Scoreboard: Travel

06/04/2008,  No star - Appalling service, unable to rate



From: [LGW] - London Gatwick  
Delay?: +7:00

At: [DUB] - Dublin  
Delay?: +6:30

Seven hours late leaving Gatwick following overnight snow closing the runway The flight managed to gain 30 minutes so it was *Only* six and a half hours late into Dublin



A very short and smooth journey The service on board was fine, but the total lack of information and inability to anyone at Gatwick to know what was going on was unacceptable. We were all told several different stories by the same person over the space of 30 minutes including that the flight had been cancelled, and that Dublin airport had been closed!

09/04/2008,  4 star - Very good service with many plus points and very few negatives



From: [DUB] - Dublin  
Delay?: -0:10

At: [LGW] - London Gatwick  
Delay?: -0:15

Ten minutes early pushing back at Dublin Fifteen minutes early into Gatwick



Comfortable and smooth flight, about the smoothest landing I have ever had at Gatwick The service was OK, but totally no-frills

19/02/2017,  1 star - Very bad service, few plus points which are outweighed by many negatives



From: [DUB] - Dublin  
Delay?: +0:15

At: [LGW] - London Gatwick  
Delay?: ±0:00

15 minutes late from Dublin On time into Gatwick



Comfortable journey, but a full plane - major issues getting luggage at Gatwick had to wait nearly 40 minutes for bags to come round Very poor service by the ground agents at Gatwick - not willing to tell anyone what was going on and only finally making a tannoy anouncement - not willing to come down to apologise to passengers for the delays