the city. From the top of the tower, when the weather is clear, there are excellent views over the city and the lake.


Free to look around the Cathedral, Charge to climb the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 46.52265; Longitude: 6.635294
What3Words: gazette.frocks.blizzard


Photo ID: 042963 Photo ID: 042964 Photo ID: 043019 Photo ID: 043020 Photo ID: 043021 Photo ID: 043023 Photo ID: 043024

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin Botanique de Lausanne Jardin Botanique de Lausanne No Data


The city's small botanical gardens, arranged over a steep hill that helps to create a rock garden and alpine habitat. There is also a small greenhouse with tropical plants



Getting There

Latitude: 46.514036; Longitude: 6.622395
What3Words: assume.face.strapped


Photo ID: 043161 Photo ID: 043162 Photo ID: 043163 Photo ID: 043165 Photo ID: 043168 Photo ID: 043170 Photo ID: 043174

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jetée d'Osches Jetée d'Osches No Data


The main jetty of the pier poking out into Lake Geneva. From here there are beautiful views up and down the lake, including across to the town of Evian in France on the opposite bank. The area is particularly popular at sunset.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.504764; Longitude: 6.625645
What3Words: soccer.searched.curvy


Photo ID: 042951 Photo ID: 042952 Photo ID: 042953 Photo ID: 042957 Photo ID: 043119 Photo ID: 043122 Photo ID: 043130

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mosaïque Romaine Mosaïque Romaine No Data


Discovered in the 1960's whilst the motorway above it was being constructed, this complete mosaic is now protected from the elements in a shelter but visible to the public 24/7



Getting There

Latitude: 46.517609; Longitude: 6.59955
What3Words: thing.cabinet.boss


Photo ID: 043131 Photo ID: 043132 Photo ID: 043133 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée Historique Lausanne Musée Historique Lausanne No Data


The city's history museum that charts the history of the city from prehistoric era through to the modern day. Part of the museum is housed in one of the oldest buildings in the city. There is also a 5 minute audio visual display based around a large model of medieval Lausanne that tells the history of the centre of the city.


Charge, joint ticket with the Musée romain de Lausanne-Vidy and the Collection de l'Art Brut available

Getting There

Latitude: 46.522223; Longitude: 6.634923
What3Words: mouth.unusually.coveted


Photo ID: 042962 Photo ID: 043184 Photo ID: 043187 Photo ID: 043188 Photo ID: 043189 Photo ID: 043192 Photo ID: 043197

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée romain de Lausanne-Vidy Musée romain de Lausanne-Vidy No Data


Located close to the ruins this small museum shows some of the artefacts discovered in the Roman settlement of Lousonna, as well as being over part of the remains itself.


Charge, joint ticket with the Musée Historique and the Collection de l'Art Brut available

Getting There

Latitude: 46.518953; Longitude: 6.598759
What3Words: braced.charted.embraced


Photo ID: 043151 Photo ID: 043152 Photo ID: 043153 Photo ID: 043154 Photo ID: 043155 Photo ID: 043156 Photo ID: 043160

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palais de Rumine Palais de Rumine No Data


This beautiful building is home to several museums and galleries, as well as providing a pleasant way of ascending up the hill to the cathedral district.


Free to look around the building, free entry to the permanent museums, charge for temporary exhibits

Getting There

Latitude: 46.523578; Longitude: 6.633875
What3Words: goals.jeep.usages


Photo ID: 042966 Photo ID: 042967 Photo ID: 042968 Photo ID: 042970 Photo ID: 042984 Photo ID: 043005 Photo ID: 043006

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palais de Rumine: Musée cantonal d’archéologie et d’histoire Palais de Rumine: Musée cantonal d’archéologie et d’histoire No Data


The museum charts the history of the area from the earliest traces of man in the neolithic era through to the modern day.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.52391; Longitude: 6.633915
What3Words: disband.uniform.pounce


Photo ID: 042971 Photo ID: 042972 Photo ID: 042973 Photo ID: 042978 Photo ID: 042980 Photo ID: 042981 Photo ID: 042982

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palais de Rumine: Musée cantonal de géologie Palais de Rumine: Musée cantonal de géologie No Data


The museum looks at the geology and paleology of the region including a number of dinosaur skeletons and some amazing examples of rocks and crystals



Getting There

Latitude: 46.523228; Longitude: 6.633819
What3Words: cheer.chill.suspend


Photo ID: 042986 Photo ID: 042987 Photo ID: 042988 Photo ID: 042992 Photo ID: 042994 Photo ID: 042998 Photo ID: 043000

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palais de Rumine: Musée cantonal de zoologie Palais de Rumine: Musée cantonal de zoologie No Data


The museum houses a collection of stuffed animals across most species mostly presented old-school style in big glass cabinets.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.523827; Longitude: 6.634222
What3Words: hinders.loaded.basin


Photo ID: 043001 Photo ID: 043003 Photo ID: 043007 Photo ID: 043008 Photo ID: 043009 Photo ID: 043011 Photo ID: 043013

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ruines romaines de Vidy Ruines romaines de Vidy No Data


A small part of the ruins of the Roman settlement of Lousonna which was located here on the banks of the lake and at one time house between 1,000 and 2,000 people. Amongst the ruins there is also a sculpture made out of some of the 2,000 year old wooden piles that were used to create the harbour and quay.



Getting There

Latitude: 46.516559; Longitude: 6.600816
What3Words: weekends.trumpet.brother


Photo ID: 043134 Photo ID: 043135 Photo ID: 043140 Photo ID: 043145 Photo ID: 043146 Photo ID: 043149 Photo ID: 043150

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vue des toits de Lausanne Vue des toits de Lausanne No Data


Located in front of the cathedral this viewing platform offers views over the centre of the city and down to the lake



Getting There

Latitude: 46.522272; Longitude: 6.634521
What3Words: slumped.match.madness


Photo ID: 042960 Photo ID: 042961 Photo ID: 043016 Photo ID: 043017 Photo ID: 043018 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chillon: Château de Chillon Chillon: Château de Chillon No Data


Located on the edge of Lake Geneva this impressive fairy-tale castle has lots to explore and a rich and fascinating history. The self-guided tour takes you round all parts of the structure from the cellars up through the halls and battlements to the top of the keep from where there are stunning views up and down the lake


Charge (Discount if you present a valid public transport ticket)

Getting There

From Lausanne the S5 train runs hourly to Veytaux-Chillon, taking about 35 minutes to make the journey. From Veytaux-Chillon it's a short, well signed, 5 minute walk along the lake side to the castle
Latitude: 46.414225; Longitude: 6.927637
What3Words: worthy.crisps.harvest


Photo ID: 043039 Photo ID: 043044 Photo ID: 043048 Photo ID: 043071 Photo ID: 043075 Photo ID: 043081 Photo ID: 043082

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Glion Glion No Data


High on the hills overlooking Lake Geneva and a perfect viewpoint down onto Château de Chillon


Getting There

From Lausanne take the train to Montreux (2 per hour, 30 minutes) and change onto the cogwheel train to Rochers-de-Naye (Hourly, 10 minutes). Alternatively take the S5 train to Terriet, the stop before Chillon (hourly, 30 minutes) and change there onto the funicular up to Glion (every 15 minutes, 5 minutes)
Latitude: 46.431649; Longitude: 6.924476
What3Words: chemistry.teeth.chilled


Photo ID: 043104 Photo ID: 043106 Photo ID: 043107 Photo ID: 043109 Photo ID: 043110 Photo ID: 043111 Photo ID: 043112

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/10/2022), and on time of last update (10/10/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens No Data


Large grounds on the outskirts of the city with three large greenhouses - Savannah, Tropical and Sub Tropical



Getting There

Latitude: 47.357955; Longitude: 8.561761
What3Words: mule.slogged.drew


Photo ID: 000842 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Großmünster Großmünster No Data


Clearly visible across the city, the Großmünster is one of the most distinguishable churches, with its twin towers soaring above the city. You can climb one of the towers for stunning views over the city, lake and surrounding countryside



Getting There

Latitude: 47.370128; Longitude: 8.543823
What3Words: stable.scout.teaspoons


Photo ID: 000835 Photo ID: 000836 Photo ID: 000837 Photo ID: 000838 Photo ID: 000839 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kulturama Kulturama No Data


Kulturama is a museum dedicated to the history of man and evolution. It presents its exhibits in a timeline starting with the earliest known forms of life and progressing through the various stages of human evolution until modern man. The museum also lo


Charge, Free with a Zurich Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.368732; Longitude: 8.555641
What3Words: desks.issuer.clearly


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Paleontological Museum Paleontological Museum No Data


A collection of fossils and rocks that explains the evolution of the planet


Charge, Free with a Zurich Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.375363; Longitude: 8.548887
What3Words: chill.gliding.avid


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stadtgarden Stadtgarden No Data


Two greenhouses, a palm and a tropical house, in a park on the outskirts of the city centre. The greenhouses are also home to many examples of birds that live in the same environments as the plants on display



Getting There

Latitude: 47.375366; Longitude: 8.49932
What3Words: probing.region.turns


Photo ID: 000841 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Swiss National Museum Swiss National Museum No Data


The museum houses a massive collection on the history of Switzerland and the region.


Charge, Free with a Zurich Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.37913; Longitude: 8.539875
What3Words: huddled.stencil.imitate


Photo ID: 000840 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2005), and on time of last update (26/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zoo Zoo No Data


A large zoo with many examples of animals from around the world. The key feature is a reconstruction of a Madagascan rainforest.


Charge, Discount with a Zurich Card

Getting There

From the centre of Zurich catch tram 6 to the end of the line (zoo) and then continue walking for about another 5 minutes
Latitude: 47.385384; Longitude: 8.573735
What3Words: chose.admires.mushroom


Photo ID: 000855 Photo ID: 000856 Photo ID: 000857 Photo ID: 000858 Photo ID: 000859 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zoological Museum Zoological Museum No Data


A hands-on museum with lots of displays about animals. The lower floor includes an exhibit of a large number of stuffed animals


Charge, Free with a Zurich Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.375301; Longitude: 8.547948
What3Words: roofed.means.kinks
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liechtenstein: Malbun: Chairlift Liechtenstein: Malbun: Chairlift No Data


Down in the South East corner of the country, from the chalet at the top you can take in the views over this part of the country, as well as across the border into Austria



Getting There

From the centre of Liechtenstein take bus 23 to the end of the route at the chairlift station
Latitude: 47.100746; Longitude: 9.61073
What3Words: verb.misfits.lower


Photo ID: 002156 Photo ID: 002157 Photo ID: 002158 Photo ID: 002159 Photo ID: 002160 Photo ID: 002161 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liechtenstein: Vaduz: City Train Liechtenstein: Vaduz: City Train No Data


The train leaves hourly to go on a short, 40-minute, tour of the capital and surrounding areas, giving a brief background to the country and it's capital



Getting There

Latitude: 47.139957; Longitude: 9.521756
What3Words: portable.trample.refilled


Photo ID: 002153 Photo ID: 002154 Photo ID: 002155 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liechtenstein: Vaduz: Landesmuseum Liechtenstein: Vaduz: Landesmuseum No Data


The landesmuseum acts as the national museum of the country. It tells the history of Liechtenstein from earliest settlers up to modern day, including an exhibition on it's main industries



Getting There

Latitude: 47.138138; Longitude: 9.522625
What3Words: monkeys.diamond.seriously


Photo ID: 002151 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Luzern: Glacial Garden Luzern: Glacial Garden No Data


The glacial gardens are the geological evidence of the damage done by glaciers that once moved across the land here, with sinkholes and strangely etched rocks. The gardens also include a museum that explains about glaciers, and the threats they are facing, as well as a hall of mirrors and a viewing platform



Getting There

Latitude: 47.058608; Longitude: 8.310369
What3Words: tank.indicate.gasp


Photo ID: 002186 Photo ID: 002187 Photo ID: 002188 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Luzern: Golden Rundfhart Luzern: Golden Rundfhart No Data


The Golden Rundfhart comprises of a 90 minute cruise on the lake followed by a climb up to the top of Mount Pilatus on the worlds steepest cogwheel railway. From the summit you take the cable cars back down to lake level and then the bus back into Luzern



Getting There

Latitude: 47.051284; Longitude: 8.310583
What3Words: happier.person.pastels


Photo ID: 002175 Photo ID: 002177 Photo ID: 002179 Photo ID: 002180 Photo ID: 002181 Photo ID: 002183 Photo ID: 002184

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Neuhausen am Rhinefall: Rhine Falls Neuhausen am Rhinefall: Rhine Falls No Data


The largest falls in Europe. Whilst they may not appear as impressive as some other falls the sheer quantity of water is very impressive


Free, charge during the summer if you wish to descend to the viewing platform below Schloß Laufen

Getting There

From Zurich catch the train to Schaffhausen (hourly, about 50 minutes). From outside the station catch the number 1 trolley bus (every 10 minutes, about 10 minutes) to Neuhaussen Centre/Rhine Falls. Follow the signs from the bus stop to the falls
Latitude: 47.678103; Longitude: 8.615084
What3Words: toxic.stressed.dices


Photo ID: 000852 Photo ID: 000853 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schaffhausen: Munot Schaffhausen: Munot No Data


Built by forced labour in the 16th century it has an (almost) unique spiral ramp leading to the top and stunning views out over the town.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.696852; Longitude: 8.639717
What3Words: weeded.kebab.pursuing


Photo ID: 000850 Photo ID: 000851 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uetilberg: Planetweg Uetilberg: Planetweg No Data


The Planetweg runs from the train station at Uetilberg to the Cable car station at Felsenegg, a distance of just over 5KM. Along the walk scale models of the solar system are on display. Each is exactly in scale (1:1,000,000,000 - 1m walked is 1million Km in space) with itself as is the walk, so by the time you've reached the cable car you've walked 1 billionth the distance of the solar system


Free to walk along, all the transport for the trip is included in the Zurich card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.350854; Longitude: 8.489696
What3Words: rooftop.tanked.searches


Photo ID: 039579 Photo ID: 039583 Photo ID: 039585 Photo ID: 039587 Photo ID: 039596 Photo ID: 039604 Photo ID: 039621

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2005), and on time of last update (26/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uetilberg: Tower Uetilberg: Tower No Data


At the peak of the mountain (863m) a tower has been erected to give those extra couple of meters and take the viewer to 900m for even better views of Zurich (when the mist or cloud isn't obscuring it!)



Getting There

Latitude: 47.349557; Longitude: 8.491412
What3Words: grounded.examiner.hope


Photo ID: 000847 Photo ID: 002196 Photo ID: 002197 Photo ID: 002198 Photo ID: 002199 Photo ID: 002200 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2005), and on time of last update (26/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Winterthur: Photography Museum Winterthur: Photography Museum No Data


Shows regularly changing exhibitions of famous Swiss and non-Swiss photographers.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.495785; Longitude: 8.738186
What3Words: legend.gadgets.monitors


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Felsenegg Felsenegg No Data


On the top of the ridge as Uetilberg, at the end of the Planetweg.


The Zurich card covers travel to Falsenegg

Getting There

From Zurich catch the S4 S-Bahn train to Aldiswil. From there signs direct you to the cable car which runs up to Felsenegg
Latitude: 47.310176; Longitude: 8.507538
What3Words: unwell.strong.bride


Photo ID: 039628 Photo ID: 039629 Photo ID: 039630 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2005), and on time of last update (26/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liechtenstein Liechtenstein No Data


The fourth smallest country in the world, and the worlds leading exporter of false teeth (and importer of un-numbered bank accounts)


Getting There

From Zurich there are hourly trains to Sargens where they connect with busses to Vaduz, the capital
Latitude: 47.139607; Longitude: 9.524269
What3Words: paintings.stage.winds


Photo ID: 002152 Photo ID: 002162 Photo ID: 002163 Photo ID: 002164 Photo ID: 002165 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Luzern Luzern No Data


Nestling at the start of lake Luzern this is a pretty city with beautiful medieval covered bridges and stunning scenery


Getting There

From Zurich there are half hourly trains to Luzern.
Latitude: 47.051704; Longitude: 8.307209
What3Words: reddish.waters.binders


Photo ID: 002171 Photo ID: 002185 Photo ID: 002189 Photo ID: 002190 Photo ID: 002191 Photo ID: 002193 Photo ID: 002195

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2007), and on time of last update (29/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Neuhausen am Rhinefall Neuhausen am Rhinefall No Data


Home to the Rhine Falls, the largest water falls in Europe


Getting There

From Zurich catch the train to Schaffhausen (hourly, about 50 minutes). From outside the station catch the number 1 trolley bus (every 10 minutes, about 10 minutes) to Neuhaussen Centre/Rhine Falls
Latitude: 47.681281; Longitude: 8.619204
What3Words: dressing.enabling.slams


Photo ID: 000852 Photo ID: 000853 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schaffhausen Schaffhausen No Data


The most northerly town in Switzerland, and so close to Germany that it was the only place in Switzerland that was bombed during World War II


Getting There

Hourly trains run from Zurich main station to Schaffhausen, taking about 50 minutes
Latitude: 47.697603; Longitude: 8.634911
What3Words: informed.await.kitchen


Photo ID: 000850 Photo ID: 000851 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uetilberg Uetilberg No Data


Zurich's Mountain. The city lies in its shadow and its height gives it (when it’s not hidden by clouds or mist) stunning views over the city


The Zurich card covers travel to Uetilberg

Getting There

The S10 S-Bahn runs every half hourly from the main station in Zurich to Uetilberg station which is a ten minute up-hill walk from the summit of the mountain
Latitude: 47.351846; Longitude: 8.4874
What3Words: driver.movies.respects


Photo ID: 000845 Photo ID: 000846 Photo ID: 000847 Photo ID: 000849 Photo ID: 039577 Photo ID: 039578 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2005), and on time of last update (26/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Winterthur Winterthur No Data


Most famous as the home of one of the worlds largest insurance companies. Winterthur has a large number or prestigious museums and galleries


Getting There

Regular S-Bahn, Inter Regional and Inter City trains run from Zurich taking about 30 minutes
Latitude: 47.499112; Longitude: 8.728981
What3Words: unable.coach.releases


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zug Zug No Data


Picturesque lake side old town, in the next canton down from Zurich


Getting There

Regular S-Bahn, Inter Regional and Inter City trains run from Zurich taking about 40 minutes
Latitude: 47.166077; Longitude: 8.515048
What3Words: outlast.global.shall


Photo ID: 000848 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2005), and on time of last update (27/12/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dolderbahn Dolderbahn No Data


A cogwheel railway that runs up the side of the Dolder, to the eastern side of the city. At the top there is a large park that can be explored including heading up to the Loorenkofp


Charge, Free with a Zurich Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.36838; Longitude: 8.560868
What3Words: pity.judge.decorate


Photo ID: 039563 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2022), and on time of last update (26/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Limmatal River Cruise Limmatal River Cruise No Data


Run as part of the regular public transport service a river boat runs a half hourly service starting from the quay behind the Landesmuseum (Swiss National Museum), running down into the top of Lake Zurich and back to the Landesmuseum, stopping at several landing stages along the way. A full round trip takes about 50 minutes and gives a different view on the city.


Charge, Free with a Zurich Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.379174; Longitude: 8.541509
What3Words: double.restore.clasps


Photo ID: 039541 Photo ID: 039543 Photo ID: 039545 Photo ID: 039547 Photo ID: 039549 Photo ID: 039551 Photo ID: 039561

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2022), and on time of last update (26/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Loorenkopf Loorenkopf No Data


A large woodern viewing tower at the far end of the Dolder hill. From here there are excellent views above the treetops down onto Lake Zurich and the surrounding countryside



Getting There

Latitude: 47.369825; Longitude: 8.598984
What3Words: fees.spoiled.studio


Photo ID: 039568 Photo ID: 039569 Photo ID: 039570 Photo ID: 039571 Photo ID: 039572 Photo ID: 039573 Photo ID: 039574

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2022), and on time of last update (26/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zurichsee Boats Zurichsee Boats No Data


Several ferry routes operate across Lake Zurich, but the most impressive is the 2 hour ride down the length of the lake to Rapperswil (or vice versa). Along the way the boat calls in at several stops, affording good views of the small towns along the shores of the lake, as well as views back towards Zurich itself or to the alps in the distance as you look towards Rapperswil


Charge, Free with a Zurich Card

Getting There

Latitude: 47.3661; Longitude: 8.541191
What3Words: mere.crispy.snooze


Photo ID: 039643 Photo ID: 039650 Photo ID: 039658 Photo ID: 039659 Photo ID: 039664 Photo ID: 039671 Photo ID: 039680

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/04/2022), and on time of last update (26/04/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Electrica Electric Bikes Tour Electrica Electric Bikes Tour No Data


A 4 hour tour around the Santa Maria area on wide tired eBikes that work easily in the sand of the dunes and across the salt pans. The guide takes you to a number of key spots across this southern tip of the island including the nature reserve, shell beach and the salt pans.



Getting There

Latitude: 16.598659; Longitude: -22.90809
What3Words: instructs.taken.comically


Photo ID: 045052 Photo ID: 045058 Photo ID: 045066 Photo ID: 045074 Photo ID: 045075 Photo ID: 045091 Photo ID: 045101

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kite Beach Kite Beach No Data


North of the nature reserve another wide beach that has strong winds and good waves for kite surfing - though at a slightly less scary level than Ponta Preta.



Getting There

Latitude: 16.624709; Longitude: -22.899719
What3Words: smarting.rank.tonal


Photo ID: 045094 Photo ID: 045097 Photo ID: 045100 Photo ID: 045172 Photo ID: 045173 Photo ID: 045174 Photo ID: 045175

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lemon Sharks Experience Lemon Sharks Experience No Data


A 2 hour excursion from Santa Maria up to Feijol and the reef at Shark Bay. The guided tour is run by an ecologist or marine biologist who gives lots of details about the sharks, and the ecology work underway on Cape Verde during the 30 minute drive out to Feijol. Once out in the water the guide tells you more about the baby sharks that are swimming around your feet. After about 30 minutes in the water it's time to head back to the bus and back to Santa Maria. The tour includes pickup and drop off at hotels in Santa Maria



Getting There

Latitude: 16.599421; Longitude: -22.909306
What3Words: commit.phantom.greet


Photo ID: 045113 Photo ID: 045114 Photo ID: 045115 Photo ID: 045117 Photo ID: 045122 Photo ID: 045124 Photo ID: 045126

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ponta Preta Ponta Preta No Data


Located on the South West tip of the island the nature of the reefs here create spectacular waves and the area is a centre of kite surfing. At the time of visiting the world kite surfing championships were under way



Getting There

Latitude: 16.605654; Longitude: -22.929774
What3Words: scribble.curdles.sledges


Photo ID: 045101 Photo ID: 045102 Photo ID: 045103 Photo ID: 045104 Photo ID: 045105 Photo ID: 045107 Photo ID: 045110

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ponta Sino Ponta Sino No Data


The southern most tip of the island, surrounded by hotels but located in some pleasant dunes.



Getting There

Latitude: 16.58533; Longitude: -22.922006
What3Words: buildings.turnings.rehearsals


Photo ID: 045261 Photo ID: 045263 Photo ID: 045264 Photo ID: 045265 Photo ID: 045268 Photo ID: 045269 Photo ID: 045271

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Postcards of Sal Tour Postcards of Sal Tour No Data


A full day tour that covers most of the island taking in several natural sights as well as lunch and a late afternoon cocktail. After hotel pickups the tour starts in the settlement of Murdeira, then it's a drive past the airport and through the Island capital of Espargos and onto the flat landscape of Tera Boa to take in the mirages. From there the tour continues over to the western side of the island and the Blue Eye Cave natural phenomenon. Then it's a short drive to Palmeira where there is a lunch stop. After lunch it's back across the island to Pedra Lume to visit the salt mine and go for a swim in the very salty lake before a drive down to the Botanical Gardens just outside of Santa Maria, before a final stop for cocktails at Ponta Preta and then the return to the hotel. Along the way the guide gave out lots of information on the history of the island and the current situation here.



Getting There

Latitude: 16.593694; Longitude: -22.918252
What3Words: stood.worth.worriers


Photo ID: 045175 Photo ID: 045176 Photo ID: 045198 Photo ID: 045201 Photo ID: 045220 Photo ID: 045233 Photo ID: 045241

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Praia de Igrejinha Praia de Igrejinha No Data


The town's beach - where the locals like to go to get away from the tourists on the other beaches - features wide golden sands and a small shallow lagoon.



Getting There

Latitude: 16.600178; Longitude: -22.888349
What3Words: vast.pictured.innovate


Photo ID: 045058 Photo ID: 045059 Photo ID: 045060 Photo ID: 045061 Photo ID: 045062 Photo ID: 045063 Photo ID: 045064

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reserva Natural de Costa da Fragata Reserva Natural de Costa da Fragata No Data


A stretch of coast the houses about 30% of all the nesting sites for the sea turtles that live in the seas round Sal, consequently it is an important environment and the island likes to keep it clean and protected. The area is also home to a number of rare plants as well as lizards and birds.



Getting There

Latitude: 16.602759; Longitude: -22.890476
What3Words: meanders.films.pest


Photo ID: 045067 Photo ID: 045068 Photo ID: 045069 Photo ID: 045070 Photo ID: 045071 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Salina Salina No Data


The salt pans that gave the island its name and are still a key part of the economy of the island. Due to the low lying nature of the area the ground sits lower than the sea level and often fills up with sea water, this is left to stand in the baking Cabo Verde sun to drive off the water from the highly salty sea water to leave behind large crystals of salt. Very large crystals are piled up at the side of the pans and tourists are invited to take one or two for luck (a donation in either Escudos or Euros is welcomed)


Free, suggested donation if you wish to take a giant crystal

Getting There

Latitude: 16.610186; Longitude: -22.902118
What3Words: beakers.departure.firm


Photo ID: 045079 Photo ID: 045081 Photo ID: 045082 Photo ID: 045084 Photo ID: 045087 Photo ID: 045090 Photo ID: 045092

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shell Beach Shell Beach No Data


Beach located just to the East of the centre of Santa Maria and the point where all the shells that the fishermen discard when they are catching molluscs and other shell living marine life. The sea regularly washes over the piles scrubbing them clean of detritus creating a bed of pristine shells



Getting There

Latitude: 16.595207; Longitude: -22.89461
What3Words: clear.barstool.coining


Photo ID: 045051 Photo ID: 045052 Photo ID: 045053 Photo ID: 054054 Photo ID: 045055 Photo ID: 045056 Photo ID: 045057

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Viveiro Botanical Garden Viveiro Botanical Garden No Data


Located just to the north of Santa Maria this small garden houses a number of plants that are native to the island, as well as from the wider area. There are also a number of animal exhibits which are mostly rescues from closed down pet shops.



Getting There

Latitude: 16.621082; Longitude: -22.918013
What3Words: shies.shallowest.merges


Photo ID: 045242 Photo ID: 045244 Photo ID: 045245 Photo ID: 045257 Photo ID: 045251 Photo ID: 045253 Photo ID: 045256

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Espargos: Tera Boa Espargos: Tera Boa No Data


A wide very flat desert surrounded by the peaks of long extinct volcanos. Due to the very flat nature of the land here and the temperatures mirages appear in the distance, giving the impression of large bodies of water, though its only the reflection from the sky. Also due to the flatness of the ground and the lack of any features perspective is difficult to work out so it's possible to take photos of people standing on the top of water bottles, or balancing rocks on their fingers with little or no effort.


Getting There

The only way to get there is via a guided tour or taxi
Latitude: 16.794517; Longitude: -22.950229
What3Words: scuttles.curveballs.weeds


Photo ID: 045194 Photo ID: 045196 Photo ID: 045197 Photo ID: 045198 Photo ID: 045199 Photo ID: 045201 Photo ID: 045203

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Feijoal: Shark Bay - Lemon Sharks Feijoal: Shark Bay - Lemon Sharks No Data


A shallow reef in the North East corner of the island allows for the juvenile Lemon Sharks to swim close to land, whilst the older and much larger sharks stay out beyond the reef, it's possible to walk out to about knee high water and the sharks will swim around you. Due to the presence of sea urchins in the reef it is strongly recommended to wear closed water shoes so that you don't end up with spines in your feet. You can either bring your own or hire a pair from one of the stalls on the beach.


Free to visit, charge to borrow water shoes if needed.

Getting There

The only way to get there is via a guided tour or taxi, or a long 6Km walk from Espargos
Latitude: 16.739122; Longitude: -22.893738
What3Words: watching.cohort.withdrawals


Photo ID: 045111 Photo ID: 045112 Photo ID: 045116 Photo ID: 045118 Photo ID: 045119 Photo ID: 045125 Photo ID: 045126

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palmeira: Buracona Palmeira: Buracona No Data


Home to the Blue Eye cave. During the morning and early afternoon the sun is just in the right position that it creates a pool of light in this collapsed lava tube on the coast.


Getting There

The only way to get there is via a guided tour or taxi
Latitude: 16.798684; Longitude: -22.991596
What3Words: dramatists.biked.palaces


Photo ID: 045213 Photo ID: 045214 Photo ID: 045215 Photo ID: 045217 Photo ID: 045219 Photo ID: 045226 Photo ID: 045227

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pedra Lume: Salinas de Pedra de Lume Pedra Lume: Salinas de Pedra de Lume No Data


Located in the caldera of a long extinct volcano, and below sea level, this area has long been a salt mine. As the area is below the level of the sea the porous rock around here allows the sea water to seep into the caldera where it gets trapped and dried out to create salt. Along the way the water in the lake takes on a very high salt content, about 26 times the concentration of salt in the sea. It's possible to go into the lake and float, it's impossible to sink as the salt makes you super buoyant (though avoid getting any in your eye). The crater lake has been sub divided up so there are always several pools being worked on for salt production and a lake to swim in.


Getting There

The only way to get there is via a guided tour or taxi
Latitude: 16.768216; Longitude: -22.896286
What3Words: introductions.specify.beehives


Photo ID: 045228 Photo ID: 045229 Photo ID: 045230 Photo ID: 045232 Photo ID: 045233 Photo ID: 045237 Photo ID: 045238

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Murdeira Murdeira No Data


A small settlement on the west coast of the island and the site of the first holiday accommodation on the island, today it's mostly an ex-pat settlement. The village is set around a small bay with a sandy beach and shallow bay


Getting There

The only way to get there is via a guided tour or taxi
Latitude: 16.678717; Longitude: -22.935473
What3Words: derogatory.ambiguously.reimburses


Photo ID: 045176 Photo ID: 045180 Photo ID: 045182 Photo ID: 045184 Photo ID: 045186 Photo ID: 045189 Photo ID: 045193

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/03/2023), and on time of last update (20/03/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Experience Northern Islands Tour Experience Northern Islands Tour No Data


This full day tour heads to the most Northerly settlement on the Faroes via many of the towns along the way, including a stop in the Faroes second city Klaksvíg and an afternoon stop for some excellent Fish and Chips (included in the tour price)



Getting There

Latitude: 62.009395; Longitude: -6.760497
What3Words: baggy.mystic.treadmills


Photo ID: 004867 Photo ID: 004871 Photo ID: 004875 Photo ID: 004878 Photo ID: 004884 Photo ID: 004885 Photo ID: 004886

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kings Monument Kings Monument No Data


An obelisk built in 1882 to commemorate the visit of the King of Denmark. The monument is not particularly special, but the views from it's base over the city are quite good.



Getting There

Latitude: 62.012155; Longitude: -6.769316
What3Words: infancy.hysterical.engine


Photo ID: 004891 Photo ID: 004892 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Day Celebrations National Day Celebrations No Data


The national day is July 29th, but celebrations start on the 28th with the finals of the national rowing competition in the harbour and a fair in the main streets. The whole of the city centre is closed off and everyone is in party mood. The party continues through the night, including a spectacular fireworks display just after midnight. On the 29th itself it's a bit more of a sombre affair with a mass in the cathedral followed by a parade to the parliament for the opening of the new session accompanied by traditional songs.


Free (charge to get into the harbour area to watch the awards ceremony at the end of the races)

Getting There

Latitude: 62.009098; Longitude: -6.767771
What3Words: overmuch.splash.botanists


Photo ID: 004894 Photo ID: 004909 Photo ID: 004910 Photo ID: 004917 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skansin Skansin No Data


Tórshavn's fort. Today it's mostly just grass mounds on the tops on the bases of buildings, from the top of the site you get very good views over the town centre



Getting There

Latitude: 62.007915; Longitude: -6.763136
What3Words: scuba.distances.dunks


Photo ID: 004856 Photo ID: 004857 Photo ID: 004858 Photo ID: 004859 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tinganes Tinganes No Data


Home to the Faroese government, yet you can freely wander around the small lanes past the grass-roofed timber buildings.


Free to wander around

Getting There

Latitude: 62.007955; Longitude: -6.769295
What3Words: after.practical.accelerated


Photo ID: 004889 Photo ID: 004890 Photo ID: 004919 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Viðalundin Viðalundin No Data


A large park towards the back of the town. It includes a sobering monument to the fishermen who lost their lives during the second world war keeping Britain and the Faroes fed. The space is very relaxing (not that there is much hustle and bustle to get away from), with lots of little paths wandering between the trees



Getting There

Latitude: 62.016691; Longitude: -6.781155
What3Words: redial.employers.encroach


Photo ID: 004911 Photo ID: 004912 Photo ID: 004913 Photo ID: 004914 Photo ID: 004915 Photo ID: 004916 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kirkjubøur: St Magnus Cathedral Kirkjubøur: St Magnus Cathedral No Data


The ruins of the first Cathedral built on the island, which was never finished. Unfortunately at the time of visiting the ruins were undergoing repair and were covered in scaffolding. Work started on the Cathedral in 1300 and continued for a couple of hundred years before being abandoned during the reformation with the walls completed, but no roof. Today the ruins stand as they were left when the builders walked off the project.



Getting There

The cathedral is at the back of Kirkjubøur, just behind the church
Latitude: 61.951884; Longitude: -6.792201
What3Words: tarnish.hook.webs


Photo ID: 004907 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kirkjubøur Kirkjubøur No Data


A small town on the southern end of Streymoy which houses the ruins of the first Cathedral to be built (or at least started to be built) on the islands. The small fishing town is particularly pretty and in a very quiet spot (but difficult to get to!)


Getting There

There are irregular busses from Tórshavn, which have to be booked in advance. Alternatively you can catch the bus to Gamlarætt (same bus, runs without needing to be booked) and walk up from the harbour there (about 3KM). For the fit and healthy there is a pleasant walk up over the hills from Tórshavn, check guide books or walking tour books in the Tourist Information Centre for details. N.B. the 7KM/2 Hour advertised length is from the start of the path about a 35 minute walk out of Tórshavn.
Latitude: 61.954224; Longitude: -6.79778
What3Words: performed.salaried.unwired


Photo ID: 004904 Photo ID: 004905 Photo ID: 004906 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/07/2010), and on time of last update (07/08/2010) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

100 Tonne Gun 100 Tonne Gun No Data


The 100 tonne gun has a commanding view over the bay and coast of Spain and, when operational, could have taken out some of the coastal communities. The gun is described as the world’s first “super gun”


Charge, Joint Ticket with the Upper Rock Nature Reserve sites available

Getting There

From the centre of town catch the route 4 bus to the end of the route. You pass the 100 tonne gun just before the bus reaches it’s last stop
Latitude: 36.12271; Longitude: -5.354151
What3Words: crowds.shrubbery.consoled


Photo ID: 000770 Photo ID: 000771 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2005), and on time of last update (26/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alameda gardens Alameda gardens No Data


Located at the foot of the rock these botanical gardens have a large range of plants from North Africa, the Mediterranean as well as Central and South America.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.132061; Longitude: -5.351436
What3Words: fund.little.rings


Photo ID: 000772 Photo ID: 000773 Photo ID: 000774 Photo ID: 018425 Photo ID: 018479 Photo ID: 018480 Photo ID: 018482

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2005), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alameda gardens wildlife park Alameda gardens wildlife park No Data


Located at the back of the Alameda gardens is a small wildlife park that contains animals, birds and reptiles which have been seized by Gibraltar Customs for being smuggled.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.131263; Longitude: -5.351501
What3Words: novel.option.value


Photo ID: 018485 Photo ID: 018486 Photo ID: 018487 Photo ID: 018488 Photo ID: 018491 Photo ID: 018492 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/08/2005), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Apes Den Apes Den No Data


Located about half way down the rock, and accessible either by a stiff climb or it's own stop on the cable car (not during summers) the Apes den is home to some of the Barbary Macaques that call the rock home. Early in the morning they gather as around half their daily requirement of food is put out for them (they are expected to forage for the rest and visitors MUST NOT feed them). You can see the hierarchy of the family groups including multiple generations, depending on the time of year you may see very young macaques clinging to their mothers back.


