Sorrento Appartments

Location and Website


Padre Reginaldo Giuliani 43, 80067 Sorrento


Latitude: 40.626514; Longitude: 14.372976
What3Words: helicopter.innovate.denies

Dates of Visits

September/October 2011

Official Grading

Ungraded Appartment

My rating

3 star - Average service with more positives than negatives

Chain Information

This hotel is not part of a chain
This hotel is not part of a chain

My Review

Very small single room with a shower/toilet off to one side. Room included a fridge and hot plate for basic self-catering
Staff checking in were friendly and helpful. On a couple of mornings, there was no hot water as other guests had used it all up!



Air-Con in rooms Room is ensuite Hotel has a lift Room has a shower Room has a TV        

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