Copenhagen; Friday, 30 July, 2010

I didn’t sleep particularly well, I’m not certain if it was the noise from the street or the fact the bed was only a couple of inches wider than my body (I would struggle to even call it a single, it’s about the same size as a bed on a British sleeper train, without the comforting motion of the train rocking to help send you to sleep.)

After a large breakfast to make up for the lack of sleep I headed out to the station. My first stop for the day was to be Frederiksborg Slot in Hillerød. I got to the station and purchased my ticket only to find that there were engineering works and I had to get a rail replacement bus part of the way (I thought I was in Denmark not Britain!)

Thankfully everything worked and, although it took a little longer, I got to Hillerød just before midday and wandered down to the castle.

After having had a look around I decided, rather than trying to repeat the journey back I would go on to Helsingør (only about 20 minutes by train), have a look around the town there, and then head back into Copenhagen by direct train from there.

By the time I got back to Copenhagen the weather had pretty much cleared up for the evening, and after having had a wander around the town for a bit I headed over to Nyhavn to pick up one of the canal tours that run from there.

After the tour I then took the extended tour using one of the waterbuses that now run up and down the harbour and are included on the city tickets.

By the time I got back to Nyhavn it was getting late so I grabbed a bit to eat and then headed back to the hotel, hoping for a better night's sleep.


Light Rain Heavy Showers
Warm (10-20C, 50-68F)