Free, Included in Upper Rock Nature Reserve ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 36.132262; Longitude: -5.348774
What3Words: events.perky.taker


Photo ID: 018422 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/12/2016), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cable Car Cable Car No Data


The car takes you up to almost the very top of the rock. At the top station there are viewing platforms that give stunning views over Gibraltar, Spain and Morocco. You can also borrow a multi-media guide to get more information on the area


Charge, Upper Rock Nature Reserve ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 36.132875; Longitude: -5.352101
What3Words: filed.glow.cigar


Photo ID: 018361 Photo ID: 018377 Photo ID: 018378 Photo ID: 018379 Photo ID: 018380 Photo ID: 018381 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2005), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Catalan Bay, Sandy Bay, Both Worlds Catalan Bay, Sandy Bay, Both Worlds No Data


Located on the quieter East side of the Rock these sandy bays offer beaches and a quieter side of life from the packed Western side. Here the Rock comes down almost into the sea, with only a thin ribbon of land on which a few apartments, hotels and restaurants have been built.



Getting There

Buses leave from the Market Place out to Both Worlds on at least a half hourly basis
Latitude: 36.130966; Longitude: -5.341409
What3Words: joined.gain.judges


Photo ID: 018470 Photo ID: 018471 Photo ID: 018472 Photo ID: 018473 Photo ID: 018474 Photo ID: 018475 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/12/2016), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity No Data


Located close to the museum this is the Anglican cathedral of the rock and the primary church of the Church of England in Europe. Designed in an Moorish style with horseshoe windows and arches it's a strange mix of styles that actually works very well in the location.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 36.138244; Longitude: -5.354207
What3Words: traded.down.funny


Photo ID: 018390 Photo ID: 018446 Photo ID: 018448 Photo ID: 018449 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/12/2016), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dive Charters Dive Charters No Data


One of several companies that offer the chance to have a try at Scuba Diving. The try dives are designed especially for people who have never dived before, and all the equipment (Wet Suit, Tanks, Mask, Drinking Water, Sun Tan Cream) is included in the price


Charge (Expensive)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.14893; Longitude: -5.352938
What3Words: player.ridge.think


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/08/2005), and on time of last update (26/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dolphin Adventure Dolphin Adventure No Data


One of several companies that run tours of the bay looking at the Dolphins. This company is especially good as they do not have a massively high powered boat, so the Dolphins are more likely to flock to it


Charge (Expensive)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.149242; Longitude: -5.35296
What3Words: quiz.into.causes


Photo ID: 000750 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2005), and on time of last update (26/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Europa Point Europa Point No Data


The very end of the continent. From here it’s a little over 30Km to the coast of North Africa. It's also the join of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. ***Update 2016 - whilst it likes to style itself as the end point of Europe there are actually points further South a little further West along the coast in Spain (though the furthest Southerly point isn't accessible to the public, or by bus)



Getting There

From the centre catch the route 2 bus to the end of the route - the last bus stop in Europe!
Latitude: 36.109606; Longitude: -5.344795
What3Words: quaking.lingering.briefing


Photo ID: 000745 Photo ID: 000746 Photo ID: 000747 Photo ID: 000748 Photo ID: 018466 Photo ID: 018467 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2005), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gibraltar - A City Under Siege Exhibition Gibraltar - A City Under Siege Exhibition No Data


This is a small collection of waxworks in a building almost destroyed during the great siege. It tells the story of what the conditions were like for the residents of the rock during the siege.


Free, Included in Upper Rock Nature Reserve ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 36.142744; Longitude: -5.34855
What3Words: invite.dance.gloves


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2005), and on time of last update (26/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gibraltar Museum Gibraltar Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the rock from its creation during the Jurassic era, through its periods of rule by the Muslims, then the Spanish (briefly) then by the Muslims again (briefly) then by the Spanish again, and then since 1704 by the British. The museum is built above the remains of a 14th Century Moorish bath house. There is an eclectic selection of items on exhibition from the remains of Neanderthals found in the caves of the rock to artefacts from Japan purchased by prominent Gibraltans and donated to the museum when it was founded in the 1930s. A large 19th Century model of the rock dominates the upper floor of the museum.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.138875; Longitude: -5.354408
What3Words: motel.donor.arrive


Photo ID: 000751 Photo ID: 018454 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/08/2005), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Great Siege Tunnels Great Siege Tunnels No Data


These were built during the great siege of the late 18th Century, by the forerunners of the Royal Engineers, to help defend the rock from attack. They now form part of over 50Km of passages and tunnels that cover the rock, more inside the rock than there are roads on the outside! As you explore the tunnels you travel right through the centre of the rock with the final tunnel opening out onto the East side of the rock (you enter on the West side)


Charge, Included in Upper Rock Nature Reserve ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 36.145491; Longitude: -5.345744
What3Words: theme.wires.crops
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2005), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Military Heritage Centre Military Heritage Centre No Data


The Military Heritage Centre gives a small amount of background on the history of the military on the rock, as well as containing a monument for the memory of all those who lost their lives defending the rock.


Free, Included in Upper Rock Nature Reserve ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 36.144828; Longitude: -5.347976
What3Words: spin.called.rabble


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2005), and on time of last update (26/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Moorish Castle/Tower of Homage Moorish Castle/Tower of Homage No Data


The last remaining element of the old Islamic fortress on the Rock, today from the top of the Tower of Homage you can get some of the best views over the lower town and airport.


Charge, Included in the Upper Rock Nature Reserve ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 36.143908; Longitude: -5.349908
What3Words: dive.locker.snack
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/12/2016), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

O'Hara's Battery O'Hara's Battery No Data


Located at the highest point on the rock the battery was designed to be able to see ships approaching the bay of Cadiz, except it was built without taking account of the prevailing weather and spends most of its time shrouded in mists. From here, when the fog clears, you can see down onto Europa point and out across the Mediterranean


Charge, not included in any other tickets

Getting There

Latitude: 36.123804; Longitude: -5.342894
What3Words: shout.retire.treetop


Photo ID: 018404 Photo ID: 018405 Photo ID: 018406 Photo ID: 018407 Photo ID: 018408 Photo ID: 018409 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/12/2016), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Michaels Cave St Michaels Cave No Data


St Michael's Cave contains hundreds of stalactites and stalagmites that create stunning displays. The heart of the cave is a massive cavern, originally fitted out during W.W.II as a hospital; it now houses an auditorium for staging opera, dance and theatre. Regular light and sound shows run during the day to show off the space


Charge, Included in Upper Rock Nature Reserve ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 36.126047; Longitude: -5.3456
What3Words: sounds.soil.buns
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2005), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Suspension Bridge Suspension Bridge No Data


Hanging across a gap in the rock the suspension bridge offers excellent views over the rest of the city, when it is open


Free, Included in Upper Rock Nature Reserve ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 36.130261; Longitude: -5.347401
What3Words: timing.type.swift


Photo ID: 018423 Photo ID: 018424 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/12/2016), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Top of the Rock Tour Top of the Rock Tour No Data


Located at the top cable car station, here you can borrow multi-media guides which tells you some of the history of the rock, as well as of the region. You can also find out about the Barbary Macaques that live on the top of the rock and the strange weather systems that occur (and experience) around the rock.


Charge, Included in the Upper Rock Nature Reserve ticket

Getting There

Latitude: 36.134149; Longitude: -5.34575
What3Words: formal.counts.empire


Photo ID: 000755 Photo ID: 000756 Photo ID: 000757 Photo ID: 018383 Photo ID: 018391 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2005), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trafalgar Cemetery Trafalgar Cemetery No Data


Located next to the Southern Bastion the small cemetery houses the remains of a couple of the sailors who were injured in the Battle of Trafalgar and later succumbed to their injuries after returning to Gibraltar.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.134751; Longitude: -5.35228
What3Words: proof.join.rivers


Photo ID: 018373 Photo ID: 018379 Photo ID: 018493 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/12/2016), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Upper Rock Nature Reserve Upper Rock Nature Reserve No Data


The whole area on the top of the Rock has been declared a nature reserve. Here you can see the Barbary Apes (the only other wild, indigenous, primates in Europe along with Humans) as well as St Michaels Cave, The Great Siege and World War II tunnels, The military heritage centre, city under siege exhibition and the apes den.


Charge to enter the nature reserve (only nominal if you are just walking through) you can also get a joint ticket which gets you into all the attractions (apart from the World War II tunnels, O'Hara's Battery and the Cable Car) and the 100 tonne gun

Getting There

Latitude: 36.133538; Longitude: -5.348679
What3Words: await.solid.parks


Photo ID: 000754 Photo ID: 000755 Photo ID: 000756 Photo ID: 000757 Photo ID: 000758 Photo ID: 000759 Photo ID: 018399

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2005), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

World War II Tunnels World War II Tunnels No Data


These tunnels were built to defend the rock against the threat of invasion during the early years of W.W.II. The tunnels are massive and cover a large area. So large in fact that you re-emerge back up the hill by the Military history centre.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.14436; Longitude: -5.34907
What3Words: weds.trash.marble


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2005), and on time of last update (26/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo Cruz Herrera Museo Cruz Herrera No Data


The museum exhibits the work of José Cruz Herrera, a successful early-20th-century painter from La Línea.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.161881; Longitude: -5.350449
What3Words: dots.tapes.deck


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2005), and on time of last update (26/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo del Istmo Museo del Istmo No Data


The museum has archaeological finds, paintings, sculptures and changing exhibitions.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.160616; Longitude: -5.348679
What3Words: settle.grapes.sushi


Photo ID: 000762 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2005), and on time of last update (26/08/2005) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Línea De La Concepción La Línea De La Concepción No Data


The border town with Gibraltar. If it wasn't for the boarder it would be very difficult to tell where Gibraltar ends and Spain begins as La Línea De La Concepción and Gibraltar merge into each other.


Getting There

Catch the number 5 bus to the end of the route at the frontier. Walk through the border (This is an international border and you MUST HAVE PASSPORT with valid visa [if appropriate] for Spain). From the border walk north up the main street until you reach a road running east-west between the two coasts. Cross this and you are in the centre of the town
Latitude: 36.161162; Longitude: -5.348818
What3Words: hoot.corn.jelly


Photo ID: 000760 Photo ID: 000761 Photo ID: 000762 Photo ID: 000763 Photo ID: 000764 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/08/2005), and on time of last update (10/12/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Asmundur Sveinsson sculpture museum Asmundur Sveinsson sculpture museum No Data


Located in the uniquely designed house that he left to the nation after his death and contains many of his works, as well as more modern sculpture in the grounds.


Charge, Free with a Reykjavik card

Getting There

Latitude: 64.141637; Longitude: -21.885265
What3Words: emailed.liner.powder


Photo ID: 000922 Photo ID: 000923 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2006), and on time of last update (14/04/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Culture House (Þjóðmenningarhús) Culture House (Þjóðmenningarhús) No Data


The museum has displays of the original copies of the Icelandic Sagas, as well as a small display of items from the national museum.


Charge, Free with a Reykjavik card

Getting There

Latitude: 64.147277; Longitude: -21.932294
What3Words: melt.school.believer


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/04/2006), and on time of last update (14/04/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hallgrimskirkja Hallgrimskirkja No Data


The Hallgrimskirkja tower is reached by lift and provides stunning views over the city and surrounding countryside



Getting There

Latitude: 64.141793; Longitude: -21.926608
What3Words: styled.laying.remotes


Photo ID: 000910 Photo ID: 000911 Photo ID: 000912 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/04/2006), and on time of last update (14/04/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Museum (Þjóðminjasafnið) National Museum (Þjóðminjasafnið) No Data


Recently refurbished the museum tells the history of the Island from its settlement in the 10th century through to the modern day. The museum is set out in a chronological order and has all the information in English as well as Icelandic.


Charge, Free with a Reykjavik card

Getting There

Latitude: 64.141957; Longitude: -21.948184
What3Words: civic.bunks.sleeping


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2006), and on time of last update (14/04/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reykjavik Art Museum, Hafnarhus Reykjavik Art Museum, Hafnarhus No Data


Modern Art…


Charge, Free with a Reykjavik card

Getting There

Latitude: 64.149205; Longitude: -21.94047
What3Words: rankings.event.blast


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/04/2006), and on time of last update (14/04/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reykjavik museum of photography Reykjavik museum of photography No Data


A small museum in the top floor of the city library showing a rotating display of work



Getting There

Latitude: 64.149485; Longitude: -21.941392
What3Words: beeline.chopper.shows
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/04/2006), and on time of last update (14/04/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Saga Museum Saga Museum No Data


The museum uses wax works and an audio guide to tell you the history of the beginnings of Iceland from its settlement in the 10th century through its full conversion to Christianity (it happened one afternoon following a debate in the parliament) though to the beginning of its subjugation under the other various Scandinavian powers.


Charge, Free with a Reykjavik card

Getting There

Latitude: 64.129241; Longitude: -21.918755
What3Words: value.fats.costumes


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/04/2006), and on time of last update (14/04/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gray Line Tour: Golden Circle Classic Tour Gray Line Tour: Golden Circle Classic Tour No Data


The most popular day trip in Iceland, taking around 7 hours. The tour starts with collections from the main hotel bus stops round the city centre and then being driven to the Gray Line depot on the edge of the city centre. After setting off from Reykjavik the tour takes in the site of the first parliament in the country in the rift valley at Þingvellir where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates are slowly pulling themselves apart. From there the tour visits the geologically active area of Geysir. Here you can watch the Stokkur geysir erupt every 5 minutes or so. This is also the stop for lunch. Following lunch the tour continues to the Golden Waterfall - Gullfoss, where the glacial melt from waters from the high mountains thunder down into a canyon. Depending on the tour the Geysir and Gullfoss elements may be swapped around with lunch at Gullfoss instead. The tour is conducted on a full size coach with a tour guide alongside the driver.



Getting There

Latitude: 64.152256; Longitude: -21.864558
What3Words: cares.visa.written


Photo ID: 026293 Photo ID: 026310 Photo ID: 026314 Photo ID: 026322 Photo ID: 026323 Photo ID: 026330 Photo ID: 026336

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2019), and on time of last update (11/05/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gray Line Tour: South Iceland, Waterfalls and Black Sand Beach Gray Line Tour: South Iceland, Waterfalls and Black Sand Beach No Data


A 10 hour tour operated using mini-coaches seating around 18 where the driver is also the tour guide. The tour starts with collections from the main hotel bus stops round the city centre and then being driven to the Gray Line depot on the edge of the city centre. From Reykjavik the tour heads south along the main road and through several towns close to the coast. There are brief stops for coffee and to take in the sites of the Hekla, Katla and Eyjafjallajökull volcano's before the tour arrives at the first main stop of the day at the Skógafoss waterfall. From there the tour continues to the town of Vik with its Black Sand beach for the lunch stop. This is also the furthest East that the tour goes to. From here you start to return towards Reykjavik with major stops at the Reynisfjara black sand beach and basalt columns, at the Sólheimajökull glacier where it melts into it's glacial pool and at the Seljalandsfoss waterfall, where it's possible to walk behind the falls.



Getting There

Latitude: 64.152324; Longitude: -21.864603
What3Words: devotion.blinks.horns


Photo ID: 026187 Photo ID: 026213 Photo ID: 026219 Photo ID: 026239 Photo ID: 026251 Photo ID: 026261 Photo ID: 026281

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/05/2019), and on time of last update (11/05/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Iceland Excursions: Gullfoss and Geysir Express Iceland Excursions: Gullfoss and Geysir Express No Data


A 7 hour tour that takes in the site of the worlds first parliament, the stunning falls at Gullfoss and the highly active Geysers at Geysir (2006. 2019 Update - Now part of Gray Line)



Getting There

Latitude: 64.143918; Longitude: -21.914463
What3Words: splendid.officers.surface


Photo ID: 000917 Photo ID: 000918 Photo ID: 000919 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/04/2006), and on time of last update (14/04/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Iceland Excursions: Northern Lights Mystery tour Iceland Excursions: Northern Lights Mystery tour No Data


A 4-5 hour tour that runs from late October to early April chasing across Southern Iceland looking for the Aurora (2006. 2019 Update - Now part of Gray Line)



Getting There

Latitude: 64.143834; Longitude: -21.91397
What3Words: polished.adopting.quickly


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2006), and on time of last update (14/04/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Iceland Excursions: South Coast & Þorsmork tour Iceland Excursions: South Coast & Þorsmork tour No Data


An 11 hour tour in an off-road jeep that takes in glaciers, waterfalls, lava beaches and more. (2006. 2019 Update - Now part of Gray Line)


Charge (Very Expensive)

Getting There

Latitude: 64.143787; Longitude: -21.913648
What3Words: hesitate.switched.november


Photo ID: 000925 Photo ID: 000926 Photo ID: 000928 Photo ID: 000929 Photo ID: 000930 Photo ID: 000931 Photo ID: 000932

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2006), and on time of last update (14/04/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Alte Rheinbrücke Alte Rheinbrücke No Data


Located on the edge of town, down by the river and the modern road crossing, this wooden covered bridge was the original crossing from Switzerland into Liechtenstein by the capital. Today the crossing is reserved for pedestrians only and includes some information boards (german only) about the history of the bridge. At the centre point there are markers to show where you cross from one country into the other.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.13247; Longitude: 9.51171
What3Words: handicaps.toddler.masterful


Photo ID: 046251 Photo ID: 046285 Photo ID: 046287 Photo ID: 046290 Photo ID: 046293 Photo ID: 046304 Photo ID: 046305

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aussichtspunkt Känzile Aussichtspunkt Känzile No Data


Located close to the Schloss this viewpoint gives excellent views over the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.140747; Longitude: 9.524119
What3Words: relegate.cafe.minder


Photo ID: 046260 Photo ID: 046261 Photo ID: 046262 Photo ID: 046263 Photo ID: 046264 Photo ID: 046265 Photo ID: 046267

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Train City Train No Data


The train leaves a couple of times a day for a 35 minute tour round Vaduz (though not up to the castle). The tour has a limited commentary that gives a little bit of background to the city and the country, though most of the tour is conducted listening to Polka music.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.140317; Longitude: 9.521756
What3Words: notifying.washing.horseshoe


Photo ID: 046221 Photo ID: 046222 Photo ID: 046223 Photo ID: 046227 Photo ID: 046229 Photo ID: 046235 Photo ID: 046238

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kathedrale St. Florin Kathedrale St. Florin No Data


The countries cathedral, though it looks much more like a small parish church. Inside it's not particularly ornate, but there are a couple of pretty stained glass windows



Getting There

Latitude: 47.136238; Longitude: 9.522737
What3Words: string.awoke.puddles


Photo ID: 046311 Photo ID: 046319 Photo ID: 046320 Photo ID: 046321 Photo ID: 046322 Photo ID: 046323 Photo ID: 046326

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Landesmuseum Landesmuseum No Data


The landesmuseum acts as the national museum of the country. It tells the history of Liechtenstein from earliest settlers up to modern day, including an exhibition on it's main industries. There are also halls that house changing exhibits



Getting There

Latitude: 47.138138; Longitude: 9.522625
What3Words: monkeys.diamond.seriously


Photo ID: 046309 Photo ID: 046329 Photo ID: 046332 Photo ID: 046333 Photo ID: 046338 Photo ID: 046343 Photo ID: 046346

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Postmuseum Postmuseum No Data


The museum is dedicated to the history of the postal service, and stamps, in the country.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.13898; Longitude: 9.522755
What3Words: acid.sublime.elsewhere


Photo ID: 046308 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schatzkammer Liechtenstein Schatzkammer Liechtenstein No Data


Housed in the same building as the post museum this small exhibition houses many of the treasures of the country including the crown jewels and a Faberge egg.


Charge, Joint ticket with the Landesmuseum available

Getting There

Latitude: 47.138753; Longitude: 9.52269
What3Words: prepare.quail.synthetic


Photo ID: 046308 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Balzers: Burg Gutenberg Balzers: Burg Gutenberg No Data


An impressive castle high on a rocky outcrop overlooking the town and the Rhine river which forms the border between Liechtenstein and Switzerland. You can't actually go inside the castle unless on a pre-booked group guided tour, but you can walk around the grounds from where the best views are had.


Free to look around the outside, no access inside the castle

Getting There

Latitude: 47.06533; Longitude: 9.500487
What3Words: fearfully.unsigned.gains


Photo ID: 046115 Photo ID: 046141 Photo ID: 046143 Photo ID: 046144 Photo ID: 046150 Photo ID: 046151 Photo ID: 046157

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Malbun: Chairlift Malbun: Chairlift No Data


***Review from 2007 as lift was closed for annual maintenance when I visited in April 2023*** Down in the South East corner of the country, from the chalet at the top you can take in the views over this part of the country, as well as across the border into Austria



Getting There

Latitude: 47.100746; Longitude: 9.61073
What3Words: verb.misfits.lower


Photo ID: 002156 Photo ID: 002157 Photo ID: 002158 Photo ID: 002159 Photo ID: 002160 Photo ID: 002161 Photo ID: 046031

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/08/2007), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schellenberg: Bäuerliches Wohnmuseum Schellenberg: Bäuerliches Wohnmuseum No Data


A 16th century house that has been preserved as part of the landesmuseum to show how people in previous generations would have lived. The house is only open to look around on the afternoon of the first and last Sundays of the month between April and October



Getting There

Latitude: 47.232772; Longitude: 9.547857
What3Words: uncle.aviators.tones


Photo ID: 046192 Photo ID: 041693 Photo ID: 046196 Photo ID: 046198 Photo ID: 046200 Photo ID: 046203 Photo ID: 046206

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schellenberg: Obere Burg Schellenberg: Obere Burg No Data


The larger of the two castle in the town, this one is located high on a rocky outcrop with excellent sight lines down the valley that links Liechtenstein into Austria. Fairly substantial ruins are still standing on the site.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.232851; Longitude: 9.554089
What3Words: abolish.treat.sharpened


Photo ID: 046164 Photo ID: 046166 Photo ID: 046168 Photo ID: 046171 Photo ID: 046177 Photo ID: 046180 Photo ID: 046182

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schellenberg: Untere Burg Schellenberg: Untere Burg No Data


The smaller of the two castles, just part of the outer walls survive though from here there are views across the valley and the Rhine river to Switzerland



Getting There

Latitude: 47.233222; Longitude: 9.542497
What3Words: plastic.handsets.templates


Photo ID: 046209 Photo ID: 046211 Photo ID: 046212 Photo ID: 046213 Photo ID: 046215 Photo ID: 046216 Photo ID: 046217

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Triesenberg: Grüschaweg Trail Triesenberg: Grüschaweg Trail No Data


This is a 90 minute or so walk that can be done in either direction, though from Triesenberg to Vaduz it's downhill all the way, rather than the continuous slog uphill in the opposite direction.



Getting There

The map shows the start of the trail off of the roads. Take the bus to Triesenberg Post (every 30 minutes, about 10 minutes) and then walk down following the roads and signs to the start of the trail.
Latitude: 47.117988; Longitude: 9.538796
What3Words: chart.likewise.mergers


Photo ID: 046241 Photo ID: 046243 Photo ID: 046246 Photo ID: 046247 Photo ID: 046248 Photo ID: 046249 Photo ID: 046257

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Balzers Balzers No Data


The southern most town in the country, located close to the border crossing for Sargans and the railway in Switzerland. As this was an important border town there is an impressive castle on the top of the hill in the town centre


Getting There

From Vaduz the number 11 bus runs every 30 minutes, taking about 20 minutes to make the journey.
Latitude: 47.065594; Longitude: 9.507451
What3Words: straying.garlic.gravy


Photo ID: 046112 Photo ID: 046118 Photo ID: 046120 Photo ID: 046125 Photo ID: 046129 Photo ID: 046138 Photo ID: 046160

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gaflei Gaflei No Data


This small settlement has the bus stop for the closest access to the path that leads up to the mid-point of Liechtenstein. From the road on the way up there are excellent views down on the main road through the country, the Rhine river and Switzerland on the opposite bank.


Getting There

From Vaduz you need to take the number 21 bus (every 30 minutes) to Triesenberg (10 minutes journey time) and change there onto the number 22 bus (every 2 hours, journey time just over 15 minutes).
Latitude: 47.142021; Longitude: 9.544579
What3Words: warned.bill.limelight


Photo ID: 046069 Photo ID: 046070 Photo ID: 046073 Photo ID: 046074 Photo ID: 046075 Photo ID: 046077 Photo ID: 046080

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Malbun Malbun No Data


The highest village in the country, located at the top of a steep valley and surrounded by mountains. During the winter months the town is a popular ski resort, and it also a summer sports hot-spot. Closed season is generally mid-April to early June and at that point the place feels like a ghost town with everything closed and most chalets shuttered.


Getting There

The number 21 bus runs at least every hour (half hourly at the weekends) from Vaduz Post to Malbun via Triesenberg and Steig. Total journey time is just over 30 minutes
Latitude: 47.10129; Longitude: 9.609886
What3Words: latter.likely.insolvent


Photo ID: 046028 Photo ID: 046030 Photo ID: 046033 Photo ID: 046036 Photo ID: 046038 Photo ID: 046040 Photo ID: 046043

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schellenberg Schellenberg No Data


One of the north-eastern most town in the country, located overlooking the valley that leads into Austria, consequently the town was well fortified with two different castles


Getting There

From Vaduz you need to take the number 11 bus (every 30 minutes) to Bendern Post (about 20 minutes travel time) where you can change onto the number 32 or 35 to Schellenberg. Each route runs hourly for a combined 30 minutes frequency. The 35 is the fastest taking just 9 minutes to reach Schellenberg and continuing on to Hinterschellenberg, passing close to the Obere Burg. The 32 takes 20 minutes and finishes in the centre of town.
Latitude: 47.230954; Longitude: 9.546808
What3Words: tags.engage.unfounded


Photo ID: 046163 Photo ID: 046173 Photo ID: 046190 Photo ID: 046191 Photo ID: 046204 Photo ID: 046207 Photo ID: 046218

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Triesenberg Triesenberg No Data


Located high above Vaduz in the mountains this small town is made up of many pretty houses and a pleasant small church. There are walks from here through the mountains, as well as an easy walk along the ridge back to the castle at Vaduz.


Getting There

The number 21 bus runs at least every 30 minutes from Vaduz Post to Triesenberg Post. Total journey time is just over 10 minutes
Latitude: 47.11818; Longitude: 9.543368
What3Words: revised.stroke.treatment


Photo ID: 046060 Photo ID: 046063 Photo ID: 046064 Photo ID: 046067 Photo ID: 046068 Photo ID: 046086 Photo ID: 046102

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2023), and on time of last update (02/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathédrale de Monaco Cathédrale de Monaco No Data


Impressive cathedral in the centre of Monaco Ville. The cathedral is the last resting place of many of the Princes of Monaco as well as the tomb of Princess Grace, the Hollywood actress turned monarchs consort and mother of the current Prince of Monaco.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.730424; Longitude: 7.422683
What3Words: area.bonds.same


Photo ID: 024730 Photo ID: 024748 Photo ID: 024750 Photo ID: 024752 Photo ID: 024754 Photo ID: 024756 Photo ID: 024766

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/11/2018), and on time of last update (24/11/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin Exotique Jardin Exotique No Data


Perched high on the cliffs over looking the principality, and offering stunning views over the palace rock and the rest of the country, the gardens house a number of exotic plants, all growing outdoors. Large cacti of many varieties line the slopes as you walk down through the gardens to the cave at the bottom of the hill.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.731424; Longitude: 7.413889
What3Words: drilled.amuses.defeated


Photo ID: 024776 Photo ID: 024781 Photo ID: 024782 Photo ID: 024806 Photo ID: 024813 Photo ID: 024819 Photo ID: 024822

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2018), and on time of last update (24/11/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardin Japonais de Monaco Jardin Japonais de Monaco No Data


Peaceful and tranquil Japanese gardens, located a couple of meters from the bottom of the hotel hairpin. Inside the walls help keep the noise of the busy traffic out.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.742355; Longitude: 7.430988
What3Words: peanut.steep.quarrel


Photo ID: 024851 Photo ID: 024853 Photo ID: 024854 Photo ID: 024856 Photo ID: 024859 Photo ID: 024863 Photo ID: 024868

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2018), and on time of last update (24/11/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardins de la Petite Afrique Jardins de la Petite Afrique No Data


Small gardens located opposite the Casino of Monte Carlo and providing a calm oasis away from the gambling.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.740326; Longitude: 7.426852
What3Words: comical.tables.habit


Photo ID: 024699 Photo ID: 024700 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/11/2018), and on time of last update (24/11/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jardins de Saint-Martin Jardins de Saint-Martin No Data


Beautiful tropical gardens clinging to the cliffs of Monaco Ville beneath the Princes Palace and the Cathedral. Due to the climate in Monaco there are cacti and other plants growing outside that you wouldn't expect in a location such as this.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.729843; Longitude: 7.423877
What3Words: fairly.planet.fame


Photo ID: 024733 Photo ID: 024734 Photo ID: 024735 Photo ID: 024737 Photo ID: 024741 Photo ID: 024742 Photo ID: 024746

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/11/2018), and on time of last update (24/11/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

La Grotte de l'Observatoire La Grotte de l'Observatoire No Data


This cave is located at the bottom of the Jardin Exotique and descends down into the cliffs below. Starting at 104m above sea level you descend around 300 steps to the bottom of the visitable cave at around 50m above sea level. Along the way there are stunning stalactites and stalagmites and lots of other curious rock formations that have been created by the constant dripping water over the millennia. It should be noted that at the end of the tour it is a direct climb up around 250 steps from the final gallery back up to the surface, so it is quite a strenuous visit.


Charge, included in ticket for Jardin Exotique

Getting There

Latitude: 43.731054; Longitude: 7.414221
What3Words: guessing.openings.pirate


Photo ID: 024787 Photo ID: 024788 Photo ID: 024794 Photo ID: 024797 Photo ID: 024800 Photo ID: 024802 Photo ID: 024804

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2018), and on time of last update (24/11/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Monaco Le Grand Tour Monaco Le Grand Tour No Data


This hop-on-hop-off open-top bus tour takes in the whole of the country. Starting from the harbourside it first travels East to the border with France before heading back through parts of the Grand Prix course, including the hotel hairpin bend, the Casino and centre of Monte Carlo before heading up to the oldest part of the country in Monaco Ville and the Princes Palace. From there it heads down to the Western border with France before returning to the harbourside. Along the way a multi-lingual commentary tells you about key sights and some of the history of the principality. Tours are frequent and reliable



Getting There

Latitude: 43.73775; Longitude: 7.428034
What3Words: packet.precautions.parts


Photo ID: 024684 Photo ID: 024686 Photo ID: 024688 Photo ID: 024690 Photo ID: 024694 Photo ID: 024706 Photo ID: 024714

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/11/2018), and on time of last update (24/11/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Monaco Tour Monaco Tour No Data


A 30 minute land train tour taking in the main sights in Monaco Ville and Monte Carlo. The tour starts from opposite the Oceanographic museum and heads down into the harbour before following part of the F1 course, in the opposite direction, up to the Casino in Monte Carlo. The tour then returns to the rock and does a tour round the top of the old town, briefly stopping outside the royal palace, before returning to the oceanographic museum. A running multi-lingual commentary is available.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.731005; Longitude: 7.425393
What3Words: order.belt.human


Photo ID: 024826 Photo ID: 024827 Photo ID: 024828 Photo ID: 024829 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2018), and on time of last update (24/11/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Musée océanographique de Monaco Musée océanographique de Monaco No Data


The museum was created by Prince Albert I who was an Oceanographer himself, and much of the collection is made up of his donations. The building it is housed in is pretty impressive itself, perched on the side of the sea cliffs and descending down a considerable way for two sub surface, but still well above sea level, floors of aquariums.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.730783; Longitude: 7.425442
What3Words: author.sprint.rigid


Photo ID: 024742 Photo ID: 024830 Photo ID: 024831 Photo ID: 024836 Photo ID: 024841 Photo ID: 024844 Photo ID: 024850

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (11/11/2018), and on time of last update (24/11/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Place du Palais Place du Palais No Data


The square in front of the Princes Palace and the highest point on the rock that Monaco Ville sits upon. From here there are stunning views across the whole of the principality including the harbour and casino. On a good day the views extend back into France and on into Italy down the coast.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.730943; Longitude: 7.420973
What3Words: plant.slices.island


Photo ID: 024717 Photo ID: 024718 Photo ID: 024719 Photo ID: 024720 Photo ID: 024722 Photo ID: 024768 Photo ID: 024773

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/11/2018), and on time of last update (24/11/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ancient Ruins Ancient Ruins No Data


Located just beyond the Gurdic Gate it's difficult to tell what these are the ruins for as there is no signage at the site in any language and Google Maps has it marked as both the ruins of St Francis Monastery and Ancient Roman Ruins - possibly the two with one on top of the other?



