Wick; Thursday, 30 April, 2015

With utter chaos raging on the trains I was really quite glad I’d changed my plans and brought all my stuff with me to work, rather than trying to pop home and come back out again.

In the end it took nearly an hour to make a journey that can normally be done in just over 15, with quite a few very stressed people who had clearly left it a lot closer than I had to departure time to head to the airport.

Checked in I wandered through into departures and waited for the flight to be called.

Due to an earlier delay at Edinburgh the flight was originally due to leave about 10 minutes late, but once we had boarded the pilot made an announcement that a light that wasn’t supposed to come on had come on and therefore needed an engineer to come to fix it.

In the end we were an hour late by the time we finally pushed back at Gatwick and didn’t make up any of the time, so by the time we finally touched down at Edinburgh the last tram and bus over to the hotel had left.

A quick, but expensive, taxi ride later I arrived at the hotel checked in and with the clock heading rapidly for midnight headed straight to bed.


No Data Sunny Intervals
Warm (10-20C, 50-68F)