Tenerife; Monday, 14 March, 2016

I only had a little time to finish off looking round the city before I had to head back to the airport for my flight, but thankfully the automatic alarm clock of the sun blasting through the curtains just after 7am meant that I had more time that I had originally thought I would.

I had a quick breakfast and then headed out of the hotel and through the Plaza de Principe, after which the hotel was named, before heading back down to Plaza de España.

In the 1920’s the Plaza de España was constructed, and in doing so one of the fortresses that protected the city was demolished. In 2006 the square was remodelled and it was discovered that one corner of the castle had remained, albeit buried deep underneath the square.

As part of the remodelling access was created to the remnants of the walls and a small interpretation centre was created.

I had a look around the centre, taking in the walls and some of the history of the city’s fortifications before it was time to head back to the hotel and finish packing.

I packed, checked out and made my way towards the bus station, knowing the journey back to the airport was around the hour, which would get me there just as check-in was opening.


Sunny Sunny
Hot (20-30C, 68-86F)