Longyearbyen; Sunday, 25 May, 2014

The flight was uneventful, however the scenery was spectacular, as we made the approach into Svalbard and the pristine Ice and snow of the island met the clear blue waters of the sea. The captain brought the plane down to quite a low height so we got a stunning view of the island, mountains and fjords and we cruised up to Longyearbyen and the islands airport.

We landed at the small airport and after an incredibly quick transit through the terminal building (think out of town DIY store), was on the shuttle bus into town.

Having checked into the hotel we went for a wander round town, stopping off at the Svalbard museum to have a look around that.

After a very pleasant (if morally dubious) dinner in the hotel restaurant we headed out again for a bit more of an explore round the totally deserted town.

With not much else to do we headed back to the hotel to have a drink in the bar, before realising that it was already gone 10pm at night, but with the sun still happily shining down from a clear blue sky all concept of time had gone out of the window.

After staying up a little while to watch through to midnight sun I headed down to my room to draw the thankfully very effective curtains and then turned in for the day.


Sunny Sunny
Cold (-10-0C, 14-32F)