Getting There

Latitude: 42.421687; Longitude: 18.770921
What3Words: vibrations.jellybeans.untapped


Photo ID: 046642 Photo ID: 046681 Photo ID: 046683 Photo ID: 046684 Photo ID: 046685 Photo ID: 046686 Photo ID: 046687

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Church of St Paul Church of St Paul No Data


One of the city's many churches, this one has some archaeological remains on display, both in the grounds and inside the church where the floor has been replaced with glass to look down into the crypt (although when I visited the humidity meant that the glass was pretty fogged up)



Getting There

Latitude: 42.424242; Longitude: 18.772015
What3Words: described.homebuyer.rubies


Photo ID: 046399 Photo ID: 046400 Photo ID: 046401 Photo ID: 046402 Photo ID: 046403 Photo ID: 046404 Photo ID: 046405

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls - Lower City Walls - Lower No Data


A section of the city walls from the South Gate to close to the River gate is open to be walked along. With the mountains directly behind these walls mostly protect the sea and river facing sides of the old town. The views from the walls over the Bay of Kotor are some of the best down in town



Getting There

Latitude: 42.425606; Longitude: 18.769555
What3Words: sedatives.dinosaur.vagueness


Photo ID: 046353 Photo ID: 046362 Photo ID: 046368 Photo ID: 046370 Photo ID: 046377 Photo ID: 046406 Photo ID: 046427

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fortress: Bataglia Emplacement (Main view point) Fortress: Bataglia Emplacement (Main view point) No Data


This is the location for perhaps the best views and certainly the one that appears most often on social media. Be warned though - the walls are flat and level with the ground, there are no guard rails and a very steep drop with just a single A4 sign guarding the drop - you can get great views without needing to go right up to the edge, and that is best avoided if you don't have a good head for heights


Charge to enter the fortress area, but covers all sights once inside

Getting There

Latitude: 42.423059; Longitude: 18.774781
What3Words: skid.changeless.welcoming


Photo ID: 046616 Photo ID: 046617 Photo ID: 046618 Photo ID: 046619 Photo ID: 046620 Photo ID: 046621 Photo ID: 046622

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fortress: Fortress of Sv. Ivan Fortress: Fortress of Sv. Ivan No Data


Located at the very top of the climb up through the fortifications, the last 1/3 of the climb is actually up through parts of the fortress with different bastions looking out over the city, but the actual main fortress building is actually quite small when you get to it at the top. Inside most of the site is in ruins, but you can go up to the top levels for views over the hills and bay - though limited views down into the old town due to the positioning of the fortress slightly back from the ledge


Charge to enter the fortress area, but covers all sights once inside

Getting There

Latitude: 42.422011; Longitude: 18.774495
What3Words: mailing.boast.clerks


Photo ID: 046623 Photo ID: 046626 Photo ID: 046628 Photo ID: 046630 Photo ID: 046632 Photo ID: 046634 Photo ID: 046640

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fortress: Kotor Fortress Climb (Ticket Office) Fortress: Kotor Fortress Climb (Ticket Office) No Data


From the back of the old town the city walls climb up into the mountains the surround the city to the Fortress of St John (Sv. Ivan) high up above the city with commanding views out over the Bay of Kotor. The climb up is pretty strenuous with over 1,300 steps to reach the top, though there are regular view points where you can stop to take in the views and catch your breath. The views from the upper couple of view points (Renier and Bataglia Emplacements) are the most spectacular. If anything the views from the fortress itself aren't so good as it's set back a little from the edge of the rock so it's harder to see down into the old town. Key notes - the climb up stopping to take photos took me 90 minutes, though with slightly shorter photo stops you could easily do it in 60 minutes - some guides claim you can do the ascent in 30 minutes but this would be without stopping and only if you're incredibly fit and there is nobody you need to give way to on the way up (courtesy is to let people coming down stay on the steps as the screed slope off to the side is fine to stand on, but difficult to walk down on.) There are no toilet facilities anywhere on the climb or at the fortress. On the day I went up there were two locals selling drinks out of coolers - one at St Marks Emplacement about 2/3 of the way up and another in the fort itself.


Charge to enter the fortress area, but covers all sights once inside

Getting There

Latitude: 42.425732; Longitude: 18.772785
What3Words: tittering.gold.donkeys


Photo ID: 046366 Photo ID: 046561 Photo ID: 046567 Photo ID: 046569 Photo ID: 046567 Photo ID: 046583 Photo ID: 046594

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fortress: Our Lady of Remedy Fortress: Our Lady of Remedy No Data


Located about 1/3 of the way up the walls this small chapel provides a welcome rest stop with a bench to sit on and a small chapel to explore.


Charge to enter the fortress area, but covers all sights once inside

Getting There

Latitude: 42.424249; Longitude: 18.773122
What3Words: likened.suspecting.rubbing


Photo ID: 046360 Photo ID: 046577 Photo ID: 046578 Photo ID: 046579 Photo ID: 046580 Photo ID: 046584 Photo ID: 046585

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fortress: Renier Emplacement (Ladder of Kotor) Fortress: Renier Emplacement (Ladder of Kotor) No Data


From here the are excellent views out over the city and the lower fortifications that you've just climbed up through. From the large entrance in the wall at the back of the bastion there is an exit, via a rickety wooden ladder, to the area beyond the fortifications where there are ruins of former settlements and church's as well as trails that can be explored.


Charge to enter the fortress area, but covers all sights once inside

Getting There

Latitude: 42.423385; Longitude: 18.774861
What3Words: separately.recitals.partly


Photo ID: 046606 Photo ID: 046607 Photo ID: 046609 Photo ID: 046610 Photo ID: 046611 Photo ID: 046613 Photo ID: 046615

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fortress: St Marks Emplacement Fortress: St Marks Emplacement No Data


Located at about the 2/3 point on the climb, and the point where the fortifications properly start with bastions and buildings lining the walls from here on up. The views from this point are very good, especially for those who aren't great with hights as the walls around here are still relatively high.


Charge to enter the fortress area, but covers all sights once inside

Getting There

Latitude: 42.424221; Longitude: 18.774279
What3Words: competent.shuffling.wallpaper


Photo ID: 046594 Photo ID: 046595 Photo ID: 046596 Photo ID: 046597 Photo ID: 046598 Photo ID: 046599 Photo ID: 046600

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gurdic Gate Gurdic Gate No Data


The southern gate of the old town - this is a dramatic gate with a moat, drawbridge and multiple gate spaces. You can also climb up onto the walls here and climb to the area above the gate for views down over the entrance into the city



Getting There

Latitude: 42.422385; Longitude: 18.771728
What3Words: clarified.patched.gingers


Photo ID: 046416 Photo ID: 046418 Photo ID: 046419 Photo ID: 046688 Photo ID: 046689 Photo ID: 046690 Photo ID: 046692

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maritime Museum Maritime Museum No Data


Small maritime museum located in the centre of the old town telling the Maritime history of Kotor and Montenegro. The museum is housed in one of the many palaces in the city, and is the only palace which you can access.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.424958; Longitude: 18.771277
What3Words: shocking.overlay.binder


Photo ID: 046699 Photo ID: 046701 Photo ID: 046702 Photo ID: 046703 Photo ID: 046705 Photo ID: 046707 Photo ID: 046710

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sea Gate Sea Gate No Data


The main gate into the city, located by the main square and the harbour.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.424719; Longitude: 18.769777
What3Words: scheduling.climbing.megapixels


Photo ID: 046440 Photo ID: 046679 Photo ID: 046680 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Speedboat Tour Speedboat Tour No Data


There are several tour options from 1 hour to 3 hour tours. I booked onto a 3 hour tour which included the whole of the Bay of Kotor, as well as out to the Blue Cave just beyond the bay in the Adriatic sea. The tour also stops at Our Lady of The Rocks island and the Submarine Bunker on the way.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.426937; Longitude: 18.767777
What3Words: imaginative.managers.debaters


Photo ID: 046452 Photo ID: 046458 Photo ID: 046461 Photo ID: 046467 Photo ID: 046487 Photo ID: 046502 Photo ID: 046520

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Nicholas Church St Nicholas Church No Data


The main Orthodox church of the city, a large open space with an icon wall just below the dome. Worth popping into for a quick comparison with the slightly more over the top catholic churches



Getting There

Latitude: 42.425719; Longitude: 18.770907
What3Words: chinos.blaring.measured


Photo ID: 046544 Photo ID: 046545 Photo ID: 046546 Photo ID: 046547 Photo ID: 046548 Photo ID: 046565 Photo ID: 046591

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Nicholas Monastery Ruins St Nicholas Monastery Ruins No Data


The ruins of the former monastery attached to the neighbouring Orthodox church today it is home to a small market/Bazar



Getting There

Latitude: 42.42581; Longitude: 18.770648
What3Words: discredits.compelled.terrific


Photo ID: 046696 Photo ID: 046697 Photo ID: 046698 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Tryphon's Cathedral St. Tryphon's Cathedral No Data


The city's catholic cathedral, the small church also houses a treasury museum on the floors above, which includes access to the balcony above the main entrance for views down into the square.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.424166; Longitude: 18.77145
What3Words: approaching.undulates.cardboard


Photo ID: 046381 Photo ID: 046382 Photo ID: 046385 Photo ID: 046388 Photo ID: 046393 Photo ID: 046396 Photo ID: 046398

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blue Cave Blue Cave No Data


Small cave located on the Adriatic sea just south of the entrance to the Bay of Kotor. The shallow water (only about 7m deep) reflects the light from the sun coming from the two entrances to make a bright blue light in the water. It's possible to get off the tour boats and swim in the cave, though the water is cold most of the year.



Getting There

The only access is via boat, in which case you would need to join one of the tours from Kotor that include the Submarine Bunkers on their itinerary
Latitude: 42.373929; Longitude: 18.596338
What3Words: relayed.petitioning.couching


Photo ID: 046510 Photo ID: 046512 Photo ID: 046513 Photo ID: 046515 Photo ID: 046517 Photo ID: 046519 Photo ID: 046521

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Our Lady of the Rocks Our Lady of the Rocks No Data


Located just off of the coast next to the island of St George. Whilst St George is a natural island Our Lady of the Rocks is entirely man-made from rocks being dropped into the sea here. Once the island had been formed a church was built on top. The church also houses a small museum. Also located on the island - and convenient if you are on the 3-hour tour - are some toilets, useful as the next stop on all tours is back in Kotor - in the case of the 3 hour tour some 2 hours later.


Free, Charge for the Museum

Getting There

From Kotor you can join one of the many speedboat tours of the bay that stop on the island for around 20 minutes. Alternatively you can take the Blueline bus from Kotor to Perast (hourly, about 25 minutes) and from there water taxis and boats regularly shuttle over to the island
Latitude: 42.486443; Longitude: 18.689112
What3Words: compels.braved.mullet


Photo ID: 046465 Photo ID: 046470 Photo ID: 046471 Photo ID: 046472 Photo ID: 046474 Photo ID: 046479 Photo ID: 046480

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Submarine Bunker Submarine Bunker No Data


Former bunkers for the Yugoslav navy that were carved into the cliffs. Each bunker is about 100m long and some of the tour boats are able to sail inside them.



Getting There

The only access appears to be via boat, in which case you would need to join one of the tours from Kotor that include the Submarine Bunkers on their itinerary
Latitude: 42.427612; Longitude: 18.590027
What3Words: stapled.accuracy.drenches


Photo ID: 046490 Photo ID: 046491 Photo ID: 046492 Photo ID: 046493 Photo ID: 046494 Photo ID: 046495 Photo ID: 046496

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Perast Perast No Data


Small town located on the banks of The Bay of Kotor, just opposite the islands of St George and Our Lady of the Rocks. There are frequent boats from here over to the islands. The town itself is quiet, helped by the seafront being restricted to hotel traffic and the bus only. There are excellent views across the bay from here. Lots of seafront restaurants and a small museum to keep you occupied.


Getting There

From Kotor the BlueLine bus runs every hour (every other hour on Sundays) at approximately 20 minutes past the hour from the layby between the South and Sea Gates in front of the old town walls, though on-time reliability is poor. In 2023 the fare to Perast was €2. Journey time should be about 20-25 minutes, but due an accident on the coast road on the day I went I got stuck in traffic and it took over 45 minutes. I took a taxi back to Kotor and this took about 20 minutes and cost €10
Latitude: 42.48679; Longitude: 18.697269
What3Words: noticeable.encode.dusting


Photo ID: 046646 Photo ID: 046649 Photo ID: 046653 Photo ID: 046654 Photo ID: 046655 Photo ID: 046647 Photo ID: 046666

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/05/2023), and on time of last update (14/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Camel Farm Camel Farm No Data


Located less than 10K outside of the centre of Swakopmund you can hire camels to take you on a ride round the dunes



Getting There

Latitude: -22.655205; Longitude: 14.61319
What3Words: makes.mistresses.reconciles


Photo ID: 000203 Photo ID: 000204 Photo ID: 000205 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/04/2003), and on time of last update (11/05/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chameleon Safaris Chameleon Safaris No Data


Offer a range of Safaris over the whole of Namibia. All start from Windhoek but several go through Swakopmund and you can pick them up there. Charges include food, camping equipment and entrance fees but not drink



Getting There

Latitude: -22.684301; Longitude: 14.522853
What3Words: runoff.surfacing.wowing


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2003), and on time of last update (11/05/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Desert Express Desert Express No Data


Offer Quad biking in the desert just on the outskirts of Swakopmund



Getting There

Latitude: -22.698604; Longitude: 14.543495
What3Words: approve.enjoy.ruin


Photo ID: 000167 Photo ID: 000168 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2003), and on time of last update (11/05/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kayaking Kayaking No Data


5 hour morning trip leaving from Walvis Bay taking you to the edge of the bay to row and play with the seals and dolphins. Cost includes full hire of the equipment, transfers to the coast and mid morning tea and sandwiches



Getting There

Latitude: -22.873724; Longitude: 14.445777
What3Words: calculable.discharges.protruding


Photo ID: 000172 Photo ID: 000173 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2003), and on time of last update (11/05/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kristall Gallerie Kristall Gallerie No Data


This gallery is dedicated to the crystals, semiprecious stones and quart's found in Namibia, including the larges quarts ever found at over 14 tons



Getting There

Latitude: -22.674714; Longitude: 14.526088
What3Words: spoke.accord.chopstick


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2003), and on time of last update (11/05/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Aquatic Museum National Aquatic Museum No Data


Acquarium detailing the wildlife that inhabits the waters off of the Namibian coast.



Getting There

Latitude: -22.684608; Longitude: 14.522767
What3Words: culminated.hooting.paperweight


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2003), and on time of last update (11/05/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Snake Park Snake Park No Data


An interesting small museum dedicated to the snakes, scorpions and other reptiles of Namibia. Best viewed after you have been to the desert, otherwise you will never go.



Getting There

Latitude: -22.677956; Longitude: 14.531683
What3Words: photocopies.forgery.hawked


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/04/2003), and on time of last update (11/05/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Swakopmund Museum Swakopmund Museum No Data


Musuem dedicated to the history of the area and the country as a whole. Includes an exhibition extolling the virtues of Uranium mining sponsored by the local Uranium mine!



Getting There

Latitude: -22.675743; Longitude: 14.523357
What3Words: skyrocket.morals.trespasses


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2003), and on time of last update (11/05/2003) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chrsitansholm Festning Chrsitansholm Festning No Data


A small fortress located on the coast and overlooking one of parts of the coastline that the town has. You can go into the grounds of the fortress but the main building is not open to the public


Getting There

Latitude: 58.144; Longitude: 8.003786
What3Words: device.slumped.bunk


Photo ID: 047498 Photo ID: 047500 Photo ID: 047502 Photo ID: 047504 Photo ID: 047506 Photo ID: 047509 Photo ID: 047512

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kristiansand Domkirke Kristiansand Domkirke No Data


The third incarnation of a cathedral on this site dating from the 19th century (the two previous wooden cathedrals having burnt down in various town fires). At the time of visiting the church was only open for services as it was Pentecost so it wasn't possible to look inside


Getting There

Latitude: 58.146135; Longitude: 7.994512
What3Words: navy.sport.incline


Photo ID: 047481 Photo ID: 047484 Photo ID: 047517 Photo ID: 047519 Photo ID: 047520 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uferpromenade Uferpromenade No Data


A pleasant walk is available along the seafront from near the harbour, past the fortress and beyond to the main town beach. Along the way there are a number of sculptures and fountains as well as plenty of benches and stunning views.


Getting There

Latitude: 58.142895; Longitude: 8.000309
What3Words: discrepancy.epic.tasters


Photo ID: 047492 Photo ID: 047493 Photo ID: 047497 Photo ID: 047513 Photo ID: 047515 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aalesunds Museum Aalesunds Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the town through a series of eclectic collections ranging from ship models and camera equipment to a fully equipped barbers shop and a dentists surgery.



Getting There

Latitude: 62.471602; Longitude: 6.156963
What3Words: shady.enigma.torches


Photo ID: 028563 Photo ID: 028564 Photo ID: 028648 Photo ID: 028650 Photo ID: 028651 Photo ID: 028653 Photo ID: 028654

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/09/2019), and on time of last update (14/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Art Nouveau Art Nouveau No Data


On 23rd January 1904 a fire ripped through the wooden buildings of Ålesund, totally destroying the city. Despite the devastation the decision was made to rebuild the city. In 1905 Norway gained it's independence from Sweden and was looking for a national style to make it stand out from its neighbour, at the same time Art Nouveau was becoming popular and consequently the whole of Ålesund was rebuilt in the Art Nouveau style. Over 100 years later very little has changes from that rebuilding and the city remains one of the best examples of the style. Large numbers of the buildings in the city centre are still as richly decorates as they were when they were built over 100 years ago and any wander around the city centre gives lots of examples of the style to be admired.



Getting There

Latitude: 62.472742; Longitude: 6.156584
What3Words: nowadays.coupler.deduced


Photo ID: 028599 Photo ID: 028600 Photo ID: 028601 Photo ID: 028602 Photo ID: 028647 Photo ID: 028657 Photo ID: 028659

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/09/2019), and on time of last update (14/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Atlanterhavsparken Atlanterhavsparken No Data


Located on the Western edge of town this aquarium is dedicated to the sea life that exists in the seas around Norway. A large number of tanks hold a number of different species. In the outside displays there are penguins, otters and seals.



Getting There

Outside of the Winter months the 634 bus runs from the centre of town to the aquarium on an hourly basis taking around 15 minutes to make the journey. There is no service on a Sunday, and outside of the height of summer there are only about 4 departures a day. From the aquarium back into town the bus is numbered 633
Latitude: 62.465571; Longitude: 6.096229
What3Words: motive.thorax.gobbles


Photo ID: 028498 Photo ID: 028502 Photo ID: 028507 Photo ID: 028510 Photo ID: 028513 Photo ID: 028520 Photo ID: 028524

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/09/2019), and on time of last update (14/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Byparken Byparken No Data


A small park located at the foot of the City Rampart steps that ascend up to the top of Aksla.



Getting There

Latitude: 62.473637; Longitude: 6.161174
What3Words: stay.flooding.trendy


Photo ID: 028603 Photo ID: 028604 Photo ID: 028605 Photo ID: 028606 Photo ID: 028607 Photo ID: 028608 Photo ID: 028609

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/09/2019), and on time of last update (14/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Byrampen Byrampen No Data


418 steps taking you from the City Bark (Byparken) up to the café and viewing platform at the very top of the city's mountain (albeit its not high enough to be a mountain), from the climb up there are stunning views over the city and the fjords



Getting There

Latitude: 62.473979; Longitude: 6.163214
What3Words: saga.followers.retain


Photo ID: 028480 Photo ID: 028612 Photo ID: 028617 Photo ID: 028620 Photo ID: 028623 Photo ID: 028624 Photo ID: 028646

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/09/2019), and on time of last update (14/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fiskerimuseet Fiskerimuseet No Data


The museum, located in the harbour, is dedicated to telling the story of fishing - focusing on three key areas, the Cod-Liver Oil industry that operated in Ålesund, Klippfish and on the upper floor an exhibition on what life is like on a deep sea trawler.



Getting There

Latitude: 62.473691; Longitude: 6.148956
What3Words: probable.archive.booth


Photo ID: 028551 Photo ID: 028552 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/09/2019), and on time of last update (14/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fjellstua Aksla Fjellstua Aksla No Data


A small café/Restaurant located at the very top of Aksla, you can take the steps up onto the view terrace on the roof of the restaurant for all round views of the city and the fjords.


Charge, Free if you purchase something from the café

Getting There

Latitude: 62.474232; Longitude: 6.16416
What3Words: tables.snipe.chefs


Photo ID: 028478 Photo ID: 028548 Photo ID: 028628 Photo ID: 028631 Photo ID: 028634 Photo ID: 028635 Photo ID: 028641

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/09/2019), and on time of last update (14/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jugendstilsenteret Jugendstilsenteret No Data


This museum, located in a former pharmacy tells the story of the fire of 1904 that destroyed the city and the rebuild that took place, with much of the city being rebuilt in the Art Nouveau that style. The museum also houses a large collection of art nouveau artefacts and examples of art nouveau interior design.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Jugendstilsenteret and KUBE

Getting There

Latitude: 62.471076; Longitude: 6.150964
What3Words: curious.shadow.lifters


Photo ID: 028538 Photo ID: 028539 Photo ID: 028542 Photo ID: 028543 Photo ID: 028545 Photo ID: 028546 Photo ID: 028547

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/09/2019), and on time of last update (14/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.



Located in a former bank building this gallery houses a rotating collection of modern art works including installations and visual arts.


Charge, Joint ticket for the Jugendstilsenteret and KUBE

Getting There

Latitude: 62.470892; Longitude: 6.150898
What3Words: flames.lock.styled


Photo ID: 028659 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/09/2019), and on time of last update (14/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Molja Fyr Molja Fyr No Data


The small lighthouse located at the end of the harbour wall, close to the fishing museum. From the end of the harbour wall there are excellent views of the city and the harbour.



Getting There

Latitude: 62.474531; Longitude: 6.150127
What3Words: unfolds.debater.jumpy


Photo ID: 028553 Photo ID: 028554 Photo ID: 028555 Photo ID: 028556 Photo ID: 028557 Photo ID: 028558 Photo ID: 028560

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/09/2019), and on time of last update (14/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museums-parken Museums-parken No Data


Located on a rocky outcrop high above the centre of the city, next to the city museum, the park offers stunning views over most of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 62.47217; Longitude: 6.156289
What3Words: anchors.logged.offers


Photo ID: 028565 Photo ID: 028567 Photo ID: 028568 Photo ID: 028569 Photo ID: 028570 Photo ID: 028572 Photo ID: 028660

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/09/2019), and on time of last update (14/09/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bodøsjøen friluftsmuseum Bodøsjøen friluftsmuseum No Data


A small museum of historic buildings from the local area that have been brought together to show how life would have been like in the region in the past



Getting There

From the centre of town take a number 2 bus (every 10 minutes, about 10 minutes journey) to the Bodøgård stop, it's then a 500m walk down to both the museum
Latitude: 67.268401; Longitude: 14.427933
What3Words: compounds.piglets.comet


Photo ID: 047294 Photo ID: 047296 Photo ID: 047298 Photo ID: 047299 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Domkirke (Cathedral) Domkirke (Cathedral) No Data


The city's modern cathedral built in the 1950s to replace the 19th century building which was totally destroyed during WWII. Next to the building is a separate bell tower which also includes a monument to the people of the city who died during the war.


Getting There

Latitude: 67.282398; Longitude: 14.381157
What3Words: winner.replace.ruins


Photo ID: 047271 Photo ID: 047276 Photo ID: 047277 Photo ID: 047278 Photo ID: 047279 Photo ID: 047280 Photo ID: 047281

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Jektefartsmuseet Jektefartsmuseet No Data


The museum contains one of the last surviving wooden Jeks boats that used to ferry stockfish from the northern ports down to Bergen and flour and grain back north up until the beginning of the 20th century. The museum tells the story of the trade and the ships, navigating over 500 miles down to Bergen purely on the skill of the skippers.



Getting There

From the centre of town take a number 2 bus (every 10 minutes, about 10 minutes journey) to the Bodøgård stop, it's then a 500m walk down to both the museum
Latitude: 67.268211; Longitude: 14.426903
What3Words: suggested.unable.qualified


Photo ID: 047284 Photo ID: 047286 Photo ID: 047288 Photo ID: 047290 Photo ID: 047292 Photo ID: 047295 Photo ID: 047297

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Saltstraumen Saltstraumen No Data


This small strait has one of the most powerful tidal currents in the world and consequently it regularly creates a maelstrom of whirlpools in the waters that are visible from the banks and make for an impressive visual sight



Getting There

From the centre of town take a number 200 (2 to 4 buses a day) or 300 (1 to 4 buses a day) to the Straumøya stop just beyond the Salstraumen - the bus crosses over the top before arriving at the stop. Bus journey is about 45 minutes. Alternatively several tours operate on a daily basis from most hotels in town out to the Salstraumen which removes the issue of a potentially long wait for a bus back into town as they don't connect particularly well.
Latitude: 67.231701; Longitude: 14.615095
What3Words: pianists.hint.whips


Photo ID: 008478 Photo ID: 008479 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Iron Ore Line Iron Ore Line No Data


The railway line runs from Narvik up across Norway to the Swedish border high in the mountains before descending back down across the planes of Northern Sweden, crossing back under the Arctic Circle and ending on the Gulf of Bothnia in Luleå. The total journey time from one end to the other is about 8 hours and the train times are such that you can't do a return trip in the day so you should either do this as part of an onward trip to Luleå, or plan to overnight in Luleå and then return the following day.


Standard Train Ticket Charge

Getting There

Latitude: 68.441675; Longitude: 17.441403
What3Words: sensual.quibble.lance


Photo ID: 040708 Photo ID: 040715 Photo ID: 040716 Photo ID: 040726 Photo ID: 040734 Photo ID: 040737 Photo ID: 040765

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/06/2022), and on time of last update (11/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Narvik Krigsmuseum Narvik Krigsmuseum No Data


The museum tells the story of the Second World War in Narvik and Norway. As the town is a vital part of the Iron Ore industry it was a key target for the Nazi's and the area was a battleground for a significant part of the war.



Getting There

Latitude: 68.438084; Longitude: 17.426026
What3Words: raking.smokers.scowls


Photo ID: 040772 Photo ID: 040773 Photo ID: 040774 Photo ID: 040775 Photo ID: 040776 Photo ID: 040777 Photo ID: 040785

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/06/2022), and on time of last update (11/06/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Akershus Slott (Akershus Fortress) Akershus Slott (Akershus Fortress) No Data


Prominent landmark looking over the Fjord and guarding the city from attack. The fortress grounds are open throughout the day and late into the evening and provide stunning views over the city, as well as many interesting buildings inside and the daily changing of the guards at 13:30


Free entry to the grounds and to watch the changing of the guard. Charge to enter some of the buildings when open, free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.906812; Longitude: 10.73611
What3Words: dollars.player.labs


Photo ID: 000515 Photo ID: 000516 Photo ID: 000518 Photo ID: 000522 Photo ID: 000523 Photo ID: 000535 Photo ID: 000536

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2004), and on time of last update (10/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bymuseet (Oslo City Museum) Bymuseet (Oslo City Museum) No Data


Located at the edge of Vigeland park the museum is well laid out and has some of the information translated into English. It deals with the history of Oslo/Christiania (as it was called from 1624 until 1925!) from the earliest settlements in around 1000 up to modern day Oslo.


Charge, Free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.923958; Longitude: 10.702561
What3Words: shaped.rattled.crass


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2004), and on time of last update (26/12/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fjord Boats Fjord Boats No Data


Several routes leave from Aker Brygge going out to the nearby islands in the Oslofjord. The boats are a great way to see the Oslofjord without splashing out on a boat tour as they are covered by the local transport tickets


Charge - Cost of a Transport Ticket, or free with the Oslo Card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.910788; Longitude: 10.730147
What3Words: hometown.smile.orange


Photo ID: 012032 Photo ID: 012071 Photo ID: 012093 Photo ID: 012095 Photo ID: 012128 Photo ID: 012131 Photo ID: 012133

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/05/2014), and on time of last update (30/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Frammuseet (Fram Museum) Frammuseet (Fram Museum) No Data


Museum dedicated to the Polar exploring ship the Fram and the Key explorers Nansen and Amundsen. There is also a small side museum housing the Gjøa, the first ship to navigate the North West Passage


Charge, Free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.903348; Longitude: 10.699589
What3Words: dock.resist.saunas


Photo ID: 012035 Photo ID: 012036 Photo ID: 012037 Photo ID: 012038 Photo ID: 012039 Photo ID: 012040 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2004), and on time of last update (03/06/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historisk Museum (Historical Museum) Historisk Museum (Historical Museum) No Data


Located near the Royal Palace and part of the University of Oslo this museum gives an insight into the history of Human habitation in Norway from the earliest inhabitants through the Vikings, middle ages, occupation and rule by the Danes, Swedes and Nazi's to the modern day. The museum also has a small exhibition on the cultures of Africa and South East Asia.


Charge, Free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.916844; Longitude: 10.73552
What3Words: offices.drum.kebabs


Photo ID: 012150 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/12/2004), and on time of last update (26/12/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kon-Tiki Museet (Kon-Tiki Museum) Kon-Tiki Museet (Kon-Tiki Museum) No Data


The museum tells the history and stories of Thor Heyerdahl's famous journeys. The original Kon-Tiki & Ra II ships are the key exhibits.


Charge, Free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.90352; Longitude: 10.697958
What3Words: rising.blending.fellow


Photo ID: 012043 Photo ID: 012044 Photo ID: 012045 Photo ID: 012046 Photo ID: 012047 Photo ID: 012048 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2004), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Munch Museet (Munch Museum) Munch Museet (Munch Museum) No Data


***Review is of the old Munch Museum located in the Tøyen area of Oslo. A new museum next to the Opera House and Railway Station opened in 2021*** The museum houses some of the most important works of Norway's most famous painter, including one of several versions of his most famous work The Scream that he painted (the first copy is held in the National Gallery)


Charge, Free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.917047; Longitude: 10.774672
What3Words: talked.puppets.reward


Photo ID: 012126 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/05/2014), and on time of last update (29/05/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum (Norwegian Resistance Museum) Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum (Norwegian Resistance Museum) No Data


The museum is, soberingly, located in the same building that the Gestapo used to torture people in during the occupation. In the area in front is the memorial to those who were executed on that very spot. The museum tells the story of the build up to, occupation of & resistance movement within Norway during WWII.


Charge, Free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.907835; Longitude: 10.735756
What3Words: develop.carpets.lunging


Photo ID: 012078 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2004), and on time of last update (26/12/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norsk Folkemuseum (Norwegian Museum of Cultural History) Norsk Folkemuseum (Norwegian Museum of Cultural History) No Data


A collection of over 200 traditional buildings that have been rebuilt on the site. One of the most impressive is the Stave church, one of the few left in the country. There are also recreations of a mid-20th Century farm and a turn of the 20th century city centre area.


Charge, Free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.907103; Longitude: 10.685878
What3Words: obey.noodle.work


Photo ID: 000525 Photo ID: 000526 Photo ID: 000527 Photo ID: 012060 Photo ID: 012065 Photo ID: 012069 Photo ID: 012070

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2004), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norsk Maritimt Museum (Norwegian Maritime Museum) Norsk Maritimt Museum (Norwegian Maritime Museum) No Data


The museum tells the history of Norwegian mariners and the countries relationship with the sea. The exhibition includes a short panoramic movie about the fascinating and changing coastline of Norway from the arctic North down to the very south and Oslo.


Charge, Free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.902358; Longitude: 10.698645
What3Words: salutes.slices.opponent


Photo ID: 012041 Photo ID: 012042 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2004), and on time of last update (26/12/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Open top tour Open top tour No Data


The tour takes in the key sights in the centre of Oslo, as well as going out onto Bygdøy to serve the museums there. A multi-lingual commentary tells you about the key sights and the history of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.9133; Longitude: 10.734825
What3Words: steaming.fillers.jokes


Photo ID: 012135 Photo ID: 012137 Photo ID: 012146 Photo ID: 012152 Photo ID: 012154 Photo ID: 012156 Photo ID: 012160

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/05/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oslo Domkirke (Cathedral) Oslo Domkirke (Cathedral) No Data


Although it is much smaller than it's counterparts in the rest of Europe, what it doesn't have in size it makes up for in decoration. The inside of the cathedral is warm and inviting (useful in a city where the winters can be very long and cold!) The ceiling is completely painted in various colours and religious images and the compact interior helps make it look very light, despite the Dark wood finish to everything.



Getting There

Latitude: 59.912633; Longitude: 10.746861
What3Words: menu.urge.bliss


Photo ID: 000534 Photo ID: 012121 Photo ID: 012122 Photo ID: 012123 Photo ID: 012124 Photo ID: 012125 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2004), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Reptilpark (Reptile Museum) Reptilpark (Reptile Museum) No Data


The museum is, bizarrely, housed on the 4th floor of an office block almost in the centre of town. As with all reptile displays all the creatures were asleep and hiding, though there is a good collection of snakes, lizards, chameleons and (I know their not reptiles) spiders.


Charge, Free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.918204; Longitude: 10.743674
What3Words: berated.snips.sleepy


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2004), and on time of last update (26/12/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vigeland Park Vigeland Park No Data


Located just on the edge of the city the park was designed and laid out by Gustav Vigeland including over 200 sculptures. The park's main feature is a column of over 100 bodies intertwined which rises up from the top of a man made escarpment. The park is open 24 hours a day and is very tranquil and quiet, if slightly strange with all the sculptures



Getting There

Latitude: 59.927732; Longitude: 10.698752
What3Words: polite.forms.learning


Photo ID: 000531 Photo ID: 000532 Photo ID: 012110 Photo ID: 012111 Photo ID: 012116 Photo ID: 012119 Photo ID: 012120

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2004), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vikingskipshuset (Viking Ship Museum) Vikingskipshuset (Viking Ship Museum) No Data


Dedicated to 3 major finds of Viking ships the museum was specially built so that the remains of the 3 ships, used as burial ships, could be displayed.


Charge, Free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.904951; Longitude: 10.684494
What3Words: podcast.shows.pack
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2004), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Zoological Museum Zoological Museum No Data


Located in the Botanical gardens the Zoological museum looks at all the natural Fauna of Norway with lots of stuffed animals. The exhibition also has a small exhibition on animals from other countries and continents.


Charge, Free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.919861; Longitude: 10.771151
What3Words: lobbed.belly.itself


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2004), and on time of last update (26/12/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holmenkollen: Ski Jump Simulator Holmenkollen: Ski Jump Simulator No Data


Located just below the Ski museum the simulator is the standard fairground ride simulator with one exception. The filled ski-jump that you experience is the one that is built directly above you. The simulator also gives you the experience of down hill skiing.


Charge, Discount with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.962707; Longitude: 10.666662
What3Words: visions.organ.curtains


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2004), and on time of last update (26/12/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holmenkollen: Ski Museum Holmenkollen: Ski Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of skiing in all its forms (cross-country, downhill, jump) and concludes with a lift and 100 step climb to the top of the ski jump for views over the fjord and to see what a ski jumper would see before they took off.


Charge, Free with Oslo card

Getting There

Latitude: 59.962771; Longitude: 10.66766
What3Words: pouting.notice.readily


Photo ID: 000530 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2004), and on time of last update (26/12/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Voksenkollen: TV Tower Voksenkollen: TV Tower No Data


From the top of the tower you have spectacular views over the whole of the Oslo Fjord & surrounding area right over to the Swedish border. The only downside in the middle of winter is that the sun never rises high enough not to obscure the view of Oslo itself!



Getting There

Latitude: 59.988631; Longitude: 10.668025
What3Words: kickers.downhill.pasting


Photo ID: 000520 Photo ID: 000521 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2004), and on time of last update (26/12/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bygdøy Bygdøy No Data


Formerly an island in the Fjord, the channel was closed up to create a spit of land that is now one of the most exclusive areas in Oslo. The island is home to 5 major tourist sights. The Norsk Folk Museum, the Viking Ship Museum, The Fram Museum, The Kon-Tiki Museum and the Maritime Museum


Getting There

During the summer boats run from Aker Brygge to two landing stages on the island. One is located near the Folk museum and The other is located behind the Fram, Kon-Tiki and Maritime museums. During the winter bus 30 runs from the centre of Oslo to Bygdøy stopping outside the Norsk Folk Museum, the next stop is for the Viking Ship museum and then a couple of stops further on the bus stops in the forecourt of the Kon-Tiki museum which is next to the Maritime and Fram museums. The 30 runs all year round, but the extension to the Kon-Tiki museum only runs when the ferry isn't. Alternately it is a well signed 15 minute walk from the Viking ship museum to the Kon-Tiki, Fram and Maritime museums. Free use of the buses and ferries is included in the Oslo card.
Latitude: 59.902648; Longitude: 10.684633
What3Words: curiosity.tipping.scout


Photo ID: 000525 Photo ID: 000526 Photo ID: 000527 Photo ID: 000528 Photo ID: 000529 Photo ID: 012042 Photo ID: 012136

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/12/2004), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Holmenkollen Holmenkollen No Data


Located about 3/4 of the way up the hills on the outskirts of Oslo, Holmenkollen is home to one of the main Ski-Jumps in Norway as well as the Ski Museum and the Ski-Jump simulator.


