Turin; Sunday, 26 September, 2010

I’m not quite certain what was in the Risotto last night, but had some spectacular effects on my dreams. I can’t remember anything about the dreams other than they were weird! Still I had had a very long nights sleep, and woke feeling very refreshed.

After breakfast I headed into town to pick up the City Sightseeing tour bus. I went for two full circuits once on each side so as to take in all the views (although virtually everything worth seeing is on the Right hand side!)

From the bus I wandered over to the Mole Antonelliana to take in the views from the viewing platform. The journey up to the platform is a bit weird with the glass lift rising up the centre of the building without any shaft (other than a short one at the bottom to take it through the lower couple of floors and another short section to line it up with the doors at the top). Instead it just goes up and down on its wires, in much the same way as any lift would do, it just feels a little odd that there is no shaft, not even a glass one!

The views from the top were stunning, better than the previous days as the haze had completely cleared, so I was able to see more. Having taking in the views I caught the lift back down and had a look around the Cinema museum which is housed in the rest of the building.

After stopping for a late lunch I caught the City Sightseeing bus out a couple of stops to the Capuchin Monastery for the views from there, which are even more stunning as you can see the gaps in the Alps, and get the full view of the Mole Antonelliana. I walked back down into town and over to the Egyptian Museum.

I had a very long look around the museum, but still don’t think I did it justice. I wandered over to Piazza San Carlo for a pre-dinner drink, and then failed to go for dinner by catching the last City Sightseeing tour of the day, to take in the city at sunset.

Arriving back into the city centre I then went to have that post-pre-dinner-drink-dinner. With another stunning meal inside me I headed back to the bus stop to go back to the hotel.


Sunny Sunny
Hot (20-30C, 68-86F)