Wick; Sunday, 03 May, 2015

The weather forecast had not been good for Sunday and for once it turned out to be as awful as they had been predicting, with the strong winds starting during the night and by dawn accompanied by driving rain.

If it had been nice I would have gone walking out in the countryside, but in this weather that would have been pointless, and probably dangerous, so instead I decided to do some sit down sightseeing and caught about the only bus running on a Sunday the coach down to Inverness.

The journey was spectacular with the road hugging the coastline most of the way, crossing tow Firths on low bridges before finally approaching Inverness via the Black Isle and an impressive cable bridge.

I had a bit of a wander round Inverness, stopping off for a late lunch and then an early dinner, before heading back to the bus station to make the return journey.

By the time I got back to Wick the weather, if anything, had gotten worse and in the 8 minutes it took me to walk back to the B&B my jeans were soaked through and I’d lost all feeling in my fingers from the biting wind and stinging rain. Thankfully my waterproof jacket at least kept the bulk of my body dry.

Back in the B&B I had a long hot bath to get feeling back into my fingers and toes and when it became clear the weather wasn’t going to improve until late in the night I watched a bank holiday movie on TV before turning in


Heavy Rain Heavy Rain
Mild (0-10C, 32-50F)