Getting There

From the centre of town catch the Metro to Majorstuen which is where the Metro line 1 starts from. Line 1 winds it's way up the mountain to Holmenkollen stop where the signs guide you up to the ski-jump and ski museum.
Latitude: 59.964291; Longitude: 10.666609
What3Words: stormed.respects.sectors


Photo ID: 000530 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/12/2004), and on time of last update (26/12/2004) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Voksenkollen and Frognersetern Voksenkollen and Frognersetern No Data


Located at almost the top of the hills on the outskirts of Oslo, Voksenkollen is the closest metro stop to the TV Tower. The views from Voksenkollen, and Frognerseteren (which is the next and last stop on the metro line) over the Fjord and Oslo city centre are stunning both these and the journey up the maintain on the metro and are well worth the ride in themselves. Close by to Frognerseteren station (about a three minute walk down hill from the platform) is a very pleasant cafe/restaurant with a terrace offering the best views over the Oslofjorden


Getting There

Metro line 1 winds it's way up the mountain to Voksenkollen stop where the signs guide you up (and I do mean up!) to the TV tower. The next stop Frognerseteren is the end of the line and also has some excellent views over the Fjord which require no further climbing!
Latitude: 59.980199; Longitude: 10.664356
What3Words: sugar.crystals.foam


Photo ID: 000520 Photo ID: 000521 Photo ID: 012105 Photo ID: 012106 Photo ID: 012107 Photo ID: 012108 Photo ID: 012109

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2004), and on time of last update (10/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fjord Sightseeing Tour Fjord Sightseeing Tour No Data


A two hour tour around the Fjord, starting and ending at Aker Brygge. The tour is on a sailing ship (albeit with a diesel engine), with an open deck, so on winters days you do need the blankets that are on offer. The boat sails out into the fjord down to where the mainland juts into it on a peninsular then comes back round via Bygdoy where there is an opportunity to disembark to visit the museums (you would have to pay to catch the bus back afterwards - not included in the ticket price)



Getting There

Latitude: 59.910191; Longitude: 10.73159
What3Words: belt.finishes.fees


Photo ID: 021473 Photo ID: 021476 Photo ID: 021478 Photo ID: 021482 Photo ID: 021483 Photo ID: 021485 Photo ID: 021490

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/12/2017), and on time of last update (10/12/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Opera House Roof Opera House Roof No Data


The roof of the Opera House has been designed so that you can climb up it to take in the views over the city and the inner fjord. The location is particularly popular at sunset. It's a relatively easy climb up either the slope on the right hand side, or steps on the left hand side of the main ramp (or you can climb up the main body of the roof itself, but it's a little uneven and slippery in places.


Getting There

Latitude: 59.907534; Longitude: 10.751922
What3Words: rash.mondays.rebounds


Photo ID: 047524 Photo ID: 047531 Photo ID: 047537 Photo ID: 047541 Photo ID: 047544 Photo ID: 047546 Photo ID: 047551

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Arkeologisk museum (Archaeological Museum) Arkeologisk museum (Archaeological Museum) No Data


The archaeological museum is a part of the university and has a small exhibition of finds from the local area dating back to the stone age.



Getting There

Latitude: 58.963392; Longitude: 5.730475
What3Words: just.decent.winters


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/10/2012), and on time of last update (27/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Breidablikk Breidablikk No Data


The Breidablikk Villa is located in a leafy area above Gamle Stavanger and gives an insight into how the wealthy merchants and ship owners would have lived around the end of the 19th and start of the 20th century. Most of the rooms are open to view, including the substantial cellars and basement.


Charge (Part of the MUSTpass ticket)

Getting There

Latitude: 58.965632; Longitude: 5.72216
What3Words: supplied.streaks.students


Photo ID: 008171 Photo ID: 008172 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2012), and on time of last update (27/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Domkirke Domkirke No Data


The city's cathedral, located in the centre of town just up from the harbour. Whilst on the outside the cathedral looks quite small, inside with the hammer beam roof, dark wood and low lighting it disappears upwards.



Getting There

Latitude: 58.969631; Longitude: 5.733292
What3Words: giggle.avoid.admit


Photo ID: 008148 Photo ID: 008149 Photo ID: 008151 Photo ID: 008153 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/10/2012), and on time of last update (27/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gamle Stavanger Gamle Stavanger No Data


The old part of the city, home to over 100 traditional wooden buildings, as well as, at one point, many of the canning factories of the sardine industry. The area was earmarked for demolition after the war, but locals rallied round to protect the area and it's now a very pleasant car free residential area which you can wander around and see what Stavanger would have looked like in the 19th Century


Free to Wander around

Getting There

Latitude: 58.972131; Longitude: 5.725969
What3Words: lend.native.evidently


Photo ID: 008156 Photo ID: 008157 Photo ID: 008159 Photo ID: 008175 Photo ID: 008176 Photo ID: 008177 Photo ID: 008178

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/10/2012), and on time of last update (27/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ledaal Ledaal No Data


The summer house of the wealthy Kielland family of merchants and ship owners. All the rooms are open to look around.


Charge (Part of the MUSTpass ticket)

Getting There

Latitude: 58.967181; Longitude: 5.719929
What3Words: juggle.squeaks.outer


Photo ID: 008173 Photo ID: 008174 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2012), and on time of last update (27/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norsk hermetikkmuseum (Norwegian Canning Museum) Norsk hermetikkmuseum (Norwegian Canning Museum) No Data


The museum is located in one of the last sardine canning factories in the town (all of which have now closed). You can see how the sardines were prepared and canned and there is a 30 minute film that tells the history of the industry in the town.


Charge (Part of the MUSTpass ticket)

Getting There

Latitude: 58.972396; Longitude: 5.725127
What3Words: episode.craft.larger


Photo ID: 008158 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/10/2012), and on time of last update (27/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norsk Oljemuseum (Norwegian Petroleum Museum) Norsk Oljemuseum (Norwegian Petroleum Museum) No Data


Norway is proud of it's Oil industry and the independence the income gives the country. This museum goes quite big on all the positives of the oil industry, occasionally giving a nod to the possible environmental issues and the dangers of the industry. You can experience what it's like to go down an oil rig escape chute, watch a 3D film on how oil was formed or find out about how they built a pipeline from Norway to England.



Getting There

Latitude: 58.973613; Longitude: 5.734751
What3Words: identify.sheep.changes


Photo ID: 008129 Photo ID: 008152 Photo ID: 008160 Photo ID: 008161 Photo ID: 008162 Photo ID: 008163 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/10/2012), and on time of last update (27/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rødne Fjord Cruise Rødne Fjord Cruise No Data


The only company running tours out of season, but one of several during summer months. Three hour tours leave a midday from the harbour and travel on a fast ferry over to and then up the Lysefjorden (Light Fjord) from where there are views of the pulpit rock. Throughout the journey there is a commentary on the key sights in a number of languages, and the opportunity to sample fresh Norwegian waterfall water.



Getting There

Latitude: 58.971074; Longitude: 5.730368
What3Words: officer.wolf.analogy


Photo ID: 008130 Photo ID: 008132 Photo ID: 008134 Photo ID: 008136 Photo ID: 008138 Photo ID: 008141 Photo ID: 008142

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/10/2012), and on time of last update (27/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skagen Skagen No Data


Located on the opposite side of the harbour from Gamle Stavanger, Skagen is another area of original wooden houses, though many have been converted into bars, restaurants and boutiques. The area wraps itself around a small rock outcrop on top of which is a watch tower (open during the summer months)


Free to Wander around

Getting There

Latitude: 58.971948; Longitude: 5.731269
What3Words: building.flesh.lightly


Photo ID: 008147 Photo ID: 008154 Photo ID: 008170 Photo ID: 008181 Photo ID: 008182 Photo ID: 008183 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/10/2012), and on time of last update (27/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stavanger Museum Stavanger Museum No Data


The city museum houses an odd mix of items including exhibitions on the history of the city itself, human biology and a collection of artefacts brought back from around the world by explorers. There is also the usual collection of stuffed animals and birds


Charge (Part of the MUSTpass ticket)

Getting There

Latitude: 58.964733; Longitude: 5.733072
What3Words: cared.mopped.trousers


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/10/2012), and on time of last update (27/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stavanger Sjøfartsmuseum (Stavanger Maritime Museum) Stavanger Sjøfartsmuseum (Stavanger Maritime Museum) No Data


The museum is located in two converted dockyard warehouses joined to two converted houses. Over the four floors of the buildings the history of everything to do with Stavanger's connections to the sea is explained. From the dirty poor fishing town of 2,500 people at the start of the 19th century to the booming Oil capital of Northern Europe two hundred years later, through trading, fishing and canning.


Charge (Part of the MUSTpass ticket)

Getting There

Latitude: 58.970386; Longitude: 5.728882
What3Words: flips.memo.nursery


Photo ID: 008180 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2012), and on time of last update (27/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sandnes Sandnes No Data


Located at the head of the Gandsfjord which runs down from Stavanger, Sandnes is a separate town, but the area has build up so much that it has become a single conurbation. The views up the fjord from the harbour are spectacular on a sunny day.


Getting There

There are regular trains from Stavanger taking around 20 minutes, or frequent buses taking just over 35 minutes. They all cost the same, though the views from the train are better
Latitude: 58.851755; Longitude: 5.741258
What3Words: earplugs.adhesive.dormant


Photo ID: 008167 Photo ID: 008168 Photo ID: 008169 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/10/2012), and on time of last update (27/10/2012) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Boat Tour Boat Tour No Data


There are several boat tours operating from Longyearbyen that take you out to either the working Russian mining community in Barentsburg or the abandoned former Russian Mining community at Pyramiden. I took the Pyramiden tour, however at the time of visiting (late May) the fjord Ice was still too thick to allow the ship to land to visit the site on foot. The trip lasts about 9 hours and includes a tour of the templefjorden and an on-deck prepared barbeque.



Getting There

Latitude: 78.229462; Longitude: 15.601476
What3Words: newsreels.sizzles.diet


Photo ID: 011986 Photo ID: 011989 Photo ID: 011993 Photo ID: 011997 Photo ID: 011999 Photo ID: 012005 Photo ID: 012014

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maxi Taxi Tour Maxi Taxi Tour No Data


A two hour tour round Longyearbyen and it's suburbs taking in the key sights including the only mine in the area still working, and the Global Seed Vault. The knowledgeable driver/guide has lots of information on the history and development of the settlement and about how life is lived today



Getting There

Latitude: 78.220887; Longitude: 15.645049
What3Words: measured.backdating.wasp


Photo ID: 011956 Photo ID: 011957 Photo ID: 011959 Photo ID: 011963 Photo ID: 011964 Photo ID: 011969 Photo ID: 011971

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Svalbard Huskey Svalbard Huskey No Data


The company offers a number of Husky tours over snow, and in summer on wheeled sledges. You do a lot of the work, including harnessing the dogs and setting up the sledges as well as all the mushing - does require quite a reasonable level of physical fitness.



Getting There

Latitude: 78.150481; Longitude: 16.527128
What3Words: requests.weans.intertwined


Photo ID: 011975 Photo ID: 011976 Photo ID: 011977 Photo ID: 011978 Photo ID: 011980 Photo ID: 011981 Photo ID: 011984

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/05/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Svalbard Museum Svalbard Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the islands from their discovery in the 16th Century through to it's modern industries of mining, tourism and science. There are also displays on the wildlife that live around and on the archipelago



Getting There

Latitude: 78.222683; Longitude: 15.652428
What3Words: likeliest.tricycles.mesh


Photo ID: 011933 Photo ID: 011934 Photo ID: 011935 Photo ID: 011936 Photo ID: 011937 Photo ID: 011938 Photo ID: 011939

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/05/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pyramiden Pyramiden No Data


This was the model Soviet mining town, designed to show the west that the USSR was best at everything - helped by handpicking only those workers that the USSR wanted to show off. By the late 1990's with the USSR gone, the numbers of people in the down already significantly reduced, and the costs of maintaining a settlement so far north mounting the decision was taken to abandon it as soon as the first ship of the season could get through. Consequently on 31st March 1998 the entire town was evacuated at short notice meaning coffee cups were left abandoned with coffee still in them, papers left of tables half read. Due to the Arctic climate it's predicted that the site is unlikely to decay much in the next 500 years and is now a small time capsule of a different era.



Getting There

The only way to reach Pyramiden are via snowscooter or boat. Boat tours run on alternate days most of the year (alternating with a boat trip to Barentsburg) leaving Longyearbyen around 9am
Latitude: 78.655899; Longitude: 16.346283
What3Words: setups.astrophysical.greetings


Photo ID: 012010 Photo ID: 012011 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/05/2014), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum Museum No Data


The town museum located a little way out of the town centre on a hill overlooking an arm of the fjord. The area has some of the largest concentration of ancient rock carvings in Northern Europe - including many in the museum grounds that you can explore on a 3km walk. Some have been left as they are in the rock, others have been painted in red to make the more visible. Inside the museum there are exhibits on the rock carvings as well as the history of the area. There are also detailed exhibits on the local Sami people, their culture and their struggle to retain the voice and identity within Norway in the past.



Getting There

From the bus station in town the 140 bus runs every 15-30 minutes to the museum (it terminates there), taking about 8 minutes to make the journey
Latitude: 69.947392; Longitude: 23.186814
What3Words: tiny.thud.bricks


Photo ID: 046994 Photo ID: 046996 Photo ID: 046998 Photo ID: 047005 Photo ID: 047009 Photo ID: 047014 Photo ID: 047032

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nordlyskatedralen Nordlyskatedralen No Data


Modern church that has been built to also be a norther lights show. During the long 24-hour daylight days of summer the church looks a little out of place, resembling a power plant rather than a church. During the winter nights the church is illuminated to mimic the northern lights. Inside there is a lightshow down in the basement that you can watch a show about the best of the northern lights.



Getting There

Latitude: 69.965072; Longitude: 23.26698
What3Words: bidder.prepares.press


Photo ID: 047044 Photo ID: 047045 Photo ID: 047046 Photo ID: 047047 Photo ID: 047048 Photo ID: 047049 Photo ID: 047050

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gjenreisningsmuseet Gjenreisningsmuseet No Data


The museum tells the story of the reconstruction of Hammerfest after the war. The retreating Germans operated a policy of "Scorched Earth" and not a single building was left standing once they had retreated. Displays tell how the residents became refugees in their own town, how they hid their possessions to try and protect them, and how they set about rebuilding their town. The museum is mostly on a single floor, but a tower rises up to the fourth floor, from where there are stunning views over the town.


Charge, except in December and January when the museum is free

Getting There

Latitude: 70.662378; Longitude: 23.678155
What3Words: disbelief.clashes.output


Photo ID: 002454 Photo ID: 046919 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/01/2008), and on time of last update (20/01/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society No Data


The museum of the Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society tells the history of hunting and fishing from Hammerfest, and of some of the people involved in the explorations that have set sail from the most Northerly city in the world. The museum, as its name suggests, also has exhibitions on polar bears, which is a little odd as Polar Bears have never knowingly roamed as wild animals around Hammerfest.



Getting There

Latitude: 70.664253; Longitude: 23.680837
What3Words: narrates.smart.retailing


Photo ID: 002450 Photo ID: 002453 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/01/2008), and on time of last update (14/05/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rørvik: Norveg Rørvik: Norveg No Data


Norveg is a museum dedicated to the sea and the effect that it has had on the way of life of the peoples who have lived in Norway, from the earliest pre-historic fishermen, through Vikings to the modern day trawler fleets. An automatic audio guide follows you around the museum, giving different commentaries depending on where you are.



Getting There

Latitude: 64.861; Longitude: 11.23661
What3Words: influence.doses.shades


Photo ID: 002478 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/01/2008), and on time of last update (20/01/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stokmarknes: Hurtigrutemuseet Stokmarknes: Hurtigrutemuseet No Data


The Hurtigrutemuseet tells the history of the Hurtigruten, from its forming in the 19th Century through to the modern day, and its evolution from the fastest link to Northern Norway (today a plane can do in an hour or three what takes the Hurtigruten nearly a week), to the modern cruise line which markets itself as “The most beautiful cruise in the world”, but still important as a link for costal communities and for ferrying non-perishable goods around. Having gone round the museum you can also visit an older Hurtigruten ship which has been hauled out of the water and is parked up on land next to the museum, you can have a wander around the ship and see what you cabin would have looked like a few years ago (and I think I prefer the cruise line ethos!)



Getting There

Latitude: 68.568476; Longitude: 14.913769
What3Words: ranch.caramel.park


Photo ID: 002471 Photo ID: 002472 Photo ID: 002474 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2008), and on time of last update (14/05/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Svolvær: Lofoten Krigsmuseum Svolvær: Lofoten Krigsmuseum No Data


The Lofoten Krigsmuseum brings together uniforms, artefacts and pictures of the battles that were fought in the region during the Second World War. The exhibits are crammed into a small space, meaning not everything has a label and uniforms from different parts of the armed forces and from different sides are next to each other. A Norwegian sailor uniform sits next to an SS officers and a RAF pilots uniforms. Despite this the museum is packed with information.



Getting There

Latitude: 68.231348; Longitude: 14.564481
What3Words: exact.disbelief.bashed


Photo ID: 002475 Photo ID: 002476 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/01/2008), and on time of last update (20/01/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trondheim: Cathedral Trondheim: Cathedral No Data


Trondheim’s cathedral is built in a similar style to that of St Magnus in Kirkwall, which is hardly surprising given that for many centuries Kirkwall was part of the Trondheim Diocese. The Cathedral is built on the supposed burial site of the patron saint of Norway, St Olaf and the high alter is supposedly on the site where his body was buried. The cathedral is actually quite small, which given that it is the largest cathedral in Norway is surprising.



Getting There

Latitude: 63.426157; Longitude: 10.396757
What3Words: fails.strong.spelled


Photo ID: 002494 Photo ID: 002495 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2008), and on time of last update (20/01/2008) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Andersgrotta Andersgrotta No Data


One of many bunkers that were built in the town during the Nazi occupation to keep the population safe. The site is open occasionally for guided tours (one per day at 12:30)



Getting There

Latitude: 69.726871; Longitude: 30.049667
What3Words: hardening.declares.sprouting


Photo ID: 046731 Photo ID: 046732 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bunker House Bunker House No Data


Located by the fjord side this is a German pillbox that has subsequently had a house built on top of it. Neither the house or the bunker are open to the public, but can be viewed from the outside


Free to view

Getting There

Latitude: 69.72961; Longitude: 30.049493
What3Words: flattery.bleak.articulated


Photo ID: 046717 Photo ID: 046723 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Frigjøringsmonumentet Frigjøringsmonumentet No Data


Monument to the Red Army soldiers who liberated Kirkenes in 1944. Located on the top of the hill in the centre of Kirkenes with good views over the fjord



Getting There

Latitude: 69.72803; Longitude: 30.049689
What3Words: sedative.retained.thundered


Photo ID: 046726 Photo ID: 046727 Photo ID: 046728 Photo ID: 046729 Photo ID: 046730 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kirke Kirke No Data


The town's church, originally built in the 19th century and destroyed during the war, this is the replacement which was completed in the early 1950s



Getting There

Latitude: 69.728316; Longitude: 30.043484
What3Words: smokers.conducted.eminent


Photo ID: 046714 Photo ID: 046720 Photo ID: 046721 Photo ID: 046722 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Russian Border Tours Russian Border Tours No Data


There are regular tours from the centre of town that head inland to the nearby Iron mine and town, before continuing onto the Long Fjord – 18Km long and in winter used as a race track by snow scooters as no speed limits apply on its waters. From the Fjord you continue further inland to the Russian Border. Due to the nature of the border (being a Schengen border as well as an international border) you can't actually see the Russian entry point as you can't go beyond the Schengen signs without a Russian visa, but you do get to see an area where once the USSR and NATO actually met.



Getting There

Latitude: 69.728026; Longitude: 30.039341
What3Words: blesses.munched.bronzer


Photo ID: 015426 Photo ID: 015427 Photo ID: 015428 Photo ID: 015429 Photo ID: 015430 Photo ID: 015431 Photo ID: 015432

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2015), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sør-Varanger Museum: Grenselandmuseet Sør-Varanger Museum: Grenselandmuseet No Data


The museum in Kirkenes looks at the history of the "Borderlands", including a moving insight into the life of a people caught up in other nations wars played out over the top of Norway during the 20th century. The museum also houses a gallery of a local artists work and a small exhibition on the ore mining industry that was once the key employer in the town



Getting There

Latitude: 69.716883; Longitude: 30.043563
What3Words: flattery.bleak.articulated


Photo ID: 008600 Photo ID: 008601 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/02/2013), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

War Mothers Monument War Mothers Monument No Data


Located in the centre of town this small memorial is dedicated to the mothers of those sent to war.



Getting There

Latitude: 69.72715; Longitude: 30.045493
What3Words: tearfully.baker.retaliate


Photo ID: 046734 Photo ID: 046736 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/05/2023), and on time of last update (03/06/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Art Museum of Northern Norway Art Museum of Northern Norway No Data


The museum houses a collection of paintings, sculptures and installations that reflect Northern Norway



Getting There

Latitude: 69.648342; Longitude: 18.959312
What3Words: mutual.vocab.proofs


Photo ID: 001916 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens No Data


The botanical gardens, in the grounds of the university, house a collection of plants that thrive in the environment of Costal northern Norway



Getting There

The easiest way to get to the gardens is by taking bus 20 from the city centre to the first stop on the University campus, by the space age looking building, and then walking down the "Geological Walk"
Latitude: 69.676934; Longitude: 18.975921
What3Words: stubborn.diary.spend


Photo ID: 001917 Photo ID: 001918 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bus and Boat Tour Bus and Boat Tour No Data


The tour, by scheduled public transport, takes you North East from Tromsø to Skjervøy where you meet the south bound costal steamer for the journey back along the Fjord to Tromsø



Getting There

Latitude: 69.64782; Longitude: 18.95986
What3Words: caravan.part.shields


Photo ID: 001909 Photo ID: 001910 Photo ID: 001911 Photo ID: 001912 Photo ID: 001913 Photo ID: 001914 Photo ID: 001915

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cable Car Cable Car No Data


Running from a base station on the main land the cars climb to a viewing platform towards the top of Mount Storsteinen which overlooks the city centre, offering spectacular views over the Fjord, islands and surrounding mountains


Charge, combined bus and cable car ticket available from bus drivers

Getting There

From the centre of Tromsø it’s about a 30 minute walk, alternatively bus 26 runs from the centre of town out to the base station
Latitude: 69.641113; Longitude: 18.986381
What3Words: icons.nursery.cheese


Photo ID: 001888 Photo ID: 001889 Photo ID: 001890 Photo ID: 001892 Photo ID: 001895 Photo ID: 001897 Photo ID: 001904

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2007), and on time of last update (14/06/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Geological Walk Geological Walk No Data


A walk through the university grounds from the bus stops to the Botanical gardens which has samples of rocks from the region and an explanation on the Geology of Tromsø



Getting There

Latitude: 69.678291; Longitude: 18.971329
What3Words: elder.wallet.stutter


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Polar Museum Polar Museum No Data


This museum is dedicated to the history of hunting, whaling and sealing in the region, if you are anti-hunting then this is probably not a good museum to go to, if you are not certain then you will have your mind made up one way or another by the time you finish looking around!



Getting There

Latitude: 69.652334; Longitude: 18.96281
What3Words: convert.brain.goad


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Polaria Polaria No Data


A museum dedicated to all things polar. An hourly film tells you about Svalbard, the northern islands of Norway that stretch up towards the north pole, there are exhibitions on arctic wildlife, as well as the effects the changes to the environment are having on the fragile environment of the Arctic region. The museum also has a small aquarium and is home to four bearded seals which you can watch being fed.



Getting There

Latitude: 69.64364; Longitude: 18.950011
What3Words: guard.corner.uniforms


Photo ID: 001907 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2007), and on time of last update (11/08/2007) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tromsø Museum Tromsø Museum No Data


The museum has displays on a wide variety of subjects from Geology to Ethnography looking at things as diverse as the Northern lights and the cultures of the indigenous people of the artic region. One of the highlights of the museum is a machine which replicates the formation of the Aurora



Getting There

Latitude: 69.634868; Longitude: 18.911741
What3Words: accent.backpack.jiggle


Photo ID: 022671 Photo ID: 022672 Photo ID: 022673 Photo ID: 022674 Photo ID: 022675 Photo ID: 022677 Photo ID: 022678

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2007), and on time of last update (14/05/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cathedral Tower Cathedral Tower No Data


You can climb the 172 steps up to the base of the spire for stunning views across the Trondheimsfjorden and the city


Charge in addition to entrance fee to cathedral

Getting There

Latitude: 63.426883; Longitude: 10.39667
What3Words: land.steamed.thrones


Photo ID: 017526 Photo ID: 017527 Photo ID: 017528 Photo ID: 017529 Photo ID: 017530 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2016), and on time of last update (02/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Gråkallbanen Gråkallbanen No Data


The most Northerly tramway in the world trams run around 8Km from the city centre to Lian, the ride - climbing up more than 200m into the hills around the city makes for a nice ride with lots of scenery to take in. The journey takes around 20 minutes from the city centre


Charge, standard city transport tickets

Getting There

Latitude: 63.430998; Longitude: 10.390257
What3Words: waddle.flirts.straw


Photo ID: 017465 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2016), and on time of last update (02/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harbour Cruise Harbour Cruise No Data


A 90 minute cruise round the rivers and harbour and then out to Munkholmen before returning to the city centre. A live guide gives a running commentary



Getting There

Latitude: 63.434043; Longitude: 10.392735
What3Words: revision.snaps.shiny


Photo ID: 017475 Photo ID: 017478 Photo ID: 017481 Photo ID: 017482 Photo ID: 017483 Photo ID: 017485 Photo ID: 017486

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2016), and on time of last update (02/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kristiansten Festning Kristiansten Festning No Data


The former fortress of the city looking to the East to keep an eye out for the Swedes. There are stunning views across the city and across to the cathedral from the fortress walls


Free to look around site

Getting There

Latitude: 63.426875; Longitude: 10.410354
What3Words: bounty.troubled.travel


Photo ID: 017438 Photo ID: 017440 Photo ID: 017441 Photo ID: 017444 Photo ID: 017446 Photo ID: 017447 Photo ID: 017449

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/06/2016), and on time of last update (02/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museet Erkebispegården (Archbishops Palace Museum) Museet Erkebispegården (Archbishops Palace Museum) No Data


Located in the rebuilt Archbishops palace (the original part of this building was destroyed in a fire in the 1980's) the museum houses a number of artefacts relating to the cathedral and it's development, decline and rebuilding over time. The museum has an interesting film telling the history of the cathedral area as well as some of the remains of the former building


Charge, joint ticket with other cathedral attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 63.425769; Longitude: 10.395852
What3Words: translated.revision.audit


Photo ID: 017516 Photo ID: 017520 Photo ID: 017521 Photo ID: 017522 Photo ID: 017523 Photo ID: 017525 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2016), and on time of last update (02/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Nidarosdomen Nidarosdomen No Data


The largest cathedral in Norway and the centre of the countries religious life. From here the monarchs are crowned and the nation turns to it at Christmas and Easter. The cathedral only finished being rebuilt in 2001 following a more than 130 year restoration.


Charge, joint ticket with other cathedral attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 63.426928; Longitude: 10.395616
What3Words: skips.exhales.ridge


Photo ID: 017445 Photo ID: 017514 Photo ID: 017515 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2016), and on time of last update (02/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Riksregaliene Riksregaliene No Data


Housed in the remaining original buildings of the Archbishops palace the countries crown jewels are on display. The crowns, sceptres, orbs and anointing amulets used in the Norwegian coronation ceremony that is carried out at the Cathedral


Charge, joint ticket with other cathedral attractions available

Getting There

Latitude: 63.426249; Longitude: 10.395178
What3Words: hiding.assures.helpful


Photo ID: 017517 Photo ID: 017518 Photo ID: 017519 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/06/2016), and on time of last update (02/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Munkholmen: Prison Munkholmen: Prison No Data


A short guided tour takes your round the site of the prison, which during it's time has housed important Danish prisoners as well as a gun emplacement during the German occupation. The guide is in Norwegian and English



Getting There

Latitude: 63.451128; Longitude: 10.382827
What3Words: dumpy.scars.famous


Photo ID: 017496 Photo ID: 017497 Photo ID: 017498 Photo ID: 017499 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2016), and on time of last update (02/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lian Lian No Data


Located around 8Km from the city centre at the end of the tramway this large lake is surrounded by a large number of walking and hiking trails



Getting There

Take the tram to the last stop on the line
Latitude: 63.40269; Longitude: 10.314405
What3Words: asserts.tonal.juicy


Photo ID: 017465 Photo ID: 017466 Photo ID: 017467 Photo ID: 017468 Photo ID: 017469 Photo ID: 017470 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/06/2016), and on time of last update (02/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Munkholmen Munkholmen No Data


Located around 2Km out into the Fjord this small outcrop of rock has been a monastery (hence it's name), a prison, a WWII gun emplacement and today a place to relax with a nice café and a beach for bathing (though this is Norway so the water isn't warm)


Charge - only access is via ferry

Getting There

The ferry to Munkholmen leaves every hour from the Fish Market (Ravnkloa), taking around 15 minutes, it then returns immediately
Latitude: 63.450707; Longitude: 10.384114
What3Words: suffer.agreeing.rice


Photo ID: 017457 Photo ID: 017492 Photo ID: 017493 Photo ID: 017494 Photo ID: 017495 Photo ID: 017500 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/06/2016), and on time of last update (02/07/2016) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Akvariet - Bergen Aquarium Akvariet - Bergen Aquarium No Data


The cities aquarium which has the usual selection of marine life from around the world, plus a couple of seals and some penguins in outside pools.


Charge, Free (winter) or Discounted (summer) Entry with a Bergen card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.399706; Longitude: 5.303328
What3Words: darkest.model.elbowed


Photo ID: 001401 Photo ID: 001402 Photo ID: 001403 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/10/2006), and on time of last update (02/11/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergens Expressen Bergens Expressen No Data


Land train tour that takes in the key sights in the city centre before climbing up into the hills above the Bryggen to take in the views, before returning back to the fish market. Commentary in English (and several other languages on request) tells you about the sights and some of the history of the city.



Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end
Latitude: 60.396041; Longitude: 5.32507
What3Words: magpie.subsets.because


Photo ID: 015244 Photo ID: 015246 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bryggen Bryggen No Data


A UNESCO protected site, these are the original wooden trading houses built by the Hanseatic merchants when Bergen was an important city in the Hanseatic trading League.


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 60.39722; Longitude: 5.323606
What3Words: going.waxes.film


Photo ID: 001366 Photo ID: 001371 Photo ID: 001372 Photo ID: 001400 Photo ID: 001404 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2006), and on time of last update (02/11/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bryggen museum Bryggen museum No Data


The museum contains the remains of some of the first houses built in the Bryggen, as well as background information on the life of the traders and the city


Chrage, free with a Bergen Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.398243; Longitude: 5.322645
What3Words: husbands.nods.mint


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2006), and on time of last update (02/11/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


Open top (though with a retractable roof given Bergens normal weather conditions) Hop-on-hop-off multi-lingual sightseeing tour that takes in the key sights in the centre of town.



Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end
Latitude: 60.401557; Longitude: 5.316677
What3Words: wharfs.dodging.slam


Photo ID: 015691 Photo ID: 015692 Photo ID: 015693 Photo ID: 015694 Photo ID: 015695 Photo ID: 015696 Photo ID: 015697

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cultural history collection Cultural history collection No Data


A large collection of exhibits on a wide range of subject including the Vikings, Egyptian Mummies and Henrik Ibsen.


Charge, Free with a Bergen Card, Joint ticket with the Natural History Collection]

Getting There

Latitude: 60.386836; Longitude: 5.319647
What3Words: residual.dreams.fend


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2006), and on time of last update (02/11/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fløibanen Fløibanen No Data


The Funicular railway links the city centre with a viewing platform on the top of mount Fløyen.


Charge, One free return trip with a Bergen Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.396521; Longitude: 5.328259
What3Words: inkjet.farmland.tiger


Photo ID: 001367 Photo ID: 001368 Photo ID: 001369 Photo ID: 001370 Photo ID: 001375 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2006), and on time of last update (02/11/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Håkonshallen Håkonshallen No Data


One of the original buildings on the old fortress of Bergen, the hall was virtually destroyed by a munitions explosion in 1944, but has been rebuilt to its medieval look


Charge, Free with a Bergen Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.399679; Longitude: 5.317415
What3Words: swells.admiringly.happily


Photo ID: 001374 Photo ID: 001397 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/10/2006), and on time of last update (02/11/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hansiatic museum Hansiatic museum No Data


This museum shows how the traders and servants would have lived during the Hanseatic times in the Bryggen


Charge, Joint ticket with the Schøtstuene

Getting There

Latitude: 60.395902; Longitude: 5.325733
What3Words: outlast.whistle.drip
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/10/2006), and on time of last update (02/11/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Natural history collection Natural history collection No Data


A large collection of Zoological and Geological exhibitions in the grounds of the University


Charge, Free with a Bergen Card, Joint ticket with the Cultural History Collection]

Getting There

Latitude: 60.387759; Longitude: 5.321503
What3Words: steroids.risen.prompts


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2006), and on time of last update (02/11/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Norway in a Nutshell Norway in a Nutshell No Data


A self-guided day tour that makes use of public transport to see some of the best natural sights in the country. You can go round in eiher direction but we went out via Myrdal and the Flåm railway before returning via a Fjord cruise and coach ride to Voss.



Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end
Latitude: 60.390487; Longitude: 5.333366
What3Words: progress.fetch.void


Photo ID: 015649 Photo ID: 015654 Photo ID: 015658 Photo ID: 015667 Photo ID: 015676 Photo ID: 015685 Photo ID: 015688

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rosenkrantztarnet Rosenkrantztarnet No Data


The main surviving part of the fortress, this tower has stunning views over the city, as well as several exhibitions about life in the city for the ordinary citizen


Charge, Free with a Bergen Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.399028; Longitude: 5.318338
What3Words: means.bandage.blocks


Photo ID: 001393 Photo ID: 001395 Photo ID: 001396 Photo ID: 001397 Photo ID: 001398 Photo ID: 001399 Photo ID: 001400

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2006), and on time of last update (02/11/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Schøtstuene Schøtstuene No Data


This is the communal building for the Hanseatic traders that they would have used as a social club, meeting hall and celebration location


Charge, Joint ticket with the Hansiatic Museum

Getting There

Latitude: 60.398376; Longitude: 5.323659
What3Words: returns.putty.concerts
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/10/2006), and on time of last update (02/11/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Sjøfartsmuseum Sjøfartsmuseum No Data


A small maritime museum, based on the university campus, telling the history of seafaring from the Vikings to modern day


Charge, Free with a Bergen Card

Getting There

Latitude: 60.386969; Longitude: 5.319217
What3Words: beans.villas.incurs


Photo ID: 001405 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/10/2006), and on time of last update (02/11/2006) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Flåmsbana Flåmsbana No Data


One of the worlds most stunning railway lines. The Flåmsbana descends nearly 900 meters from a plateau in the mountains to sea level at the edge of a Fjord in barely 20KM. At points the railway line doubles back on itself inside a tunnel


Expensive (and Expensive to get to)

Getting There

You can join the Flåmsbana either at Flåm, after catching a fjord ferry or at Myrdal which is on the main Bergen to Oslo railway line
Latitude: 60.737749; Longitude: 7.121458
What3Words: blueberry.beams.broadens


Photo ID: 001384 Photo ID: 001385 Photo ID: 001386 Photo ID: 001387 Photo ID: 001388 Photo ID: 001389 Photo ID: 001390

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/10/2006), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Flåm Flåm No Data


Located at the end of a Fjord and the base of the Flåmsbana, it's not the most interesting of places. The interest is getting here, either by ferry or train


Getting There

The easiest way to get to Flåm is by train (you can also use a bus/ferry combination). Intercity trains run from Bergen to Myrdal, a third of the way to Oslo, where you can change onto the Flåmsbana which then completes the breathtaking descent from the mountains down into the valley and the Fjord. You can book a round trip which includes both the train and a ferry cruise through the Norway in a Nutshell tour.
Latitude: 60.863575; Longitude: 7.11339
What3Words: punctual.hurls.pouch


Photo ID: 001388 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/10/2006), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ålesund: Art Nouveau Museum Ålesund: Art Nouveau Museum No Data


The museum, located in an old chemists, houses artefacts relating to Art Nouveau, as well as the time machine, which takes you back in time to 1904, the fire and the rebuild of Ålesund



Getting There

The Art Nouveau tour is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 62.475457; Longitude: 6.151287
What3Words: fooling.gladiators.booklet


Photo ID: 008436 Photo ID: 008437 Photo ID: 008438 Photo ID: 008439 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/01/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergen: Akvariet - Bergen Aquarium Bergen: Akvariet - Bergen Aquarium No Data


The cities aquarium which has the usual selection of marine life from around the world, plus a couple of seals and some penguins in outside pools.


Charge, Free (winter) or Discounted (summer) Entry with a Bergen card

Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end
Latitude: 60.399706; Longitude: 5.303328
What3Words: darkest.model.elbowed


Photo ID: 008761 Photo ID: 008762 Photo ID: 008763 Photo ID: 008764 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergen: Bergens Expressen Bergen: Bergens Expressen No Data


Land train tour that takes in the key sights in the city centre before climbing up into the hills above the Bryggen to take in the views, before returning back to the fish market. Commentary in English (and several other languages on request) tells you about the sights and some of the history of the city.



Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end
Latitude: 60.396041; Longitude: 5.32507
What3Words: magpie.subsets.because


Photo ID: 015244 Photo ID: 015245 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergen: Bryggen Bergen: Bryggen No Data


A UNESCO protected site, these are the original wooden trading houses built by the Hanseatic merchants when Bergen was an important city in the Hanseatic trading League.


Free to look around

Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end
Latitude: 60.39722; Longitude: 5.323606
What3Words: going.waxes.film


Photo ID: 008402 Photo ID: 008409 Photo ID: 008410 Photo ID: 008411 Photo ID: 008773 Photo ID: 015237 Photo ID: 015242

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergen: Bryggen museum Bergen: Bryggen museum No Data


The museum contains the remains of some of the first houses built in the Bryggen, as well as background information on the life of the traders and the city


Charge, free with a Bergen Card

Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end
Latitude: 60.398243; Longitude: 5.322645
What3Words: husbands.nods.mint


Photo ID: 008777 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergen: City Sightseeing Bergen: City Sightseeing No Data


Open top (though with a retractable roof given Bergens normal weather conditions) Hop-on-hop-off multi-lingual sightseeing tour that takes in the key sights in the centre of town.



Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end
Latitude: 60.401557; Longitude: 5.316677
What3Words: wharfs.dodging.slam


Photo ID: 015691 Photo ID: 015692 Photo ID: 015693 Photo ID: 015694 Photo ID: 015695 Photo ID: 015696 Photo ID: 015697

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergen: Fløibanen Bergen: Fløibanen No Data


The Funicular railway links the city centre with a viewing platform on the top of mount Fløyen.


Charge, One free return trip with a Bergen Card

Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end
Latitude: 60.396521; Longitude: 5.328259
What3Words: inkjet.farmland.tiger


Photo ID: 008403 Photo ID: 008404 Photo ID: 008406 Photo ID: 008407 Photo ID: 008408 Photo ID: 008417 Photo ID: 008769

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/01/2013), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergen: Fortress Museum Bergen: Fortress Museum No Data


The museum, located in the former prison block of the fortress, tells the history of the army in Bergen. It also has a major exhibition on the resistance movement in Bergen during WWII



Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end
Latitude: 60.399801; Longitude: 5.32146
What3Words: called.snoring.grills


Photo ID: 008771 Photo ID: 008778 Photo ID: 008780 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergen: Håkonshallen Bergen: Håkonshallen No Data


One of the original buildings on the old fortress of Bergen, the hall was virtually destroyed by a munitions explosion in 1944, but has been rebuilt to its medieval look


Charge, Free with a Bergen Card

Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end
Latitude: 60.399679; Longitude: 5.317415
What3Words: swells.admiringly.happily


Photo ID: 008779 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergen: Norway in a Nutshell Bergen: Norway in a Nutshell No Data


A self-guided day tour that makes use of public transport to see some of the best natural sights in the country. You can go round in eiher direction but we went out via Myrdal and the Flåm railway before returning via a Fjord cruise and coach ride to Voss.



Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end
Latitude: 60.390487; Longitude: 5.333366
What3Words: progress.fetch.void


Photo ID: 015649 Photo ID: 015654 Photo ID: 015658 Photo ID: 015667 Photo ID: 015676 Photo ID: 015685 Photo ID: 015688

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergen: Ulriken 643 Bergen: Ulriken 643 No Data


The cable car rises to the summit of the highest of the peaks surrounding Bergen, offering stunning views over the city and out over the Fjords



Getting There

Attractions in Bergen can be visited either before boarding at the start of the trip, or at the end. From the centre of town take the number 2 bus/trolleybus to the stop for the hospital, its then a well signed 5-10 minute walk up hill to the base station.
Latitude: 60.373938; Longitude: 5.363635
What3Words: cabinets.meant.rear


Photo ID: 008766 Photo ID: 008767 Photo ID: 008768 Photo ID: 008770 Photo ID: 008770 Photo ID: 008774 Photo ID: 008775

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bodø: Bodø and Saltstraumen Sightseeing Bodø: Bodø and Saltstraumen Sightseeing No Data


A brief coach tour around the centre of Bodø taking in the city's key sights, before the coach heads off into the countryside to the stunning maelstrom at Saltstraumen. Along the way an audio and video commentary tell you a little about the town, the area and the unique geology that makes the maelstrom the fastest tidal current on the planet.



Getting There

The Bodø and Saltstraumen sightseeing tour is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 67.288953; Longitude: 14.396344
What3Words: soap.grudges.logo


Photo ID: 008476 Photo ID: 008477 Photo ID: 008478 Photo ID: 008479 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/01/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Geiranger: Geiranger with Trollstigen Pass Geiranger: Geiranger with Trollstigen Pass No Data


The excursion is the only way to actually leave the ship in the Geiranger Fjord, which you do via a transfer to a tender ferry from the car deck. You arrive in Geiranger and join the coach which takes you up the Eagle road to a viewing platform high above the Fjord for stunning views over it. The coach then heads inland crossing the Storfjorden on a small ferry before stopping briefly at the Gudbrandsjuvet gorge. You then head up inland to the top of the Trollstigen Pass from which there are amazing views over the valley and this stunning road, before the coaches descend down the pass, stopping briefly at a cafe for coffee and cake. The coach then heads over to the Moldefjorden where it goes on another ferry across to Molde and drops you off outside a local hotel who serve you dinner whilst you wait for the Hurtigruten to catch up.


Charge, includes coffee and cake at a cafe near the Trollstigen Pass, and dinner in Molde

Getting There

The Geiranger with Trollstigen Pass tour is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 62.100748; Longitude: 7.205272
What3Words: blanking.sanded.tuned


Photo ID: 015273 Photo ID: 015275 Photo ID: 015278 Photo ID: 015284 Photo ID: 015287 Photo ID: 015295 Photo ID: 015301

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hammerfest: Sightseeing Hammerfest: Sightseeing No Data


The hour long coach tour takes in the key sights in the centre of Hammerfest before climbing up to the viewing platform on Mount Salen to take in the views over the city, harbour and the Liquid Natural Gas terminal that has brought the money (as well as the gas) flowing into the town. The tour then continues through the now sprawling suburbs of Hammerfest that have enveloped the airport and continued to spread beyond and then down to the Meridian Column in town for a stop there to explain Hammerfest's role in working out the dimensions of the earth, before returning to the ship



Getting There

The Hammerfest sightseeing tour is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 70.664383; Longitude: 23.680746
What3Words: shelved.kidney.summaries


Photo ID: 008618 Photo ID: 008619 Photo ID: 008620 Photo ID: 008621 Photo ID: 008622 Photo ID: 008623 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harstad: A taste of Vesterålen Harstad: A taste of Vesterålen No Data


The tour starts in Harstad and begins with a quick tour round the town, which was only founded at the end of the 19th century, before heading out to the Trondenes church from the 11th centry and the Sor-Troms Museum. After the visit to the church and museum the coach heads inland across the island making a coule of brief photo stops along the way until we reach the Gullesfjord where it is crossed on a ferry. During the crossing cake and coffee is served. After the crossing the coach continues to drive across the island, making contact with the captain of the Hurtigruten to ensure that as we cross the final bridge into Sortland we are there for the Hurtigruten to pass underneath. A couple of minutes later you are on the pier at Sortland and re-boarding the Hurtigruten


Charge, includes coffee and waffles on the ferry across the Gullesfjord and entrance to the Sør-Troms Museum

Getting There

The Taste of Vesterålen tour is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 68.799469; Longitude: 16.547503
What3Words: risking.willing.claps


Photo ID: 015509 Photo ID: 015511 Photo ID: 015517 Photo ID: 015520 Photo ID: 015521 Photo ID: 015523 Photo ID: 015527

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harstad: Sør-Troms Museum Harstad: Sør-Troms Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the area, from the earliest settlers, through it's important role in the Viking era, through to the founding of the town of Hardstat at the end of the 19th Century and a moving exhibition on the slave labour camp that was set up by the Nazi's in the area to house Soviet slave labourers working on the Atlantic wall defences on the coast here.



Getting There

From the Hurtigruten the museum can only be visited as part of the Taste of Vesterålen tour as there is insufficient time in port to get out to the museum, located on the edge of town
Latitude: 68.820281; Longitude: 16.559351
What3Words: mimic.veal.gangway


Photo ID: 015515 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harstad: Trondnes Church Harstad: Trondnes Church No Data


Located on a peninsular and built nearly a millennium before the town was, this church was an important site in the conversion of the Vikings to Christianity. Unlike many Catholic churches in Norway it was able to preserve all of it's interior during the reformation to Lutheranism and is now one of the best examples of a late medieval church in Norway.



Getting There

From the Hurtigruten the museum can only be visited as part of the Taste of Vesterålen tour as there is insufficient time in port to get out to the museum, located on the edge of town
Latitude: 68.821925; Longitude: 16.562894
What3Words: mentions.shortage.lows


Photo ID: 015511 Photo ID: 015512 Photo ID: 015513 Photo ID: 015514 Photo ID: 015516 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Honningsvåg: Breafast at the North Cape Honningsvåg: Breafast at the North Cape No Data


The tour leaves very early from the harbour side at Honningsvag. First you head up to the North Cape to have a look around the North Cape exhibtions and view the North Cape, the northern most point of Continental Europe along with a full buffet breakfast. As the site is only open for booked tour groups it is much quieter than during the main part of the day. After the North Cape you head south back to Honningsvag, stopping off briefly at a Sami Reindeer herdsman's camp to meet Nils, his wife and some of their Reindeer, and then cross under the sea back to the mainland through one of Norway's longest tunnels. The journey continues south following the coast to the town of Russenes where there is a brief stop for coffee/cake and then the coach turns inland and crosses the interior until you reach Hammerfest and the waiting Hurtigruten


Charge, includes a full buffet breakfast at the North Cape.

Getting There

The Breakfast at the North Cape tour is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 70.983012; Longitude: 25.967106
What3Words: persuade.tequila.library


Photo ID: 015466 Photo ID: 015470 Photo ID: 015473 Photo ID: 015482 Photo ID: 015486 Photo ID: 015487 Photo ID: 015489

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Honningsvåg: Museum Honningsvåg: Museum No Data


The museum tells the history of the area, including the sad story of the forced evacuation of the population by the retreating Germans towards the end of WWII, during which most of the buildings were burnt to the ground to stop people returning. The museum also has small exhibits on the local industries.



Getting There

The museum is located a short walk from the Hurtigruten quayside.
Latitude: 70.982624; Longitude: 25.967897
What3Words: cooks.grabs.against


Photo ID: 015405 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Honningsvåg: Nordkapp Honningsvåg: Nordkapp No Data


The North Cape is the most northerly point of Mainland Europe. If you ignore that it's on an island rather than the mainland, and the neighbouring Knivskjellodden is more than a kilometre further north. It is however, home to the monument that marks the most northerly point of the continent, a large visitors centre and it accessible by road (albeit in a convoy headed by a snow plough in winter months).



Getting There

The Honningsvåg Nordkapp tour is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 71.171012; Longitude: 25.783611
What3Words: staked.requests.offstage


Photo ID: 008549 Photo ID: 008550 Photo ID: 008551 Photo ID: 008552 Photo ID: 008557 Photo ID: 008561 Photo ID: 008563

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kirkenes: Russian Border Kirkenes: Russian Border No Data


The tour leaves from the harbourside at Kirkenes and heads inland to the nearby Iron mine and town, before continuing onto the Long Fjord – 18Km long and in winter used as a race track by snow scooters as no speed limits apply on its waters. From the Fjord you continue further inland to the Russian Border. Due to the nature of the border (being a Schengen border as well as an international border) you can't actually see the Russian entry point as you can't go beyond the Schengen signs without a Russian visa, but you do get to see an area where once the USSR and NATO actually met. The bus heads back into town, stopping briefly at a high point for views over the town and harbour, before returning to the ship.



Getting There

The Russian Border tour is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 69.727631; Longitude: 30.072899
What3Words: hardening.declares.sprouting


Photo ID: 015426 Photo ID: 015427 Photo ID: 015428 Photo ID: 015429 Photo ID: 015430 Photo ID: 015431 Photo ID: 015432

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kirkenes: Sør-Varanger Museum Kirkenes: Sør-Varanger Museum No Data


The museum in Kirkenes looks at the history of the "Borderlands", including a moving insight into the life of a people caught up in other nations wars played out over the top of Norway during the 20th century. The museum also houses a gallery of a local artists work and a small exhibition on the ore mining industry that was once the key employer in the town



Getting There

After docking at Kirkenes a local bus meets the Hurtigruten and runs into town and then onto the museum, picking back up from the museum 20 minutes before the Hurtigruten's scheduled departure time (15 minutes from the town centre)
Latitude: 69.716883; Longitude: 30.043563
What3Words: flattery.bleak.articulated


Photo ID: 008600 Photo ID: 008601 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rørvik: Norveg Rørvik: Norveg No Data


Norveg is a museum dedicated to the sea and the effect that it has had on the way of life of the peoples who have lived in Norway, from the earliest pre-historic fishermen, through Vikings to the modern day trawler fleets. An automatic audio guide follows you around the museum, giving different commentaries depending on where you are.



Getting There

The museum is a short walk from the pier at Rørvik. The southbound Hurtigruten stops in Rørvik for 60 minutes at 20:30 on day 10. Whilst the Northbound does stop in Rørvik at a similar time, it's for a shorter period so there is insufficient time to visit
Latitude: 64.861; Longitude: 11.23661
What3Words: influence.doses.shades


Photo ID: 002478 Photo ID: 008701 Photo ID: 008703 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stokmarknes: Hurtigrutemuseet Stokmarknes: Hurtigrutemuseet No Data


The Hurtigrutemuseet tells the history of the Hurtigruten, from its forming in the 19th Century through to the modern day, and its evolution from the fastest link to Northern Norway (today a plane can do in an hour or three what takes the Hurtigruten nearly a week), to the modern cruise line which markets itself as “The worlds most beautiful voyage”, but still important as a link for costal communities and for ferrying non-perishable goods around. Having gone round the museum you can also visit an older Hurtigruten ship which has been hauled out of the water and is parked up on land next to the museum, you can have a wander around the ship and see what you cabin would have looked like a few years ago (and I think I prefer the cruise line ethos!)



Getting There

The museum can be clearly seen from the quayside at Stokmarknes
Latitude: 68.568476; Longitude: 14.913769
What3Words: ranch.caramel.park


Photo ID: 008645 Photo ID: 008646 Photo ID: 008647 Photo ID: 008648 Photo ID: 008649 Photo ID: 008650 Photo ID: 008651

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/02/2013), and on time of last update (14/05/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Svolvær: Lofoten Islands Tour Svolvær: Lofoten Islands Tour No Data


The tour starts in Svolvær and heads down though the many islands of the Lofoten's until it reaches Henningsvær. Here there is a stop of just over an hour to look at the art galleries and visit the small town before the coach retraces its steps back to the main road and continues across the islands. There are two further photo stops along the way before the coach makes it across the island group to Stamsund where you pick the Hurtigruten back up again.



Getting There

The Lofoten Islands tour is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 68.232191; Longitude: 14.566954
What3Words: beauty.froth.trailer


Photo ID: 015555 Photo ID: 015556 Photo ID: 015558 Photo ID: 015561 Photo ID: 015563 Photo ID: 015564 Photo ID: 015565

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Svolvær: Lofoten Krigsmuseum Svolvær: Lofoten Krigsmuseum No Data


The Lofoten Krigsmuseum brings together uniforms, artefacts and pictures of the battles that were fought in the region during the Second World War. The exhibits are crammed into a small space, meaning not everything has a label and uniforms from different parts of the armed forces and from different sides are next to each other. A Norwegian sailor uniform sits next to an SS officers and a RAF pilots uniforms. Despite this the museum is packed with information.



Getting There

The Lofoten Krigsmuseum is located in buildings just behind the Hurtigruten quay
Latitude: 68.231114; Longitude: 14.564695
What3Words: ferrying.rents.sorters


Photo ID: 002475 Photo ID: 002476 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/01/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Svolvær: Magic Ice Svolvær: Magic Ice No Data


Located on the harbour front the gallery is a collection of ice sculptures of various forms. The whole space is kept at -5C to keep the sculptures intact. There is also an Ice bar where you can purchase incredibly expensive (even by Norwegian standard) drinks in ice glasses.



Getting There

The Magic Ice gallery is located about 50m from the Hurtigruten quay
Latitude: 68.230461; Longitude: 14.564856
What3Words: slam.sobs.rehearsed


Photo ID: 008484 Photo ID: 008485 Photo ID: 008486 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/01/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tromsø: Art Museum of Northern Norway Tromsø: Art Museum of Northern Norway No Data


The museum houses a collection of paintings, sculptures and installations that reflect Northern Norway



Getting There

On the Northbound journey there is time to visit a couple of museums in Tromsø.
Latitude: 69.648342; Longitude: 18.959312
What3Words: mutual.vocab.proofs


Photo ID: 001916 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2007), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tromsø: Botanical Gardens Tromsø: Botanical Gardens No Data


The botanical gardens, in the grounds of the university, house a collection of plants that thrive in the environment of Costal northern Norway



Getting There

The easiest way to get to the gardens is by taking bus 20 from the city centre to the first stop on the University campus, by the space age looking building, and then walking down the "Geological Walk". The Northbound Hurtigruten stops in Tromsø long enough to be able to visit
Latitude: 69.676934; Longitude: 18.975921
What3Words: stubborn.diary.spend


Photo ID: 001917 Photo ID: 001918 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2007), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tromsø: Cable Car Tromsø: Cable Car No Data


Running from a base station on the main land the cars climb to a viewing platform towards the top of Mount Storsteinen which overlooks the city centre, offering spectacular views over the Fjord, islands and surrounding mountains



Getting There

From the centre of Tromsø it’s about a 30 minute walk, alternatively bus 26 runs from the centre of town out to the base station. The Northbound Hurtigruten stops in Tromsø long enough to be able to visit.
Latitude: 69.641113; Longitude: 18.986381
What3Words: icons.nursery.cheese


Photo ID: 001888 Photo ID: 001889 Photo ID: 001890 Photo ID: 001892 Photo ID: 001895 Photo ID: 001897 Photo ID: 001904

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/07/2007), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tromsø: Geological Walk Tromsø: Geological Walk No Data


A walk through the university grounds from the bus stops to the Botanical gardens which has samples of rocks from the region and an explanation on the Geology of Tromsø



Getting There

The easiest way to get to the gardens is by taking bus 20 from the city centre to the first stop on the University campus, by the space age looking building, and then walking down the "Geological Walk". The Northbound Hurtigruten stops in Tromsø long enough to be able to visit
Latitude: 69.678291; Longitude: 18.971329
What3Words: elder.wallet.stutter


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2007), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tromsø: Husky Sledging Tromsø: Husky Sledging No Data


Located about 25Km outside of town, the Husky centre offers the experience of being pulled through the snow on a sledge behind a pack of Alaskan Huskies. The experience is unforgettable, especially on a day with little or no wind! After a 20-30 minutes sleigh ride you return to the centre to have a look at some of their 300 dogs, before being served with coffee and cake in a traditional Sami hut before the coach takes you back to Tromsø and the ship



Getting There

The Tromsø Husky Sledging tour is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 69.62326; Longitude: 18.765507
What3Words: visitors.shams.scrolled


Photo ID: 008514 Photo ID: 008515 Photo ID: 008516 Photo ID: 008517 Photo ID: 008518 Photo ID: 008519 Photo ID: 008524

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tromsø: Midnight Concert Tromsø: Midnight Concert No Data


An hour long concert held each night in the Arctic Cathedral for the passengers of the Hurtigruten. A bus meets the ship at the quayside and takes you direct to the door of the Cathedral and then collects at the end of the concert to take you back to the ship. The concert is a mix of classical pieces and traditional Norwegian music



Getting There

The Midnight Concert is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 69.648103; Longitude: 18.987422
What3Words: sweated.done.lift


Photo ID: 008631 Photo ID: 008632 Photo ID: 008633 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tromsø: Polar Museum Tromsø: Polar Museum No Data


This museum is dedicated to the history of hunting, whaling and sealing in the region, if you are anti-hunting then this is probably not a good museum to go to, if you are not certain then you will have your mind made up one way or another by the time you finish looking around!



Getting There

On the Northbound journey there is time to visit a couple of museums in Tromsø.
Latitude: 69.652334; Longitude: 18.96281
What3Words: convert.brain.goad


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2007), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tromsø: Polaria Tromsø: Polaria No Data


A museum dedicated to all things polar. An hourly film tells you about Svalbard, the northern islands of Norway that stretch up towards the north pole, there are exhibitions on arctic wildlife, as well as the effects the changes to the environment are having on the fragile environment of the Arctic region. The museum also has a small aquarium and is home to four bearded seals which you can watch being fed.



Getting There

On the Northbound journey there is time to visit a couple of museums in Tromsø.
Latitude: 69.64364; Longitude: 18.950011
What3Words: guard.corner.uniforms


Photo ID: 001907 Photo ID: 015383 Photo ID: 015384 Photo ID: 015385 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/07/2007), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tromsø: Tromsø Museum Tromsø: Tromsø Museum No Data


The museum has displays on a wide variety of subjects from Geology to Ethnography looking at things as diverse as the Northern lights and the cultures of the indigenous people of the artic region. One of the highlights of the museum is a machine which replicates the formation of the Aurora



Getting There

On the Northbound journey there is time to visit a couple of museums in Tromsø.
Latitude: 69.634868; Longitude: 18.911741
What3Words: accent.backpack.jiggle


Photo ID: 022671 Photo ID: 022672 Photo ID: 022673 Photo ID: 022674 Photo ID: 022675 Photo ID: 022677 Photo ID: 022678

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/07/2007), and on time of last update (14/05/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trondheim: Cathedral Trondheim: Cathedral No Data


Trondheim’s cathedral is built in a similar style to that of St Magnus in Kirkwall and is modelled on Lincoln Cathedral. The Cathedral is the only surviving medieval cathedral in Norway, and consequently is the main Cathedral for the country, being home to coronation ceremonies and the heart of the countries religious life. The Cathedral was built on the supposed burial site of the patron saint of Norway, St Olaf and the high alter is supposedly on the site where his body was buried.



Getting There

The cathedral can be visited as part of the Hurtigruten organised tour, alternatively there is time from the Northbound ship to walk into town and visit the Cathedral after it opens at 9am (there is insufficient time southbound)
Latitude: 63.426157; Longitude: 10.396757
What3Words: fails.strong.spelled


Photo ID: 008449 Photo ID: 008718 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/01/2008), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trondheim: City Sightseeing Trondheim: City Sightseeing No Data


A guided coach tour of the key sights in the centre of Trondheim, including going up to an observation point above the city to take in the views. In late January this coincides with the sunrise over the city. The tour then continues back down into town and concludes with a tour of the Nidros Cathedral. Northbound passengers can then spend a little while exploring the city before walking back to the harbour, Southbound passengers are taken straight back to their boat by coach to make the departure.



Getting There

The Trondheim city sightseeing tour is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 63.44272; Longitude: 10.404643
What3Words: wolf.hardens.someone


Photo ID: 008447 Photo ID: 008448 Photo ID: 008449 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/01/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trondheim: City Walk Trondheim: City Walk No Data


A guided walk around the key parts of the city centre, including getting down into the old town with the wooden wharf buildings. The walk lasts around 2 hours 15 minutes and covers a fair distance (as it's a good kilometre from the harbour to the city centre at each end of the walk)



Getting There

The Trondheim city walk is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 63.443166; Longitude: 10.407003
What3Words: quick.blend.vented


Photo ID: 008711 Photo ID: 008712 Photo ID: 008714 Photo ID: 008715 Photo ID: 008717 Photo ID: 008719 Photo ID: 008720

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vardø: Steilneset Minnested Vardø: Steilneset Minnested No Data


Vardø was the most active location for Norwegian witch trials and the monument is to the victims of this, with nearly 100 killed in this small area. The monument consists of two parts – the first hall a long canvas like structure with 97 small windows, each with a lightbulb hanging down in front, to signify each of the victims. A small notice gives information on each person who was killed. The second part of the monument, inside a glass cube, is a single chair with jets of flame coming out from it, surrounded by 7 mirrors to symbolise the trial that the victims went through before their deaths.



Getting There

The monument is signposted from the Hurtigruten Quay
Latitude: 70.369396; Longitude: 31.091861
What3Words: issuer.windmill.necks


Photo ID: 015444 Photo ID: 015445 Photo ID: 015446 Photo ID: 015447 Photo ID: 015448 Photo ID: 015449 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/07/2015), and on time of last update (10/08/2015) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vardø: Vardøhus Festning Vardø: Vardøhus Festning No Data


This tiny 18th century overlooks the harbour. Inside some of the buildings are a small exhibition on the use of the Fortress over the years. You can walk around the top of the walls of the fortress for views over the sea and the entrance to the harbour.



Getting There

The Vardøhus Festning is signposted from the Hurtigruten Quay
Latitude: 70.372171; Longitude: 31.095069
What3Words: interlude.indulgent.blushes


Photo ID: 008608 Photo ID: 008609 Photo ID: 008610 Photo ID: 008611 Photo ID: 008612 Photo ID: 008613 Photo ID: 008614

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ålesund Ålesund No Data


Destroyed by fire in January 1904, the town was rebuilt completely in the Art Nouveau style, and today much of this still remains making it a beautiful city to walk around.


Getting There

When running to time, the Hurtigruten stops in Ålesund for three hours from midday on day 2 during the Winter schedule. During Summer there are short stops in the morning and afternoon either side of the detour to Geirangerfjord
Latitude: 62.47092; Longitude: 6.1517
What3Words: tracks.swells.form


Photo ID: 008436 Photo ID: 008437 Photo ID: 008438 Photo ID: 008439 Photo ID: 015255 Photo ID: 015257 Photo ID: 015258

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/01/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bergen Bergen No Data


Once the capital of Norway, and once a key port in the Hansiatic league, Bergan is build around, and in places on, it's harbour. The UNESCO recognised Brygge is little changed since the heydays of the Hansa. The city itself is still a key transport hub for the western fjords, and as the starting place for the Hurtigruten a key part of the tourism industry in the country.


Getting There

The Hurtigruten starts and ends in Bergen. Northbound departures leave at 22:00 (earlier in the summer) on day 1 and arrive around 14:30 on day 12
Latitude: 60.393341; Longitude: 5.324507
What3Words: move.situated.touched


Photo ID: 008401 Photo ID: 008404 Photo ID: 008406 Photo ID: 008409 Photo ID: 008412 Photo ID: 008765 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bodø Bodø No Data


One of the largest settlements in Northern Norway, and the terminus of the railway line from Oslo. Above here it's boat or road only. The city was quite heavily bombed during the war, so much of it is a post-war rebuild and is therefore quite plain. There are several sights to see including the Cathedral, Museum and in the summer the fort on an island in the Fjord


Getting There

The Northbound Hurtigruten stops in Bodø from around 12:30pm-3pm on Day 4.
Latitude: 67.283539; Longitude: 14.381704
What3Words: instead.honey.area


Photo ID: 008475 Photo ID: 008476 Photo ID: 008477 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/01/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hammerfest Hammerfest No Data


Vying with Honningsvåg for the title of the worlds most Northerly town (Hammerfest has slightly more credentials with a much larger population, and a hospital). It's home to a small collection of museums and churches, all rebuilt following their destruction at the end of World War II. Today Hammerfest is at the centre of Norway's Liquid Natural Gas industry with a major pipeline from the fields in the North sea making landfall in the town.


Getting There

The Southbound Hurtigruten stops here for around 90 minutes at 11:15 on day 8
Latitude: 70.663269; Longitude: 23.680826
What3Words: stages.tadpoles.waxes


Photo ID: 008618 Photo ID: 008619 Photo ID: 008620 Photo ID: 008621 Photo ID: 008622 Photo ID: 008623 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Honningsvåg Honningsvåg No Data


With a population of around 2,000 Honningsvåg vies for the title of the worlds most northerly town with Hammerfest. Located on the south end of Magerøya island that ends on the North Cape virtually the whole island is above the 71st degree line, putting it far further north than any other settlements around the world. The small town centre has a large tourist information centre and museum, but it's mostly a stopping off point for trips up to the North Cape (Nordkapp)


Getting There

The Northbound Hurtigruten stops for three and a half hours from 11:45am on Day 6.
Latitude: 70.982055; Longitude: 25.970285
What3Words: recount.frantic.nuance


Photo ID: 008547 Photo ID: 008548 Photo ID: 008571 Photo ID: 008572 Photo ID: 008573 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kirkenes Kirkenes No Data


The end of the line for the Hurtigruten and the start of the journey back south. Located just 15Km from the Russian border, and less than 40Km from the Finnish border the town is heavily influenced by being in a border region, with many of the key wars of the 20th century painfully visiting this area. Kirkenes was destroyed at the end of the 2nd world war as part of the Nazi's scorched earth strategy, but also from the relentless bombing that saw it take second spot below Malta for the most bombed place during the war. Today the town has been rebuilt, but with no traditional buildings it could be a port city almost anywhere.


Getting There

Kirkenes is the turning point of the tour when the Northbound ship become Southbound. The Hurtigruten arrives in town around 09:45 on day 7 and then leaves again at 12:45
Latitude: 69.727172; Longitude: 30.044839
What3Words: ambushed.salaried.historic


Photo ID: 008598 Photo ID: 008599 Photo ID: 008600 Photo ID: 008602 Photo ID: 008603 Photo ID: 008604 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Stokmarknes Stokmarknes No Data


This is the Hurtigruten town, it's where the whole story of the Costal Express started when Richard With did what nobody else had believed possible and set up the first year round, continuously operating costal steamer service. The town is dominated by the D/S Finnmarken, an early 20th century Hurtigruten ship which is out of the water and can be toured as part of a visit to the Hurtigrutemuseet


Getting There

The Southbound Hurtigruten stops here for around 45 minutes at 14:30 on day 9
Latitude: 68.566838; Longitude: 14.912503
What3Words: motels.crossing.dated


Photo ID: 008645 Photo ID: 008646 Photo ID: 008647 Photo ID: 008648 Photo ID: 008649 Photo ID: 008650 Photo ID: 008651

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (05/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Svolvær Svolvær No Data


The main town of the Lofoten Islands, Svolvær has a couple of good museums and a pretty location spread over a couple of small islets as well as the main island.


Getting There

The Northbound Hurtigruten stops for an hour at 9pm on Day 4. The Southbound stops for 90 minutes at 6:30pm on day 9
Latitude: 68.23216; Longitude: 14.564663
What3Words: tortoises.successes.unfilled


Photo ID: 008487 Photo ID: 008488 Photo ID: 008489 Photo ID: 008658 Photo ID: 008659 Photo ID: 008663 Photo ID: 008664

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/01/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tromsø Tromsø No Data


The capital of Northern Norway and the self-styled most Northerly City in the world. Tromsø has several key sights (see separate trip for more details). On the Hurtigruten several activities are available from the Northbound ship, with a midnight concert in the Arctic Cathedral available on the Southbound leg


Getting There

The Northbound Hurtigruten stops for four hours from 2:30pm on Day 5. The Southbound stops for just over 90 minutes at 23:45pm on day 8 (into day 9)
Latitude: 69.651677; Longitude: 18.95545
What3Words: pulp.splat.persuade


Photo ID: 008511 Photo ID: 008512 Photo ID: 008513 Photo ID: 008526 Photo ID: 008527 Photo ID: 015387 Photo ID: 015388

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Trondheim Trondheim No Data


The third city of Norway, home to the counties only official Cathedral (and saint), a large port and a significant stop on both directions of the Hurtigruten tour. Unlike Ålesund much of Trondheim is still built from traditional wooden houses, but earlier fires taught the locals to design the city with wide streets to avoid flames spreading. Today, with a massive student population (about 20% of the total population) the city is lively and well worth a wander around, particularly the old wooden wharf buildings that now stand by the man-made canal but would have once opened straight onto the fjord.


Getting There

The Northbound Hurtigruten stops in Trondheim from 6am-12am on Day 3 in Winter (later arrival in Summer, same departure time). The Southbound Hurtigruten stops between 5am and 10am on Day 11
Latitude: 63.43051; Longitude: 10.395041
What3Words: clash.lunges.outbid


Photo ID: 008447 Photo ID: 008448 Photo ID: 008449 Photo ID: 008450 Photo ID: 008711 Photo ID: 008712 Photo ID: 008727

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/01/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vardø Vardø No Data


The most Easterly point in mainland Norway, further east than Istanbul or St Petersburg. The town has a small fort overlooking the entrance to the harbour.


Getting There

The Southbound Hurtigruten stops here for an hour at around 4pm on day 7
Latitude: 70.370236; Longitude: 31.107295
What3Words: hardback.mentions.mirror


Photo ID: 008608 Photo ID: 008609 Photo ID: 008610 Photo ID: 008613 Photo ID: 008614 Photo ID: 008615 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (03/02/2013), and on time of last update (15/02/2013) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hammerfest: Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society Hammerfest: Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society No Data


The museum of the Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society tells the history of hunting and fishing from Hammerfest, and of some of the people involved in the explorations that have set sail from the most Northerly city in the world. The museum, as its name suggests, also has exhibitions on polar bears, which is a little odd as Polar Bears have never knowingly roamed as wild animals around Hammerfest.



Getting There

The Southbound Hurtigruten stops here for between 1 and 2 hours (depending on the season) on the morning of day 8
Latitude: 70.664704; Longitude: 23.680915
What3Words: professes.hills.webcams


Photo ID: 022825 Photo ID: 022826 Photo ID: 022827 Photo ID: 022828 Photo ID: 022829 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/01/2008), and on time of last update (14/05/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kristiansund: Atlantic Road Kristiansund: Atlantic Road No Data


The tour leaves from the harbour side at Kristiansund and after a quick tour through town heads over to the island of Averøy to take in the stave church at Kvernes. From there you continue across the island to the start of the Atlantic Road where there is a stop for a dinner of Bacalhau, a Portuguese dish made from the salted and dried clip fish that this part of Norway produces. Following dinner the tour continues over the Atlantic Road - a spectacular construction of 8 bridges linking a series of small islands together at the edge of the coast. From the Atlantic Road the tour heads inland before returning to the coast, and to the ship at Molde.



Getting There

The Atlantic Road tour is an add-on excursion organised by Hurtigruten
Latitude: 63.114713; Longitude: 7.73635
What3Words: popular.dares.riches


Photo ID: 023007 Photo ID: 023009 Photo ID: 023020 Photo ID: 023023 Photo ID: 023027 Photo ID: 023029 Photo ID: 023032

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (04/05/2018), and on time of last update (14/05/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Belgrade Grand Tour Belgrade Grand Tour No Data


The open-top bus tour takes a 60 minute tour round the key sights in central Belgrade, along with a very quick detour over one of the bridges into Novi Beograd, a multi-lingual audio commentary accompanies you on the journey



Getting There

Latitude: 44.811426; Longitude: 20.464453
What3Words: escape.missions.tokens


Photo ID: 012611 Photo ID: 012612 Photo ID: 012613 Photo ID: 012614 Photo ID: 012615 Photo ID: 012616 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Beogradska Tvrdava (Belgrade Fortress) Beogradska Tvrdava (Belgrade Fortress) No Data


Dominating the skyline above the point where the Danube and the Sava rivers join the fortress is one of the defining sights of the city. The area is part of a large park that is open 24/7 to wander round and take in the ruins of the walls and towers. Some parts of the fortifications have been converted into museums and exhibitions which do charge and keep standard hours.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.823615; Longitude: 20.450136
What3Words: thinker.readily.turkey


Photo ID: 012593 Photo ID: 012594 Photo ID: 012595 Photo ID: 012603 Photo ID: 012608 Photo ID: 012631 Photo ID: 012632

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Etnografski Muzej (Ethnographic Museum) Etnografski Muzej (Ethnographic Museum) No Data


The museum houses a collection of textiles, traditional costumes and home life exhibits from across the former Yugoslavia, but with a particular focus on Serbia.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.819745; Longitude: 20.456615
What3Words: viewing.feelers.transmitted


Photo ID: 012641 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fortress Tourist Train Fortress Tourist Train No Data


A battery powered land train that goes on a circuit round the fortress and the park taking in the main sights. There is no commentary, but the views do talk for themselves



Getting There

Latitude: 44.82059; Longitude: 20.452287
What3Words: tribe.track.desktop


Photo ID: 012625 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hram svetog Save (St Sava Cathedral) Hram svetog Save (St Sava Cathedral) No Data


Possibly the largest Orthodox cathedral in the world, once they have finished building it. Initial plans have been around for over a hundred years and work on the structure started before World War II, but with the war, and the communism intervening, work really didn't get fully underway until 1985. The main structure has now been completed and it is just the fitting out of the inside that has to be done. Though even without the internal fittings it is a spectacular space to stand in.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.798099; Longitude: 20.46945
What3Words: lifters.thin.retain


Photo ID: 012617 Photo ID: 012618 Photo ID: 012619 Photo ID: 012620 Photo ID: 012621 Photo ID: 012622 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lasta Open Top Lasta Open Top No Data


Much like the Grand Tour this is an open-top ride round many of the key sights. However, this tour takes in significantly more of Novi Beograd and consequently lasts for 90 minutes



Getting There

Latitude: 44.811401; Longitude: 20.464515
What3Words: racked.puffed.kind


Photo ID: 012635 Photo ID: 012636 Photo ID: 012637 Photo ID: 012638 Photo ID: 012639 Photo ID: 012640 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rimski bunar (Roman Well) Rimski bunar (Roman Well) No Data


Not a Roman well as it wasn't built until the Austrians arrived in the 18th century, but it is modelled on earlier versions in Italy. Due to the height of the fortress above the river at this point the well had to be dug down some 60 odd meters to reach water. Two spiral staircases that start on opposite sides of the well so are always half a turn away from each other go down to a lobby area at the bottom where water could be collected from. Due to the design of the stairs it meant one was always for going down, and one for going up so people didn't have to try and pass on the staircase. You can't go down the well, but you can look down at the construction



Getting There

Latitude: 44.823005; Longitude: 20.448173
What3Words: rises.nerve.rocker


Photo ID: 012663 Photo ID: 012664 Photo ID: 012665 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/08/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Vojni Muzej (Military Museum) Vojni Muzej (Military Museum) No Data


Located in one of the larger buildings of the fortress the museum tells the history of arms and armies in the Baltic region and is as much a history of the development of the nations that formed Yugoslavia.



Getting There

Latitude: 44.82188; Longitude: 20.450265
What3Words: included.silver.founding


Photo ID: 012628 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/07/2014), and on time of last update (30/08/2014) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Basilica di San Marino Basilica di San Marino No Data


The country's cathedral and main church. Rebuilt in the 19th century this is a bright and airy building located on the edge of the cliff between the first tower and the cable car.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.937117; Longitude: 12.446855
What3Words: frequencies.tunes.recounting


Photo ID: 025438 Photo ID: 025440 Photo ID: 025441 Photo ID: 025442 Photo ID: 025443 Photo ID: 025591 Photo ID: 025597

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Cava dei Balestrieri Cava dei Balestrieri No Data


The quarry was formed when the rock was excavated to make the Palazzo Pubblico and today forms a natural amphitheatre, used for archery displays



Getting There

Latitude: 43.937493; Longitude: 12.445776
What3Words: gyrated.startled.refutes


Photo ID: 025457 Photo ID: 025458 Photo ID: 025459 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Walls City Walls No Data


An almost complete set of walls surround the city on three sides (the fourth being the sheer cliff face. Some of the most spectacular sections are along the southern edge between the San Francesco and Cliff gates.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.937459; Longitude: 12.444817
What3Words: handy.quashing.mimes


Photo ID: 025424 Photo ID: 025427 Photo ID: 025465 Photo ID: 025466 Photo ID: 025467 Photo ID: 025474 Photo ID: 025565

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Funivia Funivia No Data


The cable car links the city centre, near the cathedral, with the lower suburb of Borgo Maggiore. The journey takes around 45 seconds, with a departure every 15 minutes. The views of the upper city are spectacular from the cabin.



Getting There

Latitude: 43.937722; Longitude: 12.445984
What3Words: collider.albino.goofily


Photo ID: 025450 Photo ID: 025451 Photo ID: 025454 Photo ID: 025615 Photo ID: 025617 Photo ID: 025620 Photo ID: 025630

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea No Data


The gallery houses a number of Modern art works from local artists.


Charge, Joint ticket for State Museums available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.937096; Longitude: 12.445769
What3Words: evolves.auditor.stray


Photo ID: 025613 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo delle Armi Antiche Museo delle Armi Antiche No Data


The museum is located in the main building of the Seconda Torre and is a small collection of arms and armour from history. It includes a number of suits of armour, pikes, muskets and other battle field equipment from the medieval period onwards.


Included in entry to the Seconda Torre

Getting There

Latitude: 43.932756; Longitude: 12.451559
What3Words: familiar.cured.unconscious


Photo ID: 025537 Photo ID: 025538 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museo di Stato Museo di Stato No Data


The state museum tells the history of the area where the Republic now is from pre-history through the development of the Republic to the middle ages with a number of exhibits on the archaeology, history and art of the region.


Charge, Joint ticket for State Museums available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.935994; Longitude: 12.4466
What3Words: wiki.pranced.eyedrops


Photo ID: 025603 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Palazzo Pubblico Palazzo Pubblico No Data


The seat of government for the republic, including the parliament chamber. If the parliament is not sitting you can look round the halls of the building and the chamber itself. There is also a short video that explains a little about how the democratic process works in San Marino


Charge, Joint ticket for State Museums available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.936767; Longitude: 12.446438
What3Words: airline.feigning.helicopter


Photo ID: 025463 Photo ID: 025574 Photo ID: 025575 Photo ID: 025576 Photo ID: 025577 Photo ID: 025578 Photo ID: 025581

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pianaconteca di San Francesco Pianaconteca di San Francesco No Data


The small chapel near the gate of the same name also has a small art museum attached that has a number of religious works and artefacts.


Charge for the gallery, Joint ticket for State Museums available. Chapel is free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 43.935343; Longitude: 12.447109
What3Words: paralegal.couple.diddled


Photo ID: 025659 Photo ID: 025660 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Piazza della Libertà Piazza della Libertà No Data


The main square, home to the parliament building and some spectacular views over the surrounding countryside



Getting There

Latitude: 43.936491; Longitude: 12.446689
What3Words: ballooning.gratuitous.breathe


Photo ID: 025445 Photo ID: 025448 Photo ID: 025449 Photo ID: 025583 Photo ID: 025585 Photo ID: 025587 Photo ID: 025590

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (22/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Prima Torre Prima Torre No Data


The first of the defensive towers on the wall, and the largest complex - closer to a small fortress than a mere tower, there are a couple of buildings, including a chapel and the walls to wander around as well as the tower to climb - though the final section up to the external walkway involves a very steep ladder that then becomes vertical metal rungs through a very narrow opening. The views from all parts of the fortress are excellent over both the republic and towards the Adriatic coast of Italy


Charge, Joint ticket for State Museums available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.935228; Longitude: 12.449706
What3Words: younger.waggles.boulders


Photo ID: 025428 Photo ID: 025436 Photo ID: 025478 Photo ID: 025489 Photo ID: 025495 Photo ID: 025502 Photo ID: 025506

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seconda Torre Seconda Torre No Data


The second of the fortress towers is at the highest point on the mountain that the city is built around. This is a smaller complex than the first tower with only one main building and a couple of lookout points. Once again the climb up to the top is up some very steep stairs, though nowhere as bad as the first tower. The main building of the tower is also home to the Museo delle Armi Antiche


Charge, Joint ticket for State Museums available

Getting There

Latitude: 43.932674; Longitude: 12.45159
What3Words: sundress.flowerbed.prove


Photo ID: 025501 Photo ID: 025528 Photo ID: 025535 Photo ID: 025540 Photo ID: 025548 Photo ID: 025551 Photo ID: 025553

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Terza Torre Terza Torre No Data


The third tower is the smallest of the city fortifications, and located the furthest away from the city centre. It is just a single tower with no other buildings around it. At the time of visiting the tower is closed to the public, but you can take in the views from its base.


No entry, free to look around the outside

Getting There

Latitude: 43.929979; Longitude: 12.452665
What3Words: metadata.roosters.sprites


Photo ID: 025544 Photo ID: 025555 Photo ID: 025558 Photo ID: 025559 Photo ID: 025560 Photo ID: 025562 Photo ID: 025563

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Borgo Maggiore Borgo Maggiore No Data


Located below the city this is a separate town in a different parish from San Marino city. The small compact centre includes many pretty buildings set around a tiny market square.


Getting There

The funicular runs regularly, alternatively it's around a 25-30 minute walk down (though considerably longer back up). A limited bus service also operates from stops near the funicular station
Latitude: 43.939426; Longitude: 12.446608
What3Words: tweak.treasured.muscular


Photo ID: 025452 Photo ID: 025453 Photo ID: 025621 Photo ID: 025623 Photo ID: 025624 Photo ID: 025625 Photo ID: 025627

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (24/03/2019), and on time of last update (04/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Balat and Fener Neighbourhoods Balat and Fener Neighbourhoods No Data


The former Greek and Jewish neighbourhoods of the city. From the 1950s onwards the communities that made the districts moved out and some of the areas fell into decline. In recent years there has been substantial renovation of the districts as they have become a trendy area to live, with lots of cafes and small shops springing up in the area. The Fener district is still home to the Orthodox Church



Getting There

Latitude: 41.032035; Longitude: 28.94629
What3Words: suffix.create.reports


Photo ID: 037758 Photo ID: 037759 Photo ID: 037760 Photo ID: 037764 Photo ID: 037765 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Binbirdirek Cistern (Serefiye Sarnici) Binbirdirek Cistern (Serefiye Sarnici) No Data


The second largest of the water cisterns in the old town, which helped the city sit out many sieges. The cisterns were created by recycling the columns of former pagan temples and walking around inside them you can see the marks of the works who moved the columns so that they could be paid for the work done.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.007593; Longitude: 28.974238
What3Words: woke.boarding.woof


Photo ID: 037675 Photo ID: 037676 Photo ID: 037677 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmet Camii) Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmet Camii) No Data


One of the most famous mosques in the country - named for the blue tiles that cover the walls of the mosque. At the time of visiting in December 2021 the mosque was undergoing substantial renovations and much of the inside was covered in scaffolding so it was difficult to see how impressive the tiling is.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.005301; Longitude: 28.976942
What3Words: dusts.rescuer.wing


Photo ID: 037665 Photo ID: 037678 Photo ID: 037679 Photo ID: 037680 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bosporus Cruise Bosporus Cruise No Data


Several companies offer cruises around the Bosporus. The tour we took left from a landing stage near the Dolmabahce Palace and took a clockwise route heading up the Bosporus on the European to it's narrowest point before turning and travelling back down the Asian side until close to the Maidens Tower where the boat then turns and heads back towards the landing stage. A commentary in Turkish and English tells you about the key sites along the way.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.035522; Longitude: 28.994356
What3Words: explain.nipped.ripples


Photo ID: 037710 Photo ID: 037712 Photo ID: 037716 Photo ID: 037718 Photo ID: 037721 Photo ID: 037725 Photo ID: 037727

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bosporus Ferries to Asia Bosporus Ferries to Asia No Data


Regular ferry services run across the Bosporus from the European side to the Asian side, taking about 20 minutes to make the crossing (due to the currents in the Bosporus journeys back to Europe take about 15 minutes)


Charge, Part of the Istanbul transport network, standard tickets apply

Getting There

Latitude: 41.017949; Longitude: 28.974038
What3Words: ship.noises.barmaid


Photo ID: 037794 Photo ID: 037795 Photo ID: 037796 Photo ID: 037797 Photo ID: 037798 Photo ID: 037799 Photo ID: 037812

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Dolmabahçe Palace Dolmabahçe Palace No Data


Built in the 19th Century as the Ottoman Empire decided that they wanted to Westernise their palaces - the grand palace is built very much in the style of the palaces of France or Austria. You can wander around many of the rooms inside the palace, including the Sultans personal Hammam and the Imperial apartments, as well as the lavish rooms built for entertaining and showing off the wealth of the Sultan.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.038783; Longitude: 28.999527
What3Words: lifelong.learns.trendy


Photo ID: 037702 Photo ID: 037705 Photo ID: 037706 Photo ID: 037707 Photo ID: 037708 Photo ID: 037709 Photo ID: 037711

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Egyptian Bazaar/Spice Market Egyptian Bazaar/Spice Market No Data


Officially known as the Egyptian Market to the locals, but more commonly called the Spice Market, this small market down by the river is where you go if you want to purchase spices or sweets - including many options for Turkish Delight and other traditional sweets.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.016454; Longitude: 28.97051
What3Words: plan.windows.smiling


Photo ID: 037850 Photo ID: 037851 Photo ID: 037852 Photo ID: 037853 Photo ID: 037856 Photo ID: 037857 Photo ID: 037858

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Eyüp Sultan Mosque Eyüp Sultan Mosque No Data


The Mosque is located next to the burial site of an important figure for Muslims - the flag barer of the prophet, who was killed near here in an unsuccessful attempt to take Constantinople in the 9th century. After the eventual fall of the city the site of his burial was located and a tomb and mosque constructed, this is now an important place to visit for many Muslims.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.048035; Longitude: 28.933756
What3Words: zest.nipped.drip


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi) Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi) No Data


Originally built around the 5th century this tower has served a number of purposes, including as a prison. Today it offers unrivalled views over the city, the Golden Horn, Bosporus, Sea of Marmaris and across into the Asian side of the city. A lift whisks you up to the 6th floor from where stairs take you up to the 7th floor for a topographical model of the city and up to the 8th floor for the balcony and the views.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.025635; Longitude: 28.974263
What3Words: infuses.crops.dreams


Photo ID: 037772 Photo ID: 037774 Photo ID: 037781 Photo ID: 037782 Photo ID: 037783 Photo ID: 003788 Photo ID: 037789

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grand Bazaar Grand Bazaar No Data


The indoor shopping market housing over 400 small shops ranging from antiques and rugs to tourist gifts and clothing, if you want to buy something you're almost certain to be able to do so in the sprawling lanes of the market.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.010685; Longitude: 28.968428
What3Words: veered.motels.trek


Photo ID: 037831 Photo ID: 037835 Photo ID: 037839 Photo ID: 037842 Photo ID: 037843 Photo ID: 037846 Photo ID: 037848

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guided Istanbul Tours - 3 Day Private Tour Guided Istanbul Tours - 3 Day Private Tour No Data


This is a three day private guided tour of the city that covers the main sites. On Day 1 you tour the old town sites including the Topkapi Palace, Hippodrome, Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia and Grand Bazar. On Day 2 you take in the Dolmabahce Palace, a cruise along the Bosporus taking in both the European and Asia sides of the city, Taksim Square and Istiklal Caddesi, the main shopping street of the modern city, as well as a visit to the Spice Market. On Day 3 you travel further from the centre of town, concentrating on the Golden Horn - taking in the views from the Suleymaniye Mosque, commissioned by Suleman the Magnificent, and from Pierre Loti Hill. There's also a stop at the Rahmi M. Koc Museum as well as a wander through the Balat and Fener neighbourhoods - once home to Istanbul's Jewish and Greek populations, and still home to the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church - The Orthodox Pope. Day 2 and 3 can be done by public transport - but with some hefty walks and reduced time to visit, so an optional mini-bus service (additional charge) is available.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.0129219; Longitude: 28.975799
What3Words: scales.visitors.examples


Photo ID: 037641 Photo ID: 037708 Photo ID: 037728 Photo ID: 037731 Photo ID: 037744 Photo ID: 037762 Photo ID: 037766

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hagia Irene Hagia Irene No Data


Located in the grounds of the palace this former Eastern Orthodox church has survived through to the modern day - with the neighbouring Hagia Sophia converted to a mosque there was no use for this church so it was just left abandoned, before later being used as an auditorium before finally being converted into a museum, although there is currently nothing on display inside.


Charge, if you buy a ticket from here it will only cover the Hagia Irene. If you buy a ticket from the Topkapi Palace it will cover both the palace and the basilica

Getting There

Latitude: 41.009716; Longitude: 28.981142
What3Words: famines.bravest.canny


Photo ID: 037658 Photo ID: 037659 Photo ID: 037660 Photo ID: 037661 Photo ID: 037662 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya Camii) Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya Camii) No Data


The most famous building in Istanbul. Originally an Eastern Orthodox basilica the church was converted into a mosque under the Ottoman empire. After the creation of the Turkish Republic the mosque was converted into a museum, but in 2020 the museum was closed down and the building returned to being a mosque. Whatever it's use this is a stunning building that shows it's uses over the centuries that it has stood here.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.008511; Longitude: 28.980155
What3Words: bowhead.mixture.singer


Photo ID: 037681 Photo ID: 037682 Photo ID: 037683 Photo ID: 037685 Photo ID: 037689 Photo ID: 037691 Photo ID: 037694

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hippodrome Hippodrome No Data


The site of the former Roman Hippodrome in the centre of the old town. The central spine of the Hippodrome is today identified by three columns - one an Egyptian obelisk, one a Greek column and a final plainer one (it was originally covered with Bronze plaques, but these were looted during the 4th Crusade)



Getting There

Latitude: 41.00615; Longitude: 28.9756
What3Words: crawling.eminent.fork


Photo ID: 037666 Photo ID: 037667 Photo ID: 037668 Photo ID: 037669 Photo ID: 037670 Photo ID: 037671 Photo ID: 037698

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Istiklal Caddesi Istiklal Caddesi No Data


Independence Avenue - the main shopping street of the city, comparable to the Champs Elysée or Oxford Street. On either side of the street small passageways lead off into galleries and courtyards that house more shops, cafes and restaurants.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.03347; Longitude: 28.977215
What3Words: sizing.lands.study


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Pierre Loti Hill Pierre Loti Hill No Data


Named for a French man who lived in this part of the city - this hill is located at the end of the Golden Horn and from the slopes there are dramatic views down the river to the Bosporus and the Topkapi Palace in the far distance. Access is either via winding roads, or a cable car (cable car is part of the public transport network so is included in the standard pricing)



Getting There

Latitude: 41.053464; Longitude: 28.933735
What3Words: embers.fizzy.form


Photo ID: 037749 Photo ID: 037750 Photo ID: 037751 Photo ID: 037752 Photo ID: 037753 Photo ID: 037754 Photo ID: 037755

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rahmi M. Koç Museum Rahmi M. Koç Museum No Data


A large museum located by the waterside on the Golden Horn that is dedicated to transport and technology. The main collection focuses on classic cars, but there are also ships, traction engines, motorbikes, carriages and a variety of agricultural equipment.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.041951; Longitude: 28.949135
What3Words: tenses.just.sliders


Photo ID: 037741 Photo ID: 037745 Photo ID: 037746 Photo ID: 037747 Photo ID: 037748 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Saint George's Church and Ecumenical Patriarchate Saint George's Church and Ecumenical Patriarchate No Data


This is the Orthodox Church's equivalent of Vatican City - it is home to the Eastern Orthodox Pope as well as the Basilica of St George which houses some of the holiest of relics in the Orthodox faith.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.029145; Longitude: 28.951772
What3Words: video.debt.brief


Photo ID: 037761 Photo ID: 037762 Photo ID: 037763 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St. Stephen’s Bulgarian Orthodox Church (Sveti Stefan Kilisesi) St. Stephen’s Bulgarian Orthodox Church (Sveti Stefan Kilisesi) No Data


This Bulgarian Orthodox church is novel in that it is built entirely out of Iron. The Bulgarian community wished to split from the main Eastern Orthodox church as they wanted to have services in their own language rather than Greek. In an attempt to keep control over the church the Sultan agreed only on the condition that they had a church built within three months - which is why they had a iron building fabricated, shipped and assembled to meet the three month deadline.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.031844; Longitude: 28.949707
What3Words: bongo.switch.train


Photo ID: 037766 Photo ID: 037767 Photo ID: 037768 Photo ID: 037769 Photo ID: 037770 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Suleymaniye Mosque Suleymaniye Mosque No Data


The largest mosque in the European side of the City (and until 2019 the largest in the city), this mosque was commissioned by Suleman the Magnificent and was reported to be his favourite mosque. From it's dominant position on a hill overlooking the Bosporus and the Golden Horn it offers stunning views from it's ground and can be seen from much of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.01614; Longitude: 28.963887
What3Words: amends.feeds.logged


Photo ID: 037733 Photo ID: 037734 Photo ID: 037735 Photo ID: 037736 Photo ID: 037737 Photo ID: 037738 Photo ID: 037739

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Topkapi Palace: General Topkapi Palace: General No Data


The palace of the Sultans of the Ottoman Empire, from it's founding through until the middle of the 19th century when the then Sultan decided to abandon the Islamic palace in favour of the European style Dolmabahce Palace. Today the whole site is a national museum. Entrance into the site gives you access to all of the museums and grounds.


Charge, includes entrance to all the museums as well as the Hagia Irene

Getting There

Latitude: 41.011408; Longitude: 28.983298
What3Words: slicer.other.raking


Photo ID: 037641 Photo ID: 037642 Photo ID: 037643 Photo ID: 037644 Photo ID: 037645 Photo ID: 037650 Photo ID: 037654

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Topkapi Palace: Museums Topkapi Palace: Museums No Data


There are several museums located within the palace complex, housing artefacts relating to both the Ottoman Empire, The Sultan and Islam. This includes a museum that houses several relics considered holy to Muslims, which were under the protection of the Sultan as the Caliph until that roles abolition in the 1930s


Charge, includes entrance to all the museums as well as the Hagia Irene

Getting There

Latitude: 41.012703; Longitude: 28.984404
What3Words: upset.yappy.reshape


Photo ID: 037646 Photo ID: 037647 Photo ID: 037648 Photo ID: 037649 Photo ID: 037651 Photo ID: 037652 Photo ID: 037656

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Tünel Tünel No Data


The second oldest underground railway in the world, the line is a funicular railway running from the riverside near the old town up to the top of the new town. Trains run regularly and are included in the standard public transport network pricing.


Charge, Part of the Istanbul transport network, standard tickets apply

Getting There

Latitude: 41.022875; Longitude: 28.974092
What3Words: invested.files.jump


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Uskudar Coast Walkway Uskudar Coast Walkway No Data


From the ferry terminal at Uskudar a pedestrian path runs along the side of the Bosporus heading south, past the Maidens Tower and down to the Ferry Terminal at Harem. Along the way there are stunning views across to the European side of the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.023281; Longitude: 29.006922
What3Words: pictured.wasp.lofts


Photo ID: 037800 Photo ID: 037801 Photo ID: 037802 Photo ID: 037803 Photo ID: 037805 Photo ID: 037808 Photo ID: 037823

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2021), and on time of last update (24/12/2021) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Big Bus - Blue Route Big Bus - Blue Route No Data


This open-top hop-on-hop-off tour runs from near the Lincoln Memorial past the WWII memorial and then crosses the Potomac to take in Arlington including the Pentagon, the National Cemetery and the Iwo Jima memorial. A live guide tells you about the key sights


Charge, Joint ticket for all four tours

Getting There

Latitude: 38.892016; Longitude: -77.049548
What3Words: react.rewarding.tubes


Photo ID: 024120 Photo ID: 024122 Photo ID: 024123 Photo ID: 024124 Photo ID: 024127 Photo ID: 024128 Photo ID: 024168

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Big Bus - Night Tour Big Bus - Night Tour No Data


This open-top tour starts from Union station around 19:30 each evening and covers many of the key sights from the Red and Blue routes. Once the sun has finally set the buses head to the Lincoln memorial where there is a 30 minute walking tour taking in the Korean, Vietnam and Lincoln memorials before the bus returns to Union station. The total tour lasts around 2 hours. A live guide gives a running commentary whilst on the bus and conducts the walking tour around the Lincoln memorial


Charge, Joint ticket for all four tours

Getting There

Latitude: 38.897028; Longitude: -77.006816
What3Words: winks.flank.taxi


Photo ID: 024136 Photo ID: 024138 Photo ID: 024141 Photo ID: 024143 Photo ID: 024148 Photo ID: 024149 Photo ID: 024156

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Big Bus - Red Route Big Bus - Red Route No Data


This open-top hop-on-hop-off tour runs from Union station past Capitol Hill and along the line of the National Mall taking in the main Smithsonian Museums and the key city monuments before turning at the Lincoln Memorial and returning back the other side of the National Mall to reach the other Smithsonian museums. It then turns into downtown DC to take in China town and Fords Theatre before returning to Union station. A live guide tells you about the key sights and some background history on the city.


Charge, Joint ticket for all four tours

Getting There

Latitude: 38.897072; Longitude: -77.006643
What3Words: agrees.casino.entertainer


Photo ID: 024101 Photo ID: 024102 Photo ID: 024106 Photo ID: 024112 Photo ID: 024118 Photo ID: 024133 Photo ID: 024170

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Big Bus - Yellow Route Big Bus - Yellow Route No Data


This open-top hop-on-hop-off tour runs from near the Lincoln Memorial up through the embassy district to the city Zoo before returning via the George town neighbourhood. A pre-recorded multi-lingual commentary tells you about the key sights


Charge, Joint ticket for all four tours

Getting There

Latitude: 38.892013; Longitude: -77.04933
What3Words: punk.smiled.chest


Photo ID: 024161 Photo ID: 024162 Photo ID: 024163 Photo ID: 024164 Photo ID: 024165 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

FDR Memorial FDR Memorial No Data


Large memorial complex to the only man to serve four terms as US president from the Great Depression to the eve of victory in WWII. The monument has four areas, each one dedicated to one of his four terms in office.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.882801; Longitude: -77.04202
What3Words: shield.dunes.notion


Photo ID: 024176 Photo ID: 024177 Photo ID: 024180 Photo ID: 024182 Photo ID: 024183 Photo ID: 024184 Photo ID: 024185

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Korea Memorial Korea Memorial No Data


This moving memorial has 19 statues of soldiers walking in formation. All the soldiers have expressions of either fear or worry on their faces. Alongside the soldiers is a granite wall with the pictures of some of those who never returned etched into it.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.887749; Longitude: -77.047454
What3Words: caring.having.lance


Photo ID: 024153 Photo ID: 024201 Photo ID: 024202 Photo ID: 024203 Photo ID: 024204 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lincoln Memorial Lincoln Memorial No Data


One of the largest memorials on the National Mall, dedicated to the one of the most famous of the US presidents. Abraham Lincoln sits on a chair at the centre of the memorial with his Gettysburg address on one wall and his second inauguration address on the other.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.889267; Longitude: -77.050147
What3Words: relay.zips.legend


Photo ID: 024146 Photo ID: 024152 Photo ID: 024158 Photo ID: 024159 Photo ID: 024160 Photo ID: 024205 Photo ID: 024214

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

MLK Memorial MLK Memorial No Data


One of the newest memorials on the national mall, dedicated to the civil rights leader, includes many key quotes from speeches he gave during his lifetime.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.886277; Longitude: -77.044337
What3Words: panels.sling.waddled


Photo ID: 024195 Photo ID: 024196 Photo ID: 024197 Photo ID: 024198 Photo ID: 024199 Photo ID: 024200 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden No Data


Located on the national mall several large pieces of sculpture are located in a garden area around a large pool.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.891288; Longitude: -77.022948
What3Words: sung.sadly.doctor


Photo ID: 024267 Photo ID: 024268 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Smithsonian Smithsonian No Data


A large complex of 16 museums and galleries, the majority of which are based on the National Mall. The Smithsonian Castle, which was the original museum, now houses a visitor centre where you can learn about each of the museums and help decide on which ones you wish to visit. All the museums are free of charge to enter



Getting There

Latitude: 38.888774; Longitude: -77.026077
What3Words: model.both.mason


Photo ID: 024216 Photo ID: 024218 Photo ID: 024219 Photo ID: 024220 Photo ID: 024221 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Smithsonian - Hirshhorn Museum Smithsonian - Hirshhorn Museum No Data


The modern art gallery includes a number of temporary and permanent exhibition spaces.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.88818; Longitude: -77.023016
What3Words: patch.inform.follow


Photo ID: 024226 Photo ID: 024227 Photo ID: 024228 Photo ID: 024229 Photo ID: 024231 Photo ID: 024232 Photo ID: 024233

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Smithsonian - National Air and Space Museum Smithsonian - National Air and Space Museum No Data


Museum dedicated to flight, air travel and space travel. Exhibitions include the nose and cockpit from a 747, the Wright Flyer - the first plane to achieve powered flight, and other famous aircraft such as the Spirit of St Louis. The space section includes lunar modules, and recreations of key space technology such as the curiosity rover and the Voyager satellite.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.888232; Longitude: -77.019929
What3Words: scan.look.beyond


Photo ID: 024234 Photo ID: 024235 Photo ID: 024236 Photo ID: 024239 Photo ID: 024241 Photo ID: 024242 Photo ID: 024243

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Smithsonian - National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian - National Museum of Natural History No Data


The museum dedicated to the natural world including dinosaurs through to modern creatures as well as geology and geography. One of the key highlights is the impressive Hope diamond.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.89098; Longitude: -77.026202
What3Words: smart.sweep.token


Photo ID: 024269 Photo ID: 024271 Photo ID: 024273 Photo ID: 024275 Photo ID: 024277 Photo ID: 024278 Photo ID: 024280

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Smithsonian - National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian - National Museum of the American Indian No Data


The museum looks at the history and culture of all the native peoples of America from those living in the artic regions of modern day Canada and Alaska, down to those living in the southern tips of Chile and Argentina. Changing exhibitions focus on different nations, but there are also permanent exhibitions on the treatment of the native peoples of America by the arriving Europeans and through to modern day history and integration.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.888246; Longitude: -77.016821
What3Words: lungs.woke.teams


Photo ID: 024246 Photo ID: 024247 Photo ID: 024248 Photo ID: 024249 Photo ID: 024250 Photo ID: 024251 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

US Botanic Gardens - Conservatory US Botanic Gardens - Conservatory No Data


A series of greenhouses that house plants from across the nation including a desert room and a room that recreated the environment of Hawaii



Getting There

Latitude: 38.887963; Longitude: -77.01298
What3Words: depend.opera.gears


Photo ID: 024255 Photo ID: 024258 Photo ID: 024259 Photo ID: 024260 Photo ID: 024262 Photo ID: 024264 Photo ID: 024265

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

US Botanic Gardens - National Garden US Botanic Gardens - National Garden No Data


Garden located close to the Capitol building that houses a number of plants from across the nation.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.88801; Longitude: -77.014375
What3Words: prime.large.names


Photo ID: 024252 Photo ID: 024253 Photo ID: 024254 Photo ID: 024256 Photo ID: 024257 Photo ID: 024266 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (27/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Washington Monument Washington Monument No Data


The key monument on the National Mall, a tall obelisk visible from large parts of the city. At the time of visiting the monument was closed as the lifts were being replaced. Once that work has been completed you would be able to take a lift to the top viewing platform at the base of the pyramid on the top of the column.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.889424; Longitude: -77.035233
What3Words: glaze.ears.scrap


Photo ID: 024106 Photo ID: 024110 Photo ID: 024150 Photo ID: 024152 Photo ID: 024189 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (25/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

WWII Memorial WWII Memorial No Data


The memorial at the far end of the Reflecting Pool from the Lincoln Memorial is dedicated to the soldiers of the US who fought in all the battle fields of the second world war.



Getting There

Latitude: 38.889412; Longitude: -77.040845
What3Words: puts.jungle.boring


Photo ID: 024144 Photo ID: 024145 Photo ID: 024167 Photo ID: 024168 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (26/08/2018), and on time of last update (02/09/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

360 Chicago 360 Chicago No Data


Viewing platform on the 94th floor of the John Hancock building at the Northern end of the Magnificent Mile. This is the large really tall building at the Northern end of the city centre and gives excellent views both of the high rise city centre as well as further north up the sandy beaches of the lakeside.


Charge, Part of the Chicago Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 41.8988; Longitude: -87.623094
What3Words: basic.expand.expect


Photo ID: 025939 Photo ID: 026103 Photo ID: 026104 Photo ID: 026106 Photo ID: 026108 Photo ID: 026112 Photo ID: 026116

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/04/2019), and on time of last update (30/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Architectural River Cruise Architectural River Cruise No Data


Regular cruises sailing down the Chicago River with a tour guide giving a whistle-stop tour of the architecture and history of the city from it's founding, through its destruction in the 19th century fire and it's rebuilding as a planned city. The guide manages to talk about virtually every building seen on the tour.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.889124; Longitude: -87.622586
What3Words: long.drum.rents


Photo ID: 025906 Photo ID: 025909 Photo ID: 025918 Photo ID: 025921 Photo ID: 025922 Photo ID: 025930 Photo ID: 025933

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/04/2019), and on time of last update (30/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Big Bus Big Bus No Data


Standard hop-on-hop-off open-top bus tour with a live guide giving a running commentary of the key sights



Getting There

Latitude: 41.887486; Longitude: -87.626284
What3Words: tower.precautions.type


Photo ID: 025947 Photo ID: 025948 Photo ID: 025955 Photo ID: 025957 Photo ID: 025969 Photo ID: 025976 Photo ID: 025985

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (20/04/2019), and on time of last update (30/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Field Museum Field Museum No Data


The Field museum houses a massive collection of artefacts relating to the natural and human history of the planet. From the fullest T-Rex skeleton (called Sue) to ancient Egyptian Mummies via acres of stuffed animals and Native American headdresses. It could easily take days to look around the museum to truly take in everything on display, and that is only 2% of their total collection.


Charge, Part of the Chicago Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 41.866175; Longitude: -87.617026
What3Words: dots.exists.orbit


Photo ID: 025843 Photo ID: 025844 Photo ID: 025852 Photo ID: 025859 Photo ID: 025863 Photo ID: 025867 Photo ID: 025870

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/04/2019), and on time of last update (30/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lincoln Park Conservatory Lincoln Park Conservatory No Data


Located next to the northern exit from the zoo this large glasshouse complex has a number of different areas creating lots of climate zones. The large palm house is the key feature.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.923946; Longitude: -87.635233
What3Words: dwell.spun.even


Photo ID: 026129 Photo ID: 026134 Photo ID: 026136 Photo ID: 026139 Photo ID: 026142 Photo ID: 026144 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/04/2019), and on time of last update (30/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lincoln Park Zoo Lincoln Park Zoo No Data


Located in centre of Lincoln Park this free zoo has a reasonable number of exhibits, including Rhinos, Giraffe Polar Bears and Lions along with lots of smaller animals



Getting There

Latitude: 41.921719; Longitude: -87.63335
What3Words: puppy.card.ozone


Photo ID: 026121 Photo ID: 026123 Photo ID: 026143 Photo ID: 026158 Photo ID: 026162 Photo ID: 026165 Photo ID: 026168

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (23/04/2019), and on time of last update (30/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Maggie C Daley Park Maggie C Daley Park No Data


Located behind between the Millennium Park and the lake front this large park was named after the wife of the mayor of Chicago at the time, in a large part for her work in bringing young people from across the city together. The park features playgrounds, mini golf courses and climbing walls as well as lots of paths and the curving BP bridge linking it across to the Millennium Park



Getting There

Latitude: 41.882544; Longitude: -87.619024
What3Words: fine.avoid.brings


Photo ID: 026034 Photo ID: 026035 Photo ID: 026036 Photo ID: 026037 Photo ID: 026038 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2019), and on time of last update (30/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Millennium Park Millennium Park No Data


Over budget and four years late - anything with the word Millennium in it always appears to have had problems. Today this is an impressive park stretching along Michigan avenue. A number of sculptures and pieces of art are on display in the park, the most famous of all being Anish Kapors Cloud Gate, otherwise known as the bean.



Getting There

Latitude: 41.8827; Longitude: -87.623079
What3Words: drips.wiring.lowest


Photo ID: 026039 Photo ID: 026044 Photo ID: 026051 Photo ID: 026059 Photo ID: 026096 Photo ID: 026098 Photo ID: 026100

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2019), and on time of last update (30/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Shedd Aquarium Shedd Aquarium No Data


Located close to the Field Museum this large aquarium has a number of different display tanks highlighting species from around the world. A large pool at the back of the aquarium houses dolphins and Beluga Whales.


Charge, Part of the Chicago Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 41.867568; Longitude: -87.614039
What3Words: poem.paper.planet


Photo ID: 025878 Photo ID: 025880 Photo ID: 025882 Photo ID: 025887 Photo ID: 025888 Photo ID: 025891 Photo ID: 025896

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/04/2019), and on time of last update (30/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Skydeck Skydeck No Data


The 103rd floor of the Willis Tower (previously known as the Sears Tower). From here there are views over the whole of the city, and on a clear day over four states. The express elevators zip you up to the observation deck in 60 seconds. At the top, alongside views around the whole of the building, you can walk into the ledge - clear glass boxes (including the floors) that extend out over the pavement over 1000ft in the sky.


Charge, Part of the Chicago Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 41.878674; Longitude: -87.635866
What3Words: shade.give.third


Photo ID: 026004 Photo ID: 026007 Photo ID: 026013 Photo ID: 026061 Photo ID: 026068 Photo ID: 026074 Photo ID: 026078

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (21/04/2019), and on time of last update (30/04/2019) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Boston Common Boston Common No Data


The large open space was one of the first in the city to be made open to the public. Today it forms a peaceful green space in the city centre and is the starting point for the Freedom Trail



Getting There

Latitude: 42.354332; Longitude: -71.065499
What3Words: forces.lifts.motion


Photo ID: 022246 Photo ID: 022277 Photo ID: 022281 Photo ID: 022282 Photo ID: 022288 Photo ID: 022289 Photo ID: 022290

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Boston Public Garden Boston Public Garden No Data


Located next to Boston Common this is reclaimed ground and originally where the British soldiers would have boarded ships to cross over to Charlestown. Today it's a public garden with lots of species of tree, a large boating lake and lots of paths.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.354127; Longitude: -71.069946
What3Words: recent.amuse.talked


Photo ID: 022283 Photo ID: 022284 Photo ID: 022285 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum No Data


Located close to where the tea party took place (the actual dock has been lost to development), this interactive museum takes you through the events from the build up, the town meetings and the act itself. Everyone can take a turn in throwing bales of tea over the side of the ship, before returning into the museum itself for short multimedia presentations on what the outcome of the protest were.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.352167; Longitude: -71.051292
What3Words: shut.races.universally


Photo ID: 022240 Photo ID: 022311 Photo ID: 022312 Photo ID: 022313 Photo ID: 022314 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bunker Hill Monument Bunker Hill Monument No Data


A large stone column monument to the battle at the top of the hill. You can climb the steps inside the monument to the top to take in the views of the city


Charge to ascend monument

Getting There

The monument is located at the end of the Freedom Trail. If you are visiting separately the quickest way is to catch the cross harbour Charlestown ferry from Long Wharf. Ferries cost $3.50 (April 2018), run every 15-30 minutes and take 10 minutes to make the crossing. From the landing stage in Charlestown it's about a 10 minute walk up to the sites at Bunker Hill
Latitude: 42.376315; Longitude: -71.060799
What3Words: worth.soup.twins


Photo ID: 022334 Photo ID: 022336 Photo ID: 022337 Photo ID: 022338 Photo ID: 022339 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bunker Hill Museum Bunker Hill Museum No Data


A small museum located in the former public library that tells the story of the battle of bunker hill, a pyrrhic victory for the British at the start of the American War of Independence. The British had planned to take the high ground so that they could control the city of Boston, but the locals had gotten word and fortified it themselves. It took the British three attempts to take the fortifications and in the process nearly half the soldiers were either killed or injured.



Getting There

The museum is located at the end of the Freedom Trail. If you are visiting separately the quickest way is to catch the cross harbour Charlestown ferry from Long Wharf. Ferries cost $3.50 (April 2018), run every 15-30 minutes and take 10 minutes to make the crossing. From the landing stage in Charlestown it's about a 10 minute walk up to the sites at Bunker Hill
Latitude: 42.375618; Longitude: -71.061409
What3Words: slate.claim.breed


Photo ID: 022335 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Freedom Trail Freedom Trail No Data


Running for around 3 miles through the centre of the city from Boston Common out to the site of one of the earliest battles of the War of Independence at Bunker Hill the opposite side of the Charles River in Charlestown. The route winds its way through the centre of the city taking in key sights like the burial grounds housing some of the key figures of the war, the old state house and the former home of Paul Revere. A brick/paint line on the sidewalk guides you all the way.


Free. Guided tours (at a charge) available

Getting There

Latitude: 42.355393; Longitude: -71.063757
What3Words: twig.lock.ruled


Photo ID: 022306 Photo ID: 022294 Photo ID: 022299 Photo ID: 022305 Photo ID: 022318 Photo ID: 022320 Photo ID: 022334

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Granary Burying Ground Granary Burying Ground No Data


One of the largest of the city centre burial grounds and the final resting place of several key players in the American war of Independence including Paul Revere, Samuel Adamas and John Hancock.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.357411; Longitude: -71.061711
What3Words: always.achieving.cherry
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harvard - Museum of Natural History Harvard - Museum of Natural History No Data


An impressive museum with a large collection of exhibits that look at all elements of natural history. Included in the collection are several examples of reproductions of sea creatures in glass - these stunning items look as though they are the real creatures and it is difficult to tell that they are actually just made from blown glass.


Charge, ticket covers both the Museum of Natural History and the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology as they are linked inside the same building. Entering either one gives you access to the other

Getting There

Latitude: 42.378462; Longitude: -71.115571
What3Words: give.remove.calls


Photo ID: 022346 Photo ID: 022347 Photo ID: 022348 Photo ID: 022350 Photo ID: 022353 Photo ID: 022356 Photo ID: 022358

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harvard - Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard - Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology No Data


Located in the same building as the Natural History Museum the Peabody houses a large collection of artefacts relating to the indigenous populations of the Americas including reproductions of key sites and examples of warrior dress from different Native American tribes.


Charge, ticket covers both the Museum of Natural History and the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology as they are linked inside the same building. Entering either one gives you access to the other

Getting There

Latitude: 42.378249; Longitude: -71.114591
What3Words: refers.hiking.lied


Photo ID: 022346 Photo ID: 022359 Photo ID: 022361 Photo ID: 022362 Photo ID: 022636 Photo ID: 022366 Photo ID: 022368

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Harvard - University Harvard - University No Data


One of the worlds leading institutions of higher education and a byword for the best in education. You can wander round the campus - though unlike Oxford or Cambridge in the UK there are less dreaming spires and medieval cloisters


Free to look around

Getting There

From the centre of town the Red Line subway goes out to Harvard. The subway station entrance is right by the main entrance to the campus. Trains run every 5 minutes or so and take about 15 minutes from Downtown Crossing
Latitude: 42.374089; Longitude: -71.116333
What3Words: deaf.tame.focal


Photo ID: 022340 Photo ID: 022341 Photo ID: 022342 Photo ID: 022343 Photo ID: 022344 Photo ID: 022345 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Historic Harbour Cruise Historic Harbour Cruise No Data


A 90 minute cruise around the harbour and some of the islands a short ride from the centre of Boston. The tour ends by doing a short circuit round East Boston and Charlestown to take in the naval dockyard. A live narration is given all the way round



Getting There

Latitude: 42.359375; Longitude: -71.050201
What3Words: spend.title.fend


Photo ID: 022396 Photo ID: 022401 Photo ID: 022043 Photo ID: 022404 Photo ID: 022405 Photo ID: 022407 Photo ID: 022412

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kings Chapel Kings Chapel No Data


On the site of the first church built in Boston, the Victorian era stone church keeps much of the original layout including the named pews.


Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 42.358; Longitude: -71.059992
What3Words: items.brave.teach


Photo ID: 022280 Photo ID: 022300 Photo ID: 022301 Photo ID: 022302 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kings Chapel Burying Ground Kings Chapel Burying Ground No Data


Located next to the Kings Chapel, this is the oldest burial ground in the city and includes the remains of some of the first settlers in the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.358246; Longitude: -71.059855
What3Words: scuba.ozone.magma
Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

MBTA Charlestown Ferry MBTA Charlestown Ferry No Data


A good way of seeing the inner harbour and the area around the dock yard without paying for a harbour cruise.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.359487; Longitude: -71.050461
What3Words: joined.poetic.effort


Photo ID: 022323 Photo ID: 022324 Photo ID: 022325 Photo ID: 022326 Photo ID: 022327 Photo ID: 022328 Photo ID: 022330

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

MBTA Hull /Hingham Ferry MBTA Hull /Hingham Ferry No Data


A good way of seeing the islands of the harbour for a lot less than a harbour cruise. Commuter ferries leave about every hour heading out through the islands to Hull and then onto Hingham. Whilst you don't get the commentary of a harbour cruise you do get to see more of the islands and for significantly less



Getting There

Latitude: 42.360952; Longitude: -71.050013
What3Words: wallet.region.universally


Photo ID: 022417 Photo ID: 022418 Photo ID: 022419 Photo ID: 022420 Photo ID: 022421 Photo ID: 022423 Photo ID: 022425

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

New England Aquarium New England Aquarium No Data


This large aquarium houses a number of species in its main tank, including two enormous sea turtles as well as sharks and rays. There are also several large colonies of penguins along with seals and sea lions in tanks outside. The aquarium has a large number of exhibitions on the oceans as well as mans impact on them.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.359228; Longitude: -71.049198
What3Words: fields.ticket.voters


Photo ID: 022372 Photo ID: 022376 Photo ID: 022380 Photo ID: 022383 Photo ID: 022390 Photo ID: 022391 Photo ID: 022392

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/04/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

New England Holocaust Memorial New England Holocaust Memorial No Data


Located behind the modern city hall these six columns have over a million numbers etched onto each - over six million in total, symbolising the camp numbers given to holocaust victims, with the six towers representing the six main extermination camps in Nazi occupied Poland. Vents from the city's district heating system open up inside the columns shrouding the insides in a warm mist that deadens the sound of the neighbouring fast running road.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.361293; Longitude: -71.057285
What3Words: signal.deeply.today


Photo ID: 022265 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/03/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old North Church Old North Church No Data


The church from which lanterns were lit on the night of Paul Revere's midnight ride to show that the British were coming. Today you can look around the church or join a tour to climb up the tower to view where the lanterns were placed


Suggested Donation. Charge to join a tower tour

Getting There

Latitude: 42.366328; Longitude: -71.054457
What3Words: pops.wiring.hardly


Photo ID: 022319 Photo ID: 022320 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old State House Old State House No Data


The former governors house and the site of the Boston Massacre, one of the starting points of the American war of Independence. Today the building is open to look around and houses an exhibition on the build up to, and events of both the massacre and the start of the war.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.358728; Longitude: -71.057474
What3Words: agents.even.knee


Photo ID: 022244 Photo ID: 022268 Photo ID: 022270 Photo ID: 022273 Photo ID: 022308 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/03/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Old Town Trolley Tours Old Town Trolley Tours No Data


Hop-on-hop-off trolley tours (adapted trucks rather than actual trams) that run round the city centre and out to MIT taking in the key sights. The driver provides a running commentary all the way round.



Getting There

Latitude: 42.360234; Longitude: -71.052042
What3Words: cloak.deputy.puddles


Photo ID: 022231 Photo ID: 022239 Photo ID: 022244 Photo ID: 022247 Photo ID: 022254 Photo ID: 022259 Photo ID: 022260

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/03/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Paul Revere House Paul Revere House No Data


The home of one of the key figures of the War of Independence, best known for his midnight ride to warn the citizens of the colony that the British soldiers were coming ashore, he was also a highly skilled craftsman and father to 16 children. The house tells more about the man and his life



Getting There

Latitude: 42.363726; Longitude: -71.053679
What3Words: grin.answer.struck


Photo ID: 022315 Photo ID: 022316 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2018), and on time of last update (15/04/2018) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aria Express Aria Express No Data


A free cable tram that runs from the back of the Bellagio through the Aria complex to the Park MGM hotel. Whilst it's a lengthy walk through the complexes to get to the tram it does provide a fully air conditioned route through the middle section of the strip which is very useful on hot days.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.110144; Longitude: -115.177456
What3Words: former.save.tunes


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bellagio Fountains Bellagio Fountains No Data


Every 15-30 minutes the fountains in front of the hotel put on a display synchronised with a famous music track.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.11291; Longitude: -115.173292
What3Words: fork.sand.diary


Photo ID: 045347 Photo ID: 045348 Photo ID: 045349 Photo ID: 045352 Photo ID: 045358 Photo ID: 045426 Photo ID: 045427

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Caesars Palace Caesars Palace No Data


One of the largest of the resort complexes alongside the large hotel building there is also major theatre, a large shopping centre called the Forum as well as landscaped gardens which include many nods to Rome including a recreated Trevi Fountain. Inside the Forum shopping centre is the Fall of Atlantis animatronic show that is free to view and runs every hour from 12-8 Thursday to Monday. The forum is also home to several spiral escalators which are a slightly weird experience to ride on.


Free to look around, Fall of Atlantis is free to view

Getting There

Latitude: 36.116181; Longitude: -115.174709
What3Words: lodge.loving.across


Photo ID: 045438 Photo ID: 045439 Photo ID: 045643 Photo ID: 045649 Photo ID: 045654 Photo ID: 045658 Photo ID: 045668

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Comedy on Deck Tour Comedy on Deck Tour No Data


A full day bus tour that sets off before dawn (6am pickups) and starts with a stop for breakfast on the outskirts of Las Vegas before heading to the Hoover Dam and then onto the Grand Canyon before returning to Vegas. The reason for the early start, particularly at weekends, is to get you to the main attractions ahead of the bulk of the crowds. When I travelled it was Easter Sunday and due to the expected crowds the itinerary was changed so that we headed straight to the Grand Canyon after breakfast, being the first tour group to arrive and amongst the very first people of the morning through the gates. Consequently we got to see the main sights with no crowds or queues. At the Canyon the first stop is Eagle Point for the Skywalk and Village and then round to Guano Point for an included lunch and sightseeing from there.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.11442; Longitude: -115.170484
What3Words: slam.with.saints


Photo ID: 045592 Photo ID: 045595 Photo ID: 045602 Photo ID: 045603 Photo ID: 045626 Photo ID: 045627 Photo ID: 045630

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Deuce Deuce No Data


The local transport companies main bus service running up and down the strip from just south of the airport to Fremont Street in downtown. Depending on traffic a full journey can take between 60 and 90 minutes, but buses are every 10-15 minutes during the day and at least every 20 minutes through the night, so you can always get around. The bus route is called Deuce because it is operated by double decker buses and the views from the top deck are excellent. Best views are taken by sitting on the drivers side to view the buildings on the opposite side of the road.


In 2023 you can buy a 2 hour ticket for the Deuce for $6, a 24 hour ticket for all bus services in Las Vegas for $8 or a 72 hour ticket for $20 (the latter only available from the vending machines at stops)

Getting There

Latitude: 36.16956; Longitude: -115.140596
What3Words: rails.speeds.scout


Photo ID: 045286 Photo ID: 045287 Photo ID: 045288 Photo ID: 045290 Photo ID: 045294 Photo ID: 045295 Photo ID: 045296

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Fremont Street Fremont Street No Data


Located in Downtown, rather than the strip, this is the home to the original casinos of the city before the large resort complexes spread out along the strip. Today the whole area has been pedestrianised and a large roof placed over the top that has a screen on the inside that can be used to project shows onto. Of an evening there is a regular show that takes place each hour.


Free to wander around

Getting There

Latitude: 36.170763; Longitude: -115.144091
What3Words: clips.giving.fancy


Photo ID: 045332 Photo ID: 045333 Photo ID: 045334 Photo ID: 045335 Photo ID: 045336 Photo ID: 045337 Photo ID: 045340

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Las Vegas Sign Las Vegas Sign No Data


Perhaps the most iconic symbol of the city, the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign has been welcoming visitors coming into the city from the south for years. Today it's located in the middle of a six lane highway, but crosswalks and a segregated area make it safe to get across and visit. What the photos never really show is that the sign is always busy with visitors and it takes some angling to get a photo that doesn't include lots of other people



Getting There

Latitude: 36.082067; Longitude: -115.172774
What3Words: suffer.finds.awards


Photo ID: 045281 Photo ID: 045282 Photo ID: 045283 Photo ID: 045284 Photo ID: 045285 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Luxor Luxor No Data


Located towards the very southern end of the strip the hotel and casino is built inside a giant pyramid and has an Egyptian theme with a Sphynx, obelisk and many other nods to ancient Egypt. There are also several exhibition spaces showing exhibits on King Tut, Titanic and Body Worlds


Free to look around, charge for the exhibitions

Getting There

Latitude: 36.095583; Longitude: -115.175826
What3Words: calms.stem.laying


Photo ID: 045287 Photo ID: 045690 Photo ID: 045691 Photo ID: 045695 Photo ID: 045697 Photo ID: 045698 Photo ID: 045700

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mandalay Bay Tram Mandalay Bay Tram No Data


A free cable tram that runs from the Excalibur hotel south to the Mandalay Bay. Southbound trams run non-stop to Mandalay Bay, northbound trams stop additionally at Luxor and the casino end of Excalibur. This provides a convenient way of getting between the resorts at the southern end of the strip, particularly useful on hot days.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.099906; Longitude: -115.173582
What3Words: pink.shirts.sports


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mirage Tram Mirage Tram No Data


A free cable tram that runs between the Treasure Island resort and The Mirage, saving a lengthy walk, particularly on a hot day as the tram is air conditioned.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.121813; Longitude: -115.173337
What3Words: fuzzy.visual.menu


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mob Museum Mob Museum No Data


Located in the former Post Office and Court House of Las Vegas, where in the 1950s some of the hearings into the level of organized crime that was taking place in America were held, the National Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement tells the history of organised crime in the US, how it came about, how it thrived and how it has been and continues to be tackled. Exhibits include the wall against which seven mobsters were murdered in the St Valentines Day massacre and the court room where hearings into organised crime in America were held. The museum has a particular focus on organised crime in Las Vegas and the mobs involvement in the development of the city as it is today.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.17277; Longitude: -115.141264
What3Words: zips.drives.play


Photo ID: 045329 Photo ID: 045330 Photo ID: 045331 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

New York New York New York New York No Data


A resort complex themed around New York with recreations of many of the city's sights including a replica Statue of Liberty and a Brooklyn Bridge. Across the complex a rollercoaster runs on a loop to add some thrills to the resort.


Free to look around, Charge for the Rollercoaster

Getting There

Latitude: 36.102206; Longitude: -115.174053
What3Words: trains.logo.hunt


Photo ID: 045675 Photo ID: 045676 Photo ID: 045679 Photo ID: 045680 Photo ID: 045682 Photo ID: 045683 Photo ID: 045687

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (10/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Paris Paris No Data


This resort complex is modelled round the French capital, complete with a 1/2 sized Eiffel Tower which you can take a lift up to the viewing platform at the top (for a charge), there is also a recreation of the Arc de Triumph.


Free to look around, charge to go up the tower

Getting There

Latitude: 36.112646; Longitude: -115.172096
What3Words: vivid.admiral.salads


Photo ID: 045408 Photo ID: 045411 Photo ID: 045414 Photo ID: 045415 Photo ID: 045416 Photo ID: 045417 Photo ID: 045421

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Bellagio The Bellagio No Data


Perhaps one of the most famous of the city's casino hotel complexes, and one of the poshest - it houses a small botanical garden in the conservatory and in the main entrance there is a Chihuly glasswork in the ceiling. There is even a fine art gallery located deep within the complex (extra charge to view the gallery)


Free to look around, charge for the gallery

Getting There

Latitude: 36.113231; Longitude: -115.175427
What3Words: gifts.foods.ample


Photo ID: 045428 Photo ID: 045430 Photo ID: 045431 Photo ID: 045432 Photo ID: 045433 Photo ID: 045434 Photo ID: 045435

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Flamingo The Flamingo No Data


Housed in the grounds of this hotel and casino complex is a small wildlife park housing some different fishes, turtles and - naturally given the hotels name - some flamingos.


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 36.116577; Longitude: -115.171221
What3Words: bench.serve.boring


Photo ID: 045396 Photo ID: 045397 Photo ID: 045398 Photo ID: 045399 Photo ID: 045400 Photo ID: 045401 Photo ID: 045402

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Mirage Volcano The Mirage Volcano No Data


Located in the grounds of the Mirage hotel this fountain during the day turns into a fire shooting volcano at night as it puts on a five minute display at the top of each hour from 7pm-11pm. The display is free to watch



Getting There

Latitude: 36.121309; Longitude: -115.172686
What3Words: courier.pets.camps


Photo ID: 045395 Photo ID: 045447 Photo ID: 045450 Photo ID: 045454 Photo ID: 045455 Photo ID: 045457 Photo ID: 045459

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Strip The Strip No Data


The part of Las Vegas that everyone thinks of when they picture the city with the massive casino and hotel resort complexes stretching the length of it. You can wander into most of the casinos and hotels to take a look at their over the top embellishments such as a recreation of the centre of Venice, New York or a half sized Eiffel Tower.


Free to wander along the strip and into the hotel lobbies

Getting There

Latitude: 36.108503; Longitude: -115.172949
What3Words: craft.change.sugar


Photo ID: 045448 Photo ID: 045641 Photo ID: 045642 Photo ID: 045674 Photo ID: 045678 Photo ID: 045681 Photo ID: 045682

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (06/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Venetian The Venetian No Data


One of the largest of the resort complexes alongside the large hotel building there is also a themed shopping mall which is styled to look like the Italian city, complete with a grand canal and gondolas running down the second floor mall. Outside there is a recreation of the Doges Palace, St Marks Bell Tower and the Realto Bridge, along with further gondolas. You can wander around the mall and complex for free, but the gondola rides costs at a similar level to those in the real Venice!


Free to look around, charge for Gondola rides

Getting There

Latitude: 36.121781; Longitude: -115.170427
What3Words: paying.land.vines


Photo ID: 045364 Photo ID: 045367 Photo ID: 045372 Photo ID: 045376 Photo ID: 045383 Photo ID: 045384 Photo ID: 045387

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (07/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valley of Fire Tour Valley of Fire Tour No Data


A half day tour that sets off around 8am, back in Vegas by 2pm visiting the Valley of Fire State Park, around 45 miles North East of the city. The drive is also your guide as they take you to several different stops within the park. A small snack and water is included in the tour price



Getting There

Latitude: 36.114367; Longitude: -115.169616
What3Words: lime.maker.dining


Photo ID: 045461 Photo ID: 045463 Photo ID: 045467 Photo ID: 045510 Photo ID: 045519 Photo ID: 045523 Photo ID: 045569

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grand Canyon West: Eagle Point Grand Canyon West: Eagle Point No Data


One of the main view points down into the Canyon, at a point 4,000 ft above the floor of the canyon - which make it very difficult to judge distances and scale as it's on such a vast size.


Charge, included in entrance fee for Grand Canyon West

Getting There

Latitude: 36.01105; Longitude: -113.811342
What3Words: crackers.enlighten.toehold


Photo ID: 045571 Photo ID: 045572 Photo ID: 045575 Photo ID: 045576 Photo ID: 045579 Photo ID: 045586 Photo ID: 045590

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grand Canyon West: Guano Point Grand Canyon West: Guano Point No Data


Located opposite a cave that houses a large number of bats, and in the early 1900s was mined to remove the guano for sale as fertiliser. The promontory of land stands out over the Colorado river deep below offering stunning views of the walls of the canyon plunging down to the river at the bottom.


Charge, included in entrance fee for Grand Canyon West

Getting There

Latitude: 36.032899; Longitude: -113.824911
What3Words: dawn.sung.unhooked


Photo ID: 045599 Photo ID: 045600 Photo ID: 045602 Photo ID: 045608 Photo ID: 045611 Photo ID: 045618 Photo ID: 045620

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grand Canyon West: Native American Village Grand Canyon West: Native American Village No Data


Located at Eagle Point there are a series of reconstructed buildings that show the typical types of structures that the Native American people, who still own the land here, built


Charge, included in entrance fee for Grand Canyon West

Getting There

Latitude: 36.01223; Longitude: -113.812747
What3Words: moths.intricate.feudal


Photo ID: 045583 Photo ID: 045584 Photo ID: 045585 Photo ID: 045586 Photo ID: 045588 Photo ID: 045589 Photo ID: 045591

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grand Canyon West: Sky Walk Grand Canyon West: Sky Walk No Data


A glass walkway that juts out over the canyon edge offering views down to the river 4,000 feet below. Note - you are not permitted to take anything onto the walkway including Cameras and phones - the only way to get photos is to buy an (expensive) photo package.


Charge, Additional charge on top of the entrance fee to Grand Canyon West

Getting There

Latitude: 36.011952; Longitude: -113.810778
What3Words: misfits.propping.alas


Photo ID: 045574 Photo ID: 045582 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valley of Fire: Elephant Rock Valley of Fire: Elephant Rock No Data


Located at the eastern end of the park this rock formation looks remarkably like an Elephant. The position of the trail here is high on the ridge so there are excellent views across the park and out further into the desert surrounding the park



Getting There

Latitude: 36.42814; Longitude: -114.460236
What3Words: payphone.foes.sensations


Photo ID: 045472 Photo ID: 045474 Photo ID: 045476 Photo ID: 045477 Photo ID: 045479 Photo ID: 045482 Photo ID: 045484

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valley of Fire: Fire Canyon Valley of Fire: Fire Canyon No Data


A large canyon where the different types of rock are clearly on display with the deep red and light yellow rocks appearing to be pushed together



Getting There

Latitude: 36.454871; Longitude: -114.50173
What3Words: childcare.cools.pivot


Photo ID: 045539 Photo ID: 045540 Photo ID: 045541 Photo ID: 045543 Photo ID: 045544 Photo ID: 045545 Photo ID: 045546

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valley of Fire: Fire Wave Valley of Fire: Fire Wave No Data


A rock formation that shows the different layers of rock as they were laid down when the area was under the sea hundreds of millions of years ago. The rippling rocks in different colours make for an incredible sight. The natural yellow sandstone is dotted with red streaks from iron ore deposits and purple streaks from manganese deposits.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.488087; Longitude: -114.529131
What3Words: stance.redwoods.sleeper


Photo ID: 045524 Photo ID: 045526 Photo ID: 045527 Photo ID: 045528 Photo ID: 045530 Photo ID: 045531 Photo ID: 045534

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valley of Fire: Historic Cabins Valley of Fire: Historic Cabins No Data


Former camping cabins that were built from the local stone when the park was created in the 1930s and in use up until the 1960s. Immediately behind the cabins are some original Petroglyphs that were drawn by the indigenous people of the area around 4,000 years ago.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.430683; Longitude: -114.481538
What3Words: confiscate.appealing.investigator


Photo ID: 045490 Photo ID: 045491 Photo ID: 045493 Photo ID: 045497 Photo ID: 045499 Photo ID: 045501 Photo ID: 045502

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valley of Fire: Turtle Rock Valley of Fire: Turtle Rock No Data


A rock formation that looks quite a lot like a turtle. On the opposite side of the road is a smooth slope that allows you to get elevation over the surrounding area and to look down the road that has been carved between the mountains on either side.



Getting There

Latitude: 36.450845; Longitude: -114.515522
What3Words: snowflake.permissions.avoid


Photo ID: 045547 Photo ID: 045549 Photo ID: 045552 Photo ID: 045553 Photo ID: 045554 Photo ID: 045558 Photo ID: 045562

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valley of Fire: Visitors Centre Valley of Fire: Visitors Centre No Data


The visitors centre is located at the junction of the two main areas of the park and has exhibitions on how the landscape was formed. There is also a gift shop and rest room facilities



Getting There

Latitude: 36.429918; Longitude: -114.513797
What3Words: overdone.needy.invited


Photo ID: 045513 Photo ID: 045514 Photo ID: 045515 Photo ID: 045516 Photo ID: 045517 Photo ID: 045518 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grand Canyon West Grand Canyon West No Data


The western end of the Grand Canyon, located about a 2.5 hour drive from Las Vegas. The land is owned by the Hualapai people who operate the site. There are a number of attractions and view points on the site which can only be visited using the transport provided by the site or on an organised coach tour



Getting There

There is no access via public transport, you either need to have your own transport or join an organised tour.
Latitude: 35.987672; Longitude: -113.820547
What3Words: uploaded.cushion.greased


Photo ID: 045573 Photo ID: 045574 Photo ID: 045596 Photo ID: 045598 Photo ID: 045613 Photo ID: 045614 Photo ID: 045615

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Hoover Dam Hoover Dam No Data


An engineering masterpiece that created both a Hydroelectric power station and a source of drinking water for the growing Las Vegas, as well as creating thousands of jobs during the depression. The dam is still producing power today (though due to the chronically low water levels in Lake Mead that is at a much reduced level). It is possible to book tours that drive across the top of the dam itself, but for the best views of the dam you need to go to the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge opposite the dam where you can take in the full sweep of the dam wall.


Charge to access the viewing platform

Getting There

There is no access via public transport, you either need to have your own transport or join an organised tour.
Latitude: 36.012646; Longitude: -114.741367
What3Words: warbler.feathered.ensemble


Photo ID: 045629 Photo ID: 045630 Photo ID: 045631 Photo ID: 045632 Photo ID: 045633 Photo ID: 045634 Photo ID: 045365

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (09/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Valley of Fire State Park Valley of Fire State Park No Data


Located in the Mojave Desert this state park covers the area of the rock formations and caves that were created millions of years ago when this land was under the sea. You can explore large parts of the park on signed trails.


Charge to enter

Getting There

There is no access via public transport, you either need to have your own transport or join an organised tour.
Latitude: 36.405766; Longitude: -114.566773
What3Words: sedan.system.enlarging


Photo ID: 045485 Photo ID: 045506 Photo ID: 045512 Photo ID: 045520 Photo ID: 045545 Photo ID: 045563 Photo ID: 045567

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (08/04/2023), and on time of last update (16/04/2023) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

9/11 Memorial 9/11 Memorial No Data


The foot prints of the South and North towers of the World Trade Centre have been turned into a memorial to all those who died as a result of the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers on September 11th 2001. Single trickles of water fall down the sides of what would have been the edge of the foundations of each tower where they meet in a pool at the bottom and then merge to form a cascade down into a lower pool. Around the top the names of every victim is cut into the stone. In the heart of the bustle of downtown Manhattan the memorial remains a quiet place of contemplation. Each day roses are placed in the names of anyone whose birthday it would have been, had they survived - adding to the poignancy.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.711563; Longitude: -74.013232
What3Words: verse.king.beard


Photo ID: 019048 Photo ID: 019070 Photo ID: 019072 Photo ID: 019224 Photo ID: 019225 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

9/11 Memorial Museum 9/11 Memorial Museum No Data


Located beneath the 9/11 memorial, and in large parts within the footprints of the twin towers, this museum tells the story of September 11th including the events of the day and its aftermath as well as the background and build up to the events. Some of the exhibits are moving and in places quite harrowing, such as small - but identifiable - fragments of plane fuselage from the twin tower attacks or the twisted wreckage of a fire truck. Whilst the images of the attacks are well known and seen watching them at the very point where the attacks took place and so many people lost their lives makes it a lot more vivid and horrific. It's a difficult museum to look round, but one that you need to visit to understand much of what has happened since. I visited just as it opened at 9am and this is a good time as the queues are very short and the museum is quiet, by the time I left at midday the museum was becoming very crowded.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.711533; Longitude: -74.012412
What3Words: elder.magic.bricks


Photo ID: 019048 Photo ID: 019216 Photo ID: 019218 Photo ID: 019219 Photo ID: 019220 Photo ID: 019222 Photo ID: 019223

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Battery Park Battery Park No Data


Located at the southern tip of Manhattan and overlooking the point where the Hudson and East Rivers merge the small park includes some of the former defences for the city. There are good views across the water to Liberty and Ellis islands



Getting There

Latitude: 40.703662; Longitude: -74.016273
What3Words: ties.retail.comet


Photo ID: 019175 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brighton Beach Brighton Beach No Data


A long sandy beach located at the bottom of Brooklyn. There are a number of restaurants and cafes lining the boardwalk if you get hungry walking the path.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.575146; Longitude: -73.959405
What3Words: counts.exists.punchy


Photo ID: 019212 Photo ID: 019213 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brooklyn Botanic Gardens Brooklyn Botanic Gardens No Data


The popular gardens are located on the edge of Prospect Park and cover a variety of plant types and environments including a number of glasshouses.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.669437; Longitude: -73.962426
What3Words: spider.ships.charmingly


Photo ID: 019196 Photo ID: 019197 Photo ID: 019198 Photo ID: 019199 Photo ID: 019200 Photo ID: 019204 Photo ID: 019205

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Brooklyn Bridge Brooklyn Bridge No Data


One of the most iconic bridges in the world and used in countless films as short hand for both New York in general and Brooklyn specifically. You can walk across the bridge on the pedestrian footpath that runs through the centre of the bridge, though it can be very busy with other tourists.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.705859; Longitude: -73.996554
What3Words: remain.afford.year


Photo ID: 019068 Photo ID: 019111 Photo ID: 019159 Photo ID: 019161 Photo ID: 019162 Photo ID: 019163 Photo ID: 019164

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Central Park Central Park No Data


The iconic park of New York, covering over 800 acres in the heart of the uptown area of the city. The park has many different areas to explore from wide open expanses of lawn to The Rambles walk through winding paths amongst the trees and natural rock outcrops to the large lakes, skating rink and other attractions dotted all over the park. You can spend many hours just wandering round the paths and trails.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.783692; Longitude: -73.964936
What3Words: wiring.slam.veal


Photo ID: 044362 Photo ID: 044364 Photo ID: 044365 Photo ID: 044371 Photo ID: 044374 Photo ID: 044389 Photo ID: 044393

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Charging Bull Charging Bull No Data


Perhaps one of the most famous of New York's statues. Now located on Bowling Green a short walk from Wall Street.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.705565; Longitude: -74.01344
What3Words: sentences.towns.player


Photo ID: 019077 Photo ID: 019078 Photo ID: 019085 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Coney Island Coney Island No Data


Famous for it's fair which still contains a number of historic rides it's still a popular destination, particularly on a sunny Sunday


Free to wander around, charges for rides

Getting There

Latitude: 40.573179; Longitude: -73.979664
What3Words: puff.super.dairy


Photo ID: 019214 Photo ID: 019215 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ellis Island: National Museum of Immigration Ellis Island: National Museum of Immigration No Data


Its estimated that over 12 million people passed through the immigration desks at Ellis island over the 50 or so years that the site was operational. Left to decay in the 1950s but rescued by the National Parks Service in the 1980s and restored to how it would have looked at the start of the 20th century. You can walk round the main parts of the building that new arrivals to America would have experienced, including the baggage hall on the ground floor and then the registration hall on the floor above. There are several exhibits that look at people coming to America from the 16th Century up until the creation of Ellis Island in the 1880s, then the period of Ellis Island, before a final exhibit on Immigration since the 1950s. There is also a 30 minute film you can watch that tells a little more about how the island operated. If you had, or suspect you had, relatives who landed at Ellis Island you can use the research terminals to investigate.


Included in Statue City Cruise fare

Getting There

Latitude: 40.699074; Longitude: -74.03963
What3Words: deed.exams.swan


Photo ID: 044281 Photo ID: 044283 Photo ID: 044284 Photo ID: 044285 Photo ID: 044288 Photo ID: 044299 Photo ID: 044300

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Governors Island Governors Island No Data


Located about 800m off of Manhattan this small island was an important military and then coast guard location up until it was sold back to the city in the early 2000 and started to be converted to a park. There are many historical buildings, though none were open at the time I visited (until 2021 the island was closed to the public in the Winter months, so it's possible that in future years more things will be open in the winter). There are several park areas around the Western side of the island, which takes about an hour to walk all the way round. There are three public bike hire stations dotted round the island, as well as a separate hire business hiring out regular bikes and 2, 4 and 6 people bikes


Island is free to explore but there is a charge for the ferry to the island (journey back is free). Ferries before midday on Saturday and Sunday are also free)

Getting There

Ferry to Governors Island leaves from near the Staten Island Ferry by the Whitehall Street Subway station
Latitude: 40.689493; Longitude: -74.018977
What3Words: shared.mile.cakes


Photo ID: 044301 Photo ID: 044315 Photo ID: 044318 Photo ID: 044322 Photo ID: 044388 Photo ID: 044341 Photo ID: 044345

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Grand Central Terminal Grand Central Terminal No Data


A truly massive station located in the heart of Manhattan and serving lines mostly heading North out of the peninsular. Even if you're not travelling it's worth visiting inside just to get the sheer scale and size of the building


Free to look around

Getting There

Latitude: 40.752866; Longitude: -73.977206
What3Words: logo.trees.rocky


Photo ID: 044420 Photo ID: 044421 Photo ID: 044424 Photo ID: 044425 Photo ID: 044426 Photo ID: 044428 Photo ID: 044430

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Guggenheim Museum Guggenheim Museum No Data


Located in one of the most striking low rise buildings in New York, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, the museum houses a collection of modern art. The main gallery is arranged round the walls of the 7 story rotunda with a gradual slope curving down the building housing the exhibit space. Even if you're not into art the museum is worth visiting just for the building itself.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.782955; Longitude: -73.958973
What3Words: rocky.twist.fake


Photo ID: 044141 Photo ID: 044143 Photo ID: 044144 Photo ID: 044145 Photo ID: 044146 Photo ID: 044149 Photo ID: 044154

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

High Line High Line No Data


The former freight line from Penn Street Station into the Meatpacking district was left abandoned for decades and was threated with being demolished, and large parts already had, prior to it being saved and turned into a pleasant 1.5 mile walk way in the sky threading through the buildings of Midtown New York City. Plants and trees that had already started to occupy the line when it was derelict have been added to alongside art works and benches.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.739467; Longitude: -74.008182
What3Words: thick.powers.boat


Photo ID: 019086 Photo ID: 019087 Photo ID: 019177 Photo ID: 019186 Photo ID: 019188 Photo ID: 019192 Photo ID: 019195

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liberty Cruise Liberty Cruise No Data


A 75 minute cruise that heads out from slip 5, to the side of the Staten Island Ferry terminal, and runs up the Hudson river to around the area where the United Airlines plane ditched in the Miracle on the Hudson before it turns back down the Hudson and out past Ellis Island to Liberty Island from where you can get excellent views of the Statue of Liberty, before returning to Slip 5. There is a running commentary from the captain.


Charge, Joint ticket that covers all the Top View tours and Liberty Cruise available in 1, 2 or 5 day variants

Getting There

Latitude: 40.700565; Longitude: -74.01191
What3Words: vital.firmly.hint


Photo ID: 019114 Photo ID: 019117 Photo ID: 019120 Photo ID: 019122 Photo ID: 019133 Photo ID: 019142 Photo ID: 019143

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (15/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liberty Island : Museum Liberty Island : Museum No Data


Located on one end of the island the museum tells the story of how the statue came to be created, along with examples of the plaster moulds used to create the toes and a life size replica of one foot. There is also a reproduction of the face at full size, as well as the original lamp removed in the 1980s as part of repairs to the statue. A lot of the content of the museum was previously displayed in the museum in the base of the Pedestal which is now only accessible to those going up the Pedestal or Crown.


Included in Statue City Cruise fare

Getting There

Latitude: 40.690739; Longitude: -74.04629
What3Words: placed.happen.salad


Photo ID: 044264 Photo ID: 044265 Photo ID: 044266 Photo ID: 044267 Photo ID: 044268 Photo ID: 044269 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liberty Island: Crown Access Liberty Island: Crown Access No Data


If you have a head for heights, and the knees to do the near 400 steps in each direction, you can carry on from the top of the Pedestal and climb right up into the crown of the statue, where you get the same view that Lady Liberty see's herself. There are lots of warnings about the climb and internal temperatures as well as very strict limits on the numbers who can climb each day.


Additional charge, chose at time of booking ferry

Getting There

Latitude: 40.689357; Longitude: -74.044521
What3Words: stroke.small.curiosity


Photo ID: 044263 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liberty Island: Island tour Liberty Island: Island tour No Data


You can pick up a free audio guide, or just use the information displays dotted around the island to find out more about the Island and it's history, from a midden where the local native tribes threw away Oyster shells, to a key fort in the New York Harbour to the site of one of the most famous statues in the world. There are also amazing views across the waters to the skyline of downtown Manhattan.


Included in Statue City Cruise fare

Getting There

Latitude: 40.68863; Longitude: -74.044069
What3Words: burst.sketch.strike


Photo ID: 044232 Photo ID: 044233 Photo ID: 044272 Photo ID: 044274 Photo ID: 044276 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Liberty Island: Pedestal Access Liberty Island: Pedestal Access No Data


Access to the Pedestal of the statue, including right to the top underneath the feet of the statue. There's even a glass ceiling you can look up through to see the structure of the inside of the statue. From the Pedestal you get amazing views across to Manhattan and Brooklyn, as well as very good views of the statue. In the base of the Pedestal is a small museum that tells the story of the construction and donation of the statue - though much of this is now replicated in the free museum at the end of the island. From the museum you can either take the 190 or so stairs up to the top of the Pedestal, or you can take a lift and then 25 steps. From the top level of the pedestal you then descend back down and out onto Fort Wood which stood on this site before the statue and whose structure was used as the foundation for the statue. From here are some of the best views of the statue itself.


Additional charge, chose at time of booking ferry

Getting There

Latitude: 40.689261; Longitude: -74.044509
What3Words: zeal.pound.pint


Photo ID: 044237 Photo ID: 044238 Photo ID: 044244 Photo ID: 044250 Photo ID: 044256 Photo ID: 044260 Photo ID: 044262

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Metropolitan Museum of Art Metropolitan Museum of Art No Data


One of the worlds great museums, housing over 2 million artefacts from Etruscan and Greek pottery to Native American Art via South East Asia, Egypt and Dutch Masters. The museum is home to some of the most famous works of American Art including the painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware. This is a massive museum and it takes several hours just to wander round only briefly looking at the different exhibits - if you were to stop and read all the details you would probably need a couple of weeks to do the site justice.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.77919; Longitude: -73.962726
What3Words: sulk.quest.clips


Photo ID: 044172 Photo ID: 044174 Photo ID: 044179 Photo ID: 044189 Photo ID: 044198 Photo ID: 044202 Photo ID: 044208

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of the City of New York Museum of the City of New York No Data


This museum charts the history of the settlement that is today New York from the initial Dutch trading post through it's British and Colonial era, civil war and aftermath, rapid rise and growth through the 20th century and the difficult start to the 21st up to the city of today. There are also a range of changing exhibits on the upper floors of the museum.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.792571; Longitude: -73.951919
What3Words: mental.living.fuels


Photo ID: 044136 Photo ID: 044137 Photo ID: 044139 Photo ID: 044140 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

National Museum of the American Indian National Museum of the American Indian No Data


Housed in the former Customs House this Smithsonian museum tells the history of all the native peoples of the Americas, from those who lived in Patagonia all the way up to the Arctic, but with a particular focus on those peoples who lived in the area that became modern day USA.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.704079; Longitude: -74.013747
What3Words: clever.brain.record


Photo ID: 044348 Photo ID: 044351 Photo ID: 044352 Photo ID: 044354 Photo ID: 044355 Photo ID: 044356 Photo ID: 044357

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (18/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

New York Public Library New York Public Library No Data


The largest public library in the world, home to over 55 million volumes, including a number of very special items which are on display in the Treasures Exhibition. You can wander around this stunning building, though it is still a working library so several areas are designated quiet spaces.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.75325; Longitude: -73.982209
What3Words: expect.decent.heads


Photo ID: 044403 Photo ID: 044404 Photo ID: 044407 Photo ID: 044412 Photo ID: 044415 Photo ID: 044416 Photo ID: 044417

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

One World Observatory One World Observatory No Data


The tallest tower in the Western Hemisphere and taking the name of the destroyed North Tower of the World Trade Centre the 100th, 101st and 102nd floors are a viewing platform and experience that offers some of the best views of Downtown New York with much of the city visible including the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings, the Hudson and East Rivers, main bridges, Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.



Getting There

Latitude: 40.712981; Longitude: -74.013171
What3Words: flips.sage.vows


Photo ID: 019046 Photo ID: 019051 Photo ID: 019052 Photo ID: 019057 Photo ID: 019058 Photo ID: 019063 Photo ID: 019067

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Rockefeller Center Rockefeller Center No Data


A large complex of buildings in the heart of Manhattan that is most famous for it's Christmas Tree and Ice Skating Rink that pop up each festive season.


Free to look around, charge to skate

Getting There

Latitude: 40.758671; Longitude: -73.978448
What3Words: smile.lasted.awake


Photo ID: 044460 Photo ID: 044461 Photo ID: 044463 Photo ID: 044464 Photo ID: 044465 Photo ID: 044466 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

St Patricks Cathedral St Patricks Cathedral No Data


The city's Catholic Cathedral, a pretty standard sized cathedral but made to feel very small by being surrounded by so many skyscrapers. Inside the building is surprisingly bright and airy and at the time of visiting in December 2022 decked out in all it's finery ready for Christmas


Free, Suggested Donation

Getting There

Latitude: 40.758577; Longitude: -73.976144
What3Words: punch.waddle.lions


Photo ID: 044440 Photo ID: 044444 Photo ID: 044445 Photo ID: 044447 Photo ID: 044448 Photo ID: 044449 Photo ID: 044457

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (19/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Statue City Cruises: Liberty Island Statue City Cruises: Liberty Island No Data


The only authorised company that is allowed to land on Liberty island with regular departures from the Battery in New York, as well as from New Jersey. Ferries depart from New York and stop first at Liberty Island, after spending time on the island you catch the next available sailing over to Ellis Island and can spend time there before catching a ferry back to New York (From New Jersey they run first to Ellis then to Liberty and back to New Jersey). Your ticket includes access to the two islands so it makes sense to get off, but you could just use it as a simple cruise round this part of the upper bay. Tickets for the ferry do sell out, but you can usually still buy a day or so before your visit, though you may be limited to which time ferry you can get. If you want to take any of the organised tours, or visit the Pedestal or Crown of the statue you need to book several weeks in advance. All tickets for access to the Pedestal or Crown are timed and you need to be at the ferry terminal about 30 minutes ahead of the time on your ticket to pass through security and get over to Liberty Island


Charge, best booked well in advance (at least 4 weeks)

Getting There

Latitude: 40.70312; Longitude: -74.017324
What3Words: sobs.claims.frames


Photo ID: 044221 Photo ID: 044222 Photo ID: 044277 Photo ID: 044279 Photo ID: 044280 Photo ID: 044302 Photo ID: 044304

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (17/12/2022), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Times Square Times Square No Data


The beating heart of New York and possibly one of the most famous places on the planet with its flashing screens, advertising hoarding and massive crowds of, mostly, tourists



Getting There

Latitude: 40.758574; Longitude: -73.985089
What3Words: clubs.spring.dined


Photo ID: 019079 Photo ID: 019080 Photo ID: 019102 Photo ID: 019103 Photo ID: 019104 Photo ID: 044131 Photo ID: 044470

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2017), and on time of last update (19/12/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Top View: Bronx tour Top View: Bronx tour No Data


A 2 hour live guided open-top bus tour that takes in Uptown Manhattan, Harlem and then over into The Bronx before heading back down Lexington Avenue. The live guide gives a running commentary on the key sights and suggestions of other places to go that are off the tour


Charge, Joint ticket that covers all the Top View tours and Liberty Cruise available in 1, 2 or 5 day variants

Getting There

Latitude: 40.758209; Longitude: -73.988952
What3Words: courier.universally.follow


Photo ID: 019166 Photo ID: 019167 Photo ID: 019168 Photo ID: 019169 Photo ID: 019170 Photo ID: 019172 Photo ID: 019174

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (16/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Top View: Downtown Tour Top View: Downtown Tour No Data


A hop-on-hop-off open-top bus tour that takes in the key sights of Downtown New York City including many of the main sights such as the Empire State Building and Wall Street


Charge, Joint ticket that covers all the Top View tours and Liberty Cruise available in 1, 2 or 5 day variants

Getting There

Latitude: 40.759635; Longitude: -73.987661
What3Words: label.maple.smoke


Photo ID: 019081 Photo ID: 019082 Photo ID: 019083 Photo ID: 019084 Photo ID: 019149 Photo ID: 019150 Photo ID: 019152

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Top View: Night Tour Top View: Night Tour No Data


An open-top tour that takes in many of the sites of Downtown New York City at night including the lights of Times Square, the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings as well as crossing the Manhattan Bridge into Brooklyn to see the Manhattan skyline at night.


Charge, Joint ticket that covers all the Top View tours and Liberty Cruise available in 1, 2 or 5 day variants

Getting There

Latitude: 40.759572; Longitude: -73.987529
What3Words: icons.level.stroke


Photo ID: 019105 Photo ID: 019106 Photo ID: 019107 Photo ID: 019108 Photo ID: 019109 Photo ID: 019110 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Top View: Uptown Tour Top View: Uptown Tour No Data


A hop-on-hop-off open-top bus tour that takes in the key sights of Uptown New York City taking in Central Park and Harlem


Charge, Joint ticket that covers all the Top View tours and Liberty Cruise available in 1, 2 or 5 day variants

Getting There

Latitude: 40.758077; Longitude: -73.989048
What3Words: claps.forum.locate


Photo ID: 019088 Photo ID: 019089 Photo ID: 019090 Photo ID: 019092 Photo ID: 019094 Photo ID: 019096 Photo ID: 019100

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (14/04/2017), and on time of last update (23/04/2017) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Aerial Tramway Aerial Tramway No Data


Cable car linking the Southern riverside area of the city up to the main University hospital campus high in the hills above the city. Whilst it's primarily designed for patients visiting the hospital (who get free travel), it's open (and partially financed) by tourists going up to take the views from the car on the way up and from the viewing platform at the top. On a clear day both Mount Hood and Mount St Helen's are visible.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.499305; Longitude: -122.671017
What3Words: humble.flips.sugar


Photo ID: 051779 Photo ID: 051782 Photo ID: 051784 Photo ID: 051787 Photo ID: 051788 Photo ID: 051762 Photo ID: 051793

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Ghosts, Poltergeists and Psycopaths Walking Tour Ghosts, Poltergeists and Psycopaths Walking Tour No Data


A 90 minute walking tour through the streets of Old Portland discovering some of the seedier and more supernatural stories of the city with a particular focus on the human trafficking trade that the city was at the centre of in the late 19th century.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.52655; Longitude: -122.67832
What3Words: mint.herbs.dwell


Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Haunted Underground Shanghai Tunnels Tour Haunted Underground Shanghai Tunnels Tour No Data


A tour through some of the abandoned basements of buildings in the Chinatown part of the city. During the latter part of the 19th century and into the 20th the tunnels (which are in effect the basements knocked together) were used to house brothels, illicit drinking dens and other dubious activities - including the practice of Shanghaiing men - drugging them unconscious and selling them onto captains who needed crew for their ships. The unfortunate victim would only wake up many hours later and many miles out at sea. The tour ends with a tasting of two beers that the brewery that now occupies the site produces.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.524293; Longitude: -122.67295
What3Words: lamps.like.every


Photo ID: 051681 Photo ID: 051682 Photo ID: 051683 Photo ID: 051687 Photo ID: 051690 Photo ID: 051699 Photo ID: 051700

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Japanese American Historical Plaza Japanese American Historical Plaza No Data


Outside memorial dedicated to the American citizens of Japanese heritage who were rounded up and imprisoned when Japan forced the US into WWII.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.523934; Longitude: -122.669663
What3Words: gone.raced.launch


Photo ID: 051482 Photo ID: 051483 Photo ID: 051484 Photo ID: 051485 Photo ID: 051486 Photo ID: 051487 Photo ID: 051488

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Lan Su Chinese Garden Lan Su Chinese Garden No Data


Taking up an entire block on the edge of Chinatown this large recreated garden has a large lake surrounded by typical Chinese style buildings, including a tea house, bridge and formal rooms. It's a beautiful and tranquil place right in the busy heart of the city (or at least it's tranquil when the trains in the neighbouring station aren't blasting their horns!)



Getting There

Latitude: 45.525427; Longitude: -122.673213
What3Words: treat.flash.hurt


Photo ID: 051798 Photo ID: 051804 Photo ID: 051807 Photo ID: 051813 Photo ID: 051816 Photo ID: 051823 Photo ID: 051827

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/04/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mill Ends Park Mill Ends Park No Data


The worlds smallest park, located in what was once the footings for a lamppost. Today it's maintained by the city complete with it's own parks signage.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.516212; Longitude: -122.673253
What3Words: class.magic.drill


Photo ID: 051658 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Mount Hood Wine and Waterfalls Tour Mount Hood Wine and Waterfalls Tour No Data


A full day tour from Portland that takes in several waterfalls, the largest being a stop at Multnomah as well as visits to two vineyards before the scenic drive up to the Timberline Lodge about halfway up Mount Hood to take in the views of the mountains and surrounding landscape before returning to Portland



Getting There

Latitude: 45.517739; Longitude: -122.679256
What3Words: copies.suffice.potato


Photo ID: 051703 Photo ID: 051723 Photo ID: 051726 Photo ID: 051731 Photo ID: 051735 Photo ID: 051746 Photo ID: 051762

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (31/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Oregon Historical Society Oregon Historical Society No Data


The museum tells the history of the area that is now the state of Oregon. There is a small amount on pre-history but the bulk of the exhibits relate to the period from the arrival of settlers and the displacement of the native population through to the modern day.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.515891; Longitude: -122.682373
What3Words: rounds.skip.moon


Photo ID: 051511 Photo ID: 051512 Photo ID: 051513 Photo ID: 051515 Photo ID: 051516 Photo ID: 051517 Photo ID: 051518

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Portland Spirit Portland Spirit No Data


A two hour river cruise down the Willamette River as far as the town of Milwaukie and back. A running commentary tells you about the history of the area as well as the key sights that you pass on the way. You can also book this as a lunch cruise with a meal provided (significantly more expensive)



Getting There

Latitude: 45.515445; Longitude: -122.672464
What3Words: bossy.calculating.mixer


Photo ID: 051611 Photo ID: 051617 Photo ID: 051618 Photo ID: 051626 Photo ID: 051633 Photo ID: 051646 Photo ID: 051653

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Washington Park Washington Park No Data


A large park spreading over the ridge of one of the hills overlooking the city. The park is home to multiple attractions including the city's Zoo, several museums, gardens as well as over 12 miles of trails and walking paths. On a clear day from up here there are views across to both Mount Hood and Mount St Helens.



Getting There

MAX Blue and MAX Red lines run from Pioneer Square to an underground station deep below Washington Park. Lifts zip you up to the surface in about 30 seconds and you emerge close to the Zoo. Outside the MAX station a free shuttle bus runs every 15-30 minutes doing a circuit around the park stopping at all the major points.
Latitude: 45.510469; Longitude: -122.716795
What3Words: areas.serves.steep


Photo ID: 051521 Photo ID: 051575 Photo ID: 051577 Photo ID: 051608 Photo ID: 051610 Photo ID: 051665 Photo ID: 051666

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Washington Park: Hoyt Arboretum Washington Park: Hoyt Arboretum No Data


A large part of the park is taken up with the Arboretum, housing around 6,000 different trees from over 2,000 species including several that are endangered or at risk. The most impressive sections include the Redwood and Fir areas.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.515648; Longitude: -122.715709
What3Words: boost.answer.grand


Photo ID: 051579 Photo ID: 051584 Photo ID: 051585 Photo ID: 051586 Photo ID: 051594 Photo ID: 051596 Photo ID: 051599

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Washington Park: International Rose Test Garden Washington Park: International Rose Test Garden No Data


Located just below the Japanese Gardens this garden is home to a large variety of Roses. The best time to visit is between May and October when the plants are in bloom, otherwise it's just ranks of stems with a few leaves.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.518776; Longitude: -122.705599
What3Words: unit.putty.hunt


Photo ID: 051659 Photo ID: 051660 Photo ID: 051661 Photo ID: 051662 Photo ID: 051663 Photo ID: 051664 Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Washington Park: Japanese Gardens Washington Park: Japanese Gardens No Data


A series of traditional Japanese Gardens arranged over a large site on the hillside towards the Northwestern end of Washington Park. Gardens include a Sand and Stone Garden, a natural terrace garden, a tea garden and a water garden.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.518567; Longitude: -122.708089
What3Words: lime.upset.ends


Photo ID: 051523 Photo ID: 051527 Photo ID: 051532 Photo ID: 051547 Photo ID: 051555 Photo ID: 052563 Photo ID: 051572

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Washington Park: Lewis and Clark Column Washington Park: Lewis and Clark Column No Data


Located at the main entrance to the park this column topped with a ball and surrounded by the state seals of Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho. From the base of the column there are good views out over the city.



Getting There

Latitude: 45.521313; Longitude: -122.701423
What3Words: drip.reform.incomes


Photo ID: 051668 Photo ID: 051670 Photo ID: 051672 Photo ID: 051673 Photo ID: 051674 Photo ID: 051675 Photo ID: 051676

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Washington Park: Trails Washington Park: Trails No Data


There are around 12 miles of trails covering the area around the arboretum and out into the wider park. The trails are all well signposted along the way and good maps also show you the different routes you can take. There are also three designed loop walks that take is some of the key sights, such as the Redwood trees, the fir forest, the wildwood and the breathtaking views across to Mount St Helens (on a clear day). Map signs are dotted around the park, or you can pick up a free map leaflet at the Arboretum Visitors Centre



Getting There

Latitude: 45.515152; Longitude: -122.71868
What3Words: sling.update.cheat


Photo ID: 051578 Photo ID: 051583 Photo ID: 051587 Photo ID: 051588 Photo ID: 051592 Photo ID: 051606 Photo ID: 051607

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/03/2024), and on time of last update (01/04/2024) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Argosy Cruises: Harbour Cruise Argosy Cruises: Harbour Cruise No Data


This hour long round cruise takes in an 8 mile circuit round Elliott Bay with excellent views of the City centre and out to the mountains. A live guide on board gives a running commentary in English


Charge, Included in the City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 47.605055; Longitude: -122.340337
What3Words: mining.habit.fuzzy


Photo ID: 039829 Photo ID: 039831 Photo ID: 039835 Photo ID: 039836 Photo ID: 039842 Photo ID: 039843 Photo ID: 039846

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Argosy Cruises: Lock Cruise Argosy Cruises: Lock Cruise No Data


This two hour cruise starts from Pier 54 on the waterfront and the sails up Elliott Bay, past the West Point Lighthouse and then down into the Lake Washington Ship Canal, passing through the locks that separate the Salty Puget Sound from the Fresh Water Lake Washington. The cruise then continues down the ship canal as far as Union Lake where the tour ends. This is a one-way tour and you have to arrange your own transportation back to the centre of town (about a mile). Alternatively you can start the tour at Lake Union and head back to Pier 54. Along the way there is a live commentary onboard in English which tells you about the key sites and some of the history of both the city and the Canal.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.604445; Longitude: -122.339835
What3Words: half.that.neck


Photo ID: 039785 Photo ID: 039799 Photo ID: 039805 Photo ID: 039810 Photo ID: 039812 Photo ID: 039816 Photo ID: 039822

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Bill Speidels Underground Tour Bill Speidels Underground Tour No Data


When the city burnt down in 1889 the decision was taken to rebuild the new city 20 foot higher, so it would be easier to instal sewage as well as to protect the city from flooding. As a result a large underground city was created underneath the 32 city blocks that had been destroyed. These days parts of the system are open to explore on guided tours that take you round different sections.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.607323; Longitude: -122.34215
What3Words: hails.small.weds


Photo ID: 039896 Photo ID: 039897 Photo ID: 039898 Photo ID: 039899 Photo ID: 039900 Photo ID: 039901 Photo ID: 039902

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Chihuly Garden and Glass Chihuly Garden and Glass No Data


Museum dedicated to the Tacoma born artist Dale Chihuly with many examples of his spectacular glass sculptures and pieces. Inside the museum are a large number of intricate works and outside in the garden there are further, simpler displays, but made more impressive by their surroundings and the imposing shadow of the Space Needle. There is also a small cinema showing a series of films about Dale and his work.


Charge, Included in the City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 47.62035; Longitude: -122.350616
What3Words: nights.remove.curve


Photo ID: 039733 Photo ID: 039734 Photo ID: 039739 Photo ID: 039740 Photo ID: 039750 Photo ID: 039756 Photo ID: 039760

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/04/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

City Sightseeing City Sightseeing No Data


The standard open-top hop-on-hop-off bus tour familiar to many other cities. During the height of summer the company offer a 2.5 hour round trip (no stops) tour into some of the further parts of the city to take in the views over the sound and the city as well as a sunset tour. However, at the time of visiting the service had only just resumed for the summer season and just the core downtown tour which starts at the Space Needle and takes in the Waterfront, Pioneer Park, Capitol Hill and Pikes Place market was running. This tour is operated with a pre-recorded commentary (some services run with a live guide) and at the time was running every 45 minutes, but during peak season runs every 30.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.620214; Longitude: -122.348449
What3Words: burns.grants.chair


Photo ID: 039931 Photo ID: 039935 Photo ID: 039943 Photo ID: 039946 Photo ID: 039950 Photo ID: 039952 Photo ID: 039957

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Kerry Park Kerry Park No Data


Located in the exclusive Queen Anne district of the city the park is also known locally as Post Card park as it's from this location that almost all iconic photos of the city are taken with the Space Needle in front of the downtown skyline and Elliott Bay.



Getting There

To get to Kerry Park from the city centre it's about a 40 minute walk, with the last 10 minutes or so up a really steep hill. Alternatively buses 2 or 13 run from the centre of town up to the junction of Queen Anne Avenue and Highland Drive from where it's a 3 minute flat walk to the top of the park and the best views.
Latitude: 47.629424; Longitude: -122.359935
What3Words: freed.forum.pool


Photo ID: 039921 Photo ID: 039924 Photo ID: 039925 Photo ID: 039926 Photo ID: 039927 Photo ID: 039928 Photo ID: 039930

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Monorail Monorail No Data


Built for the 1962 Worlds Fair the Monorail was built to link the commercial centre of Seattle with the fair site. 60 years later (2022) and it is still running every 10 minutes during the main part of the day. Just try to ride it and not hum the song from the Simpsons.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.611982; Longitude: -122.336911
What3Words: mini.impose.dogs


Photo ID: 039693 Photo ID: 039701 Photo ID: 039711 Photo ID: 039725 Photo ID: 039764 Photo ID: 039765 Photo ID: 039766

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/04/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI) Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI) No Data


Located in the former Naval Reserve Armory at the southern end of Lake Union the museum tells the history of the city, from the first nations inhabitants through to the coming of the settlers, through the fire and rebuild and up to the modern day city of Aeroplanes (Boeing) and Tech (Microsoft and Amazon)



Getting There

Latitude: 47.627605; Longitude: -122.336622
What3Words: haven.grant.bulb


Photo ID: 039906 Photo ID: 039911 Photo ID: 039912 Photo ID: 039913 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Museum of Popular Culture (MoPOP) Museum of Popular Culture (MoPOP) No Data


Originally opened as the Experience Music Project the museum has expanded its remit over the years to look at film, television, sci-fi, horror and fantasy as well. The core of the collection is still on music with a large space dedicated to local band Pearl Jam as well as exhibits on Jimmy Hendrix, Nirvana, Hip-Hop and Guitars.


Charge, Included in the City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 47.621499; Longitude: -122.347986
What3Words: glue.vivid.vanish


Photo ID: 039723 Photo ID: 039727 Photo ID: 039728 Photo ID: 039729 Photo ID: 039730 Photo ID: 039731 Photo ID: 039732

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/04/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Seattle Aquarium Seattle Aquarium No Data


Located on pier 59 on the waterfront the Aquarium is primarily a research institute, so doesn't have the large tanks and walk throughs that you might associate with other aquariums. Inside the main building there are a number of tanks with tropical fish and corals, as well as a coral nursery and the current Giant Pacific Octopus (the aquarium capture a new one every six months to study and then release back into the wild). Outside there are a number of larger pools that house Harbour and Northern Fur Seals as well as both Sea Otters and River Otters.


Charge, Included in the City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 47.602328; Longitude: -122.333847
What3Words: keys.code.shape


Photo ID: 039830 Photo ID: 039867 Photo ID: 039872 Photo ID: 039883 Photo ID: 039886 Photo ID: 039889 Photo ID: 039893

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (30/04/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Space Needle Space Needle No Data


Another World's Fair project the Space Needle was, at the time, the tallest building west of the Mississippi. Today lots of buildings just in Seattle are higher, but from the viewing platform some 520 feet up there are excellent views over the bay, the city and towards the mountains. The top floor outdoor balcony has the fresh air views, whilst the floor below has a rotating glass floor. Most entry tickets allow you to go up during the day and return in the final 3 hours of opening to catch the views at night/sunset.


Charge, Included in the City Pass

Getting There

Latitude: 47.620518; Longitude: -122.349311
What3Words: humid.animal.void


Photo ID: 039691 Photo ID: 039696 Photo ID: 039705 Photo ID: 039709 Photo ID: 039772 Photo ID: 039776 Photo ID: 039779

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (28/04/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

The Seattle Great Wheel The Seattle Great Wheel No Data


A large Ferris wheel on the end of Pier 57 which offers excellent views over the bay from the top of it's 175 foot height.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.606182; Longitude: -122.342402
What3Words: crop.heave.woes


Photo ID: 039848 Photo ID: 039849 Photo ID: 039850 Photo ID: 039853 Photo ID: 039855 Photo ID: 039856 Photo ID: 039861

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Washington State Ferries - Bremerton Washington State Ferries - Bremerton No Data


Several public ferry routes operate from Pier 50 out into the Puget sound, all are included in the ORCA integrated transport fare card so provide a cheap way of seeing Elliott Bay and the Seattle skyline. The ferry I took was to Bremerton which is a 50 or so minute sail through the stunning and almost Nordic Rich Passage to the town of Bremerton. You pay a fare for the sailings from Seattle, but the return leg is free.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.602056; Longitude: -122.339718
What3Words: port.taken.trip


Photo ID: 039963 Photo ID: 039966 Photo ID: 039977 Photo ID: 039982 Photo ID: 039987 Photo ID: 039992 Photo ID: 040000

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (01/05/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Wings over Washington Wings over Washington No Data


A 5D ride experience (Imax style cinema screen with simulator style seats that move and little jets that spray you with water and air at appropriate points in the film) which showcases the natural wonders of the state.



Getting There

Latitude: 47.60623; Longitude: -122.342012
What3Words: sweep.cloak.track


Photo ID: 039864 Photo ID: 039866 Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim Photo ID: shim

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (29/04/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.

Woodland Park Zoo Woodland Park Zoo No Data


Located about 20 minutes bus ride north of the city centre in a large parkland this zoo houses a number of animals in themed areas - Savanah, Tropical Rainforest etc. It includes a section on wildlife native to the Pacific North West.


Charge, Included in the City Pass

Getting There

To get to the Zoo from the centre of town take a number 5 bus to North 55th Street, the west entrance to the zoo is right next to the bus stop. Journey time is approximately 20 minutes from the centre of Downtown.
Latitude: 47.669258; Longitude: -122.352823
What3Words: stage.shut.gather


Photo ID: 040005 Photo ID: 040012 Photo ID: 040015 Photo ID: 040025 Photo ID: 040036 Photo ID: 040048 Photo ID: 040076

Web Link

Disclaimer: Details correct at time of writing (02/05/2022), and on time of last update (03/05/2022) but may no longer be accurate, particularly if some time has passed.